名片翻译 中英对照(共5篇)

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第一篇:名片翻译 中英对照


Name: WANG Dali/ WANG, Dali(国际通用)Jame Legge 名姓Legge, James 姓(颠倒号)名理雅个

❤外国人名字翻译时要注意他们的译名而非直译(尤其是明、清时人物)Confucius孔子Mencius孟子Sun Yat-san孙中山 Place Name: The Huanghe River黄河the Shaxian County Tibet西藏 ❤名字凑足两个词 昆仑山:the Kunlun Mountain 若曾有外文翻译,则提及时为:

The Baima River, or Whiter Horse River is… Fujian Normal University, formerly Fukien Christ Shaanxi陕西Shanxi山西Chang’an长安 Wuyi Mountains武夷山脉 小结:

住址:浙江省台州市黄岩区天长路18号201室翻译成英文就是:Address: Room 201, 18 Tianchang Road, Huangyan District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province.翻译时有几点需要注意:中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小:×国×市×区×路×号,而英文地址则刚好相反,是由小到大:×号, ×路(Road), ×区(District), ×市(City), ×省(Province), ×国。X室 Room X

X 村(乡)X Village X号 No.X

X号宿舍X Dormitory X巷 / 弄 X Lane X单元 Unit X

X号楼 Building No.X X 楼/层X/F X住宅区/小区X Residential Quarter 甲 / 乙 / 丙 / 丁 A / B / C / D X 厂 XFactory X酒楼/酒店 XHotel X花园 X Garden X街 X Street 缩写: St.X路 X Road 缩写: Rd.X区 X District缩写: Dist.X县 X County X镇 X Town X市 X City X省 X Province 缩写: Prov.请注意:翻译人名、路名、街道名等,最好用拼音。

中文地址翻译范例: 虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室

Room 201, No.34, Lane 125, XiKang Road(South), HongKou District 473004河南省南阳市中州路42号 李有财

Li Youcai Room 42 Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov.China 473004

434000湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店 李有财

Li Youcai Hongyuan Hotel Jingzhou city Hubei Prov.China 434000 473000河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司 李有财

Li Youcai Special Steel Corp.No.272, Bayi Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov.China 473000

地名专名部分(如“黄岩区”的“黄岩”部分)应使用汉语拼音,且需连写,如Huangyan不宜写成 Huang Yan。各地址单元间要加逗号隔开。l 完整的地址由:行政区划+街区名+楼房号三部分组成。

行政区划英译 行政区划是地址中最高一级单位,总体上可分成五级(括号内所注为当前国内通用译名):

1)国家(State):中华人民共和国(the People's Republic of China; P.R.China; P.R.C; China)2)省级(Provincial Level):省(Province)、自治区(Autonomous Region)、直辖市(Municipality directly under the Central Government,简称Municipality);特别行政区(Special Administration Region; SAR)

3)地级(Prefectural Level):地区(Prefecture)、自治州(Autonomous Prefecture)、市(Municipality;City);盟(Prefecture);

4)县级(County Level):县(County)、自治县(Autonomous County)、市(City)、市辖区(District)、旗(County)5)乡级(Township Level):乡(Township)、民族乡(Ethnic Township)、镇(Town)、街道办事处(Sub-district)。

1.路名中一般不需要用到意译!像“高新一路(First GaoXin Road)”中的“高新”完全只用拼音来处理,翻译成“GaoXin”!路名翻译时,只有最后一个道路词(即:路,街,巷,等等)才应使用意译!这样的意译应用于一些公司名称的翻译,而不是路名的翻译中!!-->2.路名的基本翻译法则:


例如:龙首南路:South LongShou Road South(方位词)LongShou(道路的名称)Road(道路用词)-->2)]-->方位词包括有:东(East),西(West),南(South),北(North),中(Middle)!不要将“南“翻成:Southern,也不要将”北“翻译成”Northern,或者将“中“翻译成:Center!-->3)]-->路名中的数字。路名中的数字应以序数词处理(但一般是数字前面已经有两个中文字的情况)。例如:高新一路:First GaoXin Road。如果路名之前只有一个字,多数也只翻译成拼音。【例】:东一路:DongYi Road。

