
时间:2019-05-15 10:14:26下载本文作者:会员上传





MD(Managing Director): 总局长

DMD(Deputy Managing Director): 副总局长 CS(Corporate Secretary): 公司秘书

MPCA(Manager Planning and Corporate Affairs): 企划部经理 CME(Chief Mechanical Engineer):机辆总工 CCE(Chief Civil Engineer):工务总工 FM(Finance Manager):财务经理 MM(Marketing Manager):市场经理 TM(Traffic Manager):运输经理 SM(Supplies Manager):物资经理 SM(Safety Manager):安全经理 HRM(Human Resources Manager):人事经理 HPR(Head Public Relations):公关部主管 HIT(Head Information Technology):信息部主管 CIA(Chief Internal Auditor):内审主管 Chief Pension Officer:退休金主管 Chief Controller :调度长 2.分局、站段及工厂

RGM(Regional General Manager): 分局总经理 RME(Regional Mechanical Engineer):分局机辆总工 RCE(Regional Civil Engineer):分局工务总工 S&T(Signaling & Telecommunication)Engineer: 电务(信号与通信)工程师 Head Commercial :商业主管

Head Human Resources :人事主管 Chief Administration Officer:行政主管 Area Manager:区域经理

WM(Workshop Manager): 工厂经理 SM(Station Master):站长

Senior Passenger Officer :客运主管

DPC(District Police Commander): 地区警察指挥官

二、部门和组织名词或惯称 Head Office :路局或总部

CRET(Chinese Railway Expert Team):中国铁路专家协调组 Regional Office:分局 Area Office:区域办事处 Workshop:工厂

CSP(concrete Sleeper Plant):轨枕厂 Quarry :采石场

TTC(TAZARA Training Center):坦赞铁路局培训中心 Locomotive Depot:机务段 Rolling Stock Depot:车辆段 Marshalling Yard:编组场 Construction Unit:房建队 Board of Directors:董事会 Board Committee:董事会委员会

Committee meeting: 委员会会议或预备会 Council of Ministers: 部长理事会 Union:工会

三、设备名称 1.机车 Locomotive Mainline/shunting locomotive: 干线/调车 机车 DFH Locomotive:东方红机车 Diesel Engine:柴油机 Traction Motor:牵引电机 Wheel set:轮对 Bogie:转向架

Running Part:走行部 Axle: 车轴 Coupler:车钩 Valve:阀 Bearing: 轴承 Brake shoe:闸瓦 Cow Catcher:排障器 Vacuum horse:真空软管 Air pipe:风管

Control system:控制系统 Battery:蓄电池

DE(Diesel Electric):柴油电传 DH(Diesel Hydraulic):柴油液传 Driver’s Cab:驾驶室 Crank Shaft:曲轴

Locomotive failure:机故 2.Wagon:货车

DSO(Down Side Open wagon): 低帮车

CDSO(Container Down Side Open wagon): 低帮集装箱货车 HSO(High Side Open):高帮车 Co(Covered wagon):棚车 F(Flat wagon):平板车

FT(Flat Tank wagon):平板罐车 JTW(Jumbo Tank wagon):大型罐车 CF(Container Flat wagon):集装箱平车 WW(Well Wagon):井型车 BV(Brake Van):守车

LS(Livestock wagon):牲畜车 B(Ballast wagon):石渣车

R(Refrigeration wagon):冷藏车 3.Coach:客车

1st Class Coach:一等车厢(软卧)2nd Class Coach:二等车厢(硬卧)3rd Class Coach:三等车厢(硬座)MD’s Coach: 总局长专用车 Super Seat:软座车厢 Dining/buffet Car:餐车 Lounge Car:酒吧车 Luggage Van:行李车 4.其它设备 Gantry crane:龙门吊 Trolley:轨道车 Reversing Gear:换向机构 Rescue crane:救援吊车

Re-railing Equipment:复救设备 Forklift:叉车

Mobile crane:汽车吊 Air compressor:空压机 Mono block:轮饼 Coupler knuckle:钩舌 Wooden sleeper:木枕

Concrete sleeper:混凝土轨枕 Bridge sleeper:桥枕 Turnout:道岔

Semaphore signal:臂板信号机 Interlocking equipment: 联锁设备

Semi-automatic block system:半自动闭塞 Head Crane:桥式吊车 Drop Table:落车台

Flaw detection machine:探伤仪 Triple valve:三通阀 Generator:发电机 Shop :车间

Second crusher:二级破碎机


Financial year:财政年度 Passenger train:客车 Freight train: 货车

Commuter train:通勤车 Up train:上行列车 Down train:下行列车 Fuel:燃油

Locomotive routing:机车交路

Locomotive availability:机车完好率 Timetable:时刻表 Arrival time:抵达时间 Departure time:出发时间 Freight traffic:货运量

Passenger ridership: 客运量 Parcel:行包


turnaround time:周转时间 punctuality:正点率 interchange:过轨

level crossing:平交道口 good shed:货场 weighbridge:轨道衡 copper:铜 manganese:锰 coal:煤

fertilizer:化肥 timber:木材 maize:玉米

wheat flour:面粉 molasses:糖稀 container:集装箱 sulphur:硫磺

general cargo:杂货 accident:事故 derail:脱轨 capsize:倾覆


Ministry of transport: 交通部 Immigration office:移民局 Exemption: 豁免证/工作许可 PS(Permanent Secretary):常秘 cemetery:公墓 Protocol:议定书


Concessionaire:特许经营者/特许经营单位 Manpower position:员工人数 Clearance:清关

Shipping documents:海运文件 Bill of Lading: 提货单 Packing List:装箱单 Insurance:保险

Commercial Invoice: 商务发票 Production meeting:生产交班会 minutes:会议记录

MOU(Memorandum of Understanding):谅解备忘录 Invitation letter:邀请函

Motor vehicle license: 机动车辆证/上路许可 financial statement:财务报表 quarter:季度 Turnover:营业额 Revenue: 收入 Expenditure:支出 Pension:退休金 Rates: 费率

