职场英语教案2011-2012学年 第二学期

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第一篇:职场英语教案2011-2012学年 第二学期


学期:2011-2012学年第二学期 学时:32 学分:2 授课对象:09级工程管理1-2班,09级软件工程1-2班

09级电子1-2班 人数:180 教材:《职场英语》,2009 高等教育出版社 任课教师:王剑娜 1.课程成果:






① 口试内容:每单元第一部分的dialogue,以及回答老师提问

② 形式:2个学生为一组,每次课3-4组,以role play的形式展示 ③ 评分:口试共40分

(2)课堂表现(30%):课堂发言,共3次,每次10分。① 发言内容:教材练习部分中的口语练习② 评分:根据学生所说的内容(包括长短)、语音、语调、语言准确性给分

(3)作业(30%):笔头作业,2次,每次15分 ① 内容:教材练习部分中的笔头练习

② 检查方式:每次上课前任意抽8-10名学生的作业上交(内容为上一单元的)(4)期末笔试: 内容涉及教材10个单元Unit 1: Job Interview


1.Understand the dialogue and the passages.2.Master the expressions in Useful Expressions.3.Capable of answering questions at interview properly.二、学时安排(4 hours)

1. Course Introduction: 1 hour 2. Dialogue & Useful Expressions: 1 hour 3. Text A: 1 hour 4. Text B: 1 hour

三、教学内容 Dialogue Students work in pairs and give performance in front.Useful Expressions Students practice to ask and answer questions in pairs, and then teacher asks some students to answer her questions.Class Activities of Dialogue Interview: 2 students, 1 interviewer, 1 interviewee, making a dialogue based on the scenario and want ads given on textbook by using as many useful expressions as possible.Text A Interview Etiquette Students read the passage quickly, and do: 1.Exercise 1: Right or Wrong.2.Exercise 2: Giving Suggestions.3.Exercise 3: Describing Pictures.Text B Research the Company — An Important Step Before Interview Students read the passage quickly, and do: 1.Exercise 1: True or False.2.Exercise 2: Giving Suggestions.Cultural Tips Teacher leads students to learn about the cultural tips.四、作业

1.Preview the following unit.2.Writing: Text B: Exercise 3: Brain Searching.五、日常测验

Oral Presentation: Dialogue Performance Unit 2 Company Structure


1.Understand the dialogue and the passages.2.Master the expressions in Useful Expressions.3.Capable of understanding basic company structures.二、学时安排(3 hours)

1. Dialogue & Useful Expressions: 1 hour 2. Text A: 1 hour 3. Text B: 1 hour

三、教学内容 Dialogue Students work in pairs and give performance in front.Useful Expressions Students read the expressions, and find out who is in charge of what, and get familiar with the company titles and departments.Class Activities of Dialogue 1.Exercise 1: Matching the departments with their equivalent functions.2.Exercise 2: Making a dialogue based on the scenario given on textbook.Text A Board of Directors, Chairman and CEO Students read the passage quickly, and do: 1.Exercise 1: Answering Questions.2.Exercise 2: True or False.3.Exercise 3: Describing Pictures.Text B Job Descriptions Cultural Tips Teacher leads students to learn about the cultural tips.四、作业

1.Preview the following unit.2.Writing: Dialogue: Exercise 3 Translation


Oral Presentation: Dialogue Performance

Unit 3 On the Phone


1.Understand the dialogue and the passages.2.Master the expressions in Useful Expressions.3.Capable of making and answering business calls.二、学时安排(3 hours)

1. Dialogue & Useful Expressions: 1 hour 2. Text A: 1 hour 3. Text B: 1 hour

三、教学内容 Dialogue Students work in pairs and give performance in front.Useful Expressions Students read the expressions, and understand what should be said under certain situation.Class Activities of Dialogue 1.Exercise 1: Blank Filling.2.Exercise 2: Making a dialogue based on the scenario given on textbook.Text A How to Answer a Phone Call — Telephone Etiquette for the Called Party Students read the passage quickly, and do: 1.Exercise 1: True or False.2.Exercise 2: Finding Problems and Giving Suggestions.3.Exercise 3: Describing Pictures.Text B How to Make a Phone Call — Telephone Etiquette for the Caller Students read the passage quickly, and do: 1.Exercise 1: True or False.2.Exercise 2: Answering the Following Questions.Cultural Tips Teacher leads students to learn about the cultural tips.四、作业

1.Preview the following unit.2.Writing: Text B: Exercise 3: Leaving a Voice Message


