会展布置 英文

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第一篇:会展布置 英文

会展布置 英文


board room 董事会会议室


high-tech 高科技

flip chart 挂图

bulletin board公告牌

lighting 灯光,照明

incandescent lighting白炽灯

fluorescent lighting 荧光灯

room setup 会议室设置/布局


sight line视线

binder 装订机

laptop computer笔记本电脑

traffic flow人流

configuration of room会议室机构/布局

maximum seating capacity最大容客量



restroom accessibility卫生间的进出便利

people with disabilities残疾人


fixed switch 固定开关

remote switch遥控开关



air conditioning空调

portable wall活动墙,分隔墙

control panel控制盘

tie line连接线

auditorium style礼堂式布局


padded chair 有坐垫的椅子

stacking armchair 可摞式扶手椅

writing surface可以供书写东西的平面

slide presentation 幻灯演示

lecture-formatted meeting演讲式会议

square feet平方英尺

focal point焦点,中心

water pitcher水壶

water glass 水杯


horseshoe-shaped arrangement马蹄形布局 hollow square中空方形布局

rounded hollow square圆形中空方形 serpentine蜿蜒的,弯曲的 geometric shape几何形状 oval ends两头呈椭圆形 noise level噪音水平


soundproof meeting room 隔音会议室

accessible location 出入通道

overflow arrangement 人流疏导方案

recreational amenities 娱乐设施

convention coordinator 会议协调员

foyer 门厅

parking lot 停车场

conference table 会议桌

capacity of the room 容客量

dimension of room 会议室尺寸

coat check room 存衣处

space hold 预留空间

name sign 名牌

function room size 会议室规格

timetable for set-up and breakdown 布置和撤台时间表

function room charge 会议室费用

advance set-up 提前布置

late tear-down 拖后撤台

labor cost 人工费用

release date 会议室让渡日期

function book 会议活动簿

sliding scale 可调范围

employee procedure manual 员工工作程序手册

scaled drawing 比例图

permanent stage 固定舞台

magnetic board 磁力板

room furniture 会议室家具(指会议室和宴会厅设备)

folding division door 折叠隔离门

durability 耐用

ease of handling 便于操作

folding equipment 可折叠设备

knock-down equipment 可拆卸设备

ease of storage 便于储藏

swirl chair 旋转椅

ergonomic chair 符合人类工程学的椅子

cushion seat 有坐垫的椅子

regular chair 常规椅子

rigid chair 坚硬的椅子

round table 圆桌

function name 会议名称,活动名称

room name 会议室名称

number of people 出席人数

setup 布局

distance between rows 行间距

center aisle width 中间过道宽度

side aisle width 两侧过道宽度

cross aisle width 横排过道宽度

rectangular table 长方桌

crescent table 月牙桌

meeting name 会议名称

set up item 用于布置的物品

facility name 设施名称

sample facility 设施样板

half-round table 半圆桌

quarter-round table 1/4圆桌

serpentine table 曲线形桌

display table 展示桌

buffet table 自助餐桌

drapery 褶皱桌布

in and tack 别针和订书钉

folding platform 折叠平台

dais 讲台

podium 指挥台

rostrum 主席台

pleated skirting 周边包上百褶裙

circular buffer table 圆形自助餐桌

breakout room 分解会议室,分会议室


1)Meeting space should be designed so that nothing detracts from the exchange of information

taking place in the room.会议室的设计应该保证任何东西都不会对室内进行的信息交流活动产生影响。

2)Each participant should have adequate work(table)space to accommodate writing materials

and books.每位与会者都应该有足够的地方放置书写材料和书。

3)This is one of the most common meeting formats, which involves a single speaker or panel

addressing a group of individuals.这是最常见的一种会议形式,有一个发言人或一组发言人面对一群听众演讲。

4)This may mean that the speaker or panel needs to be elevated on a platform.也就是说,发言人或发言小组应该位于一个高些的平台上。

5)Chairs are lined up in rows, facing the speaker or focal point in the room.椅子成行排列,面对发言人或会议室中心。

6)There is no writing surface or area for handout materials.没有供书写的桌面或摆放资料的地方。

7)This format can take several shapes, which include closed classroom with no center aisle,open classroom which has rows with aisles to provide easy access to seats...这种布局有好几种形式,其中包括没有中间走道的封闭式和有走道便于寻找座位的开放式……

