
时间:2019-05-15 00:51:45下载本文作者:会员上传


98年01月托福听力文字 Part A 部分

1.A: The tickets for that rock concert finally go on sale next Saturday at five o’clock.1。答:摇滚音乐会的票在下星期六5点钟开卖。

B: I heard that anyone who wants one had better get there sooner than that.B:我听说任何人想要买票的要尽快。What does the woman imply?

女人意味着什么呢? 2.A: Your train will be ready for boarding in fifteen minutes, sir.Breakfast will be offered in the dining car.2。答:你的火车在十五分钟后开始检票,先生。在餐车里提供早餐。B: Good.I’ll have just enough time to send a fax before leaving.B:好的。离开之前我刚好有足够的时间去发个传真。What does the man plan to do next? 男人如何计划下一步做什么? 3.A: Shall I cut your hair for you?

3。我要为你剪你的头发? B: No way.Last time you almost made me bald.B:没门。上次你几乎使我秃头。What does the man imply? 这个男士暗示什么? 4.A: I have to call the apartment manager.4。我打电话给公寓经理。B: Lost your keys again, huh? B:又把你的钥匙丢了,嗯? What does the woman imply?

女人意味着什么呢? 5.A: Would you like to try the new seafood restaurant tonight? I hear it’s very good.5。今晚你想试试新开的海鲜饭馆吗?我听说它是非常好的。

B: I have to give a presentation tomorrow and I need to do a trial run.B:我明天得演讲,我现在需要练习。What does the woman mean? 那个女人说什么? 6.A: Uh huh.Somebody left their wallet here.6。答:嗯嗯。有人在这里丢了钱包。

B: See if there is some kind of identification in it.B:看看里面是否有证明身份的某种东西。What does the man suggest the woman do? 男人如何建议女人做什么? 7.A: Dr.Smith asked us to watch that special专刊 on the Civil War on TV this weekend.Do you want to come over Saturday night? 7。答:史密斯博士要求我们周末观看关于内战的电视专题片,你想星期六晚上一起过来看吗?

B: Oh, I’m supposed to help my cousin move then.It’s being rebroadcast on Sunday afternoon though.Is that OK for you?

B:哦,我要帮助我的表姐搬家。另外周日下午有重播,你看呢? What does the man mean? 男士的意思是什么呢? 8.A: I don’t know how I managed to break that platter盘子.I’ll be more than happy to buy you a new one.8。答:我不知道怎么打碎了盘子。我将很乐意购买你新的。B: Forget about it.Some things just can’t be helped.B:忘掉它。有些事情是没办法的。What does the woman mean?

那个女人说什么? 9.A: I wonder if there is a bus that goes by the museum.9。答:我不知道有没有去博物馆的公共汽车。

B: The history museum on Main Street? Take one that says eight “A” on the front.B:历史博物馆在中央大街吗?做前面有8个“A”的那一路。What does the man mean? 男士的意思是什么呢? 10.A: It’s pouring.We’re never going to make our flight if we don’t leave soon.10。答:天在下倾盆大雨。如果我们不尽快离开,我们坐不上飞机了。B: Oh, don’t worry so much.I’m sure we’ll get there in plenty of time.B:哦,别太担心了。我相信我们会有充足的时间。What does the woman mean?

那个女人说什么? 11.A: Hey, there’s a program on the radio tonight at seven you might like.It’s about owls.11。嘿, 今晚七点广播电台有一个节目你可能会喜欢。它是关于猫头鹰的。B: I hadn’t heard about it.But you’re right, I am interested.B:我以前从来没有听说过它。但你是对的,我很感兴趣。What will the woman probably do? 女人可能会怎样做? 12.A: How long can you keep the videotapes?

12。A:你能保持这些录像带多长时间? B: If they are not returned by the time the media center closes tonight, I’ll have to pay a fine.B:如果今晚他们在媒体中心关闭前不交回,我将不得不支付罚金。What does the man mean? 男士的意思是什么呢? 13.A: So you need someone to watch your cats while you’re away.13。答:所以你需要在你不在的时候有人看你的猫。B: Would that be a problem for you? B:那是一个问题吗? What does the man want to know?

男人如何想知道吗? 14.A: Jane told me she’d meet me here at the library reference desk at one o’clock.But she hasn’t shown up yet.14。简告诉我她将在一点钟时在在图书馆参考桌前与我会面。但她到现在还没到。B: Oh, I just saw her upstairs in the third floor study lounge.She said she had been expecting you at 12:30.B:哦,我刚看见她在第三层楼上休息室学习。她说她十二点半等你。What does the man say about Jane?

男人说什么关于简? 15.A: Could you give this note to Mitchell? 15。你能把这张纸条米歇尔? B: Give it to Mitchell? What am I? a messenger?

B:给米切尔吗?我是什么?一个信使吗? What does the man imply? 这个男士暗示什么? 16.A: I’m sorry I forgot to return your physics book last night.16。我很抱歉忘了还给你昨晚物理学的书。

B: I’ll forgive you considering the test isn’t till Friday.B:考虑到星期五才考试,我会原谅你的。What does the man imply? 这个男士暗示什么? 17.A: I’m having a lot of trouble with calculus and my professor can’t seem to explain it in a way that makes sense to me.17。我学微积分有很多麻烦,我的教授似乎无法解释清楚。

B: You know, the student government runs a tutoring service.I was ready to drop trigonometry last semester before they helped me out.B:你知道,学生会有一个辅导服务。我是准备放弃了,上学期学三角函数之前,他们帮助我的。

What does the man suggest the woman do?

男人如何建议女人做什么? 18.A: I see that your roommate Donna’s editor of the newspaper this year.18。答:我看到你的室友唐娜是今年的报纸编辑。

B: Editor yes, but you’d never know she was my roommate.I’ve hardly seen her since the beginning of the term.She might as well move her bed over to the newspaper office.B:编辑是的,但你永远也不会知道她是我的室友。因为学期伊始我还没见过她。她不如把她的床挪到报社。

What can be inferred about Donna? 可以推断出什么关于唐娜? 19.A: John, I really can’t afford any more interruptions right now.I’ve got to finish this assignment.19。A:约翰,我真的不能承受任何干扰了。我得完成这个作业。

B: I’m sorry Cathy.Just one more thing, I forgot to ask you if you could give me a ride to school tomorrow.B:对不起,凯西。还有一件事,我忘了问你,如果你能明天给我一个车骑去上学。What can be inferred about the man? 我们可以推断出此男人如何? 20.A: I’m really disappointed about not getting that job.20。答:我很失望没有得到那份工作。

B: An evening at the Jazz club ought to make you feel better.B:一个晚上的爵士俱乐部应该让你感觉更好。What does the man suggest the woman do?

男人如何建议女人做什么? 21.A: Every single book I need for my report is off the shelves.21。答:我需要的那本书下架了。B: Tough luck.B:真倒霉。

What does the man mean? 男士的意思是什么呢? 22.A: I’ve got five pairs of pants and seven shirts packed.22。答:我有五条裤子和七件衬衫打包了。B: You’ll be away for a while then.B:你要离开一会儿了。

What does the woman mean? 那个女人说什么? 23.A: I just admitted my entry for the art club’s photography contest.23。我刚刚获得批准能够参加艺术俱乐部摄影比赛。B: I had no idea there was going to be one.B:我不知道会将有一个。What does the man mean?

男士的意思是什么呢? 24.A: Do you ever get tired of all the talk about fat and cholesterol? 24。你一直谈论脂肪和胆固醇有没有厌倦? B: Do I? You know sometimes I think it’s just a fad.How can so many different things be bad for you?

B:我?你知道有时我认为这只是一种时尚。怎么可以这样许多不同的事情对你不好吗? What does the woman imply? 女人意味着什么呢? 25.A: I thought you were going to call me last night about the train schedule.25。答:我还以为你昨晚要打电话给我关于火车时刻表。

B: Sorry, I would have.But Harry and Jack stopped by and stayed past midnight.B:对不起,我本来要打的。但被哈利和杰克拦住了,呆在午夜。What does the woman mean? 那个女人说什么? 26.A: I’ll read you the main points of the report over the phone.26。我会在电话读你的报告要点。

B: Great.That'll help me stay on top of the project till I'm able to come back to work.B:太好了。这将帮助我熟练掌握该项目,直到我能回来工作。What does the man mean? 男士的意思是什么呢? 27.A: I’ll be happy to show you more spacious unit on the twelfth floor.27。我很乐意向您展示12层的更宽敞的房间。

B: Please do.This place is nice but it seems pretty cramped.B:麻烦你了。这地方很好但是似乎很拥挤。What does the woman imply?

女人意味着什么呢? 28.A: I hear you did some serious shopping this past weekend.28。我听说你上周末购物花了不少钱。

B: Yep.The speakers from my old stereo finally gave out and there was no way to repair them.B:是的。我的老立体声扬声器坏了,没有办法修。What did the woman probably do over the weekend? 女人做什么可能的周末? 29.A: We are thinking of taking the kids to the new aquarium this weekend.Do you think it’s worth the trip?

29。答:我们想这个周末带孩子们去新开的水族馆。你认为那里值得一去吗? B: I’ve heard good things about it.I hope I get a chance to go myself soon.B:我听说这好事情。我希望我有机会自己去。What does the woman imply?

女人意味着什么呢? 30.A: It’s a tradition.Every New Year’s Day my sister and I go skating on the lake.30。答:这是一个传统。每个新年我妹妹和我在湖上溜冰。B: Has it been cold enough this winter? Or will you go indoors? B:今年天已经足够冷了吗?或者你去室内吧? What does the man imply? 这个男士暗示什么?

Part B B部分

Questions 31-35 Listen to a conversation between two students who’ve met on campus.问题31-35听之间的谈话的两名学生在校园见过。

How do you and your housemates like the new co-op? I’m thinking of joining it myself.你怎样和你的室友喜欢新的合作社吗?我正在考虑加入它自己。

We like it quite a bit.We get some very fresh produce and both staples and fair prices.我们很喜欢它。我们得到了一些非常新鲜农产品和两个主食和公平的价格。

But it certainly hasn’t saved us time.The co-op doesn’t carry everything.So we still wind up going to the supermarkets too, for cleaning supplies, batteries, that sort of thing.但它肯定没有节省了我们的时间。合作社不携带一切。所以我们仍然最终去超市也将清洁用品,电池,诸如此类。

I wish the co-op sold those items.I’ve been talking about it with some of the other members.我希望这些项目合作出售。我讨论了它与其它一些成员。What do members have to do? Just pay a membership fee? 成员必须做什么?只是交会员费吗? Yeah.There’s a fee and there’re meetings.But attendance isn’t acquired.But we do have to work there for an hour every week, which isn’t too bad.Once you are there you can get your shopping done.是的。有一笔费用,有会议。但出席学不到。但我们确实要在那里工作一个小时每星期,这还不算太坏。一旦你有做你能让你的购物。

I wouldn’t mind working there sometime.You’ll get to know about the products.But is the food free of additives.That will be the main reason I join.I’m a convert from junk food.Until now my diets have been largely chemical additives and pesticides.我不会在意工作。有机会。您将了解的产品有关。但是食品添加剂的自由。这将会是主要的原因,我加入。我是一个转换从垃圾食品。直到现在我的饮食已被主要化学添加剂和杀虫剂。

Well, a lot of food is pure and pesticide-free.They also have vitamin supplements and soy and tofu and that kind of thing.Lots of health food enthusiasts shop there.So if any source health oriented, the co-op is.嗯,很多的食物是纯粹的和无农药。他们也有维生素补充剂与大豆和豆腐和这一类的事情。很多健康食品爱好者去那里购物的。所以如果任何源健康导向,生存合作社。I’d like to try it just for a month or so.Do they have trial memberships?