Oral Presentation: Dialogue Performance

Unit 4 At the Meeting


1.Understand the dialogue and the passages.2.Master the expressions in Useful Expressions.3.Capable of organizing and attending a business meeting.二、学时安排(2 hours)

1. Dialogue & Useful Expressions: 1 hour 2. Text A: 1 hour

三、教学内容 Dialogue Students work in pairs and give performance in front.Useful Expressions Students read the expressions, and understand what should be said under certain situation.Class Activities of Dialogue 1.Exercise 1: Blank Filling.2.Exercise 2: Holding a meeting based on the scenario given on textbook.Text A How to Organize and Run Effective Meetings Students read the passage quickly, and do: 1.Exercise 1: True or False.2.Exercise 2: Giving Advice.3.Exercise 3: Describing Pictures.Cultural Tips Teacher leads students to learn about the cultural tips.四、作业

1.Preview the following unit.2.Writing: Dialogue: Exercise 2: Holding a Meeting


Oral Presentation: Dialogue Performance

Unit 5 Business Travel


1.Understand the dialogue and the passages.2.Master the expressions in Useful Expressions.3.Capable of understanding the details and etiquette in business travel.二、学时安排(3 hours)

1. Dialogue & Useful Expressions: 1 hour 2. Text A: 1 hour 3. Text B: 1 hour

三、教学内容 Dialogue Students work in pairs and give performance in front.Useful Expressions Students read the expressions, and understand what should be said under certain situation.Class Activities of Dialogue 1.Exercise 1: Blank Filling.2.Exercise 2: Making a dialogue based on the scenario given on textbook.Text A Business Travel Students read the passage quickly, and do:

1.Exercise 1: Answering the Following Questions.2.Exercise 2: True or False.3.Exercise 3: Finding Problems and Giving Suggestions.Text B Business Dining Etiquette 1.Exercise 1: True or False.2.Exercise 2: Giving Suggestions.3.Exercise 3: Finding Problems and Giving Suggestions.Cultural Tips Teacher leads students to learn about the cultural tips.四、作业

1.Preview the following unit.2.Writing: Text B: Exercise 4: Searching Information


Oral Presentation: Dialogue Performance

Unit 6 Receiving Visitors


1.Understand the dialogue and the passages.2.Master the expressions in Useful Expressions.3.Capable of understanding the details and etiquette while receiving business visitors.二、学时安排(2 hours)

1. Dialogue & Useful Expressions: 1 hour 2. Text A: 1 hour

三、教学内容 Dialogue Students work in pairs and give performance in front.Useful Expressions Students read the expressions, and understand what should be said under certain situation.Class Activities of Dialogue 1.Exercise 1: Making dialogues based on the scenarios given on textbook.2.Exercise 2: Matching.Text A Receiving Visitors Students read the passage quickly, and do: 1.Exercise 1: Answering the Questions.2.Exercise 2: Finding Problems and Giving Suggestions.3.Exercise 3: Describing Pictures.Cultural Tips Teacher leads students to learn about the cultural tips.四、作业

1.Preview the following unit.2.Writing: Text A: Exercise 2: Finding Problems and Giving Suggestions.五、日常测验

Oral Presentation: Dialogue Performance

Unit 7 Exhibition


1.Understand the dialogue and the passages.2.Master the expressions in Useful Expressions.3.Capable of understanding the details and etiquette while attending an exhibition.二、学时安排(3 hours)

1. Dialogue & Useful Expressions: 1 hour 2. Text A: 1 hour 3. Text B: 1 hour

三、教学内容 Dialogue Students work in pairs and give performance in front.Useful Expressions Students read the expressions, and understand what should be said under certain situation.Class Activities of Dialogue 1.Exercise 1: Rearrangement.2.Exercise 2: Blank Filling.Text A How to Select a Right Trade Show Students read the passage quickly, and do: 1.Exercise 1: True or False.2.Exercise 2: Making a Summary.3.Exercise 3: Multiple Choice.Text B Exhibit Hall Etiquette 1.Exercise 1: Multiple Choice.2.Exercise 2: Finding Problems and Giving Suggestions

Cultural Tips Teacher leads students to learn about the cultural tips.四、作业

1.Preview the following unit.2.Writing: Text A: Exercise 2: Making a Summary.五、日常测验

Oral Presentation: Dialogue Performance

Unit 8 Negotiation


1.Understand the dialogue and the passages.2.Master the expressions in Useful Expressions.3.Capable of negotiate with others in business world.二、学时安排(3 hours)

