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Unit 7 The birthday partyTopic 2 Can you dance or draw?


1.Maria, what would you like to do at Kangkang's birthday party? 玛丽亚,在康康的生日聚会上你想表演什么节目? 1)party指各式各样的聚会。如:

birthday party生日聚会 dinner party晚宴 2)at的常用法:

①表地点 如:at school在学校 at home在家

②表时间点 如:at two o'clock在两点钟 at half past six在六点半

③表原因 如:We were very sad at the news of his death.听到他去世的消息,我们很伤心。

④表场合 如:at the party在聚会上 at the meeting在会议上

⑤用于某些固定短语 如:be good at„擅长„„ look at„看„„

2.I'd like to play the piano and sing some songs.我想弹钢琴,也想唱几首歌。play the piano的意思是“弹钢琴”。play与乐器连用时,乐器前需加定冠词the,这时play意为“弹,拉”等。如:

She can play the guitar.她会弹吉他。He can play the violin.他会拉小提琴。


The students are playing volleyball.学生们在打排球。I like playing football.我喜欢踢足球。

My brother often plays basketball after school.放学后我弟弟经常打篮球。3.I'm sure we'll have a good time at the party.我肯定我们在聚会上会玩得高兴。

(1)be sure+(that)宾语从句 确信/肯定„„ 如:


I'm sure(that)it will be fine tomorrow.我肯定明天是晴天。He is sure he can do it well.他确信他能把这件事做好。

链接:be sure to do sth.一定要,务必做某事 如:

Be sure to give my best wishes to your family.请务必把我最美好的祝愿带给你的家人。

(2)have a good time玩得高兴,过得愉快 类似的说法还有:

have a wonderful time/ have a nice time 在同义句的改写中have a good time = enjoy oneself(注意单复数)。如: Kangkang has a good time every day.= Kangkang enjoys himself every day.康康每天都过得很愉快。

They had a good time at Maria's birthday party = They enjoyed themselves at Maria's birthday party.他们在玛丽亚的生日聚会上玩得很高兴。4.What else can you do? 你还会做什么别的?


What else does he say? 他还说了些什么?

I don't want anything else, thanks.我不想要任何别的东西了,谢谢。Ask somebody else to help you.另请其他人来帮帮你吧。

5.I'd like to take these flowers to the party.我想把这些鲜花带到聚会上。take sb./ sth.to somewhere带„„去„„ 如:

My mother often takes me to the park.我妈妈常常带我去公园。

比较:bring意为“带来,拿来”,take指“带走”。如: Bring your friend to the party.带你的朋友来参加宴会。


Take this letter to the post, please.请把这封信带到邮局去。

注意两个常用短语:bring here带到这儿来 take there拿到那儿去

6.Er, no, I can't count so many flowers.嗯,不,我数不清那么多的花。


Little Val is two, but he can count from one to one hundred.小瓦尔只有两岁,但他能从1数到100。

The teacher is counting the students.老师正在清点学生人数。

(2)so many如此多,后面接可数名词的复数形式。如:

There are so many buses on the road today.今天路上的公共汽车特别多。

比较:so many那么多,如此多,后面接可数名词的复数形式;so much这么多,那么多,后面接不可数名词。如:

There are so many birds in the sky today.今天空中有很多的鸟。There is so much rain this year.今年有很多的雨水。

7.He can speak English very well, but he can't sing English songs„他英语讲得很流利,但是他不会唱英文歌曲„„ well是副词修饰动词speak。如: She can sing very well.她唱得非常好。


—How are you today? 今天你好吗?

—I'm very well.我很好。


Mr.Wang is a good teacher, and he teaches very well.王老师是一位好教师,他教得很好。


8.But one year ago, she couldn't do it at all.但是在一年前,她根本不会。


Tom couldn't speak Chinese two years ago.两年前汤姆不会说汉语。My aunt was in Beijing two weeks ago.两周前我姑姑在北京。

(2)could是can的过去时,表示过去的能力,其否定式是couldn't。如: Jim could swim when he was eight.吉姆八岁的时候就会游泳了。I couldn't ride a bike when I was ten.我十岁时,不会骑自行车。


—Could I ask you some questions? 我能问你一些问题吗?

—Of course you can.当然能。

(3)at all 根本、究竟,多用于否定句、疑问句、条件句中。I don't know it at all.我根本不知道。Do you know it at all? 你究竟知不知道?

