
时间:2019-05-15 02:40:22下载本文作者:会员上传


Hello , everyone.I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk to you about some of my teaching ideas.My topic is the British Isles taken from Unit 5 in Senior Two.There are 5 parts.Part 1 1.The analysis of the teaching material

This lesson is a reading passage.It plays a very important part in the English teaching in this unit.In this passage we should help the students get some knowledge about the British Isles , such as general idea about England , position of the British Isles , the climate of the British Isles , the lauguage , the history and so on.At the same time , the students are required to read the text and do different kinds of exercises.And the teacher should let the students to understand some difficult words,phrases and sentences.Of course the students should receive some moral education.The teacher lets the students know that everybody has his own country and should love it by learning the history , culture of Britain.2.teaching aims a.learn and master the following words and expressions Words:form,influence,basis,inland,narrow,diversity,republic,mild,unionstrength, lie

Phrases: be made up of , make the most of , hold together , lie off, at the point , stand for , as much as b.Further develop the students’ reading ability and reading skills.c.Get the students to know more about the British Isles.3.Teaching important points a.Train the students’ reading ability and develop their reading skills.b.Enable the students to understand the text better.c.Master the following phrases

Stand for

be made up of

be unknown to

make the most of hold together lie off

be separated from at one point in general as much as

run over end up with 4.Teaching difficult points Understand the following sentences: The idea that England stands for Fish&Chips , the speakers’corners and the Tower of London is past.The fact that the mainland of Great Briten is made up of three Kingdoms is still unknown to many

Part2.Something about the students(1).They are lack of geography knowledge.(2).They have known something about England.(3).They can’t tell the differences between England and U.K.(4).Some stedents are not active in the class,and some students

don’t like English.Part 3

Teaching methods and teaching aids

Teaching methods: 1.Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.2.Question-and-answer activity to get the detailed imformation in the text.3.Explanations for students to master some lauguage points.Teaching aids:

1.a computer and a courseware

2.a tape recorder

3.a projector

Part 4

Teaching procedures preparation for reading------do fast reading------do careful reading------listening and reading------retelling------explain the language points------further discussion------homework

Step 1

preparation for reading

(This step wants to arouse the students’ interest)

I’ll use the computer and screen , and show some pictures of the places of interest of England and try to say something about them.Such as : Big Ben

the Tower of London

Cambridge University and Oxford University

London Bridge Hyde Park---

Step 2

Do fast reading

Give the students several minutes to do fast reading and then get them to tell whether the following sentences are ture or false and correct them.1)The British Isles is made up of 3 parts.2)the Brithish Isles lies off the west coast of Europe.3)The English Channel is only 20 miles wide.4)The British Isles are surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the east.5)There is much rain in the British Isles.6)Ireland is part of the United Kingdom.7)There are 6 languages that are considered to be native to the British Isles.Step 3 Do careful reading

This step can train their reading ability.Give the students some time to do careful reading , and then find out the main idea of each paragraph.and give some detailed information.1.Get the students to find out the main idea of each paragraph.2.Read the second paragraph once again.And then use the courseware a map of Britain to do some explanations.esp the position of England , Scotland , Wales , Ireland and their capital cities.After that , ask the students to write the numbers of the following place names in the correct places on the map.At last , I’ll ask one student to come to the front and point them out on the screen.“ North Sea , Atlantic Ocean , English Channel , Scotland , Wales

England , Northern Ireland , Ireland , Isle of Man , Irish sea , London


3.Use question – and – answer activities to let the students understand the detailed information.Answer the following questions.(This time the students should finish them very quickly)1)What is the UK?

2)What’s the weather in the British Isles like?

3)Has the culture of the people in the British Isles received many influences ? From where ? 4)Who conquered the Great Britain in 1066 ? 5)What’s the result of French influence ?

