
时间:2019-05-15 00:58:53下载本文作者:会员上传


《大学英语口语考试情景对话:互联网的利与弊》internet and work A:With the development of computer technology, the Internet has become more and more popular.随着计算机技术的发展,互联网越来越受欢迎。

B:Yeah, but do you think students should surf the internet after class.?


A:Yes,Ido.I regard it as a great helper.是的,我这么认为。我认为网络是一个好帮手。



A:For example, you can surf the Internet for any information you need in a short time without working hard in the library.比如说,网络上你可以在很短的时间内找到任何你想要的信息,而不需要在图书管理辛苦的去查找。

B:oh,it sounds so convenient.哦,那样听起来很方便。

A:Yeah,it is convenient to communicate with others by using the Internet.是的,用互联网来和别人传递信息是很方便的。

B: However, many people think that there are many disadvantages of the Internet, because there is also some information that is not good for the students.但是,不少人认为互联网也有很多缺点,因为这里也有许多对学生来说不健康的信息。

A: That’s also true.Well, it will not only have a bad effect on study but also do harm to our health if we spend too much time to play games on line.那倒也是,而且如果花费太多的时间在网络游戏上不仅会对我们的学习造成不良的影响,而且也不利于我们的健康。

B: What do you think we should do?


A: We should make proper use of the Internet.It is of great importance for us to separate good plants from wild weeds.我们应该合理使用网络,学会分辨好与坏的能力对我们来说是很重要的。

ith the development of the science and technology,the computer has been becoing the necessity for people in the 21st Century.Following,network is of close link with our life,bringing us incomparable convenience on our life and work.Through the network,we can search for useful datas and get to know the current events.When you play computer games after a long-time work,it can relieve your pressure and make you feel relaxed.Besides,playing online games is not all bad,for it can fulfil students' entertaining requests as well as practise their response ability.However,there still exists some disadvantages in the network.The radiation from the computer will do harm to people's health if you keep on watching the computer for a long time.And short sight may caused by it for your eyes stay tense.Atpresent,there are too many games on the Internet,but some of them are not of good quality even contain some unhealthy content like violence and so on.Duo to the lack of recognizing society and self-protection awareness,some students get addicted in the games and online dating.In fact,network is not that horrible,as long as we know more about it,it will become our right hand on our studies.Let's build a clean network world together.随着科技的发展,电脑在二十一世纪成了人们必要的用品.随之而来,网络与我们的生活息息相关,给现代人的生活、工作带来了无与伦比的方便.通过网络,我们能查寻有用的资料,了解时事动态等等.当你工作了很长时间后去玩电脑游戏,可以减缓你的精神压力,放松你的心情.并且,上网玩游戏也不完全是坏事,因为学生玩游戏可以锻炼手、脑的反应能力,满足学生娱乐需要.但是网络也有弊.长时间的看电脑,电脑发出的辐射对人体有很大的害处.眼睛长期处于紧张状态容易造成近视.现在的电脑游戏众多,某些电脑游戏粗制滥造,甚至含有暴力等不健康内容.有的孩子由于对社会认识不足和自我保护意识缺乏,沉迷网络游戏,网络交友.其实网络并不可怕,只要我们面对网络时多一些认识,网络就会成为我们学习上的有利助手.让我们一起创个干净的网络世界吧!创新教育于手把手教emphasize oncreativity or ‘shoubashou’

