
时间:2019-05-15 05:01:44下载本文作者:会员上传



可先看看主页翻译漫谈中卢敏老师的文章.其中有些是二级口译员的要求,会贯彻到评分中.从本人的经历尽量推测catti 二级口译的判分标准。


60分并不是一个只及格的“滥”分数,而是已经具有一定在现场的口译能力,能担任一定会议口译,可以持证上岗的标志。若按现场的表现评定口译员,80分的考试已是十分优秀的口译员,并有一定上升为更高一级译员的潜力。1 口齿清晰,发音标准,语速适中。译文念出时基本速度一致,没有忽而快,忽而慢的。听众不会因为音发问题,语速问题,听不清你说什么。这点其实极重要。我在考试听到有谢考生的英语发音实在不堪入耳,再加上录音设备的关系(考试语音设备好不了,我在复旦的语音室,那些设备都是陈旧不堪的,没有一个语音室会有歌星录音棚的还原原声效果,因此平时语音要多练,跟着美国本土播音员的发音练。要用美国本土播音员标准要求自己,曲不离口,到时候打点折扣才差不多。但真正极为圆润的美音有适得其反,设备也会把你的发音弄得不堪入耳。本人大学时受疯狂英语李阳的熏陶,用他的方法训练美音,现在能学学汤姆.汉克斯。自比发音强与电视台中国籍播音员,但考试时一试带听了自己的发音,发上觉得这种录音设备不能使用太卷舌的美音,力求发音清晰,响亮,听者能听懂是上策。当然最好是发音像native speaker 译到美国题材用流畅圆润的美音,说道英国能用纯正顿挫的英音。这恐怕太难,国家级译员都没几个有这水平。但口译员要求能尽量传达原文的感情色彩.译文有感染力也是卢敏老师提到的要求之一.不是干巴巴的翻译.这对译文有语音语调音质要求,也有语言措辞的要求.中国人从小学英语忽视发音,认为别人能听懂就行。但发音漂亮至少清晰这是做口译的基本标准,也是catti作为考核口译员资质的基本标准。发音不清,语速过快别人跟不上,或自己组织句子能力弱,语速太慢别人听得难受,都是不合格的译员。2 翻译过程流畅,期间没有明显的改口。现场改口听众马上认为这是个滥翻译。不改口,声音充满自信,即便有译得不标准,不规范之处,别人未必马上发现。谁见过温总理记者招待会上翻译改口再译,即便是改口,也是一个词或者词组说了马上该回,(这种情况在一次口译中也只有一两次)没有句子说完,重头再来的。考试时有不少考试录音结束马上翻译,错了再该,实际已经扣了不少分。考试时我有两次改口,并非原则错误,只是当时觉得这里可以改进。

Gtreat intelligence gives the one who owns it 这里一想the one who owns it 这不是owner 吗?马上改口,其实不改也没什么关系,不就复杂了点吗。反到是破坏了节奏。

英译中说中国能源紧缺,china will be vulnerable to oil price fluctuation.(好象是这样,也可能是oil crisis反正差不多。

当时就翻了“原油价格波动中国容易受影响较大。”但当时一定想把vulnerable的容易受攻击,比较脆弱的意思翻译出来,这是最后一句,时间有多余。便补了两句,其实也是这个意思,反到是没译出流畅的中文,“对原油价格波动。。显得比较脆弱。” 两次都画蛇添足。这非常考验口语的表达能力,表达能力强的同学组织句子流畅,改口情况较少。平时应多练练口语,各种题材topic的表述能力,说自己的话都要改口,何况译别人的话。这还需要多多背诵各种题材topic的英语文章,熟练表达的语汇,知道别人表达这意思怎样表述,不然无米之炊怎么译好。

