
时间:2019-05-15 02:59:57下载本文作者:会员上传


Module one My First Day at Senior High Good morning, dear judges? May I begin? Good morning, boys and girls.I’m very happy to be here to give you this lesson.In my class, I will divide you into six groups.In this way you can learn to cooperate with each other and learn better.I know that you are very active and cooperative.I hope that we will work well and happily in my class.Boys and girls, I know that you are new students in this school.What’s your first impression of this school? T: What do you think of your new school? You think that this school is big and beautiful.Okay, sit down, please.What about you? Oh You think that this school is quiet.A boy named LK also has a deep impression on his first day at senior high.So today we are going to learn Module One My First Day at Senior High.Before we learn this lesson, please look at the screen and read the learning aims and important and difficult points.Are you clear about today’s tasks? Okay, Let’s begin our class.Please turn to Page two.Read the passage quickly and find the answer to the following question.In what aspects does LK introduce his first day.I’ll give you 3 minutes.Finished? May I have your answer? There are four aspects.First, self-introduction.Second, his classroom and school.Third, his new teachers.Fourth, his classmates.Yes, it’s very good answer.Sit down, please.We can see that this passage can be divided into four parts.Part 1 para 1 Part 2 para 2 Part 3 para3,4,5 Part 4 para 6 Now let’s read each part carefully.Read the first two parts and retell it in your own words.I’ll give you three minutes.Finished? Please close your books and retell it together You’ve done a very good job!When you come to a new school, you will meet your new teachers.Let’s learn something about Li Kang’s new English teacher.Please read paragraph 3,4 and 5 and decide whether the four sentences are true or false.If the sentences are false, please correct them.Finished ? Okay.Sentence 1 LK’s previous teachers’ method of teaching is better than that of Ms Shen.true or false? Who’d like to answer? Okay, jack? It’s false.Why? Because Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of LK’s previous teachers.Sentence 2 Some students were embarrassed at first because they are too shy to introduce themselves.True or false ?Who? Yes, Kate.It’s true.Do you agree with her? Yes.Very good.Sit down,please.Sentence 3 Ms Shen doean’t think spelling and handwriting are important.Tom, would you?

It’s false.Because she wants to help her students to improve their spelling and handwriting.You’ve done a very good job.I’d like you to pay attention to this sentence.Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.Work in groups and discuss this sentence and try to get the structure of it? Have you got it? In this sentence nothing like refers to not at all.The word That refers to teaching method.From this part we can see that Li Kang likes his English teacher and enjoys his class very much.How about his classmates? Read paragraph six you will get some information about them Read this paragraph and choose the right answer.Okay.Let’s check the answers.Number 1.Anyone ? Yes, Mary Your answer is B.Do you agree with her? Yes, it’s right.Very good, sit down, please.Number 2.Kate.You chose D.Is she right? Yes.Good job!Sit down, please.Now you’ve learned the whole passage.I’ll give you a topic to talk about.The topic is what one of your teachers in senior high is like.You can use the words and phrases on the screen.I’ll give you five minutes to prepare for it.Time’s up.Who is ready? Group two.Okay.I think your description is excellent.Well done.Sit down, please.In this lesson we’ve learned something about Li Kang’s first day in senior high and we can see from the passage that senior high school is very different from junior high school.We should try our best to adapt to the new school.Now there are two minutes left.Now go over what we’ve learned today and see whether you have any questions.If no, please write down today’s homework.1.Write down a short passage about your first day at senior high.2.Read the passage again and find the language points.Class’s over.Thank you for your good performance.Module Two My New Teachers Good morning, dear judges? May I begin? Good morning, boys and girls.I’m very happy to be here to give you this lesson.In my class, I will divide you into six groups.In this way you can learn to cooperate with each other and learn better.I know that you are very active and cooperative.I hope that we will work well and happily in my class.We are in a new school, in a new class and we have new teachers.Which teacher impresses you most?

Yes.Mary.You think that your maths teacher impresses you most because he’s very humorous.Yes, very good, sit down,please.How about you, Tom? You think your physics teacher is very enthusiastic Now let’s learn to talk about teachers.Today we are going to learn Module Two My New Teachers.Please turn to Page 12.Read the passage quickly and find the answers to the two questions.Question 1Which teachers do students like a lot? Question 2 Who is a very good teacher but is serious and strict? I’ll give you 3 minutes.Got it? The first question.May I have your answer? Yes, group three.Mr Wu.Do you agree with his answer? Yes.He’s right.Sit down, please.Now question number 2.Good, group four.Mrs Shen.Is she right? Yes, very good.Sit down, please.We can see that there are three pictures in this passage.so we can divide this passage into three parts.Would you tell me the main ideas of these three parts? Who would like to try? Okay, Mary, please.Part 1 My English teacher.Part 2 My Physics teacher.Part 3 My Chinese literary teacher.Do you agree with her? Yes, very excellent answers.Sit down, please.Now let’s read the passage carefully