Chinese-style reading this article after learning style, got a lot of emotion, the Chinese way of teaching children is the hands-on teaching children, while the United States focus on the child's independent thinking and ability, so that they learn to solve problems independently, and Innovation and to become familiar with Western traditions, while the Chinese can not do without tradition.I think China and the United States in education is very different from that of Chinese students hands-on capacity than the 1 / 5 United States.Finally, I think we should learn from each other their own way of education, with progress!t is widely accepted that one is more likely to succeed at things he already knows how to do well.However,to limit ourselves to doing only those things we are good at will make us miss many opportunities to develop other interests and skills.Therefore,sometimes it is necessary for us to try some new things and take some rests.Though we have the risk of failure when trying new things,we can get many advantages from it.Firstly,the process of trying a new thing is a rewarding experience,from which we may feel a different world.Secondly,even if we fail,we can still absorb experience and lessons from the trying process and our failure.Thirdly,if it turns out that we succeed at this new try,we'll get great pleasure and confidence.Finally,it is impossible for us to never fail even if we do only what we are familiar with.We don't know when we'll meet the situation we can't control.With experience of trying new things,when facing unexpected situations,we can deal with them better.Condidering the above mentioned,we needn't be afraid of new things but should bravely try them.But it is worth noting that trying new things bravely does not mean acting rashly and blindly.We should take full account before we are ready to try new things.金钱和生活money and life Many people believe that money is the most important thing in life.It seems impossible to live without money in today’s society.With money, people can buy bigger house, fancy cloths, expensive food, luxurious cars and travel all around the world.Money leads to a better life and ensure people’s basic needs.Money is also stand for wealth and social status.If one makes countless money, then he is a successful man.As to some young girls, money is the only measure to access a man.If a man has a new apartment and a new car, he will be the “hot stuff” in the girls’ eye.They marry for money rather than for love.Just like the old Chinese saying goes, money makes the mare go.Making more money has become a major goal in the eye of some people.They value money more than anything else in the world.许多人相信金钱是生活中最重要的东西。在现代社会,似乎没有钱就不能生活下去。有了钱,人们就能够买更大的房子、漂亮的衣服、昂贵的食物、豪华的大车、去世界各地旅游。金钱让人们的生活更加美好,保障了生活中的必备品。钱也是财富和社会地位的象征。如果一个人赚了数不清的钱,那么,他就是一个成功人士。对于某些年轻的女孩子来说,钱是衡量一个男人的唯一标准。那么有房有车的男人,在女孩子心中就是“抢手货”。她们情愿嫁给金钱而不是真爱。就像中国古话说的那样:“有钱能使鬼推磨”。赚钱成了一些人的主要目标。他们把钱看得比世界上的任何东西都重要。Different people have different opinions of money.Some people spare no effort to make money, such as stealing, gambling and cheating.They believe money can bring them everything.However, I dont think money can make people really happy or bring people everything.People can not use money to buy health.Steven Jobs, the founder of the Apple Company, died of cancer.He was a billionaire, but he couldn’t use money to buy himself a longer life.And money can not buy the time that already slip away.Money is also a tool for us to exchange materials, but not all the stuff.We should have a right attitude towards money.We should earn money by honest means and spend it probably.Only in this way, money can make us happy.不同的人,对金钱持不同的态度。有些人为了赚钱不择手段。例如:偷盗、赌博、诈骗。他们相信钱能给他们带来一切。然而,我不相信钱是万能的。金钱买不来健康的身体。苹果公司的创始人,史蒂夫乔布斯死于癌症。他是个亿万富翁,却无法用钱延续自己的生命。钱也不能换回已经逝去的时光。金钱不过是人们用来。the Right Value of Money It goes without saying that money is of great importance in our life.It supports our material life as well as contribute to our spiritual civilization.We need money to buy everything we need,likefood,cars and houses.But in our society,there are some people with a view of Money Above All,which is far way from a real happy life.We should treat money in a right way.A right value of money is one that we use money to maintain our material life and help build a base for our spiritual life.Inreality,a happy life comes from the achievements of our ambitions in our hearts as well as the love to our life and satisfaction from our hearts.On the contrary,people with money worship just pursue vanity,vie with each other and meet their endless demands.which will finally result in pains.动物和宠物animals and pets the Right Value of Money It goes without saying that money is of great importance in our life.It supports our material life as well as contribute to our spiritual civilization.We need money to buy everything we need,likefood,cars and houses.But in our society,there are some people with a view of Money Above All,which is far way from a real happy life.We should treat money in a right way.A right value of money is one that we use money to maintain our material life and help build a base for our spiritual life.Inreality,a happy life comes from the achievements of our ambitions in our hearts as well as the love to our life and satisfaction from our hearts.On the contrary,people with money worship just pursue vanity,vie with each other and meet their endless demands.which will finally result in pains.I have a dog, it is lovely, it is called Mimi.Every time I go home from school, Mimi always cruising around me, I will go to the kitchen to get a piece of meat to it, it lay on the floor to eat.My legs and then jump to bark “Wang ”called, so I picked 2 / 5 up Mimi, it is the opportunity to lick my hand, making me laugh.I like Mimi, like puppies.我有一条小狗,它很可爱,它叫咪咪。每当我放学回家时,咪咪总是围着我绕圈,我便去厨房拿一片肉给它,它就趴在地板上吃。然后跳到我腿上汪汪汪地叫,于是我抱起咪咪,它就乘机舔我的手,逗得我哈哈大笑。我喜欢咪咪,喜欢小狗。

With the development of economic,people now living a better life.But at the same time,many of the earth's animals have already died out.Nowdays,more and more animals lost their homes and they have no choice but to face the sorrow of missing relatives and friends.What makes it comes about?What makes their living condition even worse?The answer is human!Some people cut down plenty of trees to make fortunes,which damaged the forest and made the animals lost their home.And there are also some greedy people even hunt for animals to make money,which lead a terrible result--a number of animals are in danger.Each anmimal especially wildlife is our friend,they play an important role in ecological balance.So,lets take action,plantingtrees,buliding birdhouses and so on to pretect our earth.音乐

Music in my life

Music is an important part in my life,I even can't live without music.Actually,I like many kinds of music,I'd like to talk about my favorite music here.Well,I like Irish folk music best,New age is Irish style,and it's mixes some mordenmelody,it sounds very nice and pure,can bring you into the never land and dream land,justrelax,and forget all the problems.I like Enya,she is a very famous New age singer,her song just like the voice of heaven,her song is as nice and beautiful as herself!

I'm not keen on American pop songs,they are terrible for me!The melody is not soft and nice at all!So fast and strong beat,tooexciting,and can't hear them clearly.I can't stand the strong beat,that nearly make me fainted!

In a word,music has an very important place in my life.As for the importance of music to my life,I think you can guess,it just like meals and sleeping,I can't live without it.Does anyone want to take it away from me,I'mgonna fight him and never give up!

音乐是我生命中重要的一部分,我什至不能没有音乐。其实,我喜欢的音乐种类很多,我想谈谈我的最喜欢的音乐在这里。嗯,我喜欢的爱尔兰民间音乐最好的,新时代的爱尔兰风格,它混合了一些摩登的旋律,听起来非常好,纯净,可以使土地与梦想永不土地你,只是放松,忘记所有的问题。我喜欢恩雅,她是一个非常著名的新时代的歌手,她就像天上的声音歌曲,她的歌是很好的和自己美丽!我不是在美国流行歌曲热衷,他们对我太可怕了!的旋律不软,漂亮可言!这么快,强拍,太令人兴奋的,并不能清楚地听到他们的声音。我不能忍受强烈的节拍,几乎让我晕倒!总之,音乐在我生活中非常重要的地位。至于音乐的重要性,我的生活,我想你可以猜到,它就像吃饭,睡觉,我不能没有它。有没有人想从我出去了,我要去争取他,永不放弃!1.Many people, especially young college students, like pop songs.2.Various opinions about the influence of pop songs on young people.3.My attitude to pop songs.Many people, especially young college students, like pop songs.They hum small tunes all the way to their schools and seem to be never tired of this.Some of them are even mad about pop songs, rock'n'roll in particular.They shout and shout until their voices become hoarse.Others will submerge themselves in the romance of the love songs, with tears streaming down their cheeks.Despite such popularity of the pop songs, however, some people dismiss such kind of songs as crude and worthless.They hold that these songs are easy to sing and they are usually characterized with simple tunes which lack variety and depth.Based upon this, they say that pop songs should not have gained such popularity.Whereas many others stick to pop songs.Their lives seem to ha dull without songs.Singing Contributes to a Joyful Mind(歌唱带来欢乐)