9.But when she was five, she could only dance a little.但是当她五岁时,她仅会跳一点儿舞。

(1)when当„„时候,此处为连接副词,引导时间状语从句。如: He could swim when he was very young.他年龄很小时就会游泳了。

(2)a little一点儿,表示程度,放在动词后面修饰dance。如: He can speak English a little.他会说一点儿英语。

比较:a little一点儿、少量,后面修饰不可数名词。a few一些、少数几个,后面修饰可数名词的复数形式。如:

There is a little water in the bottle.瓶子里有一点水。There are a few apples on the table.桌子上有一些苹果。


10.They both like playing ball games.他们两个都喜欢球类运动。

both意思是“两者都”,作they的同位语,它在句中的位置随谓语动词而定:当谓语动词是实义动词时,both放在动词前面;当谓语动词是be时,both放在动词后面。如: We are both students.我们俩都是学生。

They both like table tennis.他们俩都喜欢打乒乓球。

比较:两者“都”,用both;三者或三者以上“都”,用all。My parents and I are all Chinese.我和我父母都是中国人。

My friends all went to the park yesterday.昨天我的朋友们都去了公园。11.Kangkang is good at playing soccer, while Michael does well in basketball.康康擅长踢足球,而迈克尔篮球打得非常好。

(1)do well in„在„„方面学/干得好,是be good at„的同义词组,后面可跟名词或动名词。如:

Li Lei does well in math.= Li Lei is good at math.李雷数学学得好。

(2)be good at doing sth.擅长做某事

The twins are good at dancing the disco.这两个双胞胎擅长跳迪斯科。

拓展:be good for„对„„有益,后接名词。如:

Doing eye exercises is good for our eyes.做眼保健操对我们的眼睛有益。12.Life was very hard for her.生活对她来说非常艰难。

be hard for sb.相当于be difficult for sb.对„„是困难的或对某人很不容易。如:

—Can you play the guitar? 你会弹吉他吗?

—No, I can't.It's too hard for me.不会,它对我来说太难了。

拓展:1)hard to say难说 如:

It's hard to say who will win the match.很难说谁会赢得这场比赛。2)have a hard life生活艰难 如:


People used to have a very hard life.过去人们的生活十分艰难。

13.With her mother's help, Jenny can write many words now, and she is beginning to write books.在她妈妈的帮助下,珍妮会写许多单词,现在她正开始写书。

with one's help也可说成with the help of„,意思是“在„„的帮助下”。如: With the help of Mr.Li, I can sing English songs.在李老师的帮助下,我会唱英文歌曲了。

With your help, I finished my homework on time.在你的帮助下,我按时完成了作业。



(1)情态动词can用于陈述句中,大多数表示有能力做某事或会做某事。如: He can sing English songs.他会唱英文歌曲。


—Can I use your dictionary? 我可以用你的字典吗?

—Yes, you can.可以。

—Can he play the guitar? 他会弹吉他吗?

—No, he can't.不,他不会弹吉他。

但当Can you„? 表示请求时,否定回答常用sorry,而不用no,表示礼貌。如:

—Can you help me mend the computer? 你能帮我修一下电脑吗?

—Sorry, I'm afraid I can't.I'm busy now.对不起,恐怕不行,我现在很忙。

(3)情态动词can的否定形式can't/ cannot。如:

I can't/ can not speak French at all.我一点儿法语也不会说。

(4)can't be表示推测,意思为“不可能”。如:


It can't be Jim's bike, because his is new.那不可能是吉姆的自行车,因为他的自行车是新的。【模拟试题】


1.I want to buy a cake and some c________ for my birthday.2.My grandfather always water the f_________ every day.3.Today is May 21st , and t________ is May 22nd.4.The road is only five meters w_________.5.I'm going to get a birthday p______ from my parents.6.Look, the monkey is eating a b_______.7.Maria can't dance the d_____.8.Happy b_______ to you.9.I'll give you a soccer as a p_________.10.I can't s______ Japanese.What about you? Ⅱ、选择填空

1.I _______ my homework on Sunday.A.didn't B.do do C.don't D.don't do 2.He is going to _______ his homework this evening.A.doing B.do C.does D.did 3.I _____ at school yesterday.We ______(not)on the farm last week.A.am, aren't B.was, weren't C.am ,are D.was , wasn't 4.Can you sing this song ______ English? A.in B.with C.on D.of 5.Everyone is singing and dancing______.前程教育---初一英语

A.good B.fine C.happy D.happily 6.Happy birthday ___ you.A.for B.to C.of D.with 7._____ was the tea party yesterday? It's very wonderful.A.What B.Where C.When D.How 8.Please have a rest, _____? A.do you B.don't you C.will you D.can you 9.The mother is taking her child _____ the hospital.A.into B.to C.in D.at 10._______children are there in your family? A.How much B.How many C.How often D.Which 11.I can _____ English , but I can't sing English songs.A.say B.speak C.speaks D.talk 12.Can you write _____?