Read the first part and retell it in your own words.I’ll give you three minutes.Finished? Please close your books and retell it together You’ve done a very good job!In this paragraph I need you to pay attention to the two sentences.1.She explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it.2.Mrs Li just smiles so that you don’t feel completely stupid.So...that in the first sentence talks about How So that in the second sentence means in order that

From this passage we’ve learned that Mrs Li is very kind and patient but at first she was very shy and nervous.Now we know something about the English teacher.Let’s come to the physics teacher.Please read paragraph two and decide whether the three sentences are true or false.If the sentences are false, please correct them.I’ll give you five minutes.Time’s up.Sentence 1 Students are very afraid of Mrs Chen.True or false? Tom.You think it’s true.Is he right? Yes, very good.Sit down, please.Sentence 2 Students are always on time for Mrs Chen’s lessons because they are very interested in physics.Okay.Jack.It’s false.Why? Because they are afraid of Mr Chen.Excellent.Sit down, please.Sentence3 Though Mrs Chen is very strict with her students, her teaching method is very good.Yes.Kate.It’s true.Do you agree with her? Yes, she’s right.Very good.Sit down, please.You have all got good answers.Okay.That’s enough for the physics teacher.Let’s move to the next paragraph to know something about the Chinese literary teacher.Now read paragraph three and choose the right choices.I’ll give you five minutes.Done with them? Let’s do them together.The first one.D.Yes, good.The second one.C.Yes, terrific.I’m very proud of you.Today we’ve learned to talk about the three different teachers.They have different characters, but students like them all.So what kind of teacher do you like most? Work in groups and have a discussion.You can use the words on the screen.Time’s up.Which group would like to have a try? All right.Group five.I think your description is very excellent.Sit down, please.That’s all for this passage.Today we’ve talked about the characters of the three teachers.From this passage we can see that students respect and think highly of them.So in our school life , we should respect our teachers, too.Now there are two minutes left.Go over this passage and see if you have any question.Do you have any questions? If no, please look at the screen and write down your homework.1 Write a short passage about one of your favorite teachers.2 Read this passage again and find out the key points.Class’s over.Thank you for your good performance.Module Three My First Ride on a Train Good morning, dear judges? May I begin? Good morning, boys and girls.I’m very happy to be here to give you this lesson.In my class, I will divide you into six groups.In this way you can learn to cooperate with each other and learn better.I know that you are very active and cooperative.I hope that we will work well and happily in my class.Do you often travel ? What transportation do you like best? Mary.You prefer to travel by plane.How about you? Tom.You love traveling by ship.How about trains? Have you ever traveled by train? Some students said yes, and some students said no.Today we are going to talk about a ride on a train.Today we’re going to learn Module Three My first ride on a train.Please turn to page 23 and read this passage quickly and find the answer to this question What ‘s this passage about? Work in groups and talk about it, okay? I’ll give you three minutes.Got it? Which group would like to answer it? Okay.Group four.Traveling to the central part of Australia.Do you agree with him? Yes, he’s right.Very good, sit down, please.This passage can be divided into three parts.Para 1 is the first part.Para 2, 3 are the second part.Para 4,5,6 are the third part.Do you know the main ideas of these three parts? Who’d like to try? Okay.Tom.Part 1 Introduction of the train travel.Part 2 What did Alice see and what did she do on the train.Part 3 Why is the train called the Ghan.Do you agree with him? Very excellent answer.Sit down, please.Now let’s read each part carefully Read the first part and retell it in your own words.I’ll give you three minutes.Finished? Please close your books and retell it together You’ve done a very good job!Now let’s see what Alice saw and did during her traveling.Read part two and decide whether the two sentences are true or false.If the sentences are false, please correct them.I’ll give you five minutes.Got them?

Sentence one Alice had a very good time on the train.True or false? Who’d like to answer it? Kate.It’s right.Do you agree with her? Yes, she’s right.Good job.Sit down,please.Sentence two The scenery was the same during the whole journey.Jack.It’s false.Why? Because suddenly it looked like a place from another time.Is he right? Yes, very good.Sit down, please.From this part we know that the train is amazing and Alice’s trip is wonderful.Do you want to know what this train is called and the story about this train? Okay, let’s move to the next part.Read this part and give the right choices.I’ll give you 5 minutes.Time’s up.Let’s do it together.The first one.A.The second one.B.Excellent!You’ve done a very good job.I need you to pay attention to this sentence.A long time ago, Australians needed a way to travel to the middle of the country.In this sentence to travel to the middle of the country is 不定式作后置定语。

From this passage we’ve learned that this train is full of stories and Alice’s train travel is very amazing and unforgettable.Sometimes we travel somewhere.It’s very good for our health and life.Please work in groups and talk about one of your travels.I’ll give you five minutes.You can use the words and phrases on the screen.When, how, where, what.Done with it? Which group would like to present yours? Group three.Okay.I think your story is amazing.Now please go over what we’ve learned today and see if you have any questions? Do you have any questions? If no, please look at the screen and remember today’s homework.1 Write a short passage about one of your travels.2 Read this passage again and find the language points.Class’s over.Thank you for your good performance.


