1. 对成语进行即刻的、现场的翻译不是一件容易的事。中国的成语非常丰富,如果能存储大量的成语双语转换,了解一些成语翻译的方法,对解决成语口译的难题非常有帮助。2. 根据语境,要了解成语的意义和所要传递的内容,翻译出所要表达的意义,而不是字对字的表面对应。理解成语的内涵最为重要。
例如:独立自主,自力更生地发展民族经济/to develop our national economy independently and self-reliantly.用两个副词很好地传递出了原语的含义。
中国人民解放军60年的历史,是我军从小到大,从弱到强的发展史/The 60 years history of PLA is a history of its growth in size and strength.根据原语的含义和上下文的关系,把这两个成语的意义翻译了出来。
3. 要审视出成语的褒贬含义,然后译出相关的色彩。例如:埃及人民威武不屈、团结一致,捍卫了独立和主权。/Unyielding and united as one, the Egyptian people have safeguarded their independence and sovereignty./ 这句里的成语是褒义,所以译文的用词也要表现出赞美的色彩。
忘乎所以/forget oneself, get swollen-headed 4.不要乱用成语,如果不清楚选择用什么成语,那就用朴实,平淡的语言来表达。
例如:你的儿子要去边疆工作,你可千万别拖他的后腿啊。/ Your son wants to go and work in the frontier region, you shouldn’t hinder him.(Or hold sb.back, stop sb.from going)这里的拖后腿不能用pull his leg , 语法对但含义有误。
广义的成语可以包括谚语(proverbs)、成语(idioms)、习语(usage)、俗语(sayings)、格言(maxims)等固定词组(set phrases)。比如在英语中,a rolling stone gathers no moss(滚石不生苔)是谚语,live from hand to mouth是成语,monkey around是习语,Well begun is half done(良好的开端是成功的一半)是俗语。成语是口译工作中经常出现的一个翻译难点。由于成语往往言简意赅、形象生动、寓意深刻、趣味隽永,运用成语可以大大地增强发言的表达力,所以在各种口译场合经常出现成语。特别是在外交活动中,宾主都喜欢引用对方国家的一些古语、诗词、成语等,既可表示对接待国家和人民的尊重友好,也可显示自身良好的文化素养。例如,美国总统尼克松1972年2月首次访华时,在欢迎宴致辞中引用了毛主席的诗词:“So many deeds cry out to be done,and always urgently;the world rolls on,time presses.Ten thousand years are too long,seize the day,seize the hour.”(多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久,只争朝夕。)而江泽民主席在1997年对美国进行国事访问时,也援引了美国诗人朗费罗(Longfellow)一首诗中的一句话:“Something attempted,something done.”(有所追求,才有所成功)。1998年美国总统克林顿率团访华时,他在上海交通大学的演讲中也引用了孔子的话“业精于勤;工欲善其事,必先利其器”(The expectations of life depend on diligence;the mechanic that would perfect his work must sharpen his tools.)来勉励莘莘学子勤奋读书;又引用唐代诗人“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”(bosom friend afar,brings long distance near),表达了增进两国人民友谊的良好愿望。而朱镕基总理在他历年召开的记者招待会上,更是出口成章,妙语连珠。比如他在2002年第十五届人代会结束后的记者招待会上,就以“请大家提问,分秒必争”作为开场白,在随后回答记者的提问中,成语的应用比比皆是,如“我问心无愧”,“老百姓负担不堪,民怨沸腾”,“巧立名目”,“把这个问题追个水落石出”„„ 由此可见,成语是口译中经常碰到的现象。而口译工作即时性,又容不得译员细细查证,慢慢思考,所以对译员的要就特别高,译员必须熟知中英文两种语言中的成语,任何的错翻或乱译,都会使翻译质量大打折扣。比如曾有一个译员把捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜”(penny wise,pound foolish)直译为pick up the sesame seeds but overlook the water melons,让在座的老外莫名其妙,面面相觑。相反,另外一位译员则因为确地解释了外宾讲话时用到的“knock the’wood'’(祈祷好运)这一成语,而赢得了操着一口流利英语,一直坚持不用翻译而自己交流的中方嘉宾的赞许。例如美国著名的演说家Denis Waitley在上海的“知识与创新”每月论坛作演讲时,用老子的“To understand others,it takes intelligence;to understand yourself,it takes wisdom.”(知人者智,知己者明)来说明领导人了解自身的重要性。代表团访问印度时,团长在欢迎仪式上即兴致辞:“我们此次访问印度,是来西天取经’,因为印度先中国加入了世贸组织,在如何运用世贸组织规则保护国内产业方面,比我们要有经验。”随后在回答印度商界朋友提出的“如何用中国哲学家的观点来解释中国的入世决策”时,团长用了“置之死地而后生’’作为回答。在“中国经济与WTO”研讨会上,中国入世谈判首席代表龙永图介绍中国代表团的谈判经历时,用了“韬光养晦”一词。在为上海石化90万吨乙烯项目的系列管理层会议做翻译时,英方总经理谈到某一职位的人选是否合适,用了“The beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”这一谚语。这些亲身经验,使笔者深刻体会到掌握成语翻译的重要性。要精确、熟练地翻好成语,必须要对英汉成语有一个全面、细致的了解。而两者之间的比较,以了解其共性及区别,是克服成语翻译的第一步。
Man proposes,God disposes.
