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⑴ 2007年广东高考题 【省略阅读文段】








Today is your 50th birthday, on which I thank you again from the bottom of my heart and wish you could enjoy a long and happy life.⑵ 2008年广东高考题 【省略阅读文段】


学校最近组织了一次中美学生交流活动,你参加其中的“大学校园生活”讨论。听完Mike的发言之后,你准备写一份发言稿,题目是“Preparing Myself for College Life”,内容要点包括:






However, life is like a box of chocolate and you’ll never know what’s inside until you open it.Of course the college life will greatly differ from my previous life in high school.But I’m an active girl and I’ll do what Mike taught us to——take part in various activities.I’m sure I’ll make a lot of new friends and with them;I will be absolutely able to adjust the differences in a short time!

⑶ 2009年广东高考题 【省略阅读文段】



2.然后以约120个词就”该不该禁止游客和动物拍照”进行议论, 内容包括:(1)人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和动物拍照;(2)假如你处在那些动物的处境, 你会有什么反应;(3)你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照。【参考范文结尾段】

I think it necessary to ban tourists’ taking pictures with animals,making a comfortable environment for them to live and regarding them as our friends,so as to establish harmonious relations with animals

⑷ 2010年广东高考题 【省略阅读文段】 【写作内容】






I think, as a student myself, school and parents should educate their kids through teaching them to study for their family and their motherland rather than giving them money to letr them passively do something.Only by building up some noble and long-range aims can they study on their own initiative.【优秀范文结尾段2】

To get kids motivated to learn,I think we should not treat every child in the same way.To some students,oral praise is essential.Don’t save the praise for only the top score.If possible,involve other adults in praising them.However,this method may not work well with other kids.May what is more important to them is to watch a movie or go on a trip together with their parents.It just depends.⑸ 2011年广东高考题 【省略阅读文段】 【写作内容】 以约30词概括上文的主要内容。以约120字讲述一次你(或你的朋友)想家的经历,内容包括:(1)时间、地点和起因;



As days went on, I slowly adapted to the new environment.I actively communicated with my new students and made friends with them.My homesick gradually disappeared.二、按不同写作要求划分


⑴ 通过一件事说明一个道理,或有某一种意义。中心: 对他人。第1篇

与他人交往---真实朋友 就“如何才能够交往真实朋友的道理”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点()(),该部分的字数大约120词;(1)、叙述你是怎样与别人交往成为真实朋友的一次真实的或者虚构的经历;(2)、根据这篇文章所阐述的交友道理,结合现实生活,谈谈你的看法

In my opinion, a true friend is someone who is always ready to help you and stay by your side.A true friend cannot be found out on purpose.He appears by chance.When a true friend appears, we must learn to value him;because it’s really hard to find a true friend.In the real world, I treat my friend by heart;because I believe how you treat others, others will use the same way to get along with you.I always try my best to help my friends, in return, they also lend me a hand when I am in troubles.A true friend will never leave you.Instead, he will give you his advice, his guide, his kindness, his warmth at any time you need.第2篇 与他人相处,不看外表看心灵,看行动。

From that I know that only after you have get along with a person for a while can you know how he is.I believe that nothing is impossible, so we should not judge a person from his look but from his behavior.⑵ 通过一件事说明一个道理,或有某一种意义。中心;对本人。第1篇

1、以约120个词写一篇记叙文,描写你认识到耐心的重要性的一次经历,并包括以下要点: 1)、叙述你认识到耐心的重要性的一次真实或虚构的经历;2)你是如何认识到耐心的重要性的;3)耐心对你的生活、学习有什么影响。

…… Only then did I realize the importance of patience.Being impatient will waste all the efforts that we have made.Patience also plays an important part in our study and work.With it we can achieve greater.Now, whenever I am to lose my patience, I’ll think of the experience of waiting for a bus.第2篇