人在翻译紧张都不自觉发出叹词和语气词。在现场还不明显,录音尤其会不自觉这样。因为看笔记的信息组织句子,脑子高度紧张,自己会不注意。考前反复提醒自己,说话要流畅,不说一定闭嘴。考前试音发现不翻译,思考时连呼吸都要控制好,不然录进去有“呼呼”声。这也是翻译流畅要求的标准.3 翻译的译文流畅,符合听众的目标语习惯。译成的目标语符合听众的习惯。用于规范。譬如:今年5月的题中,讲中国家长如何将孩子送去外国念书,在银行中开了专门的帐户(open an account)我用了set up 估计扣分了。中国教育的需要加大投入资源,invest more resource 我一紧张(可能前面译的慢了点,怕时间没了)用inject 估计是用词不当。因此在紧张时用时人的水平大打折扣,语法错了,用词错了,第三人称单数的动词顾不得了,时态乱了,等等都非常考验你英语口语的基本功。还有一些基本的标准如:翻译的信息准确,数字不能译错,排比信息中有70%的信息量等等。我不知专家对于译出中文的标准怎样,至少准确流畅符合中文的习惯总是不错的。还有一段中若译出75%的信息量如何评分(可能看剩下25%中有无重要属于必须译出的内容。比如该标准中有20个必译出的点,每个没译好,没译出各扣几分)

上海高口vs 二级口译


传说四段中可以fail 一段,依然算过。但不知现在这一标准怎样,那是2002年,一位在外做培训的上外考官老师透露的。这一点可能现在有改动,考生多了要控制通过率。并传说每个考官要控制自己的通过率(这只是谣传,未证实,考官说自己是完全按标准给分)




总之,感觉二级口译的通过能基本证明现场口译能力,其出题判分都与现场要求基本一致。高口口译部分整体难度在二级和三级之间(不考虑“猫腻”漏题)口译本质上是一种技能。improve only though practice.不像笔译可成为一种学术性的研究(诸如翻译红楼梦,或是莎士比亚等文学翻译尤其如此)口译更重要需在短时间内驾驭两种语言的能力,简洁准确成为第一标准(放弃信,达,雅的笔译标准)许多学生有时感觉中译英难,一时get stuck in the moment can not get out of it 是因为其英语的能级不够,不知道某一个意思的地道英语的表达方式和语汇。因此需时时积累,多看看原版报刊杂志,听听voabbc。并把精彩词句用法记下,时时温故。再者,可以从英译中突破中译英,将英译中里译出的中文再译回英文。看看自己在表达和运用英语思维上的差距。

例1 :今年Bush 的inauguration speech 中有一句 soldiers died in wave upon wave 去过海边的人知道:海浪一个打上来后退下去,另一个马上会在打上来,这就是wave upon wave,这个词恰好表达的是中文前赴后继,(这是我看到的前赴后继最好的译文)因此中文“战士们前赴后继,英勇就义”可译成 soldiers honored their life by sacrifice in wave upon wave(or in one wave upon another)如果你能这样译,美国人都会惊讶那么优美的英文。不需要译成什么marching forward bravely and falling down and another group of „„太罗嗦,不专业。例2 :最近听bbc 的新闻中报道中美纺织品贸易中的摩擦,美国人抱怨:flooding Us market with low cost Chinese textile goods 其中flooding表示充斥着,可能大多人听得懂,但有几个人在翻译“**泛滥成灾“时可以自如的将flood作为动词使用呢?所以听懂看懂不是翻译,须将地道优美的英语翻成中文后你才开始学习翻译,一举两得,学了英译中更学了中译英。


Thank you, Lord Hurd , for those kind words.It is an honor and pleasure to be here.When l left Brussels yesterday, it was 12 degrees Celsius and hailing.赫德勋爵,感谢您的美言。

Here, it was 25 degrees and sunny.我很荣幸也很高兴来到这里。昨天我离开布鲁塞尔时,那里还下着冰雹,气温只有12撮氏度,而这里则阳光明媚,气温高迭25撮氏度。

Speaking of climate change, I don't understand why you British are always complaining about the weather.说到这样的气候差异,我不明白为什么你们英国人还总是抱怨天气不好。

I confess I am a little intimidated, Lord Hurd, at being moderated by a veteran statesman of your distinction.赫德勋爵,说实话,您这样一位声名显赫的资深政治家为我做引见令我有些诚惶诚恐。

When I first accepted the gracious invitation to address this Institute, I was especially excited about the prospect of speaking under the Chatham House Rule.最初接受来贵所演讲的盛情邀请时,一想到将有机会按照英国皇家国际事务研究院规则 演讲,我就特剐兴奋。

I understand the rule means the audience is free to use the information received at the meeting, but may not reveal the identity of the speaker, nor his affiliation.我知道,按照这一规则,听众可以自由引用会上所获信息,但不得披露演讲者身份及其所属组织。I thought to myself, now there's a rule we should apply from time to time at the United Nations.我心想,我们在联合国也应当不时采用这一规则。

