
时间:2019-05-15 07:59:08下载本文作者:会员上传







当然这些年跟着孩子磨耳朵下来,自己的耳朵也变得灵敏多了,我们经常走在路上就会对上动画里的段子,一边对,一边发笑。亲子陪伴让我们彼此的英语水平都有了提高,同时这种陪伴也让我和孩子的亲子关系得到了进一步的升华。往往孩子一个表情,一个动作,一句话,我就能猜出他的心思来。真的是得益于磨耳朵活动在他身上花的这些时间和心思。越早接触儿歌动画,越不容易排斥 孩子在小的时候,中文还没有占据主导地位,看电视的时间也不太多。所以我们的教养方式很容易影响到孩子的习惯和兴趣导向。在Steven很小的时候,我还没有英语启蒙意识的时候,经常给孩子听的是中文儿歌或是古典音乐。


所以在之后正式的磨耳朵之路上,孩子的辨音能力和韵律节奏的进步,以及后来可以整段复述动画情景和绘本故事,大概和幼时听英文儿歌是分不开的。任何时候,动画都是很好的利器在Steven三岁的时候,接触到了英语启蒙理念,在众多粉丝的大家庭里,开始慢慢学习大家的经验,收藏大家的分享。一个偶然的机会,收藏了《Peep and the big wide world》(小鸟趣事多)这部动画。动画里幽默搞笑的鸭子,让孩子痴迷不已,这只Quack夸张的动作,怪腔怪调的声音,总是能让孩子哈哈大笑。其实这部动画的语速并不慢,对于刚启蒙的孩子来说,是有点难度的。但是胜在孩子的兴趣和喜爱,所以他有的是耐心一遍一遍的来看,一遍一遍的来理解。直到有一天他开始连吃饭都会喃喃自语的说里面的台词,完全一幅沉浸在动画世界里的样子。





所以说,孩子对于原版动画的喜爱,是偶然,也并非偶然。找到孩子的兴趣点,用点心思把他吸引过来。然后再和他一起讨论一起分享,把孩子带入到动画世界里,孩子怎么能不喜欢。所以之后Steven又在不同时期迷上了peppa pig,big muzzy,busy town,my little pony等等。一遍一遍的讨论,一遍一遍的探究,就会一遍比一遍更能理解画面的意思,遍数多了,孩子就能自己通过画面把整个故事或某段整个背下来。






可能是亲子阅读进行的太好,我的孩子就特别依赖我给他讲,或者依赖音频以后进行复述。对Steven来说,自己拼读是件很痛苦的事情。即使他能在练习的时候把单词拼的很好,在书里他还是一副很蒙的样子,疙疙瘩瘩,哼哼唧唧。有时狠心让他坚持读step into reading系列,但效果也是时好时坏。因为背诵复述对他来说是一种习惯,一种水到渠成的事情。而拼读是一件新的事情,他还不熟练,还不习惯。所以就会很容易回到他觉得很easy的那种方式,让我给他讲。


碰巧,这时候拿到了新的wonder教材,这些内容对孩子来说,是他能够够到的,所以他愿意读,也喜欢读,信心倍增。当然,在孩子有兴致的情况下,我也会给孩子增加一点有难度的拼读,如very first liabrary,如step into reading 1。难易结合,才能让孩子更快的成长。而且,对待这些分级读物,我不是一套一套的去读,而是穿插起来,选取级别差不多的,尽量把难度控制在最小波动范围内。



英语小达人(English talent)演讲稿

Hello, every one, I am Xu Zi Ran, My English name is Tom, I am nine years old.I from fourth grade of Dong Hua second elementary school.By the way I have been to American with my father and studied in Mckinley elementary school last year.I have a lot of hobbies such as swimming, sing, Chinese handwriting, English speaking and basketball, but my favorite sport is basketball.So this summer vacation, I enrolled in a basketball training in southwest forestry university, my coach is a PE teacher, she is a kind and active women.My team member were study hard, all of us played basketball with sweats and tears under the burning sun.But as the old saying goes, No pains No gains.I gained so many basketball skills, such as pass ball, set shot, jump shot, three point shot and so on.Moreover, I learned the team spirit and I know how to cooperate with my team members, not only play basket ball but also do anything.Now I always play basketball in my spare time, I enjoy it, I love it, I give, I take, how about you? Thank you.