0ut of sight, out of mind.
No pains,no gains.(不劳无获)
tit for tat
tempest in a teapot
人心齐,泰山移(When people work with one mind,they can even remove Mount Tai— A united people invincible.)
小洞不补,大洞吃苦(A stitch in time saves nine)
拆东墙,补西墙(rob Peter to pay back Paul)
比如在汉语中,“生米煮成熟饭”(What’s done can’t be undone)、“穿连裆裤”(in collusion with)、“等米下锅”(be in straitened circumstances)都来自于老百姓的日常生活。英语中则有apple-pie order(有条不紊)“milk and water”(淡而无味的),“put all one’s eggs in one basket”(孤注一掷)等。
与各种职业相关的成语有:与铁匠有关的“趁热打铁”(Strike while the iron is hot),与农民有关的“Make hay while the sun shines”,与水手有关的“一帆风顺”(plain sailing),与渔夫有关的“浑水摸鱼”(to fish in troubled water),与士兵有关的“Every bullet has its billet”(每颗子弹都有它的归宿),剑拔弩张(with swords drawn and bows bent),与运动员有关的有“棋逢对手”(meet one’s match in a chess tournament),“inside track'’(有利的地位,优势),与乐手有关的“play second fiddle“(做副手),“blow one’s own trumpet”(自吹自擂)。
出自寓言的汉语中有“守株待兔”,英语中有“blow hot and cold”(出尔反尔,出自《伊索寓言》);出自神话的汉语中有“精卫填海”,英语中有“Achilles’heel”(致命弱点,出自希腊神话);出自宗教的汉语中有“放下屠刀,立地成佛”,英语中有“the writing on the wall”(不祥之兆,出自《圣经》);出自文学典故的汉语中有“阿Q精神”(鲁迅的《阿Q正传》),英语中有“be hoisted with one’s own petard”(害人反害己,出自莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》)等。
as dry as sawdust
like a duck to water
a drowned rat
rats desert a sinking ship
a spent bullet
look for a needle in a haystack
Romeo and Juliet
西施: Helen 张三李四:
Tom,Dick and Harry 目不识丁:
not to know one's ABC
: 3).习俗的不同
to ride out a storm
to burn one's boats
to put one's oar in
to trim one's sails
to walk the plank
Walls have ears.
a thorn in the flesh
add fuel to the fire
burn one’s boats
a bolt from the blue
castle in the air
neither fish nor fowl
like a rat in a hole
kill the goose that lays golden egg 杀鸡取蛋
spend money like water
a fair-weather friend
a rough diamond
put the cart before the horse 本末倒置
at sixes and sevens
swallow one’s pride
weigh one’s words
down to earth
go from bad to worse
turn a blind eye to
fall on deaf ears
make one’s mouth water
see stars
face the music
take French leave
go Dutch
above the salt
mind one’s p’s and q’s
临时抱佛脚: to make a frantic last minute effort
an eager beginning but a negligent ending
gossip about this or that person
识时务者为俊杰Whoever understands the times is a great man
Even a clever housewife can’t cook without rice.
A slow sparrow has to make an early start.
see the light at the end of the tunnel 看到隧道口希望的曙光
Rome wasn’t built in one day.
kill two birds with one stone
All cats are gray in the dark.
黑暗中所有的猫都是灰色的, 所以美貌并不重要。
It never rains but it pours.
A tree is known by its fruit.
be insatiably greedy as a snake intending to swallow an elephant
So greedy that one keeps one eye on the bowl and another on the pan
armed to teeth
sour grape
ugly duckling
tip of the iceberg 冰山一角
selling point
paper tiger
lose face
long time no see
eat one’s words不是“食言”,而是“收回前言”,“承认说错了话”。
drop a brick
a woman of the street 不是指“大街上的女人”,而是指“娼妓”。
pull somebody’s leg 不是指“拖后腿”,而是指取笑某人。
A miss is as good as a mile.