我想试试这只是为了一个月左右。他们有审判会员资格吗? The shortest membership time is one month.Then if you like it, you can join for longer periods.And it becomes cheaper.A six-month membership costs as much as five individual months.最短的会员时间是一个月。然后,如果你喜欢,你可以加入更长。和它变得便宜了。一个六个月的会员费用高达五个人几个月。

Sounds pretty easy.Maybe the next time I run into you again it’ll be at the checkout line in the co-op.听起来很容易。也许下次我再遇到你就在收银台在合作社。31.What are the speakers mainly discussing?

31。谈话人主要讨论吗? 32.What change does the woman suggest the co-op make?

32。什么变化确实女士建议合作社呢? 33.What is one thing members of the co-op must do? 33。什么是一件事的协会的成员必须做什么? 34.Why might the man join the co-op? 34。为什么那个人加入合作社吗? 35.What is the advantage for the people who join the co-op for a six-month period? 35。有什么优势的人加入合作社进行为期6个月? Questions 36-39 Listen to a conversation between two students in the campus cafeteria.问题第10听之间对话的两个学生在校园的食堂。

Gosh!Fred.Another cup of coffee? That’s your third since lunch.天啊!弗雷德。再来一杯咖啡吗?这是你的第三个因为午餐。

Yeah.Well, I stayed up all night cramming for my history exam.I couldn’t keep my eyes open in my last class.I’m having this coffee so I can stay awake this afternoon.是的。嗯,我整晚熬夜临阵磨枪准备我的历史考试。我无法坚持睁开我的眼睛在我最后一节课。我在这次咖啡,所以我可以今天下午保持清醒。Don’t you know that drinking too much coffee is harmful? 你不知道喝了太多咖啡是有害的吗? What do you mean harmful? 你什么意思有害吗? Well, for one thing, it may cause heart disease.嗯,首先,它可能导致心脏病。

Nah.Most of the research about the link between coffee and heart disease is inconclusive.不。大多数研究的咖啡和心脏病之间的联系仍是不确定的。But coffee has caffeine which is addictive.上瘾的但这是addictive.上瘾的含咖啡因的咖啡

You can’t become addicted to caffeine like other drugs.你不能沉迷于咖啡因像其他药物。

Yes, you can.Don’t you know that people who are deprived of caffeine suffered withdraw symptoms especially headaches.是的,你可以。你不知道那些被剥夺了睡眠的咖啡因遭受撤回症状特别是头痛。

One cure for headaches, oddly enough, is caffeine.Haven’t you ever noticed that many over-the-counter headache remedies use caffeine as one of their ingredients?

一个治愈头痛,奇怪的是,咖啡因是。难道你从来没有注意到,许多场外头疼药使用咖啡因作为他们的一个成分吗? Besides, coffee helps me work faster.此外,咖啡可以帮助我工作得更快。

Studies have shown that coffee makes you work faster, but not necessarily better.研究表明,喝咖啡使你工作得更快,但不一定更好。

You may finish your exam in a shorter period of time but you won’t have fewer errors.你可以完成你的考试在很短的时间内,但你不会有更少的错误。You know, that soda you’re drinking has caffeine in it too.你知道,你喝含咖啡因的苏打水了。

But twelve ounces of soda has only half the caffeine of a five ounces cup of coffee.但十二盎司的汽水只有一半的咖啡因的一个五盎司一杯咖啡。And a cup of tea has less than that.和一杯茶比这少。

But I like the taste of coffee.但我喜欢咖啡的味道。You could drink decaf.你可以喝脱咖啡因。

Decaffeinated coffee doesn’t have as much flavor or body as regular coffee.不含咖啡因的咖啡不会有同样多的味道或身体作为普通咖啡。Besides, I want something that will keep me alert in class.此外,我想要一些能让我保持警惕的类。36.What is the conversation mainly about? 36。主要是关于谈话内容是什么? 37.What is the man’s problem?

37。什么是男人的问题吗? 38.What does the man say research shows about coffee? 38。男人如何说研究表明咖啡吗? 39.What does the woman probably think about coffee? 39。是什么样的女人可能会考虑对咖啡吗?

Part C


Questions 40-43 Listen to part of a lecture in a composition class.问题40-43听讲座的一部分在组合类。

By the end of the term, I hope you will be convinced as I am that formal writing always requires revision.Sometimes it requires a fairly major rewriting of the paper.Some students have the mistaken idea that revision means simply making corrections in spelling 到这学期末时,我希望你会相信我,正式写作总是需要修订。有时它需要一个相当大的重写的纸。一些学生错误地认为,简单的修订意味着在拼写补正

and grammar.I call that proofreading.What I expect you to do with your revise is to evaluate and improve the overall effectiveness of your paper.But how can you tell if your paper is effective?

和语法。我叫它校对。我希望你去做的修改是评价和提高你的论文的整体有效性。但是你怎么知道你的论文是有效的吗? Well, for example, start by asking yourself these questions: Is the topic restricted enough to be fully discussed within the given length? Are the main ideas clear? Are they supported by specific details and examples? Do they move smoothly from one idea to the next? 哦,例如,先问自己这些问题:主题是受限制的,足以充分讨论在给定的时间长度?是主要的想法清楚吗?他们所支持的具体细节和例子吗?他们顺利地从一个想法到下一个? You need enough time for a possible major overhaul.That is you may have to make a lot of changes before your paper becomes really clear to the reader.So I’ll expect a preliminary draft of each paper two weeks before the final due date.That way I can criticize it and get it back in time for you to revise it.Then you can submit a final draft for 你需要足够的时间因为可能要做大规模的检查。这是你可能必须做出很大的改变你的论文之前变得很明确的读者。所以我期待一份论文初步草稿在最后期限前两星期。这样我可以批评它,让它回到时间让你修改它。然后你可以提交一个最终草案 grading.分级。

This process may seem like a great deal of trouble at first, but I think you’ll find it valuable.In fact, after you finish this course, I doubt that you well ever turn in a term paper without first revising it carefully.这个过程可能看起来像一个很大的麻烦在第一,但我认为你会发现它的价值。事实上,在你完成这个课程,我怀疑你曾经把在一个学期论文没有首先仔细修订。40.What is the purpose of the talk? 40。什么是谈话的目的? 41.What should be the students’ main goal as they revise their work? 41。应该是怎样的学生的主要目标,他们修订他们的工作吗? 42.When should the first drafts be turned in? 42。当应该第一个草案将在吗? 43.What effect does the instructor think the class will have on the students?

43。什么影响教师认为这个类会对学生吗? Questions 44-46 Listen to part of a radio program about environmental issues.问题44-46听广播节目的一部分对环境问题。

Are electric cars the way of the future? Automobile manufactures are under pressure to develop cars that do not pollute.One powerful motive is a California law requiring that by the year 2000 ten percent of new car sells in the state be so called zero-emission vehicles.These cars must put no pollutants whatsoever into the atmosphere.电动汽车是未来的发展方向吗?汽车制造商正在开发汽车的压力下,不污染。一个强大的动机是加州法律要求,到2000年百分之十的新车销售在州是所谓的零排放车辆。这些汽车必须把没有任何污染物进入大气。

California is a huge market for the automobile companies, so they are working hard to meet these standards.So far the electric car seems to be the best alternative.So the big advantage of electric cars is that they don’t pollute.However they will be in competition with gas-powered cars and that’s where the weaknesses come out.加州是一个巨大的市场,为汽车公司,因此他们正在努力达到这些标准。到目前为止,电动汽车似乎是最好的选择。如此大的优势,电动汽车的是,他们不会引起污染。然而他们将在竞争与汽油的汽车,在那里出来的弱点。

The big problem is that the batteries that power electric cars weigh a lot relative to the amount of power they deliver.For instance, in one prototype electric car, the batteries weighed 400 kilograms.And they provide enough energy to go 250 kilometers before recharging, which takes eight hours.Compare that to a moderately fuel-efficient


conventional car, it can go 600 to 700 kilometers on a tank of gas and refilling takes just minutes.If there are other drains on an electric car’s batteries besides the motor, headlights, air-conditioning or a heater, its already limited range will be significantly reduced.So automobile engineers are trying to make more powerful batteries that would

传统的汽车,它能行600到700公里的一箱汽油和注入只需要几分钟。如果有其他的排水管在电动汽车的电池除了电机、车头灯、空调、暖气,其已经有限的范围也将大大缩小。所以汽车工程师正在努力使更强大的电池, increase the cars’ range and make them more attractive to buyers.增加汽车的范围,使其更能够吸引买家。44.What is the talk mainly about? 44。什么是谈话主要是关于吗? 45.What is the main advantage of electric cars over gas-powered cars? 45。什么是电动汽车的主要优势在汽油为燃料的汽车吗? 46.What is the main drawback of the electric car? 46。什么是电动汽车的主要缺点? Questions 47-50 Listen to a talk given at a museum of natural history.问题47-50听讲座在自然历史博物馆。

I’d like to welcome you all to the Museum of Natural History.Today’s tour will take us through our newly renovated dinosaur exhibit where we have the largest collection of dinosaur fossils anywhere in the world.我想欢迎大家到自然历史博物馆。今天的旅行将带我们通过我们的新装修的恐龙展览的恐龙化石的最大的收集在世界任何地方。

Before we begin the tour, let me mention that there have been some major modifications to some of the exhibits over the past three years.Basically these changes were made because of recent changes in the way scientists interpret dinosaur behavior.在我们开始之前,旅游,让我提到了一些重大修改一些展品过去三年。基本上这些变化都是因为最近的方式上的改变科学家解释恐龙的行为。

