CATTI二级同传 EC部分 无稿:美国与新兴大国关系 有稿:物联网安全 CE部分 无稿:记者会-中国经济 有稿:拉各斯中国电影节开幕式致辞
Thank you for that.谢谢,晚上好。
It’s centainly an unbelievable privilege and honor to be here at the 2nd Beijing International Film Festival.This is certainly a historic occasion and it’s so beautifully produced and quite magnificent.The opening act alone was certainly worth the 15-hour flight to get here.It was absolutely exquisite.首先,我要感谢主办方邀请我参加第二届北京国际电影节。这是一场历史性的盛会,仅看开幕式的盛况就值得花费15小时的飞行来到这里,简直是精彩绝伦。
China is not only one of the most active economies globally but is a fast growing market for films in the world right now.In this country, they are installing 8 new cinemas a day and the rate is actually rising.There are still thousands of towns and counties waiting to get their first movie theaters ever.And when they get them, they’ll be in digital 3D.中国不仅是世界上经济发展最快的国家之一,还是世界上电影市场发展最为迅猛的国家之一。在中国,每天都有8家新增的影院,并且数量还在增加。还有数千个城镇还没有电影院,它们建的第一家电影院就会是数字3D影院。
I personally experienced the effect of this rapid expansion.In the last two weeks, “Titanic 3D” has made as much money here in China as it has in all the other international markets combined.I think that's incredible.我也亲身感受到了数字3D技术的迅速发展。最近两周,《泰坦尼克号》3D版在中国创下了惊人的票房,其收入相当于世界上其他市场的票房总和。
And not only is rapid growth in the number of theaters unprecedented, but the embrace of 3D, and the cinema-going experience by Chinese audiences is breathtaking.In an age of streaming video watched on iPhones and tablets, the Chinese audience has spoken resoundingly, that they love watching movies where movies were meant to be seen, on the big screen.不仅仅是电影院数量的增速史无前例,更为令人惊讶的是中国观众对3D电影的热衷程度。在这个流行用苹果手机和平板电脑看 视频的时代,中国观众大声地宣告,他们喜欢看大银幕上播放的电影。
I believe this rising tide will raise all the ships together not only the international films which now have greater access to the growing Chinese market, but the internal Chinese film industry itself which will benefit from the rapidly growing installed base of theatres and audience that's hungry for entertainment.随着水涨船高,除了更多的国际电影涌入正在发展壮大的中国市场之外,电影院越来越多,观众对电影的需求越来越大,中国电影业的发展也会深受其益。
China is a force to be reckoned with in the world film industry and the world is paying attention to China.I expect this year's festival to be a landmark moment as filmmakers from all over the world mingle with the Chinese film community to exchange views, to plan co-productions and simply to continue to earn each other's respect.Today and together we can shape a vibrant and prosperous future.中国是世界电影业中不可忽视的一股力量,世界关注着中国的发展。我认为,今年的电影节将会成为中国电影的里程碑——来自世界各国的电影人与中国电影人共聚一堂,相互交流,共同探讨电影的合拍事宜,增强互信互重。我们将共同创造一个生机勃勃、欣欣向荣的未来。
Films are such an important vehicle for cultural exchange between countries and peoples.We can feel the open atmosphere of Beijing International Film Festival embracing and representing a variety of films from different locations, languages and cultures and in various categories.电影是国与国之间、人民与人民之间一个非常重要的文化纽带。我们能够感受到北京国际电影节活跃的氛围,来自不同国家、不同语言和不同类型的电影都在这里展映。
You know, we gather here to celebrate and enjoy each other's work as film-makers, and together, to contribute to making Beijing International Film Festival an increasingly important event for the world film industry in coming years.我们共聚一堂,庆祝和欣赏我们电影人的卓越成就。有了我们的共同努力,北京国际电影节将会在未来几年成为国际电影界越来越重要的盛事。
So my very best wishes for the 2nd Beijing International Film Festival.Thank you!