1. Dialogue & Useful Expressions: 1 hour 2. Text A: 1 hour 3. Text B: 1 hour

三、教学内容 Dialogue Students work in pairs and give performance in front.Useful Expressions Students read the expressions, and understand what should be said under certain situation.Class Activities of Dialogue 1.Exercise 1: Making a Dialogue.2.Exercise 2: Rearrangement.Text A 5 Ways to Negotiate More Effectively Students read the passage quickly, and do: 1.Exercise 1: Matching.2.Exercise 2: Describing Picture.Text B Negotiation — Planning for a Successful Outcome 3.Exercise 1: Matching.4.Exercise 2: Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles without

defeat.Cultural Tips Teacher leads students to learn about the cultural tips.四、作业

1.Preview the following unit.2.Writing: Text A: Exercise 2: Describing Picture.五、日常测验

Oral Presentation: Dialogue Performance

Unit 9 Customer Service


1.Understand the dialogue and the passages.2.Master the expressions in Useful Expressions.3.Capable of dealing with complaints from clients.二、学时安排(3 hours)

1. Dialogue & Useful Expressions: 1 hour 2. Text A: 1 hour 3. Text B: 1 hour

三、教学内容 Dialogue Students work in pairs and give performance in front.Useful Expressions Students read the expressions, and understand what should be said under certain situation.Class Activities of Dialogue Exercise: Making Dialogues.Text A How to Provide Superior Customer Service Students read the passage quickly, and do: 1.Exercise 1: Multiple Choice.2.Exercise 2: Dos and Don’ts 3.Exercise 3: Memory Searching

Text B Dealing with Complaints 1.Exercise 1: Brainstorming.2.Exercise 2: Dos and Don’ts 3.Exercise 3: Finding Problems and Giving Suggestions

Cultural Tips Teacher leads students to learn about the cultural tips.四、作业

1.Preview the following unit.2.Writing: Text B: Exercise 3: Finding Problems and Giving Suggestions


Oral Presentation: Dialogue Performance

Unit 10 Keys to Career Success


1.Understand the dialogue and the passages.2.Master the expressions in Useful Expressions.3.Understanding basic elements of getting success.二、学时安排(3 hours)

1. Dialogue & Useful Expressions: 1 hour 2. Text A: 1 hour 3. Text B: 1 hour

三、教学内容 Dialogue Students work in pairs and give performance in front.Useful Expressions Students read the expressions, and understand what should be said under certain situation.Class Activities of Dialogue 1.Exercise 1: Making a Dialogue.2.Exercise 2: Translation.Text A Staff Training Students read the passage quickly, and do: 1.Exercise 1: Blank Filling.2.Exercise 2: Matching 3.Exercise 3: Brainstorming

Text B Interpersonal Relationships and Politics 1.Exercise 1: True or False.2.Exercise 2: Memory Searching

Cultural Tips Teacher leads students to learn about the cultural tips.四、作业

1.Preview the following unit.2.Writing: Text A: Exercise 3: Brainstorming


Oral Presentation: Dialogue Performance





















Girl:MrBlack. Boy:MrLi.























减小字体 增大字体 作者:本站收集整理来源:本站收集整理发布时间:2009-10-06 10:21:12››《Unit 3 This is my father-Lesson 13》单元教学...››《Unit 6 Is this your skirt-Lesson 35》教案示例...››《Unit 2 How old are you-Lesson 12》教案示例

››三年级下册《Lesson 3 How much is it?》教学反思...››Lesson 31:Families play and work 教学设计

››小学英语三年级第二册中的Lesson 4 Where is my...文 章来 源免费 教育 w w w.Edu wg.Co m文稿网

课题:At the zoo(Part A)

备课人:龙泉驿区平安小学 瞿瑶


本课主要考察学生对动物名词及身体部位的词语的掌握情况,本文转自免费教育文稿网 转载请注明出处。要求学生能听、说、读、写新单词,能根据指令或情景转换。同时,复习旧知How many„问句句型及What can you see?句型。


1、听、说、认读几个动物名词:monkey, hippo, elephant2、听懂身体部位的几个指令,并按指令做动作。

【教学难点】注意区别a/an 用在不同的名词前



【教具准备】课件 实物投影 单词卡片 图片 录音带


1、巩固句型:What can you see?