I could get my message across, but keep a low profile at the same time.这样我既可以表达想法,还能同时保持低调。

And conversely* those interested in grand-standing would have one less opportunity to do so.而反过来,那些喜欢抛头露面的人则少了一个炫耀的机会。But it was not to be.可这次演讲将不启用这一规则。

Having understood that this event is on the record, I will have to wait for another occasion to experience the Chatham House Rule at first hand.我知道这次活动会记录在案,我只好另找机会亲身感受这一规则了。

Mr.Niblett, Director of Chatham House, 英国皇家国际事务研究所所长宁布莱特先生,Excellencies, 阁下们

Ladies and gentlemen , 女士们,先生们:

It is truly a privilege to join such a distinguished group of experts and scholars, diplomats and opinion-makers, politicians and not least, representatives of civil societywho by then had become the UK Ambassador to the UNand the world as a whole-has come to appear much complicated.自那时起,联合国乃至整个世界似乎变得更加复杂。So have the challenges confronting our Organization.联合国所面临的挑战也是如此。

The perception of us is no longer so black and white, and tends now to be drawn in various shades of gray.如今,人们对我们的看法不再是非黑即白,而是倾向于不同程度的灰色。But if you are an optimist, as I am, you will paint the UN in brighter colors.但是,如果你们和我一样,是乐观主义者,那么你们会用更明快的色彩来勾画联合国。

You will know that our world of complex and global challenges is exactly the environment in which our United Nations should thrive-because these are challenges that no country can resolve on its own.你们会知道,我们的世界充满了复杂的全球性挑战,而这正是联合国应该蓬勃发展的大好环境,因为任何一个国家都无法单独应对这些挑战。

It is a world in which the UN can, and must, grow and take on new roles, develop and deliver on new fronts.正是在这样的世界中,联合国能够并且必须成长壮大,承担新的任务,开辟新的战线并在那里有所作为。

Thank you very much.多谢各位.



001 二级口译实务考试介绍

Lecture 1


英语口译二级考试分《口译综合能力》 和《口译实务》测试两部分,旨在检测应试者的口译实践能力是否达到专业译员水平。合格的应试者应能熟练运用口译技巧,完整准确地译出原话内容,无错译漏译。



应该说英语口译实务(二级)考试具有一定的挑战性,要求应试者过语言关、知识关和技术关,同时还要有稳定的心理因素。按照翻译专业人员的四个等级来划分,即:助理翻译、翻译、副译审和译审,二级就是翻译级,也就是我们所说的中级职称。因此,二级口译试题的定位基本上是针对大学外语专业比较优秀的毕业生,经过几年的翻译实践应能达到的水平。二级口译考试模块的设计也是基于这一理念,即要求应试者具备比较全面的知识结构和良好的双语互译能力。具体说来,应试者应具备良好的语言知识(Linguistic Knowledge)、语言外的知识(Extra-Linguistic Knowledge)以及分析能力(Analysis)。同时应试者还应具备敏锐的听力、良好的短时记忆、行之有效的笔记、以及准确灵活的双语表达等口译所必须的基本能力。




口译技巧(Interpretation Techniques)根据口译步骤(信息接收—信息储存—信息处理—信息输出)为基础,总结出以下技巧:(1)听辨;



(4)思维理解3 —将认知信息纳入理解轨道














技巧讲解和练习20' 语言练习10' 篇章练习20' 002 听辨技巧











2.在听辨训练的初级阶段,如果还不能完全掌握边听、边分析、边记忆的技能,可采取就所听内容进行提问的方式建立逻辑关系。比如可以将注意力放在WHAT、WHO、WHEN AND WHERE、HOW AND WHY 等几个要素上。通过这种方式增强逻辑分析意识,努力跟上讲话人的思路,从而对所听语篇有一个正确的理解。



