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新编广州版小学英语目标实施手册测试卷——五年级上册词汇 联系电话34296041,34281697


Unit 1

make model ships/planes制作航模

make models 制作模型 collect stamps 集邮

more than … 多于…, 超过… so many … 如此多的…

keep pets 养宠物 play music 演奏音乐

read books读书 play computer games 玩电脑游戏

every day/night 每天/晚

take photos 照相

during my holiday 在放假期间 look like … 看起来像…

make cakes 做蛋糕

Unit 2

a great painter 一个了不起的画家

drawing cartoons 画卡通 after school 放学后

coloured pencils 彩色铅笔

draw a picture 画一幅画

in the sky 在天空中 on one’s birthday 在某人生日的时候

interesting people 有趣的人 beautiful places 美丽的地方

grow up 长大 every room in the house屋子里的每个房间

write stories 写故事 play table tennis 打乒乓球

do some reading 读点书

Unit 3

be good at … 擅长于…

draw well画得很好 What about you? 你呢?

swim fast游得很快 go swimming 去游泳

jump high 跳得高

jump far 跳得远

help children learn帮助孩子们学习grow foods for people 给人们种粮食

drive the school bus 开校车 make machines制造机器

build houses建房子

stop bad people 制止坏人

help sick people 帮助生病的人

Unit 4

I’m here to help you.我是来帮你的。

A talking robot 一个会说话的机器人 speak English 讲英语

Thank you so much.非常感谢你。Mum will be very happy.妈妈会很高兴。sing and dance 唱歌跳舞

of course 当然

You can do everything.你什么都会。talk in English 用英语讲话

tell stories 讲故事

walk with legs 用腿走路

write with hands 用手写字

Unit 5

talk with … 与…交谈

on weekdays 在周日

find him there 在那里找到他

play music演奏音乐 play football踢足球

after school 放学后

look for 寻找

take exercise锻炼身体 do one’s homework做家庭作业

eat ice cream 吃冰激凌 do some reading 读点书

play table tennis 打乒乓

Unit 6

at the weekend 周末

wake up 醒来 have a big breakfast 吃一顿丰盛的早餐

go to the market去市场

Children’s Palace 少年宫

have a swimming lesson上游泳课

go out for lunch出去吃午餐

have some fun 娱乐一下;开心一下 go to the cinema去看电影

visit friends 拜访朋友

stay home 待在家里

have dinner together 一起吃晚饭 talk about …谈论…

after class 下课后

Unit 7

a cup of …一杯…

tea with milk 奶茶

something cold 冷的东西

large coke 大(杯装)可乐 Here you are.给你。

Thanks very much.非常感谢。a bottle of … 一瓶…

a glass of … 一(玻璃)杯… a box of … 一盒…

a can of … 一听(罐)…

Unit 8

You worry too much.你过虑了。

come to her party 参加她的派对

Unit 9

come on 来吧

smell delicious 闻起来很美味 hot food 辣的食物

sweet food 甜食 What do you think of …? 你认为…如何?

can’t wait 迫不及待

look fresh看上去很新鲜

taste good 味道很好 look quite good看上去挺好

so many 如此多;很多

feel hungry 感到饿

people around the world全世界的人

Unit 10

We all know 我们都知道

in the west 在西方 eat their meals on a plate用盘子吃饭

knife and fork 刀叉

people in Chian中国人

people from Guangzhou 广州人

for example例如

plenty of … 很多… taste terrible 很难吃

Unit 11 What is the weather like? 天气如何?

It will rain soon.很快要下雨了。the weather here这里的天气

play outdoors 在户外玩耍 How’s the weather? 天气如何?

wear coats and hats 穿大衣戴帽子

some day 有朝一日

fly kites 放风筝 make a snowman 堆雪人

lots of… 很多… go swimming 去游泳

Unit 12 my first day in England 我在英格兰的第一天

weather report天气预报 put on … 穿(戴)上…

go away 走开,离开,散去 turn blue变蓝了

at lunchtime 吃午饭的时候

rain hard 雨下得很大

go home 回家 after school 放学后

walk home 走路回家

four seasons in one day一天四季

What’s the temperature? 多少度?

What a rainy and cold day!多热的天啊!

be different to … 与…不同 It’s the best time to … 是干某事最好的的时候

keep cool 保持凉快

at night 在夜晚

It doesn’t rain much.不太下雨。

during the day 在白天

It was raining hard.雨下得很大.



Lesson 1 1.be back to …


2.over the summer holiday 暑假结束 3.What about … ? ……怎么样?

