
时间:2019-05-15 03:38:47下载本文作者:会员上传


高级口译模块讲座补充资料编者:李锦森(Johnson Lee)

模块词汇 一 旅游景点旅行机构:

旅行社 travel agency 报价 quotation 包价旅行 package tour 团体旅行 group tour 散客 individual tourist 住宿 accommodation 膳食 meals 交通 transportation 游览 sightseeing 衣食住行 clothing, meals, accommodation/shelter, transportation


点:spot, site, resort, attraction, destination, must, mecca 名胜景点:scenic spot ,tourist attraction 历史古迹:historic site 名胜古迹:scenic spots and historic sites 避暑胜地: summer resort 游客必经之地: tourist destination/must/mecca 山水风光:landscape 祭坛/圣坛: altar 亭阁 pavilion 楼 mansion, tower 台 terrace 塔 pagoda,tower 殿堂 hall 陵墓 tomb, mausoleum 关 pass 石窟 grotto 络绎不绝 an endless stream 美不胜收 too many beautiful things to be appreciated at once 闻名遐迩 known far and wide 墨客骚人 famous men of letters 奇峰异石 picturesque peaks and rocks 奇花异草 exotic flowers and herbs

具体实考景点1:北京 故宫 the Imperial Palace

紫禁城 the Forbidden City 长城 the Great Wall 居庸关 Juyongguan Pass 不到长城非好汉 He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a man.具体实考景点2:苏州

园林建筑 garden architecture 苏绣 Suzhou Embroidery 寒山寺 Hanshan Temple 虎丘山 Tiger Hill 拙政园 Humble Administrator’s Garden 沧浪亭 Pavilion of Surging Waves 狮子林 Lion Forest Garden 留园 Lingering Garden

具体实考景点3:杭州 西湖 West Lake 苏堤 Su Causeway 白堤 Bai Causeway 灵隐寺 Temple of the Soul’s Retreat 飞来峰 Peak Flying from Afar 六和塔 Pagoda of Six Harmonies 虎跑泉 Tiger Spring

模块词汇 二 饮食文化烹饪

烹饪 culinary art 菜系 cuisine 美食节 gourmet festival 色、香、味、形俱全 perfect combination of color, aroma, taste and appearance 四大菜系:山东菜、四川菜、粤菜、扬州菜

Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Canton /Guangdong cuisine and Yangzhou cuisine 南淡北咸,东甜西辣 the light southern cuisine and the salty northern cuisine, the sweet eastern cuisine and the spicy western cuisine或

the light flavor in the south, the salty flavor in the north, the sweet flavor in the east and the spicy flavor in the west 白斩鸡 tender boiled chicken 臭豆腐 odd-odour bean curd 风味小吃 local delicacy 刀切、火候

刀切 cutting and slicing techniques 火候 heat control 切片 slicing 切条 cutting to strips 切丝 shredding 切柳 filleting 切丁 dicing 切碎 mincing 磨碎 grinding 大/旺/武火 strong heat 中火 medium heat 小/微/文火 gentle heat 烹饪方法(名词)

烹饪方法 Cooking Techniques 煎 pan-frying 炒 stir-frying 爆 quick-frying 炸 deep-frying 烩 stewing 熏 smoking 煨 simmering 煮 boiling 烘 baking 烤 roasting 蒸 steaming 红烧 braising(with soy sauce)涮羊肉 dip-boiled mutton slices 酒

啤酒 beer 洋酒 wine 黄酒 yellow rice wine 烈酒 spirit 白酒 white spirit

RPG:(课后口语练习,结合模块句型)A new client comes to visit your company, but does not want to have dinner with you, claiming that he has something important to do.You should: 1).Recommend a restaurant to him/her.2).Try to persuade him to have dinner with you.模块词汇 三 环境保护全球话题:

21世纪议程 Agenda 21 世界环境日 World Environment Day(June 5th each year)世界环境日主题 World Environment Day Themes 环境千年—行动起来吧!(2000)The Environment MillenniumOur FutureSave Our Seas!为了地球上的生命(1997)For Life on Earth 我们的地球、居住地、家园(1996)Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home 国际生物多样性日 International Biodiversity Day(29 December)世界水日 World Water Day(22 March)世界气象日 World Meteorological Day(23 March)世界海洋日 World Oceans Day(8 June)面临问题:

废水 waste/polluted water 废气 waste/polluted gas 废渣 residue 工业固体废物 industrial solid wastes 白色污染 white pollution(by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics)有机污染物 organic pollutants 森林砍伐率 rate of deforestation 水土流失 water and soil erosion 土壤盐碱化 soil alkalization 濒危野生动物 endangered wildlife 环境恶化 environmental degradation 城市化失控 uncontrolled urbanization 温室效应 greenhouse effect 全球变暖 global warming 拯救措施

中国环保基本政策 the basic policies of China’s environmental protection 预防为主、防治结合的政策 policy of prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control 治理环境污染 curb environmental pollution;bring the pollution under control 可降解一次性塑料袋 throwaway bio-degradable plastic bags 垃圾填埋场 refuse landfill 垃圾焚化厂 refuse incinerator 防止过度利用森林 protect forests from overexploitation 水土保持 conservation of water and soil 水资源保护区 water resource conservation zone 造林工程 afforestation project 珍稀濒危物种繁育基地 rare and endangered species breeding center 绿化祖国 turn the country green 全民义务植树日 National Tree-Planting Day 森林覆盖率 forest coverage 防风林 wind breaks(防沙林 sand breaks)速生林 fast-growing trees 降低资源消耗率 slow down the rate of resource degradation 开发可再生资源 develop renewable resources 环保产品 environment-friendly products 自然保护区 nature reserve


A: animal/plant that is on the verge of extinction B: hunter/hewer B had to kill or cut A for a living.A should try to persuade B not to do so.模块词汇 四 教育 & 文化学校教育机构:

小学 primary/elementary school 中学 middle/high school 初中 junior high school 高中 senior high school 大专 college 大学 university(小学)校长 Headmaster(中学)校长 Principal(大学)代理校长 Acting President(大学)副校长 Vice President(大学)校长 President(大学)名誉校长Chancellor 义务教育 compulsory education 学前教育 preschool education 特殊教育 special education 高等教育 higher education/tertiary education 教育目标:

素质教育 quality-oriented education/education designed to raise the overall quality of students 陶冶情操 cultivate one’s taste and temperament