写一篇记叙文,描写你或你的朋友因骄傲而落后的一次经历,并包含以下内容: a)谈谈这则故事给人们的启示;

b)叙述你或你的朋友因骄傲而落后的一次真实或虚构的经历; c)谈谈这次经历对你或你的朋友思想态度的影响。

From then on, I became modest and never proud again.第3篇

写一篇记叙文,描写你第一次同外国人说英语的一次经历。要求包括以下要点()():a)叙述你的一次真实或虚构的经历;b)详细描述这次经历的时间、地点、经过和结果;c)经历此事后的感想。So when we speak with a foreigner, we should be confident about ourselves.Forget all about the grammar and don’t be afraid of making mistakes.第4篇


2.然后以约120词 “就如何战胜病痛” 为主题发表自己的看法,并包括如下要点()(): 1)你是如何面对病痛的;2)你身边的人是如何面对病痛的;3)你认为什么才是战胜病痛的最好方法.In my opinion, we should face pain bravely instead of escaping from it.Besides, we can find a good way to share your feelings with others, and then we’ll overcome it.2、议论文发表观点、看法的: 第1篇




I think it is high time we got rid of these bad habits.Let’s make every effort to do what we can to help hold the 2008 Olympics and the 2010 Asian Games successfully.Remember: small things make a difference.第2篇.1.以约120个词就“低碳生活”进行议论,内容包括:


In a word, leading a low-carbon lifestyle helps cut the carbon-dioxide emissions, save energy and give us a healthy life.(127 words)第3篇.就“节约资源,爱我校园 Save Resources and Love Our School”的主题发表你的看法,内容包括:


(3)建设“国际生态学校”,您该做点什么?(2010深圳一模)To build ours an Eco-school, first I must educate my schoolmates to be more environmentally friendly.Then we can start from doing some small things, such as collecting used items for recycling, turning off the lights, saving water.Always remember our responsibilities, and “Every little counts!” 第4篇




……When it comes to me, I would prefer traveling in a luxury train, reading a novel, tasting milk tea, and enjoying a relaxing morning on a train.3、“二选一”观点的写法

当写作内容出现:“该不该,是还是,是否”等命题时,你的看法、态度、观点最好站在一边来写,此时结尾段亦总结一方观点。第1篇.就“家长该不该首先注重孩子的个性(品格)发展”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包括以下的内容要点,该部分的词数大约120词。1)表明你对短文观点的态度。2)以你自己的经历简述你的父母是怎么做怎么想的。3)你对父母的做法有何看法?为什么? As they say, education begins at one’s earlier age in the family, and I’m really lucky to have such wonderful parents.With no extra parental pressure, I’m always in a relaxed condition for study.So if parents really love their children they should begin by helping them build good personal qualities.第2篇



①In a word, a friend in need is a friend indeed.May all of us treasure our friends.②To sum up, it’s good to have real friends, but we also have something that is for us to do alone.第3篇.你在某英文报刊看到这则新闻后,准备就学生违纪的处理方式写一篇简评给该报编辑部,题目是“Should Schools Suspend Troublesome Students?”。内容要点包括:





If I was in charge of a school I would also be very strict with students who don’t behave well.I would first warn and then suspend students who interrupt the learning of others or disrespect their teachers.But I would also visit the poor student’s home and discuss the problem with his parents so we could find a solution.五、其他精选结尾段



Don't be afraid of life.Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.第2篇

失败是生活中的常事。人们对失败的态度各不相同。就我而言,我认为失败… As for me, I don't think failure is a bad thing.Failure can never discourage me but only enrich my experience and steel my will.With this positive attitude in mind, I will try hard in anything I'm determined to accomplish and attain success in the end.第3篇

Make Our Cities Green(广州亚运与环保)

Making our cities greener requires nationwide efforts.People in every field should not only know about the importance of keeping the quality of urban environment, but also take common action to plant more trees and flowers so as to improve our living conditions.




Should tourists take photos with animals?