= How about … ? ……好不好? 4.some of the difference 一些差异

5.between … and …

……与……之间 6.be back = come back 回来 = return 7.be back home 回到家 8.go back = return 回去

9.one's first day of school 某人上学的第一天 10.be in Class Two, Grade Eight 在八年级二班 11.this year 今年

12.every grade has …

每个年级有…… 13.many different teachers 许多各科教师 14.have classes/ lessons 上课

15.the teachers come to us 老师们来给我们上课 16.be happy to do sth.某人做某事很高兴 17.It's fun to do sth.做某事很有趣。18.school begins 开始上课

19.from room to room 从一个教室到另一个教室 20.arrive from 从……来到…… 21.live with sb.和某人住在一起 22.the new school term 新学期 23.… years old ……岁 24.just like …

就像…… 25.Think about it!想一想!Lesson 2 1.many faces 许多面孔

2.one's favourite photo of oneself 某人自己最喜爱的照片

3.look at sb./ sth.看看某人/某物

look after sb.照顾某人

look after sth.保管某物

look for sb./ sth.寻找某人/ 某物

look like …


look the same 看上去很像(一样)4.the class picture 班级照片 5.wear a red coat 穿着红外套 6.Here it is.给你。

7.a little boy/ girl 一个小男/ 女孩

8.take pictures/ photos/ photographs 拍照 9.bring sth.to …

把某物带来…… 10.about yourself 有关你自己的情况 11.How do you do?(初次见面)你好!12.be in the same class 在同一个班 13.wish to do sth.想(希望)做某事

= hope to do sth.14.wish sb.to do sth.希望某人做某事 15.a(big)piece of paper 一张(大)纸 Lesson 3 1.get to know = know 认识;知道

2.so beautiful 真美(如此漂亮)

3.call sb./ sth.…

把某人(物)叫做…… 4.be(not)married 已婚(未婚)5.write about sb.写有关某人的情况

6.What's the matter(with sb.)?(某人)怎么啦? 7.I think so.我想是这样。

8.something new 一些新东西(事情)9.write sth.down 写(记)下某事(物)10.a student here 这里的一个学生

11.one's first question 某人的第一个问题 12.the next question 下一个问题 13.wear purple clothes 穿紫色衣服 14.play the violin 拉小提琴 15.go for walks(a walk)去散步 16.hate to do sth.讨厌做某事(偶然)17.hate doing sth.讨厌做某事(习惯)18.comb one's hair 梳头

19.get out of bed 起床 = get up 20.one more question 另一个问题

= another question Lesson 4

1.on a school day 在上学的日子 2.on/ at the weekend 在周末

3.something different 一些不同的东西 4.all year round 一年到头 5.be made of 由……制成的 6.be made from 用……制造的 7.come/ be from 来自…… Lesson 5

1.the best sth.最好的某物 2.new/ old clothes 新/旧衣服 3.laugh at 嘲笑

4.not … anymore 不再…… 5.get out sth.取出某物 6.the next day 第二天 7.walk into …


8.someone from a movie 电影里的人 9.do to …

对……做什么 10.look silly 看起来可笑 11.think of/ about 想到/考虑 12.a long time 很长一段时间 13.the second part 第二部分 Lesson 6

1.meet sb.会见(认识)某人 2.in front of 在……前面 3.a little nervous 有点紧张

4.be ready to do sth.准备好做某事

= get ready to do sth.5.introduce … to sb.把……介绍给某人 6.someone very special 一位很特别的人

7.have been a … for + 一段时间


8.to learn English 为了学英语 9.live here with sb.和某人同住在这儿 10.loud people 高声喧哗的人

11.swim for exercise 游泳作为锻炼 12.play the piano 弹钢琴 13.walk to school 走路上学

= go to school on foot 14.be nervous 紧张;拘谨

15.a group of classmates 一组同学 Lesson 7 1.be on a(one)team 在一个队里 2.the other(两者中的)另一方

3.the others(三者或以上)其他;其余的 4.shop for sth.买东西;买某物

5.wear sth.to school 穿(戴)某物去上学 6.a girl named …

一个名叫……的女孩 7.after the movie 看完电影后 8.Good-bye for now.就此搁笔。9.a funny story 一个有趣的故事 Lesson 9 1.school subject 学校课程(学习科目)2.be late for …

……迟到 3.have art 上美术课

4.show sth.to sb.给某人看某物 5.some of one's sth.某人的一些某物 6.be good at(在某方面)做得好 7.when sb.is older 某人长大了 8.much + 比较级


9.in two minutes 两分钟后(将来时)10.See you later.回头见(再见)。Lesson 10 1.how many hours of 多少个小时的 2.too much sth.太多的某物(事)3.make sb.do sth.迫使某人做某事 4.physical education 体育课

(= P.E.)5.except sb./ sth.除了某人/物之外 6.see sb.do sth.看见某人做了某事 7.be short for 是……的简称

8.the best way to do sth.做某事的最佳方式9.be to do sth.是做某事 10.lots of = a lot of 许多的

11.one's math homework 某人的数学作业 12.(have)a math exam(进行)一次数学考试 13.help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事

= help sb.(to)do sth.14.some good advice on ……一些好建议 Lesson 11 1.in the hall 在饭厅

2.learn about …

了解有关…的情况 3.study China 研究中国

4.tell sb.about(of)sth.告诉某人某事 5.a lot = much 很多;许多 6.go for a walk 去散步

7.do have sth.确实有某物(事)8.one's second favourite 某人第二最喜欢的 9.stop doing sth.停止做某事 10.stop to do sth.停下来去做某事 11.have school 有课 12.half past ten 十点半 13.turn out the light 关掉灯 Lesson 12