A.well B.good C.bad D.talk 13.Everyone ______ here.A.is B.are C.like D.at 14.Li Lei _______ late in the evening.A.get B.is get C.return D.returns 15.I am ______ a green skirt today.A.putting B.wear C.in D.put on 16.We often ______ TV on Saturdays.A.see B.watch C.look at D.look 17.Where is Kangkang ? He _______ over there.前程教育---初一英语

A.is running B.was running C.runs D.run 18.I want ______ the room.Could you please______ me? A.to clean, to help B.cleaning, helping C.to clean, help D.clean, to help 19.My grandfather_______ me a computer last year.A.buy B.buys C.buyed D.bought 20.I don't like math, but my little daughter _______.A.is B.does C.do D.don't Ⅲ、用所给词的适当形式填空

1.Would you like ____(go)to the zoo with us? 2.Monday is the ____(two)day of the week.3.How about ___(play)football? 4.Walk _____(cross)the bridge, you will see a hospital.5.Our teachers often tell us some ______(fun)stories 6.Tom sits between ____(I)and Michael.7.Why ____ _____(not see)a film? 8.It's time to get up.Most students ______(put)on their clothes.9.He _____(not play)tennis.But he ______(play)volleyball now.10.We can use a dictionary______(look)up new words.Ⅳ、补全对话

A.Good morning.Can I help you? B.Yes, 1.I want to buy a skirt 2 my daughter.A.What3 does she like? B.Red or white.前程教育---初一英语

A.Please look 4 these skirts.B.I think this red 5 is very nice.How 6 is it? A.It's about 100 yuan.B.Oh.it's too 7.I 8 have much money.A.What 9 the white one? It's only 65 yuan.B.That's OK.I'll 10 it.Ⅴ、句型转换

1.Can you sing a song for her? Can you ____ ___ _____ ____ ?(改为同义句)

2.I think he is a student.(改为否定句)I __ ___ he ______ a student.3.It's November 12th today.(对划线部分提问)____ the ____ today? 4.My mother often makes cakes on Sundays.(用now 改写句子)My mother _______ ____ _____now.5.Put on your clothes.(改为否定句)_______ ____ ____ your clothes.6.Can you play it well?(作否定回答)___, I_____.7.I want to see a film this evening.(改为同义句)I ___ __ _____ see a film this evening.8.Let's go shopping.(同义句)___ _______ going shopping? 9.Mike can play the guitar.(划线提问)___ ______ Mike ____? 10.We can help people with English.(划线提问)______ can you help people_____ ? Ⅵ、完型填空

This is Mr.White's 1.In his family there 2 four people: Mr.White, Mrs.White, their son Tom and their 3 Alice.前程教育---初一英语

Mr.White is 4 in a chair.He is 5 a newspaper.Mrs.White is sitting at the desk.She is__6__a letter.Tom is standing near the window.He is reading a story-book.Alice is sitting 7 the floor.She is playing 8 her toys.What's 9 the wall? There is a big window.What 10 beside the window? There is a photo of their family.1.A.home B.room C.family D.class 2.A.are B.is C.am D.have 3.A.son B.friend C.daughter D.mother 4.A.sit B.sitting C.stand D.standing 5.A.looking B.watching C.reading D.seeing 6.A.drawing B.making C.doing D.writing 7.A.in B.on C.under D.near 8.A.with B.at C.by D.and 9.A.on B.in C.next to D.in front of 10.A.are B.is C.have D.has Ⅶ、阅读理解

A In 2050, we can fly like birds.Everyone can fly in the sky.There will be no cars, no trains, no planes and no bikes in the world.We can fly to our school.It is also in the sky.The school looks like a beautiful garden.There are many trees and flowers in it.We can fly to our school's swimming pool.It is in the sky, too.We have four lessons in a day.Two are in the morning, and also two in the afternoon.We can study our subjects by the computer.Our school bag will be very light.We don't need many books and exercise-books, because we can study and do exercises on the computer.Our earth will be a big happy family.We can go and play anywhere.We can go to another planet.It is a very beautiful place, too.There is a blue ocean and big forests on it.We are the happiest in the world.1.When can we fly like birds? 11


A.Never.B.2050.C.2005.D.2010.2.Where can we fly in 2050? A.In the China.B.In the world.C.In the sky.D.No where.3.How can we go to school in 2050? A.Flying.B.Riding a bike.C.Driving a plane.D.Walking.4.We have ________lessons in a day in 2050.A.eight B.ten C.four D.no 5.Where is school's swimming pool then? A.On the playground.B.On the hill.C.In the sea.D.In the sky.B In England, it is a tradition(传统)for a child to have a cake on his or her birthday.The cake has the number of candles as the child's age.During the party, the candles will be lit(被点燃)and the birthday boy or girl blows the candles out with one blow(一口吹灭).He or she can make a birthday wish.Then friends and family members sing the famous song“Happy Birthday”and eat birthday cakes.They give gifts to the birthday child.It is really nice to have a birthday party.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)()1.It's a tradition for a child to have ice-cream in birthday.()2.The number of candles is the same as the child's age.()3.The child makes a wish after eating the cake.()4.Friends and family members sing songs during the party.()5.The birthday child gives the gifts to friends and family members.前程教育---初一英语

参考答案: Ⅰ、1.candles 2.flowers 3.tomorrow 4.wide 5.present 6.banana 7.disco 8.birthday 9.present 10.speak Ⅱ、1—5 DBBAD 6—10 BDCBB 11—15 BAADC 16—20 BACDB Ⅲ、1.to go 2.second 3.playing 4.across 5.funny 6.me 7.not see 8.are putting 9.doesn't play, is playing 10.to look Ⅳ、1.please 2.for 3.color 4.at 5.one 6.much 7.dear(expensive)8.don't 9.about 10.take Ⅴ、1.sing her a song 2.don't think, is 3.What's, date 4.is making cakes 5.Don't put on 6.No can't 7.would like to 8.What about 9.What can, play 10.What, with Ⅵ、前程教育---初一英语