Interpreting= L+N+M+C
L=listening and AnalysisN=Note-takingM=Short-term memoryC=Coordination
2)每天无论吃饭和洗澡的时候,或者一切你和同学一起聊天的时候,试着在脑海里把她们所说的话转为英语,并且对她们说英语。我要求你们把英语变成你的working language or daily language.3)每天做一篇笔译,主要从英语新闻报纸上翻译,和做10分钟的电视英语新闻翻译。
联合国方向同声传译培训班 联合国标准同传口译培训班,总结和继承了八十年代前北京联合国译员训练班的方法与实践,结合多年来翻译界跨文化交流的演绎,以及中国口译培训多样化的实践,首创了非学历 超研究生联合国方向同声传译培训班 联合国标准同传口译培训班,专门面向国际国内顶端翻译培训和会议口译的师资与高端专业同传口译市场以及联合国国际公务员体系。
具体课程设置要求学生学员全面学习真正掌握与彻底提高专业同传口译译员的综合素质,其中包括但不限于:十大原则、听力提高、知识博览、笔记方法、笔译练习、记忆改善、理解综合、词汇增加、视译强化、交传升华、影子训练、同传掌握。(具体要求见中国同传口译网www.xiexiebang.comN, Rand Corp,McKinsey,Bloomberg, FT, WSJ, NYT, MSNBC, Reuters, AP, AF,UP等国际知名主流新闻媒体网站新闻时事摘要,世界第一流智囊咨询研究机构以及联合国各个组织系统的网站内容,其中包括政治、经济、法律、金融、贸易、军事、外交、环保、教育、信息技术、工业、农业、文化,艺术、体育、房产等各个范畴。仲伟合“高级口译教程”,梅德明“高级口译教程”,“国家人事部2级口译教程”,外语教研社MTI系列教程,刁凤河“联合国同传教程”。
联合国方向同声传译培训班采用林超伦博士的实战口译教材作为样本,采用灵活机动的启发式教学法,指导学生学员参考教材,发展个人个性化的笔记,使学生学员既有专业风格,又有个性特色,彻底把握笔记技能技巧。教材:林超伦 "实战口译”教师学生版。
教材:China Daily, Xinhua News, Global Times, CCTV, CNN, VOA,Bloomberg, FT, WSJ, NYT, MSNBC, Reuters, AP, AFP,UP等国际知名主流新闻媒体网站新闻时事摘要,世界第一流智囊咨询研究机构以及联合国各个组织系统的网站内容,其中包括政治、经济、法律、金融、贸易、军事、外交、环保、教育、信息技术、工业、农业、文化,艺术、体育、房产等各个范畴。仲伟合“高级口译教程”,梅德明“高级口译教程”,“国家人事部2级口译教程”,外语教研社MTI系列教程。
教材:China Daily, Xinhua News, Global Times, CCTV, CNN, Bloomberg, FT, WSJ, NYT, MSNBC, Reuters, AP, AFP等国际知名主流新闻媒体网站新闻时事摘要,世界第一流智囊咨询研究机构以及联合国各个组织系统的网站内容,其中包括政治、经济、法律、金融、贸易、军事、外交、环保、教育、信息技术、工业、农业、文化,艺术、体育、房产等各个范畴。仲伟合“高级口译教程”,梅德明“高级口译教程”,”国家人事部2级口译教程”,外语教研社MTI系列教程。
教材:China Daily, Xinhua News, Global Times, CCTV, CNN, Bloomberg, FT, WSJ, NYT, MSNBC, Reuters, AP, AFP等国际知名主流新闻媒体网站新闻时事摘要,世界第一流智囊咨询研究机构以及联合国各个组织系统的网站内容,其中包括政治、经济、法律、金融、贸易、军事、外交、环保、教育、信息技术、工业、农业、文化,艺术、体育、房产等各个范畴。仲伟合“高级口译教程”,梅德明“高级口译教程”,”国家人事部2级口译教程”,外语教研社MTI系列教程,刁凤河“联合国同传教程”。
教材:China Daily, Xinhua News, Global Times, CCTV, CNN, Bloomberg, FT, WSJ, NYT, MSNBC, Reuters, AP, AFP等国际知名主流新闻媒体网站新闻时事摘要,世界第一流智囊咨询研究机构以及联合国各个组织系统的网站内容,其中包括政治、经济、法律、金融、贸易、军事、外交、环保、教育、信息技术、工业、农业、文化,艺术、体育、房产等各个范畴。仲伟合“高级口译教程”,梅德明“高级口译教程”,”国家人事部2级口译教程”,外语教研社MTI系列教程。
教材:China Daily, Xinhua News, Global Times, CCTV, CNN, Bloomberg, FT, WSJ, NYT, MSNBC, Reuters, AP, AFP等国际知名主流新闻媒体网站新闻时事摘要,世界第一流智囊咨询研究机构以及联合国各个组织系统的网站内容,其中包括政治、经济、法律、金融、贸易、军事、外交、环保、教育、信息技术、工业、农业、文化,艺术、体育、房产等各个范畴。仲伟合“高级口译教程”,梅德明“高级口译教程”,”国家人事部2级口译教程”,外语教研社MTI系列教程。
教材:China Daily, Xinhua News, Global Times, CCTV, CNN, Bloomberg, FT, WSJ, NYT, MSNBC, Reuters, AP, AFP等国际知名主流新闻媒体网站新闻时事摘要,世界第一流智囊咨询研究机构以及联合国各个组织系统的网站内容,其中包括政治、经济、法律、金融、贸易、军事、外交、环保、教育、信息技术、工业、农业、文化,艺术、体育、房产等各个范畴。仲伟合“高级口译教程”,梅德明“高级口译教程”,”国家人事部2级口译教程”,外语教研社MTI系列教程,刁凤河“联合国同传教程”。
教材:China Daily, Xinhua News, Global Times, CCTV, CNN, Bloomberg, FT, WSJ, NYT, MSNBC, Reuters, AP, AFP等国际知名主流新闻媒体网站新闻时事摘要,世界第一流智囊咨询研究机构以及联合国各个组织系统的网站内容,其中包括政治、经济、法律、金融、贸易、军事、外交、环保、教育、信息技术、工业、农业、文化,艺术、体育、房产等各个范畴。仲伟合“高级口译教程”,梅德明“高级口译教程”,”国家人事部2级口译教程”,外语教研社MTI系列教程,刁凤河“联合国同传教程”。
上述教学大纲内容概述,系联合国方向同声传译培训班的自主专属知识产权, 版权所有, 违者必究。
崔天凯副部长在中美省州长对话开幕式上的致辞 2011年10月19日
Remarks by Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankaiat the China-US Governors Dialogue 19 October 2011
Respected Secretary Zhao Hongzhu, Secretary Zhou Qiang and Chinese governors,Honorable Governor Gregoire and other US governors,President Li Xiaolin,Under Secretary Robert Hormats,Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,很高兴出席中美省州长对话。首先,我代表外交部和杨洁篪外长对此次对话成功举行表示热烈祝贺。长期以来,中美地方间合作是两国关系的重要基础和推动力量。举办中美省州长对话是今年1月胡锦涛主席访美的重要成果,也是中国外交部和美国国务院鼎力支持的项目。在全国友协、美国全国州长协会共同努力和两国省州积极支持下,首届中美省州长论坛于今年7月在美国盐湖城成功举行,取得令人振奋的丰硕成果。仅时隔3个月,美国州长代表团回访中国,与中方书记、省长们进行新一轮对话。我们为中美地方间合作蓬勃发展、欣欣向荣的局面感到由衷高兴。
