一、商务部:1-8月我国实际使用外资同比下降3.40%(2012年09月19日 11:32:39)
新华网消息 商务部19日召开例行新闻发布会,商务部新闻发言人沈丹阳通报了2012年1-8月我国商务运行情况,1-8月,全国实现社会消费品零售总额131195亿元,名义同比增长14.1%,扣除价格因素,实际增长11.4%,比上年同期加快0.1个百分点。1-8月,我国进出口总值24976.2亿美元,与去年同期相比增长6.2%。其中,出口13091.1亿美元,增长7.1%;进口11885.1亿美元,增长5.1%;贸易顺差1206亿美元,扩大31.8%。
二、7月份中国增持美国国债26亿美元(2012年09月18日 22:05:07)新华网华盛顿9月18日电(记者蒋旭峰 樊宇)美国财政部18日公布的数据显示,7月份,美国最大债权国中国增持美国国债26亿美元。
三、燕京啤酒6次融资或圈80亿 分红仅20亿回报差(2012年09月19日 08:52:23)
四、沃尔玛等零售巨头再演价签戏法 获3-5万元罚单(2012年09月19日 09:50:08)
五、阿里巴巴完成76亿美元股份回购计划(2012年09月19日 08:38:51)
新华网杭州9月19日电(记者 张遥)阿里巴巴集团18日宣布,对雅虎76亿美元的股份回购计划全部完成。阿里巴巴集团以63亿美元现金及价值8亿美元的阿里巴巴集团优先股,回购雅虎手中持有阿里巴巴集团股份的一半,即阿里巴巴集团20%股份。
1.China power consumption decelerates in April
2012-05-14 18:56:51 Energy consumption rose 3.7 percent year-on-year to 389.9 billion kWh in April, down 3.3 percentage points from that in March, according to a statement on the website of the National Energy Administration(NEA).For the first four months, electricity consumption increased 6 percent from a year ago to 1.56 trillion KWh, said the NEA.During the January-April period, electricity consumption by primary industries decreased 4.2 percent year-on-year to 26.7 billion kWh, power used by secondary industries expanded by 3.7 percent to 1.13 trillion kWh, while the tertiary industries consumed 181.7 billion kWh of electricity, up 12.5 percent from a year ago.Meanwhile, residential electricity consumption increased 15.4 percent from a year earlier to 217.6 billion kWh
2.Moody's downgrades 3 Indian private banks 2012-05-14 20:06:27 With assets of 4,736.47 billion rupees(90 billion U.S.dollars)as of March 31, 2012, ICICI Bank is India's largest private sector lender followed by HDFC Bank with assets of 3,379.10 billion rupees(64 billion U.S.dollars)and Axis Bank 2,856.28 billion rupees(55 billion U.S.dollars).口译
3.S&P cuts Greek sovereign rating to “selective default” 2012-02-28 07:54:31 The S&P move also came hours after German parliament approved a second bailout, including 130-billion-euro(about 174 billion U.S.dollars)loans, for Greece as part of Europe's effort to keep indebted Greece out of bankruptcy.4.S&P downgrades Egypt's credit ratings 2012-02-11 03:13:43
“It is logical that the ratings on Egypt were downgraded because the foreign exchange reserves decreased due to security tensions and political instability...The foreign reserves have fallen to 16.1 billion U.S.dollars from 36 billion dollars one year ago,” said former dean of Sadat Academy and economic professor Hamdy Adel-Azeem.5.China's fixed-asset investment up 20.2% in January-April 2012-05-11 13:56:57
BEIJING, May 11(Xinhua)--China's urban fixed-asset investment rose 20.2 percent year on year to 7.5592 trillion yuan(1.2 trillion U.S.dollars)in the first four months of this year, the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS)said Friday.4
MTI2011数字口译英译中 Part1: Interpreting the following numbers without units.1)345,679,877 三亿四千五百六十七万九千八百七十七 2)9,898,076,123 九十八亿九千八百零七万六千一百二十三 3)1,034,011,111 十亿三千四百零一万一千一百一十一 4)5,765 五千七百六十五 5)31,345,201 三千一百三十四万五千二百零一 6)23,000 两万三千 7)135,785,345 一亿三千五百七十八万五千三百四十五 8)89,521,234,000 八百九十五亿两千一百二十三万四千 9)456,321,230 四亿五千六百三十二万一千二百三十
10)45,112,225,003 四百五十一亿一千二百二十二万五千零三 11)5,623 五千六百二十三 12)890,200
八十九万零二百 13)1,472,650
一百四十七万两千六百五十 14)223,887,520
两亿两千三百八十八万七千五百二十 15)4,590,002,410
四十亿五千九百万两千四百一十 16)123,586
十二万三千五百八十六 17)25,365,768
两千五百三十六万五千七百六十八 18)1,431,245
八百六十五万九千零九 20)1,986,457
21)57,800,000,000 五百七十八亿 22)2,863,589,010
二十八亿六千三百五十八万九千零一十 23)697,675,630,451
六千九百七十六亿七千五百六十三万零四百五十一 24)986,610,958
九亿八千六百六十一万零九百五十八 25)986,299
九十八万六千二百九十九 26)1,789,100
一百七十八万九千一百 27)53,089,045 五千三百零八万九千零四十五
