
时间:2019-05-15 06:10:44下载本文作者:会员上传


大部分都是,如: live,run,stay,clean,play,hold,watch,teach,read,study,teach,eat,drink,write,dance, sing,smoke 瞬间性动词:

open,stop,like,love,die,win,close,shot,begin,start enter,finish



如:have a cold是持续性动词,表示“状态”,可与表延续性的时间状语连用,不定冠词不能省略。

I′ve had a cold since my arrival(到达 n.).I didn′t go to school because I had had a bad cold for days.catch a cold是短暂性动作,表“动态”:它不能和延续性时间状语连用,不定冠词“a”可有可无,catch可用take,get代替。

Put on your coat,or you′ll catch/take/get a cold.Take care not to get cold.但是,若cold前有形容词修饰时,则不定冠词不能省。

如:Brown has taken a slight cold.注意下列句子:

I have caught a cold for over a week.(×)I have had a cold for over a week.()



He worked at eight yesterday afternoon.(×)

He was working at eight yesterday afternoon.()


a)用延续性动词代替终止性动词 a)用延续性动词代替终止性动词


My brother has had(不能用has bought)this bike for almost four years.2、用keep或have代替borrow

I have kept(不能用have borrowed)the book for quite a few days.3、用be替代become

How long has your sister been a teacher?

4、用have a cold代替catch a cold

Tom has had a cold since the day before yesterday.5、用wear代替put on






5、be+awake代wake/wake up



8、be closed代close/shut

9、be+missing(gone,lost)代lose c)用“be+副词”代终止性动词

1“be+on”代start,begin 2“be+up”代get up

3“be+back(to)”代return to,come back to,go back to

4“be here(there)”代come(arrive,reach,get)here或go(arrive,reach,get)there等等


1.“be in/at +地点”代替go to /come to 2.用be in the army 代替join the army 3.“be in/at +地点”代替move to 语的行为动词有持续性动词和瞬间性动词之分,使用中注意两者的区别,就能灵活应用了:)~ 持续性动词:表示一个动作可以持续一段时间或更长时间.常见的有study, play, do, read, learn, drive, write, clean, slean, sleep, speak, talk, wait, fly, stay, write, sit, stand, lie, keep等.瞬间性动词:表示一个动作发生在一瞬间,非常短暂.亦称终止性动词.根据动词在句中当谓语与否,动词还可以分为限定动词和非限定动词。




a.不定式 b.动名词 c.分词 分词又分为现在分词和过去分词


a.一般以to do的形式出现,它除了不能做谓语外,其他句子成分都可以做 a.一般以to do的形式出现,它除了不能做谓语外,其他句子成分都可以做

b.不定式作宾语非常重要,需要牢记,下面是常见的可以直接跟不定式作宾语的一些动词: begin(开始)start(开始)decide(决定)hope(希望)wish(但愿)learn(学习)like(喜欢)love(喜爱)want(想要)try(尝试)ask(询问)plan(计划)manage(成功做)forget(忘记)hate(憎恨)mean(打算)need(需要)prefer(宁愿)remember(记得)


d.需要牢记下面的动词,他们在接不定式做宾语补足语的时候,可以省略to see hear watch notice observe make have let help 3.动名词

a.动名词实际上是动词+ ing ,和现在分词形式一样的,兼有动词和名词的特点



admit(承认)avoid(避免)consider(考虑)deny(否定)enjoy(喜欢)escape(逃脱)finish(完成)imagine(想象)include(包括)keep(保持)mind(介意)miss(失去)practice(练习)suggest(建议)give up(放弃)




过去分词表示已经完成,有被动的含义 c.否定式在其前面加not就可以了




having done 其被动语态是having been done

例:Tom likes cars.He enjoys ___model cars of all kinds.(2005 年上海中考题)A.collects B.collecting C.to collect D.collected

解析:本题考察动词后面跟哪种非谓语动词做宾语。如上所述,enjoy后面只跟动名词做宾语。所以选择B.例:Don’t always make Michael ____this or that.He is already a big boy, dear ,”Mr.Bush said to his wife.(2003年上海中考题)A.do B.to do C.does D.did

