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第二课 精美的报刊 教学目标:




教学重点:掌握壁报设计的基本知识、技巧、方法 教学难点:壁报版面设计创意 课前准备:

教师准备教具:自制PPT课件,报刊图片,多媒体教学系统。学生准备学具:收集各类信息资料、纸、铅笔、水彩笔等用具。主要教学方法:欣赏、多媒体、探究、设计 教学过程:


1、提问“同学们谁有办过班级里的黑板报?” “同学们自己喜欢的报刊是?为什么喜欢?它吸引你的地方是什么?” 学生回答







4、(播放PPT课件)版式设计涉及的范围有哪些? 引导学生回答

















① 确定刊名及其位置(刊名起着开门见山的作用,必须紧密配合主题内容,形象生动地反映壁报的主要思想。刊名要取得有积极、健康、富有意义。


② 确定报头的位置(由图案或画面和刊名组成。文字上由报头名称、日期等组成。)


③ 确定栏目的数量和形式,制定各栏目的块面空间(标题是版面的眼睛,最引人注目。标题与正文内容比较要有:颜色的变化; 字号、字体的变化;⑶位置的变化。)


④ 安排文章、插图的位置,确定其所占块面的形状和大概面积(正文的字体要清楚、美观大方,字行间要整齐,字体不宜太小,忌潦草、错字。)


⑤ 根据剩余空间,安排设计尾花和其他美化装饰。调整整体效果完成。







Teaching Plan

School: Xinhong Middle School Students: Grade Six Teacher: Gu Chunhong Date: May 12, 2009 Topic: Newspaper Reading Teaching material: English Coaching Paper Teaching aids: Multi-media facilities Teaching objectives:(1)Knowledge objectives: To help students get the wanted information according to the headlines and the pictures To help students get familiar with the relative culture background(2)Ability objectives: To help students develop simple fast reading skills by looking at the pictures and headlines To develop students’ abilities of speaking and writing about the environment protection(3)Emotion objectives:

To arouse students’ gratitude for their parents and the earth and their awareness of environment protection To develop students’ abilities of cooperation Teaching procedure:

I.Pre-task preparation 1.Read the poem “The More You…” II.While-task procedure 1.Read C “Take our children to work day”.(1)Talk about jobs.(2)Read the passage.(3)Answer questions.2.Read the passages about animals.(1)Read the headlines to locate the passages about animals.(2)Read “A kingfisher is catching fishes” and do “true” or “false”

exercise.(3)Read “Make a pig of oneself” and answer questions.(4)Read “Animals can help people” and fill in the blanks

III.Post-task activities Discuss in groups: 1.What do we get from the earth? 2.Make a poster “What should we do to protect the environment?” IV.Summary: V.Assignment 1.Find out the diseases caused by human beings.2.Read other articles, 2 for everyday.2

Attachment Take our children to work day “Take our children to work day” is an annual held event every fourth Thursday in April in the United States.It is a day for children to accompany their parents, relatives, or friends to the workplace to observe how adults work.This event also gives the children some ideas about what they want to be when they grow up.On this day, children can be found in offices, banks, hospitals and many other places.Most kids, however, seem to enjoy the free goodies like hotdogs and candies more than the chance to explore the workplace.Animals can help people Bad weather can come up suddenly at sea.Winds and waves can make boats broken.People fall into the dangerous sea.When that happens, there is no time to waste.Some pigeons quickly fly to help these pigeons are special.The navy trains these birds to look for the colour orange in the water.That is because life jackets are orange.The pigeons ride in helicopter with the navy soldiers.They have very good eyesight.They can see things 2,000 feet away and they usually find the orange life jackets before the soldiers do.Helicopters can save people more quickly because of the pigeons.The pigeons are heroes.A kingfisher is catching fishes!Kingfishers are beautiful birds.Kingfishers’ flying speed can be 60km an hour when they

are catching fishes.How do they catch fishes? It is difficult to take a photo of that.But this photo shows a kingfisher is catching fishes in an unpolluted river in Germany.Is it beautiful? We should protect nature and environment and share the earth.Make a pig of oneself If you’ve watched pigs eating you will have noticed that they have no control over their eating habits.They very sight of food makes them want to fill themselves, and they don’t know when to stop.From that, anyone who eats a lot or who can’t stop eating makes a pig of himself.This is generally used humorously.I made a pig of myself at Hanes’ party.I think I sampled everything on the table.4






