Strengthen Cooperation and Facilitate Enterprise Innovation and
—Assistant Minister Chong Quan’s Speech at China-EU High Level
Forum on IPR Protection
女士们、先生们: Ladies and gentlemen, 大家好!很高兴今天在布鲁塞尔与欧方共同举办中欧知识产权高层论坛。此前,我已与欧委会代表Ewa Synowiec司长在德国汉诺威共同见证了中欧合作的首个“中国参展企业知识产权服务站”在CeBIT上设立,并高兴地看到服务站在中欧知识产权合作方面发挥了积极作用。服务站向中国参展企业提供咨询和调解服务,一方面有利于参展企业了解当地法律,更好地保护知识产权,另一方面也有利于加强国外知识产权权利人与中国参展企业间的沟通和交流,尽量妥善解决知识产权纠纷。以服务站为代表的一系列知识产权合作项目,为中欧加强合作、共同促进企业创新发展发挥了重要作用。在此,我对欧委会、欧专局和中欧知识产权二期合作办公室的大力支持表示感谢!
It is my great pleasure to attend the China-EU High Level Forum on IPR Protection co-sponsored with the European Commission here in Brussels.Earlier at CeBIT in Hanover, Germany, I had witnessed with Director General Ewa Synowiec of the European Commission the launch of “China IPR Desk”, a joint project by China and EU, together.I’m pleased to see that this project has played an active role in China-EU cooperation on IPR protection.The “China IPR Desk” provides consultation and mediation services to Chinese exhibitors, which on the one hand enable the Chinese exhibitors to know local laws and improve the IPR protection, and on the other hand enhance the communication and exchanges between foreign IPR owners and Chinese exhibitors and properly solve IPR disputes.Represented by the “China IPR Desk”, a series of IPR cooperation projects have played an important role in strengthening China-EU cooperation and facilitating enterprise innovation and development.Here, I shall express my appreciation to the European Commission, the European Property Rights Bureau and the Phrase Ⅱ China-EU IPR Cooperation office for the great support.今天,我们在这里举办中欧知识产权高层论坛,体现了中欧双方对知识产权问题的高度重视。保护知识产权,符合中欧双方共同利益。
Today, we are holding the China-EU High Level Forum on IPR protection, which indicates the great importance attached by both China and the EU to the issue of IPR protection.Protecting IPR meets the mutual interests of both sides.首先,双方政治上往来密切。围绕着全面战略伙伴关系,中欧已建立了多层次、宽领域的政治对话机制。2008年4月,中欧经贸高层对话在北京正式启动。今年新春伊始,温家宝总理就对欧盟总部和德国、瑞士、西班牙、英国欧洲四国进行了正式访问,并与欧委会主席巴罗佐发表了关于进一步推进中欧全面战略伙伴关系的《联合声明》。在温总理结束欧洲“信心之旅”之后二十天,陈德铭部长又率采购团赴欧履行“承诺之旅”。这凸显了中方面对金融危机、主张通过国际合作共克时艰的立场,也是用实际行动反对贸易保护主义的一项切实举措。
Firstly, the two sides have maintained close political exchanges.Surrounding the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and EU, a multi-layered and wide-ranging mechanism for political dialogue has been established.In April, 2008, China-EU High-Level Economic and Trade Dialogue was launched in Beijing.And at the beginning of the Spring Festival this year, Premier Wen Jiabao made an official visit to the headquarters of EU, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and UK.He and President of European Commission Barroso issued the Joint Statement aimed at promoting the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership.Twenty days after Premier Wen finished his “Trip of Confidence” to Europe, Minister Chen Deming led a buying mission back to Europe as a “Trip of Commitment”, which indicates China's position of tackling the difficulties through international cooperation in face of the financial crisis, which was also a practical measure to fight trade protectionism.其次,双方在经济上互利共赢。自1984年以来,中欧双方每年举行一次正部级经贸混委会。目前,欧盟是中国第一大贸易伙伴、最大的出口市场和进口来源地、第一大技术引进来源地和第四大实际投资来源地。中国则是欧盟第一大进口来源国、第二大贸易伙伴和第四大出口市场。据中方统计,2008年中欧贸易额为4255.8亿美元,较2007年增长19.5%,占中国外贸总额的16.6%。截至2008年底,欧盟对华直接投资项目30253个,实际投入 625.7亿美元;中国自欧引进技术共29525项,累计合同金额1206.1亿美元。中欧对欧工程承包合同额达102.8亿美元,完成营业额92.4 亿美元。中欧双方在经济上具有很强的互补性,发展双边经贸合作,符合双方的根本利益。
Secondly, the two sides share an economic relationship featuring mutual benefit and win-win.Since 1984, China and EU has been holding ministerial-level Joint Economic and Trade Committee Meeting every year.At present, EU is China's largest trading partner, largest export market and import source, largest source of technology import and fourth largest source of actual investment, while China is EU's largest source of import, second largest trading partner and fourth largest export market.According to China’s statistics trade volume between China and EU in 2008 was USD 425.58 billion, up 19.5% from 2007, accounting for 16.6% of China’s total foreign trade.By the end of 2008, EU companies have invested in 30,253 projects in China with an actual input of USD 62.57 billion, China has imported 29,525 technologies from EU with a total contractual value of USD 120.61 billion, and Chinese companies have undertaken engineering contracting projects in Europe with a total contractual value of USD 10.28 billion and realized a total business turnover of USD 9.24 billion.The two economies are strongly complementary with each other and hence to develop the bilateral economic and trade cooperation is in the fundamental interests of both sides.第三,保护知识产权是双方共同的目标。中欧人民都极具创造力,都曾创造了辉煌的历史。知识产权对科技进步和经济发展的促进作用,毋庸置疑。当今世界,科技发展日新月异,知识经济方兴未艾,知识产权日益成为国家发展的战略性资源和国际竞争力的核心要素。保护知识产权符合中欧双方共同的利益。
Thirdly, Protecting IPR is the common objective of the two sides.Chinese and European people are both highly creative and have created glorious history.There is no doubt about the role of IPR in advancing scientific and technological progress as well as economic development.Today, as science and technology leaps forward and the knowledge-based economy is on the upswing, intellectual property is becoming a strategic resource for national development and a core element for international competitiveness.Protecting IPR meets the common interests of China and EU.女士们、先生们: Ladies and gentlemen, 中国政府一直高度重视知识产权保护。伴随着改革开放,中国在知识产权领域的工作取得了长足进展。2008年,中国共受理专利申请量 828,328件,同比增长19.4%,国内发明申请增幅达到27.1%;授权专利411,982件,专利申请授权两同比增长17.1%。2008年,中国的全球《专利合作条约》(PCT)申请量达6089件,同比增幅为11.9%,跃居世界第六位。其中,仅华为技术公司就递交了1737件申请,成为全球递交专利申请最多的公司。
The Chinese government has always attached great importance to IPR protection.Along with the reform and opening up, China has made remarkable progress in the field of intellectual property.In 2008, China received a total of 828,328 patent applications, up 19.4% year on year, and domestic invention application increased 27.1%;411,982 patents were authorized, and authorized patent applications increased 17.1% year on year.In 2008, China’s application of “Patent Cooperation Treaty”(PCT)reached 6,089, up 11.9% year on year, ranking No.6 in the world.Among all the PTC applications, 1,737 applications were submitted by Huawei Technologies alone, which make it the biggest patent applicant in the world.现在,我向大家介绍一下近年中国知识产权保护的主要工作。
Now, I would like to brief you on the main work that China has done to protect IPR in recent years.一、扎实推进知识产权国家战略的实施
I.The national strategy on IPR protection is being implemented effectively.中国政府始终认为,保护知识产权首先是中国自身发展的迫切需要。中国已将建设创新型国家作为国家发展战略。为建设创新型国家,全力提升知识产权创造、运用、管理和保护能力,中国政府于2008年公布了《国家知识产权战略纲要》。《纲要》明确了到2020年的中国知识产权保护的中远期规划,规定了近5年的战略重点、专项任务和战略措施。《纲要》的颁布是中国知识产权发展史上里程碑式的事件,这必将揭开中国知识产权保护的新的篇章。
The Chinese government has always maintained that IPR protection is, first and for most, an urgent need for its own development.China has identified building an innovative country as a national development strategy.To this end, the Chinese government issued the Outline of National Intellectual Property Strategy in 2008 with the view of enhancing the capability of creating, utilizing, managing and protecting intellectual property.The Outline specifies the long-term plan for IPR protection till 2020, and stipulates the key strategy, special tasks and strategic measures for the next 5 years.The Outline is a landmark in China’s history of IPR development and opens a new chapter in its IPR protection.为扎实推进《纲要》的实施,2008年10月,国务院批准建立了由商务部等28个部委组成的国家知识产权战略实施工作部际联席会议,统筹协调国家知识产权战略实施工作。
To effectively implement The Outline, the State Council approved in October 2008 the establishment of an inter-ministerial meeting mechanism that involves 28 ministries, including MOFCOM, and takes charge of coordinating the implementation of national IPR strategy.二、知识产权法律体系日臻完善
II.The legal system of IPR is being improved.自上个世纪70年代以来,中国先后颁布实施了《商标法》、《专利法》、《著作权法》和针对计算机软件保护、音像制品管理、植物新品种保护、知识产权海关保护等方面的法律法规,并根据实际需要,不断进行修订和完善。2004年制定的《著作权集体管理条例》和2006年制定的《信息网络传播权保护条例》,扩大了著作权的保护范围;2004年、2007年出台的两个《关于办理侵犯知识产权刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》,加大了对知识产权侵权案件的打击力度。2008年12月,完成了对《专利法》的第三次修改。当前,根据实施《国家知识产权战略纲要》的要求和国内经济社会发展的需要,《商标法》、《著作权法》和《反不正当竞争法》等法律的修改工作也将逐步提上议事日程。