I can see…

2、听、说、认读几个动物名词:monkey, hippo, elephant3、听懂身体部位的几个指令,并按指令做动作。



(2)复习旧知,关于身体部位的词:ear /mouth /nose /eye /head /face /knee /toe /„导入新课


(1)教师指着手臂问:“What’s this?”重复几遍,对能够回答出来的学生进行表扬,如果没有学生能说出来,教师帮助回答:arm.在说单词时,教师要让学生指着手臂重复教师刚才说的单词,帮助学生理解arm一词。

(2)用同样的方法讲授新单词tail/leg。学习单词时,让学生指着身体的部位与老师一起说。同时复习所学过的身体其他部位其中以arm /tail/leg为主。

教师快速指着身体的部位,让学生回答: arm / tail / leg„学生根据抢答培养反应力和记忆力。

(3)教师拿出准备好的篮子,篮子中有hippo, monkey, dog, elephant, cat 等动物玩具。教师将篮子举起,兴奋地说:Look!Wow!I have so many animals.I love animals.What can you see?教师拿起 monkey 说:Look!I can see a monkey.教师教授新单词 monkey,a monkey,I have a monkey.让学生跟读单词,然后分组考察。

(4)学生仿照教师的示范上前挑选自已喜欢的玩具并且说:monkey,monkey.I have a monkey.I love my monkey.用同样的方法讲授新单词hippo, elephant。

学习单词时,让学生手举玩具与老师一起说。其中以hippo, elephant为主。在说新单词时教师鼓励学生用完整句子表述,如:I can see a hippo/ monkey/elephant.趣味操练(Practice)

(1)再次认读单词。教师用动物的图片制成教学课件。教师点击鼠标,每点击鼠标一次,屏幕上出现一个图案和相应单词。教师让学生按图案认读单词hippo, elephant, monkey, dog, cat。最后一次点击鼠标时,前几幅图案同时出现并闪动,一两秒钟后屏幕出现 animals 一词。此时教师说单词 hippo, elephant, monkey, dog, cat , they are animals.They are in the zoo.教师说到 zoo 时,再次点击鼠标,屏幕上出现动物园的图案和单词。

在开始呈现独个动物图片时,教师可让学生猜猜看,根据学生猜的情况教师适时带领学生用I can see hippo/elephant/ monkey„比如学生猜的是小兔子时,屏幕上出现的也是一只可爱的小兔子,教师感叹道:Wow!Look!It’s a rabbit.另外,学生在第二和第三单元接触过 Wow!Great!两个感叹语,当看到可爱或夸张的图片时也会情不自禁的感叹。听读


(2)教师将动物单词卡举起,带读,学生以“开火车”的形式练习。可以让学生拼读单词。如:m-o-n-k-e-y ,monkey, etc.让学生初步感知单词是由字母构成的。Chant:


Monkey,monkey,hippo,hippo.elephant,elephant.This is a monkey.This is a hippo.This is an elephant.I have a monkey.I have a hippo.I have an elephant.【板书设计】

Unit SixAt the Zoo


A monkeya hippoan elephant




·上一篇文章:<动物运动会>教案 五年级·下一篇文章:秋季校内研究课小学三年级教案 My school things

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Unit1 My classroom 第一课时

教学重点: 学习What’s in the classroom?及相关单词:classroom, window, door, picture, board, light。

教学难点:1. window一词注意w的发音,不要与v的发音混淆,教师在教学中应及时纠正。

2. 在回答“What’s in the classroom?”时,注意单词复数的读音。


1. 教材相配套的教学课件[Unit 1 Let’s learn/A]

2. 教材相配套的教学录音带

3. 教师自制的单词卡



(一)热身、复习(Warm-up / Revision)

1. 教师播放第一册Recycle 1单元中得“Chant and find”部分,学生跟着录音一起说。

2. 教师出示与chant内容相符的图片,问:“What’s in the picture?”让学生进行回答。Picture一词由这里引出。

3. 复习pencil, ruler, bag, book, pencil-case, sharpener, eraser, crayon,pen等单词。

4. 引导学生用以上单词做问答练习,如:What’s in the bag? What’s in the pencil-case ?

5. 在学生回答出问题后,教师可再追问:How many pencils/pens„?使学生能用复数进行回答。如:What’s in the pencil-case? A ruler, two pencils„


1. 教师把一张画有教室的大图贴到黑板上,说:This is a classroom.What’s in the classroom?