I am delighted to attend the China-US Governors Dialogue.Let me begin by extending warm congratulations on the successful opening of the dialogue on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi.Over the years, subnational cooperation has been an important foundation and driving force of the relations between China and the United States.The launching of the China-US governors dialogue is an important outcome of President Hu's visit to the United States last January and has received full support from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the US State Department.With the concerted efforts of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the US National Governors Association and active support from Chinese provinces and US states, the first China-US Governors Forum was successfully held in Salt Lake City in July, producing encouraging and fruitful outcomes.Now, after only three months, the US governors are paying a reciprocal visit to China and joining Chinese provincial leaders for a new round of dialogue.We are really gratified to see such momentum in China-US subnational cooperation.对于中美省州长对话,我有三个期待:
I have three hopes for the China-US Governors Dialogue.希望对话成为中美地方合作的催化剂。中国有34个省级行政区,美国有50个州、1个特区、5个联邦领地和海外领地,都各具特色和优势,彼此间拥有巨大合作潜力。建立省州长论坛是为两国地方间交流合作提供高层次机制化平台的开创性举措,不仅将有力促进两国地方共同繁荣,也将自下而上地推动中美总体关系不断前进。
I hope that the dialogue will become a catalyst for China-US subnational cooperation.China has 34 provincial level administrative divisions.The United States has 50 states, one federal district and five unincorporated territories.Each of them is uniquely positioned with its own advantages and has enormous potential for cooperation with others.The China-US Governors Forum is a creative step that aims at offering a high-level and regular platform for subnational exchanges and cooperation.It will not only promote shared prosperity at the subnational level, but also facilitate the overall China-US relations at the national level.希望对话成为中美经贸关系的推进器。两国地方省州是中美经贸合作的主力军。过去10年,美国有47个州对华出口增幅达到3位数甚至4位数。近年来,中国各省企业对美投资快速增长,为美国经济和就业做出贡献。清洁能源、节能环保、生物医药、基础设施等领域是中美经贸合作新的重要增长点。希望两国地方把握机遇,积极开拓,把互利共赢的中美经贸合作提升到更高水平。
I hope that the dialogue will become a propeller of China-US business ties.Subnational efforts represent a large part of our overall trade and economic cooperation.Forty-seven US states have seen three-and even four-digit growth in their exports to China in the past decade and investment by local Chinese businesses in the United States has grown rapidly and contributed to the US economy and job creation in recent years.Clean energy, energy conservation, environmental protection, biomedicine and infrastructure are the new important growth areas in China-US economic cooperation.I hope that the provinces and states will make the most of these opportunities and take the mutually beneficial economic cooperation between our two countries to an even higher level.希望对话成为中美人民间的友谊桥梁。中美关系的根基在人民,动力源泉也在人民。中美人民友好交往日益密切,每年人员往来超过300万人次,平均每天8000多人往返于太平洋两岸。两国地方高校、媒体、智库、青年、民间团体之间加强文化、教育、艺术、体育等形式多样的交流与合作,将在中美间架起更多友谊与合作的桥梁。希望中美两国地方政府携手合作,为此发挥引领作用。
I hope that the dialogue will become a bridge of friendship between the people of our countries.People represent both the foundation and source of strength for China-US relations.The friendly exchanges between the Chinese and American people have increasingly intensified.Each year, over three million visits are made between China and the United States.Everyday, more than 8,000 people on average travel across the Pacific.Enhanced and diverse exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and American universities, media, think tanks, youths and civil societies in culture, education, art and sports will forge more friendships and partnerships between China and the United States.I hope that the provincial, state and local governments of China and the United States will join hands and lead such exchanges.金秋十月是收获的季节。我谨预祝本次对话圆满成功,取得丰硕成果,为中美关系发展添上浓墨重彩的一笔。