(2011—— 2012学年第二学期)

适用专业: 英语教育 任课教师: 刘力扬 编写时间: 2011.9


教学内容 Lesson 1

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.B



4.A VI.1.According to Ms.Wellington, Gen X’ers are attracted to their organizations for utterly traditional reasons: reputation of the organization, opportunities to advance.2.Catalyst and other research organizations caution that this age group has high demands for employers.If their demands are not met, they will leave.And they are highly sensitive to the way in which they are treated.If the Gen X’er believes that his employer is not making a commitment to him, he will leave.3.The survey found that more than 70 percent of them rated companionship, a loving family and enjoying life as extremely important.In contrast, fewer than 20 percent of them said earning a lot of money and becoming an influential leader were extremely important goals.4.According to Robert Morgan, the corporate loyalty is rising in the current economic climate partly because of job insecurities.Besides, there is the war for talent.As labor shortages intensified in recent years, employers have worked hard at retaining good workers.IV.Outline I.(1)Summary lead Increasing job loyalty of Gen X’ers

II.(2 – 6)Catalyst’s survey about job loyalty of Gen X’ers

1.General situation of the job loyalty

2.Findings about the similarities between Gen X’ers and the previous generations


教学内容 Lesson 2

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.A



4.D VI.1.The purpose of the debate between Mateo and Martinez is to focus on the specific needs of Latinos that both parties are courting.2.The problems pointed out by Martinez are bad education, unemployment and lack of health insurance.3.The author says Latino turnout and preference will be decisive in the election because they are the majority minority and more of Latinos than ever before are expected to go to the polls, and a large number of those people are not tied to either political party.4.According to the article, a candidate who figure out how to talk to Latinos about education and healthcare in a compelling way can lock up Latinos’ vote.5.The term ―Hispanic‖ came into official use in 1973, when the Nixon administration formally divided Americans into five races.Liberals prefer the term ―Latino‖ on the grounds that the Spaniards were the very people who destroyed the indigenous cultures of Latin Americans)6.The author thinks that the term ―Hispanic‖ is a marketing term and it’s a term used by politicians at election time.7.The author thinks that the term ―Hispanic‖ is a marketing term and it’s a term used by politicians at election time.It cannot reflect cultural realities.Outline I.(1 – 2)Debate between Mateo and Martinez


教学内容 Lesson 3

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.C



4.A VI.1.WWII led to women’s entry into the workforce.As men marched off to fight, women took their husbands’ places in factories and on the farms.They never looked back.Most now take it for granted that women have as much to offer at work as men do.2.No, it is more than a financial issue because it raises social as well as economic questions and its resolution will involve governments, employers and people.3.The babyboom generation is far larger than the generation that follows it or any that preceded it.Its achievement will cast a shadow over the companies it is set to leave.4.The present ways of dealing with a falling supply of labor are shifting work offshore, laxer immigration rules and use of new equipment.5.If they were offered the chance of staying on at work, many older employees would jump at the chance because they will no longer be able to retire in the style they have been led to expect.Corporate pension schemes and health benefits are becoming even less generous.Besides the need for money, many elderly people want to continue working for mental stimulation.6.The author thinks that older workers need to adapt and accept a relative decline in salary and status 7.The significance of babyboomers’ changing the world of work will be more profound and longer lasting than the changes they have brought since the 1960s.Outline I.(1 – 2)Social changes in western countries after WWII


