第一课时 教学计划与教学目的说明及英国美国宗教文化 第二课时 英国历史溯源(视频英国史1)
第三课时 文艺复兴时期的英国文化及莎士比亚
第四课时 文艺复兴时期文学作品及哈姆雷特赏析
第五课时 启蒙运动时期的英国文化
第六课时 启蒙运动时期文学作品及格列佛游记赏析
第七课时 浪漫主义时期的英国文化
第八课时 浪漫主义时期文学作品及傲慢与偏见赏析
第九课时 维多利亚时期的英国文化
第十课时 维多利亚时期文学作品及简爱赏析
第十一课时 美国历史溯源独立运动
第十二课时 西进运动及壮志千秋赏析
第十三课时 汤姆叔叔的小屋赏析
第十四课时 工业革命时期的美国及摩登时代赏析
第十五课时 19世纪现实主义美国文学及哈利贝克费恩历险记赏析 第十六课时 现代主义美国文学及了不起的盖茨比赏析
第十七课时 海明威作品
第十八课时 美国文化的多元性
第十九课时 英语影片中的外国文化
第二十课时 英语影片中的英语
(二)带来交际中的尴尬一位50来岁的美国妇女在中国任教,有一位年的中国同事请她到自己家里来吃饭,一进门,女主人就把4岁的女儿介绍给客人。小姑娘用英语说:/阿姨好!0因为她妈妈跟她说过,见了成年妇女就要这样问好。/对,不能叫阿姨0妈妈连忙纠正说/要叫奶奶。不要叫奶奶, 就叫我阿姨好了。0/那太没礼貌了,您比我年纪大多了。0美国妇女脸红了,笑笑说:/就叫我阿姨吧,我喜欢这样。0为什么美国妇女在这种场合会感到尴尬呢?因为中国人和美国人对待年龄问题的态度不同,即文化背景不同。
(三)造成英汉翻译的错位由于文化的差异,用母语互译的方式理解和翻译某些句子和词汇,往往会闹出不少笑话。例如:/BalckTea0(红茶)常被当作/黑茶0,/狼吞虎咽0 英语应为/Eatkileahorse0,有人却译作/akilteawolfandtiger0。尤其是对一些成语和谚语的翻译更要慎重,千万不能从其字面意思来翻译,否则会错误百出,贻笑大方。由此可见,语言和文化相互依存,密不可分,在不了解英美文化背景的前提下,我们就不可能正确理解和运用英语语言。
姓名: 贺强
学号:201085045专业班级: 建管102个人电话: ***
《The way back》
I have-to-get-back."to the life and the will to win freedom for bets,.Two hours of movies make people feel more like a documentary, need the content of the compression.Not all climax, a lot like water, the geographical sense a little bland serious lack of.A lot of people think some movie, but I only anticlimactic for more than the last act to half a star.This is especially said dramas than it is a documentary, no climax, leading role fuzzy, not with feelings, is all this insipid a long journey and a free ultimate goal.May end quite to force, frost of gith under the historical data of the steps of a democratic republic road and they choose this one of the road of redemption reason, although far-fetched but lit the theme, but also blew up the audience found.《The three musketeers》After reading it,the first feeling happened to my heart is that it just likes a fairy.Though it may constructed basing on current century,it appears a certain happiness which seldom seemed in that world like
very very good writer whoes works didn't give much importance of reality though I like him and his works very much.This novel's four actors must leave a deep impression on us I think.Athos'reason,Melady's viciousion...all these consists of a beautiful world(with justice and evil)can love ,can hate ,can angery,can happy...with loyalty and nature.So clearly a world!
《Air Force One》
It's difficult to take seriously any film in which the President Of The United States manages to lay waste to a whole bunch of hijackers without so much as loosening his tie, but then again Petersen's movie is so full of such inconsistencies that you go along with it in spite of itself.Ford is the Pres, the only man who can save his titular planeload of croniesfrom the sneering Oldman and his terrorist buddies.A very silly picture, but an ultimately thrilling one;taken as a big dumb slice of popcorn entertainment it more than delivers the goods.《Titanic》
Titanic enriches us with a romantic story of young love, passion and feelings, full of utopias and dreams, mother and child fighting for power and greed, idealistic and self-identified clashes within a consenting human ambitions society and victims of their own vanity and pomposity.This is one of the films that most shocked the general public in the last
twenty years.The huge collections that are logical because they got obvious that Titanic has one of those stories full of strength and feeling, with great dramatic content.If we add the stunning beauty of the image, thanks to advances in digital technology, success is understandable.Very successful movie, which tells the story of the sinking of the ship, but in the background shows a passionate love story.It achieves a harmonious balance in that, in the mix of history and feelings, and makes it almost perfect.