1—5 CACBC 6—10 DBABB Ⅶ、(A)1—5 BCACD(B)1—5 FTFTF


英语八年级(下)导学跟踪练习(Unit 1-A)Name_________


(提问)()3.Nobody ______ him ______ here.A.expect, stayingB.hopes, to stayC.wishes, stayingD.expects, to stay()4.He has no trouble ______ with foreigners.A.talkB.talksC.to talkD.talking()5.To be honest, I quite agree ______ you.But will

()14.---What’s wrong?---I have a sore leg.---You _____ see a doctor and get _____ X-ray.A.must, an B.should, an C.can, a D.should, a()15.Lee is new in Chongqing.Maybe he needs ____

a map for sightseeing.A.to buyB.buysC.buyingD.buyWhat’s __________________ you?2.She hurt herself on the playground.(改为否定句)She _______________ herself on the playground.3.Because of my good teacher, my dream came true at last.(同义句)

=_______________ my good teacher, my dream came true at last.= _____________________ of my good teacher, my dream came true at last.4.She has to lie down and rest.(一般疑问句)_______ she _______ to lie down and rest?(提问)_________________ she do?

6.你需要离开电视休息一下。(完成翻译)You need to ______________ away from TV.B、选择填空。

()1.I can’t do it ______ your great help.Thanks a lot.A.withB.withoutC.forD.to()2.Be quick.The bus is coming.We must ______ as

soon as possible.A.get into it B.get it on C.get on it D.get it into

he agree _____ early tomorrow.A.with, to startB.to, startingC.with, startD.on, to start

()6.When I got there, I saw a boy _____ on the desk.A.to lieB.lyingC.lieD.lay

()7.My son often went to work without ___ breakfast.A.to eatB.eatingC.eatD.ate()8.You’d better _____ some medicine _____ the cut.A.put, onB.put, in

C.get, onD.take, into

()9.To their _____, all the students liked the class.A.surprisesB.surprised


()10.I think a dog is a good pet for a _____ child.A.6 years oldB.6 year oldC.6-years-oldD.6-year-old()11.Don’t eat ______ for dinner next time.A.too many B.too much C.much too D.many too()12.Go to _____ if you don’t often feel well.A.see a dentistB.see a doctorC.have a feverD.have a look()13.Don’t give up ______ and you can succeed.A.tryingB.to tryC.tryD.tries


Mr Jone went to the sea for a holiday one summer.He in a cheap hotel he was not a rich man.At 7:00 am the first morning a woman came and said, “Please get up.” Mr Jone hated getting up “I’m still tired.”

The woman went away, but at 8:00 am one came and said to Mr.Jone, “Please get up.We need the sheets(床单)your bed,” Mr.Jone still wanted to sleep, so he answered “Why?” “Because breakfast is starting,” answered the woman, “and we need them on our tables.They are our tablecloth,.”


()6.A.sameB.differentC.anotherD.the other()7.A.inB.fromC.withD.up()8.A.angryB.angrylyC.angrily D.more angry()9.A.puttingB.puttedC.to putD.puts()10.A.tooB.alsoC.eitherD.as well


Unit4.Topic1.What can I do for you?

一、核心词汇 madam buy over there try seventy thirty forty fifty sixty eighty ninety hundred just pair shop need kilo salt bottle heavy worry fat mouse rabbit ant

二、常用词组 buy„for over there try on how much think of how about think about all the same do some shopping two kilos of how many shopping list


I want to buy some clothes for my daughter.The clothes are over there, madam.Can I try it on? How much is it/are they? It’s/They’re only seventy yuan, madam.How do you like the pants? Jane, what do you think of this green skirt? How much salt do we need?


What can I do for you, madam? May/Can I help you? It looks very nice on you.We will take it.How about the blue one? Are you kidding? Thank you all the same.Could you help me do some shopping, Ben? Is that all?


1. What can I do for you, Madam? 此句与May/Can I help you? 用法相同。使用范围较广,在不同的场合句意不同:在商店里售货员询问顾客“你要买什么东西?”;在饭店里,服务员询问顾客“你要点什么菜?”; 在图书馆里,图书管理员询问“你要借什么书刊?”。

如:—What can I do for youi? I like some chicken.-May/Can I help you?-I want to borrow an English book.2. I want to buy some clothes for my daughter.Buy sth for sb=buy sb sth 意为“给某人买某物”

如: My mom buys a school bag for me.=My mom buys me a schoolbag.3. How much is it/are they? 多少钱?

