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(2018,海淀高三期末)第二节(20 分)


注意:词数不少于60。提示词:垃圾夹 trashgrabber

One Possible Version Last Friday, when I came back home from school, a notice at the entrance tomy building caught my eye.It called on people to take part in the voluntary work on the following Sunday.The notice aroused my great interest, urging me to share it with my family immediately.After supper, we talked about what we could do for the voluntary opportunity.We agreed on picking up the trash and then we started making trash grabbers.By tying the bamboo pieces together, we made several trash grabbers.Then came the big voluntary day!Carrying those trash grabbers, wewent downstairs and was amazed that some people had already started their job.Some were sweeping the ground while some were cleaning the benches.Without any delay, we joined them.Everyone redoubled their efforts in the cleaning.That evening, I penned this voluntary opportunity on my diary, as this experience made me feel the joy of labor.It certainly is worth the active participation.(2018,朝阳高三期末)


假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,以“A Special Celebration for the New Year”为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件,介绍元旦期间你参加集邮协会组织的新年邮展活动的完整过程。词数不少于60。

A Special Celebration for the New Year _______________________________________________________________________________ One possible version:

A Special Celebration for the New Year On New Year’s Day I went to a stamp exhibition, which proved to be a unique experience.At 9:00, I arrived at the exhibition with my precious stamp album, eager and excited.To my delight, there gathered crowds of stamp lovers.Immediately I joined them and studied the stamps one by one.I was deeply immersed in the artists’ delicate design and wanted to learn more.Then, some of us got together in twos and threes to share our collections, chatting cheerfully about the stamps and stories behind them like old friends.Time passed quickly and it was time to say goodbye to these friends.We took pictures together and made promises to meet again.I had a great time today.Not only did I appreciate beautiful stamps, but also I made new friends of the same interest.This was really a special celebration for the New Year.(2018,东城高三期末)第二节(20分)



Last month, we went to the exhibition displaying China's outstanding achievements over the past five years.(2018,西城高三期末)第二节(20分)

假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序, 记述上周在上学路上你的一次经历, 并以 “Stop Phubbing” 为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件。


Stop Phubbing Phubbing is a serious problem in our daily lives.In this article, I would love to share my personal story of phubbing and why we should stop this bad habit.Last Friday morning, on my way to school, I was playing with my phone as usual.Even when I was about to cross the street at the traffic light, I did not bother to look up to check whether it was safe.Therefore, I failed to notice a car coming towards me until it stopped just half a meter away, braking sharply.Luckily, I was pulled aside by a lady who happened to be walking beside me.The shocked driver was mad at me and began shouting loudly, while the woman warned me that I should never look at my phone while walking.After hearing her words, I realized how my stupidity could have led to tragedy.I was really having a difficult time coming to grips with what had happened.After arriving at school, I told my classmates about my experience and we all agreed that we should get rid of the phubbing habit.Smartphones are just tools that serve us, and by no means should we let them disturb our life.Let’s spread the word and stories like this to end phubbing once and for all.(2018,石景山高三期末)第二节(20 分)

假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。上星期六,你和同学们参观了中国近五年伟大成就展。请按照以下四幅图的先后顺序,以“A Visit to the Exhibition on China’s Achievements”为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件,介绍参观的全过程。



One possible version: Last Saturday, my classmates and I went to the Beijing Exhibition Hall to see the exhibition on China’s achievements in the last 5 years which turned out to be a memorable experience for us.The exhibition attracted thousands of people all over the country, so we had to wait a long time to get in.Luckily, we met a docent who gave us a detailed introduction of the development during these years.We Listened attentively and were deeply impressed by the brilliant success of our country.When we stepped into the Hi-tech display section, our eyes were caught by the fashionable appearance of the high-speed train model “Fuxing”, which is popularly called one of the “New Four Great Inventions” of China.We were so amazed at the exhibits that we couldn’t help taking pictures all the time.Before leaving, with the words “Chinese Dream” as a setting, we had a group photo to record the great moment.The visit to the Exhibition gives us greater faith in Chinese dream, to which our personal dreams are closely related.(2018,丰台高三期末)第二节情景作文(20分)



提示词:消防演习fire drill 灭火器 fire extinguisher

Possible version: To promote the awareness of fire safety, our school conducted a fire drill last Friday afternoon.Before the drill, a firefighter officer gave us a lecture on the danger of fire, the importance of fire prevention, and the ways of self-rescue.We all listened attentively and took notes.Shortly afterwards, a fire drill began.Hearing the alarm, we lined up and walked out of the classroom at a fast pace.Approaching the staircase, we found ourselves surrounded by heavy smoke.We panicked at first, but soon calmed down.As instructed, we covered our mouths and noses with wet towels, stayed low beneath the smoke and orderly descended the stairs following the escape route.We all safely arrived at the playground and cheered for surviving the big fire.After a short break, firefighters showed us how to use the fire extinguishers properly and using their instructions, we put out fires successfully.Back in our classroom, we excitedly held a meeting sharing our ideas and feelings.We realized that when faced with danger, you should stay calm.Having knowledge of safety procedures can increase your chances of survival.(186 words)