五讲四美三热爱 the movement of “ five stresses, four points of beauty and three loves”

以人为本 people oriented/foremost 有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律 with lofty ideals, integrity, knowledge and a strongsense of discipline 德才兼备 to combine ability with character;equal stress on integrity and ability 教育课程及教学方式: 公开课 open class 课程 course;curriculum 必修课 required/compulsory course 选修课 elective/optional course 基础课 basic course 专业课 specialized course 课程表 school timetable 课外活动 extracurricular activities 课外辅导 instruction after class 课外阅读 outside reading 课堂讨论 class discussion(大学的)研究小组;讨论会 seminar 教学大纲 teaching program;syllabus 教学内容 content of courses 毕业典礼 graduation ceremony;commencement 毕业鉴定 graduation appraisal 毕业论文 thesis;dissertation 毕业生graduate 毕业实习graduation field work 毕业证书 diploma;graduation certificate 网上教学 online teaching/education 函授课程 correspondence course 人才:

人才流失 brain drain 智囊团

brain trust/think tank 人才战

competition for talented people 双向选择 two-way selection 有识之士 people of vision 职业培训 job training 智力引进 recruit/introduce talents 智力支持 intellectual support 专门人才 professional personnel

Q : You are supposed to be the school president, what will you do if your school receives a government grant of 5 million dollars?(课后口语练习,结合模块单词)

模块词汇 五 体育 基本体育项目:

田径类:Track and Field 跳远 long/broad jump 三级跳 triple jump 跳高 high jump 长跑 long-distance race 竞走 walking;walking race 标枪 javelin throw 铁饼 discus throw 跨栏 hurdling 马拉松赛跑 Marathon(race)五项全能 pentathlon 七项全能 heptathlon 十项全能 decathlon

体操类:Gymnastics 双杠 parallel bars 单杠 horizontal bar 跳马 vaulting horse 鞍马 pommel horse平衡木 balance beam 自由体操 floor/free exercises

其他:Others 跆拳道 taekwondo 柔道 judo 摔跤 wrestling 冰球运动 ice hockey 冰上运动 ice sports 滑水 water-skiing 滑艇/皮艇 canoeing 击剑 fencing 毽子 shuttlecock 举重 weightlifting 垒球 softball 手球 handball 曲棍球 hockey;field hockey 赛艇运动 rowing 踢毽子 shuttlecock kicking 跳伞 parachuting 击剑 fencing 保龄球 bowling 赛马 horse race 马术 equestrian sports 航空运动 aviation/air/flying sports

奥林匹克运动会 The Olympiads

奥林匹克火炬 Olympic torch 奥林匹克圣火 Olympic flame 奥林匹克誓词 Olympic oath 奥运村 Olympic village 奥运会城 Olympic city 奥运项目 Olympic events 奥运选手 Olympian 东道国 host country 国际奥委会 International Olympic Committee(IOC)国际奥委会主席 president of the IOC 组织委员会 Organizing Committee 会歌 anthem 会徽 emblem 会旗 flag of the games 金牌 gold medal 银牌 silver medal 铜牌 bronze medal 开幕式 opening ceremony 闭幕式 closing ceremony 口号 motto 同一个世界,同一个梦想 One World, One Dream

Oral Practice: Bidding for the Olympic Games(课后口语练习,结合模块句型)

A: Representative of Mars B: Representative of the U.S A and B are bidding for the 3008 Olympic Games in a public TV program, they have to undergo: 1).Free talk(1 minute for each representative)2).Debate(5 minutes)so as to win public opinions and become the host country.模块词汇 六 公共卫生基本概述

急性病 acute disease 慢性病 chronic disease 流行病 epidemic disease 地方病 endemic disease 传染病 contagious disease 肺炎 pneumonia 支气管炎 bronchitis 癌症 cancer 流感 flu 高血压 high blood pressure 疟疾 malaria 伤寒 typhoid 霍乱 cholera SARS 症状 symptom 疫情 SARS situation/statistics 防治 prevention and treatment 疑似病例 suspected case 确诊病例 confirmed case 发现 detection 报告 reporting 隔离 quarantine 治疗 treatment AIDS 非法采血 illegal blood collecting 走私 smuggling 贩毒 drug trafficking 卖淫嫖娼 prostitution 性工作者 sex worker 打击 crack down on 灭绝 eliminate 血液传播 blood transmission

手足口病 hand-foot-mouth disease(HFMD)口腔溃疡 sores in the mouth 手足疱疹rashes on hands and feet 低烧 slight fever 水泡 blister

中医 TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine)草药 herbal medicine 针刺麻醉 acupuncture anesthesia 针灸疗法 acupuncture and moxibustion 按摩推拿 medical massage

气功 qigong/controlled breathing exercises 太极 Taijiquan boxing 内伤七情 internal causes 喜 joy 怒 anger 忧 worry 思 thought 悲 grief/sadness 恐 fear 惊 panic 外感六淫 external causes 风 wind 寒 cold/chill 暑 heat 湿 wetness 燥 dryness 火 fire 新陈代谢 metabolism


The conversation took place in a private clinic(where everything is likely to happen).模块词汇 七 传统中国艺术艺术及工艺

版画 engraving 贝雕画 shell carving picture 彩塑 painted sculpture 瓷器 porcelain 陶器 pottery 刺绣 embroidery 雕刻 carving 宫灯 palace lantern 国画 Chinese painting 剪纸 paper-cut 木刻画 wood engraving 水墨画 Chinese brush drawing/ink and wash painting 微雕 miniature engraving 戏剧表演

京剧 Peking opera 京剧人物脸谱 facial/theatrical makeup 生 male characters 旦 female characters 净 “painted face” characters 末 middle-aged male characters 丑 clown 木偶戏 puppet show 独角戏 monodrama 皮影戏 shadow play 折子戏 opera highlights 戏剧小品 skit 哑剧 dumb show 单口相声 monologue comic talk 双口相声 cross comic talk/witty dialogue 口技 vocal imitation 说书 story-telling 杂技 acrobatic performance 叠罗汉 making a human pyramid 特技 stunt 踩高跷 stilt walk 传统节日

端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 清明节 Tomb-sweeping Festival 元宵节 Lantern Festival 植树节 Tree-planting Day 中秋节 Mid-autumn Festival 重阳节 Double Ninth Festival 春节 spring festival 除夕 New Year’s Eve