Fall is the season of harvest.I wish the dialogue full success, leaving an indelible imprint on China-US relations.谢谢大家。
Remarks on Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves at the Clinton Global Initiative Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton September 21, 2010 Sheraton Towers New York, New York 希拉里·克林顿国务卿在克林顿全球倡议年会上就创立全球清洁厨灶联盟发表讲话 2010年9月21日 纽约州纽约市 喜来登大酒店
Thank you all.Thank you.Thank you so much.Thank you.And it is, as always, such a personal pleasure for me to join this remarkable gathering.And I look out at this audience and there are just too many people here who deserve recognition to name all of you, so let me just express my deep appreciation to all the representatives of foreign governments as well as the leaders and advocates who are here with us and who will be sharing the stage.And of course, I do want to thank someone very special, namely my husband, for organizing this event –(applause)– and instilling it with his very special spirit of activism, innovation, and commitment that is contagious.谢谢大家,谢谢,非常感谢,谢谢。和往常一样,我为能参加这样一个盛会感到十分高兴。环顾一下在场的与会者,你们都应当受到表彰,只是人数太多,恕我不在此一一提名了,因此,就让我向所有外国政府的代表以及将上台发言的与会领导人和倡导人士表达深深的谢意。当然,我要感谢一位非常特殊的人物,也就是我的丈夫,感谢他组织这项活动(掌声)并在这项活动中注入他非常独特的、富有感染力的积极行动、创新和奉献的精神。
Last year at CGI, I spoke about the Obama Administration’s new strategy for international development, which has elevated development alongside diplomacy and defense as the core pillars of American foreign policy.And we are working with our partner countries to help them obtain the tools and capacity that they need to solve their own problems and contribute to solving the world’s shared problems.Our goal is to help people lift themselves, their families, and their societies out of poverty and toward a better life.And this is not development for development’s sake.This work, we believe, advances our own security, prosperity, and values.在去年的克林顿全球倡议年会上,我谈到了奥巴马政府的国际发展新战略,这项新战略将发展问题提升到与外交和防务同样的高度,一起成为美国对外政策的核心支柱。我们与伙伴国家进行合作,帮助他们获取为解决各自面临的问题所需要的手段和能力,并为解决世界性的共同问题作出贡献。我们的目标是帮助民众以及他们的家庭和社会摆脱贫困,改善生活。而这一目标并非为发展而发展。我们相信,这项工作会推进我们自身的安全、繁荣和价值观。
So we have focused on strategic areas where we can make the biggest impact on agricultural change that stretch from the farm to the market to the table and keep people nourished and productive, health systems that help people spend their days working rather than sick or dying, opportunities for women and girls that allow them to contribute to economic and social progress.因此,我们着重于有关战略领域,对从农场到市场再到饭桌的农业变革发挥最大影响力,并保证人们的营养水平和生产能力;使医疗系统能够帮助人们健康地工作,不会疾病缠身甚至死亡;创造机会使成年和未成年女性能为经济与社会进步作出贡献。
And today, I am very excited to tell you about a new initiative that will advance these and other efforts, and help put vital new tools in the hands of millions of people.今天,我非常高兴地向大家宣布一项新的倡议,以推进这方面的努力和其他努力,并帮助亿万人民获得极其重要的新工具。
As we meet here in New York, women are cooking dinner for their families in homes and villages around the world.As many as 3 billion people are gathering around open fires or old and inefficient stoves in small kitchens and poorly ventilated houses.Many of the women have labored over these hearths for hours, often with their infant babies strapped to their backs, and they have spent many more hours gathering the fuel.The food they prepare is different on every continent, but the air they breathe is shockingly similar: a toxic mix of chemicals released by burning wood or other solid fuel that can reach 200 times the amount that our EPA considers safe for breathing.就在我们在纽约开会之时,世界各地的妇女正在家里和村子里为家人做饭。多达30亿人生起明火,或在窄小的、通风不良的厨房里,在老旧低效的厨灶边忙碌。很多妇女一连几个小时地在这样的厨灶边忙个不停,身上还常常背着婴儿,而且还要花很多时间拾柴。各大洲的妇女做的饭菜各式各样,但她们吸入的气体却惊人地相似:燃烧的木柴和其他固体燃料所释放的有毒的化学混合气体,可能高达我国环保署(EPA)空气安全标准允许含量的200倍。
