
时间:2019-05-15 05:16:42下载本文作者:会员上传



目录2010专业科目一:翻译.............................................................................................................................3一、二、三、四、名词中译英(共15个,共15分).......................................................................................3 名词英译中(共15个,共15分).......................................................................................3 英译中文章(60分)..............................................................................................................3 中译英文章(60分)..............................................................................................................3


一、词语翻译...................................................................................................................................5 英译汉...................................................................................................................................................5 汉译英...................................................................................................................................................5

二、语篇翻译...................................................................................................................................6 汉译英:...............................................................................................................................................6 英译汉...................................................................................................................................................6 2012专业科目一:翻译.............................................................................................................................8

一、词组翻译(12分)..................................................................................................................8 中英.......................................................................................................................................................8 英中.......................................................................................................................................................8

二、文章翻译...................................................................................................................................8 汉译英(18分).................................................................................................................................8 英译汉(25分).................................................................................................................................8


六、英译汉(35分)...........................................................................................................................11 2013专业科目一:翻译...........................................................................................................................13一、二、三、词汇中译英10个选5个,5分...........................................................................................13 词汇中译英10个选5个,5分...........................................................................................13 英译中两篇20分...................................................................................................................13 中译英25分......................................................................................................................................13 英译中.................................................................................................................................................13

四、给了段1000多字的文章 50分.............................................................................................13 附:2013北京大学MTI试卷真题...........................................................................................................14 I.Directions:............................................................................................................................................14 II.Directions:...........................................................................................................................................15 2014 专业科目一:翻译............................................................................................................................16

一、翻译.........................................................................................................................................16 两道中翻英(50分)........................................................................................................................16 两道英翻中(50分)........................................................................................................................16

二、编译或缩译.............................................................................................................................17 2015专业科目一:翻译...........................................................................................................................21一、二、三、英译汉.....................................................................................................................................21 汉译英:.................................................................................................................................21 编译:.....................................................................................................................................22 2016专业科目一:翻译...........................................................................................................................23一、二、三、第一部分,英译汉.................................................................................................................23 第二部分汉译英(回忆版).................................................................................................24 第三部分.................................................................................................................................24 2017专业科目一:翻译...........................................................................................................................25




驾驶超速,Speeding或over speed 新华社,Xinhua News Agency 洛杉矶时报,LA Times/Los Angeles Times 艾滋病毒,HIV, AIDS Virus 田径项目,track and field events 经济危机,Economic Crisis 工程学士,Bachelor of Engineering 爵士摇滚乐,jazz-rock 应用语言学,Applied linguistics 圣经旧约,Old Testament


Briefing, 简报

CBS, 哥伦比亚广播公司

Federal Reserve Bank,(美国)联邦储备银行 Plastic surgery, 整形外科

Refreshment break, 茶歇、会议间歇 CPU, 中央处理器 HDTV, 高清电视

Attorney general,首席检察官














1.Reciprocal banquet:答谢宴会 2-.pop concert:流行音乐会 3.Black tea 红茶 4.Red-hot news最新消息 5.Sanitary ware卫生洁具 6.Talk show脱口秀 7.Illegal assembly:非法集会

8.WHO世界卫生组织(World Health Organization 9.Business loan商业贷款

10.Liberal education: 博雅教育;教育;通识教育;注重人文教育 11.Monetary restraint金融约束 12.Triple crown:三重冠

13.Byzantine Empire:拜占庭帝国(即东罗马帝国,395~1453,在欧洲东南部和亚洲西南部,由罗马帝国分裂而成)

14.CNN: 美国有线电视新闻网(Cable News Network)15.Net speak:网络语言


1.中央情报局: CIA 2.餐馆勤杂工: bus boy 3.军事法庭: military court/court martial 4.新手: a green hand 5.核裁军: nuclear disarmament 6.杀人未遂: attempted murder 7.主题公园 theme park 8.习惯法: Conventional law 9.破产申请: bankruptcy petition 10.经济指标: economic indicator 11.学费减免: Tuition waiver 12.半决赛semifinals 13.百老汇大街Broadway 14.病毒清除程序: virus removal program /anti-virus program 15.桂冠诗人: poet laureate





One day, in the autumn of 1845, I accidentally lighted on a MS.volume of verse in my sister Emily's handwriting.Of course, I was not surprised, knowing that she could and did write verse: I looked it over, and something more than surprise seized me--a deep conviction that these were not common effusions, nor at all like the poetry women generally write.I thought them condensed and terse, vigorous and genuine.To my ear they had also a peculiar music--wild, melancholy, and elevating.My sister Emily was not a person of demonstrative character, nor one on the recesses of whose mind and feelings even those nearest and dearest to her could, with impunity, intrude unlicensed;it took hours to reconcile her to the discovery I had made, and days to persuade her that such poems merited publication.I knew, however, that a mind like hers could not be without some latent spark of honorable ambition, and refused to be discouraged in my attempts to fan that spark to flame.Meantime, my younger sister quietly produced some of her own compositions, intimating that, since Emily's had given me pleasure, I might like to look at hers.I could not but be a partial judge, yet I thought that these verses, too, had a sweet, sincere pathos of their own.We had very early cherished the dream of one day becoming authors.This dream, never relinquished even when distance divided and absorbing tasks occupied us, now suddenly acquired strength and consistency: it took the character of a resolve.We agreed to arrange a small selection of our poems, and, if possible, to get them printed.Averse to personal publicity, we veiled our own names under those of Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell;the ambiguous choice being dictated by a sort of conscientious scruple at assuming Christian names positively masculine, while we did not like to declare ourselves women, because--without at that time suspecting that our mode of writing and thinking was not what is called 'feminine'--we had a vague impression that authoresses are liable to be looked on with prejudice.2012专业科目一:翻译



1.公益 public welfare 2.文化遗产 cultural relics/heritage 3.心理咨询 psychological consult 4.知识产权 intellectual property 5.自然灾害 natural disaster 6.刻舟求剑 seek sword by marking the moving boat


1.Disadvantaged group 弱势群体 2.Hit-and-run driver 肇事司机

3.Eyesight-disadvantaged-friendly track 盲道 4.Rest room 休息室;厕所 5.Green hand 新手 6.Senior citizen 老年人




译:In Modern Chinese Dictionary, Dragon is defined as a strange creature in China’s ancient legend.It has a long body, scales,horns, and feet, who can walk, fly, swim and is able to call for clouds and rains.英译汉(25分)


Back in the 1950s the man was the undisputed family breadwinner.在20世纪50年代,男人是无可争议的养家糊口者。

But fast forward 60 years and men today are apparently happy to play second fiddle to their wives when it comes to money.但是60年飞逝后的今天,当提到钱的时候,男人们却明显地乐意做他们妻子的陪衬。Three-quarters of men now say it is no longer important for them to be the one who earns the most, new research reveals.新的研究表明,四分之三的男性说,成为挣钱最多的那位对他们来说不在重要了。A study carried out by the U.S.edition of Men’s Health magazine claims it marks the death knell for ‘1950s man’.由美国版的《男性健康》杂志开展的调查声称,“50年代的男人”标志已经终结了。

Husbands as depicted in the hit TV show Mad Men apparently no longer existhalf of men think they have to give up some of their masculinity to become what they considered to be a ‘nurturing father’.但是,这也是有代价的——一般的男性认为他们必须放弃一些“男人气概”,来变为他们所谓的“奶爸”。

Men’s Health found that another big change was how men see other men earning less than their wivesand more money to pay for the holiday trip to Aruba.’He added that men who are stuck in the daily grind look at their colleagues who are at home with their family and think: ‘Dude, you’re a kept man.Congratulations!’