With the coming of the final exam,our school held on activity named Pressure-reducing Week,which was aimed at relieving the stress and inspiring the students in senior 3 to meet the challenge bravely.Let’s look back what we have done during the activity.First,the school provided us with a special room to listen to the light music carefully selected by our teachers.Sitting on the soft sofa with the gentle melody,we gradually calmed down and closed our eyes.Next,we participated in outdoor activities,including a trust fall and a three-legged race.Tired but excited ,we realized the significance of trust and cooperation.Besides,the school also invited some experts who majored in psychology to give us advice.I consulted them about how to reduce stress before exam and I received helpful tips.Finally,we held a class meeting themed “We Can Do That ”to conclude what we had attained from the activity.I was elected as the representer to share my feelings.Encouraged by our teachers’s words,we shouting “We Can Do That ”together,and I was filled with confidence.I really appreciated it that our school held such a meaningful activity to motivate us.I hope all my classmates can achieve their dreams.




Para 1:主题句(一句话点题)

 Today my classmates and I went to …to do…/ pay a visit to…

Para 2;具体过程

 Early in the morning …/ At 8 o’clock in the morning …. Arriving there, we found …. Having done…(分词作时间状语)

 Late in the afternoon we…/ At 4:00 pm, we…

Para 3: 结论(feeling)

Today I felt tired, but … because…/ Tired as we were, we...篇章连接词:

分组活动/劳动场面:Some were(doing)….Others were(doing)…Still others were(doing).The

rest were(doing)…/boys… girls…

罗列顺序:First …, then / next / after that …

时间顺序:Early in the morning /At 8 o’clock in the morning

Two hours later…/ In the middle of the day / at noon

Late in the afternoon we…


一句话点题:On March 5th our class organized an activity to…

During the winter vacation, the students in our community joined in the

meaningful activity…

Our class organized a day trip to…


 Early in the morning we gathered at the school gate and went there on foot. The next day, we set off early in the morning with high spirits and went there by bus. All the students in our class got together in the morning and set out to the destination by bike.到达

 Upon arrival, we began to work immediately. On arriving there, everybody immediately began to work.劳动场面

 We were full of enthusiasm/ in high spirit. Some students dug holes, and some students carried young tree seedlings, while

other students watered the planted young trees. Although the day was so hot that all of us were sweating, we still... Tired as we were, nobody had a rest

 Time went by/ time flew!

 After we had completed the task, we…

劳动后的感受    

We were tired but happy.Tired as we were, we...We feel it's our duty to protect and beautify our environment.We are so proud of our great work and we have decided that we will carry out the activity every year. Though cleaning up the rubbish was a tough task, our hearts were filled with joy and we will remember this activity forever. This job will provide me the chance to take part in social activities and community services,which enables me to enrich my after-school life. We are fully convinced that only in this way, can we contribute to build up a more harmonious

relationship between human beings and nature. We call on awareness on protecting our environment which is of great importance. This activity definitely enriches my after-school life experience and broaden my horizons as well.话题词汇

社区服务/创建和谐社会话题 pay a visit to…参观/拜访go to … for an outing出游 give sb.a warm welcome欢迎 help with the…帮助

social service社会服务do some cleaning清理环境 have a picnic / rest 野餐、休息 show sb.around…带领参观 put on / give performances演节目 have a good time / enjoy oneself开心 harmonious和谐的,friendly友好的,honest真诚的sustainable development可持续发展

…can be achieved by hard wok.…可以通过劳动获得

If everyone does something for the society, our world will be more beautiful,everyone should … and devotes himself to building our motherland into a strong country.每个人应该…,为把我们祖国建设成为一个强壮的国家而奉献自己的量。

be in order有序的peaceful和平的,live in harmony生活和谐,help each ether互助,care for each other互相关心,have deep love for 热爱be concerned with 关心build创建


take an active part in积极参与no pains, no gains.不劳无获。it is honorable to … …是光荣的。


protect the environment 保护环境be environmentally friendly 环保的 litter / to scatter garbage 乱丢垃圾reduce pollution减少污染 beautify the environment 美化环境 do damage to 造成损害

