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美国货币由美元dollar和美分cent组成,one dollar等于100 cents。其纸币bill有一、二、五、十、二十、五十和一百美元等面值;硬币(coin)有一美分(或a penny)、五美分(或a nickel)、十美分(或a dime)和二十五美分(或a quarter)等。在数字前加$表示美元,如:$500表示五百美元;在数字后加C表示美分,如:50C表示50美分;表示由美元和美分组成的钱数时,常用$表示,如:$6.50。


英国货币由英镑(pound)和便士(pence)组成,也分为纸币notes和硬币coins。纸币有面值五镑、十镑、二十镑和五十镑;而硬币,即金属货币有一便士、二便士、五便士、十便士、二十便士、五十便士和一镑等。若指一定数额的硬币,通常用piece,如2P(pieces);随身带的硬币可用change表示。100 pence等于1 pound。在数字前加£表示多少英镑,如:£800为800英镑;在数字后加P表示多少便士,如:5P表示五便士(penny的复数);表示由英镑和便士组成的钱数时通常不说出pence,如3镑50便士可说成£3.50或three pounds and fifty。


有时,同样一个数字,英国人和美国人的读法也不尽相同,这无疑会使本来就棘手的数字雪上加霜。如:部分有一个逗点的数字(四位数),英国人用“thousand”表示,而美国人则多用“hundred”。再如,有三个逗点的数字(十位数),美式读法为“billion”,而英式读法为“thousand million”。因此,熟悉英美两种不同的读法对消除数字理解上的岐义是十分必要的。请看下面的对照表:

例词 英式 美式 1,900 one thousand,nine hundred nineteen hundred 4,000,000,000 four thousand million four billion 再者,英国英语在百位和十位之间加读“and”,而美国英语往往不用“and”。比如754这个数字。英国 英语读成seven hundred and fifty-four,而美国英语则读为seven hundred fifty-four。



表达时间的方法有三种,其中最为普遍的一种是先说分,再加介词“past”或“to”,然后说小时。若分数为15分、30分、45分,则用“quarter”、“half”代替具体的分数。习惯上,分数加在30分以内,用“past”,如过了30分,用“to”。美国英语中,常用“after ”代替“past”,用“before”(或till)代替“ to”。Examples:

8:00 读作:eight o'clock或eight 9:15 读作:a quarter past nine(英式)11:30 读作:half past eleven(英式)7:50 读作:ten to eight(英式)表达时间的另一种方法是不用介词,先说小时数,再说分数。这种表达法多用于与汽车、火车、轮船、飞 机等相关的情境中,如发车时间、到站时间等。Examples:

4:30 p.m.读作:four-thirty p.m.5:45 p.m.读作:five-forty-five p.m.最后一种方法是日常生活中最不常用的24小时制。如:用14:15(fourteen-fifteen)代替2:15 p.m,用23:05(twenty-three-oh-five)代替11:05 p.m.。这种用法主要出现在官方的时刻表上和电台的正式报时中。


迅速无误识别数字的前提是必须能够流利地读出数字。要从读两位数起,然后练习读三位和四位数乃至五位或六位以上的数字。其中两位和三位数的读法是读所有数字的基础。英文数字中的每一个逗点的读法也要牢记:有一个逗点读“thousand”,两个逗点读“million”,三个逗点读“billion”。还要清楚,每个逗点间 由三位数组成。英文数字中的第四位数、第七位数、第十位数是很关键的数位。Examples:

1,234 读作:one thousand,two hundred and thirty-four 4,567,809 读作:four million,five hundred and sixty-seven thousand,eight hundred and nine 5,678,120,000 读作:five billion,six hundred and seventy-eight million,one hundred and twenty thousand



541 B.C.读作:five four one B.C 或 five hundred forty-one B.C 1800 读作:eighteen hundred 1701 读作:seventeen oh one 或 seventeen hundred and one 2000 读作:two thousand 年代指十年(decade),采用“基数词加上十位数复数”的形式来表示,前面与介词“in”和定冠词“the”搭配。Examples:

in the 1840's 读作:in the eighteen forties(十九世纪四十年代)in the 1950's 读作:in the nineteen fifties(二十世纪五十年代)in the '60's 读作:in the sixties(本世纪六十年代)

如要表示一个年代的初期、中期、末期,可在年代前分别加“early,mid,late”。如:in the early 1770's;in the late 1590's。世纪指一百年(century),用“the+序数词+century”表示。Examples:

in the 2nd century 在二世纪

in the mid 13th century 在十三世纪中叶

世纪给人们带来的一个麻烦是,怎样确定某年属于哪个世纪。我们可以简单地概括为:在百位数中加1,再 去掉两位尾数,即得世纪数。如:725年在百位数上加1,去掉两位尾数25,得8,因此725年属八世纪。再如: 1103年在百位数上加1去掉两位尾数03,得12,故1103年属十二世纪。


序数词是用来表示顺序的数词。除了几个特殊的序数词(如first,second,third)外,它都是在与之相应的基数词尾加“-th”构成的,前面一般要加定冠词,如the fourth,the eighth,the tenth。但在谈编了号的东西时,仍可用基数词来表示顺序。


电话号码 505—6610 读作:telephone number five oh five double six one oh 第344房间 读作:Room three four four



1/3 读作:one-third 7/12 读作:seven-twelfths 1/2 读作:a(one)half 3/4 读作:three quarters 2 1/2 读作:two and a half 比较复杂的分数读法如下:

20/87 读作:twenty over eighty-seven 33/90 读作:thirty-three over ninety 小数的读法:小数点读作“point”,小数后各位数要分别读,小数点前的数若为“0”可略去不读。Examples:

2.468 读作:two point four six eight 0.157 读作:(zero)point one five seven 百分数由“per cent”表示 Examples:

20% 读作:twenty per cent 16.09% 读作:sixteen point zero nine per cent

英语中的年份、日期、时间与数字的读法 1.年份



1865年读作 eighteen sixty-five 1998年读作 nineteen ninety-eight 2)如果前两个数字为非“零”数字,后两位数分别为“零”,则先读出前两位数,然后将后面的两个“零”读为 hundred。例如: 1900年读作 nineteen hundred 1800年读作 eighteen hundred 3)第三个数字为“零”(其他数字不是“零”)的年份的读法应当将该“零”读为O〔u〕。例如:

1809年读作 eighteen O nine 4)关于千年的一些读法。2000年读作 two thousand 2008年读作 two thousand and eight(或twenty O eight)1008年读作 one thousand and eight(或ten O eight)另外,还有一些非四位数的年份,它们有两种读法:一种是按照基数词的方法来读,另一种是一个一个数字来读。例如:

531BC读作 five three one BC(或five hundred and thirty-one BC)2.日期

英语日期的读法、写法和汉语不同,要注意区别。英语中年、月、日的表达方法是“月份+序数词,年”。2001年4月2日应该写成:April 2nd, 2001,读成:April the second, two thousand and one。一般情况下,序数词是在基数词后加-th,但有几种特殊情况,可按下面规律来记:1、2、3单独记(即first, second, third),8后少t,9少e(即:eighth, ninth),5、12变ve为fth(即fifth, twelfth),整十位数变y为ie再加th(如twentieth),二位以上只将个数变序数词(如thirty-second)。例如:

October 31(October 31st)读作October(the)thirty-first August 26(August 26th)读作August(the)twenty-sixth 3.时间


1)可以直接按照表示时间的数字来读。例如: 10:56读作 ten fifty six 8:30读作 eight thirty 2)正点后的前半小时,通常说几点“过”(past)几分。例如: 9:25读作 twenty-five past nine 2:16读作 sixteen past two 3)正点后的后半小时,通常说几点“差”(to)几分。此时,所说的“几点”指的是“正点”后的下一个“正点”。例如: 10:55读作 five to eleven 8:40读作 twenty to nine 4)英语中的15分钟也可以说成“一刻钟”(a quarter)。例如: 4:15读作 a quarter past four 7:45读作 a quarter to eight 45分钟读作 three quarters 4.数字


3.24可以读作three point twenty-four或three twenty-four。在美国买东西都要含税, 所以价钱多半都带有小数点, 通常小数点可以说 point,也可以直接省略。另外比较正式的说法为 three dollars and twenty-four cents, 但是在一般日常生活中几乎是听不到这种读法,而是直接读为 three twenty-four。在美国开支票的机会很多, 要注意的是,支票上小数的写和读与平时有所不同。在支票上,金额不仅要用阿拉伯数字写出,而且还要用英语在金额栏的最左边写出。其中整数部分的第一个字母要大写, 小数部分则用 xx/100 来表示, 并在最后加上 only。例如 12.87 写为Twelve dollar and 87/100 only。

1,245 可读为 twelve forty-five,one thousand two hundred and forty-five 或 twelve hundred and forty-five。一般来说, 四位数的读法是两个数字两个数字一起读, 如12-45。但有时为了让对方听得更清楚(特别是跟钱有关的时候),会把 thousand 和 hundred 读出来, 像上面的第二种读法。另外, 像第三种读法,美国人也很喜欢把 one thousand two hundred 直接说成 twelve hundred,例如1,200 可以读为twelve hundred,当然也可以说 one thousand and two hundred,这就是我们从教科书上学的读法了。

五位数的读法是前两个数一组, 后两个一组,中间的自己一组。例如 35,891 经常读为thirty-five thousand eight hundred and ninety-one。而六位数如100,000 则读为one hundred thousand。由于在英语中没有十万这个字, 所以十万要用 one hundred thousand, 一亿要用 one hundred million。这两个要多练习, 不然很难熟练运用。

整数中比较特殊的就是电话号码了,读电话号码的原则是在清楚的基础上,越简单越好。人们在读电话号码时,习惯一个数字一个数字地说, 以求清楚, 但有时为了方便起见, 也会以十位数为单位, 两个两个一起说。例如770-2145 可以读为seven seven zero, two one four five,也可以读为 seven seven o, twenty-one forty-five。总之,不管如何读,一定要清楚,不要引起歧义。


1/2 可以读为one half 或 one over two。1/2 的说法跟 1/

3、1/4 都不一样, 它不读为 one second,而要用 one half。而 one of two 常用在数学上, 强调 1 除以 2, 这种说法在日常生活中用得比较少。至于1/3 是one third,1/4 是 one fourth等,大家对这种说法都已经很熟悉了,在此不多说,但要注意两点:在日常生活中,用 one quarter 表示1/4比用 one fourth 更多一些;2/3 要说 two thirds, 也就是说分母那个 third 要加 s,不要忘记。

科学记数如1.23×10-4 可读为 one point two three times ten to the minus four(negative four);one point two three times ten minus four 或 one point two three ten minus four。第一个是最正确的说法, 但有时为了简便会有不同程度的省略。像第二、三个省略适用在别人知道你在说科学符号的场合,例如老师上课时,或同学讨论功课时,不然别人有可能会误会你的意思。1)年号的读法:

1979←→nineteen seventy-nine or nineteen hundred(and)seventy-nine;


1023←→one o two three;

1227←→one double two(or two two)seven;

4.25←→four dollars(and)twenty-five(cents);


13.91←→thirteen decimal(point)nine one;

0.23=nought decimal two three;1.25 读作 one point two five.3.728 读作 three point seven two eight 0.56读作(naught)(美国用zero)point five six 0.009 读作(naught)point naught naugnt nine(美国用 zero 代替 naught).(4)算术式的读法:

2+3=5 Two plus three is(equals,isequal to)five.5-3=2 Five minus three is equal to two.3×2=6 Three times two is six.or Three by two are six.9÷3=3 Nine divided by three makes three.在英文中 地址如何翻译 翻译原则:先小后大。

中国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如**区**路**号 而外国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如**号**路**区,因此您在翻译时就应该先写小的后写大的。例如:中国山东省青岛市四方区洛阳路34号3号楼4单元402户,您就要从房开始写起,Room 402, Unit 4, Building 3, No.34.Luoyang Road, sifang District, Qingdao City, Shandong Prov, China(逗号后面有空格)。注意其中路名、公司名、村名等均不用翻译成同意的英文,只要照写拼音就行了。因为您的支票是中国的邮递员送过来,关键是要他们明白。技术大厦您写成Technology Building,他们可能更迷糊呢。

现在每个城市的中国邮政信件分拣中心都有专人负责将外国来信地址翻译成中文地址,并写在信封上交下面邮递员送过来.重要: 你的邮政编码一定要写正确,因为外国信件中间的几道邮政环节都是*邮政编码区域投递的。


***室/房 Room *** ***村 *** Vallage ***号 No.*** ***号宿舍 *** Dormitory ***楼/层 ***/F ***住宅区/小区 *** Residential Quater 甲/乙/丙/丁 A/B/C/D ***巷 / 弄 Lane *** ***单元 Unit *** ***号楼 / 栋 *** Building ***公司 ***Com.*** Crop ***LTD.CO ***厂 *** Factory ***酒楼/酒店 *** Hotel ***路 *** Road ***花园 *** Garden ***街 *** Street ***信箱 Mailbox *** ***区 *** District ***县 *** County ***镇 *** Town ***市 *** City ***省 *** Prov.***院 ***Yard ***大学 ***College **表示序数词,比如1st、2nd、3rd、4th„„如果不会,就用No.***代替,或者直接填数字吧!

另外有一些***里之类难翻译的东西,就直接写拼音*** Li。而***东(南、西、北)路,直接用拼音也行,写*** East(South、West、North)Road也行。还有,如果地方不够可以将7栋3012室写成:7-3012。201室: Room 201 12号: No.12 2单元: Unit 2 3号楼: Building No.3 长安街: Chang An street 南京路: Nanjing road 长安公司: Chang An Company 宝山区: BaoShan District 赵家酒店: ZhaoJia hotel 钱家花园: Qianjia garden 孙家县: Sunjia county 李家镇: Lijia town 广州市: Guangzhou city 广东省: Guangdong province 中国: China 实例:


room 201,building No.3,No.12,nanjing road,BaoShan District 如果地方不够可以将3号楼201室写成:3-201 宝山区示范新村37号403室

Room 403,No.37,SiFan Residential Quarter,BaoShan District 中华人民共和国民政部政策研究中心北京河沿大街147号

No.147# HeiYian Street the policy center of civil administration department the People’Republic of China


Room 201,No.34,Lane 125,XiKang Road(South),HongKou District 北京市崇文区天坛南里西区20楼3单元101 Room 3-101 building No.20,TianTan-NanXiLi Residential ChongWen District BeiJing City 江苏省扬州市宝应县泰山东村102栋204室

Room 204 building No.102, East TaiShan Residential BaoYin County JiangSu Province 473004河南省南阳市中州路42号 刘刚

Liu Gang,Room 42,Zhongzhou Road,Nanyang City,Henan Prov.China 473004 中国四川省江油市川西北矿区采气一队 Team CaiQi ChuanXiBei Mining Area JiangYou City SiChuan Province China 中国河北省邢台市群众艺术馆

The Masses Art Centre XinTai City HeBei Prov.China 江苏省吴江市平望镇联北村七组 Group LiBei Village PingWang Town WeJiang City JiangSu Province 434000湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店 刘刚

Liu Gang,Hongyuan Hotel,Jingzhou city,Hubei Prov,China 434000 473000河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司 刘刚

Liu Gang,Special Steel Corp,No.272,Bayi Road,Nanyang City,Henan Prov.China 473000 528400广东中山市东区亨达花园7栋702 刘刚 Liu Gang Room 702,7th Building,Hengda Garden,East District,Zhongshan,China 528400 361012福建省厦门市莲花五村龙昌里34号601室 刘刚

Liu Gang,Room 601,No.34 Long Chang Li,Xiamen, Fujian, China 361012 361004厦门公交总公司承诺办 刘刚

Mr.Liu Gang,Cheng Nuo Ban,Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si,Xiamen Fujian, China 361004 广东省广州中山路3号,No.3,ZhongShan Road,Guangzhou,GuangDong



一.英美等国的出版社在排版时遵循一条原则,即1至10用单词表示,10以上的数目用阿拉伯数字(也有的以100为界限),这条原则值得我们借鉴。Eg.That table measures ten feet by five.那个工作台长10英尺,宽5英尺。

Eg.The traditional pattern of classroom experience at the college level brings the professor _and a group of 20 to 30 students together for a 45-to-50-minute class session two or three times a week.大学课堂的传统的教学方式是,一个教授和二三十名学生每周见面两三次,每次授课时间45到50分钟。

二.人数用阿拉伯数字表示显得更简洁明了,但不定数量、近似值用单词表示较恰当。Eg.There are 203817 voters on the electoral rolls.选举名单上有203817个投票人。

Eg.Nearly thirty thous_and voters took part in this election.近3万个投票人参加了这次选举。

三.遇到日期、百分比、带单位的特殊数字,通常用阿拉伯数字。Eg.Maximum swivel of table is l20.工作台的最大旋转角度是120度。

Eg.3rd March l991或3 March l991; a dis_count of 5 percent(5%的折扣);

Eg.purchased 7 yards of carpet(买7码地毯);

Eg.ordered 2 pounds of minced steak(订购2磅肉馅)如果涉及的数目和单位是不定数,可用单词表示。

Eg.about five miles per hour(每小时大约5英里)Eg.at least ten yards away(至少有10码远)Eg.hesitated for a moment or two(犹豫了片刻)

Eg.I have warned you a hundred times(我已经警告你多少遍了。)四.在科技文章中,数字频繁出现,用阿拉伯数字比用单词陈述更有利。

Eg.The new engine has a capacity of 4.3 litres _and a power output of 153 kilowatts at 4400 revolutions per minute.这台新发动机的容积为4.3升,转速为每分钟4400转,时输出功率是153千瓦。

Eg.We know that the weight of a cubic foot of air at 0?C _and 76cm,pressure is 0.08l pound, or 12 cubic feet of air weigh a pound.我们知道,1立方英尺的空气在0摄氏度和760毫米汞柱压力下,重量是0.81磅,也就是说12立方英尺空气的重量是1磅。

五.句首不用阿拉伯数字,句末要尽量避免用阿拉伯数字。Eg.4th July is an important date in American history.应该写成The fourth of July...Eg.19 couples took part in the ballroom dancing competition.19对选手参加了交际舞比赛。

应改写成:Nineteen couples took...Eg.60% profit was a reported. 应改写成:Sixty per cent profit„

Eg.1345 kilograms force was applied at the center point of the bar.试验时,在杆的中点加了1345公斤力。

可改成When tested, a force of l345 kg was applied...六.遇到分数,可用带连字符的单词表示。

Eg.At 1east two-thirds of the class have had colds.这个班至少有三分之二的学生患重感冒。

Eg.Nitrogen forms about four-fifths of the atmosphere.氮约占大气的五分之四。


(一)多位数字的读法 英语数字的读法和中文数字的读法不同。汉语是每一位数字后都有一个不同的计数单位。例如:12345读成一万二千三百四十五。而英语却是三位一节,把三位看成一个整体,后面再加一个单位。同样的12345这个数,英文的读法是先把整个数从个位数数起,一分为二,三位一节———12,345。345读成three hundred _and forty-five。12读成twelve。而后的标点逗号“,”读成thousand。最后一合并,读成twelve thousand,three hundred _and forty-five。对于很大的数字也是如此,三位一节,从右往左,第一个逗号读成thousand,第二个逗号读成million,第三个读成billion(美国读法),依此类推。例如:31,234,567,890读成:thirty-one billion,two hundred _and thirty-four million,five hundred _and sixty-seven thousand,eight hundred _and ninety。

为了便于学生理解,先分别就五位数起的多位数字进行单独讲解,后再综合。.五位数与六位数的读法 汉语的“万”和“十万”的概念,在英语中没有相应的基数词。对此,需迅速折算一下,“万”即“十个千”(ten thousand);“十万”即“百个千”(a/one hundred thousand)。如:10,001:ten thous_and _and one;10,041:ten thous_and _and forty-one;10,941:ten thousand,nine hundred _and forty-one; 100,941:a/one hundred thousand,nine hundred _and forty-one .七位数、八位数与九位数的读法 汉语的“百万”的概念,在英语中有相应的基数词million。汉语的“千万”和“万万/亿”的概念,在英语中没有相应的基数词。对此,也需迅速折算一下,“千万”即“十个百万”(ten million);“万万/亿”即“百个百万”(a/one hundred million)。如:2,134,658:two million,one hundred _and thirty-four thousand,six hundred _and fifty-eight .十位数及十位以上数目 汉语的“十亿”的概念,在美国英语中有相应的基数词billion,在英国英语中则要说“千个百万”(a/one thous_and million)。“百亿”、“千亿”的表示方法,依次类推。“万亿”,即“百万个百万”(a/one million million)或“兆”,美国英语为a/one trillion,英国英语为a/one billion。如:十亿 1,000,000,000:a/one billion(美);a/one thous_and million(英)。百亿 10,000,000,000:ten billion(美);ten thous_and million(英)。千亿100,000,000,000:a/one hundred billion(美);a/one hundred thous_and million(英)。万亿1,000,000,000,000:a/one trillion(美);a/one billion(英)从上面的例子中不难看出,英语的读数方式是有规律的。关键在于只要掌握三位数以内的数字读法即可。

读熟了,听的问题自然就能迎刃而解。许多学生在考试中听数字的时候总想把听到的数字翻译成中文,以为这样容易记。但由于汉英语言的差异,往往适得其反。在听多位数字的时候,一定要牢记读的原则:读来读去都是三位数字。听到million,thousand等就以“,”代替。例如:You will hear:three million,four hundred _and fifty-five thous_and _and twenty-one.(3,455,021)答案是:3,455,021。

(二)电话号码的读法 读电话号码通常以两个数字为一组,中间有个小停顿,但也有以三个数字为一组的,特别是读八位数电话号码时。为了便于学生理解,以图表来表示。写法 读法

e,one one nine o o;six five three,double one nine double o,four nine,seven nine,double nine,five nine ;double five nine-5177383 o two /five,one seven /seven three /eight three 37-181-789 o three seven /one eightone /seven eight nine

二、加强多位数字与电话号码的听说读写训练 总的来说,英语多位数字与电话号码的听记是学生学习的一大难点,除了掌握一定的规律和技巧外,平时还必须进行大量的听说读写训练,熟能生巧,才能达到比较迅速而准确的目的。





202读作:two hundred(and)two 234读作:two hundred(and)thirty-four 1,234读作:one thousand two hundred(and)thirty-four 但是在读法上须注意以下几点:

a.在英式英语中,一个数的最后两位(十位和个位)得用“and'’,但美式英语中则不用。如:3,077读作:U.S:three thousand seventy—seven.

b.不定冠词“a”只在数的开头才和hundred,thousand等连用。试比较: 146读作:a hundred(and)forty-six 2,146读作:two thousand,one hundred(and)forty-six c.1,000这个整数我们说a thousand,在and前我们也说a thousand,但是在一个有百位数的数目前就得说one thousand试比较: 1,031读作:a thousand,(and)thirty-one, 1,150读作:one thousand,one hundred(and)fifty d.卡hundred,thousand和million这几个词的单数可以和:“a”者“one”连用,但是不能单独使用。在非正式文体中“a”比较常见;当我们说话比较准确的时候就用“one”试比较:

I Want to live for a hundred years.