Some 89 percent agree that protecting your family is a vital characteristic of being a man today.Only 29 percent strongly agree that it’s OK to cry as a man.89%的人认为保护家庭是作为当今男性的重要的职责,只有29%人认为男人会吵嚷也是可以的。However the study also found that 42 percent of men said they did more housework than their fathers did and 69 percent in a relationship take out the rubbish.然而研究发现42%的男性说他们比自己的父辈们做更多的家务,69%的人会倒垃圾等。Adrienne Burgess, Head of Research at the Fatherhood Institute, said that 50s man was ‘appropriate for times’ but that things had changed for the better.She said: ‘I don’t think we should look back on it and condemn it.Adrienne Burgess,父系学院研究的校长,说50年代的男性是顺应时代的,但是事情变得更好了。她说,我并不认为我们应该回顾往事,并埋怨。

‘It was for its time when women needed not to be deserted and needed men to go out and be the breadwinner for all sorts of reasons like education and contraception.那是一个妇女不必被遗弃,男人因为像教育和避孕等各种原因,需要外出挣钱的时代。‘It’s not so much that attitudes have changed, but lives have changed.Things are not so rigid anymore.态度并没有改变多少,变得是生活。事情再也不那么一成不变了。

‘Fred said we need to love and work and extremes of either are bad, so we need to find a balance’.Fred说,我们需要爱和工作,任何一种极端都是不利的,所以我们需要找到平衡。



译:The key of a city’s fame lies in that there appeared many famous people there.We often relate famous people with famous cities.At the thought of a celebrity, we will naturally think of the city where he lived and worked.Likewise, at the thought of a famous city, we will naturally think of the celebrity living and working there.When tourists visit a historical city, he is sure to see the old houses and anniversary buildings of celebrities there, to witness the environment where historical people once created spiritual property, as well as experience the value and meaning of the spiritual property by themselves.五、英译汉(35分)

Tourism in Europe's Mediterranean countries is a big business, but it is not loved.It is blamed for polluting the landscape, spoiling the beaches and corrupting the locals' morals.This is partly the countries' own doing.In the 1960s the governments of Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece encouraged the building of hotels and other tourist infrastructure, which seemed the fastest way to catch up with the wealthier north.During the 40 years of breakneck development that followed, vast stretches of the Spanish coast were concreted over, transforming the Costa del Sol into the Costa del Concrete and attracting hordes of tourists in search of sun, sea and sand.Some Greek islands have come to resemble a Hellenic Hong Kong, with high-rise hotels and traffic jams.Some people in tourism made good money, but in recent years even they have started to notice how the ugliness and the noise is keeping visitors away.The government in Madrid grew so concerned that it bought tracts of seaside land itself, to stop developers from getting their hands on it.译:在欧洲地中海一带的国家中,旅游业是一大商业,但是却不被喜爱。经常因污染风景线,破坏海滩,腐蚀当地道德而受到斥责。这一部分是这些国家咎由自取。在20世纪60年代,西班牙、葡萄牙、意大利和希腊国家政府鼓励兴建宾馆和其他旅游设施,这似乎是赶上富裕的北部最快捷的方式。经过40年飞快的发展,大片西班牙海岸被混凝土所覆盖,使得“阳光海岸”变成了“混凝土海岸”,吸引大量的游客来此寻找阳光浴,大海和海滩。一些希腊小岛已经仿佛成了希腊人的香港,宾馆高耸,交通拥堵。




How Grandparents Help Our Species Survive 祖父母们是在种族存续中的作用 By FIONA MACRAE They dote on their grandchildren, offer a treasure trove of wisdom and provide an invaluable babysitting service.他们宠爱孙子,传递智慧财富,并提供无价的临时保姆的服务。But it seems grandparents have a more crucial rolethe emotional support can also be of huge value.如果真的如此,他们将会把焦点房子孙子身上,而他们的父母最可能会在将来予以回报。假如祖父母中的一个在身边的话,孩子不但在更好的生理健康上受益——情感上的支持也将是具有极大地价值。

Dr.Coall said that studies show that grandparents can act as “buffers”, shielding youngsters from the fallout of divorce and troubled marriages.Coall博士说研究显示,外祖父母们可以充当“缓冲器”的角色,抵御孩子们免受离异或婚姻纠葛的伤害。

Grandparents also benefit, with a study finding that grandmothers who babysat were more likely to exercise in the years to come.祖父母们也会受益,研究发现,那些带孩子的祖母们更可能会在未来的岁月中锻炼。But parents should not take advantage, with studies suggesting that too many hours of childcare can leave grandparents exhausted, as well as short of time and money.但是,父母也不可偷懒,研究表明,长时间照顾孩子会让祖父母们精疲力竭,也会使他们缺乏时间与金钱。




Practical; Creative ; Writing Natural; Language; Procession;





四、给了段1000多字的文章 50分


2013年硕士研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:英语翻译基础

I.Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively.There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point for each.(30 scores;30 minutes)1.Import duty 2.Anarchy 3.Constituency 4.Donation 5.Ballot 6.Cabinet 7.Hypocrisy 8.Credentials 9.Invoice 10.Lawsuit 11.Hersey 12.Jury 13.Fiscal policy 14.Oval office 15.CIA 1.担保人 2.专利保护 3.大学终身制 4.贸易保护主义 5.丑闻 6.声明 7.控告 8.身份 9.否决 10.三K 11.当局 12.伪造 13.戴维营 14.电话会议 15.证据

II.Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively.(120 scores;120 minutes)Text1 Indeed,since the demise of the Soviet, there has always been a push by some scholars and journalists in the United States to find the OrientalizedIslam a new empire of evil.However ,this is not the whole picture ,what I want to talk about in the remaining part of the essay is the new trend in scholarship ,criticism, and the interpretation of that.Although, they have accepted the premise view of my book.(待续)Text2 书籍安慰人,承诺人自我满足和权威。即将取代它的电子文本,使人欢欣鼓舞,承诺人无限的可能和无拘无束的自由。然而我们有必要打破这二分法,因为这只不过是纸上谈兵。书的使用很大程度上受个体阅读习惯影响,人们愉快的阅读,涂抹,抄写,误读,或用其他方法僭越读的书。电子文本只是表面的自由,要受成本,数据录入,等因素影响像。要依靠读者所不能掌握的技术,读者只能望着自己不能控制的文本兴叹。网络能维持多长时间,不断进步的技术能否兼容被淘汰的老技术,这两个方面对我们思考数字环境代替“硬拷贝'非常重要。

2014 专业科目一:翻译











大概是说,以前有研究说森林着火只要不失控,就是对森林有益的,所以那时候在天气够冷够潮湿的情况下,护林员对诸如闪电导致的火等等会故意不去扑灭,结果后来在 1988 年(?)的时候黄石公园就出事了,然后这种方式就不再继续了,但现在这种方式又逐渐引起关注了,因为这么多年下来森林里的枯树越来越多了,这样的话只要一点点着起来后果就会非常严重。

2.跟Ohio 有关的



不超过300-400,写给文科生看的,可以少量摘抄附录(来自维基百科的两个词条)的内容social network effect burst(50分)


In Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, the Victorian writer Charles Mackay describes a company formed during the South Sea Bubble in 1720 which declared in its prospectus that it was “for carrying on an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is”.After investors hurried to buy shares, the founder “set off the same evening for the Continent” and was never heard of again.A get-rich-quick atmosphere is also enveloping Silicon Valley at the moment, with Wall Street investors competing to buy privately-traded shares in social media companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and their imitators.It has a mysterious newcomer in Color, a photo-sharing application for mobile devices that has puzzled many users but which easily raised $41m – several times the usual amount – in its first funding round.As Color launched last week, the veteran investor Warren Buffett spoke out about social networks, declaring: “Most of them will be over-priced...Some will be huge winners, which will make up for the rest.” Mr.Buffett has long shunned technology companies as having uncertain prospects compared with the insurance and food and drink companies he prefers, and he is right about the latest craze.As long as social networks are growing and pulling in millions of new members, as are both Facebook and Twitter at the moment, they have great revenue potential.But when growth stalls, or even slows, they tend to implode as the network effect goes into reverse.This has been the pattern since Friendster became the pioneer of online social networking in 2002.Friendster was the first to get into trouble, overtaken by rivals such as MySpace when its technology misfired(it is now focused on Asia and the Middle East).MySpace was bought by News Corpfor $580m in 2005 but it peaked in 2008, and News Corp is trying to sell it for perhaps a 10th of the figure.Bebo was acquired by AOLin 2008 for $850m and sold ignominiously this year for less than $10m.That history should give late-stage investors pause but they are instead stampeding to grab a piece of the next social network.In January, Facebook was valued at $50bn in a fundraising led by Goldman Sachs and others, and the figure has since hit $85bn on one secondary exchange.Twitter, which the online consultancy eMarketer says last year had US revenues of $45m(and overseas revenues of zero)was recently valued at $3.7bn.Facebook is clearly worth some number of billions – it is now the world’s leading social network, with more than 500m active users and estimated advertising revenues of $1.9bn last year, which eMarketer expects to climb to $4bn this year.Mark Zuckerberg, its founder, has executed its growth strategy much more effectively than rivals that have fallen by the wayside.It is also unquestionable that more advertising will flow into social media companies as marketers adjust to the shift in online consumption.The UK internet Advertising Bureau estimates that, although UK internet users now spend 25 percent of their time online at social networks, the latter gained only 5 percent of last year’s £4.1bn in advertising revenues.But there is a reason why advertisers only spend a fraction of the amount per advertisement on social networks compared with search engines and media websites – because users go to networks to socialize, not with the intention of buying.“All of these companies are being valued as the next Google and that’s a mistake.Facebook is a good business, but Google is a once-in-a-lifetime,” says one investor.Meanwhile, the Facebook aura is reflecting on networks that will have an even tougher challenge turning users into revenues.“For companies such as Twitter, where the revenues are tiny and the company is losing money, you need an abacus or a prayer mat to come up with a sensible valuation,” says one Silicon Valley venture capitalist.In one sense, venture capitalists are merely doing their jobs by investing heavily in social media companies, even if they know a lot of them are bound to fail.The investors in Color – Bain Capital, Sequoia Capital, and Silicon Valley Bank – are betting on lots of early-stage companies at once and need only a few to succeed.The same does not go, however, for late-stage investors who are pouring enormous amounts into Facebook, Twitter, Zynga, Groupon and others at mature valuations before they have even reached an initial public offering.They are betting on the cash flows of these businesses not only expanding rapidly but turning out to be sustainable.Given the flaky history of social networks, that is a brave bet.Such companies thrive on network effects, growing exponentially more powerful the more that people use them to share gossip, information and photographs.But they also atrophy rapidly when users turn to the next new thing and let their free accounts become dormant.LinkedIn, a professionals’ network with 100m registered users, provides a guide to the pitfalls in its recent IPO filing.As it points out: “Some members have multiple registrations, other members have died...and others may have registered under fictitious names”;and it lacks a good way to identify them.Facebook may well emerge as the “category killer” of social networks and not only grow to an enormous size but level out(as the law of large numbers dictates)without imploding.It is also conceivable, although less likely, that others will join it.But there will be few.维基百科词条大概的是这样的哈 Social network The social network is a theoretical construct useful in the social sciences to study relationships between individuals, groups, organizations, or even entire societies(social units, see differentiation).The term is used to describe a social structure determined by such interactions.The ties through which any given social unit connects represent the convergence of the various social contacts of that unit.This theoretical approach is, necessarily, relational.An axiom of the social network approach to understanding social interaction is that social phenomena should be primarily conceived and investigated through the properties of relations between and within units, instead of the properties of these units themselves.Thus, one common criticism of social network theory is that individual agency is often ignored although this may not be the case in practice(see agent-based modeling).Precisely because many different types of relations, singular or in combination, form these network configurations, network analytics are useful to a broad range of research enterprises.In social science, these fields of study include, but are not limited to anthropology, biology, communication studies, economics, geography, information science, organizational studies, social psychology, sociology, and sociolinguistics.那段Facebook文章的中文:

维多利亚时期作家查尔斯•麦凯(Charles Mackay)在他的《非同寻常的大众幻想与群众性癫狂》(Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds)一书中,描述了一家在1720年“南海泡沫事件”期间成立的公司。这家公司在招股说明书中宣称,公司“从事一种可带来巨大收益的生意,但人们不必知道它是什么”。在投资者蜂拥购买其股票之后,该公司创始人“当晚动身前往欧洲大陆”,从此杳无音讯。


上周,就在Color上线之际,投资老手沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)就社交网站发表了自己的看法。他称:“大部分社交网站的价值都将被高估„„其中一些会成为大赢家,其余的将成为输家。”巴菲特长期以来一直回避高科技公司,认为与他偏爱的保险公司或食品饮料公司相比,高科技公司的前景十分不确定。他对目前这种社交媒体热的看法是正确的。


Friendster率先陷入了困境。在其技术未带来预期结果之后,该公司被MySpace等竞争对手所赶超(Friendster目前专注于亚洲和中东地区)。2005年,MySpace被新闻集团(News Corp)以5.8亿美元收购,但在2008年达到巅峰后就走上了下坡路。现如今,新闻集团正试图以收购价十分之一左右的价格抛掉它。2008年,Bebo被美国在线(AOL)以8.5亿美元收购,而今年则以不到1000万美元的价格被屈辱地卖掉。

这段历史应该会让晚期投资者踌躇不前,可情况恰恰相反,他们争前恐后,试图从下一家社交网站分得一杯羹。今年1月,在一轮由高盛(Goldman Sachs)及其它机构牵头的融资中,Facebook的估值高达500亿美元;此后在一个二级市场中,它的估值更是达到了850亿美元。不久前,Twitter估值也达到了37亿美元——根据在线咨询公司eMarketer的数据,去年Twitter美国业务的收入为4500万美元(海外收入为零)。Facebook显然价值不菲——它目前是全球头号社交网站,拥有逾5亿活跃用户。据估计,该公司去年广告收入高达19亿美元,eMarketer预计,今年将升至40亿美元。Facebook创始人马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)对公司增长战略的执行,比那些半途而废的竞争对手要有效得多。毫无疑问,随着营销人员开始针对在线消费的转变做出调整,会有更多的广告流向社交媒体公司。据英国互联网广告局(IAB)估计,尽管目前英国网民25%的上网时间都花在社交网站上,但去年,社交网站的广告收入仅占互联网广告总收入(41亿英镑)的5%。



从某种意义上讲,风险投资者大举投资社交媒体公司,不过是在做自己的本职工作——即使他们知道其中许多公司必然会倒闭。Color的投资者——贝恩资本(Bain Capital)、红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)和硅谷银行(Silicon Valley Bank)——同时押注于大量处于起步阶段的公司,只要其中几家成功即可。







第一篇:Systems Art(来源为维基百科,除第一段外,其他的记不清了,篇幅应该和这个差不多,或者更长一些)

Systems art is art influenced by cybernetics, and systems theory, that reflects on natural systems, social systems and social signs of the art world itself.Systems art emerged as part of the first wave of the conceptual art movement extended in the 1960s and 1970s.Closely related and overlapping terms are Anti-form movement, Cybernetic art, Generative Systems, Process art, Systems aesthetic, Systemic art, Systemic painting and Systems sculptures.By the early 1960s Minimalism had emerged as an abstract movement in art which rejected the idea of relational, and subjective painting, the complexity of Abstract expressionist surfaces, and the emotional zeitgeist and polemics present in the arena of Action painting.Minimalism argued that extreme simplicity could capture all of the sublime representation needed in art.Associated with painters, minimalism in painting, as opposed to other areas, is a modernist movement.第二篇:Campus Scandal(抱歉,墙太高了,翻不出去,用不了谷歌。没有找到原文。只能大概说说)新闻语体,出现的单词有:anthropologist,Tiger Woods, rape, hockey ball team













第一篇:Snapchat APP 的简介,原文类似说明书,以下为举例,不是考试时试卷上的文章: Discover is fun and easy to use.Tap to open an edition, swipe left to browse Snaps, or swipe up on a Snap for more.Each channel brings you something unique – a wonderful daily surprise!Snapchat Discover is a new way to explore Stories from different editorial teams.It’s the result of collaboration with world-class leaders in media to build a storytelling format that puts the narrative first.This is not social media.Social media companies tell us what to read based on what’s most recent or most popular.We see it differently.We count on editors and artists, not clicks and shares, to determine what’s important.Discover is different because it has been built for creatives.All too often, artists are forced to accommodate new technologies in order to distribute their work.This time we built the technology to serve the art: each edition includes full-screen photos and videos, awesome long form layouts, and gorgeous advertising.Discover is new, but familiar.That’s because Stories are at the corebecause what’s news today is history tomorrow.Discover is fun and easy to use.Tap to open an edition, swipe left to browse Snaps, or swipe up on a Snap for more.Each channel brings you something unique – a wonderful daily surprise!