1.half an hour 半小时

2.a quarter = fifteen minutes 一刻钟 3.a quarter to three 差一刻三点 4.a quarter past three 三点一刻

= a quarter after three

5.three thirty 三点三十分 = half past three 三点半

6.Not yet.还没有。Lesson 13

1.look for 寻找

2.(be)on time 准时;按时(时间点)

in time 及时(时间范围内)3.work on 从事于;致力于 4.at the computer 在电脑前面 5.No noise.禁止喧哗。

6.(be)half an hour late 迟到了半小时 7.may be 可能是

maybe = perhaps 大概;或许;多半 Lesson 14

1.learn about(通过某种途径)得知,获知(有关信息)2.book report on sth.有关……的读书报告 3.Chinese festivals 中国的节日 4.the Spring Festival 春节 5.Children's Day 儿童节 6.Mother's Day 母亲节 7.Father's Day 父亲节 8.Teachers' Day 教师节

9.take … to …

带(领)……去…… 10.be called = be named 被叫(称)做…… Lesson 15

1.give a talk 作报告 2.have a talk 听报告

3.we each(复数)我们每个人

= each of us(单数)

4.a picture of the ocean 一幅海洋图画 5.last summer 去年夏天

6.make sb.do sth.使某人做某事

7.comb one's hair ten times 某人梳发十下 8.stand up 站起来;竖起来 9.be surprised 吃惊;惊讶

10.show sb.sth.给某人展示某物 Lesson 17

1.families celebrate together 合家欢庆 2.Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 3.watch the moon 赏月 4.look for 寻找

5.National Day 国庆节

6.the National Day elebration 国庆典礼 7.in early October 十月上旬 8.in late November 十一月下旬 9.the rest of … 其余的…… Lesson 18 1.get(be)ready for 为……准备好 2.celebrate festivals 庆祝节日

3.Thanksgiving Day = Thanksgiving 感恩节 4.Thanksgiving dinner 感恩节晚餐(宴会)5.be away from 离开 6.a family tree 家谱

7.go at the top/ bottom 位于上面/下面 8.come next 接下来

9.So do you.你也一样(做某事)。10.each person's name 每个人的名字 Lesson 19 1.a clothing store 服装店

2.What can I do for you? 你要买什么?

= Can I help you? = May I help you? 3.a birthday present 生日礼物 4.would be good 将很合适

5.What size is …? ……尺寸是多少? 6.the same as 和……一样

7.try(it/ them)on 试穿(它/它们)8.bright green 鲜艳的绿色

9.this/ that one 这/那一个(件……)10.a red one 一个(件)红色的 11.blow out 吹灭

12.send sth.to sb.给某人送某物

= send sb.sth.13.what to buy 要买的东西 Lesson 20 1.get together 相聚;聚集 2.this evening = tonight 今晚

3.find out(通过各种途径)找出;找到 4.around the world 全世界

5.exchange one's idea 交换意见 Lesson 21 1.one's whole family 某人全家 2.big hugs for sb.紧紧拥抱某人 3.in the middle 在中间

4.in both countries 在两个国家里 Lesson 22 1.birthday cards 生日卡片

2.send sth.to sb.把某物寄/送给某人 3.pass sb.sth.把某物递给某人

= pass sth.to sb.4.best wishes to sb.向某人致以最美好的祝愿 5.on one's thirteenth birthday 在某人十三岁生日之际

6.on the top of 在……的上面 7.All ready!都准备好了!8.Come on.来吧;快点;加油。Lesson 23

1.many thanks for sth.非常感谢你的某物

2.thanks a lot for doing sth.非常感谢你做了某事 3.(be)in fashion 很流行;合于时尚

= come in to fashion

4.fit sb.very well 非常合某人身 5.turn off/ out 关掉……

6.what sth.to do 要做的某事 7.every(each)time 每当;每次 8.carry sth.搬运/扛/抬/背某物 9.blow out 吹灭

10.have to = must 必须;不得不;得 11.not have to = needn't 不必

12.look good = look nice 看上去不错 Lesson 25

1.No smoking!禁止吸烟!