The journey took exactly one hundred days.

e.我们常常说eleven hundred(1,100),twelve hundred(1,200)等,而不说one thousand one hundred.从1,100到1,900之间的整数,这种说法最常见。5位以上数字的读法

11,234读作:eleven thousand two hundred(and),thirty—four 155,721读作:one hundred(and)fifty-five thousand seven hundred(and)twenty-one 6,155,702读作:six million one hundred(and)fifty-five thousand seven hundred and two 26,000,008读作:twenty-six million and eight 326,414,718读作:three hundred(and)twenty-six mil-lion,four hundred(and)four teen thousand,seven hundred(and)eight-teen 4,302,000,000读作:four billion three hundred(and)two million 由以上一组数字可以看出,多位数由右向左每3位有一逗号,这个逗号的作用非同小可,在记忆数字时,它可以帮我们很大的忙!逆向第一个逗号读thousand;向左再推三位,第二个逗号读million;第三个逗号读billion;第四个逗号就是trillion。这几个逗号的作用在于,当我们听到若干thousand时,立即写下这个数,并在其后打一个逗号,并留出3位;当听到若干million,则写下数字,并在其后打一逗号,留出6位;听到若干billion,方法同上,在后面留出9位,后面的million、thousand依此法类推,让所有数字各就其位。

例如,当你听到“twenty thous and and four'’写出20,“and four”意为后一组仅有个位,即:004,那么,这个数字完整地写下来就是20,004;若听到“six million twenty thousand four hundred and twenty—three,”则第一步先写:6,020,再将最后一组423写在第一个逗号后面。完整的翠字为6,020,423。若听到“One billion,one hundred and four million,twenty thousand four hundred and twenty-three”:主第一步写出1,104,第二步接下去写第三组020,第三步二写423,这样得到的完整数字便是1,104,020,423,由此:见这个三位一逗号的作用有多大。只要我们在平时的训练中加强对三位数读写的训练,能分辨“ty”与“teen'’,并能借助这个不可缺少的“逗号”,无论数字多么大,也不会对我们造成障碍。(2)序数词的读法

lst读作:(the)first 2nd读作:(the)second 3nd读作:(the)third 4th读作:(the)fourth 20th读作:(the)twentieth 21st读作:(the)twenty-first 22nd读作:(the)twenty-second 23rd读作:(the)twenty-third其它以此类推。A.分数


1/2读作:a/one half(口语中更倾向于用“a”代替“one”)1/3读作:a/one third 1/8读作:an/one eighth 1/4读作:a/one quarter(fourth)2/3读作:two thirds 1/5/9读作one and five ninths 比较复杂的分数常常用over这个词表示。如:

317/509读作:three hundred and seventeen over five hundred and nine 3/4hour,7/lOmile则说three quarters of an hour(三刻钟),seven tenths of a mile(十分之七英里)。B.小数

含小数点的数字,小数点“.”读“point”,小数点后的数若是两位以上,则分别读出。0.5读作:(nought)* point five 0.25读作:(nought)point two five 0.125读作;(nought)point one two five 93,64m读作:ninety-three point six four meters 2’15.11’’读作:two minutes fifteen point one one seconds C.百分比

读百分比只需在相应的数字后加“percent“。如: 25%读作twenty-five percent 11.3%读作eleven point three percent(4)年代及日期的读法

数字表示的年份通常分成两半来说。2000B.C.读作:two thousand BC 1558读作:fifteen fifty-eight 1603读作:six teen(hundred and)three/sixteen oh three 921读作:nine twenty-one 日期的表达英式和美式有所不同,请注意区别。在日期的写法上,英式先写日子,美式先写月份。英1999年4月6日=6th April l999 美1999年4月6日=April 6,1999 在读法上,英国人有两种表达方式:

1.April the sixth,nineteen ninety-nine 2.The sixth of April,nineteen ninety-nine 美国人则一般这样表示: April sixth,-nine(省略“the”)(5)钟点的读法

钟点的读法分英式和美式两种,我们应对此加以注意。英7:00 seveno’clock a.m./p.m.

8:15 a quarter past eight/eight fifteen 9:30 half past nine/nine thirty 9:45 a quarter to ten/nine forty-five 10:03 three(minutes)pastten/ten ohthree 美用法基本相似,只是英国用past之处,美国通常用after;英国用to之处,美国常用fo。美5:15 a quarter after five/five fifteen 9:30 nine thirty/half past nine* 9:45 a quarter of ten/nine forty-five 9:55 five of ten/nine fifty-five 当用于军事命令和旅行时间表时,其读法如下: 07:00(Oh)seven hundred hours=7:00a.m. 09:15(Oh)nine fifteen=9:15a.m. 12:00 twelve hundred hours=midday/noon 13:45 thirteen forty-five-1:45p.m. 19:00 nineteen hundred hours:7:OOp.m. 23:05 twenty-three(Oh)five--11:05p.m. 24:00 twenty-four hundred hours=midnight 24:10 twenty-fourten’ten past midnight(6)电话号码、温度与门牌号的读法 A.电话号码 读电话号码时,每个数字一一读出,“o”英式读d1〔ou];美式则读zero(有时也读nought)。英国人在读两个相同数字时,通常读成doublex尤其是当这两个数处在同一组时(电话号码由右向左每两位一组)。例如:

345—6638读作:three four five,double six three eight 307—4922读作:three oh seven,four nine double two而美式则读成:three zero seven,four nine two two但如果相同的两个数不在同一组,则可以有两种读法。例如:62899033即可读成six two eight double nine oh double three,也可读作six two eight nine nine oh double three,但99033绝不可读作nine nine oh three three。相反,在遇到号码中数字相同时,美式则一律重复念出该数字。但英式有一例外,英国的紧急电话999却总读成nine,nine,nine。B.温度


15℃读作:fifteen degrees Centigrade(或Celsius)32℉读作:thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit 0C读作:nought degrees Centigrade-5C读作:five degrees below zero C.门牌号.

门牌号遇三位数分别读出各数字,遇四位数时则分成两半来读。例如: Room 302读作:Room three Of two/three zero two 3491 King Street读作:thirty-four ninety-one King Stred









三位数 991 532 420 313 405 786 870 114 793 911 864 235 842 534 850 158 589 463 888 328 627 832 259 641 297 134 163 304 261 343 897 159 385 794 171 919 385 488 700 390 318 854 387 804 837 112 270 160 805 680 116 810 300 312 239 937 201 564 136 920 538 642 287 768 925 924 800 198 394 838 804 687 707 172 263 422 867 912 449 864 217 714 127 552 912 282 624 455 792 115 510 461 820 118 516 970 432 316 656 161 389 849 876 909 559 249 148 543 454 285 769 480 509 212 325 514 113 473 425 507 176 346 106 340 807 171 511 668 435 984 445 688 291 305 957 493 621 967 838 496 374 550 961 737 681 916 443 883 180 310 690 640 529 134 816 372 963 727 550 426 424 543 514 589 421 478 592 576 738 496 816 833 271 683 812 260 277 492 765 329 316 375 378 828 886 245 942 501 329 461 478 113

517 226 426 442 744 206 776 144 260 212 288 332 320 439 329 922 993 147 289 205 757 931 222 182 852 745 806 487 537 307 523 984 191 876 490 140 561 824 243 705 827 853 662 443 171 759 262 294 727 311

684 814 215 908 299 622 817 187 268 637 983 537 932 631 950 627 400 390 727 692 863 932 494 734 492 465 717 581 954 996 474 480 541 101 628 929 822 267 771 928 769 511

843 745 345 453 812 679 254 627 315 221 248 738 884 544 721 242 459 188 940 494 719 467 506 155 773 834 303 784 468 308 927 147 461 787 904 929 915 217 553 570 633 896 242 532 186 201 641 435 412 678 947 616 436 725 650 582 501 159 992 879 656 640 601 826 333 542 262 144 372 750 729 243 417 105 850 941 143 893 378 398 334 260 544 982 110

676 792 323 997 473 891 430 437 303 244

904 687 289 295 883 717 816 130 864 711

665 517

302 168 664 637 827 580 359 663 700 405 358 848 838 918 294 738

581 775 986 758 821 106 371 436 291 738 854 701 750 885 343 168 337 269 797 592 618 862 972 562 919 425 260 476 856 714 216 140 477 317 524 659 986 228 883 729 677 528 231 844 810 673 852 904 183 533 645 311

242 398 778 556 502 147 167 541 122 215 239 628 509 563 495 653 910 137 768 140 909 393 570 221 545 929 137 571 224 458 613 619 272 178 855 718 115

905 869 724 575 268 856 163 975 263 249 198 861 136 867 873 837 489 666 301 190 158 541 422 687 251 372 502 505 446 630 502 677 188 491 884 247 554 939 644 760 266 545 210 103 437 572 727 558 903 332 306 611

682 722 240 814 181 880 928 857 410 401 447 886 237 331 763 309 265 745 309 164 319 243 394 121 814 505 838 726 825 141 397 128 236 628 451 264 904 560 665 454 444 726 644 626 616 450 469 262 689 646 863 250 740 484 598 741 253 378 764 979 585 360 661 713 299 945 813 265 795 518 254 177 225 254 241 480 446 548 373 390 505 751 685 958 586 923 837 216 525 528 609 864 404 430 663 948 391 289 901 758 503 744 201 833 598 902 806 495 245 924 113

207 482 616 781 706 833 741 317 309 584 966 129 108 688 898 639 201 806 270 102 686 798 918 536 632 259 231 837 465 778 185 233 523 560 904 647 119 786 574 947 263 154 619 261 124 855 227 520 650 466 162 356 229 653 752 775 334 710 783 699 293 200 890 614 565 406 677 863 183 452 603 816 540 575 373 949 311 836 953 856 400 818 438 261 366 763 342 864 403 511

503 448 397 192 990 357 892 303 776 550 690 135 897 998 240 837 695 380 164 293 267 327 469 311

398 588 353 277 236 793 351 116 388 926 802 906 265 441 583 829 500 663 838 887 558 224 127 515 860 971 326 935 544 560 616 771 697 154 546 375

383 981 824 453 515 334 405 590


630 553 678

356 891 513 743 820

793 493 913 631 413 391 802 525 822 595 902 572 874 869 107 633 550 450 826 961 360 580 916 496 658 386 916 504 690 826 451 959 799 356 141 449 564 526 737 151 686 740 334 463 265 832 729 508 284 437 826 292 918 481 951 364 651 161 700 275 441 450 744 370 711 222 275 381 321 859 191 413 774 735 486 715 907 870 678 707 127 549 481 372 432 587 604 859 159 310 445 496 492 698 433 973 323 277 463 832 199 185 569 799 353 428 315 281 255 758 788 879 839 368 799 191 451 728 795 388 222 261 334 291 855 565 535 639 508 585 689 927 284 101 467 540 199 523 758 865 798 514 646 257 610 301 720 912 291 690 323 446 283 668 348 488 787 982 113

993 991 608 964 618 999 109 767 748 851 269 689 344 292 933 872 330 505 896 951 266 914 261 410 150 539 716 121 749 758 673 363 372 119 157 451 819 230 968 692 639 355 819 404 548 172 219 218 464 299 251 472 463 638 843 654 432 986 847 154 658 781 303 970 782 335 551 398 896 520 477 568 412 691 438 712 749 876 462 207 918 430 834 689 585 305 524 479 695 578 149 109 313 983 101 782 575 658 684 316 340 746 347 918 505 299 691 929 267 385 367 839 545 663 881 324 646 208 365 974 491 710 398 435 927 664 265 681 884 468 917 336 609 104 190 117 558 567 191 226 379 139 877 899 479 961 321 256 778 962 894 630 123 783 994 904 614 703 169 381 509 951 970 284 427 119 539 366 461 146 272 438 264 223 701 605 385 666 121 308 964 235 154 327 834 635 552 682 518 857 810 386 506 129 726 561 309 754 653 906 969 311 541 323 479 647 497 318 938 704 585 915 970 714 905 758 411

936 896 160 392 760 679 249 550 588 175 710 820 963 939 953 496 262 861 777 883 829 402 556 948 998 258 962 707 886 118

243 471 782 412 364 163 799 564 274 707 228 278 690 256 631 390

209 872 369 671 914 725 452 843 109 228 282 487 259 669 824 514 826 303 773 437 993 391 675 790 810 454 521 587 534 800 858 562 168 542 559 743 910 463 675 746 876 136 249 176 201 209 273 441 616 374

四位数 3,427 7,429 7,989 8,588 8,090 1,688 9,736 6,124 7,665 8,439 9,832 1,271 5,621 6,435 2,497 5,428 8,392 2,160 1,589 1,582 4,861 2,832 7,083 8,950 9,179 2,411 4,032 9,646 8,064 1,085 1,657 1,654 360 736 443 943 674 865 919 933 421 591 901 457 591 288 141 148 675 250 777 626 905 905 604 717 710 702 230 461 830 854 632 163 629 715 968 243 549 197 176 563 532 866 894 822 755 265 927 137 510 843 5,169 2,880 2,939 6,739 4,884 4,357 4,557 7,150 3,813 2,575 1,932 6,961 9,709 5,360 5,524 9,775 8,430 1,131 2,014 9,323 4,037 4,619 4,490 9,315 6,394 2,655 3,600 8,339 4,186 2,921 6,130 4,396 797 492 501 980 518 640 871 200 867 534 729 590 750 123 627 410 344 933 231 857 499 923 645 185 140 332 978 731 740 550 707 644 574 858 923 198 944 717 937 655 121 135 668 177 163 431 965 886 558 675 9,008 1,989 7,699 1,280 5,039 5,454 7,145 3,367 4,700 4,711 6,188 3,001 8,512 1,646 9,812 8,454 4,986 8,810 8,382 2,337 8,313 6,042 5,122 9,395 5,572 9,277 5,548 5,213 1,596 5,860 7,491 6,766 595 377 355 368 113

472 555 823 699 702 898 127 417 477 878 897 903 447 755 842 428 954 617 939 850 206 330 709 120 422 314 822 656 339 980 451 384 229 748 931 777 396 103 376 977 306 848 591 712 878 4,041 6,405 4,194 2,875 9,981 8,956 7,368 7,585 9,216 9,168 9,936 9,997 6,937 4,257 1,669 9,473 7,713 6,298 7,646 7,172 1,719 6,563 3,476 3,292 5,693 8,711 2,430 7,702 1,453 6,271 2,396 6,451 308

303 159 817 795 459 552 263 932 661 458 871 513 409 101 398 214 646 137 619 417 497 241 312 277 157 249 618 818 813 806 843 186 593 412 830 166 719 848 362 840 108 947 317 621 853 851 643 671

6,899 4,951 6,388 7,278 2,741 6,421 7,158 6,456 2,216 5,968 7,744 8,303 3,407 1,883 4,810 1,557 3,605 3,203 4,669 4,989 5,305 8,433 1,821 1,941 4,982 3,247 4,218 8,841 4,908 2,999 4,245 6,785