move heaven and earth不是指“翻天覆地”,而是指“竭尽全力,千方百计”。
在事先不知道准确译法的情况下,译员应尽量使用意译法,避免直译,以求保证意思的准确传达,避免不必要的误解。例如‘‘东施效颦”,如果译成 Dongshi knitted her brows in imitation of Xishi,意思反而不明确,倒不如简简单单译成a poor imitation;“a skeleton in the cupboard'’也不要提及“壁橱里的骷髅,而把意思“家丑”翻出来就可以了。
有些场合下,必须对有些成语进行解释。比如,在某家外资银行的百年庆典上,中外银行家济济一堂,宾客谈及东南亚金融危机时,外宾伸出手指敲击了一下前面的木茶几,说道,“Let’s knock the wood and hope the Asian financial crisis would soon be over.”这时,译员就有必要解释“knock the wood”这一习语的来历,否则别人就无法理解外宾的行为。又如,中方某代表团访问印度时,团长说道:“我们此次访问印度,是来‘西天取经,因为印度先中国加入了世贸组织,在如何运用世贸组织规则保护国内产业方面,比我们要有经验。”译员在翻译时,也做了如下处理:“0ur current visit to India is to learn experience from India,just as the Chinese monk came to ancient India for Buddhist scriptures over a thousand years ago.We understand India joined WTO earlier than China and is more experienced in protecting its domestic industry.”也就是把“西天取经”的故事简单地介绍一下,如果省略这一典故,单纯翻为“We are here to learn Indian’s experience”,就不能拉近宾主之间的距离,说清中印由来已久的渊源。
对成语的掌握程度,从一个比较高的层次来说,是一个人文化修养的体现。如果说翻不出外国成语还情有可原的话,那么在英译中时翻不出外国人引用的中国古诗或哲学家的话,就显得缺乏文化修养了。例如老外喜欢引用孔子、老子的话。美国著名的演说家Denis Waitley在上海的“知识与创新”每月论坛作演讲时,用老子的“To understand others,it takes intelligence;to understand yourself,it takes wisdom.”(知人者智,知己者明)来说明领导人必须要了解自身。要准确地翻出原文,没有一定程度的文化修养是不行的。
The benevolent have no enemy.化干戈为玉帛
Bury the hatchets and work for peace.三十而立 A man should be independent at the age of thirty.At thirty, a man should be able to think for himself。
时不我待Time and tide wait for no man
不眠之夜 white night
不打不成交 No discord, no concord。拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul 既往不咎 let bygones be bygones 脚踏实地 be down-to-earth
君子之交淡如水 the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal;a hedge between keeps friendship green
破釜沉舟 cut off all means of retreat;burn one‘s own way of retreat and be determined to fight to the end
实事求是seek truth from facts;be practical and realistic;be true to facts 韬光养晦hide one's capacities and bide one's time 糖衣炮弹sugar-coated bullets
无中生有make/create something out of nothing 蓄势而发accumulate strength for a take-off
严以律己,宽以待人be strict with oneself and lenient towards others 鱼米之乡a land of milk and honey 有识之士people of vision
英雄所见略同Great minds think alike
冤假错案 cases in which people were unjustly, falsely or wrongly charged or sentenced;unjust, false or wrong cases 债台高筑become debt-ridden 致命要害Achilles' heel 众矢之的target of public criticism 安居乐业live and work in peace and contentment
白手起家build up from nothing
半途而废give up halfway, leave sth.Unfinished
悲欢离合vicissitudes of life
博古通今erudite and informed
不败之地incincible position
繁荣昌盛thriving and prosperous
爱不释手fondle admiringly
爱财如命skin a flea for its hide
爱屋及乌love me,love my dog He that loves the tree loves the branch
安居乐业live and work in peace and contentment
白手起家build up from nothing
百里挑一one in hundred
百折不挠be indomitable
半途而废give up halfway leave sth.Unfinished
包罗万象all-embracing all-inclusive
卑躬屈膝bow and scrape cringe
悲欢离合vicissitudes of life
背道而驰run counter to run in the opposite direction
本末倒置put the cart before the horse
笨鸟先飞the slow need to start early
必由之路the only way
闭关自守close the country to international intercourse
变本加厉be further intensified
变化无常chop and change fantasticality
变化无常chop and change fantasticality
别开生面having sth.New
别有用心have ulterior motives
彬彬有礼refined and courteous urbane
兵不厌诈in war nothing is too deceitful
博古通今erudite and informed
不败之地incincible position
不耻下问feel not ashamed to learn from one's subordinates
不可救药be past praying for beyond redemption
不劳而获reap where one has not sown
不屈不挠fortitude indefatigability perseverance persevere tenacity
不速之客crasher uninvited guest
不言而喻speak for itself tell its own story tell its own tale went without saying
不遗余力spare no effort spare no pains
不以为然not approve object to
不义之财filthy lucre filthy pelf the mammon of unrighteousness
不远千里go to the trouble of travelling a long distance5
1.skeleton in the closet 家丑
2.red tapes 官僚作风、繁文缛节
3.bell the cat 做冒险的事情 fat cats富人sharp cats 花花公子 live a dog and cat’s life 鸡
犬不宁的生活、吵闹的生活 a cat on hot bricks热锅上的蚂蚁
4.it’s in the bag 事情办妥了
5.give sb the bag/ baby to hold 让某人代为受过
6.eat craw 被迫承认错误
7.have an ax to grind 怀有私心、居心叵测