(1)how much 用来询问价钱,意为“多少钱”。句子里的be 动词取决于后面的主语(名词或代词),主语为单数时用is,为复数时用are.如:-How much are the books?-They are 29 yuan 【拓展】询问价钱还可用句型 What’s the price of„.? –What’s the price of the 1 jacket?-It’s 100 yuan.【即时演练】按要求改写句子。How much is the phone?(同义句转换)______ _____ ______ ______ the phone?(2)how much 还常用来提问不可数名词的数量。

如:-How much milk do you want?-I want a glass of milk.4.We’ll take it.这里的take 相当于buy, 意为“买下”。在口语中,当选定商品,决定购买时,常说“ I’ll take it.,而不说 I’ ll buy it.Take 原意为“拿走,运走。” take sb(sth)to„把某人(某物)带到某地。

如:I take my little brother to his school.5.Why not try on that pair? Try on ,试穿,试戴。on在此处为副词,故 try on 被称为副词短语,其短语后的宾语为人称代词it/them时,代词须放在动词和副词之间,如:try it/them on;但如果宾语为名词时,它可以放在短语之间,也可以放在短语之后。

如:These shoes are good.You can try them on.Try on these shoes.= Try these shoes on.试试这双鞋。【拓展】pair n 一对,一双,一条„„..如: a pair of pants in pairs 成双成对

如:Students work in pairs.学生们两人一起工作。【即时演练】

I like this red skirt and that pink dress.Can I ____? A try on it B try it on C try on them D try them on 6 Jane, what do you think of this green skirt? What do you think of „.? 相当于 How do you like„? 这个句型常用来询问别人对某人或某物的看法、喜好程度。

如:— What do you think of the movie?-I like it very much.我非常喜欢。

【即时演练】 How do you like the pants?(同义句转换)____ _____ you_____ ______ the pants? 7.Thank you all the same.这句话常常用来表示别人帮你做某事,但是由于某种原因没有做成,你同样要表示感谢。相当于Thank you anyway.如:-Do you know Tian’an Men Square? –Sorry, I don’t know.-Thank you all the same.8 – How many bottles? how many 常用来提问事物的数量,后面应接可数名词的复数形式。

如:-How many students can you see in the picture?-I can see only one.【链接】当提问事物的数量时,how much 接不可数名词,how many 接可数名词复数。

如:How much salt do you need? How many pens do you need? 【即时演练】

1____ feet does a man have?(How many/How much)2._____bread do you want?(How many/How much)3.______is the chicken?(How many/How much)9.Is that all? 该句用于购物时善意的提醒,相当于问“您还需要其他东西吗?”


答语可以说That’s all.Thanks.如:-Is that all, sir?-No,and two kilos of apples,please.不,还要两公斤苹果。

【拓展】该句相当于 Is that everything? 如:-What can I do for you?-Two bags of milk, three kilos of apples and some bread.-Is that everything?-I think so.10 Don’t worry.别担心。

(1)worry v 担心,着急。

(2)这是一个表示否定意义的祈使句,其结构为“Don’t +动词原形+„..,表示劝告、命令对方不要做某事。

如:Don’t draw on the wall.Don’t do it like that.12.How about some bread? Some 和any 的意思都是“一些”。具体用法如下:

(1)some 一般用于肯定句中,修饰不可数名词和可数名词的复数。如:I have some milk in the glass.He has some books.(2)some 有时也可用于疑问句中,但一般表示征求对方的意见并希望得到肯定回答。如:Why not have some milk?(3)any 一般用于疑问句和否定句中,通常也修饰不可数名词和可数名词的复数。如:I don’t want any milk.Do you have any friends here.【即时演练】用 some 和 any填空

1.-Could you give me_______ bread?-Sure.2 I don’t have____ oranges, but I have_______pears.3.-Can I have_____eggs?-Sorry, we don’t have_______4.Would you like______bread for breakfast? 13.可数名词和不可数名词


(1)可数名词有单数和复数两种形式,前面可以用不定冠词a/an修饰。如:a bag 一个包an apple一个苹果 three boxes 三个盒子 some eggs 一些鸡蛋(2)不可数名词


如:glass 玻璃 wood 木头 water 水

2)不可数名词一般没有单数和复数形式之分。不能直接用冠词和数次来修饰。3)不可数名词可用little, some, much, any, a lot 等词修饰。若要表示量的多 少时,则需要借助单位名词(即量词)+of来表达。如:two bags of salt two glasses of milk.(3)有些名词有时是可数,有时是不可数。

如:chicken小鸡(可数)鸡肉(不可数)glass 玻璃(不可数)玻璃杯(可数)

练习:I.根据句子意思,填写所缺单词。(词首字母已给出。)1.We can buy some clothes in a s__________.2.---Could you do me a f___________?---Sure, what is it? 3.That coat is too e___________, we don’t have much money.4.There are s________ seconds(秒)in a minute(分钟)5.There are t___________days(天)in a month.6.Forty and sixty is one h__________.7.Don’t w_________.Let’s help you.8.---How do the pants f_____?---They are too long.9.I want to buy the things on the shopping l________.10.These shoes are on s__________ for 10%off.II..根据句子意思,用单词的适当形式填空。

