2016年春季仁爱英语八年级下册 Unit 6 重点知识点总结及练习

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第一篇:2016年春季仁爱英语八年级下册 Unit 6 重点知识点总结及练习

仁爱英语八年级下册 Unit 6 Enjoy Cycling Topic 1 We’re going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.一.重点句型。Section A

1.I have some exciting news to tell you.我有一些激动人心的消息要告诉你们。

to tell you 是动词不定式短语,作定语。动词不定式作定语时常放在被修饰的名词或代词之后。e.g.I have nothing to talk about.我没什么要说的。

2.For our spring field trip, we’re going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.这次春游活动,我们将要去泰山三天。

1)spring field trip 春游;

2)a three-day visit为期三天的参观。数词+名词的单数构成形容词作定语,类似的短语还有:girls’ 800-meter race.女子八百米赛跑; 3)go on a visit to....去旅游/参观;

e.g.We went on a visit to The Great Wall last term.上学期我们去长城参观了。3.Sounds exciting!听起来太令人激动了!

Sounds exciting!= It sounds exciting!sound是系动词,后面加形容词,构成系表结构。4.Let’s make the decision together.让我们一起来做个决定。

make a decision做个决定;decision 作名词,意为“决定”,其的动词是decide。常用结构: decide to do sth.决定做某事;

e.g.He made a decision to look for a new job。= He decided to look for a new job.他决定去找份新工作。

5.Let’s find out some information about the cost.让我们去查查有关付费用的资料吧。1)find out发现,查出真相;

e.g.Can you find out the truth about it? 你能查出事情的真相吗?

区分find, find out, look for:


e.g.I can’t find my shoes.我找不到鞋子了。

B.find out找出,发现,查明,多指通过调查询问、打听、研究之后“搞清楚,弄明白”,通常含有困难曲折的过程。

e.g.We may never find out the truth about what happened.我们也许永远无法弄清发生了什么事。

C.look for寻找,是有目的地找,强调“寻找”这一动作。

e.g.I’m looking for my keys.I can’t find them.我在寻找我的钥匙。我找不到它们。6.I’ll ask the airline over the phone.我将打电话问问航空公司。此句还可说成I’ll phone and ask the airline.这里的phone作动词,意为“打电话”。phone sb.= call sb.= ring sb.up 打电话给某人; phone既可作动词,也可作名词,意为“电话,电话机”。

e.g.May I use the phone in your office? 我可以借用你办公室的电话吗?

I will phone you, if I go to the library.如果我去图书馆,我就打电话给你。

7.Bring your information tomorrow and we’ll decide on the best way to travel on our field trip.明天把你们查到的资料带来,我们再决定最好的春游方式。1)A.decide on/upon 决定,选定;

e.g.We’re trying to decide on a school.我们正在设法选定一个学校。

B.decide to do sth.决定要做某事; e.g.He decides to visit the Mount Huang this summer holiday.暑假他决定要参观黄山。2)the best way to do...做……的最好方式,这里的动词作前面名词的定语。

e.g.The best way to keep healthy is to do more exercises.保持健康的最好方式是多做运动。8.How long does it cost to get to Mount Tai by……?乘……去泰山要花多长时间?

9.How much does it take to go there by……?乘……去那里要花多少钱?

10.Where do you plan to visit? 你计划去哪儿参观?

plan作动词,意为“计划”。常用结构: plan to do sth.。plan还可以作名词,意为“计划”。

常用短语有: make a plan(for sth.)(为某事)制定计划;

have a plan 有一个计划;

e.g.We plan to go to America this year.我们打算今年去美国。

You’d better make a plan for the new term.你最好为新学期制定一个计划。11.How much does it cost to get there? 到那儿花费了多少钱? cost在这里作动词,意为“需付费,价格为”,其主语是物。常用结构: sth.+ costs+ sb.+ sth.+ to do sth.e.g.It cost me ten yuan to buy a hamburger.我花了十块钱买一个汉堡。


e.g.They can’t afford the high cost of housing.他们负担不起住房的高昂费用。

区别cost, take, spend, pay:

A.cost的主语是物或某种活动,常用结构:sth.costs(sb.)+金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱; e.g.A new computer costs a lot of money.买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。

B.take的主语是物,It takes sb.+时间+to do sth.做某事花了某人多少时间; e.g.It took them three years to build this road.他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。


(1)pay(sb.)money for sth.付钱(给某人)买……;

e.g.I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month.我每个月要付20英磅的房租。

(2)pay for sth.付……的钱;

e.g.I have to pay for the book lost.我不得不赔丢失的书款。


(1)spend time / money on sth.在……上花费时间(金钱);

e.g.I spent two hours on this maths problem.这道数学题花了我两个小时。

(2)spend time / money(in)doing sth.花费时间(金钱)做某事;

e.g.They spent two years(in)building this bridge.造这座桥花了他们两年时间。

Section B

1.Kangkang is booking train tickets to Mountain Tai.康康正预订到泰山的火车票。句中的book是动词,意为“订票,预订”,相当于order。order/book a room for sb./sth.为……订房间;

e.g.We want to book some rooms for 14th.我们想预订一些14号那天的房间。2.The train leaves at 11:15 a.m.And arrives at Taishan Railway Station at 6:17.火车上午11:15出发,下午6:17抵达泰山火车站。arrive in 和arrive at 都有到达的意思,但两者是有区别的:arrive at+较小的地点名词,如school,park,zoo.arrive in+较大的地点名词,如Beijing ,ShangHai

e.g.He will arrive at school soon.他很快就要到达学校啦。e.g.She has arrived in NanJing yesterday.她昨天就到南京了。

3.We have tickets at ¥145 for the hard sleeper and ¥224 for the soft sleeper.我们有硬卧票145元,软卧票224元。1)句中的介词at意为“以……,在……”,一般用于表示价格、比率、年龄、速度等词的前面。e.g.He is driving at 70 mph.他正以时速70英里的速度驾车行驶。2)句中的for意为“供,适合于”。

e.g.I’ve got two tickets for the Cup Final.我弄到两张决赛的票。

4.I’d like to book 21 tickets for the hard sleeper.我要订21张硬卧票。

tickets for the hard sleeper =21 hard sleeper tickets 5.Please pay for the tickets before 5:30 p.m.请在5:30之前付款。A.pay for支付……的费用;

e.g.I have to pay for the damage.我不得不赔偿损失。B.pay for sb.to do sth.付钱给某人做某事;

e.g.Her parents paid for her to go to America.她的父母支付她去美国的费用。C.pay some money for sth.花多少钱买某物;

e.g.I paid ¥80 for the ticket.我花了80元买这张票。与pay搭配的词组还有很多。如:

pay back偿还,还钱(给某人);

pay off还清。

6.How much does a standard room cost ? 一个标准间的价格是多少?

7.We have rooms with a bathroom, TV, fridge and air conditioner.我们有带浴室、电视、冰箱、空调的房间。

with a bathroom 中的with意为“带有”,作状语。

e.g.It’s a new house with a beautiful garden.这是一幢带有漂亮花园的新房子。with 的反义词:without.e.g.He went to school without breakfast.他没有吃早餐就去上学了。

8.Also, from the windows you can see the mountains.此外,透过窗户你可以看到群山。

句中的介词短语from the windows作状语,前置。正常语序为:You can also see the mountain from the windows.Section C 1.Borrow money from friends.从朋友那儿借钱。

borrow sth.from sb.从某人中借来某事物,相对于主语来说是借进来东西。e.g.Can I borrow some books from you?我能从你那儿借些书吗? lend sth.to sb.把某物借给某人。相对于主语来说是借出去。e.g.Can you lend your pen to me?你能把你的铅笔借给我吗? 2.Give a show.演出;

A.give a show演出,作秀;

e.g.The actors can give a show out in the open in a few minutes after they arrive.演员到达后,几分钟内就会演出。B.give sb.a show 给某人展示;

e.g.Let’s give our teachers a good show.让我们给我们的老师们一个良好的展示吧。

3.It’s very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools.在加拿大和美国的学校里筹钱是很正常的。

raise money 筹钱;

e.g.We can raise the money ourselves.我们可以自己筹钱。

4.It costs each student one dollar to buy a ticket for the draw.每一个学生花一美元便可买到一张抽奖的票。

1)A.each 作主语,谓语用单数。

e.g.Each of the students spends one dollar buying a ticket.每个学生花一美元买一张票。

B.each 用于单数名词前,作定语,谓语用单数。

e.g.Each student has their own e-mail address.每个学生都有自己的邮箱地址。


e.g.They each have their own e-mail address.他们有自己的邮箱地址。2)A.draw既可作名词也可作动词,作名词时,意为“抽签”。

e.g.The draw for the second round of the World Cup 世界杯足球赛第二轮抽签;

B.draw作动词时,意为“抽签”。其过去式和过去分词分别是: drew, drawn。

e.g.Before playing cards we drew for partners.我们在玩纸牌之前,用抓牌的方式决定游戏伙伴。

C.draw 作动词,还可以意为“绘画”。e.g.I can draw.我会画画。

5.So we decided to take the train.所以我们决定搭火车。

A.take 在此处意为“乘坐(某物);搭乘(某种交通工具); e.g.take the train 搭火车; take a bus 搭公交车;

take a plane搭飞机;

take the subway 搭地铁; B.take v.带走,拿走;

e.g.I’m taking the children for a swim later.我一会儿要带孩子们去游泳。

6.Many of us didn’t have enough money, so Michael advised us to raise money, such as putting on a show, and selling flowers and old books.我们中许多人没有足够的前,因此迈克尔建议我们做一些筹钱活动,比如办展览、卖花、旧书。


e.g.Five men will be quite enough.五个人就足够了。

I hope there are enough glasses for each guest.我希望这里有足够的杯子给每位客人。

enough作副词的意思是 “十分地;充分地;足够地;充足地”,置于被修饰的形容词或副词之后,常与不定式或介词for连用,在句子中作状语,表示程度。

e.g.This article is difficult enough to write.这篇文章够难写得了。

2)advise v.建议;常用结构:advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事;其名词形式: advice,是不可数名词。

e.g.I advised her to lose weight,but she didn't take my advice.我建议她减肥,但是她不接受我的建议。3)A.raise在这里意为“筹集,召集”。

raise an army 招募军队; raise money 筹钱;

e.g.We are raising money for the project Hope.我们正在为希望工程筹钱。

B.raise 意为“饲养,种植”。

raise cows 养牛;

raise corn 种植玉米;

e.g.We raise some ducks on the farm.我们在农场养了些鸭子。

C.raise 还可以意为”提升,举起,提起“,是一个及物动词(vt.),后面必须接宾语。rise也表示“升起”,但其是不及物动词(vi.),后面不能加宾语。e.g.He raised a hand in greeting.他扬起手致敬。

The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。

4)put on 在这里意为“上演,上映”,还可以意为“穿上”。

e.g.The local drama group are putting on “Sister Jiang” at the Capital Theater.当地的剧团正在首都剧场演出《江姐》.What dress shall I put on for the meeting? 我穿什么衣服去开会? 7.I’m looking forward to hearing from you.我盼望收到你的来信。

1)look forward to意为“期待,盼望”,其中to是介词,不是不定式符号,后面应接名词、名词性词组、代词或动名词,且常用于进行时。

e.g.I’m really looking forward to our vacation.我非常期待假期的到来。2)hear from sb.=get a letter, telephone call, etc.from sb.= receive a letter, telephone call, etc.from sb.收到某人的来信、电话等。

e.g.I didn’t hear from my parents until now.I miss them very much.直到现在我才收到父母的来信,我非常想念他们。

1.The best way to raise money is to sell newspapers.最好的筹钱方式是卖报纸。

1)句中有两个动词不定式短语to raise money 和to sell newspapers 它们在句中分别作定语和表语。to raise money意为“筹钱”,修饰名词way。如果把上面的句子倒过来则变为:To sell newspapers is the best way to raise money.这时动词不定式短语to sell newspapers 作主语。

2)sell 动词,意为“出售,售卖。”其反义词为:buy 买。常用结构:sell sth.to sb.e.g.Do you sell stamps? 你这儿卖邮票吗?

I sold my car to James for $800.我把我的汽车以800美元的价格转让给了詹姆斯。

8.I think we can sell flowers to raise money at the weekend.我认为我们可以在周末卖花筹钱。

表示“在周末”之意时,英国英语中用at: at weekends/ at the weekend;美国英语中用on: on weekends/ on the weekend.Section D 1.But the most interesting thing for me was to take photos.但是对于我来说最有趣的事情是照相。1)to take photos 不定式短语在此句中作表语。

e.g.My job is to teach you English.我的工作就是教你们英语。2)take photos 照相;

2.On the third day of our trip,we climbed Mount fuji.在我们旅行的第三天,我们怕了富士山。On the third day of...……的第三天; 在具体某一天的早、中、晚上,前用介词on。e.g.on the morning of March 10th.在三月十日的上午;

on a cold evening 在一个寒冷的夜晚;

3.It was snowing when we got to the top.当我们到达山顶时,正在下雪。1)get to the top 到达山顶;

2)get to = reach = arrive in(+ 大地点)/at(+小地点)到达某地;

4.I was so excited that I didn’t feel cold at all.我太激动了以至于一点儿也没觉得冷。

so....that...意为“如此……以至于……”;其结构式: so + 形容词/副词 + that + 状语从句; e.g.He was so happy that he danced in the street.他太高兴了,以至于在街上跳舞。5.The weather was pleasant.天气很舒适。

6.During our trip, in the evening, I sometimes went swimming in the pool while my best friend, Kelly, always went shopping.在旅途中,晚上我有时去游泳池游泳,而我的好朋友凯莉总是去购物。1)区别: sometimes, some times, sometime, some time A.sometimes为副词,意思为“有时”,可用于句首、句中或句末,在句中作状语。e.g.Sometimes he goes to the cinema on Sunday.星期天他有时去看电影。

B.some times是词组,意思为“几次,几倍”,其中的times为可数名词的复数形式。e.g.He has been to Beijing for some times before.他以前去过北京几次。C.sometime指某个不明确的时间,意思为“某个时候”。

e.g.We’ll take our holiday sometime in August.我们将在八月的某个时候度假。D.some time指某一段时间,其中的time为不可数名词,意思为“时间”。

e.g.I spend some time practicing speaking English every day.我每天花一些时间练习说英语。2)A.while 用于对比两件事物,意为“而,然而……”。

e.g.I like swimming, while my brother likes watching TV at home.我喜欢游泳,而我的哥哥喜欢在家看电视。B.while 引导时间状语从句时,意为“在……期间,当……的时候,与……同时”。e.g.You can go swimming while I’m having lunch.我吃午饭时,你可以去游泳。7.It was really an interesting place to visit.那儿真是一个值得游玩的有趣的地方。to visit 不定式在此句中作定语修饰前面的名词。

e.g.After Earth is a very fantastic movie to watch.《重返世界》是部值得一看的精彩电影。P.S.: 如果不定式动词是不及物动词时,后面须加相应的介词。e.g.We need some paper to write on.我们需要一些纸写字。


1.some exciting news

2.spring field trip

3.a three-day visit

4.go on a visit to....5.How wonderful!