Koalas in wildlife parks can’t fall asleep because tourists keep disturbing them.The government is thinking to make the tourists’ behavior illegal to protect theanimals.When people are visiting wildlife parks, they like to take photographs with animals.Reasons for this are varied.Some contrast with taking photos with animals are funny in contrast with taking photos with other persons.Others may think that it will be interesting experience to take photos with animals during their visit.If I were an animal in the wildlife park, I would feel annoyed when peoplekeep photographing with me.My life would be greatly influenced and I won’tfeel happy at all!I think I should have some private space and time to relax myself.However, I don’t agree if it is announced illegal to take photos with animals.Tourist pay for tickets to visit the wildlife park and it will be a pity for them if they can’t have a photo with an animal.Perhaps wildlife park can set some special time, during this time, tourists can take photos with animals.It can both satisfy tourists and protect the animas.(2)

Give Animals Freedom

The koalas had to be awoken as the tourists wanted to take photos with them, though the koalas felt sleepy or fell asleep.This could be an annoying thing, so the Aussie government took some measures to ban such practice.People like to take photos with animals when visiting the zoos.I really canunderstand the visitors because everyone has curiosity about the animals, maybe

for humans’ failure of reaching animals or just for the animals’ cuteness.However, I don’t admire what the visitors had done.Animals in the zoos originally belong to the amazing nature world, on no account should they be trapped in cages or only be offered such limited zones.If I were those animals, I might get extremely furious as I was being awoken every time when trying to have a sound sleep.I might not bear being disturbed by others whenever I was attempting to get a good rest.Since animals are humans’ good friend on the earth, we human beings should be in their shoes to think for them and respect their freedom.In my opinion, Idon’t think it is a right thing to allow visitors take pictures with animals.Animals need their space, freedom and what’s more, they totally have the right of resting as they are members of the earth.Why not respect animals? Give animals enough freedom and do not try to take photos with them all the time, but rather try to comfort tem with soft touching if being allowed!


The author takes Jackie as an example to tell us that koalas don’t like to be awoken because tourists want to hug and make photos with koalas.Besides, the native government tries to make the pratice illegal.Naturally, people love to make photos with animals.On the one hand, they’d like to use the photos as something that reminds them of the travel.It can be understood that everyone wants to remember the happy moments.On the other hand, some people are crazy about lovely animals, such as deer, sheep and so on.As a result, they can’t help hugging with the animals and taking photos with them.However, if I were those animals, I would not feel excited when tourists do that.Maybe my first reaction is to walk round and round, which helps me to avoi

d being touched.Then I would shout at them loudly to frighten them away.At last, I could pretend to be sleeping, which is a good way to let them down.Since I would feel annoyed if I were an animal, the real animals must be upset.So I strongly oppose to be the behavior that tourists take photos with animals.They are our friends and share the same world with us.We ought to treat them better and respect them more.(4)

Koalas at wildlife park in Australia are annoyed because they constantly awoken from their deep sleep to be photographed by visitors so that the park can profit from this.However, the government now is acting to make this pratice illegal, which is quite understandable.People tend to take photos with animals in order to satisfy their curiosity to have a better look at the animals.Moreover, keeping photos of interesting animals will surely leave one a beautiful memory.If I were an animals which is being photographed, I would certainly become scared when being touched by so many strangers.What’s more, I would lose my freedom to do whatever I want and that would drive me annoyed and crazy!Finally, facing all sorts of cameras would exhaust me or even make me weaker.I believe that taking photos with animals should be banned.For one thing, animals are lives, too and they have the rights to live in freedom and happiness.No one is to take their rights away.For another, taking photos with animals may lead to some unexpected dangers.Terrible virus carried by animals can spread to visitors and visitors may also be hurt by animals’ attacks.All in all, taking photos with animals should be banned considering the good of both animals and visitors.




1.In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in„/Evidently,„has bothnegative and positive effects.On one hand,„On the other hand,„

2.Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects asfollows.Firstly,„Secondly,„However, its disadvantages/weaknesses are alsoobvious.One of the important disadvantages is that „To make matter worse,„

3.Generally, its strengths can be seen as follows.For one thing,„For another„But just as a popular saying goes, “every coin has two sides”, „is no exception.In other words, it still had negative aspects.To begin with, „In addition, „


1.To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of „into full play, and reducethe disadvantages to the minimum at the same time.In that case, we will definitelymake a better use of the „

2.Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh/faroutweigh the negative ones.Therefore, I would like to „