第二篇:YouTube、Facebook 等社交网站容易让青少年上瘾,带有评论性的语气。




1.Hyperloop The Hyperloop is a conceptual high-speed transportation system put forward by entrepreneur Elon Musk, incorporating reduced-pressure tubes in which pressurized capsules ride on an air cushion driven by linear induction motors and air compressors.As of 2015[update], designs for test tracks and capsules are being developed, with construction of a full-scale prototype scheduled for 2016.A preliminary design document was made public in August 2013, which included a suggested route running from the Los Angeles region to the San Francisco Bay Area, paralleling the Interstate 5 corridor for most of its length.Preliminary analysis indicated that such a route might obtain an expected journey time of 35 minutes, meaning that passengers would traverse the 354-mile(570 km)route at an average speed of around 598 mph(962 km/h), with a top speed of 760 mph(1,220 km/h).Cost estimates were US$6 billion for a passenger-only version, and US$7.5 billion for a version transporting passengers and vehicles.The cost projections for the suggested California route were questioned by transportation engineers in 2013, who found the sum unrealistically low given the scale of construction and reliance on unproven technology.The technological and economic feasibility of the idea is unproven and a subject of significant debate.2.Investing in our families is a vital part of the economy Imagine working long hours day in day out, falling into bed exhausted each night and getting up with the sun each morning — but never getting paid and never, according to the people who measure such things, actually “creating value”.It sounds grossly unfair, but this is the condition of most women around the world.When governments measure national economies in the gross domestic product, “women’s work” — caregiving, housekeeping, home-making— does not count as “work”.All this work, moreover, is just the physical dimension of care.caregiving includes the additional emotional component of love and nurture, the transformation of an income stream into the teaching, discipline, moral guidance, problem-solving, emotional support and role-modelling that raising children and simply investing in others requires.That is work worth measuring.Reducing the amount of time and effort women spend doing tedious chores is possible with labor-saving technologies.By reducing the 61 per cent of unpaid work that consists of routine household tasks, we can free up time for the valuable work of caring for children and elders.Redistributing unpaid labor, the last step, means including men equally in the work and the joys of care.Moreover, when men and women are equal co-parents, they are both likely to push for the flexible work arrangements that would help everyone.二、第二部分汉译英(回忆版)










1.彻底理解文章,推荐评价文章,读者对象设定为正在评估一些工具帮助他们更好学习的大学生。读者非商业人士。2.观点和事实必须来自给定的三分参考资料,不得超出范围及补充,可以裁减,忽略或加强文中的观点,但只要求总体平衡 3.文章重点应对Evernote可能存在的争议和未来发展的评述,帮助大学生作决定。无重点部分扣分 4.必须有清晰的思路,逻辑结构。顺序摘编观点不得分。5.要求文章400到700词,必须拟标题




2.得英译汉是人工智能和英国脱欧,汉译英是李约瑟说中国古代不是没有科学还有量大数据公司是美国选举背后的推手~摘译题就是mac机和搭载windows系统的pc机应该给大学生推荐哪种~根据三份材料着重推荐一种,400-700字,不能顺序翻译原文什么的 3.编译给了3篇,总-分-分

1st是综合比较两家的用户界面,安全blabla的,2000字+,2nd是说用了win10以后再也不想用回苹果机1000字+, 3rd是苹果死忠粉的一篇1000字+ 4.英译汉大概是650左右,汉译英是五百多左右,编译题在3000词以上。


1997年 名词解释

两都赋与二京赋 明清文学短篇小说 狭邪小说 雷峰塔传奇


屈原与老子作品艺术特色比较 南唐五代词对北宋词的影响


评价钟嵘《诗品》 五四文学革命的实绩 评价朦胧诗


1998年 名词解释 郊寒岛瘦 温李 班马 常州词派 元曲选


黄庭坚诗论及其创作艺术成就 大小谢山水诗成就及地位 《三》《水》人物形象塑造的艺术成就 《诗经》《离骚》比兴手法异同

专业基础 名词解释 神韵说 甘露之变 词源 新旧党争



从“诗言志”到“诗缘情” 评述曹禺、闻一多的创作成就 评述“寻根派”文学 1999年 专业基础 论述



为什么鲁迅把自己“五四”时期的创作称为“遵命文学”?试结合具体作品加以分析 试分析汪曾祺小说创作的主要特点

简释 淝水之战 陈桥兵变 《艺概》



简释 二南 吴声西曲 《诗式》 神魔小说 花部与雅部 《雷峰塔传奇》


简论《论语》《孟子》《庄子》《韩非子》散文的不同风格 陈子昂说:“汉魏风骨,晋宋莫传”试结合诗歌发展史加以评论 论辛弃疾词的成就及其对南宋词坛的影响


2000年 简释


六朝志怪小说的特点,举出三部代表作 谈谈宋词中的“易安体”





北宋古文运动对唐代古文运动的继承、发展 选取《聊斋》中两篇分析其体制、结构等特点(举出《聊斋志异》的两个代表作,分析其艺术构思、文体特征、表现手法)

专业基础 简释 党锢之祸 文镜秘府论 意境 尝试集




2001年 简释 吕氏春秋 长门赋 赵氏孤儿 浙西词派 古文辞类纂





专业基础 简答 三家分晋 元朝行省制度

明清中央政府编撰的类书、丛书 《原诗》




2002年 简释 涉江 沈诗任笔 倚声




试述先秦散文在文学史上的地位 结合中唐艺术发展论述李贺、李商隐的诗歌特点(联系中唐诗歌发展背景谈谈李贺与李商隐诗歌的艺术表现特色)


专业基础 简答






2003年 名词解释 三家诗 太史公书 连珠体

《龙筋凤髓判》 《四时田园杂兴》 《青锁高议》 衬字 常州词派 感遇三十八首


论先秦的浪漫主义文学传统 试论初盛唐之际诗歌艺术的发展 论关汉卿的喜剧创作

专业基础 论述

简论唐与域外文化交流 刘勰钟嵘文学思想之比较 论闻一多的诗歌理论和创作

2004年 名词解释 《诗经集传》 七体 太康文学 徐庾体

《太和正音谱》 花雅之争


以《史记》为中心论述先秦两汉史传文学的发展情况 试评述以白居易和元稹为代表的诗歌运动的理论

谈谈陆游、范成大和杨万里的关于乡村题材诗歌的创作情况 关于《三国演义》的虚实之争,请你谈谈对这个问题的认识





2005年 名词解释 “七体”

《云谣集杂曲子》 《永乐大典戏文三种》 子弟书 《孽海花》


试论述先秦诸子散文从语录体到论说体的转变过程 试论建安风骨对古代文学史的影响 试论述从宋初到庆历前后诗风的转变 简论《桃花扇》“借离合之情,写兴亡之感”的创作特点及其在戏曲史上的地位

专业基础 名词解释 西周“共和” “文”与“笔” 三《通》 简答

概述明朝对外关系及其政策 略论性灵理论的源流演变 论郁达夫的小说创作

2006年 名词解释 《两都赋》 玄言诗

《酉阳杂俎》 苏州派



谈谈《庄子》《韩非子》中寓言的差异 安史之乱后唐代诗歌有哪些变化 刘辰翁在《稼轩集序》中说:“词至东坡,倾荡磊落,如诗如文,如天地奇观,岂与群儿雌声学语较工拙。”谈谈你对“如诗如文”的看法 试述近代小说界革命的理论及创作实践

专业基础 大综合填空

文革后,五六十年代诗人重返诗坛后的作品被叫做(归来)的诗 《永远的尹雪艳》的作者是(白先勇)

以韩寒等为代表的写作被评论界称为(80后写作)吕纬甫是鲁迅(《在酒楼上》)中的人物 《大淖记事》的作者是(汪曾祺)巴金的处女作是(《灭亡》)

《潘先生在难中》的作者是(叶圣陶)《江格尔》是(藏)族的史诗 余既滋兰之九畹兮,(又树蕙之百亩)

清末(王国维)以德国古典哲学资源研究《红楼梦》 清末陈衍认为古代诗歌莫盛于三元,指(开元)、元和、元祐 清水出芙蓉,(天然去雕饰)《清真词》的作者是(周邦彦)民歌集《山歌》《挂枝儿》编者(冯梦龙)落红不是无情物,(化作春泥更护花)楼船夜雪瓜洲渡,(铁马秋风大散关)《诗经》描写农奴一年劳作生活的名篇(《豳风·七月》)“三礼”指《周礼》、(《仪礼》)、《礼记》 第一部方言学著作是扬雄的(《方言》)第一部诗话是(《六一诗话》)