6.a few days

7.make a decision

8.choose proper vehicles

9.decide on/upon

10.decide to do sth.11.phone sb.= call sb.= ring sb.up 12.find out

13.the best way to do...14.plan to do sth.15.make a plan(for sth.)

16.have a plan


It takes sb.+时间+to do sth.pay(sb.)money for sth.pay for sth.spend time / money on sth.spend time / money(in)doing sth.18.go climbing

19.have a picnic

20.have an English Corner

21.go swimming

22.take photos

23.order/book a room for sb./sth.24.railway station

25.On April 13th

26.the hard sleeper

27.the soft sleeper

28.pay back

29.pay off

30.telephone/phone number

31.departure time

32.arrival time

33.book some rooms

34.air conditioner

35.have rooms with a bathroom 36.see the mountains





太棒了!几天; 做个决定;





















为……订房间; 火车站;


硬卧; 软卧;






定一些房间; 空调;



37.a standard room

一间标间; 38.two single beds

两张单人床; 39.a single room

一间单人房; 40.a standard room with two single beds

一间双人标准间; 41.one single room with one single bed 一间标准单人间; 42.raise money

筹钱; 43.lucky money

压岁钱; 44.ask sb.for money

想某人要钱; 45.borrow sth.from sb.从某人中借来某事物; 46.lend sth.to sb.把某物借给某人; 47.give a show

演出,作秀; 48.give sb.a show

给某人展示; 49.have many special ways

有很多特别的方式; 50.think of

想起;考虑;有……想法; 51.mobile phone

移动电话; 52.order a special lunch

定特别的午餐; 53.collect money

收集钱; 54.in a restaurant

在餐馆; 55.take the train

火车; 56.enough money

足够的钱; 57.advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事; 58.put on

上演,上映;穿上; 59.sell flowers

卖花; 60.raise an army

招募军队; 61.raise cows


62.raise corn

种植玉米; 63.look forward to

期待,盼望; 64.hear from sb.=get a letter, telephone call, etc.from sb.= receive a letter, telephone call, etc.from sb.收到某人的来信、电话等。65.sell newspapers

卖报纸; 66.sell old books


67.at the weekend(英式)= on the weekend(美式)在周末; 68.take photos

照相; 69.so....that...如此……以至于……; 70.On the third day of...……的第三天 71.in the pool

在游泳池; 72.best friend

最好的朋友; 73.get to the top

到达山顶; 74.get to

= reach

= arrive in(+ 大地点)/at(+小地点)到达某地;



动词不定式是非谓语动词的一种。所谓非谓语动词就是不作谓语,没有人称和数的变化。不定式的构成:to do sth(do 代表动词原形),其否定形式是not to do sth,有时也可以不带to。to只是不定式的一个符号,没有任何实际意义。另外,动词不定式具有动词的性质,可以带宾语和状语。不定式可以担当除谓语外的任何句子成分,即:主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语、同位语。具体用法如下: 1.不定式作主语:


e.g.To go to college is our ideal.上大学是我们的理想。

To learn foreign languages is difficult.学外语很难。


It’s+名词/形容词+for/of sb.+to do sth.(注:此句式中不定式逻辑上的主语可由for或of引出,当表语的形容词为修饰逻辑主语sb.的kind,nice,good,polite,clever,foolish,right,wrong等时,逻辑主语由of引出)


It’s our ideal to go to college.It’s difficult(for us)to learn foreign languages.又如:It’s kind of you to say so.你那样说真好。



Begin, want, hope, forget, remember, like, love, need, try, ask, learn, wish, agree, choose, start, plan, decide, refuse 等。

e.g.I like to watch TV.我喜欢看电视。

He wants to swim.他想要游泳。

句中to watch TV, to swim分别谓语动词watch,wants的宾语。3.不定式做宾语补足语:

e.g.Tell the children not to play on the road.告诉孩子们不要在马路上玩。

My father told me to turn the TV up.我父亲叫我把电视音量调大些。

句中not to play on the road, to turn the TV up 分别作tell, told的宾语补足语。

P.S.:(a)做动词ask,like,tell,want,order,invite,wish,allow,teach等的宾语补足语时,动词不定式to要带to。e.g: He asked me to clean up the park.他叫我去打扫公园。

Can you ask Tom to speak more slowly? 你能叫汤姆再说慢点吗?

(b)表示感官和做使役动词有listen to, feel, hear, see, watch, make,let,have等,作这些动词的宾语补足语时,要省略不定式to。

e.g: The teacher let him do the homework.;老师让他做作业。

(c)作动词help 的宾语补足语,不定式to 可带可不带。e.g.Could you help me(to)carry the bag? 你能不能帮我提包? 4.不定式作表语:

A.主语是不定式(表示条件),表语是不定式(表示结果)。e.g.To work means to make a living.工作意味着谋生。

B.主语是duty, hope, idea, job, plan, problem, purpose, thing, wish等名词为中心的短语,或是以what引导的名词性从句,不定式短语对主语起补充说明的作用。常用在系动词be, seem, get, remain等后作表语。

e.g.The most important thing is to save the boy first.最重要的事情是先救那个男孩。

The meaning of the word is to go quickly.这个词的意思是快点走。

To the doctor, the most important thing is to save the lives.对于医生来说,最重要的是治病救人。

This suit doesn’t seem to fit her.这套衣服似乎不合她身。


动词不定式作定语时,总是后置。当被修饰的词是它的逻辑宾语时,则不定式动词必须是及物动词。如果不定式动词是不及物动词,就要必要的介词,使其构成及物的短语动词。e.g.He has something important to do.他有重要事情要做。

He gave me an interesting book to read.他给我一本有趣的书看。如果不定式动词是不及物动词,后面就得加相应的介词。

He wants to find a chair to sit on.他想找把椅子坐。P.S.: 下列词语后常接动词不定式作定语。

chance, wish, time, way, the first, need, the only, the second, the last, right, promise等。e.g.He has no time to see the film.他没有时间去看电影。6.不定式做状语:(a)作目的状语:

e.g.He ran so fast to catch the first bus.他跑这么快是为了赶上第一趟公交车。

I come here only to say goodbye to you.我来这儿仅仅是为了向你告别。.(b)作结果状语从句:

e.g.They were too excited to say a word.他们太激动了以至于说不出话来。(c)作原因状语从句:

e.g.She cried to hear the noise in the next room.她因听到隔壁房间的喧哗而哭了起来。7.动词不定式的否定形式:


e.g.I decided not to ask him again.我决定不再问他了。

8.动词不定式短语可以和疑问词what,which,how,where, when等连用。e.g.I don’t know what to do.我不知道该做什么。

Topic 2 How about exploring Tian’anmen Square? 二.重点句型。Section A

1.I’d like to speak to Michael.我想找迈克尔接电话。

打电话时的常用语。也可以这样说:May I speak to Michael? 找迈克尔接电话好吗? e.g.Hello!May I speak to Helen? 你好!找海伦接电话可以吗?

2.Glad to receive your postcard.很高兴收到你的明信片。

这是一种简略的说法,完整的说法是:I’m glad to receive your postcard.类似的说法有:

Nice to meet you.= I’m nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。

3.While you were enjoying your trip to Mount Tai, I was busy preparing for my exams.当你在享受旅游泰山之乐时,我正忙着准备考试。

1)A.这是一个由连词w h i l e 引导的时间状语从句。当一个动作正在进行时,另一个动作也同时在发生,有对比的意味,一般主从句都用现在进行时或过去进行时。

e.g.I was doing my homework while mom was cooking.妈妈做饭时,我在做作业。


e.g.While mom was cooking, I was doing my homework.妈妈做饭时,我在做作业。


2)be busy doing sth.忙于做某事,后面还可接名词,即be busy with sth.忙于某事。e.g.I am busy doing my homework.= I am busy with my homework.我忙于做作业。3)prepare for(doing)sth 准备(做)某事;

e.g.The students are preparing for the coming exams.学生正在准备即将到来的考试。4.I’m looking forward to meeting him.我盼着与他见面。

look forward to 意为“期待,盼望”,to 是介词,后面可加名词、代词或动名词; e.g.He is looking forward to going abroad.他期待去国外。5.Would you help me make a plan to explore Beijing before he comes? 在他来之前,你能帮我制订一个探索北京的计划吗?

1)Would you 比will you 语气更加客气,委婉, 类似还有:could you.......? e.g.Could you come along with us ? 你要和我们一起吗? 2)A.make a plan to do sth.制订计划做某事;

e.g.The boy made a plan to visit around the world.男孩制订了一个环游全世界的计划。

B.make a plan for sth.为某事制订计划;

e.g.I made a plan for my summer vacation.我为我的暑假制订了一个计划。3)explore 动词,意为“考察(某地区),探险,勘察”; e.g.He went out to explore.他出去考察了。

扩展:explorer 名词,意为“探险家,探测者”;

e.g.She want to be an explorer when she grows up.当她长大后,她想成为一名探险家。6.That would be very interesting.那将会很有趣。

would意为“一定会;就会”,是情态动词,后接动词原形,表示猜测。e.g.She would look nice with short hair.她留短发会很好看。

7.Would you help me plan a trip ? 请你帮我定个旅行计划好吗?

1)A.Would 与you 连用表示请求或要求;won’t you加强邀请的语气。但would 比will语气更加客气,委婉。

e.g.Will you come this way, please? 请这边走好吗?

Won’t you coming in and take a seat? 你怎么不进来找个位子坐下?

B.Will you....? 和 Would you....? 在表达“请求”时用法完全一样,其答语也相同。只是后者更有礼貌。

e.g.—Will /Would you have some more tea? 再喝点茶,好吗?

—Yes, please.好的。/ No, thank you.不,谢谢。

2)trip 作可数名词,意为“旅行,旅程”。动词短语 plan a trip 意为“制定旅行计划”。8.Could/ Can you come along with us? 你和我们一起来好吗? 1)在表达请求别人做某事常用can/ could,could 更礼貌。肯定回答时用:can/may, 不用could。e.g.—Could/ Can I ask you a question, Mr.Lee?李老师,我可以问你一个问题吗?

—Yes, of course you can.当然可以。

2)come along(with)意为“跟着来,跟随”;

e.g.Ray had some work to finish and decided to come along later.雷还有些工作要做完,决定迟点儿再来。9.Shall we take him here?我们带他去那儿好吗?

A.shall和 will 都用与一般将来时,但shall 只用于第一人称。

e.g.I shall/ will buy a computer this Sunday.这个礼拜天我将买一台电脑。B.Shall we/I.....?表示向对方征求意见,提出建议,意为“……好吗?” e.g.Shall we go swimming tomorrow? 我们明天去游泳好吗?

10.Darren was reading a newspaper when Michael came in.当迈克尔进来时,达伦正在看报纸。此句也可以改成:Michael came in when/while Darren was reading a newspaper.while引导的时间状语从句,用于表达持续性的动词或状态,不能与表示短暂性动词连用,但when两者皆可以。

11.Diana and Lily should work out the cost carefully for the holiday.戴安娜和莉莉为假期应该仔细计算费用。

work out 算出,解决,计算出,找出……的答案; e.g.Can you work out the problem?你能解决这个问题吗?

Section B

1.It covers440000 square meters.它占地面积为44万平方米。1)cover 动词,有多层含义: a)掩饰,遮盖;

e.g.She covered her face with her hands.她双手掩面。


e.g.Snow covered the ground.大雪覆盖了大地。c)占(一片面积);

e.g.Our school covers about 1000 square meters.我们学校占地大约一千平方米。2)square meter平方米;

2.It’s 880 meters long from north to south and 500 meters wide from east to west.它南北长880米,东西宽500米。

1)880 meters long 880米长;

类似结构有: 10 meter high/wide/deep 10米高/宽/深;

基数词+长度单位+long/wide/high/deep 意为:“多少(米)长/宽/高/深”; e.g.The desk is about 1.2 meters long.这张课桌大约有1.2米长。试比较以下两句话:

The boy is 10 years old.这个男孩10岁

He is a 10-year-old boy.这是个10岁的男孩。2)from.....to......从……到……;

3.It can hold one million people.可以容纳100万人。a)hold在此处意为“容纳,包含”;

e.g.The plane holds about 300 passengers.这架飞机可容纳大约300个乘客。b)hold还可表示“拿着,抓住,抱住”;

e.g.She was holding the baby in her arms.她抱着婴儿。c)hold 还可意为:“举行进行”;

e.g.Beijing is holding the 9th International Garden Expo.北京正在举行第九届国际园艺博览会。

4.The square must be quite meaningful to all Chinese people.这个广场对于所有的中国人来说一定意义重大。

a)must在此处表示推测,意为“一定是,准是”,语气较肯定。e.g.The light is on.She must be at home.灯亮着,她一定在家。b)may表示推测时可能性较小。

e.g.It may rain tomorrow.明天可能会下雨。c)can表示推测时,多用于否定句或疑问句。

e.g.That can't be Mary—She's in hospital.那不可能是玛丽。她在住院。5.I can’t wait to see it.我迫不及待地想看了。can't wait to do sth.迫不及待地做某事;

e.g.He couldn't wait to open the box.他迫不及待地打开盒子。

6.How far is it from here to Tian’anmen Square? 这里离天安门广场多远? 1)How far......……多远? 提问两地之间的距离。

How long......也指……多远? 但是是对时间段或长度的提问。e.g.—How long does it take to get to your house? 到你家需要多久?