Since 1970s China has promulgated and implemented the Trademark Law, the Patent Law, the Copyright Law and laws and regulations concerning the protection of computer software, management of audio and video products, protection of new species of plants, customs protection of intellectual property, etc.In addition, these laws and regulations have been revised and improved in accordance with actual needs.The Regulations of the Copyright Collective Administration formulated in 2004 and the Regulations on the Protection of the Right of Communication through Information Network formulated in 2006 expanded the scope of copyright protection;The two Interpretations on Several Issues of Specific Application of Law in Handling Criminal Cases of Infringement of Intellectual Rights formulated in 2004 and 2007 strengthened crackdown of IPR infringement cases.In December 2008, the third revision to the Patent Law was completed.Required by the Outline of the National IPR Strategy and the needs of domestic economic and social development, to revise the Trademark Law, the Copyright Law and the Law against Competition through Inappropriate Means will also be put on the work agenda.在不断完善国内立法的同时,中国还积极加入了一系列保护知识产权的国际条约,主要包括《伯尔尼公约》、《巴黎公约》、《专利合作条约》、《世界版权公约》、《世界知识产权组织版权条约》、《世界知识产权组织表演和录音制品条约》和《修改〈与贸易有关的知识产权协定〉议定书》等。
While improving domestic legislations, China also actively joined a series of international treaties concerning IPR protection, including the Berne Convention, the Paris convention, the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the Universal Copyright Convention, the WIPO Copyright Treaty, the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty, and the Protocol on Revising the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights , etc.当前,一个适合中国国情、符合国际通行规则的、比较系统完备的知识产权法律体系已基本形成。
At present, a full-fledged legal system for IPR protection that suits the Chinese reality and conforms to international rules has taken shape.三、知识产权执法力度不断加大
III.Enforcement of IPR protection is being intensified.在不断完善立法的同时,中国不断强化执法力度,形成了行政执法与司法双轨并行,权利人维权、行业自律、中介服务和社会监督融为一体的知识产权管理和执法体系。While improving legislation, China has continuously intensified the enforcement and built a double-track system of administrative and judicial enforcement.An IPR management and enforcement regime is set up that integrates the safeguarding the rights of IPR holders, self-discipline of industries, intermediary services and social supervision.就行政执法而言,中国政府采取“日常执法”与“专项行动”相结合的方法。一方面,行政执法部门依法进行日常监管,另一方面,针对知识产权的重点领域、重要环节等,不断开展各类专项行动。
On administrative enforcement, the Chinese government adopted a method that combines day-to-day enforcement and special operations.On the one hand, the administrative enforcement authorities carry out day-to-day supervision in accordance with law.On the other hand, special operations are conducted targeting on the key areas of IPR protection.在知识产权司法方面,2007年1月,最高人民法院下发了《关于全面加强知识产权审判工作,为建设创新型国家提供司法保障的意见》,就全面加强知识产权审判工作进行了全面部署。1987年至2007年,全国法院受理和审结的一审知识产权行政案件,分别为4675件和4613件。2003年至2007年间,全国各地方知识产权局共受理各类专利纠纷案件6427件,查处假冒他人专利案件919件,查处冒充专利案件8152件。刑事方面,2008年,检查机关共受理提请批准逮捕涉及侵犯知识产权犯罪案件1407件2565人,共受理移送审查起诉涉及侵犯知识产权犯罪案件1770件3482人。
On judicial enforcement, the Supreme People's Court(SPC)issued in January 2007 the Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening the Trials of IPR Cases and Provide Judicial Guarantee for the Construction of An Innovative Country which provides a comprehensive plan for strengthening trials of IPR cases.Between 1987 and 2007, 4675 IPR-related administrative cases were accepted by courts throughout the country and 4613 cases were brought to trial and concluded.Between 2003 and 2007, local IPR offices accepted and heard 6427 patent disputes, and 919 cases of patent counterfeiting and 8152 cases of bogus patents were investigated.With regard to criminal cases, 1407 criminal cases of IPR infringement that involve 2565 persons were submitted for approval of arrest, and 1770 criminal cases of IPR infringement that involve 3482 persons were accepted and transferred for trials by procuratorial offices in 2008.值得注意的是,在知识产权行政执法和司法并行运作中,执法部门非常注重行政执法与刑事司法的相互衔接。最高人民检察院推动建立了“网上衔接、信息共享”机制,督促涉嫌侵犯知识产权犯罪案件及时移送;公安部还分别与海关总署、工商总局、版权局等签订了执法合作协议。在执法体系方面,海关设立了专门的知识产权保护机构,初步形成了海关总署-直属海关-隶属海关三级知识产权执法体系;人民法院建立健全了知识产权审判组织,各高级法院、中级法院以及具有知识产权民事案件管辖权的基层法院都设立了专门的知识产权审判庭,目前已达172个。
It is worth noting that law enforcement departments pay extra attention to the coordination between administrative enforcement and criminal justice in dealing with IPR cases.The Supreme People's Procuratorate has led in the introduction of the mechanism for “online coordination and information sharing” to urge the timely transfer of criminal IPR cases;the Ministry of Public Security has signed joint enforcement protocols with the General Administration of Customs(GAC), State Administration for Industry and Commerce, National Copyright Administration and other departments.Institution-wise, the GAC has set up specialized IPR protection agencies and put in place a three-layer IPR enforcement system, consisting of the GAC, its direct subsidiaries and affiliates;the SPC has designed and perfected the framework for IPR trials, and all higher courts, intermediate court, and grass-roots courts that have jurisdiction over civil IPR cases have created up to 172 ad hoc tribunals for IPR cases.四、知识产权统筹监督能力日益增强
IV.Supervision and coordination around IPR protection is being enhanced.从2006年开始,中国连续三年颁布了《保护知识产权行动计划》,其中共涉及到717项具体措施,内容涵盖了立法、执法、审判、机制建设、宣传、培训教育、国际交流与合作、企业知识产权保护、为权利人提供服务、专题研究等10个领域。上述700多项措施已全部得到落实。当前,为贯彻实施《国家知识产权战略纲要》,国家知识产权局正在牵头制定《2009年国家知识产权战略实施计划》。
Starting in 2006, China has issued three annual Action Plans on IPR Protection, detailing 717 measures in such areas as legislation, enforcement, institutional building, publicity, training & education, international exchanges and cooperation, corporate IPR protection, services to right-holders and thematic study.All the 700-plus measures have been put into practice.In order to implement the Outline of the National IPR Strategy, the State Intellectual Property Office is now leading the effort to formulate the 2009 Implementation Plan for the National IPR Strategy.为方便社会监督,我们在全国50个大中城市建立综合性的保护知识产权举报投诉服务中心,开通“12312”举报投诉电话和互联网在线举报投诉窗口,形成了便捷、快速、有效的知识产权保护网。
In order to facilitate public oversight, we have set up comprehensive IPR reporting and complaint centers in 50 large and medium-sized cities across China, and opened a tip-line “12312” as well as an online IPR reporting and complaint window, forming an accessible, expeditious and effective IPR protection network.五、全社会知识产权意识不断提高
V.Public awareness about IPR is growing.培养和提高知识产权保护意识是我们工作的基础,也是工作的重点。
Building and raising IPR awareness is the basis and focus of our efforts.中国政府高度重视知识产权的宣传普及工作,中央和地方每年都组织大量活动。从2004年开始,在 “世界知识产权日”(4月26日)前后,在全国范围内开展“保护知识产权宣传周”活动。有关部门举办了“骨干企业负责人员保护知识产权专题研讨班”,启动了“百千万知识产权人才工程"等一系列宣传教育和普法教育活动,通过“中国保护知识产权成果展览会”、等形式多样的活动,以及创办中国保护知识产权网等方式,在全社会大力倡导以“尊重知识,崇尚创新,诚信守法”为核心的知识产权文化理念。
The Chinese government attaches great importance to IPR outreach and publicity.The central and local governments would organize a lot of such activities around the year.Since 2004, an IPR Protection Week has been staged around the World Intellectual Property Day(April 26)throughout the country.Relevant departments have hosted a series of outreach and educational events, such as the “Corporate Chiefs’ Seminar on IPR Protection” and the “Hundred, Thousand, and Ten Thousand IPR Talents Program”.Through a diverse range of activities such as the China IPR Achievements Show, and by means of launching the China IPR protection website, the government has been spreading the key IPR message of “respecting knowledge, encouraging innovation, honoring credit-worthiness and abiding by law”.改革开放30年来,通过不断的努力,知识产权保护在中国正得到全社会越来越广泛的认同。由于时间所限,就中国知识产权保护的现状,我就介绍以上内容。当然,这远远不能囊括中国知识产权工作的全部。下个月中欧还将举行第5次知识产权对话,双方政府部门的代表可以继续就知识产权保护的经验进行深入的交流与探讨。After three decades of reform and opening-up and through unremitting efforts, IPR protection is now gaining broader public support in China.Due to time constraints, I have to finish that overview on the current status of IPR protection in China.That being said, my summary is only part of the whole story.Next month, the 5th China-EU IPR Dialogue will take place, which is another forum for both governments to continue to in-depth experience-sharing and discussion on IPR protection.女士们,先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen, 知识产权一直是中欧经贸关系中的重要话题之一,我们充分理解双方对此的关注。中方非常重视与欧方开展知识产权交流、对话与合作,如何能够做得更好,借此机会,我愿谈点看法,与大家探讨。