6)Which are the first two countries that joined in the United Kingdom ? 7)What do people throughout the British Isles speak now ? Step 4 Listening and reading

Teacher plays the tape for students to listen.After that , teacher gives the students a few minutes to read aloud the passage.Meanwhile teacher asks the students to try to remember some details.Step 5 Retelling

Teacher Writes down some important words and numbers.Ask the students to retell this passage.position------lie------weather------culture------language------

history------in 1066------1536------250------1707

Step 6

study the language points

Teacher says there are some important words , p hrases and sentences.Now let’s study them 1.stand for

USA stands for the United States of America.stand by

stand out

2.be made up of

This team is made up of 10 members.Phrases : be made of

be made from

be made into

be made out of

3.make the most of

One should make the most of one’s opportunity.make the best of

make use of

4.hold together

We always hold together in times of danger.Phrases : hold up

hold on

hold back

hold out



lie----lay------lain-----lying lay----laid----laid-----laying

A black hen lays a whit egg.The mother laid the baby on the bed.Don’t lie to me.6.as much as

as many as

as well as

as far as/ so far as

as long as

7.The two difficult sentences :

The idea that England stands for fish & chips , the Speakers corner , and the Tower of London is past.The fact that the mainland of Great Britain is made up of three kingdoms is still unknown to many.The news that he won the game is exciting.The news that he gave me is exciting.Step 7.Further discussion

We know that England is separated from European mainland by the English Cdhannel.“Is it possible to swim across the channel ?”

Step 8 Homework

Please make a travel plan for going on a trip through the UK? Part 5

Blackboard designs

Unit 5

The British Isles

(Reading passage)phrases : stand for

be made up of ,make the best / most of

hold together

hold up

hold out

hold back

Sentence patterns :

The idea that England stands for fish& chips , the Speakers Corner and the Tower of London is past.The fact that the mainland of Great Britain is made up of three kingdoms is still unknown to many.


Good evening, dear judges, my name is lifang, num1,from Chongqing Normal University.I’m so pleased to be here sharing my lesson with you.This is a reading lesson.now i will present it as follows.It is taken from pep 6,for high school ss,grade 2,And the topic is “the power of nature” from unit 5.Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1.grasp words, phrases and grammar;2.understand and grasp the reading context.3.train and develop students’ abilities of reading:fast reading,skimming,scanning,skipping,careful reading,to know the topic,main ideas,key words,details,guessing new words,structure and so on of reading context.4.develop students’ abilities of listening ,speaking,reading,writing and think independently and cooperatively.5.learn to love

Focal and Difficult points: 1.understand and grasp words ,phrases and grammar

2.understand the reading context correctly.3.use the words and expressions properly and freely.4.understand the reading context completely and grasp reading strategies:fast reading,skimming,scanning,shipping,careful reading,:to know the topic,prediction,main ideas,key words,details,guessing new words,structure and so on of the reading context.5.use reading strategies to improve students’ reading abilities

Teaching methods: The Situational Teaching Method,The Gaming Teaching Method The Cooperative Method

Teaching aids:

Tapes, computer,blackboard, chalk, PPT, pictures, white papers

Teaching procedures: Step 1:warming up---1,a free talk about earthquake in ganzhi si chuan 2,pictures with natural disasters,then focus on volcano

Purposes:lead in topic,arouse ss’s interest , draw attention,Step 2,pre-reading: Word study:review them quickly and ask ss to match the pictures with words ,then do the missing game:what is missing?

grammar learning:complete a short passage with grammar and check answers

Set reading tasks:ask some related questions about the passage

Purposes: activate and practice their existing knowledge ,train their observation and memory,then lay a solid foundation for next step---while reading,make it easier,make the class interesting

Step3,while reading Guide ss to Predict:title,my questions,pictures.Fast reading:to get the general information,then choose best answers,fill the table

judge following sentences using true or false

skimming,scanning and skipping:to find out key words,then choose best answers,fill the table

Careful reading:to get detailed information and know the structure of the passage,understand and grasp the passage.1,ask them to divide the passage into several parts and summarize the main ideas of each part ,2,find out words that they do not know,guide ss to guess the meaning of them.3,answer the following questions and write them down on the white paper