8,744 8,238 1,226 1,291 9,378 3,951 7,850 1,467 6,626 7,161 3,729 6,718 6,463 6,520 6,559 7,929 1,685 8,113 5,487 2,755 7,738 9,816 2,436 4,716 8,922 4,092 5,152 1,679 5,495 5,653 3,757 5,186 3,238 5,441 2,571 2,281 8,816 8,510 6,109 4,902 5,130 5,824 5,531 7,466 7,718 8,006 1,271 1,718 4,425 7,042 9,580 8,094 5,732 5,771 8,390 5,211 7,032 5,000 2,189 8,558 8,997 4,759 3,115 9,795 4,842 5,484 5,875 2,033 8,788 1,145 4,071 8,575 5,742 2,791 5,615 6,498 6,240 3,066 4,026 5,158 3,174 9,632 9,168 8,247 9,980 5,265 3,552 7,749 9,109 5,086 8,950 9,357 5,756 1,584 5,465 8,962 6,809 4,473 3,964 3,950 9,144 4,001 6,930 9,398 7,571 6,012 5,016 8,771 3,388 2,885 4,148 8,986 8,780 7,778 1,962 4,298 3,085 5,343 8,853 7,690 6,427 5,410 9,661 9,278 7,949 6,022 7,258 7,711 7,846 1,120 8,043 6,084 1,571 4,358 9,448 3,923 7,046 6,060 5,361 4,390 6,947 6,050 8,154 7,345 9,993 1,823 3,066 4,923 3,773 6,016 1,004 3,250 5,791 3,947 8,153 9,752 4,326 6,133 1,881 6,647 9,612 6,380 6,049 6,035 1,592 8,752 4,272 7,969 6,642 5,799 9,977 3,126 2,351 3,755 5,616 3,838 5,347 3,963 3,332 3,614 5,033 6,052 3,849 2,246 2,280 2,977 5,171 8,120 8,009 3,891 7,811 8,651 1,543 5,147 1,440 1,665 4,655 2,099 6,119 7,107 8,964 6,623 7,220 3,795 6,696 7,146 7,214 2,034 4,047 9,345 8,215 1,246 2,010 3,973 6,263 7,849 2,550 1,741 3,834 8,475 4,865 8,307 6,235 9,566 9,582 2,941 6,952 2,231 5,209 9,872 3,694 8,237 4,403 4,722 8,416 1,941 1,496 9,122 1,610 1,485 8,818 2,534 7,305 4,172 4,805 8,037 6,703 1,569 5,994 8,479 6,612 1,680 2,914 6,934 7,538 6,397 8,528 7,392 4,290 9,801 6,503 5,790 5,452 6,686 1,095 8,946 3,115 6,422 6,135 5,844 5,245 9,109 5,836 7,416 1,771 4,589 8,920 3,209 7,955 4,960 8,779 3,627 6,594 2,434 6,085 7,892 8,313 2,880 2,249 3,310 7,807 4,344 1,651 3,041 3,063 1,370 7,110 8,260 1,717 7,989 8,699 5,764 6,994 3,909 9,472 7,863 9,522 1,432 7,795 5,303 9,116 2,685 1,477 7,259 3,821 7,050 4,500 6,738 7,263 6,896 2,879 6,956 1,983 5,808 7,913 4,596 6,828 6,840 3,508 6,933 3,196 5,906 6,008 2,471 4,391 1,509 6,725 5,579 2,717 5,773 4,300 9,314 3,514 5,552 9,907 9,953 7,370 8,214 7,430 3,771 1,171 3,324 5,661 1,896 3,797 6,023 5,653 5,548 5,238 7,738 4,309 3,289 4,287 3,315 3,946 2,967 3,236 1,662 2,955 4,703 5,083 4,695 1,170 5,831 7,768 3,333 5,383 1,127 3,199 7,050 5,528 6,627 3,894 1,039 3,227 6,985 3,028 9,168 3,718 3,615 8,446 4,707 1,018 1,364 5,264 4,155 2,749 2,081 7,108 9,969 7,482 1,457 1,340 5,678 7,534 6,326 1,514 2,248 2,459 5,026 5,553 1,934 9,166 6,893 7,969 8,151 5,597 7,024 6,817 1,871 7,881 3,838 9,295 7,293 3,526 9,419 5,698 5,493 6,949 4,939 1,775 9,397 9,931 6,805 1,180 6,603 3,289 8,755 4,983 2,758 4,719 5,080 9,356 2,781 6,510 1,439 2,268 8,029 6,036 7,527 9,865 3,231 9,310 3,253 1,727 6,842 6,249 3,456 8,178 6,351 5,801 6,315 3,602 4,127 2,978 4,476 8,447 2,791 1,366 2,926 1,433 3,791 5,341 9,607 2,680 2,553 4,976 6,973 9,444 2,230 3,986 5,093 2,512 9,371 8,132 6,216 1,674 1,401 3,862 3,938 1,107 9,361 8,715 2,172 4,439 6,910 6,500 7,511 1,623 1,419 2,903 6,412 6,284 2,147 7,437 4,560 1,588 6,980 8,315 5,105 9,377 9,743 4,987 8,166 5,707 4,085 6,185 4,831 4,933 9,161 9,239 1,448 9,471 3,700 2,159 6,330 7,404 9,353 9,545 9,653 7,221 4,692 3,328 3,996 1,715 2,142 8,067 5,053 8,693 5,818 5,305 3,305 6,591 1,905 8,560 4,221 2,481 9,760 5,061 4,085 5,661 4,514 5,893 8,353 4,345 2,631 5,820 4,980 8,779 1,363 3,860 5,155 2,761 6,668 1,081 1,103 3,545 8,416 4,889 6,278 3,739 3,006 2,464 5,233 6,917 9,769 9,692 8,441 8,624 5,727 7,641 1,924 7,791 7,786 7,239 7,738 7,052 2,613 6,063 5,072 6,543 4,378 3,380 2,642 9,702 3,086 7,674 1,865 8,664 5,381 9,984 5,462 3,214 4,479 8,644 2,804 7,524 1,072 4,419 1,652 8,557 7,834 9,818 9,297 1,811 2,174 4,988 4,974 8,320 8,859 3,183 4,233 7,701 3,556 8,384 4,139 4,056 2,446 2,587 6,718 2,587 1,129 5,876 7,682 8,890 3,648 1,202 6,705 5,114 2,212 1,505 5,958 4,527 3,434 9,655 6,761 9,693 7,623 7,765 9,861 3,004 2,533 4,309 3,261 1,283 7,027 3,517 5,811 4,836 2,484 1,543 8,374 8,836 9,945 8,527 7,717 6,198 3,952 7,226 8,070 7,281 2,421 8,565 3,866 8,169 1,225 9,306 9,381 5,069 6,323 5,929 9,314 9,590 2,309 9,838 3,916 4,818 9,439 8,100 1,940 4,894 6,802 9,221 4,975 7,691 9,335 3,297 6,698 9,715 9,722 9,968 2,227 6,480 9,924 8,040 4,917 9,405 4,366 3,093 6,563 2,737 8,822 1,658 6,241 2,890 5,151 1,220 2,580 2,787 3,709 7,215 6,910 9,808 3,647 1,580 8,275 9,696 5,836 1,651 2,909 2,999 2,804 5,666 8,063 7,196 3,630 4,647 9,460 5,940 5,856 2,184 1,881 2,139 2,810 6,791 6,812 4,416 2,932 4,847 2,765 7,476 6,041 9,553 7,174 3,676 9,165 8,566 7,453 8,719 8,696 5,727 4,323 9,827 6,113 4,511 3,479 6,538 1,899 3,066 9,559 9,046 4,369 2,117 5,689 7,694 1,351 6,747 5,969 5,129 3,625 6,228 3,998 4,844 2,777 6,716 2,411 9,297 7,825 4,180 1,338 8,361 8,132 6,579 5,008 4,708 6,525 7,700 5,437 8,937 8,420 5,032 7,175 1,697 3,599 3,728 2,134 3,425 9,324 9,649 8,105 3,204 7,814 6,495 9,012 9,017 2,201 1,096 4,681 3,610 3,341 3,537 3,744 2,072 8,712 1,143 5,268 7,784 4,415 2,980 9,924 7,432 9,129 7,329 4,236 8,325 3,692 4,651 4,063 7,688 8,639 2,952 8,782 6,341 9,408 7,703 2,207 4,318 5,133 8,975 1,927 4,949 4,771 9,283 3,569 7,246 5,755 7,007 1,164 7,407 9,927 2,630 4,385 4,085 5,466 6,481 8,859 8,198 4,138 6,404 7,002 3,710 5,159 7,462 9,151 6,604 5,927 2,179 6,768 4,597 9,047 6,749 6,307 8,228 2,879 1,997 8,268 8,213 8,685 5,218 8,880 7,932 2,192 1,793 5,510 7,916 2,853 6,932 5,551 6,830 6,772 8,203 1,320 8,158 1,867 9,650 4,165 3,240 6,388 6,101 1,672 9,337 2,878 9,809 9,688 5,480 4,603 1,138 1,430 3,550 1,470 5,220 6,970 1,304 9,293 1,118 4,649 6,034 6,686 2,285 5,188 2,339 4,448 3,015 1,941 3,189 6,433 5,862 9,156 2,716 1,185 3,114 6,463 5,972 5,298 2,453 3,692 5,411 4,351 4,220 5,686 2,779 2,785 7,799 6,975 8,624 5,223 4,669 2,639 5,505 8,604 7,547 8,702 9,377 1,853 3,342 6,891 2,637 2,747 5,231 1,980 2,600 8,248 6,994 8,640 7,393 1,098 1,510 4,244 3,579 2,720 8,589 1,885 8,475 4,991 3,060 1,516 5,516 2,199 9,251 3,298 9,613 7,609 1,776 7,374 6,970 5,889 9,766 4,918 2,302 7,746 3,353 2,496 3,896 2,411 6,197 7,037 6,902 8,150 1,325 8,356 7,008 6,189 9,405 3,454 7,213 9,787 4,871 3,068 2,493 3,906 2,484 1,035 1,477 6,182 8,587 1,755 2,745 8,893 3,822 4,198 9,896 3,472 6,153 9,248 5,888 7,087 9,882 5,114 4,148 8,918 1,935 6,761 1,789 5,715 4,743 6,375 3,931 9,308 1,042 9,475 2,958 8,074 8,002 9,735 2,711 3,415 4,836 1,200 3,104 8,505 3,353 2,018 3,140 7,984 1,596 6,195 7,780 6,457 5,192 2,998 2,132 6,445 6,929 5,907 1,768 4,669 6,507 4,465 1,412 7,681 5,932 1,206 2,716 2,013 5,786 9,759 5,479 6,105 8,568 5,297 6,834 3,242 6,272 3,522 6,754 9,364 1,279 1,348 5,164 7,770 3,445 6,612 5,677 6,131 7,740 2,607 5,013 2,649 7,173 8,586 3,244 7,759 1,485 2,164 6,598 4,421 4,430 8,096 9,631 9,665 1,137 6,103 6,960 4,631 6,397 9,232 3,268 5,212 2,241 8,454 3,575 6,550 5,493 6,386 1,711 1,079 2,887 5,527 9,344 5,555 5,769 3,385 3,024 1,224 3,406 7,788 5,306 5,179 3,211 4,799 6,178 6,847 2,411 4,830 5,062 3,483 7,971 7,489 6,790 1,919 3,170 1,149 5,240 4,328 6,134 5,605 2,013 8,741 8,823 4,600 5,370 7,556 8,208 2,111 5,475 1,897 1,096 6,642 1,922 2,063 9,572 4,380 3,342 5,164 4,752 3,933 3,513 8,233 5,425 6,964 7,299 1,802 8,945 9,864 4,507 3,489 8,807 6,862 9,792 7,501 5,413 3,022 9,822 9,379 9,897 8,793 1,552 5,422 8,829 2,541 8,431 9,996 5,876 2,693 8,350 1,041 6,432 1,532 1,169 8,106 6,265 4,228 7,545 5,142 5,659 7,778 8,260 1,330 8,936 5,143 7,895 2,138 2,129 8,578 6,259 5,728 4,528 8,747 5,728 5,249 4,910 3,441 4,538 4,284 9,458 4,641 4,135 4,778 3,040 9,485 2,388 2,029 2,381 8,191 7,359 7,581 3,511 8,231 9,787 9,693 5,582 4,519 4,422 4,980 2,476 9,950 2,652 1,916 4,985 3,843 6,078 1,092 6,710 1,543 9,582 1,693 9,670 1,680 4,589 1,714 6,973 1,025 7,097 8,184 8,581 8,058 7,645 6,180 9,642 1,310 2,659 9,036 9,277 4,408 7,751 3,739 5,596 3,161 3,398 8,342 4,987 9,009 4,867 2,274 5,509 1,455 5,814 7,259 3,302 3,908 5,713 7,592 4,029 4,289 6,047 9,759 4,897 9,114 1,918 5,342 3,846 5,413

五位数 54,608 89,688 63,351 66,872 3,174 4,180 1,810 6,805 6,173 9,618 4,191 3,504 5,686 7,065 8,664 6,276 8,637 2,457 8,908 3,245 2,229 4,752

13,288 14,080 12,318 15,289 83,689 30,848 37,229 18,108 59,347 43,209 36,036 46,723 41,012 45,217 98,797 64,513 19,561 29,437 61,448 77,929 41,658 91,657 70,576 35,659 85,147 22,165 36,856 58,925 79,412 95,188 93,688 15,973 24,906 29,013 65,927 12,129 35,885 85,850 90,225 39,480 47,342 38,073 35,664 66,930 12,259 65,285 73,668 48,275 92,947 68,418 76,397 52,188 48,384 65,570 49,732 57,758 15,915 10,026 20,543 36,793 23,024 56,413 23,073 22,366 84,507 43,671 97,621 22,842 78,274 12,148 98,984 81,903 60,892 23,335 52,405 59,852 37,211 75,102 25,759 59,445 66,966 37,723 28,176 49,621 61,905 60,167 81,205 34,199 46,918 32,615 89,302 93,891 51,360 51,875 37,638 88,922 56,080 18,263 98,073 57,274 37,929 20,827 13,799 98,108 91,936 50,811 24,529 11,021 99,943 12,324 17,801 88,040 38,249 95,139 16,328 42,289 89,526 33,685 80,153 26,955 29,500 20,286 99,079 54,037 15,718 47,941 37,619 72,872 34,181 24,706 66,085 89,908 35,834 31,271 67,792 77,932 61,953 57,202 99,359 17,896 36,725 55,167 68,144 55,435 28,384 88,770 34,876 79,360 61,031 74,568 84,246 68,484 25,968 31,963 39,701 16,542 42,117 61,019 10,243 47,625 37,987 69,720 66,715 82,688 83,185 20,235 37,325 58,479 88,950 92,267 53,919 54,087 37,897 27,012 66,016 73,134 75,056 55,467 59,548 52,712 68,479 60,323 23,234 70,858 38,448 35,864 62,104 71,152 24,384 42,517 99,157 35,676 27,650 14,678 45,476 23,033 84,869 78,960 49,055 61,180 48,677 92,609 36,005 84,559 46,369 76,516 84,611 30,016 57,196 60,230 28,155 51,044 74,343 79,437 92,254 19,029 46,187 82,206 15,210 94,994 30,264 88,504 53,246 59,875 81,740 76,068 82,620 50,101 24,150 68,394 48,852 81,516 64,116 14,976 35,100 25,942 31,489 30,139 24,340 46,679 78,024 18,613 14,218 61,616 56,188 49,672 19,006 77,571 43,153 30,038 29,696 70,456 74,826 93,348 95,608 57,787 98,143 94,977 30,767 73,151 31,380 78,698 77,846 86,041 43,726 47,242 15,770 56,413 81,907 20,843 71,128 82,366 72,665 61,882 99,733 88,276 54,554 90,606 98,116 30,162 18,700 31,650 41,267 23,620 27,812 94,313 51,373 10,012 95,980 57,096 22,096 22,928 53,159 25,638 23,031 74,714 81,183 57,638 56,546 95,363 96,131 64,568 11,406 62,474 44,170 24,812 27,008 69,645 13,363 71,785 87,744 22,592 18,686 20,861 57,509 79,409 93,337 55,079 58,532 77,617 72,466 65,648 11,857 20,328 96,720 43,904 30,966 21,148 11,762 77,200 36,432 20,939 58,578 15,653 10,145 12,363 68,818 98,148 52,001 75,776 47,676 47,466 40,690 51,651 34,318 66,446 63,844 75,664 66,035 34,318 69,006 76,608 44,165 86,001 44,279 85,229 67,008 32,027 53,215 16,443 18,764 93,057 89,082 96,994 31,743 35,294 88,289 10,366 32,127 14,372 97,596 32,288 23,950 57,573 22,612 72,115 24,831 32,376 62,303 16,049 68,167 40,557 54,047 92,408 45,011 40,449

54,804 98,731 29,800 32,114 91,910 68,266 84,075 91,069 37,710 37,658 71,360 30,505 56,981 31,998 85,472 82,165 15,653 81,693 62,496 41,563 83,722 24,957 62,004 33,283 34,657 84,432 23,262 17,518 90,322 73,297 78,391 41,659 12,820 60,465 91,689 90,753 57,565 24,675 36,934 25,587 88,877 62,254 26,422 24,750 77,528 46,676 15,801 69,090 45,726 29,528 68,430 16,824 47,104 88,220 54,983 58,297 82,740 13,317 83,740 65,575 90,569 37,092 63,319 80,517 22,465 76,376 55,755 74,856 50,110 49,649 42,341 74,924 39,585 18,486 81,610 97,000 47,828 13,543 51,814 62,130 54,786 33,655 36,738 70,693 25,851 90,554 79,622 69,249 59,915 80,301 25,745 36,594 34,274 82,514 95,256 28,489 20,007 72,770 35,530 58,020 66,123 91,899 80,005 13,408 27,799 87,922 88,815 49,151 66,347 62,235 79,229 67,949 54,440 42,437 81,411 46,468 49,999 87,113 26,519 42,703 83,013 78,227 17,761 88,943 50,116 83,686 65,107 73,192 88,301 19,321 65,948 44,231 34,503 40,061 82,370 49,898 30,561 68,663 20,081 94,953 92,365 68,191 92,477 82,787 82,226 30,908 57,774 69,908 44,609 77,142 27,433 33,718 85,589 37,321 24,192 55,777 20,771 30,545 37,877 69,201 97,150 81,312 84,631 24,356 51,504 81,114 32,762 78,459 24,494 89,927 51,217 58,105 85,269 71,618 16,630 70,534 33,271 22,080 51,221 34,579 85,363 31,086 50,936 85,014 43,403 78,093 53,734 99,885 83,886 99,350 56,526 82,672 43,561 47,577 61,798 64,071 73,489 68,726 79,807 50,959 47,402 48,638 58,606 78,182 84,161 80,288 78,119 23,753 51,917 13,379 89,113 61,539 95,439 27,105 76,924 13,588 84,004 32,763 91,795 89,240 83,174 35,015 49,573 60,729 96,752 99,544 55,078 88,420 82,232 35,659 29,826 28,368 86,116 31,260 74,516 74,652 35,415 13,416 52,682 63,805 11,718 29,819 71,182 65,103 88,873 55,789 26,801 48,279 55,016 13,763 41,788 90,804 44,105 86,060 16,221 73,208 52,088 40,988 32,913 99,133 46,059 73,492 25,598 74,721 41,149 84,702 70,675 53,374 27,981 17,033 21,479 81,779 61,821 64,235 13,500 71,439 71,834 49,576 53,145 90,132 38,450 54,992 47,565 14,901 95,161 16,863 87,692 97,903 76,100 69,007 91,572 50,473 20,376 71,119 56,907 60,024 30,430 90,846 74,874 16,720 23,050 92,453 58,081 13,666 56,777 24,701 66,470 91,338 56,357 96,061 60,878 74,295 69,890 77,631 19,891 77,202 71,966 12,682 28,646 70,668 16,613 72,891 20,587 38,643 64,060 33,938 73,759 72,087 35,496 71,208 88,371 95,629 27,398 98,401 45,103 36,380 51,961 10,685 59,578 81,987 39,257 60,624 53,186 68,485 62,558 82,295 43,145 43,939 51,658 98,396 43,433 76,841 74,441 55,707 13,019 14,262 57,818 32,535 23,099 71,510 78,294 93,945 86,869 41,327 38,296 84,878 63,830 66,019 82,180 98,986 73,864 68,831 93,418 91,357 30,642 89,500 73,121 20,876 63,016 63,921 24,734 60,875 63,626 14,666 60,643 77,307 96,048 34,912 17,456 61,895 40,248 71,217 62,884 62,261 60,398 21,383 28,098 68,466 79,389 32,268 19,272 54,175 88,187 43,329 86,715 82,581 59,107 96,847 80,578 68,797 81,066 86,456 54,140 33,232 62,162 91,862 33,154 99,488 27,383 19,538 51,318 20,648 81,486 90,706 41,597 12,255 67,963 64,584 61,659 56,904 34,520 37,914 12,479 14,724 29,697 13,357 55,039 25,657 31,030 69,562

60,092 53,345 74,752 10,310 36,373 30,253 87,841 64,014 61,850 42,296 31,550 92,604 10,849 67,164 65,660 36,791 85,462 10,343 68,851 42,481 46,147 13,993 50,884 13,776 99,085 68,724 64,135 64,629 36,784 80,290 89,223 48,945 47,472 51,414 26,630 22,591 60,659 70,336 30,910 96,372 84,033 65,975 67,668 34,616 71,637 39,018 77,786 77,996 21,062 95,330 64,852 78,604 10,699 76,163 43,688 58,498 16,999 25,799 65,224 63,910 83,855 24,827 10,034 83,171 41,795 72,216 91,050 14,949 99,305 82,878 42,943 30,927 76,711 67,067 48,349 17,896 65,622 22,781 56,203 32,391 48,338 98,533 40,510 95,959 34,997 37,978 67,922 56,843 59,889 89,522 43,041 54,644 16,044 65,300 73,720 66,234 22,913 76,897 32,943 23,184 83,800 65,383 48,554 90,463 95,817 27,916 59,068 40,505 59,296 18,357 98,242 68,401 27,647 51,061 14,714 50,850 46,447 23,044 79,956 97,881 62,683 59,518 84,237 23,890 99,934 76,533 96,706 56,982 16,211 61,533 88,690 28,763 60,888 65,124 66,529 30,303 37,006 77,174 51,894 53,868 61,991 15,422 75,245 45,162 42,490 88,931 92,638 86,425 68,370 13,717 83,712 33,824 84,841 45,414 93,945 50,074 59,783 11,410 16,737 51,885 72,819 59,737 26,004 87,331 82,357 28,330 13,450 21,407 69,107 89,676 81,450 45,382 69,451 68,860 30,547 25,340 98,021 55,462 79,552 69,370 62,154 54,113 91,963 46,924 64,008 24,388 71,415 85,053 92,311 54,891 83,979 32,287 29,340 96,786 30,154 74,561 11,969 28,205 99,104 99,582 76,702 81,704 20,578 80,311 62,327 45,646 53,032 91,358 91,843 83,757 40,551 50,195 46,394 30,062 77,476 32,712 24,594 53,971 43,537 68,990 53,356 96,242 97,054 90,861 43,645 96,708 22,300 34,265 20,520 10,886 99,492 44,117 61,981 25,910 57,087 44,814 36,312 20,212 94,292 15,850 64,214 19,228 42,294 64,125 92,448 47,724 16,555 12,074 74,611 74,618 25,764 52,756 28,228 84,407 37,188 86,877 67,644 97,165 45,632 70,964 79,887 62,571 76,356 89,929 21,304 82,405 69,975 74,880 48,196 99,189 46,690 69,606 60,148 51,110 42,055 21,849 38,571 26,909 38,617 91,473 37,668 47,506 48,829 17,884 63,291 92,410 87,033 67,273 84,888 73,193 70,463 80,019 68,213 66,890 30,653 31,642 16,166 37,189 12,104 70,274 39,373 82,157 35,208 91,880 45,654 48,407 84,347 67,327 25,296 55,639 83,051 74,313 52,215 34,461 84,339 40,527 90,486 25,944 59,098 84,803 34,523 47,667 96,833 29,542 46,581 76,332 93,354 59,462 18,391 61,132 70,277 91,517 43,771 89,378 45,546 89,376 20,409 55,621 23,220 95,793 65,778 13,296 92,034 68,855 63,972 83,851 62,161 50,056 86,991 21,979 24,211 93,695 68,134 71,789 46,869 48,574 49,100 46,147 48,337 49,026 84,210 77,747 32,979 67,427 16,139 31,117 73,800 93,583 88,109 23,445 35,219 63,102 33,334 67,473 74,375 39,235 70,438 26,955 95,551 16,886 90,030 29,433 89,648 91,139 63,817 80,524 42,931 61,517 76,289 52,678 62,907 10,349 10,826 98,436 11,454 58,257 23,632 49,501 72,096 81,657 54,860 24,323 64,340 41,144 72,792 35,114 49,455 14,836 79,763 78,756 15,331 58,242 26,892 74,674 85,389 78,871 74,140 84,106 15,748 41,252 81,029 24,105 77,070 79,265 31,952 30,882 75,876 49,953 26,827 46,497 35,699 28,476 70,464 14,633 23,079 64,418 35,594 95,092 32,927 84,416