3.From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of „, we shouldtake it reasonably and do it according to the circumstance.三、利弊优劣要点拓展段落 Generally speaking, it is widely believed that there are several positive aspects as follows about students' using mobile phones at school.Firstly, with a mobile phone in hand, a student can get in touch with parents conveniently.Secondly, mobile phones can sometimes be used as a dictionary if it is connected with the Internet, which is beneficial to students' English learning.However, its advantages are also obvious.To start with, getting in touch with friends as well as parents by the phone too frequently will surely have a bad effect on students' study.What's worse, it is common for students to get addicted to mobile phone games.From the comparison between these positive and negative effects, we know that its disadvantages far outweigh its advantages.Therefore, students had better not use mobile phones.一般而言,大家都认为学生在学校使用手机有很多好处。首先,有了手机,学生能方便地与父母取得联系。其次,如果你的手机可以上网,你还可以把它当字典用,这对学生的英语学习非常有帮助。然而,学生在学校使用手机的不良影响也是很明显的。首先,过于频繁地用手机与父母和朋友联系对学生的学习有很大的负面影响。此外,很多学生会对手机游戏上瘾。对比其优缺点,我们知道其负面影响大于正面影响,所以,学生在校最好不要用手机。Three minutes' speech in English at the beginning of a period benefits us a lot.Its strengths can be listed as follows.For one thing, it is a good chance for us students to practise our listening as well as speaking.For another, to prepare for it, we need to refer to some books and newspapers, which in return enriches our knowledge.However, just as a saying goes,“every coin has two sides”, and this is no exception.To begin with, it costs the limited time in class.Besides, if we can not make sense of the speeches, we will lose confidence in learning English.课前三分钟的英语演讲对我们英语学习很有帮助。它的好处如下,首先,这是训练学生听说的一个很好的机会。其次,为了作相应的准备,我们要查找报纸和书籍,而这也同时丰

富了学生的知识。然而,正如常言所说“任何东西都有两面,”课前三分钟的英语演讲也不例外。首先,它占用了课堂的有限时间,此外,如果我们听不懂这些演讲,我们会失去学英语的信心。Nowadays, many people prefer to shop on line.Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows.First, it's convenient for us to shop on line.Secondly, it helps save much time, with which we can do other important things.But just as an old saying goes, every coin has two side.Its negative aspects are also apparent.One Of the disadvantages is that we are not sure whether the goods we buy are in good quality.Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects of shopping on line far overweight the negative ones.Therefore, I would like to shop on line.现在,很多人希望在网上购物。通常它有如下的优点。第一,网上购物很方便。第二,它可以帮助节省时间,这个可以让我们做其他重要的事情。但是正如常言所说,任何东西都有两面。它的缺点也很明显。其中一个就是我们不能确定我们买的货物是否质量很好。通过以上的分析,我相信网上购物的优点远远大于它的缺点。因此,我喜欢网上购物。

With the development of economy and technology, an increasing number of parents can afford their children computers.Its advantages can be listed as follows.For one thing, computer brings us a large amount of information.When meeting difficulties in study we can search the Internet for help, which is convenient and fast as well.For another, we are able to talk to our friends through the Internet, discussing problems or something we can't solve by ourselves.However, every coin has two sides, and home computer is no exception.A computer makes some of us so addicted to them that we can't help logging on for games, chatting, blogging or some other forms of amusement, which is what we called Net Addiction.随着经济和技术的发展,能够给孩子提供电脑的父母的数量越来越多。电脑有如下的优点。一方面,电脑给我们提供了大量的信息。当在学习上遇到困难时,我们可以上网寻求帮助,这个快捷又方便。另一方面,我们能通过网络和朋友交谈,讨论问题或者是一些我们不能自己解决的事情。然而,凡事都有两面,电脑也不例外。电脑会让我们上瘾,从而不自觉地登陆玩游戏,博客或者是其它的娱乐方式,这就是我们所说的网瘾。Evidently, students enjoy English films has both negative and positive aspects.On one hand, it helps to raise students' interest in learning English, broadening students' horizons at the same time.On the other hand, students may mainly focus on the story but not on the language, To make matters worse, students' attention to study may be distracted by too many films.明显地,学生欣赏英文电影有好处也有坏处。一方面,它能帮助提高学生的英语学习兴趣,同时扩大学生的视野。另一方面,在看电影的时候,学生可能会专注于情节而不是英语语言。更糟糕的是,看太多的英文电影,会分散学生的注意力。