Purposes:train ss to understand and grasp the passage,develop ss’s reading skills:to know the topic,prediction,main ideas,key words,details,guessing new words,structure and so on of the reading context.Step4,post-reading Whole class work:Read it aloud

Underline the words,phrases and grammar and Use the words,phrases and grammar

Pair work:Make an interview:a reporter and volcanologist

Group work:Retell the passage and share their opinions about being a volcanologist

Listen to the passage again:to understand and grape the passage completely

Purposes:practice their speaking,listening,consolidate and use what we have learned in this class,make the class interesting

Step5,summary Ask 2 or 3 ss to make a summary that we have learned in this class Guide whole ss to make a summary what we have learned in this class Purposes:consolidate what we have learned in this class

Step6,homework Rewrite the passage

Do a reading context about a kind of disaster Prepare their duty report and do it next class

Purposes:consolidate what we have learned in this class, develop ss’s reading,writing and speaking skills

Step 7,Blackboard design

Firstly, when the class begins, I will write down the title“ the power of nature.” Secondly, when careful reding, I will write down words that they do not know.Thirdly, I will write down the sentence pattern “Having done„”

Finally, when I am telling them their homework, I will write it down specificly.Reflection:by the end of the lesson,students’ skills of...on the whole, the design of this lesson was logical and it had met the requirements of the teaching goal, especially for the leading part, it fully aroused the ss’ interests.meanwhile,There are some problems that.......I should pay more attention.I hope you can give me some advice,thank you.



人教新目标英语八年级下册Unit 9-SectionA说课稿.一、教材分析:


第二册第九单元第二节课,本单元围绕阅读有关迪斯尼乐园的文章开展多种教学活动,学会用Have you ever been to „.?这个句型来询问别人的经历。本节课是堂阅读课,它通过前几节课学习的句型,进一步加深对目标语言的理解和运用。



(1)学习单词:Disneyland, Mickey Mouse , Donald Duck, character ,seen, theme, attraction, roller coaster, cruise, boat, take a ride, board.route , end up, island, especially, travel.(2)掌握句子:Have you ever been to „„? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.能力目标:提高学生听、说、读、写及知识自学的综合能力。










重点:学会用Have you ever done„..来描述过去的经历






1.善于抓住用英语交际的机会,充分感知,积极体验,大胆实践。例如,在复习环节,学生可以利用很多机会: dialogues(每组都有一次机会),Act out the conversation(每组一次)。



1.总体设计及依据 课前准备和复习(5分钟)-任务应用(8分钟)-阅读(25分钟)-任务应用(6分钟)--作业布置(1分钟)








Step 2 任务应用




















德育目标:教育学生热爱劳动。不劳无获(No pains,no gains)。




重点:学习表示数量some, a few的比较等级。

难点:some, a few的比较等级在实际生活中的应用。











为了激发学生的学习兴趣,引起注意,拉近师生距离,首先告诉学生这节课我将带他们去一个有趣的地方,并请他们依据我的提示猜测要去哪里? 当学生猜出去农场时,我们便“上车”,一路欢歌(PickingApples)去农场。随着“嘎”的刹车声,电脑打出农场全景,给学生一种身临其境的感觉,导入正课。




为了调动学生的积极性,利用Work in threes,in pairs,in row,in group,及Boys ask,Girls answer等多种不同方式操练巩固。使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位、多角度培养学生运用英语的能力。


本课的又一次高潮是将游戏与练习有机结合,融为一体。设计下棋游戏,棋盘为20个格,每格均为在苹果园里劳动的情景,并配有本课的重点--比较等级的练习题。棋盘的上一男一女分别代表男生和女生两大组,值得一提的是决定男女生在棋盘上走几步的转盘,是用本课重点词汇fewest,fewer,a few,some,more和most组成,使学生在玩中进一步体会数量some,a few的比较等级的运用。学生通过转轮,边做游戏边做练习,寓教于乐,极大地激发学生学习兴趣,同时巩固了学生所学的知识。




