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Starter Unit 1 Good morning!



二、单元学情分析 本单元围绕“问候他人”这一话题,展开听、说、读、写的教学活动。为了创设较为真实的语言环境,首先让学生们认识一些较为简单的英文名字,并让学生们为自己取一个英文名字,让学生们感知、认识英语,并尽快进入英语的环境中。在教学过程中应让学生体会打招呼用语的奥妙所在,做到灵活运用。刚开始学习英语,学生们肯定对学习英语的兴趣非常深厚,教师一定要利用好这一点,让学生在学习英语中能获得乐趣。并逐步让学生们形成稳定的学习兴趣。

三、单元教学建议 采用自主学习、小组合作学习、Role playing、pair work等方式开展听、说、读、写的学习活动。教师要尽量利用幻灯片、挂图、实物等给学生创造较为真实的英语情景。在教学中创设切实可行的任务型教学活动、突出交际性。引趣激趣策略,创设情景调节气氛,引发激发学生兴趣。教师可以用手势,表情,动作等示意,帮助学生听懂课堂用语和日常交际用语,不讲或少讲汉语。

四、单元课时分配 本单元可用2课时完成教学任务:(1a-2e)用1课时(3a-4d)用1课时(1a-2d)



1)能掌握以下词汇:字母Aa ~ Hh, good, morning, Good morning!, hi, hello

2)能掌握以下句型: ① Good morning, Helen!② Hello, Frank!③ Hi, Bob!

3)能理解用英语打招呼的不同说法,并能灵活运用。4)能掌握字母Aa ~ Hh的字母顺序,读音及书写。2.情感态度价值观目标:


二、教学重难点 1.教学重点:


3)学习掌握字母Aa ~ Hh的字母顺序,读音及书写。2.教学难点:

1)学习掌握字母Aa ~ Hh的字母顺序,读音及书写。2)认识一些简单的英文名字,并为自己取一个英文名字。

三、教学过程 Ⅰ.Lead in

Listen to a “Good morning!” song.Then Ss learn to sing this song.(利用JEFC教材中的Good morning!歌曲导入新课.)Ⅱ.Presentation

1.Come into the classroom and greet the class with a smile and say Good morning!Now, introduce the words “teacher” and “class” by using gestures.Repeat this several times and have the class repeat after you.Students can answer as a whole group, as rows and as individuals.T:(By gestures)“Teacher;Class” Ss:(Repeat after teacher)“Teacher;Class”

2.Point to yourself and say I’m Miss/Mr.… Have them repeat.Explain the terms Miss and Mr.in Chinese.Ss repeat this a few times with rows and individuals.Ss: Miss/ Ms.…(Ss repeat)

Ss: Morning, Miss/Ms.…(Ss repeat)Ss: Good morning, Ms., Mr.…(Ss repeat)

3.Leave the classroom, return and say Good morning, class!Help the students respond with Good morning, Miss/Mr.… Say “Sit down, please.Now let’s start the lesson.”(Practice it several times.)Ⅲ.Game(Choose an English name.)1.T: We have many new friends in our class this year.They are from the U.S.A.and England.Who are they? Do you want to know them? Now please look at the screen.(过大屏幕展示第一页上的彩图,然后再展示单张图片,并分别与名字相对应。)(Show the picture of Bob.)T: This is Bob.(Teach Ss “Bob”)Ss: Bob(Ss read after the teacher.)(Then teach the name: Dale, Frank and Eric in the same way.Tell Ss they're boys.)

(Show the picture of Grace.)T: This is Grace.(Teach Ss “Grace”)Ss: Grace(Ss read after the teacher.)(Then teach the name: Helen, Cindy and Alice in the same way.Tell Ss they're girls.)

2.Ss read the names aloud.Then let some Ss read the names to the class.3.T: Now let's work on 1a.Look at the picture in 1a and write down the names in the picture.Attention: Which are boys' names and which are girls' names?

4.Choose a name for yourself in a group.Then practice saying: "I'm …”(用汉语说明I'm… 意为“我叫……名字。”)S1: I'm Alice.S2: I'm Bob.…


1.Tell Ss that our new friends are greeting each other.Please keep quite and listen the recording.(教师播放录音三次,第一次学生们仅听,第二次和第三次学生们跟读。注意可运用暂停键来让学生们有足够的时间读完。)2.Ss listen and repeat after the recording.Ⅴ.Pair work


T: You are Bob, your partner is Helen.You are Dale, your partner is Eric.Then you are Cindy, your partner is Alice.Practice the conversations.Ss practice the conversations in pairs.: Exchange the roles.And practice the conversations again.Ss exchange the roles and practice the conversations again.2.运用刚学的句型,并用刚才自己所选择的英文名字来相互问候。