Freight tariff: 货运价格 Passenger fare:客车票价 Permanent way:工务线路

speed restricted area:限速地段 land slide: 滑坡

tamping machine:捣固机

light/heavy motor trolley: 轻型/重型轨道车 ballast:道砟 curve: 曲线 culvert:涵洞 tunnel:隧道 gradient: 坡度 gauge:轨距/限界

motive power:动力(设备)

single locomotive operation:单机牵引 MU(multiple unit)operation:多机牵引 axle load:轴重 Cummins:康明斯

Transmission type:传动类型 Hydraulic transmission:液力传动 Piston:活塞

Air brake: 空气制动

Vacuum brake:真空制动

H.F.(High Frequency)radio: 高频电台 Microwave: 微波 Optic fiber:光纤 Light repair: 小修 Medium repair:中修

Rehabilitation/overhaul:大修 Spare part:零配件

Kilimanjaro passenger train:乞力马扎罗号客车 Mukuba passenger train:姆库巴号客车

Compartment:客车包厢 VIP lounge:贵宾室 Control order:调度令 Booking office:售票处



the 30th Session of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress 商标注册 trademark registration 商标注册的审查和核准 examination and approval of trademark registration 注册商标的续展、转让和使用许可 renewal, assignment and licensing of registered trademarks 注册商标争议的裁定 the determination of disputes concerning registered trademarks 商标使用的管理 the administration of the use of the trademarks 注册商标专用权的保护 the protection of the Right to Exclusive Use of a registered trademark 总则 general provisions 附则 supplementary provisions 10.生产、经营者 the producers and operators 11.社会主义市场经济 the Socialist market economy 12.国务院工商行政管理部门商标局 the Trademark Office of the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council 13.商标评审委员会 the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board 14.商品商标 the commodity trademark 服务商标 the service trademark 集体商标 the collective trademark

证明商标 the certification trademark 15.商标注册人享有商标专用权,受法律保护 the trademark registrants shall be entitled to the right to exclusive use of their trademarks and protected by law.16.(重复前面提到的)该组织

the said organization 17.监督能力 the supervising power 18.限期提出答辩 to reply within the specified period 19.该组织以外的单位或者个人 the units and individuals apart from the said organizations 20.自然人、法人或者其他组织对其生产、制造、加工、拣选或者经销的商品,需要取得商标专用权的,应当向商标局申请商品商标注册。Any natural person, legal person and other organization that needs to acquire the right to exclusive use of the trademark for the commodities it produces, manufactures, processes, selects or markets shall file an application for commodity trademark registration with the Trademark Office.21.适用于…,对….有适用性

be applicable to 22.共同享有和行使该商标专用权 to enjoy and exercise the right to exclusive use of their trademark jointly 23.关于、至于 with respect to / in respect of 24.国家规定必须使用注册商标的商品 the commodities that the State has designated as requiring the use of a registered trademark

25.各级工商行政管理部门 the administrative departments for industry and commerce at all levels 26.欺骗消费者的行为 practices that deceives the customers 27.有显著特征,便于识别 have distinctive characteristics easy to identify 28.中央国家机关 the central government agencies 29.标志性建筑物 the symbol buildings 30.与…相同或相近的be identical with or similar to …

31.不易误导公众的商标 trademarks unlikely to mislead the public 32.带有民族歧视性的 trademarks having the nature of discrimination against any nationality

33.夸大宣传并带有欺骗性的商标 trademarks that constituting exaggerated advertising and are deceitful 34.有害于社会主义道德风尚或者有其他不良影响的商标 trademarks detrimental to socialist morality and 1 customs, or having other harmful influences 35.县级以上行政区划 the administrative districts at the level of county or above 36.驰名商标 the well-known trademark 37.委托人/被代理人

the principal 38.被代表人

the represented 39.提出异议 raise an opposition 40.已经善意取得注册的继续有效 trademarks that have been registered in good faith shall continue to be valid 41.人文因素 human cultural factors 42.对等原则 the principle of reciprocity 43.一国和中华人民共和国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约 any agreement concluded between a foreign country and PRC, or any international treaty to which both countries are parties 44.委托国家认可的具有商标代理资格的组织代理 to entrust an organization certified by the Chinese Government as having the qualification for trademark agency to act on its behalf 45.商品类别和商品名称 the class and the designation of the commodities 46.变更申请 an application to make the change 47.相互承认优先权的原则 the principle of mutual acknowledgement of the right of priority 48.书面声明 a written declaration 49.中国政府主办的或者承认的国际展览会 any international exhibition sponsored or acknowledged by the Chinese Government 50.符合…,与…一致

in conformity with

51.初步审定 make a preliminary examination and approval of sth.52.予以公告

publicly announce sth.53.向人民法院起诉 file an action to the people’s court / bring a suit before a people’s court/ to institute legal proceedings in people’s court 54.控告某人 to bring an action against sb.55.做出裁定 make a ruling 56.生效 to take effect 57.异议成立 the opposition is upheld [uphold 维持,批准 e.g.: The judge upheld the lower court's decision.] 58.公告期满 the period of public announcement expires 59.通知当事人 to notify the parties 60.注册商标的有效期为十年,自核准注册之日起计算 the period of validity of a registered trademark shall be 10 years, counted from the day the registration is approved.61.转让人 the assignors 受让人 the assignees 62.授权,批准 to authorize 许可人 the licensors 被许可人the licensees 63.商标使用许可合同应当报商标局备案 the trademark licensing contract shall be submitted to the Trademark Office for the archivist purpose.64.不正当手段 the illicit means 65.对恶意注册的,驰名商标所有人不受五年的时间限制 the owner of a well-known trademark shall not be subject to the limit of 5 years to request the revocation of bad-faith registration.66.限期提出答辩 to reply within the specified period 67.商标裁定程序 the trademark ruling proceedings 68.责令限期改正 to order rectification of the situation within a specified period 69.自行…的(未经允许的…)without authorization 2 70.连续三年 three consecutive years 71.粗制滥造,以次充好的商品 crudely manufactured commodities that are passed off as being of high quality 72.予以通报或者处以罚款 to circulate a notice on the matter or impose a fine 73.冒充注册商标 to falsely represent a trademark as being a registered one 74.遵守规定,履行决定

to comply with a decision 75.强制执行 a compulsory enforcement of(the decision)76.侵犯注册商标专用权 be an infringement upon the right to exclusive use / infringe upon the right to exclusive use 77.侵权行为成立 an infringement is constituted 78.没收、销毁侵权商品 to confiscate and destroy the infringing commodities 79.《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》the Administrative Procedure Law of the PRC 80.《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》the Civil Procedure Law of the PRC 81.就赔偿数额进行调解 to conduct mediation over the amount of compensation for sth.82.有权依法查处 to have the right to investigate into and punish the acts…