Unit 5 Lesson 18 Kate some apples.Jim has more apples than Kate.Meimei the most of all.The first truck a few baskets.The second one is carrying fewer tham the first.The third one the fewest of all.本课以素质教育为目的,结合教材重点、难点及英语学科特点,利用多媒体辅助教学,从视、听、说等方面使学生得到锻炼,在愉快、轻松的氛围中温故而知新,达到初步运用英语交际的能力。由于缺少经验,在教学过程中难免会出现不足,敬请各位老师不吝赐教


课题:初中英语教材第二册下第26单元的102课Miss Evans







1.知识目标:帮助学生掌握三会、四会单词,如:set, pleasant, iceberg, sink, join and lose;同时让学生掌握故事发生的时间、地点、人物,事件发生的起因、高潮与结果。











课堂的整体设计我遵循整体教学的思路,运用情景教学法和交际法,分五个主要步骤进行,即:导入, 展示, 巩固操练, 5分钟检测和布置作业。


一直以来,对于学生来说,最困难问题之一是背了单词就忘,即使记住单词,又存在不会应用的现象。形成这种现象的主要原因在于缺少运用语言的环境与场景。为此,如何让学生轻松自觉地回忆、掌握和运用单词呢?于是我想到了多媒体技术。导入部分我设计了3个与教学内容相关的电影片段,在这边大家可以看到,通过投影仪上的生动画面,使学生回忆起当时的情景,并激发他们用尽可能多的词汇来描述事件发生的过程。学生通过迅速联想和回忆,会编出若干个短句,如:“There were many people on board.Titanic hit the icebergs.Everyone tried to save their lives.The man was too bad.等”,从而达到新课标要求下的知识目标一部分。我会用2—3分钟时间。




这一过程是让学生快速浏览全文,抓住文章主要内容,同时将为学生获取某种特定信息而阅读,只要求学生从材料中找到特定信息,领会主旨,可忽略大部分内容。此处我根据加方校长Maggie编写的英语教师手册中故事曲线图(story graph)来设计的。大家可以看到此处包括背景(即时间、地点与人物),高潮和结局。让学生带着这些问题去阅读,认真思考,之后通过提问的方式找出正确答案。从而体现出新课标要求下的对学生进行先思考后提问的学法指导。




首先由四人一组,分组讨论,给文章分段并归纳出段落大意,找出topic sentences。这样以来不仅体现了学生之间合作与探索意识,同时又有助于培养学生分析归纳能力与合作解决问题能力。






b)设置了采访内容。同样,当今英语教学过程已不仅是知识传授,应付考试过程,同时也是渗透思想、文化教育的过程。我采取两位学生相互采访的形式,一位是CCTV—9记者,一位是当时获救的文章主人公Miss Evans, 就其学生之间语言的交流与应用可以进一步了解他们的世界观与人生观。









初中英语Book 2A “Unit 3,Lesson 9”说课教案



本课出自人教版九年义务教育三年制初级中学英语教科书Book 2A第3单元第9课。





识记生词:free autumn festival mooncake sweet inside store

come over nut mid-autumn


熟练掌握句型: ① Are you free tomorrow night?

② Would you like to come over to „ ?

③Which would you like?I’ like the bigger one.2、技能目标:理解和掌握单音节和少数双音节形容词比较级的构成四点规则。在交际中运用形容词的比较级。



1、单音节和少数双音节形容词比较级的构成四点规则及形容词比较级的用法。nice—nicer big—bigger cheap—cheaper heavy—heavier

2、短语:mid-autumn on that day at this time of come over to at the store

3、交际英语:Are you free tomorrow night?Would you like to come over to„?

How about„? I would like„


投影仪 录音机 图片 两块月饼(一大一小)两把尺子(一长一短)两个盒子(一轻一重)


1、直 观 法














根据教学目标,本课的教学首先以What are you going to tomorrow evening?Are you free tomorrow evening?这一句型操练作为前提测评的导线,以幻灯片辅之教学为进一步的学习扫清障碍,进而引导学生复习以前所学过的形容词,从而自然地导入新课的学习。










1、让几位同学回答教师的问题:What are you going to tomorrow evening?Are you free ?