—Twenty minutes.20分钟。

—How far does is it from your house to our school? 我们学校离你家有多远?

—Three kilometers.3公里。2)路程表达有两种方式: A.用长度单位表达。

e.g.It’s 1000 kilometers away from Shanghai.这儿离上海由1000千米。B.用时间表达。

e.g.It’s about twenty minutes’ walk from my home to my school.从我家到学校步行大约需要20分钟。7.It’s about one and a half hours by bike.骑自行车大约要一个半小时。

“几个半”表示方法:基数词+and+ a half +n.= 基数词 +n.+ and +a half.one and a half hours = one hour and a half 一个半小时; e.g.It took me three and a half hours to finish the housework.= It took me three hours and a half to finish the housework.我花了三个半小时做完家务。

8.The chairman Mao Memorial Hall lies to the southeast of the Great Hall of the People while it lies to the southwest of the National Museum.毛主席纪念堂位于人民大会堂东南端,国家博物馆西南。

1)A.lie在此意思“位于”,其动名词形式为lying,过去式为lay.e.g.Japan lies to the east of China.日本位于中国东面。


e.g.There was a child lying on the ground.地上躺着一个小孩。


A.lie/be to the+方位词+of….指“互不接壤且不管辖的两个地区”; e.g.Japan lies/is to the east of China.日本位于中国东面。

B.lie/be in the+方位词+of….指“在某一个范围之内的地区”; e.g.China lies/is in the east of Asia.中国位于亚洲东部。

C.lie/be on the+方位词+of….指“互相接壤但互不管辖的两个地区”; e.g.North Korea is on the northeast of China.朝鲜在中国的东北面。

Section C 1.The parking lot was full of tour buses, cars and bicycles, so they had to look for space to park their bicycles.停车场停满了旅游巴士、汽车和自行车,所以他们只好去找地方停他们的自行车。1)be full of 充满,装满,与be filled with 同义。

e.g.The classroom is full of students.= The classroom is filled with students.学生装满了整个教室。

2)A.park 作名词,意为“公园”;

e.g.There is a park near my home.我家附近有一个公园。

B.park 作动词,意为“停放(车辆);泊(车)”; e.g.He found a place to park his car.他找到一个地方停车。3)space 作不可数名词,意为“ 空间,太空,空白”。

room作不可数名词时,意为“空间”,与space同义。e.g.I have plenty of space to write.= I have plenty of room to write.我有足够的空间可以进行写作。

There isn’t much room/space here.这里没有什么空闲的地方了。4)look for 意为“寻找”,强调动作。find 意为“找到”强调结果。e.g.I looked for my watch here and there, but I couldn't find it.我到处找我的手表,但是我没找到。

2.Darren and Michael were surprised at Tian’anmen Square.达伦和迈克尔对天安门广场感到很惊奇。A.be surprised at...对……感到惊奇;

e.g.He is surprised at dragons.他对龙感到惊奇。B.be surprised to do...惊奇地(做)……;

e.g.She was surprised to find she was lost.她惊奇地发现自己迷路了。

3.While the crowd was pushing Darren in all directions, someone stepped on his feet.当人群从四面八方挤来时,有人踩了达伦的脚。

1)push此处为“挤来挤去,推推搡搡”之意。e.g.People were pushing to get to the front.人们推推搡搡,向最前面挤。


常用词组: in all directions 四面八方;

in one’s direction 朝着某人的方向;

in the direction of...朝……方向;

3)A.step on sth.踏,踩某物; step on sb.’s feet踩了某人的脚; e.g.Don’t step on the flowers and grass.不要践踏花草。


e.g.He walked with a quick light step.他迈着轻快的步子走着。

C.step 还可作名词,意为“台阶”。

There are 1000 steps in this building.这栋楼有一千级台阶。

4.When Darren finally pushed his way out, he couldn’t find his friends.当达伦最终挤出人群的时候,他找不到他的两个朋友了。

push one’s way out挤出去;

e.g.When I finally pushed my way out, I couldn’t find my parents.当我终于从人群中挤出来时,我却找不到我的父母。

5.He was too worried to think about what to do.他太着急了以至于想不出该怎么办。1)too + adj.+ to do sth.= not + adj.+ enough + to do sth.太……以至于不能做某事; e.g.The girl is too young to look after herself.= The girl isn’t old enough to look after herself.这个女孩太小了而照顾不了自己。2)区别:think about, think of, think over A.think about 指“考虑,回想,想起”;

e.g.He is thinking about traveling in the summer holidays.他正在考虑暑假旅游的事。

She was thinking about her childhood days.她正回想她的童年时期。B.think of 指“考虑,计及,记忆,记起”; e.g.You think of everything!你全都提到了。

I can't think of his name at the moment.我一时想不起他的名字。C.think sth.over指“仔细想,审慎思考,作进一步考虑”; e.g.Please think over what I said.请仔细考虑我说的话。

I want to think it over.我想仔细考虑一下这件事。6.His heart was beating fast.他的心跳得很快。


B.beat还可表示“打败(某人)”,常用结构:beat sb.(at)sth.在(某事)中打败某人; e.g.He beat me at chess.他下棋赢了我。

7.He didn’t raise his head until someone called his name.直到有人喊他的名字,他才抬起头。

not…until… 意为“直到……才……”;

until后接表示时间的短语或从句,主句中的谓语动词必须是非持续性动词。当until 用于肯定句中时,意为“直到……为止”,此时主句中的谓语动词应用持续性动词。

e.g.We didn’t leave the park until the rain stopped.我们直到雨停了才离开公园。

We waited in the park until the rain stopped.我们在公园一直等到雨停。

8.As soon as the three boys saw each other, they all jumped up happily.三个男孩一见面,就高兴得跳了起来。

as soon as.....A.意为“一……就……”,引导表示时间的状语从句。

e.g.Please call me as soon as you get there.你一到那儿就给我打电话。B.意为“尽快”。

e.g.I’ll finish it as soon as possible.我将尽快完成。9.Darren was lost but, at last, Kangkang and Michael found him.达伦迷路了,但最终康康和迈克尔找到他。

at last 意为“终于,最终”,用于经过很长一段时间,尤其是经过困难或耽搁之后的事,也可用finally或in the end.e.g.At last, I finished all my tasks.最终我完成了所有的任务。

10.While they were enjoying exploring, the crowd of people became larger and larger.当他们兴致勃勃地考察时,人群更加的拥挤了。

1)enjoy + doing 喜欢做某事,享受做某事;

e.g.I enjoy running in my spare time.在我闲暇时间,我喜欢跑步。2)the crowd of people 人群;

e.g.Going through the crowd of people isn’t an easy thing.穿过人群并不是一件简单的事情。3)become larger and larger 变得越来越多,变得越来越大;

e.g.The Population of the world becomes larger and larger.世界人口越来越多。

11.I’d like to tell you about my travel experiences.我想告诉你关于我的一些旅行经历。experience n.有多层含义。


an exciting/unusual/wonderful experience 一次令人激动的/不寻常的/愉快的经历; e.g.Moving had become a common experience for me.搬家对我而言已经成了常事。B.作不可数名词,意为“经验”。

e.g.She is a great teacher with over 10 years’ teaching experience.她是一个有着十多年教学经验的优秀老师。12.It’s famous for its beautiful mountains, forests and lakes.它以美丽的山川、森林和湖泊而出名。be famous for 因……而出名;be famous as 作为……身份而出名; e.g.Huangbo is famous as an actor.He is famous for his movie Crazy Stone.13.We had a two-day trip and took a lot of photos.我们有两天的旅程,照了好多照片。

a two-day trip意为“ 一次两天的旅行”;中间的two-day为复合形容词,后不能加“s”。

14.They were very cute and we couldn’t help watching them.它们太可爱了,我们都忍不住观看起它们来。A.can’t help doing sth 禁不住/忍不住做某事;

e.g.She can’t help crying when she hears the news.当听到这个消息时,她情不自禁地哭了。B.help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事;

e.g.A short while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs.片刻之前,我妹妹帮我把我的一只旧书橱抬上了楼。

C.help sb.with sth.帮助某人某事;

e.g.I help him with his English.我帮助他(学)英语。

Section D 1.After we checked our bikes and bags, we rode to Tian’anmen Square.检查了自行车和包后,我们骑车去了天安门广场。


e.g.Let’s check the answers together.让我们一起来核对答案。

2.While we were having fun exploring, I found that Darren was lost.当我们兴致勃勃地考察时,我发现达伦不见了。

have fun exploring 意为“从考察中获得乐趣”。have fun(in)doing sth.从某事中获得乐趣;

e.g.He has fun playing soccer.他从踢球中获得乐趣。

3.We even asked a policeman for help.我们甚至还请警察帮忙。ask sb.for help 向某人求助;

e.g.The old woman asked the police for help.这位老大娘向警察寻求帮助。


1.be busy doing sth.忙于做某事; 2.be busy with sth.忙于某事; 3.prepare for

为……做准备; 4.on vacation

度假; 5.look forward to + doing sth.期待做某事; 6.make a plan to do sth.制订计划做某事; 7.make a plan for sth.为某事制订计划; 8.Tian’anmen Square

天安门广场; 9.visit the Great Wall


10.receive a postcard

收到一张明信片; 11.plan a trip

制定一个旅行计划; 12.have no time

没有时间; 13.plan a trip

制定旅行计划; 14.come along(with)

跟着来,跟随; 15.have a class

上课; 16.perfect holiday activity

完美的度假活动; 17.swim in the sea

在海里游泳; 18.work out

算出,解决,计算出,找出……的答案; 19.go to the seaside

去海边; 20.camp in the forest

在森林宿营; 21.in the center of....在……中心; 22.square meter

平方米; 23.880 meters long

880米长; 24.基数词+长度单位+long/wide/high/deep

多少(米)长/宽/高/深; 25.from.....to......从……到……; 26.the Monument to the People’s Heroes

人民英雄纪念碑; 27.Tian’anmen Rostrum

天安门城楼; 28.in the north of.....在……北侧; 29.the People’s Republic of China

中华人民共和国; 30.some other great buildings

其他一些雄伟的建筑; 31.can't wait to do sth.迫不及待地做某事; 32.by the way

顺便问一下; 33.How far......……多远? 提问两地之间的距离。34.How long......……多远? 对时间段或长度的提问。35.基数词+and+ a half +n.= 基数词 +n.+ and +a half.几个半; 36.one and a half hours = one hours and a half 一个半小时; 37.Nation Museum

国家博物馆; 38.Great Hall of the People

人民大会堂; 39.Chairman Mao Memorial Hall

毛主席纪念堂; 40.in the +方位名词 + of …


to the +方位名词 + of …


on the +方位名词 + of …

相互接壤但互不管辖的两个地区; 41.a parking lot

一个停车场; 42.be full of = be filled with

充满,装满; 43.look for

寻找; 44.be surprised at...对……感到惊奇; 45.be surprised to do...惊奇地(做)……; 46.take out a camera

拿出相机; 47.take many pictures


48.more and more

越来越多; 49.in all directions


50.in one’s direction

朝着某人的方向; 51.in the direction of...朝……方向; 52.step on sth.踏,踩某物;

53.step on sb.’s feet

踩了某人的脚; 54.push one’s way out

挤出去; 55.too + adj.+ to do sth.太……以至于不能做某事; 56.beat sb.(at)sth.在(某事)中打败某人; 57.the near side of the square

广场附近的边上; 58.sit on a step

坐在台阶上; 59.not…until…


60.raise one’s head

抬头; 61.as soon as.....一……就……; 62.an hour’s ride

骑一个小时车; 63.at last = finally = in the end

终于,最终; 64.each other

互相,彼此; 65.enjoy + doing

喜欢做某事,享受做某事; 66.the crowd of people

人群; 67.become larger and larger

变得越来越多,变得越来越大; 68.an exciting/unusual/wonderful experience 一次令人激动的/不寻常的/愉快的经历 69.in the southwest part of China

中国的西南部; 70.be famous for

因……而出名; 71.be famous as

作为……身份而出名; 72.book the room

预定房间; 73.a two-day trip

一次两天的旅行; 74.can’t help doing sth

禁不住/忍不住做某事; 75.help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事; 76.help sb.with sth.帮助某人某事; 77.receive e-mails

收到邮件; 78.have a wonderful vacation

度过了一个愉快的假期; 79.have fun exploring

从考察中获得乐趣; 80.have fun(in)doing sth.从某事中获得乐趣; 81.ask sb.for help

向某人求助; 82.Thank goodness.谢天谢地!83.run after






While I was doing my homework , the telephone rang.B.当主句的时态为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。I will call you as soon as I get to Beijing.2.引导时间状语从句的连词有:when,while,as,before,after,since,till,until等。