8.ham actor 蹩脚演员
9.talk through one’s hat 胡说八道
10.face the music 做不想做但又不得不做的事情
11.keep up with the Joneses 与…攀比(物质生活)
12.windfall 意外收获
13.blue stocking 女才子
14.bury the hatchet 讲和 take up the hatchet 开战
15.talk turkey 开诚布公地讲
16.play possum 耍诡计
17.Electra complex恋父情节Oedipus complex 恋母情节
18.stump speaker 基层演说家
19.lame duck 任期将满的议员或总统、即将卸任的官员、即将失势的政客
20.be all thumbs 笨手笨脚
21.apple pie order 井井有条
22.Rob Peter to pay Paul.寅吃卯粮、拆东墙补西墙
23.wash one’s hands of 洗手不干、不管
24.All shall be well, Jack will have Jill.有情人终成眷属
25.beat about the bush王顾左右而言他、东拉西扯
26.shed crocodile’s tears猫哭耗子——假慈悲
27.don’t know sb from Adam 根本不认识某人
28.Adam’s apple 喉结
29.a cold fish 冷漠的人
30.neither fish, nor fowl 不伦不类
31.pour cold water on sb 泼冷水、打击某人
32.hen-pecked man怕老婆的男人
33.apple polisher马屁精
34.have no backbone 没骨气
35.be all ears / eyes to 聚精会神地听/全神贯注地看
36.a cat and dog’s life 鸡犬不宁的生活
37.see eye to eye with 见解一致
38.make sb’s mouth water 垂涎欲滴
39.be under one’s thumb 受某人控制/支配
40.a fish out of water 与外界环境格格不入
41.flog a dead horse 徒劳无益
42.put the cart before the horse本末倒置
43.day in and day out 日复一日
44.Electra complex.恋父情节
45.blue blood出身高贵green hands 新手
46.be hand in glove with sb 沆瀣一气
47.John Bull典型的英国人
48.Jack of all trades and master of none 三脚猫功夫
49.all woman 完美而标准的女性
50.mother hen.唠叨的人
51.a horse of different color 另当别论
52.Be caught red-handed 当场抓获
53.pay through the nose 付出惨痛代价
54.have an ax to grind.怀有私心、居心叵测
55.eats no fish and plays the game.忠诚而坦荡
56.show sb the door.把某人赶出去
57.A leopard can never change its spots 江山易改,本性难移
58.Achilles’ heel 致命弱点
59.sheep, goat 好人、坏人
60.birds and bees 最基本的生理常识
61.drop the ball.错失达成协议的机会
62.pain in the neck 令人讨厌的人
63.apple-polisher马屁精make eyes at 暗送秋波
64.a bolt from the blue.晴天霹雳
65.all bark and no bite.刀子嘴豆腐心
66.bite the bullet 坚持住
67.white elephant.没用的人
68.Dear John 分手信
69.Maverick 自行其是的人
70.white-haired boy 红人、幸运儿
71.have butterfly in my stomach.忐忑不安
72.from the grapevine 小道消息
73.There are plenty of fish in the sea.天涯何处无芳草
74.break the ice.打破沉默
75.cry wolf.危言耸听
76.Rome was not built in one day 冰冻三尺非一日之寒
77.Sphinx’s riddle.难解之谜
78.a short cut 捷径
79.blow cold and hot 三心二意
80.blow one’s own horn自吹自擂
81.brain drain 人才外流
82.burn a hole in one’s pocket花钱如流水
83.pocket one’s pride忍气吞声
84.carry coals to Newcastle多此一举
85.castle in the air空中楼阁
86.cross one’s heart 发誓 eat one’s heart out 悲痛欲绝wear one’s heart on one’s sleeves 感
87.cup of tea意中人、喜欢的东西
88.cut the ground from under one’s feet挖墙脚
89.be dead to the world充耳不闻
90.be Greek to sb 对…一窍不通
91.give sb a dirty look鄙夷地看某人一眼
92.fool around 虚度光阴
93.hold one’s tongue默不作声、沉默不语 silver-tongued 滔滔不绝的口才
94.it’s a deal.一言为定
95.last but not least 最后但很重要的一点
96.lock, stock, and barrel.统统、全部
97.mind one’s p’s and q’s 注意礼貌
98.salad days年轻时代
99.say uncle to 认输
100.no spring chicken 不再年轻
1. 事实胜于雄辩。Facts speak louder than words
2. 浑水摸鱼 fish in troubled water
3. 寸金难买寸光阴。Time can not buy money
4. 公事公办 business in business
5. 文如其人 the style is the person
6. 欲速则不达。More haste, less speed.7. 英雄所见略同。Great minds think alike.8. 失败是成功之母。Failure is the mother of success.9. 有其父,必有其子。Like father, like son.10. 君子协定 gentlemen’s agreement
11. 实事求是 seek truth from facts
12. 武装到牙齿 be armed to the teeth
13. 猫有九命 a cat has nine lives
14. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。A young idler, an old beggar.15. 隔墙有耳,隔篱有眼。Walls have ears, hedges have eyes.16. 谋事在人,成事在天。Man proposes, God disposes.17. 福无双至,祸不单行。Misfortune never comes alone.18. 时不我待/岁月不待人。Time and tide waits for no man.19. 眼不见,心不烦。Out of sight, out of mind.20. 一见钟情fall in love with sb at the first sight
21. 空中楼阁 castle in the air
22. 燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉!how can a sparrow understand the ambition of a swan.23. 沉默是金 silence is gold.24. 如履薄冰 skate on the thin ice
25. 同舟共济 be in the same boat.26. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。Modesty helps one to make progress, conceit makes one
lag behind
27. 无源之水,无本之木。Water without a source, trees without roots.28. 以牙还牙,以眼还眼,以血还血。Teeth for teeth, eye for eye, blood for blood.29. 花钱如流水 spend money money like water.30. 轻如鸿毛 as light as the feather of a swan
