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Secretary-General’s Message on the International Day against Drug Abuse

and Illicit Trafficking


New York, 26 June 2011


Drug trafficking, once viewed largely as a social and criminal problem, has transformed in recent years into a major threat to the health and security of people and regions.The $61 billion annual market for Afghan opiates is funding insurgency, international terrorism and wider destabilization.In West Africa, the $85 billion global cocaine trade is exacerbating addiction and money-laundering while fueling political instability and threats to security.Every $1 billion of pure cocaine trafficked through West Africa earns more than ten times as much when sold on the streets in Europe.毒品贩运过去基本上被视为是一个社会和刑事问题,但近年来逐渐成为危害人民健康和地区安全的重大威胁。每年610亿美元的阿富汗鸦片制剂市场正在为叛乱活动、国际恐怖主义和更大范围的破坏稳定行为提供资金。在西非,850亿美元的全球可卡因贸易加剧了吸毒成瘾现象和洗钱行为,助长了政治不稳定和安全威胁。每10亿美元的经西非贩运的纯可卡因一旦在欧洲街头售卖就可赚十几倍的钱。

Because the threat is so urgent, I recently established a Task Force to develop a UN system-wide strategy to coordinate and strengthen our responses to illicit drugs and organized crime by building them into all UN peacekeeping, peacebuilding, security, development and disarmament activities.In this way, the United Nations can integrate the fight against drug trafficking and other forms of organized crime into the global security and development agenda.由于这个威胁十分紧迫,我最近成立了一个工作队负责制定联合国全系统战略,以协调和加强我们对付非法药物和有组织犯罪的办法,为此要将这些办法纳入联合国所有维持和平、建设和平、安全、发展和裁军活动。从而使联合国能够将打击贩毒和其他形式的有组织犯罪工作融入全球安全和发展议程。

This year’s International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is an opportunity to highlight the importance of addressing these twin threats through the rule of law and the provision of health services.Our commemoration coincides with the 50th anniversary of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.今年禁止药物滥用和非法贩运国际日是一个机会,可藉此强调通过法治和提供保健服务克服这两个威胁的重要性。我们的纪念活动恰逢《1961年麻醉品单一公约》五十周年。

This Convention and the other major international drug control treaties do more than help us in the fight against drug trafficking;they protect vulnerable people through a wide range of activities to which States parties commit themselves, including education and prevention, treatment of drug dependence, care and rehabilitation for drug users, and social support.该公约和其他主要国际药物管制条约不仅有助于我们打击贩毒,而且还可通过教育和预防、戒毒治疗、吸毒者关怀和康复及社会支持等缔约国承诺开展的广泛活动保护弱势群体。

These measures are critical, because drug use, at its core, is a health issue.Drug dependence is a disease, not a crime.The real criminals are the drug traffickers.这些措施至关重要,因为吸毒的核心是健康问题。吸毒成瘾是一种疾病而不是犯罪。贩毒者才是真正的罪犯。

But the supply side is only half of the equation.Unless we reduce demand for illicit drugs, we can never fully tackle cultivation, production or trafficking.但供应方面只是这个等式的一半。除非我们减少非法药物需求,否则永远无法完全解决毒品种植、生产和贩运的问题。

Governments have a responsibility to counteract both drug trafficking and drug abuse, but communities can also make a major contribution.Families, schools, civil society and religious organizations can do their part to rid their communities of drugs.Businesses can help provide legitimate livelihoods.The media can raise awareness about the dangers of narcotics.各国政府有责任打击贩毒和药物滥用,而社区也可作出重大贡献。家庭、学校、民间团体和宗教组织可以各尽其能,让社区远离毒品。企业可以提供合法的生计手段。媒体可以提高人们对麻醉品危险的认识。