拜年 paying a New Year call 年夜饭 family reunion dinner(on Lunar New Year’s Eve)爆竹 firecracker 鞭炮 a string of small firecrackers 辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new 灯谜 lantern riddle 观灯 viewing the lanterns 庙会 temple fair 饺子 dumplings(with meat and vegetable stuffing)龙灯舞 dragon lantern dance 粽子 glutinous rice dumpling(wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves)

模块词汇 八 城市化上海聚焦

外滩 the Bund 东方明珠电视塔 Oriental Pearl TV Tower 不夜城 sleepless city;ever-bright city 长江三角洲 the Yangtze River Delta 磁悬浮列车 maglev train 国际大都市 international metropolis/cosmopolitan city 东海之滨的明珠 the pearl on the coast of the East China Sea 高架公路 elevated highway, overhead road 国际商业、贸易、金融中心 international business, trade and financial center 龙华寺 Longhua Temple 内环线高架 the inner ring line overpass 浦东新区 Pudong New Area 轻轨火车 light rail train 人民广场 People’s Square

万国建筑博览 an exhibition of International Architectures 信息港 cyber port 玉佛寺 Jade Buddha Temple 豫园 Yu Yuan Garden 社会问题

失学儿童 dropouts 民工潮 overflow of migrant laborers 失业 unemployment 盲流 people blindly migrating from rural areas 文盲 illiterate 人口爆炸 population explosion 人口过剩 overpopulation 新生儿死亡率 infant mortality rate;neonatal mortality rate 人口出生率 birth rate 人口老龄化 aging of population 人口增长的高峰期 baby boom 犯罪 crime 解决措施

国企下岗职工基本生活保障 guarantee of basic cost of living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises 关心老龄人 care for senior citizens.计划生育责任制 responsibility system of family planning 搞好优生优育 promote good prenatal and postnatal care 加强计划生育工作 further improve family planning 人口增长与社会经济发展相协调 try to keep population growth in line with social and economic development “扫黄打非”斗争 fight against pornography, illegal publications and piracy 社会保障 social security 社会福利制度the social welfare system 伤残保险 disability insurance 失业保险 unemployment insurance 养老保险 retirement insurance 医疗保险 medical insurance 最低生活保障制度the minimum living standard security system 扫除青壮年文盲 eliminate illiteracy among young and middle-aged people

RPG:(课后口语练习,结合模块句型)A is supposed to be a tourist in Shanghai who became penniless then and had to phone his/her friend, B, a friend he/she had lost contact for 10 years.However, B could not recognize A’s voice over the phone.A should: 1).Remind B of who he/she is 2).Ask for B’s help.Finally, after a moment’s hesitation, B agreed and offered to help A with the unfinished journey.模块词汇 九 世贸组织词汇基本概述

关贸总协定(世界贸易组织的前身)GATT(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)出口补贴export subsidy 出口实绩export performance 垂直兼并 vertical merger 横向兼并 horizontal merger 反补贴税countervailing duty 反倾销措施 anti-dumping measures against„ 反向通知counter-notification 非配额产品 quota-free products 非生产性投资 investment in non-productive projects 国际清算 international settlement 国际收支 balance of international payments/ balance of payment 国际收支条款BOP(Balance-of-payments)Provisions 国民待遇national treatment 国内补贴domestic subsidy 国内生产domestic production 海关估价Customs valuation 海关完税价值Customs value 进口差价税import variable duties 进口附加税import surcharge 进口环节税 import linkage tax 进口渗透import penetration 进口替代import substitution 进口许可import licensing 进口押金import deposits 垃圾融资 junk financing 粮食安全food security 慢性萧条 chronic depression

配额调整条款modulation of quota clause 瓶颈制约 'bottleneck' restrictions 全球配额 global quota 上诉机构appeal body 申报制度 reporting system;income declaration system 生产补贴production subsidy 实行国民待遇 grant the national treatment to„ 实质损害material injury 市场准入market access 同类产品like product 争端解决机构dispute settlement body 政府采购 government procurement 知识产权IPRs(Intellectual property rights)直接支付direct payment 专门的营销机构market boards 祖父条款 grandfather clause 最不发达国家LDCs(Least-developed countries)最初谈判权(初谈权)INRs(Initial Negotiating Rights)最惠国待遇(现通常称'正常贸易关系')MFN(most-favored-nation)treatment 最惠国贸易地位(待遇)MFN(Most-favored-nation)(Treatment)专门机构

北美自由贸易区 NAFTA(North American Free Trade Area)东部和南部非洲共同市场COMESA(Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa)东盟自由贸易区ASEAN Free Trade Area 国际标准化组织ISO(International Organization for Standardization)国际货币基金组织IMF(International Monetary Fund)国际贸易中心ITC(International Trade Center)国际贸易组织ITO(International Trade Organization)联合国环境署UNEP(United Nations Environment Program)联合国开发计划署UNDP(United Nations Development Program)联合国粮农组织FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)联合国贸易与发展会议UNCTAD(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)欧洲自由贸易联盟EFTA(European Free Trade Association)

模块词汇 十 国际关系词汇基本概述

安全考虑 security consideration 傲慢行为 arrogant behavior 多极化 multipolarity 霸权主义 hegemonism 强权政治 power politics 国家主权 national sovereignty 民族资源 national resource 边界谈判 boundary negotiation 不结盟国家 non-aligned countries 采取惩罚行动 take punitive actions 采取高姿态 show magnanimity 采取协调行动 take concerted steps 常驻代表 permanent representative 弹性外交 elastic diplomacy 邓小平外交思想 Deng Xiaoping’s diplomatic thoughts 低调 low keyed 电话协商 telephone negotiations 独联体国家 Commonwealth of Independent States(CIS)“渡假外交”holiday-making diplomacy 附庸国 dependency 高层次、全方位的对话 high-level and all-directional dialogue 公认的国际关系原则 generally-accepted principles of international relations 公使馆 legation 公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序 a fair and rational new international political and economic order 国际商会 International Chamber of Commerce(ICC)国际雇佣者组织 International Organization of Employers(IOE)国际关系的准则 norms governing international relations 国际惯例 international common practice 国际货币基金会 International Monetary Fund(IMF)国际金融组织 International Finance Corporation(IFC)国际聚焦 international spotlight 国家不分大小,应该一律平等

