
时间:2019-05-15 04:16:14下载本文作者:会员上传





假设你是红星中学学生会主席李华。由于天气原因,你校原定于本周五举行的活动有所调整,请用英文口头通知留学生相关事宜。内容包括: 1.公园5公里慢跑调整为校内观看中国电影; 2.电影名称,观看时间和地点; 3.观看该电影的理由。



Dear all, may I have your attention, please? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

That’s all.Thank you.(范文)

Dear all, may I have your attention please? I am Li Hua, president of the Student Union and I am here to tell you something important.As you may have known from the weather report, there will be a heavy rain this Friday.Thus, the school has decided to show a movie then in place of the originally planned activity of 5km jogging in the park The movie we’ll see is American Dreams in China.This movie will definitely help you know more about China as it is based on a real story that happened after the policy of Reform and Opening Up was introduced.How three ambitious young men built an English-tutoring empire clearly reflects China’s recent development.The attractive plot and outstanding performance won’t let you down and the theme will certainly give you some food for thought.To better enjoy the movie, please arrive at the school auditorium at 1:50 p.m.The film starts at 2:00p.m.sharp and will last for two hours.Have fun and enjoy yourselves!

That’s all.Thank you.注:American Dreams in China为电影《中国合伙人》



注意:词数不少于60。提示词:流浪狗 stray dog



One day after school, just before I arrived home, I noticed a puppy beside the community gate.Seeing it shivering in the freezing wind, I felt sympathetic for it and decided to help.Concerned that it might be sick, I rushed it to the neighborhood vet.On seeing the skinny dog with dirty hair, the vet recognized it as a stray dog.He praised me for my kindness and offered to examine it for free.Fortunately, the dog was fine except for being a little underweight.Since I couldn’t afford the time and energy, the loving vet agreed to keep it until I found it a home.That night, I posted several pictures of the puppy with a description on a local website, hoping someone would adopt it.To my great surprise, within a few hours my postreceived hundreds of clicks and dozens of netizens applied to be the owner.After several telephone “interviews”, a couple became my final choice since they have rich experience in dog raising.We met the next day at the vet’s.For the couple, it was love at first sight.The puppy, as if aware of what was going on, kept on wagging its tail.As I waved the contented family goodbye, I felt a load off my mind and pride in my heart.If everyone can treat animals with love, the world will surely be a nicer place.西城区



假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国朋友Jim即将过生日。你打算送给他一件具有中国特色的礼物。请给他写封信,内容包括: 1.生日祝福; 2.礼物介绍;

3.选择该礼物的原因。注意: 1.词数不少于50;


Dear Jim,Next Monday is your birthday.I’m sending you a gift.It’s a lacquer engraving handicraft plate.Lacquer engraving is a traditional Chinese folk craft art.The engraving is done on layers of red lacquer painted on a wooden base.You know, the color of red stands for happiness and good fortune and is especially favored by Chinese people.Do you know why I chose this gift for you? It’s because there’s a pattern of the Great Wall on the plate.I still remember your astonished look when both of us finally made it to the highest beacon tower of the Great Wall, seeing the spectacular scene.I hope you’ll like it.Happy birthday again!


假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。上周,你班同学为迎接新年的到来,为元旦联欢会精心策划准备。请你按照以下四幅图的先后顺序,以“Preparations for New Year’s Party”为题,给校刊写一篇英文稿件,介绍准备联欢会的全过程。






Preparations for New Year’s Party

Last Monday, realizing the new year of 2017 was coming, some of my classmates and I came up with an idea that we should hold a party to celebrate it.Without any delay we had a heated discussion about what to prepare and put down all the things needed on a list.Right after school, we headed to the nearby supermarket for shopping.Besides the decorations, we also bought some fruit and drinks.The day before the party, we started to decorate the classroom.While I was writing “Happy New Year” on the blackboard, my classmates put up the paper festoons and balloons, cleaned the floor, and arranged the desks and chairs.Soon, the whole classroom took on a new look.At the sight of the scene, our head teacher gave us a thumbs-up.What a joyful party would it be? A big smile spread across our faces.东城区


假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国朋友Jim和你都喜欢阅读,最近他在邮件中提出想与和你分享读书心得。请你给Jim回信,向他介绍你喜欢的一本励志的书籍。内容包括: 1.该书的书名;