benefit / to be beneficial to… 对…有益 improve the qualities of life 提升生活质量

be harmful to / to do harm to对…有害save water / electricity 节水,节电live a low carbon life 低碳生活 cause inconvenience 造成不便save energy节省能源

cut down trees砍伐树木

save /waste resource浪费/节约资源bring about the disorder 造成混乱

raise people’s environmental awareness提高人们的环保意识 waste is scattering here and there.到处撒满了废弃物 be fully aware of the danger充分意识到危险

take active and effective measures to control pollution采取积极有效的措施控制污染 fight against pollution与污染斗争

it is a shame to throw rubbish around.乱扔垃圾是可耻的form good habits to protect the surroundings养成良好的习惯来保护环境 take active measures to protect 采取积极措施保护...take good care of our forests关心我们的森林

plant more trees to improve the environment 多植来改善环境

the terrible pollution have done great harm to us as well as to the surroundings.可怕的污染已经给我们自己还有我们的环境带来了很大的危害


It’s our duty to save water.As we know , water is very important to man, we can’t live without water.(没有水我们就不能生存)The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less.But some people don’t care about it.(但是有些人却不关心或不在意。)They waste a lot of water in their daily life.(日常生活中他们浪费很多水。)Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers.(他们排放污水到河流里。)They throw rubbish into rivers , too.(他们还乱扔垃圾到河流里)Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.(受到严重污染。)Something must be done to stop the pollution.Only in this way can we live happily.。)If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.(如果我们不节约水,那么最后一滴水也许会是我们人类的眼泪)


Society produces a lot of rubbish, such as leftover food, waste paper, plastic bottles and batteries every day.It has become a big headache in every city.How to solve this problem? I think rubbish classification is a good way of dealing with it.Firstly, rubbish classification can reduce the amount of rubbish and the rubbish pollution to the environment.What is more, it can recycle resources, which will do good to our environmental protection.Since rubbish classification has so many advantages, our government should take effective measures and immediate actions.Different dustbins should be placed in public places so that residents can leave their sorted rubbish in them.校园生活

·to get on well with sb./sth.与某人相处的好、某事进展顺利 ·to work hard at … 在…方面努力 ·to concentrate on… 专注于 ·to be keen on … 热衷于,非常喜爱 ·to be good at / to do well in … 擅长·to be poor at / be weak in … 在…方面差 ·to make progress in …在…方面取得进步 ·to fail /pass the examination(没有)通过考试 ·to succeed / to be successful in… 取得成功·to hear from sb.收到某人来信

·to apologize to sb.for…因为…向某人道歉 ·to explain sth.to sb.向某人解释·to be active in…在…方面积极

·to take an active part in … 积极参与 ·to learn… by heart 记住,背下来 ·to bear...in mind牢记在心

·to work out a problem 解出一道题 ·to win the first prize / get the first place in the competition 在比赛中得一等奖 ·to refer to the dictionary查字典

·to have a good command of English英文很好 ·to have a wide range of knowledge有广泛的知识 ·to have a talent for有…才能·to be skilled in在…方面熟练 ·to be strict with sb.对某人要求严格·to praise sb for sth … 因为…表扬某人

·to blame sb for sth./ to blame sth.on sb.因为…责备某人 ·to give advice on … 就…提出建议

·to devote one’s time to … 在…上花时间 ·to turn a deaf ear to对… 充耳不闻·to have difficulty / trouble doing 做…有困难·to be prepared for / to do 准备好·to set about doing / set out to do 开始着手做…


·go for an outing / a picnic 去郊游/野餐·go sightseeing 观光

·to appreciate the scenery of nature欣赏大自然的风景 ·to keep healthy / fit保持健康·to relax oneself放松身心

·to strengthen/build up the body锻炼身体·to meet the demand / need符合需要

·to break the ice打破沉默·to take measures/action采取措施(行动)·to develop / get into the habit of… 养成…习惯

·to raise the standard of living提升生活水平·to have a deep understanding of有很深的了解 ·to follow the fashion/trend跟随潮流·to have a chat with聊天 ·to have a great influence on有很大的影响·to make a deep impression on予人很深的印象 ·to make a fool of sb.愚弄·to make an excuse找借口 ·to get into trouble 陷入困境·to help sb out 帮某人摆脱困境 ·to do some good deeds 做好事·to offer help 提供帮助

·to insist on doing sth.坚持要做某事·to regret doing sth.后悔做过某事

·to keep / prevent / stop sb from doing 阻止某人做某事 ·to give one a lift给人搭便车

·to kill time消磨时间·to keep in / to lose touch with保持/失去联络 ·to be caught / to get stuck in a traffic jam遇到交通阻塞 ·to take the place of取代·to spare no effort to do / to make every effort to do不遗余力 ·to take the pains to do不辞辛劳·to live in harmony 生活和谐 ·to take regular exercise 有规律的运动·to have proper diet 合理的饮食 ·to have a sleepless night 彻夜未眠