All countries, big or small, should be equal.捍卫国家主权、领土完整和民族尊严

safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity 毫无根据的媒体报导 groundless media reports 和平共处五项原则 the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 环太平洋地区 Pacific Rim 缓和 detente 抗美援朝战争 War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea 联络处 liaison office 领土管辖权 territorial jurisdiction 领土毗连 territorial contiguity 流血冲突 bloody conflict 民间外交 people-to-people diplomacy 南北对话 South-North dialogue 南南合作 South-South cooperation 贫穷国家 impoverished nation 全方位外交 multi-faceted diplomacy 伸张正义、主持公道 adhere to principles and uphold justice 神圣不可侵犯 sacred and inviolable 审时度势 size up the situation 推翻一个政权 topple a regime 外交承认 diplomatic recognition 外交纷争 diplomatic dispute 外交攻势 diplomatic offensive 外交使团 diplomatic mission 外交政策的基石 cornerstone of a country’s foreign policy 万国公法 law of nations 维持外交关系 maintain diplomatic relations 维护世界和平safeguard world peace 武装冲突 armed conflict 西方国家利益 Western interests 中美联合公报 Sino-US joint communique 总领事馆 consulate general


Unit 2 商务访问

Memorandum 备忘录

alumni 男校友

official trip

公差 breakneck speed 疾速

direct flight

直航 call for 要求 叫喊 sister school 姐妹学校

humane leadership 人性化的领导 aluminum 铝

blue helmets 联合国维和部队 hides and skins 兽皮

Meteorological storms 气象风暴 预定

reserve book


have a happy gather together 零部件

component 诚挚



prestige reputation 名胜

place of interest 不懈努力

unremitting effort 青春活力

energetic In the spirit of 本着..精神 Reception 招待会

Win-win cooperation 双赢合作 Cocktail party 鸡尾酒会 Welcome party 欢迎酒会 Return dinner 答谢宴会 Exchange of visit 互访 As Requested 按..要求 Farewell dinner 告别宴会 Glee feast 庆功宴


your/his/her honor/Excellency 贵宾

distinguished guest 欢迎致辞 welcome address


harmony brings wealth


host a dinner/banquet/luncheon in honor of 建交

establish diplomatic relations 不胜感激 to be obligated to 单双人间

single/ double room 心想事成may all your wishes come true 实话实说 speak the plaint truth / tell it as it is

头等舱 first class

商务舱 business class 经济舱 economy class


take the preemptive opportunities 礼尚往来 courtesy calls for reciprocity 往返票 round trip ticket

Unit 3礼仪祝词

Host the six party talks 主持六方会谈 A peaceful resolution 和平解决

Play a constructive role 发挥建设性作用 Trade partners 商业合伙人

Allocation mechanisms 分配机制

Mechanism design theory 机制设计理论 Social welfare 社会福利

An efficient allocation of resources 有效的资源分配

Side effects 副作用

Institutional arrangement 制度安排 national dignity民族尊严

games of incomplete information 不完全信息竞争

in the spirit of mutual understanding and respect 本着相互理解与尊重的精神

fully integrate into the rules and norms of international trading and finance system 与国际贸易金融系统的规则与规范接轨 圆满结束 successful conclusion

非常重视 attach great importance to 欠发达地区

underdeveloped area


the inaugural annual meeting 以人为本

people oriented

建立世界经济新秩序 the establishment of a new economic order

社会转型期 transformation period of society 投资环境 investment environment 南南合作

south-south cooperation


on the basis of the principle of equality and mutual benefit


establish a equality and just new international political and economic order


information 1 sharing meeting on china –Africa investment and trade

从温饱不足到总体小康的转变 a change from lack of basic living necessities to moderate prosperity 从封闭半封闭经济到开放型经济的转变

transform itself from a closed and semi-closed planned economy into a open socialist market economy

Unit 4 商务谈判

Terms of payment 付款条件 Pay a margin 交付保证金

International practices 国际惯例

An irrecoverable L/C 不可撤销信用证 Arrange an early shipment 安排提前装运 Partial shipment and transshipment 分批及转运

Specimen contract 合同样品

D/P document against payment 付款交单(acceptance 承兑)

Make delivery 交货,送货

Countermand our order 取消订单 Draft sight 见票即付

Credit status 信用评价 L/C payment 信用证付款 Remain valid 仍然有效 交货期 date of delivery 终止合同 conceal a contract 守信用 maintain reputation 提出索赔 lodge claim 分批装运 partial shipment


commercial integrating 约束力 constraining force 现金投标保证金 cash bid deposit 遵守合同 observed a contract 重合同 contract are honored

中国商标检验局 CCIB china commodity inspection bureau 开标 bid opening 商品目录 catalog 运费 freight

保险费 premium

折扣 discount allowance

含佣价 price including commission

零售价 retail price 批发价

wholesale price 现 /期货价格spot / forward price 信用证 letter of credit

付款交单 document against payment 承兑交单 document against acceptance

即期付款交单document against payment at sight

离岸价(船上交货价)free onboard 成本加运费价 cost and freight 到岸价 cost insurance and freight Time of delivery 交货时间

Remittance 汇付 Demand draft 票汇 Telegraphic draft 电汇

Advance payment 预先付款 Shipping documents 装运单据 Counter offer 还盘 Inquiry/enquiry 询盘

Cash settlement 现金结算 Time of validity 有效期限

Irrevocable L/C payable against draft at sight 见票即付的不可撤销信用证

Transferable L/C and divisible 可转让与可分割的信用证

Extend shipment 延期装运

Partial shipment 分批装运

Effect/ make shipment 装运

tenderer 投标者

Unit 5 商务会议

Staff in the field and at headquarters 在外地和总部工作的工作人员 Successor 接任者

International diplomacy 国际外交

战略经济对话 SED strategic economic dialogue

G8 summit 八国峰会 APEC fiancé ministers’ meeting 亚太经合组织财长会议

International aid 国际援助 Address the issue 讨论这一问题 Global climate change 全球气候变化 Clean energy 清洁能源