83.涉嫌犯罪的行为,应当及时移送司法机关依法处理 if a crime is suspected to be constituted, the case shall be promptly transferred to the judicial departments for handling according to law.84.违法嫌疑证据或者举报 the evidence for suspicion of illegal acts or the report made by other people 85.行使下列职权

to exercise the following powers 86.调查有关情况 to investigate the information relating to …

87.查阅有关的合同、发票、账簿以及其他有关资料 to consult the contracts, vouchers, account books and other relevant materials 88.实施现场检查 to conduct on-spot examination 89.查封或者扣押 to seal up or seize the relevant articles 90.通过…所获得的利益 the proceeds obtained from … 91.由于…所受到的损失

the losses suffered by …

92.根据侵权行为的情节 according to the circumstances of the infringing acts 93.承担赔偿责任 to bear the liability for compensation 94.难以弥补的损害 irreparable damages 95.财产查封 attachment of property 96.责令停止有关行为和财产保全的措施 an order of the measures for stopping relevant acts and for attachment 97.保全证据 to preserve the evidence

98.裁定立即开始执行 the ruling shall be executed immediately 99.提供担保 to provide security 100.驳回申请 to reject the application 101.解除保全措施 discharge the measures for preservation 102.依法追究刑事责任 to investigate into for the criminal responsibilities according to law 103.国家机关工作人员必须秉公执法,廉洁自律,忠于职守,文明服务 the functionaries of state organs must handle the cases justly, be incorruptible and self-disciplined, be devoted to their duties and serve in a courteous and honest way 104.从事…活动 to undertake the activities of …

105.建立健全内部监督制度 to establish and improve the internal supervision system 106.玩忽职守 to neglect one’s duties 滥用职权 to abuse one’s powers 徇私舞弊 to practice favoritism / to engage in malpractice for personal gain 3 107.牟取不正当利益 to seek improper profits 108.给予行政处分 give sb.administrative punishment 109.生效,(法律、法规)施行 go into effect / enter into force 110.同时废止 to be repealed simultaneously 111.公布法律条例 to promulgate a law / regulation 112.《中华人民共和国商标法》the Trademark Law of the PRC



maintenance strategy 保持战略 management overhead 管理费 mandatory adaptation 强制性适应 manufacturer brand 制造商/全国性品牌 manufacturers' agents/representatives 生产商的代理商/销售代表

manufacturers' export agents(MEA)制造商出口代理

manufacturers' sales offices/branches 生产商的销售办事处/分支机构

market aggregation strategy 整体市场战略 market attractiveness factors 市场吸引力因素

market attractiveness 市场吸引力

market attractiveness/business position matrix 市场吸引力/业务地位矩阵 market circumstances 市场环境

market demorgraphics 市场人口分布/统计特征

market dimension 市场量度 market entry strategies 市场进入战略 market exclusion 市场排斥

market expansion strategy 市场扩张战略 market factors 市场因素 market growth rate 市场增长率 market hirarchy 市场等级 market inclusion 市场纳入 market measurement 市场测量

market opportunity analysis 市场机会分析 market position factors 市场地位因素 market positioning analysis 市场定位分析 market potential measurements 市场潜力测度

market segment 细分市场 market segmentation 市场细分 market targeting 目标市场选择

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marketability 市场开拓能力 market-entry strategies 市场进入战略 marketing action plan 营销行动计划 marketing audit 营销审计 marketing channel 营销渠道

marketing codes of conduct 营销行为规范 marketing communication 营销沟通/传播 marketing concept 营销观念 marketing control 营销控制

marketing decision support systems(MDSS)营销决策支持系统

marketing environment audit 营销环境审计 marketing flows and functions 营销过程和职能

marketing function area audit 营销功能领域的 审计

marketing implications of 对营销的影响 marketing information system 营销信息系统 marketing institutions 营销机构 marketing management 营销管理 marketing message 营销信息 marketing mix 营销组合 marketing policy 营销策略

marketing productivity area audit 营销生产力领域的审计

marketing program components 营销计划内容

marketing program 营销计划/方案 marketing relationship 营销关系 marketing research 营销研究 marketing strategy 营销战略

market-management organizational structure 市场管理组织结构

mark-up price 产品/溢价价格 Marlboro 万宝路 Marriott Hotel 万豪酒店 mass-market penetration strategy 大规模市场渗透战略

mass-market strategy 大市场战略 matrix organizational structure 矩阵组织结构

Matsushita 日本松下电子

mature conformists 成熟的随大流者 mature markets 成熟市场

mature stage of product life cycle 产品生命周期的成熟阶段 McDonald's 麦当劳

McDonnell Douglas 麦道公司 MCI电讯公司(前世界通信公司)MDSS(Marketing-Decision Support System)市场决策支持系统 measurability 可测度性 measure or index 测量指标 measurement criteria 计量标准 media audiences 媒体受众

medical and health services 医疗卫生服务 Medico Containment Services memory of consumers 消费者记忆 Mercedes-Benz 梅赛德斯-奔驰

Mercer Management Consulting 美国美智管理顾问公司 merchandising 推销

merchant middlemen 国内贸易中间商 merchant wholesalers 商业批发商 message structure 信息结构 Michael Porter 迈克尔-波特 micro risks 微观风险 microsegmentatioin 微观细分

