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2012-04-09 12:20:24| 分类: 默认分类|字号 订阅

英美文化知识素养答题题库 1 单项选择题:





D.51 答案

C 单项选择题:


A Aunt Sam, Uncle John

B New Continent, Great Britain C Washington, Elizabeth

D Uncle Sam, John Bull 答案D 单项选择题:

在英美国家,人们通常将 “体力劳动者”称为———workers,把“脑力劳动者”称为———workers,而把“服务、维修等行业的人们”称为————workers。

A blue, green, white

B blue, white, grey.C black, blue, green

D white, blue, black 答案

B 单项选择题:





D.中秋节 答案 B 5 单项选择题:

有这样一则笑话:有一次一个外宾对翻译说:“I wonder if I can go somewhere?”翻译回答道“Yes, you can go anywhere in China.”外宾不禁愕然。你知道这位翻译的问题出在哪里了吗?

A 外宾的意思是他想马上离开。B 外宾的意思是他要上厕所。C外宾的意思是他想随便走走。D外宾的意思是想休息一下。答案 B 6 单项选择题:




D B,C 答案

A 单项选择题:




D.MOP 答案 C 单项选择题:

an apple of love 的意思是___________?




D.果实 答案 C 单项选择题:

The girl is the apple of her mother’s eye.这句话的意思是“这个女孩是她妈妈的掌上明珠”这里的翻译成掌上明珠,千万不要把它当成水果吃了。下面这句话该怎样翻译呢?

“Is the young girl an apple?”

A 这个年轻的女孩喜欢苹果吗?

B 这个姑娘迷人吗? C 这个姑娘拿着一个苹果

D 这个姑娘正在吃苹果吗? 答案 B 单项选择题:


A thumb finger

B fore finger

C ring finger

D middle finger 答案

C 单项选择题:

现在的电视节目越来越丰富了,看看下面这是哪个栏目“Topics in focus” A 焦点访谈

B 综艺大观

C 法治在线

D 新闻三十分 答案 A 单项选择题:

“hot spring” 的意思是————。A 炎热的春天

B 今天很热 C 温泉

D 热水澡 答案 C 单项选择题:

英语中数字也有不同翻译,看看这个“in threes and fours”三五成群,“one in a thousand”千分之一。那么 “in one or two words”的意思是————。

A 一个两个单词

B 一个或者两个

C 三言两语

D 选择一个或两个 答案 C 单项选择题:

我们都知道比亚迪轿车的标志是BYD,它是哪些单词的缩写————。A build your dream

B believe your dream C beautiful your day

D build your day 答案 A 单项选择题:

我们在输入网址时都会输入“www” 你知道这三个w代表的是什么单词吗?

A where what who

B world wide web

C what women want

D who wears white 答案 B 16 单项选择题:

随着经济的发展,我们生活中的“卡”越来越多了,你知道以下这几种卡是做什么用的吗?post card——,guest card———,membership card——。

A明信片, 身份证, 慰问卡

B明信片 , 贵宾卡 , 会员卡 C信用证, 优惠卡, 会员卡

D会员卡, 贵宾卡, 记录卡 答案 B 单项选择题:

网上有个供人们发帖子的地方叫BBS,它是由 _______ 的首字母缩略而成的。

A.Black Board Service

B.Blowing Board System C.Bulletin Board System

D.Bulletin Belief Service 答案 C 单项选择题:

用于安慰人或不含恶意的谎言,英语中叫 ______________lie。A.black



D.grey 答案 B 单项选择题:


A.Sorry, the phone you waited is powered off.B.Sorry, the person you dialed is powering off.C.Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is powered off.D.Sorry, the subscriber you liked is powering off.答案 C 20 单项选择题:

中国的小吃有很多,例如:“ dumplings” 饺子,”Rice porridge” 稀饭,“Hot pot”是哪种美食呢?