·to·catch sight of … 看见 ·to see / hear sb do(doing)看到 / 听到某人(正在)做…

·to take notice of … 注意到·to take…into consideration / account考虑到 ·to have a good understanding of … 对…很了解 ·to consider / regard … to be … 认为·to come to know…开始了解到 ·to realize that … 意识到·to be filled with joy充满喜悦

·be tired of 厌烦

·to be delighted / to take delight / to take a pleasure in doing… 以…为乐·to be worried / upset / concerned about…对…担忧 ·to feel excited about…对…感到兴奋

·to feel surprised /shocked / astonished at …对…感到吃惊/震惊·to be sorry / regretful for …对…感到遗憾

·be pleased / satisfied / content with …对…感到满意

·to look forward to doing… / to long for… 期待…

·to be eager to do / to have a strong desire to do …渴望做… ·to make up one’s mind / to be determined to do … 决定做… ·to feel refreshed精神抖擞 ·to relieve the tension and anxiety解除紧张和焦虑 ·to be energetic精力充沛的·to be bored感到无聊

·to be encouraged / inspired感到振奋、受到鼓舞 ·to be discouraged / frustrated感到气馁·to be tired out感到十分疲倦

·to be disturbed / bothered感到烦恼·to lose patience失去耐心·to lose heart失去信心


·to speak / think highly of… 对…评价高

·to broaden the horizon开拓视野 ·to broaden the mind开拓心胸 ·to realize one's ambition实现抱负 ·to keep one's promise守信用 ·to keep up with the times跟上时代

·to be concerned about the society关心社会·to fulfill one's duty尽到责任 ·to be faced/confronted with the difficulty面临困难 ·to get through the difficulties / to weather the storm渡过困境 ·to stick to the principle坚守原则·to escape the reality逃避现实

·to pull oneself together / to take heart振作 ·to take / shoulder the responsibility承担责任 ·to take / seize the opportunity把握机会

·to set a good example / to be a role model树立楷模 ·to be independent / to stand on one's own自立 ·to achieve the aim/goal达到目标·to realize one’s dream 实现梦想








①方寸之地可以营造锦绣,方寸光阴可以铸就永恒,方寸心田可以容纳山川…… 上面的文字引发了你怎样的联想和思考?请自选角度,自拟题目,自定文体(诗歌除外),写一篇文章,不少于700字。




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①鲁庄公十年,齐攻鲁,曹刿大败齐军。请参考《左传》中“公与之乘,战于长勺…… 遂逐齐师”部分,从曹刿的角度简述这个故事。要求情节完整,语言流畅。






要求:根据以上材料,自选角度,以“书店,是一个 的地方”为题,写一篇文章。文体不限(诗歌除外)。不得抄袭、套作。


[甲]我凝神观注: [乙]裂开的墙缝中有一朵花,矮篱上 我把你从墙上摘下,荠菜花开放。连根捧在我的手中。







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又有一次,有人问他:“如果实验结果与预期不同怎么办?”他的回答是:“那就对了!” 你对丁肇中的回答有什么感想和思考?请自选角度,自拟题目,写一篇文章。文体不限(诗歌除外),不少于700字。




几乎每个高三毕业班的教室里都有一面“励志墙”,“励志墙”的形式多样,内容丰富。其中最引人注目的往往是那些励志的话语,如“破釜沉舟,背水一战,提升一分,超越千人”;如“只要学不死,就往死里学”;如“今日不肯埋头,明日以何抬头”;如“积一时之跬步,臻千里之遥程”;如“1.01*365=368.65,0.99*365= 361.35”;如“不求难题都做,先求易题不错”。①你对以上的励志话语有怎样的看法,请选择其中一则,写一段话予以评论,要求观点明确,有理有据。







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《志存高远 身体力行》为题的报告。但放眼台下,坐在后排的学生一片片“倒”下,趴在桌上睡去。当这些学生打瞌睡的照片传到网上后,舆论沸腾,各执一词。批评学生者有之,同情学生者亦有之……











针对这件事,有人认为父母是孩子的第一任老师,小虎的想法暴露出家长扭曲的价值观对孩子造成的不良影响;有人认为青少年要明白学习的意义在于丰富和充实自己;有人认为小虎的“三辈子吃房租”论,实质上代表了大多数富二代富三代的共同心理状态,即家有万贯,2015高三期末汇编.作文/ 7



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--Could I ask you a rather personal question?--________

A.Yes,don‟t worry B.Of course,go ahead C.Yes,help yourself D.Of course.why not

【答案及解析】 B选项A表示对对方的安慰;B表示许可、同意;C表示随便;D表示反问或责问。根据语境,答案选B。


--Let‟s go and have a good drink tonight.