IPR protection has always been one of the most important topics in China-Europe trade and economic relations, and we fully understand the concerns the two sides draw to this issue.China highly values IPR exchange, dialogue and cooperation with the EU.And to make this partnership more productive, I would like to make a few extra points.第一,中国保护知识产权的决心是坚定的。First, China is determined to protect IPR.中国经济社会持续快速发展,知识产权在经济社会发展中的作用越来越突出。保护知识产权不仅是改善投资环境、提高开放水平的需要,更是增强自主创新能力、建设创新型国家的需要。加强知识产权保护,符合中国自身发展的长远利益,也是保护创新与研发的迫切要求,中国政府的决心是坚定不移的。
IPR is playing a more salient role in promoting sustained and rapid socioeconomic development in China.IPR protection not only shows a drive to improve the investment climate and increase openness, but also caters to the need of enhancing indigenous innovation and building an innovative nation.Strengthening IPR protection serves China’s long-term interest and the strong urge for protecting innovation and R&D.In this regard, the Chinese government has unwavering determination.第二,中国保护知识产权所取得的成绩是巨大的。
Second, China has come a long way in IPR protection.知识产权保护离不开中国的国情。中国还是一个发展中国家,面临着很多发展中问题。尽管如此,中国在知识产权保护方面依然投入了大量人力、物力,取得了显著成效。IPR protection cannot depart from China’s national conditions.Still a developing country, China faces many developmental problems.Notwithstanding that, China has committed tremendous manpower and resources to IPR protection, and has made remarkable achievements.第三,中欧双方应加强知识产权交流、对话与合作。
Third, China and the EU should strengthen IPR exchange, dialogue and cooperation.作为一个发展中国家,中国在知识产权领域还有大量的工作要做,《国家知识产权战略纲要》也明确了战略任务、重点和相应的措施。对知识产权领域出现的问题,中国是以高度负责的态度来处理的。知识产权是一个国际性问题,相互指责并不能解决问题,合作与对话应成为解决问题的最佳途径。
As a developing country, China still has a lot more work to do in the IPR field.The Outline of the National IPR Strategy further defines the strategic objectives, priorities and corresponding measures in this regard.China has reacted responsibly to every issue arising on IPR.However, IPR protection is a global task.Pointing fingers at each other will not solve the problem.Cooperation and dialogue is the best solution.女士们,先生们,Ladies and gentlemen, 面对不断蔓延的金融危机,加强合作,共同抵制贸易保护主义,正成为国际社会的共同心声。知识产权是中欧双方共同关注的重要问题,我相信,随着对话与交流的不断深入,知识产权将会成为双方合作的一个亮点。我希望欧方能够继续对中国给予理解、支持和帮助,与中方携手同前,共克时艰,不断深化知识产权合作,共同提高知识产权保护水平,推动中欧经贸关系健康稳步发展。
In the face of the escalating financial crisis, there is an increasing international consensus on strengthening cooperation and resisting trade protectionism.IPR is a key topic of mutual interest to both Europe and China.I believe, as dialogue and communication goes deeper, IPR will become a highlight of our cooperation.I hope the EU could continue to understand, support and assist China, work with China to overcome the current difficulties, deepen IPR cooperation, and enable greater IPR protection, so as to promote the healthy and steady development of China-Europe trade and economic relations.谢谢!Thank you!
The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination 失败的好处与想象的重要
Harvard University Commencement Address
President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, proud parents, and, above all, graduates, 福斯特主席,哈佛公司和监察委员会的各位成员,各位老师、家长、全体毕业生们: The first thing I would like to say is “thank you.” Not only has Harvard given me an extraordinary honour, but the weeks of fear and nausea I’ve endured at the thought of giving this commencement address have made me lose weight.A win-win situation!Now all I have to do is take deep breaths, squint at the red banners and convince myself that I am at the world’s largest Gryffindors' reunion.首先请允许我说一声谢谢。哈佛不仅给了我无上的荣誉,连日来为这个演讲经受的恐惧和紧张,更令我减肥成功。这真是一个双赢的局面。现在我要做的就是深呼吸几下,眯着眼睛看看前面的大红横幅,安慰自己正在世界上最大的魔法学院聚会上。
Delivering a commencement address is a great responsibility;or so I thought until I cast my mind back to my own graduation.The commencement speaker that day was the distinguished British philosopher Baroness Mary Warnock.Reflecting on her speech has helped me enormously in writing this one, because it turns out that I can't remember a single word she said.This liberating discovery enables me 更多出国考试资料下载:http://www.xiexiebang.coming a gay wizard.发表毕业演说是一个巨大的责任,至少在我回忆自己当年的毕业典礼前是这么认为的。那天做演讲的是英国著名的哲学家Baroness Mary Warnock,对她演讲的回忆,对我写今天的演讲稿,产生了极大的帮助,因为我不记得她说过的任何一句话了。这个发现让我释然,让我不再担心我可能会无意中影响你放弃在商业,法律或政治上的大好前途,转而醉心于成为一个快乐的魔法师。
You see? If all you remember in years to come is the 'gay wizard' joke, I've still come out ahead of Baroness Mary Warnock.Achievable goals-the first step to self-improvement.你们看,如果在若干年后你们还记得“快乐的魔法师”这个笑话,那就证明我已经超越了Baroness Mary Warnock。建立可实现的目标——这是提高自我的第一步。
Actually, I have wracked my mind and heart for what I ought to say to you today.I have asked myself what I wish I had known at my own graduation, and what important lessons I have learned in the 21 years that has expired between that day and this.实际上,我为今天应该和大家谈些什么绞尽了脑汁。我问自己什么是我希望早在毕业典礼上就该了解的,而从那时起到现在的21年间,我又得到了什么重要的启示。
I have come up with two answers.On this wonderful day when we are gathered together to celebrate your academic success, I have decided to talk to you about the benefits of failure.And as you stand on the threshold of what is sometimes 更多出国考试资料下载:http://www.xiexiebang.comfortable experience for the 42-year-old that she has become.Half my lifetime ago, I was striking an uneasy balance between the ambition I had for myself, and what those closest to me expected of me.回顾21岁刚刚毕业时的自己,对于今天42岁的我来说,是一个稍微不太舒服的经历。可以说,我人生的前一部分,一直挣扎在自己的雄心和身边的人对我的期望之间。I was convinced that the only thing I wanted to do, ever, was to write novels.However, my parents, both of whom came from impoverished backgrounds and neither of whom had been to college, took the view that my overactive imagination was an amusing personal quirk that could never pay a mortgage, or secure a pension.我一直深信,自己唯一想做的事情,就是写小说。不过,我的父母,他们都来自贫穷的背景,没有任何一人上过大学,坚持认为我过度的想象力是一个令人惊讶的个人怪癖,根本不足以让我支付按揭,或者取得足够的养老金。
I know the irony strikes like with the force of a cartoon anvil now, but… 我现在明白反讽就像用卡通铁砧去打击你,但...更多出国考试资料下载:http://www.xiexiebang.compromise was reached that in retrospect satisfied nobody, and I went up to study Modern Languages.Hardly had my parents' car rounded the corner at the end of the road than I ditched German and scuttled off down the Classics corridor.他们希望我去拿个职业学位,而我想去攻读英国文学。最后,达成了一个双方都不甚满意的妥协:我改学现代语言。可是等到父母一走开,我立刻放弃了德语而报名学习古典文学。I cannot remember telling my parents that I was studying Classics;they might well have found out for the first time on graduation day.Of all the subjects on this planet, I think they would have been hard put to name one less useful than Greek mythology when it came to securing the keys to an executive bathroom.我不记得将这事告诉了父母,他们可能是在我毕业典礼那一天才发现的。我想,在全世界的所有专业中,他们也许认为,不会有比研究希腊神话更没用的专业了,根本无法换来一间独立宽敞的卫生间。
I would like to make it clear, in parenthesis, that I do not blame my parents for their point of view.There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction;the moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.What is more, I cannot criticise my parents for hoping that I would never experience poverty.They had been poor themselves, and I have since been poor, and I quite agree with them that it is not an ennobling experience.Poverty entails fear, and stress, and sometimes depression;it means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships.Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts, that 更多出国考试资料下载:http://www.xiexiebang.come to pass, and by every usual standard, I was the biggest failure I knew.最终,我们所有人都必须自己决定什么算作失败,但如果你愿意,世界是相当渴望给你一套标准的。所以我承认命运的公平,从任何传统的标准看,在我毕业仅仅七年后的日子里,我的失败达到了史诗般空前的规模:短命的婚姻闪电般地破裂,我又失业成了一个艰难的单更多出国考试资料下载:http://www.xiexiebang.complicated, and beyond anyone's total control, and the humility to know that will enable you to survive its vicissitudes.如果给我一部时间机器,我会告诉21岁的自己,人的幸福在于知道生活不是一份漂亮的成绩单,你的资历、简历,都不是你的生活,虽然你会碰到很多与我同龄或更老一点的人今天依然还在混淆两者。生活是艰辛的,复杂的,超出任何人的控制能力,而谦恭地了解这一点,将使你历经沧桑后能够更好的生存。
You might think that I chose my second theme, the importance of imagination, because of the part it played in rebuilding my life, but that is not wholly so.Though I will defend the value of bedtime stories to my last gasp, I have learned to value imagination in a much broader sense.Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation.In its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power that enables us to empathise with humans whose experiences we have never shared.对于第二个主题的选择——想象力的重要性——你们可能会认为是因为它对我重建生活起到了帮助,但事实并非完全如此。虽然我愿誓死捍卫睡前要给孩子讲故事的价值观,我对想象力的理解已经有了更广泛的含义。想象力不仅仅是人类设想还不存在的事物这种独特更多出国考试资料下载:http://www.xiexiebang.come to give information, or to try and find out what had happened to those who they had left behind.我有很多的同事是前政治犯,他们已离开家园流离失所,或逃亡流放,因为他们敢于怀疑政府、独立思考。来我们办公室的访客,包括那些前来提供信息,或想设法知道那些被迫留下的同志发生了什么事的人。