(1)表示同时性,即主从句的谓语动作同时发生或几乎同时发生。其连接词有:when(当……的时候),while(当……的时候),as(当……的时候),as soon as(一……就……),once(一旦……就……)等。

e.g.Mary cut her finger when she was making a kite.玛丽在做风筝时,割伤了手指。

I’ll ring you up as soon as I arrive in Beijing.我一到北京就给你打电话。

Once you see her, you’ll never forget her.一旦见过她,你就不会忘记她。

Work while you work.Play while you play.该工作时工作,该玩玩时玩。(2)表示先后,即主句的谓语动作发生在从句前或后。主要的连词有:after(在……之后),before(在……之前),when=after(在……之后)等。

e.g.After we heard the news, we were all excited.当我们听到这个消息后,我们都很兴奋。

He had learned English for three years before he went to London.他去伦敦之前已学了三年英语。

(3)表示持续性或瞬间性。主要连词有:since(自从),every since(自从),until(直到……才/为止),till(直到……才/为止)等。

e.g.It’s just a week since we arrived here.我们到这儿刚一个礼拜。

Ten years has passed since we left our school.我们已经毕业十年了。

Don’t get off the bus until it has stopped.直到车停了才能下车。

He waited for his father till it was twelve o’clock.他等他父亲一直到12点。P.S.:

A.until 用于肯定句中,表示主句的动作一直持续到从句动作发生或状态出现时为止。一般意为“直到……为止”。这种用法中,主句的谓语动词必须是持续性动词(非瞬间动词)。如:live,wait,last,love,like,stay,continue等。

B.until 用于否定句中,表示主句的动作在从句的动作发生之前尚未发生,或者说主句的动作在从句的动作发生之后开始。此句型为not....until....意为“直到……才……”,此时,主句的谓语动词可以是非持续性动词。

Topic 3 Bicycle riding is good exercise.三.重点句型。Section A

1.I think traffic in Beijing is crazy.我认为北京的交通很拥堵。

traffic 是不可数名词。

e.g.The traffic there is good.那儿的交通不错。2.You’ll get used to it soon.你很快就会习惯的。

A.be/get used to sth.习惯,适应;

e.g.He can’t get used to the weather here.他不习惯这儿的天气。

B.get/be used to doing sth.习惯于做……; e.g.I am used to getting up early.我习惯于早起。

C.used to do sth.过去常常做某事(现在不做了); e.g.I used to watch TV after supper.以前晚饭后我常看电视。

D.be used to do sth.被用来做某事;

e.g.Wood is used to make paper.树木被用来造纸。

3.When I arrived, I was afraid of riding my bike anywhere.我刚来的时候,到任何地方都不敢骑自行车。

A.be afraid of doing sth.,可与be afraid to do sth.不敢做某事 转换。e.g.The little boy is afraid of touching the fire again.=The little boy is afraid to touch the fire again.那男孩再也不敢碰火了。

4.But now I feel a little more confident.但现在我感觉有点自信了。

a little more confident意为“更自信一点”,more confident是confident的比较级。

a little...……一点, much...……得多,两者都可以放在比较级前,用来加强比较的程度。e.g.She is a little younger than he.她比他年轻一点。

This bag is much heavier than that one.这个包比那个包重得多。

5.If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents.如果人们遵守交通规则,交通事故就会减少。


A.rule n.规则,规章;

e.g.the rules of basketball篮球比赛规则;the rules of grammar语法规则;

the rules of law法规;

B.rule v.统治(某人/某事物),管理;

e.g.Charles I ruled eleven years.查理一世统治了(英国)十一年。


e.g.If it snows tomorrow, we’ll make snowmen together.如果明天下雪,我们将一起堆雪人。

6.Now I like riding my bike around the city more than before.现在我比从前更喜欢骑自行车环城了。A.before adv..以前,过去;

e.g.She looked just the same as before.她看上去就和以前一样。B.before还常用于完成时中。

e.g.I have received the letter three days before.我三天前就收到信了 C.ago adv.前,以前,常用于一般过去时。

e.g.It happened a few minutes ago.那是几分钟前发生的事。7.It’s easy to park, too.而且停放自行车也很容易。A.park动词,停(车),泊(车)。

e.g.You can’t park the car here.此处禁止停车。B.park作名词时,指“公园”。

e.g.We often take a walk in the park after supper.晚饭后我们经常在公园里散步。

8.Many people around the world use bicycles for work and pleasure.世界各地很多人把自行车用于工作、消遣中。

use sth.for doing sth.运用……做某事;

e.g.We can use mobile phones for taking photos now.我们现在可以用手机拍照。9.Bicycle need less space than cars.自行车比小轿车需要的空间小。

space n.意为“空地,空间”,是不可数名词。

e.g.The desk takes up too much space.这张桌子占的地方太大了。

10.After the policeman arrived, he asked about the accident.在警察到达后,他询问了事故的情况。1)policeman 意为“(男)警察”,其复数形式: policemen。e.g.Don’t worry, the policemen are coming.别着急,警察马上就来了。2)ask about 询问;

Section B

1.The young man on the bicycle was very careless.骑自行车的那个年轻人很粗心。1)careless adj.粗心的; 其反义词:careful 细心的,小心的 ; 2)on the bicycle 在自行车上;

2.We should wear bicycle helmets when riding.当我们在骑自行车时,我们应该带头盔。1)wear bicycle helmets 戴头盔;

2)when riding 是 when we are riding 的省略。3.If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in danger.如果违反了交通规则,我们会受到处罚。

1)A.break v.打破,违反,破坏;

e.g.break the traffic rules违反交通规则,反义词组为obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则。

B.break n.停顿,休息; e.g.have a break 休息;

The children have a break between classes at school.学校里孩子们有课间休息时间。2)A.fine n.[C] 罚金,罚款;

e.g.He got a heavy fine.他受到严重处罚。

B.fine v.罚款;

e.g.I was fined for speeding.因为超速,我被罚款了。

C.fine adj.健康的,舒适的;

e.g.—How are you? 你好吗?—Fine, thanks.很好,谢谢。3)get a fine 受处罚;

4)in danger 处于危险之中;

4.If you make a wrong turn, you will cause trouble.如果你转错弯,将会导致麻烦。A.turn 此处作名词,意为“(车辆的)转弯,转向;” e.g.Make a left/ right turn into west street.向左、右入西大街; B.turn 还可作动词,意为“ 使转动; 旋转; 使改变方向;”

常见词组: turn on 打开;

turn off 关上; turn down 关小,拒绝; e.g.Please turn on the lights!请打开灯!

5.If you drive a car in England, you must drive on the left-hand side of the road.如果你在英国开车,你必须靠马路左边行驶。

on the left-hand side of the road = on the left of the road

在马路左边; on the right-hand side of the road = on the right of the road 在马路右边; 注意: 在左边/右边,介词用on。

Section C 1.The bicycle riders must pay attention to the traffic around them.骑车者必须注意周围的车辆。pay attention to sth.意为“对……注意、当心”,to为介词,后接名词或动名词等作宾语。

e.g.Please pay attention to your pronunciation.请注意你的发音。

2.The bicycle riders must wear helmets to protect their heads.骑车者必须戴头盔保护头部。1)wear helmets 戴头盔;

2)to protect their heads 意为“为了保护头部”。to 在这边表目的。

3.It is also good for the environment because bicycle do not cause pollution.它还对环境有益,因为骑自行车不会造成污染。

be good for...对……有益;

e.g.Drinking milk is good for your health.喝牛奶对你的健康有益。

4.Bicycle share the road with cars and trucks.自行车与汽车和卡车共用车道。share...with...与……分享……;

e.g.I’d like to share a room with you.我想和你共住一个房间。

5.Drivers do not always notice bicycles.司机并不能时时注意到自行车。A.notice v.看(听)到,注意到。

e.g.I noticed them come in.我注意到他们进来了。B.n.通知,布告,公告牌。

e.g.Look, there is a notice on the board.看,布告牌上有一则通知。

6.When riding at night, they must wear light-colored clothes, and have lights in the front and reflectors on the back of their bicycles.晚上骑车时,他们必须穿浅色的衣服,并在车头安装车灯,车位装反光玻璃。A.in the front 在前面;

B.区别:in front of & in the front of

in front of“在…的前面”,指某一范围以外的前面。at/in the front of…“在…的前面”,指某一范围以内的前面。

e.g.Miss Gao is standing at the front of the classroom.高小姐站在教室的前面。(指某一范围内的前面)

There is a tall tree in front of the house.房子前面有一棵大树。(指某一范围以外的前面)

7.In case of an accident, bicycle riders should know how to give first aid.万一发生事情,骑车者应该懂得如何进行急救;

1)in case of 意为“如果,假使……”。

e.g.In case of an earthquake, what will you do? 假如发生地震,你会怎么做? 2)give first aid 进行急救;

8.In a word, the best way to be safe is to be careful.总之,保持安全的最佳方式就是小心谨慎。1)in a word 意为“简言之,一句话,总之”与in short同义。

e.g.In a word, I don’t want to be his friend any more.总之,我不想再成为他的朋友了。2)the best way to do sth.做某事的最佳方法;

e.g.The best way to lose weight is to eat less and do more exercise.减肥的最佳方法是少吃多运动。7.Look out and always be careful.留神并且时刻小心谨慎。look out(表示警告,尤指有危险)意为“当心,小心,留神”。e.g.Look out!There’s car coming.当心!有车来了。

8.Call 120 if an accident happens.当发生车祸,拨打120。A.call v.意为“打电话”,e.g.call sb.(up)给某人打电话;

Can you call me when you arrive in New York.你到纽约,能不能给我打个电话? B.call n.意为“电话联络”,e.g.make a call 打电话; give sb.a call 给某人打电话;

Can you give me a call when you arrive in New York? 你到纽约,能不能给我打个电话?

Section D 1.Qinghai Lake, the largest salt-water lake in China, lends its name to the province of Qinghai.青海湖,中国最大的咸水湖,青海省以它命名。

lend one’s name to sth.以某人的名字命名(某地方)。

e.g.He lend his name to the mountain.他以他的名字命名了这座山。

2.Twenty-three rivers and streams empty into Qinghai Lake.二十三条小河和溪流流入青海湖。empty into 注入,流入,走近;

e.g.The Yangtze River empties into the East Sea.长江流入东海。

3.It has the highest altitude among all races hosted by the International Cycling Union.这是国际自行车联合会主办的众多赛事中海拔最高的比赛。(1)the highest altitude 海拔最高;(2)A.host v.(作为主人)招待,举办;

e.g.They hosted a wonderful party.他们举办了一场很精彩的晚会。


e.g.the host country for the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会的主办国(3)the International Cycling Union 国际自行车联合会;

4.There are 21 timed stages over three weeks.有21个计时赛段,历时3周多。1)timed stages 计时赛段;

2)over(数目)超过,与more than同义。

e.g.The river near here is over/more than four meters deep.这附近的一条河有四米多深。

5.They go through the Alps, the Massif Central and the Pyrenees Mountains.他们要穿过阿尔卑斯山脉、马塞夫中心和比例牛斯山。区别: go through & go across go through 空间上通过;go across 表面上通过;

e.g.go across the road 只是从马路一边到另一边;go through则是从马路一端到另一端; 6.The road are very difficult to ride on.道路很崎岖。be difficult to do sth 做某事有困难;

e.g.Math is difficult to learn.学数学很难。

7.The winner is the person with the best total time.获胜者是总时间最少的那个人。winner获胜者,为动词win的名词形式。类似的构词法有:



work—worker 玩,打球—运动员; 邮寄—邮递员; 工作—工人

8.He can do that without winning even one of the stages.他不必每个阶段得第一名也能取得最后的胜利。without 没有,其反义词为with有,具有。e.g.Fish can’t live without water.鱼离不开水。

He left the room without saying a word.他没说什么就离开了房间。5


1.a traffic accident

2.get used to + v.ing/ n.3.be afraid of doing sth.4.be afraid to do sth.5.a little more confident 6.obey the traffic rules 7.save energy

8.air pollution

9.agree with sb.10.disagree with sb.11.around the world 12.use sth.for doing sth.13.have an accident

14.at once

15.send.....to the hospital 16.ask about

17.on the bicycle

18.wear bicycle helmets 19.light-color clothes 20.break the traffic rules 21.in danger

22.a traffic station 23.get a fine

24.cross a busy road 25.make a wrong turn





更自信一点; 遵守交通规则; 节省能源;


















转错弯; 26.get hurt

27.pay attention to sth.28.traffic signals

29.the safety rules

30.be good for...31.share...with...32.in the front

33.in case of

34.give first aid

35.in a word = in short

36.look out

37.call sb.(up)

38.make a call

39.give sb.a call

40.play on the street

41.follow the sign

42.salt-water lake

43.lends one’s name to sth.44.empty into

45.the highest altitude

46.the largest bicycle road race in Asia 47.the International Cycling Union 48.timed stages

49.over = more than

50.go through

51.go across

52.be difficult to do sth.受伤;


交通信号; 安全守则;












遵守交通标志; 咸水湖;








空间上通过; 表面上通过;




条件状语从句由if(如果),unless(除非), in case(万一),so/ as long as(只要),as/so far as(就……而言),suppose(假设)等词或短语引导的。

e.g.If he wants to see you, you can tell him to wait.如果他想见你,叫他等你好了。

If it snows tomorrow, we’ll have a day or two off.如果明天下雪,我们将放一两天假。

She is sure to pass the examination unless she is ill.除非她生病了,不然她肯定会通过这次考试。注意:在条件状语从句中,谓语动词常用一般现在时表示将来,主句用一般将来时。

e.g.I won’t go if he doesn’t go.如果他不去,我也不去。

We will pass the exam if we study hard.如果我们努力学习,我们将会通过考试。

He won’t be able to catch up with us unless he runs faster.他不可能赶得上我们,除非他跑得更快一些。


仁爱英语八年级下册 Unit 7 Food Festival

Topic 1 We’re preparing for a food.一.重点句型。Section A

1.Do you know about Craig Kielburger? 你知道克雷格齐尔们?