I Got on the Wagon

If I didn’t get help I may have lost my daughters forever.That was the reason I sought treatment.I first began drinking at parties, dinners and other social gatherings.Then I began drinking on my own at home and work.I was fired from my job because I had lack of focus.I went on social assistance11 from the government。

My daughters saw the worst of me and began not to trust me.They would come home from school unsure of what they would find。They didn’t know if I would be drunk or sober, angry or happy.he day my little girl pulled away from me when I went to hug her was the day I realized I had to get help for my problem。

I went to a center for alcoholics.Through the help of social workers, my children and I received living assistance and guidance.Now two years later, I am sober.If I ever feel like a drink, I just think of 25 my girls and remember how good it feels to hug them again。





on the wagon 戒酒

William has been on the wagon for five months.威廉戒酒已有五个月了。

2.forever adv.永远

Nobody lives forever。没有人会永远活着。

3.seek v.寻找

We are seeking employment。我们在招聘。

4.treatment n.治疗

Her cold didn’t respond to treatment。她的感冒对这个治疗没有反应。

5.social adj.社交的

Tom stayed out of the social life of the office。汤姆不和办公室的人打交道。

6.gathering n.聚会

Ruby never joined any political gathering。露比从不参加政治聚会。

7.on one’s own 独自

Ray is capable of finishing this work on his own。雷能够独自完成这份工作。

8.fire v.解雇

Jim was fired on the spot。吉姆当场就被解雇。

9.lack n.欠缺

They can’t swim because of lack of water。他们没办法游泳,因为没水。

10.focus n.注意力

Movie stars always are the focus of attention。影星总是众人注目的焦点。

11.assistance n.协助

Your technical assistance in this program was necessary。你对这个计划的技术协助是必要的。

12.government n。政府

The state government is discussing the proposal。州政府正在讨论这项提案。

13.worst n.最坏的一面

If worse comes to worst, we should deal with it。如果事情越来越糟,我们应该想办法解决。

14.unsure adj.不确定

The baby’s situation remains unsure。这个婴儿的情况尚未明朗。

15.drunk adj.酒醉的

He got drunk after only one can of beer。他只喝了一罐啤酒就醉了。

16.sober adj.清醒的

Jim seldom goes to bed sober。吉姆很少清醒上床。

17.pull away 挣脱

Jane struggled to pull away from the stranger。珍挣扎着想挣脱那个陌生人。

18.hug v.拥抱

Alice always gives her child a big hug when pickingher up。爱丽丝总是在接孩子时给她一个大拥抱。

19.center n.中心

Irene is waiting in the center of the lobby。爱琳在大厅中央等候。

20.alcoholic n.酗酒人士

Bill used to be an alcoholic, but he quit drinkingsix months ago。比尔以前酗酒,不过六个月前他已经戒了酒。

21.social worker n.社工

Social workers visit poor families and provide help routinely。社工固定地造访贫困家庭并提供协助。

22.receive v.得到

They received the support of the investors。他们获得投资者的支援。

23.guidance n.指引

We would appreciate guidance from expertsin this field。我们很感激来自这方面的专家指导。

24.feel like 想要

I feel like a cup of tea。我想喝杯茶。

25.think of 想到

I thought of you immediately when I needed someone who could speak Italian。当我需要会说意大利语的人,我马上就想到你。


Creating Your Own Success

The year was 1993 and due to the recession people were losing their jobs and their homes。Katy Stiles was one of these people.She had to find a cheaper apartment and figure out a way to get back on her feet.Katy was a talented graphic designer and should have had no problem finding work, but no one was hiring。

She decided to start her own business.She sent a proposal to Focus, an agency that helps people start up small businesses.The agency is funded by the government and doesn’t require its clients to pay any fees for their services.This was great news for Katy。

She had sessions with a counselor who gave her information on finance planning, writing a strong business plan and instructed her on good business practices。

Now Katy has a successful graphic design company that gives its client’s fantastic results.Katy had the talent but not the skills to make her own business.With a little help from the right people, Katy has been successful in meeting her goal!