1. 情人眼里出西施。The beauty is the eyes of her beholder.2. 有情人终成眷属。All shall be well, Jack will have Jill.3. 说曹操,曹操到。Speak of the devil, and he will appear.4. 杀鸡儆猴 beat a dog before a lion.5. 班门弄斧 teach a fish to swim.6. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。Once bit, twice shy.7. 物以类聚,人以群分。Birds of the same feather flock together.8. 无风不起浪。There is no smoke without fire.9. 胸有成竹 have a sure card up one’s sleeve.10. 本末倒置 put the cart before the horse
11. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。A bosom friend afar brings distance near.12. 一箭双雕 kill two birds with one stone
13. 挂羊头,卖狗肉 he cries wine andsells vinegar.14. 天涯何处无芳草 there are plenty of fish in the sea.15. 强中更有强中手 diamond cuts diamond
16. 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。You can’t judge a book by its cover
17. 水能载舟,亦能覆舟。The same knife cuts both bread and fingers
18. 乱七八糟 be at sixes and sevens
19. 十全十美 to the nines
20. 爱屋及乌 love me, love my dog
21. 天下乌鸦一般黑 all dogs bite
22. 以其人之道,还治其人之身。Serve the person the way he serves you
23. 青出于蓝而胜于蓝。The pupil outdoes the master
24. 得寸进尺/得陇望蜀 give him an inch, and he will want a foot/mile/yard
25. 挥金如土 spend money like water
26. 热锅上的蚂蚁 a cat on hot bricks
27. 落汤鸡 drowned rat
28. 雨后春笋 mushrooms after the rain
29. 一丘之貉be hand in glove with
30. 致命弱点Achilles’ heel
31. 吃一堑,长一智。A fall into the pit ,a gain in your wit
32. 强壮如牛 as strong as a horse
1. 顺其自然 /车到山前必有路 don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.2. 醉翁之意不在酒。Kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake
3. 入乡随俗 do as the Romans do when you were in Rome.4. 塞翁失马,焉之非福? Misfortune may be an actual blessing
5. 有福同享,有难同当。Share bliss and misfortune together
6. 打破沉默 break the ice
7. 三个和尚没水吃 everybody’s business is nobody’s business
8. 自食其果/ 自作自受 as you make your bed, so you must lie in it.9. 五十步笑一百步 the pot calls the kettle black
10. 小巫见大巫 when the sun shines, the moon will be shaded.11. 盛名之下,其实难副。Common fame is a liar.12. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子?no venture, no gains.13. 木已成舟/覆水难收 things done can not be undone
14. 因小失大 penny wise, dollar fool.15. 一失足成千古恨 one mistake committed, repent forever.16. 各人自扫门前雪,哪管他人瓦上霜。Save your breath to cool your own porridge.17. 有心栽花花不发,无意插柳柳成荫。A watched pot never boils.18. 江山易改,本性难移。A leopard can never change its spot.19. 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。Rome was not built in one day.20. 画蛇添足 paint the lily
21. 不知所措 be at sea
22. 留得青山在,不拍没柴烧。Where there is life, there is hope.23. 打开天窗说亮话。talk turkey
24. 出人头地 be head and shoulders above
25. 水生火热 be in great misery
26. 不同凡响 outstanding
27. 草木皆兵every bush and tree looks like an enemy
28. 四面八方from all directions
29. 独一无二 unique
30. 胡说八道 talk nonsense
31. 龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠生儿会打洞。Like father, like son.四、直译加意译
1. 千里之行,始于足下。A journey of one-thousand-Li begins with the first step.2. 强龙难压地头蛇。powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies
3. 跳进黄河洗不清。there's nothing one can do to clear one's name...4. 不到黄河心不死。refuse to give up hope
5. 庆父未死,鲁难未已。Until Qing Fu is done away with, the crisis in the state of Lu will not be
over.6. 癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉 a toad yearn for(lust for)the flesh of a swan;aspire after sth.one is not
worthy of
1. 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。Three cobblers with their wits combined surpass Zhuge Liang the
master mind(two heads are better than one)
2. 叶公好龙Lord Ye's love of dragons(professed love of what one really fears)
3. 欲将西湖比西子,浓妆淡抹总相宜。I would like to compare the west Lake to Xishi, an
ancient Chinese beauty, charming she looks whether richly made up or only slightly so
Group practice: interpret the following short sentences with phrases, idioms and slang.1. 子龙见那妇人身穿缟素,有倾国倾城之色”。
2. “谋事在人,成事在天。”咱们先行谋划,靠着佛祖的保佑,有些机会也未可知。
3. 你不要听他那号话。四月里胡宗南占绥德,不是说...? 他们占了三天,不是夹着尾
4. 不管前面是地雷阵,还是万丈深渊,我将勇往直前、义无反顾、鞠躬尽瘁、死而后已。
5. 一个是水中月,一个是镜中花。想眼中能有多少泪珠儿,怎经得秋流到冬尽,春流到夏。
6. 贾瑞等着,热锅上的蚂蚁一般,只是坐等也不见人影,右听也没声响。
7. 中国有句古话:“上有天堂,下有苏杭。”
8. 他就是“天诛地灭”,于你又有什么益处呢?