S1: Good morning, Cindy!S2: Hello, Frank!S3: Good morning, Grace!S4: Hi, Bob!Ⅵ.Listening

1.(告诉学生们英语中有26个英语字母,它们就像我们汉语的笔画一样是构成单词的要素。下面我们先来学习字母Aa ~ Hh。其中A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H是大写字母;a、b、c、d、e、f、g、h是小写字母。)

2.教师播放录音三次,第一次学生们仅听,第二次和第三次学生们跟读。注意可运用暂停键来让学生们有足够的时间读完。3.Let some Ss read out the letters Aa ~ Hh.(注意纠正学生们不准确的读音)4.Let Ss try to remember the letters Aa ~ Hh.5.Now let's work on 2b.Listen and number the letters you hear [1-8].(教师播放录音三次,第一次学生们仅听,第二次听录音填编号、第三次听录音校对答案。)Ⅶ.Writing

1.T: Now let's learn how to write these letters.First look at the picture carefully in 2c.Then tell us how to write these English letters.2.Ss read and find out the writing rules of the letters Aa ~ Hh.S1:大字字母都是占上两格。S2:字母a、c、e占中间的一格。S3:字母b、d、h占上两格。S4:字母g占下两格。S5:字母f占三格。

3.Ss try to copy the letters by themselves.T goes around the classroom to give any help.4.Let some Ss come to the Bb, and write down the letters on the Bb.Check with the whole class.Ⅷ.Practice

1.Tell Ss to look at the picture in 2d.First, read the letters aloud.Then let some Ss read the letters to the class aloud.2.Let Ss try to write down the missing letters.Check the answers with your partner.3.Let some Ss come the Bb and write missing letters on the Bb.(注意看学生们的字母笔顺是否正确,纠正不正确的笔顺,并让其他学生引起注意。)Ⅸ.Read and Talk

1.Let Ss look at the pictures in 2e.Let some Ss read the letters below each picture.2.Let some Ss talk about the meaning of each picture.S1: HB(铅笔芯)硬黑 S2: CD 光盘;激光唱片 S3: BBC 英国广播公司 Ⅹ.Game

Let the students do some letters games to enjoy your lesson,the following is the instruction.

将全班分成若干小组,然后逐个出示字母卡片,学生们举手抢答。教师让最先举手的学生读出该字母,读对的给该组记2分。2.第二轮:写字母游戏:限定五分钟的时间,各小组成员默写字母Aa ~ Hh。然后,各小组交换,校对答案。3.评价:得分最多的组为优胜组。



Unit 1 How often do you exercise ? Teaching goals:

1.Words &phrases: how often , hardly , twice , once , difference , look after , although ,etc.2.Learn to talt how often do you do things.3.一些表示频率的副词: always , usually , often , never , hardly ever , sometimes.4.句子结构: What do you usually do on weekends ?

How often 及回答.Important and difficult points :

What does she /he do on weekends ?

She often goes to the movies.How often do you shop ?

Once a week / Twice a week ???.Teaching aids : cards , pictures and a tape recorder.Period 1

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading-in

1.Greetings:Talt something the students did on

教案正文 随堂记录

summer vacation.Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 1 , 1a.1.Look at the picture(学生识图).2.Name each activity.T: What are they doing ?

They are shopping /reading /exercising /watching TV /skateboarding.(Help the students to answer)

3.Write the activities on the line.4.Check the answers on the Bb.Correct their own activities.5.Practise reading.SB Page 1 , 1c.1.Focus on the conversation in the box.2.Practise reading.3.Pairwork : What do you do on weedends ? I ???.4.Groupwork :Divide the class into groups of four or five.Make conversations.First S1 to S2:

S1:What do you do on weekends ?

教案正文 随堂记录

S2:I ???.S1:What does she /he do on weekends ?

S2:She /He ???.5.Act out their own dialogues.Step 3 While-task

SB Page 1 , 1b.1.Look at each picture in 1c.Tell what the person does on weekends.Check the Ss orally.2.Mare what they will hear and do.3.Read these adverbs and explain.4.Play the tape twice.Write the letters on the line.SB Page 2 , 2a & 2b.1.read the activities and the answers of “how often”first.2.Practise reading.3.In 2a we should know the activities you hear.In 2b we should know the answers of how often he does the activities.4.Play the tape for a first time.Ss only listen.5.Play the tape a second time.Ss do 2a.教案正文 随堂记录

6.Play the tape a third time.Check the answers.7.Play the tape.Ss do 2b.8.Check the answers.In this part ,we should pay attention to how often引起的特殊疑问句及回答.Step 4 Post-task SB Page 2 , 2c.1.Focus on the conversation.2.Practice reading.3.Read the activities in the left box.4.Fill in the chart.5.Pairwork: Make conversations.教学后记

教案正文 随堂记录

Period 2

Teaching procedures : Step 1 Leading-in 1.Greetings 2.Drills:

T: What do you usually do on weekends ? S1: I usually play soccer.T: How often do you play soccer ? S1: I play soccer twice a week.T: How often does he play soccer ?