I shall never forget the African torture victim, a young man no older than I was at the time, who had become mentally ill after all he had endured in his homeland.He trembled uncontrollably as he spoke into a video camera about the brutality inflicted upon him.He was a foot taller than I was, and seemed as fragile as a child.I was given the job of escorting him to the Underground Station afterwards, and this man whose life had been shattered by cruelty took my hand with exquisite courtesy, and wished me future happiness.我将永远不会忘记一个非洲酷刑的受害者,一名当时还没有我大的年轻男子,他因在故乡的经历而精神错乱。在摄像机前讲述被残暴地摧残的时候,他颤抖失控。他比我高一英尺,却看上去像一个脆弱的儿童。我被安排随后护送他到地铁站,这名生活已被残酷地打乱的男子,小心翼翼地握着我的手,祝我未来生活幸福。
Many of my co-workers were ex-political prisoners, people who had been displaced from their homes, or fled into exile, because they had the temerity to think independently of their government.Visitors to our office included those who had come to give information, or to try and find out what had happened to those 更多出国考试资料下载:http://www.xiexiebang.come mentally ill after all he had endured in his homeland.He trembled uncontrollably as he spoke into a video camera about the brutality inflicted upon him.He was a foot taller than I was, and seemed as fragile as a child.I was given the job of escorting him to the Underground Station afterwards, and this man whose life had been shattered by cruelty took my hand with exquisite courtesy, and wished me future happiness.我将永远不会忘记一个非洲酷刑的受害者,一名当时还没有我大的年轻男子,他因在故乡的经历而精神错乱。在摄像机前讲述被残暴地摧残的时候,他颤抖失控。他比我高一英尺,却看上去像一个脆弱的儿童。我被安排随后护送他到地铁站,这名生活已被残酷地打乱的男子,小心翼翼地握着我的手,祝我未来生活幸福。
And as long as I live I shall remember walking along an empty corridor and suddenly hearing, from behind a closed door, a scream of pain and horror such as I have never heard since.The door opened, and the researcher poked out her head and told me to run and make a hot drink for the young man sitting with her.She had just given him the news that in retaliation for his own outspokenness against his country's regime, his mother had been seized and executed.只要我活着,我就会记得,在一个空荡荡的的走廊,突然从背后的门里,传来我从未听更多出国考试资料下载:http://www.xiexiebang.comfortably within the bounds of their own experience, never troubling to wonder how it would feel to have been born other than they are.They can refuse to hear screams or to peer inside cages;they can close their minds and hearts to any suffering that does not touch them personally;they can refuse to know.而很多人选择不去使用他们的想象力。他们选择留在自己舒适的世界里,从来不愿花力气去想想如果生在别处会怎样。他们可以拒绝去听别人的尖叫,看一眼囚禁的笼子;他们可更多出国考试资料下载:http://www.xiexiebang.committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy.更甚的是,那些选择不去同情的人,可能会激活真正的怪兽。因为尽管自己没有犯下罪恶,我们却通过冷漠与之勾结。
One of the many things I learned at the end of that Classics corridor down which I ventured at the age of 18, in search of something I could not then define, was this, written by the Greek author Plutarch: What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.我18岁开始从古典文学中汲取许多知识,其中之一当时并不完全理解,那就是希腊作家普鲁塔克所说:我们内心获得的,将改变外在的现实。
That is an astonishing statement and yet proven a thousand times every day of our lives.It expresses, in part, our inescapable connection with the outside world, the fact that we touch other people's lives simply by existing.更多出国考试资料下载:http://www.xiexiebang.come again, and, of course, by the knowledge that we held certain photographic evidence that would be exceptionally valuable if any of us ran for Prime Minister.我的演讲要接近尾声了。对你们,我有最后一个希望,也是我21岁时就有的。毕业那天坐在我身边的朋友现在是我终身的挚交,他们是我孩子的教父母,是在我遇到麻烦时愿意伸出援手,在我用他们的名字给哈利波特中的“食死徒”起名而不会起诉我的朋友。我们在毕业典礼时坐在了一起,因为我们关系亲密,拥有共同的永远无法再来的经历,当然,也因为假想要是我们中的任何人竞选首相,那照片将是极为宝贵的关系证明。
So today, I can wish you nothing better than similar friendships.And tomorrow, I hope that even if you remember not a single word of mine, you remember those of Seneca, another of those old Romans I met when I fled down the Classics corridor, in retreat from career ladders, in search of ancient wisdom: 更多出国考试资料下载:http://www.manfen.net/topic-download.html 所以今天我可以给你们的,没有比拥有知己更好的祝福了。明天,我希望即使你们不记得我说的任何一个字,你们还能记得哲学家塞内加的一句至理明言。我当年没有顺着事业的阶梯向上攀爬,转而与他在古典文学的殿堂相遇,他的古老智慧给了我人生的启迪: As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.生活就像故事一样:不在乎长短,而在于质量,这才是最重要的。I wish you all very good lives.我祝愿你们都有美好的生活。Thank you very much.非常感谢大家。
My job is to design, build and study robots that communicate with people.But this story doesn't start with robotics at all, it starts with animation.When I first saw Pixar's “Luxo Jr.,” I was amazed by how much emotion they could put into something as trivial as a desk lamp.I mean, look at them--at the end of this movie, you actually feel something for two pieces of furniture.(Laughter)And I said, I have to learn how to do this.So I made a really bad career decision.And that's what my mom was like when I did it.(Laughter)I left a very cozy tech job in Israel at a nice software company and I moved to New York to study animation.And there I lived in a collapsing apartment building in Harlem with roommates.I'm not using this phrase metaphorically, the ceiling actually collapsed one day in our living room.Whenever they did those news stories about building violations in New York, they would put the report in front of our building.As kind of like a backdrop to show how bad things are.我的工作是设计、构造和研究 那些能够与人交流的机器人。不过这个故事不是从机器人说起,而是要从动画说起。当我第一次看到皮克斯的《顽皮跳跳灯》电影时,我惊呆了,一个如此微不足道的台灯 竟能表现如此多的感情。你看他们啊!电影结尾的时候,你真的开始喜欢上这两件小小的家具了。(笑声)我对自己说,我要学会做这样的东西。所以我做了一个很坏的职业决策,我做出这个决定的时候,我妈妈就是这样的。(笑声)我辞去了在以色列一个软件公司的 一份非常舒服的技术工作,我搬到了纽约 去学习动画。在那,我和我的室友住在 哈莱姆一栋即将坍塌的公寓楼里。我没有夸张,有一天天花板真的塌下来了 就塌在了我们的客厅里。每次报到纽约的违章建筑时,他们都会跑到们的大楼下进行采访。就好像让你看看现场有多糟糕一样。
Anyway, during the day I went to school and at night I would sit and draw frame by frame of pencil animation.And I learned two surprising lessons--one of them was that when you want to arouse emotions, it doesn't matter so much how something looks, it's all in the motion--it's in the timing of how the thing moves.And the second, was something one of our teachers told us.He actually did the weasel in Ice Age.And he said: “As an animator you are not a director, you're an actor.” So, if you want to find the right motion for a character, don't think about it, go use your body to find it--stand in front of a mirror, act it out in front of a camera--whatever you need.And then put it back in your character.言归正传,我上学的日日夜夜,我不停地一幅又一幅地用铅笔画着画。我学到了两个让我惊讶的东西—— 其中一个是: 当你想要唤起某些情感时,外观并不算太重要,关键是动作——物体运动时,对时间的把握。关键是动作——物体运动时,对时间的把握。第二个是我们的一个老师告诉我们的。他正是电影《冰河世纪》的黄鼠狼。他说: ”作为一个动画制作者,你不是一个导演,而是一个演员。“ 所以如果你要为一个角色找到正确的肢体语言,不要想,用你的身体找到它,站在镜子面前,摄像机前,演出来,无论你需要做什么。然后再把这个动作放在你的角色上。
A year later I found myself at MIT in the robotic life group, it was one of the first groups researching the relationships between humans and robots.And I still had this dream to make an actual, physical Luxo Jr.lamp.But I found that robots didn't move at all in this engaging way that I was used to for my animation studies.Instead, they were all--how should I put it, they were all kind of robotic.(Laughter)And I thought, what if I took whatever I learned in animation school, and used that to design my robotic desk lamp.So I went and designed frame by frame to try to make this robot as graceful and engaging as possible.And here when you see the robot interacting with me on a desktop.And I'm actually redesigning the robot so, unbeknownst to itself, it's kind of digging its own grave by helping me.(Laughter)I wanted it to be less of a mechanical structure giving me light, and more of a helpful, kind of quiet apprentice that's always there when you need it and doesn't really interfere.And when, for example, I'm looking for a battery that I can't find, in a subtle way, it will show me where the battery is.So you can see my confusion here.I'm not an actor.And I want you to notice how the same mechanical structure can at one point, just by the way it moves seem gentle and caring--and in the other case, seem violent and confrontational.And it's the same structure, just the motion is different.Actor: “You want to know something? Well, you want to know something? He was already dead!Just laying there, eyes glazed over!”