9. 我们鼓励文艺界“百花齐放,百家争鸣。”
10.In his famous drama Peony Pavilion, Tang Xianzu affectionately wrote ―May all shall be well, Jack will have Jill ‖
11.The father had thought his son would get rid of the bad habits of playing truant.But he was wrong, ―A leopard can never change its spots‖ overnight.12.Rome was not built in one day, you should keep on studying hard before you can speak fluent English.13.We all dislike the marketing manager, he is not qualified for his position, he doesn’t know how to promote the sales and maintain the relations with our clients, he even doesn’t have a basic knowledge of what is marketing, in a word, he is just a white elephant.14.From that day on we were always together.Jenny and me was like peas and carrots.15.Studying abroad is not easy for every student, for some of them may feel like a
fish out of water when arriving in a foreign country where everything is new to them.16.We must eliminate corruption and red tapes before we are able to establish a clean , small and efficient government.
Health and Diseases 卫生机构
世界卫生组织 World Health Organization 卫生部 Ministry of health 综合医院 general hospital 专科医院 specialized hospital 儿童医院 children’s hospital 产科医院 maternity hospital 整形外科医院 plastic surgery hospital 精神医院mental hospital 肿瘤医院 tumor hospital 诊所 clinic
内科(internal)medical department 外科 surgical department 妇产科 department of gynecology and obstetrics 小儿科 pediatrics department 急诊室 emergency room 挂号处 registration office 住院处admissions office 门诊部 out-patient department/ OPD 住院部in-patient department 护理部 nursing department 手术室 operation room 病房ward 药房 pharmacy
院长 director of the hospital 内科医生 physician 内科主任 head of physician 外科医生 surgeon 外科主任 head of surgeon 住院医生 resident doctor 主治医生 attending doctor 产科医生 obstetrician 小儿科医生 pediatrician 护士长 head nurse 实习医生 intern 救死扶伤 save the dying people and rescue the wounded
先天性疾病 congenital disease 急性病 acute disease 慢性病 chronic disease 流行病 epidemic disease 职业病 occupational disease 传染病 contagious disease 过敏 allergy
小儿麻痹症 polio 阑尾炎 appendicitis 霍乱 cholera 癌症 cancer 糖尿病 diabetes
高血压 high-blood pressure 肥胖症 obesity
支气管炎 bronchitis 哮喘 asthma 关节炎 arthritis
非典型性肺炎 SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome 流感 influenza
甲型流感 A Influenza 禽流感 bird flu
疯牛病 mad-cow disease
口蹄疫 foot-and-mouth disease
手足口病 had-foot-and-mouth disease 尘肺病 black lung disease 狂犬病 rabies 水痘 chickenpox 天花 smallpox 疟疾 malaria
艾滋病 AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
西医 western medicine 量体温 take temperature 量血压 take blood pressure 验血 test blood 血型 blood type 胸透 chest X-ray
全身检查 general check-up 药房 prescription
开药 give sb.a prescription 口服 oral administration
外用 external use 中医Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)/ alternative 计划生育 family planning
提倡优生优育,鼓励晚婚晚育 advocate healthy pregnancy medicine 针灸 acupuncture and moxibustion 草药 herbal medicine 拔火罐 cupping 推拿 massage 气功疗法 traditional Chinese breathing exercises 中西医结合 a combination of Chinese and western medicine 保健
保健食品 health food/health-care food 药酒 medical wine/liquor 人参 ginseng 蜂王浆 royal jelly 疫苗 vaccine 鲜血 donate blood 个人卫生 personal hygiene 免疫力 immunity 治愈率 cure rate 发病率 incidence of a disease 预防为主 put prevention first
Population and family planning 常住人口 permanent population 流动人口 floating population
盲流 the unemployed migrant people 劳动力 labor force 外来工 migrant worker 临时工 seasonal worker 人口普查 census
人口基数 population base 人口稠密 densely populated 人口稀少 sparsely populated 人口爆炸 population explosion 人口过剩 overpopulation 出生率 birth rate 死亡率 mortality rate
自然增长率 natural growth rate 人口老化 aging of population 合法婚龄 legal age for marriage 结婚高峰 marriage boom 生育高峰 baby boom period
and scientific nurture, and encourage late marriage and postponed child-bearing
破除重男轻女习俗 change attitude of viewing sons as better than daughters
多子多福 the more sons, the more blessings 男尊女卑 Man is superior to woman 传宗接代 carry on the family line
养儿防老 bring up sons to support parents in their old age 避孕 contraception
避孕用品 contraceptives 人工流产 abortion 节育 birth control 产妇 lying-in women