1.due to 由于

Her absence was due to the blizzard.由于暴风雪,所以她没出席。

recession n.经济衰退

Many factories closed down during the period of economic recession.经济衰退期间,许多工厂倒闭。figure out 想出

I will figure out a gift for my mother-in-law.我得想出要送给婆婆的礼物。

back on one’s feet 好转

How nice to see you back on your feet so soon.我们很高兴看到你康复得这么快。

talented adj.有天分的

She’s a talented musician.她是个有天分的音乐家。

graphic adj.图的

Ray works as a graphic designer.雷是平面设计师。

designer n.设计师

Paul is now a world famous fashion designer.保罗现在是世界有名的服装设计师。

hire v.雇用

We hired a driver to take us on a tour of Rome.我们雇用司机载我们在罗马观光。

proposal n.提案

The proposal got no attention.这项提案未获得注意。

agency n.中介公司

Jim found a condo through a real estate agency.吉姆通过房地产公司找到一间独栋公寓。

start up 创立

Her business started up in the 30’s.她的公司成立于三十年代。

v.fund 赞助

Who’s funding the plan? 谁在赞助这个企划?

require v.需要

A copy of your I.D.card is required for the application.申请时需要身份证复印件。


Tony’s on his way to meet a client.托尼正在拜访客户的途中。

fee n.费用

They charge a small service fee.他们收取少许服务费。

service n.服务

That firm is noted for its fi ne service.那家公司以良好的服务闻名。

session n.会议

The committee held a session to discuss the proposed bill.委员会召开会议讨论提议的法案。counselor n.顾问

Tracy’s a financial counselor to the Prime Minister.特雷西是首相的财务顾问。

finance n.财务

The bank’s finances have improved.这家银行的财务状况已有改善。

planning n.规划

Jason studied city planning in college.杰森在大学读的是城市规划。

business plan n.经营企划

The board of directors has not approved the new business plan.董事会不同意新的事业计划。instruct v.告诉

My agent has instructed me that I still owe you 200 dollars.我的经纪人告诉我,我还欠你两百美元。practice n.实务

He promised the idea would work in practice.他保证这个点子将会实现。

24fantastic adj.很好的

That is really a fantastic show!这真是场精彩的表演!

result n.结果

We’re waiting for the result of the exam.我们在等考试结果。《英语小达人》奋斗篇:获救的小狗

The Rescued Puppy

Sammy was out for a walk in the woods when she came across a little puppy laying on the trail.Sammy bent down and the little dirty puppy opened its eyes.She could see that the small animal hadn’t been eating proper meals and its skin was covered in cuts。

Sammy scooped up the creature and carried it home.Once home Sammy put the puppy straight into the bath.The puppy didn’t like the water and as it was trying to get out of the sink, Sammy discovered the puppy was a girl.Finally, after the pup was cleaned and fed, she took her to the vet.The vet gave the tiny dog some medicine and told Sammy the pup would be fine。

Sammy wanted to keep the puppy but she couldn’t because she was allergic to dogs.Sammy posted the puppy’s picture on the Internet.Five days later a family came and took the puppy home。Sammy was sad to see her little friend go but she knew she was going to a good home。





1.back on one’s feet 好转

How nice to see you back on your feet so soon。


2.talented adj.有天分的 She’s a talented musician。


3.graphic adj.图的

Ray works as a graphic designer。


4.designer n.设计师

Paul is now a world famous fashion designer。


5.hire v.雇用

We hired a driver to take us on a tour of Rome。


6.proposal n.提案

The proposal got no attention。


7.agency n.中介公司

Jim found a condo through a real estate agency。


8.start up 创立

Her business started up in the 30’s。


9.fund v.赞助

Who’s funding the plan?


10.require v.需要

A copy of your I.D.card is required for the application。


11.client /5klaIEnt/ n.客户

Tony’s on his way to meet a client。


fee n.费用

They charge a small service fee。


13.service n.服务

That firm is noted for its fi ne service。


14.session n.会议

The committee held a session to discuss the proposed bill。


15.counselor n.顾问

Tracy’s a financial counselor to the Prime Minister。


16.finance n.财务

The bank’s finances have improved。


17.planning n.规划

Jason studied city planning in college。


18.business plan n.经营企划

The board of directors has not approved the new business plan。


19.instruct /In5strQkt/ v.告诉

My agent has instructed me that I still owe you 200 dollars。


20.practice n.实务

He promised the idea would work in practice。


21.fantastic adj.很好的 That is really a fantastic show!