8)have a bearing on




2009/08/31 1.請問您要參觀哪個展覽? Excuse me, which exhibition would you like to visit? 2.請問是要參觀食品展的嗎?麻煩到左邊櫃檯換證。如果是要參觀車展,請至右邊櫃檯做換證。Are you going to the Food Exhibition? Please go to the left counter and for your badge.For the Car Exhibition, please go to the right counter for your badges.3.請問是要參加研討會的嗎?麻煩請至二樓。Excuse me, are you here for the seminar? Then please go to the second floor.4.參加研討會者,請上二樓。需要換證者,麻煩請往前方的櫃台。The seminar is on the second floor.Please go to the front desk to get your badges.5.如果您想要知道研討會時間及場次,您可以到該研討會的教室門口詢問服務人員。If you would like to know more information about the seminar program(the time and the sessions of the seminar), you can go to the information desk at the classroom having the seminars.6.這場研討會需要付費參加,不接受現場報名。This seminar should be paid and registered in advance.Registering on the day of the seminar is not accepted.7.本次展覽只提供給相關業者入場。抱歉,它不對外開放。

Sorry, this exhibition is only open to businesses of related industries.8.請問需要換識別證嗎? Excuse me, do I need to change my badge? 9.請問有在網站上做過預先登錄嗎?或在網站上填寫過個人資料嗎? Have you registered for the conference on line before? Or did you fill out an on-line personal information form? 10.請到旁邊的寫字台先填寫問卷並準備好一張個人名片,如果你有攜帶名片,只需要勾選問題選項。Please fill out the questionnaire on that counter and bring your own business card.If you have your business card, you can just check these question items.11.問卷填寫完畢後,可至前方櫃檯做換證,謝謝。After filling out the questionnaire, please go to the front desk to get your badge.Thank you.12.請問是預先登錄者嗎?麻煩請在這邊入口排隊。

Excuse me, have you registered before? Please go to the entrance to line up.13.先生,抱歉。後方有人在排隊等待,麻煩排隊,謝謝。Excuse me, sir.There are still people waiting in line.Could you please go to the back of the line and wait? Thank you.14.麻煩請往前走。Please step forward.15.如果您要問有關於攤位位置或地圖,麻煩請到詢問台做詢問,他們會為您解答。If you are interested in the booths and the map of the room, you can ask for help at the information desk.16.詢問台的位置,您可以從這個門口出去後右轉,看到路口左轉,然後走到底,就可以看到了。Please turn right when you walk out of the door, turn left at an intersection ahead, and you will see the information desk located at the very end.17.廠商換證,麻煩請到另一個出入口換證。Buyers(Factory owners)please go to another entrance to get your badge.18.記者換證,麻煩請到二樓的2A19室。The press and media should go to the second floor, room 2A19 to get your badges.19.記者換證需要出示記者證及名片,麻煩請提供給我,謝謝!The press and media should show your press cards and business cards before getting your badges.20.你好,我們需要用名片做換證,名片要保留,無法退還給您。Excuse me, we need to give you your badge in exchange with your business card.We will keep the business card and it will not be returned to you.21.一館、二館、三館都有展覽。您可以搭接駁車前往參觀,接駁車站牌在大門口右側。There are exhibitions in Hall 1, 2 and 3.You can go by taking our shuttle bus.The bus stop is on the right side of the front door.22.每15分鐘就會有一班接駁車,它都會在每一館停靠。Each hall provides shuttle bus every 15 minutes.23.餐廳在2樓,便利商店在3樓。The restaurant is on the second floor, and the convenience store in on the third floor.24.您的識別證,謝謝。This is your badge, thank you.25.可從這個手扶梯上2樓,直走走到底再左轉,就可以看到另外一個手扶梯下1樓,然後往後方走就可以看到你要找的櫃檯了。You can take this escalator to the second floor and then go straight ahead, take a left down the hallway and you will see another escalator which will take you down to the first floor.You’ll see the counter behind you after a couple steps.26.早安,您好。請問有攜帶【確認函】嗎? Good morning, do you have your letter of confirmation? 27.不好意思,請問貴公司的所在地是位於哪個國家? Excuse me, which country is your company located in? 28.麻煩請將名片翻譯成英文。Please translate your business card into English.29.這是您的識別證及相關資料。This is your ID(identification)card and other related information.30.提醒你,展覽要到9點才開始。This exhibition will start from nine.31.展場入口麻煩請往左手邊進入。Please turn left at the entrance for the exhibition.32.祝您參觀愉快。We hope you’ll enjoy the exhibition.33.大會規定禁止12歲以下的兒童入場。我們無法提供換證給她。Children under 12 years of age are not allowed to enter this conference.We can’t provide her a badge.34.展覽第一天至第三天的時間為上午10點至下午5點30分。最後一天結束的時間為下午3點。The exhibition starts from 10:00 A.M.to 5:30 P.M from the first to the third day.The last day will end at 3:00 P.M.35.先生/小姐,抱歉。您不是相關業者,是不符合換證條件。本次展覽只提供給相關業者做換證。Excuse me, Mr./Miss.You aren’t from a related industry and do not conform to condition.This exhibition is only for related industries.36.抱歉你不是相關業者,請至購票處買票。Excuse me, you aren’t from a related industry.Please go to the ticket office to buy a ticket.37.請問,貴公司的行業別是什麼? Excuse me, what profession is your company? 38.請問您的職業別是什麼? Excuse me, what kind of profession are you? 39.您的名字不在電腦名單內,麻煩請重新填寫問卷及提供你的名片給我,謝謝。Your name isn’t on the name list, please fill in the questionnaire again and provide me your business card, thanks.40.小禮物只提供給預先訪客領取。This special gift is only provided for visitors who made an appointment in advance.41.因為手提袋數量有限,每日提供前100名的訪客。Because of the limited amount of bags, we provide these bags to the first hundred visitors every day.42.計程車乘車處,麻煩請搭手扶梯至B1。If you want to reach the taxi pick-up point, then please take the escalator to B1 floor.43.抱歉,您的手寫資料我看不太懂,能不能重寫或者這幾個字拼給我聽,謝謝!Excuse me, I don’t quite understand your handwriting, would you please write it again or spell the words for me, thanks.44.這邊有一份問卷,麻煩請幫我做填寫。This is a questionnaire, please help me fill it in.45.提醒你,參展廠商於8點30才可以開始入場。The buyers(factory owners)are allowed to enter at 8:30 A.M.46.進出入口,麻煩請刷條碼,以辨識身分。When you enter or exit the gateway, please swipe your Id card for identification.47.要往世貿一館的接駁車,請於大門出口右手方,即可到達。If you want to take the shuttle bus to The World Trade Center in Hall 1, please go to the right-hand side of the entrance door.48.您要到醫護室,請往一樓K區到底。If you want to go to the nurse's office, please go to the first floor.It’s at the end of area K.49.展場內部左右分別都有手扶梯,可參觀1樓及4樓的展覽。Escalators are situated on both the left and right side of the exhibition.You can visit the exhibition on the first floor and forth floor, thanks.50.廁所直走到底就可以看到了,謝謝!Please go straight ahead and you’ll see the lavatory.4