Unit 1 Hello!


1.能够熟练掌握字母 Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, 的大小写书写形式,以及听说、认读单词:apple,boy, cat,dog,egg,fish,girl。2.能在日常生活中熟练运用问候用语: —Hello!

3.能听懂一些简单的课堂用语: Class begins!

Stand up, please!

Sit down, please!

Class is over.What‘s this?

What‘s missing?

Capital letter(大写字母)

Small letter(小写字母)

period 1

Teaching steps: 1.新课展示(New Presentation)



这一部分教师要引导学生注意字母的正确发音规则:Aa读作/ei/,是由/e/到/i/的滑动,其中/i/发得短而模糊。字母Bb和Cc中含有长音/i:/,要读得长而清晰,气流不受阻碍,不要把Cc读成/si/或西。另外,在英语里,每个字母都有印刷体和书写体两种形式,每种字体都有大写和小写之分。书报刊物用印刷体,我们写字用书写体,我们采用的是斜体行书,写时稍向右斜。(出示字母卡片Aa, Bb, Cc的书写体和印刷体,于此同时泛读/ei/, /bi:/, /si:/,老师缓慢而清晰的用升调和降调读几遍)


cake: /keik/其中a发双元音/ei/的音,e不发音。

bag: /b g/其中b发/b/的音,浊辅音/b/发音时双唇紧闭,气流从口腔中冲出来,送气有力;a为前元音,发/ /的音,发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌稍

高,但比其他前元音/i/, /e/要低。牙床开得较大,近乎全开。双唇向两边伸张,稍扁。

pencil: 为合成词,意为:铅笔。其中c发/s/的音,发音时舌端接近上齿龈,气流从舌端和上齿龈间形成的缝隙中通过,发生摩擦。

3)教师将课前准备好的人物头饰戴在头上,并和同学们打招呼问好,进行本课重点句型的训练和讲解。在此教师要强调“morning是早晨、上午的意思,Good morning就是早上好。当然,在口语中我们经常可以直接说Morning!同样要是想要表达“下午好”可以说成“Good afternoon!”;―boy‖/“girl”




(戴Tom头饰的学生)A: Good morning, Jerry!

(戴Jerry头饰的学生)B: Good morning, Tom!/ Morning, Tom!


首先将学生分为三组,一组同学拿A, B, C;另外一组同学拿a, b, c;最后一组同学拿cake, bag, pencil的单词卡片。

其次所有的学生都将听从教师的口令,如教师小声说 ―A‖,那么所有拿A, a, cake的同学将要迅速的站起来,同时读出自己手中的卡片。4.听录音学习课文,并跟读:

(1)Listen, look and repeat(Ⅰ)(播放该部分的录音)

A a

B b

C c(2)Listen, look and repeat(Ⅱ)(播放该部分的录音)

A a a cake


B b a bag

A BAG C c a pencil A PENCIL(3)Listen, look and say(Ⅰ)(播放该部分的录音)

A:Good morning!B:Good morning!(4)Listen, look and say(Ⅱ)(播放该部分的录音)

A:Good morning, boys and girls!B:Good morning, Miss Liu!通过本部分的学习学会和他人打招呼,能熟练并且正确运用Good morning.5.课后作业(Homework):


学生练习书写制作字母卡片,再通过找朋友,打招呼的方式练习Let‘s practice.部分。

period 2

Teaching steps:


首先将学生分为三组,一组同学拿A, B, C;另外一组同学拿a, b, c;最后一组同学拿cake, bag, pencil的单词卡片。

其次所有的学生都将听从教师的口令,如教师小声说 ―A‖,那么所有拿A, a, cake的同学将要迅速的站起来,同时读出自己手中的卡片。2.New Presentation:-----Hello!-----Hello!What’s your name?-----My name is Wang Junjie.How about you?-----My name is Liu Zhou xuan.-----Goodbye, Wang Junjie.-----Bye-bye, Liu Zhouxuan.3. Pairwork.两人一组表演对话。4.Practice.A: Hello!B: Hello!A: What’s your name? B: My name is … 4.Homework.依照例句,造三组对话。

period 3

Teaching steps: 1.Revision.Let‘s play.四人一组,练习对话:

---Hello!I‘m … What‘s your name?---My name is … 注意: 1)先让每个学生把自己的名字用英语写在本字上,注意名是两字以上的写法。

2)注意学生之间的搭配。3)鼓励学困生大胆的说英语。2.Listening practice.Listen and match.Liu Zhaoyang Su Nan Colin Wu Chen Miss White Kitty Toby Aggie