Of all the things that make me happy, singing is what I like to do best.I sing for no particular purpose.In short, I sing for fun.There is no limit to what I sing, so long as it can let out my emotion and pass the pleasant voice to others.It is something more satisfactory and exciting to draw echoes from them.It is nothing bad to spread joy around, is it? As you can tell, singing is my second life.在所有使我快乐的事中,唱歌是我最喜欢做的一件事。我唱歌不是为特别的目的。简言之,我为快乐万唱。我唱什么歌并无限制,只要它能发泄我的情绪,稚快乐的声音传给周遭的人就好了。能够引起他们的共鸣更是一件令人满意、兴奋的事。把欢乐散布四方不是件坏事,是吗?你可以看出,唱歌是我的第二生命。Music in my life Music is an important part in my life,I even can't live without music.Acturally,I like many kinds of music,I'd like to talk about my favorite music here.Well,I like Irish folk music best,New age is Irish style,and it's mixes some mordenmelody,it sounds very nice and pure,can bring you into the never land and dream land,justrelax,and forget all the problems.I like Enya,she is a very famous New age singer,her song just like the voice of heaven,her song is as nice and beautiful as herself!I'm not keen on American pop songs,they are terrible for me!The melody is not soft and nice at all!So fast and strong beat,tooexciting,and can't hear them clearly.I can't stand the strong beat,that nearly make me fainted!In a word,music has an very important place in my life.As for the importance of music to my life,I think you can guess,it just like meals and sleeping,I can't live without it.Does anyone want to take it away from me,I'mgonna fight him and never give up!男女平等woman gender-equality The gender inequality The desire for freedom is the nature of people.However, people actually are in the pursuit of equality that we are fairly to participate in economic activities and social activities.But can equality come overnight? We might as well take the gender inequality for an example.Women seemed to be the least important creatures in the world in ancient times in China.At that time the criterion whether a woman was good or not was obedient.It meant that 3 / 5 women were subordinate to men, not to mention the so-called liberty or equality.What they have was just the responsibility of taking care of the household.As time goes by, tremendous changes have happened to women’s status.Being permitted to receive education makes women have the chance to compete with men and change their destinies.Nowadays, such cases are ordinary that people work together regardless of gender and even Women are in a leadership role.Wornen’s status arrives at an unprecedented level which can be called as equality to some extent.However, the situation is not so optimistic as the majority of women think.In effect, women are far from being equal to men as a result of the inveterate superiority of men.Although the people keeps on saying that women should be treated equally, the idea that men are better than women still exerts a subtle influence on people’s minds.When we open a recruitment ad ,“only men are eligible” is dazzling right there? That is the reality.In my opinion,the concept that people subconsciously tend to value men will not change in a short time.Because weakness of attitude can become weakness of character.Women have characteristic disadvantages that they fail to contend with themselves.However, what I want to point out here is that some women despise themselves and they rely on men.Women think it is perfectly justified for men to open door for them and pay for dinner.Does it make sense?How can you ask others to treat you equally while you have admitted the inequality in advance? Consequently , I have to say to women that changing yourselves and getting your rights In many countries in the world, women are looked down upon.It is more difficult for them to get some work than men.In order to get a job, they sometimes have to tell a lie.That's unfair.In fact, women can work no worse than men.There's nothing that women can't do.在世界上的很多国家,女性都是处于弱势群体。这就导致了她们在某求一些工作方面要比男性困难。她们为了能够找到一份工作,有时候不得不撒谎。这样对于女性很不公平。事实上,女性在这方面工作能力并不比男人差。可以说,没有女性不能干的事。

Perhaps, they are better at their work than men.For example, in making telephones and computers, many companies would rather employ women, for men can't pick up the small pieces with their fingers.Like , they can also become excellent engineers, doctors and teachers.So I am sure the day will come soon when women can really get equal rights.或许,他们比男性能做的更好。比如:在电话、电脑制造方面,很多厂家宁愿雇佣女性来工作,因为男性无法用他们那大手指拾起小小的配件,除此之外,女性工程师、医生和老师也特受好评。所以我相信,在不远的未来,女性将会在各个方面拥有更多平等的权利。


当开始谈话的时候,最好要选择安全的话题,比如天气weather,工作career,体育sports,爱好favorite,兴趣 interesting Where are you from?这通常是人们互相提问的第一个问题。你可以回答国家或者地方,例如I‘m from New Zealand 或者I’m from Sydeny。

Is this your first trip to China?你第一次来中国吗?这是当对方是访客的时候常问的问题。It's hot today,isn't it?谈论天气是常见的小话题,哪里都适用。

What do you do for a living?意思是Where do you work?,或者What‘s your job?