民俗一般分为()民俗、风俗民俗、物质民俗 《结构主义》一书的作者(【瑞士】皮亚杰)(布瓦洛)在《诗的艺术》中提出古典主义主张

毛主席(1942)年发表《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》 马克思在(《<政治经济学批判>前言》)中提出文艺与社会发展的不平衡性 北京大学简称北大,这是构词方法中的()

最早将第三人称分为他、她、它的是语言学家(刘半农)《说文解字》共有部首(540)个 《广韵》编者北宋(陈彭年)和丘雍 汉语属于(汉藏)语系


沽有买和卖两个意思,这种现象叫做多义词或一词多义 从“艦”到“舰”简化方式属于


“买了两斤鸭蛋”中不是成语语素的是(了)普通话唯一不做声母的辅音(ng)汉语声调由语音四要素中(音高)决定 语言二层性是指有符号层和(音位层)孔子曰:岁寒,(然后知松柏之后凋也)孟子曰:富贵不能淫,(贫贱不能移),威武不能屈 老子曰:致虚极,(守静笃)庄子曰:天地与我并生,(而万物与我为一)刘勰论说山水诗的兴起:“(庄老告退),而山水方滋” 魏晋玄学中的三玄指(《易经》)、《庄子》和《老子》 最早提出“义理、考据、辞章”并重的是古文学家()宋《楚辞补注》作者(洪兴祖)汗《说苑》作者(刘向)八卦名:乾、坤、(震)、巽、坎、离、艮、兑 天干名:甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、(庚)、辛、壬、癸

名词解释 元祐更化 格调说



试述康乾时期文化专制的措施及其影响 论述初唐史臣的文学观


2007年 名词解释 讲经文

《乐府诗集》 《瀛奎律髓》 茶陵派 纳兰性德



结合诗歌艺术的发展和社会风尚,谈一下盛唐山水诗对齐梁山水诗的继承和发展 何元朗谓《拜月亭》“高出于《琵琶记》远甚”,王世贞认为此言大谬,请谈谈你的看法 晚明小品文的艺术特色及其对后世散文的影响

专业基础 大综合


汉末“古诗十九首”最初被收入梁代()主持编纂的《文选》 “盖文章经国之大业,不朽之盛事”由曹丕在()中提出

元好问《论诗绝句》中云“一与天然万古新,豪华落尽见真淳”,这是对()诗歌的评价 提出“四声八病”之说的南朝诗人是()





李金发曾受到法国诗人()所著《恶之花》的影响 魏连殳是小说()里的人物 《古潭的声音》的作者是()人们常用“三红一创”来概括50—60年代社会主义现实主义经典,这四部作品是《红旗谱》、《红口》、()、《创业史》


文革时期出现的一个包括芒克、多多等人的地下诗歌群落被称为()“陈焕生系列”小说的作者是()司绮纹是小说()中的人物 中国四大民间故事是()



“香稻啄余鹦鹉粒,碧梧栖老凤凰枝”是古代汉语修辞方式中的()用法 上声字出现在非上声字之前,声调变为()从构词的角度看,“狼狈”是()词 “戴高帽”是熟语中的()语 按照朱德熙的语法体系,“大型”的词性是()现代语言学的奠基人索绪尔的名著是()语言符号最重要的两个特性是任意性和()

八个基本元音中特征为“后半高圆唇”的元音是()语法范畴是词的变化形式所表示的()方面的聚合 词义引申的两种主要方式是()


汉代传《诗经》者有鲁、齐和()四家,称“四家诗” 现存中国古代规模最大的类书是()

二十世纪初期,我国曾出版了三部大型古籍丛书,它们分别是《四部丛刊》、《四部备要》和()“象”、“郯”二字的四角号码分别是()“陡”、“鸣”在《康熙字典》中所属部首分别是()《死魂灵》是()世纪()国作家()的作品 《悲惨世界》是()世纪()国作家()的作品 《五卷书》是古代()的短篇小说集 《后汉书》的作者是()朝的()



意大利的()在他于1725年出版的代表作《新科学》中提出了“诗性智慧”这一重要概念 楚辞有“发愤抒情”说,司马迁有()说 后人常以袁宏道的“(),不拘格套”来概括明代公安派文学思想的基本特点


名词解释 行卷 叶燮 爱美剧

论述题 论李斯



2008年 名词解释 刘向 龙朔体 孟称舜 《青楼集》 文界革命



试比较《诗经》中“风”诗、“雅”诗的异同 简述“永明体”及其在诗歌史上的地位 有人提出“词的赋化”“以赋为词”,结合宋词分析这一点 结合具体作品,谈谈你对古代小说续书的评价

专业基础 名词解释

《文章流别论》 《郡斋读书志》 “三通” 府兵制 李劼人





大综合填空题 “桑之未落,();桑之落矣,其黄而陨”


《文心雕龙·才略》篇“尽锐于三都,拔萃于咏史”称赞的是()鲁迅在《中国小说史略》中激赏()“记言则玄远冷峻,记行则高简瑰奇” 李白《渡荆门送别》中说“山随平野尽,()” 陶渊明在()其二中有“山气日夕佳,()”之句 白居易在《与元九书》中说“文章合为时而著,()。” 评价韩愈“文起八代之衰,道济天下之溺”的是()李贺《金铜仙人辞汉歌》中,“衰兰送客咸阳道,()” 散文《金石录后序》的作者是()()是现在唯一完整的一部诸宫调作品

关汉卿《救风尘》剧中救助落难女子宋引章的是()散曲的体式主要分为()和套数 曹七巧是()里的人物



《系在皮绳扣上的魂》的作者是()尹雪艳是()笔下的人物 民俗分为()、物质民俗和风俗民俗三类 民俗学的创始人是()元音【e】的发音特征是()


根据语言的亲属关系对语言进行的分类,我们称为()“时有古今,地有南北,音有···”的历史语言学观点是()提出的,出自他的()一书 《音学五书》的作者是(),《六书音韵表》的作者是()《字助》的作者为()


乾隆时期《四库全书》共抄写了七份,其中保存下来的是文渊阁、文津阁、()、()四份 我国现存最早的一部综合性图书分类目录()莎士比亚四大悲剧包括《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、()、()




2009年 名词解释 庄子天下篇 丁卯集 弹词 新文体

解释划线词句,赏析全文 《泛颖》




对比分析《西厢记》中崔莺莺和《牡丹亭》中杜丽娘的形象 《水浒传》的叙事艺术

专业基础 填空选择

班固的《汉书》里,《史记》的别称是()九歌有()篇,最后一篇是(),是送神的曲 介子推和传统节日()有关

“时有古今,地有南北,字有变革,音有转移。”是()在()书里说的 《山海经》属于四部中的()部()类 下列哪个学说与柏拉图无关()模仿 灵感 形象

下列哪个属于康德的三大理性批判()绝对理性 判断力 历史理性 纯粹理性 下列哪个不属于吴方言区()上海 苏州 昆山 南京 08年去世的王元化先生在哪部著作里进行了中西的比较()文心雕龙创作论

下列哪个是“用”的基本义 使用 因为

名词解释 推恩令




明代中后期反理学思潮的兴起和影响 谈谈现代文学中的“故事新编”

2010年 词语解释 悲士不遇赋 楚辞补注 方回




论初盛唐时期诗人对诗的复古理论和创作实践 王夫之批评苏轼的诗:“除却书本子,则更无诗!”(《姜斋诗话》卷下)请解释其义,并结合苏轼的作品说出自己的评价





“不恨天涯行役苦,恨西风,吹梦成古今”是清代词人()的名句 “其文又戚而能谐,婉而多讽”是鲁迅对()的评价 中国现代文学中第一部诗集是()茅盾的“农村三部曲”是()、《秋收》、《残冬》 《文学革命论》的作者是()

郭沫若的诗作()中运用了古天方国有关凤凰死而复生的神话 一般把郭小川和()称为50—60年代“政治抒情诗”的代表诗人 50年代被人称作“图卷戏”的老舍话剧是()记载中国原始神话最多的先秦典籍是()“曲水流觞”是发生在传统节日()的活动 希腊神话中闯过12个难关的大力士是()中国、希腊罗马和()是语言学的三大发源地 语言系统中两种根本关系是()和聚合关系