Alice Kevin Li Shan Mr.Zhao 3.Learn some new words.1)学生依照四线三格正确书写字母。2)根据图片判断这些单词的意思。

apple boy cat dog egg fish girl 3)板书这些新单词。

4)领读新单词,注意发音。5)学生齐读。4.Let‘s sing.Hello, Kitty!Hello, Kevin!I‘m Alice.Nice to meet you.Hello, Wu Chen!Hello, Li Shan!I‘m Alice.Nice to meet you.1)领读句子,明白其意思。2)听录音,跟唱。3)初唱,大声唱。


5. Homework.唱英文歌曲。

period 4

Teaching steps: 1.Revision.Review some old words.2.New Sentences.1)Complete and say.2)– Hello!I am A.A is in ―apple‖.Hi!I am B.B is in ―boy‖.3)完成 C,D, E, F.4)同桌互查,纠错,教师重点讲不会的内容。3.Read a story.1)--Hello , dear!2)--Good afternoon, Madam.3)--How are you ,pretty girl?--I am fine.4)--How nice!注意:

5)让学生体会故事的情景。6)注意一些音词的发音。7)会说一些习惯用语。8)背诵,会默写这些句子。4.Practice.Complete part C.5.Homework.Look, read and choose.Unit 3 Good morning!单元目标及重难点分析:

1.能够熟练掌握字母O o , P p, Q q ,R r, S s, T t的大小写书写形式,以及听说、认读单词:orange, pear, question,rabbit,sun,tiger。2.能在日常生活中熟练运用问候用语: —Good morning!

3.能听懂一些简单的课堂用语: Class begins!

Stand up, please!

Sit down, please!

Class is over.What‘s this?

What‘s missing?

Capital letter(大写字母)

Small letter(小写字母)

period 1

Teaching steps: 教学过程:

1.新课展示(New Presentation)




这一部分教师要引导学生注意字母的正确发音规则:Oo读作/ əu/。字母Pp和Tt中含有长音/i:/,要读得长而清晰,气流不受阻碍,不要把Qq读成/k/或又。另外,在英语里,每个字母都有印刷体和书写体两种形式,每种字体都有大写和小写之分。书报刊物用印刷体,我们写字用书写体,我们采用的是斜体行书,写时稍向右斜。(出示字母卡片Oo, Pp, Qq的书写体和印刷体,于此同时泛读/əu/, /pi:/, / kju:/,老师缓慢而清晰的用升调和降调读几遍)

英语字母是写在四线三格纸中的,开始学习写字母,一定要严格按格式要求来写。(分别出示字母Oo, Pp, Qq的书写体动画演示过程)2)教师通过课前准备好的单词卡片或者实物进行单词教学。

orange: 其中o发短音,e不发音。

pear: 其中p发清辅音/p/。

pencil: 为合成词,意为:铅笔。其中c发/s/的音,发音时舌端接近上齿龈,气流从舌端和上齿龈间形成的缝隙中通过,发生摩擦。

3)教师将课前准备好的人物头饰戴在头上,并和同学们打招呼问好,进行本课重点句型的训练和讲解。在此教师要强调“morning是早晨、上午的意思,Good morning就是早上好。当然,在口语中我们经常可以直接说Morning!同样要是想要表达“下午好”可以说成“Good afternoon!”;―boy‖/“girl”




(戴Tom头饰的学生)A: Good morning, Jerry!

(戴Jerry头饰的学生)B: Good morning, Tom!/ Morning, Tom!


首先将学生分为三组,一组同学拿A, B, C;另外一组同学拿a, b, c;最后一组同学拿cake, bag, pencil的单词卡片。

其次所有的学生都将听从教师的口令,如教师小声说 ―A‖,那么所有拿A, a, cake的同学将要迅速的站起来,同时读出自己手中的卡片。4.听录音学习课文,并跟读:

(1)Listen, look and repeat(Ⅰ)(播放该部分的录音)

O o

P p

Q q(2)Listen, look and repeat(Ⅱ)(播放该部分的录音)

O o an



P p a pear


PEAR Q q a question A QUESTION(3)Listen, look and say(Ⅰ)(播放该部分的录音)

A:Good morning!B:Good morning!(4)Listen, look and say(Ⅱ)(播放该部分的录音)

A:Good morning, boys and girls!

B:Good morning,Miss Liu!通过本部分的学习学会和他人打招呼,能熟练并且正确运用Good morning.5.课后作业(Homework):


学生练习书写制作字母卡片,再通过找朋友,打招呼的方式练习Let‘s practice.部分。

period 2

Teaching steps: 1.Revision.复习对话。

---Good morning, Mom!---Good morning..---Good afternoon, Mr.Zhao.---Good afternoon!---Good evening!---Good evening!2.Learn some new words.1)让学生看课本,从图片中标出新单词的意思。2)同桌互相对桌,找出不一样的,提问老师。3)教师纠正易错单词,领读每个单词的发音。4)学生齐读单词。

5)按时黑板上的板书写每个单词的写法。3.Practice.---Good morning!---Good morning!---Good afternoon!---Good afternoon!---Good evening!---Good evening!---Good night!---Good night!*背诵新单词,默写这些单词。4.Homework.本节课学的新单词在练习本上写三英一汉。

period 3

Teaching steps: 1.Revision.Review some old words.orange , pear , question , rabbit, sun , tiger.2.Let‘s chant.How Are You?