--________ Have you got the first prize in the competition?

A.What for? B.Thanks a lot. C.Yes.I‟d like to. D.Why not?

【答案及解析】 A选项A用来询问目的;B是对人所提供的帮助表示感谢;c、D都是对问题的回答。而从第二个人答语可知,他不知对方为何请他喝酒,故答案选A。


--No.I‟m afraid he isn‟t in.This is his secretary speaking.Can I help you?--________

A.Oh,you will. B.Oh,that‟s a pity.

C.I should think so. D.Well.I look forward to heating from you.

【答案及解析】 C根据语境,选项A太直接,不符合习惯;B是对他人或自己不能怎样的遗



--Do you mind if I open the window?--__________I feel a bit cold.

A.Of course not. B.I‟d rather you didn‟t.

C.Go ahead. D.Why not?

【答案及解析】 B选项A表示不介意;B表示希望对方不要打开窗户;C表示要对方去打开窗户;D表示责问对方为什么不干某事的原因。根据I feel a bit cold,答案选B。


--Go for a picnic this weekend.OK?--________.I love getting close to nature.

A.I couldn‟t agree more B.I‟m afraid not C.I believe not D.I don‟t think SO

【答案及解析】A根据句意,说话人同意周末去野炊,B、C、D三项表示不同意。can‟t/couldn‟t agree more意为“非常赞成、完全同意”。can‟t/c6uldn‟t+比较级意为“再……不过,不可能更……”。故答案选A。

真题6(2004湖北卷35)--Will$200 ________?

--I‟m afraid not.We need at least 50 more dollars.

A.count B.satisfy C.fit D.do


--Guess what!I came across an old friend at the party last night.

--________ I‟m sure you had a wonderful time.

A.Sounds good!B.Very well. C.How nice!D.All right!

【答案及解析】 C选项A是对他人的言语的评价;B表示事情做得好;C表示情况的好;D表示同意,许可。根据语境,答案选C。


--Mum,I‟ve been studying English since 8 o‟clock.________I go out and play with Tom for a while?--No,I‟m afraid not.Besides,it‟s raining outside now.

A.Can‟t B.Wouldn‟t C.May not D.Won‟t

【答案及解析】 A选项A表示请求允许,意思是:难道不可以……;B一般不用于第一人称的疑问旬;C意思是:难道可以不……,一般是对对方要求你做某事而你不去做时的请求;D的意思是:难道……不行,一般用于对方不要你去做某事时的反问。答案选A。


--________ I didn‟t hear you clearly.It‟s too noisy here.

--I was saying that the party was great.

A.Repeat. B.Once again. C.Sorry? D.So what?

【答案及解析】 C根据句意可知,这是在一个嘈杂的环境中的谈话,由于没听清对方的话,希望对方重复。选项A、B、D虽然都有这种意思,但都缺乏礼貌,不符合英语习惯,故答案选c。


--What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game.

--_________.Whatever you want to do is fine with me.

A.It just depends B.It‟s up to you C.All right D.Glad to hear that

【答案及解析】 B选项A意思是:看情况,表示情况不定;B意思是:由你定,表示不管干什么,我都不在乎;c意思是:行,好,表示赞同;D意思是:听到这事很高兴,表示心情。根据句意,答案选B。


--You haven‟t lost the ticket,have you?

--________.I know it‟s not easy to get another one at the moment.

A.I hope not B.Yes.1 have C.I hope so D.Yes.1‟m'afraid so

【答案及解析】 A从下文语气可知,回答应该是否定,因为现在的票不易买到。而选项B、C、D多用于肯定句的应答。故答案选A。

真题12(2004江苏卷35)--How long are you staying?--I don‟t know.________ .

A.That‟s OK B.Never mind C.It depends D.It doesn‟t matter

【答案及解析】 c选项A是在别人表示感谢时的回答;选项B是对别人的安慰;C表示:自己没有计划;D也表示对他人的安慰。根据句子I don‟t know可知,“我”也没有计划,故本题答案为C。


--I‟d like to take a week‟s holiday.

--_________,we‟re too busy.