We can succeed if we reinforce our commitment to the basic principles of health and human rights, shared responsibilty, a balanced approach to reducing supply and demand, and universal access to prevention, treatment and support.This will foster communities free of drug-related crime and violence, individuals free of drug dependence who can contribute to our common future, and a safer world for all.我们如果对健康和人权、共同责任、均衡减少供需以及普及预防、治疗和支持服务等基本原则做出更有力的承诺,就能取得成功。这样做将有助于营造没有毒品犯罪也没有暴力的社会,促使人们远离药物依赖,并能够为我们共同的未来和一个对全体人民更加安全的世界做出贡献。

annual:一年一度的 foster:有助于,培养 commemoration:纪念活动 tackle:处理,解决



Secretary-General's Message on the International Day against Drug Abuse and

Illicit Trafficking


New York, 26 June 2011 2011年6月26日 纽约

Drug trafficking, once viewed largely as a social and criminal problem, has transformed in recent years into a major threat to the health and security of people and regions.The $61 billion annual market for Afghan opiates is funding insurgency, international terrorism and wider destabilization.In West Africa, the $85 billion global cocaine trade is exacerbating addiction and money-laundering while fueling political instability and threats to security.Every $1 billion of pure cocaine trafficked through West Africa earns more than ten times as much when sold on the streets in Europe.毒品贩运过去基本上被视为一个社会和刑事问题,但近年来逐渐成为危害人民健康和地区安全的重大威胁。每年收益610亿美元的阿富汗鸦片制剂市场正在为叛乱活动、国际恐怖主义和更大范围的不安定行为提供资金。在西非,850亿美元的全球可卡因贸易额助长了吸毒成瘾的现象和洗钱行为,加剧了政治动荡和安全威胁。经西非贩运的、价值10亿美元的纯可卡因一旦在欧洲街头售卖就可赚十几倍的钱。

Because the threat is so urgent, I recently established a Task Force to develop a UN system-wide strategy to coordinate and strengthen our responses to illicit drugs and organized crime by building them into all UN peacekeeping, peacebuilding, security, development and disarmament activities.In this way, the United Nations can integrate the fight against drug trafficking and other forms of organized crime into the global security and development agenda.由于这个威胁十分紧迫,我最近成立了一个负责制定联合国全系统战略的工作队,以协调和加强我们对付非法药物和有组织犯罪的办法,我们要将这些办法整合到联合国的所有维持建设和平、保证安全、发展的活动和裁军活动中。这样一来,联合国就能够将打击贩毒和其他形式的有组织犯罪工作融入全球安全和发展议程中去。

This year's International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is an opportunity to highlight the importance of addressing these twin threats through the rule of law and the provision of health services.Our commemoration coincides with the 50th anniversary of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.今年的禁止药物滥用和非法贩运国际日恰逢《1961年麻醉品单一公约》发布五十周年。我们可藉此机会强调通过法治和保健服务克服这两个威胁的重要性。

This Convention and the other major international drug control treaties do more than help us in the fight against drug trafficking;they protect vulnerable people through a wide range of activities to which States parties commit themselves, including education and prevention, treatment of drug dependence, care and rehabilitation for drug users, and social support.该公约和其他主要国际禁毒管制条约不仅能帮助我们打击贩毒,而且还可以约束缔约国履行约定、开展各类活动保护弱势群体免受毒品侵害。这些活动包括进行教育和预防、开展戒毒治疗、建立吸毒者保健和康复中心、以及保证社会支持等。

These measures are critical, because drug use, at its core, is a health issue.Drug dependence is a disease, not a crime.The real criminals are the drug traffickers.这些措施至关重要,因为吸毒的核心是健康问题。吸毒成瘾是一种疾病而不是犯罪。贩毒者才是真正的罪犯。

But the supply side is only half of the equation.Unless we reduce demand for illicit drugs, we can never fully tackle cultivation, production or trafficking.但毒品供应只是问题的一个方面。我们只有减少了对非法药物的需求,才能从根本上解决毒品种植、生产和贩运的问题。

Governments have a responsibility to counteract both drug trafficking and drug abuse, but communities can also make a major contribution.Families, schools, civil society and religious organizations can do their part to rid their communities of drugs.Businesses can help provide legitimate livelihoods.The media can raise awareness about the dangers of narcotics.各国政府有责任打击贩毒和药物滥用,同时社区也可作出重大贡献。家庭、学校、民间团体和宗教组织可以各尽其能,让社区远离毒品。企业可以提供正当合法的生计手段。媒体可以提高人们对麻醉毒品危险的认识。