Hello, hello, how are you?

I‘m fine.Thank you.How are you?

How are you?

I‘m well.Thank you.1)领读句子,明白其意思。2)听录音,跟唱。3)初唱,大声唱。


3. 听录音学习课文,并跟读:

(1)Listen, look and repeat(Ⅰ)(播放该部分的录音)

O o

P p

Q q

R r

S s

T t(2)Listen, look and repeat(Ⅱ)(播放该部分的录音)

O o an orange


P p a pear

A PEAR Q q a question

A QUESTION R r a rabbit

A RABBIT(3)Listen, look and say(Ⅰ)(播放该部分的录音)

A: Good morning!B:Good morning!(4)Listen, look and say(Ⅱ)(播放该部分的录音)

A: Good evening , Dad.Nice to meet you!B: Me, too.通过本部分的学习学会正确的和他人进行问候,并且能在不同的场合正确地运用不同的问候语。4.Homework.练习早上好,下午好,晚上好。

period 4

Teaching steps: 1.Revision.Review some old words.2.New Sentences.1)Look and complete.range ear uestion abbit un iger 2)– Hello!I am O.O is in ―orange‖.Hi!I am V.V is in ―vegetable‖.3)完成 V,W, X, Y,Z.4)同桌互查,纠错,教师重点讲不会的内容。3.Look and talk.1)– Is this an apple? 2)– Yes, it is./ No, it isn‘t.3)– Is this a pear?--Yes , it is.注意:

1)让学生体会故事的情景。2)注意一些音词的发音。3)会说一些习惯用语。4)背诵,会默写这些句子。4.Practice.Complete part C.5.Homework.Complete ‗read and match‘.Revision 1(Units 1---4)

教学目标及重难点分析: 1.能够听、说、读、写单词:good, morning, afternoon, dad , pear, orange, rabbit, sun ,tiger.2.能熟练掌握句型: What‘s this/that? It‘s a…

3.能听懂、会说句子:Can you spell it, please? Yes, I can.4.会掌握26个英文字母。5.会读一些缩略词。

period 1

教学过程: 1.新课展示(New Presentation)


ID VIP TV CCTV UN PRC UK USA 2.Joint the dots in order.1)让学生把26个英文字母齐读一遍。2)请各别学生站起来背诵。3)让学生默写26个英文字母。4)完成课本中的第二题。

5)强调画线用铅笔,按顺序一个接一个画。3. Play a game.游戏名:Can You Get to the Top? 规则:

1. 把每个图片用英语单词标注在旁边,熟读单词。2. START,开始。

3. 按照路线一步一步到最后一步。4. FINISH,完成。


A.用a/an/无 填空。

1)This is umbrella.2)That‘s water.3)Look!It‘s nice box.4)---Is that tiger?---No , it isn‘t.B.小小配音师。选一选,请你给相应的场景配上合适的对话。a.---What’s this?---It’s a cat.b.---Is this a lion?---No.It’s a dog.c.---This is an apple.---Yes.And that’s a pear.d.---Is that vegetable?---Yes , it is.period 2 教学过程: 1.Listening practice.方法:


2.Find your friends and have a talk.翻译下列句子。

1)Hello!How are you? 2)My name is Yu Bin.3)I‘m fine.4)Hi!I‘m Li Ling.What‘s your name? 5)Nice to meet you.6)Nice to meet you , too.3.Read and match.A.---Good morning!---Good morning!B.---Goodbye!---Bye-bye!C.---Good night!---Good night!D.---How are you ?---I‘m well.Thank you.4.Let‘s chant.What‘s this ? What‘s this? Do you know? Do you know? It‘s an apple.It‘s a pear.Yes.Yes.I know.What‘s that? What‘s that?

Do you know? Do you know.It‘s a dog.It‘s a cat.Yes.Yes.I know.5.Homework.完成练习册P25---P28。

Unit 5 I Have a Bag.单元目标及重难点分析:

1.能够熟练掌握单词:I , have , bag ,how many , in , eraser , pencil , pen , crayon ,ruler , book ,do , and , some , what.2.能在日常生活中熟练运用口语:---What‘s in your bag? How many?---pencil.Two 3.能听懂一些简单的课堂用语:

What‘s this/that ? It‘s a/an…

period 1

Teaching steps: 教学过程:

1.新课展示(New Presentation)

Circle and give the number.T: What‘s in your bag ? How many ? 方法点拨:


4)book, bag , eraser , pencil , crayon , ruler.5)让学生跟读,齐读,互读。6)两人一组,互相背诵。2.巩固活动:(小组游戏)