know about意为“了解”,而know 是”知道,认识”之意,二者意思不同。e.g.I know her.我认识她。

I want to know more about my teacher.我想更多地了解我的老师。

2.He is from Canada and he started Free the Children.他创办了“解放儿童”这个组织。start 有多层含义,此处意为“(使)出现,创办,开办”。

e.g.My uncle starts a shoe factory in his hometown.我的叔叔在他的家乡创办了一家鞋厂。start to do sth.开始做某事; e.g.It started to rain.下起雨来了。

3.He was only twelve years old when he started to help poor children.当他开始帮组贫困孩子时,他年仅12岁。twelve years old 十二岁;数字+year(s)+old 意为“„„岁”,在句子中只能做表语;

twelve-year-old 十二岁的;数字-year(s)-old 意为“„„岁的”,是一个复合形容词,作定语; She is two years old.= She is two-year old.她两岁。

4.Then shall we have a food festival and raise money to give to Free the Children?那么我们举办一次美食节活动来为“解放儿童”筹款好吗? have 是“举办, 举行”之意,相当于hold。e.g.have a sports meeting = hold a sports meeting举行运动会;

We will have a art festival next week.= We will hold a art festival next week.have a food festival 举行美食街;raise money 筹款; 5.I will turn to our teachers.我去向老师求助。

turn to(sb.)= ask(sb.)for help 转向(某人);求助于,求教于;

e.g.Jane is going to turn to her sister.= Jane is going to ask her sister for help.简打算向她的姐姐求助。6.My task is to make a poster.我的任务是制作一张海报。

此句是不定式to make a poster作表语,说明主语的内容。e.g.My job is to look after the baby.make a poster制作一张海报;e.g.Mr.Zhang made a poster for this basketball game.7.I’ll get in touch with Craig Kielburger on the Internet to get more information about him.我将在网上和克雷格齐尔伯取得联系来获得更多关于他的信息。1)get in touch with和„„取得联系;

e.g.I often get in touch with my parents on weekends.我常常在周末和我父母联系。

to get more information about him 意为“为了得到关于他的更多信息”,to 在这里作目的状语。get information about sb.获得关于某人的信息;

8.I will think about how to hold the food festival.我将会认真考虑怎样举办这次美食节。1)think about(认真)考虑;

e.g.—Dad, will you buy me a new bike?—I don’t know.I’ll have to think about it.—爸爸,你能给我买辆新自行车吗?—很难说,我得好好考虑考虑。与think相关的短语还有:think over;think of。

A.think over 仔细考虑, 慎重思考;e.g.I would like more time to think things over.B.think of 考虑到,这时可与think about互换。e.g.Don’t think of/about me any more.不要再考虑我。特殊疑问词how+不定式作动词短语作think about的宾语;

e.g.I often think about how to improve my spoken English.我经常想如何提高我的英语口语。9.Let’s try our best to make it success.让我们尽最大的努力使它成功。try one’s best to do sth.= do one’s best to do sth.尽某人最大努力; e.g.We must try/do our best to study.我们必须尽最大努力学习。10.Free the Children plans to build a school in Kenya.“解放儿童”组织计划在肯尼亚建一所学校。plan to do sth.计划做某事;e.g.I plan to go to America next month.我计划下个月去美国。11.What will the food festival be like?美食节会是什么样子? 12.The children in hospital.生病住院的儿童。

in hospital在那家医院(特指),对方应该知道说话人指的是哪一家 e.g.I work in the hospital.我在医院工作。Section B

1.I have a sweet tooth, and I think a lot of students will buy western food, such as American chocolate cookies and Greek cheese pies.我喜欢甜食,我认为很多学生会买西方食物,比如美国巧克力派和希腊奶酪派。

1)have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食;

e.g.He has a sweet tooth, and now all his teeth are bad.他喜欢吃甜食,现在他的牙齿都坏掉了。western food 西方食物;

2.I think a lot of students will buy western food 是含有宾语从句的复合句,引导词that已省略。such as 例如;

3.That’s good enough.那太好了。

A.enough 作副词时,修饰形容词或副词,表示“足够地,十分地”,作形容词时,修饰不定代词。在这两种情况下,它只可放在形容词,副词和不定代词之后。

e.g.This book is easy enough for you to understand.这本书你很容易就可以看懂。B.enough 修饰名词时,可以置于名词前或名词后。

e.g.I have enough money to buy the book.我有足够的钱买这本书。

C.enough 还可用作代词,表示“够,足够,充足”。既可代替可数名词,也可代替不可数名词,e.g.We’ve nearly run out of paper.Do you think there’s enough for today?


4.So my friends and I decided to help you raise some money.所以我和我朋友决定帮助你筹一些钱。decide to do sth.决定做某事;e.g.She decided to learn English well.她决定学好英语。5.May I invite you to our food festival? 我可以邀请你来参加我们的美食节吗?

invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事;e.g.I invited my best friends to see a movie yesterday.6.I’d love to , but I’m sorry I can’t, because I have no time these days.A.be sorry相当于be afraid,从句I can’t是省略句,该句完整形式是I’m sorry I can’t go to your food festival.也可说成I’m afraid I can’t go to your food festival.B.be sorry和be afraid后还可接不定式to do, 构成be sorry/ afraid to do sth.形式。e.g.I’m sorry/afraid to do that.我很抱歉/不敢那样做。

类似的用法还有:be pleased to do sth.= be glad to do sth.高兴做某事;

be surprised to do sth.惊奇做某事;

7.Will you please tell me something about yourself and Free the Children?你能告诉我一些关于你个人和“解放儿童”的情况吗?

该句型Will you please...?意为“请你做„„好吗?”,表示客气的请求,后接动词原形。e.g.Will you please go fishing with me?你能和我一起去钓鱼吗? Will you please...?与Would you like...?的区别:

will you please后接动词原形,而would you like后接不定式to do, 且意为“你愿意„„吗?” e.g.Would you like to go fishing with me? 你愿意和我一起去钓鱼吗? 8.I’ll send you an email later on, OK? 等下我给你发电子邮件,好吗? 后面常常带两个宾语,即send+间宾(人)+直宾(物),我们称它为“双宾结构”。这类词还有: give, pass, lend, write, show等。

send sb.sth.可改为send sth.to sb.原句可改为:I’ll send an e-mail to you.但make/buy/draw/sing/get等动词后跟双宾语时,则改为make/ buy/draw/sing/get sth.for sb.e.g.Mother draws a picture for him.妈妈给他画了一幅画。Section C 1.I regret that I can not come.很遗憾我不能去。

regret 意为“感到遗憾、惋惜、懊悔”,后接名词、代词、动名词、不定式或从句。A.regret+从句;e.g.I deeply regret what I said.我非常后悔说了那些话。B.regret to do sth.对要做的事遗憾(未做);

e.g.I regret to say that you have failed your exam.我很遗憾地告诉你,你考试不及格。C.regret doing sth.对做过的事遗憾、后悔(已做); e.g.I regret telling him the truth.我后悔告诉了他真相。

2.He knew children should go to school instead of working in factories all day.他知道儿童应该上课,而不是整日在工厂干活。

instead of sb./(doing)sth.代替,作为„„的替换;e.g.We can go there by bike instead of walking.3.He decided to fight against the bosses.他决定与老板作斗争。fight against sb./sth.与某人/某事做斗争,反对某人/某事;

e.g.The farmers are fighting against the drought.农民们正在抗旱。

4.As a result, a bad man killed him.结果,一个坏人杀害了他。as a result 结果;

e.g.He studied very hard, as a result, he get high scores in all the subjects.他很努力学习,他

5.Soon many children joined us and the group became Free the Children.很快,许多儿童加入了我们并成立了“解放儿童”基金会。

join 加入(人群,组织);join in 参加(活动,比赛);

e.g.There are any amount of clubs you could join.有无数个俱乐部你可以加入。

注意:(1)join可与in连用,后接活动,即 take part in=join in = be in后都接活动。

e.g.He joined in the game.他参加了这场比赛。

(2)join sb.in doing sth.表加入某人的活动。e.g.Will you join us in playing basketball ? 6.I believe one person can make a change.我相信一个人能够作出改变。make a change 做一个改变; change 这边作可数名词,意为“改变”; change 还可做动词,意为“改变”;e.g.Can you change your hair color? 你可以改下你头发的颜色吗? Section D 1.He works for the rights of children.他为(争取)儿童的权利而工作。

1)work for 意为“争取,力争,努力取得”;e.g.Let’s work for our freedom.让我们为自由而战吧。

work for 还有“从事„„的工作”之意;e.g.His father works for a hospital.A.right 此处“权利”之意;e.g.I have the right to say no.我有权利说不。B.right adj.正确的;e.g.You are right.你是对的。

C.right n.右边;e.g.The bookstore is on the right side.书店在右边。2.Let’s make Craig’s dream come true.让我们帮克雷格梦想成真!come true 意为“(希望,愿望)实现,成为现实”。

e.g.His dream came true in the end.= He made his dream come true in the end.他最终实现了自己梦想。二.重点词组。

1.know about

了解; 2.start to do sth.开始做某事; 3.have a food festival

举行美食街; 4.raise money


5.turn to(sb.)= ask(sb.)for help 转向(某人);求助于,求教于;

6.make a poster

制作一张海报; 7.get in touch with


8.get information about sb.获得关于某人的信息; 9.think about 10.think over 力;

12.plan to do sth.计划做某事; 13.make tea

14.cook soup




仔细考虑, 慎重思考;

33.Italian pizza

意大利披萨; 南美洲牛肉; 俄罗斯黑面包 谈论; 炒米粉; 决定做某事;

34.South African beef curry 35.Russian black bread 36.tall about 37.fried rice

38.decide to do sth.很遗憾/不敢做某事;

39.be sorry/ afraid to do sth.40.send sth to sb.= send sb.sth.送某物给某人;

pass sb.sth.= pass sth.to sb.传给某人某物;

kick sb.sth.=kick sth.to sb.踢给某人某物;

throw sb.sth.= throw sth.to sb.扔某物给某人;

bring sb.sth.= bring sth.to sb.给某人带某物;

teach sb.sth.= teach sth to sb.教某人某物;

give sb.sth.= give sth.to sb.给某人某物;

buy sb.sth.= buy sth.for sb.给某人买某物; make sb.sth.= make sth.for sb.为某人做某物; 41.email address 43.make a change


42.invite sb to do sth

邀请某人做某事; 改变; 11.try one’s best = do one’s best 尽某人最大努15.make cheese pies

做奶酪派; 16.make chocolate cookies

做巧克力饼干; 17.make biscuits 19.set the table


摆放桌子; 制作果汁; 制作海报; 在贫困区; 盲童; 老人; 住院; 打扫房子; 使某人振作; 喜欢吃甜食; 西方食物; 例如; 印度咖喱; 而且; 18.make strawberry pancakes 做草莓馅饼; 20.make fruit juice 21.make a poster 22.in poor areas 24.the old people 25.in hospital 27.cheer sb.up 26.clean the houses

44.regret to do sth.对要做的事遗憾(未做); regret doing sth.对做过的事遗憾、后悔(已做); regret+从句



45.fried chicken

46.instead of sb./(doing)sth.代替,作为……的替换; 47.fight against sb./sth.与某人/某事做斗争,反对某人/某事; 48.as a result

结果; ……岁; 出生于……;

49.at the age of

50.be born in…

51.work for

23.the blind children

28.have a sweet tooth 29.western food

30.such as

31.Indian curries 32.What’s more

争取,力争,努力取得,从事…的工作; 52.come true(希望,愿望)实现,成为现实;


Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains.Section A 1.begin → began → begun v 开始 → beginning n 开始

at the beginning of 在……开始

begin to do sth/ doing sth 开始做某事

2.tell sb.that 告诉某人

(1)说某种语言用speak speak English 说英语

speak vt 说 讲,其宾语常是某种语言 强调开口说话、发言的动作

speak+ 语言

speak to sb.(2)与某人交谈用talk talk with sb.= talk to sb.与某人交谈




talk about/of 谈论……

talk to / with 和…交谈

give a talk做报告

(talk n.报告)

have a talk听报告(3)强调说话内容用say say it in English 用英语说


say+ 说话内容

say to sb.It is said that...据说(4)告诉某人用tell

tell sb.to do sth 告诉某人做某事

tell vt告诉,对…说

tell the truth 说真话

tell a lie说谎

tell the time 报时

tell a story讲故事

tell sb.sth./ tell sth.to sb.tell me a story

tell sb.about sth

tell sb.to do sth.My mother tells me to buy some fruit.

tell : 辨别,说出区别

tell A from B

tell the differences between A and B

3.work on 忙于; 从事

He is working on a new novel.(1)work for 为……做事

Would you like to work for the company?(2)work as 作为……工作 My sister worked as an actress.(3)work out 解决;算出 I worked out the math problem.4.as soon as 一……就……(引导时间状语从句,从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时)

5.continue doing sth =go on doing sth 继续做某事(前后做同一件事)

continue to do sth = go on to do sth 继续做某事(前后不是同一件事)take away 把……带走

7.remind v 提醒;使想起 =make sb.remember 使记住(1)remind of 提醒,使记起

(2)remind sb.of sth 使某人记起某事(3)remind sb.to do sth提醒某人去做某事(4)remind sb.+ that从句

8.What do you think about … ? “你认为……怎么样?”= What do you think of …?