Did you see the football match last night?体育足球也是个很好的话题,但是如果你们支持的是不同的球队,容易引起争论。



How old are you?年龄是一个敏感的话题,尤其是男士询问女士的年龄,轻易不能这么问。

Have you put on weight?应该避免关于外表的评论。可能你觉得在赞美别人,而老外会认为你在冒犯他!How much do you earn?大多数人都不喜欢谈论金钱,如果你询问工资,他们会觉得尴尬。

你还可以用这些小技巧,询问后续问题,使谈话继续进行下去。例如,如果别人说,“I saw a really good film last night”,你可以回答并问“Really? What was it about?”

最后你还可以使用合适的应答,来表示你正在聆听。包括 Oh?,Wow!,That’s great!或者 Not bad等等。情景对话1 : A: May I come in? I: Yes, please.A: How are you doing, Madam? My name is Wujing.I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.I: Fine, thank you for coming.Mr.Wu, Please take a seat.I am Anne Smith, the assistant manager.A: Nice to see you, Mrs.Smith.I: Nice to meet you, too.情景对话2:

A: OK, Mr.Wu.You may come in.This is Anne Smith and on my right, my colleague, Anna Duncan, and on my left, Angela Lamb.Do please sit down./ 5 I: Thank you.Good afternoon Mrs.Smith, Miss Duncan, Miss Lamb.A: Your English is fluent.I: Thank you.A: How do you think of the weather today?

I: I don't like the weather like this.Cold and rainy.Hope it become sunny as soon as possible.情景对话3:

A: Excuse me.May I see Mrs.Smith? I: It's me.What can I do for you?

A: Nice to meet you, Mrs.Smith.I'm coming here for an interview by appointment.I: Are you Mr.Wu? A: Yes, I am.I: Nice to meet you, too.Did you have any difficulty finding our company? A: Not really, I am familiar with this area.1)May I come in? 我可以进来吗?

2)How are you doing, Mrs.Smith? 你好,史密斯女士。

3)Excuse me.May I see Mrs.Smith? 对不起,我可以见史密斯女士吗?

4)Miss Wu? Will you come in please? Take a seat.吴小姐,请进,坐下吧。

5)I have come here for an interview by appointment.Nice to meet you.我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你。6)I am coming for an interview as required.我是应邀来面试的。

7)Did you have any difficulty finding our company? 找到我们公司困难吗?

8)How do you think of the weather today? 你认为今天的天气如何?


(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)Dialogue 1 A: May I come in? I: Yes, please.A: How are you doing, Madam? My name is Wujing.I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.I: Fine, thank you for coming.Mr.Wu, Please take a seat.I am Anne Smith, the assistant manager.A: Nice to see you, Mrs.Smith.I: Nice to meet you, too.Dialogue 2 A: OK, Mr.Wu.You may come in.I?m Anne Smith and on my right, my colleague, Anna Duncan, and on my left, Angela Lamb.Do please sit down.I: Thank you.Good afternoon Mrs.Smith, Miss Duncan, Miss Lamb.A: Your English is fluent.I: Thank you.A: How do you think of the weather today? I: I don?t like the weather like this.Cold and rainy.Hope it become sunny as soon as possible.Dialogue 3 A: Excuse me.May I see Mrs.Smith? I: It's me.What can I do for you? A: Nice to meet you, Mrs.Smith.I?m coming here for an interview by appointment.I: Are you Mr.Wu? A: Yes, I am.I: Nice to meet you, too.Did you have any difficulty finding our company? A: Not really, I am familiar with this area.5 / 5


Topic one Studying Abroad1、Do you want to go abroad to study further? Why or why、not?

答案:No, I don’t want to go abroad to study.Because I don’t want to leave my parents to far, studying abroad must costs a large sum of money, and my family can’t afford it.2、If you intend to study abroad, which country do you prefer?、And why?

答案: I intend to study abroad, I prefer to go to US.Because in there have a lot of famous University.3、If you study abroad, which major or project would you、prefer? And why?答案: choose International economy and trade.Because I like this major.4、What are the advantages of studying abroad?

答 案 : Studying abroad can make many friends are from different countries.And It can exercise the abilities of dealing with various kinds of problems and the abilities of overcoming different difficulties.5、Do you think there are any shortcoming of studying、abroad?

答案 : Yes, I think studying abroad have some shortcoming.Studying abroad costs a large sum of money and you’ll feel lonely when you get to a new environment.6、Can you imagine the various difficulties you will encounter、when you are studying abroad?

答案:Students studying abroad may face a lot of unexpected problems and difficulties.The most problem they encounter is language problem.When you new there, you can’t communicate with other people, even if you master native languages.7、When you complete your studies abroad, would you choose、to come back or stay overseas?

答案:I’ll choose come back.Because I think I’m studying is badly needed nowadays in China and come back will be much more convenient for me to look after my parents.8、If you come back to China, what would you do?

答案:If I come back to China, I’ll find a job in China it can be more convenient for me to look after my parents.9、What are the required qualities for students to study well、abroad?

答案:Good spoken English and good communication.These can help students to adapt to the new environment.10、Do you think young students should go to study abroad?、Why or why not?

答案 No, I don’t think young students should go to study abroad.Because there are a lot of young students studying abroad and they can’t take care of themselves well.And nowadays China’s education is not bad.Topic two Campus Love1、Have you ever fallen in love with someone? Could you tell、your feelings about your love?

答案:No, I’m single.2、Do you think college students should fall in love with each、other?

答案:No, I don’t think so.College students are adults and they can control their emotions and behavior, and also they can choose whether they should fall in love or not.3、What are the pros and cons about college love?、答案 College love can enhance one’s confidence and make one more beautiful, happiness.But love also may be influence their study.4、Do you think college students can get married? Why or、why not?