A.Don‟t worry B.Don‟t mention it C.Forget it D.Pardon me

【答案及解析】C C意为:你提都别提。从we‟re too busy可推知回答者意思:你别想休假,我们太忙。考生易误选B,其实B意为“没关系…„不必客气”,是对道歉或道谢的答语。A、D也不合题意。


--I would never come to this restaurant again.The food is terrible!--________.A.Nor am I B.Neither would I C.Same with me D.So do I

【答案及解析】 B neither/nor+助动词+sb/sth意为“某人/某物也不……”,助动词的形式应与主语和时态保持一致。因此本题答案是B。


I hope you don‟t mind me asking,________where did you buy those shoes? A.so B.and C.yet D.but

【答案及解析】D but作为一个语气词,起一个启下的作用,并无实际意义,如:I‟d like to come to the dinner,but I have a lot of work to finish. Excuse me,but could you tell me the way to the nearest bank?

真题16(全国[河南、河北、山东、福建]21)—It‟s getting late.I‟m afraid I must be going now.


A.Take it easy B.Go slowly C.Stay longer D.See you


真题17(全国[河南、河北、山东、福建]34)--Susan,will you please go and empty that drawer?--___________?

A.What for B.What is it C.How is it D.How come

【答案及解析】A A表示做什么用;B表示是什么;c表示怎么样;D表示为什么。根据语境,说话人要Susan去清空抽屉,而Susan问清空抽屉做什么用,故选A。


Let‟s keep to the point or we _________any decisions.

A.will never reach B.have never reached C.never reach D.never reached

【答案及解析】 A祈使句后加or或and引导的句子一般用将来时态。


--Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide?--Of course._________sir.

A.Make yourself at home B.Enjoy yourself C.It doesn‟t matter D.Take your time

【答案及解析】D A指要对方不要受拘束,随便一点;B指要对方尽兴地玩,不要有其他的顾虑;C指在对方做了不该做的事后的安慰;D意思是要对方别着急,慢慢做某事,在此指慢慢看菜单。根据上句的意思,只有选项D符合语境。故答案选D。

真题20(200,1天津卷21)--How often do you eat out?

--________,but usually once a week.

A.Have no idea B.It depends C.As usual D.Generally speaking

【答案及解析】 B从后面句子的连接词可排除选项c、D,因为but需连接两个相同的成分;选项A的意思是:不知道;B的意思是:看情况而定。根据上文的意思:你每隔几天在外面吃一顿饭。像这样的问题,显然选项A不合适,只能选B,意思是:这看情况而定,有时多,有时少,但通常是一周一次。

真题21(2004湖南卷35)--Now,where is my purse?

--________!We‟11 be late for the picnic.

A.Take your time B.Don‟t worry C.Come on D.Take it easy



--I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry tO her.

--________.It was her fault.

A.No way B.Not possible C.No chance D.Not at all

【答案及解析】A 选项C表示“没有机会”;选项D表示“一点也不”,与上下文的语境不符,应予以排除;选项B表示“(客观事物的发生)不可能”;而选项A是俚语,意思是“不可能”,强调主观意志。根据上下旬的意思,前者劝后者打电话去道歉,而后者显然是主观上不愿意而断然拒绝。译文:“我认为你该打电话给珍妮,向她表示歉意。”“没门儿!是她的错。” 真题23(2003北京春季卷23)--I‟m sorry I‟m calling you so late:

--________ okay.

A.This is B.You‟re C.That‟s D.I‟m

【答案及解析】C 本题在语境中考查了代词的用法。This指代下文,That指代上文,从文中可以看出that指代上句“calling SO late”没有关系。That‟s okay =That‟s all fight“没关系”是道歉的应答语。


--Thanks for the lovely party and the delicious food.

--________.A.No thanks B.Never mind C.All right D.My pleasure

【答案及解析】 D 本题考查回答感谢的交际用语。No thanks是中国式英语;Never mind是“没关系”;All fight是“好吧”的意思,正确的应为That‟s all right,可以排除A、B、c,故答案选D。


--I‟m taking my driving test tomorrow.


A.Cheers B.Good luck C.Come on D.Congratulations

【答案及解析】B Good luck!是向对方表示祝愿的用语,祝愿对方在明天的驾驶考试中取得好的成绩。Cheers!表示欢呼与喝彩;Come on!表示劝说、激励、不耐烦等,意思是“来!快!得了!”;Congratulations!是当对方取得成绩时,向对方表示祝贺的用语。

真题26(2002 j£京卷35)

--It‟s been a wonderful evening.Thank you very much.

--________.A.My pleasure B.I‟m.glad to hear that C.No.thanks D.It‟s OK

【答案及解析】 A考查对感谢的回答用语。My pleasure.是对对方的感谢进行客气回答,相当于:That‟s all fight/It‟s a/my pleasure。No,thanks.一般用来对对方的邀请进行委婉地谢绝;Never mind.是回答别人安慰时的用语;All right/It‟s 0K.表示对别人的提议表示赞同或认可;I‟m glad to hear that.表示听到有关别人的好消息时的一种心情。


--Will you go skating with me this winter vacation?--It ________.