教学内容 Lesson 4

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.D




VI.1.According to the new government figures, British female full time workers will be paid £ 369,000 less than their counterparts over their lifetime.2.That lifetime disparity would be enough to pay for 31 years of childcare or 22 new cars, or to pay off the average student debt 18 times over.3.Britain’s gender pay gap of 2008 was larger than that of 2007.Men were paid 17.1% more than women for full-time work while the disparity in part-time wages was 36.6%, up from 35.8% in 2007.4.The Fawcett Society has called on the government to include mandatory pay auditing in the equalities bill, scheduled to be introduced in next month’s Queen’s speech.5.According to the article, Sri Lanka is judged the fifth most equal in the world on political empowerment because of the long incumbencies as prme minister and president of Sirimavo Bandaranaika and Chandrika Kumaratunga.6.According to Yvonne Galligan, younger parliaments, in general, were often much more representative.7.Dr.Selvi Thriuchandran felt puzzled by the WEF findings, pointing out that aside from the Bandaranaikes, Sri Lanka had the worst record in South Asia in terms of representation in the legislature and executive.Outline


教学内容 Lesson 5

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.A



4.B VI.1.The first power shift is a rebalancing of moral authority.The major factor in the shift is the receding moral superiority of the west.2.The double standard in Paragraph 3 refers to the US different rules for the two financial crises.During the Asian financial crisis, the US bashed Hong Kong when its government intervened in August 1998 in the stock market to fend off the western investment banks and hedge funds bent on destroying the city’s currency.Yet only a month later, the US intervened in the market to bail out LTCM.3.The author thinks that the minor adjustment in voting rights in the World Bank and International Monetary Fund is symbolic of the increase of the east’s say in decision making in global economic affairs.4.Reminbi has gained an elevation in status.Over time , some countries will keep more Reminbi, making it more like reserve currency.5.The recent crisis shows that blindly seeking growth is dangerous.To many wealthy countries, it is unrealistic.6.The five power shifts are for the most part desirable.They provide a more balanced and stable world.Outline I.(1)Appearance of global rebalancing II.(2 – 6)Rebalancing of moral authority


教学内容 Lesson 6

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.D

2.C A

4.A VI.1.The letters which millions of Americans got were quarterly reports telling them what had happened to their savings invested in the stockmarket.They have been more effective than any campaign ad.2.Accoring to the Wisconsin Advertising Project, 73% of McCain’s ads and 61% of Obama’s ads are negative.3.He thinks that negative campaign ads are more informative than positive ones.4.Obama’s ads attack McCain for the many ways he plans to make life wretched for nearly everyone.5.McCain’s attacks on Obama focus on his slender résumé, his dodgy associates and the possibility that he will raise taxes.6.Some Democrats complain that McCain’s attacks are stoking up violent racial hatred against Obama.7.The author thinks that they are unfounded.Outline I.(1)Effects of factual ads Helping Obama double his lead over McCain II.(2 – 4)Both sides’ use of negative campaign ads 1.Attack ads’ percentage and John Geer’s view on their function 2.Obama’s ad attacks on McCain 3.McCain’s ad attacks on Obama



教学内容 Lesson 7

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.D



4.D VI.1.The Conservative Party and the Liberal-Democratic Party have formed the British coalition government.2.Clegg decided that he could not form a coalition with the Labour Party due to a revolt inside the parliamentary Labour Party at the concept of a deal, as well as its likely terms.3.If the deal works, it will change the shape of the Conservative Party.4.The Lib Dems secured 5 cabinet posts and a commitment to 15 other ministerial jobs across Whitehall.On the Conservative side, George Osborne will the chancellor of the exchequer and William Hague foreign secretary.5.The serious problems confronting the coalition government are a huge deficit, deep social problems and a political system in need of reform.6.In the negotiations, the Tories agreed to drop their plans to raise the threshold for inheritance tax and provide extra money for disadvantaged pupils.7.When the Lib Dem-Con deal was secured, George Brown went to the Queen to tender his resignation.Later, he told party workers he was resigning immediately as party leader, leaving Harriet Harman in charge.Outline I.(1 – 4)Formation of the Conservative Party – the Liberal Democratic Party coalition 1.Coalition with Cameron as Prime Minister and Clegg as his deputy



