姓 名:崔健 学 号:11302990510 班 级:经济学2班 任课老师:张劼
法蒂玛 梅特 摘要
关键词: 服装设计;服装;创造性思维;设计安排;设计管理
众所周知,设计包括两件事情: 工艺创造过程和产品展示,这两者之间的关系就好比动词和名词的关系。作为一个设计问题解决方案的过程,它是灵感的来源,并通过计划、组织以实现一个最终目标。而产品是其计划的、最终设计的结果。
——越来越多的创意和创造力; ——使设计过程变得简单; ——直接获得协调的配色方案; ——保持和谐和统一的集合;
——从产品灵感中派生出艺术,尤其是从以前的衣服; ——了解季节性时尚款式; ——从设计框架中绘制图纸。
The creative role of sources of inspiration in clothing design
Fatma Mete Abstract:
PurposeA progressive series of empirical studies looking at ready-to-wear clothing design has been undertaken;in situ observation, semi-structured interviews and constrained and semi-constrained design tasks.This empirical approach used ethnographic observational methods, which is effective in situations where conventional knowledge acquisition methods are insufficient, when broad understanding of an industry is needed, as in the fashion industry, not just a case study of a single individual or company.FindingsThis paper highlights the role of sources of inspiration and its effect in creativity and originality in the clothing design process.Offers practical help to clothing designers and design-led clothing companies.Keywords: Fashion design, Clothing, Creative thinking, Design calculations, Design management Introduction Sources of inspiration and its personal interpretation, visually and technically, play an important role in the design process, in increasing creativity.Clothing design studies and the creative role of design inspiration, during the early informal and actual clothing design processes is open to scientific investigation like aesthetically driven designs in other domains.Studying creative fashion design as process and product is seen more problematic than other design-led industries, as the interaction between the design elements and principles, material properties, adaptation and modification of design inspiration are complex.Clothing design, as a variety of aesthetic and functional design processes, shares many characteristics of engineering design process.Research and observation are critically important in the fashion business.By researching and observing, designers gather background information for design, including studying current and future fashion trends and try to predict what the majority of their customers will want in the foreseeable future.In order to keep up with the changing world of fashion, fashion awareness should become second nature to every clothing designer.Design and clothing as a visual and tactile sensory design It is well known that design is two things: process and product, as verb and noun.As design problem solution process, it is researching, setting the source of inspiration, planning, organizing to meet a goal, carrying out according to a particular purpose and creating.As product it is the end result, an intended arrangement that is the outcome of that process or plan.Clothing is an example of applied design, even the most exciting, original idea must show awareness of its practical purpose and environment.We realise that some art is pure, “art for art's sake” but most creations in the daily world are for a practical purpose and use.Design as process is planning to meet a goal, and thus applies to everything intentionally created for a purpose.The steps and order of the process are essentially the same regardless of the end product.These steps are very similar to management as a planning process.Design as man made product and service falls into two major categories: sensory and behavioural.Sensory design is perceived through the senses, and is classified as visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile and gustatory.Behavioural design is planned action.Many products, however, include aspects of both, because design may be perceived through the senses and then interpreted behaviourally.A fashion show, for example, include both sensory and behavioural designs.Research methodology and findings The importance of source of inspiration and their role in creative clothing design has been little understood and, therefore, rarely received attention in this industry.[6], [7], [8] Eckert and Stacey(1998, 2000, 2003)studied knitwear design case, which shares many characteristics of complex engineering projects and as an example of “practical design” in a fast moving and highly competitive manufacturing industry.Their work included a large ethnographic study of the knitwear industry, which produced a detailed design process model and an analysis of the causes of communication problems within design teams.[15] Mäkirinne-Croft et al.(1996)tried to explain the fashion design process in terms of quantum mechanics and psychoanalysis and see design creativity as the ultimate mystery;their description of the design process is simplistic.The author has undertaken a progressive series of empirical studies, based on observation and interviews, looking at ready-to-wear(RTW)clothing design;in situ observation, semi-structured interviews and constrained and semi-constrained design tasks.This empiric approach combines ethnographic observational methods with the knowledge analysis techniques of artificial intelligence.It is effective in situations where conventional knowledge acquisition methods are insufficient, when broad understanding of an industry is needed as in the fashion industry, not just a case study of a single individual or company.In this research, the creative role of sources of inspiration in visual clothing design by novice and expert clothing designers was assessed through empirical research.As subjects, 16 talented clothing designers, 11 university-level fashion design students in Fashion Design Department at Dokuz Eylul University and five professional designers participated in the experiment carried out in this research.The first group of subjects included advanced fashion design students, seven talented students selected from the third and fourth year of undergraduate studies, and also four students of postgraduate studies, who also works as a free lance or part time assistant designers in the clothing industry.The second group was composed of five professional designers with a minimum of 5 years of experience in clothing industry.Sources of inspiration in clothing design Where does the fashion designer get ideas and inspiration for new styles? The answer is everywhere and everything.Anything visual and tactile, in fact sensual, can be a source of inspiration for a garment.Through television, the designer experiences all the wonders of the entertainment world.In films, the designer is exposed to the influences of all the arts, and