A forestation project 造林工程 Avian flu 禽流感

Infant mortality 婴儿死亡 Cabinet meeting 内阁会议 Submit the budget 提交预算 Veto a bill 否决提案


an important platform 有效机制 effective mechanism

本着友谊和平合作发展的宗旨 in pursuit of friendship,peace,cooperation and development 促进发展中国家团结合作 promote unity and cooperation among developing countries 经受历史岁月和国际风云变幻的考验

endure the test of time and changes in the world


the principle of sincerity,equality,mutual support and common development 持久和平,共同繁荣的和谐世界

a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity


congratulate on the successful convening of the conference 中国驻美使馆经商处

the economic and commercial counselor’s office of the Chinese embassy in the US 美国中国总商会

china general chamber of commerce in the US 较强的制造业,服务业,农业的产业基础

a strong industrial foundation in areas such as manufacturing, services and agriculture 良好的营商环境,完善的基础设施,优越的办公条件,高素质的人力资源

a favorable business climate,well-established infrastructure,superb Office facilities and high-quality human resources 将扩大内需作为拉动经济增长的重要引擎

make expanding domestic demand an important engine for boosting economic


构建社会主义和谐社会 establish a harmonious socialist society


average annual GDP growth rate


the aggregate sales of consumer goods


an environmentally friendly and resources-conserving society


the aggregate sales of capital goods


economic complementarities and reciprocity of trade and economic cooperation

Unit 6 新闻发布

Net export 净出口

Business investment 企业投资 Social security 社会保障 Special favors Silicon valley 硅谷

Balanced economic growth平衡式经济增长 Medicare 医疗保险 Medicaid 医疗补助计划 Trade imbalance 贸易不平衡 Mass manufacturing 大量制造

Generate clean energy 产生清洁能源 Social safety net 社会安全网 Eliminate barriers 消除障碍

Mechanization of farming 农业机械化 宏观调控 macro control

经济结构问题 problems about economic structure


fixed-asset investment


reform of non-tradable shares


energy conservation and consumption reduction


ups and downs


excessive price hike


the economic system problem

system that suitable for china’s reality 外汇储备

foreign exchange reserve 非金融类的外汇投资


Unit 7新品推介 foreign investment


three rural issue


economic growth pattern

Cost-effective manner 成本有效的方式 市场机制

market mechanism Drinking water 饮用水 外汇投资机构

foreign exchange investment Self-sufficiency 自给自足

institutions Navigate 驾驶 操纵 Strategic economic dialogue 战略性经济对Robust and resilient 活力与弹性 话 Desalination 减少盐分 脱盐 Anti-dumping 反倾销 Graphics interface 图形接口

Trade protection 贸易保护主义

Personalize 使个性化

Snowballing effect 滚雪球效应 Freshwater 淡水 In concrete terms 具体而言 Reservoir 水库 蓄水池

Move the needle on the economy Telephony 电话制造 Designate resources 分配资源


intermediate car Geothermal power 地热


coverage area Solar thermal 太阳能


product line Risk-averse 拒绝风险


virtual 土地使用权

the right to use the land 售后服务

after-sale severce 土地产权

the ownership of the land 工业园 industrial park 家庭承包经营制

the family contract 强劲的发展势头

driving development vigor responsibility system 诠释

annotation 社会保障制度改革

social security system 锐意更新

commit to update reform 喜闻乐见

be delighted to hear and see 股份制

share-holding systems 旗舰




common touch eliminate the destabilizing and unhealthy 手动版

the manual version factors in the economy 中低端产品

mid-low end products 巩固宏观调控的成果

solidify the Popularity / awareness 产品知名度 achievements of Marco regulations Brand extension 品牌扩展 解决经济生活中的深层次矛盾问题

Brand image 品牌形象 address the deeply rooted problems in Brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度 economy Buying behavior 购买行为 调整结构,转变经济增长方式achieve a Buying intention 购买意图 restructured transformation of the economic Dealer 经销商

growth pattern Differentiation strategy 差异化战略 实现社会公平与正义

realize social Direct selling 直销 fairness and justice reform Direct segmenting 细分市场 推进国有企业的改革

promote Pricing 定价 state-owned and enterprise reform Targeting 选择目标市场 农村税费改革

reform of the rural taxes and Turnover 销量

administrative fees Poor market 滞销 适合中国国情的社保体系

a social security Positioning 产品定位 Best seller /the best selling line 畅销货

Breadth of product assortment 产品线的宽度 研发

research and development 科技创新 scientific and technological innovation 十一五计划 the eleventh five-year plan 迈上新台阶 step onto the news stage 跨入新时代 usher into the new era 核心竞争力 core competitiveness 高端市场 top-end /upmarket /upscale 中端市场 mid-range 低端市场 bottom-end / down market/ downscale


adaptation to market variations 可获得性/供货能力


物美价廉 excellent equality and reasonable price 销路好

find a ready market

广告和促销 advertising and sales promotion 广告效果 advertising effects 广告反馈 advertising feedback 广告频率 advertising frequency 广告接收人数 advertising reach 科技成果转化生产力 transform the research results into productivity


rejuvenate the country through science and education Unit 10 招商会展

Public sector 国有部门

Private sector 私营企业 Mobilize 动员,调集

Business to business 电子商务 Retard 延迟 阻止 Sourcing 纯源化 Nexus 关系 连接

Volume buyer 大宗买家

Prevailing inequalities 普遍存在的不平等现象

Sales lead 销售现状 航线


欧陆古典风格 European classical style 吞吐量

handling capacity




near the mountain and by the sea 名列前茅 come out in front / at the top of the list

得天独厚 be richly endowed by nature 网上预定

online booking 通车里程


精简机构 streamline government organs 黄海之滨 shore of yellow sea


people-oriented / put people first Export proceeds 出口收入 Virtuous circle 良性循环 Vicious circle 恶性循环 Coverage 覆盖率

Technological transfer 技术转让 Humane habitat 人居环境 Social security 社会保障 Handling capacity 吞吐量 Cyber economic 网络经济

Info port 信息港

International common practice 国际惯例 Traditional industry 传统产业

Urban planning 城市规划/city landscape plan

Complementary /auxiliary measures 配套措施

Take-over, acquisition,leasing and privatization 收购,兼并,租赁 民营 Confer benefit on 给予好处 Lend cooperation 给予合作 Render support to 给予支持

