
时间:2019-05-15 07:50:24下载本文作者:会员上传


Task 1 summarization

First paragraph

translate the subject.words may be used: be made up of…;be composed of… Main part

According to the graph… , more specifacally

It is manifest from the graph that… , to be more exact the greatest increase is in…rising from …to … next came sth.over the same period.word may be used:

go up/increase/grow

jump/shoot up/surge






level off at/level out at

peak at/reach the highest point at

bottom at/reach the bottom at

account for/make up/occupy


respectively(eg:In the 2004 Olympics,China and Russia won x and y gold medals,respectively)

expect/predict(eg:A is expected/predicted to reach…)Last paragraph

Therefore, it can be clearly seen from the graph that…

As a matter of fact, the issue of whether/ the phenomenon that/ the issue that________________________is a complex and controversial(复杂的)one.On one hand, many people may feel that ___1____,and correspondingly(相关的)____解释1______;on the other hand, it can be noted that ____2_______and hence(因此)___2的结果_.There is no universal answer to this question;so different people can hold different opinions due to their distinct backgrounds and values.As far as I am concerned, while I agree that under some circumstances___1____, ___2___, is somehow reasonable, however my opinion is that ____________ and it can be greatly substantiated by the reasons addressed below.B:

1)the speaker asserts that____复述或解释题目观点______,Although the speaker’s position is not wholly insupportable, far more compelling arguments can be made for ________自己的观点___________

2)the issue of whether to ____复述_____ is a complex one, since it involves a conflict between our interest in ___doing___ and a legitimate need to ____do____.In my point of view, the final judgment should depend on a case-by-case analysis of two key factors.TOPIC:

1)Since I _______________, I prefer to ___________________.2)In the past, I have often been pleasantly surprised by_________;therefore, I would rather

____________________.3)While there still exist ___________________,our resources/attention should be focused here not in other place.4)If you define ____题目中你认为不对的观点_____, then I would gave to agree that today.5)______结果______is important to me, so I would prefer to _____观点______.承接性句子

1)My reasons for this view involve the notions of respect and trust.2)



2)firstly…..for example;another opinion…..say,…..;in addition,……

3)Although we may not have conclusive scientific evidence of a cause-effect relationship, ample anecdotal evidence establishes significant correlation.Moreover, both common sense and our experiences inform us that people tend to _________________________________.4)The virtues of ______are undeniable.三、例证

1)Moreover, this approach can be used by anyone---排比性例证

2)XXX,CEO of XXX Company, which is major manufacturer of XXX, once pointed out(and I paraphrase)that _________.This illustrates the point that _________.3)Professor XXX, highly respected and well-know professor at china academy of social science, once pointed out(and I paraphrase)that____.This illustrates the point that ____________

4)As head of XXX department at my university once said(and I paraphrase), “_________”.This illustrates the point that ___________.5)According to a recent survey conducted by the XXX department of XXX University among AAA.NNN percent of AAA CCC.The result of the survey also indicates an increase of over NNN percent within NNN years in the rates of BBB.Researchers of XXX believe that _____.In AAA where not CCC, the occurrence of such problems drops dramatically.四、结尾段

1)In my estimation the pitfalls of such a technique outweigh any of its potential advantages.2)I think anyone would be hard-pressed to find fault with this advice.3)To conclude, there is no easy solution to such a complex issue, however, taking into account all the dimensions of the issue discussed in the above analysis, might be the first step out of the dilemma.4)In sum, it is very likely that people will be able to arrive at the same conclusion on this controversial issue due to their different experiences, and conflicting values.Nevertheless, public awareness of the various dimensions of the issue discussed above argument will certainly contribute to the thorough understanding of the problem.5)In conclusion, while some people may still remain unconvinced, the reason that I have

analyzed in above argument should at least make them aware of the complexities of the issue under discussion.There is little doubt that more and more people will come to realize that _____________.五、连贯与衔接

第一,首先 first, firstly, first of all , to begin with, in the first place, to start with 一方面,另一方面for one thing…for another;on the one hand…on the other hand 一般来说 generally speaking, in general 起初 in the beginning, at first

目前,现在 at present, now, currently, by this time 最近recently, lately

第二、第三,其次 second, secondly, third, thirdly, for another


Additionally, again, along with, also, and then, as well as, besides, equally, even, further, furthermore, in addition, in other words, just as, likewise, moreover, not only…but also, similarly, to put it another way, to repeat, then, too, what is more