复习Unit2的“be going to do”的内容,让学生由此自然地谈及HanMei和Lucy今晚的活动,承上启下。复习形容词,为下一步的教学形容词比较级的构成和用法做铺垫。




呈现实物“月饼”问学生:What’s this in English? When do we eat mooncakes? What do we usually do on Mid-autumn Day?要求学生用英语简介中国人欢度中秋节的情况,同时教学生词:mooncake, free,mid-autumn,sweet等。



1、让学生带着以下问题听对话录音:1)What day is tomorrow?2)What’s the English for 3)What are Lucy and Lily going to do tomorrow evening? 4)What do mooncakes have inside?









拿出两块月饼(一大一小),两个盒子(一轻一重),两把尺子(一长一短),进行比较,并板书:This ruler is long.That one is longer.This mooncake is big.That one is bigger.This box is heavy.That one is heavier.This mooncake is nice.That one is nicer.让学生注意每组前后两个形容词的变化,自己找出并归纳形容词比较级的构成方法。







2、用法:两者相比,其中一者比另一者“更„„”或“比较„„”。例:Tom is younger than Jim。













This ruler is long.That one is longer.(1)直接+er,tall—taller free

This box is heavy.That one is heavier.(2)以e结尾+r,nice—nicer ninth

This mooncake is nice.(3)以辅音字母+y结尾,把


That one is nicer.y改为i再+er,early— earlier nut

This mooncake is big.(4)重读闭音节,以一个辅音


That one is bigger



This book is cheap.字母,再+er,inside

That one is cheaper.big-bigger store come over on that day


Part A)教学方案

年级—六年级 单元--Unit 6 课型—新授课 教学目标


2.能理解将来时,并学会运用句型What are you going to do„? I’m/We are going to „

来询问别人的周末计划以及Would you like to join me/us? 来邀请别人参与自己的活动。

3.能理解并会说see a play 和concert 重点难点


2.能理解将来时,并学会运用句型What are you going to do„? I’m/We are going to „

来询问别人的周末计划以及Would you like to join me/us? 来邀请别人参与自己的活动。

媒体:电脑,PPT课件 投影


教学过程 用时30分钟

Step 1 A Presentaion and practice(6约分钟)T---Hi!Boys and girls.I’m Mr Lee.Glad to see you.同学们好!,我是李老师,很高兴见到大家。First,I bring a word riddle for you.首先给大家带来一个字谜。Look.PPT2--what’s Saturday and Sunday,do you know? Yes, it’s weekend.Did you get it?你猜对了么?

PPT3—By the way, do you like the weekends? By the way means“顺便说一下/顺便问一下”。

T---By the way, I like the weekend.I often play football and go swimming with my friends, but this weekend, I’m going to see a Beijing opera? Do you know Beijing opera? Look.PPT4—Beijing opera means京剧,let’s learn(播放录音两遍)/see a Beijing opera means看京剧,let’s learn(播放录音两遍)

T---Look at mouth and read after me----see a Beijing opera两遍.By the way, to see a Beijing opera is my plan, what’s your............6B Unit 6 Planning for the weekend(Part BCD)年级—六年级 单元--Unit 6 课型—新授课 教学目标

1.能听懂,会读,会说B部分有关周末活动的词汇; 2.能正确使用C部分句型What are you going to do„? I’m/We are going to „进行操练和实际表达;


1.能正确发音并记忆B部分有关周末活动的词汇; 2.能正确使用C部分句型What are you going to do„?I’m/We are going to„进行实际表达。Step 1 Revision T---Hi!Boys and girls.Glad to see you,again.同学们好!很高兴再次见面。Today,let’s go on learning Unit 6 Planning for the weeknd.今天让我们继续学习第六单元。First, let’s watch the cartoon to review Part A.首先,让我们一起看卡通来回顾一下高山和大卫的谈话。PPT2--播放光碟

PPT3-4---Now, can you fill the form about their plans?Let’s do it together.我们一起来填写表格。