解析:本题考察不定式做宾语补足语的情况。如上所述,see hear watch notice observe make have let help接不定式做宾语补足语的时候,省略to。所以本题选择 A.一、延续性动词和终止性动词的概念


延续性动词表示能够延续的动作,这种动作可以延续下去或产生持久影响。如:learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。

终止性动词也称非延续性动词、瞬间动词或短暂性动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。如open, close, finish, begin, come, go, arrive, reach, get to, leave, move, borrow,buy等。


1.延续性动词可以用于现在完成时,其完成时态可与表示“段时间”的状语连用。表示“段时间”的短语有:for two years, during the past three years, since last year, how long等。如:I have learned english since I came here.自从我来到这儿就学英语了。

2.延续性动词不能与表示短暂时间的“点时间”状语连用。如:It raind at eight yesterday morning.(误)rain为延续性动词,而at eight表示“点时间”,前后显然矛盾。如果用延续性动词表示一瞬间的动作,可以借助come, begin, get等终止性动词来表示。上句可改为:It began to rain at eight yesterday morning.(正)又如:

-When did you get to know Jack?-Two years ago.-Then you've known each other for more than two years.-That's right.三、终止性动词的用法特征


The train has arrived.火车到了。

Have you joined the computer group?你加入电脑小组了吗?


误:He has died for three years.正:He has been dead for three years.正:He died three years ago.正:It is three years since he died.正:Three years has passed since he died.(2)他来这儿五天了。

误:He has come here for five days.正:He has been here for five days.正:He came here five days ago.正:It is five days since he came here.正:Five days has passed since he came here.(1)、(2)句中的die、come为终止性动词,不能与表示“段时间”的状语连用。那么,应如何正确表达呢?可以采用下面的四种方法:

(1)将句中终止性动词转换为相应的延续性动词,如上面两例中的第一种正确表达方式。下面列举几例:leave→be away, borrow→keep, buy→have, begin/start→be on, die→be dead, move to→live in, finish→be over, join→be in/be a member of, open sth.→keep sth.open, fall ill→be ill, get up→be up, catch a cold→have a cold。


(3)用句型“It is+段时间+since...”表达原意,如上面两例中的第三种正确表达方式。

(4)用句型“时间+has passed+since...”表达原意,如上面两例中的第四种正确表达方式。


He hasn't left here since 1986.I haven't heard from my father for two weeks.4.终止性动词的否定式与until/till连用,构成“not+终止性动词+until/till...”的句型,意为“直到„„才„„”。如:

You can't leave here until I arrive.直到我到了,你才能离开这里。

I will not go to bed until I finish drawing the picture tonight.今天晚上直到我画完画,我才上床睡觉。


When we reached London, it was twelve o'clock.(reach为终止性动词)

Please look after my daughter while/when we are away.(be away为延续性动词短语)6.终止性动词完成时不可与how long连用(只限于肯定式)。如:

误:How long have you come here? 正:How long have you been here? 正:When did you come here? 常见的有begin, start, finish, go, come, leave, find, get up, arrive, reach, get to, enter, hear, stop, open, close, become, buy, borrow, lend, happen, join, lose, renew, die, take away, put up, set out, put on, get on/off等.




表示能够延续的动作。如:study, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。延续性动词可以与表示时间段的状语连用。

表示时间段的短语有:for+ 时间,for 2 years;since从句,since he came here;since+时间点名词,since last year, since 5 days ago;how long;for a long time等。终止性动词

也称非延续性动词、瞬间动词或点动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。如:open, die, close, begin, finish, come, go, move, borrow, lend, buy,arrive等。

非延续性动词在肯定句中与表示时间点的状语连用,如:two years ago;at 5 o'clock;例:He died 5 years ago.否定的终止性动词可以与表示时间段的时间状语连用。例:I haven't left here for 3 years.I haven't heard from him for 3 weeks.两者的转换 leave---be away, borrow---keep, buy---have, begin/start---be on, die---be dead, finish---be over , join---be on+组织机构, be a member of+组织机构, open sth---keep sth open, fall ill---be ill get up---be up, come here---be here, go there---be there, become---be, come back---be back, fall asleep---be asleep , get to/ arrive/reach---be(in), leave---be away from, get to know---know, go(get)out →be out,put on→ wear catch a cold →have a cold ,get married---be married等。例:The old man died 4 years ago.----The old man has been dead for 4 years.----It is 4 years since the old man died.----Four years has passed since the old man died.He joined the Party 2 years ago.-----He has been in the Party for 2 years.I bought the book 5 days ago.----I have had the book for 5 days.动词相关分类编辑