Get the most use out of 充分利用 High-tech business incubator 创业园 Unveil 出台

Motivate the initiative 调动积极性

Incentive structure of enterprise scheme 激励机制

Nationwide 覆盖全社会 Key enterprise 骨干企业

Patterns of imports and exports 进出口商品结构

Diversify the economic structure 经济结构多样化

Commercialization of research findings 科技成果转化

Great-leap-forward development 跨越式发展 Increase domestic demand 扩大内需 Stimulate the market启动市场

Social all-round progress 社会全面进步 Approve and initiate a project 项目立项

Examination and approval of project 项目审批

Open a new chapter in the annals of a history 翻开新篇章

The system of refunding taxes on exported goods 出口退税制度

To bring china’s economy more in line with international practice 使中国经济与国际接轨

Unit 11 旅游与文化

Itinerary 旅程,行程

Multilingual guide 会多种语言的导游 Peak season 旺季 Off-season 淡季

Shoulder season平季

Receiving country 旅游接待国

Tourist destination country 旅游目的国 International terminal 国际航班候机楼 Domestic terminal 国内航班候机楼 Shuttle机场内来往班车

Loading bridge 候机室至飞机的连接通路 The world map of culture industries 文化产业在全球的分布

World cultural heritage 世界文化遗产 Intangible cultural heritage 非物质文化遗产 Cultural diversity 文化多样性 Creative industries 创意产业

文化体制改革 reform of cultural administrative system 文化单位

cultural enterprise 经济性文艺演出 commercial art and cultural performance 国家一级保护文物 class-A cultural property under state protection

策划 executive producer 顾问 advisor


hosted by sponsored by 承办 presented by 监制 supervised

小额文化援助 small-fund aid for cultural development

公益文化活动 non-profit cultural programs 民族凝聚力和创造力

national cohesion and creativity


garden architecture 景色如画

picturesque views


landscape of lakes and hills 工艺精湛,独具匠心

exquisite workmanship with an original design

Sumptuous food fairs 奢侈的的食品博览会 A tremendous depth and variety 一个巨大的深度和多样性

Aboriginal tourism 原住民观光 main –market players 市场主体 specialty shopping 专卖店

resource-based industries 资源丰富的产业 leading-edge museums 尖端的博物馆 a continuum of products 连续的产品 文化经济

cultural economy


information distributing platform


brand culture products 品牌策略

brand strategy


substantial growth 复合增长率

compound growth rate


driving force of economic growth


3月2日 徳中同性

省长 m.Gouverneur

阁下 f Exzellenz

昙花一现 einmaliges Feuerwerk

值此金秋时节 an diesem goldenen Herbsttag

大道 die Promenade

将……归功于,为……感谢…… Jm verdanken A

大都会 die Metropole

为……奠基 den Grundstein legen

值……之际 anlässlich

甚为关切的事情,请求,愿望 das Anliegen

超越 weit über A hinaus gehen

可持续发展的城市化 nachhaltige Urbanisierung

双边的 bilateral

主办方,赞助方 der Sponsor

世博会 Expo f Weltausstellung

公民社会 f Zivilgesellschaft

脱贫 von der Armut befreien/ die Armut loswerden

贫困线 f Armutsgrenze

人均国内生产总值 das Prokopf-Bruttoinlandsprodukt

清醒的看待 vernünftig/ nüchtern betrachten/ einsehen

星球 der Planet(Einwohner des Planeten)

公平竞争 faire Konkurenz/Wettbewerb führen

可喜发展 erfreuliche Entwicklung

经济和金融危机 Wirtschafts-und Finanzkrise

货币和金融政策 WährungsBundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales 联邦劳工和社会事务部


Unit 1 Hyatt Regency Shanghai 上海茂悦大酒店 Magnetic levitation train 磁悬浮列车

Shuttle bus

通勤车 往返班车 A must-sea place


The Expo taxi system

世博会出租车叫车专线 Frenchtown


The oriental pearl tower

东方明珠塔 The bund

外滩 The city god temple


The expo’s licensed product 世博会特许产品 The Dragon Boat Festival

端午节 The chinese lunar new year

农历新年 The warring states period


In a state of fragmentation and conflict 分崩离析的冲突状态 In exile

流放 Bamboo leave

竹叶 Reed leave

苇叶 Glutinous rice

糯米 Sweet red bean

红豆 Date

大枣 Sweet potato

红薯 Talisman

护身符 Fend off evil spirits

驱凶避邪 Work up an appetite

胃口大增 Specialty

招牌菜 Lobster

龙虾 Fish hotpot

火锅鱼 MSG



令人上瘾的 Original flavor

原汁原味 Light cooking


Grab a quick bite

很快地吃一口 People on the run

赶时间的人们 Kingdom of cuisine

美食王国 Pita bread soaked in lamb soup 羊肉泡馍 Peking roasted duck


Burst someone’s bubble

打破某人的幻想 Up in smoke

希望破灭 Tumble down

崩溃 跌落 Macaroni

意大利通心粉 Fusilli

螺旋面 Lasagne

宽面条 Broccoli


Agree to disagree

持保留意见 Faulty product

瑕疵品 Memory

内存 Foundation


Thickening mascara 浓密式睫毛膏 Eye shadow

眼影 Sunroof

汽车天窗 Outlet

大卖场 Overstock



拉开 划开 Word processing

文字处理 Special deal




A sunblock rating of 8

防晒指数8 Air bag


Cruise control

巡航系统 导航 Paperwork

资料 文件

Unit 2 Economic downturn

经济衰退 Sadden

使悲伤 Casualty

死者 伤者 Go out to

对...表示同情 Servicemen and women

现役军人 In conjunction with

与....一道 Ally

盟军 盟友 For good

永远 长久 Heads of government

政府首脑 Bewildering

令人困惑的 An array of

一连串的 Multiple sclerosis

多种硬化症 In the prime of one’s life 正值壮年时候 Instill

灌输 Role model

榜样 Consul General


Workshop on financing sustainable development in chongqing 金融与重庆可持续发展研讨会 The chongqing financial authority