Miller Tyding ACT, USA 米勒·泰丁法案 minging 矿业

Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing 2 / 10

Company(3M)明尼苏达矿业和制造公司 Minolta 美能达

miscellaneous sources 多方面来源 mission 宗旨

missionary selling 推销式销售 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 三菱重工 modified rebuy 调整再购

monosegment positioning 单一细分市场定位

Monsanto 孟山都农业生物技术公司 moral appeals 伦理/道德诉求 morals 道德 Motorola 摩托罗拉

multichannel distribution 多渠道分销 multidimensional scaling 多维等级法 multilevel selling 多级销售

multinational coporations(MNCs)跨国公司 multiple test markets 多测试市场 multiple-brand strategy 多品牌战略 multiple-factor index 多因素指数法 multisegment positioning 多重细分市场定位national account management 全国性客户管理

national market 国内市场

National Semiconductor 美国国家半导体公司

net sales 净销售额

network computer(NC)网络计算机 new business selling 新业务销售 new buy 购入新产品 new entrants 新进入者

New Prod screening model 新普罗德筛选模型

new-product ideas 新产品创意 Newsweek 《新闻周刊》

new-task buying 全新采购

new-to-the-world products 世界性新产品 niche penetration strategy 壁龛/机会市场渗透战略

niche-market strategy 壁龛市场战略 no-brand brand name 无品牌的品牌名称 no-frills product 无虚饰产品

noise in communication system 传播系统中的噪音

non-financial rewards 非物质性奖励措施 non-probability sampling 非概率抽样 non-store retailing 无店铺零售业 number of stockouts 迟滞数目 object-and-task method of promotion budgeting 目标-任务促销预算法 objectives and strategy area audit 目标与战略领域的审计 objectives 具体目标 observation 观察法

occupancy costs 房屋占用成本 occupation/position 职业/职位 odd pricing 奇/余数定价法 oeverall quality 总体质量

off-invoice discounts 发票之外的折扣 offsets 抵消交易 on-air testing 广播测试

OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)欧佩克(石油输出国组织)opening relationships 建立关系 operating supplies 生产供应品 operational excellence 运作管理水平opinion leaders 意见领导者 opportunity cost 机会成本 opportunity identification 机会识别 opportunity/threat matrix 机会/威胁矩阵

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order cycle time 订货周期 order processing 订单处理 organisational level 组织层次

organizaitonal requirement planning 组织需求计划

organization area audit 组织领域的审计 organization buying center 组织采购中心 organizational customer 组织顾客 organizational direct selling 组织直销 organizational markets 组织市场 organizational purchasing 组织采购 organzational structure 组织结构 outdoor enthusiasts 户外运动爱好者 out-of-home media 户外广告媒体 overall cost leadership 全面成本领先 overheads 日常开支

ownership of new product 新产品所有权 panel of experts 专家小组 parentage 渊源

parties involved 交换中的各方 payment terms 支付条款 pay-off control 支出控制 penetration pricing 渗透定价

perceived customer value 顾客感知价值 perceived quality 感知到的质量 perceived value 感知到的价值 percentage of sales promotion budgeting method 销售额百分比促销预算法 perceptions of consumers 消费者感知/理解 perceptual(product)pisitioning 感知(产品)定位

perceptual map 感知图

perceptual organization 感知组织 perceptual vigilance 感性的警惕 performance dimension 业绩标准 performance evaluation 业绩评估 performance measures 表现/业绩测度 performance objective 绩效目标 performance standards 绩效标准 performance 功能 perishability 非持久性 personal selling 人员推销 personal sources 个人的信息来源 personnel development 人力资源开发 pharmaceuticals industry 医药行业 physical(product)positioning 物理(产品)定位

physical descriptors 物理变量 physical distribution 实物分销 Pillsbury 皮尔斯博瑞 place utility 地点效用

planning and control system area audit 计划与控制系统领域的审计

point of sale information 销售点信息 point-of-purhcase(POP)promotion 采购点促销

point-of-sales(POS)data 销售点数据 pontificator 保守派 popularity 通用性 population trends 人口趋势

portfolio models for resource allocation 资源配置的资产组合模式

position intensity 地位集中程度 possession utility 拥有效用

post-purchase dissonance 购买后的不协调 post-purchase evaluation 购买后评估 power in distribution 分销权力 power of buyers 购买者能力 power of suppliers 供应商能力 predatory pricing 掠夺性定价法

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pre-empting scarce resources 先占稀缺资源 preferential treatment 特惠待遇 premiums 额外奖励

present competitors 现有的竞争者 presenting sales message 提供销售信息 pre-test market research 测试前市场研究 price discrimination 价格歧视

price elasticity of demand 需求的价格弹性 price fixing 价格设定 price leaders 价格领导者 price lining 价格排列定价法 price/earnings ration 价格/收益比 price-off promotions 降价促销 price-setting process 定价过程 pricing adjustments 定价调整 primary demand 基本需求 primary sources 第一类/主要数据 print media 印刷媒体

private/for-profit organization 私营/盈利性组织

PRIZM(Potential Rating Index for Zip Markets)按邮政区划为基础的潜力等级指数

proactive new-product development strategy 进取型新产品开发战略 probability sampling 概率抽样 problem formulation 界定问题 problem identificatioin 确定问题 process management 过程管理 Procter & Gamble(P&G)宝洁公司 product availability 产品的可获得性 product category 产品类别 product class 产品类别 product decisions 产品决策 product design 产品设计 product dimension or attributes 产品维度/属性

product evolution 产品演变 product features 产品特征 product intent share 产品倾向份额 product leadership 产品领导能力 product life cycle(PLC)产品生命周期 product life cycle curve 产品生命周期曲线 product manager audit 产品经理审计 product offering 供应品

product organizaiton of salesforce 按产品组织销售队伍

product policies 产品策略 product scope 产品范围 product space 产品位置 product systems 产品体系 product type 产品类型 product usage 产品用途

product(ion)-oriented organization 产品/生产导向型组织

product-line pricing adjustments 产品线定价调整

product-management organizational structure 产品管理组织结构

product-market entry control 产品-市场进入控制

product-related behavioral descriptors 与产品相关的行为变量

product's market characteristics 产品的市场特征

product-use testing 产品使用测试 pro-environment 环保

profit impact of market strategy(PIMS)市场战略的利润影响

profitability analysis 盈利性分析 profitability 盈利性/盈利能力

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profitable survivor strategy 有利可图的生存者战略