Pressure has both advantages and disadvantages.On the one hand, a certain amount of pressure can encourage us, inspire us and promote us.On the other hand, too much pressure will certainly do harm to us students, which may influence our health and study.Therefore, we should to bring the advantages of pressure into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time.压力既有好处也有坏处。一方面,一定的压力能够鼓励,激发我们。另一方面,太多的压力必定对我们学生有害,这会影响我们的健康和学习。因此,我们应该充分发挥压力的优势,同时最小地减少压力的劣势。

第四篇:高考英语写作指导 读写任务解析 新课标 人教版

高考英语写作指导 读写任务解析



(1)Let children learn to judge their own work.(2)A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time;if corrected too much, he will stop talking.(3)He notices a thousand times a day the difference between his language and others’ language.(4)Bit by bit, he makes the right changes to make his language like other people’s.(5)In the same way, children learn to do all the other things.(6)They learn to talk, run, climb, ride a bicycle by comparing their own behaviors with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes.(7)But in school teachers never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes for himself, even fewer chances for him to correct himself.(8)They do it all for him.(9)Teachers act as if the student would never notice a mistake if they did not point out it to him.(10)They act as if the student would never correct it unless he was made to.(11)Soon he becomes dependent on the teacher.(12)Let the student do it himself.(13)Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word means and what the answer is to that problem.(文中序号为作者本人所加,以便后文引用。下同。)




















1.论点 Let children learn to judge their own work.2.论据


a.a child learning to talk does not learn...to make his language like other people’ s.b.in the same way, children learn...make the needed changes.2)反面论据

But in school teachers never give a child a chance...he becomes dependent on the teacher.3.结论

Let the student do it himself.Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word means and what the answer is to that problem.第三步,概括转述所给短文的大意。


首先,对作者的观点进行概括转述。作者的观点是Let children Learn to judge their own work.这等于说Let children learn to correct their own mistakes.也就等于说Children’s learning mistakes should not be corrected by their teachers.因此,对作者观点的概括转述可以是The author thinks that children’s learning mistakes should not be corrected by their teachers.这里采用的是“正话反说”的写作方法,实现了概括对方观点的准确性。

接下来,对作者的正面论据进行概括转述。作者的正面论据是,A child learning to talk(孩子学说话)是通过notices...the difference between his language and others’language, 从而自觉地一步一步地makes the right changes(自我校正)学会的。这就是说,A child learns to talk by comparing his language with the others.作者依次类推说,In the same way, children learn to do all the other things.这就可以

概括为: Children learn by comparing their behaviors, including speech, with those of more skilled people.同样,作者的反面论据可概括转述为“But in school teachers point out and correct their students’ mistakes for them too often, making the students dependent on them.”;结论可概括转述为 “So children should learn by correcting their own mistakes and helping each other.”至此,第一项任务 —— 客观、准确而全面地概括转述短文内容要点 ——就完成了。


仔细阅读可以看出,所给短文尽管看上去论证很严密,实际上其论据之间存在着明显的不一致性。我们知道,儿童学习说话、跑步、攀爬、骑自行车与其在学校接受正规教育相去甚远,缺乏可比性。前者可以通过学习者的观察、对比与模仿而完成,而后者是在老师的指导下进行的,由于其复杂性、系统性与间接性,往往需要教师反复指出学生的错误。论据的不一致正是反驳或否定所给材料观点的最佳突破口。据此,我们可用In my opinion, it is definitely not like that.对其观点加以否定。需要顺便提及的是,这句话在全文的语篇结构上还具有承转作用,使上下段落自然过渡,一气呵成。