2. 学生听懂后,教师可先试着让学生回答,能说出英文的学生给与表扬(desk, chair, picture都已学过),也可让学生用中文回答。

3. 告诉学生我们要学习有关classroom的内容,教读classroom

4. 让学生观看本部分的教学课件2遍。[Unit 1 Let’s learn/A]

5. 让学生看着课件的画面回答:What’s in the classroom?(在看了两遍课件的基础上,考查学生的听力和记忆能力)学生不见得都能回答出来,能说出部分即可。教师可针对学生回答的不同程度进行指导,鼓励学生完整的回答出来。如有困难,可再看一遍本部分的教学课件。

What’s in the classroom?

A board, two lights, many desks and chairs„

当学生只回答出 board, light, desk and chairs 时,教师进一步再问:How many?引导学生说出:A board 或One board.Two lights.教师可以直接把many一词告诉学生。

6. 教师分别指着黑板,灯,桌子和椅子让学生说出单词。

7. 出示单词卡,让学生进行认读。教师可以告诉学生一些记忆单词的方法。如观察单词的第一个字母和最后一个字母等。(把单词卡贴到黑板上)

8. 学生跟读并模仿Let’s learn部分的内容。(使用教材相配套的教学录音带)

9. 教师在学生学习了对话的基础上,扩充词汇量:There are many things in the classroom.What are they?


11.教师指着教室中的相关事物问学生:What’s this?让学生回答。



14.让学生做pair work: 根据教室中的实际情况,自编对话


16. 教师和学生用英语进行交流,导入Let’s do的学习。I can do many things in the classroom.: Open the door, turn on the light, clean the window, put up the picture, clean the board and sweep the floor.教师尽量把说话的速度放慢一些,边说边做出相应的动作,以便使学生理解。

17.教师先说词组, 然后再让能力较强的学生代替教师发布指令,让其他学生根据指令做出相应的动作。建议多让一些学生参与进来,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。



做“Listen an find”的游戏。以小组为单位,小组内的每个学生都被指定为一个本课所学单词,然后教师读单词。如:教师读door, 那么各组被指定为这个单词的学生就必须马上跑到教室门的位置。然后由各组的其他同学判断对错。对了加分,教师接着读下一个单词,游戏继续。最后,比一比哪个组得分最多,哪个组就获胜。





Listen, draw and say

1. 教师发给每个学生一张图画纸。

2. 教师说一段话,学生根据所听到的内容在纸上作画。

所听内容:This is my classroom.What’s in the classroom? A picture, two boards, two doors, three windows, six lights , many desks and chairs.3. 请学生说出自己所画的内容,核对答案。

4. 两人一组,看图做问答。板书设计:


本课时主要学习教室中部分常见事物的英文表达。内容和学生的生活环境很贴近。在热身和复习环节,教师利用图片,引导学生通过看图说话的方式,运用所学的内容“What’s in the picture?”自然过渡到新内容“What’s in the classroom?”。通过教学课件,学生逐词逐句的掌握Let's learn部分的内容。之后通过听听做做的活动处理Let's do部分,进一步运用和巩固了Let's learn部分的词汇。在此基础上,进一步通过小游戏“Listen an find”、“找朋友”和“Listen, draw and say”的活动进一步操练单词。

Unit1 My classroom 第二课时

教学重点: 学习句子We have a new classroom.We have 6 new lights;学习用near表示方位。

教学难点: 学生对our 和my 的表达要比理解稍难些。

our 一词的发音对学生来说读准不太容易。


1. 学生自带一件物品,最好是有关已学过的英文单词。

2. Amy, Mike 和Zhang Peng的面具。

3. 一张画有教室的大幅图片。

4. 教材相配套的教学课件。[Unit 1 Let’s talk/A]

5. 教材相配套的教学录音带。



1. 复习已学句型:This is„ I have„ 教师手拿一个毛绒玩具,说:I have a dog , this is my new dog.2. 让学生用事先准备好的实物模仿句子

3. 当学生能够说出句子时,教师可提问:Where is it? 启发学生用学过的知识回答:It’s on/in/under/the „

4. 在学生回答Where is it?时,教师可以适当的加入near 一词,It’s near the„ 让学生在实际的情景中理解near 的含义并运用。


1. 教师出示Amy和Mike的面具,问:Who’s he? Who’s she?学生回答出Amy和Mike后,教师补充:Amy and Mike are classmates.让学生猜classmate 的含义。教读classmate

2. 教师介绍新人物并展示情景对话:出示面具This is Zhang Peng, he is Amy and Mike’s new classmate.They have a new classroom.Do you want to have a look? Ok, Let’s go and have a look.(间接引出新句子)教师出示一张教室图并把它贴到黑板上:This is a new classroom.提问:What’s in the classroom?(让学生先熟悉一下对话情景。)

3. 让学生带着问题观看本部分的教学课件。[Unit 1 Let’s talk/A]

How many lights in the classroom?