The other Ss: He plays soccer twice a week.Repeat for three times.Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 2 ,Grammar Focus.1.Review the grammar box.Ss say the questions and answers.2.Practise reading.Step 3 While-task SB Page 3 , Part 3.教案正文 随堂记录

1.Call attention to the survey.Mare the Ss understand the chart.T: What activity do ninety-five percent of Green High students do every day ? Ss answer.If necessary , give them help.2.Review the information in the green box with Ss.3.Read the article first by the Ss.4.Read it to the class.5.Look at the survey and fill in the blanks in the article.6.Finish the activity individually.7.Check the answers.8.Practise reading.Step 4 Post-task SB Page 3,Part 4.1.T: What can you do to improve your English ?(e.g.read English books, practice reading and speaking)How often do you

2.Think of more things you can do to improve your English and write them here.教案正文 随堂记录

3.Ask several Ss each question.4.See: Who is the best English students in the class


Revise the new words.教学后记

教案正文 随堂记录

Period 3

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1.Greetings & free talk.2.Practise reading the article in Page 3.3.Check the homework.Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page4 , 1a.1.Point out the five phrases.2.Ss read after the teacher.3.Mare the Ss understand what do they mean.4.Call attention to the pictures.Say something about the pictures.5.Match the words with the pictures.6.Check the answers.7.Practice reading.Step 3 While-task

SB Page 4 , 1b.1.pay attention to the conversation in the box on the right.2.教案正文 随堂记录

2.Read it to the class.3.Explain : “be good for”means :有益于„,对„有好处.4.Pairwork.Choose a new partner.Use the words in Activity 1a to make conversations.5.Share the students’conversations.SB Page 4 ,2a&2b.1.T : Now you will hear a reporter interview two people ,Katrina & Bill.Read the two names for the Ss.In 2a ,we’ll know who is healthy , Bill or Katrina ?

2.Read the questions in 2a.3.Listen to the tape carefully twice.Circle “yes”, “no”or “I don’t know”in the chart.4.Before we check the answers in 2a,we’ll read through the questions in 2b.Pay attention to Katrina’s and Bill’s answers.5.Play the tape again.This time ,if we have heard one questions and we have a pause.Mare Katrina’s and Bill’s answer.教案正文 随堂记录

6.From the answers in 2b ,we can tell who is healthy Bill or Katrina ?

Step 4 Post-task

Role-play.Groupwork.Divide the Ss into groups of three.S1 is interview,S2 is Katrina ,S3 is Bill.S1: How often do you exercise ?

S2: I exercise every day.S3: „.With the help of 2b.Homework

请同学们用2b里面的问题调查你熟悉的两位同学,写出答案并做比较.初三英语上册教案[人教版]:第六单元 Lesson21

Unit 6 Mainly Revision 教学目标与要点 在本单元中要求学生对在前面五单元中所学过的知识做一次全面的 0Unit 6 Mainly Revision 教学目标与要点

在本单元中要求学生对在前面五单元中所学过的知识做一次全面的回顾和总结。复习、归纳一般过去时态和现在完成时态,进一步学习动词不定式和宾语从句。能够区别 have been与 have gone的用法;重点学习课文“Under the sea”,明白How important is the sea to our life?

通过利用computer去寻找一些information,进一步熟悉有关如何操作计算机的术语;掌握数词的用法和类似 thousands of短语的用法。通过该单元的学习,要使学生明白海洋对于我们人类的重要,人类与自然应当和谐相处,并尽力保护它的环境。






Lesson 21

Period: The First Period Content: Lesson 21 Properties: Tape recorder, Overhead Projector, TV, pictures.Teaching Objectives: Make the students use the language point in the dialogues.the usage of the present Perfect Tense Language Focus:

1.Useful expressions: have an accident;hurt badly;2.The present Perfect Tense: What’s happened? They’ve had an accident.Has anyone called the police? Yes, they have.Teaching Procedures: Ⅰ.Organizing the class Ask the students to get ready for class.Greetings between the teacher and the students and a duty report.Ⅱ.Revision 1.check homework.2.Revise the present perfect Tense.Ask : Have you ever been to the Great Wall? How long have you lived in Beijing? Get the students to answer the questions.Make sure they can answer correctly.Ⅲ.Presentation 1.Show a picture of an accident on TV.Get the students to watch and talk about the accident using some words, such as: have an accident, hurt, badly, fall off, hit …