A 火锅

B 包子 C 油条

D 面条 答案 A 21 单项选择题:


A Spring Festival

B New Year’s Day C Dragon Boat Festival

D Mid-autumn day 答案 C 判断题:

经常可在报上见到“IT业”的提法,这里的IT是Information Test的缩写。答案 错误判断题:

我们在商店买的食物包装袋上有许多英语单词的缩写,判断下面的说法对不对,“Exceed date” 的意思是生产日期。

答案 错误判断题: 英国的全称是The United Kingdom of Great Britain。答案 错误判断题:

我们都知道 black tea 译成红茶,black book译成记过本,那么black light 应该翻译成紫外线。

答案 正确填空题:

中国有句古话是:“不到长城非好汉”那么长城用英语说是The Great Wall。27 填空题:

生活中的商标英语有很多,舒肤佳香皂(Safe guard), 乐百氏(Robust),耐克的英语标志是(Nike).答案 正确 28 填空题:

在美国经常有人这样说“Give me a hand”这句话的意思是请求别人的帮助。


英语中有许多有趣的动物成语,“rain cats and dogs”的意思是下倾盆大雨。填空题:



(二)带来交际中的尴尬一位50来岁的美国妇女在中国任教,有一位年的中国同事请她到自己家里来吃饭,一进门,女主人就把4岁的女儿介绍给客人。小姑娘用英语说:/阿姨好!0因为她妈妈跟她说过,见了成年妇女就要这样问好。/对,不能叫阿姨0妈妈连忙纠正说/要叫奶奶。不要叫奶奶, 就叫我阿姨好了。0/那太没礼貌了,您比我年纪大多了。0美国妇女脸红了,笑笑说:/就叫我阿姨吧,我喜欢这样。0为什么美国妇女在这种场合会感到尴尬呢?因为中国人和美国人对待年龄问题的态度不同,即文化背景不同。

(三)造成英汉翻译的错位由于文化的差异,用母语互译的方式理解和翻译某些句子和词汇,往往会闹出不少笑话。例如:/BalckTea0(红茶)常被当作/黑茶0,/狼吞虎咽0 英语应为/Eatkileahorse0,有人却译作/akilteawolfandtiger0。尤其是对一些成语和谚语的翻译更要慎重,千万不能从其字面意思来翻译,否则会错误百出,贻笑大方。由此可见,语言和文化相互依存,密不可分,在不了解英美文化背景的前提下,我们就不可能正确理解和运用英语语言。









American Racism

A popular saying is that America is a nation where people, with diligence and perseverance, can realize their dreams regardless of their religious beliefs, colors of skin and political convictions.However, others frown on this idea.This issue has given rise to a heated discussion.For my part,I’m all for the idea of disapproval.The reasons are mainly as follows:

It is generally known that the United States of America is a nation of immigrants.People of different skin colors,religions and faiths creat the nation — America.And inevitably,religious conflict,racial discrimination and political struggle come along.The most prominent phenomenon is the racial discrimination.Nowadays,the racial discrimination in America remains quite serious.This social issue has been a long-standing problem.In the first place,there are so many roots of racial discrimination.Looking back in history, it began with the slave trade.Needless to say,it is so miserable and disastrous.Between 1650 and 1900, 10.24 million enslaved Africans arrived in the Americas.The transatlantic slave trade resulted in a vast and as yet still unknown loss of life for African captives both in and outside of America.Approximately 1.2 – 2.4 million Africans died during their transport to the New World.No scholars dispute the harm done to the enslaved people themselves.The African slave trade helped to shape a wide variety of societies from modern Argentina to Canada.These differed in their use of slaves, the harshness of the regime imposed on slaves, and the degree of mixing of the races that custom and law permitted.But none of these became as virulently racist--insisting on racial separation and a strict color bar--as the English North American colonies that became the United States.The institution of slavery was abolished through Civil War,a bloody second American revolution that cost at least 600,000 lives.Today,in the United States, although legal racial discrimination was cancelled,institutionalized racism remained intact.In addition, the United States parties which are based on different interests,1