-->4)]-->三字路名。一般前两个字翻成拼音,最后加上道路词即可!【例】:东一路:DongYi Road ; 南小巷:NanXiao Alley。-->3.各种道路的单词:-->1)]-->路:Road-->2)]-->街(大街):Street。【例】:南大街:South Street(不是:NanDa Street)。(同样的,东大街,北大街等也是一样,“大街”和“街”其实是一样的翻译!)-->3)]-->道(大道):Avenue-->4)]-->巷:Alley-->5)]-->里:Lane-->6)]-->号:No.(道路名称中有门牌号码的,一定要写出来“No.”,不可以直接写一个数字就好了!见第4点的例子)-->7)]-->室:Room-->8)]-->楼: F 【例】:喜庆大厦3楼: F3, XiQing Building-->9)]-->大厦:Building-->10)-->村: Village-->11)-->镇: Town-->12)-->乡: Township-->13)-->区:District(请区别于“小区”,“小区”指的是“生活小区”,不是城市中的“区(区域,地区)”)。

-->14)-->小区:Residential Quarter(区别于单单的一个“区”字!)(【例】:兴庆小区 XingQing Residential Quarter)

-->15)-->高新技术产业开发区 High Technology Industrial Development Zone-->16)-->高新区=高新开发区=高新技术开发区 High Technology Development Zone-->4.整串长地址的翻译。原则,从最小的单位翻到最大的单位(简单的说,就是从最后面往前面依次的翻!)请见下面的例子,深刻体会一下正确的翻译方法!【例】:上海市黄浦区淮海中路890弄7号欣欣大厦201室

翻译: Room 201, XinXin Building , No.7, Lane 890, Middle HuaiHai Road, HuangPu District, Shanghai City-->难点提要:

-->1.“段”:应该翻译成“Section”。因此,“南段”:South Section,“中段”:Middle Section,依此类推。【例】:新华路南段:XinHua Road(South Section)。-->2.“正街”:应翻译成“Main ××× Street”。【例】:西关正街:Main XiGuan Street。-->3.“十字”/ “什字”:直接翻译拼音“ShiZi”。【例】 :五道什字(五道十字)WuDao ShiZi。-->4.“甲字”应翻译成 A。【例】:甲字10号 No.A10。-->5.“副”可以翻译成 B。【例】:副7号 No.B7。-->6.“南郊”: South Suburbs。(西郊: West Suburbs,东郊:East Suburbs,北郊: North Suburbs)

-->7.直接可以以拼音翻译的一些地名,有:“寨”“门”“园”“洞”“池”“场”“坡”“坊”“湾”“寺”“庙”“堡”“十字”/ “什字”等等。【例】:草场坡 CaoChangPo ; 西华门 XiHuaMen; 长乐坊 ChangLeFang ;习武园 XiWuYuan ; 张家堡ZhangJiaBao 大专院校部分系及教研室译名 系Department 中文系 Department of Chinese Language and Literature 舞蹈系 Department of Dance 外交系 Department of Diplomacy 经济管理系 Department of Economic Management 经济(学)系 Department of Economics 英语系 English Language Department 外语系 Foreign Languages Department 法语系 French Language Department 系主任办公室 Office of the Department Head 教研组 Teaching and Research Group 托儿所 nursery/creche 幼儿园 kindergarten 小学 primary(elementary)school 中学 middle(secondary)school 初中 junior middle school 高中 senior middle school 文科大学 university of liberal arts 理科大学 university of science 文教、科技有关部门常见职衔与职称译名(大学)校长 President/Chancellor(大学)副校长 Vice President(大学)代理校长 Acting President(中学)校长 Principal(小学)校长 Head /Master 学院院长 Dean of College/Head of College 教务长 Dean/Director of Teaching Affairs 总务长 Director in Charge of General Affairs 系主任 Department Chairman /Department Head 教研室主任 Head of the Teaching and Research Section 实验室主任 Laboratory Chief 教导主任 Director of Teaching and Discipline 班主任 Discipline Class Adviser/Head Teacher 教授 Professor 副教授 Associate Professor 客座教授 Visiting Professor/Guest Professor 兼职教授 Part-time Professor 名誉教授 Honorary Professor 终身教授 Lifetime Professor 外籍教授 Foreign Professor 研究生指导教师 Graduate Teacher/Research Supervisor 讲师 Lecturer/Instructor 助教 Teaching Assistant(T.A.)实验员 Laboratory Technician 图书馆员 Librarian 研究所所长 Institute Director 研究员 Research Fellow/Researcher 副研究员 Associate Research Fellow / Associate Researcher 助研 Research Assistant 资料员 Data Processor 总工程师 Chief Engineer 副总工程师 Assistant Chief Engineer 高级工程师 Senior Engineer 工程师 Engineer 助工 Assistant Engineer 技术员 Technician 技师 Skilled Technician 董事长 Chairman of the Board /Chairman 董事/理事 Director 副董事 Associate Director