= How do you like …?(用来询问对方对某人或某事的看法和观点)

(1)think about考虑,思考 代词放在其后 I’ll think about it and call you back soon.(2)think over 仔细思考 代词放在中间I have to think it over carefully before I make a decision.(3)think of 想起

I can’t think of his name right now

9.a good way to do sth.一个做某事的办法

10.solve v 解决 → solution n 解决的办法

solve 常与problem 搭配,表示解决问题,且问题难度大。

Can you help me solve the problem? answer 常与question搭配,表示“回答问题”,问题难度小。

It’s your turn to answer my question.10.agree v→(反)disagree → agreement n同意

(1)agree with sb.同意某人(表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法)(2)agree on 主要指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议

(3)agree to 主要用来表示一方提出一项建议、安排、计划等,另一方同意协作。We agreed to their arrangement.(4)agree to do sth 同意做某事

11.(1)another 另一个; 另外的 ,泛指三种或三种以上的另一个。

This coat is too small, please show me another one.(2)others 另一些 , 和some对比使用时,无“其他”之意。

Some students are singing;others are dancing.(3)the others 其余的, 指在一个范围内的其他全部。

Lisa is taller than the others in our class.(4)the other 另一个 , 指两者中的另一个。

I have two sister, one is a teacher, the other is a doctor.12.seem 似乎,好像

(1)seem to be + adj.(说明主语的特征或状态)Mr.Green seemed to be quite happy.(2)It seems + that 从句

It seems that Mr.Green will not come again.13.show → showed → shown v


/ 表明


on display = on show 展览,展出

show sb.around 带领某人参观

show off 炫耀

talk show 脱口秀,谈话节目 14.instead of 代替;反而

(1)instead 副词,代替,放在句末

(2)instead of +n/doing 代替,而不是,放在句中

15.neither 两者都不(反)both两者都

(1)neither of +名词复数 作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式


nor … 既不… 也不…… ,连接两个词做主语,谓语动词遵循就近原则。(3)Neither I nor she knows the matter.(4)若要表达“…也不……” 用 Neither /Nor + be / V助 / V情 + 主

16be able to 能够,后接动词原形,强调通过努力而获得的能力,可以用于各种时态。

can 能,会,强调自身的能力,只要一般现在时或一般过去时。

17.called 被称为named =with the name of叫做 a boy called Tom

That’s the girl named/called Lily.= That’s the girl ___ ____ ____ Lily.I like to listen to the song _________(call)Yu Gong Moves a Mountain.18.once upon a time= long long ago 从前


19.be born 出生 通常用于一般过去时

⑴ be born in +月份/年份/ 地点

在……月/年/ 地方出生

My brother was born in Hong Kong.⑵ be born on + 具体的某天


He was born on a cold morning.20.give birth(to sb /sth)生孩子,产仔 21.hide 隐藏;躲藏

22.turn … into …


(1)turn on 打开

turn off 关掉(煤气,水,电,收音机,电视机等)

(2)turn down关小

turn up 调大

turn to 翻到

Please turn to page10.(3)It’s one’s turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事

23.some time /sometime/some times/sometimes 【口诀】:分开是一段 合起是某时 分开s 是倍次,合起s是有时(1)some time一段时间,做时间状语

It takes sb.some time to do sth.做某事花费某人多长时间(2)sometime adv 在某个时候,(3)some times 名词词组,几次,几倍

Mr.Green went to Sanya some times last summer.(4)sometimes=at times 有时(一般现在时的标志词)

24.so… that… 如此….以致….引导结果状语从句

so +adj./adv +that He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch him.He was so angry that he couldn’t say a word.25.excite v 使激动,使兴奋

(1)exciting adj.令人激动的,(通常用于指物)(2)excited adj.感到激动的(通常用于指人)

be excited about 对…… 感到兴奋

26.as soon as一…就,引导时间状语从句

As soon as I get to Beijing,I'll write to you.我一到北京,就给你写信。

()Be sure to let Tom know the notice as soon as he ____.A.will arrive

B.was arriving



27.come out

(1)出版;发行 When does the new book come out ?(2)开花;出来;出现;披露

Some flowers have begun to come out in early spring.28.more than = over 超过;多于(反)less than 少于

no more than 不只是;不仅仅是

not more than 至多;不超过

29.western adj.西方的west n

east eastern adj.东方的 south southern adj.南方的 north northern adj.北方的 eastern part 东部地区

western countries 西方国家

30.interest n→interesting/interested adj有趣的be interested in 对…感兴趣 31.the +形容词 表示一类人,作主语时,谓语动词用复数。

32.fall in love with 爱上

33.fit 适合,合身


suit 合适


The shoes suit you well.这双鞋子适合你(侧重颜色、款式适合)

34.couple 一对;

(1)the couple 夫妻二人


The young couple are quarreling with each other.(2)a couple of 两三个

He told me that he’s coming to visit for a couple of weeks.他告诉我他要来参观两三周。

35.couldn’t stop doing sth= couldn’t help doing sth忍不住做某事 36.marry v 嫁娶

(1)A marry B.A 与B结婚

Bill married Mary on January 1, 1994.(2)A and B get married = A and B are married A和B结婚

get married 结婚

Kate and Tom get married last year.(3)marry A to B 把A 嫁给B She married her daughter to a rich man.(4)be married to sb 与……结婚

①.My aunt got_____________(marry)last year.②.When did Sue and Jack___________(结婚).Section B-self Check 1.make sth.for sb.为某人制作某物 = make sb.sth I make a cake for my daughter.2.make a plan to do sth 制定计划去做某事

make a plane for sth 为了某事而制定计划

plan→ planning → planned v/n 计划

plan 的过去式,过去分词,现在分词都要双写n

plan to do sth 计划做某事= plan on doing sth

3.whole 全部的;整体的

(1)whole adj.整个的,全部的,用于冠词之后

the whole country 全国

the whole school 全校

(2)all adj.全体的,全部的 用于冠词和所有其他限定词之前

above all 首先,最重要的是

not… at all 一点也不all the time 一直

all over the world 遍及全世界

first of all 首先

(3)whole 强调“完整性” 限定词+ whole +名词(集体名词或可数名词单数)

all 强调“总量” all + 限定词+名词(可数名词复数或不可数名词)

4.hear sb.doing sth 听到某人做某事

hear sb.do sth 听见某人做某事,表示听到的全过程

be heard to do sth 被听到做某事

5.not … until …直到……才……

6.get to 到达

get → got→ gotten v 得到 get to +地点=arrive in/at +地点=reach+地点

get on 上车

get up 起床

get used to习惯于

get along with sb 与某人相处融洽

get together相聚

7.unless = if … not 除非…… ,如果不(引导条件状语从句)()I won’t take part in Julie’s birthday party ___ I am invited.A.unless



D.if 8.be lost 迷路 He was lost 他迷路了。

9.【感叹句】 What(a / an)+ adj.+ n.+ 主 + 谓!How + adj./ adv.+主 + 谓!

10.maybe = perhaps adv 也许;可能


11.lead 带路;领路

lead to 导致......,通向......All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。

lead sb.to do sth 带领某人做某事

The teachers lead us to study hard.老师引导我们努力学习。Hard work _________________(引导)success.12.make →made→ made v 制作,做(1)make v 制作,做

make a milk shake 制作一份奶昔

make kites 制作风筝

make the bed 整理床铺

make sentence 造句

make a noise 制作噪音

make a mistake 放错

make money 赚钱 make friends with与……交朋友(2)make 的被动语态结构:

①be made of …

由……制成,被用……制成(看得出原材料)② be made from 被用……制成(看不出原材料)③ be made into + 成品


④ be made up of…= consists of “ 被……构成”

(3)make v 迫使,导致

①make sb.do sth 让某人做某事

make sb.laugh 使某人发笑

②make sb/sth + adj.使某人、某物处于某种状态 Rainy days often make me sad ③be made to do sth 被迫做某事

The boy was made to stand out of the classroom for ten minutes because he came to school late.13.voice 声音

(1)voice 多指人说话、唱歌、鸟的叫声。

(2)noise n → noisy adj.吵闹的 指不悦耳的吵闹声 如嘈杂声、噪音等

make a noise制造噪音(3)sound ①n 泛指人听到的任何声音。② v 听起来

There was a loud ___ outside the classroom.The physics teacher had to raise his ___: “ Light travels much faster than _______”.14.send→ sent → sent

v 发送

send sb.to +地点


send away 赶走

send for 派人去请send off 寄出

send out 分发

send up 发射

send sb.sth = send sth to sb.送给某人某物

类似动词show(展示; 给……看)give(给)lend(借出)offer(提供)return(归还)tell(告诉)

15.as 当……的时候

16.be able to do sth 能够做某事 17.keep doing sth 一直做某事 keep → kept →kept v 留住;保持

(1)keep +adj.使保持…… keep healthy=stay healthy 保持健康

keep quiet =be quiet 保持安静

(2)keep sb.doing sth 使某人一直做某事(3)keep sb.from doing sth 阻止某人做某事(4)keep away from 远离……

(5)be keep on doing sth./ to do sth 喜爱/ 渴望做某事(6)keep out 挡住; 使进不去

(7)keep sth for sb.为某人保留某物


(1)unless引导条件状语从句 unless = if … not 除非,若不

They will go tomorrow unless it rains.= They will go tomorrow if it doesn’t rains.(2)as soon as引导时间状语从句 一……就

He will come and see you as soon as he can.(3)so.......that引导结果状语从句

句型1 主语+谓语+so+adj/adv+that从句

The wind was so strong that we could hardly move forward.句型2 so +形容词 + a/an + 单数名词 + that从句

It was so hot a day that they all went swimming.句型3.so + many/ few + 复数名词 + that从句

He has so few friends that he often feels lonely.句型4

so +much/ little + 不可数名词 + that 从句

I had so little money that I couldn’t buy a pen.

第四篇:2017年春季仁爱英语八年级下册 Unit 6 topic 2 重点知识点总结

Topic 2 How about exploring Tian’anmen Square? 一.重点句型。Section A

1.I’d like to speak to Michael.我想找迈克尔接电话。

打电话时的常用语。也可以这样说:May I speak to Michael? 找迈克尔接电话好吗? e.g.Hello!May I speak to Helen? 你好!找海伦接电话可以吗?

2.Glad to receive your postcard.很高兴收到你的明信片。

这是一种简略的说法,完整的说法是:I’m glad to receive your postcard.类似的说法有:Nice to meet you.= I’m nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。

3.While you were enjoying your trip to Mount Tai, I was busy preparing for my exams.当你在享受旅游泰山之乐时,我正忙着准备考试。

1)A.这是一个由连词w h i l e 引导的时间状语从句。当一个动作正在进行时,另一个动作也同时在发生,有对比的意味,一般主从句都用现在进行时或过去进行时。e.g.I was doing my homework while mom was cooking.妈妈做饭时,我在做作业。


e.g.While mom was cooking, I was doing my homework.妈妈做饭时,我在做作业。


2)be busy doing sth.忙于做某事,后面还可接名词,即be busy with sth.忙于某事。e.g.I am busy doing my homework.= I am busy with my homework.我忙于做作业。3)prepare for(doing)sth 准备(做)某事;

e.g.The students are preparing for the coming exams.学生正在准备即将到来的考试。4.I’m looking forward to meeting him.我盼着与他见面。

look forward to 意为“期待,盼望”,to 是介词,后面可加名词、代词或动名词; e.g.He is looking forward to going abroad.他期待去国外。

5.Would you help me make a plan to explore Beijing before he comes? 在他来之前,你能帮我制订一个探索北京的计划吗?

1)Would you 比will you 语气更加客气,委婉, 类似还有:could you.......? e.g.Could you come along with us ? 你要和我们一起吗? 2)A.make a plan to do sth.制订计划做某事;

e.g.The boy made a plan to visit around the world.男孩制订了一个环游全世界的计划。

B.make a plan for sth.为某事制订计划;

e.g.I made a plan for my summer vacation.我为我的暑假制订了一个计划。3)explore 动词,意为“考察(某地区),探险,勘察”; e.g.He went out to explore.他出去考察了。

扩展:explorer 名词,意为“探险家,探测者”;

e.g.She want to be an explorer when she grows up.当她长大后,她想成为一名探险家。6.That would be very interesting.那将会很有趣。

would意为“一定会;就会”,是情态动词,后接动词原形,表示猜测。e.g.She would look nice with short hair.她留短发会很好看。

7.Would you help me plan a trip ? 请你帮我定个旅行计划好吗?

1)A.Would 与you 连用表示请求或要求;won’t you加强邀请的语气。但would 比will语气更加客气,委婉。

e.g.Will you come this way, please? 请这边走好吗?

Won’t you coming in and take a seat? 你怎么不进来找个位子坐下?

B.Will you....? 和 Would you....? 在表达“请求”时用法完全一样,其答语也相同。只是后者更有礼貌。

e.g.—Will /Would you have some more tea? 再喝点茶,好吗?

—Yes, please.好的。/ No, thank you.不,谢谢。

2)trip 作可数名词,意为“旅行,旅程”。动词短语 plan a trip 意为“制定旅行计划”。8.Could/ Can you come along with us? 你和我们一起来好吗? 1)在表达请求别人做某事常用can/ could,could 更礼貌。肯定回答时用:can/may, 不用could。

e.g.—Could/ Can I ask you a question, Mr.Lee?李老师,我可以问你一个问题吗?

—Yes, of course you can.当然可以。

2)come along(with)意为“跟着来,跟随”;

e.g.Ray had some work to finish and decided to come along later.雷还有些工作要做完,决定迟点儿再来。

9.Shall we take him here?我们带他去那儿好吗?

A.shall和 will 都用与一般将来时,但shall 只用于第一人称。

e.g.I shall/ will buy a computer this Sunday.这个礼拜天我将买一台电脑。B.Shall we/I.....?表示向对方征求意见,提出建议,意为“„„好吗?” e.g.Shall we go swimming tomorrow? 我们明天去游泳好吗?