22.result n.结果

We’re waiting for the result of the exam。



Increasing My Value

It took 46 years for me to realize that I was holding myself back in my career.I am a businessman and I love it!However I wasn’t giving myself enough credit for my skills.In other words, I wasn’t charging enough for my services。

I was working too hard and barely getting by.This created a bad situation.Many people were calling me to ask for my services because they had heard about my low fees.I was overworked and began to dislike my job。

A few months ago, I took a workshop that taught me how to recognize my skills and see their dollar value。I began to see myself as a professional instead of someone to be taken advantage of。

It has been only a few months but I am beginning to see many fantastic changes in my career and life.My clientele has also changed.I am receiving jobs from some pretty amazing and important people in the community.I feel grateful that I have discovered a new relationship with my career and myself。





1.increase v.增加

Reading increases one’s knowledge of the world。


2.value n.价值

The value of the dollar may rise。


3.hold back 阻碍

He was held back from that project。


4.career n.职业生涯

You have to take your career into account before you make any decision。


credit n.认同

I didn’t give credit to his plan。


skill n.技能

Reading and writing are necessary skills。


in other words 换句话说

The organization is profit-oriented;in other words, it’soperating on marketing principles。


8.charge v.索价

The bank charges 15 dollars for each domestic wire transfer。


9.barely adv.勉强

Sue could barely see before the operation。


10.get by 过活

I tried to get by on such a small income。


situation n.处境

Jack is in a difficult situation。


ask for 要求

We’ll be asked for a photo when applying for the visa。


hear about 得知

I’m sorry to hear about your loss。


low adj.低的

The firm is in a low building。


overworked adj.工作过度的

Tim felt exhausted from being overworked。


dislike v.讨厌

I dislike having eggs everyday。


17.dollar n.美元

We spent over one million dollars for the campaign。


professional n.专业人员

Only professionals can help us。


take advantage of 利用

Do take advantage of this great opportunity。


clientele n.顾客

The First Lady is one of my important clientele。


pretty adv.相当

It was a pretty cold day。


important adj.重要的 It’s important to learn to swim。


community n.社区

You can always find a Jewish community in major cities。


24.grateful adj.感激的 I’m grateful for your guidance。


relationship n.关系

What’s his relationship to the victim?



Into Ashes

It had been a very dry year and forest fires were everywhere.One particular fire could not be controlled and it destroyed a small housing community called Scenic Hill.Luckily, the community had received a warning from the fire fihters;and the residents were able to escape but their homes and belongings turned to ashes。

Thirty-four homes out of fifty-eight burnt down.Many people lost everything and didn’t have any house insurance.The media16 covered the tragedy and donation funds were set up so people could give money to help out the homeless families。

Local hotels gave free rooms and provided meals.Neighboring communities went throug their belongings and packed up things like clothing, canned food, blankets, shoes and toys to donate to the families in need。

The people of Scenic Hill may have lost their homes, but they did not lose their faith in humanity。With the help and generosity of others, they slowly began to build up their community again。






ash n.灰烬

The tree was burnt to ashes.这棵树烧成了灰烬。

forest n.森林

People have destroyed most of the ancient forests in the world.世界上大多数的原始森林都已遭到破坏。dry adj.干燥的

That state has a dry climate in summer.那个州在夏天气候很干燥。

particular adj.独特的

Maria’s particular way of smiling left a good impression on me.我对玛利亚独特的笑容留下了好印象。

destroy v.破坏

A fire destroyed the gym.火灾烧毁了体育馆。

housing n.住宅

Lots of immigrants are living in bad housing.许多移民住在破旧的房子里。

scenic adj.风景的

I prefer the scenic route, along the coast.我喜欢看风景,就让我们沿着海岸风景路线走。

luckily adv.幸好

Luckily, he was in when I visited.幸好我去时他在家。

warning n.警告

He never heeds my warning.他从不听我的警告。

fire fighter n.消防员

Fire fighters rescued many people from the burning building.消防员从着火的大楼里救出了许多人。resident n.居民

She’s been a resident in this community for five years.她在这个社区住了五年。

escape v.逃离

They escaped from the swaying building during the earthquake.地震时,他们从那栋摇晃的大楼逃离。belongings n.财产

Please take your belongings with you.请别忘了携带随身物品。out of 在……之中

Six out of ten people said they liked the new flavor.十个人中有六个人喜欢那个新口味。

burn down 完全烧毁

The barn was burnt down.那间谷仓完全烧毁了。

media n.媒体

The issue was widely discussed in the media.媒体广泛讨论那个议题。

cover v.报道

Tom covered the Gulf War for CNN.汤姆在波斯湾战争期间为CNN 报道。

tragedy n.悲剧

The 911 attacks were really a tragedy.九一一袭击真是场悲剧。

homeless adj.无家可归的

Tornados in that country made thousands of people homeless.那个国家所发生的龙卷风让数以千计的人无家可归。

free adj.空着的

Is that seat free? 这个位子有人坐吗?

neighboring adj.邻近的

We heard bat calls from the neighboring woods.我们听到附近森林传来蝙蝠叫声。

22go through 翻遍

Leo went through the whole book and didn’t find what he was looking for.李奥翻遍整本书,都没找到他要的资料。

canned food n.罐头食品

He prefers canned food.他偏爱罐头食品。

faith n.信心

He always has faith in God.他对上帝总是深具信心。

generosity n.慷慨

Thanks for your generosity.感谢您的慷慨解囊。


Anger Management

I thought I was a calm and collected person until one day at the office when my anger got the best ofme.I was ina meeting and I felt like I wasn’t being

listened to.I felt that my ideas were being put down and people were interrupting me.I couldn’t take it and I shouted,“Listen to me!”