1.My shoes are worn out, what about__________(you)? 2._How much _______(be)this skirt? 3.How much __________(be)these apples?.4.__________(who)bicycle is this? 5.Here is _____________(you)change..6.I would like three____________(kilo)of salt.7.Let’s try _________(they)on.8.His friends have two ____________(radio).9.How many _________(umbrella)do you need? III..英汉词组互译。

1.try on________ 2.look for__________ 3.on sale____________

4.八十包大米____________ 5.两公斤盐_____________ 6.be out of__________ 7.running shoes _____________ 8.多少钱_________ IV.选择填空。

()1.How do I look ____ this dress? A.on B.for C.in D.with()2.Would you like to try _______ another pair? A.on B.for C.in D.with()3.---_____________?I am just looking, thanks.A.What can I do for you B.Could you do me a favor C.May I take your order D.What would you like

()4.This house is ______ sale.A.on B.for C.in D.with()5 I am _________ a jacket for my son.A.looking at B.looking after C.looking for D.looking like()6.Could you do some shopping forn me, we need _________ thing.A.a little B.little C.much D.a few()7.----__________?---Two hundred yuan.A.How much is this apple B.How is your dog C.How much is that recorder D.How do you like this recorder()8.---What is she?---____________? A.Fine,thanks B.A waitress C.She’s Jane D.She’s thin and tall.()9.You can buy a_______ in a clothes shop.A.hat B.recorder C.fridge D.VCD player()10.This is _____ umbrella.A..a B.the C.an D./ V.情景交际。根据上下文选择下列选项完成对话,其中两项为多余选项。J: Jerry S: Salesgirl S:_________1_______? J: Yes,I am looking for s dress, but I can’t decide which one to buy.S: It doesn’t matter.Let me help you._____2_________? J: I like pink.S: what about this one? J: It looks nice,______3________ S: Of course.The changing room is over there.(Jerry tries on the dress.)J:________4_____ S: You look very nice.J:_______5__________ S: One hundred yuan.J: I’m afraid it is too expensive.What about 80yuan? S: All right, 80 yuan.A: How much is it? B: Can I have it for 100 yuan? C: Could you do me a favor? D: What color do you like? E: How do I look in this dress? F: Can I try it on? G:May I help you? 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.____________ 4.__________ 5._______ 拓展探究

VI.用how 完成下列对话。

1.---_______________________it?---H---A---T, hat.2.---___________people are there in your family?---Five.3---___________________?---I am five.4.----________________ this computer?---Five thousand yuan.5.---____________ your grandfather?---He’s fine,thanks 6.---______________ the food?---I like it a lot


九年级政治第二单元第三课第三课第二框党的基本路线导学案及课堂作业 姓名:班级:

第三课 第二框党的基本路线





[学习提示] :
































九年级政治第二单元第三课第三课第二框党的基本路线导学案及课堂作业 姓名:班级:★单项选择题

































①党和国家生存发展的政治基石② 我国的强国之路

③ 我国的立国之本④ 我们一切工作的中心












仁爱英语八年级下册 Unit 7 Food Festival

Topic 1 We’re preparing for a food.一.重点句型。Section A

1.Do you know about Craig Kielburger? 你知道克雷格齐尔们?

know about意为“了解”,而know 是”知道,认识”之意,二者意思不同。e.g.I know her.我认识她。

I want to know more about my teacher.我想更多地了解我的老师。

2.He is from Canada and he started Free the Children.他创办了“解放儿童”这个组织。start 有多层含义,此处意为“(使)出现,创办,开办”。

e.g.My uncle starts a shoe factory in his hometown.我的叔叔在他的家乡创办了一家鞋厂。start to do sth.开始做某事; e.g.It started to rain.下起雨来了。

3.He was only twelve years old when he started to help poor children.当他开始帮组贫困孩子时,他年仅12岁。twelve years old 十二岁;数字+year(s)+old 意为“„„岁”,在句子中只能做表语;

twelve-year-old 十二岁的;数字-year(s)-old 意为“„„岁的”,是一个复合形容词,作定语; She is two years old.= She is two-year old.她两岁。

4.Then shall we have a food festival and raise money to give to Free the Children?那么我们举办一次美食节活动来为“解放儿童”筹款好吗? have 是“举办, 举行”之意,相当于hold。e.g.have a sports meeting = hold a sports meeting举行运动会;

We will have a art festival next week.= We will hold a art festival next week.have a food festival 举行美食街;raise money 筹款; 5.I will turn to our teachers.我去向老师求助。

turn to(sb.)= ask(sb.)for help 转向(某人);求助于,求教于;

e.g.Jane is going to turn to her sister.= Jane is going to ask her sister for help.简打算向她的姐姐求助。6.My task is to make a poster.我的任务是制作一张海报。