答案:Yes, I think college students can get married.Because if they really love each other, get married this thing is happy.So, the happy things why we can’t do it?

5、What characteristics will you consider when you choose、your girlfriend or boyfriend?答案:I hope my boyfriend is a warmhearted man and good for me.6、How can we deal with campus love properly and keep a、balance between study and love?

答案:I think as long as we treat each other with sincerity.And trust each other, I think any problem can be solved.7、How can we get out of the gloom(忧郁 or depression(沮丧、忧郁)沮丧)忧郁 沮丧 of losing a boyfriend/girlfriend? If you lose a boyfriend/girlfriend, what would you do?

答案:I think I’ll cry, eat many foods and sleep for a long time.When I wake up next day, I’ll start again.Any problem we can be solved.Topic three Smoking1、Do you smoke? Are you heavy smoker or light smoker?

答案:No, I don’t and I hate smoker.2、Do you think smoking has some advantages?

答案:No, I don’t think so.But some smoker may think smoking can make they relaxed.3、What are the disadvantages of smoking in your opinion?

答案:Smoking is not only harmful to the smokers themselves, but also results in deaths of non-smokers.Smoking may even leads to lung cancer.4、If your family members smoke, what will you do?

答案:I’ll tell he smoking is bad for our health.And I’ll tell he smoking not only wastes a large sum of money, but only may lead some disease.5、Could you give some suggestions to those who can’t quit、smoking?

答案:If you think your body, I hope you will quit smoking.When you want to smoking, you can chewing gun or eat some snacks instead of smoking.6、If there were no cigarettes, what would the world become?

答案:I think the world will be health.It can reduce the number of deaths and the air will be more clean.Also, more people won’t have cancer.7、Do you think it necessary to prohibit smoking completely?

答案 Yes, I think it’s necessary to prohibit smoking completely.Because smoking not only pollutes the air but also lead many people have some diseases.8、Could you provide some advice about prohibiting smoking、in public?

答案:Paste some “No Smoking” posters in some public place and advertise some ads tell about damage.Topic four Family life1、Do you think children should learn to do some housework?

答案:Yes, I think children should learn to do some housework.Because I think it can help children more independent and let their children to know their mothers to housework is hard.2、Who does most of the housework in your family? What do、you think of it?

答案:My mother.I think it’s too tired to her.She not only have to go to work, but also she

will do hard housework after work.3、Nowadays many young people hate housework.What do、you think of it?

答案:i think these young people is too lazy.Because they are not hate to do, just not want to do.4、If you were to find a life partner, would you choose、someone who doesn’t do housework? Why?

答案 No, I hope find someone can do some homework.Because we can share the housework, it can’t make our too tired.5、What do you think of those young people who always rely、on their parents?

答案 I think those young people are lack of independent ability.They can’t understand how to take care of themselves well.6、Do you think young people should take care of their、parents?

答案: Yes, of course.Take care of our parents is our duty, anyoneshould do it.7、Do you prefer to live with your parents or by yourself after、graduation? Why? ?答案:Yes, I prefer to live with my parents when I graduation.Because I can much more convenient for me to look after my parents.8、Some parents love their children in such a way that they do、everything for them.What is your opinion?

答案:I think spoil their children is a wrong way.Parents should be not too strict nor to spoil.This is a right way to teach children.9、What do you think of the parents who often beat their、children?

答案:It’s a bad way to teach children.Because many children may think their parents don’t love them, so they may hate go home and even do bad things.So, parents teach children should gently.Topic five Part-time job1、Have you done any part-time jobs? What are they?

答案:Yes, I had a part-time job.It’s a waiter.2、What part-time jobs would you suggest for college students、to do?

答案:Waiter, handing out leaflets, cashier and shopping guide and so on.3、What do you learn from your part-time jobs?

答案:I learned the labor means and the value of a dollar.students obtain a great deal of knowledge from jobs that can’t be learned from their books.4、Are there any disadvantages of part-time jobs? If so, what、are they?

答案:Part-time jobs usually occupy a large quantity of students’ time, and part-time jobs may distract their attention from their studies.5、Do you think college students should do part-time jobs?

答案:No, I don’t think so.Because it will wastes study time and we also can do part-time jobs on summer vocation.6、What are the purpose for which college students so、part-time jobs?

答案:Many students want to earn some money and gain some social experience.7、Are you there any difficulty and trouble for par-time jobs?

答案: Yes, too many people want to do this and work-time not fit for our class-time.8、Do you know how to keep a balance between jobs and、study?

答案:Yes.In fact, I’m only work on free time.Topic six Advertisements1、Where can you find ads.?

答案:Computer, television, telephone, magazine and so on.2、Can you give several ways of advertising?

答案 Make a short film, make picture on the magazine and newspapers.3、Do you like ads.or TV commercials? Why or why not?

答案:No, I don’t like it.Because advertising time is too long.4、Do you believe what is said ads.Or commercials? Why or、why not?

答案:I think advertising is introduce some goods advantages to people.5、Have you found any misleading ads.?

答案:Yes, I found some misleading ads..For example, let people grow tall drug.6、Are you satisfied with all kinds of ads.? if not, do you have、any suggestions for their improvement?

答案:Shorten time, enhance the quality of ads.7、What are the functions of our daily life?

答案:Advertisements provide some goods information to the consumers.8、Can you think of an interesting ad.And perform it?