For example, when we get to the first room, you’ll be able to see that the tyrannosaur’s rex skeleton is no longer standing upright with its tail dragging on the floor.That’s because paleontologists as they examined the area around its footprints more closely,例如,当我们到达的第一个房间,你就可以看到,雷克斯霸王龙的骨架是不再直立尾巴拖在地板上。这是因为古生物学家为他们检查其足迹周围地区的更加紧密, realized they could find no evidence of a heavy dragging tail which would have left behind marks in the earth.In its new position, the backbone is parallel to the floor, its head is pushed forward and its tail is stretched out acting as a counterweight.This new pose 意识到他们没有发现证据表明一个沉重的尾巴拖会留下的痕迹地球。在它的新位置,主干与地面平行,推动了它的头和尾巴伸出制衡。这个新的姿势

stresses the relationship between dinosaurs and modern birds and supports the theory that dinosaurs are actually more closely related to birds than to any other existing creature.强调恐龙之间的关系和现代鸟类和恐龙的理论提供了支持实际上更密切相关的鸟类比任何其他现有的生物。

Let me also point out that we have changed the way we grouped dinosaurs in our displays.There’s a new school of thought called kledistics where scientists determine


relationships among the animals according to common physical characteristics.The plesiosaurs and the oviraptour for instance, are separated by 148 million years.But they are grouped together here, because they both have a grass bean forefoot and an s-shape neck, physical evidence that they are indeed related.So now the exhibition

动物间的关系,根据常见的物理特性。oviraptour的蛇颈龙,例如,1.48亿年被隔离。但是他们被组合在一起来,因为他们都有一个草地bean前脚和一个“ s ”形的脖子,物理证据表明他们确实是相关的。所以现在展览

halls are arranged more like a family tree rather than the work-through tine that they used to be.大厅被安排更像一个家庭树而不是work-through齿,他们曾经是。47.Why has the museum modified its dinosaur exhibit? 47。为什么博物馆修改它的恐龙展览吗? 48.According to the speaker what is the tyrannosaur’s rex new position evidence of? 48。根据说话者的雷克斯霸王龙是什么新职位的证据吗? 49.Why are the plesiosaurs and the oviraptour displayed together? 49。为什么蛇颈龙和oviraptour展示在一起吗? 50.How were the dinosaurs originally grouped in the exhibit? 50。恐龙是如何最初把展览吗?


96年10月 托福听力文字

1.I want to play tennis tomorrow but I didn't bring my racket with me this evening.Do you have one I could borrow? What does the man imply?(A)He is playing tennis tomorrow.(B)Someone else has borrowed his racket.(C)His racket is not usable.(D)The woman should buy a new tennis racket.2.I thought this shirt was a great deal but I washed it once and it shrunk so much that I can't wear it.Some bargain.You should ask for a refund.What does the woman mean?(A)The shirt is clean.(B)The shirt was not expensive.(C)The man should try to get his money back.(D)The shirt needs to be washed again.3.I broke my ankle last Tuesday.And now I have to be on crutches for six weeks.I'm sorry to hear that.Is there anything I can do for you? What does the woman mean?(A)She's willing to help the man.(B)She's sorry that she injured the man.(C)She'd like the man to repeat what he said.(D)She wants to know what happened to the man.4.Why didn't you call me last night like you were supposed to? I did your time was busy.What does the man mean?(A)He tried to call the woman.(B)He was too busy to call the woman.(C)He didn't know he was supposed to call the woman.(D)He spoke to the woman on the phone last night.5.Sue, would you like a sandwich or something? Oh, please don't bother.I can get something later.What does the woman mean?(A)She's annoyed(气愤的)by the man.(B)She'd like a sandwich.(C)She has already eaten.(D)She doesn't want anything to eat now.6.This report is due tomorrow.Would you be able to work on it with me tonight? Unfortunately I have another commitment.What does the woman mean?(A)She's not qualified to write the report.(B)She's too busy to help the man.(C)She's surprised by the man's request.(D)She'd rather meet the man tonight.7.I wonder where the books I ordered are.I expected to receive the package several days ago.Maybe you'd better check it with the company.They could be temporarily out of stock.What does the man suggest the woman do?(A)Write a check to pay for the books.(B)Place an order for more books.(C)Open the box of books that the company shipped.(D)Call the company she ordered the books from.8.I just have to type this last page and then I'm through.By then I'll be done too.What does the woman mean?(A)She has to type two more pages.(B)She finished her work long ago.(C)The man can help her when he's done.(D)They'll complete their work at about the same time.9.Did you read the editorial in the paper about the mayor's speech? I sure did.But I think they twisted the meaning of what he said.What does the man say of the editorial?(A)It predicted the mayor(市长)would lose the election.(B)It clarified(明确,澄清)the mayor's position.(C)It didn't accurately represent the mayor's speech.(D)It listed the mayor's accomplishment.10.Why do we go to see a movie tonight? A good comedy might cheer you up.I would.But I the reason that I've been so down is all this work I have to do.What can be inferred about the man?(A)He doesn't have time to go to a movie.(B)He's upset with the woman.(C)He doesn't usually enjoy comedies.(D)He has almost finished his work.11.I'd like to try to sell some of my textbooks from the last semester.You and a few hundred other people.What does the woman imply?(A)The bookstore is rarely crowded.(B)She's bought all her textbooks for this semester.(C)Many students have used books to sell.(D)Last semester's books cost her several hundred dollars.12.Could I talk to you for a minute about the discrepancy I found in this graph? I'm kind of in the middle of things right now.What does the woman mean?(A)The graph belongs in the center of the page.(B)She can't discuss the problem until later.(C)She's only finished half of the document.(D)They should look for another graph immediately.13.Do you know if George is coming to the meeting? Oh, no.I was supposed to tell that he is sick and can't come.What does the man mean?(A)He's supposed to go to the meeting.(B)He wants the woman to give George the message.(C)He doesn't know why George can't attend the meeting.(D)He forgot to deliver a message.14.Dick, please don't tie up the phone.I need to make a call.I'll be off in a minute.What will the man do?(A)End his conversation quickly.(B)Make several calls for the woman.(C)Take the phone off the hook.(D)Write down his phone number.15.Saliy says we should meet her in the park at noon.I thought we were meeting at the library.What do the speakers disagree about?(A)Where to meet Sally.(B)Why Sally wants to meet them.(C)The location of the park.(D)The time of the meeting.16.I'm sort of upset with my brother.He hasn't answer either of my letters.Well, just remember how hectic your freshman year was.Give him a chance to get settled.What does the man imply?(A)The woman does not remember her brother's address.(B)The letters were probably lost in the mail.(C)The woman will soon get used to college life.(D)The woman' s brother probably hasn't had time to write.17.I wonder what this new flavor of ice cream tastes like? I tried it last week.If I were you, I would stick with an old favorite.What can be inferred from the conversation?(A)The man ordered his favorite flavor for the woman.(B)The woman doesn't have a favorite flavor.(C)The man didn't like the new flavor.(D)The woman has tasted the new flavor.18.Pete had hoped to have his apartment painted by this time.But he hasn't started yet, has he? What does the woman imply about Pete?(A)He started to work in a paint shop.(B)He hasn't started looking for an apartment.(C)He had an appointment with a painter today.(D)He isn't on schedule with his painting.19.You don't believe in diet, do you? There is nothing wrong with them but they have to combine with exercise to do any good.What does the man mean?(A)The woman's health has improved.(B)He does not have enough energy to exercise.(C)By themselves diets are not useful(D)Diets can be harmful.20.I'm amazed that you still haven't gotten to know your neighbors.They tend to keep to themselves.What does the man mean?(A)His neighbors don't need his help.(B)His neighbors aren't very sociable(好交际的).(C)His neighbors intend to go on vacation.(D)He's too busy to meet his neighbors.21.Joe, could you please help me straighten the rug? I'll move it while you lift up this side of the desk.Sure.Oh, just a minute.The lamp is still on it.What will the man probably do next?(A)Move the lamp.(B)Replace the rug.(C)Pick up one side of the desk.(D)She'll meet the man at the bank in half an hour.22.I had to stand in line at the bank for about half an hour.There were only two tellers open.That's where you and I differ.I would've gone back another time.What does the woman imply?(A)The man should have gone to a different bank.(B)The man should do business at her bank.(C)She wouldn't have waited so long.(D)She'll meet the man at the bank in half an hour.23.I was touched that our neighbor brought over a dish when we moved in.Yeah.Mrs.Smith really goes out of her way for others.What can be inferred about Mrs.Smith?(A)She is a good cook.(B)She lives far away from the woman.(C)She often takes trips abroad.(D)She often helps people.24.Where are you up to now? To meet a friend to come in on the subway.What does the woman mean?(A)The station is at the end of the street.(B)She met an old friend on the subway.(C)Her friend lives near the subway station.(D)She's picking someone up at the subway station.25.My company is flying me out to Hawaii on business next week.That's great.Where are they putting you up? What does the man want to know?(A)Which company the woman will do business with.(B)Where the woman's business will take place.(C)Which hotel the woman will stay in.(D)Where the woman will fly to.26.It's good to see you, Mary.How have you been? Actually I have been feeling under the weather recently.What does the woman mean?(A)She hasn't liked the recent weather.(B)She's been a little sick.(C)She's finally gotten over her fever.(D)She's had a lot of bad luck lately.27.It's a really nice apartment.But the owners want two-month rent in advance and I just don't have it.Do you think it would help if they knew what a good tenant you are? You could get your landlord to write them a letter.What does the woman suggest the man do?(A)Borrow the money for the first two months' rent.(B)Look for a less expensive apartment(C)Ask his landlord to reassure(使放心)the owners of the apartment.(D)Write a letter to the owners of the apartment.28.Good morning, East Coast Data Process.May I help you? Caroline? Oh, dear, I'm sorry, I thought I dialed Jack Easton, your number must be just above his in my address book.What can be inferred from the conversation?(A)The man lost his address book.(B)The man and the woman already know each other.(C)The man is sorry to bother Jack Easton.(D)Jack Easton and the woman work for the same company.29.There's a nonstop train for Washington leaving here at 2:15.That will be faster than taking the one that leaves at 2:00 and it will give us time to get a bite to eat.What does the woman imply?(A)The two o'clock train has a dining car.(B)The two o'clock train will arrive later than the nonstop one.(C)She plans to eat on the train.(D)She prefers to take the two o'clock train.30.Sorry about your report.I didn't realize it was in that stack of papers.Don't worry about it.Luckily I saved a copy on my computer.What can be inferred from the conversation?