As the women cook, smoke fills their lungs and the toxins begin poisoning them and their children.The results of daily exposure can be devastating: Pneumonia, the number one killer of children worldwide, chronic respiratory diseases, lung cancer, and a range of other health problems are the consequence.妇女在烧饭时,将烟尘吸入肺部,有害气体导致她们和她们的孩子中毒。日复一日地吸入有毒气体可能造成致命后果:全世界儿童的头号杀手肺炎、慢性呼吸道疾病、肺癌以及其他各种健康问题。
The World Health Organization considers smoke from dirty stoves to be one of the five most serious health risks that face people in poor, developing countries.Nearly 2 million people die from its effects each year, more than twice the number from malaria.And because the smoke contains greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane, as well as black carbon, it contributes to climate change.世界卫生组织认为,高污染厨灶产生的烟气是贫穷的发展中国家人民所面临的五种最严重的健康危害之一,每年造成将近200万人死亡,超过疟疾造成的死亡人数的两倍。此外,由于烟气中含有诸如二氧化碳、甲烷以及黑碳等温室气体,它对气候变化也大有影响。
There are other consequences as well.In conflict zones like the Congo, the journeys that women must take to find scarce fuel put them at increased risk of violent and sexual assault.Even in safer areas, every hour spent collecting fuel is an hour not spent in school or tending crops or running a business.还有其他一些后果。在像刚果这样的冲突地区,妇女为寻找稀少的烧柴必须长途跋涉,致使她们受到暴力和性侵犯的危险更大。即使在比较安全的地方,她们为拾柴多花一个小时,就意味着在学校、田间或做生意上少花一个小时。
People have cooked over open fires and dirty stoves for all of human history, but the simple fact is they are slowly killing millions of people and polluting the environment.Engineers and development professionals have worked on this problem for decades.My own involvement stretches back many years, and I’m well aware that well-meaning efforts have been launched, but none have managed to match the scope of the challenge.在整个人类历史进程中,人们一直在用明火或高污染厨灶做饭,但一个明确的事实是,厨灶正在导致千百万人慢性死亡,同时还在污染环境。工程师和开发专业人员几十年来一直在努力解决这个问题。我自己参与其中也有很多年了。据我了解,人们已经作出一些良好的努力,但这些努力不足以应对这一挑战的规模。
But today, because of technological breakthroughs, new carbon financing tools, and growing private sector engagement, we can finally envision a future in which open fires and dirty stoves are replaced by clean, efficient, and affordable stoves and fuels all over the world – stoves that still cost as little as $25.如今,由于出现了技术突破、新型碳融资手段以及越来越多私营企业的参与,我们终于可以展望这样一个未来:明火和高污染厨灶在世界范围内被清洁、高效、价格廉宜的厨灶和燃料所取代——而这样的厨灶售价只需25美元。
I know that maybe this sounds hard to believe, but by upgrading these stoves, millions of lives could be saved and improved.This could be as transformative as bed nets or even vaccines.So today, I am very pleased to announce the creation of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.(Applause.)This is a public-private partnership led by the United Nations Foundation that will work toward the goal of 100 million homes adopting new clean stoves and fuels by 2020.Our long-term goal is universal adoption all over the world, and the alliance is a perfect CGI model of a public-private partnership that already includes governments such as the United States, Germany, Norway, and Peru, international development organizations and local NGOs, as well as foundations and private companies such as Morgan Stanley and Shell.我知道也许这听起来难以置信,但是通过这些厨灶的升级,数百万人的寿命能够延长、生活能够改善。这可能会像蚊帐甚或疫苗一样有变革意义。所以今天,我很高兴地宣布创立全球清洁厨灶联盟。(掌声)这是一项公私合作伙伴关系,由联合国基金会挑头,力争实现到2020年让一亿户人家用上新型清洁厨灶和燃料的目标。我们的长远目标是在世界各地普及清洁厨灶,而这个联盟则是克林顿全球倡议的一个完美模式,其政府和私营伙伴关系已经包括诸如美国、德国、挪威、秘鲁等国政府,多个国际开发组织和各地的非政府组织,还有各类基金会以及摩根士丹利、壳牌公司等私人企业。