41,035 10,897 18,626 29,842 67,739 18,019 66,279 39,795 60,285 88,163 74,735 73,652 75,438 98,492 67,825 89,780 56,853 27,858 73,636 71,511 66,215 76,982 74,498 34,527 86,929 14,636 24,135 46,147 44,044 86,590 31,530 35,708 95,751 61,962 61,639 19,899 71,141 79,201 80,379 43,128 44,801 80,767 21,094 54,864 57,223 92,066 24,392 33,142 97,173 22,823 65,978 25,809 47,064 98,700 26,961 37,640 56,030 86,634 33,684 30,992 14,072 73,322 78,118 24,533 79,062 80,504 64,634 45,051 55,580 51,379 22,089 88,941 66,277 23,352 57,925 10,080 65,838 33,807 73,672 73,663 91,676 91,073 20,106 26,550 54,171 92,883 65,918 71,429 90,955 77,755 10,251 24,188 86,233 51,853 71,033 15,578 73,222 30,249 20,673 85,957 93,036 91,405 61,918 97,912 53,494 88,732 31,961 48,211 25,489 93,465 21,453 87,277 12,830 65,729 38,730 64,305 23,633 30,509 19,253 54,597 69,841 17,865 66,911 56,540 87,320 34,629 80,483 87,798 41,954 38,645 61,522 92,831 44,602 93,910 48,782 96,213 28,320 42,985 85,289 17,238 68,199 42,574 93,271 46,431 94,226 70,625 12,621 60,139 73,284 80,799 28,144 83,931 47,435 87,633 54,380 31,013 64,650 38,714 46,116 50,571 75,057 41,780 71,871 52,813 72,933 61,888 80,752 22,329 90,693 65,137 88,303 97,904 96,407 77,772 96,921 34,705 38,925 27,541 10,103 38,999 46,708 61,985 29,661 53,088 56,700 10,338 44,036 61,989 25,872 34,782 17,900 92,982 23,478 95,250 54,191 53,069 30,271 83,550 60,287 73,907 41,877 40,425 22,677 36,549 81,501 94,634 97,492 51,343 28,733 29,709 96,772 39,451 54,643 60,399 74,052 59,099 38,435 63,059 75,374 14,869 11,184 59,030 67,006 33,199 30,840 29,032 38,194 59,614 20,653 31,625


411,202 967,280 528,468 373,863 765,643 973,192 857,368 122,719 232,484 907,447 275,311 754,438 143,455 991,991 897,537 797,755 425,953 124,104 287,782 845,434 692,577 487,023 272,734 300,380 998,467 743,150 402,960 238,769 946,237 613,609 136,204 644,128 560,431 986,100 281,366 634,728 365,217 947,691 781,854 676,225 759,758 650,409 596,973 728,803 241,512 882,270 604,579 964,595 189,814 902,952 206,209 540,263 207,022 561,188 904,588 569,320 395,362 229,095 296,106 358,735 377,644 836,487 307,151 630,326 426,033 938,606 648,661 186,884 807,645 385,235 149,289 164,114 910,600 558,330 692,610 663,836 735,602 290,837 510,964 246,701 519,540 656,954 234,545 967,950 533,047 303,608 689,510 387,642 106,378 429,099 844,470 403,236 499,273 498,902 353,452 672,784 542,836 311,383 564,278 430,502 404,815 257,017 499,749 160,092 127,311 518,120 628,606 525,549 415,916 721,772 862,174 819,022 329,411 179,063 807,566 385,497 858,846 808,008 914,040 866,813 586,489 458,333 634,834 772,386 992,737 405,798 501,196 675,749 782,517 374,970 945,276 845,091 938,356 352,045 349,652 184,665 593,268 565,866 980,287 532,655 789,844 771,622 974,411 746,834 505,477 614,386 218,915 995,645 164,601 539,150 310,981 214,994 126,854 690,878 615,396 835,400 381,635 995,263 108,273 292,351 772,254 646,421 107,584 602,503 128,708 350,791 507,911 560,520 672,925 489,638 211,466 264,160 820,729 209,766 204,992 420,171 854,370 557,426 716,689 318,335 945,508 355,587 106,662 315,845 155,311 934,578 435,605 676,997 891,519 274,070 314,645 445,520 328,116 420,493 201,129 736,034 132,647 404,015 425,310 267,848 807,230 154,047 793,950 664,472 619,341 592,594 791,020 425,696 182,415 978,308 881,514 808,117 765,314 423,517 273,094 619,006 139,426 556,403 879,504 269,678 749,193 150,516 802,370 869,184 166,637 649,834 492,567 795,642 256,435 886,373 608,959 170,374 171,186 590,130 144,038 885,178 483,309 523,448 691,950 732,333 453,704 773,158 869,876 343,646 611,657 108,383 493,493 127,480 732,704 249,982 104,291 294,092 930,486 255,703 832,927 430,285 667,528 867,685 603,107 549,300 416,976 182,758 673,082 518,642 550,492 232,416 347,514 300,465 372,924 610,673 393,331 682,230 816,319 191,587 485,875 545,612 429,581 281,275 473,979 539,525 624,635 359,097 838,358 970,366 179,286 304,883 138,829 719,000 570,663 744,640 385,057 802,332 351,052 737,310 787,128 579,280 581,252 794,109 309,596 882,486 329,515 987,407 744,458 668,655 177,793 886,130 287,711 644,528 922,362 782,008 328,358 556,645 714,904 897,678 799,668 416,212 765,430 192,783 587,050 194,438 210,208 142,785 940,726 923,308 927,208 299,413 373,953 610,919 673,777 393,113 979,585 754,656 863,927 486,150 636,708 740,706 902,072 588,066 544,183 994,135 713,092 332,660 253,094 583,300 724,449 832,300 763,744 455,824 971,777 285,665 922,633 874,790 212,639 956,237 215,994 964,722 967,756 584,332 459,236 867,975 810,100 692,587 419,994 807,108 132,668 887,023 883,664 139,627 868,741 186,836 989,123 893,515 931,122 253,113 888,486 581,301 341,510 259,392 385,613 392,881 958,561 201,461 249,713 845,259 345,465 259,207 591,099 455,410 850,450 648,427 726,701 876,856 257,034 924,011 768,745 887,167 547,596 518,806 451,902 958,615 940,996 924,763 561,049 802,504 634,523 964,512 686,000 240,200 541,526 259,479 201,960 300,950 943,908 545,401 884,665 682,274 139,540 658,325 617,696 118,865 897,599 621,920 633,493 808,652 519,463 775,705 715,957 113,554 441,967 162,709 989,672 365,776 698,737 407,075 581,147 156,803 617,122 360,414 760,754 174,506 554,722 469,889 747,807 706,551 882,331 922,800 692,317 162,245 970,459 685,976 607,159 920,105 165,607 666,802 941,546 455,299 352,430 303,548 162,369 251,740 351,818 302,382 511,653 151,643 562,982 675,080 180,655 810,442 422,793 467,321 583,625 174,358 183,463 373,156 824,350 754,518 996,801 523,293 347,026 216,198 404,922 232,641 339,189 636,700 379,256 727,848 382,830 270,880 800,996 748,297 993,547 768,138 498,053 585,168 551,347 770,808 756,967 149,786 139,657 873,870 301,722 414,588 887,818 192,766 136,187 442,617 384,045 402,709 825,984 168,067 845,813 521,316 995,714 788,244 337,190 688,738 685,713 681,160 978,984 868,912 280,815 129,898 325,534 140,679 262,859 954,131 265,878 312,773 855,983 105,803 355,820 201,843 578,733 541,161 915,342 893,367 886,503 162,786 361,033 927,911 707,693 388,806 965,808 602,557 431,881 155,497 888,671 534,221 390,908 358,887 227,718 807,420 413,564 727,116 361,727 762,812 361,615 114,843 298,144 476,735 260,904 959,640 455,667 565,007 565,968 198,772 190,760 756,887 339,070 779,521 118,128 202,118 383,015 638,550 628,614 272,459 372,127 738,702 804,157 840,237 879,747 925,296 422,255 845,955 689,979 305,834 998,867 871,566 438,547 946,790 889,824 602,646 984,523 996,286 219,806 732,755 292,383 425,198 520,780 895,410 195,442 181,426 233,684 607,996 768,053 570,436 261,661 509,773 277,620 524,063 147,284 575,195 111,429 618,409 166,762 268,755 941,833 562,679 983,836 481,155 809,081 982,131 499,421 895,335 302,021 326,183 604,826 144,803 195,372 816,423 664,723 479,137 646,553 158,120 691,825 270,083 828,619 342,755 334,815 557,606 539,747 738,649 276,066 608,483 854,667 196,911 415,854 834,015 291,839 494,487 721,000 323,417 494,768 441,459 526,009 606,201 595,724 717,506 898,578 828,315 712,442 578,903 613,111 739,198 225,123 255,702 860,140 951,974 898,916 387,218 280,075 966,772 149,867 718,098 982,160 755,249 122,833 911,031 845,246 276,201 443,475 960,746 936,356 343,027 767,373 672,028 671,487 934,756 121,647 957,611 973,284 417,594 284,068 683,305 961,207 340,991 892,399 299,461 816,887 362,159 434,685 127,854 543,545 259,145 384,581 220,858 333,465 138,151 342,916 114,381 437,344 153,248 644,048 154,113 849,672 682,028 174,857 634,013 651,085 240,261 929,996 959,240 990,166 142,845 136,141 469,020 504,528 698,336 317,612 465,600 859,874 659,927 671,843 818,048 300,564 408,036 392,321 465,733 915,384 150,394 590,959 839,239 613,113 982,445 120,297 334,111 231,877 103,017 743,166 927,649 973,181 452,149 650,694 431,178 433,484 731,328 643,971 561,910 584,245 501,207 689,080 311,075 966,466 469,713 869,621 731,634 389,101 618,561 431,997 195,240 510,376 900,594 810,195 458,571 833,471 277,805 664,198 648,981 660,082 868,772 353,095 433,279 703,790 964,736 172,908 525,503 631,417 531,502 939,792 126,508 417,038 491,999 625,493 624,060 440,967 182,278 119,120 343,733 397,418 863,521 698,702 298,145 703,004 694,910 319,491 870,146 590,024 798,337 660,081 369,663 973,033 465,294 527,088 987,353 138,271 957,196 748,350 105,126 545,048 644,501 870,323 381,673 153,703 677,354 245,575 595,337 101,855 663,842 688,356 512,000 606,637 924,606 626,685 672,628 998,986 123,633 101,767 754,585 627,283 829,421 207,234 549,842 256,659 140,509 589,223 143,709 678,682 666,923 856,279 711,474 152,584 140,002 154,256 305,698 277,995 766,411 642,128 560,316 127,685 991,551 191,860 241,456 671,758 756,042 542,694 284,477 928,756 805,290 351,076 749,728 935,180 389,054 153,803 859,303 437,745 680,537 653,794 383,086 148,373 753,937 485,316 467,416 346,591 813,048 246,587 362,533 797,311 608,609 200,671 536,742 256,696 559,941 410,691 990,287 874,543 637,127 132,547 555,993 907,286 223,215 838,238 337,025 726,202 917,802 428,796 100,406 574,183 576,048 907,684 551,353 242,867 916,102 451,716 570,055 546,154 477,634 879,599 608,028 763,578 682,414 103,772 166,014 704,766 774,329 708,966 986,407 543,883 168,576 671,350 441,710 336,793 836,234 663,489 851,795 637,910 428,178 332,365 680,474 569,203 982,060 378,252 131,074 648,101 913,668 120,893 441,394 160,093 899,815 424,679 572,947 286,981 657,069 830,627 259,694 414,028 666,504 413,969 167,324 517,562 760,700 114,626 992,222 956,006 419,234 407,538 887,716 457,034 400,548 806,706 789,519 664,881 572,002 631,891 552,880 575,753 353,051 901,697 705,716 327,186 289,855 508,780 611,204 125,685 380,148 986,883 185,089 657,796 517,668 781,785 753,079 260,124 468,990 626,565 136,889 171,034 588,852 826,528 267,630 467,386 314,245 350,919 133,240 679,578 661,427 811,834 773,713 682,575 694,384 556,333 842,995 744,487 179,372 761,745 321,432 182,031 423,467 657,049 138,314 546,379 876,685 352,960 882,087 856,862 920,665 502,003 311,119 909,294 650,190 596,302 673,609 119,102 399,993 233,497 648,417 279,982 899,584 741,460 757,552 200,044 631,206 711,808 399,435 615,351 197,929 371,082 668,311 811,377 424,871 222,515 677,193 865,637 999,429 679,730 460,170 212,286 592,645 151,630 657,384 740,182 679,047 371,376 577,070 688,213 287,020 189,927 283,173 756,873 567,914 262,272 142,543 904,562 747,066 208,279 712,110 689,295 304,310 864,010 917,447 344,705 679,637 420,656 958,124 825,466 903,554 908,113 838,367 905,051 263,811 894,739 915,495 262,920 740,166 336,364 833,342 679,143 886,753 435,554 149,909 673,239 753,793 868,692 240,175 535,181 221,333 875,543 840,825 102,574 385,938 872,869 389,430 137,891 684,305 485,756 294,884 490,754 468,012 806,886 346,005 897,588 147,584 519,338 763,724 448,518 392,825 974,258 264,337 211,686 499,512 785,502 396,634 116,314 939,349 351,611 307,329 543,063 805,213 403,478 433,213 703,324 852,822 398,433 397,817 907,311 586,252 863,498 753,871 579,135 613,887 618,433 998,358 873,496 490,264 980,882 169,409 876,581 296,197 911,376 805,806 142,634 208,760 590,228 417,063 966,994 571,063 988,597 348,096 938,494 208,680 992,745 275,708 675,874 328,490 848,003 863,823 400,425 166,551 729,707 207,865 269,676 265,989 679,837 287,135 153,055 220,301 416,838 207,325 776,257 159,379 145,357 664,706 515,634 138,990 320,602 508,256 921,831 744,809 549,655 924,120 417,228 586,306 826,942 340,084 371,240 911,860 230,901 488,683 378,758 357,190 759,496 336,394 126,384 569,681 742,258 675,772 586,323 523,845 154,236 110,711 575,318 400,979 258,971 667,567 744,101 406,364 769,884 679,337 973,259 296,334 120,610 536,596 344,969 492,437 243,597 940,201 872,945 813,853 884,568 416,474 937,840 280,410 179,187 492,545 802,462 402,047 563,965 543,596 762,765 892,614 826,276 972,663 501,546 453,037 822,001 405,708 378,399 684,817 735,106 134,108 941,489 614,196 572,669 721,561 655,399 908,815 941,929 760,936 644,039 937,676 186,295 619,665 416,049 784,667 353,891 169,892 816,567 532,705 900,454 501,439 410,068 639,339 431,320 787,635 254,079 553,793 430,168 828,469 235,298 504,056 105,562 200,576 282,820 152,898 942,476 885,896 102,837 746,843 309,403 660,443 304,678 268,858 106,821 764,253 763,774 972,917 211,715 485,122 404,187 661,736 831,660 390,501 370,124 433,801 423,105 163,004 335,004 120,559 914,048 281,358 662,525 357,613 802,148 552,866 139,386 329,467 809,659 709,193 301,375 441,956 296,235 800,738 349,967 972,593 261,893 528,629 628,811 783,748 160,159 182,742 664,416 481,432 780,568 513,164 353,853 423,417 522,742 513,869 859,528 406,786 816,742 378,794 859,754 763,823 914,302 290,728 631,132 130,143 880,743 857,537 896,756 707,405 190,419 789,805 523,900 612,402 700,378 452,474 125,620 199,083 356,689 290,159 954,665 669,853 900,194 899,106 857,691 632,985 290,629 793,109 788,723 747,408 659,967 956,414 338,004 755,635 588,893 878,812 242,114 207,822 398,367 898,122 898,328 739,464 755,493 549,851 561,638 990,760 355,071 386,320 388,556 535,183 385,394 117,919 953,041 583,207 278,470 571,716 324,957 687,882 692,957 397,632 346,614 240,130 821,187 104,773 640,217 158,653 639,177 367,963 139,785 418,636 393,680 118,368 731,799 120,210 726,637 877,412 849,350 678,779 988,518 474,299 265,050 641,512 587,699 187,724 509,176 866,196 561,418 871,836 799,431 288,843 394,509 912,373 203,170 261,666 408,903 391,744 224,130 223,192 650,205 984,833 457,335 491,557 269,180 888,405 663,636 124,990 905,913 825,062 882,490 939,297 921,808 695,564 857,492 839,004 438,234 893,784 170,822 581,055 389,689 176,784 577,710 340,795 771,348 795,830 721,949 749,006 756,122 307,066 747,646 751,195 465,257 641,151 438,259 151,882 616,204 164,583 305,931 256,378 361,121 161,726 407,504 993,604 965,630 247,099 560,568 807,397 872,602 965,680 691,115 283,183


2,854,931 5,684,340 9,799,319 1,704,092 8,645,710

7,281,241 3,869,572 2,938,231 8,990,477

5,900,103 5,808,930 2,287,664 3,592,408 2,376,599

4,596,305 5,742,290 9,380,363 6,410,307

2,562,555 3,047,312 7,569,297 9,406,122 3,809,213

7,849,692 1,235,473 9,335,230 7,343,618

2,554,093 5,189,988 8,305,270 4,702,154 3,634,364

4,918,423 2,586,375 9,275,681 1,549,893

1,538,056 3,578,255 9,953,192 4,850,142 6,761,884

6,764,296 5,478,753 5,528,993 2,562,177

5,579,228 6,308,261 2,584,674 9,516,988 3,296,818

4,349,482 7,872,378 8,711,009 6,952,951

6,428,884 5,545,749 9,420,442 3,918,240 7,281,437

5,680,873 2,679,976 1,895,073 1,495,931

2,094,744 1,130,645 9,481,665 1,695,572 8,704,485

7,680,904 6,688,925 8,650,370 7,544,635

2,980,823 9,443,852 7,341,197 5,797,690 4,565,418

4,471,559 1,628,332 4,736,683 5,331,833

3,514,372 1,671,461 6,797,307 1,807,171 4,921,557

3,862,437 8,800,831 9,239,167 9,973,055

6,355,544 1,362,379 8,742,332 4,236,404 2,750,795

7,805,850 9,454,182 2,842,027 4,437,403

1,231,516 1,614,034 2,849,206 7,855,457 7,042,054

1,794,909 5,519,174 8,895,877 6,868,344

2,134,319 7,982,972 6,743,739 8,933,898 7,526,316

3,218,496 8,116,886 3,622,280 3,090,679

6,498,124 7,334,318 8,617,448 5,677,260 1,696,076

5,332,360 1,780,500 1,774,575 8,223,248

7,801,592 5,011,426 5,909,467 5,171,592 3,441,778

7,034,625 6,066,890 4,774,047 3,054,451

4,155,186 6,583,009 2,676,399 2,850,961 5,447,032

9,207,155 9,202,445 8,926,607 9,523,541

8,744,786 1,211,129 3,550,182 1,449,362 5,360,116

3,034,636 5,552,904 6,353,874 1,152,254

3,705,846 2,339,626 3,970,293 4,425,646 9,876,222

1,131,587 8,688,665 8,086,193 2,613,132

5,115,377 2,496,731 4,587,048 1,365,174 6,600,583

9,400,515 9,956,837 1,161,606 4,586,106

4,768,815 9,296,416 9,085,676 5,427,407 6,316,701

1,703,402 1,778,838 3,350,315 9,375,351

1,006,050 2,179,214 6,065,574 7,493,614 8,756,545

3,563,122 6,855,053 5,643,225 1,174,979 6,497,029 7,840,729 7,308,226 1,161,150 8,389,276 6,396,237 3,714,455 1,216,912 5,465,755 7,705,166 9,717,655 7,447,167 9,695,780 1,183,537 1,159,120 3,832,266 4,876,782 4,272,687 4,176,260 2,099,021 4,509,018