American Racism
A popular saying is that America is a nation where people, with diligence and perseverance, can realize their dreams regardless of their religious beliefs, colors of skin and political convictions.However, others frown on this idea.This issue has given rise to a heated discussion.For my part,I’m all for the idea of disapproval.The reasons are mainly as follows:
It is generally known that the United States of America is a nation of immigrants.People of different skin colors,religions and faiths creat the nation — America.And inevitably,religious conflict,racial discrimination and political struggle come along.The most prominent phenomenon is the racial discrimination.Nowadays,the racial discrimination in America remains quite serious.This social issue has been a long-standing problem.In the first place,there are so many roots of racial discrimination.Looking back in history, it began with the slave trade.Needless to say,it is so miserable and disastrous.Between 1650 and 1900, 10.24 million enslaved Africans arrived in the Americas.The transatlantic slave trade resulted in a vast and as yet still unknown loss of life for African captives both in and outside of America.Approximately 1.2 – 2.4 million Africans died during their transport to the New World.No scholars dispute the harm done to the enslaved people themselves.The African slave trade helped to shape a wide variety of societies from modern Argentina to Canada.These differed in their use of slaves, the harshness of the regime imposed on slaves, and the degree of mixing of the races that custom and law permitted.But none of these became as virulently racist--insisting on racial separation and a strict color bar--as the English North American colonies that became the United States.The institution of slavery was abolished through Civil War,a bloody second American revolution that cost at least 600,000 lives.Today,in the United States, although legal racial discrimination was cancelled,institutionalized racism remained intact.In addition, the United States parties which are based on different interests,1
formulate a series of related policies and harmed the interests of black people.The original U.S.Constitution permitted slavery and counted Black slaves as three-fifths of white persons in determining both Congressional representation and taxation, which were deeply rooted the racism in the very foundation of U.S.society.Unfortunately,to blacks,their performance provide discrimination discourse.In the black areas, the excessive crime happen at any moment.Worse still, Black also do the drug trade which undoubtedly violates the nation’s law.Politicians from both the Democratic and Republican Parties got the big calls “tough on crime,” embracing the so-called war on drugs, which tripled the prison population between 1980 and 1995.Two-thirds of those who entered the prison system during that period were Black, Latino or poor, and the vast majority of them were nonviolent drug offenders.Today, with the prison population swollen to more than 2 million, African Americans make up just 12 percent of the U.S.population and only 13 percent of drug users, yet account for 35 percent of drug arrests and 53 percent of drug convictions.Blacks are also 43 percent of those on death row.Last year, the U.S.Bureau of Justice Statistics estimated that 30 percent of 12 year-old Black boys will spend time in jail in their lifetimes--far more than will attend college.And because many states have laws denying present and former inmates the right to vote, an estimated 13 percent of all Black men--including one in every three in Alabama and Florida--have been disenfranchised.In light of racial discrimination,black people conducted a series of racial fights which was called the Civil Rights Movement.The most illustrious march is probably the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.It is best remembered for the glorious speech Martin Luther King, Jr.gave, in which the “I have a dream” part turned into a national text and eclipsed the troubles the organizers had to bring to march forward.The process was long and tenuous,and many of these movements did not fully achieve their goals although,the efforts of these movements did lead to improvements in the legal rights of previously oppressed groups of people.The current status of racism in America are still in poor condition.While discrimination has decreased and old forms of segregation have been recalled,subtle
patterns of informal discrimination in housing,employment,education and virtually every social sphere still persists.Indeed,for many African Americans,discrimination,as of now,remains a central part of their experience in the United States.According to a report of American, the black’s income only accounted for the three-fourths of the white,and African-American family’s income was just one-tenth of the white family’s.Half of all black men in New York can’t find a job,while Black teenage unemployment stands at 37 percent nationwide.As Mr.Bush said,”And this poverty has roots in generations of segregation and discrimination that has closed many doors of opportunity“.These statistics show a crisis among Black Americans that should be setting of alarm.Racism, not criminal records, explains the high unemployment rate for Black men today.A recent Wall Street Journal report showed that in the city of Milwaukee, a white job applicant with a criminal record has a better chance of being called for an interview than a Black man with no criminal record.”The disadvantage carried by a young Black man applying for a job as a dishwasher or a driver is equivalent to forcing a white man to carry an 18-month prison record on his back,“ concluded reporter David Wessel.And only racism can explain these statistics: Segregation in public schools, which decreased continuously from the 1950s to the late 1980s, has now returned to levels not seen in three decades.Black infants are almost two-and-a-half times more likely than white infants to die before the age of one, a wider gap than in 1970.More than 200 years since slavery was written into the U.S.constitution, its racist legacy remains--and the words of abolitionist Frederick Douglass remain true: ”Without struggle, there can be no progress."
In general,only a struggle that shakes the foundation of U.S.society can end racism.As is the always the case,the darkest hour comes before the dawn.A mixed-race man is president says much about the peaceful progress on race relations in America.I believe that the black people can have equal rights and are free to live, study and work as they wish in the future,and people can truly realize their dreams regardless of their religious beliefs, colors of skin and political convictions.