Excuse me, which exhibition would you like to visit? 2.請問是要參觀食品展的嗎?麻煩到左邊櫃檯換證。如果是要參觀車展,請至右邊櫃檯做換證。

Are you going to the Food Exhibition? Please go to the left counter and for your badge.For the Car Exhibition, please go to the right counter for your badges.3.請問是要參加研討會的嗎?麻煩請至二樓。

Excuse me, are you here for the seminar? Then please go to the second floor.4.參加研討會者,請上二樓。需要換證者,麻煩請往前方的櫃台。

The seminar is on the second floor.Please go to the front desk to get your badges.5.如果您想要知道研討會時間及場次,您可以到該研討會的教室門口詢問服務人員。If you would like to know more information about the seminar program(the time and the sessions of the seminar), you can go to the information desk at the classroom having the seminars.6.這場研討會需要付費參加,不接受現場報名。

This seminar should be paid and registered in advance.Registering on the day of the seminar is not accepted.7.本次展覽只提供給相關業者入場。抱歉,它不對外開放。Sorry, this exhibition is only open to businesses of related industries.8.請問需要換識別證嗎? Excuse me, do I need to change my badge? 9.請問有在網站上做過預先登錄嗎?或在網站上填寫過個人資料嗎?

Have you registered for the conference on line before? Or did you fill out an on-line personal information form? 10.請到旁邊的寫字台先填寫問卷並準備好一張個人名片,如果你有攜帶名片,只需要勾選問題選項。

Please fill out the questionnaire on that counter and bring your own business card.If you have your business card, you can just check these question items.