(A)The woman is worried about losing some papers.(B)The woman wants the man to find the report.(C)The woman saved her report until the last minute.(D)The woman's report was thrown out by the man.PART B 31-34 Conversation between two students.* Hi, Bob.How is your oral presentation coming along? * What oral presentation? I don't have to give mine until the end of the next week.* You mean you haven't even started working on it yet? * No.I need the pressure of a deadline to get inspired.* Gee.I'm just the opposite.I can't concentrate unless I know I have plenty of time.Besides I have a big physics test next week so I want to get my presentation out of the way.* What's your presentation on? * William Carlos Williams.* Wasn't he a poet? I thought we were supposed to focus on a short story.* He wrote short stories, do you know? * Really? I never knew that I guess I'll learn more on Tuesday.Is that when you are supposed to talk? * Uh-huh.But I was going to offer you sneak preview.I'm looking for someone to tell me whether I'm talking to fast and whether you can follow what I'm saying.* I guess I could do that.When were you thinking of? * Will tonight be all right? I have a last to go to now but I'll be around after dinner.* That sounds good.I'll stop by your room.It's probably quieter there than in my hall.31.What do the students mainly discuss?(A)A physics exam.(B)A lecture they plan to attend(C)An assignment.(D)Their favorite poets.32.What does the woman want the man to tell her?(A)When the report is due.(B)How he chose his topic.(C)If he passed the course.(D)Whether her talk is clear.33.What will the man probably do after dinner?(A)Listen to the woman's talk.(B)Study for a test.(C)Go to class.(D)Prepare his presentation.34.Where do the students arrange the meet?(A)In the library.(B)In the woman's dormitory.(C)In an empty classroom.(D)In the dining hall.35-37 Conversation between two students.* Have you ever read anything about pseudo sciences? * You mean fake sciences? Yes.In fact I was just reading some articles about the brain.I have been looking through some of my roommate's science magazines and I came across an article on phrenology.* Phrenology, wasn't that the pseudo science founded by the scientist Franz Gall? * Yes.Gall maintained that people's characters could be determined by the size and the shape of their skulls.For example he though that a pump in a certain place on the head means that the person had the ability of a musician.* Really? I wonder what phrenologists would say about the bumps on my head.Would they say I have the abilities to be a doctor, or a plumber, or a thief.* Well, I'm not sure exactly what the connection is between a person's abilities and the physical characteristics of the head.But although there's no scientific basis for phrenology, it is true that the bead is the center control for the rest of the body.* I guess you are right.Scientists now know that different parts of the brain control different parts of the body.* Yes.And I wouldn't be surprised that the scientists one day discover that certain aspect of phrenology has scientific application.35.What is the source of the woman's information?(A)A professor's lecture.(B)A magazine article.(C)A television program.(D)A doctor's report.36.According to phrenology, what determines a person's character?(A)Body size and shape.(B)Influence from the parents(C)Physical characteristics of the head.(D)Conditioning from the environment.37.What does the woman say about the sections of the brain?(A)Different sections of the brain control different body functions.(B)Blows to certain areas of the skull will affect some brain functions.(C)Stimulating certain sections of the brain will increase brain functions.(D)Physical and mental(精神的,心里的)abilities are localized in one section of the brain.PART C 38 to 42 Talk given in a library science class.In the early 1800s, the paper industry was still using rags as its basic source of fiber as it had for many centuries.However the rag supply couldn't keep up with the growing demand for paper.The United States alone was using 250 thousand tons of rags each year.And a quarter of that had to be imported.It was clear that a new source of fiber was needed to keep up with the demand for paper.The answer to this problem turned out to be paper made from wood pulp, something that was abundantly available in north America.IN Canada, the first wood pulp mill was set up in 1866 and it was immediately successful.But while wood pulp solved the problem of quantity it created a problem of quality.Wood contains a substance called lignin.The simplest way to make large quantities of cheap paper involved leaving the lignin in the wood pulp.But lignin is acidic and its presence in paper has shorten the life expectancy of paper from several centuries for rag pager to less than a century for paper made from wood pulp.This means that books printed less than a hundred years ago are already turning yellow and beginning to disintegrate, even though books printed much earlier maybe in the conditions.This is bad enough for the older books on your bookshelf but it opposes a huge problem for libraries and the collections of government documents.38.What does the speaker mainly discuss?

(A)The growth of the publishing industry.(B)The history of papermaking.(C)The uses of paper in the nineteenth century.(D)The composition of wood fiber.39.What did the paper industry need a new source of fiber in the early 1800s?(A)Publishers wanted higher quality paper.(B)Paper made from rags deteriorated(恶化,变坏)too quickly(C)Wood pulp had become too expensive.(D)The supply of rags was insufficient.40.What can inferred about the first wood pulp mill in Canada?(A)It turned out high-quality paper.(B)It used wood imported from the United States.(C)It caused a serious deforestation problem.(D)There was a ready marker for its product.41.According to the speaker, what is the problem with lignin?(A)It is difficult to obtain.(B)Paper cannot be made without it.(C)It causes paper to deteriorate.(D)It prevents wood from being turned into pulp.42.According to the speaker, what problem do libraries face?(A)Many of their books are in poor condition.(B)They have too many books from the early 1800's.(C)They don't have enough space to store government documents.(D)They have to import most of the paper they use.43 to 47 Radio announcer talking about a current topic.A recent report has shown that here in the United States, we've experienced an evolution concerning our attitudes towards the workweek and the weekends.Although some calendars still mark the beginning of a week as Sunday, more and more of us are coming to regard Monday as the first day of the week with Saturday and Sunday comprising the two-day period thought as the weekend.In fact the word “weekend” didn't even exist in English until about the middle of last century.In England at that time, Saturday afternoons had just been added to Sundays and holidays as a time for workers to have off from their jobs.This innovation became common in the United States in the 1920s, but as the workweek were shortened during the Great Depression of the 1930s, the weekend expanded to two full days-Saturday and Sunday.Some people thought that this trend would continue due to increasing automation and the workweek might decrease to four days or even fewer.But so far this hasn't happened.The workweek seems to have stabilized as forty hours made up of five eight-hour days.After this commercial I'll be back to talk about the idea of adding Monday to the weekend.43.What is the speaker mainly discussing?(A)Attitudes toward employment.(B)Attitudes toward leisure activities.(C)Shifting job opportunities.(D)The evolution of the weekend.44.According to the speaker, what is changing in the way people think about the week?(A)Which days people should work.(B)How the week is divided into(分成)days.(C)Which day begins the work.(D)How many weeks there are in a month.45.According to the speaker, how has the amount of time people work changed from the early part of the century?(A)The weekend has decreased in length.(B)The number of national holidays has increased.(C)People work fewer days per week.(D)People work more hours each day.46.What does the speaker imply about the workweek in England in early 1800s?(A)It was six days long.(B)It didn't include Saturday afternoon.(C)It always included at least one holiday.(D)It didn't allow the workers time off.47.According to the speaker, what affect did some people think the increasing use of automation would have?(A)It would make the workday longer.(B)It would allow people to work on the weekend.(C)It would make leisure(空闲)activities expensive.(D)It would create much more free time.48 to 50 A professor talking to her music students.I don't think I have told you about my trip to Tangle wood's music festival.When I was in college, I won a music competition and the prize was a week at Tangle wood.Anyway it is one of the world's most famous music festivals and the summer pome the Boston Symphony Orchestra.It is located in the beautiful Berkshire Hills in New England.The summer musical season consists given over about mine weeks: from just 1st through the first week in September.The biggest stars on the music scene appear here.The year I went I was Lucky enough to see Leonard Bemstein conducting.I understand it is sometimes hard to get tickets but of course mine were a part of the prize.If you want to sit inside the tickets are expensive.It's much cheaper to sit outside on the lawn.But it might rain, or sometimes it is really cool even in the summer.Either way the sound system is excellent.So it doesn't really matter where you sit.I seem to recall that the festival got started in the 1930s.Some Berkshire residents invited a symphony orchestra to perform a few outdoor concerts.The concerts were so successful that after a couple of years that things really took off.And the festival has got bigger and better every year.Attending was such a wonderful experience.I'd love to be able to go again.And I hope that all of you would be able to go too.48.Why did the professor originally go to Tanglewood?(A)She went to college nearby.(B)She won a contest.(C)Her family vacationed there.(D)She was a friend of Leonard Bernstein's.49.According to the professor, what is the disadvantage of sitting on the lawn?(A)It's difficult to hear.(B)The lawn is usually very crowded.(C)The setting isn't very pretty.(D)The audience might get wet.50.What does the professor imply about the festival?(A)It is held in Boston.(B)All the seats are indoors.(C)It is not well known.(D)It has been going on for a long time.51.What is the killdeer's nest in parking lot an example of?(A)

52.According to the speaker, what is a possible reason that birds began to build nests in trees?(A)


95年8月 托福听力文字

1.Do you want to go on(进行)a trip with us to Florida this spring? It will cost about $300 a person.$300 you think I just have this fortune What can be inferred about the man?(A)He makes a lot of money.(B)He has just been left some money.(C)He doesn't believe three hundred dollars is enough.(D)He can't afford to spend that much.2.My watch stopped again.And I just got a new battery.Why don't you take it to Smith's Jewelry.They can check it for you.And they're pretty reasonable.What does the man mean?

(A)He knows what is wrong with the watch.(B)The woman doesn't need to buy another battery.(C)The woman should get a new watch.(D)The jewelry store can probably repair the woman's watch.3.We're going to change our meeting from Monday to Tuesday.It's all the same to me.What does the man mean?

(A)He has another meeting to attend on that day.(B)He's available either day.(C)He can't attend a two-day conference.(D)Not everybody will go to the same meeting.4.We plan to go to the beach after class.Want to come? I'd love to.But Prof.Jones want to speak with me.What will the woman probably do?

(A)Go to the beach with her friends.(B)Postpone her meeting with Professor Jones.(C)See Professor Jones after class.(D)Give a speech in Professor Jones's class.5.Janet sounded worried about her grades.But she's getting As & Bs, isn't she? What does the man imply about Janet?(A)She isn't a very good student.(B)She hasn't gotten her grades yet.(C)She shouldn't worry about her grades.(D)She doesn't like to talk about grades.6.You look great since you've been taking those exercises classes.Thanks.I've never felt better in my life.What does the man imply?(A)The classes have improved his health.(B)His new glasses fit better than the old ones.(C)He's thinking of taking exercise classes.(D)He's unhappy about his life.7.I had a hard time getting through this novel.I know how you feel.Who can remember the names of 35 different characters.What does the woman imply?(A)She also found the book difficult.(B)She has learned a lot about names.(C)She doesn't remember the title of the novel.(D)She read a different book.8.That's a long line.Do you think there'll be any tickets left? I doubt it.Guess we'll wind up(结束)going to the second show.What does the woman mean?(A)They'll have to go to a later show.(B)The people in line all have tickets.(C)She doesn't want to go to the second show.(D)They won't have to wait much longer.9.This course in much too hard for me.Sorry you decided to take it, huh? What does the man ask the woman?(A)If it's too late for her to drop the course.(B)If she sympathizes with him.(C)If she apologized for what she did.(D)If she regrets taking the course.10.Are you going home for winter vacation? I'd agreed to stay on here as a research assistant.What can be inferred about the woman?