2.该书的主要内容; 3.该书对你的影响。



Dear Jim,It’s great to hear from you.It’s really a good idea for us to share our favourite books with each other.My favourite book is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn written by Betty Smith.It tells the story of Francie Nolan, an adolescent girl who grows up in a poor immigrant family in Brooklyn.Her mother favors her little brother, while his father is always drunk.Life is hard for her.However, reading brings her great pleasure.Thanks to the books, she finds a way to endure poverty and loneliness, surviving all the difficulties and challenges.What I’ve learned from this book is that though life is tough sometimes, as long as we’re determined to rise above difficult circumstances, life can be hopeful and colorful.This book encourages me to keep optimistic about life and gives me courage to face difficulties.It certainly deserves to read.Looking forward to learning about your favourite book.第二节(20分)




Last Monday I had an unforgettable experience.I watched the launch of Shenzhou XI manned spacecraft through TV at school.(范文)内容要点: 1.等待

2.观看 3.讨论


Last Monday I had an unforgettable experience.I watched the launch of Shenzhou XI manned spacecraft on TV at school.Early in the morning, we gathered on the playground anxiously waiting for the launch.We all looked at the big screen attentively.Hearing “5, 4, 3, 2, 1.Ignite!Go!”, I felt my heart beating fast.With a mass of orange flames, the spacecraft gradually flew into space, carrying our Chinese Dream.The moment it was announced that the launch was successfully accomplished, we burst into applause.We were so thrilled that we jumped, cheering the launch.Later that day, we had a heated discussion about what to do to celebrate the launch.We finally reached an agreement to make a wall newspaper.When the designing was done, we set about working on it.All of us did our bit and the wall newspaper was soon finished.I’ll never forget this precious moment.The magnificent launch not only impresses us deeply but motivates us to do our best at school so that we can also make some contributions to our country.朝阳区




1.介绍训练营的相关安排(如时间、内容等); 2.说明训练营的目的; 3.表达希望对方参加的愿望。注意:1.词数不少于50;


Dear Jim, _______________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua


Dear Jim, I’m writing to tell you a piece of good news.Our school will run a Peking Opera camp for foreign students this winter vacation.It will start from February 5th and last ten days.Some famous artists will offer basic courses in this national treasure, including singing, dialogues, movements as well as facial make-up.They want to present the idea that Peking Opera is not just an art, but a symbol of traditional Chinese culture.I know you’re interested in Peking Opera, so I hope you’ll join the camp and have a good time there.Yours, Li Hua


假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华。你班同学在12月5日参加了学校组织的“国际志愿者日”活动。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,以“Our VoluntaryActivity”为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件,介绍活动的完整过程。


提示词:国际志愿者日theInternational Volunteer Day



Our Voluntary Activity My classmates and I took part in a voluntary activity on the International Volunteer Day.We had a meeting to discuss what to do before the activity.Our monitor suggested giving directions to those who got lost, and everyone agreed.On the morning of December 5th, we came to the crossroads near our school, making careful preparations.Some were hanging up banners, while others were putting maps in order.For the whole day we gave help to those who lost their way, telling them how to reach their destinations.They were all satisfied and praised us for what we did.Time passed quickly.At 5 o’clock, we finished our voluntary activity and said goodbye to each other.It was tiring, but we were really proud to do some voluntary work on the special day.石景山区


假如你是红星中学高三学生李华,你的英国朋友Jim 在给你的邮件中提到有关选择的话题,并请你介绍一次对你有影响的选择。请你给Jim回信,内容包括: 1.你的一次选择经历;

2.说明此次选择对你的影响。注意: 1.词数不少于50;


(范文)Dear Jim, It’s great to hear from you and I have a very favorable opinion about choice making.Yes, life is full of choices.I’d like to share my experience of a very important choice in my life.Last year, when I was asked to decide on arts or science, I came to realize the importance of making choices.My caring parents suggested I go in for science for a promising future career.Having assessed my strengths and weaknesses, I, myself, was determined to take up arts instead since history and English were what interested me most.For the first time ever, I have followed my heart and enjoyed everything all along.I pride myself on making the choice on my own, which is a milestone for me to think for myself and learn to be responsible for my own future.Best wishes!

Yours, Li Hua

第二节(20 分)假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,介绍你和父母计划并陪伴爷爷奶奶欢度“重阳节”的过程,以“A Happy Double Ninth Festival”为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件。

提示词:缆车cable car快递员courier 内容要点:

1.确定计划; 2.登顶拍照; 3.家庭聚餐; 4.送花祝福。

(范文)A Happy Double Ninth Festival Last weekend, my parents and I celebrated the Double Ninth Festival with my grandparents happily.Before the big day, I planned to take my Grandparents to Xiangshang Park for a visit, while my parents booked flowers on line.On the early morning of the festival, my grandparents and I set out for the park.Considering their age, I accompanied them to the top of the mountain by cable car.Enjoying the beautiful scenery, we can’t help taking lots of photos.When we came back home at noon, my parents had already prepared a big lunch for us.I served the dishes and all the family enjoyed the meal happily.To my grandparents’ surprise, a courier delivered two bunches of flowers soon after we finished the meal.My parents and I, along with the courier, wished them a pleasant life.Seeing the smiles on my grandparents’ faces, I was glad and proud to have done 11 something to show my love to them.丰台区