此句是不定式to make a poster作表语,说明主语的内容。e.g.My job is to look after the baby.make a poster制作一张海报;e.g.Mr.Zhang made a poster for this basketball game.7.I’ll get in touch with Craig Kielburger on the Internet to get more information about him.我将在网上和克雷格齐尔伯取得联系来获得更多关于他的信息。1)get in touch with和„„取得联系;

e.g.I often get in touch with my parents on weekends.我常常在周末和我父母联系。

to get more information about him 意为“为了得到关于他的更多信息”,to 在这里作目的状语。get information about sb.获得关于某人的信息;

8.I will think about how to hold the food festival.我将会认真考虑怎样举办这次美食节。1)think about(认真)考虑;

e.g.—Dad, will you buy me a new bike?—I don’t know.I’ll have to think about it.—爸爸,你能给我买辆新自行车吗?—很难说,我得好好考虑考虑。与think相关的短语还有:think over;think of。

A.think over 仔细考虑, 慎重思考;e.g.I would like more time to think things over.B.think of 考虑到,这时可与think about互换。e.g.Don’t think of/about me any more.不要再考虑我。特殊疑问词how+不定式作动词短语作think about的宾语;

e.g.I often think about how to improve my spoken English.我经常想如何提高我的英语口语。9.Let’s try our best to make it success.让我们尽最大的努力使它成功。try one’s best to do sth.= do one’s best to do sth.尽某人最大努力; e.g.We must try/do our best to study.我们必须尽最大努力学习。10.Free the Children plans to build a school in Kenya.“解放儿童”组织计划在肯尼亚建一所学校。plan to do sth.计划做某事;e.g.I plan to go to America next month.我计划下个月去美国。11.What will the food festival be like?美食节会是什么样子? 12.The children in hospital.生病住院的儿童。

in hospital在那家医院(特指),对方应该知道说话人指的是哪一家 e.g.I work in the hospital.我在医院工作。Section B

1.I have a sweet tooth, and I think a lot of students will buy western food, such as American chocolate cookies and Greek cheese pies.我喜欢甜食,我认为很多学生会买西方食物,比如美国巧克力派和希腊奶酪派。

1)have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食;

e.g.He has a sweet tooth, and now all his teeth are bad.他喜欢吃甜食,现在他的牙齿都坏掉了。western food 西方食物;

2.I think a lot of students will buy western food 是含有宾语从句的复合句,引导词that已省略。such as 例如;

3.That’s good enough.那太好了。

A.enough 作副词时,修饰形容词或副词,表示“足够地,十分地”,作形容词时,修饰不定代词。在这两种情况下,它只可放在形容词,副词和不定代词之后。

e.g.This book is easy enough for you to understand.这本书你很容易就可以看懂。B.enough 修饰名词时,可以置于名词前或名词后。

e.g.I have enough money to buy the book.我有足够的钱买这本书。

C.enough 还可用作代词,表示“够,足够,充足”。既可代替可数名词,也可代替不可数名词,e.g.We’ve nearly run out of paper.Do you think there’s enough for today?


4.So my friends and I decided to help you raise some money.所以我和我朋友决定帮助你筹一些钱。decide to do sth.决定做某事;e.g.She decided to learn English well.她决定学好英语。5.May I invite you to our food festival? 我可以邀请你来参加我们的美食节吗?

invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事;e.g.I invited my best friends to see a movie yesterday.6.I’d love to , but I’m sorry I can’t, because I have no time these days.A.be sorry相当于be afraid,从句I can’t是省略句,该句完整形式是I’m sorry I can’t go to your food festival.也可说成I’m afraid I can’t go to your food festival.B.be sorry和be afraid后还可接不定式to do, 构成be sorry/ afraid to do sth.形式。e.g.I’m sorry/afraid to do that.我很抱歉/不敢那样做。

类似的用法还有:be pleased to do sth.= be glad to do sth.高兴做某事;

be surprised to do sth.惊奇做某事;

7.Will you please tell me something about yourself and Free the Children?你能告诉我一些关于你个人和“解放儿童”的情况吗?

该句型Will you please...?意为“请你做„„好吗?”,表示客气的请求,后接动词原形。e.g.Will you please go fishing with me?你能和我一起去钓鱼吗? Will you please...?与Would you like...?的区别:

will you please后接动词原形,而would you like后接不定式to do, 且意为“你愿意„„吗?” e.g.Would you like to go fishing with me? 你愿意和我一起去钓鱼吗? 8.I’ll send you an email later on, OK? 等下我给你发电子邮件,好吗? 后面常常带两个宾语,即send+间宾(人)+直宾(物),我们称它为“双宾结构”。这类词还有: give, pass, lend, write, show等。

send sb.sth.可改为send sth.to sb.原句可改为:I’ll send an e-mail to you.但make/buy/draw/sing/get等动词后跟双宾语时,则改为make/ buy/draw/sing/get sth.for sb.e.g.Mother draws a picture for him.妈妈给他画了一幅画。Section C 1.I regret that I can not come.很遗憾我不能去。

regret 意为“感到遗憾、惋惜、懊悔”,后接名词、代词、动名词、不定式或从句。A.regret+从句;e.g.I deeply regret what I said.我非常后悔说了那些话。B.regret to do sth.对要做的事遗憾(未做);

e.g.I regret to say that you have failed your exam.我很遗憾地告诉你,你考试不及格。C.regret doing sth.对做过的事遗憾、后悔(已做); e.g.I regret telling him the truth.我后悔告诉了他真相。