(A)She'll be traveling during winter break.(B)She'll be working during vacation.(C)She's looking forward to going home.(D)She wants to hire another research assistant.11.Hello!Hello!This is Dr, Grey's office.We're calling to remind you of your 4:15 appointment for your annual checkup tomorrow.Oh, thanks.It's a good thing that you called.I thought it was 4:15 today.What does the man mean?(A)He's glad he called the doctor.(B)He wants to change the appointment.(C)He can't come until 4:15.(D)He was confused about the date of the appointment.12.How wonderful(棒的)you won the scholarship(奖学金).Can you believe it? No.It's almost too good to be true(几乎是太好了以至于不能相信).What does the man mean?

(A)No one believes he won the scholarship.(B)He's surprised that he got the scholarship.(C)It isn't true that he won the scholarship.(D)He's glad to award the woman the scholarship.13.Excuse me.Prof.Davidson.But I was hoping to talk to you about my class project for economics.I have a class in a few minutes.Why don't you come to see me during office hours(上班时间)tomorrow? When will the woman discuss her project with Prof.Davidson?(A)During economics class.(B)Before economics.(C)In about an hour.(D)The next day.14.How are you feeling? The stuff the nurse gave me seemed to have helped.But it's making me awfully(非常地)drowsy(昏昏欲睡的).What does the woman mean?

(A)The nurse wasn't able to help her.(B)She's going to help the nurse.(C)She thinks she should ask the nurse for a pill.(D)She feels sleepy because of the medicine she took.15.Bill Smith has volunteered(志愿)to write a summary(总结)of the proposals we've agreed on.Will I have a chance to review it? What does the woman want to know?(A)Whether she can make a proposal.(B)Whether Bill needs her help.(C)Whether she can review Bill's summary.(D)Whether she can speak for Bill.16.Why don't you wear that yellow shirt that your sister gave you for your birthday.I love that shirt.But it's missing two buttons(纽扣).What does the man mean?(A)He can't wear the shirt right now.(B)He can't find the shirt.(C)He doesn't like the shirt.(D)He thinks the shirt is inappropriate for the occasion.17.How many classes do you have today? Just one.From 3 till 6.What does the man mean?(A)He has three classes in a row.(B)His class begins at one o'clock.(C)His class meets for three hours.(D)He will be in class all afternoon.18.Our football team didn't play very well.That's true.But at least we won the game.What does the man mean?(A)The team won despite poor play.(B)The team has to play at least one game.(C)At least the football team played well.(D)The team should have won the game.19.This has been an unusually cool summer.Uh huh!I actually had to get out(拿出)my wool(羊毛)sweaters(毛衣,运动衫)in August.What does the woman imply?(A)She needed warmer clothing than in previous summers.(B)She knitted two sweaters in August.(C)August was warmer than the rest of the summer.(D)She was unusually busy all summer.20.I got some bad news today.The store where I work in laying off(解雇)staff.Are they going to let you go? What does the woman want to know?(A)If the man is going to the store.(B)How the man feels about the news.(C)If the man is going to lose his job.(D)Where the man heard the news.21.I'd like to pick this film(胶片)up by 4 tomorrow afternoon.I can have it for you at 2 if you like(如果你喜欢,我可以2点给你).What does the woman say about the film?(A)It will be ready at four o'clock today.(B)It can be picked up at two o'clock tomorrow.(C)It will be ready in two hours.(D)Only two rolls will be ready on time.22.I talked to Philip today and he said he'd be coming to the party.Oh, so he can come after all.What can be inferred about Philip?(A)He'll go to the party with the woman.(B)He met the man at the party.(C)He has changed his plans.(D)He has to work late.23.Gary insists on buying the food for the picnic.That's pretty generous(慷慨的).But shouldn't we at least offer to share the expense(价钱,费用)? What does the woman suggest they do?(A)Pay for some of the food.(B)Insist on choosing their own food.(C)Treat Gary to dinner some other time.(D)Thank Gary for his generous offer.24.How's the new job going? Well.I'm getting used to(习惯于)lots of new things.But I wish the supervisor would give me some feedback.What does the woman mean?(A)She used to work at a newspaper.(B)She's like her supervisor's opinion of her work.(C)She wishes she had a different kind of work.(D)She meets with her supervisor regularly.25.Did Linda ever finish that introductory chapter? I'm not sure.She's spent hours on end rewriting it.What does the man imply about Linda?(A)She rearranged the chapters of her book.(B)She assured him that the chapter was finished.(C)She worked on the chapter for quite a while.(D)She wasn't sure how to end the book.26.The supermarket down the street is selling everything half price because they are going out of business(歇业).Sounds like an ideal(理想的)time to stock up(储存,备用)on coffee.What does the man mean?(A)There's room to stack up the cans of coffee.(B)The store is out of coffee.(C)They should buy a lot of coffee.(D)They should wait for a better deal on coffee.27.Have you heard anything about the new professor? Just that she's no pushover(听从的人).What does the man say about the professor?(A)She works very hard.(B)She is very strict.(C)Her classes fill up quickly.(D)It's easy to get good grades in her courses.28.I need to get a copy of my birth certificate(出生证).Sorry.But we can only accept requests by mail now.What does the woman mean?(A)The office already mailed the man's birth certificate.(B)The office no longer issues birth certificates.(C)The man doesn't have sufficient identification for his request.(D)The man will have to apply for his birth certificate in writing.29.When is the earliest flight from Washington to New York? There's a shuttle(往返)(at six.And if that's full, there's another at 7.What does the man mean?

(A)The woman has a choice of early flights.(B)Not many planes go to Washington.(C)The woman should take the earlier flight.(D)The six o'clock flight is already filled.30.How do you like to help me plan the refreshments(茶点)for the astronomy club meeting tomorrow night? Sure.Let's be careful not to overdo(夸张,过度)it though.Last time we had enough for 3 clubs put together.What does the woman mean?(A)She would prepare extra refreshments.(B)They should prepare extra refreshments.(C)The members of the club always eat a lot.(D)There was too much food at a previous meeting.Question 31-33 David, can I give you a hand(帮忙)with one of those grocery(食品杂货店)bags? Sure, Nanny.Could you take this one please? I didn't realize how heavy these bags would be.Why did you buy so much stuff when you have to walk back home from the store? Well, I didn't intend(打算,计划)to buy a lot.But I'm having some people over and I guess I needed more than I expected.What's the occasion? Now the people I live with, the Kremers, have been on vacation for a month and I thought I'd surprise them.I'm inviting some of their friends and families for a welcome(受欢迎的)home dinner.Oh, that's really thoughtful(体贴的,有思想的)of you.I figure(表示)it's the least I can do for them.They've been letting me stay with them rent free while I'm in school.Really? That's pretty generous of them.Well, they understand how difficult it is to make ends meet(量人未出,勉强糊口)when you're a student.They've been such a big help to me.I thought that this might be a small way to thank them for the generosity(慷慨).31.What is David trying to do?(A)Get a ride home with Nancy.(B)Find a place to live.(C)Go to the store before it closes.(D)Carry his groceries home.32.Why did David think he wouldn't have a problem?(A)He didn't expect to buy a lot.(B)He had only one bag of groceries.(C)The supermarket is just down the block.(D)He thought he'd get a ride with the Kramers.33.Why is David appreciative of the Kremers?(A)They are paying for his education.(B)They invited him to their party.(C)They took him on a vacation with them.(D)They let him live with them for free.Question 34-37 Hi!How was your trip? Wonderful I spent most of my time at the art museum.I especially liked the new wing(机翼,翅膀).I was amazed to hear the guide explain the problems they had building it.Right.I just read an article that went on & on about the cost.90 million total I think.Yeah.The guide mentioned that.You could see they spared(节约,省下)no expense.Hm.It looked really unusual, at least from what I saw in the picture.It is.The basic design is two triangles(三角形).In fact there are triangles all over.The paving(铺的)stones in the courtyard(院子), the skylights(天窗)and even a lot of the sculptures.One sculpture is a mobile.It's in the courtyard and it's made of pieces of aluminum(铝)that moves slowly in the air.It's really impressive(给人印象深刻的).That was in the article too.It said that the original was steel and it weighed so much that it wasn't safe to hand(拿起).Right.They did it over in aluminum so it wouldn't come crashing down(碰到)on someone's head.You know the article went into(研究)that in detail.There was even an interview with the sculptor(雕刻家).I'd like to read that.Would you mind if I borrow the magazine sometime? No.I wouldn't mind if I haven't thrown it out yet.34.What did the woman think of the new wing of the museum?(A)She was impressed by it(B)It was a waste of money.(C)She was amazed it had opened so soon.(D)She didn't like it as much as the other wings.35.How had the man learned about the museum?(A)He took a tour of the city.(B)He read about it.(C)He wrote an article about it.(D)He worked there as a guide.36.According to the woman, what do the paving stones, skylights and mobile have in common?(A)They came from the original wring.(B)They're made of the same material.(C)They're similar in shape.(D)They were designed by the same person.37.What was the problem with the original mobile?(A)It was made of aluminum.(B)It wasn't large enough.(C)It wouldn't move in the wind.(D)It was too heavy to put up.Questions 38 to 41 In the few minutes that remain of today's class.I'd like to discuss next week's schedule with you because I'm presenting(呈现,赠送)a paper at a conference in Detroit on Thursday, I won't be here for either Wednesday's or Friday's class.I will however be here for Monday's.Next Friday, a week from today, is the midterm exam, marking the half way point in the semester.Prof.Andrews has agreed to administer(执行,管理)the exam.In place of the usual Wednesday's class, I've arranged an optional review session.Since it is optional, attendance(参加,出席)will not be taken.However attending the class would be a good idea for those worried about the midterm.So remember: Optional class next Wednesday;Midterm, Friday.38.What is the purpose of the talk?(A)To review material that will be on a test.(B)To introduce a new professor.(C)To explain changes in the schedule.(D)To describe the contents of a paper.39.At what point during the semester does the talk take place?(A)At the beginning.(B)In the middle.(C)One week before the end.(D)At the end.40.What did Prof.Andrews agree to do?(A)Administer an examination.(B)Present a conference paper.(C)Explain next week's schedule.(D)Take attendance in class.41.What will occur at next Wednesday's class time?