1.是哪个中国传统节日; 2.中国人怎么庆祝这个节日; 3.你为什么喜欢这个节日。注意:1.词数不少于50;


Dear Jim,I’m very delighted to know you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals.(范文)Dear Jim,I’m delighted to know you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals.You might have never heard of Chong Yang festival, but it is actually my favourite.It falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.Since nine is the largest single number, it is viewed as Senior Citizens’ Day.People often do activities like going hiking and admiring flowers on this day.As for me, I had never thought about doing anything for the elderly until I learnt about the festival at school.Our teacher asked us to do a nice thing for our grandparents.For the first time in my life, I washed my grandma’s feet.I’ll never forget the sweet smile she wore and the happiness I felt.You see, I like Chong Yang festival not just because of the popular activities.The most important reason is that it serves as reminder that I should do something to show my appreciation of my grandparents’ love for me.(150 words)Yours, Li Hua 12





Dear Chris, This term with my friends, I took part in a meaningful activity.And I’d like to share it with you.____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

What do you think of that? Looking forward to your reply.Yours, Li Hua


1.选择要养成的习惯 2.上网查找并列出书单 3.不同时间、地点读书 4.完成活动并相互祝贺(范文)Dear Chris,This term with my friends I took part in a meaningful activity in our school.And I’d like to share it with you.It is called “A good habit in 100 days.”

Upon hearing the news, my friends and I talked about what habit we would form.One friend of mine suggested running while I thought of reading.After a discussion, we decided to read half an hour a day to enjoy the pleasure of reading.Then we surfed the Internet to find the best-sellers and made a list of books we liked.From then on, we made full use of time to read.We read whether in the library, on the playground or on the subway.At last, we reached our goal of reading for 100 days!How excited we were!While cheering for our achievement, we made up our mind to keep on reading.What do you think of that? Looking forward to your reply.14



海淀: Apply for Admission to the English Dept.Dear Sir,My name is Li Hua, from Guang Ming High School in Beijing, China.I would like to apply for admission to the English Dept.of your school.I am a seventeen-year-old boy, and now in senior grade 3.I am sociable, easy-going and good at communicating with others.I have made many friends and I can work well in a team.Meanwhile, I am quite independent and it is easy for me to adapt to a new environment.As a senior student, I have been working hard at my lessons and have managed to get fairly high grades.I am sure that I shall graduate at the top of my class.I am especially good at English, and have won the first prize in an English Speech Contest.All this will enable me to continue my studies in your department without having much trouble with a language barrier.Therefore, I believe English is a good major for me.I should be grateful if you can take my application into consideration.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua

Smiling Cups

As can be seen in the picture, the two cups are smiling, regardless of how much water they each have.One cup is almost full while the other is not.The picture indicates that people should always be optimistic, no matter what they have.Just as is shown, the two cups with different amount of water are both happy.I think that they are both pleased to serve people with all they have.They may represent common people in our life.Whether rich or poor, we should be happy to do something for society.Thus we can learn that giving is the source of happiness.西城The H1N1 Flu Control

How are things going?I’m writing to tell you something about the H1N1 flu control here in our school.With a rapid spread of the flu, schools in Beijing have been taking various preventive measures and our school is no exception.Every day, we take our temperature twice and report to the school if anyone has a fever.In that case, some medical care will be provided quickly.During class breaks, teachers often remind us to open the windows to let in fresh air.We are also advised not to go to crowded places or big gatherings.If several cases of H1N1 flu are found in a class, all the students in the class have to stay home from school until temperatures return to normal.In my opinion, the most effective way to protect ourselves is to exercise more to keep our body strong and healthy.How is the flu controlled in schools in the US? Please let me know about it.I hope everything is going well with you.Take care.Yours,Li Hua

A Boy is Shouting at His Dad

As is shown in the picture, a boy is shouting at his dad, who looks upset and doesn’t know what to do with his son.Their relationship seems difficult.The picture reminds me of one of the problems that many families with teenagers face.Although it seems that the kid does not respect his dad, it is their communication that has gone wrong.A good relationship between a parent and a child requires much effort to make it strong.Open and frank communications help to ensure parents and their children stay close together.So why don’t the dad and his son sit together, face to face, calm down and talk through their problems? This way, I believe they will gradually have a positive relationship and become the father and son that we all really admire.东城