仅否定对方的观点不等于提出了自己的正确观点。紧接着,要针锋相对地提出自己的观点:Students’ mistakes should be corrected by their teachers.并以此为全文的标题。作为文章第二部分应先拟出它的主题句: In real school learning situations, especially in learning a foreign language like English, without teachers’ correction we cannot make progress.这个段落主题句刚好与前面的标题相呼应,并自然而然地引出论据的写作。



1.提出观点.2.用事例论证 “我”在学习英语的过程中经常出现的错误;“我”对自身错误的认识或“无知”;老师是如何对待“我”的错误的.3.得出结论“我”如何看待老师的做法。理由?让事实说话。老师纠错应受鼓励.根据以上思路,试做以下范文:

The author thinks that children’s learning mistakes should not be corrected by their teachers.If so, children would become dependent on them.So children should learn by correcting their own mistakes and helping each other.(35 字)

In my opinion, it is definitely not like that.As a matter of fact, in real school learning situations, especially in learning a foreign language like English, without teachers’correction we cannot make rapid progress.For example, when I began to learn English, my pronunciation was poor.I used to pronounce the word “work” as “walk”.Hard as I tried, it seemed that I could do little about it.Then I turned to my teacher.He taught me the skills of pronunciation and gave me a lot of practice until I finally I made the right change.You see, what it would be like for us to learn English without teachers’ help!So teachers should be encouraged to correct

children’smistakes when they are learning.(125 字)



2.“语言的规范性”。这是指考生的语言要合乎语法, 进而要使用较为地道自然的英语,不能有语法错误,不能用中国式英语。






“读写任务”题型的设置是英语高考命题的一大进步。它在一定程度上突破了传统写作的限制,注重从篇章结构层次,语言材料的取舍等非语言层面进行考查,能从更高的层次考查英语语言能力。可以说,“读写任务”明显的层次性,适应了考生英语能力的层次性,这与高考选拔人才的层次性是一致的。同时,对于英语写作教学和应考训练也提出了全新的挑战。鉴于读写任务处于“试验期”,许多方面尚待完善。命题的规范性、严谨性及科学性有待提高。比如,所给阅读材料中“Bit by bit, he makes the right changes to make his language like other people’s ” 就不如“others” 规范、简洁;“But in school teachers never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes for himself, even fewer chances for him to correct himself.”显然不合乎逻辑,难道还有比“never”频度更低的?依我看,“never”应该换为“seldom”.此外,对于篇幅的限制还是过于强硬,应该进一步放宽限制,甚至取消限制。但是我们有充分的理由相信,“读写任务”是高考英语写作的必然的方向。


真 题 体 验


My husband received a letter a month ago from a young woman who had been his student when she was in middle school.She was writing because she wanted to thank him for having a great influence on her life.In the letter she wrote, “You were the teacher who helped me discover my talent for math.Before you came to teach us, I had been terribly poor at math, and had never thought that I would be interested in it.To my surprise, you magically showed me the beauty of math.I guess that was the turning point of my attitude towards it.Gradually my interest in it began to grow.Thanks to your encouragement, I made continuous progress in math, and finally made up my mind to study it in the university.Today I am working as an accountant at Valley Medical Center in California.You played an important part.Thank you!”

What a wonderful gift to a retired teacher!My husband has received many letters from students over the years.This one was special, for it arrived at this time in his life when he is in very poor health.[写作内容]



1.作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。[评分标准] 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。【参考范文】

A thank-you letter from an old student of the writer’s husband meant a lot to the retired old man.From the letter, the writer learnt how great influence a teacher might have over his students.The encouragement from a teacher is really of great significance to his/her student, especially when the student has trouble with study.Timely encouragement can raise his confidence and inspire his motivation to work hard.When I was in middle school, I had some difficulty in learning English.I couldn’t remember the new words, so I always did poorly in the English exams.For some time I even decided to give up learning English.However, everything changed when I met Mrs Jones, my new English teacher.She encouraged me to try some different methods to remember English words, and when I made a little progress, she always praised me, so I worked harder than ever.Gradually I became interested in remembering new words and began to catch up with the other students in my class.At the end of term I got the highest mark in English.Now I owe my progress in English to Mrs Jones whose encouragement has made me achieve what I have now.Here I want to send my sincere thanks from heart to her.(2)(2011·广东卷)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。