lifestyles throughout the world.Because consumers are exposed to movies through international distribution, films prime their audiences to accept new fashions inspired by the costumes.Museum exhibits, art shows, world happenings, expositions, theatres, music, dance and world travel are all sources of design inspiration to fashion designers.The fashions of the past are also a rich source of design inspiration.While always alert to the new and exciting, fashion designers never lose sight of the past, they use old things in new ways.As stated the inspiration for a garment within a collection or for an entire collection can come from an infinite variety of sources.Sources of inspiration are often linked to the social “spirit of the times” also called the “zeitgeist”.Understanding the state of current fashion and searching for ideas and sources of inspiration involves looking at art objects and books, going on trips to places like Paris and Milan, visiting museums, watching people on streets and going on country walks.Designers are most creative when they are directly exposed to the sources of ideas.On the other hand, it has been observed in the fashion industry that there are two fundamental approaches in the creative clothing design processes:
(1)material, thus fabric, inspired clothing design process;and
(2)conceptual clothing design process, such as several themes originated from the universe of arts, nature or products.It is known that the high-fashion “name” designers typically develop a concept, also called theme, for their collection in order to be more creative and original.The major types of idea sources in design-led industries are previous products, artifacts, natural objects and phenomena.In case of clothing design, garments, fabrics and trims as previous products, play an important role in sources of inspiration.Although, there is a broad recognition that much of the design proceeds by modification of previous ideas, in case of fabric inspired clothing design, designers search for new forms and styles with newly developed or invented materials.For example, the development of elasthen fabrics, such as Lycra, inspired designers to figure-hugging silhouettes.Garments and other products Clothing designers draw ideas from current and previous garments, such as couture or RTW designer garments, historic and ethnic garments, streetwear, etc.They attend catwalk shows, visit shops to absorb fashion trends, watch celebrities, identify the strong features of a new season, and study how the garments of market leaders and competitors are styled.Designers also study the photographs of garments from fashion magazines and trend publications to gain an overview of fashion.A photograph does not show technical details, but it communicates the mood of a design and the image of the target wear Historic and ethnic costumes Designers’ job is to find, just sort of feel the zeitgeist and to take an idea or a mood and turn it into something tangible, which often was something that had a history and a past.Designers often turn to the past(recent or historical)or to folk costumes for ideas and themes.Costume falls into two categories: historic costume, the fashion of a certain historical period;and folk or ethnic costume, traditional national or regional dress.Museum costume collections, historic films and books are excellent sources of costume references.Designers usually are sensitive to the combinations of design elements and principles in each historical period of costume.High-fashion/couture designers’ theme is often based on a historic or an ethnic inspiration.Fashion silhouettes or garment details popular during historic periods provide a source of design inspiration.For example, the empire silhouette recurs periodically throughout fashion history.Another example, the ruff collar or a sleeve detail from the renaissance period may inspire a collection.As an example of historic customs as a design inspiration, John Galliano’s spring/summer 2005 Dior couture collection can be given.He set the theme as “the age of empire” inspired by the images from the time of Napoleon, the emperor’s coat of arms, the image of a sensual woman such as Jose´phine de Beauharnais.In this collection he also interpreted this theme for wearable Napoleonic coats and Josephine gowns for RTW Designers may be inspired by the clothing and accessory styles of other cultures.They find the same inspirational blend of colours, motifs, lines, shapes, and spaces in folk costumes.The global environment has increased interest in products from the far reaches of the world.Designers seek inspiration from “exotic” cultures whose clothing styles and fabrics are distinctly unique.Conclusions Anything visual and tactile, in fact sensual, can be a source of inspiration in fashion design.Design ideas do not simply materialize out of thin air.First, the designer does careful research, but what makes a designer's collection special and original is his or her unique interpretation of design sources.Therefore, in order to be more creative and original the sources of inspiration play an important role in clothing design.Research and awareness are the key to creativity.Designers must learn most of all to keep their eyes open, to develop their skills of observation, to absorb visual ideas, blend them and translate them into clothes that their customers will like.The design process shows that realistic observation of outside influences and needs, extensive research and awareness and logical thinking and order, remove a great deal of the supposed “mystery” of design or creativity.One who thoroughly understands design as product and process and has mastered the use of appropriate materials and adaptation techniques can be “creative” and can translate the source into reality as a successful fashion product.Sources of inspiration are used at the early stages of design and throughout the entire design process.From the findings of this research, the role of sources of inspiration in clothing design can be summarised as follows:
-increasing originality and creativity;deriving harmonious colour schemes directly;-maintaining harmony and uniformity of the collection;
-deriving technical acumen from products inspired, especially from previous garments;
-understanding the fashion appropriation of the season;
-drawing the borders for the design framework.文献出处:Mete, Fatma.“The creative role of sources of inspiration in clothing design.” International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology 18.4(2006): 278-293.谢谢张劼老师!新年快乐!