根据语言的亲属关系对语言所做的分类叫做语言的()分类 某字的汉语拼音为yan(第四声),其韵母属于四呼中的()从造字看,“烦”是六书中的()字



《大学》里“三纲”未包含的内容是()明明德 新民 止于至善 中庸

下列不属于海德格尔的理论是()此在 烦 畏 恶心

被后世称为“诗家夫子”“七绝圣手”的唐代诗人是()李白 王昌龄 王维 杜甫

钱钟书在《谈艺录》中指出:唐诗以风神情韵擅长,宋诗则多以()见胜 筋骨思理 古朴自然 冷峭清峻 清新空灵 《小雅》怨悱而不乱,《国风》好色而不淫,若《离骚》者,可谓兼之矣。这一评语出自()《汉书》 《后汉书》 《文心雕龙》 《史记》 《白娘子永镇雷峰塔》这篇话本小说出自()

《警世通言》 《喻世明言》 《醒世恒言》 《初刻拍案惊奇》 《人间词话》的作者是()王国维 朱光潜 梁启超 宗白华 下列作品中不属于叙事诗的是()

《王贵与李香香》 《赶车传》 《漳河水》 《向太阳》 中国现代文学史上最早的象征派诗人是()李金发 戴望舒 冯乃超 穆木天


《呼兰河传》 《子夜》 《骆驼祥子》 《围城》 下列人物形象属于“中间人物”的是()梁生宝 萧长春 王金生 梁三老汉


《无主题变奏》 《十八岁出门远行》 《铺花的歧路》 《动物凶猛》 下列曾被称为90年代“女性文学”代表作的是()

《一个人的战争》 《方舟》 《弟兄们》 《在细雨中呼喊》 明末冯梦龙搜集整理的吴语民歌是()桂枝儿 桐城时光歌 山歌 霓裳续谱 《玛纳斯》是哪个民族的史诗()柯尔克孜族 藏族 蒙古族 哈萨克族 语言发展演变的主要特点()

任意性和强制性 突发性与平衡性 强制性和不可论证性 渐变性和不平衡性 在语言演变过程中,相对比较稳定的层面是()语言 词汇 语法 词义

下列音和义都借自外语的是()酒吧 夹克 卡片 足球

下列什么词语的汉语拼音需要使用间隔符号()亲耳 下雨 排污 气恼

下列哪一个词有语素义失落的现象()听证 裙钗 人物 迷惑


刘鹗的《铁云藏龟》 孙诒让的《契文举例》 罗振玉的《殷墟书契考释》 罗振玉的《殷墟书契菁华》

音韵学上的“促声”是指()仄声 短调 入声韵 入声调 中国现存最大一部类书是()

永乐大典 艺文类聚 古今图书集成 皇览

经史子集四部分类法在以下哪部著作中正式确立()汉书艺文志 隋书经籍志 新唐书艺文志 四库全书 在训诂学中,直接解释词义的方式称为()声训 形训 义训 通假

词语解释 声无哀乐论 端平更化 刘熙载 《山洪》


论稷下学宫的内容和对后世的影响 论明清理论中人物论



李颀《古从军行》 姜夔《疏影》

2011年 名词解释 《淮南鸿烈》 《咏怀八十二首》 《元曲选》 《子弟规》

结合具体诗人诗作,比较李白、杜甫对中晚唐诗歌发展的影响 略谈“三言二拍”中对商人的描述以及对商人活动的描写 简述司马相如赋作的特点及在汉代文学的历史地位 刘熙载评:“放翁诗明白如话,然浅中有深、平中有奇,故足令人咀味。”简述对这评价的看法

诗词赏析二选一 王维的《汉江临眺》





明末“姑苏抱翁老人”从“三言二拍”选取四十篇作品编成话本小说选集()茅盾的《蚀》三部曲包括《幻灭》《动摇》和()鲁迅在()的扉页上引用了《离骚》里的两句诗:“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。” 1949年7月召开的()后来被当做“当代文学”的起点。









曹丕《典论.论文》 陆机《文赋》 刘勰《文心雕龙》 钟嵘《诗品》 清代诗论“格调”说的主要倡导者是()沈德潜 王士禛 袁枚 翁方纲

17-18世纪法国古典主义理论的代表人物是()莫里哀 狄德罗 布瓦洛 高乃依 “小说”一词最早见于()

《庄子 外物》 《汉书 艺文志》 《七略 辑略》 《左传》 被认为来自宋元话本的是()

《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》 《崔待诏生死冤家》 《卖油郎独占花魁》 《唐解元一笑姻缘》 五四文学革命中,“人的文学”观念的最先倡导者是()胡适 鲁迅 周作文 陈独秀 九叶诗派的成员有()

袁可嘉 艾青 绿原 田间


《呐喊》 《沉沦》 《木马》 《茶馆》


《骆驼祥子》 《四是同堂》 《龙须沟》 《茶馆》 王安忆的作品中被认为是“寻根文学”代表作的是()

《本次列车终点》 《叔叔的故事》 《小鲍庄》 《岗上的世纪》 中国神话中环绕在昆仑山下的没有浮力的河流是()

河水 黑水 赤水 弱水


梁祝传说 牛郎织女传 董永传说 屈原传说 湖北西部山区丧葬活动中演唱的《起歌头》(或《开歌路》)属于民歌的类别是()仪式歌谣 生活歌谣 儿歌 劳动歌谣


欧里庇得斯 索福克勒斯 埃斯库罗斯 塞内加 《伪君子》的作者是法国古典主义作家()

拉辛 高乃依 莫里哀 司汤达 语言的二层性是指语言具有()

形式和意义两个方面 组合和聚合两种关系 音位层和符号层 任意性和线条性 都是前元音的一组是A【y,o】




Originally known as the Imperial University ofPeking,Peking University was established in1898.The establishment of the University markedthe beginning of higher education in China's modernhistory.In modern history of China,it was a center forprogressive thought and was influential in the birth of China's New Culture Movement,theMay Fourth Movement and many other significant events.Today, Peking University was placedby many domestic university rankings amongst the top universities in China.The universitylays emphasis on both teaching,and scientific research.It has made great efforts to improvethe undergraduate and graduate education,and maintain its role as a leading researchinstitution.In addition,the University is especially renowned for its campus environmentand the beauty of its traditional Chinese architecture.参考翻译:

北京大学于1898年成立,原名为京师大学堂(the ImperialUniversity of Peking)。该大学的成立标志着中国近代史上高等教育的开始。在中国近代史上,它是进步思想的中心,对中国新文化运动、五四运动及其他重要事件的发生颇有影响。今天,国内不少高校排行榜将北京大学放入国内顶尖大学之列。该校重视教学和科学研究。为提高本科生教育和研究生教育质量、保持其领先研究机构的地位,学校已做出很大努力。此外,学校尤以其校园环境及优美的中国传统建筑而闻名。




页 共 2 页

第四篇:2008-04 英语翻译 试卷答案






Ⅰ.Multiple Choice Questions(30 points,2 points for each)A.Directions:This part consists of ten sentences ,each followed by four different versions marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness and write the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.1.At the hotel I always finished the meal with ice cream and the girls there would laugh because I like it so much.A.我在饭店吃饭,最后总是吃冰激凌。我吃得津津有味,惹得那些女服务员发笑。B.在饭店里,我总是以冰激凌来结束吃饭。我吃得津津有味,惹得那些女服务员发笑。C.我在饭店吃饭,最后总是吃冰激凌。因为我是那么的喜欢它,所以那里的女孩子都笑我。


2.In the days that followed I learned to spell in this uncomprehending way a great many words.A.在那些日子里,我以不理解的方式学拼写,竟也拼出了许多词。B.从此以后,我就这样学着拼写,虽然并不理解意思,却也拼出了许多词。C.在那些日子里,我就这样学着拼写,虽然并不理解意思,却也拼出了许多词。D.从此以后,我以不理解的方式学着拼写,竟也拼出了许多词。

3.My teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name.A.在我知道每样东西都有一个名字以前,老师已经教我好几个星期了。B.老师和我相处了好几个星期,我都不知道每样东西还有一个名字。C.在我知道每样东西都有一个名字以前,老师和我已经相处好几个星期了。D.老师教了我好几个星期,我才知道每样东西都有一个名字。