28)103,897,673 一亿零三百八十九万七千六百七十三 29)58,432 五万八千四百三十二 30)7,923 七千九百二十三 31)307,465,003 三亿零七百六十四万五千零三
32)13,607,301,010 一百三十六亿零七百三十万一千零一十 33)63,000,070 六千三百万零七十 34)601,650,870,111 六千零十六亿五千零八十七万一百一十一 35)97,300 九万七千三百 36)20.42% 百分之二十点四二 37)2762.74 两千七百六十二点七四 38)800,000,000 八亿
39)120,001,032,034 一千两百亿零一百零三万两千零三十四 40)6,201,001 六百二十万一千零一 41)145,234,673,000 一千四百五十二亿三千四百六十七万三千 42)245,657,890 二亿四千五百六十五万七千八百九十 43)234,789
二十三万四千七百八十九 44)765,894,254
七亿六千五百八十九万四千二百五十四 45)239,784,349,000
Part 2: Interpreting the following numbers with units.1)658,654 hectares
2)5,766 bar
3)1,298,682,390 pounds
4)34,051,729 square meters
5)876,097 ounce
八十七万六千零九十七盎司 6)27.86 billion dollars 二百七十八亿六千万美元 7)2.337 billion Swiss francs 二十三亿三千七百万瑞士法郎
8)56.32 million hectares 五千六百三十二万公顷 9)459,000 cubic meters 四十五万九千立方米 10)47,000 square meters 四万七千平方米 11)5.2 million acres 五百二十万英亩 12)4,600 liters 四千六百公升 13)17,390 square meters 一万七千三百九十平方米 14)820 kilograms 八百二十公斤 15)24.3 million feet 两千四百三十万英尺 16)564,755 hectares
17)611,009 ounce
六十一万一千零九盎司 18)95,788,711 square meters
19)100,924 pounds
20)96,577 cubic meters
21)83.56 metric tons 八十三点五六公吨 22)11,050.08 hectares
一万一千零五十点零八公顷 23)32.88 percentage 百分之三十二点八八 24)13,567,534.71 kilograms 一千三百五十六万七千五百三十四点七一公斤 25)15,000,000 kilowatts 一千五百万千瓦
26)250 million tons
27)2.267 million hectares
二百二十六点七万公顷 28)830,495 square kilometers
29)310 miles per hour
30)6,400 megawatts
31)56 revolutions per second 每秒五十六转 32)2.9 trillion Swiss Francs 二点九万亿瑞士法郎
A quarter percent 百分之零点二五
34)200-300 yards per minute 每分钟两百到三百码 35)5000 horsepower 五千马力
36)687 billion U.S.dollars
六千八百七十亿美元 37)89.7 million kilowatts
八千九百七十万千瓦 38)4,719 kilometers
四千七百一十九千米 39)290.6 billion RMB
两千九百零六亿人民币 40)8.9404 trillion Italian lire
41)16,500 kilometers
一万六千五百千米 42)345,897,450 millimeters 三亿四千五百八十九万七千四百五十毫米 43)239,000 metric tons 二十三万九千公吨 44)459,032 kilograms 四十五万九千零三十二千克45)770,092,033 bales 七亿七千零九万两千零三十三捆
Part 3: Interpreting the
following phrases.1)GDP grew by 6.5% in 2006
2)raising 43 billion US dollars in 2011
3)63,000 US citizens reside here
63000美国居民住在这里 4)less than $286 per day
5)13 million deaths due to armed conflicts
武装冲突导致1300万人死亡 6)an increase of 40.4% 增长40.4%
7)10,700 investment projects
8)a total construction area of 160,000 square meters 总建筑面积 160000平方米 9)covering an area of about 350 hectares
10)116 series of animated films 116部动画系列片
11)$360 billion of total global trade
全球贸易总额为3600亿美元 12)4 million deaths a year 每年死亡人数为四百万 13)forested area increased 16 million hectares
14)an annual income of $134,360 年收入为十三万四千三百六十
15)employment rate decreased by 4%
就业率降低了4% 16)to invest 3,000 pounds
17)in return for a 0.25% equity share in anything
就可以得到0.25%的回报 18)A private investor has spent 100,000 pounds
19)550 million people suffer from
20)Fulfill our 10% target for 2020
实现2020年10%的目标 21)Cotton output was 4.3 million tons
棉花产量430万吨 22)35,000 km of new roads, including 1,313 km of expressways
新增公路里程35000公里,其中高速公路1313公里 23)having subscribers 用户达到1323万
24)The deficit of the state treasure stood at 56 billion yuan 中央财政赤字560亿元 25)The annual precipitation is from 31,200 to 63,600 millimeters
年降雨量为三万一千二百至六万三千六百毫米 26)an average of 180 raids a week 平均每周180起突袭
27)an annual growth of 26%
28)renewable energy increased by 51 percent
29)$130 billion of additional investment in renewables 可再生能源领域1300亿美元的新增投资
30)over 1,600 patrols a day 每日巡查超过1600次 31)With a total area of 9,600,000 km2
32)206 pieces of bones 二百零六块骨头
33)23 pairs of chromosomes /ˈkrəuməsəum/ 二十三对染色体
34)23 billion US dollars’ debt relief 减免两百三十万美元的债务 35)An excited pulse of 130 beats per minute 脉搏每分钟130次
36)322 Confucius Institutes and 369 Confucius Classrooms 322所孔子学院和369个孔子课堂