PPT5---Can you try to retell their plans?你能尝试着用自己的话说说他们的计划吗?Look, here’re some keywords, they can be helpful.瞧,这里有些关键词,他们能帮助你。首先请一名同学示范。T---现在请你来试试,你也可以和同桌合作复述课文。

Step 2 Presentation—B Look, read and learn T---OK.We know Gao Shan and David are going to see a Bejing opera.Let’s review the word.PPT--see a Bejing opera PPT—瞧,这里有更多的有关周末活动的图片,他们都很受同学们的欢迎。Let’s look, read, and learn.(PPT)依次引出词组 have a picnic 去野餐,first,let’s learn-picnic野餐,请跟读(播放录音两遍),now let’s learn--have a picnic请跟读(播放录音两遍)如上,教学其他词组

PPT--Now, let’s read after the tape again.(播放录音两遍)Step 3 Let’s play—Magic Mirror PPT--Now, look, here’s a Magic mirror.这是一面魔镜,魔镜里一闪而过的是一项周末活动,你能快速地说出每张图片的英文吗,比比看谁的速度看。Are you ready?Here we go!have a picnic—read once again(播放录音一遍),go on an outing, see a play, take part in a sports meeting, take part in a singing contest,最后see a Beijing opera T—刚才的快速抢答你都对了吗?Ok.有这么多有趣的事情可以去做,让我们来讨论将来的计划吧。但是如何用英语进行表达呢?LOOK.PPT-当我们想询问将来的计划时,we may say--What are we going to do 加上表示将来的时间词„?需要指出的是表示将来的时间词是相对的,只要是在当时说话的时刻之后的时间词都可以引导将来时,如,this morning,等。针对上面的提问,we could answer--We’re going to„Now, let’s look and say.请同学们看书49页的图片,同桌使用屏幕上的句型进行问答。PPT--Let’s check.T--Now, let’s make our plans for the weekend.现在让我们用所学句型来谈论我们的周末计划。先请看两位同学的示范(学生示范)陈/陆

陈—Hi!.How are you?

陆—Fine.Thank you.And you.陈—Very well.By the way, what are we going to do tomorrow? 陆—We’re going to have a picnic in the park.陈—Great.When shall we meet? 陆—Let’s meet at 8:00 on Saturday morning at my home.OK? 陈—OK.I’m going to take my kites there.We can fly kites there.陆—Yes.See you tomorrow.T--Now, you try.请模仿刚才两位同学的对话,和你的搭档讨论自己的周末计划。6B Unit 6 Planning for the weekend(Part EFGH)年级—六年级 单元--Unit 6 课型—新授课 教学目标

1.能读懂PartE的对话,并给图标上序号。2.能积极参加Part F 的游戏,熟练使用句型What are you going to do„? I’m going to „

3.能总结出字母组合ow在所给单词中的共同发音。4.能有表情,有动作地表演唱歌谣Will you join me? 重点难点

1. 能正确发音Part E中的单词Africa, project,zebra 2. 能熟练使用句型完成Part F的游戏并进行实际交际。

Step 1 Play a guessing game(2分钟)T---Hi!Boys and girls.Glad to see you,again.同学们好!很高兴再次见面.Today, let’s go on learning Unit 6 Planning for the weeknd.今天我们继续学习第六单元。First, let’s do a guessing game.先来做一个猜谜游戏。

PPT2-3—老师给出三个单词,请同学们读一读,然后猜出一项周末活动。For exmaple, Park, eat, food---yes,谜底是have a picnic,你猜对了吗?Look, here’re more.现在你们来猜。OK.let’s see.读题,接谜底。Let’s go on.读题,接谜底.Good.刚才的猜谜,你对了几个呢?课后同学们可以相互出题,来猜一猜。