A case in point, after all, as a proof, as an illustration, as an example, for example, for instance, in particular, just as, namely, such, specifically, that is, to illustrate, to demonstrate …………………………………………………………………………………………..此后,后来 afterwards, after that, after a while, after a few days, from now on, later, soon, then

为此 for this purpose 换句话说 in other words

确实 as a matter of fact, certainly, indeed, in fact, , surely, truly, undoubtedly, without doubt …………………………………………………………………………………………..显然 obviously, in stark/contrast, clearly 不论怎样 anyway

最重要的是,特别是 most important, above all, in particular 经对比 by contrast, in contrast, by comparison, in comparison,相反/相对的 conversely, instead, on the contrary, otherwise, unlike, whereas, while, yet, rather than

…………………………………………………………………………………………..相同的、相同重要的 equally, equally important, in the same way, in the same manner, like, likewise, similarly, all the same 诚然,让步 admittedly, after all,尽管although, even though, in spite of,…………………………………………………………………………………………..结果 accordingly, as a result, consequently, for this reason, hence, in this way, so, therefore, thus 结论 as has been noted/mentioned/stated, at last, finally, in a word, all in all, in brief, in conclusion, in short, in sum, in summary, to conclude, to sum up, to summarize


Only= sole= exclusive= peerless= best Way= method= means

Make= form= shape= create

Man= human= person= individual= anyone Trustworthy= dependable

Trust= depend= entrust= believe Write up= report

Work out= solve= calculate= exercise Wind up= finish Turn up= discover Turn out= conclude Turn into= transform Stand for= represent

Spell out= state in detail Set up= arrange

Rule out= eliminate(消除)Run across= find accidentally Run into= meet by accident Put off= postpone(推迟)Pick out= select

Put up with= tolerate

Make out= understand with difficulty Make up= invent= compose Bring about= cause Look up to= respect

Look up= located information Look over= examine Keep on= continue

Keep up= remain current Carry on= transact= continue Clear up= clarify Cut down on=reduce Fall though= fail Figure out= discover Go after= follow Go before= precede Go up= increase Go over= review



句型的丰富度是雅思写作技巧中非常重要的点,而高分的雅思小作文写作范文往往也是有着丰富的句型搭配和词汇运用,下面天道小编就通过实例来讲解一下如果在雅思小作文写作中运用更丰富的句型技巧。雅思小作文主体部分是对图表进行重点描述的部分,需要大家在备考的时候加以重视。下面为大家整理的是关于雅思小作文写作中不同表达方法的总结,非常详细,对比鲜明,大家一起来看看详细内容吧。一般雅思小作文题目中就有明确要求在文中对所给数据进行分析比较,因此要想将主体段完成好肯定少不了“对比,比较,连接”等连接词以及语句,如while, however, in spite of, in stark contrast等连词,也包括类似it is clear that等插入语。



“淡妆”级别:China’s birth rate rose from 1920 to 1935.It then decreased to 1940 at about 5%.(用词简单,直接翻译的简单句)

“浓抹”级别:China’s birth rate rose from around 10 percent in 1920 to 15 percent in 1935, and then it fell sharply to somewhere at the vicinity of 5 percent in 1940.(用词调整的并列句)

考官提供范文中也有类似表达:In spite of some fluctuations in the expected percentages, the proportion of older people will probably continue to increase in the next two decades in the three countries.(剑5 P162 Model Answer)

“烟熏妆”级别:Increasing from approximately 10 percent in 1920 to 15 percent in 1935, China’s birth rate then plunged to a low of just 5 percent in 1940.(首先导入分词伴随代替常规的China’s birth rate开头,且用词更高深);


当然此类句式也能时常在考官提供的范文中找到:The first potential location is outside the town itself, and is sited just off themain road to the town of Hindon, lying 12 kms to the north-west.(剑5 P166 Model Answer)





According to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that ______________.2、一张有趣、有教育意义的、(内容)的图片(这句模板在雅思小作文中的应用非常的广泛。)

There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: __________.3、当前有一张涉及______的增长曲线图,许多人______,然而其他人倾向于___Nowadays there is a growing concern over ______________.Many people like ______________, while others are inclined to ______________.4、目前,共同之处是_________,许多人喜欢______因为_______除此之外还由于_____

Nowadays, it is common to ______________.Many people like______________ because ______________.Besides, ______________.5、(图表所示)_____,就像许多其他事物,被____更加喜爱,然而这一观点正被________所抨击,一些人认为_________,他们指出___________