2.Have the students read and practice the dialogues in pairs.3.Ask some students to act out the dialogue.Ⅳ.Puzzle dialogue Find the best answers by themselves.Check the answer with the whole class.Ask the students to make up similar questions, then get the other students to answer them.Ⅴ.Read and act 1.Ask the students to close their books, and then listen to the tape and answer the questions: Where have Bruce and Sue gone? Haven’t they ever been to London? When are they going to be back? Have the students find the answer to the question.Check the answer with the class.2.Ask the students to read the dialogue, then practice in pairs.3.Act out the dialogue.4.Allow them to change the dialogue to fit a situation they might have at home.Ⅵ.Exercises in class Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms.A: I’m not feeling well.I ________(get)a cold.B: ________ you ________(be)to the hospital yet? A: Yes, I ________(go)to see Doctor Li this morning and he ________(give)me some medicine.B: ________ you ________(take)the medicine? A: Yes, I ________(take)it just a moment ago.B: Mr.Li is a good doctor.I think you’ll ________(be)all right soon.Answers: have got, Have … been, went, gave, Have … taken, took, be Ⅶ.Homework Finish off the exercises in the workbook.Ⅷ.Summary Translate Chinese into English: 1.发生什么事情啦?





1.What’s happened? 2.Is anyone hurt? 3.He has been to Shanghai for several times.4.I have finished reading the book.初二上册第一单元英语课的教案


● What do you usually do on weekends? I sometimes go to the beach.● How often do you eat vegetables? Every day.● Most students do homework every day.【重点词汇】

● always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, ever, never ● how often, once, twice, three times a week, every day

● milk, junk food, health, unhealthy, habit, exercise, most, result, try, different ● maybe, although, arm, foot, tooth, ear, eye, advice, thirsty, forget, finish, plan 【应掌握的词组】

1.go to the movies 去看电影

20.activity survey 活动调查

2.look after = take care of 照顾

21.do homework 做家庭作业

3.surf the internet 上网

22.do house work 做家务事

4.healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式

23.eat less meat 吃更少的肉

5.go skate boarding 去划板

24.junk food 垃圾食物

6.keep healthy=stay healthy 保持健康

25.be good for 对什么有益

7.exercise=take(much)exercise=do sport 锻炼

26.be bad for 对什么有害

8.eating habits 饮食习惯

27.want to do sth.想做某事

9.take more exercise 做更多的运动

28.want sb.to do sth.想某人做某事

10.the same as 与什么相同

29.try to do sth.尽力做某事

11.be different from 不同

30.come home from school 放学回家

12.once a month 一月一次

31.of course = certainly = sure 当然

13.twice a week 一周两次

32.get good grades 取得好成绩

14.make a difference to 对什么有影响

33.some advice 一些建议

15.how often 多久一次

34.hardly=not nearly / almost not 几乎不

16.although=though 虽然

35.keep / be in good health 保持健康

17.most of the students=most students

36.be stressed 紧张的,有压力的18.shop=go shopping=do some shopping 购物

37.take a vacation 去度假

19.as for 至于

38.get back 回来


1.How often do you exercise? 你(你们)多久锻炼一次身体? 2.“What do you usually do on weekends?” “I usually play soccer.”

3.“What’s your favorite program?” “It’s Animal World.” “你最喜欢什么节目?”“动物世界。”

4.As for homework, most students do homework every day.5.Mom wants me to get up at 6:00 and play ping-pong with her.6.She says it’s good for my health.7.How many hours do you sleep every night?

8.I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school.9.My eating habits are pretty good.这里 pretty 相当于 very。

初中初一英语 Unit3 This is my sister.教案

Unit 3 This is my sister 第一课时




3、通过认知家庭成员及关系学会使用指示代词复数these , those 的用法。包括一般疑问句和否定句式。





分类 学习内 容

词汇 sister , parent , brother , grandmother , grandfather , grandparent , these , those , she , he’s =he is , son , cousin , daughter , uncle , aunt , thank for , here , love , much , very much , soon , see you soon , pen friend , they , aren’t =are not


复习“用指示代词介绍人或物”的句子结构的单数形式、一般疑问句形式及其问答。Is this your pencil ? Yes , it is.Is this my pen ? No , it isn’t.Is that his book ? Yes , it is.Is that her eraser ? No , it isn’t.学习“用指示代词介绍人或物”的句子结构的复数形式、一般疑问句形式及其问答。Is this your sister ? No , it isn’t.This is my friend.These are my friends.Is that your brother ? Yes , it is.That is my brother.Those are my brothers.功能