(A)A regular class will be given.(B)An optional review class will be given.(C)An exam will be given.(D)Class will be canceled.Question 42 to 46

Today's lecture we'll center on the prehistoric(史前的)people of Nevada Desert.Now most of these prehistoric desert people moved across the countryside(农村)throughout the year.You might think that they're wandering(闲逛,漫步)aimlessly(毫无目的的).Far from it, they actually followed the series of carefully planned moves.Where they moved depended on where food was available.Places where plants were ripening(成熟)or fish were spawning(产卵).Now often when these people moved, they carried all their possessions(财产,所有物)on their backs.But if the journey was long, extra food and tools were sometimes stored in caves(山洞,窑洞)or beneath(在…的下方)rocks.One of these caves is now an exciting archaeological site.Beyond(晚于)its small opening is a huge underground(地下的)grotto(洞穴).Even though the cave is very large, it was certainly two dark(黑暗)and dusty(灰蒙蒙的)for the crawlers(爬行动物)to live in.But it was a great place to hide things.And tremendous(巨大的)amounts of food supplies and artifacts(手工艺品)have been found there.The food includes dried fish seeds(种子)and nuts(工艺品).The artifacts include stone spear(矛)points(尖)and knives.The spar(争论)points are actually rather small.Here is a picture of some that were found.You can see their size in relation to(有关,涉及)the hands holding them.42.What is the main subject of this talk?(A)Rock formations in the Nevada desert.(B)Graduate studies in anthropology.(C)Excavation techniques used in archaeology.(D)Prehistoric desert people of Nevada.43.What point does the speaker make about the prehistoric people of the Nevada Desert?(A)They planned their migrations.(B)They didn't travel far from their base camps.(C)They hid from their enemies in caves.(D)They planned seeds near their camps.44.Why didn't the people live in the cave described by the speaker?(A)They had trouble finding it.(B)Lack of light made it impossible.(C)It was too small for a group to fit into.(D)Items stored by others took up most of the space.45.What have archaeologists found in the cave?(A)Prehistoric desert people.(B)Migratory animals.(C)Food supplies and tools.(D)Growing plants.46.Why does the speaker show a photo to the class?(A)To illustrate the size of some objects.(B)To introduce the next assignment.(C)To show some artifact on display at the campus museum.(D)To demonstrate his photographic ability.Question 47 to 50 To us, the environment in which fish dwell(居住)often seems cold, dark and mysterious(神秘的,不可思议的).But there are advantages to living in water.And they've played an important role in making fish what they are.One is that water isn't subject to(易受…的)sudden temperature changes.Therefore it makes an excellent habitat(n 住处)for a cold blooded animal.Another advantage is the water's ability to easily support body weight.Protoplasm(原浆)has approximately the same density(密度)as water.So a fish in water is almost weightless(无重量的).This weightlessness in turn(依次)means two things: 1)A fish can get along with a light weight and a simple bone structure.And 2)Limitations(局限,限制)to a fish's size are practically(实际上)removed.Yet there is one basic difficulty to living in water the fact that it is incompressible(不能压缩的).For a fish to move through water, it must actually shove(猛推)it aside(adv在旁边,到一边).Most can do this by wiggling(折弯运动)back and forth(反复地,来回地)in snakelike motion.The fish pushes water aside by the forward motion of its head and with a curve of its body and its flexible tall.Next the water flows back along the fish's narrowing(狭小的)size, closing in at the tall and helping the fish propel(推动)itself forward.The fact that water is incompressible has literally(真正地)shaped(形成)the development of fish.A flat and angular(有角的)shape can be moved through water only with difficulty.And for this reason, fish have a basic shape that is beautifully adapted to deal with this peculiarity(特点,特性).47.What is the talk mainly about?(A)A comparison of fish to warm-blooded animals.(B)The difference between saltwater and freshwater environments.(C)The importance of fish to human beings.(D)How water has affected the development of fish.48.What does the speaker mention as a problem that water presents to fish?(A)It can't be compressed.(B)It is often polluted.(C)Its temperature often fluctuates dramatically.(D)It limits their size.49.The speaker compares a fish's movement with that of what creature?(A)A whale.(B)A human.(C)A snake.(D)A snail.50.What aspect of a fish does the speaker discuss in the most detail?(A)Its skeleton.(B)Its shape.(C)Its senses.(D)Its body temperature.

第四篇:97年10 月托福听力文字带答案

97年10月 托福听力文字

Part A 1.A: Have you saved enough to buy that new printer for your computer yet? B: You know money seems to be burning a hold in my pocket latterly.Maybe next month.What does the man mean?(A)He doesn't have enough money to buy a printer now.(B)He's not sure how much a printer costs.(C)He'll buy a computer later this week.(D)He lost the money he was saving.2.A: We need a fourth player for tennis this morning.Do you want to join us? B: I’ve got a class at nine.But Carol’s free and she’s really good.What does the man suggest the woman do?(A)Wait to play until after his 9 o'clock class.(B)Ask Carol to play tennis.(C)Ask Carol if she's going to class.(D)Get a tennis lesson from Carol.3.A: I don’t understand how this budget was calculated? B: Let me have a look, OK? What does the woman mean?(A)They should ask for an increase in the budget.(B)The calculations appear correct to her.(C)She'll try to see what method was used(D)They need to make a copy of the budget.4.A: I’m going to the snack bar for a cup of coffee.Would you like me to bring you back something? B: Not from the snack bar.But could you pick up a paper for me? What does the man mean?(A)He could bring something to the woman(B)He'd be happy to go with the woman.(C)He wants the woman to get him a newspaper.(D)He'd like something to eat.5.A: I’ll be coming straight from work.So I’ll have to pack a change of clothes.B: It’s only a barbecue.Jeans and a T-shirt will be fine.What does the woman imply?(A)The barbecue has been canceled.(B)The weather will probably be cool.(C)The man will not be able to attend the barbecue.(D)Casual(非正式的,随便的)dress will be appropriate.6.A: Man.I’m exhausted!I stayed up the whole night studying for my history midterm exam.B: Why do you always wait till the last minute? What can be inferred about the man?(A)He has had study habits.(B)He sleeps too much.(C)He wakes up early.(D)He's an excellent student.7.A: Let’s go watch the fireworks tonight.B: I have tickets to the theater.What does the woman mean?(A)She dislikes fireworks.(B)She has plans for the evening.(C)She doesn't feel like going out.(D)She has to get theater tickets.8.A: Do you think you could give me a ride to the library tonight? B: I’d like to.But I’m heading in the other direction.I’m meeting Jane tonight.What does the man mean?(A)The library is closed tonight.(B)He doesn't know how to get to the library.(C)Jean is using his car.(D)He won't be able to help the woman.9.A: I want to pay you for that long distance call I made, but I suppose you haven’t gotten your phone bill yet.B: Oh, but I have.What does the man mean?(A)He has received his telephone bill.(B)His calls weren't listed.(C)The woman has already paid for her call.(D)He has received a long distance call.10.A: I’ve had my new stereo for a whole week.But I haven’t yet figure out how to record a cassette.B: Didn’t an instruction manual come with it? What does the woman imply?(A)The man should take the stereo back to the store.(B)The man should refer to the instruction manual.(C)She'll go to the man's house and help him.(D)She'll give the man her instruction manual.11.A: Is there a candy machine in this building? B: Uh-huh.It’s down the hall on your left.But it has an “out of order” sign on it.What does the woman mean?(A)Candy has been ordered for the machine.(B)They still have some candy left over.(C)The machine isn't working right now.(D)The machine was moved to another building.12.A: I’ve had it with being sick in bed.I read most of these magazines twice.B: Well, if it will help, I’ll run to the store to get you some new ones.What will the man probably do?(A)Discuss a magazine article with the woman.(B)Help the woman find a new doctor.(C)Go to the store for some medicine.(D)Buy the woman some magazines.13.A: You know, I’ve been watering my plants regularly.But they are still not doing well in my new dorm room.B: Maybe instead of keeping them in the corner, you should put them directly in front of the window.What does the woman imply?(A)The plants may need more light.(B)The plants should get less water.(C)The area in front of the window is too cold for plants.(D)Plants rarely do well in the dormitory.14.A: I think I’ll take my mother to that French restaurant on Main Street for her birthday.B: I hope it’s not anytime soon.They’re usually booked up weeks in advance.What does the man mean?(A)The restaurant closes early during the week.(B)He thought the woman's birthday was next week.(C)The woman should find out if she can reserve a table.(D)He won't be able to go with the woman.15.A: That famous violinist our professor was talking about is going to be the soloist in next week’s concert.B: Great!I don’t want to miss it.Where can we get tickets? What will the speakers probably do next week?(A)Find out where their professor is going to perform.(B)Go to a concert.(C)Perform in a musical recital(n.背诵, 当众吟诵, 朗诵;列举;详述;独奏会).(D)Interview the violinist.16.A: So are you going over to Cindy’s after class? B: I’d like to.But she has a pet cat and I’m very allergic.What does the man mean?(A)He has to go home to feed pet.(B)He's expecting Cindy to arrive soon.(C)He cannot go to Cindy's.(D)He must keep an appointment with his doctor.17.A: One of the members of the dormitory council is quitting.Do you know of anyone who’ll be interested in taking her place? B: I’m not sure, but I’ll certainly keep an eye out for you.What will the man probably do?(A)Join the dormitory council himself.(B)Attend the next council.(C)Persuade the other council members not to quit.(D)Help the woman find someone to fill the vacancy(空缺).18.A: Have you heard about the new fitness center there building downtown? B: Yeah.I can hardly wait for it to open.What does the man mean?(A)The center has just opened.(B)He's looking forward to using the center.(C)The door to the fitness center is locked(D)There are long lines to get into the center.19.A: Hi, I’d like to sign up for the film selection committee.Is this the right place? B: Yes, it is.There are a lot of fun people on that committee, but you have to put in a lot of hours.I hope your schedule isn’t too tight.What does the woman imply?(A)The film committee is full(B)Being on the committee requires a great deal of(C)It is difficult to be selected for the committee.(D)The man needs to sign up another place.20.A: You don’t seem to be able to sit still today.What’s going on? B: Today they announce who gets the big scholarship for next year.How does the man probably feel?.(A)Disappointed.(B)Surprised(C)Nervous(D)Uninterested.21.A: I’m really looking forward to the picnic tomorrow.B: If we’re lucky, we’ll have some sun this year for a change.What does the man imply?(A)The weather is usually bad at the picnics.(B)He'll need a change of clothes for the picnic(C)He's not looking forward to attending the picnic.(D)He's looking for a new place to hold the picnic.22.A: What a mess for the custodian to clean up.B: You can say that again.What does the man mean?(A)He agrees that the custodian will have a lot of work to do.(B)He doesn't want to mess up the clean room.(C)He wants the woman to speak a little louder.(D)He doesn't think the woman should talk to the custodian again