project-company resource compatibility 项目与公司资源的协调性

projected profit-and-loss statement 预计损益表

projective tests 投影测试 promotion decisions 促销决策 promotion mix 促销组合 promotion policies 促销策略 promotional allowance 促销折让 promotional effort 促销努力 promotional pricing 促销定价 promptness 及时性

propector strategy 探索型战略 prospecting for customers 寻找顾客 psychographics 心理统计特征 psychological cost 心理成本 psychological pricing 心理定价法 public utilities 公共设施 publicity 公共宣传

pull strategy for control of distribution channels 分销渠道控制的拉式战略 pupil dilation 瞳孔扩张

purchase predisposition 购买倾向 purchasing agent 采购代理

purchasing power perity(PPP)购买力平价指数

push money/spiffs 佣金

push stragtegy for control of distribution channels 分销渠道控制的推式战略 qualifying prospects 审查潜在顾客资格 quality dimensions 质量维度 quantity discount 数量折扣 question marks 问题类 questioning 询问法 quotas 定额

R & D expenditure 研究开发战略 race and ethnic origin 种族和民族 rack jobbers 供应超级市场的批发商 rank ordering 排序 rate of adoption 采购率

rate-of-return/target return pricing 回报率/目标回报定价法

rational appeals 理性诉求 rationale 基本原理

reactive and proactive responses 反应及前摄策略

reactive new-product development strategy reactor strategy 反应型战略 rebates 回扣 recall tests 记忆测试 receiver 接收者 reciprocity 利益互惠

recognition of problem/need 发现问题/需求 recognition tests 认知测试 recreation 娱乐业

recruitment and selection 招聘与选拔 recycling of packaging 包装回收(利用)reference group 参照群体 referent power 参照权 refocus 巩固 refunds 退款

refusal to deal 拒绝经营 regression analysis 回归分析法 regulation 管制

related/concentric diversification 相关/同心多元化

relational VMSs 相关式垂直营销系统 relative attractiveness of declining markets 衰 6 / 10


relative market potential 相对市场潜力 relative market share 相对市场份额 reliability 可靠性

repeat purchase behavior 重复购买行为 repetition 重复

repositionings 重新定位产品 requirements planning 需求计划 reseller 中间商

resident buyers 常驻采购员

resource allocation/deployment 资源配置 response strategies 反应策略 response to communication 传播响应 responsive strategy 反应型新产品开发战略 responsiveness 响应性

retail coverage strategy 零售范围战略 Retail Index 零售指数 retail sales 零售额

retailer co-operatives 零售商合作社 retailer 零售商

retailing trends 零售趋势

Return on Equity(ROE)权益回报率 Return on Investment(ROI)投资回报率 Return on Net Assets(RONA)净资产回报率

reverse engineering 反向工程 reward systems 奖励系统 rivalry determinants 竞争决定因素 rivalry 竞争对手 roster 名册

sales agents 销售代理商

sales analysis by customer 顾客销售分析 sales analysis by order size 订货规模的销售分析

sales analysis by product 产品销售分析 sales analysis by territory 区域销售分析 sales forcasting 销售预测 sales force estimates 销售人员估计 sales force size 销售队伍规模 sales force 销售队伍 sales forecasting 销售预测 sales management 销售管理 sales organization 销售组织

sales personnel incentives 销售人员激励 sales personnel 销售人员 sales potential 销售潜力 sales territory 销售地区 sales trends 销售趋势

sales/price reduction 销售/价格下降 sample design 样本设计 sample size 样本大小 sampling 抽样 sampling 提供样品 scale efficiency 规模效率 scaled measures 比例测度 scoring models 评判模型 screening of ideas 创意筛选 sealed bidding 招标

secondary sources 第二类/次要数据 second-but-better new-product development strategy 后者居上型新产品开发战略 security 证券业

segmentation and targeting 细分与目标选择 segmentation criteria 细分标准 segmentation descriptors 市场细分变量 selective demand 选择性需求 selective distribution 选择分销 selective exposure 选择性接触 selective perception 选择性感知/理解 selective retention 选择性保留

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self-employed person 独立经营的个人 self-managing teams 自我管理团队 self-oriented 自我导向型 selling groups 销售团队

selling proposition 销售计划/提议 selling 推销/销售

service guarantees 服务保证 serviceability 服务能力 serviceability 适用性 services channels 服务渠道 servicing products 服务产品 servicing the account 客户服务 setting quotas 确定定额 shake-out stage 动荡阶段

shared programs/facilities 分享计划/设备 share-growth strategies for followers 追随者的市场份额增长战略 shareholder value 股东价值 share-maintenance 份额保持 Sherman Act, USA 美国谢尔曼法案 signal vehicle/carrier 信号载体 simulated test marketing 模拟市场测试 single-factor index 单因素指数法 single-line mass-merchandiser stores 单一类型产品专营连锁店

skimming and early withdrawal 撇脂与尽早撤离战略

skimming pricing 撇脂定价法

sleepwalker/contented underachievers 梦游者/很容易满足的人

slotting allowance 安置津贴 social acceptability 社会可接受性 social class 社会阶层 social objectives 社会目标

sociocultural environment 社会文化环境 soft goods 非耐用品 soft technology 软技术

sole ownership entry strategy 独享所有权的进入战略

source credibility 信息来源的可信度 source 广告信息来源

sources of new-product ideas 新产品创意来源

speciality goods 特殊品 speciality retailers 专营零售商 speciality stores 专营商店 specialization 专门化

Standard Industrial Classification(SIC)标准工业分类代码

standardization strategy 标准化战略 standby positioning 备用定位 staple goods 日常用品

statement of job qualifications 工作要求说明stock levels 库存水平

stockless purchase arrangement 无存货采购计划

store brands 零售商品牌

straight commission compensation plan 纯佣金制薪酬方案

straight rebuy 直接再购

straight salary compensation plan 纯薪金制薪酬方案

strategic control 战略控制 strategic fit 战略协调性 strategic group 战略组 strategic inertia 战略惯性 strategic intent/objective 战略目标 strategic marketing program 战略营销计划 strategic pricing objectives 战略定价目标 strategic withdrawal 战略撤退