答案:Yes, I can.A beautiful lady walked into elevator, and when the elevator door close.She’s clothes was bursting.Topic seven Following the Fashion1、Do you follow fashion? Why(not)? What do you think of、“slaves to fashion”? describe someone who is a “fashion victim”.答案:Yes, a little.Because fashions make people look more beautiful in appearance and make people more confidence.For example, Lynne.Everyday she must get up early one hour to make up and she always eat less to save money to buy beautiful clothes.2、What particular fashion do you feel corresponds(符合 best、符合)符合 to what you wear at the moment? Grunge? Punk? New romantic? Sixties? Hippy? Ethnic? Feminine? Macho? Classic? Preppy? Anti-fashion? How do you prefer to dress?

答案:I like light color and simple dress.3、、Fashion shows cost a lot of money, both for the organizers and for the designers who show their clothes.What is the point of a fashion show and in what way do the designers benefit? Do you think fashion show deserves its costs?答案:

4、The Italians spend twice as much on clothes as the Danes.、Does this fact surprise you? How much do you think people spend on clothes in your country?

答案:I’m not surprise for this.I think5、What is the link between music and fashion? Give some、examples.答案:Supplement each other.6、What are the advantages and disadvantages of following the、fashion?答案:Topic eight Watching TV1、Do you like watching TV? Why do you like or why don’t、like watching TV?答案:Yes, I like watching TV.Because some TV programs can make me cheerful.2、How many hours a day do you spend watching TV?

答案 One hours.3、What kinds of TV programs do you like watching TV?

答案:I like entertainment programs.4、Could you describe one kind of TV program you like?

答案:Yes, I like to see a program is called“we’re married”.“ There are many stars pretend to get to married.I think it’s very funny.5、What can you learn from watching TV?

答案:I learn many things from different countries and many news from watching TV.6、What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV?

答案:When we feel tired and bored, we can watching TV.Also when we want to learn English, we can language programs to learn.But watching TV will waste lots of time and bad for children eyesight.7、Could you give some advice for those who are addicted to、watching TV? 答案:

8、Do you like watching films on TV or video or going to、cinema? What are the differences between them?

答案:No, I don’t like watching films on TV.I prefer to going to cinema, because good feelings in the cinema.Cinema’s screen bigger than TV.9、What are your comments about Chinese TV programs/、Could you give some suggestions for their improvement?

答案:Advertising-time is too long.10、Do you know the differences between Chinese TV、programs and Western TV programs?

答案:No, I’m not clear.


























2009组织申报各类项目1398项,批准项目742项。其中:新增转基因重大专项重点课题34项,获批经费预算额度达到2亿元。国家科技支撑计划、973计划、863计划等新增课题60项,批准经费近4000万元。新增公益性行业科技项目7项,经费1.3亿元。国家自然科学基金项目获批149项,经费5200余万元,基金面上项目的资助率为29.3%,创我校近年最好成绩;我校倪中福教授和申建波教授获“国家杰出青年科学基金”资助。新增各类人文社科项目143项,总经费1423万元,其中首次获国家社科基金重大项目1项。国际合作与交流项目获批46项,到校经费近1800万元。横向项目合 3










目前,我校拥有省部级以上科研基地58个。其中国家重点实验室3个、国家工程实验室1个、国家级专业实验室4个、国家级野外观测研究站1个、国家级研究中心6个、生物安全三级实验室1个、省部级实验室22个、省部级研究中心8个、农业部质量监督检验测试中心8个、农业部野外科学观测试验站4个。这些科研基地 的建设和运行,在科技创新、学科发展和人才培养等方面发挥了重要的支撑作用。






为加强人文社科研究,学校成立了人文社科处。2009年人文社会科学发展继续保持良好势头,经费突破1000万元,在重大项目申报方面获得突破性进展,相关SSCI/SCI收录论文(含参与作者)达到16篇,EI/ISTP收录论文10篇,CSSCI收录论文179篇。多篇文章在Journal of Development Economics,Energy Economics,Journal of Agrarian Change,Journal of Policy Modelling等国际著名杂志上发

表。我校与Emerald主办的China Agricultural Economic Review国际期刊正式发行,获得学术界高度评价。举办了CAER第一届国际学术年会、第五届农业政策理论与实践研讨会等国际和全国性学术会议。李小云教授等人的研究报告《财政扶贫资金的瞄准与偏离》获2009教育部高等学校科研优秀成果奖(人文社科类)三等奖。








《中国农业大学学报》在2009年中国高校自然科学学报研究会评比中被评为“优秀编辑质量奖”。《中国农业大学学报-社科版》办刊质量提高迅速,入选CSSCI来源期刊,影响因子从0.2 提升至0.7。2009年《中国农业大学科技要报》,关注的均为我国农业各领域的热点和亟待解决的问题,科技部、财政部、农业部、水利部等职能部门通过立项、讨论等多种形式予以采纳,《科技日报》、《农民日报》、《大众科学》等新闻媒体予以采访,其中今年第10、11、12期分别刊登的“关于加快高效植保机械与施药技术的建议”、“我国耕作制度面临的问题与发展建议”、“关于抵御干旱灾害提高农业供水保障能力的建议”均得到中央领导的重要批示。