My sudden8outburst9 made the room go very quiet and I felt embarrassed10.I definitely11 didn’t handle my emotions very well!Not long after theincident, a colleague of mine came to my rescue.She took me for lunch and gave me a book to read。

It was a book about recognizing your feelingsso you can understand them and not let them control you.It gave me lessons to follow and some great advice.I feel I have come a long way.The other day my supervisor pulled me into her office and told me she recognized an improvement in my attitude.It felt great to hear this and gave me the encouragement I needed to continue working on myself。



突然的发飙让办公室瞬间鸦雀无声,而我 觉得很尴尬,我显然没有好好控制情绪!这件 事发生没多久,一位同事成了我的救星,她找 我去吃午餐,并给了我一本书阅读,这是一本 有关了解情绪的书。

一旦了解后就不会被情绪所控制,它给了 我许多值得遵守的训诫以及一些很棒的忠告,我觉得自己大有进步。有一天,我的上司找我 去她的办公室,并告诉我她觉得我的态度大有 改善,我很高兴听到她这么说,这给了我鼓励,让我继续工作下去。

anger n.愤怒

Tim shouted in anger.蒂姆愤怒地大叫。

management n.管理

Sam has been promoted to the management level.山姆升职到管理阶层。

collected adj.平静的

He tried to calm down and become collected.他尝试冷静下来并且变得平静了。

get the best of 击败

The boxer easily got the best of his opponent.这位拳击手轻而易举便击败对手。

put down 批评

She always puts down her husband, but he doesn’t mind.她老是批评她的先生,可是他不在意。interrupt v.打断

Go on.Do not let me interrupt you.请继续,别让我打断你。

take v.接受

I will take your advice.我会接受你的建议。

8sudden adj.突然的

This is a sudden change in the plan.这项计划突然生变。

outburst n.爆发

He apologized for his outburst just now.他为他刚才发脾气而道歉。

embarrassed adj.尴尬的

Kathy feels embarrassed to ask for help.凯西对于开口求助感到难为情。

definitely adv.明显地

He’s definitely going.他一定会去。

handle v.处理

Ms.Hopkins handles the company’s accounts.霍普金斯小姐负责处理公司的账务。

emotion n.情绪

Kevin doesn’t like to express his emotions.凯文不喜欢表达他的情感。

incident n.事件

We decided never to tell anyone about the incident.我们决定绝不告诉任何人这件事。

colleague n.同事

That lady in blue is my colleague.She works for the accounting department.那个穿蓝衣的女子是我会计部的同事。

rescue n.拯救

Rescue was at hand.救援马上就到。

feeling n.感情

Sue was guided by feeling rather than thought.苏跟着感觉走,而不是经过深思熟虑。

lesson n.训诫

Peter has learned his lesson and won’t drive above the speed limit.彼得已学到教训,再也不会超速驾驶。

advice n.忠告

I should have taken his advice.早知道我就听他的忠告。

have come a long way 进展

Her translation skills have come a long way during the past two years。她的翻译能力在过去两年大有进展。supervisor n。上级

The contractor was caught bribing the supervisors.那名建筑商人被抓到对监督单位行贿。

improvement n.进步

I cannot see any improvement in his writing。我看不到他的写作有任何进步。

23attitude n.态度

His awful attitude toward the Israelis is because of his bias.他因为偏见而对犹太人态度很糟。encouragement n.鼓励

Charles owed his success to his wife’s encouragement.查尔斯把成功归功于太太的鼓励。

continue v.继续

We continued to meet every month.我们每个月都见面。


一、Hello!I'm Monkey.你好!我是猴子。I'm small.我是小的。

I'm fluffy and brown.我是毛茸茸的,并且是棕色的。My tail is long.我的尾巴是长的。Look!

看!I can jump.我能跳。Where's my mum?


二、Butterfly:Little baby!


You are sad.Why?

你不开心,为什么? Monkey: I can't see my mum.猴子:我看不到我的妈妈了。Butterfly: Is she big?