Free Loop(自由循环)——Daniel Powter

I'm a little used to calling outside your name


I wont see you tonight,so I can keep from going insane.今晚不会见你,因此我也不会再次疯狂。

But I don't know enough, I get some kinda lazy day Hey yeah.但,我始终不解,日子变得有些懒散了,嘿耶。

I've been fabulous through to fight my town a name.我曾神话般地为我的小镇添光加彩。

I'll be stooped tomorrow if I don't leave as them both the same.如果我不像他们那样离开,我明天也会遭到唾弃。

But i dont know enough, I get some kinda lazy dayHey yeah.但,我始终不解,日子变得有些懒散了。嘿耶。

Cause it's hard for me to loseIn my life I've found only time will tell.因为我很少失败。我发觉在我的生活中只有时间才能证明一切。

And I will figure out that we can babyWe can do a one night stand, yeah.我坚信我们行的,宝贝。我们可以享受一夜露水之欢。

And it's hard for me to lose in my life.我很少失败。

I've found outside your skin right near the fire.That we can baby.我从你的热情的外表上看到我们能行。我们行的,宝贝。

We can change and feel alright.I'm a little used to wandering outside the rain.我们能改变,我们能过的很好。有点习惯在雨中漫步。

You can leave me tomorrow if it suits you just the same.如果你觉得会日子会更好,你可以明天就弃我而去。

But I don't know enough,I need someone who leaves the day.Hey yeah.但,我始终不解,我需要那个离开的人。嘿耶。

Cause it's hard for me to lose.In my life I've found only time will tell.因为我很少失败。我发觉在我的生活中只有时间才能证明一切。

And I will figure out that we can baby.We can do a one night stand, yeah.我坚信我们行的,宝贝。我们可以享受一夜露水之欢。

And it's hard for me to lose in my life.我很少失败。

I've found outside your skin right near the fire.That we can baby.我从你的热情的外表上看到我们能行。我们行的,宝贝。

We can change and feel alright.Cause it's hard for me to lose.我们能改变,我们能很好的。因为我很少失败。

In my life I've found only time will tell.And I will figure out that we can baby.我发觉在我的生活中只有时间才能证明一切。我坚信我们行的,宝贝。

We can do a one night stand, yeahAnd it's hard for me to lose in my life.我们可以享受一夜露水之欢,嘿耶。我很少失败。

I've found outside your skin right near the fire.That we can baby.我从你的热情的外表上看到我们能行。我们行的,宝贝。

We can change and feel alright.Cause it's hard for me to lose.我们能改变,我们能很好的。因为我很少失败。

In my life I've found only time will tell.And I will figure out that we can baby.我发觉在我的生活中只有时间才能证明一切。我坚信我们行的,宝贝。

We can do a one night stand, yeah.And it's hard for me to lose in my life.我们可以享受一夜露水之欢。嘿耶。我很少失败。

I've found outside your skin right near the fire.That we can baby.我从你的热情的外表上看到我们能行。我们行的,宝贝。

We can change and feel alright.我们能改变,我们能过很好。


外语系英语11-03 1 李宁有限公司为中国领先的体育品牌企业之一,主要以李宁品牌提供专业及休闲运动鞋、服装、器材和配件产品。本集团拥有品牌营销、研发、设计、制造、经销及零售能力,总部位于北京,主要采用外包生产和特许分销商模式,已于中国建立庞大的供应链管理体系以及分销和零售网络。


Li Ning Company Limited is one of the leading sports brand companies in China, mainly providing sporting goods including footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for professional and leisure purposes primarily under the LI-NING brand.Headquartered in Beijing, the Group has brand marketing, research and development, design, manufacturing, distribution and retail capabilities.It has established an extensive supply chain management system and a retail distribution network in China, predominantly through outsourced manufacturing operations and franchised distribution.In addition to its core LI-NING brand, the Group also manufactures, develops, markets, distributes and/or sells sports products under several other brands, including Double Happiness(table tennis), AIGLE(outdoor sports)and Lotto(sports fashion)which are either self-owned by, licensed to or operated through joint ventures.2 公司介绍