2.on one's way to 在去……的路上

= on the way to

3.take the/ a bus 坐公共汽车 = go to… by bus/ on a bus

4.this morning/ afternoon/ evening/ year 今天早上/下午/晚上/今年

5.see things better 看东西更清楚些 6.go this way 走这条路 7.point to/ at 指向/着

8.turn left/ right 向左/右转 9.cross the street 穿过马路 10.look left/ right 看看左/右边

11.one/ some/ many of ……当中的一个/一些/ 许多 12.go/ come in 进去/来

13.go/ walk past/ by … 走/路过…… 14.last/ this/ next time 上/这/下次 15.all of …


16.How can I get to …? 我怎样才能去到……? Lesson 26

1.the best neighbourhood 最好的社区 2.draw first 先画

3.make sb./ sth.+ adj.(迫)使某人/物…… 4.What's + 介词短语? 在……有什么? 5.over here/ there 在这儿/那边 6.a video store 音像制品店

7.There are no ….没有……= There are not any ….8.good shows 好看的节目 9.on TV(在)电视里 10.I'm done.我做好了。

11.one's own sth.某人自己的某物 Lesson 27

1.at the top of 在……的顶部

2.at the bottom of 在……的最下面 3.at the foot of 在……的脚下

4.in the bottom left corner 在左下角 5.shopping centre 购物中心

6.parking lot 停车场

7.by a shopping centre 在购物中心旁边 8.across from 在……的对面 9.to the right(相隔)向右 10.be missing from ……缺少 11.a piece of paper 一张纸 Lesson 28 1.the way to …


2.make a lot of drinks 做好多种饮料 3.on the sidewalk 在人行道上 4.turn to the right 向右转

5.go/ walk along 沿/顺着……走 6.movie theatre = cinema 电影院 7.walk to school 步行/走着上学

= go to school on foot Lesson 29 1.coffee shop 咖啡店

2.grocery store 食品杂货店 3.hot chocolate 热巧克力饮料 4.clean the kitchen 清理厨房 5.cook dinner 做晚饭

6.wash my own clothes 自己洗衣服 7.ask sb.to do sth.请求某人做某事 Lesson 30 1.lose one's way 迷路;走失

= get lost = go the wrong way 2.see a movie 看电影

= see a film = watch a movie 3.walk/ go straight along/ down 沿着……一直走 4.Turn right at the second crossing.在第二个路口向右拐。

5.offer to help 愿意帮助

6.try to do sth.试图(努力)做某事 7.try doing sth.试着做某事 Lesson 31 1.do well in = be good at 在……做得好 2.work hard 努力工作(学习)3.Walk until ….一直走直到……。4.get to know 逐渐认识 5.go by + 地点


6.It isn't easy(for sb.)to do sth.(某人)做某事不容易。

7.a map of the city 这个城市的地图 8.keep sth.in 一直把某物放在……里 9.a lot of fun 非常有意思

10.look out(for sth.)注意/留神(某物)Unit 1 ~ Unit 4 补充短语:

1.glue … to …

把……粘贴到…… 2.sb.be surprised 某人感到惊奇/讶 3.sth.be surprising 某事(物)令人惊讶

4.marry sb.= get married to sb.与某人结婚 5.What's wrong with …? ……怎么啦?

= What's the matter with …?

6.It takes(sb.)some time to do sth.(某人)花一些时间做某事。

7.think about 考虑;回忆;想 8.be ready for sth.为某事做好准备 9.introduce oneself 自我介绍

10.invite sb.to …

邀请某人到(参加)…… 11.a pair of 一双;一对 12.hope for sth.想要某物 13.sometime(将来)某个时候

some time 一段(一些)时间

sometimes 有时(一般时态)

some times 几次;几倍 14.be good at sth.擅长某事

be good at doing sth.擅长做某事 15.everything I saw 我看到的一切 16.make a noise 吵闹;高声喧哗 17.learn from …


18.learn by oneself 自学

= teach oneself 19.eat soup 喝汤 20.eat up 吃光

21.stay for a week 逗留一周

22.walk for ten metres 走了10米 23.bring … here 把……带来这里 24.take … there 把……带到那里 25.have a rest 休息一会儿 26.talk about 谈论;议论 27.all kinds of 各式各样的

28.different kinds of 不同种类的 29.be kind of 对……好

30.buy sb.sth.= buy sth.for sb.给某人买某物 31.sell sb.sth.= sell sth.to sb.把某物卖给某人 32.sell/ buy sth.for + 价格

以……价格卖/买某物 33.buy sth.= take sth.= get sth.= have sth.买下某物 34.get to = arrive in/ at = reach 到达 35.bake a birthday cake 烘制生日蛋糕 36.send for 派人去请(叫)

37.give sb.a big hug 热烈拥抱某人

= hug sb.warmly

38.go across = cross 横穿

39.sth.cost sb.+ 钱

某物花某人多少钱 40.both … and …

……和……都 41.neither … nor … ……和……都不 42.from now on 从现在起 43.hear from 收到……的来信

44.wear clothes = be in clothes 穿着衣服 45.put on clothes 穿上衣服

46.write with 某工具 用某工具写

47.write in 某语言或材料

用语言或材料写 48.need to do sth.需要做某事(主动)49.need doing


50.forget doing sth.忘记已做过某事



Unit 1My name is Gina.name’s=name is 名字是2 I’m=I am 我是3 she’s=she is 她是 he’s=he is他是

you’re =you are你是(复数形式)they’re=they =pen friend笔友 4 Thank you.=Thanks.谢谢你in English用英语 6 computer game(s)电子游戏 7 Lost and Found失物招领 8 a set of一副;一套a set of keys一串钥匙 are 他(她;它)们是 that’s=that is 那是

isn’t=is not 不是(单数形式)

he’snot=he is not=he isn’t他不是what’s=what is什么是

where’s=where is 在哪儿是Let’s=Let us 让我们Nice to meet/see you见到你很高兴 5 how many +可数n.复数多少how much +不可数n.复数 多少 6 last name =family name