37)100,000 registered users
38)400,000 books
图书40万册 39)300,000 participants
30万人参加 40)25,000 students
41)Grain output reached 492.546 million tons
product reached 7,477.2 billion yuan
43)Imports and exports totaled US$325.1 billion
进出口总量达到3251亿美元 44)with an economic toll close to $45.67 billion
经济损失达到456.7亿美元 45)About
Americans, or 6.74 percent of the US population, make up the poorest poor.约有2056万美国人(占美国
Part4: Interpreting the following sentences.1.Growing at 100% per annum, it will reach 60 million by 2003, according to China’s Academy of School Sciences.根据中国科学院的预测,如果以每年100%的增长速度计算,互联网用户数目将在2003年达到6000万。
A total of 1,125 vehicles are on display at the show, one of the top five in the world.There was also a record 120 global debuts, including 74 concept cars and 88 new-energy vehicles.作为世界五大车展之一,本届北京车展展车数量达到了1125台,全球首发车120台,其中概念车74台,新能源车88台。It is our 15th largest export market 60,000 US citizens reside here, and a million more Americans visit each year.这是我们的第15大出口市场。6万名美国公民居住在这里,每年有超过100万美国人到访香港。
People thought that speeds of 2650 to 3033 miles per hour would be physically harmful to passengers.人们认为时速20至30英里,会损害旅客的身体。
Even an island state like Britain found it impossible to prevent large-scale evasion of duties in the 18th century, when the figure of “Smuggler Bill” attained heroic status and as many as 20,000 people were involved in illegal trade.即便是一个像英国这样的岛国,也不可能制止大规模逃税,在18世纪,英国走私款额高的惊人,多达两万人从事非法贸易。 the discovery and report of the first AIDS case in the year 1981, after merely twenty-or-so years, the total number of people infected by HIV globally has reached approximately 69 million, among which 27 millions had died due to AIDS
自1981年发现和报告艾滋病以来,短短的20多年时间,全球艾滋病病毒感染者累计达到6900万人,其中死亡2700万人。7.The virus also has some capability to infect humans, with 121 cases reported in four nations, resulting in 62 fatalities.这种病毒还具有某种导致人体感染的能力。已有4个国家呈报了121个人体感染的病例,其中62人已经死亡。
8.They contributed over 2.5 billion dollars into our economy and the tourism industry gave employment to 135,000 people.旅游业为国民经济贡献了超过25亿美元,为13.5万人提供了就业机会。
9.On 15 January, 1759, the British Museum opened to the public.1759年1月15日,博物馆向公众开放。
10.Thirty-five million Americans have used the Family Leave Law;8 million have moved off welfare.3500万人曾经享受联邦休假,800万人重新获得社会保障。11.In 1999, China accounted for about four percent of world trade;today, its share is approaching ten percent.1999年,中国在世界贸易总额中占4%;今天,中国所占的份额接近10%。
12.As we have already heard, worldwide mortality from tobacco is likely to rise from 4 million deaths a year in 1998 to about 10 million a year in 2030.正如我们所知,全世界烟草致死人数可能从1998年的每年400万人增加到2030年的每年1000万人。
13.The rate of forest coverage rose 1.7 percentage points, from 16.6% in the period.在此期间,森林覆盖率从16.6%又增长了1.7个百分点。14.From 1989 to 1996, 7.4 million upper and middle-income households
left cities for suburbs while only 3.5 million moved from suburb to city.从1989年到1996 年,740万个中上收入家庭从市区迁往郊区,但只有350万户从郊区迁往市区。
15.In 2002, China’s import and export volume amounted to 620.8 billion dollars, ranking fifth in the world.2002年,中国对外贸易总额为6208亿美元,居世界第五位。16.Today, the facts speak for themselves: aid to agriculture fell from $8 billion dollars in 1984 to $3.4 billion dollars in 2004.今天,事实不言自明;对农业的援助从1984年的80亿美元降至2004年的34亿美元。
17.The dollar fell by 50% against the yen when President Reagan and the Japanese government both agreed to give up fixed rate of 250 yen to $1 in 1983.1983年,里根总统和日本政府同意取消日元对美元250比1的固定汇率,随后,美元兑日元的汇率下跌了50%。
18.On present trends, transport will account for more than 60% of the EU’s increase in carbon dioxide emissions between 2005 and 2020.根据现在的趋势,欧盟在2005到2020年间增加的二氧化碳排放量中,由交通运输产生的将占到60%以上