(Laughter)But, moving in graceful ways is just one building block of this whole structure called human-robot interaction.I was at the time doing my Ph.D., I was working on human robot teamwork;teams of humans and robots working together.I was studying the engineering, the psychology, the philosophy of teamwork.And at the same time I found myself in my own kind of teamwork situation with a good friend of mine who is actually here.And in that situation we can easily imagine robots in the near future being there with us.It was after a Passover seder.We were folding up a lot of folding chairs, and I was amazed at how quickly we found our own rhythm.Everybody did their own part.We didn't have to divide our tasks.We didn't have to communicate verbally about this.It all just happened.And I thought, humans and robots don't look at all like this.When humans and robots interact, it's much more like a chess game.The human does a thing, the robot analyzes whatever the human did, then the robot decides what to do next, plans it and does it.And then the human waits, until it's their turn again.So, it's much more like a chess game and that makes sense because chess is great for mathematicians and computer scientists.It's all about information analysis, decision making and planning.一年以后,我去了麻省理工大学(MIT)的 机器人生命小组,这是最早 开始研究人类和机器人关系的小组之一。我依然怀揣着要造一个 真正的、可触碰的顽皮跳跳灯的梦想。但是我发现机器人完全不是 按照我的动画课程中的那种 引人入胜的方式移动。相反的,他们都—— 该怎么说呢?他们都有点儿机械化。(笑声)我就想,如果我可以把我在动画学校学到的东西 应用于设计我的机器人台灯会怎样? 因此我设计了一幅又一幅,试图让这个机器人 尽量优雅、有吸引力。这里你可以看到这个桌子上的机器人 在跟我互动,我其实是在重新设计这个机器人,而这个机器人完全不知道,它帮我,其实是在自掘坟墓呢。(笑声)比起把他它做成一个照明的机械,比起把他它做成一个照明的机械,我更想要一个能帮忙的、安静的学徒,随时满足你的需求却不打扰你。比如,当我要找一个我怎么也 找不到的电池时,它可以巧妙地提醒我电池在哪里。你看到我的困惑了吗? 我不是一个演员。我希望你们注意到,同一个机械如何 在前一刻非常温柔、充满关怀,在前一刻非常温柔、充满关怀,下一刻又显得非常暴力,有进攻性。一模一样的结构,改变的仅仅是动作。演员:”你想知道吗?你真的想知道吗? 他已经死了!他就躺在那里,目光呆滞!“(笑声)但是,以一种优雅的方式移动只是这整个 人类机器人互动结构的一块基石。那时候我正在攻读我的博士学位,我正在研究人类与机器人的团队合作,也就是人类和机器人一起合作。我在学习团队合作的工程学,心理学和哲学。同时,我意识到自己 和我的一个好朋友(他今天也在这里),也碰到了一个团队合作的情境。在那个情境中,我们很容易想象 不久的将来机器人会和我们在一起。那是在一个逾越节家宴结束后,我们要收起大量的折叠椅,我惊讶于我们迅速找到了各自的节奏。每个人都做了自己的那部分,无需分工,无需特意口头沟通。就这样发生了。于是我想,人类和机器人的互动却完全不是这样。当人类和机器人互动的时候,就好像他们在下象棋。人类走一步,机器人对此分析一下,然后机器人决定接下来怎么做,计划好,走下一步。这时候人类就等着,直到轮到他们玩为止。所以,人类和机器人的互动更像下象棋,这很好理解,因为 对数学家和计算机科学家来说,象棋很好,它们都是关于信息分析、决策制定和计划。
But I wanted my robot to be less of a chess player, and more like a doer that just clicks and works together.So I made my second horrible career choice: I decided to study acting for a semester.I took off from a Ph.D.I went to acting classes.I actually participated in a play, I hope theres no video of that around still.And I got every book I could find about acting, including one from the 19th century that I got from the library.And I was really amazed because my name was the second name on the list--the previous name was in 1889.(Laughter)And this book was kind of waiting for 100 years to be rediscovered for robotics.And this book shows actors how to move every muscle in the body to match every kind of emotion that they want to express.但比起象棋玩家,我更希望我的机器人是一个行动者,但比起象棋玩家,我更希望我的机器人是一个行动者,可以和人类有默契地一起工作。于是我做了我人生中的第二个糟糕的职业决策: 我决定学习一学期的表演课程。我放下了我的博士课程,去上了表演课。我还参与了一个戏剧,希望现在已经找不到那个视频了。我找到了每一本关于表演的书,其中包括一本从图书馆里借来的 19世纪的书。我震惊地发现我的名字是借阅者名单上的第二个,之前的一个名字是1889年。(笑声)这本书已经躺了100年了,只为了借机器人之名被重新发现。这本书教演员 如何调动他们身体上的每块肌肉 来表达他们想要表达的情感。
But the real revelation was when I learned about method acting.It became very popular in the 20th century.And method acting said, you don't have to plan every muscle in your body.Instead you have to use your body to find the right movement.You have to use your sense memory to reconstruct the emotions and kind of think with your body to find the right expression.Improvise, play off yor scene partner.And this came at the same time as I was reading about this trend in cognitive psychology called embodied cognition.Which also talks about the same ideas--We use our bodies to think, we don't just think with our brains and use our bodies to move.but our bodies feed back into our brain to generate the way that we behave.And it was like a lightning bolt.I went back to my office.I wrote this paper--which I never really published called “Acting Lessons for Artificial Intelligence.” And I even took another month to do what was then the first theater play with a human and a robot acting together.That's what you saw before with the actors.And I thought: How can we make an artificial intelligence model--computer, computational model--that will model some of these ideas of improvisation, of taking risks, of taking chances, even of making mistakes.Maybe it can make for better robotic teammates.So I worked for quite a long time on these models and I implemented them on a number of robots.Here you can see a very early example with the robots trying to use this embodied artificial intelligence, to try to match my movements as closely as possible, sort of like a game.Let's look at it.You can see when I psych it out, it gets fooled.And it's a little bit like what you might see actors do when they try to mirror each other to find the right synchrony between them.And then, I did another experiment, and I got people off the street to use the robotic desk lamp, and try out this idea of embodied artificial intelligence.So, I actually used two kinds of brains for the same robot.The robot is the same lamp that you saw, and I put in it two brains.For one half of the people, I put in a brain that's kind of the traditional, calculated robotic brain.It waits for its turn, it analyzes everything, it plans.Let's call it the calculated brain.The other got more the stage actor, risk taker brain.Let's call it the adventurous brain.It sometimes acts without knowing everything it has to know.It sometimes makes mistakes and corrects them.And I had them do this very tedious task that took almost 20 minutes and they had to work together.Somehow simulating like a factory job of repetitively doing the same thing.And what I found was that people actually loved the adventurous robot.And they thought it was more intelligent, more committed, a better member of the team, contributed to the success of the team more.They even called it 'he' and 'she,' whereas people with the calculated brain called it 'it.' And nobody ever called it 'he' or 'she'.When they talked about it after the task with the adventurous brain, they said, “By the end, we were good friends and high-fived mentally.” Whatever that means.(Laughter)Sounds painful.Whereas the people with the calculated brain said it was just like a lazy apprentice.It only did what it was supposed to do and nothing more.Which is almost what people expect robots to do, so I was surprised that people had higher expectations of robots, than what anybody in robotics thought robots should be doing.And in a way, I thought, maybe it's time--just like method acting changed the way people thought about acting in the 19th century, from going from the very calculated, planned way of behaving, to a more intuitive, risk-taking, embodied way of behaving.Maybe it's time for robots to have the same kind of revolution.真正让我受到启示的是 方法演技。它在20世纪的时候非常流行。方法演技指出,你不需要安排你的每一块肌肉,相反,你可以用你的身体找到对的动作。你应该运用你的感觉记忆,去重新建构情感,用你的身体找到对的表情。即兴发挥,根据你的场景搭档即兴表演。这个时候我也正读到 认知心理学关于具身认知的东西,这也谈到同样的观点—— 即我们用我们的身体思考,我们并不是用大脑思考用身体表现,而是我们的身体反馈给大脑 并做出相应的动作,这对我好像一道闪电。我马上回了我的办公室。我写了这篇论文,从来也没发表过,叫做《人工智能的表演课》。我甚至花了一个月的时间 去做当时第一部由人类和机器人 一起主演的戏剧。你之前看到的演员和机器人的表演就是这部戏剧。当时我就想: 我们怎样可以做出这样的人工智能模型—— 计算机、计算机模型等等,它们会即兴发挥、会冒险、甚至会犯错。它可能会是更好的机器人队友。因此我花了很多时间去研究这些模型,我还在几个机器人身上做了试验。这里你可以看到一个早期的例子,这个机器人试图运用具身人工智能 来尽量模仿我的动作,就好像一个游戏。我们来看一下。你可以看到我可以糊弄它。有点像你可能看到的演员们 互相模仿对方 只为了找到他们之间的默契。然后,我又做了另外一个实验,我从大街上拉人来使用这个机器人台灯,试验具身人工智能。其实,同样的机器人我用了两个大脑,机器人就是你看到的这个台灯,我给了它两个大脑。对一半的人,我放入了一个传统的、机械计算的大脑。它会等,会分析,会计划,我们暂且称它为“会计算的大脑”。给另一半人则是那个舞台演员、爱冒险的大脑,我们暂且称它为“爱冒险的大脑”,有的时候它在并不知道所有事情的时候行动,有的时候它会犯错然后去纠正。我让他们完成一项无比乏味的任务,这个任务要花近20分钟,他们必须一起合作完成,有点类似在工厂工作,机械地重复一件事情。我发现人们非常喜欢 那个“爱冒险的机器人”。他们觉得它非常聪明,非常忠心,是一个很好的团队成员,一起帮助团队成功。他们甚至称它为“他”和“她”,而另外那些人称那个“会计算的机器人”为“它”,没有人称它为“他”或“她”。任务完成后,那些与“会冒险的大脑”互动的人说: “最后,我们成了好朋友,还在脑内举手击掌了。” 不管那是啥意思……(笑声)听上去很…(口齿不清)然而,那些与“会计算的大脑”互动的人 则说“它就像一个懒徒弟,只做最基本的。“ 这基本上和同人对机器人期待一样,所以我有些惊讶,比起那些机器人研究专家,人们居然对机器人有更高的期望。但从另一个角度,我又想,也许就像方法演技改变了 19世纪人们思考表演的方式一样,是时间改变这种通过精确计算的 行为方式,而转向一种更直觉的、冒险的、用身体表现的行为方式。也许类似的 机器人革命时间到了。