Is the new classroom big?

Where is ZhangPeng’s seat?

4. 让学生通过视听来回答教师所提出的问题,有困难的地方教师要做必要的帮助。

5. 学生跟读并模仿Let’s talk部分的内容。(使用教材相配套的教学录音带)

6. 请学生解释We have a new classroom.We have 6 new light.让学生结合实际情况用We have„说句子。请学生解释Let’s go and have a look.本句可用动作来表示。教师告诉学生Let’s go and have a look.是建议去看远处的东西。

7. 教师可让学生互相问一问在教室中所坐的位置。Where’s your seat? It’s„

8. 再次观看本部分的教学课件,让学生根据画面内容分角色配音。

9. 让学生三人一组,分角色表演对话。评选最佳表演奖。教师要注意学生使用my, our两词的准确性。最好让学生在说话时把这两个词的动作表演出来,以免混淆。

10.听Let’s chant部分的录音。(使用教材相配套的教学录音带)





做“找朋友”的游戏。教师给学生1分钟的时间,让学生下位子去找与自己拥有相同物品的同学。教师说停后,看谁找到了“朋友”,并让拥有相同物品的“朋友”一起说:We have„ 找到朋友的学生都说完后,教师再给时间让学生去找“朋友”,继续游戏。


做“拍手”的游戏。教师播放Let’s chant的录音。学生两人一组,一边跟录音说歌谣一边做拍手游戏。拍手方法:两人面对面,Work and play, 两人各自的左手相互击掌一次;Word and play.两人的右手相互击掌一次;In the classroom every day.两人各自的左右手打开同时与对方击掌一次。Work and play, Work and play.We have fun every day.的拍手方法与前三句相同。


做“猜物”的游戏。以小组为单位,4-5个人为一组。其中一个人被蒙上眼睛,其他几名学生此时商量他们共有的东西是什么,商量好后让被蒙眼睛的学生猜。该学生猜:Do you have„? 其他几名学生回答:Yes/No, we have„如猜对换人继续,如猜错不用换人继续游戏。


学唱歌曲《Apple Song》 板书设计:


本课时主要通过学习We have...句型来表达“我们有什么”。在热身、复习环节,通过复习其它方位介词引入near的初步学习,为对话的学习扫清障碍。在呈现新知环节,主要让学生了解新词classmate 的含义。再让学生带着问题看课件,利于集中学生的注意力。通过让学生配音、分角色表演等活动操练对话。另外要强调的是,I 和we, my和our与中文表达差异较大,应注意让学生区分。Let's chant部分work和play是重难点,通过出示系列图片帮助学生突破理解。趣味操练环节设计的活动可以更好的帮助学生巩固本课时的重点内容。最后学唱歌曲《Apple Song》除了活跃课堂气氛外,还对句型We have...进行了扩展,一举两得。

下学期 Unit 1 Our school 第三课时

教学重点:需要学生能准确理解图和对话的内容,并重点掌握上述四个单词以及两个重点句子:“This is my computer.That is your computer.”的正确书写。







1.学生跟录音演唱C部分的歌曲《Our School》。

2.请一组学生表演A部分Let’s talk的对话,复习所学的新句型。

3.引导学生复习第三册学生用书第一单元A部分的Let’s learn,巩固学习六个单词并请学生用该部分的句型:What’s in the classroom? A board„ 来介绍自己的教室。


1.播放Let’s chant B部分的歌谣,引导学生将学校场馆library, art room, canteen, gym和动词read, draw, eat, play对应起来认读。

2.教师对歌谣中的内容进行提问:“Where do you read? Where do you draw?”等等,学生作答后,教师继续提问:Where do you play computer? 学生会比较容易地答出:in the computer room.这时教师可出示图片说:This is a computer room.3.师生之间对图片的内容进行简单的交际性问答后,教师展示在四线格中书写单词和句子并讲解书写规范:





4.角色表演。学生载上头饰表演Let’s talk的内容,巩固本课时的新句型。


1.听音判断。学生合上书本,教师取下图片。教师根据图的内容说一些句子,如:There are three computers in the room.请学生根据记忆中图的内容判断正误。

2.Good to know

先让学生思考:Can we drink in the computer room? Can we eat in the computer room? 由此引出Don’t drink in the computer room.和其他学校常规的英语表达。


1.做本单元Read and write A部分的活动手册配套练习。

2.书写computer, board, fan, light,并将本课时对话读给同伴、朋友或家长听。


Unit 1 Our school Read and write:

下学期 Unit 1 Our school 第四课时

教学重点:六个生词的正确发音以及序数first, second的用法。

教学难点:通过对Let’s play和Story time的教学铺垫新句型:Is this the „?/ Is that the „?