=surname姓氏7 first name

= given name名字 8 telephone number

=phone number电话号码9 ID card 身份证Good morning(to sb)早上好 11 Good afternoon下午好 12 Good night /evening.晚上好 13 Sit down, please.=Have a seat, please.请坐 14 That’s all right.好;行不用谢;没关系

That’s right.对的、正确的All right.好的,行,好吧 15 Not at all.=It’s a/my pleasure.=That’s OK.=You’re welcome.=That’s all right.不用谢

Unit 2Is this your pencil ?pencil case铅笔盒 2 pencil sharpener卷笔刀 3 pen palwho’s=who is谁是 11 it’s=it is它是 12 look at朝…看 13 ball-point pen圆珠笔call sb at+电话号码打电话给某人 15 gold ring金戒指 16 school ID card校卡 17 See you later.=See you soon.再见

Unit3This is my sister.how old几岁Thanks for...+n./doing sth为…而感谢 3 very much很;非常 4 pen friend笔友aren’t=are not不是(复数形式)7 the Great Wall长城 8 Thanks for your help为了感谢你的帮助in the picture在图中match…with…把…与…搭配 11 which one哪一个 12 look at朝…看 13 talk about谈论关于 14 take turns to do sth

.=do sth in turns 轮流做某事family photo家庭照片 16 add…to…把…添加到…中 17 family tree家谱 18 what about=how about…怎么样 19 draw a picture画画a photo(picture)of…的一张照片 21 on the back of the photo在照片背后take photos(a photo)拍照dark blue深蓝 24 light green浅绿

Unit 4Where’s my backpack ?next to在…旁边don’t=do not不是(动词主语形式)12 That sounds interesting那听起来很有趣a great collection丰富的收藏 14 be interested in sth

=take an interest in对…感兴趣You’re welcome.不用谢 3 in pair成对的Goodbye.= Bye-bye再见 5.behind the computer 在电脑后面write down写下;记下 7 I’m sorry对不起 8 act out表演出来 9 alarm clock闹钟 10 video cassette录像带 11 soccer ball英式足球 12 school bag书包 13 in the backpack在书包里 14 under the bed在床下 15 on the chair在椅子上 16 on the dresser在梳妆台上 17 math book数学书 18 take sth to…(there/him/+地点)把…带去bring sth to …(here/me/+地点)把…带来the math book这本数学书 21 the notebook这个笔记本

Unit 5Do you have a soccer ball ?tennis racket网球拍 2 baseball bat棒球球拍 3 doesn’t=does not不是(动词三单形式)watch TV看电视 5 have /play sports做运动 6 a good idea一个好主意 7 every day/morning/Sunday/…每天/每个早上/…watch a game(s)看比赛/游戏 9 like doing喜欢做某事(爱好)10 like to do喜欢做某事(特定时间)Would you like sth to eat?你喜欢吃什么?want to do sth想做某事welcome to+地点欢迎来某地 17 go and find去找到

Unit 6Do you like bananas ?French fries薯条 2 ice cream冰淇淋 3 running star赛跑明星 4 lots of = a lot of +(C)复数/(U)大量;许多French chicken leg炸鸡腿 6 ice stick冰棒have+三餐/breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper 吃…餐 8 movie(film)star电影明星 9 music star歌星 10 healthy food健康食物 11.eatfood吃食物 12 lose weight减肥have a look(at sth.)看一看(某物)14 at school/ at home

在学校/在家里15 relax sports休闲运动 16 some runners一些运动员 17 go on a picnic去野餐 18 fast food restaurant快餐店

Unit 7How much are these pants ?how much +(U)多少/多少钱 2 how many +(C)复数多少 3 Here you are.给你bag for sports运动包5 come down to到达6 I’m sorry.对不起 7 can I help you?

=What can I do for you?需要我帮忙吗? 8 want sth./to do sth想要某物/想要做某事what color什么颜色Can you believe it?你相信吗 11 want sb to do sth想要某人做某事That’s OK.= It’s my pleasure.(5种)不用谢That’s not all.不只这些 14 black and blue黑白相嵌 15 on sale在出售at the price of以…的价格 17 at a very good price一个好价钱/价格合理18.What’s the price of sth ? =How much … 多少钱19.like something cheap

喜欢便宜的东西that time of year一年中的那个时候 19 in all colors各色 20 in+颜色着色 21 see for yourself亲眼看 22 boys and girls=class同学们 23 clothes store= clothes shop服装店 =clothing store= clothing shop服装店 24 ask sb to do sth请求某人做某事 25 I don’t think so.我不这么认为 26 national flag国旗