婚前检查 premarriage health checkings 孕产妇死亡率 maternal mortality rate 婴儿死亡率 infant mortality rate
节育率(避孕率)contraceptive prevalence rate 总和生育率 total fertility rate(tfr)平均预期寿命 life expectancy at birth
每年人口增加数 annual increment of the population 人口基数大 large population base
平均年增长数 average annual increase 平均年增长率 average annual growth rate 城市化 urbanization
人口流动 movement of population 流动人口 floating population
人口老龄化 the aging of population 更替水平population replacement level 社会保障体系 social security system
农村剩余劳力的转移 the transfer of rural surplus labors 正规的学校教育 formal school education
到去年年末,中国人口已达到11亿8千5百万,比上一年净增长1346万。By the end of last year, the Chinese population had reached 1,185 million, a net increase of 13.34 million from a year ago.计划生育政策符合中国国情,符合整个国家的利益。The family control policy suits China’s basic conditions and serves the interests of the whole nation.sixth nationwide population census 第六次全国人口普查 door-to-door interviews/door-to-door household survey 入户摸底调查
census enumerators 人口普查员 confidentiality agreements 保密协议
Beijing permanent residency/hukou 北京市常住户口 household register 户口登记簿 temporary residence permit 暂住证
local permanent residence permit 长期居住证 mobile population流动人口 aging of population 人口老龄化 demographic dividend 人口红利
rural left-behind population 农村留守人口 urban population 城镇人口 rural population 农村人口
functional population zones人口功能区 birth rate/natality rate 出生率 births 出生人数 birth peaks 出生高峰 mortality rate 死亡率
general mortality rate 总死亡率 infant mortality rate 婴儿死亡率
sex-age-specific death rate 分性别年龄死亡率 mean age at death平均死亡年龄 average length of life平均寿命 natural growth 人口自然增长
NPG(negative population growth)人口负增长 ZPG(zero population growth)人口零增长 annual growth rate 年增长率
average annual rate of growth平均年增长率 vital index 出生死亡比例 vital statistics 人口统计
age-sex composition 年龄性别组成 age structure 年龄结构 age group 年龄组
expectation of life平均预期寿命
rejuvenation of population 人口年轻化 sex ratio 性比率
sampling survey 抽样调查 random sampling 随机抽样 questionaire 调查表 place of birth 出生地 date of birth 出生日期 sampling error 抽样误差 migration 迁居
emigration 迁出、移居国外 immigration 迁入、移居入境 migrant 移民
internal migration 国内迁移 migration rate 迁移率
Education and Talents
School Personal and organs
小学一、二年级学生 a primary school student in Grade One/ a second-grade pupil
一、高三学生 a(secondary school)student in Junior One/ Senior Three
一年级大学生 freshman 二年级大学生 sophomore 三年级大学生 junior student 四年级大学生 senior student
研究生 a graduate student/ a postgraduate student 向某人授予学位 confer a degree on sb.走读生 a day student/ a non-resident student 应届毕业生 graduating student 学生会 the students’ union
班主任 the teacher in charge of the class/ the Head Teacher of the class
访问学者 a visiting scholar 硕士生导师 tutor
博士生导师 supervisor/ adviser 院士 academician
两院院士 academician of Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese Academy of Engineering
School activities
教书育人 impart knowledge and educate people
学生交付 alleviate/ lighten the burden of the students 教学大纲 the reaching program/ syllabus 批改学生的卷子 to correct students’ papers 期中考试 the mid-term exam
我们语法测试了 We took a test in/ on grammar.口试、笔试 oral exam/ written exam 给考卷打分 to mark the papers
他正忙于毕业设计、写论文 He is busy with his graduation project/ paper
文凭、毕业证书 a diploma/ a graduation certificate 学生证 the student’s identity card 补考 make-up exam
学校纪律 school discipline
奖状、奖励证书 a certificate merit 他旷了一节课 He cut a class.他逃学 He cut school.他被学校开除了 He was expelled from school.他擅自旷课 He was absent from school without leave.给他一个警告处分 give him a disciplinary warning 学费,书费 tuition/ money spent on books
Schools, universities and subjects 托儿所 a nursery 幼儿园 a kindergarten 北大附中 Middle School attached/ affiliated to Peking University 大专 a junior college 高等院校 institutions of higher education/ higher learning 重点、非重点大学 a key/ a non-key university 成人夜校 a night school/ an evening school for adults 函授学校 a correspondence school 远程教育 distance education/learning 专升本 upgrade from associate degree to bachelor’s degree 中等专业学校 a secondary specialized school 技工学校 a technical school 职业学校 a vocational school 普及初等、中等教育 achieve universal primary/ secondary education 义务教育 compulsory school 聋哑学校 a school for deaf-mutes 幼儿师范学校 a school for kindergarten teachers 护士学校 a nursing school 舞蹈学校 a dancing school 戏剧学校 a drama school 文科大学 universities of liberal arts 理工科大学 universities of science and engineering 必修课 compulsory class 选修课 optional/ elective class 招生简章 prospectus/ enrolment catalogue 准考证 exam admission card