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strategy constraints 战略影响因素 strategy formulation and implementation 战略制定和实施

strategy implementation 战略实施 strategy reassessment 战略重估 subculture 亚文化 subfactor 次级因素 substitute goods 替代品

substitution threat 替代产品的威胁 Sumitomo 住友商事

Sun Microsystems 太阳微系统 supplementary media 辅助性广告媒体 suppliers' bargaining power 供应商的讨价还价能力

surrogate products 替代产品 survival pricing 生存定价法

sustainable competitive advantage 可持续的竞争优势

sweepstakes 彩票抽奖 switching cost 转换成本 synergy 协同作用 tabulation 制表 tangibility 有形性 target audience 目标受众

target level of product quality 产品质量标准 target or hurdle level 目标或难度水平target return price 目标回报价格 targeting strategy 目标市场选择战略 targeting 目标市场选择 team selling 团队销售 technical selling 技术销售

television audience measurement 电视观众测量

television home shopping 电视家庭购物 territorial restrictions 地区限制

territories 区域

territory design and deployment 区域设计及部署

territory inventory 地区存货 test marketing 市场测试 testing new product 测试新产品

the American Association for Public Opinion Research 美国公共意见研究协会 the Council of American Survey Research Organization 美国调查研究组织委员会 the Fishbein Model 菲什宾模型

the Marketing Research Association 营销研究协会

theatre tests 现场测试

threat of new entrants 新进入者的威胁 three order-hierarchy models 三阶段层级结构模型

time frame 时间框架/要求 time pricing 时间定价 time utility 时间效用 Timex 天美时 title 所有权 total cost 总成本

total quality managemnt(TQM)全面质量管理

Toys 'R' Us 美国著名玩具零售商 tracking and monitoring 跟踪与监控 trade promotion 贸易促销 trade selling 贸易销售

trade/functional discounts 贸易/职能折扣 trade-in allowance 以旧换新折让 transactiional efficiency 交易效率 transaction cost analysis(TCA)交易成本分析

turnkey construction contract 监督建筑契约

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turnover 人员流动

two-sided presentations 双向信息陈述 tying contracts 附带条件的合同 types of adverstising 广告种类 types of brand 品牌种类 types of costs 成本种类

ultimate customers/end users 最终顾客/用户 underlying dimension 基本组成要素 uniform delivered pricing 统一运费定价法 Union Pacific Railroad 联合太平洋铁路 unit sales 单位产品销售额

unitary price elasticity 单位需求价格弹性 Universal Product Code(UPC)统一商品编码


unrelated/conglomerate diversification 复合多元化

unsought goods 非渴求产品 usage 用途 use tests 使用测试

utility/price relationship 效用/价格关系 VALS2 价值与生活方式体系2 value-based planning 价值基础计划 variability 变化性 variable costs 可变成本 variable incentive 可变激励措施 VCR(video cassette recorder)录像机 vending sales 自动售货业

vending-machine operators 自动售货机经营商

vendor analysis 供应商分析 vertical integration 垂直/纵向一体化 vertical marketing systems(VMS)垂直营销系统 want 欲求 warranty 质量保证 wholesale clubs 批发俱乐部

wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chains 批发商发起的自愿连锁

wholesaling trends 批发趋势 win-back program 赢回(顾客)方案 working capital investment 周转资金投入 workload approach 计算工作量方法 zero defect 零缺陷 zone pricing 分区定价法

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集合 set

非负整数集the set of all non-negative integers 自然数集 the set of all natural numbers 整数集 the set of all positive integers 有理数集 the set of all rational numbers 实数集 the set of all real numbers 元素 element 属于 belong to

不属于 not belong to 有限集 finite set 无限集 infinite set 空集 empty set 包含 inclusion ,include 包含于 lie in 子集 subset 真子集 proper subset 补集(余集)complementary set 全集 universe 交集 intersection 偶数集 the set of all even numbers 奇数集 the set of all odd numbers 含绝对值的不等式 inequality with absolute value 一元二次不等式 one-variable quadratic inequality 逻辑 logic 逻辑联结词 logical connective 或 or 且 and 非 not 真 true 假 false 真值表 truth table 原命题 original proposition 逆命题 converse proposition 否命题 negative proposition 逆否命题 converse-negative proposition 充分条件 sufficient condition 必要条件 necessary condition ……的充要条件是……

…if and only if… 函数 function 自变量 argument 定义域domain 值域 range 区间 interval 闭区间 closed interval 开区间open interval 函数的图像 graph of function 映射mapping 象 image 原象 inverse image 单调monotone 增函数 increasing function 减函数 decreasing function 单调区间 monotone interval 反函数 inverse function 指数 exponent N次方根 nth root 根式 radical 根指数 radical exponent 被开方数 radicand 指数函数 exponential function 对数logarithm 常用对数common logarithm 自然对数natural logarithm 对数函数 logarithmic function 数列 sequence of number 项 term 通项公式 the formula of general term 有穷数列 finite sequence of number 无穷数列 infinite sequence of number 递推公式 recurrence formula 等差数列 arithmetic progression 公差arithmetic series 等差中项common difference 等比中项 arithmetic mean 等比数列 geometric progression, geometric series 公比 common ratio 等比中项 geometric mean 三角函数 trigonometric function 始边 initial side 终边 terminal side 正角 positive angle 负角 negative angle 零角zero angel 象限角 quadrant angle 弧度radian 弧度制 radian measure 角度制 degree measure 正弦sine 余弦cosine 正切 tangent 余切 cotangent 正割 secant 余割 cosecant 诱导公式 induction formula 正弦曲线sine curve 余弦曲线cosine curve 最大值maximum 最小值minimum 周期 period 最小正周期minimal positive period 周期函数 periodic function 振幅 amplitude of vibration 频率frequency 相位 phase 初相 initial phase 反正弦 arc sine 反余弦 arc cosine 反正切arc tangent 有向线段directed line segment 向量 vector