Unit 9Do you want to go to a movie ?action movie动作片what kind(of sth)哪一种/何种东西a kind of sth(单数)一种all kinds of sth(复数)各种各样different /many /some kinds of sth(复数)不同/许多/一些种类Beijing Opera京剧stay at home =be at home呆在家里 5 for the reason因为, 因为某种原因 6 in a word一句话,总而言之 7 in fact事实上 8 look for寻找(动作)find找到(结果)

find out(经过一番努力)找出 9 look at sth朝…看look like=be like看上去象look the same看起来一样look out(of sth)朝…外看/小心look sth up(in a dictionary)查找look around环顾四周look after=take care of=care for照顾look after sb well =take good care of sb=care for sb well很好照顾某人see a comedy/tragedy看一场喜剧/悲剧sleepless night不眠之夜 12 on weekend在周末 13 thanks = thank you /thank sb.感谢某人

thanks very much非常感谢thanks for(sth./doing sth)为…而感谢某人learn a lot / much学会了许多 15 want to be想成为…

be going to be打算成为/将成为 16 for the same reason为了同样的理由 17 at a very fast speed以一个很快的速度succeed in doing sth成功做某事 19 What do you like best?=What’s your favorite ?

Unit 8When is your birthday ?

1how old几岁 2 school trip郊游 3 basketball/ volleyball game篮球赛/排球赛help sb with sth帮助某人某事 5 school day学校上课日 6 be born in/on出生于date of birth=birthday出生日期 8 Art Festival艺术节 9 Music Festival音乐节 10 pop concert流行音乐会 11 speech contest演讲比赛 12 soccer ball game足球赛 13 birthday party生日会 14 fill in one’s calendar填写某人日程安排chorus competition合唱比赛 16 each year =every year每年 17 a piece of paper一张纸


like sth best = be one’s favorite最喜欢某物go to school去学校/去上学 go home回家 go to do sth去做某事 go to see sth /sb去看某物/某人 go to(see)a film(s)去看电影 = go to(watch)a movie(s)去看电影 = go to the cinema去看电影

go to+地点/Japan/Hebei/West Lake去…go to+the+地点n./the museum/the mountaingo doing/swimming/hiking/sightseeing… 21 at night = in the evening在晚上 22 read a story /stories读/看故事 23 tell sb sth告述某人某事tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事 tell sb.to do sth.告诉某人做某事 24 in Beijing /+大地点在北京/在某地young/old people年轻人/老年人 26 on weekend(s)在周末pictures of Beijing Opera京剧剧照 28 Chinese /American history中国/美国历史exciting story /stories振奋人心的故事Chinese action movie(s)中国动作/武打片

great actor(s)巨星

famous actor(s)/actress(es)著名演员

Unit 10Can you play the guitar ?can’t=can not不能 2 summer camp夏令营 3rock band摇滚乐队 4 talent show才艺表演 5 a little少量 6 fill in填充play the guitar弹吉他 8 play the piano弹钢琴 9 go dancing去跳舞 10 speak English说英语a job一个工作 12 in summer在夏天 13 talk to sb对某人讲话 14 talk with sb与某人交谈 15 on Sunday(s)在星期天 16 in Japan在日本little girl/boy小男孩/女孩 18 join the---club参加——俱乐部 20 English club英语俱乐部 21 chess club象棋俱乐部 22 art club艺术俱乐部 23 swimming club游泳俱乐部 24 painting club绘画俱乐部 25 singing club唱歌俱乐部 26 dancing club跳舞俱乐部 27 play sth well玩得很好 28 be good with sb和某人相处愉快 29 play the drums打鼓 30 sing or dance唱歌或跳舞 31 school concert学校音乐会 32 sth/sb wanted征聘sth./sb.33 tell sth.to sb = tell sb sth告述某人某事

be in …成为…的成员 36 for more information需要更多信息

call sb at+号码打电话给某人 38 in the auditorium在礼堂 39 make a list列一份清单 40 show sb sth=show sth to sb把…显示给某人看

show me your ID card把你的身份证给我看

Unit 11What time do you go to school ?what time=when几点 2 go to school去学校/去上学 3 go to work去上班sleep a little longer睡时间长一些 5 get up(反义:go to bed)起床 6 put on(反义:take off)穿上/脱掉 7 get to=arrive at/in/reach+地点到达某地listen to.听… 9 go to bed上床睡觉 10 do homework做作业 11 go home回家take/have a shower沐浴 13 be busy(with sth)/doing sth忙于做某事make a schedule制作一张时间表 15 take a bus/taxi/train/subway 乘公共汽车…have/eatbreakfast/lunch/supper/dinner 吃早餐/吃午餐/晚餐have a rich lunch吃一顿丰盛的午餐 18 after breakfast/lunch/supper早饭后…write to sb写信给某人 20 write and tell me sth请写信告诉我某事answer one’s letter回信给某人 22 do one’s homework做某人的作业 23 Class begins.开始上课 24 make a breakfast做早餐 25 practice(doing)sth练习做某事 26 practice(playing)the guitar练习弹吉他practice(speaking)English练习说英语make a survey作调查 29 take the Number 7 bus坐17号公共汽车walk all night工作整晚 31 watch the morning news on TV早间新闻