9,034,516 1,231,159 2,805,905 7,466,560 7,314,675

7,388,568 2,546,741 2,645,152 2,357,730

5,034,831 1,672,717 9,778,590 4,944,353 3,641,475

9,850,801 2,471,507 4,407,127 7,664,949

8,189,896 9,407,228 3,851,779 5,397,522 2,880,215

2,875,023 3,770,286 6,627,577 5,494,673

8,334,372 8,009,756 8,185,639 1,775,944 8,387,881

5,620,079 9,142,016 3,803,448 6,920,150

8,314,453 9,009,354 9,836,281 9,357,164 3,658,578

4,475,116 5,289,184 4,133,006 9,039,135

5,358,308 2,139,716 8,250,612 1,152,122 5,780,476

4,309,197 1,974,204 5,752,335 5,670,048

8,594,793 5,765,246 2,107,498 6,759,193 8,144,324

4,674,364 5,138,476 5,198,732 7,594,825

3,834,342 8,308,686 7,377,186 6,386,138 4,926,672

2,459,364 4,742,395 1,592,795 8,210,341

7,368,570 7,021,977 6,210,832 7,634,473 6,329,866

6,451,796 5,161,784 7,038,473 9,499,827

1,313,033 6,441,727 5,122,534 5,688,816 9,093,869

2,284,804 9,880,429 5,303,978 7,149,772

6,901,477 3,369,556 2,695,964 3,192,951 2,476,934

9,929,252 3,029,884 6,639,692 8,378,860

1,362,254 2,822,341 4,942,665 4,138,714 5,167,728

9,367,665 3,374,310 9,098,813 2,256,574

3,435,052 7,283,020 3,991,792 4,103,508 1,034,329

6,234,916 1,781,483 7,687,672 6,405,627

3,916,620 6,671,551 3,221,406 5,336,755 5,234,271

4,823,833 9,169,695 9,809,437 6,636,796

4,998,180 4,100,208 4,495,888 8,148,348 1,355,129

4,432,235 7,961,238 5,294,517 9,843,134

8,380,420 9,637,644 4,336,962 6,071,856 7,779,817

4,114,125 4,107,122 9,123,805 8,108,603

9,655,026 5,684,879 5,931,054 6,333,812 9,428,190

1,398,060 3,049,022 5,144,340 7,598,746

2,708,074 2,912,075 5,856,913 3,399,273 1,464,470

6,124,349 9,129,450 1,917,116 4,292,552

2,531,134 9,220,588 3,200,886 4,578,556 7,781,890

2,383,282 1,174,612 4,042,564 2,192,413

8,116,761 8,757,399 2,629,890 8,932,663 1,150,741

2,159,208 7,838,143 7,728,744 6,557,398

5,124,155 2,921,443 3,427,030 6,999,360 9,935,663

3,002,167 9,656,294 1,198,666 9,607,293

6,450,013 9,226,946 2,095,069 8,401,717 2,423,778

9,024,907 3,550,029 9,724,583 4,164,176 9,986,612 7,193,804 1,358,798 4,369,958 8,999,723 2,962,260 8,035,670 8,668,861 9,799,089 8,239,431 8,592,207 6,799,232 3,216,131 9,454,008 8,336,585 5,148,267 6,220,864 8,529,323 9,643,826 6,444,000 2,586,949 2,185,464

1,692,003 7,177,879 5,539,161 2,858,910 7,736,761

1,458,323 5,380,374 8,035,295 4,881,116

4,580,787 2,627,236 9,942,201 9,271,688 2,630,198

5,754,106 8,653,887 2,533,424 8,059,894

5,818,585 9,636,080 5,150,660 6,966,746 2,927,876

5,553,572 6,853,087 7,282,329 7,990,195

9,070,685 4,066,714 2,810,766 6,133,442 5,447,115

6,553,313 8,178,336 9,600,314 4,158,966

9,386,489 9,115,742 5,709,899 2,022,084 8,440,611

4,255,573 1,101,504 5,408,399 7,475,566

3,014,601 4,816,456 5,289,671 4,023,762 9,223,332

2,027,914 5,435,426 6,851,240 8,637,295

7,559,109 6,284,041 3,037,051 2,783,479 1,287,461

4,711,872 9,873,075 3,044,464 1,843,312

8,077,141 6,009,396 1,508,905 5,171,724 6,093,773

9,026,049 8,331,671 9,600,918 7,447,968

7,110,960 9,683,443 5,809,148 3,770,118 1,483,242

9,827,798 9,374,266 6,214,776 3,333,587

2,007,135 6,138,594 3,802,413 9,262,932 1,929,938

9,437,041 9,168,532 1,114,839 6,902,731

7,179,158 4,187,343 8,116,594 1,515,388 2,909,904

4,329,002 8,524,619 1,966,132 7,237,577

2,155,305 6,808,807 3,636,670 2,217,272 7,356,602

3,224,517 3,939,404 1,853,592 9,702,765

9,731,110 7,504,149 4,842,984 5,298,443 1,898,638

2,284,224 4,366,699 2,096,233 7,621,738

6,925,409 5,790,154 1,525,861 1,591,830 9,007,099

8,731,358 1,731,862 3,851,953 3,185,525

4,880,062 3,693,540 9,073,897 4,909,801 7,851,743

8,777,813 2,356,142 4,377,978 5,509,295

9,222,715 4,113,092 7,970,574 3,616,207 2,414,026

5,570,961 1,092,356 3,628,040 5,904,082

3,417,172 7,178,848 5,878,710 7,711,461 7,546,391

7,559,234 3,033,078 3,938,038 9,836,779

4,852,102 9,124,442 4,391,506 5,769,405 8,969,048

3,546,916 9,325,525 5,447,838 5,390,289

8,436,216 8,129,619 7,165,446 7,489,071 1,920,025

1,095,568 3,079,626 1,005,996 3,639,390

3,764,132 5,041,349 3,656,720 6,989,829 7,569,304

8,417,502 6,632,965 9,970,200 6,258,226

7,664,511 3,052,672 4,569,993 9,149,920 1,458,281

5,560,791 7,254,554 6,309,462 7,276,178

3,037,863 6,857,201 1,471,481 7,284,964 3,999,345

2,636,553 6,800,410 3,559,244 7,858,872 5,761,045 9,825,721 2,128,886 3,917,756 8,061,004 3,787,195 1,760,725 2,432,793 5,531,083 9,562,660 9,359,138 8,163,753 5,169,076 9,118,025 4,695,675 5,276,774 3,319,328 7,437,553 8,909,733 3,517,757 3,544,397 1,482,676

6,938,792 4,440,924 2,055,681 8,392,727 3,742,319

7,700,679 5,070,644 5,665,131 7,475,852

1,291,614 5,600,791 6,348,850 3,801,553 3,994,538

3,276,604 2,317,659 6,052,953 2,124,240

9,502,054 1,920,571 4,007,449 3,624,366 8,823,180

7,394,466 7,171,738 5,638,852 4,366,325

9,750,940 3,596,695 9,686,762 4,649,762 3,941,022

2,633,471 6,748,563 3,926,017 9,424,444

5,938,950 7,139,029 2,279,766 8,423,609 3,022,780

8,266,829 6,126,174 8,649,582 9,614,407

5,575,955 4,702,582 5,503,558 4,161,286 3,584,588

3,183,106 3,707,391 3,356,976 3,462,931

1,125,964 8,811,491 4,752,222 2,030,825 5,423,335

3,684,981 2,668,302 6,728,317 4,808,701

1,607,630 8,761,178 1,268,382 2,011,839 5,420,902

6,931,477 4,062,720 1,317,342 1,995,157

7,097,006 1,839,899 2,605,568 6,983,139 8,788,632

2,216,622 6,114,912 4,657,874 4,150,944

7,883,901 4,881,504 5,365,925 8,221,722 6,162,211

6,971,534 8,558,209 5,050,405 1,505,435

8,447,940 2,225,671 8,846,208 7,626,306 4,141,364

5,917,113 8,821,070 3,855,575 6,976,901

4,037,609 3,020,337 9,375,672 9,280,695 4,068,419

3,727,618 7,420,731 5,906,968 1,681,299

8,903,289 7,877,228 5,362,760 2,453,656 1,875,053

5,496,932 7,863,701 8,063,424 7,678,234

3,269,774 3,569,613 8,101,054 3,412,966 9,834,825

6,493,257 5,362,844 6,291,270 7,277,222

5,035,696 1,852,926 4,330,032 5,751,055 3,427,120

2,642,734 9,547,013 8,666,242 9,294,498

3,913,846 7,249,493 7,418,602 1,895,481 4,869,852

5,459,053 3,750,054 5,895,654 5,457,619

2,290,356 7,524,423 7,871,289 1,974,349 8,580,650

2,961,764 5,137,639 9,865,185 3,855,947

4,646,433 8,594,972 5,924,325 5,085,607 1,283,136

2,656,379 2,010,453 1,355,552 2,731,684

1,327,668 3,409,134 2,512,239 8,821,028 8,921,666

1,908,016 8,130,532 4,796,960 6,286,611

5,542,614 3,410,214 7,829,706 5,587,616 9,138,156

6,579,274 6,740,922 5,577,781 3,076,627

3,250,534 7,152,112 9,361,069 3,458,955 1,033,344

6,803,109 5,106,006 3,184,779 2,738,392

1,160,678 8,577,150 6,970,158 4,389,583 2,517,735

8,299,029 3,634,393 3,689,867 2,798,354 6,285,815 3,251,159 6,424,242 5,667,535 8,392,260 9,697,025 6,516,914 9,922,971 8,667,361 2,999,585 8,906,411 4,975,288 7,309,066 6,572,486 1,303,914 3,490,699 8,666,903 6,784,479 5,116,556 5,924,762 7,438,873 6,254,393

4,284,441 3,640,579 7,449,567 2,397,403 9,064,003

1,588,819 7,793,738 6,111,725 7,209,097

2,766,993 8,916,737 5,992,561 5,343,803 3,759,253

7,545,310 9,533,476 7,414,069 5,713,271

9,745,558 1,581,860 1,676,644 6,037,703 3,170,359

9,161,859 1,815,054 2,647,823 7,032,103

8,170,206 7,422,462 9,612,061 5,071,001 6,106,951

1,444,833 1,247,711 6,543,286 1,898,389

3,436,458 9,680,789 3,606,083 9,002,873 6,555,001

5,625,704 5,151,187 8,104,207 9,400,257

9,372,228 7,317,382 9,826,680 3,672,739 9,021,446

9,466,362 3,104,168 5,844,584 7,657,088

7,267,672 7,205,035 9,557,511 5,554,801 1,380,595

8,410,197 4,799,530 9,700,744 4,489,582

9,772,412 7,947,305 3,152,078 7,262,560 8,510,970

6,612,797 1,511,976 8,778,287 5,858,455

8,046,555 7,012,072 7,000,067 9,238,768 9,834,595

3,526,102 7,662,790 7,788,831 6,267,972

3,639,192 4,897,595 9,506,550 1,276,874 3,792,384

3,267,216 4,420,255 1,806,377 8,364,445

5,494,393 1,146,537 3,521,573 6,663,616 5,228,592

5,405,828 3,365,271 3,577,862 8,409,425

2,363,613 2,024,860 1,495,743 2,529,064 8,726,598

9,540,845 4,017,750 1,711,959 4,913,229

1,128,863 5,069,601 8,844,232 1,761,425 9,765,775

6,196,044 1,064,517 3,066,614 9,951,352

6,046,719 9,610,496 7,388,083 2,636,215 2,733,341

8,157,833 5,355,291 3,323,005 1,186,970

5,012,159 3,519,826 2,886,027 9,173,685 6,114,933

6,367,922 7,028,680 3,747,392 9,396,740

3,905,439 4,670,576 9,309,914 9,976,816 7,418,128

7,687,271 5,286,346 7,065,074 4,949,471

9,303,548 8,844,653 8,278,324 8,208,429 8,137,663

8,486,339 7,310,626 3,014,561 1,684,683

2,563,240 9,646,412 7,004,197 4,556,977 9,202,632

3,751,571 4,709,431 6,591,429 1,852,401

2,366,431 6,430,020 9,871,449 1,367,492 6,321,899

9,036,152 5,438,321 1,568,362 7,010,396

7,201,535 6,090,569 3,068,633 8,876,121 2,152,100

9,819,778 9,636,692 4,024,199 4,280,414

1,877,826 6,380,256 9,429,202 5,804,196 2,479,984

4,582,809 4,032,439 3,318,700 6,681,889

4,868,215 2,340,213 9,002,579 3,420,621 9,195,928

7,518,242 8,734,211 1,136,352 2,123,465 2,186,760 1,240,637 4,252,443 6,999,660 6,901,407 3,756,928 6,949,972 1,930,508 9,107,794 1,725,640 6,260,133 1,597,060 1,245,804 1,520,727 4,763,853 1,155,395 8,745,146 8,736,922 1,007,930 2,259,979 8,857,900 9,645,421

7,947,514 7,865,523 2,739,663 9,555,688 4,014,611

5,065,294 1,361,053 9,048,639 4,116,708

5,625,118 6,285,717 1,088,764 5,799,714 1,030,884

1,030,354 5,241,075 6,900,672 8,152,219

2,444,418 9,739,880 7,916,381 6,179,109 3,164,191

4,788,440 4,129,396 1,313,252 5,616,812

3,852,027 7,230,593 9,279,374 5,314,927 7,652,253

8,525,642 6,867,935 2,330,852 7,651,313

4,833,022 2,254,758 3,470,012 9,052,588 8,668,032

3,555,806 5,707,527 6,360,801 9,357,694

9,189,462 8,854,602 2,404,742 8,351,369 1,842,815

5,612,885 9,633,411 5,081,514 3,327,414

8,652,344 2,123,746 6,936,425 7,204,662 1,165,513

9,309,515 9,188,843 2,445,147 4,899,542

8,679,887 4,316,606 3,750,680 3,955,912 2,629,325

6,725,689 6,703,656 7,130,848 5,020,670

1,801,744 1,580,036 3,624,187 8,824,919 6,281,767

9,617,323 5,202,073 8,582,844 9,306,431

6,517,242 9,023,148 3,256,977 3,513,340 8,781,709

5,229,474 7,410,328 4,278,383 8,941,955

5,119,098 4,986,006 2,781,441 7,319,862 6,886,486

8,507,303 1,435,892 9,620,723 2,093,179

4,189,863 2,293,350 8,386,177 2,853,497 2,340,370

1,948,376 5,483,269 6,783,769 5,562,465

6,330,923 2,704,093 4,698,462 3,210,550 2,929,923

4,540,749 6,279,729 4,310,250 3,632,474

8,597,714 9,388,619 7,421,790 6,402,045 8,444,383

8,996,613 3,394,731 8,224,160 2,533,249

4,883,956 5,280,322 1,652,630 5,955,502 3,417,946

7,751,314 8,033,711 5,523,251 4,386,589

6,502,937 3,889,945 5,158,481 1,447,254 6,446,637

9,966,564 4,647,220 5,852,942 8,357,382

4,847,196 9,344,772 4,456,059 8,755,844 5,413,371

8,402,263 7,163,567 5,685,090 4,090,454

1,258,310 8,745,775 7,053,642 2,058,309 7,246,290

6,813,386 4,846,291 6,734,936 7,725,918

1,937,732 1,476,947 4,446,895 9,899,955 8,280,740

5,102,651 1,844,949 7,770,903 4,432,113

9,785,470 6,629,430 2,817,630 7,694,474 1,096,301

8,375,286 2,336,956 9,195,189 3,550,363

2,182,450 7,108,164 1,601,509 2,455,902 4,382,147

7,190,606 8,798,656 9,927,362 3,927,009

9,506,164 2,235,580 5,808,779 5,716,905 8,252,116

8,980,356 4,453,983 4,955,129 9,783,263 6,656,367 6,283,982 9,381,327 1,061,098 4,547,856 6,387,341 5,496,604 9,855,660 2,554,380 9,086,298 8,879,989 2,248,734 8,513,111 2,377,619 2,351,777 3,646,492 7,875,161 7,216,020 6,393,786 3,387,459 9,304,982 8,396,741

7,176,373 6,050,219 9,991,686 7,757,712 4,007,432

9,796,595 9,583,511 9,865,887 8,695,214

3,265,062 4,695,909 2,920,146 8,612,167 8,195,212

5,350,997 8,696,326 7,937,902 5,076,475

8,015,166 3,809,662 3,850,369 1,070,272 3,703,954

6,208,997 7,112,675 5,657,679 9,242,349

3,734,404 1,246,003 7,520,530 2,113,360 3,184,905

3,533,042 4,938,544 5,199,421 2,006,497

3,585,626 2,487,691 4,499,331 6,554,027 5,358,980

5,404,159 4,748,766 5,816,355 8,702,922

2,292,417 3,890,832 8,248,148 1,154,310 7,709,795

1,742,444 9,439,368 1,577,627 1,150,805

2,509,209 5,977,414 5,505,710 3,020,357 4,350,287

4,880,245 1,651,429 6,449,245 4,221,641

8,476,305 5,814,609 7,342,871 6,616,268 7,079,045

6,597,435 3,894,062 6,887,236 6,430,880

7,966,595 3,851,321 7,631,723 2,857,354 8,358,070

2,438,388 2,443,841 3,571,871 1,333,616

7,875,724 8,533,260 4,820,954 7,885,722 8,898,013

7,708,389 3,140,986 8,329,762 2,334,525

6,122,377 7,470,175 6,782,893 9,729,831 1,173,074

6,351,079 4,755,379 3,144,783 4,378,464

1,800,776 6,293,389 3,829,596 9,549,545 1,638,800

6,686,950 8,200,152 6,240,398 4,961,080

8,925,734 8,140,932 8,385,728 4,800,530 8,653,804

4,035,415 6,589,637 3,153,205 8,947,944

8,699,670 6,983,780 9,859,850 1,140,001 1,616,779

3,395,419 7,143,956 1,956,059 3,508,185

7,214,564 3,791,889 8,117,098 1,678,243 4,504,973

1,956,667 7,064,357 3,432,543 8,396,334

2,737,040 9,152,537 3,161,073 6,701,686 9,536,888

9,442,822 7,840,021 8,768,058 1,438,426

4,770,453 2,694,524 6,366,545 7,707,988 8,858,910

8,981,568 6,259,387 7,830,002 3,175,384

7,457,893 1,446,166 6,803,203 4,637,457 1,248,801

9,177,413 4,687,231 3,838,154 7,440,503

7,933,255 4,851,287 4,326,872 9,915,450 1,143,806

3,503,228 3,344,821 9,096,655 9,415,184


11,474,027 62,003,782 53,688,901 14,261,673 33,919,047 56,548,655 44,187,562 61,866,756 96,624,979

7,646,036 9,981,444 9,310,841 5,590,836 6,099,077 2,483,623 8,229,370 3,359,508 5,404,191 8,173,277 7,111,356 4,550,204 6,931,786 8,840,339 1,655,131 9,817,709 7,147,597 6,243,757 2,958,552


29,325,655 47,520,754 92,420,025 92,695,879 31,970,045

32,815,985 50,493,566 45,822,799 70,973,447

59,053,301 88,909,973 10,233,650 66,260,176 26,133,562

49,279,739 14,846,189 29,207,650 69,534,382

92,469,495 56,330,453 35,082,204 77,976,140 77,219,723

86,261,067 51,310,028 77,933,068 60,778,177

68,055,807 19,005,291 19,917,387 63,446,463 83,591,516

39,231,511 29,554,556 64,198,698 30,040,138

38,420,323 15,562,576 97,159,220 27,948,928 30,075,435 47,437,682 66,253,719 25,965,530 31,894,745 60,166,781 21,183,423 37,188,761 33,184,102 79,056,952

65,722,261 74,164,673 13,119,910 64,148,991 98,867,258 64,081,530 26,366,054 59,949,774 70,931,303