And we do expect to grow quickly with your help, and this effort will proceed on a number of parallel tracks.First, a major applied research and development effort to improve design, lower costs, and develop global industry standards for cookstoves.There are already some good stoves out there, but we can make them much more durable, efficient, and affordable, and scale up production to reach a mass market.With the right advances, new stoves could even use their own wasted heat to produce electricity that powers smoke-clearing fans, mobile phones, and even household lights.我们确实期待着在你们的帮助下快速发展,这一努力将在数条平行轨道上展开。首先,要有一个重要的应用研究和开发项目,来改善设计、降低成本,并制定厨灶产业的全球性标准。市场上已经有一些效果不错的炉具,但我们可以把它们设计得更耐用、高效,经济实惠,并能扩大生产,投放大众市场。如果取得适当进展,新型厨灶甚至可以用自身余热发电,电力又可以驱动清烟风扇、为移动电话充电、甚至用于家庭照明。
Second, a broad-based campaign to create a commercial market for clean stoves, including reducing trade barriers, promoting consumer awareness, and boosting access to large-scale carbon financing.Now, no single stove will meet the needs of every community across the world.In fact, previous efforts have taught us that if local tastes and preferences are not considered, people will simply not use the stoves, and we’ll find them stacked in piles of refuse.That’s why a market-based approach that relies on testing, monitoring, and research is so important, because if we do this right, these new stoves will fit seamlessly into family cooking traditions while also offering a step up toward a better life.其次,要有一项具有广泛基础的努力,为清洁炉具开辟一个商业市场,包括降低贸易壁垒,以提高消费者的意识,并促进获得大规模的碳融资。不过,任何一种厨灶都不能满足世界各地每一个社区的需求。事实上,以前的经验告诉我们,如果对当地的品味和喜好不加考虑,人们根本不会使用这些炉具,我们会发现它们变成堆积如山的废物。这就是为什么一种以市场为基础并且依赖于检测、监测和研究的方式是如此重要,因为如果我们的做法得当,这些新型厨灶就会完美地融入家庭烹饪传统,同时也使人们向更美好的生活迈进一步。
Third, we will integrate clean stoves into our international development projects so that refugee camps, disaster relief efforts, and long-term aid programs all will act as distribution networks.Women and girls who are obviously the vast majority of stove users will be our focus throughout.Women-owned, micro-financed businesses and networks can extend deep into hard-to-reach communities, and that I know a number of my friends from SEWA, the Self Employed Women’s Association that started in India, has already made a huge difference for millions of women in India.And they’re with us today;you’ll meet them in a minute.And they’re helping us to make this happen more broadly.第三,我们将把清洁厨灶与我们的国际发展项目结合起来,这样,难民营、救灾行动和长期援助项目等都将成为我们的推广、分发网络。显然,作为厨灶主要使用者的妇女和女孩子将是我们自始至终的工作重点。妇女拥有的小型贷款企业和各种网络能够深深地延伸到难以企及的社区。我认识好几位来自自我创业妇女协会的朋友,这个从印度发起的组织已经改变了数百万妇女的命运,今天这些朋友也在座,你们很快就会与她们见面。她们正在帮助我们把这个事业推广到更大的范围。
The United States is committing more than $50 million over the next five years to this initiative, and we urge other countries to join us.Our partners have already contributed an additional $10 million, and we’re working to raise more every day with the goal of reaching at least $250 million over 10 years.This is a project that brings, across our government, the experts together, and many of them have long experience in working on clean stoves, but never before have we pulled our resources and our expertise behind a single global campaign, as we are doing today.And never before have we had the range of global partners and coordination that the Alliance for Clean Cookstoves brings with it.美国已承诺在以后5年中为此行动计划提供5000万美元,我们敦促其他国家也参加这个行列。我们的伙伴们已经捐助了另外1000万美元,我们每天在努力募集更多资金,我们的目标是在10年内至少筹到2.5亿美元。这个项目把政府各部门的专家们汇聚到一起,他们中的许多人具有研究清洁厨灶的多年经验,但我们以前从未像我们今天所做的那样,把所有的资源和专长汇集在一个全球性运动之中;我们以前也从未有过清洁厨灶联盟所带来的如此广泛的全球伙伴和协作。