Step 2 Revision PPT4—同学们看,原来谜底都是我们学习的有关周末活动的英文词组,now,let’s review.Read after me, 请跟我读。PPT5-6---现在请同学们回想一下,如何了解对方的将来计划,yes,---what are you going to do„? 回答—I’m going to „ now, practice,当你想知道对方明天打算做什么,how to ask---yes, what are you going to do„? 告诉别人明天我打算去放风筝,how to ask---yes, I’m going to fly kites.如何在小组内讨论自己的将来计划,yes, we may say---what are we going to do„? 回答—We’re going to „ now, practice, 如何和同桌讨论你们放学后的计划,how to ask---yes, what are we going to do after school? 放学后我们打算踢足球。how to say---yes, we’re going to fly kites.Good.请同学们牢记这些句型,并使用这些句型来讨论将来的计划。

Step 3 Sing a song(4分钟)

PPT 7—Now, look at this lovely girl and cute boy, what are they going to do tomorrow? Let’s listen.PPT8—Can you answer, yes—they’re„have a concert means-举办音乐会。By the way, do you like the song, now let’s learn the words.PPT9—Read after me.—跟读 Let’s sing.Let’s sing again.Step 3 play a game(跳棋游戏)(6分钟)T--Now, we know the boy and the girl are going to have a picnic, see a play and have a concert.What are you going to do tomorrow?Let’s play a game.PPT10---Look, it’s a board game.这是一个跳棋游。

PPT11---Rules游戏规则,从start(开始点)出发,两人依次执色子,按色子点数确定前进几步,每前进到一格,对方根据图片内容问,我方回 答,使用句型What are you going to do at„tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening? I’m goin to„一方犯错,就回到开始点。谁先到(Finish)终点,谁获胜。下面请看两名同学的示范。

PPT12---Look,刚才一位同学的所执色子数为3时,所以另一方就针对第三幅右上角的时间进行提问,我方在根据图上的活动内容进行回答。在听一遍。Are you clear? 现在同学们清楚了吗?请打开书至52页,和你的伙伴一起玩这个游戏吧。

PPT10画面let’s play(暂停,学生游戏)Step Read and number(10分钟)T—Now, tell me who wins?同学们,你和同桌谁赢了呢?获胜的同学,李老师给你一份特殊的奖励。

PPT11---Look, here’a toy animal for you.What is it? Yes, it’s a zebra斑马(listen and read播放录音两遍).By the way, do you know its homeland?同学们,你们知道斑马的家乡吗?Yes, it’s from Africa非洲,listen and read(播放录音两遍).PPT12---Look, here’s David.David is going to the zoo tomorrow, it’s for his class project.Project means课题。请跟读(播放录音两遍)Now, look, here’s a form about the project.这是一张关于班级课题的表格。请同学们打开至51页,阅读大卫和妈妈的对话,然后帮助大卫完成这张表格。(暂停,学生阅读)PPT13—Now, can you fill in this form? Let’s do it together.Plan—go to the zoo, time to meet-10:30 a.m.place to meet---at the bus stop, animals to see—monkeys, elephants, and new zebra, time to go home—4:30 p.m.All you right?你对了吗?

PPT14—下面,请同学们给课本上的图片排上序号。Ok.The correct order is 5-1-4-2-3.Are you right.PPT15—下面,同学们可以在小组内分角色朗读,比比看谁读得好。Step 5 Listen and repeat.(4分钟)Now, look, it snows, the girl with the yellow bowl is watching the snow by the window(拿着黄色饭碗的那个女孩正透过窗户欣赏雪景).PPT17---这句话中有四个单词都含有字母组合ow,请注意听他的发音(播放ow录音两遍)。Now, listen and repeat.(播放ow四个单词和句子的录音两遍)。PPT18---字母组合ow在单词经常发[eu],除了书上的四个单词,你还能找出更多的吗?

Look, 瞧这里还有三个,请读一读。OK,请同学课后在找一找同类的单词。Step 6-Sum up(1分钟)T---OK.同学们,今天我们一起学习了EFGH四个部分。至此,我们也完成了第六单元的学习。请同学们课后仍然要加强练习,并积极使用所学句型谈论将来的计划。您正在阅读的内容来自2xxyy.com So much for today.Goodbye, boys and girls.暂停,学生对话)Step 4 D Listen and write T—Now,you have plans for the weekend.That’s great.But do David and Liu Tao have any plans after school? Let’s watch.(PPT)播放flash(PPT)Can you answer these two questions? Let’s try.(PPT)Now, open your book, turn to P50, please listen and write.播放录音,now, let’s check.Step 5 Sum up(老师)You did a good job, children.Now,let’s think over what we learned today.今天我们学了B部分六个有关周末活动的词组,学习了如何询问将来的计划。请同学们课后认真复习巩固词汇,和同学谈论周末计划。OK.So much for today.See you next time.