formulate a series of related policies and harmed the interests of black people.The original U.S.Constitution permitted slavery and counted Black slaves as three-fifths of white persons in determining both Congressional representation and taxation, which were deeply rooted the racism in the very foundation of U.S.society.Unfortunately,to blacks,their performance provide discrimination discourse.In the black areas, the excessive crime happen at any moment.Worse still, Black also do the drug trade which undoubtedly violates the nation’s law.Politicians from both the Democratic and Republican Parties got the big calls “tough on crime,” embracing the so-called war on drugs, which tripled the prison population between 1980 and 1995.Two-thirds of those who entered the prison system during that period were Black, Latino or poor, and the vast majority of them were nonviolent drug offenders.Today, with the prison population swollen to more than 2 million, African Americans make up just 12 percent of the U.S.population and only 13 percent of drug users, yet account for 35 percent of drug arrests and 53 percent of drug convictions.Blacks are also 43 percent of those on death row.Last year, the U.S.Bureau of Justice Statistics estimated that 30 percent of 12 year-old Black boys will spend time in jail in their lifetimes--far more than will attend college.And because many states have laws denying present and former inmates the right to vote, an estimated 13 percent of all Black men--including one in every three in Alabama and Florida--have been disenfranchised.In light of racial discrimination,black people conducted a series of racial fights which was called the Civil Rights Movement.The most illustrious march is probably the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.It is best remembered for the glorious speech Martin Luther King, Jr.gave, in which the “I have a dream” part turned into a national text and eclipsed the troubles the organizers had to bring to march forward.The process was long and tenuous,and many of these movements did not fully achieve their goals although,the efforts of these movements did lead to improvements in the legal rights of previously oppressed groups of people.The current status of racism in America are still in poor condition.While discrimination has decreased and old forms of segregation have been recalled,subtle

patterns of informal discrimination in housing,employment,education and virtually every social sphere still persists.Indeed,for many African Americans,discrimination,as of now,remains a central part of their experience in the United States.According to a report of American, the black’s income only accounted for the three-fourths of the white,and African-American family’s income was just one-tenth of the white family’s.Half of all black men in New York can’t find a job,while Black teenage unemployment stands at 37 percent nationwide.As Mr.Bush said,”And this poverty has roots in generations of segregation and discrimination that has closed many doors of opportunity“.These statistics show a crisis among Black Americans that should be setting of alarm.Racism, not criminal records, explains the high unemployment rate for Black men today.A recent Wall Street Journal report showed that in the city of Milwaukee, a white job applicant with a criminal record has a better chance of being called for an interview than a Black man with no criminal record.”The disadvantage carried by a young Black man applying for a job as a dishwasher or a driver is equivalent to forcing a white man to carry an 18-month prison record on his back,“ concluded reporter David Wessel.And only racism can explain these statistics: Segregation in public schools, which decreased continuously from the 1950s to the late 1980s, has now returned to levels not seen in three decades.Black infants are almost two-and-a-half times more likely than white infants to die before the age of one, a wider gap than in 1970.More than 200 years since slavery was written into the U.S.constitution, its racist legacy remains--and the words of abolitionist Frederick Douglass remain true: ”Without struggle, there can be no progress."

In general,only a struggle that shakes the foundation of U.S.society can end racism.As is the always the case,the darkest hour comes before the dawn.A mixed-race man is president says much about the peaceful progress on race relations in America.I believe that the black people can have equal rights and are free to live, study and work as they wish in the future,and people can truly realize their dreams regardless of their religious beliefs, colors of skin and political convictions.