23.A: I wish we had more time for lunch.B: Me too.I get indigestion.What does the man mean?(A)He usually isn't hungry until lunch time.(B)His stomach hurts when he eats too fast.(C)He likes to eat lunch at two o'clock.(D)He needs to run errands(差事)during lunch.24.A: You haven’t seen a blue note book, have you? I hope I didn’t leave it at school.B: Did you check that pile of books and papers you left on the desk last night? What does the man imply?(A)He put some notes on the desk last night.(B)The woman should check with the school(C)The woman shouldn't have moved his books.(D)The notebook might be among some other books.25.A: The berries on this bush look kind of tasty.Do you think I should try one? B: I wouldn’t.Even the birds stay away from that bush.What does the woman imply?(A)Somebody frightened the birds away.(B)The berries aren't ripe(熟的)yet.(C)She doesn't like berries.(D)The berries aren't good to ear.26.A: What did you do to you hair? B: I just had to have it cut.It was always getting in my eyes.What does the woman imply?(A)She thought her hair was too short.(B)Her new hairstyle is more practical(C)She cut her hair herself.(D)She has to tie back her hair.27.A: You are on the right track.I just think you need to narrow the topic down.B: Yeah, you are right.I always choose these broad areas when I’m doing a research paper.What will the man probably do?(A)Write his paper on a more general topic.(B)Take the woman's advice about his paper.(C)Choose an entirely new topic for his paper.(D)Retype his paper.28.A: When are you going to have your eyes checked? B: I had to cancel my appointment.I couldn’t fit it in.What does the woman mean?(A)She decided not to cancel her appointment.(B)Her new glasses aren't comfortable.(C)She's too busy to get a checkup(D)She has to check when the appointment is.29.A: Did you notice that Mark shaved off all his beard over the summer? B: Noticed? I didn’t even recognize him.What does the man imply?(A)He hadn't noticed any change in Mark.(B)Mark looks different without a beard.(C)He thinks Mark looked better with the beard.(D)He hasn't seen Mark yet.30.A: I probably should have found out if you like spicy food.B: Oh, but I appreciate all the trouble you went to.I guess I’m just not a very adventurous eater.What can be inferred about the woman?(A)She didn't like the food the man prepared.(B)She's not a very good cook.(C)She's annoyed(愤怒的)with the man.(D)She thinks the man spent too much time cooking.Part B Questions 31-34 Listen to a conversation at a bicycle shop.Hi, John.Oh, hi, Laura.What are you doing here? Uh, I’m usually here on weekends.It’s my dad’s shop.So, you are looking for a bike? Yeah.Now the weather is warming up.I thought I’d get some exercise instead of taking the bus all the time.Well, you came to the right place.Do you know what you’d like?

Well, I don’t want a racer or a touring bike or anything.Mostly I’ll just be using it to get me back and forth from work.How far is that? About four miles.Are there a lot of hills on the way? Some I guess.But, um, maybe I should just tell you in front that I’ve only got a hundred and fifty dollars.Can I get anything decent for that? Well, you’re not going to get anything top of the line.But we do have a few trade-ins in the back that are in good condition.That sounds good.And you’re right.For the kind of riding you’re going to be doing, the most important thing is comfort.You want to make sure it’s the right height for you.Follow me and I’ll show you what we’ve got.31.Why is Laura at the bicycle shop?(A)She's waiting for her father.(B)She's having her bicycle repaired.(C)She wanted to surprise John.(D)She works there.32.Why does John want to buy a bicycle?(A)To replace his stolen bicycle.(B)To begin bicycling to work.(C)To join a bicycle club.(D)To train for a bicycle race.33.What does Laura suggest that John do?(A)Buy a used bicycle.(B)Buy a racing bicycle.(C)Replace the tires on his bicycle.(D)Sell his old bicycle to the shop.34.What does Laura say is most important about a bike?.(A)It must be the right height.(B)It must have several gears.(C)It must have good tires.(D)It must be the right weight.Questions 35-39 Listen to a conversation between two students.Hi, Lynn.I saw you at registration yesterday.I sailed right through, but you were standing in a long line.Yeah.I waited an hour to sign up for a distance-learning course.Distance learning? Never heard of it.Well, it’s new this semester.It’s only open to psychology majors.But I bet it’ll catch on else where.Yesterday, over a hundred students signed up.Well, what is it? It’s an experimental course.I registered for child psychology.All I have got to do is watch a twelve-week series of televised lessons.The department shows them seven different times a day and in seven different locations.Don’t you ever have to meet with professor? Yeah.After each part of the series I have to talk to her and the other students on the phone, you know, about our ideas.Then we’ll meet on campus three times for reviews and exams.It sounds pretty non-traditional to me.But I guess it makes sense, considering how many students have jobs.It must really help with their schedules, not to mention how it will cut down on traffic.You know, last year my department did a survey and they found out that 80 percent of all psychology majors were employed.That’s why they came up with the program.Look, I’ll be working three days a week next semester and it was either cut back on my classes or try this out.The only thing is: doesn’t it seem impersonal though? I mean, I miss having class discussions and hearing what other people think.Well, I guess that’s why phone contact’s important.Any way, it’s an experiment.Maybe I’ll end up hating it.Maybe.But I’ll be curious to see how it works up.35.Where did the man see the woman yesterday?(A)On television.(B)At registration(C)In class.(D)At work.36.How was the distance-learning course different from traditional courses?(A)Students are not required to attend regular class lectures.(B)The professor videotapes class lectures for review.(C)Classes are held at various locations throughout the area.(D)Students receive credit for work experience.37.What do the speakers agree is the major advantage of the distance-learning course?(A)It allows them to meet students from other universities.(B)It promotes(促进)the concept of self-learning.(C)It allows more flexibility in students' schedule.(D)It doesn't require any examinations.38.Why did the woman decide to enroll in the distance-learning course?(A)It's a requirement for psychology majors.(B)She wasn't able to get into the traditional course.(C)She lives far from the university.(D)She has to work a lot of hours this semester.39.What does the man think is a disadvantage of distance learning?(A)It requires too much traveling.(B)It limits interaction(交流)among students.(C)It will increase class size.(D)It will encourage students to watch too much television.Part C Questions 40-43 Listen to a student report in the United States history class.So, uh, as Jim said, James Polk was the eleventh president.And, um, my report’s about the next president Zachary Taylor.Taylor was elected in 1849.It’s surprising because he was the first president that didn’t have any previous political experience.The main reason he was chosen as a candidate was because he was a war hero.In the army his men called him old, rough and ready, I guess because of his rough edges.He was kind of blunt and he didn’t really look like a military hero.He liked to do things like wearing civilian clothes instead of uniform even in battle.And he was so short and plump that he had to be lifted up on his horse.But he did win a lot of battles and he became more and more popular.So the Whig party decided to nominate him for the presidency, even though no one knew anything about where he stood on the issues.I couldn’t find much about his accomplishments, probably because he was only in office about a year and a half before he died.But one thing, he pushed for the development of the transcontinental railroad because he thought it was important to form a link with the west coast.There was a lot of wealth in California and Oregon from commerce and minerals and stuff.Also he established an agricultural bureau in the department of the Interior and promoted more government aid to agriculture.Well, that’s about all I found.Like I said he died in office in 1850, so his vice president took over.And that’s the next report.So, thank you.40.Why was Zachary Taylor chosen by his party as a candidate for president?(A)He was well known on the West Coast.(B)He served as James Polk's Vice President.(C)He supported financial aid to farmers.(D)He was a popular war hero.41.According to the speaker, why is it surprising that Taylor was elected president?(A)He was not interested in political reform(改革)(B)He had an unusual military career.(C)He had no political experience.(D)He expressed many controversial(争论的)ideas.42.Why did Taylor accomplish relatively little as president?(A)He lost the support of farmers.(B)He was opposed by the Whig party.(C)He died early in his term.(D)He came into conflict with railroad owners.43.What will the class probably do next?(A)Listen to a talk about another President.(B)Write a report about Taylor's accomplishments(C)Discuss the differences between Polk and Taylor.(D)Begin working on their reports about Vice President.Questions 44-46 Listen to a talk at a special event.I want to welcome each and every balloon enthusiast in Philadelphia.Thank you for coming here this morning to commemorate the first balloon voyage in the United States.On January ninth, 1793, at ten o’clock in the morning, a silk balloon lifted into the skies above this city, which was at that time the capital of the country.According to the original records of the flight, the voyage lasted 46 minutes, from its departure in Philadelphia to its landing across the Delaware River in New Jersey.Though our pilots today will try to approximate the original landing site, they are at the mercy of the winds, so who knows where they’ll drift off too.Even the balloonist in 1793 experienced some uncertain weather that day.There were clouds, fog and mist in various directions.Our reenactment promises to be nothing less than spectacular.The yellow balloon directly behind me is five storeys high.It’s inflated with helium, unlike the original, which was filled with hydrogen and unbeknownst to the pilots, potentially explosive.Gas filled models are pretty uncommon now because of the extremely high cost.So the eighty other balloons in today’s lunch are hot air heated by propane burners.These balloons are from all over the country.44.What is the purpose of the balloon lunch?(A)To commemorate(纪念)a historic flight.(B)To try out(试验)eighty new balloons.(C)To recruit(回复,吸收)balloonists from all over the United States.(D)To determine whether helium balloons are better than hot-air balloons.45.What problem might today’s pilots encounter?

(A)They may not be able to inflate their balloons.(B)There are too many balloons to launch at once.(C)Their flight pattern could be uncertain due to the wind.(D)They'll lose money if some balloons can't take off.46.What does the speaker imply about helium balloons?.(A)They're expensive.(B)They were the first kind of balloon ever used.(C)They're faster than air balloons.(D)They're popular in the United States.Questions 47-50 Listen to part of a lecture in a geology class.I’m glad you brought up the question of our investigations into the makeup of the earth’s interior.In fact, since this is the topic of your reading assignment for next time, let me spend these last few minutes of class talking about that.There were several important discoveries in the early part of the century to help geologists develop a more accurate picture of the earth’s interior.The first key discovery had to do with seismic waves.Remember, they are the vibrations caused by earthquakes.Well, scientists found that they travel thousands of miles through the earth’ s interior.This finding enabled geologists to study the inter parts of the earth.You see, these studies revealed that these vibrations were of two types: compression or P waves and shear or S waves.And researchers found that P waves travel through both liquids and solids while S waves travel only through solid matter.In 1906, a British geologist discovered that P waves slowed down at a certain depth but kept traveling deeper.On the other hand, S waves either disappeared or were reflected back.So he concluded that the depth marked the boundary between a solid mantle and the liquid core.Three years later, another boundary was discovered, that between the mantle and the earth’s crust.There are still a lot to be learned about the earth.For instance, geologists know that the core is hot.Evidence of this is the molten lava that flows out of volcanoes.But we are still not sure what the source of the heat is.47.What is the purpose of the talk?(A)To review what students know about volcanic activity.(B)To demonstrate the use of a new measurement device.(C)To explain the answer to an examination question.(D)To provide background for the next reading assignment.48.What important discovery about seismic waves does the instructor mention?(A)They occur at regular intervals.(B)They can withstand great heat.(C)They travel through the Earth's interior.(D)They can record the Earth's internal temperature.49.What did the study of seismic vibrations help geologists learn more about?(A)When the Earth was formed.(B)The composition of the Earth's interior.(C)Why lava is hot.(D)How often a volcano is likely to erupt.50.What did P and S waves help scientists discover about the layers of the earth?(A)How deep they are.(B)Where earthquakes form.(C)How hot they are.(D)What purpose they serve.