4.Two things are outstanding in the creation of the English system of canals,and they characterize all the Industrial Revolution.A.在修建英国运河枢纽工程中,有两点是非常突出的,而这两点正是整个工业革命的特点。

浙00087# 英语翻译试题 B.在修建英国运河网的过程中,有两点是非常突出的,而他们正是整个工业革命的特点。C.在修建英国运河网的过程中,有两点是非常突出的,而这两点正是整个工业革命的特点。

D.在修建英国运河枢纽工程中,有两点是非常突出的,而他们正是整个工业革命的特点。5.Lincoln was a good speaker and student of political philosophy.A.林肯口才好,对政治哲学颇有研究。B.林肯能言善辩,是政治哲学系的学生。C.林肯口才好,是政治哲学系的学生。D.林肯能言善辩,对政治哲学颇有研究。6.他们省吃俭用,为了给国家多积累资金。

A.They save food and reduce expenses to accumulate more funds for the state.B.They save food and reduce expenses to that to accumulate more funds for the state.C.They live frugally to accumulate more funds for the state.D.They live frugally so that to accumulate more funds for the state.7.听到你母亲逝世的消息我非常悲痛。

A.I am deeply grieved to hear that your mother kicked the bucket.B.I am deeply grieved to hear that your mother passed away.C.I am deeply grieved at your mother’s dead.D.I am deeply grieved at your mother’s dying.8.我们恢复和采取这些贸易方式的原因是因为我们出口商品的目的就是为了国外客户的利益。

A.The reason for us to restore and adopt these trade practices is that we export commodities just for the benefit of our overseas clients.B.The reason for us to restore and adopt these trade practices is because we export commodities just for the benefit of our overseas clients.C.The reason for us to restore and adopt these trade practices is that because we export commodities just for the benefit of our overseas clients.D.The reason for us to restore and adopt these trade practices is because that we export commodities just for the benefit of our overseas clients.9.革命是解放生产力,改革也是解放生产力。

浙00087# 英语翻译试题 A.Revolution means the emancipation of productivity, and reform does so.B.Revolution means the emancipation of productivity, and so does reform.C.Revolution means the emancipation of productivity, too does reform.D.Revolution means the emancipation of productivity, reform does too.10.我们的改革是从经济方面着手的,又首先是从农村开始的。

A.Our reform first implemented in the economic sphere, beginning with the rural areas.B.Our reform first implemented in the economic sphere, begun with the rural areas.C.Our reform was first implemented in the economic sphere, begun with the rural areas.D.Our reform was first implemented in the economic sphere, beginning with the rural areas.B.Directions: This part consists of five unfinished statements, each followed by four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes each statement and write the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.11._______倾向于直译,常对原文加以改动,以适应中国的文体。他的译法虽然灵活,态度却很谨慎。因此他的译文既准确又流畅。



B.释道安 D.玄奘


A.《论最优秀的翻译》saint jerome


C.《论翻译的原则》Alexander fraser Tytler D.《翻译理论与实践》 Eugene a.Nida 奈达 13.According to George Steiner, the true road for the translator lies through_______.A.metaphrase C.paraphrase

B.imitation D.transliteration 14.傅雷是一位勤奋的翻译家,他研究法国文学,翻译的作品达三十余种,其中包括巴尔扎克的《人间喜剧》和罗曼·罗兰的_______。A.《悲惨世界》 C.《高老头》




浙00087# 英语翻译试题 译文:I must say that Yidi’s book about his childhood and his travels is a best choice for young people and should be read by adults as well, because it is sincere in feeling and lucid in description.It is a very readable, healthy and inspiring book.在改变句子结构方面,此句的译者采用的主要翻译技巧是_______。A.拆句与断句 C.并句

B.断句 D.断句和并句

Ⅱ.Word and Phrase Translation(20 points,1 point for each)A.Directions:Put the following words and phrases into Chinese and write your answer on the answer sheet.16.man of letters

17.Roman Catholic cathedral

18.maternal grandfather

19.mineral deposits

20.offshore oil exploration

21.arteries of communication


23.the Clean Air Act Amendment

24.Olympic mascot

25.global warming

B.Directions:Put the following words and phrases into English and write your answer on

the answer sheet.26.外汇交易





27.手语 29.海洋旅游业 31.调解或仲裁 33.食品安全 35.志愿者

Ⅲ.Translation Revision(20 points, 2 points for each)A.Directions:Each of the following translated sentences is inadequate.Revise the given versions and write your versions on the answer sheet.Example: 浙00087# 英语翻译试题 原文:Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate.译文:阿德莱德享有地中海型气候。


36.原文:Somehow our path took us toward the park.译文:不知怎的,路把我们带向公园。

37.原文: After all, all living creatures live by feeding on something else whether it be plant or animal, dead or alive.译文:毕竟所有活着的生物,不论是植物还是动物,死的还是活的都靠吃某种别的东西生存。

38.原文:One can’t think of Africa without thinking of Egypt, the cradle of an ancient civilization, nor of Egypt without the Nile.译文:想到非洲,人们不可能不想到古代文明发祥地之一的埃及;而没有一个尼罗河的埃及,那也是不可想象的。

39.原文:He walked Susan to the corner and sent his greetings to John,and to Mary, their daughter.译文:他送苏珊到街口拐弯处,请她向约翰、玛丽和他们的女儿问好。

40.原文:The year 1687 saw the publication of Newton’s great book The Mathematical Principles of Natural philosophy.译文:一六八七年看到了牛顿的巨著《自然哲学的数学原理》的问世。41.原文:Now countless homes are still illuminated with oil-burning lamps.译文:许多家庭现在仍然被油灯照明。

B.Directions: Each of the following translated sentences is inadequate.Revise the given

versions and write your versions on the answer sheet.Example:


译文:To write a preface to this collection of his essay gives me a great honor.改译:I find it a great honor to write a preface to this collection of his essays.42.原文:每公顷粮食产量可以提高1,500公斤以上。

译文:The grain output per hectare can be increased by more than 1,500kg.43.原文:因为这种油易于燃烧,可以用作燃料,而且在这方面比煤还有若干优越之处。

浙00087# 英语翻译试题

译文:Because It burns well,it this kind of oil is used as fuel and in some ways it is more superior to than coal in this respect.44.原文:这个文化运动,当时还没有可能普及到工农群众中去。

译文:At that time, this cultural movement was not yet possible to become widely diffused among the workers and peasants.45.原文:湖北岸有“五龙亭”,建于1602年,是封建皇帝垂钓的地方。

译文:On the north shore of the lake is the Five-Dragon Pavilion, built in 1602,the emperors enjoyed fishing there.There is the Five-Dragon Pavilion on the north shore of the lake,built in 1602,where the emperors enjoyed fishing.Ⅳ.Passage Translation(30 points)A.Directions:Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your translation on the answer sheet.(15 points)46.When Chou En-lai’s door opened they saw a slender man of more than average height with gleaming eyes and a face so striking that it bordered on the beautiful.Yet it was a manly face,serious and intelligent, and Chu judged him to be in his middle twenties.Chou was a quiet and thoughtful man, even a little shy as he welcomed his visitors, urged them to be seated and to tell how he could help them.Ignoring the chair offered him, Chu Teh stood squarely before this youth more than ten years his junior and in a level voice told him who he was, what he had done in the past, how he had fled from Yunnan, talked with Sun Yat-sen, been repulsed by Chen Tu-hsiu in Shanghai, and had come to Europe to find a new way of life for himself and a new revolutionary road for China.He wanted to join the Chinese Communist Party group in Berlin,he would study and work hard, he would do anything he was asked to do but return to his old life,which had turned to ashes beneath his feet.B.Directions: Translate the following passage into English and write your translation on the answer sheet.(15 points)47.二十年来,我生活费中至少十分之一二是消耗在书上的。我的房子里比较贵重的东西就是 书。

我一向没有对于任何问题作高深研究的野心,因之所买的书范围较广,宗教、艺术、浙00087# 英语翻译试题 文学、社会、哲学、历史、生物,各方面差不多都有一点。最多的是各国文学名著的译本,与本国古来的诗文集。别的门类只是些概论等类的入门书而已。

浙00087# 英语翻译试题




1.be determined by 由…所决定

21.make…possible 使…成为可能

22.combine…with 把……和…结合起来;