延续性动词表示能够延续的动作,这种动作可以延续下去或产生持久影响,又叫非点动词。常见的这类动词有:study, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay,smoke等。延续性动词的用法很广,常见于现在完成时中的句子中,且常与for,how,long,since等引导的表示一段时间的状语或状语从句连用。

终止性动词也称非延续性动词、瞬间动词或短暂性动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。如open, close, finish, begin, come, go, arrive, reach, get to, leave, move, borrow,buy,die等。终止性动词又叫点动词,可用于现在完成时态,但由于动作是瞬时间完成的所以不能与for或since引出的时间状语连用。英语中常见的非延续性动词在完成时态中可改为相应的表示延续性的动词或短语,这时可与表示一段时间的的状语连用。词条标签:



终止性动词与延续性动词2009-08-13 11:38 终止性动词


终止性动词也称非延续性动词、瞬间动词或短暂性动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。如open, close, finish, begin, come, go, arrive, reach, get to, leave, move, borrow,buy等。



The train has arrived.火车到了。

Have you joined the computer group?你加入电脑小组了吗?



误:He has died for three years.正:He has been dead for three years.正:He died three years ago.正:It is three years since he died.正:Three years has passed since he died.(2)他来这儿五天了。

误:He has come here for five days.正:He has been here for five days.正:He came here five days ago.正:It is five days since he came here.正:Five days has passed since he came here.(1)、(2)句中的die、come为终止性动词,不能与表示“段时间”的状语连用。那么,应如何正确表达呢?可以采用下面的四种方法:

(1)将句中终止性动词转换为相应的延续性动词,如上面两例中的第一种正确表达方式。下面列举几例:leave→be away, borrow→keep, buy→have, begin/start→be on, die→be dead, move to→live in, finish→be over, join→be in/be a member of, open sth.→keep sth.open, fall ill→be ill, get up→be up, catch a cold→have a cold。


(3)用句型“It is+段时间+since...”表达原意,如上面两例中的第三种正确表达方式。

(4)用句型“时间+has passed+since...”表达原意,如上面两例中的第四种正确表达方式。


He hasn't left here since 1986.I haven't heard from my father for two weeks.4.终止性动词的否定式与until/till连用,构成“not+终止性动词+until/till...”的句型,意为“直到„„才„„”。如:

You can't leave here until I arrive.直到我到了,你才能离开这里。

I will not go to bed until I finish drawing the picture tonight.今天晚上直到我画完画,我才上床睡觉。


When we reached London, it was twelve o'clock.(reach为终止性动词)

Please look after my daughter while/when we are away.(be away为延续性动词短语)

6.终止性动词完成时不可与how long连用(只限于肯定式)。如:

误:How long have you come here?

正:How long have you been here?

正:When did you come here?




1.I have learned more than 1,000 Chinese words since I came to China.


2.We have lived in Linqing since we came here.自从来到这儿,我们就一直住在临清。

3.I have kept the picture for about three years.这张画我保存了大约三年。




(1)How long have you had it? 这辆车你买了多久了?

[说明] 在英语中,非延续性动词不能与表示一段时间的时间状语连用。所以我们不说“How

long have you bought it?”因为how long 是“多久”的意思,而buy是非延续性动词,二者

不相配。常用的非延续性动词有:become, begin, buy, borrow, arrive, come, die, fall,finish, get to know, go, join, leave, marry, start, stop等。为了表达这种意思,我们常用

相应的延续性动词 have,keep 或短语 “be+名词,形容词,位置副词,介词短语” 来代替非

延续动词。如:become---be, begin---have/ be on, borrow---keep, buy---have,come---be here/there/in„, die---be dead, finish---be over, join---be in,leave---be away等。

例如:His father has been dead for one year.(不能用die)


My brother has been in the army for two years.(不能用join)


I have kept the book for two weeks.(不能用borrow)


非延续性动词可用与现在完成时态,但由于动作是瞬时间完成的所以不能与for或since引出的时间状语连用.英语中常见的非延续性动词在完成时态中可改为相应的表示延续性的动词或短语,这时可与表示一段时间的的状语连用.Now let's do some exercise!