19.I’m pleased to report that we are making progress, though our work is not done.According to the latest data, the US federal budget deficit fell by about half, from 2% of GDP to 1% between 2005 and 2007.我很高兴地宣布我们正在取得进步,尽管我们要做的工作还没完成。根据最新的数据,美国联邦预算赤字下降了一半左右,从2005年到2007年间,由占GDP的2%下降到1%。
20.Sport cuts across cultural,political and economic divides with
football as perhaps the best example-over 700 million people across the globe watched the 2006 world cup final.体育运动能跨越文化,政治及经济方面的鸿沟,足球可能就是最好的例证,全球有7亿多人观看了2006世界杯决赛。
21.The Chinese News Agency says China’s population has grown to 1,031,882,511 persons.中国新闻社报道称中国的人口已经增长到十亿三千一百八十八万两千五百一十一。
22.Retail sales of consumer goods in the country totaled 2,684 billion yuan(US$323.4 billion), representing an actual increase of 10.2 percent.全社会消费品零售总额达到26843亿元(3234亿美元),实际增长10.2%。
23.The per-capita disposable income of city dwellers rose by 3.4 percent and the per-capita net income of rural residents by 4.6 percent.城镇居民人均可支配收入和农民人均纯收入分别实际增长3.4%和4.6%。
24.Last year, 7 million people in cities and towns found their first jobs, and 2.45 million laid-off workers were re-employed, and the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns was 3.1 percent.全年城镇新就业700万人,下岗人员再就业245万人,城镇登记失业率3.1%。
25.The people’s living standards continued to improve.The natural population growth rate was 10.06 per thousand.人民生活继续得到改善。人口自然增长率为10.06‰。
26.The 82 percent share of Christians today’s much larger population means there are now about 230 million American Christians.今天的人口基数大的多,82%就意味着美国基督徒的数量约有2.3亿。
27.In 2009, the bilateral trade volume reached US$ 7.15 billion.2009年,双边贸易额达到71.5亿美元。
28.The Ministry of Public Security has sent 1,569 person-times of peacekeeping police for 7 UN peacekeeping operations since 1999.自1999年起,公安部共向7项联合国维和行动派出1569人次的维和警察。
29.Since 1945, the United Nations has helped to negotiate more than 170 peace agreements.自1945年起,联合国共帮助协商达成了170多项和平协定。30.China has introduced 31,600 projects and reached US$66.5 billion by the end of last September.截至九月底,中国已引进三万一千六百个项目,项目资金总额达六百六十五亿美元。
31.The known history of Gaza spans 4,000 years.加沙可考的历史至今已有4000多年了。
32.The US GNP has been growing steadily, rising from more than $3400 billion in 1983 to around the $5500 billion mark by 1990.美国国民生产总值稳定持续增长,从1983年的三万四千多亿美元增长到1990年的约五万五千亿美元。
33.From 1960 to 1990, state and local governments increased their employees from 6.4 million to 15.2 million, while the number of federal employees rose only from 2.4 million to 3 million.从1960年到1990年,州政府和地方政府工作人员从六百四十万人增加到一千五百万人,但联邦政府的雇员增长较少,从二百四十万人增长到三百万人。
34.The quiz show, which routinely drew more 15 million viewers in the
late 1990s, now attracts fewer than 5 million.这一档益智竞猜节目,在上世纪90年代后期吸引的固定观众数超过1500万,但目前的观众不足500万。
35.In all, 84 different versions of the show have been made, shown in 117 countries.这档节目共有84个版本在117个国家制作、播放。
36.Over the past year the Indian economy has grown by an impressive 9.2%, not far behind China's 10.4%.过去一年印度经济显著增长,达9.2%,接近于中国的10.4%。37.The number of visitors to Macau has grown from 10 million in 2003 to 22 million in 2006.从2003年到2006年,访澳游客数量已经从1000万人次增至2200万人次。
38.The central government used 725.3 billion yuan to support agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, an increase of 21.8%.中央财政用于“三农”的支出7253亿元,增长21.8%。
39.Through combined measures, we brought soil erosion on 48,000 square kilometers of land under control.综合治理水土流失面积4.8万平方公里。
40.The central government allocated 42.6 billion yuan in special employment funds, an increase of 59%.中央财政安排就业专项资金426亿元,比上年增长59%。41.The European Union, total exports decreased 27.3%, but exports to China fell by only 25.6%.欧盟地区出口总体下降27.3%,但是对中国的出口只下降25.6%。42.During this period, in 2009, our exports fell by 26%, but imports only