______________, just like many other things, are preferred by ____________.While being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider ______________.They point that ______________.6、每种事物都有两面性和________,是没有异议的,包括利和弊

Everything has two sides and ______________ is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages.7、_____作为_____被观察了许多年,但是人们现在像发现新大陆一样注视着它For years ______________ had been viewed as ______________.But people are taking a fresh look at it now.8、政府保证________,对于这份保证,大多数人做出了强烈地回应,因为_____It has stipulated by the government that ______________.To this stipulation, many people respond actively because ______________.9、_______出现在我们日常生活中是很平常的,无论我们做什么,_______都是不可避免的______________ is a common occurrence in our daily life.Whatever we do, ______________ can't be avoided.10、_____在人群中已经成为热门话题,特别是在年轻人中,激烈的争论无休止______________ has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way.


1)The chart/graph/table/diagram/process(show, reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, depict, describe, indicate)

2)According to/As can be seen from/As shown in/It is clear/apparent from/It can be seen from结尾句型(如果没有可以充分说的,可以不用结尾。结尾不要节外生枝。最好不要出现很明显有结尾特征的词语“in conclusion”)




句型:介绍功能The illustration is of a _______ which is designed to(do something)↓

说明构成部分A ______ is made up of /consists of/comprises How many ?A number of parts/sections↓描述各个部件功能不要用you ,one可以用we, the operator(单数个体)First ,(the cyclist)puts his or her _____on the ____








1)percentage / proportion

2)(v.)make up/ constitute / account for

3)①the biggest difference between 2 group(A+B)is in…,where A makes up 5% while B constitutes 67%the highest percentage of A, which was approximately 12%

② the percentage of A in…..is more than twice that of B, the ratio is 67% to 45%(0 compared to 0)

③in…,while a greater percentage of A than B are found in…….(the former is 0 and the latter is 0)④there are more A in……,reaching 0,compared with 0 of B

⑤A , which used to be the……..,has become less important, which declined(increased)sharply from 0 in 1978 to only 0 in 1998.⑥The biggest loss was to某区域.The biggest gains in A were made by某区域.FLOW CHART(曲线图)





1)变化状态幅度词(要依据描述的情况决定)轻微-----slightly, slowly(速度), steadily(平缓)逐渐----gradually显著-----significantly , markedly急剧-----rapidly , dramatically , abruptly ,sharply突然---suddenly趋势---trend inclination tendacy

2)变量幅度词语★增加-----increase, jump ,go up ,rise, climb , ascend , level up ,surge,★减少----decrease, drop ,go down ,fall,----, descend, level down ,★水平----keep/stay/remain/maintain stable ,----steady ,be similar to ,there is little/hardly any/no change★最高-----reach a highest point/the top/the summit/the peak/the most/peak in,at★最低-----reach a lowest point/the bottom//rock/hit a trough /bottom out★交叉-----correspond with in----year;---crossing the line for-----

3)时间幅度词语During the period 1970—1999;From 1970 to 1999;Since the early 1970s;In 1970------then in 1980-----ten years later


There was变化趋势in the number of A from 1986-1990(over next…..yeas),which was followed by变化趋势and then变化趋势until 1998 when there was变化趋势for the next….years

From 1990 onwards, there was变化趋势in the number of A which then变化趋势at 0 in 1994.In 1990,the number reached(was)0,but 30 years later there was变化趋势.After变化趋势from…to…,A begin变化趋势over the next….years.The number of…increased rapidly from 1988 to 1990 during the five-year period〓There was a rapid increase from 1988 to 1990 during the five-year period

A has almost/nearly/about/over a quarter/half/twice/one third /as many students as/as much money as /B;

A has about/approximately/exactly/precisely the same number/proportion/amount of students/money as…..It has reached something of a plateau,X percent/an average of X percent in the past few years in 1998.in the 3 years spanning from 1995 through 1998...the percentage of...is sightly larger/smaller than that of.....the graphs show a threefold increase in the number of.....decreased year by year while...increased steadily....here is an upward trend in the number of..(year)witnessed/saw a sharp rise in.....a has something in common with b/ the difference between a and b lies in..柱状图(Bar chart)





Low income consumed more hamburghers than other group(=more than other /group/ on hamburghers),spending more than twice/ as much as hamburghers than FC and Pizza(both about 40%)