主题: 托福听力笔记(习语总结)


lose his cool失去冷静

cool off 冷静,天气变冷

play it cool 冷静

不介意:not at all, not a bit/little, not in the slightest, not in the least

-不愿让人做某事:make sb uncomfortable to do sth

-对人宽容go easy on sb.Be lenient with.Be kind to

-挤时间做某事:get around to do sth, take time out/off from doing sth, spare time to do sth, afford time to do sth, squeeze/steal time to do

-健忘slip one's mind/memory.Have a shot memory, not good with..be terrible with..forgetful, absent-minded, scatter-brain, go in one ear and out the other.Wops.-快,马上:in no time, by and by, on short notice, right now/away/off, in a moment/minute/second

-去哪里,朝哪里去head to/for sw, make for, leave for, set out for, be off to, be away to

-生气:be put out with sb, be burned up at sb, get one's back up, hit/raise the roof/ceiling, be enraged, get on one's nerve, rub sb the wrong way, annoy/irritate sb.-顺便看望:drop/stop/come by/over/in

-太忙heavy/busy/tight schedule

-太热super/burning/blazing/unbearable/scorcher hot

-听某人的建议:go by/follow/listen to one's suggestion

-一点也不奇怪:no wonder.Little surprise.-有时,偶而:occasionally, sometimes, every so often, every now and them, every once in a while, at times, from time to time, on and off.-在某方面擅长:know the stuff/ropes/tricks/one's beans

-逐步地:gradually, step by step, bit by bit, little by little, inch by inch , piece by piece, line by line, word by word.-bottom line 说话的核心,well, the bottom line is that…

-check out①检查,询问②借书③出院④退房

-come in handy 派上用场,会有用的-for the life of sb无论如何

-get over: ①完成作业②病全愈③忘掉(不愉快)

-go through ①用完②检查③经历过④办手续

-我认为I suspect, 我确认I bet, 我估计I expect, 我不认为I doubt, 我原以为I thought, 我原以为I was hoping, 我曾经是I used to be, 我本应该I was supposed to

-on one's way 马上出发;on the way已经在路

-pick up ①取东西②接人③买东西

-put up ①挂起②住宿

-up to :胜任:it's up to sb to do sth, sb is up to doing sth②熬夜sit/be up to do sth③达到up to sth



as cool as a cucumber, as fit as fiddle, as healthy as horse, as poor as a church mouse, as strong as an ox, as like as two peas(长得象),peas and carrots(形影不离),apples and oranges(大不相同),as proud as peacock, as changeable as moon, as punctual as a church clock, as sly as fox, as light as feather, as hungry as a wolf.-be the last thing +定从,最不希望的,最不需要的,最不愿意的。

-hasn't he, isn't it +ever/though.可不是吗!(很同意)

-if only 要是…就好了。答案的标志是虚拟语气和wish.-not that, not as…adj….as you think不至于那么过分吧

-不辞辛苦做某事go out of one's way to do.Take great trouble to do sth.Go extra miles to do sth.-吃惊:Jees.Boy!Man!Jesus christ!Dear me!Wow!

-对我都一样:It makes no difference to me.Does it make any difference.What differencedoes it make.It's all the same to me.-感觉如何:What do you think of sth? How do you like sth? How do you find sth? How do you feel about sth? Would you like A or B? Do you feel like sth? Are you in a mood for anything?

-开玩笑吧:So you say.Pull my leg.-流泪my eyes swim in tears, shed tears of remorse, I can't hold back my tears

-你真了不起:You are somebody.You are a big potato.-提醒:I don't think you'll do… I was wondering if you will do sth.I don't imagine if you do.You have not done sth, have you?

-听我说:You know why.Tell me why.-我本想做某事(但没做)I meant to do..should have given.Was supposed to do sth.I have been meaning to..-赞同:You bet.Sure thing.And how.Isn't it though/ever.Go ahead.By all means.-责备:When will you ever do sth? Do I have to tell you? Don't I tell you sth? Why didn't you…

-怎么了?What's up/matter/wrong with sb? how have you been? How are you coming along/doing? What's new with you?



-题目难定(太大)too broad a topic

-资料难查(太多)too much material to cover




-考笔记be based on the lecture/notes

-字难认make out/recognize handwriting


-永远难was supposed to be easy

-不推迟put it off, hold off, delay, postpone

-分数低:及格passing grade,不及格failing grade,好分数perfect grade


*take-home exam开卷考试,workshop研讨会, seminar研究会



-不迟到punctual/prompt,不早退,常拖堂run over time/late,-要求严,出题难,给分低

*听不懂:be lost/be all at sea/in the dark

*听懂:figure out/make sense/catch/follow words

*打瞌睡:drop off/doze off, keep watching the clock, keep counting the time.5、作业

-作业多:I've had enough of it.(I'll never have enough of it.高兴语气)

*have one's hands full, be tied up, be booked, be up to one's eyes/ears/neck with work.Have a million things to do.Study 48 hours in a day.-想迟交,不迟交:交作业hand in/ turn in, 迟交extension, 多给时间extra/more time


-常熬夜:sit up, stay doing sth

-不熬夜 get out of it, wise


-有货没货in stock/ out of stock

-印,不印in /out of print

-过时out-dated, 最新的updated/current

-平装paper back,精装hard back


-还书:recall a book, library loan, 续借renew, 传记作者biographer, 微缩胶片 microfiche

-罚钱verdue, late return, fine , moratorium(暂停,推迟)



* 电话号码本:yellow pages, telephone directory,干扰static,接通put through

* 占着电话tie up, be off下线断线,过会打给你get back to sb.10、选课


-三大顾虑:too much, too difficult, intro course





-题目难定(太大)too broad a topic

-资料难查(太多)too much material to cover




-考笔记be based on the lecture/notes

-字难认make out/recognize handwriting


-永远难was supposed to be easy

-不推迟put it off, hold off, delay, postpone

-分数低:及格passing grade,不及格failing grade,好分数perfect grade


*take-home exam开卷考试,workshop研讨会, seminar研究会



-不迟到punctual/prompt,不早退,常拖堂run over time/late,-要求严,出题难,给分低

*听不懂:be lost/be all at sea/in the dark

*听懂:figure out/make sense/catch/follow words

*打瞌睡:drop off/doze off, keep watching the clock, keep counting the time.5、作业

-作业多:I've had enough of it.(I'll never have enough of it.高兴语气)

*have one's hands full, be tied up, be booked, be up to one's eyes/ears/neck with work.Have a million things to do.Study 48 hours in a day.-想迟交,不迟交:交作业hand in/ turn in, 迟交extension, 多给时间extra/more time


-常熬夜:sit up, stay doing sth

-不熬夜 get out of it, wise


-有货没货in stock/ out of stock

-印,不印in /out of print

-过时out-dated, 最新的updated/current

-平装paper back,精装hard back


-还书:recall a book, library loan, 续借renew, 传记作者biographer, 微缩胶片 microfiche

-罚钱verdue, late return, fine , moratorium(暂停,推迟)



* 电话号码本:yellow pages, telephone directory,干扰static,接通put through

* 占着电话tie up, be off下线断线,过会打给你get back to sb.10、选课


-三大顾虑:too much, too difficult, intro course





-题目难定(太大)too broad a topic

-资料难查(太多)too much material to cover




-考笔记be based on the lecture/notes

-字难认make out/recognize handwriting


-永远难was supposed to be easy

-不推迟put it off, hold off, delay, postpone

-分数低:及格passing grade,不及格failing grade,好分数perfect grade


*take-home exam开卷考试,workshop研讨会, seminar研究会



-不迟到punctual/prompt,不早退,常拖堂run over time/late,-要求严,出题难,给分低

*听不懂:be lost/be all at sea/in the dark

*听懂:figure out/make sense/catch/follow words

*打瞌睡:drop off/doze off, keep watching the clock, keep counting the time.5、作业

-作业多:I've had enough of it.(I'll never have enough of it.高兴语气)

*have one's hands full, be tied up, be booked, be up to one's eyes/ears/neck with work.Have a million things to do.Study 48 hours in a day.-想迟交,不迟交:交作业hand in/ turn in, 迟交extension, 多给时间extra/more time


-常熬夜:sit up, stay doing sth

-不熬夜 get out of it, wise


-有货没货in stock/ out of stock

-印,不印in /out of print

-过时out-dated, 最新的updated/current

-平装paper back,精装hard back


-还书:recall a book, library loan, 续借renew, 传记作者biographer, 微缩胶片 microfiche

-罚钱verdue, late return, fine , moratorium(暂停,推迟)



* 电话号码本:yellow pages, telephone directory,干扰static,接通put through

* 占着电话tie up, be off下线断线,过会打给你get back to sb.10、选课


-三大顾虑:too much, too difficult, intro course





-题目难定(太大)too broad a topic

-资料难查(太多)too much material to cover




-考笔记be based on the lecture/notes

-字难认make out/recognize handwriting


-永远难was supposed to be easy

-不推迟put it off, hold off, delay, postpone

-分数低:及格passing grade,不及格failing grade,好分数perfect grade

-心里不好受down *take-home exam开卷考试,workshop研讨会, seminar研究会



-不迟到punctual/prompt,不早退,常拖堂run over time/late,-要求严,出题难,给分低

*听不懂:be lost/be all at sea/in the dark

*听懂:figure out/make sense/catch/follow words

*打瞌睡:drop off/doze off, keep watching the clock, keep counting the time.5、作业

-作业多:I've had enough of it.(I'll never have enough of it.高兴语气)

*have one's hands full, be tied up, be booked, be up to one's eyes/ears/neck with work.Have a million things to do.Study 48 hours in a day.-想迟交,不迟交:交作业hand in/ turn in, 迟交extension, 多给时间extra/more time


-常熬夜:sit up, stay doing sth

-不熬夜 get out of it, wise


-有货没货in stock/ out of stock

-印,不印in /out of print

-过时out-dated, 最新的updated/current

-平装paper back,精装hard back



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