reduced by 11%, a decrease of 132 billion U.S.dollars surplus.在2009年,我们的出口降低26%,但进口仅降低11%,顺差减少了1320亿美元。
43.Statistics for the last year show that China’s gross domestic product(GDP)reached 7,477.2 billion yuan(US$900.87 billion), an increase of 8.8 percent over the previous year, among which primary industry grew by 3.5%, secondary industry 13.8%, and tertiary industry 8.2%.据统计,去年我国国内生产总值完成74772亿元(9008.7亿美元),比去年增长8.8%,其中,第一产业增长3.5%,第二产业增长13.8%,第三产业增长8.2%。
44.The total output of meat came to 53.54 million tons and aquatic products to 35.61 million tons.肉类和水产品总产量分别为5354万吨和3561万吨。
45.In May, the United Nations projected the world population would reach 9.3 billion in 2050 and 10.1 billion by 2100.今年五月,联合国预计全球人口将在2050年达到93亿,在2100年达到101亿。
1.Hong Kong has a population of 5,021,066.2.Bangkok has a population of 4,715,195.3.Russia, the largest country in the world, has a population of 277,504,000.4.Italy, one of the ten members of European Economic Community, has a population of 57,116,000.5.The United Kingdom, which includes Northern Ireland, Ireland, and Scotland, has a total population of 56,023,000.III.Area(CE)1.中国领土有9,600,000平方公里。
IV.Area(EC)1.The Pacific Ocean covers an area of 64,186,300 square miles.2.The Atlantic Ocean covers an area of 33,420,000 square miles.3.The Mediterranean covers an area of 969,100 square miles.4.The chemical fertilizer plant(化肥厂)covers an area of 53,000 square meters, 3 kilometers north of the city.5.The former Imperial Palace covers an area of 175 acres.It is enclosed by walls covers 35 feet high and surrounded by a moat(护城河)57 yards wide.V.Length, width, height(CE)1.尼罗河长4,160英里。2.亚马孙河长4,050英里。密西西比河长2,348英里。
这条新铁路全长2,807公里,横贯国土的一半。V.Length, width, height(EC)1.The Sears Building in Chicago is one thousand, four hundred and fifty-four feet high.2.The twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York are one thousand, three hundred and fifty feet in height.3.The Empire State Building in New York has a height of one thousand, two hundred and fifty feet.4.The John Hancock Center in Chicago is one thousand one hundred and twenty seven feet high.5.The Eiffel Tower in Paris is nine hundred and eighty-five feet in height.6.The Qomolangma(Mount Everest)is eight thousand, eight hundred and forty-eight point thirteen meters above sea level.It is the world’s highest peak.VI.Average, Sum 1.全国每分钟生产1940吨原油(crude oil)。2.全国每分钟生产3267吨煤炭。
5.每人一生平均要消费550公斤食用油(edible oil)。6.每人一生平均消费1,500米布。
8.国家每销售1公斤菜籽油(rape seed oil)要补贴(subsidy)1元6角。9.每天为城镇居民(urban residents)新建3 20,000平方米住房。10.近年来已有大约50,000,000户农村家庭搬入新居。11.每天出版图书16,110,000册。
14.过去两年共节约40,000,000吨标准煤(standard coal)。
16.现在每10,000平均有21.8张病床(hospital beds),而1978年只有19.4张。
VII.Increase and decrease 1.自从改革开放以来,国民收入增加了3,080亿元。平均每年增加385亿元。2.从1979年到1986年,国民生产总值增加了11,938亿元,年平均增长率为10.3%。3.工农业总产值增长了9,500亿元,平均每年增长10.8%。
4.在过去八年中,人均(per capita)收入每年增长33元。1986年,根据当年的价格计算,人均收入达到了740元。5.1978年前,农民的年平均收入约100元。1986年增长到424元。年城镇居民的年平均支出达到828元,比1978年增加了512元。
从1979年到1986年,企业中的固定资产投资(fixed asset investment)达8754亿元。reach/amount to 从1979年到1986年,固定资产投资和用于设备更新的资金达3086亿元。年粮食产量从1978年前的1亿吨增加到1986年的4亿吨。
13.到中国大陆的旅游者从1980年的570万增加到1986年的2282万人。旅游业的收入也从6亿美元猛增到15亿美元。14.海外劳务和承包工程(overseas labor service and contracting projects)的业务额(business volume)从1.7亿美元上升到9.7亿美元。
VIII.Times, percentage 1.1949年以来,这个城市的人口已经增加了2倍。2.水果的年产量减少了50%。
6.在过去几年内,职业病(occupational diseases)的发病率(incidence)降低了56%。7.咖啡的消费量下降了2.5%。
4.去年北京的机床(machine tool)产量是1966年的4倍多。5.今天北京每年的钢产量是1949年全国产量的8倍多。6.现在河南省煤产量是五年前的2.5倍。
8.这个村目前的粮食亩产量(per-mu yield)是解放前的7倍。