High income favoured pizza,spenting 0,followed by FC at 0,then hamburgher at 0.High income appear to less than other /group/ on hamburghers,pizza remain their most popular fast-food, followed by FC.In 1975,among 3 of the world’s largest cities, San Paulo had the highest population(about 0.5 billion),and……is the second highest(about…..)……had the lowest population(about….).As a result in 1990,the number of….appears the largest population, closely followed by…,then…….at……

The table below shows the figures for imprisonment in 3 countries between 1930-1960 in great Britain, the numbers in prison has increased from….in 1930 to….in 1940,apart from in 1950 when the numbers in prison fell by….On the other hand , New Zealand and Australia are the only two countries in which the numbers in prison remain steady from 1930-1960,although there have been slightly fluctuations in this trend.In the period 1975to 1990,all cities showed a growth, Tokyo and Newyork had by far the largest increase(about…..).san Paulo had the smallest growth(about…)

There were no figures given for male part-time workers.In unemployed group, men enjoyed more leisure time---over 80%,compared with 40% for women(同一群体的比较), markedly more than women in retired group(不同群体的比较).表格/统计图(Table chart)




流程图(Flow Chart)






appreciablyadv.显著地,可观的He's looking appreciably thinner.considerablyadv显著地


remarkablyadv 显著地

considerablyadv.可观的The percentage is considerably higher than …

graduallyadv缓慢地gradual adj.缓慢的gradually decline

roughlyadv.粗糙地、大略地、大概地The percentage is roughly at 7%.roughadj.粗糙的、大略的、大概的slightadj.轻微的a slight slip, error, change, improvement

Slightlyadv.轻微地、微小地The patient is slightly better today

moderateadj.适中的、稳健的、温和的moderate price increases


marginaladj.轻微的、边缘的、不重要的、微小的a marginal difference between ….Substantialadj.数目大的;可观的、显著的a substantial improvement, decrease

dramaticallyadv.巨大的、夸张的、引人注目的Her attitude changed dramatically.dramaticadj.戏剧的、夸张的、巨大的Obviouslyadj.明显地He was obviously drunk.approximateadj大约的,近似的 an approximate price, figure, amount, etc


twice, three timesadv.两倍 三倍


intermediateadj.中间的,介于两者之间,中等的at an intermediate point, level, stage

outnumbervt.在数量上超过The demonstrators were outnumbered by the police

specifically adv.特别地



diminishv.使减少His strength has diminished over the years.declinev.减少,下降,衰退n.衰落 降低a declining birth-rate

reducev.减少,下降n.减少increase profits by reducing costs


decreasev.变小或变少;减少n.减少Student numbers have decreased by 500.downwardadj.adv.下降,减少,恶化a downward trend in prices

curtail v.减少 削减(开支、花费)缩短(时间、假期)等We must try to curtail our spending curtailmentn.缩短;减少;削减

fluctuatev.涨落、波动The price fluctuates between 5 and 6.fluctuationn.波动、变化wide fluctuations of temperature


stationaryadj.静止的,不动的a stationary phase of this curve 静止不动期

dwindlev.逐渐变少或变小;减少;缩小 dwindling hopes, popularity, profits

mountv.(数量、密度)上升、增加The death toll mounted to 100.multiplyv.增多, 增加Our problems have multiplied since last year.ascendv.上升;升高Ascending trend上升趋势

upwardadj., adv 上升,升高the upward trend in prices

increasev.增加, 增大(数目数量)n.增长The rate of inflation has increased by 2%.steadilyadv.稳定,保持不变remain steadily at 1000 for 2 years

triplev.变成三倍The figure has tripled.doublev.变成两倍The price of houses has virtually doubled over the past few years.constantly adv.持续地


In terms of…就。。方面来说Think of it in terms of an investment.Next come …,下一个说说。。Next come Guangzhou, it’s a smaller city than Beijing stay constantly at …保持稳定在。。