Hot issues in educations 普及九年制义务教育 make the nine-year compulsory education universal 民办学校 schools run by non-governmental sectors 自学考试 examination for self-taught students 学分制 credit system 应试教育 exam-oriented education
素质教育 quality-oriented education 实践能力 practical ability
大学生创业 university students start up their own business 自费留学 self-funded study abroad
海外留学人员 Chinese students and scholars studying abroad
托福热降温了 the TOEFL fever has cooled down.考研 take part in the entrance examination for graduate/ postgraduate schools
考研热 craze for graduate school
大专生 a junior college student;associate-degree student 在职博士生 an on-the-job doctorate
硕博连读 a continuous academic project involves postgraduate and doctoral study
同等学力 have the same educational level 双学位 double degree
特困生 the most needy student
担任系学生会干部 serve as an official of the departmental school union
担任校学生会宣传部部长 be the Head of the Publicity Department of the university’s student union
通过大学英语四级考试 pass the College English Test Band 4
获六级证书 obtain a certificate of CET-6
被评为“三好学生” be cited as “three-good student” 获三等奖学金 be awarded the third-class scholarship 召开家长会 to hold a parent-teacher meeting
双向选择 two-way selection(with employers and graduating students choosing each other in a job market)
世界观,人生观,价值观 world outlook/ outlook on life/ outlook on values
陶冶情操 cultivate taste and temperament
因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude 知识经济 knowledge economy 知识密集 knowledge intensive 伪科学 pseudo-science
招生就业指导办公室 enrollment and vocation guidance office
人才流失 brain drain
人才交流 talents exchange 职业培训 job training
211工程 211 Project for higher education
科教兴国 rejuvenate China through science and education 复合型人才 inter-disciplinary talent 勤工助学 work-study 师资力量 the quality of teaching staff 品学兼优 excellent in character and learning
1.出租车起步价 flag down fare 2.法定准备金率 required reserve ratio 3.实体经济 real economy 虚拟经济 fictitious economy 4.反盗版 anti-piracy
知识产权 intellectual property rights 5.出口退税 tax rebates
人民币升值 the yuan’s appreciation 6.信贷紧缩 credit crunch
次贷危机 subprime mortgage rate 最优惠贷款利率 prime rate 7.经济适用房 economically affordable house 8.安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents 9 住房保障制度 housing security system 10.大宗交易系统 block trading system 竞价交易系统 bid trading system 11.暴利税 windfall tax 12.从紧的货币政策 tight monetary policy 13.宽松的货币政策 easy monetary policy 14.审慎的财政政策 prudent fiscal policy 15.油价飙升 oil prices surge 16.原油价飙升 crude oil prices surge 17.石油输出国组织 organization of the petroleum exporting countries(OPEC)18.原油储备 crude oil stockpiles 19.轻质原油 light sweet crude 20.使人均GDP翻两番 to quadruple per capita GDP 21.股权收购、股权投资 stake purchase;take stakes 22.房屋中介 letting agent 保险经纪人 insurance agent 地产经纪人 estate agent 23.直销 direct selling 传销 pyramid selling 24.吃回扣 to take/receive/get kickback 25.洗钱 money laundering 26.透支 overdraft 27.股市牛年 bullish year 28.上市子公司 listed subsidiary
29.海关税收 customs revenue 30.税收减免 tax break 31.货币升值 revaluation
32.货币经纪人 money broker 33.起征点 cutoff point 34.暴发户;新贵 upstart
35.养老保险 endowment insurance 36.解雇金 severance pay 37.勾销债款 write off 38.职员总数 headcount 39.逃税 tax evasion
40.公开募款 initial public offering
41.战略石油储备 strategic petroleum reserve 42.基准点,衡量标准 benchmark 43.出口补贴 export subsidy 44.反托拉斯 anti—trust
45.资产负债表 balance sheet 46.货存,库存量 inventory 47.反倾销 antidumping
48.不足,赤字,差额 shortfall
49.美国联邦储备系统 Federal Reserve 50.资本净值 net worth
香炉 incense burner 八仙桌 square table
王母娘娘 the Queen of Heaven 银河 the Milky Way
因公殉职 perish in the line of duty 药检;兴奋剂检查 doping test 压力锅 pressure cooker
终点裁判员 finishing [placing] judge 救生衣 life vest
泄洪 release flood waters 代理市长 acting mayor 枪支管控 gun control 搁浅 run aground 马赛克 digital mosaic