第五篇:北师大英语必修五第十五单元第三课lesson3 说课教案

北师大版高中英语必修5 Unit15 Lesson3 说课稿

Unit 15 Learning

Lesson 3 Teachers Good morning, everyone!I’m very glad to voice my idea of the text “Teachers”.I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts.First, let me talk about the teaching material.I.The teaching material

This text is the second part of Unit15 Modul 5 by Beijing Normal University Publishing House.The headline is “Teachers” and the title of the article is “My teacher” and “My student”.By studying of this unit, we’ll enable the students to discuss the important of life-long learning, learn the features as well as the advantages and disadvantages of traditional schools and alternative schools, discuss your favourite teacher and school, learn different ways help to understand things around you and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of going abroad.After studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of students’ growing of mind,I think the teaching aims are the followings: 1.Knowledge objects:

(1)the students can master the use of third conditional, the usage of wish and should have done.(2)the students can understand the content of the lesson:(3)the students can read a text to find out specific facts 2.Ability objects:(1)To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, and reading, Especially reading and speaking abilities.(2)To develop students’ awareness of cooperation

(3)To use the information from the text to finish some exercises 3.Emotion objects: Students can discuss their favourite teachers and schools.According to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’learning background ,I will use the following methods.II.the teaching methods In this period, I’ will take some teaching methods to help the students understand and master the text, and further deepen and widen their thoughts.They are: 1.Elicitation method

2.Discussion and cooperation

3.task-based teaching

4.conclusion III.The teaching aids: 1.a projector

2.a multi-media computer system IV.the teaching procedures: Step1 Warming-up & lead-in Activity 1 Free talk(class work)I will invite Ss to answer the following Qs.Q1: Who was your favorite teacher at primary and junior high school?

Q2: why do you like him/her?

Activity 2 Picture-talking(individual work)

Guide the students to look at the pictures in the text and read the brief introduction followed by pictures.Guiding Qs may be:

Q1: Who’s she/he?

Q2: Is he a student or a teacher?

Q3: What kind of teacher-student relationship do you think they have?

Goal: To lead up to the topic, get Ss to warm up and arouse their interest in the topic.Step 2: Reading Task1: Fast reading Activity 1 Skimming(class work)

Ss are required to go through the whole passage quickly to get the general idea and pay special attention to the first or last Para of the article(or the first sentence or the last sentence of each Para.)

Goal: To develop Ss’ reading skill---skimming, that is, how can we get the general idea of a passage as quickly as possible.Activity 2 Scanning(group work)

Encourage Ss to read the passage again, and see how much they understand the text, and to decide if the statements below are true(T), false(F).Check the answers: Task2: Detailed reading 1.Listen, read the text and answer these questions.Check the answers: Step3 Post-reading Test your memory

Complete the sentences from the passage from your memory.When Graham came into my class, he was

a bit

“_________”.Step 4 Language points

a bit


be full of

充满 Step 5 Grammar


Should have done Step 6 Discussion

Activity 1 Discussion(class work)

Write a few comments that the person in each picture would make about the situation they are in.Use wish or should /shouldn’t

Example: SA:I wish it wasn’t raining.SB: SC:…..3 minutes later , I’ll ask several students to voice their opinions.Activity 2 Individual work Think about what has happened in your life and what you did or didn’t do over the last year.Express your regrets using I wish and I should/shouldn’t have.Tell the class something about

yourself.Step7: Summary.Step8: Homework.Write a composition about teacher in China, according to the picture.Words about 100 words.That’s all.Thank you!3



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