We can succeed if we reinforce our commitment to the basic principles of health and human rights, shared responsibilty, a balanced approach to reducing supply and demand, and universal access to prevention, treatment and support.This will foster communities free of drug-related crime and violence, individuals free of drug dependence who can contribute to our common future, and a safer world for all.如果我们对健康和人权、共同责任、均衡减少供需以及普及预防、治疗和支持服务等基本原则做出更有力的承诺,我们就能取得成功。这样做将有助于消除与毒品有关的犯罪和暴力行为,帮助人们远离药物依赖,并能够为建造我们共同的未来、一个更加安全的世界做出贡献。




高斋翻译TransElegant 整理的CATTI+MTI备考资料


所有解析与例句均来自柯林斯词典 学习笔记:高斋翻译

Message on the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 禁止药物滥用和非法贩运国际日致辞 June 2016 2016年6月26日

【原文】Today is the first International Day Against Drug Abuse andIllicitTrafficking since the adoption last year of the Sustainable Development Goals.Goal 3 calls on countries to strengthen the prevention and treatment of narcotic drug abuse, end AIDS and combat hepatitis.Goal 16 is designed to help to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies and institutions that can address illicit drugs, crime, corruption and terrorism.【译文】



ADJ 非法的;违禁的;不正当的 An illicit activity or substance is not allowed by law or thesocial customs of a country.Dante clearly condemns illicit love.丹蒂旗帜鲜明地谴责不正当恋情。


1、N-COUNT 致幻毒品;麻醉品;(泛指)毒品(亦写作narcotics,尤用于美国英语中)Narcotics are drugs such as opium or heroin which make you sleepyand stop you feeling pain.You can also use narcotics, especially in AmericanEnglish, to mean any kind of illegal drug.He was indicted for dealing in narcotics...他因从事毒品交易被起诉。

He appears to be high on some sort ofnarcotic.他看起来飘飘欲仙,像是吸食了某种毒品。

2、ADJ(尤指药物)麻醉的,致幻的,催眠的 If something, especially adrug, has a narcotic effect, it makes the person who uses it feel sleepy....hormones that have a narcotic effect onthe immune system.对免疫系统有麻醉作用的激素

【原文】The Sustainable Development Goals also informed the deliberations of the UN General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem in April.They support the founding principle of the International Drug Control Conventions, which is to ensure the health and well-being of humankind.This requires a balance between interrupting drug supply and preventing and treating the harmful impact of drugs on people’s health.【译文】



1、N-UNCOUNT 慎重的考虑;仔细的思考 Deliberation is the long and carefulconsideration of a subject.After much deliberation, a decision wasreached...经过深思熟虑后终于作出了一个决定。

After five minutes of deliberation, he wasfound guilty of murdering the president.经过 5 分钟的仔细斟酌之后,他被判谋杀总统罪名成立。

2、N-PLURAL 审议;评议;商议 Deliberations are formal discussions where an issue is consideredcarefully....the outcome of the deliberations...评议的结果

Their deliberations were ratherinconclusive.他们的审议几乎没有得出什么结论。

3、N-UNCOUNT 从容;不慌不忙;审慎 If yousay or do something with deliberation, you do it slowly and carefully.Fred spoke with deliberation...弗雷德字斟句酌。

【原文】Addressing the world drug problem demands a considered and unified response by Governments.The illicit trade in drugs fosters transnational organized crime networks, systemic corruption and widespread violence.It is also a major public health menace.Millions of people are directly affected, especially the poor, vulnerable women and children, and those living in fragile communities.【译文】 解决世界毒品问题需要各国政府采取经过深思熟虑的统一应对措施。非法毒品交易助长跨国有组织犯罪网络、系统性腐败和广泛蔓延的暴力。这也是一个重大的公共卫生威胁。数百万人直接受到影响,特别是穷人、弱势妇女和儿童以及那些生活在脆弱社区中的人。重点词汇段与解析:


1、ADJ 寄养的;代养的 Foster parents are people whoofficially take a child into their family for a period of time, without becomingthe child's legal parents.The child is referred to as their foster child.LittleJack was placed with foster parents...小杰克和养父母住在一起。

Thefoster mother was a wonderful, warm person.寄养母是一个很不错的热心人。

2、VERB 寄养;代养 If you foster a child, you take it into your family for a periodof time, without becoming its legal parent.Shehas since gone on to find happiness by fostering more than 100 children.从那以后她代养了 100 多个孩子,并从中得到快乐。