10.Darren was reading a newspaper when Michael came in.当迈克尔进来时,达伦正在看报纸。

此句也可以改成:Michael came in when/while Darren was reading a newspaper.while引导的时间状语从句,用于表达持续性的动词或状态,不能与表示短暂性动词连用,但when两者皆可以。

11.Diana and Lily should work out the cost carefully for the holiday.戴安娜和莉莉为假期应该仔细计算费用。

work out 算出,解决,计算出,找出„„的答案; e.g.Can you work out the problem?你能解决这个问题吗?

Section B

1.It covers 440000 square meters.它占地面积为44万平方米。

1)cover 动词,有多层含义:

a)掩饰,遮盖; e.g.She covered her face with her hands.她双手掩面。

b)覆盖;e.g.Snow covered the ground.大雪覆盖了大地。c)占(一片面积);

e.g.Our school covers about 1000 square meters.我们学校占地大约一千平方米。2)square meter平方米;

2.It’s 880 meters long from north to south and 500 meters wide from east to west.它南北长880米,东西宽500米。

1)880 meters long 880米长;

类似结构有: 10 meter high/wide/deep 10米高/宽/深;

基数词+长度单位+long/wide/high/deep 意为:“多少(米)长/宽/高/深”; e.g.The desk is about 1.2 meters long.这张课桌大约有1.2米长。试比较以下两句话:

The boy is 10 years old.这个男孩10岁 He is a 10-year-old boy.这是个10岁的男孩。2)from.....to......从„„到„„;

3.It can hold one million people.可以容纳100万人。a)hold在此处意为“容纳,包含”;

e.g.The plane holds about 300 passengers.这架飞机可容纳大约300个乘客。b)hold还可表示“拿着,抓住,抱住”;

e.g.She was holding the baby in her arms.她抱着婴儿。c)hold 还可意为:“举行进行”;

e.g.Beijing is holding the 9th International Garden Expo.北京正在举行第九届国际园艺博览会。4.The square must be quite meaningful to all Chinese people.这个广场对于所有的中国人来说一定意义重大。

a)must在此处表示推测,意为“一定是,准是”,语气较肯定。e.g.The light is on.She must be at home.灯亮着,她一定在家。

b)may表示推测时可能性较小。e.g.It may rain tomorrow.明天可能会下雨。c)can表示推测时,多用于否定句或疑问句。

e.g.That can't be Mary—She's in hospital.那不可能是玛丽。她在住院。5.I can’t wait to see it.我迫不及待地想看了。can't wait to do sth.迫不及待地做某事;

e.g.He couldn't wait to open the box.他迫不及待地打开盒子。

6.How far is it from here to Tian’anmen Square? 这里离天安门广场多远? 1)How far is it from A to B?„„多远? 提问两地之间的距离。How long......也指„„多远? 但是是对时间段或长度的提问。e.g.—How long does it take to get to your house? 到你家需要多久?

—Twenty minutes.20分钟。

—How far does is it from your house to our school? 我们学校离你家有多远?

—Three kilometers.3公里。2)路程表达有两种方式: A.用长度单位表达。

e.g.It’s 1000 kilometers away from Shanghai.这儿离上海由1000千米。B.用时间表达。

e.g.It’s about twenty minutes’ walk from my home to my school.从我家到学校步行大约需要20分钟。

7.It’s about one and a half hours by bike.骑自行车大约要一个半小时。

“几个半”表示方法:基数词+and+ a half +n.= 基数词 +n.+ and +a half.one and a half hours = one hour and a half 一个半小时; e.g.It took me three and a half hours to finish the housework.= It took me three hours and a half to finish the housework.我花了三个半小时做完家务。8.The chairman Mao Memorial Hall lies to the southeast of the Great Hall of the People while it lies to the southwest of the National Museum.毛主席纪念堂位于人民大会堂东南端,国家博物馆西南。

1)A.lie在此意思“位于”,其动名词形式为lying,过去式为lay.e.g.Japan lies to the east of China.日本位于中国东面。


e.g.There was a child lying on the ground.地上躺着一个小孩。2)表示方位的介词区别:

A.lie/be to the+方位词+of….指“互不接壤且不管辖的两个地区”; e.g.Japan lies/is to the east of China.日本位于中国东面。

B.lie/be in the+方位词+of….指“在某一个范围之内的地区”; e.g.China lies/is in the east of Asia.中国位于亚洲东部。

C.lie/be on the+方位词+of….指“互相接壤但互不管辖的两个地区”; e.g.North Korea is on the northeast of China.朝鲜在中国的东北面。

Section C 1.The parking lot was full of tour buses, cars and bicycles, so they had to look for space to park their bicycles.停车场停满了旅游巴士、汽车和自行车,所以他们只好去找地方停他们的自行车。

1)be full of 充满,装满,与be filled with 同义。

e.g.The classroom is full of students.= The classroom is filled with students.学生装满了整个教室。

2)A.park 作名词,意为“公园”;e.g.There is a park near my home.我家附近有一个公园。

B.park 作动词,意为“停放(车辆);泊(车)”; e.g.He found a place to park his car.他找到一个地方停车。3)space 作不可数名词,意为“ 空间,太空,空白”。

room作不可数名词时,意为“空间”,与space同义。e.g.I have plenty of space to write.= I have plenty of room to write.我有足够的空间可以进行写作。

There isn’t much room/space here.这里没有什么空闲的地方了。4)look for 意为“寻找”,强调动作。find 意为“找到”强调结果。e.g.I looked for my watch here and there, but I couldn't find it.我到处找我的手表,但是我没找到。

2.Darren and Michael were surprised at Tian’anmen Square.达伦和迈克尔对天安门广场感到很惊奇。

A.be surprised at...对„„感到惊奇;e.g.He is surprised at dragons.他对龙感到惊奇。B.be surprised to do...惊奇地(做)„„;

e.g.She was surprised to find she was lost.她惊奇地发现自己迷路了。

3.While the crowd was pushing Darren in all directions, someone stepped on his feet.当人群从四面八方挤来时,有人踩了达伦的脚。


e.g.People were pushing to get to the front.人们推推搡搡,向最前面挤。

2)direction名词,意为“方向,方位”,常和in搭配。常用词组: in all directions 四面八方;

3)A.step on sth.踏,踩某物; step on one`s feet踩了某人的脚; e.g.Don’t step on the flowers and grass.不要践踏花草。


e.g.He walked with a quick light step.他迈着轻快的步子走着。

C.step 还可作名词,意为“台阶”。

There are 1000 steps in this building.这栋楼有一千级台阶。

4.When Darren finally pushed his way out, he couldn’t find his friends.当达伦最终挤出人群的时候,他找不到他的两个朋友了。push one’s way out挤出去;

e.g.When I finally pushed my way out, I couldn’t find my parents.当我终于从人群中挤出来时,我却找不到我的父母。

5.He was too worried to think about what to do.他太着急了以至于想不出该怎么办。1)too + adj.+ to do sth.= not + adj.+ enough + to do sth.太„„以至于不能做某事; e.g.The girl is too young to look after herself.= The girl isn’t old enough to look after herself.这个女孩太小了而照顾不了自己。2)区别:think about, think of, think over A.think about 指“考虑,回想,想起”;

e.g.He is thinking about traveling in the summer holidays.他正在考虑暑假旅游的事。

She was thinking about her childhood days.她正回想她的童年时期。B.think of 指“考虑,计及,记忆,记起”; e.g.You think of everything!你全都提到了。

I can't think of his name at the moment.我一时想不起他的名字。C.think sth.over指“仔细想,审慎思考,作进一步考虑”; e.g.Please think over what I said.请仔细考虑我说的话。

I want to think it over.我想仔细考虑一下这件事。6.His heart was beating fast.他的心跳得很快。

7.He didn’t raise his head until someone called his name.直到有人喊他的名字,他才抬起头。

not…until… 意为“直到„„才„„”;

until后接表示时间的短语或从句,主句中的谓语动词必须是非持续性动词。当until 用于肯定句中时,意为“直到……为止”,此时主句中的谓语动词应用持续性动词。e.g.We didn’t leave the park until the rain stopped.我们直到雨停了才离开公园。

We waited in the park until the rain stopped.我们在公园一直等到雨停。

8.As soon as the three boys saw each other, they all jumped up happily.三个男孩一见面,就高兴得跳了起来。

as soon as.....A.意为“一„„就„„”,引导表示时间的状语从句。e.g.Please call me as soon as you get there.你一到那儿就给我打电话。B.意为“尽快”。e.g.I’ll finish it as soon as possible.我将尽快完成。

9.Darren was lost but, at last, Kangkang and Michael found him.达伦迷路了,但最终康康和迈克尔找到他。

at last 意为“终于,最终”,也可用finally或in the end.e.g.At last, I finished all my tasks.最终我完成了所有的任务。

10.While they were enjoying exploring, the crowd of people became larger and larger.当他们兴致勃勃地考察时,人群更加的拥挤了。1)enjoy + doing 喜欢做某事,享受做某事;

e.g.I enjoy running in my spare time.在我闲暇时间,我喜欢跑步。become larger and larger 变得越来越多,变得越来越大;

e.g.The Population of the world becomes larger and larger.世界人口越来越多。

11.I’d like to tell you about my travel experiences.我想告诉你关于我的一些旅行经历。experience n.有多层含义。A.作可数名词,意为“(一次)经历,体验”。an exciting/unusual/wonderful experience 一次令人激动的/不寻常的/愉快的经历; e.g.Moving had become a common experience for me.搬家对我而言已经成了常事。B.作不可数名词,意为“经验”。e.g.She is a great teacher with over 10 years’ teaching experience.她是一个有着十多年教学经验的优秀老师。

12.It’s famous for its beautiful mountains, forests and lakes.它以美丽的山川、森林和湖泊而出名。

be famous for 因„„而出名;be famous as 作为„„身份而出名; e.g.Huangbo is famous as an actor.He is famous for his movie Crazy Stone.13.We had a two-day trip and took a lot of photos.我们有两天的旅程,照了好多照片。

a two-day trip意为“ 一次两天的旅行”;中间的two-day为复合形容词,后不能加“s”。14.They were very cute and we couldn’t help watching them.它们太可爱了,我们都忍不住观看起它们来。

can’t help doing sth 禁不住/忍不住做某事;

e.g.She can’t help crying when she hears the news.当听到这个消息时,她情不自禁地哭了。

Section D 1.After we checked our bikes and bags, we rode to Tian’anmen Square.检查了自行车和包后,我们骑车去了天安门广场。check意为“察看,调查,核实”。

e.g.Let’s check the answers together.让我们一起来核对答案。

2.While we were having fun exploring, I found that Darren was lost.当我们兴致勃勃地考察时,我发现达伦不见了。

have fun exploring 意为“从考察中获得乐趣”。have fun(in)doing sth.从某事中获得乐趣;

e.g.He has fun playing soccer.他从踢球中获得乐趣。

3.We even asked a policeman for help.我们甚至还请警察帮忙。ask sb.for help 向某人求助;

e.g.The old woman asked the police for help.这位老大娘向警察寻求帮助。


1.be busy doing sth.2.prepare for

3.(be)on vacation

4.look forward to + doing sth.5.make a plan to do sth.6.receive a postcard

7.plan a trip

8.come along(with)

9.work out

10.go to the seaside

11.camp in the forest

12.in the center of....13.square meter

14.from.....to......15.in the north of.....16.can't wait to do sth.17.by the way

18.How far......忙于做某事;

















„„多远? 提问两地之间的距离。19.How long......„„多远? 对时间段或长度的提问。20.基数词+and+ a half +n.= 基数词 +n.+ and +a half.几个半; 21.one and a half hours = one hours and a half 一个半小时; 22.in the +方位名词 + of …


to the +方位名词 + of …


on the +方位名词 + of …

相互接壤但互不管辖的两个地区; 23.a parking lot

一个停车场; 24.be full of = be filled with

充满,装满; 25.look for

寻找; 26.be surprised at...对„„感到惊奇; 27.be surprised to do...惊奇地(做)„„; 28.in all directions


29.step on sth.踏,踩某物;

step on sb.’s feet 踩了某人的脚; 30.push one’s way out

挤出去; 31.too + adj.+ to do sth.太„„以至于不能做某事; 32.not…until…


33.raise one’s head

抬头; 34.as soon as.....一„„就„„; 35.an hour’s ride

骑一个小时车; 36.at last = finally = in the end

终于,最终; 37.be famous for

因„„而出名; 38.can’t help doing sth

禁不住/忍不住做某事; 39.have a wonderful vacation

度过了一个愉快的假期; 40.have fun(in)doing sth.从某事中获得乐趣; 41.ask sb.for help

向某人求助; 42.Thank goodness.谢天谢地!43.run after






While I was doing my homework , the telephone rang.B.当主句的时态为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。

I will call you as soon as I get to Beijing.2.引导时间状语从句的连词有:when,while,as,before,after,since,till,until等。(1)表示同时性,即主从句的谓语动作同时发生或几乎同时发生。其连接词有:when(当„„的时候),while(当„„的时候),as(当„„的时候),as soon as(一„„就„„),once(一旦„„就„„)等。

e.g.Mary cut her finger when she was making a kite.玛丽在做风筝时,割伤了手指。

I’ll ring you up as soon as I arrive in Beijing.我一到北京就给你打电话。

Once you see her, you’ll never forget her.一旦见过她,你就不会忘记她。

Work while you work.Play while you play.该工作时工作,该玩玩时玩。(2)表示先后,即主句的谓语动作发生在从句前或后。主要的连词有:after(在„„之后),before(在„„之前),when=after(在„„之后)等。e.g.After we heard the news, we were all excited.当我们听到这个消息后,我们都很兴奋。