会展 英语 对话

Mr.Li is expressing his appreciation to the Manger of the Exhibition hall at the end of the exhibition.L: Are there any handcarts, sir? The display items are heavy.M: Here is a handcart, sir.Let me help you.L: Thank you.Without your help, I could hardly have met so many clients in this exhibition.M: You are welcome.L: I like this booth very much, and I plan to take part in the exhibition next year, too.M: We will inform you of next year’s exhibition in advance and reserve this booth for you.L: That’s very kind of you.参考译文:










1.handcart: n.手推车

2.client: n.顾客.客户,委托人

3.inform …of…: 向…..通知…..eg: Please inform me of the appointed time.请告知我约定的时间.4.in advance :提前

5.reserve: v.储备,保留,预订

eg: I have reserved a room for you at the hotel.我已在旅馆为你预订了一个房间。

6.take part in: v.参与, 参加

eg: We all took part in the race.我们都参加了比赛。

Many enterprises think that everything is down after the exhibition.They evaluate their exhibition as good or bad according to their own opinion.As a matter of fact, attending an exhibition is time-consuming(耗时的), toilsome(劳累的), troublesome(麻烦的), and costly(费钱的).So the enterprises must analyze the results carefully.Mr.Huang just participated in an international exhibition.He is talking about the results of the exhibition with the General Manager, Mr.Li.L: Mr.Huang, what are the results of the exhibition?

H: Not bad.L: Could you give me some details?

H: We have established business relationships with two new clients, who ordered 20 million RMB of silk skirts.L: Good.H: I also got acquainted with more than 200 customers.L: Oh, wow.H: Customers made more than ten suggestions.There, I held a product showing meeting and a press conference.As a result, our brand has been strengthened.L: Very good!

H: Here is the results analysis.I hope the visitors at the exhibition can be our real buyers in 3 to 6 months.What’s more, we learned a lot from other exhibitors.L: You are right.I think you’ve done an excellent job.展览结果


黄经理刚刚参加完一次国际展, 他和公司总经理李先生谈论展览结果.李先生: 黄先生, 这次展览效果如何?

黄先生: 效果不错.李先生: 能否讲的具体些?

黄先生: 我们和两个新客户建立了贸易关系, 签了总量为2000万人民币的丝绸裙子的订单.李先生:




客户们提了十几条建议.在当地召开了产品展示会和新闻发布会.品牌得到了进一步的强化.李先生: 很好!

黄先生: 这是效果分析.我期望3-6月后展会的参观者会成为我们真正的买家.另外, 我们从其他参展者身上学到很多东西.李先生:


1.detail: n.细节

2.established business relationships with…: 与…..建立贸易关系.establish: v.建立.3.get acquainted with…: 与…..相识,熟悉,了解.acquainted: a.知晓的,相识的.eg: We get acquainted with each other last month.我们上个月相识的.4.press conference: 新闻发布会.press: n.新闻

5.strengthen: v.加强,巩固

eg: The fence was strengthened with wire.这堵围栏用金属丝加固了。

6.analysis: n.分析, 分解.excellent: a.卓越的,出众的.特约栏目主持/

The effect of an exhibition can hardly be seen easily in the short term.So after 3-6 months, the exhibition plan and the effects can be compared, which is an important way to analyze the outcome.For example, if a company plans to recognize 500 new customers, develop 20 buyers and develop another 20 buyers after a year;the expectation can be compared with the results to see the effectiveness.Five months after the exhibition, Mr.Huang is in the General Manager’s office, talking with Mr.Wang about their business situation.H: Good morning, Mr.Wang.I have some good news to tell you.W: Oh.Please be seated.I learned that you have been doing quiet well recently.H: Yes, that’s what I want to tell you.Our orders are doubled after the exhibition, and we are still receiving orders these days.Most of the buyers are visitors we met during the exhibition.Our displayed items gave them a very deep impression.Now we can say that the exhibition is really a success.W: That’s really exciting.By the way, what are you going to do with the next exhibition?

H: We are making preparations for that.We plan to make a brochure of our products and run some advertisements during the exhibition so that more people will know us.We are still going to hold press conference, which I think is very effective to promote our products.Do you think it’s necessary to prepare some gifts for the exhibition?

W: That’s a good idea.It’s worthwhile to do that.You really learned a lot from the exhibition.Good luck to you.展览结果


展览效果通常在短期内不易看出来, 在3-6个月之后, 将展览前期的计划和展览之后的实际效果相比较, 也是展览效果评估的重要方法。比如展前计划结识新客户500人, 发展20位买家, 一年之后再追加发展20位买家;展览结束后的实际情况和原定计划相比较可得知展览效果。


黄先生: 早上好, 王先生。我有好消息告诉你。

王先生: 哦.请坐.我感觉你最近干得不错啊。

黄先生: 是的.那正是我想要告诉你的。我们的订单在展后翻了一倍, 而且最近我们还在不断的收到订单。大部分买家是我们在展会期间遇见的参观者.我们的参展项目给他们留下了深刻的印象。现在我们可以说我们的展览确实很成功。

王先生: 真是令人兴奋!顺便问一下, 下届展览你打算怎么做?