要求,认真听原文,不要记笔记,根据WHAT、WHO、WHEN AND WHERE、HOW AND WHY 几大要素总结段落大意。

Tea drinking was common in China for nearly one thousand years before anyone in Europe had ever heard about tea.People in Britain were much slower in finding out what tea was like, mainly because tea was very expensive.It could not be bought in shops and even those people who could afford to have it sent from Holland did so only because it was a fashionable curiosity.Some of them were not sure how to use it.They thought it was a vegetable and tried cooking the leaves.Then they served them mixed with butter and salt.They soon discovered their mistake but many people used to spread the used tea leaves on bread and give them to their children as sandwiches.What's the general idea of this short passage? Compared with the Chinese, People in Europe, particularly in Britain were much slower in finding out what tea was like, and how to use it.They cooked tea leaves as vegetable and served them with butter and salt and even made them part of Children's sandwiches.练习2 Tea remained scarce and very expensive in England until the ships of the East India Company began to bring it direct from China early in the seventeenth century.During the next few years so much tea came into the country that the price fell and many people could afford to buy it.At the same time people on the Continent were becoming more and more fond of tea.Until then tea had been drunk without milk in it, but one day a famous French lady named Madame de Sevigne decided to see what tea tasted like when milk was added.She found it so pleasant that she would never again drink it without milk.Because she was such a great lady her friends thought they must copy everything she did, so they also drank their tea with milk in it.Slowly this habit spread until it reached England and today only very few Britons drink tea without milk.General idea:

Tea remained scarce and very expensive in England until the ships of the East India Company began to bring it direct from China early in the seventeenth century.?? On the continent, people used to drink tea without milk until a French lady invented the habit of drinking tea with milk.003 词汇积累



(致)欢迎/开幕/闭幕词(deliver/make)a welcome/opening/closing speech/address/lecture 开/闭/揭幕式 opening/closing/unveiling ceremony

举行烈士纪念碑的揭幕典礼 unveil a monument to the martyrs 为展览会揭幕 inaugurate an exhibition 奠基典礼 foundation laying ceremony 开学典礼 school’s opening ceremony

毕业典礼 graduation ceremony /commencement 开国大典 founding ceremony of a state 婚礼 wedding ceremony 庆典 celebration 答谢宴会 return banquet 晚宴 evening reception/dinner 招待会/宴会 reception 冷餐招待会 buffet reception 联欢/新年/篝火晚会 get-together/spring festival/campfire party 酒会 cocktail party 宣布…开幕 declare…open;declare the commencement of … 宣布…闭幕 declare the closing/conclusion of … 陛下 Your/His/Her Majesty 殿下 Your/His/Her(Royal/Imperial/Serene)Highness 阁下 Your/His/Her Honor/Excellency 贵宾们 distinguished guests 尊敬的主席先生respectable/honorable/respected Mr.President 至此… 之际 on the occasion of 代表… on behalf of …

我愿借此机会… I would like to take this opportunity to …/ I would like to avail myself of this great opportunity to …

我代表中国政府向各位来宾表示热烈欢迎,对会议的召开表示衷心祝贺!On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to extend our sincere welcome to all the guests here and to express our warm congratulations on the convening of this session.最后,祝各位在北京生活愉快,并祝会议圆满成功!

Finally, I wish a full success of the conference and wish you all a pleasant stay here in Beijing.

第四篇:会议致辞 二级口译

Thank you , Lord Hurd, for your kind words.It is an honor and plesaure to be here.When I left Brussels yesterday, it was 12 degree celsius and hailing.Here , it was 25 degree and sunny.Speaking of climate change, I don’t understand why you British are always complaining about the weahter.I confess I am a little intimitated, LordHurd , at being moderated by a veteran statesman of your distinction.When I first accepted the gracious invitation to address this institute, I was especially excited about the prospect of speaking under the Chatham House Rule.I understand the rule means the audience is free to use the information received at the meeting, but may not reveal the identity of the speaker , nor his affiliation.I thought to myself , now there is a rule we should apply from time to time at the United Nations.I could get my message across,but keep a low profile at the same time.And conversely, those interested in grand-standing would have one less opportunity to do so.But it was not to be.Having understood that this event is on the record, I will have to wait for another occasion to experience the Chatham House Rule at first hand.Mr.Niblett,Director of Chatham House,Excellencies,Ladies and gentlemen,It is truly a privilege to join such a distinguished group of experts and scholars, diplomatsand opinion-makers, politicians and not