英 美 国 家 文 化 学习心 得

XXX学院 学号:XXX 姓名:XXX 我是一名来自物电学院的非英语专业的学生,之所以选修英美文化这门课,就是本着更好地学好外语的想法的。从初中到高中,一直以来,我就认为语言是文化的一部分,要想学好一门语言,最好先学习和了解与这门语言相关的文化背景,因为它能够体现出各地风俗的差异及社会历史的发展。

美国语言学家Edard Sapir 说:“语言不能脱离文化而存在,文化反映的是社会所想所做,而语言表达了社会的想法。”脱离了文化的语言是空洞而又无意义的,脱离了语言的文化是没有传承性的,因此,语言与文化是不可或缺的。从这个意义来说,学习一个国家的文化和学习这个国家的语言同等重要。

在外语学习中,缺乏必要的背景知识使会对篇章中某些词语特有的文化内涵体会不出来,这样,即使知道每个词的词典意义也是不可能正确理解篇章的内容。例如,“„a couple who happened to have been the First Family of the nation„” 这段话的字面含义是:一对有幸成为美国第一个家庭的夫妇。The first family means the President’s family in the US.但是,“the first family”的真正含义是美国总统之家,而不是美国历史上第一个家庭。如果对美国惯用语有所了解,那么就不难理解这个句子的真正含义。另外,中西方文化存在着巨大的差异, 例如:中国人喜欢关心他人的工作收入、家庭生活、社会交往等情况。而西方人则因为崇尚个人主义, 将自己的收入、家庭、婚姻、年龄等情况视为隐私,而不愿他人了解此类信息。同时,西方人比较自我,经常以自我为中心。深入了解这些中西方文化差异,学生能够更好的理解文章内容,弄懂作者的意图,进而提高阅读能力。因此,掌握好文化知识有助于促进语言的学习。

例如:一张试卷,在做听力题时,判断一个人的听力, 实际上是对一个人的英语水平、知识面、分析及联想能力的综合检验, 即使材料中有些生词, 也能根据上下文猜测出它们的意思。但是遇到一些我们不熟悉的材料或与英美文化背景知识有关的材料时, 听起来就感到难得多。尽管有的材料比较简单, 也听懂了字面意思, 但由于缺乏文化背景知识而不能理解其中的真正含义。例如: 这是美国人常讲的两个笑话:(1)A: Where are you from? B:I’ll ask her.(Alaska)A: Why do you askher?(2)A: Where are you f rom? B: How are you.(Hawaii)。这两个笑话中, 在A 看来B 是答非所问, 但如果A 了解美国的地理概况, 知道美国有两个远离大陆的洲: 阿拉斯加(Alaska)和夏威夷(Hawaii), 那么就不会闹出把Alaska 听成I’ll ask her.把Hawaii 听成“ How are you? ”的笑话了。同样,在做翻译题时,即使是一些简单的词语,也不可不顾具体的语言习惯、语言环境和语言习俗,而随意处理。拿dog 一词为例。Dog 是个十分简单的词,但由于中英文化的差异, 弄不好就会出现错误。“狗”一词在中国人看来总是贬义的, 如我们常用“癞皮狗”、“丧家犬”、“走狗”、“狗头军师”等等来描绘我们所厌恶的人。但在英美国家, 人们对狗的看法和我们截然不同, dog在英语中,特别是在谚语中往往含有褒情善意。如果我们把dog 一词一律译成汉语的“狗”字或把汉语的“狗”字按字面意思译成英语的dog,就可能会曲解原意,闹出笑话。例如:(1)Every dog has his day;(2)You ,indeed,a lucky dog;(3)Last night my father came dog tired.如果初学者不了解中西方文化的差异,往往会想当然地把它们分别译为:(1)每条狗都有自己的节日;(2)你真是一条幸运的狗;(3)昨晚我爸爸回到家中像狗样累。而正确的翻译是(1)人人皆有得意时;(2)你这是个幸运儿;(3)昨晚我父亲回到家中非常累。