17,632,894 28,992,175 28,004,298 37,804,499 48,990,243 58,511,128 20,998,294 69,814,325 90,810,108

20,488,603 61,460,288 28,790,672 28,032,004 66,128,498 64,091,394 82,913,092 60,474,730 39,041,700

79,193,765 81,362,238 53,074,252 15,183,726 97,556,019 20,938,199 37,379,091 37,018,418 62,423,147

61,540,408 80,968,025 91,143,583 74,744,458 29,062,800 81,110,468 24,846,855 94,133,681 51,642,264

90,076,019 81,521,803 46,349,576 30,972,247 28,976,404 98,415,723 89,155,974 56,180,899 67,862,803

51,322,258 48,815,645 74,417,298 33,625,550 97,937,171 77,559,164 35,555,862 18,419,926 36,075,893

13,512,406 17,148,994 41,630,933 38,037,315 30,144,028 86,290,317 34,175,842 35,803,333 94,563,737

99,410,360 34,848,333 46,434,388 10,845,253 36,101,440 58,432,761 97,150,409 44,502,346 34,412,253

95,328,294 95,375,072 96,390,583 15,396,025 42,940,037 39,978,035 73,399,723 49,244,853 12,600,355

87,062,495 78,002,533 93,434,003 83,277,144 48,906,677 75,838,423 31,116,340 74,811,574 78,089,114

35,671,197 73,641,614 86,563,401 15,603,002 80,797,255 42,225,262 36,373,496 78,119,323 81,621,985

49,799,316 61,417,540 81,870,808 64,718,941 39,735,957 99,500,720 82,454,131 41,685,364 78,970,475

15,935,013 92,073,958 14,119,763 62,922,140 74,011,889 41,852,473 14,397,205 77,956,280 39,061,599

64,270,428 22,839,782 83,376,052 99,175,197 77,602,498 67,575,647 50,957,479 40,063,571 64,715,484

42,832,449 72,925,667 26,159,034 62,757,728 77,172,910 96,532,732 13,034,315 63,803,429 95,446,974

24,253,546 64,706,218 84,778,857 34,459,524 68,487,523 47,843,140 68,216,744 12,501,347 51,842,647

90,313,311 88,332,812 26,609,464 74,870,042 68,063,878 75,108,695 26,003,285 64,731,323 68,414,856 24,122,456 91,960,418 77,485,392 62,145,777 90,279,060 62,571,266 65,992,382 34,248,529

64,092,672 27,863,115 70,003,807 12,031,951 42,416,915

19,515,880 19,645,114 34,918,205 13,736,297

49,586,000 36,175,939 62,957,798 16,483,554 57,170,481

74,572,808 56,295,456 58,031,473 47,043,991

13,821,932 47,183,380 63,415,525 36,778,524 47,878,157

52,831,169 72,139,126 58,175,068 30,083,267

42,624,383 23,793,048 92,966,894 23,783,907 60,481,925

67,336,595 27,984,886 56,307,929 33,728,807

68,636,464 29,589,048 20,471,892 85,608,430 61,136,183 53,210,923 12,156,706 94,114,407 20,350,925 32,497,440 38,577,146 63,212,403 40,107,718 69,698,341

33,427,630 64,872,246 97,554,200 65,788,736 79,624,047 76,011,831 38,261,353 92,544,639 29,060,276

20,227,068 73,330,909 14,074,552 84,161,371 73,824,662 22,474,902 47,629,773 79,355,944 41,726,420

30,806,748 30,971,414 44,221,600 24,095,279 34,474,761 13,512,072 79,189,602 98,434,541 73,657,572

90,973,457 27,364,119 51,929,595 44,483,883 80,788,123 77,053,289 56,843,078 76,145,123 37,711,703

59,237,716 81,966,730 67,662,795 46,642,673 72,780,296 95,265,184 14,087,023 79,359,974 86,323,438

54,199,687 13,655,793 88,120,114 24,164,387 79,147,063 52,494,751 27,600,747 15,592,063 64,029,179

43,724,345 98,912,937 74,920,649 61,284,891 90,660,370 10,489,688 34,566,231 95,883,216 71,453,821

83,264,702 15,096,973 86,471,814 97,521,300 82,707,275 43,176,151 72,241,995 90,227,324 38,837,149

76,591,708 61,301,102 26,946,290 52,077,125 39,356,493 85,425,115 38,728,384 71,684,453 37,217,249

56,198,038 72,643,052 79,132,163 41,198,270 62,137,730 93,098,276 85,800,939 60,888,273 85,169,215

69,476,345 99,939,790 29,710,350 57,222,296 70,106,343 67,350,544 96,306,561 27,802,552 73,863,787

47,304,268 59,889,138 47,648,126 30,821,863 68,028,701 78,446,625 27,053,725 41,306,732 46,176,396

57,430,741 98,036,207 23,785,880 11,344,597 31,032,944 25,287,140 25,129,709 21,054,587 98,266,839

65,528,915 34,817,391 36,480,292 17,289,122 72,481,767 26,865,341 54,511,406 62,342,107 34,566,741

45,833,460 67,759,482 98,586,269 20,390,154 86,037,580 57,931,889 24,456,115 36,561,387 42,181,084

30,553,568 23,166,308 41,584,317 91,482,339 36,662,196 71,937,755 22,859,520 17,580,032 66,608,577

22,887,990 49,846,481 37,941,960 91,752,350 10,481,604 96,045,141 71,403,668 49,777,315 27,425,541

26,869,997 57,843,171 61,458,418 54,261,897 16,193,342 40,106,087 61,792,521 55,664,637 46,384,147 19,595,060 20,791,782 65,665,772 19,494,722 91,585,912 37,627,278 19,161,658 20,294,012

29,188,581 66,470,649 14,764,006 73,669,080 42,250,942

47,228,716 80,489,075 52,715,024 94,223,403

97,012,323 81,859,278 51,080,277 52,756,273 19,899,939

80,678,246 90,863,636 37,685,438 63,235,188

60,278,016 36,790,747 91,766,430 68,272,712 43,651,879

39,016,015 73,933,786 13,970,387 45,633,361

62,597,680 25,406,629 81,574,107 86,194,919 33,612,203

76,543,936 97,032,569 46,416,451 12,704,812

56,560,507 33,279,617 79,709,189 46,397,488 31,672,253 71,849,061 11,908,632 83,595,914 17,113,916 56,024,416 35,826,099 52,231,001 78,186,032 12,457,184

93,493,079 10,929,572 72,644,591 68,059,870 91,273,253 91,896,624 17,739,216 96,064,017 61,385,785

43,060,531 33,223,678 82,441,804 10,591,440 38,419,869 11,355,661 50,871,328 87,351,692 57,051,736

30,925,386 98,812,852 91,747,019 26,999,948 56,363,727 51,100,639 28,447,217 31,790,565 93,170,062

13,725,234 95,505,232 29,000,163 75,938,922 11,947,349 76,712,943 11,726,435 27,943,633 79,979,076

92,106,739 72,722,077 44,218,666 11,888,533 57,488,362 29,867,167 98,618,612 71,518,769 42,237,213

71,667,247 79,667,702 24,756,490 46,398,727 56,348,290 97,179,867 80,904,120 64,087,924 43,246,441

76,227,253 45,594,020 12,702,330 29,188,481 43,673,303 31,530,014 46,671,304 56,497,092 78,040,454

20,581,272 85,868,587 92,175,096 88,124,520 24,747,745 36,230,363 37,439,947 63,226,445 45,373,519

21,626,028 69,274,379 46,236,910 85,551,939 97,860,527 79,401,404 34,017,354 48,233,916 25,023,625

86,529,221 33,215,708 69,371,716 79,374,329 22,522,490 22,824,128 40,088,517 75,728,777 95,738,799

39,146,500 90,125,742 98,004,323 86,147,585 78,766,277 42,884,530 52,014,673 51,941,116 49,210,168

59,798,651 30,406,601 61,572,060 16,518,412 57,152,988 70,041,139 20,706,201 45,436,961 84,718,318

43,236,168 38,444,355 35,972,356 61,817,205 19,872,322 77,174,898 67,959,956 98,153,877 61,306,875

86,629,823 41,628,130 77,363,277 40,725,510 84,699,750 55,626,785 91,405,462 22,313,842 44,129,742

36,383,069 20,670,362 33,967,657 26,471,386 80,253,767 64,113,727 94,459,772 36,729,304 65,983,499

51,768,758 89,552,213 85,575,287 67,811,729 65,033,806 48,640,376 80,420,443 68,368,108 31,211,417

46,470,645 82,086,707 44,373,564 84,168,064 55,969,605 52,282,770 66,444,958 71,978,074 60,704,573

21,966,362 28,965,058 79,745,488 93,458,112 89,980,133 54,279,810 73,780,632 38,597,978 94,938,823 68,708,654 38,103,578 30,050,616 71,248,664 94,318,810 88,953,982 91,321,241 53,795,313

79,077,869 81,421,077 36,285,183 43,136,764 14,765,464

82,768,896 46,413,201 29,498,443 41,978,906

10,412,887 44,110,383 47,159,597 80,744,579 45,527,856

26,785,458 55,826,288 61,027,371 59,299,579

77,194,769 73,562,779 54,627,608 59,802,593 86,251,459

99,125,008 97,483,940 90,302,968 45,789,944

92,149,452 76,384,858 62,905,503 51,872,377 60,412,684

59,088,468 45,348,638 71,798,213 23,140,576

96,742,178 99,631,489 22,947,196 92,445,748 34,746,174 89,655,190 31,351,018 38,804,601 86,377,705 78,010,764 92,030,730 68,339,759 60,875,468 59,502,532

28,718,594 34,348,334 96,324,218 31,617,988 76,848,597 59,038,425 89,488,615 37,269,539 78,841,818

11,249,099 18,071,089 60,411,893 68,254,957 37,566,501 59,296,445 92,882,460 31,585,041 73,169,195

33,846,032 93,203,518 84,566,240 95,735,380 90,992,989 17,733,809 48,680,091 84,001,198 36,027,188

75,905,729 97,466,922 89,515,365 99,310,101 87,625,524 87,075,236 75,522,043 35,687,072 63,763,637

47,218,289 26,395,906 69,871,329 46,769,707 11,144,087 40,222,079 17,562,764 15,245,238 64,926,210

14,125,531 27,154,203 84,382,698 59,859,164 60,375,943 56,783,273 95,544,619 85,750,080 82,640,585

88,177,414 59,952,439 66,984,753 98,568,446 45,918,504 78,117,342 60,220,778 49,857,729 74,548,337

56,335,915 97,645,852 42,354,104 95,382,331 98,759,209 14,772,691 66,673,466 36,146,742 71,533,609

51,744,624 16,463,743 43,927,557 92,560,714 99,133,086 93,366,577 67,038,110 41,848,529 91,304,319

37,649,630 99,030,675 10,104,550 23,770,484 19,646,394 71,247,782 40,157,283 38,965,494 43,030,796

54,045,496 63,226,063 55,544,740 64,009,541 87,618,673 91,267,690 78,897,837 71,455,214 46,874,735

60,868,411 15,647,927 58,595,623 82,779,478 82,265,798 11,815,051 54,026,937 33,497,635 35,031,212

70,217,533 40,029,995 21,631,529 77,618,523 57,435,042 11,197,707 23,248,925 86,893,317 79,467,451

96,251,891 30,407,647 32,169,653 91,929,585 70,780,772 14,020,446 41,180,915 40,861,624 28,414,551

69,915,079 43,336,880 40,919,039 22,549,962 93,864,149 94,329,963 31,468,998 55,051,681 88,748,951

36,751,815 28,790,563 65,739,704 36,359,473 94,833,408 74,768,143 91,519,827 40,420,381 64,239,292

49,581,804 10,742,735 72,945,872 72,298,630 54,417,459 51,101,459 28,787,835 71,736,873 58,840,383

99,875,414 89,310,086 94,312,447 71,885,109 26,618,833 89,569,820 76,782,812 67,161,330 84,934,575 86,473,104 11,197,837 32,487,394 88,566,354 82,942,585 34,729,562 13,814,004 32,172,588

28,876,329 84,605,625 65,684,630 90,457,144 78,807,710

75,566,722 24,364,937 41,287,932 66,062,261

29,219,845 36,470,331 22,087,117 82,557,219 38,015,714

32,658,082 74,324,072 39,378,050 60,467,419

59,632,902 28,899,262 71,185,294 90,842,998 18,409,953

74,014,148 74,907,941 51,580,373 75,072,065

45,998,963 84,184,863 46,155,685 72,423,665 80,644,534

34,072,091 54,947,447 23,905,841 17,008,730

39,714,165 37,177,748 65,186,809 71,130,299 89,095,855 88,337,211 36,805,828 88,324,076 29,963,093 98,367,171 57,117,041 30,089,259 48,190,721 79,824,282

16,690,097 98,870,286 79,827,343 68,031,527 80,026,555 83,795,686 77,200,621 57,647,669 10,127,544

45,833,448 63,665,220 28,196,432 28,819,378 19,456,078 79,292,151 83,738,529 54,405,521 15,678,719

63,679,788 66,296,217 50,813,727 37,185,610 77,460,048 88,683,243 39,483,980 88,395,958 48,146,852

78,236,309 73,440,425 35,873,728 59,303,123 26,250,595 58,264,338 66,128,824 14,508,231 56,432,038

12,024,625 68,974,253 94,802,177 61,887,967 98,951,264 69,489,819 31,009,326 17,102,924 14,756,136

74,800,960 93,566,604 14,334,176 26,114,548 34,628,319 74,930,426 55,757,028 24,119,223 46,374,812

70,648,790 84,831,360 23,707,051 85,511,026 24,028,725 53,012,176 54,482,190 48,359,648 14,877,620

12,517,865 59,603,899 93,783,590 11,646,224 11,508,037 78,466,573 73,027,194 73,270,533 48,530,630

68,225,364 23,312,651 91,278,850 61,014,366 13,746,246 26,537,487 33,286,292 37,778,544 17,494,609

87,156,838 95,622,562 91,641,857 85,970,186 30,554,359 20,401,558 35,897,615 88,699,471 86,614,196

46,409,291 40,990,719 16,837,138 81,786,866 46,696,567 77,672,112 19,659,105 80,053,834 81,372,068

86,629,374 14,714,738 62,621,430 49,655,728 98,400,303 25,705,543 78,298,338 99,881,979 17,202,178

17,384,822 74,471,163 41,553,298 66,948,055 64,451,641 16,300,373 87,044,513 64,972,122 55,885,852

69,061,465 37,797,977 58,686,789 71,200,096 26,608,746 18,233,398 55,240,993 92,918,808 89,943,171

29,606,298 21,398,601 38,015,924 28,167,583 64,844,032 12,480,907 77,067,413 28,499,872 39,557,324

28,298,569 97,988,865 91,928,241 85,496,474 41,723,084 56,502,957 24,434,926 55,324,931 72,618,515

11,206,608 90,286,959 96,060,395 26,489,798 31,339,988 37,266,840 61,017,878 25,664,038 52,501,803

28,883,215 74,245,318 77,248,560 22,409,504 73,240,294 63,101,760 75,255,337 77,997,889 29,766,780 29,687,362 83,680,685 37,992,715 46,231,276 94,104,571 38,431,515 80,227,254 40,201,089

96,464,849 57,146,424 51,105,156 62,764,156 30,127,293

80,283,427 76,630,930 88,761,208 99,871,419

30,396,754 10,805,684 83,877,548 22,102,257 39,396,737

82,516,273 53,349,265 95,435,592 55,554,307

55,908,457 69,955,557 43,424,919 18,426,773 11,463,786

70,657,561 10,973,607 15,118,726 46,203,835

52,058,071 70,946,904 94,665,145 79,754,656 89,310,622

43,897,516 50,229,382 51,809,872 64,698,158

25,666,583 23,369,518 25,637,899 58,042,617 95,320,201 68,226,285 10,571,331 16,352,083 62,546,898 55,364,042 80,734,399 46,831,757 73,401,605 58,368,762

13,289,782 90,322,450 60,789,510 41,855,675 27,499,235 26,877,571 82,751,064 51,548,050 35,807,863

57,105,632 60,505,122 50,040,971 44,765,891 27,252,963 31,626,887 41,708,236 76,679,472 69,744,626

86,317,445 21,945,724 94,325,241 45,587,773 93,133,700 48,797,290 65,715,915 45,525,665 46,685,564

97,670,702 67,022,768 27,393,896 71,614,115 93,562,069 39,758,863 60,053,951 22,489,626 70,501,601

57,158,263 41,984,537 73,954,225 71,170,591 15,462,428 40,481,167 92,285,221 89,753,882 74,675,626

89,289,862 18,274,833 38,657,332 44,960,901 48,909,846 21,244,755 33,867,721 98,562,482 67,330,351

11,452,524 84,089,559 99,534,492 43,707,732 84,352,400 44,779,862 28,150,425 58,365,622 47,267,522

19,981,998 22,590,553 62,325,496 15,746,405 10,663,154 20,036,980 22,842,713 97,948,861 29,939,691

40,732,747 56,042,268 35,255,712 75,620,111 69,020,626 19,497,787 41,770,324 97,771,282 73,912,028

92,145,557 40,122,784 87,754,442 42,635,334 47,294,443 58,493,561 72,302,376 89,242,658 76,407,215

55,499,877 81,466,150 27,545,772 64,575,938 46,325,785 28,351,435 34,171,391 63,768,870 39,061,556

11,790,033 77,949,753 66,771,875 61,271,980 47,922,431 53,041,360 19,424,167 97,112,240 97,200,194

16,649,571 39,805,760 68,465,756 57,910,344 79,031,446 52,911,463 46,432,240 13,107,725 19,825,351

10,457,164 36,971,157 37,759,241 59,212,564 13,862,139 26,069,017 55,276,154 53,064,089 68,072,074

95,836,786 30,639,216 85,965,946 36,324,030 78,178,838 91,143,141 93,435,114 28,634,248 71,778,924

40,153,395 84,331,274 54,567,272 56,819,808 51,108,186 64,372,108 14,046,897 64,555,400 13,003,452

39,871,106 93,582,910 58,295,709 28,042,811 51,460,830 91,607,611 89,922,070 70,712,009 85,716,820

45,750,447 99,633,648 23,835,216 48,284,530 11,558,812 10,009,881 61,391,658 65,384,070 60,066,982 28,492,793 26,182,825 73,485,336 69,785,732 36,473,717 74,019,707 26,955,178 91,050,794

33,697,062 84,578,057 48,762,948 13,877,841 92,182,032 22,272,050 99,326,081 81,001,069 34,554,058 19,630,085

91,311,736 93,661,679 86,527,765 70,217,930 56,376,780 84,647,443 44,958,635 87,730,138 93,440,351 83,439,902

58,442,419 80,805,638 87,734,142 61,555,620 32,884,684 80,286,833 21,340,381 39,072,774 53,339,236 66,206,266

28,238,548 74,799,370 85,411,017 45,971,117 49,789,890 27,983,299 60,198,076 38,188,272 22,478,151 54,641,642

92,758,309 16,936,546 72,546,474 55,130,350 34,143,341 18,847,121 51,900,746 64,281,762 65,780,394 11,571,650

32,996,047 81,868,734 97,888,302 70,392,763 99,188,297

93,946,266 42,969,714 60,121,345 33,921,559

40,205,638 68,499,167 59,822,853 48,631,982 83,364,686

50,822,823 32,403,082 51,728,049 65,858,316

30,935,177 81,718,786 28,154,203 49,653,456 15,564,954

16,066,433 62,935,643 10,395,412 58,163,893

24,338,788 32,512,307 17,312,945 65,199,776 40,177,498

93,283,914 70,858,521 22,908,180 20,709,635

71,448,936 97,895,754 19,222,940 65,582,636 91,031,864

11,479,328 75,604,239 22,673,732 98,831,366

93,750,804 64,492,056 88,977,239 16,720,434 32,135,158

74,829,424 75,899,122 54,982,551 34,858,698

98,585,161 33,648,656 25,568,270 68,278,080 19,333,426

98,011,854 20,482,433 72,344,997 92,795,588

13,510,636 91,769,682 50,031,433 74,239,805 70,673,251

15,843,033 39,497,132 52,809,977 95,799,598

27,847,395 76,232,890 46,354,475 44,557,760 17,403,963

83,256,166 49,882,669 73,103,748 67,664,312

64,282,166 73,099,475 97,621,961 82,497,798 73,884,837

95,013,524 74,866,429 34,067,095 47,076,423

44,009,710 27,975,258 62,173,216 23,107,284 37,511,666

17,375,816 85,720,904 15,093,426 46,094,618

17,263,025 34,549,340 90,805,384 29,540,355 91,406,142

57,074,054 13,056,299 55,831,860 97,639,743


647,735,563 169,558,406 810,816,267 341,002,632 217,862,903 199,096,565 725,178,877 784,885,825 339,650,760