重庆市金融办 Noble house


The national people’s congress foreign affairs committee


NPC environmental and Resources protection committee

全国人大环境与资源保护委员会 Low-carbon economy

低碳经济 The UK-China action plan for sustainable city

英中可持续城市行动计划 Intellectual property rights issues

知识产权问题 A green fiscal stimulus

绿色财政刺激方案 Renewable technology

可再生技术 Competitive advantage

竞争优势 Standard chartered

渣打银行 Envisage

想象 展望

Video address

电视讲话 电视致辞 Showcase


Commissioner general

总代表 主办机构 Have a stake in

与...有利害关系 Free Trade Area

自由贸易区 Tide over current difficulties and Achieve win-win results

共克时艰,互利共赢 One country,Two system

一国两制 Civil servant


The new strategy of open and moderate

开放、稳健发展的新战略 Development State-to-state relationship

国与国之间的关系 Bilateral ties with strategic significance and global influence

具有战略意义和全球影响的双边关系 Adopt a long-term perspective

登高望远 Seek common ground while resolving differences


Unit 3 The Olympic Flame

奥运圣火 Tibetan antelope

藏羚羊 The Paralympics

残奥会 Bird’s Nest

鸟巢 Water Cube

水立方 Synchronized swimming

花样游泳 Doping

兴奋剂 Istanbul

伊斯坦布尔 Osaka

大阪 Incheon


Self-respect,self-improvement,自尊,自强,自立,自信 Self-confidence and self-reliance

Unit 4 Instant frozen food


Chinese Desk Officer

负责中国事务的官员 Tantalizing

诱人的 Tourism industry


Leapfrog development

跨越式发展 Potala Palace

布达拉宫 Qomolangma Peak

珠穆朗玛峰 Nature Reserve

Sightseeing tour

Folk customs tour

Ecological tour


Inbound and outbound tourist

Fixed assets

Pillar industry

Scenic spots and historical sites

The Five Sacred Mountains

Three Gorges of Yangtze River

Cultural relics


Mogao Cave

Paradise on earth

Water-sprinkling Festival

Tomb Sweeping Day

Unit 5 Cerebral palsy

This is no picnic

Student government

Talk back

A reality TV show

Faculty and stuff


The Party Central Committee

The State Council

Earthquake relief

Hardest-hit area/region

The Land of Abundance

Education for illiterates

Foster an environment of...自然保护区



















顶嘴 不服从 真人秀节目 教职员工 教育 辅导

党中央 国务院

抗震救灾 重灾区 天府之国 扫盲教育


Unit 6 Tidal power

潮汐能 Geothermal power

地热能 Ultraviolet

紫外线 Nuclear weapon proliferation

核武器扩散 Solar water heater

太阳能热水器 Atmospheric convection


Counterfeit and pirated product

假冒伪劣及盗版产品 Educational attainment

Reckon with


Bear witness to

Swelling population

Resource strain

Waste disposal


Spring Festival travel


heritability of myopia

Unit 7



Task Force

Women’s Federation

Population aging


Disease prevalence

Communicable disease

Unit 8 Head of state

Economic fundamentals

Renewable energy

Shale gas
















行动小组 工作小组



退休金 养老金



国家元首 基本经济原理


页岩气 动员,团结



高调的,引人注目的 Extrapolate



不切实际的 Burgeoning

迅速发展的 hegemonistic thinking

霸权思维 Transgression

越界行为 Asian integration


UN peacekeeping operations

联合国维和行动 Military Region Commander

军区总司令 Confront challenges together and pursue mutual benefit and

同舟共济,互利共赢 win-win progress Seek hegemony


Converging interests

各方利益的汇合点 Advance one’s interests at the expense of others

损人利己,以邻为壑 The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

和平共处五项原则 A positive,cooperative and comprehensive China-US

21世界积极合作全面的中美关系 Relationship for the 21st century A nuclear-weapon-free world

无核武器世界 Advisory body

咨询机构 Normalization of diplomatic


邦交正常化 Joint Declaration

联合宣言 Focus on the big picture

着眼大局 Take a prudent and calm approach 慎重冷静

Unit 9 Multipolarity

多极化 Transnational crime

跨国犯罪 Six-Party Talks

六方会谈 Resurgence of terrorism

恐怖主义回潮 Rampant drug trafficking

毒品走私猖獗 Copenhagen Accord

哥本哈根协议 Honor one’s word with real action

言必行,行必果 Full extent of cooperation

全面合作 Self-sustaining and self-sufficient

独立自主的 Destitute

极度贫困 Harness the positive role

发挥积极作用 Unwavering confidence

坚定的信心 Political reconciliation

政治和解 Address both the symptom and root causes

标本兼治 Scale up support

加大支持力度 Counter narcotics

禁毒 Grant assistance

无偿援助 Adopt by vote


Unit 10 The problem of feeding people

A generally well-off society

Foreign exchange reserves

Total volume of international trade

A long way to go

Test the water

Small steps leading to big success

Industrial output value

IPR protection

Eastern seaboard

Becoming saturated

Pipe dreams

Legal cost

Marketing and distribution networks Comprehensive economic strength

Tourism revenue

Local fiscal revenue

The non-public sector


Expanding demand both domestically and internationally

Providing better public services for the people

Increase in real terms

The threshold level
























Unit 11 Hit a all-time high


On a per capital basis

以人均水平来说 US Treasury securities/bonds


Address specific issues such as

解决食品、产品安全等具体问题 food and product safety The tertiary industry

第三产业 Board of directors

董事会 Consensus


Economic complementarity

经济互补性 A well-worn path


Legislative and regulatory requirement

立法与监管要求 The Treasurer

财务总管 财长 People of Chinese descent

华裔 Compared with last month

环比 Compared with the same period of last year 同比

Sister-province and sister-city

友好省份和友好城市 Positive momentum of growth

势头强劲 Household savings


Social safety net

社会保障体系 Help to keep inflation down


Unit 12 Down coat

羽绒服 Food coupon


Under Secretary

美国副国务卿 Mandarin

普通话 China Pavilion

中国馆 Cultural figure

文艺界人士 Farsighted decision

远见卓识 To the people,food is foremost

民以食为天 Seasoning



反对墨守成规 Mandarin version


Unit 13 Cultural assimilation

文化同化 Primitivity

原生态 Mutually facilitate

相互促进 Continuity


Regional autonomy by minorities


Unit 14 cohesion

凝聚力 Unite in adversity

共克时艰 Senior citizens’ home

敬老院 Ever increasing


When disaster struck,help came

一方有难,八方支援 from all side After-effect


Nobel Laureate

诺贝尔奖得主 Optical fiber

光纤 Chinese Treasures

中华瑰宝 Silk route

丝绸之路 Terraced Fields


Not only does it benefit the current generation,more importantly,it safeguards a valuable resource