A few years later, I was at my next research job at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, and I was working in a group dealing with robotic musicians.And I thought, music, that's the perfect place to look at teamwork, coordination, timing, improvisation--and we just got this robot playing marimba.Marimba, for everybody who was like me, it was this huge, wooden xylophone.And, when I was looking at this, I looked at other works in human-robot improvisation--yes, there are other works in human-robot improvisation--and they were also a little bit like a chess game.The human would play, the robot would analyze what was played, would improvise their own part.So, this is what musicians called a call and response interaction, and it also fits very well, robots and artificial intelligence.But I thought, if I use the same ideas I used in the theater play and in the teamwork studies, maybe I can make the robots jam together like a band.Everybody's riffing off each other, nobody is stopping it for a moment.And so, I tried to do the same things, this time with music, where the robot doesn't really know what it's about to play.It just sort of moves its body and uses opportunities to play, And does what my jazz teacher when I was 17 taught me.She said, when you improvise, sometimes you don't know what you're doing and you're still doing it.And so I tried to make a robot that doesn't actually know what it's doing, but it's still doing it.So let's look at a few seconds from this performance.Where the robot listens to the human musician and improvises.And then, look at how the human musician also responds to what the robot is doing, and picking up from its behavior.And at some point can even be surprised by what the robot came up with.(Music)(Applause)几年后,我在亚特兰大的乔治理工大学做研究,我在一个研究机器人音乐家的 小组工作。我想,音乐是可以很好的 研究团队合作、配合、时间分配和即兴表演的领域,我们有这个玩马林巴的机器人。和我一样对乐器不在行的朋友,马林巴是 一个巨大的木琴。我看着这个,又看了那些其它的人类和机器人的即兴互动,——没错,还有其它人和机器人即兴互动的项目—— 都差不多也是一个个象棋游戏式的互动。人类走一步,机器人对此分析,然后决定下一步。音乐家们称其为 呼叫和应答互动,作为机器人和人工智能,这很合适。但是我想,如果我可以运用 戏剧表演和团队合作中的研究发现,也许我可以让这些机器人 组成一个乐队,每个人都在即兴发挥,没有人需要停下来。于是这次我尝试用音乐做试验,机器人并不知道 它会演奏什么,它就这样移动它的身体,找机会演奏,做着我17岁时候的爵士老师教我的事情。她说,当你即兴表演的时候,有的时候,你并不知道你在做什么,但是你还是继续做。于是我尝试做一个不知道自己在做什么 却仍然继续做的机器人。让我们来看一下这个表演的一个小片段。机器人听人类音乐家演奏 然后即兴发挥。接着,看人类音乐家如何 回应机器人的行为,回应机器人的行为,有时甚至被机器人的表现惊讶。(音乐)(掌声)
Being a musician is not just about making notes, otherwise nobody would ever go see a live show.Musicians also communicate with their bodies, with other band members, with the audience, they use their bodies to express the music.And I thought, we already have a robot musician on stage, why not make it be a full-fledged musician.And I started designing a socially expressive head for the robot.The head does't actually touch the marimba, it just expresses what the music is like.These are some napkin sketches from a bar in Atlanta, that was dangerously located exactly halfway between my lab and my home.(Laughter)So I spent, I would say on average, three to four hours a day there.I think.(Laughter)And I went back to my animation tools and tried to figure out not just what a robotic musician would look like, but especially what a robotic musician would move like.To sort of show that it doesn't like what the other person is playing--and maybe show whatever beat it's feeling at the moment.作为一个音乐家不仅仅是编写音符,否则没有人会去看现场表演了。音乐家也用他们的身体交流,和他们的乐队成员,和观众,他们用他们的身体来表现音乐。于是我想,我们已经有一个在舞台上的机器人音乐家,为什么不把它打造成一个真正的音乐家呢? 于是我开始为机器人设计一个 可以表现情感的头部。头部并不会碰到马林巴,它只是用来表现音乐是什么样的。这草图的纸巾来自亚特兰大某处一个酒吧,而且酒吧就正好在实验室和我家的正中间。(笑声)而且酒吧就正好在实验室和我家的正中间。(笑声)我大概平均 每天有3到4个小时的时间在那里,“大概”…(笑声)我重新拾起了我的动画工具,试图想象 不仅仅一个机器人音乐家的样子,特别是一个机器人音乐家会如何移动它的身体,来告诉人们它不喜欢其他人的演奏,还有它自己当下感觉到的节奏。还有它自己当下感觉到的节奏。
So we ended up actually getting the money to build this robot, which was nice.I'm going to show you now the same kind of performance, this time with a socially expressive head.And notice one thing--how the robot is really showing us the beat it's picking up from the human.We're also giving the human a sense that the robot knows what it's doing.And also how it changes the way it moves as soon as it starts its own solo.(Music)Now it's looking at me to make sure I'm listening.(Music)And now look at the final chord of the piece again, and this time the robot communicates with its body when it's busy doing its own thing.And when it's ready to coordinate the final chord with me.(Music)(Applause)幸运的是,我们最终还获得了一笔 造这样一个机器人的资金。接下来我给大家看一下同样的表演 换成一个情感表现头的效果。注意一点: 请观察这个机器人如何 根据人类的演奏即兴发挥,也让人类知道,这个机器人知道它在做什么。还有独奏开始时,它是如何做出回应的。还有独奏开始时,它是如何做出回应的。(音乐)这会儿它正看着我确保我在听。(音乐)我们再看一下这段的最后一部分,现在机器人正在用它的身体进行沟通,当它正忙于做它自己的事情时,忙于准备 跟我一起演奏最后的旋律。(音乐)(掌声)
Thanks.I hope you see how much this totally not--how much this part of the body that doesn't touch the instrument actually helps with the musical performance.And at some point, we are in Atlanta, so obviously some rapper will come into our lab at some point.And we had this rapper come in and do a little jam with the robot.And here you can see the robot basically responding to the beat and--notice two things.One, how irresistible it is to join the robot while it's moving its head.and you kind of want to move your own head when it does it.And second, even though the rapper is really focused on his iPhone, as soon as the robot turns to him, he turns back.So even though it's just in the periphery of his vision--it's just in the corner of his eye--it's very powerful.And the reason is that we can't ignore physical things moving in our environment.We are wired for that.So, if you have a problem with maybe your partners looking at the iPhone too much or their smartphone too much, you might want to have a robot there to get their attention.(Laughter)(Music)(Applause)谢谢。我希望你能看到 它的头部不碰到乐器 其实有助于音乐表演!既然我们在亚特兰大,就不会没有说唱歌手参与到我们的试验中来。既然我们在亚特兰大,就不会没有说唱歌手参与到我们的试验中来。这个说唱歌手来了之后,我们让他和这个机器人一起表演。这里你可以看到这个机器人 对节奏的回应,请注意两点。第一,当这个机器人在摇头晃脑的时候,你是不是也很想加入其中,和它一起晃动你的头部? 第二,虽然这个说唱歌手非常专注于它的苹果手机,当机器人转向它的时候,他也马上转回来。虽然仅仅是在他的视线边缘—— 他的眼角的余光里,它仍然非常强大。这就是为什么我们不能忽视 我们周边物体的移动。我们天生会这样做。所以,如果你的搭档 很喜欢看它的苹果手机或智能手机,也许你需要一个机器人 来获得他们的注意力。(笑声)(音乐)(掌声)
Just to introduce the last robot that we've worked on, that came out of something kind of surprising that we found: At some point people didn't care anymore about the robot being so intelligent, and can improvise and listen, and do all these embodied intelligence things that I spent years on developing.They really liked that the robot was enjoying the music.(Laughter)And they didn't say that the robot was moving to the music, they said that the robot was enjoying the music.And we thought, why don't we take this idea, and I designed a new piece of furniture.This time it wasn't a desk lamp;it was a speaker dock.It was one of those things you plug your smartphone in.And I thought, what would happen if your speaker dock didn't just play the music for you, but it would actually enjoy it too.(Laughter)And so again, here are some animation tests from an early stage.(Laughter)And this is what the final product looked like.(“Drop It Like It's Hot”)So, a lot of bobbing head.(Applause)A lot of bobbing heads in the audience, so we can still see robots influence people.And it's not just fun and games.最后再为大家介绍一下 我们最近在打造的一个机器人。说来也奇怪,我们发现 到了某个阶段,人们不再对那些聪明的、会即兴表演、会聆听、会做那些我花了多年研究的身体智能表演的 机器人感兴趣了。他们真的很喜欢那个会享受音乐的机器人。(笑声)他们没有说这个机器人是随着音乐扭动身体,而是说这个机器人在享受音乐。于是我们想,为什么不借用这个想法呢,因此我设计了一件新的小家具。这次不是一个台灯,而是一个扬声器底座,就是你可以把你的智能手机放上去的那种。于是我想,如果这个扬声器底座 不仅可以为你放音乐,还可以享受音乐,会怎样?(笑声)这是早期的一些动画尝试。这是早期的一些动画尝试。这是最终的成品的样子。饶舌音乐 不停的点头……(掌声)观众那里也有很多人在不停点头,因此我们可以看到机器人可以影响人。当然这一切不仅仅只是娱乐和游戏。
I think one of the reasons I care so much about robots that use their body to communicate and use their body to move--and I'm going to let you in on a little secret we roboticists are hiding--is that every one of you is going to be living with a robot at some point in their life.Somewhere in your future there's going to be a robot in your life.And if not in yours, then in your children's lives.And I want these robots to be--to be more fluent, more engaging, more graceful than currently they seem to be.And for that I think that maybe robots need to be less like chess players and more like stage actors and more like musicians.Maybe they should be able to take chances and improvise.And maybe they should be able to anticipate what you're about to do.And maybe they need to be able to make mistakes and correct them, because in the end we are human.And maybe as humans, robots that are a little less than perfect are just perfect for us.Thank you.(Applause)我觉得自己非常热衷研究 那些可以用身体沟通、用身体移动的机器人的一个原因是—— 我告诉你一个只有我们机器人专家知道的秘密—— 我们每一个人在生命的某个阶段 都会需要机器人,你未来的某个阶段会有个机器人。如果不是你的未来,那么你的孩子的未来。我希望这些机器人 比现在 可以更流畅、更吸引人、更优雅。比现在 可以更流畅、更吸引人、更优雅。因此,我觉得机器人 不应该是像一个象棋玩家,而应该更像一个舞台演员或者音乐家。它们应该可以冒险,会即兴表演,甚至会预料到你接下来会做什么。它们也应该可以犯错 并且改正,因为到头来,我们只是人类。也许对人类而言,不完美的机器人 才是完美的。谢谢!
第四篇:米歇尔北大演讲 中英对照