Which one is correct Can you tell me

He has joined the Party for two years.He has been a Party member for two years.I have bought this computer for a month.I have had this computer for a month.Do this exercise!

I have come here.for two years

He has gone to Beijing.for three months

My mother has left that factory.for ten years

We have started to learn English.for 5 years

I have been here for two years.He has been in Beijing for three months.My mother has been away from that factory

for ten years.We have learned English for 5 years.The film has been on for 10 minutes

They have had a TV for 2 weeks.They have bought a TV.for 2 days

The film has begun.for 10 minutes

I have borrowed a book.for 3 weeks

I have kept a book for 3 weeks.He has been dead for ten years.I have had a cold for several days.瞬间性动词




I'm going away for a few days.我要出去几天。(go away 表示travel)

I went to Paris for two weeks.我去了巴黎两个星期。(go to表示 visit)

We go to the seaside for a week every August.我们每年八月都要到海滨度过一个星期。(go 表示travel)

She left me waiting in the rain for an hour.她让我在雨里等了一个小时。(leave表示cause sb./ sth.to be or remain in a particular state or position,即“使某人或某物处于某一特定的状态”。)



Don't get off until the bus stops.等车停了再下车。(停车之前要处于呆在车上的状态。)



They have been married for ten years.他们结婚已经十年了。

The book has been lost for a week.那书已经丢了一周了。



方法1:Tom has been here for 30 minutes.方法2:It's 30 minutes since Tom arrived.方法3:Tom got here 30 minutes ago.艾丽丝直到她妈妈回来了才睡觉。

方法1: Alice didn't go to bed until her mother came back.方法2: Alice stayed up until her mother came back.你们认识多长时间了?

方法1: How long have you known each other?

方法2: How long ago did you get to know each other?

方法3: How long is it since you got to know each other?




(1)The train ______ ______ ______ for fifteen minutes.(2)fifteen minutes the train left.2.我直到夜里十二点才睡觉。

(1)I______ ______ ______ ______ until 12 at night.(2)I______ ______ until 12 at night.3.他戒烟已经三个月了。

(1)______ three months______ he ______ ______ smoking.(2)He______ ______ for three months.4.他爸爸去世已经三年了。

(1)His father ______ ______ ______ ______.(2)His father______ ______ ______ for three years.(3)______ three years______ his father______.Key: 1.(1)has been gone(2)It's;since

2.(1)didn't go to bed(2)stayed up

3.(1)It's;since;gave up

(2)hasn't smoked

4.(1)died three years ago

(2)has been dead

(3)It's;since;died 更多我的日记

►一般过去时和现在完成时 2009-08-13 11:34 ►现在完成时 2009-08-13 11:18 ►过去完成进行时 2009-08-13 11:17





延续性动词表示能够延续的动作,这种动作可以延续下去或产生持久影响。如:learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。

终止性动词也称非延续性动词、瞬间动词或短暂性动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。如open, close, finish, begin, come, go, arrive, reach, get to, leave, move, borrow, buy等。


1.延续性动词可以用于现在完成时,其完成时态可与表示“段时间”的状语连用。表示“段时间”的短语有:for two years, during/in the past/last three years, since last year, how long等。如:I have learned English since I came here.自从我来到这儿就学英语了。

2.延续性动词不能与表示短暂时间的“点时间”状语连用。如:It raind at eight yesterday morning.(误)rain为延续性动词,而at eight表示“点时间”,前后显然矛盾。如果用延续性动词表示一瞬间的动作,可以借助come, begin, get等终止性动词来表示。上句可改为:It began to rain at eight yesterday morning.(正)又如:

-When did you get to know Jack?

-Two years ago.-Then you've known each other for more than two years.-That's right.三、终止性动词的用法特征


The train has arrived.火车到了。

Have you joined the computer group?你加入电脑小组了吗?