3、VERB 促进;鼓励;培养 To foster something such as an activity or idea means to help itto develop.Hesaid that developed countries had a responsibility to foster global economicgrowth to help new democracies...他说,发达国家有责任促进全球经济增长,以帮助新兴民主国家。


1、N-COUNT 威胁;危险人物;祸害 If you say that someone or something is a menace to other peopleor things, you mean that person or thing is likely to cause serious harm.In myview you are a menace to the public.在我看来,你对公众是个祸害。...themenace of fascism...法西斯主义的威胁

Excessivedrinking is a social menace.过度饮酒是一种社会公害。

2、N-COUNT 惹麻烦的人(或物);惹人讨厌的人(或物)You can refer to someone orsomething as a menace when you want to say that they cause you trouble orannoyance.You'rea menace to my privacy, Kenworthy...肯沃西,你这人真讨厌,居然侵犯我的隐私。

As Ihave said earlier in this book, bad shoes are a menace.正如我在本书前面说过的那样,劣质的鞋子会很麻烦。

3、N-UNCOUNT 威胁性;危险气氛 Menace is a quality oratmosphere that gives you the feeling that you are in danger or that someonewants to harm you.Thereis a pervading sense of menace.有一种危机四伏的感觉。...avoice full of menace.充满威胁的声音

4、VERB 危及;威胁 If you say that one thingmenaces another, you mean that the first thing is likely to cause the secondthing serious harm.TheEuropean states retained a latent capability to menace Britain's own security.欧洲国家仍具有威胁英国自身安全的潜在能力。

5、VERB 威胁;恐吓 If you are menaced by someone,they threaten to harm you.She'sbeing menaced by her sister's latest boyfriend.她正受到姐姐最近一个男友的恐吓。

6、PHRASE 以威胁(或恐吓)的手段(索要钱财)If someone commits the crimeof demanding money with menaces, they threaten to cause harm unless they aregiven the money.Hedenies demanding money with menaces.他否认有过勒索钱财的行为。


1、ADJ-GRADED 脆弱的;易受伤害的 Someone who is vulnerable is weak andwithout protection, with the result that they are easily hurt physically oremotionally.Old people are particularly vulnerablemembers of our society.老年人是社会中尤为明显的弱势群体。【拓展】vulnerability

David accepts his ownvulnerability.戴维承认了自己的脆弱。

2、ADJ-GRADED 易感染(某种疾病)的;易患病的 If a person, animal, or plant is vulnerable to a disease, they aremore likely to get it than other people, animals, or plants.People with high blood pressure areespecially vulnerable to diabetes...有高血压的人尤其易患糖尿病。

Plants that are growing vigorously are lesslikely to be vulnerable to disease.生命力强的植物不容易得病。【拓展】vulnerability

Taking long-termcourses of certain medicines may increase vulnerability to infection.长期服用某类药品可能会增加感染的可能性。

3、ADJ-GRADED 易受伤害的;易受影响的 Something that is vulnerable can be easilyharmed or affected by something bad.Their tanks would be vulnerable to attackfrom the air...他们的坦克易受到空袭。

...a table showing which cars are mostvulnerable to theft...易被盗车辆一览表

Goodyear could be vulnerable in a prolongedeconomic slump.经济长期疲软可能会对固特异公司造成影响。【拓展】vulnerability

...anxieties aboutthe country's vulnerability to invasion.对于国家易受侵犯的焦虑 【原文】

The challenges posed by the world drug problem require a global response that is simultaneously effective, compassionate and humane.At the April Special Session on the World Drug Problem, tangible progress was made in promoting alternatives to incarceration, fortifying human rights commitments, strengthening the focus on illicit financial proceeds, and tackling corruption.On this International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, I call on countries and communities to continue to improve the lives of everyone blighted by drug abuse by integrating security and public safety with a heightened focus on health, human rights, and sustainable development.【译文】



ADJ 同时发生的;同时出现的;同步的 Things which are simultaneous happen orexist at the same time....the simultaneous release of the book andthe album...书和唱片专辑的同步发行 The theatre will provide simultaneoustranslation in both English and Chinese.剧院将提供英语和汉语的同声翻译。【拓展】simultaneously