3.去年的原油产量和炼油能力(refining capacity)比1983年增加了15%和10%。4.去年肉、禽、蛋的零售额(volume of retail sales)比前年增加了110%。
1.去年采矿设备(mining equipment)的产量超过1980年产量60%。Top/surpass/better/exceed … by 2.去年江南各地区的煤产量超过1980年20%。
3.于三年前相比,去年汽油、煤油、和柴油的总产量(total output)有了大幅度的增长。4.电视机的成本降低了70%。
8.各企业和部门的预算外资金是(extra-budgetary funds)1978年的4倍,达到1670亿元。9.棉花由进口转为出口,食用油、糖、水果、猪肉、羊肉和牛肉的产量也翻了一番。
1.In 2001, China's GDP reached 9.5933 trillion yuan, almost tripling that of 1989, representing an average annual increase of 9.3 percent.二00一年,我国国内生产总值达到九万五千九百三十三亿元,比****年增长近两倍,年均增长百分之九点三。注意triple(增长三倍)这样的以非数字形式出现的“数据”,特别要引起注意,类似的还有:double, quadruple [kwɑːˈdruːpl]adj.四倍的;四部分的adj.四倍的;四部分的, tertiary [ˈtɜːrʃieri]adj.第三的, 高等教育的The tertiary industry in our nation has grown rapidly in recent years.近几年我国的第三产业增长很快。Tertiary education follows secondary education.2.Efforts will be made to quadruple the GDP of the year 2000 by 2020.国内生产总值到二0二0年力争比二000年翻两番。
2.The earth's moon is located an average of 239,000 miles from the earth.It has a diameter of 2,136 miles, and its gravity is one-sixth that of earth's.月亮离地球约有239,000英里远,其直径为2136英里,重力为地球的1/6 4.Unemployment has risen to over three million for the first time in six years and analysts expect the jobless total to rise by a further 40,000 this month.Manufacturing output has meanwhile steadied, after a nought point five per cent decrease last month.失业人数六年来首次突破3百万。专家预测本月失业人数约新增4万,而制造业产量继上个月下跌百分之零点五之后已趋稳定。
注意naught(nought)point five = 0.5 naught=0 零的其他形式:zero, O, cypher(cipher), nil, nothing, love(限于网球比分)
5.Except Xinjiang, output value of the secondary industry of other Chinese provinces occupies more than 40% of its GDP, while output value of the tertiary['tɝʃi,ɛri] 第三的industry occupies more than 30% in most of the provinces.除新疆以外,中国其他省份的工业值占GDP的百分之四十几,而第三产业的产值在大部分省份中占有的比值均超过30%。
6.Steel production this week totalled 32 hundred 7 thousand 2 hundred 89 metric tonnes[tʌns], down 1.4% from 33 hundred 2 thousand 1 hundred and 3 tonnes a week earlier but up 9.8% from 29 hundred 8 thousand 100 tonnesin the same week of 2003.本周钢产量总数为327,289公吨,比上一周的332,103公吨下降1.4%,而与2003年同一周的数据298,100公吨比较增加了9.8%。
7.The amount of savings of urban and rural residents have increased over 71.4 per cent from 21.06 billion yuan in 1978 to 1,520.35 billion yuan in 1993.城乡居民的储蓄从1978年的210亿6千万元增加到1993年的1万5千2百零3亿5千万元,上升71.4个百分点。
8.As compared with the same period last year, the price of rice, wheat, maize[meɪz] and soybean rose by 16.2%, 18.1%, 22.8% and 29.5% respectively.与去年同期相比,米,麦,玉米,大豆的价格分别提升了16.2%,18.1%,22.8%和29.5%。9.With over 40,000 US-invested enterprises, the paid-in value of the total US investment in China now stands at 43 billion US dollars.Of the top 500 US companies, more than 400 have come to China, and most of them are making a handsome profit.今天,美国在华投资设立企业超过4万家,实际投资430亿美元。美国500强企业中,已有400多家进入中国,大多数企业获利丰厚。
10.China's GDP in 1997 amounts to US$902 billion.This figure ranks No.7 behind USA(US$7819.3 billion), Japan(US$4223.4 billion), German(US$2115.4 billion), France(US$1393.8 billion), Britain(US$1278.4 billion)and Italy(US$ 1146.2 billion).From 1979 to 1997, China's average annual growth rate is 9.8 percent, 6.5 percentage points higher than that of the world.1997年中国的国民生产总值达到$9020亿美元,在世界排名第七,仅次于美国(US$78,193亿),日本($42,234亿),德国($21,154亿),法国($13,938亿),英国($12,784亿)和意大利($11,462亿),从1979年到1997年,中国的平均年增长率的为9.8%,比世界平均值高出6.5个百分点
11.In 1999, China's gross domestic product(GDP), which came to only RMB 362.41 billion yuan in 1978, amounted to 7955.3 billion yuan, 20-fold increase over 1978.China ranks No.7 in terms of total supply and demand and No.1 in terms of economic growth rate.1999年,中国的国内生产总值达到79,553亿元,相比1978年的3624亿1千万元,增长了20倍。中国在总供给和需求方面排名世界第七,而在经济增长率上排名第一