误:He has died for three years.正:He has been dead for three years.正:He died three years ago.正:It is three years since he died.正:Three years has passed since he died.(2)他来这儿五天了。

误:He has come here for five days.正:He has been here for five days.正:He came here five days ago.正:It is five days since he came here.正:Five days has passed since he came here.(1)、(2)句中的die、come为终止性动词,不能与表示“段时间”的状语连用。那么,应如何正确表达呢?可以采用下面的四种方法:



He hasn't left here since 1986.I haven't heard from my father for two weeks.4.终止性动词的否定式与until/till连用,构成“not+终止性动词+until/till...”的句型,意为“直到……才……”。如:

You can't leave here until I arrive.直到我到了,你才能离开这里。

I will not go to bed until I finish drawing the picture tonight.今天晚上直到我画完画,我才上床睡觉。


When we reached London, it was twelve o'clock.(reach为终止性动词)

Please look after my daughter while/when we are away.(be away为延续性动词短语)

6.终止性动词完成时不可与how long连用(只限于肯定式)。如:

误:How long have you come here?

正:How long have you been here?

正:When did you come here?



1.When Henry arrived at the bus stop, the bus ______ for two hours.A.has left B.had left C.has been away D.had been away

2.I ______ the League for five years so far.A.joined B.have joined C.have been in D.join

3.The factory ______ since the February of 1995.

A.has been open B.has opened C.was open D.opened

4.Mary and Rose ______ friends since they met in London in 1998.A.have made B.have been

C.made D.have become

5.You mustn't ______ until he comes back.A.be away B.leave

C.be left D.have been

6.The meeting ______ for a week now.A.has finished B.has ended C.has been over D.has been in

7.Miss Gao______this school since 1996.A.has come to B.came to C.has taught D.has been in

8.Ben ______ a teacher for early three years.A.has been B.has become

C.was D.became

9.I ______ home for a week up to now.A.have returned B.have been back C.returned D.were

10.How long ________ Mr Smith ________?

A.did;die B.was;dead C.was;dying D.has;been dead

11.When I ______ in Beijing, it was raining hard.A.got B.reached

C.arrived D.was

12.Tom ______ the car for two months.A.has had B.bought

C.has bought D.had got

13.-How long ______ you ______?

-Two weeks.A.did;all ill B.have;fallen ill

C.were;ill D.have;been ill

14.Since 1942 he ______ his hometown.A.has left

B.has moved away from

C.has been away from

D.moved away from

15.I'll lend you the bike, but you can only ______ it for two days.A.borrow B.lend C.keep D.take

16.The bus ______ on the road for an hour.A.has stopped B.stopped

C.is stopping D.has been

17.Are you ______ the jacket these days?

A.wearing B.putting on C.dressing D.pulling on


1.My cousins fell asleep 10 minutes ago.My cousins _____ ______ ______ for 10 minutes.2..The paper factory opened in 1999.The paper factory ______ ______ ______ since 1999.3.Mr.Smile borrowed the book 3 days ago.Mr.Smile ______ ______ for 3 days.4.I bought the piano the year before last year..I ______ ______ the piano since the year before last year.5.The film began half an hour ago.The film ______ ______ for half an hour.6The baby caught a cold last night.The baby ______ ______ a cold since last night.7.Her grandfather died 2 years ago.Her grandfather ______ ______ ______ for 2 years.8.The man became a doctor in 2000.The man ______ ______ a doctor since 20000.9..My uncle joined the football team last year.My uncle ______ ______ ______ ______ of the football team since last year.10.They got to Shanghai 4 months ago.They ______ ______ ______ for 4 months.11.He left the company at ten past eight.He ______ ______ ______ ______ the company since ten past eight.12.The Whites came to Hongkong in 1997.The Whites ______ ______ ______ Hongkong since 1997.13.The class ended 5 minutes ago.The class ______ ______ ______ for 5 minutes.

14.I put on the coat at 9 O’clock.I ______ ______ the coat since 9 o’clock.