The two guns firedalmost simultaneously...两支枪几乎同时开火。

The stage version of'The Butcher Boy' was written simultaneously with the novel.《屠夫男孩》的舞台版是和小说一起创作的。


ADJ-GRADED清晰可见的;摸得着的;感觉得到的;明显的 If something is tangible, it is clear enough or definite enough to be easily seen, felt, or noticed.Thereshould be some tangible evidence that the economy is starting to recover...应该有明显迹象表明经济开始复苏了。Therelief was almost tangible.这种解脱几乎可以感觉得到。【拓展】tangibly This tangibly demonstrated that the world situation couldbe improved.这清楚地表明世界局势是可以改善的。


1、N-VAR 破坏因素;祸根;阴影 You can refer to something as a blight when it causes great difficulties, and damages or spoils other things.This discriminatory policy has really beena blight on America...这项歧视性政策确实成了美国的一大祸根。

Manchester still suffers from urban blightand unacceptable poverty.曼彻斯特仍然受到城区脏乱和严重贫困问题的困扰。

2、VERB 破坏(生活);使(希望)破灭;摧毁;损毁 If something blights your life or your hopes, it damages and spoils them.If something blights an area, it spoils it and makes it unattractive.An embarrassing blunder nearly blighted hiscareer before it got off the ground.一个令人难堪的疏忽几乎毁掉了他还没有起步的事业。

...thousands of families whose lives wereblighted by unemployment.成千上万因为失业而难以维持生计的家庭

...a strategy to redevelop blighted inner-city areas.改建破败不堪的旧城区的策略

3、N-UNCOUNT(植物的)枯萎病 Blight is a disease which makes plants dry up and die.


联合国秘书长潘基文在禁止核试验国际日的致辞时间:2010-09-01 08:

21UN Secretary-General's message on the International Day against Nuclear Tests New York, 29 August 2010



This day marks the first observance of the International Day against Nuclear Tests, proposed in 2009 by the Government of Kazakhstan at the sixty-fourth session of the United Nations General Assembly.The fact that the proposal won unanimous support reflects the deep concern of the international community about the dangers posed by such tests.今天首次纪念禁止核试验国际日,国际日是哈萨克斯坦政府2009年在联合国大会第六十四届会议上提议设立的。有关提案获得一致支持,表明国际社会深为关切这些试验带来的危险。

It was on 29 August 1991 that the President of Kazakhstan closed the test site at Semipalatinsk, where 456 nuclear tests conducted during the Cold War era devastated the landscape and left enduring effects on the local population.I witnessed this toxic legacy first-hand when I visited Semipalatinsk earlier this year.哈萨克斯坦总统是在1991年8月29日关闭塞米巴拉金斯克试验场的;冷战期间在该地进行的456次核试验毁坏了当地的景观,对当地人民产生了持久的影响。我今年早些时候到塞米巴拉金斯克时亲眼看到了这个有毒的遗留物。

Today, with Kazakhstan having banished nuclear weapons and joined in creating a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Central Asia, Semipalatinsk has become a powerful symbol.It tells us that a world free of nuclear weapons is achievable.如今,由于哈萨克斯坦摒弃核武器并加入建立中亚无核武器区的工作,塞米巴拉金斯克已成为一个强有力的象征。它告诉我们,建立无核武器世界是一个可以实现的目标。

There is real momentum behind this great cause.This year, the successful conclusion

of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference invigorated the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime.Bold initiatives by world leaders and civil society are showing the way toward changed policies and reduced arsenals.确有力量在推动这一伟大的事业。今年,不扩散核武器条约审议大会的顺利结束为核裁军和不扩散机制增添了活力。世界领导人和民间社会提出的大胆倡议表明,要改变政策和削减武库。

As we mark the first International Day against Nuclear Tests, I look forward to working with all partners to rein in spending on nuclear weapons and rid the world of the nuclear threat.A central pillar of this strategy is the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty(CTBT).Constraining research and development on nuclear weapons is a potentially powerful tool in strengthening the global nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament regime.在我们纪念第一个禁止核试验国际日之际,我期望同所有伙伴合作,控制核武器开支,消除世界上的核威胁。这一战略的中心支柱是《全面禁止核试验条约》(全面禁试条约)。限制核武器的研究与开发可能是一个加强全球核不扩散和核裁军机制的有力工具。