零向量 zero vector 单位向量 unit vector 平行向量 parallel vectors 相等向量 equal vectors 共线向量 collinear vectors 实数与向量的积 multiplication of vector by scalar 基底 base 数量积 translation 正弦定理 inner product 余弦定理 sine theorem 算术平均数 arithmetic mean 几何平均数 method of compare 比较法 method of compare 综合法 method of synthesis 分析法 method of analysis 倾斜角 gradient 斜率 point slope form 点斜式 gradient intercept form 截距 general form 斜截式 included angle 两点式 two-point form 一般式 general form 夹角included angle 线性规划 linear programming 约束条件 constraint condition 目标函数 objective function 可行域 feasible region 最优解 optimal solution 曲线 curve 坐标法 method of coordinate 解析几何 analytic geometry 笛卡儿 Descartes 标准方程 standard equation 一般方程 general equation 参数方程 parameter equation 参数 parameter 圆锥曲线 point conic 椭圆 ellipse 焦点 focus, focal points 焦距 focal length 长轴 major axis 短轴 minor axis 离心率 eccentricity 双曲线

hyperbola 实轴 real axis 虚轴 imaginary axis 渐近线 asymptote 抛物线

parabola 准线 directrix 直线 line平面 plane 几何体 geometric solid平面图形 plane figure 立体图形 slid figure 相交直线 intersecting lines平行直线 parallel lines 异面直线 skew lines 垂线 perpendicular line 垂足 foot of a oblique line 垂线段 perpendicular line segment 公垂线 common perpendicular line 公垂线段 common perpendicular segment 垂面 perpendicular plane 射影 projection 斜线 oblique line 斜足foot of a oblique line 斜线段 oblique line segment 半平面 semi-plane 二面角 dihedral angle平面角 plane angle 直二面角 right dihedral angle 棱柱 prism 底面base 顶点 vertex 面 face 棱 edge 侧面 lateral face 侧棱 lateral edge 斜棱柱 oblique prism 直棱柱 right prism 正棱柱 regular prism平行六面体 parallelepiped 长方体 rectangular prism 正方体 cube 棱锥pyramid 正棱锥 regular pyramid 多面体 polyhedron 凸多面体 convex polyhedron 正多面体 regular polyhedron 简单多面体 simple polyhedron 球 solid sphere, spheroid 球心 center of a solid sphere 球面 sphere 分类计数原理 classified enumeration principle 分步计数原理 fractional enumeration principle 排列 arrangement, permutation 排列数 number of arrangements 全排列 total arrangement 阶乘 factorial 组合 combination 组合数 number of combination 二项式定理 binomial theorem 二项式系数 binomial coefficient 二项式展开式 binomial expansion 必然事件 certain event 不可能事件 impossible event 随机事件 random event 试验 trial 频率 frequency 等可能事件 equiprobability event 基本事件 elementary event 概率 probability 互斥事件 exclusive events 对立事件 complementary events

相互独立事件 mutually independent events 独立重复试验 independent repeated trials 概率 probability 统计 statistics 随机变量 random variable 离散型随机变量discrete random variable 概率分布 probability distribution 分布列 distribution series 数学期望 mathematical expectation 方差 variance 标准差 standard deviation 抽样方法 sampling method 简单随机抽样 simple random sampling 系统抽样 systematic sampling 总体分布 population sampling 估计 estimation 正态分布 normal distribution 标准正态分布 standard normal distribution 线性回归 linear regression 相关 correlation 回归分析 regression analysis 散点图 scatter diagram 回归直线 regression straight line 线性回归分析 liner regression analysis 相关系数 correlation coefficient 假设检验 hypothesis testing 归纳法 induction 数学归纳法 mathematical induction 完全归纳法 complete induction 不完全归纳法 incomplete induction 极限 limit 无穷大 infinitely great 无穷等比数列 infinite geometric sequence 左极限 left limit 右极限 right limit 连续(的)continuous 连续函数 continuous function 导数 derivative 可导的 differentiable 变化率rate of change 导函数derived function 复合函数 composite function 极大值 maximum value 极小值 minimum value 极值 extreme value 虚数单位 imaginary unit 复数 complex number 复数集 set of complex numbers 虚数imaginary number 纯虚数 purely imaginary number 复数的代数形式 algebraic form of complex number 实部 real part 虚部 imaginary part 复平面 complex plane 实轴 real axis 虚轴 imaginary axis 模 modulus 辐角 argument 复数的三角形式 trigonometric form of complex number 棣莫弗公式 De Moivre’s Formula 分式

fraction 通分

changing fractions to a common denominator 约分 reduction of a fraction 分式方程 fractional equation 反比例函数 inverse proportional function 双曲线 hyperbola 定理 theorem平行四边形 parallelogram 矩形 rectangle 菱形 rhombus 正方形 square 梯形 trapezium 等腰梯形 isosceles trapezium 重心 barycenter 加权平均数 weighted average 权 weight 中位数 median 众数 mode 极差 range 方差 variance平面图形 plane figure 展开图 net 体 solid 面 surface 线 line 点 point 相交 intersection 交点 point of intersection 中点 center 距离 distance 角 angle 度 degree 角的平分线 angular bisector 余角 complementary angle 补角补角 supplementary angle



一、不同阶段的猪专业词汇 boar(公猪)gilt(后备母猪)sow(经产母猪)piglet(乳猪):特指尚没有断奶的小猪,国内称为仔猪的实际上包括未断奶的和已经断奶的,分别称为“哺乳仔猪”和 “断奶仔猪”,用“仔培猪”这样的名称更是少见。weaning(断奶)weaner(断奶猪):断奶后的猪只——一般是18-24日龄直到30公斤。Pre-starter(断奶前仔猪)Starter(断奶仔猪)grower(生长猪):指大于30公斤的猪只——也称为feeder pig。finisher(育成猪):指大于60公斤的猪只,故称为肥育猪或育肥猪是不恰当的。

mummified piglet(木乃伊猪):在怀孕期间死亡的胎儿以木乃伊的状态被产出。有些文献上称“产木乃伊”是不正确的,应该是“产木乃伊胎”。Yorkshire 大白 Duroc 杜洛克 Hampshire 汉普夏 Landrace 长白