其实,在英语课外活动中,也渗透了英美文化。如,看英美电影,听英美歌曲等。从Ghost《人鬼情未了》的真挚爱情中留下了我感动的泪水,从Top Gun《壮志凌云》的青春豪情中 1 让我激动不已,从Schindler’s List《辛德勒名单》的生命尊严中感受到了人生真谛„„而影片中丰富优美的语言不仅让我更全面的了解英美国家的政治﹑经济﹑社会﹑文化,而且增长了见识,开阔了视野,有助于全方位地提高听力﹑口语﹑阅读能力,扩大词汇量,提高词汇的运用能力。听学英美歌曲也是渗透英美文化的途径之一,许多经典之作,都反映了不同时代的政治、经济、文化、社会人文背景。


学习语言不是一个孤立的学习过程。任何一种语言都是在一定言语使用区域中的人在一定的语境下通过口语或书面语形式相互交际而使用的。因此在英语教学中,我们不仅要讲授语言知识,训练语言运用能力, 而且还要加强有关的文化背景知识的传授和渗透。若不这样做,学生就会在语言交际中受挫。比如,有的学生去外教住所不提前预约,这不符合英美人交流的习惯。在英美,走亲访友、学生找老师、病人找医生、出差找旅店、甚至理发、裁衣服等等都要预约,在取得对方同意后才去, 而不做不速之客。再如, 对英美人来说,干涉他人的私事会被视作没有知识、缺乏教养。一般来讲,在与英美人的普通交往中应尽量避免我们所习惯的唠家常,如不宜问人家的年龄、身高、体重、工资、家庭、婚姻状况等,因为这些都被看成是个人隐私。此外,有些学生常爱给外教提一些意见,例如一个学生说过:“ You’d better put on more clothes and don’t go out too much, for it is going to be very cold in Shanghai these days.”这显然是中国人的一种关心方式,但却会使老外反感,他会认为“应该做„„”、“最好做„„”和“不要做„„”这样的祈使语气有教训人的味道,何况穿多穿少和外出多少次属于私事,用不着别人操心。

同时,英语中还有许多固定的表达方式是不能随意改变的。如:“How do you do? ”回答也是“How do you do? ”买了东西问价钱时可以说“How much, please? ”不说:“How much do you change me?”吃完饭付钱时说:“Waiter, bill please.”不说:“Excuse me, sir.We’ve finished eating.How much is it please?”打电话问对方是谁,要说“Who is speaking, please?”, “Who is it please?”不说“Who are you?”(你是谁?),“Where are you?”(你在哪儿?),“What’s your surname?”(你贵姓?)英语中委婉语很多,以至于有时很难听出对方真实心情因而回答时应特别注意。如问“How do you like the film?”对方回答“I think its very interesting.”这往往表示对方不怎么喜欢而不是字面意思很有趣又如“What do you thin k of my new coat?”对方回答“I think the pocket is very nice.”表示对方不太喜欢。英美人一般不当面说不好,所以尽量只说好的否则就说不知道或不了解。如“Do you like our teacher?”可以回答“Well, I don’t k now him very well.”有时出于礼貌遇到不熟悉的人时可以不言真情,例如A问B“How are you?”尽管B患了重感冒但还是回答“Fine, thank you.”一般不说“Not very well.I’m afraid.”之类的话。


最后,我想和老师说声“Thank you!”。虽然这门课已经结束,但您教我的一些做人的道理将会使我终生受益。



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    1. Grammar schools It is a type of secondary schools in Britain. Grammar schools select children at the age 11, through an examination called “the 11-plus”.Th......


    英美文化趣談心得體會 毫无疑问最初选这门课就是本着对英美文化有着新鲜感,和一些兴趣。以为会主要讲一些什么民俗,建筑,一些当地传统文化,然后会看到一些色彩鲜艳的英美国家照......


    1.简述歌曲A Change Is Gonna Come (written by Sam Cooke)与Malcolm X理念的关系。 答:A change is gonna come 录于1963年12月21日.随着1964年的唱片Ain't That Good News......