教学内容 Lesson 8

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.A



4.A VI.1.America’s standing in world opinion is at an all-time low.Even its closest allies oppose U.S.policies.2.Its unpopularity is dangerous and expensive.It leads to high military costs abroad, skyrocketing security costs at home, and the loss of trade as America’s goods become shunned overseas.All this causes an economic drain.3.If Americans travelled more, they’d better understand their place on this complex planet and fit in more comfortably, and eventually the U.S.wouldn’t need to spend as much as the rest of the world combined on its military to feel safe.4.Travel helps Americans celebrate, rather than fear, diversity of culture.5.Travel gives Americans a perspective that can translate, through the voting booth, into American policies that will not alienate them from the family of nations.And when that happens, Americans’ safety will be improved.Outline I(1-2)Need for Americans to gain a better understanding of the world by travelling II(3-5)America’s unpopularity and its harmful effects

1.America’s low standing in world opinion

2.Being routinely outvoted at the U.N.on a variety of issues III(6-18)Benefits of thoughtful travel

1.Gaining a better understanding of America’s place on the complex planet


教学内容 Lesson 9

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.C



4.B VI.1.It is a non-profit group that promotes the importance of family and fatherhood.It is based in New York.2.The sexual revolution of the 1960s and '70s swept away a concept of dating in which there was an implicit understanding that each party was shopping for a mate and not just for sex.3.If women are not hooking up, they frequently fall into fast-moving, “joined-at-the-hip” relationships with men, spending nights in one another's rooms.4.In the author’s opinion, the rules of courtship in the 1950s were clearer than those of the present.But they proved unfulfilling either, because at that time those who were courting got to know each other under artificial circumstances.They were well dressed and put their best foot forward.This was not the best way to get to know people.Outline I.(1)News lead

Summary of the survey’s report

II.(2—3)The dating scene on college campuses 1.Two choices for women 2.Women’s desire for long-term relationship and marriage III.(4)The survey



教学内容 Lesson 10

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.C



4.C VI.1.The American traditional family is a family made up of two biological parents and two or three children with the father as the only breadwinner.2.No.The traditional family has lost its predominant place.Today only about 20 percent of American families fit the traditional structure.3.The new American family is a household with fewer children, with both parents working, and with mothers giving birth to their children at an ever older age, having fewer children, and spacing them further apart.4.The stable family of two biological parents is the ideal vessel for molding character, for nurturing, for inculcating values, and for planning for a child’s future.5.The result of America’s family changes is a serious new divide in the American society between the children of poorer, less educated, single parents and those of richer, better educated, and married parents.6.Mother-only families produce harmful effects on children.They are more likely than those with two parents to suffer poverty, to be suspended from school, to have emotional problems, to become delinquent, to suffer from abuse, to take drugs, and to perform poorly on virtually every measure.7.Today, 81 percent of American women think she should have her own career, and 70 percent think that both husband and wife should earn money.The vast majority of working mothers say that even if the family did not need the income, they would continue working.9江


教学内容 Lesson 11

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.B



4.C VI.1.Kaiser Permanente Bellflower Medical Center had organized a 52-member medical team for delivering the babies with each of them designated and assigned to nurses, doctors and surgical assistants.At 10:43 a.m.on January 26, they were all ready.2.Before the multiple birth, Nadya Suleman was a recently-divorced single mother who already had six children ranging in age from 2 to 7, two of them 2-year-old twins and one of them autistic.3.The news report stoked the furor created by the delivery of the octuplets.4.Nadya Suleman used the last of her remaining embryos and got impregnated through in-vitro fertilization.5.Nadya Suleman’s mother sees it less glowingly.She believes that her daughter is obsessed and misguided for she already had six beautiful children.6.After being released from the hospital, Nadya Suleman will be faced with problems of child support and child care.Outline