1.When Henry arrived at the bus stop, the bus ______ for two hours.A.has left

B.had left

C.has been away

D.had been away

2.I ______ the League for five years so far.A.joined

B.have joined

C.have been in


3.The factory ______ since the February of 1995.A.has been open

B.has opened

C.was open


4.Mary and Rose ______ friends since they met in London in 1998.A.have made

B.have been


D.have become

5.You mustn't ______ until he comes back.A.be away


C.be left

D.have been

6.The meeting ______ for a week now.A.has finished

B.has ended

C.has been over

D.has been in

7.Miss Gao______this school since 1996.A.has come to

B.came to

C.has taught

D.has been in

8.Ben ______ a teacher for early three years.A.has been

B.has become



9.I ______ home for a week up to now.A.have returned

B.have been back



10.How long ________ Mr Smith ________?




D.has;been dead

11.When I ______ in Beijing, it was raining hard.A.got




12.Tom ______ the car for two months.A.has had


C.has bought

D.had got

13.-How long ______ you ______?

-Two weeks.A.did;all ill

B.have;fallen ill


D.have;been ill

14.Since 1942 he ______ his hometown.A.has left

B.has moved away from

C.has been away from

D.moved away from

15.I'll lend you the bike, but you can only ______ it for two days.A.borrow




16.The bus ______ on the road for an hour.A.has stopped


C.is stopping

D.has been

17.Are you ______ the jacket these days?


B.putting on


D.pulling on

(Keys: 1-5 DCABB 6-10 CDABD 11-15 CADCC 16-17 DA)西点课业—初中英语延继性动词和终止性动词讲解与专项训练




延续性动词表示能够延续的动作,这种动作可以延续下去或产生持久影响。如:learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。

终止性动词也称非延续性动词、瞬间动词或短暂性动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。如open, close, finish, begin, come, go, arrive, reach, get to, leave, move, borrow,buy等。


1.延续性动词可以用于现在完成时,其完成时态可与表示“段时间”的状语连用。表示“段时间”的短语有:for two years, during the past three years, since last year, how long等。如:I have learned English since I came here.自从我来到这儿就学英语了。

2.延续性动词不能与表示短暂时间的“点时间”状语连用。如:It raind at eight yesterday morning.(误)rain为延续性动词,而at eight表示“点时间”,前后显然矛盾。如果用延续性动词表示一瞬间的动作,可以借助come, begin, get等终止性动词来表示。上句可改为:It began to rain at eight yesterday morning.(正)又如:

-When did you get to know Jack?

-Two years ago.-Then you've known each other for more than two years.-That's right.三、终止性动词的用法特征


The train has arrived.火车到了。

Have you joined the computer group?你加入电脑小组了吗?



误:He has died for three years.正:He has been dead for three years.正:He died three years ago.正:It is three years since he died.正:Three years has passed since he died.(2)他来这儿五天了。西点课业—初中英语延继性动词和终止性动词讲解与专项训练

误:He has come here for five days.正:He has been here for five days.正:He came here five days ago.正:It is five days since he came here.正:Five days has passed since he came here.(1)、(2)句中的die、come为终止性动词,不能与表示“段时间”的状语连用。那么,应如何正确表达呢?可以采用下面的四种方法:

(1)将句中终止性动词转换为相应的延续性动词,如上面两例中的第一种正确表达方式。下面列举几例:leave→be away, borrow→keep, buy→have, begin/start→be on, die→be dead, move to→live in, finish→be over, join→be in/be a member of, open sth.→keep sth.open, fall ill→be ill, get up→be up, catch a cold→have a cold。


(3)用句型“It is+段时间+since...”表达原意,如上面两例中的第三种正确表达方式。

(4)用句型“时间+has passed+since...”表达原意,如上面两例中的第四种正确表达方式。


He hasn't left here since 1986.I haven't heard from my father for two weeks.4.终止性动词的否定式与until/till连用,构成“not+终止性动词+until/till...”的句型,意为“直到……才……”。如:

You can't leave here until I arrive.直到我到了,你才能离开这里。

I will not go to bed until I finish drawing the picture tonight.今天晚上直到我画完画,我才上床睡觉。


When we reached London, it was twelve o'clock.(reach为终止性动词)

Please look after my daughter while/when we are away.(be away为延续性动词短语)

6.终止性动词完成时不可与how long连用(只限于肯定式)。如:

误:How long have you come here?

正:How long have you been here?

正:When did you come here? 西点课业—初中英语延继性动词和终止性动词讲解与专项训练



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