China Daily;2lst Century;Beijing Review;China Today 国外出版的英语报纸
International Herald Tribune;USA Today;The New York Times;The Washington Post;The Wall Street Journal;the Los Angeles Times;The Boston Globe;The Christian Science Monitor;The Harvard Crimson;The Financial Times;The Guardian 国外出版的英语杂志:
时事类:US News and World Report;Time;Newsweek 财经类:Fortune;The Forbes;The Economist 综合类:Reader’s Digest;National Geographic 人物类:People;Vanity Fair 高级知识分子类:The New Yorker;The Atlantic Monthly;The New Republic 时尚类:Elle;Cosmopolitan 娱乐类:Entertainment;Buffy;Total Movie 家政类:Lady’s Home Journal;American Styl;Light &Taste;Food & Wine;Good Housekeeping 中学生类:Teen;Teen Vogue;Seventeen;Teen Movie Line: Teen People 流行音乐类:Spin;Rolling Stone;Music.com 科幻类:Scientific American;Star Wars Insider 指南类:TV Guide
使用教材:姜晓梅(编著)《英语小说名篇赏析》,世界图书出版公司,1999年10月,西安 具体教学内容:
Chapter 1
I Want to Know Why by Sherwood Anderson Chapter 2
The Darling by Anton Chekhov Chapter 3
A Rose for Emily by William Faukner Chapter 4
The Snows of Kilimanjaro by Ernest Hemingway Chapter 5
The Cap and the Anthem by O.Henry Chapter 6
Araby by Jamse Joyce Chapter 7
The Magic Barrel by Bernard Malamud Chapter 8
Life of Ma Parker by Katherine Mansfield Chapter 9
The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant Chapter 10 The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin 参考书目:
叶华年 《英语短篇小说导读—结构与理解》,华东师范大学出版社,1999 《英国短篇小说选》(上、下),上海译文出版社,1982 王佐良,刘承沛 《美国短篇小说选》,商务印书馆,1984 Jones, E.ed.(1987).British Short Stories of Today.Beijing: Foreign Languages Press Jones, E.ed.(1987).American Short Stories of Today.Beijing: Foreign Languages Press Beatie, A.ed.(1987).The Best American Short Stories(1987).Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company Harmon, W.& Holman, H.(2002).A Handbook to Literature(9th ed.).Prentice Hall.Shao, Jin Ti.(2002).An Introduction to Literature.Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press 教学方式:采取学生自学、教师讲授和课堂讨论相结合的方式。学生提前进行自学,了解作家及作品;教师重点讲授学生通过自学任然无法理解的语言、结构和思想内容方面的问题;课堂讨论给学生提供各抒己见并互相学习的机会,并为学生撰写读后感或论文做准备。
考核方式:出勤20分,课堂表现20分,作业60分。选修条件:英语专业二年级以上,非英语专业三年级以上。班级规模:不超过35 人。
专业、班级: 护英
姓名 一 学习内容
Reading Course In British/American News Publications 1.10月:I.introduction The front page(the first page)is the most important of all the pages.The front page carries the big news.II.⑪The key parts of the Front Page
①Nameplate:is the name of newspaper 报刊名
②ears: 导航
They refer to the boxes on each side of the paper’s name.In the ears(ear)you can find information about the weather, or the sections of the paper, or short advertisement.③cut:插图
It is derived from “woodcut”, a way to print pictures in the early period of newspaper printing.④cutlines:简短说明、插图说明
They refer to the explanatory lines with a picture or illustration, usually under the picture.⑤headline:标题 It refers to the heading printed in large letters above a story.⑥by-line: 作者署名
It refers to the line directly beneath the headline giving the writer’s name.⑦dateline:日期
It refers to the line at the beginning of a story which includes both the date and place of origin of the story.⑧wire service symbol:通讯社
It refers to the symbol of a news organization, such as AP or UPI, which supplies news stories.⑨lead:导语
It refers to the main or opening part of a piece of newspaper writing.⑩body:正文
It refers to the rest of a news story which supports the lead with facts.2.11月:Rhetorical feature 修辞手法 ①Alliteration 押头韵
A series of word that begin with the same letter or sound are used in the headline.②Rhyme 押韵
The sameness of sound between syllables.Eg.An eye high in sky.③Metaphor 暗喻
Is one kind of rhetorical device,which indicates sth.that different from its literal.Eg.Free fall 一落千丈 ④Pun 双关
A humorous use of words which indicate two meanings.⑤Euphemism 委婉语
The use of more pleasant,less direct name instead of unpleasant one.Eg.king to breathe his last(the king is to die.)⑥Autithesis对照
The use of contrasting words or ideas arranged in the balanced structure for emphasis.⑦parody仿词
It change the form of same words in some proverbs,famous saying etc.⑧idioms习语、俚语 Eg.hot water 处境困难 ⑨synecdoche 借代
Part of something is used to refer to the whole things.⑩Oxymoron矛盾修辞 A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist.E.g.: sound of silence, a true lie, victorious defeat, falsely true, sweet sadness,much ado about nothing.所谓矛盾修辞法(Oxymoron)是指将语义截然相反对立的词语放在一起使用,来揭示某一项事物矛盾性质的一种修辞手法。换言之,它使用两种不相协调,甚至截然相反的特征来形容一项事物,以增强语言感染力。在阅读理解解码过程中,矛盾修辞法可以产生出两种强烈的修辞效果