师生齐唱本单元的Let’t chant B部分的歌谣。

学生起立边跳边唱歌曲《Our school》。

教师说一个句子,如:I can see many flowers in it.Where is it? 让学生判断是什么单词,然后做出正确的回答。



教师播放A部分Let’s do的声音,学生表演 “听听做做”活动。

教师提问:Where do we water the flowers? 学生回答:In the garden.教师再问:Where do we read story-books? 学生回答:In the library.然后教师继续提问:Where do we have computer classes? 引导学生说出:In the computer room。

教师出示本单元的图片,说,This is the computer room.教授其余五个生词。



教师将一幅教学楼的框架图贴在黑板上,让两名学生站在讲台前。教师说:The washroom is on the second floor.让学生在讲台上选出washroom的词卡,并将它贴在正确的地方。速度快的学生为胜者。或者教师提问:Where’s the library? 学生快速报答:It’s on the first/ second floor.一共有六张类似图片。

教师把贴在黑板上的六张图卡分别翻过来并打乱顺序,用手盖住单词,然后向学生提问:Where is the music room? 或者指着某张图卡问学生:Is this the washroom? 让学生回答,借此铺垫新句型:Is this/ that the „?

播放Story time 的课件或录像,学生观看后回答一些理解性的问题。教师尤其需要向学生强调“Is this/ that the „?”的不同用法:this通常指距离较近处的事物;that指距离较远处的事物。



做本单元B部分Let’s learn的活动手册配套练习。

可以在课后将Story time 中的故事表演出来。板书设计:

Unit 1 Our school

下学期 Unit 1 Our school 第五课时

教学重、难点:“Is this„?/ Is that„?”的用法。建议教师在真实的情景中对this和that在距离上的区别进行比较以加深学生的印象。







1.学生表演A部分Let’s do的内容。

2.学生吟唱B部分Let’s chant中的歌谣。

3.教师和学生进行主题讨论:What’s in our school? 鼓励学生用新学的单词来交谈。


1.学生谈论了学校的场馆设施后,教师出示本校校长的照片问:Who is he? Yes, he is our headmaster.Do you want to be a headmaster? Today Wu Yifan is a head master.He has a new school.Do you want to have a look? 以此导入新课。

2.学生观看课件后,回答教师提出的理解性问题。在问答的过程中重点理解与操练句型:Is this the„?和Is that the „? 学生听录音跟读对话。学生分角色朗读对话。



2.Let’s check



(1)Look!This is the library.We have many picture-books.(2)That is the canteen.We have lunch here.(3)Is this an art room? Yes, it is.(4)Is that a computer room? No, that is a teacher’s office.(四)扩展性活动(Add-activities)

1.做本单元B部分Let’s talk的活动手册配套练习。



4.听Story time中的故事并跟读。


下学期 Unit 1 Our school 第六课时

课题:Unit 1 Our school

教学重点:Read and write 中的四个四会单词以及问句“Is this a teacher’s desk?”及其答句“Yes, it is.”在四线格中的正确书写。

教学难点:拼读单词picture,在四线格中书写句型“Is this a „?”以及总结元音字母a的发音规则。








2.请学生表演Story time中的对话。

3.猜谜语:教师给学生出一些简单的谜语,如:Jack is in a room.There are many books in it.He can see many students.They are reading books.They are quiet.Where is Jack?


1.请学生观察Read and write部分的情景图,预先空出来需要书写的四会单词,让学生独立思考,填充对话。


3.练习书写句型“Is this a „?”时可从陈述句“This is„”中衍生问句。先请学生排列一组单词成为新句子,然后改正新句中的错误,如:打头单词的第一个字母需要大写;第二个单词的第一个字母不需要大写;句末句号改为问号等。用这种形式可以充分体现以学生为中心的自主学习,在轻松愉快的气氛当中突破难点。


5.学生A从书包里拿出一件文具放在身后,问同桌:What’s this?同桌回答:Is this a „?如果答对,学生A回答,”You are right.”。




2.Task time



1.做本单元B部分Read and write的活动手册配套练习。




Unit 1 Our school

Read and write:

第五篇:人教版七年级上学期英语教案Unit3 Is

Unit 3 THIS IS MY SISITER(The 3rd period Section B 1---2c)Teaching aims(教学目标):