华为是全球领先的信息与通信解决方案供应商。我们围绕客户的需求持续创新,与合作伙伴开放合作,在电信网络、企业网络、消费者和云计算等领域构筑了端到端的解决方案优势。我们致力于为电信运营商、企业和消费者等提供有竞争力的 ICT 解决方案和服务,持续提升客户体验,为客户创造最大价值。目前,华为的产品和解决方案已经应用于 140 多个国家,服务全球 1/3的人口。我们以丰富人们的沟通和生活为愿景,运用信息与通信领域专业经验,消除数字鸿沟,让人人享有宽带。为应对全球气候变化挑战,华为通过领先的绿色解决方案,帮助客户及其他行业降低能源消耗和二氧化碳排放,创造最佳的社会、经济和环境效益。

Corporate Information Huawei is a leading global ICT solutions provider.Through our dedication to customer-centric innovation and strong partnerships, we have established end-to-end capabilities and strengths across the carrier networks, enterprise, consumer, and cloud computing fields.We are committed to creating maximum value for telecom carriers, enterprises and consumers by providing competitive ICT solutions and services.Our products and solutions have been deployed in over 140 countries, serving more than one third of the world's population.Huawei's vision is to enrich life through communication.By leveraging our experience and expertise in the ICT sector, we help bridge the digital divide by providing opportunities to enjoy broadband services, regardless of geographic location.Contributing to the sustainable development of society, the economy, and the environment, Huawei creates green solutions that enable customers to reduce power consumption, carbon emissions, and resource costs.3 中国北京同仁堂(集团)有限责任公司是市政府授权经营国有资产的国有独资公司,始创于1669年,至今已有343年的历史。近年来,集团坚持“以现代中药为核心,发展生命健康产业,成为国际知名的现代中医药集团”的发展战略,以“做长、做强、做大”为方针,以创新引领、科技兴企为己任,销售收入、实现利润、出口创汇及海外终端数量均居全国同行业第一。




 Beijing TRT is a famous time-honored brand in traditional Chinese medicine industry.It was founded in the eighth year(1669 A.D.)of the reign of Emperor Kangxi during the Qing Dynasty.Since the first year(1723 A.D.)of the reign of Emperor Yongzheng, TRT had been designated to provide medicines for the royal pharmacy of the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty for a duration of eight generations of Qing emperor, a total of 188 years.TRT people have been adhering to the full significance of the handed-down TRT’s commandment: no manpower shall be spared, no matter how complicated the procedures of pharmaceutical production are;and no material shall be reduced, no matter how much the cost is.TRT has established the self-discipline awareness with the motto that we shall do things with our sincerity and trustworthiness even without supervision from others, because God sees, which has guaranteed the prolonged glory of the well-established TRT brand.With unique recipes, top-class raw materials, excellent workmanship and evident 3 curative effect, the products of TRT enjoy a high prestige at home and abroad and are sold to over 40 countries and regions.So far, TRT has established three business sectors under the overall framework of the group: modern pharmacy, retail business and medical services.It has also established the “1032” supporting project including 10 companies, 2 bases, 2 institutes and 2 centers, out of which there are 2 listed domestic and overseas companies, over 800 retail stores at home and 28 overseas joint ventures(stores)over 15 countries and regions.TRT has been recommended as one of 16 Chinese enterprises with the strength to become world famous brands by China Federation of Industrial Economics and China Top Brand Strategy Promotion Committee.It has been awarded the “famous time-honored brand” by the Ministry of Commerce, and has been awarded the honorable titles of “2005 CCTV-My Favorite Chinese Brand,” “China Top Ten Brands with Strongest Influence Power of 2004,” “Ten Brands Influencing the Daily Life of People in Beijing” and “China Famous Export Brand.” In 2006 TRT TCM culture was listed in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage Directory;since then, TRT has obtained increasing social recognition and worldwide reputation.4 中国铁建股份有限公司概况