Color your bag , book , pencil ,eraser , pen and ruler.1)仔细观察图片,根据自己的喜好,涂上自己喜欢的颜色。2)同桌互换,互相欣赏对方的作品。3)用自己的书和对方作对话。4)What’s this ? It’s a pencil.5)让两名学生上台给学生表演自己的成果。3.听录音学习课文,并跟读:

Listen, look and repeat(Ⅰ)(播放该部分的录音)

bag ,eraser , pencil , pen , crayon , book , ruler



学生练习书写bag ,eraser , pencil , pen , crayon , book , ruler。

period 2

Teaching steps: 1.Revision.复习对话。

---What‘s in your bag ?---Book.---How many?---Five.2.Learn some new words.1)让学生看课本,从图片中标出新单词的意思。2)同桌互相对桌,找出不一样的,提问老师。3)教师纠正易错单词,领读每个单词的发音。4)学生齐读单词。

5)按时黑板上的板书写每个单词的写法。3.Practice.---Look!I have a bag.---How nice!---Do you have a book ?

---Yes , I do.I have a pencil , an eraser and some crayons, too.*背诵新句子,默写这些句子。4.Homework.本节课学的新句子在练习本上写三英一汉。

period 3

Teaching steps: 1.Revision.Review some old words.bag ,eraser , pencil , pen , crayon , book , ruler 2.Let‘s learn more.---Do you have a pen ?---No, I don‘t.---Do you have a ruler?---No, I don‘t.---What do you have ?---I have some crayons.3. 听录音学习课文,并跟读:

(1)Listen, look and repeat(Ⅰ)(播放该部分的录音)

bag ,eraser , pencil , pen , crayon , book , ruler(2)Listen, look and repeat(Ⅱ)(播放该部分的录音)---Do you have a pen ?---No, I don‘t.---Do you have a ruler?---No, I don‘t.---What do you have ?---I have some crayons.通过本部分的学习学会正确的和他人进行交流,并且能在不同的场合正确地运用不同的语言。4.Homework.练习新单词,并且默写这些新单词。

period 4

Teaching steps: 1.Revision.Review some old words.2.New Sentences.1)Look and complete.r ler penc p b k b g cray 2)– Hello!I am B.B is in ―bag‖.It‘s an apple.How nice W 注意:

1)让学生体会故事的情景。2)注意一些音词的发音。3)会说一些习惯用语。4)背诵,会默写这些句子。4.Practice.Complete part C.5.Homework.Complete ‗Look and answer‘.Unit 6 Look at My Toys!单元目标及重难点分析:

1.能够熟练掌握单词:at ,toy , plane , ship,kite , car , ball ,bike , they ,these ,those.2.能在日常生活中熟练运用口语:---I have a toy.Look!It‘s a car.---How nice!3.能听懂一些简单的课堂用语:

Good afternoon!

Sit down , please.period 1

Teaching steps: 教学过程:

1.新课展示(New Presentation)

Ask your friends and fill in the chart.T: Do you have toys? 方法点拨:

1)让同学们看看图片是什么东西?用汉语说一说。2)从课本中圈出自己已有的东西,注意观察。3)根据图片学习新单词。4)bear, toy, skateboard.5)让学生跟读,齐读,互读。6)两人一组,互相背诵。2.巩固活动:(小组游戏)Tick or cross.1)仔细观察图片,根据自己的喜好,涂上自己喜欢的颜色。2)同桌互换,互相欣赏对方的作品。3)用自己的书和对方作对话。4)What do you have? 5)让两名学生上台给学生表演自己的成果。3.听录音学习课文,并跟读:

Listen, look and repeat(Ⅰ)(播放该部分的录音)plane,ship , kite , car , ball , bike



学生练习书写plane,ship , kite , car , ball , bike。

period 2

Teaching steps: 1.Revision.复习对话。

---Hi, Liu Zhaoyang!I have a toy.Look!It‘s a car.---How nice!---Look at my toys , Kevin!I have planes.---They are nice.2.Learn some new words.1)让学生看课本,从图片中标出新单词的意思。2)同桌互相对桌,找出不一样的,提问老师。3)教师纠正易错单词,领读每个单词的发音。4)学生齐读单词。

5)按时黑板上的板书写每个单词的写法。3.Practice.---I have a toy.Look!It‘s a car.---How nice!---Look at my toys , Kevin!I have planes.---They are nice.*背诵新句子,默写这些句子。4.Homework.本节课学的新句子在练习本上写三英一汉。

period 3

Teaching steps: 1.Revision.Review some old words.plane,ship , kite , car , ball , bike

2.New sentences.---I have a toy.Look!It‘s a car.---How nice!---Look at my toys , Kevin!I have planes.---They are nice.3. 听录音学习课文,并跟读:

(1)Listen, look and repeat(Ⅰ)(播放该部分的录音)

plane,ship , kite , car , ball , bike

(2)Listen, look and repeat(Ⅱ)(播放该部分的录音)---Do you have a pen ?---No, I don‘t.---Do you have a ruler?---No, I don‘t.---What do you have ?