I.(1)Deilvery of Nadya Suleman’s eight babies at Kaiser

1.Kaiser’s preparation for the delivery

2.Delivery of seven babies

3.Delivery of the eighth baby

4.Present condition of Nadya Suleman and her eight babies



教学内容 Lesson 12

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.C




VI.1.The author suggests that the husband and the wife should offer each other more positive statements, less negative statements, heart-felt and specific compliments and thank-yous.2.Human touch aids the release of feel-good endorphins for giver and receiver.3.To build a fortress of love, he or she should fully support his or her spouse, take his or her spouse’s side whenever possible if trouble arises in the ―outside world‖.4.Trying to improve the spouse puts him/her on the defensive and cast you in a dreary role.The result is that everyone is unhappy.5.When a marriage needs improvement, the true solution is that you should change yourself first, address your own flaws and seek the best in your spouse.6.Good feelings can improve marriage.The happier you feel, the happier your marriage will be and the easier it will be to manage conflicts.7.When conflict is handled with the right tools and attitude, it becomes a gateway to deeper intimacy – the chance to be seen and lived for who you truly are, to accept your mate’s adorable, vulnerable real self and build a strong union without caving in or silently seething.8.A couple should avoid tough talks when they’re not rested well, well fed and when drunk.Outline

I.(1-2)Introduction to the 7 secrets of sexy marriage II.(3-5)Build up love balance



教学内容 Lesson 13

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.B



4.B VI.1.Sam Zell blamed ―a perfect storm‖ of factors behind the Tribune Company’s bankruptcy filing.2.Newspaper Association of America figures show that advertising revenues have been falling since the summer of 2006.3.It was the acceleration of advertising revenues’ fall, coupled with the sheer amount of debt Mr Zell took on to buy Tribune, which led the Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune to the bankruptcy courts.4.Moody’s last Month predicted ―dire straits‖ for some publishers in 2009.5.Publishers’ options are shrinking because prospective buyers struggle to find acquisitions.6.The fact that the New York Times wroke down the value of its newspapers showed that asset sales may yield less than once hoped.7.According to Paper Cuts, more than 15,000 U.S newspaper positions have been cut.8.Moody expects most publishers that default to be able to restructure their debt, rather than close titles.Outline I.(1-4)Newspaper industry’s decline.1.Tribune Company’s bankruptcy filing 2.Causes of newspaper industry’s decline a.Debates about the causes



教学内容 Lesson 14

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.D



4.A VI.1.Because they want to improve their public image.They believe that reputations and jobs can be lost based on the smallest slip in rank.2.Because they intended to make their colleges more selective.They thought top applicants might opt for more prestigious institutions, lowering the school’s crucial ―yield‖ and making it appear less desirable.3.If accepted, enrollees tend to boost a school’s yield and its statistical cachet.But the process denies students the broader choice that comes with applying to more than one college and ties them to a school regardless of its financial aid offer.4.The author believes the rankings have become an unhealthy force in higher education, because the time and money colleges spend gaming the magazine’s rankings are resources lost on improving education and serving their real consumers, the students.Outline Ⅰ.Problem of college officials’ only concern for poll ranking and its bad effects(1―3)

1.The issue of college officials’ efforts to push up the ranking

2.Bad effects

a.Overlooking education improvement

b.Sacrificing students to the college’s vanity



教学内容 Lesson 15

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.C



4.D VI.1.The casual supremacy of Usian Bolt’s record-vapouring 100m sprint has everyone wondering how much more human beings can wring from their bodies.2.Science shows that human beings are at the far edges of the envelope in sports performance 3.He thinks that athletes are going into a plateau where performance improvements will be more incremental and a single anomalous sprint doesn’t change that.4.The study by the French Institute of Sport concludes that athletes will finally hit the ceiling in 2060.After that, no more world records.5.According to the article, sport will increasingly rely on freaks: physically highly unusual specimen endowed with remarkable psychological resilience 6.US Sport Sporting Giants talent identification program has been looking for athletes in body size: females over 5 ft 11 in and males 6 ft 3 in aged 16 and 25 7.Bolt’s success shows that very unusual physical and mental conditions are needed for breaking world records.Bolt’s long muscles produce remarkable power, but he is also unexpectedly fast off the blocks for such a big man.Then there is his extraordinary psychology too: he can goof for the cameras just before a race, but beneath the relaxation lies pinpoint mental focus.Outline I.(1—5)Future of athletes’ performance