3.12月:I:Sentence Headline 句式标题
① Straight headlines /statement headline 直陈式标题 Simply tell the main topic of the story.Eg.Girl Die in Blaze ② Question Headlines 疑问式标题
Although they always followed by a question mark,most are not real questions.They may just suggest a future possibility or some doubt about the truth of the story so as to attract readers’ interest.eg.Should students pay more fees? ③ Quotation Headline引语式标题
Also tell the main topic of the story,besides they have other advantages-help the reporter begin a story with an unproven statement,tell readers words are being used outside their normal meaning.④ Feature Headlines特写式标题
Are marked by language that can attract reader’s amazement or curiosity.They reflect the tones of the stories rather than summarize the facts in stories.II:Translation of news headlines ①literal translation 直译法
If English headline can be understood easily.then we can use direct translation.eg.Looking back to look ahead.回顾过去,展望未来
②Free/liberal translation 意译法
Adding explanatory words添加注释性语言 eg.Pierre werner 欧元之父
二 总结与反思
1.Students should know the basic knowledge about English newspaper;2.Students should be familiar with the major English and American newspapers;3.Definition of “news”;4.Studying the text from page 1-5;5.Discussing the issue of China’s growth and the world peace.二、课时安排:
September 8:(2 classes)(1)Introduction to English newspaper;(2)Major American newspapers;(3)Definition of “news”;(4)New Words September 15:(2 classes)Studying the text from page 1-3 September 22:(2 classes)1.Studying the text from page 3-5 2.Discussing the issue of China’s growth and the world peace.三、重点难点:
1.Particular names of places, companies, and social economic organizations;2.Characteristics of English news report;3.Basic knowledge on China’s social economic development as well as China’s international influence.四、课程主要内容:
1.Students’ news report on the latest happenings around the world or other news in which the students have interests(8-10 minutes each class);2.Important English phrases and expressions: economic might set off exclusion from go about flight information center boarding gate check-in counter military muscle inland areas backward industries economic stagnation political lassitude planned economy economic booms and busts economic bubble surmounting the obstacles the Bush administration policy of free trade diplomatic muscle competitive edge linger over acute setbacks 3.Questions testing students’ understanding of the text:(1)How would you compare(2)Compared with(3)What is(4)Is China’s(5)Why has(6)Why do(7)Are the two parties of the US playing politics?(8)What warning
1.Student-centered and student-oriented;2.Questioning and answering based on the text;3.Asking students to answer the questions in their own words based on their understanding;China Finds Western Ways Bring New Woes
1.Students should know the basic knowledge about the newspaper: USA today 2.Students should be familiar with the westerners’ way of living;3.Students should talk about the traditional Chinese lifestyle in English;4.Studying the text from page 34-39;5.Discussing the issue of the changes that have taken place in China.二、课时安排:
September 29:(2 classes)(1)Introduction to topic;(2)Western lifestyle;(3)Chinese lifestyle;(4)New Words October 6:(2 classes)Studying the text from page 34-39 Learning the notes and related information Discussing the specific influences
1.Particular names of food, drinks, and brand;2.The shift from traditional lifestyle to the western lifestyle;3.Basic knowledge on westerners’ way of living.四、课程主要内容:
1.Students’ news report on the latest happenings around the world or other news in which the students have interests;2.Important English phrases and expressions: World’s Fair Show up Health care Market-oriented reforms City-dweller In chronic short supply Assembly line Vitamin-and fiber-rich cereals A change without precedent Sprang up World Health Organization Alcoholism care On the rise Budweiser Glenfiddish Scotch Grand Marnier Cognac Per-capita World’s Fair 3.Questions testing students’ understanding of the text: 1 what did the traditional Chinese lifestyle emphasize? 2 how can this change of lifestyle affect people’s health? 3 how can it influence China’s economic development?