So we need your help as well.You’re here because you are already committed to identifying and investing in innovative solutions to persistent global problems.So today, I ask you to join us, to be a part of this solution, an issue that brings together so many of our concerns.Whether you’re passionate about health or the environment or sustainable development or women’s empowerment, this is a project for you, and we need you.因此,我们也需要你们的帮助,在座的各位来到这里,是因为你们已经承担起义务,找出并投资于创新办法来解决长期以来困扰着我们的全球性问题。因此,今天我请求你们加入进来,成为这个解决办法的一部分,因为我们如此之多的关切都汇集在这个问题上。无论你是热衷于健康问题、环境问题、可持续发展问题,还是增加妇女权益问题,这就是你要做的项目,我们需要你的参与。
The next time you sit down with your own family to eat, please take a moment to imagine the smell of smoke, feel it in your lungs, see the soot building up on the walls, and then come find us at the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.Hearths, whatever they look like, and wherever we gather around them, where we tell our stories and pass down our values, bind families together.And the benefits from this initiative will be cleaner and safer homes, and that will, in turn, ripple out for healthier families, stronger communities, and more stable societies.So we are excited because we think this is actually a problem we can solve.下一次,当你和你的家人一起进餐时,请你停顿一个瞬间来设想一下烟气的味道,设想一下它进入你肺部的感觉,以及烟灰在墙上聚积的情景,然后就到全球清洁厨灶联盟来参加我们的事业。无论我们的厨灶是什么形状,无论我们在什么地方围绕着灶台,我们都在那里讲述经历,传承价值观,把我们的家庭紧紧联结在一起。这项倡议将带来更清洁和更安全的家庭环境,由此将产生更健康的家庭、更强健的社区和更稳定的社会。因此,我们很兴奋,因为我们觉得,这是一个我们能够切实解决的问题。
And I want to bring up and introduce to you a woman who has been my partner in this process in the United States Government.She provided invaluable leadership to this effort and has on so many important issues facing our country.The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Lisa Jackson.现在我要把一位女士介绍给大家,她是我在美国政府中推进这个项目的伙伴,她在该项努力中以及在我们国家面临的其他许多重要问题中发挥了非凡的领导作用,她就是美国环境保护署署长。
第五篇:会议致辞 二级口译
Thank you , Lord Hurd, for your kind words.It is an honor and plesaure to be here.When I left Brussels yesterday, it was 12 degree celsius and hailing.Here , it was 25 degree and sunny.Speaking of climate change, I don’t understand why you British are always complaining about the weahter.I confess I am a little intimitated, LordHurd , at being moderated by a veteran statesman of your distinction.When I first accepted the gracious invitation to address this institute, I was especially excited about the prospect of speaking under the Chatham House Rule.I understand the rule means the audience is free to use the information received at the meeting, but may not reveal the identity of the speaker , nor his affiliation.I thought to myself , now there is a rule we should apply from time to time at the United Nations.I could get my message across,but keep a low profile at the same time.And conversely, those interested in grand-standing would have one less opportunity to do so.But it was not to be.Having understood that this event is on the record, I will have to wait for another occasion to experience the Chatham House Rule at first hand.Mr.Niblett,Director of Chatham House,Excellencies,Ladies and gentlemen,It is truly a privilege to join such a distinguished group of experts and scholars, diplomatsand opinion-makers, politicians and not