刀具生产商提供的标准钻头的直径从0.039到 0.125英寸,能加工深度小雨12倍的直径的深孔,同时提供直径从0.002到0.020英寸的不带内冷却液的钻头。
微加工刀具要使用多高的转速,这主要依赖于车间所使用的数控机床和刀具的直径,所需的转速随刀具直径的增加而加快(注:切削速度公式为 sfm=刀具直径×0.26×主轴转速)。
虽然相对较低,但伯顿的客户也成功 的应用过每分钟5000转的加工速度。伯顿说:“我们建议我们的用户找到一个震动最小的最高转速-----最佳加工速度。”
他还补充说,他曾经看到过带有0.微米的粉末冶金硬质合金刀具,这是商业上能提供齿的尺寸的一半,但它还包括0.5和0.6微米的小齿。“如果齿的尺寸不统一,小齿是发挥不出作用的。” 坠电火花加工
坠电火花加工深细孔时,要用一根导电管作为电极。加工小而浅的孔时,需要用到一根导线或棒,“我们尽量用导管做电极。位于密歇根州的牧野公司总经理Jeff Kiszonas说道,导管的排渣孔能使加工的孔有大的深度直径比,并能够在加工中将孔底的熔渣排出孔外。他又补充道”但是另一方面,没人能制造出小于一定直径的导管。“一些供应商能提供直径小于0.003英寸的导管可以加工出0.0038英寸的孔。
现在Makino公司生产的双边坠电火花加工设备能够加工出 0.00044 英寸的微孔,这种设备主要用于孔的精加工。最近,在日本这种机床的开发人员用两分钟加工了八个这样的孔,并用四十秒穿透了0.0010英寸厚的碳化钨板。加工电极为一个因钨合金棒,由于电火花加工中再电极和工件间存在放电间隙,所以,所加工孔的直径会比电极直径大0.00020英寸。
除了硬质合金和钨电极外,光也是一个不错的微孔加工的“刀具”材料。虽然大多数来钻孔的激光都是处于红外光谱范围,但是根据宾尼法尼亚州的Ex One Co。、Iiwin公司的激光技术主管兰迪吉尔摩介绍,他们采用的是绿色光柱的超脉冲技术。不像其他种类的微加工光束,超脉冲是一种纳秒级激光,它绿色光束的波长为532纳米。这种技术产生的激光一对脉冲时间为4到5纳秒,每对脉冲的间隔为50到100纳秒。这种技术的加工方式成倍的提高了加工效率。“与其他激光加工相比,这种技术大大的提高了金属去除率”。吉尔摩说:“由于这种激光脉冲短,所以很大程度上减少了对工件材料的热损伤。”
为了加强这技术的竞争力,Ex One 公司研发了一种专利材料,将这种材料注入中空的部件体内,可以防止光柱所加工孔以下壁体的烧伤。光加工之后,可以将这种材料完全清理掉。
学生姓名:徐凯学号:0965251027分院:信息与机电工程分院班级: 091指导教师:袁鸿斌职称:讲师填表日期:2013年3月6日
当今时代是一个自动化时代,交通灯控制等很多行业的设备都与计算机密切相关。因此,一个好的交通灯控制系统,将给道路拥挤,违章控制等方面给予技术革新。随着大规模集成电路及计算机技术的迅速发展,以及人工智能在控制技术方面的广泛运用,智能设备有了很大的发展,是现代科技发展的主流方向。本文介绍了一个智能交通的系统的设计。该智能交通灯控制系统可以实现的功能有:对某市区的四个主要交通路口进行控制:个路口有固定的工作周期,并且在道路拥挤时中控制中心能改变其周期:对路口违章的机动车能够即时拍照,并提取车牌号。在世界范围内,一个以微电子技术,计算机和通信技术为先导的,一信息技术和信息产业为中心的信息革命方兴未艾。而计算机技术怎样 与实际应用更有效的结合并有效的发挥其作用是科学界最热门的话题,也是当今计算机应用中空前活跃的领域。本文主要从单片机的应用上来实现十字路口交通灯智能化的管理,用以控制过往车辆的正常运作。
The times is a automation times nowadays,traffic light waits for much the industey equipment to go hand in hand with the computer under the control of.Therefore,a good traffic light controls system,will give road aspect such as being crowded,controlling against rules to give a technical improvement.With the fact that the large-scale integrated circuit and the computer art promptness develop,as well as artificial intelligence broad in the field of control technique applies,intelligence equipment has had very big development,the main current being that modern science and technology develops direction.The main body of a book is designed having introduccd a intelligence traffic light systematically.The function being intelligence traffic light navar’s turn to be able to come true has:The crossing carries out supervisory control on four main traffic of some downtown area;Every crossing has the fixed duty period,charges centrefor being able to change it’s period and in depending on a road when being crowded;The motro vehicle breaking rules and regulations to the crossing is able to take a photo immediately,abstracts and the vehicle shop sign.Within world range ,one uses the microelectronics technology,the computer and the technology communicating by letter are a guide’s,centering on IT and IT industry information revolution is in the ascendant.But,how,computer art applies more effective union and there is an effect’s brought it’s effect into play with reality is the most popular topic of scientific community,is also that computer applications is hit by the unparalleled active