蝴蝶:她是大的吗? Monkey: Yes,she's big.猴子:是的,她是大的。Butterfly: Ok!Let's go to find your mum.蝴蝶:好的!让我们一起去找你妈妈吧。

三、Monkey: Are you big?


Elephant: Yes,I am.大象:是的,我是。Monkey: Are you fluffy?

猴子:你是毛茸茸的吗? Elephant: No,I'm not.大象:不,我不是。Monkey: Are you my mum?

猴子:你是我的妈妈吗? Elephant: No,I'm not.大象:不,我不是。

I'm Elephant.我是大象。

四、Monkey: Hello!Are you fluffy?


Parrot: Yes,I am.鹦鹉:是的,我是。Monkey: Is your tail long?

猴子:你的尾巴长吗? Parrot: No,it isn't.鹦鹉:不,它不是。Monkey: Are you my mum?

Parrot: No,I'm not.I'm Parrot.五、Monkey: Hello,Is your tail long?

Snake: Yes,I am.Monkey: Can you jump?

Snake: No,I can't.Monkey: Are you my mum?

Snake: No,I'm not.I'm Snake.六、Monkey: Hello!Can you jump?

Frog: Yes,I can.Monkey: Are you brown?

Frog: No, I'm not.Monkey: Are you my mum?

Frog: No,I'm not.I'm Frog.猴子:你是我的妈妈吗? 鹦鹉:不,我不是。

我是鹦鹉。猴子:你好,你的尾巴长吗? 蛇:是的,我是。猴子:你能跳吗? 蛇:不,我不能。猴子:你是我的妈妈吗?










七、Hello!Are you brown?


Yes,I am.是的,我是。

Are you big and fluffy?

你是大的和毛茸茸的吗? Yes,I am.是的,我是。Is your tail long?

Yes,it is.Can you jump?

Yes,I can.Are you my mum?

Yes,I am.You're my baby!

八、Mum,I love you.Dear baby,I love you too.你的尾巴长吗? 是的,它是。









英语小短剧<小蝌蚪找妈妈> The Little Tadpole Looking for Her Mother(两只小蝴蝶跟着妈妈随着音乐的节奏飞出场。)Butterflies’ Mother: Have a good day!Bye-bye!Butterflies: Bye-bye, Mommy!(两只小蝴蝶随着音乐的节奏飞来飞去)T(倾听): Wow!A new world!How nice!Bs: Good morning.T: Good morning.Who are you? Bs: We’re butterflies.Who are you? Ts: I’m little tadpole.Let’s be friends.Bs: All right.Let’s play.OK? Ts: OK!(music.小蝌蚪、蝴蝶跳舞,然后蝴蝶妈妈过来了)Butterflies’ Mother: Oh!My darling!Bs: Mummy!Mummy!This is little tadpole.Butterflies’ Mother: Nice to meet you.T:Nice to meet you,too.Ms: Oh!my Darling, are you hungry? Bs: Yes, yes, I’m hungry.Ms:OK!Let’s go home.Bs: Goodbye, little tadpole.(蝴蝶妈妈把小蝴蝶们带走了。)T(哭泣): Where’s my mummy? …Where’s my mummy?(鱼出场)T: Mummy!Mummy!F: Good morning, Little Tadpole.T: Good morning, Are you my Mummy? F: No, I’m not.T: Where’s my Mummy? F: Sorry, I don’t know.(鸭子出场)D: Ga-ga-ga-ga-ga.T: Mummy!Mummy!D: Good morning, Little Tadpole.T: Good morning, Are you my Mummy? D: No, I’m not.T: Where’s my Mummy? D: Your mummy has four legs.T: Thank you.D: Goodbye.Little Tadpole.T: Goodbye.(乌龟出场)T: Mummy!Mummy!Tor: Good morning, Little Tadpole.T: Good morning.Are you my Mummy? Tor: No, I’m not.Your Mummy is green.She’s over there.T: Thank you.Tor: Goodbye.Little Tadpole.T: Goodbye.(青蛙出场)M: oh!My baby!T: Mummy!Mummy!M: Oh!My baby!T: Mummy!Mummy!I miss you.M: I miss you, too.(music.两人拉手转圈M: Let’s go home.Ok? T: Ok!

M&T: Goodbye!


小蝌蚪—王宁 蝴蝶妈妈—黎金姝 小蝴蝶—周琰、吕龙龙 鱼—张慧敏 鸭子—吕梦茜 乌龟—吕孜豪 青蛙—石学)



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