Introduce people , identify people

三、朗读单词 sister n.姐;妹 parent n.父或母 brother n.兄;弟

grandmother n.祖母;外祖母 grandfather n.祖父;外祖父

grandparent n.祖父/ 母;外祖父/母 these pron.& adj.这些 those pron.& adj.那些 she pron.她 he’s =he is son n.儿子

cousin n.堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹 daughter n.女儿

uncle n.叔;伯;舅;姨父;姑夫 aunt n.姨母;姑母;伯母;婶母 thank for为„„而感谢 here adv.在这里;向这里 love v.爱;热爱 much adv.很;非常 very much 很;非常

soon adv.不久 see you soon ,再见。

pen friend 笔友

they pron.他(她;它)们 aren’t =are not


Show the Ss some pictures , point at the pictures and tell them like this : This is my father / mother / brother / sister …… That’s my sister / grandmother / grandfather ……

Then ask the Ss to bring their families’ pictures and introduce people in this way.五、布置作业


2、听录音:Section A 1b, 2a, 和2b

预习Section A 1c


U3 This is my sister 第二课时 任务示范及讲解 同学们,通过预习我们知道家庭成员的称呼。那么,你能不能用自己带来的照片,介绍你的家人呢?你应该用什么样的句型呢?现在我们作个示范练习。Sample One:(出示教师自己的家庭照片)

T:This is my grandmother.This is my grandfather.That’s my father.That’s my mother.That’s my husband.That’s my son.Pairs work, then report to the class.请看书,P47的图,假如你是图中的人物Dave,你该如何向朋友介绍你的家庭呢? Sample Two 如果你的父母想了解你好朋友的家庭状况,你应该怎么表达呢?现在我们作个示范。(出示一学生王刚的家庭照片)T:These are his grandparents.That’s his father.That’s his mother.That’s his sister.学生间互相交换照片,看你们了解同学的哪些家庭成员。

请看书P47 的图,给小组其他成员介绍Dave的一家,再完成1c,轮流汇报Dave一家的情况。请看书P48 2b-2d的图,通过相互问答:Is this„? Yes, it is.或No, it isn’t.来了解图中的人物。介绍别人用句型:This is„.That’s „.。辨认某人用句型:Is this„? Is that„? 还有其它句型吗? These are my friends.Those are my parents.注意:these是this的复数,指“这些”,those是that的复数,指“那些”。These、those作主语时,后面的谓语动词用复数形式are。

二、布置作业 完成p47 1b。

完成p48 2a,你还知道家庭成员的其它称呼吗?

cousin, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece… 3.完成p50 2b,翻出老照片,描述一下,看同学能否知道你说的是哪一张? T: These are my parents.This is my uncle.That’s me.4.完成p50 2c, 画一张你家人

Unit 3

This is my sister

第三课时 任务示范及讲解

让学生拿出上一课时布置完成的作业:画一幅关于家庭和朋友的图画。向同学介绍图画中的人物,并填写下列表格。name age occupation Characteristic


Tall 1)教师示范

These are my parents.This is my grandmother.She is a worker.She is 53.She is thin.This is my friend, Jin Fang.She is a shop assistant.She is 24…



阅读并做练习1)Section A 3a

keys : 1.sister



4.isn’t 2)两人一组表演上述对话,三分钟后角色互换。三





Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isn’t.四




Is this your…?

Yes, it is.Is she …?

No, she isn’t.分组练习,然后选代表台前表演。五



Unit 3 This is my sister.(第四课时)教学目标:


2、能写简短的小文章描述家庭成员。教学重点、难点: 锻炼学生的写作能力 教学方法:

写作训练、小组活动 教学用具:

绘图笔、家庭照片 教学步骤:

读P51 ,3a,Emma的信,假设你就是Emma,你能画一张怎样的家庭照呢? 疑难解析

1.Thanks for„意为“谢谢、、、、、、”后接名词。例如 Thanks for your help.谢谢你对我的帮助。

Thanks for the beautiful card.谢谢你给我这麽漂亮的卡片。2.英文书信的格式大致如此:




署名(Yours„)Dear..., „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„


………………………………….Yours, …

3、指示代词this, these these是this的复数形式, 例如 This is my father’s book.These are my father’s books.写作指导


Answers: grandparents, parents, uncle and aunt, cousins 写一写关于你自己的家庭 完成任务



Go for it Book1 Unit3 教学设计


本单元的重点是介绍(Introduction)和确认人(Identify People)两个功能项目,运用This is„, Is that„等句型进 行语言训练。


Go for it教材非常灵活,可适用各层次的学生,我将Unit 3分成Section A和Section B进行安排,每个Section设 计的活动可根据学生基础安排在1个课时或2个课时内完 成。


ⅠSection A

1、学生事先准备家庭照片或和朋友的合照等 a、老师首先介绍自己的家人和朋友

This is my…

These are my… b、由学生尝试介绍自己的家人


2、游戏:a guess game


过下列对话,猜出人物 S: Is this xxx’s father? T: No, it isn’t.S: Is that xxx’s father? T: Yes, it is.Great!