黄先生: 我们正在做准备。我们计划做一本产品说明册, 而且在展会期间做些广告以便更多的人了解我们的产品。我们还将举办新闻发布会, 我认为这样对于宣传我们的商品是很有效的。你觉得为展览准备些小礼品有必要吗?




1.double: v.使加倍

eg: Many things now cost double what they did a few years ago.许多东西比数年前贵了一倍。

2.make preparation for…: 为…..做准备.preparation: n.准备.eg: Please make preparation for a banquet.请为宴会做准备.3.advertisement: n广告.4.promote: v.宣传,推销;促进, 发扬;提升, 提拔.eg: Do you have any idea how to promote the sales of this product? 如何来推销这种产品你有什么好办法吗?

5.worthwhile: a.值得做的,值得出力的.eg: It’s worthwhile to see that movie.那部电影值得一看.Project Discussion

Jackie Zhang, head of Product development, has called a follow-up meeting with the heads of various departments to discuss a project that was proposed the previous month.Jackie: Morning, everyone, I had a meeting with the V.P.yesterday, and he would like to start this project ASAP.Now that the strategy has been decided, I want to know how it is carried on.Let's start with you, Jane.Jane: Our final analysis of the research material indicates we were right on track with our preliminary estimates.I have the report right here.Jackie: All right.How about you, David?

David: I’ve contacted equipment suppliers.There'll be no problem with getting it delivered as soon as we're ready to start.Here's the itemized price list.Jackie: That’s good.I was worried about the industry shortage for some of that equipment.OK, it looks like everything's set.Who will manage the project, Mike?

Mike: Irene.She’s been notified, and she's already delegated responsibility for the major tasks.Jackie: Great!I’ll talk to Marketing and have them prepare for selling our product.Bob, talk to QC and get them involved.it, then.Let's do it!


产品开发部负责人Jackie Zhang与综合部的领导们召开会议,讨论上个月提出的一个项目。

Jackie: 好了,各位,昨天我已和副主席开过会,他希望尽快开始这个项目,现在决策已经定了,我想知道我们进展到哪了。就从你开始吧,Jane。

Jane: 我们最后的调查分析材料显示,我们的初步预测是正确的。我这儿有份报告。

Jeremy: 好的。你呢,David?

David: 我已经联系到了设备供应商,只要我们准备就绪,发货毫无问题,这儿 是详细的商品价格单。

Jackie: 很好,之前我还担心设备供应不足呢。好,看来似乎一切都办妥了。那么谁来掌管这个项目呢,Mike?

Mike: 由Irene负责。已经通知她了,她已被委派承担主要工作。

Jackie: 很好,我会通知销售部让他们准备好销售我们的产品。Bob,告诉质检部让他们开始参与进来。会就到这儿,开始干吧。


SCOTT: This facility is great,don't you think?

ANDREW: Yes,it is better than last year.They have done a very good job this time.SCOTT: I'm glad our booth is on the first floor.More people can see our display.ANDREW: If someone wants to find us,they can look at this floor plan.It shows where all the companies have their booths.SCOTT: Let me see that.I didn't get one when I came in.ANDREW: Really? They didn't give you one with your ticket?

SCOTT: No.ANDREW: That's strange.SCOTT: Where do you go for lunch around here?

ANDREW: Are you hungry?

SCOTT: Not too bad.But I will be soon.ANDREW: I went across the street.There is a good Chinese restaurant next to the hotel.SCOTT: I can't see Comtex on this floor plan.Don’t they have a booth here?

ANDREW: They must.Let me look at that.Here it is.Comtex.It's on the second floor,next to the Rolly booth.SCOTT: Oh,that will be uncomfortable for them.ANDREW: For whom? Comtex?

SCOTT: Yes.Comtex just stole Darren McDowell from Rolly.And probably Darren will be here.So he will have to spend the whole show standing next to his old Comtex coworkers.ANDREW: I've never met Darren.But you're right.That would probably be uncomfortable.SCOTT: When you reserve a booth,you should check who your neighbors will be.Don't you think?

ANDREW: Yes,maybe.If you're Darren McDowell,you should probably check.SCOTT: Yes.Well,I think I'll go get lunch.Will you join me?

ANDREW: No,I'll stay here at the booth.I ate earlier.Are you going to the Chinese restaurant?

SCOTT: Maybe.I will look around.史考特:这个设备真好,你认为呢?













史考特:我没有在场地图看到 Comtex.他们应该有摊位吧?


在这儿,Comtex.在二楼,Rolly 摊位隔壁。


安卓鲁:对谁?对 Comtex?

史考特:是的。Comtex 才刚从 Rolly 那儿挖走迪凌?麦克当沃。












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