least ,representatives of civil society---key partners of the United Nations In shaping both policy and practice.They say the United Nations has a way of getting caught in the crossfire between its uncritical lovers and unloving critics.Here at Chatham House, I feel surrounded by true friends---those best defined as loving critics or even critical lovers: well-informed allies of the UN, unwavering but by no means unquestioning supporters.Since the foundation of the UN, the UK has been a cornerstone of our suppor base.It may have been in San Francisco that the United Ntions Charter was signed in 1945;that but it was here in London , the follwing year ,that the UN saw the light of day as a working orgnization.Juston the other side of St ,James’s Park, in Centural Hall Westminster, the General Assembly met for the first time.Across the street from there , in Church House, the Security Council came into being.it was at westminster, as London was rising from the ravages of world war 2 , that my first predecessor as Secretary-General ,Trygve Lie, was installed.He replaced the acting Secretary-General , who was a none other than the distinguished UK dimplomat, sir Gladwyn Jebb.Already in the 1950s, Sir Gladwyn---who by then had become the UK Ambassador to the UN—was shrewd enough to spot the uncritical lovers versus the unloving critics.He did so by studying the newspaper cartoons of the day.At one extreme of the cartoon spectrum, the UN was portayed as an angelic figure, but not a terribly intelligent-looking one.She was sometimes labeled ― peace‖, and usually being assulted by a brutal and uniformed aggressor.At the other extreme , the UN was a bald and middle-aged gentleman of dubious and obviously foreign appearance, wearing a top hat and long coat.He would be plotting with another gentleman of the same type over a green baize table.So one caricature suggested and idealistic international authority, constantly thwarted by wicked maneuvers of politicians;the other an evil international plot against sovereignty.Today , when people look back on those early years of the UN, they think of the promise the Organization held.They think of the idealism and unity that inspired the San Francisco Conference, and the signing of the Charter.They think of the creation of landmark documents, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.They think of the courageous pioneers who joined and shaped the Organization in its fledgling years.In my country , too , those early years were associated with a steadfast sense of faith in the UN.As I was growing up in a war-torn and destitute Korea, the UN stood by my peoplein our darkest hour.The UN gave us hope and sustenance.Its flag was a beacon of better days to come.And in the course of my own lifetime, with the assitance of the UN, THE Republic of Korea was able to rebuild itself from a country torn

apart by war , with a non-existent economy, into a reginoal economic power and major contributor to the Organization.That support helped me make the journey to this podium today.For that, I am deeply thankful.Since then , the UN –and the world as a whole –has come to appear much complicated.So have the challenges confronting our Organization.The perception of us is no longer so black and white, and tends now to be drawn in various shades of gray.But if you are an optimist ,as I am , you will paint the UN in brighter colors.You will know that our world of complex and global challenges is exactly the environment in which our UN shoulf thrive –because these are challenges that no country can resolve on its own.It is a world in which the UN can, and must, grow and take on new roles, develop and deliver on new fronts.Thank u very much


catti 二口 二战经验分享 希望帮到大家

背景介绍: 雅思 7.5 / 托福 106 / 专八 79 / 专四:80 / 上海中高级口译证书 / 大学期间上过口译培训班 /

良心建议三点:1.英语听说读写基础扎实,尤其是听力!否则准备口译事倍功半。我的听力基本功是大学里听写并跟读常速BBC 和VOA 以及高级listening to this 打下的。听力练习材料个人认为不需精挑细选,大量的输入和复杂句型的快速反应是关键。2.系统学习口译:不管什么形式,大学口译课程或校外培训班都可以,不要闭门造车,虽然我是九年前上过一段时间的口译入门课,真心受益匪浅。通过老师的讲解,你会明白如何记笔记(重中之重),然后自己不断去实践,找到理解和笔记的平衡点。3.再痛苦,也要录音,做视译是远远不够的!只有不断录音并回听自己的录音,慢慢揣摩你就会发现哪个音调听起来是舒服的,哪个说话频率是适合的,哪种说话方式是自信的。

具体到两场考试对比:去年11月5号一战,综合部分:那场考得还行(69分)关键就是抓紧一切时间理解题目并注意一些字眼,比如:nearly,totally,not等,这些地方容易混淆视听。但是!切不可小瞧综合,这次我的综合就只有60分。做篇章听力部分明显感觉很多信息处理不过来,当时真有一种考试还未开始就要结束的感觉。总结:综合一定要争分夺秒的看题且多做教材和真题,熟悉catti 套路,至于summary 我的理解是:抓住总起类句子且保证文章逻辑通顺即可。






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