注:20-fold 20倍
many-fold 许多倍
12.China hit 9.1 percent in GDP growth in 2003, despite the impact of SARS epidemic[ˈepɪˈdemɪk]n.传染病, a record since the Asian Financial Crisis in the late 1990s.尽管有非典的影响,2003年中国的国内生产总值增长率达9.1%,创18世纪90年代后期亚洲金融危机以来的最高纪录。
13.China contributed to about four percent of the world's total GDP in 2003 by consuming 7.4 percent of the oil, 31 percent of the coal, 27 percent of steel, 25 percent of alumina [əˈluːmɪnə]氧化铝and 40 percent of the cement[sɪˈment]水泥, consumed worldwide.2003年中国的GDP是世界总GDP的4%,消耗了世界7.4%的油,3.1%的煤,27%的钢,25%的氧化铝和40%的水泥.
Final Examination in C-to-E Translating Practice for the Graduate Students of 2008 Class(A Take-Home Examination)
Translate the following passages into English, using what you have learned from the related courses in this semester.Try your best to make your English versions as readable and idiomatic as possible so as to fully demonstrate your C-to-E Translating proficiency.1、“胎教”自古不新鲜
①foetus education,nothing new since antiquity
Author: Guo Canjin
“foetus education”, seemly a new word, something strange, actually was created by people far from ancient times with a complete set of theory of antenatal training.It is China that first put forward the idea of foetus education.Treatments on fetal disease was recorded in the book back to 2,000 years —The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine.The detailed prescriptions about prenatal training in Da, Sir.’s Book of Rites, Baaofu, read “ According to the ancient foetus education, the queen would be suggested to move to side-room Palace(a living place next to the room of Emperor)in her 7th month pregnancy, where Taishi(also called court historian or Grand Tutor, a formal name in ancient)holding the Tong(a kind of musical instrument)awaited the queen’s instructions beside the left of the door and meanwhile another official Taizai holding Dou(a kind of cooker, sometimes used as tableware)waited at the right of the door.In the last three months of queen’s pregnancy, Taishi would softly touch the musical instrument and pretend unfamiliar to play those pieces not living up to courtesy even though required by the queen.On the other hand, if ordered the improper menu, Taizai would not dare to cook by saying his incompetence in serving crown prince.According to Records of the Grand Historian of China, the first Chinese in ancient times taking the prenatal training was King Wen’s mother Tairen.Having been received strict antenatal training, King Wen of Zhou was born very clever.And King Wen’s grandson King Cheng of Zhou was also exceptional talent after receiving foetus education.Just in this way could Zhou dynasty educate many ideal successors generation after generation.When it came to Han Dynasty, a number of records and comments about foetus education emerging in public books initially formed the foetus education theory.In Song Dynasty, a famous doctor named Chen Ziming, wrote an essay specially for foetus education theory.In addition, JiaYi also made his article On Antenatal Training And Nursing published in New Book.Some relevant information were set down in Family Instructions of the Yan's: in the third month of queen’s pregnancy, she had to move from palace to side-room, not to see those should not see or hear those should not hear, and on matter what music queen would like to listen to or what dishes to eat, they must be performed rigorously and temperately according to proprieties.Advanced to Ming Dynasty, this theory was further improved and perfected.In Qing Dynasty, Chen Menglei and others collected those papers about foetus education in past dynasties together, titled “ An Educational Guidebook To Unborn Babies.The ancients used to make a summary as follows: child education should be started from womb and shape education direction from elementary stage.①古时候胎教,王后怀孕七个月后,就到宴室(宫殿名,侧室,燕寝之旁(燕寝,古代多指帝王寝息之所)).太史(应该是太师,古代三公之一(三公—太师、太傅、太保),责为伦道经邦,为太子师法)拿着铜(古代的一种乐器)侍奉在门的左边,太宰(其职贵是辅佐君主治理国家)拿着斗(斗,一种餐具兼炊具方形,口大底小,有柄)站在右边,最后三个月(即产前三个月),王后要求听的乐曲不符合礼的标准,这样的话太师就会抚摸着乐器说自己不熟悉,不会演奏;所要求吃的滋味菜肴不是正确的,这样的话太宰就会拿着斗不敢烹调菜肴,说自己不敢服侍王太子。