Cut paths through mountains and build bridges across rivers China Railway Construction Corporation(SASAC).CRCC was listed on March 10, 2008 in Shanghai, on March 13 in Hong Kong(A-shares code 601186, H-shares code 1186), with 8.0 billion registered capital.Limited(CRCC), the precursor of which is railway corps, initiated by China Railway Construction Corporation, was established on November 5, 2007 in Beijing, and is a large construction enterprise in the charge of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Committee CRCC, one of the world's most powerful and largest integrated construction group,ranking the 100th among “the world’s top 500” on 2013 “Fortune”, and the 11th among “China’s top 500 enterprises”, the 1st among “the top 250 global contractors” on 2013, is the largest engineering contractor in China, also China's largest overseas engineering contractor.At the end of 2010, its total assets reached 350.1 billion yuan, an increase of 23.75% year-on-year,net assets 58.2 billion yuan, the annual total of new contracts 747.2 billion yuan, including overseas new contracts 25.91 billion, operating income 470.2 billion yuan, total profits and taxes22.8 billion.CRCC business covers project contracting, survey design consultation, industrial manufacturing, real estate development, logistics, trade of goods and materials as well as capital operations, has developed mainly from construction contract into a complete industrial chain of research, planning, prospecting and designing, construction, supervision, maintenance, operation and financing, and is able to provide proprietors with one-stop integrated services.And CRCC has established its leadership position in project design and construction fields in plateau railways, high-speed railways, highways, bridges, tunnels and urban rail traffic.Since the 1980s, CRCC has won 363 national awards in the fields of project contracting, survey, design, consultation, etc.among them, 55 national science and technology progress awards, 74 national prospecting and designing “four excellent”awards, 39 Zhan Tianyou civil engineering awards, 124 national quality engineering awards and 71China construction engineering Luban awards.CRCC has extended its scope of business to 31 provinces(municipalities), autonomous regions, Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions except Taiwan and more than 60 countries and regions around the world.The company has a strong professional team, especially including one member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 5 national prospecting and designing masters and 191 experts who enjoy the State Council special allowance.Over the past 60 years, the company has inherited the fine traditions and work style of the railway corps: carrying out administrative decrees promptly, courageous in innovation and indomitable.There is a kind of preeminent culture in CRCC with “sincerity and innovation for ever, quality and character at once” as its core values so that the enterprise has strong cohesion, execution and combat effectiveness.Under the leadership of the Chairman and Party Secretary Meng Fengchao and the President Zhang Zongyan, CRCC is striding forward towards the goal of “China's construction industry leader, the world's most competitive large construction group”.5Corporate Profile Baoxiniao group was founded in 1996.It’s a shares-controlled group that combines industrial management and capital management, owning well-performed subsidiaries including Zhejiang Baoxiniao Garments Co., Ltd., Shanghai Baoniao Garments Co., Ltd, Zhongnan Real Estate Development Company, and Shanghai Wenjing Investment Company, involving designing, producing and selling high-grade garment, acting as agent for international brands, real estate development, financial investment, becoming one of the most famous comprehensive group in China.Looking into the future, this corporation will further strengthen the function of investing and controlling, make its best to the distribution of resource and the improvement of industrial structure, collect the advantages so as to upgrade the competition and establish the international brand with national characteristics by absorbing the essence of national culture.报喜鸟集团有限公司组建于1996年,是一家以服装为主业,涉足地产和投资领域的综合性现代化企业集团。集团下属一家服饰上市公司、两家地产开发公司和两家创业投资公司,拥有5个自主服饰品牌、5个国际代理品牌、3个服装生产基地及2000多家销售网点。目前,集团员工10000多人,总资产70亿元,年销售收入50亿元,连续17年进入全国服装行业销售收入及利税双百强前列。公司服装产业以弘扬民族服饰文化为己任,拥有高级商务装品牌报喜鸟(SAINT ANGELO)、高端经典男装东博利尼(TOMBOLINI)、高级职业装品牌BONO、年轻时尚商务装圣捷罗(S.ANGELO)、英伦休闲服饰比卢特(BIG ROOSTER)、时尚商务休闲服饰法蘭•诗顿(FRANSITION)。在稳健经营自有品牌、不断扩大品牌规模的基础上,公司积极寻求海外合作,成功代理意大利经典男装索洛赛理(SOLOSALI)、巴达萨里(MAURIZIO BALDASSARI)、衬衫品牌恺米切(CAMICISSIMA)及韩国哈吉斯(HAZZYS)等国际知名服饰品牌。