中国农业大学是我国现代农业高等教育的起源地,其历史 起自于1905年成立的京师大学堂农科大学。1949年9月,由北 京大学农学院、清华大学农学院和华北大学农学院合并为北京 农业大学。1952年10月,北京农业大学农业机械系与中央农业部机耕化农业专科学校、华北农业机械专科学校、平原省农学院合并成立北京 农业机械化学院,1985年10月更名为北京农业工程大学。1995 年9月,北京农业大学与北京农业工程大学合并成立中国农业大 学,江泽民同志亲自题写校名。长期以来,学校的建设与发展得 到了国家的高度重视。北京农业大学于1954年被国务院列为全国6所重点院校之一,于1984年被列为全国重点建设的10所高等院校之一。北京农业机械化学院于1960年被列为全国重点大学之一。学校于1995年进入首批“211工程”建设行列,于2004年被确定为“985工程”重点建设的高水平研究型大学。2003年5月4日,国务院总理温家宝视察中国农业大学,发表了重要讲话。2005年10月13日,全国人大常委会吴邦国委员长视察中国农业大学,祝贺农大建校百年,鼓励学校再创辉煌。2009 年5月2日,中共中央总书记、国家主席胡锦涛视察中国农业大学,与师生代表亲切座谈,对青年学生提出了殷切期望,对学校提出了“加快建设世界一流农业大学步伐”的要求。2010年5月2日,胡锦涛总书记给中国农业大学师生回信,鼓励全校师生为发展现代农业作出更大贡献。2012年9月15日,习近平等党和国家领导同志来校参加全国科普日北京主场活动,在视察学校时要求学校教书育人和党的建设“两手抓两促进两不耽误”,“真正建成有中国特色的、具有农业特色的一流大学”,为学校发展进一步指明了方向,极大激发了全校师生的责任感和使命感。


中国农业大学拥有一支实力雄厚、结构合理的师资队伍。现有专任教师1641人,其中教授(含研究员)581人、副教授(含副研究员)832人。研究生导师1398人,其中博士生导师810人。学校有中国科学院院士5人、中国工程院院士7人,“ 长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授24人,“国家杰出青年科学基金”获得者42人,国家“973计划”项目首席科学家15人,新世纪“百千万人才工程”国家级 人选26人,教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”人选145人,享受政府特殊津贴专家70人。聘请了包括诺贝尔生理或医学奖获得者、“DNA之父”James Watson 和我国杰出的农业科学家、杂交水稻之父袁隆平院士在内的一批国内外著名学者担任名誉教授和客座教授。

中国农业大学具备培养学士、硕士、博士的完整教育体系。学校拥有15个博士后流动站,20个博士学位授权一级学科,95 个博士学位授权点,29个硕士学位授权一级学科,144个硕士学位授权点,9个专业 学位类型,33个专业学位领域;65个本科专业,其中生物学、化学两个学科被列入“国家理科基础学科研究和教育人才培养基地”。全日制本科生11395名,全日制研究生7661名,其中全日制硕士研究生4478名,全日制博士研究生3183名;在站博士后研究人员215名。

中国农业大学坚持德育为先、能力为重、全面发展的人才培养理念,培养具有爱国情怀和社会责任感、熟练掌握专业知识与技能、综合能力强的拔尖创新人才。学校拥有1名国家高层次人才特殊支持计划(“万人计划”)教学名师,2名国家级教学名师和32名北京市教学名师,5个国家级优秀教学团队和10个北京市优秀教学团队,14个国家级特色专业和2个国家人才培养模式创新实验区。学校不断深化教学内容和教学方法改革,建成了23门国家精品课程、15门精品资源共享课、2门精品视频公开课和25门北京市精品课程,6门“中国大学慕课”课程;122项教材入选国家级“十一五”规划教材;17项教材入选国家级“十二五”规划教材;进一步加强实验室、实习基地建设,拥有3个国家实验教学示范中心、3个国家级虚拟仿真实验教学中心和6个北京市实验教学示范中心;通过强化实践创新能力培养,构建了创新人才培养体系,为开展高水平的研究性教学奠定了良好的基础,大学生科技创新活动活跃。2008年以来,我校本科生在各类创新项目支持下,共发表高水平学术论文342篇,其中Science 1篇,SCI 268篇,EI 67篇,ISTP 7篇;发明专利184项,实用新型专利33项,外观设计专利10项;学生获省部级及以上学科竞赛奖励1464项。深入推进研究生教育教学改革,全面实施博士生“申请考核制”;进一步完善研究生学位论文的质量保障体系,促进学位论文的质量不断提高。学校总计有23篇博士学位论文入选“全国优秀博士学位论文”,在全国高校中位居前列。学校已培养了13万余名合格的毕业生,取得了一大批教育教学成果,以优异的成绩通过了教育部本科教学工作水平评估,办学质量和办学水平得到了社会各界的广泛认可。2016年,学校本科毕业生2801人,硕士毕业生1688人,博士毕业生632人。