A.all depend B.all depends C.is all depended D.is all depending

【答案及解析】 B It all depends或That depends是固定用法,意思是“这很难说,得看情况”。

真题28(2002京、蒙、皖春季卷21)--I‟ve got your invitation.


A.Can you come? B.Thanks a lot. C.I‟ll take it. D.May I help you?

【答案及解析】 A选项B是对别人所给予的帮助表示感谢;选项C表示“愿意要/买某东西”;选项D表示对别人进行帮助,都与语境不符。选项A表示 “想知道对方是否愿意接受邀请”,因此选项A最合适。

真题29(2001全国卷21)--Good morning,Grand Hotel.


--Hello.I‟d like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19tb.

A.What can I do for you? B.Just a minute,please.

C.What‟s the matter? D.At your service.

【答案及解析】B B虽未正面回答对方要求,但也属于一种合理的应答。A为提供帮助,但在对方已明确提出要求时还问这样的话不合情理;c为询问有何问题或有何故障,用于此处语境显然不合适;D从语言形式上看并无问题,但At your service意为乐意效劳,但对方已提出明确要求,再如此说实是多此一举。

真题30(2001京、蒙、皖春季卷6)--Write to me when you get home.


A.I must B.I should C.I will D.I can

【答案及解析】 C选项A表示决心;选项B表示该做而未做;选项D表示能力,都不合题意。只有选项C正确。表示说话者的意志,意思是:一定。

真题31(2001上海春季卷41)--Let‟s go swimming.shall we?--________

A.It‟s my pleasure B.It doesn‟t matter C.Yes.1et‟s go D.I agree with you

【答案及解析】C这是一个反意疑问句,反意疑问句与一般疑问句的答语相似之处就是要用Yes或N0作明确回答。当对方用Let‟s…征求意见时,可以回答Yes,let‟s…译文:“我们去游泳,好吗?”“好的,走吧。”It‟s one‟s/a pleasure是对“Thank you”的回答;It doesn‟t matter是对“Sorry”的回答。I agree with you是同意别人的观点、看法。

真题32(2001上海春季卷42)--I enjoyed the food very much.

--I‟m glad you like it.Please drop in any time you like.


A.Is it all right? B.I‟m afraid I won‟t be free.

C.Yes.I will. D.That‟s great.

【答案及解析】 C当对方邀请做某事时,可以回答Yes,1 will.或Certainly,I will.译文:“我非常喜欢这种食物。”“我很高兴你喜欢它。欢迎常来。”“好的,我会的。”用Is it all right?和I‟m afraid 1 won‟t be free.回答很不客气。That‟s great.的意思是“那太好了”,不符合日常说话的习惯。


--I‟m afraid I can‟t finish the book within this week.

--________.A.Please go ahead B.That‟s all right C.Not at all D.Take your time

【答案及解析】D Take your time的意思是“别着急”。译文:“恐怕这周内我完不成这本书。…„别着急。”Please go ahead意为:说吧,做吧,是不阻止别人请求的一种答语;That‟s all right意为:不谢,没关系。但从对话可知前者是在说明一个事实:一周内完不成,而没道歉或感谢之意,故排除B。Not at all用法等同于That‟s all right。


--Hello,may I have an appointment with the doctor?--________

A.sorry,he is busy at the moment. B.Why didn‟t you call earlier? C.Certainly.May I know your name? D.Sorry,he doesn‟t want to see you.

【答案及解析】 C从doctor这个词可以判断这是病人与护士之间的谈话。病人想见医生,所以护士说Certainly.May I know your name?其他几种回答都不符合现实情况。译文:“喂,我 可以和医生订个约会吗?”“当然可以,我可以知道你的名字吗?” 真题35(2001上海春季卷45)

--Do you think oar basketballers played very well yesterday?--________

A.They were not nervous at all B.They were still young C.They played naturally D.They couldn‟t have done better

【答案及解析】D They couldn‟t have done better.在这里是一句赞扬的话,说明他们已经尽到了最大的努力,不会打的比这再好了。泽文:“你认为昨天篮球运动员打得出色吗?”“他们做的不能比这更好了。” 真题36(2000全国卷6)--What about having a drink?--_________.A.Good idea. B.Help yourself. C.Go ahead,please. D.Me,too.

【答案及解析】 A What/How about...句型常用来提出建议、想法,征求意见或询问情况。Me,too表示本人也愿意做;Good idea则是对别人的提议表示赞成;Help yourself意为:请便,是对他人要做的事的一种赞同;Go ahead也是同意别人做事的答语。答案为A。


--I can‟t eat this.It‟s too salty.