Business Manager业务经理C.I.O.(Chief Information Officer)首席信息官

Marketing Manager市场销售部经理

第五篇:Seasons in the Sun_中文歌词翻译_中英对照

Seasons in the Sun_中文歌词翻译_中英对照

goodbye to you my trusted friend.再见了,我忠实的朋友.we're known each other we're 9 or 10.我们从孩提时就已相识相知.together we've climb hills trees.我们一起爬山上树.learned of love abc.一起学习.skinned our hearts skinned our knees.我们心意相通,情如手足.goodbye my friend it's hard to die.再见了,朋友们,我本不愿离去.when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.now the spring is in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.pretty girls are everywhere.到处是漂亮女孩.think of me and i'll be there.想我,我便与你同在.we had joy,we had fun.我们曾如此快乐.we had seasons in the sun.也曾充满阳光.but the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time.那些日子已然逝去.goodbye papa please pray for me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷.i was the black sheep of the family.我是家里的害群之马.u tried 2 teach me right from wrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非.too much wine too much song.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢.wonder how i got along.真不知那些日子是如何度过.goodbye papa is hard 2 die.再见了爸爸,我本不愿离去.when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.little children everywhere.孩子们到处嬉戏.when u see them i'll be there.当你看见他们,我便会与你同在.we had joy,we had fun.我们曾如此快乐.we had seasons in the sun.也曾有阳光季节.but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.we had joy,we had fun.我们曾如此快乐.we had seasons in the sun.也曾有阳光季节.but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.goodbye michelle my little one.再见了蜜雪儿,我的贝比.u gave me love help me find the sun.你给我爱,给我希望.and every time that i was down.当我意志消沉时.u should always come around.你总会来到我身边.and get my feet back on the ground.鼓励我振作起来.goodbye michelle it's hard 2 die.再见了蜜雪儿,我本不愿离去.when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.with the flowers everywhere.到处是美丽的花儿.i wish that we could both be there!我希望我们在那儿欢聚!we had joy,we had fun.我们曾如此快乐.we had seasons in the sun.也曾有阳光季节.but the hills.但

that we climbed were just seasons out of time.那些日子已然逝去.we had joy,we had fun.我们曾那么快乐.we had seasons in the sun.也曾充满阳光.but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.we had joy,we had fun.我们曾多么快乐.we had seasons in the sun.也曾有阳光季节.but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.we had joy,we had fun.我们曾如此快乐.we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节.but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝

Tell me why In my dream, 在我梦中

children sing a song of love for every boy and girl.孩子们为所有人吟唱着一首爱的歌.The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world.蓝天碧草之间笑声成了世界通用的语言.Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need.然而当我醒来的时候却发现世界上到处是需要帮助的人.Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么)does it have to be like this?

真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么),is there something I have missed

是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么)cos I don't understand,因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody,有那么多需要帮助的人 we don't give a helping hand.我们却不伸出援手 Tell me why?


Every day, I ask myself,每天我都在扪心自问 what will I have to do to be a man?

做为一个人我该做些什么 Do I have to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am?


Is that what my life is far, to waste in a world full of war?

而这是不是意味着我的一生就将耗费在这满是战争的世界? Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么),does it have to be like this?

真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么),is there something I have missed?

是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么),cos I don't understand,我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody,有那么多需要帮助的人 we don't give a helping hand.我们却不伸出援手

Tell me why(tell me why),告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么),tell me why(tell me why),告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么),tell me why(tell me why),告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么),just tell me why!

仅仅告诉我为什么!Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么),does it have to be like this

真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么),is there something I have missed?

有什么我错过了? Tell me why(why),告诉我为什么(为什么),cause I don't understand,因为我实在是无法理解

when so many need somebody,有那么多需要帮助的人 we don't give a helping hand,我们不伸出援手 Tell me why?


(Why,why,does the tiger run)

(为什么,为什么,老虎也要逃跑)Tell me why?


(Why,why,do we shoot the gun)

(为什么,为什么,我们让子弹射出枪膛)Tell me why?


(Why,why,do we never learn)

(为什么,为什么,我们从来不吸取教训)Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?

谁能告诉我,为什么我们烧毁森林(Why,why,do we said we care)

(为什么,为什么我们光说我们乎)Tell me why?


(Why,why,do we stand and stare)

(为什么,为什么,我们只是站着旁观)Tell me why?


(why, why, do the dolphins cry)

(为什么,为什么,海豚在哭泣)Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们让海洋死去(Why,why,if we're all the same)

(为什么,为什么,如果我们大家是一样的)Tell me why?


(Why,why,do we pass the blame)

(为什么,为什么,我们推卸责任)Tell me why?


(Why,why,does it never end)

(为什么,为什么,这些永无休止)Can someone tell us why we can not just be friends?谁能告诉我,为什么我们不能友好相处 Why,why,(do we close our eyes)

为什么,为什么,(我们闭上了我们的眼睛)Why,why,(do the greedy life)

为什么,为什么,(我们让生命满是贪婪)Why,why,(do we fight for land)

为什么,为什么,(我们为了土地而争斗)Can someone tell us why we don't understand? 谁能告诉我因为我们实在无法理解? Why,why?!


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