1.Issue raised by Bolt’s record-breaking about limits to athletes’ performance



教学内容 Lesson 16

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.B



4.D VI.1.According to the article carried in the British Medical Journal, people can cut the risk of having a stroke in half by doing the following four things: being active for 30 minutes a day, eating five daily servings of fruit and vegetables, and avoiding cigarettes and excess alcohol.)2.Thomas Perls believes that assuming you've sidestepped genes for truly fatal diseases like Huntington’s, there’s nothing stopping you from living independently well into the 90s.3.If elderly people stop working abruptly, the incidence of obesity and chronic disease skyrockets.4.Flossing is beneficial to the heart because it will help keep arteries healthy.One study shows that daily flossing reduces the amount of gun-disease-causing bacteria.This bacteria is thought to enter the bloodstream and trigger inflammation in the arteries, a major risk for heart disease.Other research has shown that those who have high amounts of bacteria in the mouth are more likely to have thickening in the arteries, another sign of heart disease.So if you want to keep your heart healthy, you have to floss regularly.5.Jap Olshasky believes that exercise is the only real fountain of youth that exists.6.The author advised people to avoid nutrient-lacking white foods(breads, flour, sugar)and go for all those colorful fruits and vegetables and dark whole-grain breads and cereals with their host of hidden nutrients.7.The author recommends Seventh Day Adventists' way of life because their way of life is beneficial to health and their average life expectancy is 89, about a decade longer than that of the average American.They stick to a vegetarian diet based on fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts, get plenty of exercise, and



教学内容 Lesson 17

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.D




VI.1.Edwards believes that people who spend six to nine months preparing are likely to be twice as successful as those who start without preparation.2.The advantages of telecommuting are the freedom, flexibility and that you don’t need to travel to work everyday and can wear whatever you like.The disadvantage is that you are isolated from a team and cannot get the day-to-day interaction with your colleagues.3.Because the trend toward home offices is bringing work and home closer together under one roof, while under the traditional system of employment, jobs and family are separated.4.Because he thinks it is a national transition that is as significant as the one from farms to factories.This national transition is actually a big challenge to the tradition.It will have a great impact on various aspects of the society especially on people’s way of life.Outline I.The trend toward working at home in USA(1)More telecommuters appearing in business II.Factors of the trend(2~3)1.A combination of factors 2.Examples



教学内容 Lesson 18

课时 2 教学用具

板书,教材 教学目标

1、understand the text and study the vocabulary

2、understand the skill of the text 教学重点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学难点

1、understand the words

2、improve the speed 教学过程

I. Background information

II.Additional notes

III.Answers to the Questions V.1.D




VI.1.In late May, Mater Card Inc.is expected to go public.The stock offering is expected to raise more than $2.5 billion.2.One of the purposes is to raise money to cover its pending legal costs.The other purpose is to help it compete in a global industry with a raft of new competitors.3.The author says so because the two card behemoths have been so besieged.They face legal battles over the so-called interchange fees they charge retailers.They are also being sued by rival card companies on antitrust charges.As a matter of fact, MasterCard’s stock offering is intended to raise money to cover its pending legal costs.4.Americans’ use of credit cards is as common as their use of the dollar.The average household with at least one major credit card had about $9500 in debt in 2005.The average American now has five general purpose cards, according to the Nielson Report.5.There are a number of changes in the credit market.Firstly, there are strong signs that the boom is finally slowing.Secondly, consumers have been paying off high-interest card debt and making major purchases with low-equity loans.Thirdly, it is inevitable that the fees the card companies charge merchants will be slashed.6.According to Howard Mason, Master Card’s present legal liability could exceed its current book value of $1.3 billion.Outline