由2人小组完成下列对话(使用已备照片)A: This is my father.His name is… B: Is that your mother? A: No, it isn’t.That’s my sister.4、语言拓展:教师准备一组外貌特征显著的任务照片 请学生提问或表达句子:I think this is„ „that is…

ⅡSection B

1、教师两次介绍自己的family.如下: This is my grandfather.His name is Mr.Hu.That is my mother.Her name is …


A / grandmother








C 提问:What is A? What is B? What is C? What’s my mother’s name?




提供单词: Worried.Look for„




A: Excuse me, is this your mother? B: No, she isn’t.A: Is this XiaoMing’s mother.B: Yes I think so.Why is she worried? A:I don’t know.Let’s find XiaoMing.4、巩固性练习。


Go for it Unit 2 教案

一. 本单元教学内容:

◆中心话题:Talk about things in the classroom.◆让学生学会表述物品所属者的方法。



◆进一步学习物主代词your、my、her、his的用法。二. 本单元教学目标 :



◆让学生掌握句型:Is this/that your pencil?

Yes, it is.It’s my pencil.No/it isn’t.It’s her/his pencil.What’s this/that in English?

It’s a/an… How do you spell it ? P-E-N.能力目标 :



◆ 学会写寻物启示和失物招领。


◆培养学生拾金不昧,助人为乐的品德;培养学生协作精神。三. 教学重点与难点:

◆ 询问物品属性及 辨认物品所有者;


◆注意区别it’s 与

it is 的书写形式;








Period1: SectionA1a 1b 1c2a 2b 2c 4a 4b Period2: SectionA3 : SectionB1a 1b 2a 2b 2c Period3: SectionB3a 3b 3c

Period4: SectionB4,自我检查, 单元总复习六.教学步骤:

Period1:SectionA1a 1b 1c2a 2b 2c 4a 4b 教学目标:1.词汇:pen pencil book eraser ruler pencil case backpack pencil sharpener dictionary 2.句型:Is this/that your pencil?

Yes, it is.It’s my pencil.No/it isn’t.It’s her/his pencil.3.学会辨认物品所有者。

4.学会使用thank you 和 excuse me,让学生学会礼貌待人。

5.进一步学习物主代词your、my、her、his 课前准备:准备一个大盒子,收集学生的一些学习用品。Step1.Warming up Sing a song “ Is this your ruler?” Step2.Presentation 1.Tell Ss that you have many school things here today.Show pictures on CAI and teach the new words(pen pencil book eraser ruler pencil case backpack pencil sharpener dictionary)(同时还可以教学生学习用品方面的其它词汇).2.Group task :Which school things are the most important?/used most?(让学生四人小组讨论哪些学习用品用的最多,巩固所学单词)3.Tell Ss that there are many things in the box.Ask them whose they are.T: Excuse me ,Sa, Is this your pencil? Sa: Yes , it is.It’s my pencil.T: Here you are.Sa: Thank you.]

Teach the other sentences: Is that your ruler? No, it isn’t.It’s her /his ruler.Step3.Pairwork

Practice the conversations above in pairs.Then make their own conversations.Act it out.Step4.Guessing game

Ask Ss to take something out of the box.Get other Ss guess whose it is.(让更多学生参与语言练习,运用句型Is this/that your pencil?

Yes, it is.It’s my pencil.No/it isn’t.It’s her/his pencil.)Step5.Do listening 1.Listen and check the things that you hear.2.Listen and complete the conversations.Step6.Find the owner Step7.Homework

Collect the names of school things.Write them on the exercise books.The more, the better.Make a conversation like 2b.Period2: SectionA3 : SectionB1a 1b 2a 2b 2c 教学目标:

1.学习有关学校生活方面用品的单词,(baseball ,computer game,key, ring ,watch, ID card ,notebook)

2.学习句型:What’s this/that in English? It’s a/an„ How do you spell it ?


4.通过小组活动,提高学生的合作能力和竞争能力。Step1.Make up the word

Give each group the same letters.Let them arrange the letters into words they learned


1.Show and learn school life things.Ask:

What’s this/that in English? It’s a/an…

How do you spell it ?

P-E-N.Is this/that your……..Yes, it is.It’s my ……..No/it isn’t.It’s her/his …… 3.Pairwork Step3.Memory challenge

Show the pictures on CAI quickly.See who say out the most words in ten seconds.Who is the winner?(评出表现最佳的学生,给予表扬)Step4.Find friends’ things

Collect some friends’ things, let Ss identify the things.Use the sentences: What’s this/that in English? It’s a/an…

How do you spell it ?