作者:澧 人
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(本文节选自《书屋》2009年第5期上的“书屋絮语”栏目,作者署名澧 人。题目是选作考试材料时加上去的。基于对学生汉译英能力进行测试的考虑,文字作了些许删减。)
Random Thoughts On May Fourth Movement
Author: Li Ren
“May Fourth” has been 90 years old.90 years are long enough to kill a great many heroes’ and beauties’ hopes.It’s usually said that lives are as changeable as seasons.However, represented by Chen Duxiu, Hu Shi, and Lu Xun, a number of sages of May Fourth, still live on in spirit.Among those May Fourth intellectuals, the most influence are surely Hu Shi and Lu Xun.Ancient cloud: “Spring is the true color of the nature;autumn is just an additional emotional appeal.” Extension of this sentence means the general relationship of nature and scene between Hu Shi and Lu Xun.Many a scholar sighs with regrets that Lu Xun is lonely all through his life, nevertheless, in my opinion, from the point of temperament and endowment, maybe Hu Shi is more lonely than Lu Xun.We also can see Lu Xun’s image from Ji Kan, Xu Wei, Li Zhi and others.But it is basically in vain to look for a precursor or a figure like Hu Shi in Chinese culture.So it is not so hard to understand Lu Xun than Hu Shi.Lu Xun abandoned the study of medicine to another field of literature and looked at things in the view of a doctor.He knew very well that Chinese were badly spiritual ill but he still wondered how to find the way to cure them;on the other hand, Hu Shi shifted from the agriculture domain to writing.Like farmers who wish the land can yield good crops, Mr Hu took new seeds home and devoted his whole life to the problem of accustoming seeds to new circumstances.They are two great persons putting all their efforts on country’s destiny, eventually mentally and physically exhausted, however, becoming noble for what they are annoying.At the 90th anniversary of May Fourth Movement, undoubtedly the topic of democracy is being discussed.Not long before, Yu Keping had his one article published on China Comment titled—On six need-to-be-clarified democratic relations, the highlight of which is that it puts forward a point—it is a wrong thinking way to develop people's livelihood instead of democracy.In present China, there are actually many problems hindering the development of people’s livelihood, for instance the unjust distribution of wealth, heavy burden on taxpayers, the surprising number of misuse of public funds, rampancy of power-for-money deal, strongly monopoly of the economic field, and so on.All these can not be solved without developing democracy.It is sure that the development of democracy is not limited to the development of people’s livelihood and it also contributed to the pursuit of more freedom, dignity and benefit for people.Human beings, not merely economic animals, besides to live an affluent life, they also expect to live a free life, a life with dignity, and a real life as well.Inviolable rights enable people to enjoy their freedom so a vote in hand gives people a feeling that they live in dignity, and strong public opinion helps people get the real information.①春天才是大自然本来的面目, 秋天只是额外加出来的景象、情调