1.Students should know the basic knowledge about English newspaper;2.Students should be familiar with the major English and American newspapers;3.Definition of “news”;4.Studying the text from page 1-5;5.Discussing the issue of China’s growth and the world peace.二、课时安排:

September 8:(2 classes)(1)Introduction to English newspaper;(2)Major American newspapers;(3)Definition of “news”;(4)New Words September 15:(2 classes)Studying the text from page 1-3 September 22:(2 classes)1.Studying the text from page 3-5 2.Discussing the issue of China’s growth and the world peace.三、重点难点:

1.Particular names of places, companies, and social economic organizations;2.Characteristics of English news report;3.Basic knowledge on China’s social economic development as well as China’s international influence.四、课程主要内容:

1.Students’ news report on the latest happenings around the world or other news in which the students have interests(8-10 minutes each class);2.Important English phrases and expressions: economic might set off exclusion from go about flight information center boarding gate check-in counter military muscle inland areas backward industries economic stagnation political lassitude planned economy economic booms and busts economic bubble surmounting the obstacles the Bush administration policy of free trade diplomatic muscle competitive edge linger over acute setbacks 3.Questions testing students’ understanding of the text:(1)How would you compare(2)Compared with(3)What is(4)Is China’s(5)Why has(6)Why do(7)Are the two parties of the US playing politics?(8)What warning


1.Student-centered and student-oriented;2.Questioning and answering based on the text;3.Asking students to answer the questions in their own words based on their understanding;China Finds Western Ways Bring New Woes


1.Students should know the basic knowledge about the newspaper: USA today 2.Students should be familiar with the westerners’ way of living;3.Students should talk about the traditional Chinese lifestyle in English;4.Studying the text from page 34-39;5.Discussing the issue of the changes that have taken place in China.二、课时安排:

September 29:(2 classes)(1)Introduction to topic;(2)Western lifestyle;(3)Chinese lifestyle;(4)New Words October 6:(2 classes)Studying the text from page 34-39 Learning the notes and related information Discussing the specific influences


1.Particular names of food, drinks, and brand;2.The shift from traditional lifestyle to the western lifestyle;3.Basic knowledge on westerners’ way of living.四、课程主要内容:

1.Students’ news report on the latest happenings around the world or other news in which the students have interests;2.Important English phrases and expressions: World’s Fair Show up Health care Market-oriented reforms City-dweller In chronic short supply Assembly line Vitamin-and fiber-rich cereals A change without precedent Sprang up World Health Organization Alcoholism care On the rise Budweiser Glenfiddish Scotch Grand Marnier Cognac Per-capita World’s Fair 3.Questions testing students’ understanding of the text: 1 what did the traditional Chinese lifestyle emphasize? 2 how can this change of lifestyle affect people’s health? 3 how can it influence China’s economic development?


1.Student-centered and student-oriented;2.Questioning based on the text;3.Asking students to answer the questions in their own words based on their understanding;Exploding Tourism Eroding China’s Riches


1.Students should know the basic knowledge about the newspaper: Los Angles Times;2.Students should be familiar with famous tourist place in China’ 3.Students should learn the harm of exploding tourism;4.Studying the text from page 47-57;5.Discussing the possible ways to preserve the sites of historic interests.二、课时安排:

October 13:(2 classes)(1)Introduction to topic;(2)The development of tourism in the world;(3)The influence of the tourism on the tourist sites;(4)New Words October 20:(2 classes)Studying the text from page 47-51 October 27:(2 classes)1 Studying the text 52-57 2 Learn the notes and discuss the importance of preservation


1.Particular names of tourist resorts 2.The root of the problem;3.Ways to preserve the tourist sites.四、课程主要内容:

1.Students’ news report on the latest happenings around the world or other news in which the students have interests;2.Important English phrases and expressions: Ancient Buddhist grottoes Canned performance Carbon dioxide moisture Cash cow Crass commercialism Cultural and natural sites Cultural conservation Ethnic flavor Exploding tourism Hikers and backpackers Historical site Indigenous life The lion’s share Negative effect Non-renewable resource Silk road The tourist authorities Tourist boom UNESCO WHO Account for Wake up to Crass commercialism 3.Questions testing students’ understanding of the text: 1 why is it difficult for the authorities to prevent them from being destroyed? 2 Does the Chinese government value the preservation of those historical and cultural sites? 3 Why did Mr.Neville Agnew say “tourism and conservation are good partners”?


1.Student-centered and student-oriented;2.Questioning based on the text;3.Asking students to answer the questions in their own words based on their understanding;Is Harvard Worth It

一、教学目的:二、课时安排: November 3:(2 classes)November 10:(2 classes)(1)(2)(3)(4)November 17:(2 classes)

三、重点难点: 1.2.3.四、课程主要内容:

1.Students’ news report on the latest happenings around the world or other news in which the students have interests;2.Important English phrases and expressions: 3.Questions testing students’ understanding of the text:


1.Student-centered and student-oriented;2.Questioning and answering based on the text;3.Asking students to answer the questions in their own words based on their understanding;China, the World’s Capital


November 24:(2 classes)(1)(2)(3)(4)

三、重点难点: 1.2.3.四、课程主要内容:

1.Students’ news report on the latest happenings around the world or other news in which the students have interests;2.Important English phrases and expressions: 3.Questions testing students’ understanding of the text:


1.Student-centered and student-oriented;2.Questioning based on the text;3.Asking students to answer the questions in their own words based on their understanding;Barack Obama: the President-elect of the United States


1.Students should know the basic knowledge about American Presidential-election;2.Students should be familiar with the current American political, economic and social situation;3.4.5.二、课时安排:

December 1:(2 classes)(1)(2)(3)(4)December 8:(2 classes)December 15:(2 classes)

三、重点难点: 1.2.3.四、课程主要内容: 1.Students’ news report on the latest happenings around the world or other news in which the students have interests;2.Important English phrases and expressions: 3.Questions testing students’ understanding of the text:


1.Student-centered and student-oriented;2.Group work: in-class activities: speech competition and argumentation between two parties imitating an election;3.Questioning and answering based on the text;4.Asking students to answer the questions in their own words based on their understanding;

第五篇:精美的报刊 教案









2、掌握版式设计的基本法则,培养创新意识--------引导法、讨论法 课前准备



2、教师自己的手稿 设计几组法则图片





师:同学们,你们知道每年11月份的第四个星期是什么节日吗? 生:不知道(感恩节)


师:那我们一起想一想,通过什么方式来宣传这样好的节日呢? 生:报纸、板报„„

师:那我们就利用大黑板写几个大大的字,今天是“感恩节”行吗? 生:不行

师:不是很吸引眼球,宣传的也不够丰富啊? 师:那我们就做一个漂亮的黑板报。





然后总结出:文字 图片 色彩 师:这些呢 就是 版式设计的视觉元素 这些图案片中有哪些构成元素呢 学生回答,利用一幅图片,师总结,标题 分栏 文章 插图 花边 等 接着欣赏图片,引出版式设计的概念





小组合作的形式(设计版式 设计字体 设计图案 整理)


6、课堂小结(高手秘籍你掌握了吗?)师:老师还编了一口诀,大家一起来读一读 精美报刊靠设计 秘密全都在这里 均衡对称巧分割 韵律节奏恰对比 疏密还需留空白 秩序不能没变异 心中分类归栏目 视觉享受传信息



师 :好,希望课下大家能利用好圣诞节这个节日,办一期漂亮的板报给老师们送去祝福吧。



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