The CTBT was adopted in 1996 but has yet to enter into force.I have called for a timeline of achieving this goal by 2012.Pending the treaty's entry into force, I urge all States to implement a moratorium on all nuclear explosions.《全面禁试条约》1996年获得通过,但尚未生效。我已呼吁制定到2012年实现这一目标的时间表。在条约生效之前,我敦促所有国家暂停所有核爆炸。

We cannot pass these challenges to succeeding generations.We must each do our part to build a safer, more secure world today.我们不能把这些挑战留给后代。我们每个人都必须做出自己的努力,以创建一个更安全、更有保障的世界。



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Secretary-General’s Message on International Youth Day 秘书长国际青年日致辞 12 August 2013 2013年8月12日

Youth Migration, Moving Development Forward “青年移徙:推动发展”

This year’s observance of International Youth Day focuses on the issue of youth migration.Of the annual total of some 214 million international migrants, young people constitute more than 10 per cent, yet too little is known about their struggles and experiences.今年国际青年日纪念活动的重点是青年移徙问题。每年约有2.14亿名国际移徙者,青年占其中10%以上,然而对他们的挣扎和遭遇所知甚少。

The reasons young people migrate are many.Some are fleeing persecution, others are escaping economic hardship.Some are alone, others part of a family – with parents, siblings and even children of their own.Some have communities to go to, others must make new connections.In transit and at their final destinations, many young migrants face equal or greater struggles, including racism, xenophobia, discrimination and human rights violations.Young women, in particular, face the risk of sexual exploitation and abuse.青年移徙的原因是多方面的。一些人要逃离迫害,另一些人是为了摆脱经济困境。一些人只身移徙,另一些人与父母、兄弟姐妹甚至自己的子女等家人一起移徙。一些人有可去的社区,另一些人不得不建立新关系。许多青年移徙者在途中或最终目的地面临同样艰难甚至更艰难的挣扎,包括面对种族主义、仇外心理、歧视、侵犯人权行为。女青年尤其面临遭受性剥削和性虐待的危险。

Poverty, crowded and unsanitary living conditions and the challenges of finding decent employment are regular features of the migrant experience.These challenges areexacerbated by the current global economic and financial crisis.Migrants are also often accused by communities and politicians of taking jobs from local people, exposing them to further risk of discrimination.In other cases, young people left behind by migrating parents face psychological and social challenges and greater vulnerability.移徙者往往在贫穷、拥挤、不卫生的条件下生活,而且难以找到体面就业。当前的全球经济和金融危机加剧了这种状况。社区和政界人士常常指控移徙者抢走当地人民的就业机会,使移徙者更易受到歧视。此外,一些父母移徙时把孩子留下,使其面临心理和社会方面的挑战,而且更易受到伤害。

It is important to emphasize the positive contribution young migrants make to societies of origin, transit and destination – economically and by enriching the social and cultural fabric.Most work hard to earn a living and improve their circumstances.必须强调,青年移徙者为原籍国、过境国、目的地国社会作出了积极贡献,包括在经济方面,也包括丰富社会和文化结构。大多数青年移徙者努力谋生和改善生活条件。The remittances they send to support families in their home countries are a major contributor to economies worldwide.When they return home, young migrants often enhance development by applying skills and ideas acquired abroad.And, in many cases, women are empowered through migration as they gain financial and social independence.他们汇款养活原籍国的家庭,是全球经济的一个重要促进因素。当青年移徙者返回家园后,往往会运用在国外获得的技能和观念促进发展。此外,许多妇女能通过移徙赢得经济和社会独立。

In October, the United Nations General Assembly will host the second High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development.I urge Member States to consider youth migration.Working with and for young people is one of my top priorities.On this International Youth Day, I encourage Member States, youth-led organizations and other stakeholders to act to promote the rights of all young migrants and maximize the development potential of youth migration.今年10月,联合国大会将主办第二次国际移徙与发展高级别对话。我敦促会员国审议青年移徙问题。我的最优先事项之一就是与青年合作和为青年而工作。值此国际青年日之际,我鼓励各会员国、青年领导的组织和其他利益攸关方采取行动,促进青年移徙者的权利,并最大限度地发挥青年移徙在促进发展方面的潜力。



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