---I have some crayons.通过本部分的学习学会正确的和他人进行交流,并且能在不同的场合正确地运用不同的语言。4.Homework.练习新单词,并且默写这些新单词。

period 4

Teaching steps: 1.Revision.Review some old words.2.New Sentences.1)Look and complete.b kes shi ca k s b lls pla s 2)– Hello!I am B.B is in ―bike‖.I have many cars.Hi!I am P.P is in ―panda‖.3)完成 Complete and match.4)同桌互查,纠错,教师重点讲不会的内容。3.Read a story.1)– Look!What‘s this? 2)– It‘s an elephant.3)– Look!What‘s that ? No.It‘s a lion.4)– Look!What are those? Yes , they are.5)– Are those animals ? Hi!I am R.R is in ―red‖.3)完成 Complete and match.36

4)同桌互查,纠错,教师重点讲不会的内容。3.Read a story.1)– What color is it? 2)– It‘s brown.3)– It‘s green.4)– What color is it?-Do you know? 注意:

1)让学生体会故事的情景。2)注意一些音词的发音。3)会说一些习惯用语。4)背诵,会默写这些句子。4.Practice.Complete part C.5.Homework.Complete ‗Ask and answer‘.Revision 2(Units 5---8)


1.能够听、说、读、写单词:car ,bike , ship , plane ,kite , ball.2.能熟练掌握句型: Do you have … ? Yes , I do./ No , I don‘t.3.能听懂、会说句子:What are those ? They are ice – creams.4.能掌握10个数字英语。5.会唱一些英语歌。

period 1

教学过程: 1.新课展示(New Presentation)

Listen and tick or cross.1)稳定心态。



2.Tick and draw.Then ask and answer.1)让学生先完成图画。


3)让学生们根据自己的喜好选择答案。4)完成课本中的第二题。3. Play a game.游戏名:大转盘


1. 把每个图片用英语单词标注在旁边,熟读单词。2. 数一数每个物体的个数。3. 注意名词的单复数。4. 学生表演。


A.用How , they , What , those填空。

1)---is it ?---It‘s a tiger.2)---Are bears ?---No , aren‘t.They are lions.3)---many planes do you have?---I have four planes.Look , one, two , three , four.B.判断正(T)误(F)。()1.血的颜色是brown。

()2.black和white 是一对以应词。

()3.orange 既可以指“橘色”又可以指“橘子”。()4.用crayons可以画出不同的colors。


period 2 教学过程: 1.Listening practice.方法:


2.Find your friends and have a talk.翻译下列句子。

1)Three.What are those? 2)They are ice-creams.3)How many? 4)Eight ice-creams.3.Talk with your partner.A:---Is it a …/Are they …? B:---Yes, it is.Yes , they are.A:---What color is / are the …?

B:---It‘s /They are… 4.Let‘s sing.What Are These? What are these? Are they pencils? Are they pencils? No , they are not.They are not pencils.They are nice rulers.They are nice rulers.方法点拨:













A.设置一个与课文或者题目相关的问题,在问问题之前肯定有几句开场白,也需要和题目或者课文内容相关。提问以后,就要可以组织学生讨论几分钟,然后抽问,如果没有学生,就自己假装请一个学生回答问题,然后说:“good, thank you"之类的话,然后自己再把自己准备好的见解说出来,引出文章的标题,主题或者内容。





















4.也可以整体讲解,分段,喊学生找主题,讲解main idea,复述之类的都可以。




杨文仪 发布时间: 2010-8-6 20:23:25























一、课题(Topic):看图书面表达(Writing A Story)


三、课时(Academic Hour):1课时



六、教学目标(Teaching Aim):




七、教学重点(Key Points):

1、看图书面表达的特点。(The characteristics of written expression.)

2、引导学生仔细观察所给图片,掌握故事的中心意思。确定出描述图画所需的中心词,并由词成句,由句成文。并将联想到的单词、例句等展现给学生。对文章结构、段落、格式等进行修改,实现用词准确,行文流畅。(Observe the picture→Central idea→Important words and sentences→Structure, paragraphs, formats)

3、看图书面表达的写作方法和注意事项。(writing methods and precautions)

4、给出一些看图书面表达的经典开头语、衔接语和结束语。(Classic opening words , interface language and conclusions.)

八、教学方法(Teaching Methods):讨论法、提问法

九、教学步骤(Teaching Procedure):

1、指出看图书面表达的特点(Point out the characteristics of written expression):

观察要有顺序,从整体到局部,或从上到下,从外到里,从左到右。(Sequential observation)

方位词很重要。(The position of the word)③

特点描写。(Characteristics described)④

寄情于物。(Focus on the material)

适合运用多种修辞手法。(Use rhetorical devices ,such as metaphor and personification.)