a tired but happy man一个疲惫但快乐 33 Chinese Kung Fu中国功夫 34 go to bed early早睡 35 get up early早起 36 sleep a little later晚睡一点five women/men doctors五个女/男医生Fuzhou city福州城 7 finish doing sth完成某事 8 do exercises做练习do some exercise锻炼want to do sth =would like to do想做某事be strict with sb对某人严厉/严格make sure使确信 12 be sure of /about sth确信 13 write a note写便条 14 in class上课 15 have+学科上…课have math/English/Chinese上数学课/英语..from …to…从…到… 17 from Monday to Friday从星期一到星期五five days a week一周五天 19 on Monday在星期一 20 TV show电视节目 21be busy(with sth/doing sth)忙碌于…for example例如

take sth for example举…为例 23 All classes will be over at 2 o’clock.全部课程结束在2点 24 make/keep sb +adj

make them tired/happy使某人很累/高兴 make the desk clean让桌子干净

Unit 12My favorite subject is science.physical education =PE体育 2 … year(s)old…岁(年龄)3 apple tree苹果树three apple trees三棵苹果树




1、be back from从…回来

2、be home 在家

3、come back 回来

4、last Sunday 上星期日

5、live in London 住在伦敦

6、look at those ice creams 看那些冰激凌

7、come with us跟我们来

8、wait for me等等我9、hurry up赶快

10、walk to school步行去学校

11、come to school by us乘公共汽车来学校

12、have rice吃米饭

13、have noodles吃面条

14、send an email发电子邮件

15、go to the park去公园

16、in the park在公园里

17、go home by bus乘公共汽车回家

18、run to the bus跑向公共汽车

19、watchTV看电视20、Huangpu River黄浦江

M221、at home在家

22、make a shopping list制作一张购物清单

23、at the supermarket在超市

24、over there在那边

25、half a kilo半公斤

26、a lot of chocolate 许多巧克力M327、at the weekend在周末

28、lots of places许多地方

29、the British Museum大英博物馆 30、Big Ben大本钟

31、the London Eye伦敦眼

32、go by bus乘公共汽车去

33、like the bus ride best最喜欢乘公共汽车

34、take a boat trip乘船旅行

35、along the river沿河

36、one hour and twenty minutes一小时二十分钟

37、have a good day度过美好的一天

38、take this picture拍这张照片

39、the Great Wall长城40、go to Badaling by bus乘公共汽车去八达岭

41、arrive there at ten o’clock十点钟到那里

42、walk on the wall for one hour在城墙上步行一个小时

43、take photos of the mountains拍山的照片

44、go to school by plane乘飞机去学校

45、go swimming in the sea在海里游泳

M446、this pair of shorts这条短裤

47、new clothes for Sam萨姆的新衣服

48、don’t argue不要吵了

49、on the line在绳子上50、new trousers for Daming大明的新裤子

51、my new sports shoes我的新运动鞋

52、on the school bus在校车上

M554、class begins上课了

55、give out分发

56、all right好的57、on the fioor在地板上

58、have a party举行一次聚会

59、dance happily快乐地跳舞 60、at the zoo在动物园里61、in a row成一行 62、go high and low跑上跑下 63、in the tree在树上

M664、play basketball打篮球 65、football team足球队 66、run fast跑得快67、pass the ball传球68、jump really high跳得很高69、be good at擅长70、catch the ball接住球71、a good goalkeeper一个很好的守门员72、first fan第一个粉丝73、in the past在过去 74、swim very fast游得很快75、at all根本不

M776、a TV show about dogs一个关于狗的电视节目77、last week上周78、hot dogs热狗79、sit down坐下80、carry the bag

M881、half past eight八点半82、go to bed 去睡觉 83、be late for school 上学迟到84、in the morning上午85、get up起床86、near the school在学校附近87、do exercise锻炼

88、every morning每天早晨89、in the playground在操场上90、before nine o’clock九点之前91、skipping rope跳绳 92、play with friends和朋友们玩 93、go into the classroom进教室94、have music上音乐课95、every weekday周一到周五

M996、feel sad感到难过97、feel happy感到高兴 98、feel bored感到厌烦99、miss your friends in China想念你在中国的朋友 100、feel angry感到生气101、of course not当然不102、in hospital在医院里103、on the farm在农场104、all day一整天 105、win a chess game 赢了国际象棋比赛106、last week上周107、nice noodles soup美味的面条汤M10108、in the kitchen在厨房里109、in the bedroom在卧室里

110、in the toilet在厕所里111、in the living room在客厅里 112、play hide-and –seek玩捉迷藏113、find me last最后找到我114、behind the sofa在沙发后面115、walk on the grass在草坪上走116、shout in the zoo在动物园里大喊大叫 117、climb the tree爬树 118、jump on the bed在床上跳119、fall off the bed从床上掉下来120、bump my head碰了我的头