The correlation between A and BA和B的相互联系

According to the survey in 2004, the tendency of… can be observed from the graph above被动语态开篇句

remain beneath …保持在。。以下

climbing up to…攀升到。。

during this stage/period在此期间

As for…,对于。。来说,说到。。As for Japan, the situation may be more serious


bar chart 柱状图=histogramn.直方图

pie chart饼状图flow chartn.流程图

diagram图示、图解、图片illustrationn.图示 图解 示意图


proportionn.比例,百分比=sharen.份额 比例 分享 股份

top, Peakn.顶点bottom, hemline n.底点,最小值


trend n.趋势=tendencyn.趋势

inclinationn.趋向,趋势He has an inclination to be fat

discrepancy n.差异,不一致=difference

breakdown= statistical analysisn统计分析,详细分析

the table gives a breakdown of amount of expenditures

counterpartn.对应的另一方,比较的另一方 this product is better than its counterparts

对于数据描述性的题,需要在内容中体现的有: 最大值,最小值,相同值,相异值,增加值,减少值,和两个图标的相互关系

对于趋势描述性的题,需要在写作中体现的有: 上升,下降,波动,稳定,峰值,谷值,交点,倍数,和两个曲线的相互关系

值得注意的是写作线索,例如一个图表,是关于不同房子价钱的不同,你到底应该按照价钱为叙事主线叙述,还是为叙事主线?选好主线小作文成功了一半。我刚开始小作文有的写的不错,有的感觉很冗长,为什么?就是因为写作线索没选好,这里告诉大家:选择写作线索,应应该以数据少的东西作为写作线索,例如,一个柱状图,两个年份2000 2006年,每个年份三个房价,分别是公寓、别墅、茅草屋的价钱。这时候就应该以年份为写作线索。先写,2000年3个房价分别多少,然后再写2006年3个房价多少。

再举例,如果是三个年份2000 2002 2006,两个房价分别是别墅价钱,公寓价钱,那么应该以房屋价钱为线索,先写别墅多少,3年趋势如何,再写公寓价钱多少,三年趋势如何。明白了不?



As shown in the first chart, oil was the world’s main energy source, accounting for 37% of the energy consumption in 2005.Followed by coal and natural gas, constituting 28% and 23% respectively.By comparison, the proportion of nuclear power was small, 6%, equating that of hydro-electricity.Saudi Arabia accounts for the largest proportion of the world’s oil reserves, 20%, well ahead of Canada, the country with the second biggest reserve, 14%.Behind Canada are four Middle East countries, namely Iran(10%), Iraq(9%), Kuwait(8%)and United Arab(8%).By contrast, the reserves of Venezuela, Russia and the united states are relatively small, making up 6%, 5% and 2@ respectively.The remaining 18% is found in other countries.Pic

The three pie charts show how university students in three countries spent their money in the year 2003.In general, students in countries A spent slightly more than those in country B(US$5,000 and US$4,500 respectively).In comparison, student expenditure in country C was considerably lower, at only US$1,500 per year.Accommodation and food were the two biggest items of expenditure.Altogether they constituted around 60% of the total students’ expenditure in all the three countries.The difference is that in country A and B accommodation spending exceeded food spending while the reverse was true for country C.The rest of the students’ spending was divided among leisure, books and others.Leisure spending constituted a larger percentage(around 20%)of student expenditure in both country A and B, while in country C more money was spent on books(12%)than on leisure(12%).Overall, as wealth decreased, the percentage of students’ spending on non-essential items reduced.柱状图Bar


This bar chart shows the changes in the amount of oil discovered worldwide every 5 years from 1950 to 2005 and the predicted figures from 2010 to 2020.In 1950, the world oil discovery stood at 20 billion barrels a year, which grew dramatically over the next 15 years to reach a peak at approximately 56 billion barrels in 1965.However, from this year onwards, the growth of oil discovery was suddenly replaced by a sharply downward trend, with some ups and downs, to approximately 6 billion barrels a year in 2005, about 1/10of its peak amount in 1965.It is predicted that 7 billion barrels of oil will be discovered worldwide in the year 2010, and this figure is forecast to decline steadily to an all-time low of only 3 billion barrels in 2020.In conclusion, this chart shows that world oil discovery peaked in the 1960s but has been declining for over 40 years, and this trend is expected to continue into the near future.The bar chat shows information about the areas of land damaged by human activities in four major continents of the world.The area of land damaged in Africa and Asia are similar, totalling approximately 1,200 million hectares for each, while in Australia and Europe the numbers are considerably lower, averaging between 300and 400 million.Looking at the causes behind land damages, it can be seen that in African, Europe and especially Australia, breeding is the leading cause of land loss, damaging approximately 500, 100 and 400 million hectares of land respectively.Next comes tree-cutting which takes away slightly larger areas of land than farming in all the three regions.Asia shows a slightly different picture, where tree-cutting activities have led to the largest amount of land loss(450 million hectares).Breeding and farming account for the remaining damage(380 and 420 million hectares respectively).Overall, breeding causes the most pervasive damage to land around the world.折线图 line