Farrow to wean出生到断奶 Wean to feeder断奶到育肥 Farrow to feeder出生到育肥 Feeder to finish 育肥到育成 Farrow to finish出生到育成


farrowing(产仔):母猪产小猪的过程-即分娩(parturition)。Introducing control 引种控制

Segregated early weaning 早期隔离?断奶 lactating(泌乳):母猪产生乳汁的过程。gestating(怀孕期):从断奶后配种到产仔的一段时间(即干乳期)。litter(窝):从同一头母猪一次产出的一群仔猪。parity(胎次):每个胎次就是指每一次分娩。如:第三胎是指母猪产的第三窝。

stillborn(死产):产出死亡的胎儿。fostering(寄养):将仔猪在不同的母猪间饲喂以获得更多的乳汁。colostrum或colostral milk(初乳):分娩后最初几天产生的乳汁——含有较多抗体和其它因子。processing(产后处理):对仔猪进行的各种处理过程——去势、断尾、剪牙、剪耳缺和注射铁剂等。

pre-weaning mortality(断奶前死亡率):仔猪在分娩舍内的死亡数目。post-weaning mortality(断奶后死亡率):断奶猪/生长猪到育成猪直到屠宰前死亡的数目。

breeding/service(配种):公母猪交配的过程,现也包括人工授精。weaning to breeding interval(断奶到配种间隔):母猪断奶至下一次配种的天数。


conceive(怀孕):母猪孕育胎儿的状态。farrowing rate(分娩率):真正分娩的母猪数目与配种母猪数目的比值。culling(淘汰):将某些猪只从农场(猪场)里剔除出去的过程。Breed purity 品种纯度

Carcass Lean Percentage 胴体瘦肉率 Carcass &Meat Quality 胴体与肉质 Genetic profile 遗传标记 Genetic programs 育种计划 Genetic pyramid 遗传金字塔 Total herd reporting 全群测定

Specific performance testing 特定性能测定 Pig carcass grading and classification 胴体等级 Boar semen 公猪精液

Artificial insemination(AI,人工授精)Sow Productivity Index(SPI)母猪繁殖指数

Genetic traits for terminal sires终端父系遗传性状 growth rate 生长速度 Lean meat 瘦肉 Soundness 健壮 Uniformity 一致性

Feed efficiency 饲料利用率

Genetic traits for maternal lines 母系遗传性状 born alive 出生活仔数 Weaning weight 断奶重 Number weaned断奶猪数 Sow longevity母猪使用年限 Farrowing interval 分娩间隔 Geneticist 育种师

Heat exchangers 热交换器

Less dust and ammonia 较少的灰尘和氨气 Filter training pathogen barrier 空气过滤系统 Outbreak 爆发

Screen for the virus 病毒监控

Electronic sow feeding 母猪电子饲喂 Genetic improvement 良种繁育技术 Nutrition and feeding 营养饲养技术 Production management 生产管理技术 Environment control 猪舍环境控制技术 Disease control 疫病防治技术

Environment management 环境保护技术

Conventional and molecular breeding technology 常规育种和分子育种技术 Performance testing:ultrasonic technology(B-mode ultrasound),automatic feeding system性能测定:超声波技术、种猪自动饲喂系统 Back fat thickness 活体背膘厚 Loin eye muscle area 眼肌面积

Genetic evaluation:animal model BLUP

遗传评估:动物模型BLUP Maker-assisted selection分子标记辅助选择

New breeds and specialized lines 新品种和配套系 AI technology人工授精技术


Stage production procedure:service and pregnancy,farrowing and lactation,weaning and nursing,growth and finishing


pig husbandry 养猪业

Construct farm:site selection 建场:场址选择 body condition score(体况记分):估测猪只身体肥瘦(尤其是母猪)的一种5分制方法,即1——5分。growth rate(生长速度):猪只每天体重增加的克数。farrowing house(产仔舍,产房):母猪从产仔到泌乳的栏舍,亦称产房。gestation barn/dry sow house(怀孕舍):母猪怀孕的栏舍。nursery(保育舍):饲养断奶到30公斤猪只的栏舍。grow/finish(生长/育成舍):饲养30公斤到出栏猪的栏舍。wean to finish(断奶到育成舍):饲养断奶到屠宰猪的栏舍。all in/all out(全进全出制):一批猪从猪舍出来后,栏舍经彻底清洁后空栏数天再重新引入新猪群的饲养方式。batch(批次):一群日龄、大小相近的猪的总称。depopulation(清群):一种净化疾病的策略,就是将猪舍内的所有猪只清空的做法。

repopulation(建群):一种净化疾病的策略,就是将引进的健康猪只放回清空的猪舍的做法。Herd closure(闭群):一种净化疾病的策略,即将整个猪群封闭饲养一段时间,使猪群的健康状态保持一致的做法。batch farrowing(批次产仔):一批母猪作为一个组群进行同期的配种和产仔。three site production(三点生产):在三个不同的地点养猪的生产体系——总体上是怀孕/分娩在一个场/点;保育在另外一个场/点;而生长/育成在另外一个场/点。two site production(两点生产):在两个不同的地点养猪的生产体系——总体上有两种形式-a)怀孕,分娩和保育在一个场/点,而生长/育成在另外一个场/点;b)怀孕,分娩在一个场/点,而断奶到育成在另外一个场/点。Multiple-site-production 多点式生产 crates/stall(畜栏), ESF,Electronic sow feeding(电子母猪饲喂), trickle feeding(少喂多餐)Automatic feed自动给料

Automatic drink water 自动饮水 Slatted floor 漏粪地板

Ventilation and reduce the humidity indoor 室内通风降温系统 Natural ventilation 自然通风

Mechanical ventilation:negative pressure ventilation,positive ventilation机械通风:负压通风、正压通风

Lateral ventilation,roof ventilation 水平通风、屋顶通风 Reduce temperature in summer 夏季降温技术 Curtain 卷帘 Cooling pad 水帘

Heating system in winter 冬季保暖技术

Central heating,incubator,thick litter 暖气、保温箱、厚垫料




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