MRS.OBAMA:(Applause.)Thank you.Well, ni-hao.(Laughter.)It is such a pleasure and an honor to be here with all of you at this great university, so thank you so much for having me.Now, before I get started today, on behalf of myself and my husband, I just want to say a few very brief words about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.As my husband has said, the United States is offering as many resources as possible to assist in the search.And please know that we are keeping all of the families and loved ones of those on this flight in our thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time.Now with that, I want to start by recognizing our new Ambassador to China, Ambassador Baucus;President Wang;Chairman Zhu;Vice President Li;Director Cueller;Professor Oi, and the Stanford Center;President Sexton from New York University, which is an excellent study abroad program in Shanghai;and John Thornton, Director of the Global Leadership Program at Tsinghua University.Thank you all for joining us.But most of all, I want to thank all of the students who are here today.And I particularly want to thank Eric Schaefer and Zhu Xuanhao for that extraordinary English and Chinese introduction.That was a powerful symbol of everything that I want to talk with you about today.See, by learning each other’s languages, and by showing such curiosity and respect for each other’s cultures, Mr.Schafer and Ms.Zhu and all of you are building bridges of understanding that will lead to so much more.And I’m here today because I know that our future depends on connections like these among young people like you across the globe.That’s why when my husband and I travel abroad, we don’t just visit palaces and parliaments and meet with heads of state.We also come to schools like this one to meet with students like you, because we believe that relationships between nations aren’t just about relationships between governments or leaders--they’re about relationships between people, particularly young people.So we view study abroad programs not just as an educational opportunity for students, but also as a vital part of America’s foreign policy.Through the wonders of modern technology, our world is more connected than ever before.Ideas can cross oceans with the click of a button.Companies can do business and compete with companies across the globe.And we can text, email, Skype with people on every continent.So studying abroad isn’t just a fun way to spend a semester;it is quickly becoming the key to success in our global economy.Because getting ahead in today’s workplaces isn’t just about getting good grades or test scores in school, which are important.It’s also about having real experience with the world beyond your borders –-experience with languages, cultures and societies very different from your own.Or, as the Chinese saying goes: ―It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.‖
But let’s be clear, studying abroad is about so much more than improving your own future.It’s also about shaping the future of your countries and of the world we all share.Because when it comes to the defining challenges of our time-– whether it’s climate change or economic opportunity or the spread of nuclear weapons--these are shared challenges.And no one country can confront them alone.The only way forward is together.That’s why it is so important for young people like you to live and study in each other’s countries, because that’s how you develop that habit of cooperation.You do it by immersing yourself in one another’s culture, by learning each other’s stories, by getting past the stereotypes and misconceptions that too often divide us.That’s how you come to understand how much we all share.That’s how you realize that we all have a stake in each other’s success--that cures discovered here in Beijing could save lives in America, that clean energy technologies from Silicon Valley in California could improve the environment here in China, that the architecture of an ancient temple in Xi’an could inspire the design of new buildings in Dallas or Detroit.And that’s when the connections you make as classmates or labmates can blossom into something more.That’s what happened when Abigail Coplin became an American Fulbright Scholar here at Peking University.She and her colleagues published papers together in top science journals, and they built research partnerships that lasted long after they returned to their home countries.And Professor Niu Ke from Peking University was a Fulbright Scholarship--Scholar in the U.S.last year, and he reported--and this is a quote from him--he said, ―The most memorable experiences were with my American friends.‖
These lasting bonds represent the true value of studying abroad.And I am thrilled that more and more students are getting this opportunity.As you’ve heard, China is currently the fifth most popular destination for Americans studying abroad, and today, the highest number of exchange students in the U.S.are from China.But still, too many students never have this chance, and some that do are hesitant to take it.They may feel like studying abroad is only for wealthy students or students from certain kinds of universities.Or they may think to themselves, well, that sounds fun but how will it be useful in my life? And believe me, I understand where these young people are coming from because I felt the same way back when I was in college.See, I came from a working-class family, and it never occurred to me to study abroad--never.My parents didn’t get a chance to attend college, so I was focused on getting into a university, earning my degree so that I could get a good job to support myself and help my family.And I know for a lot of young people like me who are struggling to afford a regular semester of school, paying for plane tickets or living expenses halfway around the world just isn’t possible.And that’s not acceptable, because study abroad shouldn’t just be for students from certain backgrounds.Our hope is to build connections between people of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds, because it is that diversity that truly will change the face of our relationships.So we believe that diversity makes our country vibrant and strong.And our study abroad programs should reflect the true spirit of America to the world.And that’s why when my husband visited China back in 2009, he announced the 100,000 Strong initiative to increase the number and diversity of American students studying in China.And this year, as we mark the 35th anniversary of the normalization of relationships between our two countries, the U.S.government actually supports more American students in China than in any other country in the world.We are sending high school, college and graduate students here to study Chinese.We’re inviting teachers from China to teach Mandarin in American schools.We’re providing free online advising for students in China who want to study in the U.S.And the U.S.-China Fulbright program is still going strong with more than 3,000 alumni.And the private sector is stepping up as well.For example, Steve Schwarzman, who is the head of an American company called Blackstone, is funding a new program at Tsinghua University modeled on the Rhodes Scholarship.And today, students from all kinds of backgrounds are studying here in China.Take the example of Royale Nicholson, who’s from Cleveland, Ohio.She attends New York University’s program in Shanghai.Now, like me, Royale is a first-generation college student.And her mother worked two full-time jobs while her father worked nights to support their family.And of her experience in Shanghai, Royale said--and this is her quote--she said, ―This city oozes persistence and inspires me to accomplish all that I can.‖ And happy birthday, Royale.It was her birthday yesterday.(Laughter.)And then there’s Philmon Haile from the University of Washington, whose family came to the U.S.as refugees from Eritrea when he was a child.And of his experience studying in China, he said, ―Study abroad is a powerful vehicle for people-to-people exchange as we move into a new era of citizen diplomacy.‖ ―A new era of citizen diplomacy.