2、给出具体的图片,对图片进行分析,经过讨论指出故事的中心思想。(Give a specific picture and analysis the images.Point out the central idea of the story by discussion.)

① The picture: are fleeing sand because they cut down all trees.left people from dunes ② The right picture: people have planted many trees and

the sand has retreated.③ Central idea: Trees play an important part in water and

soil conservation.People should realize the important relation between human and nature.3、给出联想到的单词和例句,并将其一一展现给学生。并指出文章应该要注意的结构、段落和格式。(Give the words and sentences that associated with, and unfold them to students.Articles should pay attention to structure, paragraphs and)

中心词:沙丘(sand dune);进(advance);退(retreat);

水土保持(water and soil conservation);生态平衡(the balance of nature)②


a.As is shown in the pictures,trees play an important part in water and soil conservation.b.It's never too late to mend.c.Obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem.d.Accordingly, I recommend that some measures be taken.③


总结图画所要表达的中心思想。段落格式可采用三段式,先描写图画内容,人们滥伐森林,造成水土流失,导致沙 丘、沙尘暴的产生,人们重新植树,有效抵制沙丘的进攻; 再议论图画所暗示的深刻含义,呼吁人们重视生态平衡。

4、指出看图书面表达的写作方法和注意事项。(Point out the writing methods and precautions of plug-in written expression.)

① 认真审题,确定时态人称



根据题目要求也会出现时态的交错使用,如过去和现在 的对比等。




例如:Thanks to the teachers, we have improved our English.其中we和our就是人称的统一。

② 找全信息点,紧扣主题,突出重点

切忌只看图片中的信息点,一定要挖掘深层次的信息点。根据 题目,可适当增加合理内容。特别注意文章要有开头和结尾。③ 成文时表述正确,文字流畅

切忌与汉语提示的一一对应,使用所学表达方法将语义表达出 来即可。首先考虑句子结构(如主谓宾,主系表等)。同时注意 短语的正确使用和单词的拼写,最好使用课本上学过的短语和 句式。④ 文章结构清晰,重点句型出彩,可使文章在得分上提高一个档

次。考虑文章的篇章结构,使用适当的连接短语,使文章结构 紧凑。


a.表文章结构顺序:First of all,Firstly/First,Secondly/Second…And then,Finally,In the end,At last b.表并列补充关系的:What’s more,Besides,Moreover,Furthermore,Inaddition c.表转折对比关系的:However,On the contrary,but Although+clause(从句),In spite of+n/doing

On the one hand…On the other hand…

Some…,while others…

d.表因果关系的:Because,As,So,Thus,Therefore,As a result e.表换一种方式表达:In other words

f.表进行举例说明:For example,句子;For instance,句子;such as+n/doing g.表陈述事实:In fact h.表达自己观点:As far as I know,In my opinion i.表总结:In short,In a word,In conclusion,In summary ⑤ 认真检查,检查信息点是否全面,时态、人称是否一致,句子

结构是否清晰,短语使用、单词拼写是否准确等。检查后,将 草稿誊写在纸上,请注意按结构分段,书写清晰。下面列举一些在检查中可发现的错误: a.We live more and more comfortable.改正:comfortably(副词修饰动词)b.we can get many informations by reading newspapers.改正:much information(不可数名词由much修饰)c.There has many programs in TV.改正:There are many programs on TV.(There be句型和介词短语)d.I think ride a bike can keep our health.改正:I think riding a bike can keep us healthy.(动名词作主语)

5、给出一些经典开头语、衔接语和结束语。(Give some classic opening words, interface language and conclusions.)

开头语(Opening words):

a.One day / the other day / a couple of days ago / while he was…,he..b.From the picture,we can see ….c.As is shown / indicated in the picture, …

d.This is a funny and instructive picture.In the picture, a young man …

e.We can learn from the picture that … f.The picture shows that… ② 衔接语(Interface language): a.As we all know,… b.As is known to all,… c.It is well know that… d.In my opinion,…

e.As far as I am concerned,…

f.This sight reminds me of something in my daily life….②


a.The picture sets me thinking deeply…

b.After seeing the picture ,I was greatly shocked by … c.It is really an unforgettable day … d.In conclusion/brief/short/a word,… e.On the whole…

f.Generally speaking,… g.As has been stated…

十、巩固(Consolidation): 总结写此类看图书面表达的思路:掌握全文中心——确定 图画的中心词——由词成句——由句成文——修改篇章结 构。

十一、范文(Model essay): As is shown in the pictures,trees play an important part in water and soil conservation.In the left picture,people are fleeing from sand dunes because they cut down all trees.In the right picture,people have planted many trees and the sand has retreated.People should realize the important relation between human and nature.If we continue to destroy forests,destroy the balance of nature,the real victims will be us humans.It's never too late to mend.After suffering from sand storms,people have now realized the importance of trees in water and soil conservation.They are planting more and more trees to fight against the greedy desert.十二、作业(Homework):




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