least ,representatives of civil society---key partners of the United Nations In shaping both policy and practice.They say the United Nations has a way of getting caught in the crossfire between its uncritical lovers and unloving critics.Here at Chatham House, I feel surrounded by true friends---those best defined as loving critics or even critical lovers: well-informed allies of the UN, unwavering but by no means unquestioning supporters.Since the foundation of the UN, the UK has been a cornerstone of our suppor base.It may have been in San Francisco that the United Ntions Charter was signed in 1945;that but it was here in London , the follwing year ,that the UN saw the light of day as a working orgnization.Juston the other side of St ,James’s Park, in Centural Hall Westminster, the General Assembly met for the first time.Across the street from there , in Church House, the Security Council came into being.it was at westminster, as London was rising from the ravages of world war 2 , that my first predecessor as Secretary-General ,Trygve Lie, was installed.He replaced the acting Secretary-General , who was a none other than the distinguished UK dimplomat, sir Gladwyn Jebb.Already in the 1950s, Sir Gladwyn---who by then had become the UK Ambassador to the UN—was shrewd enough to spot the uncritical lovers versus the unloving critics.He did so by studying the newspaper cartoons of the day.At one extreme of the cartoon spectrum, the UN was portayed as an angelic figure, but not a terribly intelligent-looking one.She was sometimes labeled ― peace‖, and usually being assulted by a brutal and uniformed aggressor.At the other extreme , the UN was a bald and middle-aged gentleman of dubious and obviously foreign appearance, wearing a top hat and long coat.He would be plotting with another gentleman of the same type over a green baize table.So one caricature suggested and idealistic international authority, constantly thwarted by wicked maneuvers of politicians;the other an evil international plot against sovereignty.Today , when people look back on those early years of the UN, they think of the promise the Organization held.They think of the idealism and unity that inspired the San Francisco Conference, and the signing of the Charter.They think of the creation of landmark documents, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.They think of the courageous pioneers who joined and shaped the Organization in its fledgling years.In my country , too , those early years were associated with a steadfast sense of faith in the UN.As I was growing up in a war-torn and destitute Korea, the UN stood by my peoplein our darkest hour.The UN gave us hope and sustenance.Its flag was a beacon of better days to come.And in the course of my own lifetime, with the assitance of the UN, THE Republic of Korea was able to rebuild itself from a country torn
apart by war , with a non-existent economy, into a reginoal economic power and major contributor to the Organization.That support helped me make the journey to this podium today.For that, I am deeply thankful.Since then , the UN –and the world as a whole –has come to appear much complicated.So have the challenges confronting our Organization.The perception of us is no longer so black and white, and tends now to be drawn in various shades of gray.But if you are an optimist ,as I am , you will paint the UN in brighter colors.You will know that our world of complex and global challenges is exactly the environment in which our UN shoulf thrive –because these are challenges that no country can resolve on its own.It is a world in which the UN can, and must, grow and take on new roles, develop and deliver on new fronts.Thank u very much