中国农业大学围绕人类的营养与健康,以国家农业科技重大需求和国际学术前沿为导向,开展高水平科学研究、社会服务和文化传承与创新。在生物与农业高技术领域的研究居国内领先水平。主持国家重点基础研究计划(“973计划”)项目22项(含重大科学问题导向项目和重大科学研究计划项目各1项),有国家现代农业产业技术体系首席科学家6名。2001年以来,获国家级科技奖励78项,获省部级科技奖励455项,获得授权专利3420件。石元春院士主持完成的“黄淮海平原中低产地区综合治理的研究与开发”研究成果曾获国家科技进步特等奖。先后有23篇高水平研究论文在国际著名杂志《SCIENCE》、《CELL》、《NATURE》和《NATURE GENETICS》上发表,奠定了我校在基础研究方面的领先地位。我校2016被 SCI、EI和SSCI收录论文数量达到2310篇。在ESI学科评价指标中,我校的农业科学、植物与动物科学、环境/生态学、生物学与生物化学、化学、微生物学、工程学分子生物学与遗传学和社会科学总论9个学科和所有学科论文总引用量进入了全球前1%,其中农业科学、植物与动物科学两个学科的总引用量保持在全球前1‰。学校加强科技成果转化与推广服务,涉及食品科学与营养工程、动物医学、动物科技、资源与环境、农学与生物技术、工学、信息与电气工程等领域的实用技术成果推广覆盖全国。科技服务重点围绕国家重大需求、区域发展和产业发展需求,立足京津冀,以顶层设计、统筹布局、引领带动的工作思路,针对国家、地方、企业等重大需求,结合我校科研、人才培养和服务社会的需求,在全国相关区域建设综合实验站(教授工作站)53个,为区域经济和社会发展提供规划设计、技术指导社会管理等综合服务;进一步开拓成果转化和社会服务领域,拓展转化渠道,扩大服务地区,努力探索科技服务地方的新机制和新模式,已与十余个省、自治区、直辖市和七十余个地市签署了科技合作协议,为地方经济的发展提供技术支撑;我校每年与地方签署科技研发及成果转化方面的合同500余项,加快了科技成果向企业的转移;依托现代农业产业技术体系专家及其团队成员解决产业发展中的技术难题,依托实验站、教授工作站、科技小院等围绕地方和农民产业发展需求,面向基层农业干部、农业企业经理人、基层技术人员、农民等开展5万余人次的技能培训,为我校科技成果的推广示范和转化起到了突出的作用。




兽医学 畜牧学 植物保护 农业资源利用 作物学 农业工程 二、二级国家重点学科

农业经济管理 果树学 农产品加工及贮藏工程 物化学与分子生物学 微生物学 植物学

三、国家重点(培育)学科 食品科学



植物生理学与生物化学国家重点实验室 农业生物技术国家重点实验室


植物-土壤相互作用教育部重点实验室 现代精细农业系统集成研究教育部重点实验室






植物-土壤相互作用教育部重点实验室 现代精细农业系统集成研究教育部重点实验室 作物杂种优势研究与利用教育部重点实验室 农业生物技术国家重点实验室 植物生理学与生物化学国家重点实验室 动物营养学国家重点实验室 畜禽育种国家工程实验室 作物遗传改良北京市重点实验室 草业科学北京市重点实验室

果树逆境生理与分子生物学北京市重点实验室 农业部农作制度重点开放实验室 农业部生物防治重点开放实验室 农业部牧草遗传改良重点开放实验室 农业部果蔬加工重点开放实验室 农业部都市农业(北方)重点开放实验室 国家动物海绵状脑病检测实验室 国家动物寄生原虫实验室 国家兽药残留基准实验室

国家级兽药安全评价(环境评估)实验室 功能乳品教育部北京市共建重点实验室 农业部动物遗传育种与繁殖重点开放实验室 农业部农药化学与应用重点开放实验室 农业部植物营养学重点开放实验室

农业部作物基因组学与遗传改良重点开放实验室 农业部人畜共患病重点开放实验室 农业部土壤和水重点开放实验室 农业部设施农业工程重点开放实验室

农业部兽用化药和中草药创制与评价重点开放实验室 农业部植物病理学重点开放实验室

农业部农业微生物资源与利用重点开放实验室 国家、部级重点中心: 国家玉米改良中心 国家家禽测定中心 国家兽药安全评价中心 国家饲料工程技术研究中心

国家农业野生植物鉴定评价中心(水稻)玉米育种教育部工程研究中心 农业部饲料工业中心


农业部农产品质量监督检验测试中心(北京)农业部牧草与草坪草种子质量监督检验测试中心(北京)农业部家禽品质监督检验测试中心(北京)农业部兽药安全监督检验测试中心(北京)农业部饲料效价与安全监督检验测试中心(北京)农业部转基因生物食用安全监督检验测试中心(北京)现代农业装备与设备教育部工程研究中心 果蔬加工教育部工程研究中心

农业节水与水资源教育部工程研究中心 农业部饲料质量安全监督检验中心

农业部沼气产品及设备质量监督检验测试中心华北工作站 河北省低平原区农业工程技术研究中心 中法肉牛研究与发展中心

植物生长调节剂教育部工程研究中心 国家蛋品工程技术研究中心

















假如我当了小队长,我将会实实在在。认认真真地做好这份工作。我的计划首先是要让自己以身作则,给大家做一个好榜样。其次我会认真的检查组员的作业。再次,我会帮组员解决难题。最后,我会管好卫生。我就是我,我不想用一些好词来夸自己,我就是一个 学习一般的小学生。假如我没有当上小队长,我也不会气馁,我会继续努力的,争取下次当上。有句话说得好,工作锻炼了我,生活造就了我。






敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 下午好!很高兴今天能站在这个讲台上参加班干部的竞选.我竞选的是小队长,因为我觉得我能胜任这个工作,这样不但能让我的才能得到发挥,还能让自己得到更多的锻炼,使自己变得更优秀.当小队长要学习好,遵守纪律,尊敬老师,团结同学,关心热爱班集体,严格要求自己,以身作则,起好模范带头作用.我的学习还不错,上课认真听讲,积极思考,遵守作息时间,爱护花草树木,听从老师教导,不与老师顶嘴.关心班集体的事,严格要求自己,团结同学,乐意助人.完全符合做小队长的要求.如果我当上了小队长,我会做好以下几点:





五、每天认真检查同学们的作业,并给予指导.如果我有幸选上了,我会把这个工作做得很好,一定不会辜负老师和同学们对我的期望.如果我没选上,我也不会气馁,说明我还有很多做得不够好的地方.在以后的学习生活中,我会更严格要求自己,让自己变得更优秀,争取下一次能选上.同学们,请把你那宝贵的一票投给我吧!亲爱的老师、同学: 你们好!




































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