When Sam first got to his boarding school with his parents, he was very happy.He thought he would be able to go home every weekend.When he was told that he would not, he started crying because the thought of not seeing his parents was driving him crazy.He was given uniforms and all other things that he would need for the term.He started crying when it was time for his parents to leave.He was then taken to the dorm, where he saw other children happy.He tried as much as he could to fit in but he could not because his mind was at home.He started feeling homesick(想家)and wanted to go home as soon as possible.He got sick soon because he could not eat the school food.He could not concentrate in the classroom.All he could think of was being at home with his family.He had no mobile phone or other means to get in touch with his parents.He was angry and felt lonely.He thought his parents hated him and that was why they left him in a boarding school.[写作内容]



1.作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。[评分标准] 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。【参考范文】

After being left in a boarding school, Sam felt so homesick that he was unable to concentrate on his study, which made him lonely and angry with his parents.The story reminds me of the last Mid-autumn Festival I spent alone at school.I was busy preparing for an important exam then, so I chose to study at school that day.I didn’t feel lonely at the beginning.Only after all my classmates had gone home did I begin to feel homesick.The feeling stopped me concentrating on my studies.I wish I had chosen to go home and spend the festival with my parents.What I could do at that time was to make a call to my parents, expressing my loneliness.They comforted me and promised to see me the next day.As far as I am concerned, children are like kites in the sky.No matter where they are, there is always a piece of invisible string which links them to their homes.专题六 读写任务 如何写概括



(A)With his instructor’s help and his hard work, Scoresby, a stupid military man, did better than others in the history examination and even won the first prize in the mathematics examination!(B)The story is about an unforgettable lesson of the writer from an old man while fishing, through which the writer realized patience was very important and that it was the secret of success.2.说明文的概括


(A)Koalas in wildlife parks can’t fall asleep because tourists keep disturbing them.Therefore, the government is thinking to make the tourists’ behavior illegal to protect the animals.(B)The Chinese historic towns’ names record the history and culture of ancient China.However, some have been changed just because they imply “doom”.Some researchers think it is ridiculous because it would destroy their rich historical and cultural connotations.3.议论文的概括


(A)Generally, diligence contributes to success while laziness results in failure.But working continuously is wrong and so diligence with right laziness gives rise to a wholesome life.(B)The passage tells us that stress is not an obstacle but a power of success in your life.What’s more, it is good for us to stay young.According to the study, we know that stress is necessary in our life, which can motivate us to go ahead.如何写段落主题句


(A)Beavers are very diligent dam-builders who can build extremely good dams.However, they sometimes don’t know where to build the dams or which dams should be fixed only because they have no consciousness to make a plan.The beavers’ story illustrates the importance of planning.Without a plan the best intentions and efforts will not produce results.We shouldn’t work blindly but have a clear idea of our purpose, the actions needed to achieve it, and how these should be ordered.As a junior student, I achieved considerable success in learning English through the combination of hard work and planning.I prepared good materials with the help of my teacher, made plans for my daily study and self-monitored the whole process of my learning.I made rapid progress and became very confident.I think I couldn’t have done it without a good plan.Diligence is a key to success, but in my opinion, good plan is also essential.Through planning, we can develop clear goals, find more efficient and effective methods and thus have more opportunities to reach our goals than through hard-working alone.(B)

Enjoy Being Alone The author prefers to spend his or her spare time with friends because he or she thinks friends can offer excitement and fresh ideas to a situation and they can comfort him or her if something bad happens.Personally, I prefer to spend most of my time alone.Friends are important in our growth, but we should not forget the shortcomings of spending too much time with friends.First, peer pressure may direct us into some wrong doings.In order to please their so-called “friends”, teenagers may let their friends talk them into doing bad things.Moreover, even real friends may have different preferences.For example, I like classical music, but most of my friends love the noisy rock and roll.If we insist on spending our time together, both my friends and I would become unhappy.For this reason, I often feel like staying alone, especially when I want to do some reading.To sum up, it’s good to have real friends, but we also have something that is for us to do alone.



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