He had learned English for three years before he went to London.他去伦敦之前已学了三年英语。

(3)表示持续性或瞬间性。主要连词有:since(自从),every since(自从),until(直到„„才/为止),till(直到„„才/为止)等。

e.g.It’s just a week since we arrived here.我们到这儿刚一个礼拜。

Ten years has passed since we left our school.我们已经毕业十年了。

Don’t get off the bus until it has stopped.直到车停了才能下车。

He waited for his father till it was twelve o’clock.他等他父亲一直到12点。P.S.:

A.until 用于肯定句中,表示主句的动作一直持续到从句动作发生或状态出现时为止。一般意为“直到„„为止”。这种用法中,主句的谓语动词必须是持续性动词(非瞬间动词)。如:live,wait,last,love,like,stay,continue等。

B.until 用于否定句中,表示主句的动作在从句的动作发生之前尚未发生,或者说主句的动作在从句的动作发生之后开始。此句型为not....until....意为“直到„„才„„”,此时,主句的谓语动词可以是非持续性动词。

第五篇:2017年春季仁爱英语八年级下册 Unit 5 topic 1 重点知识点总结

仁爱英语八年级下册 Unit 5 Feeling Excited

Topic 1 You look excited 一.重点句型。Section A

1.How are you doing? =How are you? 你们好吗?多用于熟人之间的问候。

2.My father and mother want to invite your parents to go to the movies.我爸妈想邀请你们父母一起去看电影。

1)A.want to do sth.= would like to do sth.想要做某事;

B.want sth.= would like sth.想要某物;

2)invite sb.to do sth.邀请某人做某事; invite sb.(to sp.)邀请某人(到某地);

Liming invited me to his party yesterday.昨晚李明邀请我去参加他的聚会。3)go to the movies 去看电影;

3.It’s one of my parents’ favorite movies.它是我父母他们最喜欢的电影之一。1)one of + 形容词最高级+可数名词复数 „„中最„„之一;

Tom is one of the most lively boys in our class.汤姆是我们班最活跃的男生之一。2)“one of +可数名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。One of the bags is mine.其中一个书包是我的。

4.My mom will prepare some delicious food for us.我妈将为我们准备一些美味的食物。prepare sth.for sb.意为“为某人准备„„”。

We must prepare a room for our guest.我们必须为客人准备一个房间。

5.Please say thanks to your mom for us.请带我们向你妈表示感谢。say thanks to sb.向某人表示感谢。类似的短语还有: say hello to sb.向某人问好;say good-bye to sb.向某人告别; say sorry to sb.向某人道歉。

He came here to say good-bye to me.他过来向我道别。

6.He felt disappointed because he was not able to buy a ticket to The Sounds of Music.他感到很失望,因为他买不到《音乐之声》的票。

1)felt是feel的过去式。feel意为“感觉,感到”,是连系动词,后面接形容词作表语。类似的还有:taste(尝起来), smell(闻起来), look(看起来),sound(听起来)。The music sounds wonderful.这音乐听起来很优美。

2)be able to do sth.有能力做某事; be not able to do sth.没有能力做某事; be able to, can 区别:

be able to do能够---侧指通过努力能够实现的;can---侧指人所具有的一种能力。另外,can 一般用于现在时和过去时 而be able to可以用于任何时态。3)a ticket to „„的票/入场券;

7.Jane’s parents will feel excited about the news.简的父母将对这个消息感到很兴奋。be excited about sth.对某物感到很兴奋;

My son is excited about the present.我儿子对这份礼物感到很兴奋。Section B

1.He seems a little unhappy.他似乎有点不高兴。

seem unhappy为系表结构,意为“看起来不高兴”,unhappy为形容词。seem后除了可以加形容词构成系表结构外,还有以下常见的用法: A.seem to do sth.看起来/似乎做某事He seems to know the truth.他似乎知道真相。B.It seems/ed+that看起来„„,看样子„„

It seems that they know what they’re doing.看起来他们知道自己在干什么。

2.He felt disappointed because he couldn’t get a ticket to The Sound of Music.因为买不到《音乐之声》的票,所以他感到很失望。

a ticket for / to sth.„„的票/入场券;

She want to buy a ticket to the concert.她想买一张音乐会的门票。3.I think it’s very interesting.我认为它很有趣。

A.interest 是动词,作谓语用,意为“兴趣”。

Football doesn’t interest me at all.足球一点也提不起我的兴趣。


It is an interesting book for children.那是一本有趣的儿童读物。

C.interested也是形容词,有被动意为,意为“感兴趣的,对…感兴趣”,主语通常是人,且多用于be/get/feel/become interested in结构中。

He is interested in the interesting story.他对这个有趣的故事很感兴趣。类似的有: disappointing 令人失望的 / disappointed失望的;exciting令人激动的 / excited 激动的;boring 令人厌烦的 / bored 厌倦的;

4.He must be excited to get it.他拿到票一定很兴奋。

A.can’t be 肯定不是,否定推测。

Mary can’t be in London because I saw her in town an hour ago.玛丽不可能在伦敦,因为我一个小时前还在镇上看见她。

B.must be 一定是,肯定推测。

She must be a teacher.她一定是个老师。

C.may be 可能是,猜测推测。

It may be will rain tomorrow.明天可能会下雨。

5.Mr.Brown was excited to have a ticket and he also felt sorry for Michael.有了电影票的布朗先生感到很兴奋,同事他也为迈克尔感到难过。1)be / feel sorry for sb.为某人感到难过; I am sorry for him.我为他感到难过。2)be sorry to do sth.做某事很遗憾;

I am sorry to hear that.很遗憾听到这个。

6.The food smelled good and tasted well.这些食物闻起来很香,尝起来很美味。Section C

1.The father was lonely and often became angry angry because of the noisy children.他们的父亲很孤独而且因为吵闹的孩子而生气。

1)lonely 孤独的,寂寞的。alone与lonely比较:

A.alone既可作副词,又可作形容词,常在句中作表语和状语,说明客观存在。She left for Shangqiu alone.她独自去了商丘。(状语)

Jim’s parents both went shopping.So he is alone at home.吉姆的父母都去买东西了。因此只有他自己在家。(表语)B.lonely形容词,常在句中作表语、定语,侧重人的心理。

There is a lonely room on the side of the hill.山坡上有一间孤零零的房子。(定语)The old man seldom speaks to others, but he never feels lonely.那老人很少与其他人说话,但他 从不感到寂寞。(表语)

2)A.because of 因为,由于,介词短语,后跟名词或相当于名词的短语。He was late for work because of illness yesterday.他昨天因病上班迟到了。


She didn’t buy that car then because she hadn’t enough money at that time.她当时没买那辆车,是因为她没有足够的钱。

3)noisy 嘈杂的,喧闹的,是noise的形容词形式。作“声音”讲的名词还有sound,voice。

A.noise 指令人不愉快的响声、说话声或嘈杂声。Don’t make so much noise.不要这样喧闹。

B.sound 指可以听到的任何声音。

He opened the door without a sound.他悄无声息地开了门。

C.voice主要指人说话或唱歌时的声音,即“说话声,嗓音”。He has a good voice.他有一副好嗓子。

2.Maria taught the children to sing lively songs and perform short, funny plays to cheer them up.玛丽亚通过教孩子们唱活泼欢快的歌曲及表演有趣的短剧来使他们(重新)振作起来。

1)A.teach sb.sth.教某人某事;Lily teaches us English.莉莉教我们英语。

B.teach sb.to do sth.教某人做某事;Lily teaches me to draw pictures.莉莉教我画画。2)A.cheer sb.up 使„„振奋起来,使„„高兴起来;

Our teachers cheer us up in class every day.老师使我们每天在课堂上都很高兴。

B.cheer sb.on 为„„加油;

Would you like to go and cheer us on? 你要不要一起去为我们加油? 3.What kind of movie is it? 这是什么类型的电影? 4.How does the music sound? 音乐听起来怎么样? 5.What is it mainly about? 它主要是关于什么的? Section D 1.Beijing Opera is our national opera.京剧是我们的国粹。

2.It came into being after 1790 and has a history of over 200 years.它形成于1790年,已有着大约200年的历史了。

1)come into being 诞生,形成;

The CPC came into being in 1921.中国共产党诞生于1921年。2)have a history of......拥有„„的历史;

China has a history of over 5000 years.中国已有着5000年的历史。

3.Beijing Opera is full of famous stories, beautiful facial paintings, wonderful gestures and fightings.京剧里有许多著名的故事,漂亮的脸谱,美妙优雅的姿势及精彩的打斗场面。

be full of 装满,充满,同义词组为be filled with。

The bottle is full of water.=The bottle is filled with water.瓶子里装满了水。

4.The people in the stories usually can’t agree with each other.故事里的人们通常意见不一致。

agree with sb.同意某人的看法

5.Then they find a way to make peace with each other.然后他们找到了一种和平解决的办法。

1)to make peace 为动词不定式短语,作way的后置定语。动词不定式、介词短语或句子作定语,要放在被修饰词的后面。

I have something important to do.我有一些重要的事情要做。2)make peace with sb.与某人和解;

I want to make peace with Li Hong after fighting.我和李虹打架后想和解。6.Everyone is usually happy in the end.最后每个人通常会变得很高兴。in the end=at last=finally 最后,终于

In the end, the police found the lost child.最后,警察找到了丢失的孩子。

7.In China it used to be popular with old people while young people didn’t like it very much.在中国它深受老年人的喜爱,而年轻人却不喜欢它。1)A.beget used to doing sth.习惯做某事;

I get used to living in China.我习惯住在中国了。

B.used to do sth.过去常常做某事;

I used to read in the morning when I was a student.当我是个学生的时候,我常常早读。

C.be used to do sth.被用来做某事; Pen is used to write.笔被用来写字。2)be popular with...受„„欢迎;

Yao Ming is very popular with Chinese people.姚明深受中国人的欢迎。二.重点词组。1.look excited

看起来很兴奋; 2.invite sb.to do sth.邀请某人做某事; 3.invite sb.(to sp.)

邀请某人(到某地); 4.go to the movies


5.one of + 形容词最高级+可数名词复数 „„中最„„之一; 6.prepare sth.for sb.为某人准备东西; 7.say thanks to sb.向某人表示感谢; 8.on my way here

在我来这儿的路上; 9.on the/one’s way to…


10.on the/one’s way home 在回家的路上; 11.be able to do sth.有能力做某事; 12.seem unhappy

似乎不开心; 13.seem to do sth.看起来/似乎做某事; 14.It seems/ed+that 看起来„„,看样子„„; 15.a ticket for / to sth.„„的票/入场券; 16.be excited about sth.对某物感到很兴奋; 17.feel sorry for sb.为某人感到难过; 18.care for

照顾; 19.because of +名词/ 动名词/ 短语

因为; 20.teach sb.to do sth.教某人做某事;

21.cheer sb.up

使„„振奋起来,使„„高兴起来; 22.go mad

发疯; 23.at first

首先,起初; 24.come into being

形成; 25.have a history of.......拥有„„的历史; 26.be full of.......= be filled with......充满,装满; 27.agree with

同意; 28.make peace with sb.与某人和解; 29.in the end=at last=finally

最终,最后; 30.be popular with.....受„„欢迎; 31.around the world=all over the world=across the world

全世界; 32.be an important part of.....成为„„的一个重要部分; 33.look for

寻找; 三.重点语法 1.连系动词

系动词亦称连系动词(Link Verb),是表示主语“是什么”或怎么样”的词。它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语(亦称补语),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。系动词后不可接副词,接的是形容词。系动词主要有:be, become, get, turn, grow, look, feel, seem, sound, taste, smell, appear等。常见的连系动词可分为以下五类:

(1)表示“是”的系动词be, 用来表示主语的特征、状态或性质。

eg.He is a teacher.他是一名教师。(is与补足语一起说明主语的身份。)

Liming is very happy.李明很高兴。

(2)表示保持一种状态或态度的连系动词,如keep, stay, remain等。eg.Keep silent when you’re in the hospital.在医院时要保持安静。

(3)表示从一种状态转变为另一种状态的连系动词。如:become, get , grow, turn, go 等。eg.I become a teacher when I grow up.我长大后成为了一名教师。

The weather gets warmer and warmer.天气变得越来越暖和。(4)表示“看起来像”的连系动词,如:look, seem, appear。eg.He looks tired.他看起来很累。

He seems(to be)very sad.他看起来很伤心。

(5)表示其他感官动词的系动词,如:feel, smell, sound, taste等。

eg.This kind of cloth feels very soft.这种布手感很软。

This flower smells very sweet.这朵花闻起来很香 2.以-ing和-ed结尾的形容词

–ed形容词表示“感到的”,其主语是人,在句中作表语或定语;–ing形容词表示“令人的”,其主语多为事物一类的名词,在句中作表语或定语。(1)excited 激动的; exciting 令人兴奋的

eg.I am excited at hearing the news.听到这个消息,我很激动。

They waited and waited for something exciting to happen.他们等啊等,等待着激动人心的事情发生。

(2)surprised(人)感到吃惊的;surprising 令人吃惊的;

eg.I was surprised at how quickly she agreed.我没想到她这么快就同意了。

It’s surprising that they lost.令人吃惊的是他们吃了败仗。(3)interested感兴趣的;interesting 令人感兴趣的,有趣的 I am very interested in history.我对历史非常感兴趣。

Can’t we do something more interesting? 我们就不能做点更有趣的事情吗?(4)frightened 感到害怕的; frightening 令人害怕的,引起恐惧的I’m frightened of walking home alone in the dark.我害怕在黑夜单独步行回家。It’s frightening to think that it could happen again.想到此事可能再发生令人恐惧。

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