247,818,747 671,319,200 263,380,064 408,970,120 700,963,040 295,400,746 496,902,938 186,336,657 657,034,467

963,362,818 328,168,406 662,385,997 868,919,060 633,334,674 183,405,596 903,302,542 413,296,287 634,356,974

899,187,474 907,447,210 717,389,107 558,113,468 906,934,481 76,155,265 72,363,843 68,354,526 81,863,692 41,053,743 90,903,866 64,133,906 40,097,367 76,120,270 70,830,515 77,851,806 45,283,358 283,939,142 838,456,253 998,710,232 796,518,424

105,467,611 244,715,548 975,272,001 673,797,249

973,694,005 836,647,411 424,302,885 670,180,181 571,565,012 820,903,448 197,243,016 159,715,215 153,145,260 760,789,469

106,826,019 192,753,723 242,291,104 783,052,796 448,093,284 382,246,120 106,887,796 745,462,899 336,639,915 769,179,585

799,262,388 294,682,756 955,594,606 384,613,272 646,036,496 261,841,436 631,032,408 160,319,581 466,142,523 241,385,375

174,224,426 324,438,799 979,340,419 100,718,265 621,897,722 343,032,805 871,186,192 677,536,545 540,561,812 717,283,787

440,539,786 716,640,781 733,836,368 539,545,493 297,861,065 273,048,490 869,627,921 722,885,582 920,791,485

513,207,246 148,202,996 288,482,167 630,275,822 193,303,652 568,213,170 479,560,206 792,192,316 713,046,559

935,698,719 354,169,860 639,687,442 630,931,648 220,985,281 703,321,122 174,734,955 423,741,372 989,117,426

874,024,115 213,071,009 919,683,599 935,006,180 828,693,790 739,774,583 539,430,105 295,231,442 552,997,285

128,712,434 219,057,818 286,246,355 458,515,467 529,266,314 192,039,476 129,257,974 961,991,664 736,952,735

609,414,993 332,596,782 419,157,447 534,265,076 802,209,090 299,750,411 479,652,467 361,833,833 596,392,588

189,571,515 601,131,421 457,362,302 299,836,844 637,107,243 394,313,436 763,493,286 458,637,812 857,989,214

463,154,615 195,600,680 424,734,469 979,163,915 931,376,283 960,263,350 933,151,263 859,648,177 974,881,545

105,379,678 308,439,266 377,952,222 414,419,944 572,727,882 101,161,092 787,048,383 318,779,898 872,596,049

468,698,423 551,417,348 566,547,844 952,237,447 404,036,633 665,361,263 773,121,836 165,884,977 241,557,300

438,238,208 563,360,040 218,773,111 608,259,836 538,772,703 869,449,168 497,453,623 468,609,569 712,469,583

147,913,424 877,108,753 212,580,986 252,818,363 560,227,600 381,848,303 724,487,303 986,476,400 196,644,641

242,868,980 611,830,741 678,273,649 258,324,161 443,509,853 546,025,085 872,158,523 894,125,307 634,911,411

923,182,198 590,162,666 527,808,314 394,517,212 457,253,901 674,788,653 586,736,374 474,324,748 102,492,800

661,819,916 164,296,516 888,604,134 428,450,332 997,370,139 501,205,973 644,744,367 817,952,584 855,371,797

506,202,709 604,554,203 949,637,475 369,454,726 829,889,229 115,965,848 804,072,192 390,376,480 735,780,982

468,489,238 527,611,234 168,417,425 259,712,989 107,524,197 379,790,009 312,513,335 928,958,821 984,254,157

588,307,748 741,791,413 603,864,115 655,632,940 615,495,613 687,170,086 171,369,140 189,879,549 720,657,128 585,650,624 789,464,744 791,590,722 856,085,105 547,552,867 561,599,134 289,626,039 442,547,112 849,068,482 463,717,469 696,144,353 236,099,762 658,442,492 831,212,120

407,425,343 259,319,705 267,137,657 599,169,442

960,428,195 209,006,585 459,261,958 476,662,003 735,524,179 679,657,472 423,974,173 699,868,984 744,812,656 193,940,903

108,693,264 278,530,713 746,865,209 833,556,261 699,879,314 745,692,409 605,996,219 754,138,468 423,472,161 799,260,515

299,298,735 148,872,785 657,359,656 663,122,106 370,490,766 829,780,031 314,460,965 258,157,318 114,658,177 386,351,962

799,758,953 316,481,937 680,074,046 533,793,751 705,438,001 241,271,951 565,622,621 569,699,434 534,035,586 650,204,555

527,416,956 280,240,744 226,790,992 465,161,474 225,719,274 676,110,146 873,699,782 409,686,556 308,771,841

929,454,628 253,415,977 318,422,356 783,712,847 411,753,150 260,477,805 319,045,567 813,375,486 290,861,459

720,896,123 695,905,957 136,444,132 362,473,999 762,045,601 643,511,240 248,690,144 317,180,515 830,662,338

965,133,668 382,970,404 725,413,676 345,515,403 548,057,083 825,637,520 957,944,761 423,414,276 752,600,363

555,441,627 879,279,640 391,804,097 968,705,649 830,363,203 932,780,173 951,603,354 584,640,318 403,674,666

557,890,311 179,124,472 163,056,597 680,403,354 816,581,200 203,289,539 247,948,343 692,492,970 894,729,862

122,903,815 110,289,743 850,977,709 490,934,255 390,990,378 917,466,813 982,903,359 469,106,840 219,683,547

374,735,377 271,533,232 820,307,276 361,760,957 752,470,898 161,439,812 568,633,983 627,421,207 658,149,624

372,605,512 872,214,719 865,664,383 224,679,216 361,652,869 336,291,792 271,945,910 973,681,838 345,829,955

801,928,226 144,347,986 471,998,731 143,038,122 556,953,284 774,944,759 100,980,298 100,874,299 589,020,879

582,688,003 304,297,994 927,348,244 970,632,351 273,453,791 268,667,571 726,401,100 956,890,013 459,089,022

649,342,374 296,712,420 615,730,753 235,464,657 183,694,003 907,974,917 612,780,570 426,678,254 301,749,772

843,367,485 961,788,358 191,332,233 572,041,695 237,723,305 262,212,834 136,760,678 660,116,695 736,760,227

658,235,669 233,162,616 892,996,243 949,222,233 633,964,857 209,188,804 708,668,433 715,296,971 233,777,606

936,620,666 827,669,506 231,219,784 300,834,519 904,694,278 406,065,515 102,218,238 754,009,771 886,233,642

309,045,692 619,333,723 646,652,913 856,959,284 116,624,833 818,999,117 301,150,137 418,618,992 640,144,935

553,774,467 620,080,076 754,252,964 221,940,947 893,281,969 884,754,629 264,037,318 725,965,463 274,885,204

207,719,853 456,191,190 133,016,866 907,907,880 976,925,752 723,920,712 363,355,400 462,684,910 350,899,744 142,527,685 285,313,380 372,350,402 654,090,575 382,131,224 703,514,018 315,654,436 561,949,776 290,987,013 376,817,873 817,906,474 365,060,663 976,905,341 568,247,605

138,243,381 927,705,072 326,717,588 350,418,324

296,473,741 209,605,708 196,104,663 823,838,305 438,675,646 259,166,695 734,612,437 150,580,037 950,605,679 695,156,923

497,154,109 577,463,507 538,435,110 682,945,022 669,957,849 947,688,043 553,017,339 265,454,225 320,871,149 811,548,737

418,659,423 666,635,617 161,620,296 964,578,667 229,720,204 660,881,516 797,228,803 988,812,058 280,437,522 836,179,656

919,889,228 156,787,942 186,569,433 724,309,041 805,072,451 784,505,149 826,679,894 122,191,272 313,435,895 855,076,330

288,584,369 286,105,510 377,541,062 592,747,743 589,963,809 818,766,432 544,063,822 886,153,417 249,010,344

682,206,938 299,494,470 484,841,039 510,309,817 381,353,891 200,850,698 902,123,386 221,516,123 709,124,290

422,585,743 560,176,670 479,780,910 377,571,365 500,723,056 946,483,612 504,733,475 300,130,633 714,402,263

812,481,068 504,892,261 134,365,812 273,952,009 472,943,609 732,254,189 184,366,969 568,923,152 819,422,739

804,999,828 934,251,878 972,807,608 123,937,245 368,787,580 312,678,997 243,511,926 243,127,415 158,288,319

466,419,747 395,887,788 358,197,593 983,470,063 379,580,930 565,418,818 912,545,116 228,467,949 214,446,417

510,872,370 621,442,930 470,999,074 447,133,957 177,490,514 187,554,453 599,687,296 263,732,815 531,355,126

665,684,470 741,862,679 479,069,540 424,109,849 752,640,303 310,350,454 788,683,941 193,027,389 721,735,111

453,420,279 166,472,094 124,850,547 797,395,246 971,162,104 247,401,784 822,280,062 787,874,403 484,924,853

484,906,051 560,063,800 578,809,313 500,431,037 200,029,028 809,812,724 345,117,250 513,213,067 805,005,781

116,161,740 218,407,259 346,230,600 951,030,374 334,827,475 839,842,433 732,793,239 665,733,293 460,904,795

514,206,263 807,048,682 342,456,557 898,276,558 988,896,316 871,055,053 922,781,479 233,341,887 654,488,294

105,926,837 383,022,572 466,920,958 262,109,083 579,344,930 869,633,753 367,063,644 497,260,315 563,481,858

281,287,700 847,245,421 673,569,000 270,659,650 256,957,081 577,660,691 276,704,741 709,793,627 777,923,042

475,098,268 572,634,540 986,262,142 618,744,293 981,287,894 561,761,029 501,258,492 426,493,932 113,529,850

478,496,253 877,454,150 526,342,592 586,121,560 150,310,067 386,406,772 421,435,359 348,305,862 664,606,529

542,555,042 181,689,982 103,295,534 302,252,948 116,352,243 622,052,291 258,959,086 391,690,219 870,887,481

308,413,336 782,151,801 627,802,027 611,958,124 847,571,522 677,402,569 899,933,488 722,976,400 818,111,576 712,522,690 722,022,633 296,750,396 167,589,723 686,342,515 112,192,237 796,135,380 544,254,971 618,685,557 515,680,764 159,215,707 358,367,819 610,133,971 960,486,310

478,004,069 208,884,322 408,625,329 940,601,838

752,401,445 799,274,977 707,997,945 736,964,736 309,256,029 225,233,744 394,599,714 448,994,724 930,959,496 259,734,351

152,935,275 355,004,208 242,510,139 833,818,886 339,511,524 533,606,892 771,372,360 998,384,896 360,368,373 906,167,411

106,919,843 276,067,612 452,797,075 946,632,012 411,628,944 352,374,751 788,736,046 395,598,357 213,525,315 566,427,800

745,773,977 506,158,188 589,223,611 372,876,365 112,584,230 101,197,917 197,904,073 340,130,374 486,378,467 861,822,541

738,588,009 552,072,218 977,784,987 779,082,230 924,411,523 513,413,705 286,209,658 192,689,566 252,917,724

638,701,269 456,858,576 794,643,285 988,348,023 811,565,066 854,123,639 253,292,278 349,025,124 407,931,734

802,760,243 112,886,058 566,911,629 283,456,247 983,283,692 568,935,736 614,244,993 390,289,301 984,406,218

152,474,612 300,211,613 641,300,346 541,197,686 111,789,029 693,079,526 325,882,418 647,676,569 700,380,500

858,877,664 556,337,393 739,354,899 414,129,353 955,193,862 658,878,543 388,150,345 161,941,042 388,106,393

410,103,320 187,629,106 587,544,992 696,586,810 124,169,063 601,862,624 269,039,102 226,321,349 825,246,971

346,884,925 645,923,673 113,341,112 994,343,797 129,656,054 129,787,530 925,434,194 612,288,406 536,807,250

885,475,121 347,406,722 226,493,708 838,516,218 465,145,300 873,055,211 555,277,197 487,527,328 402,562,816

347,637,486 725,558,793 603,772,088 873,412,913 302,500,680 141,009,269 729,653,837 812,870,308 580,323,936

300,958,318 151,191,358 256,346,818 132,547,636 939,717,309 288,288,949 564,694,430 139,396,408 123,266,663

496,346,176 550,411,082 506,554,607 167,385,918 796,295,670 907,469,100 472,005,875 396,048,587 212,526,252

525,936,243 497,828,114 630,560,910 599,695,703 177,386,750 932,976,856 699,922,169 189,113,017 457,528,132

527,675,093 333,164,189 163,227,310 265,965,338 519,188,642 941,382,836 230,757,098 392,568,659 480,726,560

899,714,685 430,653,501 211,802,638 991,435,918 422,087,472 174,256,881 452,088,560 936,700,089 945,974,824

293,144,493 412,769,948 593,035,063 381,117,969 763,026,027 502,314,777 186,170,397 454,380,885 647,454,016

689,572,719 681,439,676 658,359,407 212,347,898 192,914,753 727,544,536 459,425,242 823,937,835 661,076,413

283,413,050 167,341,290 679,532,946 790,525,441 905,197,360 584,759,610 611,607,824 612,656,625 444,288,858

423,363,762 960,275,594 398,400,591 215,188,732 749,020,792 532,054,772 889,430,342 152,675,058 822,391,964 426,345,938 919,183,229 937,280,434 898,347,172 585,105,350 496,110,236 693,753,670 759,582,862 725,288,370 907,414,511 472,599,511 524,599,205 650,581,248 931,448,808

811,726,971 671,754,640 429,859,368 170,036,855

697,260,852 611,802,638 646,037,903 165,062,830 462,404,674 518,708,311 833,445,911 206,220,088 152,136,679 292,807,492

263,124,651 475,203,115 539,727,498 733,114,793 458,893,482 901,839,252 192,064,448 207,018,224 956,679,013 823,155,918

460,588,231 415,347,775 386,917,388 109,225,388 881,479,975 653,290,753 578,150,426 827,103,623 300,691,223 809,814,424

765,780,275 525,577,683 595,003,735 384,991,138 687,972,924 915,164,872 109,707,359 507,760,687 717,248,818 221,417,131

314,556,345 825,146,767 781,027,901 908,852,998 869,239,065 233,138,783 374,021,276 121,375,627 340,056,508

751,875,835 419,622,439 761,512,627 446,987,883 142,417,587 316,879,781 765,594,244 798,423,902 408,287,389

830,282,901 869,612,626 847,520,082 810,181,003 644,535,979 200,826,864 847,844,439 301,979,283 738,141,534

849,895,503 317,115,437 498,073,717 738,890,853 325,509,038 918,177,259 887,820,284 949,201,049 207,476,320

940,885,847 988,587,526 565,790,651 790,209,834 597,292,537 757,474,407 160,428,823 499,598,205 930,241,019

457,551,672 912,349,397 335,300,329 413,233,566 166,889,399 194,128,707 818,492,006 361,143,644 320,515,605

167,727,241 574,480,630 989,938,891 737,437,585 781,275,935 317,612,035 826,231,502 283,662,838 776,724,559

505,890,583 117,974,039 538,968,918 393,075,715 688,643,913 838,771,469 518,974,634 488,606,849 323,513,638

510,792,971 283,097,804 872,622,256 741,869,527 120,768,330 260,259,535 152,282,774 607,140,922 232,500,740

898,267,623 712,359,193 112,299,971 591,936,284 643,652,738 835,173,117 938,980,777 705,322,280 586,571,545

690,391,121 300,183,882 113,941,161 611,028,884 909,421,721 207,647,319 472,531,092 796,864,178 365,120,003

309,421,482 991,886,829 721,799,948 679,145,929 711,516,138 217,845,359 225,932,275 646,798,808 695,080,653

306,034,563 889,295,045 114,045,096 224,197,803 384,139,571 612,106,861 685,981,817 652,636,203 652,510,350

690,172,888 151,197,126 884,130,515 854,930,491 596,424,520 312,223,568 593,941,570 965,144,155 931,729,205

200,820,150 339,596,807 613,019,380 374,140,394 984,001,296 141,397,172 389,107,393 814,297,026 950,626,065

747,218,795 953,625,105 994,430,617 919,272,464 903,599,622 109,489,979 741,842,160 832,158,060 405,167,708

357,449,435 264,534,539 718,935,036 846,552,831 602,676,709 900,469,462 515,809,277 332,564,117 590,143,361

700,283,702 890,426,307 991,252,022 730,529,399 359,009,040 240,663,529 489,855,022 992,230,039 738,879,719 634,008,010 220,958,568 735,198,632 264,862,557 451,988,023 524,140,618 485,764,631 553,549,558 875,323,335 837,504,014 326,984,830 264,452,816 678,602,219 860,908,697

879,099,321 638,257,977 308,181,989 877,901,968

995,454,332 428,269,261 969,663,125 820,436,419 579,481,028 178,969,450 795,987,629 557,365,721 481,833,958 412,159,578

399,868,553 202,272,619 118,506,995 935,749,356 558,071,396 674,144,543 741,784,697 326,113,997 458,999,992 834,808,652

439,485,731 789,001,560 868,089,172 892,716,009 824,549,155 714,183,890 435,620,677 765,699,068 925,819,166 761,425,412

665,491,655 333,075,973 327,788,946 122,447,409 925,580,571 867,936,484 196,954,470 405,292,333 880,144,734 906,992,928

996,116,223 732,924,262 577,944,625 172,442,519 301,397,303 715,543,385 157,762,872 650,634,529 925,059,368

608,987,277 653,486,808 183,739,473 996,804,575 259,896,867 320,088,133 690,276,023 760,264,108 302,040,823

849,767,819 879,989,021 265,490,373 276,607,193 421,838,036 961,936,720 201,417,227 576,064,010 819,815,701

486,602,473 989,417,981 625,431,001 118,918,612 532,453,276 784,825,740 269,751,019 683,317,976 197,718,169

835,314,939 933,239,177 354,509,045 746,159,470 600,420,942 328,179,090 914,986,348 867,410,728 746,124,341

496,388,792 335,815,451 601,435,297 352,970,502 919,837,102 374,960,653 576,520,068 942,676,602 827,641,904

298,192,055 332,237,320 633,041,605 161,248,271 133,716,173 256,201,053 979,003,170 560,517,655 198,481,478

977,153,957 410,859,363 491,932,271 908,829,881 998,626,694 753,537,135 614,707,402 580,888,554 662,211,364

369,086,744 241,402,620 586,152,390 634,959,891 958,677,457 248,427,008 966,001,371 160,511,016 305,638,057

300,211,654 445,912,554 888,412,963 670,323,214 729,066,840 746,445,656 237,473,323 569,163,660 593,558,633

213,955,518 121,046,066 967,237,510 677,514,904 447,200,541 231,240,772 848,400,552 239,816,405 715,434,737

938,538,627 798,338,935 236,726,049 680,307,700 603,709,612 363,725,502 366,589,841 981,006,593 711,155,041

531,158,327 544,423,742 165,819,747 540,193,322 429,795,432 821,895,853 978,419,820 815,857,634 673,258,619

183,186,705 360,172,389 522,083,905 585,255,013 858,601,913 643,436,534 754,340,005 964,290,072 806,118,839

425,881,363 104,523,022 446,946,551 753,606,319 175,249,369 321,819,160 596,919,133 471,714,309 555,545,617

156,919,836 128,890,569 712,318,177 973,404,634 731,698,073 107,271,861 961,933,799 298,006,097 539,053,463

111,331,827 619,366,252 932,624,201 362,067,763 876,505,016 470,626,911 545,246,571 327,832,863 921,280,828

969,904,428 846,600,796 373,253,296 913,461,033 909,452,531 577,627,693 920,888,137 513,667,449 696,337,306 158,363,377 398,822,584 385,642,500 194,406,215 274,892,689 275,967,062 416,848,860 536,401,108 364,870,650 847,012,511 665,578,050 572,897,427 599,337,941 571,707,817

324,375,269 447,901,030 709,534,187 393,201,952

550,978,239 539,949,320 590,396,264 752,114,543 294,170,286 175,393,781 322,662,233 947,805,711 427,297,198 300,826,729

271,738,476 653,529,568 417,610,803 291,639,620 805,965,901 801,429,484 642,484,575 504,753,063 640,578,437 857,126,477

953,318,659 331,669,533 236,543,463 709,349,758 619,129,725 910,755,807 187,658,883 738,496,028 682,553,422 110,295,910