利在当代,功在千秋 for future generations Resumption of sovereignty

恢复行使主权 Assess the current situation

审时度势 China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity will brook no partition

中国主权和领土完整不容分割 Longstanding issue


Unit 15 Entrenched

根深蒂固的 Faucet

水龙头 Earth Day

地球日 Bear the brunt of

首当其冲 Mudslide

泥石流 Be inimical to


An affront to

对...的公然冒犯 Implementing agency

执行机构 Land degradation

土地退化 Stockholm


No country is immune from it

任何国家都不能独善其身 Country parks


Recycling facilities


Public amenities and personal leisure

公共娱乐和个人休闲设施 Heritage conservation

遗产保护 Preserving and revitalizing


Unit 16 Hinduism

印度教 Sanskrit

梵文 Aerobic exercise

有氧运动 Blood clots



骨质疏松 Asthma

哮喘 Depression

抑郁症 Cardiovascular

心血管的 Sweat pants

运动裤 Legging

紧身裤 Run its course

痊愈,结束 Seasonal influenza

季节性流感 Localized outbreaks



大流感,大规模流行疾病 Wellness exam

健康检查 Insurance scam

保险诈骗 Crack down on

严厉打击 The unity of heaven and human 天人合一 Master plan

统一部署 High-risk groups

高危人群 Sexual transmission

性爱传播 Mother-to-child transmission

母婴传播 Golden Triangle


Registered newly weds

新婚登记者 Coordinating

统筹和协调 Prevention and treatment of

传染病防治 infectious disease Public health system


Unit 17 Representative of ordinary people and accountable to ordinary people 代表人民 对人民负责

Run the presidency

竞选总统 Campaign

竞选宣传 Primary

初选 A show of hands

举手表决 Opinion poll


Both big and small,strong and weak

既大又小,既强又弱 Perform government functions


Public services and social administration

公共服务和社会管理 Prevent and mitigate natural disaster


The oversight and supervision of food and

食品药品质量监管 drug quality Migrant population

流动人口 Improve our executive ability and earn greater public trust

提高执行力和公信力 Strengthen administrative accountablility

强化行政问责 Fighting corruption and encouraging integrity 反腐倡廉 Binding force


Let the news media fully play their oversight role

充分发挥新闻舆论的监督作用 Exercise power openly


Unit 18 Macroeconomic policy

宏观经济政策 Rebound

反弹 Accommodative

宽松的 Robust

强劲的 Uneven

不平衡的 Commodity

商品 Capital goods

生产资料 Shareholder

股东 Cutting-edge

最先进的 Out of the woods

脱离危险 Expand horizon


Generate a vibrant cultural blend

促进东西方文化交融 of East and West Give the green light to

开绿灯 批准 同意 Equity listing

股票上市 Bond issuance


IPO Initial public offering

首次公开募股 Bourse


The Growth Enterprise Market

创业板 GEM Maintaining stable and relatively rapid development of the economy

保持经济平稳较快发展 Economic restructuring

调整经济结构 Urban and rural integration

城乡一体化 Balanced urban-rural development Fluctuate drastically

Multilateral mechanism

The real economy

Institutional guarantee

Concessional loan

统筹城乡发展 大幅波动 多边机制 实体经济 制度保证 优惠贷款




高级口译考试全称《上海市外语口译证书》高级,是个职业资格证书,也就是说只有过于不过之分,最近几年很热。考试分笔试口试,笔试300分中考到180分者可有4次机会参加口试。笔试是专业八级的难度,而口试的综合性超过专八。笔试听说有裸考过的,口试还真没有。笔试的通过率为百分之20左右。口试就比较悲催了,一般只有百分之10,不过今年上半年听早于我半年通过考试的master wen 说,杭州上半年去了300个考口试,只过了19个,淘汰率可想而知。



笔试教材:《高级听力教程》 《高级翻译教程》 《高级口译真题汇编》 《中/高级口译词汇必备》(其他两本口语和阅读教程不需要)



必须注意一点,上半场考试听力从开始到结束是30分钟,也就是说你还需要额外的时间去填答题卷,这会占用你后面的考试时间,高口考试中A couple of minutes do count!最好的办法是,挤时间,spot-dictation 有2分钟时间,抄写20个选项一般需要3分30秒左右,不可能全部抄完,一般抄到第7到8个选项就开始看后面的选择题。在做Q11到Q20时,有时候问题与问题之间听力原文的废话较多,这时候可以将选择题答案写到答卷上,并看看别的题目。Anyway,做到section1结束时,只留12个左右的spot-dictation答案待填到答卷,这样顶多占用2分钟!


Section 1听力(听到什么是什么,不做任何层次的延伸和递进):

一、spot-dictation 拿到题目赶快读下大概意思,并将可能的中心词划出,因为中心词汇会多次被读到需要我们去写,可以用圆圈代替。spot-dictation 念完后,有2分钟时间,抄写20个选项一般需要3分30秒左右,不可能全部抄完,一般抄到第7到8个选项就开始看后面的选择题。

可以利用简写符号来代替听到的内容,但必须做到一一对应,否则等到你将答案抄到答题纸上去时会搞不清楚。4for 2to expln v explain expln n explanation >more abt about mn many smn so many θ the $money hv have hs has *special Cos children Co child





Section 4 听译





Section 2主观阅读







七、并列平行的内容是支持性细节,其具体内容没必要重点阅读。八、一个人的观点在一个段落中通常不改变(除非but...)所以当碰到“...can be replaced by...”时可按照这一原则,上半节说好,下半节肯定也是维护个人观点,说好。



Section 5主观阅读


Section5 英翻中






六、不熟悉的词组和单词只能按照常识联系上下文译,这样反而会译出意译的效果。eg:genetic carbon copies of adults 这里的carbon copy是个词组,是“及其相似的人或物”的意思,如不清楚,将整句译成:“成人基因的碳拷贝”,就弄巧成拙了,还不如直接译成“成人基因”。

七、预读时,主抓大意,遇到结构复杂的句子,把关键结构划出。比如:shift away from....toward....,pit....against....这样,如果需要短句,就不会把这个词组断开,而不知道各自意思了。(由于时间紧,后面翻时很可能搞错结构)

Section 6中翻英







进考场,是个小办公室,两个女老师坐我对面,我进门说good morning,由于紧张,脸部僵硬,硬是没挤出笑容。
















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