Good morning /Good afternoon/ Good evening 早上好/下午好/晚上好

In the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening 在早上/在下午/在晚上

How are you?你好吗?I’m fine,thanks我很好,谢谢!

first name名字last name=family name姓氏

phone number =telephone number 电话号码an ID card一张身份证

pencil case铅笔盒pencil sharpener铅笔刀

computer game电脑游戏play computer games玩电脑游戏

call sb.at 347-2365 给某人打347-2365lost and found失物招领

a set of keys一串钥匙in English用英语

an eraser一块铅笔擦thanks for …=thank you for… 为…感谢

a photo of your family你家人的照片on the floor在地板

on the sofa在沙发上behind the door在门后

in the drawer在抽屉里under the chair在椅子下

an alarm clock一只闹钟soccer ball英式足球

take sth to sb.把…拿(去)给某人bring sth.to sb.把…带(来)给某人

play basketball打篮球play ping-pong /table tennis 打乒乓球

tennis racket网球拍every day每天play/do sports做运动watch TV看电视watch sth.on TV在电视上观看…French fries炸薯条

ice cream冰淇淋some tomatoes几个西红柿

Some photos一些/几张相片lots of = a lot of许多,大量

healthy food健康食品。Have/eat chicken吃鸡肉

have/eat breakfast 吃早饭have/eat lunch吃午饭

have/eat dinner(supper)吃晚饭how much多少钱

you're welcome不客气have a look at看一看…

two dollars两美元Here you are!给你

seven yuan七元(人民币)what color什么颜色

at a good price价格合适come and see for yourself亲自来看看

on sale大廉销 ,大减价birthday party生日聚会

date of birth(=birthday)生日speech contest演讲比赛

school day作息日,校日basketball game 篮球赛

Art Festival艺术节how old几岁fifteen years old15岁go to a movie看电影

listen to music 听音乐Beijing Opera京剧action movies 动作片movie star电影明星on weekends在周末Chinese history 中国历史

favorite actor 最喜欢的演员rock band摇滚乐队

English club英语俱乐部play chess下棋speak English说英语play the guitar弹吉他play the piano 弹钢琴go to school 去上学go to bed去睡觉go to work去上班get up起床be good with 与….相处融洽

what time….几点钟at …o’clock 在…点钟

take a shower=have a shower淋浴,洗澡after breakfast早饭后

after class 下课后after school 放学后

take the bus乘公共汽车take sb.to …带/送某人到… …

get home到家go home回家do one's homework做作业a little一点点

have math 上数学课Chinese teacher 语文老at home 在家on Monday在周一what can you do?你能做什么?look for寻找

like to do sth=love to do sth 喜欢做某事like doing sth喜欢做某事

help sb with sth=help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事know about了解

ask sb to do sth要求某人做某事be busy doing sth 忙于做某事be strict with sb 对某人严格learn about sth 学习关于……learn from sb 向某人学习learn to do sth 学会做某事in china/in America 在中国/在美国for oneself亲自…


1、what…?询问姓名、号码、物品名称等(如:what’s your name?)

2、what time…?询问时间(如: what time is it now?)

3、what day…?询问星期(如: what day is it today?)

4、what color…?询问颜色(如:what color is that hat?)

5、what kind of…询问什么种类(如:what kind of color do you like?)

6、what +名词…?询问其他(如:what club do you want to join?)

7、How…?询问身体状况、方式、方法等(如: How is your mother? She is fine.)

8、where…?询问地点(如:where is your math book? It’s in the desk.)

9、How much…?询问价格(如:How much are the shoes? They are 100 dollars.)

10、How many…?询问多少(对可数名词进行提问)

11、How old…?询问年龄(如:How old are you ? I’m 12.)

12、when…?询问时间(如:when do you have lunch?)

13、why…?询问原因(如:why does she like music? Because it’s relaxing.)

14、who…?用来对姓名、身份、职位等提问(如:who is your math teacher?)



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    五年级英语上册词组及同义句 一、词组go to work 去工作 do some reading 读点书 How often…? 多经常...? surf the Net 上网 Children's Palace 少年宫go for a walk 去散步 t......


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    48. the girl in red穿红衣服的女孩 七上6-9短语 49. next to 隔壁 1. running star赛跑明星 50.have a sale =on sale在甩卖2. lots of = a lot of大量;许多 51. can afford......


    Unit 1 colourful flowers 五颜六色的花 the birds in the trees树上的鸟 The best time for swimming 游泳最好的时间make a snowman 堆雪人 fly a kite 放风筝go skiing......


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    常用词组  bring around 或 bring round 1. 说服:使采用某项提议,使采取某种行动 2. 使恢复知觉  bring down 1. 使倒下,使崩溃 2. 杀死  bring forth 1. 引起;产生 Plants brin......


    五年级上册总结(古德英语班版权所有) 1. thank sb for doing因为某人做某事而感谢某人 2. There weren’t any … 以前没有… 3. How about …=What about ……呢? 4. lots of......


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