A.Yes.sir? B.What? C.All right? D.Pardon?

【答案及解析】 A选项A表示对对方叫喊的回应,这里是服务员对顾客的回答;选项B表示一种惊讶或疑问;选项C表示疑问或怀疑;选项D表示没有听明白对方的意思而希望对方重复。通过比较得出正确答案为A。


--Shall I help you with that suitcase?--________

A.It‟s all right,thanks B.Yes,go ahead please

C.I don‟t want to trouble you too much D.No.please don‟t do it

【答案及解析】 A Shall I help…?是提供帮助的交际用语。It‟s all right thanks.表示接受对方的帮助,并表示感谢。用Yes,go ahead please.“好的,你做吧。”回答不太客气。如果不需对方帮助一般要说:Thanks all the same,I can manage it myself。


--You‟ve given US a wonderful Chinese dinner.Mrs.Wang.


A.Oh.I‟m afraid I didn‟t cook very well B.I‟m glad you enjoyed it

C.Come again when you are free D.It‟s not necessary for you to say so

【答案及解析】 B You‟ve given US a wonderful dinner,Mrs Wang.是以赞扬对方的话表示谢意,对方可以回答说Thank you.或I‟m glad you enjoyed it.选项A和D都是中国式的答语,不符合西方的习惯。Come again when you are free.显得过于唐突。


--Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?--________

A.I‟d rather you didn‟t, actually B.Of course not,it‟s not allowed here C.Great!I love pets D.No.you can‟t

【答案及解析】 A Do you mind if...?是表示征求许可的El常用语。对Do you mind...的回答要注意:不介意时要说No,certainly/Not/Of course not;如果介意要说Sorry,but...或I‟d rather you didn‟t…,所以选项B和D都是错误的。选项C不符合西方人的习惯。答案为A。


--I don‟t have any change with me.Will you pay the fare for me?--________

A.That‟s fine B.Nothing serious C.Never mind D.No problem

【答案及解析】D Will you...?是表示请求对方做某事的13常用语。No problem表示对别人的请求欣然接受;Nothing serious及Never mind是对别人焦急或不安的心情的安慰;That‟s fine是同意别人去做,故答案选D。


--I didn‟t know this Was a one-way street.officer.

A.That‟s all fight. B.I don‟t believe you.

C.How dare you say that? D.Sorry,but that‟s no excuse.

【答案及解析】 D选项A是对别人表示感谢时的答语;选项B显得太唐突;选项c是在下级或晚辈说了冒犯的话语时的用语;I didn‟t know this was a one-way street,officer.解释自己为什么走错了路。但是,虽然不知道,违反了交通规则也要受到处罚,而不应该提出任何借口。


--I believe we‟ve met somewhere before.


A.it isn‟t the same B.it Can‟t be true C.I don‟t think so D.I‟d rather not

【答案及解析】 c 当不同意对方意见时可以回答说:“I don 7 t think SO.”或“I think not.”it can‟t be true太生硬,I‟d rather not意为:“我宁可不”,与题意不符。


--I just heard that the tickets for tonight‟s show have been sold out.

--Oh no!_________.

A.1 was looking forward t。that B.It doesn‟t matter C.I knew it already D.It‟s not at all interesting

【答案及解析】A 从Oh no!可知,对方对票全部售完表示惋惜,说明对方一直在盼望着看这次表演。所以选项B、c、D都不符合题意。答案为A 1.(2005全国卷)---Can I speak to Mr.Wang , please ?---_____________.A.Who are you ? B.I‟m Wang C.Speaking D.Are you John ? 答案 C 在电话用语中当接电话人就是对方要找的人时接电话人就说This is---speaking.This is---或Speaking.1.(2005全国卷)---Oh, dear!I‟ve broken a window.---_________.It can‟t be helped.A.Never mind B.All right C.That‟s fine D.Not at all

答案 A never mind 不用担心。此处用来安慰人。句意为:不担心,实在没法儿。3.(2005湖南卷)---It‟s cloudy outside.Please take an umbrella.---____________.A.Yes, take it easy B.Well, it just depends C.OK, just in case D.All right , you‟re welcome 答案 C

in case 可以引导状语从句。In case 可以看作in case it rains的省略形式。4.(2005安徽卷)---I‟m terribly sorry I broke your glass.---___________.A.That‟s right B.Bad luck C.Sorry D.You can forget it

答案 D 表达“没关系,不要紧”!此处该用You can forget it 来安慰对方。5.(2005山东卷)---Could you do me a favor and take these books to my office ?---Yes, _________.A.for pleasure B.I could C.my pleasure D.with pleasure

答案 D 此处是回答对方提出的要求,故选择with pleasure 表示“很乐意(为你做事)”。



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