Overall, the world population rose sharply from less than 500 million in the 1400s to 6 billion in 2000, a growth of 12 times over 600 years.The increase was more dramatic after 1800 and only in the 1700s was there an obvious decline(1.2 billion to 0.9 billion).The ozone hole was at its smallest size of about 400 thousand square km in 1980, but 20 years later, it was enlarged by 9 times to 3.6 million square km.The only period when there was a reduction in size was in the early 1990s(from 2 to 1.2 million square km).流程图diagram

The diagram shows the stages in the process of making chocolate.Chocolate comes from the cacao tree, which is grown in parts of south America, Africa and Indonesia.The tree produces large red pods which contain white cocoa beans.Firstly when the pods are ripe, they are harvested, the beans are removed and they are fermented for several days in large wooden boxes.During the fermenting process, the beans turn brown.Next, the brown beans are spread in the sun to dry.They are then put in large sacks and transported by train or lorry.After this, the beans are taken to a chocolate factory where they are roasted in an oven at temperatures of between 250 and 350 degree Celsius.After being roasted, the beans are crushed and the outer shell is removed.This part is not needed for making chocolate.Finally, the inner part of the bean is pressed and liquid chocolate is produced.(pic)

The chart describes how water is obtained outdoors.According to the figure, the first step of obtaining water outdoors is to find a hole with green plants on its bottom.Next, remove the green plants in the middle and put a container there.Then, cover the hole with a plastic sheet and place two stones on both ends of it to secure its position.A third stone is laid on the middle of the plastic sheet so that the middle part is also the lowest part.When the sun shines on the green plants in the hole, water evaporates from these plants.The vapour rises up and then cools down to form water drops on the plastic sheet.When there is more and more water, it flows along the sheet to accumulate on the lowest part.Finally, water falls down into the container directly under the middle stone.Thus, water is collected successfully through evaporation from green plants.Pic

In cool climate special attention is given to the use of building materials that have a high thermal mass.Insulation is used on the outside of heavy materials such as concrete, brick or adobe.This kind of material stores heat and slowly releases it while external insulation ensures that all heat absorbed by wall materials is released inside the building.Careful positioning of the building and large windows facing winter sunlight also assist to passively heat the house.The roof has an extreme angle to assist with snow runoff and roof overhang does not interfere with sunlight.Homes in warm climate require the opposite approach.Insulation and reflective roof material aim to keep heat from the sun out.Windows are placed under a wider roof overhang so that they are shaded form direct light in the day and so that cooler night air can move through the house when the windows are open.Map地图


The three diagrams illustrate what the village of Kelsbey looked like in 1780, 1860, and 2000.In 1780, Kelsbey had only 100 homes, but it had a large expense of woods in the eastern part of the village and four plots of farmland in the middle.In the west there was a river running from north to south.The year 1860 saw a doubling of the number of homes but the size of farmland and woods was reduced by half.In the same year, a bridge could be seen over the river and a road was constructed linking the river to the residences.140 years later, the number of homes more than doubled to 500, but farms and woods completely disappeared.Several school buildings and sports facilities were constructed at the south-eastern corner of the village, which were connected with the residential area in the north by a newly-built road.Some shops opened up along the river bank and a large stretch of wetland for birds was established at the southern end of the river.大作文

Body paragraph A

It is first important to realise that art is the key part of cultural legacy;therefore, it is meaningful to conserve the art for the cultural diversity.For example, painting in different culture has a range of styles, genres, tools and materials.If we did not protect it, a form of art would be disappeared.Besides, some work of art such as graffiti, spark people’s imaginations and provide them a novel perspective to view the world.The arts can develop a culture which people pursue art as a hobby.Furthermore, arts also improved the environment attractive, which is reflected in architecture and gardening design.Body paragraph B

Although arts are very important, we observe public facilities should get more subsidy than arts from government.Citizens are more interested in the availability of public facilities, such as, water and electricity supply, schools, libraries and roads, these facilities have a direct impact on their daily lives.By contrast, for most people, sculptures, paintings or operas are luxury items, which cannot bring any tangible benefit to them.Another reason is that the arts can sometimes yield high returns and therefore succeed in receiving business sponsorship.This is particularly the cause when arts include music, movies, operas and creative arts.Therefore, it is pointless to support the use of public funds for this purpose, if basic facilities are underfunded.



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