My friend is …..This is her/his…… Step5.Do listening

Finish SectionB2a 2b(同时可以设计几个符合学生实际的情景听力,让学生学以致用)Step6.Pencil case show

Group work.Introduce What’s in their pencil case?

Maybe they will say: Look!What’s this ? It’s my pencil case.This is my „„..I bring it to school every day.It’s my good friend.(让学生评出最实用的铅笔盒或笔带,展示给大家看)Step7.Homework

Write something about your backpack.Period3: SectionB3a 3b 3c 教学目标:

1.让学生掌握句型:Call Allan at 495-3539.2.让学生能够确认物主关系。



课前准备:教室里的失物招领箱内放几件物品。Step1.Guessing game

Guess what’s in the lost and found case in our classroom.(复习前两节课学过的句型)Step2.Presentation

T:I lost my keys this morning.Have you seen them anywhere? I should write a Lost notice.Tell Ss how to write a Lost & Found notice.Step3.Find the information Read the bulletin board notices and find the information.Lost School ID card Found Notebook name Tony name Mary phone 685-6034 phone 235-0285 Step4.Pieces game

First finish 3b, then give more pieces to make a Lost & Found notice.(看哪组拼得速度快,表现棒)Step5.Writing

T: In your daily life, you must have lost something or found something that doesn’t belong to you.Have you got it back or found the owner?

Ask them to try to write a Lost & Found notice.(课后把每组代表的a Lost & Found notice 展示在英语园地,让大家评一评谁的别具一格)。Step6.Homework

Write a Lost & Found notice Period4: SectionB4,自我检查, 单元总复习

教学目标: 1.复习本单元的词汇与句型,以多种任务激发学生说的欲望,培养学生的言语交际能力。2.运用所学语言根据情景编短剧并表演。3.培养学生乐于助人,与人分享快乐。

4.通过小组合作活动,培养学生相互帮助,集体合作的团队精神。Step1.Guessing game

Ask Ss to draw a picture on the board.Let the other Ss guess what it is.(复习句型What’s this/that in English? Is this/that a/an„„)Step2.Words competition

Ask Ss to list as many word as they can.Have a match among four groups.First choose six to eight students from each group, S1says: pen(P-E-N)S2 should say :pen,eraser(E-R-A-S-E-R), S3should say: pen, eraser ,ruler(R-U-L-E-R)…,the group which can add the most words is the winner.Step3.Make a play

Give Ss real scenes ,let them make a play.Act it out in class

(eg.李明丢了一只黑色手表,来到学校Lost & Found office询问,王芳刚好拣到,上交了Lost & Found office.,由大家评出最佳表演奖,最佳默契奖,最佳创意奖,最佳创作奖)Step4.Homework

Prepare for a test of unit2.(通过本单元复习,让学生明确自己的学习状况,不断调整自己的学习策略,并对自己作出评价,可以在课前预习,上课发言,小组合作,书面作业等方面对自己作出评价。)


仁爱版初中英语八年级上册教案 Unit 2 Keeping Healthy Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking.Section B Teaching person: Teaching time:one class Teaching aims:

1.New words: article , smoke, cancer, litter, dustbin, lawn, energy, necessary, enough 2.Learn some useful sentences:(1)How terrible!(2)Don’t walk on the lawn.(3)It’s necessary for your health.(4)Smoking is bad for his health.3.The use of “ must ,must not”(1)I must ask him to give up smoking.(2)You must put litter into the dustbin.(3)You must not throw litter around.4.Help students form good habits.Teaching importance : aim 1 ,2, 3.Teaching difficulty: It’s necessary for sb.to do sth.Teaching steps:

一、Sing an English song.Then greet between the teacher and the students.二、Review the dialog of Section A..1

Ask some sentences: Staying up late is bad for your health.Is going to bed early good or bad for our health ? It’s good.Doing morning exercises is good for our health.三、New lesson:

(一)1a 1.Read the dialog by themselves.Find the new words and understand their meaning and pronunciation.2.Listen to the tape and read after it.Thinking :What’s the dialog about ? After reading ,answer it.3.Read again and understand the dialog with some questions.After reading it ,answer them.1)What is Wang Junfeng reading ? He is reading an article about smoking in the newspaper.2)What does Maria’s father think of smoking ? Because he thinks smoking can help him relax.3)Why does Maria want to ask her father to give up smoking? Because smoking is bad for our lungs and it can even cause cancer.4.After answering them,explain and practice useful phrases.Give some examples.Smoking is bad for his health.I must ask him to give up smoking.The use of “must ”.How terrible!