‖ I could not have said it better myself, because that’s really what I’m talking about.I am talking about ordinary citizens reaching out to the world.And as I always tell young people back in America, you don’t need to get on a plane to be a citizen diplomat.I tell them that if you have an Internet connection in your home, school, or library, within seconds you can be transported anywhere in the world and meet people on every continent.And that’s why I’m posting a daily travel blog with videos and photos of my experiences here in China, because I want young people in America to be part of this visit.And that’s really the power of technology –-how it can open up the entire world and expose us to ideas and innovations we never could have imagined.And that’s why it’s so important for information and ideas to flow freely over the Internet and through the media, because that’s how we discover the truth.That’s how we learn what’s really happening in our communities and our country and our world.And that’s how we decide which values and ideas we think are best –-by questioning and debating them vigorously, by listening to all sides of an argument, and by judging for ourselves.And believe me, I know how this can be a messy and frustrating process.My husband and I are on the receiving end of plenty of questioning and criticism from our media and our fellow citizens.And it’s not always easy, but we wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.Because time and again, we have seen that countries are stronger and more prosperous when the voices of and opinions of all their citizens can be heard.And as my husband has said, we respect the uniqueness of other cultures and societies, but when it comes to expressing yourself freely and worshipping as you choose and having open access to information, we believe those universal rights--they are universal rights that are the birthright of every person on this planet.We believe that all people deserve the opportunity to fulfill their highest potential as I was able to do in the United States.And as you learn about new cultures and form new friendships during your time here in China and in the United States, all of you are the living, breathing embodiment of those values.So I guarantee you that in studying abroad, you’re not just changing your own life, you are changing the lives of everyone you meet.And as the great American President John F.Kennedy once said about foreign students studying in the U.S., he said ―I think they teach more than they learn.‖ And that is just as true of young Americans who study abroad.All of you are America’s best face, and China’s best face, to the world--you truly are.Every day, you show the world your countries’ energy and creativity and optimism and unwavering belief in the future.And every day, you remind us--and me in particular--of just how much we can achieve if we reach across borders, and learn to see ourselves in each other, and confront our shared challenges with shared resolve.So I hope you all will keep seeking these kinds of experiences.And I hope you’ll keep teaching each other, and learning from each other, and building bonds of friendship that will enrich your lives and enrich our world for decades to come.You all have so much to offer, and I cannot wait to see all that you achieve together in the years ahead.Thank you so much.Xie-Xie.(Applause.)END
但最重要的是,我要感谢所有的学生今天都在这里。朱,我特别要感谢Eric Schaefer和Xuanhao的非凡的中英文介绍。这是一个强有力的象征的一切,今天我想跟你谈谈。
[大] [中] [小]发布人:圣才学习网发布日期:2012-01-16 15:24共30人浏览
The eighth and last Millennium Development Goal is a global partnership for development. This means that developing countries must not be left to develop on their own. They need the help of the richer and more powerful countries through the removal of unfair trade barriers and subsidised competition; through the elimination of the debts which oblige so many poor countries to spend more on repaying and servicing their creditors than they can on the social needs of their own people; and through more generous official development aid which the rich countries have repeatedly promised to provide.
In practical terms,global partnership means that every country where there is extreme poverty is entitled to expect help in forging and pursuing a national strategy to achieve the MDGs by 2015. For the poorest countries,most of which are in Africa,this will be of decisive importance. Without it,they will not reach the Goals. With it,they are in with a real chance.That places a big responsibility on the rich countries and it is one that China shares. I know you are used to thinking of your country as a developing one,and so it is probably the fastest developing country the world has ever seen. But the more successfully it develops,the more it too will be expected to show solidarity with smaller and poorer countries that still need a helping hand.
By the same token,as China’s geopolitical weight grows,so does its share of responsibility for world security.
As well as global solidarity,the Millennium Declaration expressed a shared vision of collective security,rooted in the United Nations Charter.
Yet the events of the past two years have called that consensus in question.
Some have doubted whether Article 51 of the Charter,which reaffirms the inherent right of self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations,until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security,is still sufficient in an age when an armed attack may come without warning,from a clandestine terrorist group,perhaps armed with weapons of mass destruction.
They have argued that force must sometimes be used preventively,and that they must be free to decide when their national security requires it.
Others have replied that that doctrine is in itself a grave threat to international peace and security since it might imply that any state has the right to use force whenever it sees fit,without regard to other states’ concerns. And that is precisely the state of affairs which the United Nations was created to save humanity from.
Indeed,the first purpose of the United Nations,laid down in Article 1 of the Charter,is to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace.
We must show that the United Nations is capable of fulfilling that purpose,so that States do not feel obliged or entitled to take the law into their own hands.
that is why,last year,I asked a small panel of distinguished men and women to make recommendations on ways of dealing with threats and challenges to peace and security in the twenty-first century. I am delighted that a very wise Chinese statesman,Mr. Qian Qichen,agreed to join that panel,whose report should be ready in a few weeks’ time.
In short,my friends,there is much to be done to make the world safe in this new century,and to give all its inhabitants a real chance of living prosperous and fulfilling lives. Many bold
decisions need to be taken,and taken soon.
I hope that some of the most important may be taken in September next year,when world leaders will again assemble at the United Nations to review the progress made,or not made,since the Millennium Declaration. This will be the world’s best chance for a breakthrough to address the joint global challenges of development and security. Yet the task will be much tougher than five years ag instead of setting goals,this time leaders must agree on concrete decisions to achieve them.
For 191 nations to agree on a common path forward,many debates will be needed over the coming year,both within countries and among them. Governments will have to work together and reach compromises,sometimes involving the sacrifice of cherished national goals or interests. And they can do so only if their peoples understand what is at stake,and firmly support it.
China,with its remarkable experience in development and expertise in security,can make a leading contribution to this vital global breakthrough.
That is why I am so glad to be in Beijing today,and to have the chance to speak not only to your government but also to you here,in one of China’s great centres of innovation and creative thought. You young educated people have so much to contribute to development,and to meeting the global challenges that I have spoken about safeguarding world peace and security,developing friendly relations among peoples of different faith or culture,and achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
You already have a well-developed network of solidarity between richer and poorer regions within China,and I know many of you will be serving in poor areas,after you graduate. I hope some of you will think also about serving in other parts of the world,where your skills may be even more desperately needed.
I urge you all and your contemporaries throughout China to commit yourselves to finding answers to our century’s great challenges of poverty,disease,and environmental degradation. I say to you,as I have said to students in the United States,and many other countries,go out and make the world better!
But I have spoken long enough. Now it’s your turn. If you have questions,I will try to answer them. But I hope you may also have comments,so that I can learn from you.Thank you very much.