610,185,868 658,576,993 787,621,243 257,333,155 449,824,213 589,874,533 867,491,349 588,834,082 145,256,894 787,736,803

719,170,905 358,438,906 202,237,051 394,986,452 144,766,955 404,168,577 787,145,035 673,976,946 349,978,274

557,244,637 940,009,420 659,045,788 193,305,272 954,190,348 887,536,951 745,111,112 869,877,855 286,960,905

233,966,971 237,158,510 805,511,640 274,902,152 724,293,905 991,574,606 755,265,314 303,445,962 268,547,995

787,336,226 462,078,852 203,695,332 539,693,865 637,642,767 443,729,842 784,860,926 524,830,985 404,190,783

112,489,188 424,677,563 566,604,622 161,997,091 325,256,749 657,430,271 523,740,349 144,722,508 244,411,970

270,737,867 874,897,946 846,983,702 232,407,507 216,241,040 557,393,745 113,393,463 815,697,744 843,116,758

510,157,391 509,865,714 109,517,847 741,754,896 534,139,794 723,805,948 554,351,834 500,113,282 988,232,757

126,492,796 318,086,821 600,168,620 270,823,788 216,506,995 568,198,880 859,305,769 931,648,929 227,140,422

737,353,399 708,298,852 331,271,284 664,571,342 819,072,274 898,431,289 508,990,504 720,993,044 241,941,654

962,372,759 475,130,953 504,103,307 426,157,999 783,582,955 685,559,238 772,702,048 137,241,673 144,098,581

694,775,050 174,789,892 709,101,752 309,816,457 310,531,926 958,397,503 877,492,935 137,030,813 203,770,344 873,952,409


Unit Nine Interpreting Academic Speeches English to Chinese Methods and Skills-----Interpreting Numbers Ten thousand 万

hundred thousand 十万 Ten million 千万

hundred million 亿 三位以内数字的口译: Three hundred and seventy Eight hundred and thirty-nine 2.四位以上数字的口译:

第一个逗号前一位译成千, 前两位译成万,前三位译成十万;第二个逗号前一位译成 百万,前两位译成千万,前三位译成亿;第三个逗号前一位译成十亿,前两位译成百亿,前三位译成千亿.1,369----one thousand three hundred and sixty nine 6,003----six thousand and three

15,600----fifteen thousand six hundred 75,426,391---seventy five million, four hundred and twenty six thousand,three hundred and ninety one 564,000,000---five hundred and sixty four million 1,250,000,000---one billion two hundred and fifty million 3.模糊数字的口译: 几个: some,a few, several

两,三个: two or three 十几个: more than ten;over a dozen 三十来个:about thirty

几十个: dozens of

几十年: decades 十几岁: in one’s teens

四十出头:a little over forty 五十岁左右: about fifty 近八十岁了: almost eighty 九十好几了: well over ninety 五点左右:around five o’clock

三天左右: three days or so 大约150米处: somewhere about 150 meters 好几百: hundreds of 成千上万: thousands of 几十万: hundreds of thousands of 几百万: millions of

亿万: hundreds of millions of

4.百分数,小数,分数的口译: 8%: eight percent

15%: fifteen percent 4.35%: four point three five percent 0.5%: zero point five percent 4.032: four point naught three two 71.006: seventy one point naught naught six ½: one half 1/3: one third 3/5: three fifths 7/8: seven eighths 1/100: one hundredth 1/1000: one thousandth 14/1000: fourteen thousandths 1/10000: one ten thousandths 2-1/2: two and a half 4-2/3: four and two thirds 5.增减倍数的口译: A is N times larger(longer, heavier…)than B A is larger(longer, heavier…)than B by N times A is N times as large(long, heavy…)as B

The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.地球的大小是月球的49倍.Since mid-century, the global economy has nearly quintupled, while the population has doubled, demand for grain has nearly tripled, and the burning of fossil fuels has increased nearly fourfold.自本世纪中叶以来,全球经济增长了将近四倍,人口翻了一番.结果,粮食的需求增加了近两倍,石油燃料增加了近三倍.Within 30 years there will be twice as many urban people as countryside people in the world.30 年内,全世界的城市居民将是农村人口的两倍.4.Although London covers less than 400,000 acres, it needs nearly 50 million acre---125 times its area---to provide it with food, timber, and other resources, and to absorb its pollution.虽然伦敦占地不到40万英亩,却需要近5000万英亩的土地

125倍于它本身的面积---来供给它食品,原木和其他资源,并吸收它生产的污染物.汉语倍数表示法分两类: 一类是原数的几倍,几倍于原数或增加到几倍;另一类是比原数大几倍或增加了几倍, 可用(N 加1)times来表示.过去20年中,中国的国内生产总值增长了近五倍.In the past 20 years,China’s gross domestic product increased nearly six times.2.1978年至1997年,中国人均生产总值增长了3.4倍.China’s per capita GDP went up by 4.4 times between 1978 and 1997.3.中国城镇居民人均居住面积由1978年的3.6平方米提高到1997年的8.8平方米,增加了1.4倍.The per capita living space for urban residents in China expanded from 3.6 square meters in 1978 to 8.8 square meters in 1997, a rise of 2.4 times.4.1949年至1998年,中国的粮食总产量由1.1 亿吨增加到5.1亿吨,增长3.5 倍,年平均增长3.1%,是人口增长率的2.5倍.China’s total grain output increased from 110 million tons in 1949 to 510 million tons in 1998, or an increase of over 4.5 times, with an average annual growth rate of 3.1 percent, 2.5times that of the population growth.汉语很少用减少了若干倍的说法,而用减少了百分之几的说法,所以减少多用百分比和分数表示.由于水灾,去年的收成减少了三成.Owing to flood, the crop last year was declined by 30 percent.2.该公司的员工裁减了近三分之一,开支减少了四分之一.The personnel of the company have been reduced nearly by one third and the expenses by one fourth.6.增减百分比的口译: Between 1986 and 1987, Nike’s sales dropped 18 percent and profits sank by more than 40 percent as a result of competition with Reebok.与“锐步” 鞋业竞争的结果,从1986 年到1987年,耐克的销售额下降了18%, 利润下降了40%多.2.By putting out more than one new shoe style every day on average, in 1995 and 1996, Nike’s sales and profits grew 71percent and 80 percent respectively’ meanwhile, Nike’s closest rival Reebok grew just nine percent in the same period.靠平均每天推出一个以上新款式,1995年到1996年耐克的销售额和利润分别上涨了71% 和81%.而同期最接近耐克的竞争对手锐步只上涨了9%.3.Procter& Gamble just raised prices on its paper products by as much as 8%.宝洁公司刚刚把他们的纸制品价格提高了8%.4.1999年,普通高校招生规模比上年阔大了47.4%.University and college enrollment in 1999 increased by 47.4 percent over the previous year.5.因受亚洲金融危机的冲击,1998 年中国进出口总额比上年下降0.4%,其中进口总额下降1.5%;出口总额增长0.5%.As a result of Asian financial crises, China’s total volume of import and export in 1998 dropped by 0.4 percent over the previous year, of which the volume of import went down by 1.5 percent, and the value of export went up by 0.5 percent.6.1999年,中国外贸出口达1949亿美元,比上年增长6.1%.China’s total exports reached UA$194,9billion in 1999, a rise of 6.1 percent over the precious year.7.1998年,中国全年海外旅客入境人数6348万人次,比上年增长10.2%,国际旅游收入达126亿美元,增长4.4%.In 1998, China received 63.48 million tourists from overseas, up 10.2 percent over the previous year.Income of foreign exchange from tourism reached 12.6 billion US dollars, up 4.4 percent.8.我国水土流失面积每年以10,000平方公里的速度在扩大.目前,水土流失面积已达367万平方公里,占总土地面积将近38%.The area of soil erosion in China has been increasing by 10,000 square km.Annually to 3.67 million square km.At present, accounting for nearly 38 percent of the total land area.9.由于低温多雨的影响,我国夏粮减产1460万吨.China’s output of summer grain declines by 14.6 million tons due to low temperature and rainy days during the growing period.Exercises: With its two giants, China and India, Asia is the home of the majority of the world’s 6 billion human inhabitants, and Africa the second most popular continent.The UN population fund said in its 1998 report on population growth, Asia counts 3.5 billion people.Its most populous countries are China, with 1.2 billion plus another 6.3 million in Hong Kong and India with 975.8 million, followed far behind by Indonesia with 125.9 million and Bangladesh with 124 million.Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country with 121.8 million residents.Egypt is next with 65.7 million, followed by Ethiopia with 62.1 million, the Democratic Republic of Congo with 49.2 million, and South Africa with 44.3 million.Exercises: With its two giants, China and India, Asia is the home of the majority of the world’s 6 billion human inhabitants, and Africa the second most popular continent.The UN population fund said in its 1998 report on population growth, Asia counts 3.5 billion people.Its most populous countries are China, with 1.2 billion plus another 6.3 million in Hong Kong and India with 975.8 million, followed far behind by Indonesia with 125.9 million and Bangladesh with 124 million.Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country with 121.8 million residents.Egypt is next with 65.7 million, followed by Ethiopia with 62.1 million, the Democratic Republic of Congo with 49.2 million, and South Africa with 44.3 million.3.The European continent counts 729.4 million residents, with Russia still the most populous country at 147.2 million, though its population growth is declining.Germany is next with 82.4 million.4.祖国大陆31个省,自治区,直辖市和现役军人的人口中,0-14岁的人口为28979万人.占总人口的22.89%;15-64岁的人口为88793万人,占总人口的70.15%;65岁及以上的人口为8811万人,占总人口的6.96%.同1990年第四次全国人口普查相比,0-14岁人口的比重下降了4.80个百分点,65岁及以上人口的比重上升了1.39个百分点.5.同1990年第四次全国人口普查相比,每10万人中拥有各种受教育程度的人数有如下变化: 具有大学程度的由1422人上升为3611人;具有高中程度的由8039人上升为11146人;具有初中程度的由23344人上升为33961人;具有小学程度的37057人下降为55701人.









二、判断题(10题 每题1分 共10分)



3、、逻辑电路、真值表与逻辑函数之间不一定一 一对应,所以它们不能互换。()

3、逻辑代数的基本公式:A+1=_______; A+A=__; A+A=__;

AA =_____;A·A=___。

4、逻辑代数基本定律:(A+B)(A+C)=___________, A+AB =_________。



7、数制是数的__________制。数是由___________和________两部分组成。二进制的特点是采用两个基本数码_______和__________,按 _____________的原则计数。




























c.AB+AB=2ABd.A+A =03、、两输入与非门的逻辑函数式是()A、Y=A+BB、Y=A·BC、Y= AABD、Y= AB3、两输入或非门的逻辑函数表达式是()A、Y=A+BB、YABC、Y=ABD、YAB4、下列公式中错误的是()











11、对0~9十个数字进行编码,至少需要几位二进制代码()a10位b 5位c 4位d 3位


a一个输入端,一个输出端b 多个输入端,多个输出c 二个输入端,二个输出端d 三个输入端,二个输出


















2、用逻辑门设计逻辑图 YABAB







B 2、Y=





& >












1.Hong Kong has a population of 5,021,066.2.Bangkok has a population of 4,715,195.3.Russia, the largest country in the world, has a population of 277,504,000.4.Italy, one of the ten members of European Economic Community, has a population of 57,116,000.5.The United Kingdom, which includes Northern Ireland, Ireland, and Scotland, has a total population of 56,023,000.III.Area(CE)1.中国领土有9,600,000平方公里。





IV.Area(EC)1.The Pacific Ocean covers an area of 64,186,300 square miles.2.The Atlantic Ocean covers an area of 33,420,000 square miles.3.The Mediterranean covers an area of 969,100 square miles.4.The chemical fertilizer plant(化肥厂)covers an area of 53,000 square meters, 3 kilometers north of the city.5.The former Imperial Palace covers an area of 175 acres.It is enclosed by walls covers 35 feet high and surrounded by a moat(护城河)57 yards wide.V.Length, width, height(CE)1.尼罗河长4,160英里。2.亚马孙河长4,050英里。密西西比河长2,348英里。


这条新铁路全长2,807公里,横贯国土的一半。V.Length, width, height(EC)1.The Sears Building in Chicago is one thousand, four hundred and fifty-four feet high.2.The twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York are one thousand, three hundred and fifty feet in height.3.The Empire State Building in New York has a height of one thousand, two hundred and fifty feet.4.The John Hancock Center in Chicago is one thousand one hundred and twenty seven feet high.5.The Eiffel Tower in Paris is nine hundred and eighty-five feet in height.6.The Qomolangma(Mount Everest)is eight thousand, eight hundred and forty-eight point thirteen meters above sea level.It is the world’s highest peak.VI.Average, Sum 1.全国每分钟生产1940吨原油(crude oil)。2.全国每分钟生产3267吨煤炭。


5.每人一生平均要消费550公斤食用油(edible oil)。6.每人一生平均消费1,500米布。


8.国家每销售1公斤菜籽油(rape seed oil)要补贴(subsidy)1元6角。9.每天为城镇居民(urban residents)新建3 20,000平方米住房。10.近年来已有大约50,000,000户农村家庭搬入新居。11.每天出版图书16,110,000册。



14.过去两年共节约40,000,000吨标准煤(standard coal)。


16.现在每10,000平均有21.8张病床(hospital beds),而1978年只有19.4张。



VII.Increase and decrease 1.自从改革开放以来,国民收入增加了3,080亿元。平均每年增加385亿元。2.从1979年到1986年,国民生产总值增加了11,938亿元,年平均增长率为10.3%。3.工农业总产值增长了9,500亿元,平均每年增长10.8%。

4.在过去八年中,人均(per capita)收入每年增长33元。1986年,根据当年的价格计算,人均收入达到了740元。5.1978年前,农民的年平均收入约100元。1986年增长到424元。年城镇居民的年平均支出达到828元,比1978年增加了512元。

从1979年到1986年,企业中的固定资产投资(fixed asset investment)达8754亿元。reach/amount to 从1979年到1986年,固定资产投资和用于设备更新的资金达3086亿元。年粮食产量从1978年前的1亿吨增加到1986年的4亿吨。



13.到中国大陆的旅游者从1980年的570万增加到1986年的2282万人。旅游业的收入也从6亿美元猛增到15亿美元。14.海外劳务和承包工程(overseas labor service and contracting projects)的业务额(business volume)从1.7亿美元上升到9.7亿美元。

VIII.Times, percentage 1.1949年以来,这个城市的人口已经增加了2倍。2.水果的年产量减少了50%。



6.在过去几年内,职业病(occupational diseases)的发病率(incidence)降低了56%。7.咖啡的消费量下降了2.5%。


4.去年北京的机床(machine tool)产量是1966年的4倍多。5.今天北京每年的钢产量是1949年全国产量的8倍多。6.现在河南省煤产量是五年前的2.5倍。


8.这个村目前的粮食亩产量(per-mu yield)是解放前的7倍。



3.去年的原油产量和炼油能力(refining capacity)比1983年增加了15%和10%。4.去年肉、禽、蛋的零售额(volume of retail sales)比前年增加了110%。

1.去年采矿设备(mining equipment)的产量超过1980年产量60%。Top/surpass/better/exceed … by 2.去年江南各地区的煤产量超过1980年20%。

3.于三年前相比,去年汽油、煤油、和柴油的总产量(total output)有了大幅度的增长。4.电视机的成本降低了70%。


8.各企业和部门的预算外资金是(extra-budgetary funds)1978年的4倍,达到1670亿元。9.棉花由进口转为出口,食用油、糖、水果、猪肉、羊肉和牛肉的产量也翻了一番。


1.In 2001, China's GDP reached 9.5933 trillion yuan, almost tripling that of 1989, representing an average annual increase of 9.3 percent.二00一年,我国国内生产总值达到九万五千九百三十三亿元,比****年增长近两倍,年均增长百分之九点三。注意triple(增长三倍)这样的以非数字形式出现的“数据”,特别要引起注意,类似的还有:double, quadruple [kwɑːˈdruːpl]adj.四倍的;四部分的adj.四倍的;四部分的, tertiary [ˈtɜːrʃieri]adj.第三的, 高等教育的The tertiary industry in our nation has grown rapidly in recent years.近几年我国的第三产业增长很快。Tertiary education follows secondary education.2.Efforts will be made to quadruple the GDP of the year 2000 by 2020.国内生产总值到二0二0年力争比二000年翻两番。

2.The earth's moon is located an average of 239,000 miles from the earth.It has a diameter of 2,136 miles, and its gravity is one-sixth that of earth's.月亮离地球约有239,000英里远,其直径为2136英里,重力为地球的1/6 4.Unemployment has risen to over three million for the first time in six years and analysts expect the jobless total to rise by a further 40,000 this month.Manufacturing output has meanwhile steadied, after a nought point five per cent decrease last month.失业人数六年来首次突破3百万。专家预测本月失业人数约新增4万,而制造业产量继上个月下跌百分之零点五之后已趋稳定。

注意naught(nought)point five = 0.5 naught=0 零的其他形式:zero, O, cypher(cipher), nil, nothing, love(限于网球比分)

5.Except Xinjiang, output value of the secondary industry of other Chinese provinces occupies more than 40% of its GDP, while output value of the tertiary['tɝʃi,ɛri] 第三的industry occupies more than 30% in most of the provinces.除新疆以外,中国其他省份的工业值占GDP的百分之四十几,而第三产业的产值在大部分省份中占有的比值均超过30%。

6.Steel production this week totalled 32 hundred 7 thousand 2 hundred 89 metric tonnes[tʌns], down 1.4% from 33 hundred 2 thousand 1 hundred and 3 tonnes a week earlier but up 9.8% from 29 hundred 8 thousand 100 tonnesin the same week of 2003.本周钢产量总数为327,289公吨,比上一周的332,103公吨下降1.4%,而与2003年同一周的数据298,100公吨比较增加了9.8%。

7.The amount of savings of urban and rural residents have increased over 71.4 per cent from 21.06 billion yuan in 1978 to 1,520.35 billion yuan in 1993.城乡居民的储蓄从1978年的210亿6千万元增加到1993年的1万5千2百零3亿5千万元,上升71.4个百分点。

8.As compared with the same period last year, the price of rice, wheat, maize[meɪz] and soybean rose by 16.2%, 18.1%, 22.8% and 29.5% respectively.与去年同期相比,米,麦,玉米,大豆的价格分别提升了16.2%,18.1%,22.8%和29.5%。9.With over 40,000 US-invested enterprises, the paid-in value of the total US investment in China now stands at 43 billion US dollars.Of the top 500 US companies, more than 400 have come to China, and most of them are making a handsome profit.今天,美国在华投资设立企业超过4万家,实际投资430亿美元。美国500强企业中,已有400多家进入中国,大多数企业获利丰厚。

10.China's GDP in 1997 amounts to US$902 billion.This figure ranks No.7 behind USA(US$7819.3 billion), Japan(US$4223.4 billion), German(US$2115.4 billion), France(US$1393.8 billion), Britain(US$1278.4 billion)and Italy(US$ 1146.2 billion).From 1979 to 1997, China's average annual growth rate is 9.8 percent, 6.5 percentage points higher than that of the world.1997年中国的国民生产总值达到$9020亿美元,在世界排名第七,仅次于美国(US$78,193亿),日本($42,234亿),德国($21,154亿),法国($13,938亿),英国($12,784亿)和意大利($11,462亿),从1979年到1997年,中国的平均年增长率的为9.8%,比世界平均值高出6.5个百分点


11.In 1999, China's gross domestic product(GDP), which came to only RMB 362.41 billion yuan in 1978, amounted to 7955.3 billion yuan, 20-fold increase over 1978.China ranks No.7 in terms of total supply and demand and No.1 in terms of economic growth rate.1999年,中国的国内生产总值达到79,553亿元,相比1978年的3624亿1千万元,增长了20倍。中国在总供给和需求方面排名世界第七,而在经济增长率上排名第一

注:20-fold 20倍

many-fold 许多倍

12.China hit 9.1 percent in GDP growth in 2003, despite the impact of SARS epidemic[ˈepɪˈdemɪk]n.传染病, a record since the Asian Financial Crisis in the late 1990s.尽管有非典的影响,2003年中国的国内生产总值增长率达9.1%,创18世纪90年代后期亚洲金融危机以来的最高纪录。

13.China contributed to about four percent of the world's total GDP in 2003 by consuming 7.4 percent of the oil, 31 percent of the coal, 27 percent of steel, 25 percent of alumina [əˈluːmɪnə]氧化铝and 40 percent of the cement[sɪˈment]水泥, consumed worldwide.2003年中国的GDP是世界总GDP的4%,消耗了世界7.4%的油,3.1%的煤,27%的钢,25%的氧化铝和40%的水泥.



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