2.He knew children should go to school instead of working in factories all day.他知道儿童应该上课,而不是整日在工厂干活。

instead of sb./(doing)sth.代替,作为„„的替换;e.g.We can go there by bike instead of walking.3.He decided to fight against the bosses.他决定与老板作斗争。fight against sb./sth.与某人/某事做斗争,反对某人/某事;

e.g.The farmers are fighting against the drought.农民们正在抗旱。

4.As a result, a bad man killed him.结果,一个坏人杀害了他。as a result 结果;

e.g.He studied very hard, as a result, he get high scores in all the subjects.他很努力学习,他

5.Soon many children joined us and the group became Free the Children.很快,许多儿童加入了我们并成立了“解放儿童”基金会。

join 加入(人群,组织);join in 参加(活动,比赛);

e.g.There are any amount of clubs you could join.有无数个俱乐部你可以加入。

注意:(1)join可与in连用,后接活动,即 take part in=join in = be in后都接活动。

e.g.He joined in the game.他参加了这场比赛。

(2)join sb.in doing sth.表加入某人的活动。e.g.Will you join us in playing basketball ? 6.I believe one person can make a change.我相信一个人能够作出改变。make a change 做一个改变; change 这边作可数名词,意为“改变”; change 还可做动词,意为“改变”;e.g.Can you change your hair color? 你可以改下你头发的颜色吗? Section D 1.He works for the rights of children.他为(争取)儿童的权利而工作。

1)work for 意为“争取,力争,努力取得”;e.g.Let’s work for our freedom.让我们为自由而战吧。

work for 还有“从事„„的工作”之意;e.g.His father works for a hospital.A.right 此处“权利”之意;e.g.I have the right to say no.我有权利说不。B.right adj.正确的;e.g.You are right.你是对的。

C.right n.右边;e.g.The bookstore is on the right side.书店在右边。2.Let’s make Craig’s dream come true.让我们帮克雷格梦想成真!come true 意为“(希望,愿望)实现,成为现实”。

e.g.His dream came true in the end.= He made his dream come true in the end.他最终实现了自己梦想。二.重点词组。

1.know about

了解; 2.start to do sth.开始做某事; 3.have a food festival

举行美食街; 4.raise money


5.turn to(sb.)= ask(sb.)for help 转向(某人);求助于,求教于;

6.make a poster

制作一张海报; 7.get in touch with


8.get information about sb.获得关于某人的信息; 9.think about 10.think over 力;

12.plan to do sth.计划做某事; 13.make tea

14.cook soup




仔细考虑, 慎重思考;

33.Italian pizza

意大利披萨; 南美洲牛肉; 俄罗斯黑面包 谈论; 炒米粉; 决定做某事;

34.South African beef curry 35.Russian black bread 36.tall about 37.fried rice

38.decide to do sth.很遗憾/不敢做某事;

39.be sorry/ afraid to do sth.40.send sth to sb.= send sb.sth.送某物给某人;

pass sb.sth.= pass sth.to sb.传给某人某物;

kick sb.sth.=kick sth.to sb.踢给某人某物;

throw sb.sth.= throw sth.to sb.扔某物给某人;

bring sb.sth.= bring sth.to sb.给某人带某物;

teach sb.sth.= teach sth to sb.教某人某物;

give sb.sth.= give sth.to sb.给某人某物;

buy sb.sth.= buy sth.for sb.给某人买某物; make sb.sth.= make sth.for sb.为某人做某物; 41.email address 43.make a change


42.invite sb to do sth

邀请某人做某事; 改变; 11.try one’s best = do one’s best 尽某人最大努15.make cheese pies

做奶酪派; 16.make chocolate cookies

做巧克力饼干; 17.make biscuits 19.set the table


摆放桌子; 制作果汁; 制作海报; 在贫困区; 盲童; 老人; 住院; 打扫房子; 使某人振作; 喜欢吃甜食; 西方食物; 例如; 印度咖喱; 而且; 18.make strawberry pancakes 做草莓馅饼; 20.make fruit juice 21.make a poster 22.in poor areas 24.the old people 25.in hospital 27.cheer sb.up 26.clean the houses

44.regret to do sth.对要做的事遗憾(未做); regret doing sth.对做过的事遗憾、后悔(已做); regret+从句



45.fried chicken

46.instead of sb./(doing)sth.代替,作为……的替换; 47.fight against sb./sth.与某人/某事做斗争,反对某人/某事; 48.as a result

结果; ……岁; 出生于……;

49.at the age of

50.be born in…

51.work for

23.the blind children

28.have a sweet tooth 29.western food

30.such as

31.Indian curries 32.What’s more

争取,力争,努力取得,从事…的工作; 52.come true(希望,愿望)实现,成为现实;



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