Language points(语言点):

1. 要求熟练运用以下句式:(1)These are…(2)This/ That is… …(3)He/She is…

2. 要求掌握以下词汇:son, cousin, daughter, uncle, aunt(上述句式在前几课中已学过,在本课中要将这些单词和句型渗透到综合性活动中,加深学生对所学知识的印象,使之能被更灵活地运用。)Difficulties(难点):

在介绍或谈论家庭成员时,注意学生口语中的单复数运用。Teaching steps(教学步骤):

1.Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)a)Daily greetings to the students(日常问候)T: Good morning/afternoon.Who is on duty today? S1: I am.T: Is everyone here today? S1: Yes, Everyone is here./No, … is not here.T: Thank you/Well done..1 b)Revision(复习)

T: Here is a picture from Lily.Guess who he is?2 S1: Is he …’s father? S2: Is he …’s brother? S3: Is he …’s friend? S4: Is he …’s uncle? 3 T: Yes, you are so clever.2.Presentation T: Here is a photo.Do you know who he is? 4 S: He is 布什(Bush).T: Yes, he is the president of America.Who is his father? S: …(学生可能会有不同的回答,对能正确回答或接近正确答案的学生进行表扬和鼓励。)T: Here are also many people in his family.Let’s guess who they are.Are you ready? S1: Is he Bush’s father’s father? 5

T: You are so wonderful.He is Bush’s grandfather.S2: Is he Bush’s brother? S3: Is he Bush’s uncle? S4: Is he Bush’s son? 6

T: Thanks.You are so clever(good/wonderful/…).3.Work on 1(完成P16 1)T: In my family my grandfather is the oldest one.Who is the oldest man in your family? 7 S: My grandfather, too.T: Every family has a family tree, can you finish the family tree8 S: Yes!4.Work on 2a(完成P16 2a)T: Well done!Now let’s play a game.Please look at 2a.Let’s see who is the best in your group.9


播放录音一遍后,部分学生不能完成这一听力任务,可 再播放一遍录音。)5.Presentation T: This is my family photo.These are my parents.This is my Grandmother.This is my cousin Tom.I have another two pictures.One is Dave’s,One is Lin Hai’s.Can you guess which is Dave’s and which is Lin Hai’s?10 S: Yes.T: Who can say something about Picture 111? S1: There are eight people in the picture.S2:This is Dave’s grandfather.S3: I think this is Dave’s uncle.… ….(播放录音,让学生勾出所听到的家庭成员称谓,如果 播放录音一遍后,部分学生不能完成这一听力任务,可 再播放一遍录音。)

6.Work on 2c---group work(完成P16 2c)T: I am very happy.All of you do a good job.We have known Dave’s and Lin Hai’s families and friends.I want to know your family.Now draw a picture of your family and friends.Tell your partner about your picture12.(小组活动后,请几个小组进行表演, 老师及时鼓励。)7.Homework Oral work:(1)Listen to 2a, 2c, read and recite it.(2).Draw a family tree about your family(模仿1中family tree,画一个自己家庭的family tree,完善对自己家庭的介绍。)Written work:(3)Copy the words in 2a.(4)Find the person you are interested in, and write a passage about his/her family.13






5. 创设真实情景,当学生不能正确说出新单词, 如cousin, grandfather时,鼓励他们换种方式或中文来表达他们想要表达的含义,同时培养他们在语境中理解新单词的能力。新单词呈现后,可加入小竞赛等小活动,如老师提示mother’s sister, 看哪位学生第一个反应aunt。活跃了课堂气氛,对新单词的读音和意思也有了更深的印象。

6.建议T用夸张语调读”son, uncle, grandfather, daughter, aunt”,并将它们板书成一排,让学生跟读,也为part1的活动的完成提供文字材料。

7.此句较长,要求T放慢语速,对口语中的新单词oldest,建议老师板书,通过对自己家庭情况的表述,帮助学生理解,必要时可用中文解释。在表述grandfather的同时画出family tree的图形。


9. 听力开始前,建议学生看一 下选择范围。听力结束后,核对答案后,对正确回答或有进步的学生及时表扬。



12.学生在黑板上写出 “These are…/This is…”等学生在活动中有可能会用到的句型。活动前先有T和Ss做示范对话,再由S和S进行活动。对正确使用句型的同学进行表扬。此活动建议采用小组竞赛的形式,看哪个小组说的句子最多,以活跃课堂气氛。


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