field nowadays.The main body of a book is applied up mainly from slicing machine’s only realizing intellectualized administration of crossroads traffic light,use operation in controlling the vehicular traffic regularity.Transportation research has the goal to optimize transportation flow of people and goods.As the number of road users constantly increases, and resources provided by current infras-tructures are limited, intelligent control of traffic will become a very important issue in thefuture.However, some limitations to the usage of intelligent tra?c control exist.Avoidingtraffic jams for example is thought to be beneficial to both environment and economy, butimproved traffic-flow may also lead to an increase in demand [Levinson, 2003].There are several models for traffic simulation.In our research we focus on microscopicmodels that model the behavior of individual vehicles, and thereby can simulate dynam-ics of groups of vehicles.Research has shown that such models yield realistic behavior[Nagel and Schreckenberg, 1992, Wahle and Schreckenberg, 2001].Cars in urban traffic can experience long travel times due to inefficient traffic light con-trol.Optimal control of traffic lights using sophisticated sensors and intelligent optimizationalgorithms might therefore bevery beneficial.Optimization of traffic light switching increasesroad capacity and traffic flow, and can prevent tra?c congestions.Traffic light control is acomplex optimization problem and several intelligent algorithms, such as fuzzy logic, evo-lutionary algorithms, and reinforcement learning(RL)have already been used in attemptsto solve it.In this paper we describe a model-based, multi-agent reinforcement learningalgorithm for controlling traffic lights.In our approach, reinforcement learning [Sutton and Barto, 1998, Kaelbling et al., 1996]with road-user-based value functions [Wiering, 2000] is used to determine optimal decisionsfor each traffic light.The decision is based on a cumulative vote of all road users standingfor a traffic junction, where each car votes using its estimated advantage(or gain)of settingits light to green.The gain-value is the difference between the total time it expects to waitduring the rest of its trip if the light for which it is currently standing is red, and if it is green.The waiting time until cars arrive at their destination is estimated by monitoring cars flowingthrough the infrastructure and using reinforcement learning(RL)algorithms.We compare the performance of our model-based RL method to that of other controllersusing the Green Light District simulator(GLD).GLD is a traffic simulator that allows usto design arbitrary infrastructures and traffic patterns, monitor traffic flow statistics such asaverage waiting times, and test different traffic light controllers.The experimental resultsshow that in crowded traffic, the RL controllers outperform all other tested non-adaptivecontrollers.We also test the use of the learned average waiting times for choosing routes of cars through the city(co-learning), and show that by using co-learning road users can avoidbottlenecks.