1.Student-centered and student-oriented;2.Questioning based on the text;3.Asking students to answer the questions in their own words based on their understanding;Exploding Tourism Eroding China’s Riches
1.Students should know the basic knowledge about the newspaper: Los Angles Times;2.Students should be familiar with famous tourist place in China’ 3.Students should learn the harm of exploding tourism;4.Studying the text from page 47-57;5.Discussing the possible ways to preserve the sites of historic interests.二、课时安排:
October 13:(2 classes)(1)Introduction to topic;(2)The development of tourism in the world;(3)The influence of the tourism on the tourist sites;(4)New Words October 20:(2 classes)Studying the text from page 47-51 October 27:(2 classes)1 Studying the text 52-57 2 Learn the notes and discuss the importance of preservation
1.Particular names of tourist resorts 2.The root of the problem;3.Ways to preserve the tourist sites.四、课程主要内容:
1.Students’ news report on the latest happenings around the world or other news in which the students have interests;2.Important English phrases and expressions: Ancient Buddhist grottoes Canned performance Carbon dioxide moisture Cash cow Crass commercialism Cultural and natural sites Cultural conservation Ethnic flavor Exploding tourism Hikers and backpackers Historical site Indigenous life The lion’s share Negative effect Non-renewable resource Silk road The tourist authorities Tourist boom UNESCO WHO Account for Wake up to Crass commercialism 3.Questions testing students’ understanding of the text: 1 why is it difficult for the authorities to prevent them from being destroyed? 2 Does the Chinese government value the preservation of those historical and cultural sites? 3 Why did Mr.Neville Agnew say “tourism and conservation are good partners”?
1.Student-centered and student-oriented;2.Questioning based on the text;3.Asking students to answer the questions in their own words based on their understanding;Is Harvard Worth It
一、教学目的:二、课时安排: November 3:(2 classes)November 10:(2 classes)(1)(2)(3)(4)November 17:(2 classes)
三、重点难点: 1.2.3.四、课程主要内容:
1.Students’ news report on the latest happenings around the world or other news in which the students have interests;2.Important English phrases and expressions: 3.Questions testing students’ understanding of the text:
1.Student-centered and student-oriented;2.Questioning and answering based on the text;3.Asking students to answer the questions in their own words based on their understanding;China, the World’s Capital
November 24:(2 classes)(1)(2)(3)(4)
三、重点难点: 1.2.3.四、课程主要内容:
1.Students’ news report on the latest happenings around the world or other news in which the students have interests;2.Important English phrases and expressions: 3.Questions testing students’ understanding of the text:
1.Student-centered and student-oriented;2.Questioning based on the text;3.Asking students to answer the questions in their own words based on their understanding;Barack Obama: the President-elect of the United States
1.Students should know the basic knowledge about American Presidential-election;2.Students should be familiar with the current American political, economic and social situation;3.4.5.二、课时安排:
December 1:(2 classes)(1)(2)(3)(4)December 8:(2 classes)December 15:(2 classes)
三、重点难点: 1.2.3.四、课程主要内容: 1.Students’ news report on the latest happenings around the world or other news in which the students have interests;2.Important English phrases and expressions: 3.Questions testing students’ understanding of the text:
1.Student-centered and student-oriented;2.Group work: in-class activities: speech competition and argumentation between two parties imitating an election;3.Questioning and answering based on the text;4.Asking students to answer the questions in their own words based on their understanding;