2.have something to do with 与…有关

3.be central to sth.是…的核心

4.in contrast/by contrast与此相反

5.be due to 由于(常做表语)

6.be deprived of 被剥夺

7.respond to 对…作出反应

8.as the basis of 依据/根据

9.be born with 天生具有

10.In contrast 相比之下


11.shut off 关上,停止,切断

12.in any case=at any rate 不管怎样,无论如何; in no case 决不

13.or so 大概,大约

14.at the rate of 以…的速率

15.take time 花费时间

16.be likely to 可能;倾向于

17.result in 导致

18.not nearly 远不能;远非

19.head into走向;陷入(危机)

20.in the matter of 关于;就…而言


23.in the fashion of 以…方式

24.such…as 像…一样


25.refer to…提到;谈到

26.agreement on 一致意见

27.be comparable to 和…相当;犹 如

28.in terms of 根据;按照;在…方面

29.on the whole 总体来说;大体上看

30.draw a conclusion 得出结论

31.have the attitude towards 对…的态度

32.only if 只要

33.the same…as 与…一样

34.by lack of=for lack of 因为缺乏


35.nothing but 只不过是

36.by means of 通过;借助于

37.by the help of 通过…的帮助

38.in a sort of sense 从某种意义上来说

39.manage to do sth.设法做到

40.extract …from 从……提炼出

41.out of…起源;来源;根据

42.build up 建立;树立

43.by no means 绝不

44.be compared with 与……相比

45.a sort of 某种

46.set…… in motion开始;

47.differ in…在…方面不同

48.go through 经历;经受;仔细检查

49.in the one case =on the one hand

50.in the course of the day=during the day

51.a train of=a series of=an array of=a variety of


52.revolve around 围绕…转; 以…为中心

53.not so much…as 与其说…不如说…

54.because of 由于

55.move forward 向前发展

56.in short 简而言之;总之

57.as we call it 我们所谓的58.the reach of science 科学能够到达的范围

59.a series of 一系列

60.over the years 多年以来


62.rather than 而不是

63.at the expense of=at the cost of 以…为代价

64.vice versa反之亦然

65.depend on 取决于

66.driving force 驱动力


67.social inequality 社会不公

68.in doing sth 在…过程中

69.divert…from 把…从…转移

70.lie with 取决于;在于

71.be validated by 被…验证/证实

72.whether…or 是……还是

73.depend upon…and on 取决于…还取决于…

74.depend upon…and upon 取决于…还取决于…

75.such…as 例如,象这种的76.in general 通常;大体上;一般而言

77.for example 比如

78.compensate for 补偿;赔偿

79.underprivileged youngster 贫困的/下层社会的年轻人

80.grow up 长大

81.under…circumstances 在…环境下


82.be results of 由于…

83.social needs 社会需求

84.to some extent 在一定程度上

85.come to the conclusion 得出结论

86.make demand of 对…提出要求

87.scientific establishment 科研机构

88.in detail 详细地

89.a certain amount of 一定数量的90.not related to… 与…没有关系

91.immediate goals 当前目标

92.be unable to do 不能够…

93.in principle 原则上;基本上;一般而言

94.deal with 应付;解决;处理

95.new forms of thought 新的思维方式

96.as well as 和

97.new subjects for thought 新的思维对象/内容

98.in the past 过去

99.give rise to sth 导致;引起;使…产生


100.scoial contract 社会合同 101.an agreed account of 共识 102.human rights 人权 103.leads ……to 导致

104.at the outset 从一开始;开始的时候 105.invite sb.to do sth.使某人认为 106.duties and entitlements 权利和义务 107.extend to 给与 108.no…at all.根本不是

109.arguing from the view that…以…的角度看

110.different from…… 与…不同 111.in every relevant respect 在所有相关的方面

112.in action 起作用 113.laugh at 嘲笑 1998年

114.even more important 更重要的是 115.be able to 能够 116.look into 洞察;观察 117.put forward 放出;拿出;提出 118.work with 与…共事/合作;起作用 119.close in on 接近,差不多 120.as expected 正如预期的 121.a refinement of 一种更为完美的 1999年

122.as…as… 和…一样 123.conform to 符合;遵照 124.see…as 把…看作

125.less…and more 与其说…不如说… 126.intellectual discipline 知识学科

127.whether…or 是…还是…

128.refer to 指代…

129.peculiar to …特有的

130.appropriate to 适合的;恰当的 131.apply to 适合于;存在于 132.view…as 把…看成;把…当成

133.equate…with 把…等同于…;认为…是 2000年

134.speclialized scientists 专家 135.centralized control 中央控制 136.under…conditions在…条件下 137.such as 比如

138.it is obvious that 很明显…

139.be bound up with与…联系在一起;与…有关系

140.be directly bound up with 与…直接相关

141.in turn 依此;轮流;又

142.rest upon…取决于 143.of all kinds 所有种类的… 144.owing to 由于

145.be exposed to sth.暴露于;接触到 146.be forced to do sth.被迫做… 147.for the reasons given above 由于上述原因

148.far-reaching 意义深远的;影响很大的

149.spread over 遍布;覆盖

150.arise from 由…产生的;由…带来的

151.migration movement 人口流动

152.modern means of transport 现代交通手段

153.population explosion 人口爆炸 2001年

154.pollution monitor 污染监测器 155.digital age 数字时代 156.be regarded as…被当成是

157.piece together 拼合;汇聚;综合158.hundreds of 数以百计的

159.around the world 全世界

160.key breakthroughs and discoveries 重大突破与发现

161.take place 发生 162.point out 指出 163.lead to 导致 164.home appliances 家用电器 165.result in 导致

166.man-machine integration 人机一体化 2002年

167.behavior science 行为科学 168.human nature 人性 169.natural selction 自然选择

170.a little more than a hundred yeras 一百多年

171.what is called 所谓的

172.trace…to… 从…寻找根源;从…研究 173.state of mind 心态 174.and so on诸如此类

175.partly because…and partly because…部分是因为…部分是因为…

176.be held responsible for…被认为应该对…负责

177.be given credit for… 为…受到称赞 178.with it 随之


179.cross-cultrual perspective 跨文化的角度

180.concrete research 具体研究


182.in… manner 以…方式;用…方法

183.seek to 力图;试图;设法

184.combined with 加上;连同

185.bring to 加进;使用;采用

186.define…as… 把…定义为

187.makes…possible 使…成为可能


188.language and thought 语言和思维

189.have some connections with…与…有联系;

190.take root 生根;被牢固树立

191.be obliged to sb.感激某人

192.die out 灭绝

193.so…that… 如此…以至于

194.accuse sb.of… 指责某人干某事

195.be interested in doing sth.对…感兴趣

196.come to 开始;逐渐;进而

197.believe in 相信

198.a sort of某种的199.habitual thought习惯思维

200.grammatical pattern 语法结构


201.publishing houses 出版社

202.as elsewhere 像其他地方一样

203.bring together 使联合;使团结

204.in relation to 有关

205.one another/each other 互相

206.out of… 在…当中

207.make up 组成208.no less than 多达;不少于

209.take a loss 亏损

210.deal with 对付;处理

211.on such a scale 如此规模的212.it is no exaggeration to say…毫不夸张地说

213.the connecting fabric of the Old Continent 欧洲大陆的联系网络/把欧洲大陆连成一个整体


214.define…as… 把…定义为

215.elect…as 把…当作

216.be analogous to… 与…类似;与…相似

216.contribute to… 有助于

217.be charged with…承担…;负责…


219.make reflections on…对…进行思考

220.rules of conduct 行为准则

221.moral code 道德标准

223.moral judgments 道德判断

224.not…any but=noting but

225.more than 不只是

2007 年

226.special preserve 特殊权利

227.intellectual equipment 知识才能

228.everyday realities 日常现实

229.on a daily basis 每天

230.established conventions and special responsibilities 已有传统和特殊责任

231.a clear grasp/command of… 对…的清晰领会

232.leagal learning 法律学习

234.link…to 把…同…联系起来

235.be parallel to 类似于

236.on a daily basis 每天

237.established conventions 既定惯例


238.enable…to… 使…能够

239.be superior to 优于; be inferior to 劣于

240.succeed with 在方面取得成功

241.well-founded 有说服力的242.no power of reasoning 推理能力

243.the common run of men 普通人

244.moral character 道德品质

245.be injurious to 对…有害



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