(二)1b 1.Read and match the sentences by themselves.2.Then say the sentences without looking at the book.3.Summarize the use of “ 2

must , mustn’t ”

--Must I finish the task now ?--Yes , you must.--No, you needn’t.--No , you don’t have to.(三)Look at the picture and say some sentences using “mustn’t , don’t ”.For example: You mustn’t walk on the lawn.Don’t walk on the lawn.You mustn’t climb the tree.Don’t park your bike here and there.Don’t take your pet to the school.You mustn’t throw litter around.(四)

2a 1.Read the following sentences and understand them.2.Read them after the tape twice.3.Say the sentences without looking at the book.4.Solve the hard sentences and useful expressions.It’s necessary for sb.to do sth.For example : It’s necessary for us to review often.四、Show some exercises to check the importance.1._______(smoke)is bad for your health.2.We must _______(follow)the school rules.3.Don’t ________(read)in the sun.4.You mustn’t ________(stay)up late at night.5.---Must I stop watching TV right now ?---No , you ______________.6.It’s necessary ____ us to know some traffic rules.7._____ sweet music!_____ fast he runs!(What or How)五、Summarize the useful languages and read them..六、Homework.Write six sentences using “ must , mustn’t , don’t “

七、The design of the blackboard , Section B 1.must do , mustn’t do ,---Must I /we do ?---Yes , you must.---No , you needn’t.---No , you don’ t have to.2.How terrible!What a lovely cat!3.It’s necessary for your health.4.Smoking is bad for our health.


初中英语八年级上册Unit 7

Will people have robots



(二)教学目标的确立 1.2.3.能学会重点词汇以及目标语言。



Step I.Warming-up and lead in Ask: What do the robots look like ? What can they do? Step II Fast reading Look at the questions.Read the article and match each paragraph with the question it discuss.2.Careful reading 1.Listen to the text and pay attention to the pronunciation, they can underline the topic sentences of each paragraph and the detail information that they interest.2.What can robots do in movies? They help with housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.3.Have students read the text aloud then compete the sentences below(1).Robots can build _cars___ in factories.(2).They can do __simple__ jobs many times and never get bored.(3).Some can __walk___ and _dance____.(4).Some can help __look for ___ people under _the buildings_____.4.Write T or F Scientists in Japan can make robots walk and dance.Some scientists believe it will be difficult for robots to look like a human James White thinks robots can talk like humans in the future.Step III.After-reading(1)About whether robots can think , do scientists have the same ideas?(2)What are the different ideas?(3)Which idea are you on? Say why.StepⅣ.Homework 1.Recite the new words and expressions in the article.2.Write a short paragraph.For example: I want to have a robot in the future.It will look like a ______.It will be able to_____, and it will also be able to help me ____________________________ ___________________....I think I will like it very much.3.Ask S to finish 2d-2e.四、教学反思


不足之处: 学生参与度不够广。


Unit7 Will people have robot? Section B 2a-2e Do you think you will have your own robot?

What are robots like in movies? What can robots do today? Will robots think like humans in the future? What will robots be like in the future?



rugby 橄榄球运动title 标题greeting 问候signature 签名address 地址penfriend 笔友Walker 沃克Newcastle 纽卡斯尔own 拥有 architect 建筑师form 年级friendly 有好的keen喜爱的Physics物理学engineer工程师wishes祝愿length长度height高度 birth出生blond金色的express表达rat老鼠age年龄excellent优秀的dancer舞蹈家work as从事..工作 be keen on热衷于in the middle在中间reply to回复hear from收到某人来信


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physical身体的temper脾气truth真相nearby在附近jogging慢跑balcony阳台in charge of负责look after照顾

physical exercises体育锻炼lose one’s temper 发脾气stay up不睡觉


dial拨号ambulance救护车fire service消防车argue争论trouble麻烦tourist游客stare盯steal偷窃purse钱包missing遗失的 gate大门aboard上report报告theft偷窃handcuff手铐thief小偷notice注意rather相当weight体重baseball棒球运动

trainer运动鞋press按button按钮record录音switch用开关开启soldier士兵discover发现robbery抢劫helicopter直升飞机 programme节目deal with解决hold out伸出


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decision决定fellow同伴的traffic交通accident事故rise上升at least至少consist of由。组成stand for代表

in a flash一瞬间decide on决定


astronaut宇航员rocket火箭telescope望远镜monster怪物captain机长towards接近land登陆unknown未知的pilot飞行员 cave洞穴navigator导航员suddenly突然地roar吼叫alien外星人kill杀steel钢bar长条appear出现plan计划reply回答 trust信任unfortunately不幸的underground地铁passenger乘客suggestion建议intention目的court球场forecast预报


cycling帆船运动barbecue烧烤special特殊的go through穿过in pieces成为碎片Oriental Pearl TV Tower东方明珠电视塔

dress up装扮


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