Upon their arrival we gave the American students a warm welcome, among whom a boy named Tim was to stay with my family for the weekend.While they were introducing themselves, I already recognized him by comparing him with the photo he had sent to me.When school was over, we took the subway home, where my parents had already prepared a rich family dinner for

Tim.We enjoyed ourselves a lot, eating and chatting about whatever subjects that interested us.The next day, I acted as a guide, showing Tim around the most famous scenic spots in Beijing, such as the Great Wall and the Bird’s Nest.Wherever he went, he had some photos taken to help him memorize this unforgettable trip to China.When finally the time came for us to say good-bye, I gave Tim a kite as a souvenir.I think this activity has benefited me a lot.It was a perfect chance for me both to practice my oral English and to learn more about America.Two Cactuses

Looking at the picture, I can see two cactuses growing in a large area of desert.The mother cactus is holding an umbrella to protect the baby cactus from the baking sun.But against her good wish, the baby cactus is bending down and turning weak in the shade of the umbrella.This makes me think of what happens in our daily life.Like the mother cactus in the picture, parents are making every effort to create a comfortable environment for their children.But unfortunately, they have forgotten one important fact.No one can grow up without experiencing pain and difficulties.Too much protection from parents has a side effect on children.Just like the baby cactus in the picture, how can it grow up healthily without sunlight?

So parents, please throw the umbrella away.Let children face whatever may lie ahead of them so that they will be able to grow naturally.北京市抽样

October 25,SundaySunny

Today I took part in Beijing Foreign Language Festival with my friend Wang Wei.We arrived there by bike in the morning sunshine.First we attended a lecture introducing effective methods for learning English.The audience were absorbed in it and took notes carefully.Then we went to the English Corner, where a lot of people were chatting with foreigners in small groups.Wang Wei and I joined them with great interest.It was amazing to find myself talking with a native speaker and we got on quite well.Time passed quickly.Before leaving, we bought some books and dictionaries.The Festival gave me a good chance to practice English, as well as confidence and

encouragement for my study.Gain and loss

From the picture we can see that one hand is trying to hold the sand with great caution, while the other hand lets part of it drop.I think the picture conveys the message of gain and loss to us.The sand is just like good things in our life.Everyone attempts to get good things and hold them forever.However, it is impossible to keep everything all the time.Sometimes we have to learn to abandon something, even if it’s quite good or useful.In my opinion, sometimes to lose is not a bad thing, but a wise choice.崇文Love for My Mom

If you ask me who I love most, I will definitely provide you with the answer “my mum”.I still remember what I did last Women’s Day.On March 8th, I decided to do something special for my mom to express my gratitude to her.After school, I bought some vegetables from the supermarket.On arriving home, I began to sweep the floor.Meanwhile I cooked the dishes which my mom loved most.Before my mom came back, I got all the housework done and dishes ready.I was very excited when I opened the door for my mom and said “Happy Women’ s Day” to her.My mom looked around the room and she smiled happily.It was an unforgettable day, because I didsomething for my mom.Fake and Unreal Advertisements

From the picture, I can see a small snail which has a shadow with an image of a huge ox.I find the sharp comparison very interesting.The words printed on the back of the ox makes me think deeper about fake and unreal advertisements around us.Advertisements do play an important part in our life, however, many of them are not telling the facts.As a matter of fact, they sometimes just overstate the advantages and hide the disadvantages on purpose, which is a common social phenomenon.In my opinion, overstatement may be an effective way of marketing their products, nevertheless, the trust between people will gradually disappear.I firmly believe sticking to the facts is fundamental and vital.Please stop presenting consumers fake images any more.


Section C(25 marks)

Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.在生活中,你或者你的朋友都有可能遭遇过这样的尴尬:年长的人不能理解或误解你们这一辈比较流行的文化现象,比如说:“快闪(flash mob)”。请你就此“generation gap”的现象由此展开想像或结合你的实际经历以第一人称写一篇英语短文。内容应包括:1.你的这次被误解的具体经历;








Directions: Write an English composition in over 120 words based on the picture and the instructions given below.简要描述图片内容,就图片的主题谈谈自己的感想。


In the picture, a girl is riding a bicycle, but her father is on her right showing the direction, her mother is on her left with a first-aid box and behind her is her granny, who is out of breath.They are all running as they are holding the bicycle.Sweat is falling down from their foreheads.The girl is shouting, “Leave me alone, I can manage.”

Today parents and grandparents tend to worry too much about their children.As an lonely child, I am looked after from head to foot by my parents.But is it necessary for them to do so? No!Indeed, they love me, but I don’t want this kind of love.I need independence more, because independence is important in modern society.Without it, we will not be able to meet challenges in the future.Certainly, I don’t mean that I don’t need my parents’ help, but I want them to help me gain my independence.Dear parents, please understand what we need!




























































































































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