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1.歌词内容健康、积极向上,最好对学生有激励作用的(如 奥运歌曲“hand in hand ” “rocket man” “we’re the world” 等);

2.所选歌曲均为世界顶级的乐手演唱的流行歌曲或奥斯卡经典老歌,旋律优美,对学生有强大的吸引力(如: “right here waiting” “ I believe” “ my love” “ take me home ,country road”等);

3.所选歌曲的歌词有针对性的挑选一些配合同步教材的语法内容,如让步状从,可选 “男孩地带”的 “no matter” ;“it”的用法,可教“ can you feel the love tonight”等;4.所选歌曲均为节奏较慢、歌词优美、长短适中(120-280 words),音调不太高的,适合大多数学生学唱的(当然,可选少数难学唱的优秀曲目作为音乐欣赏训练)。


1.歌曲欣赏。由于学生英语基础参差不齐,对于一些音调较高、歌词稍复杂的歌曲,我们就选择作为学生的音乐欣赏,同时让学生借机了解相关的文化背景。如Paul Simon(保罗。西蒙)的 “Scarborough fair”(史卡保罗集市)旋律优美,和声天衣无缝,又是一首反歌曲。因为歌词中有较多难词,学生学唱有困难。我们选择让学生欣赏数遍后,说出歌曲透露的反战的主题(表面似爱情歌曲,和声部份清晰地表达了反战信息:玫瑰与枪刺、宁静的乡村与炮轰、马嘶……)。学生们在老师的引导下,不仅能领会到本曲的精髓,也能随着简单却优美的旋律,轻轻哼唱前二段,(他们的歌声中已少了肤浅的欢欣,多了些凝重和关爱),达到了非常好的效果。

2.歌词欣赏与填词。有些歌曲歌词很长,如抒情摇滚的、hip-hop的 以及rap音乐等。让学生学唱不太现实。我们会挑选一些歌词较有教育意义或幽默风趣的,让学生做些填空练习或翻译练习。如 “Eagles” 的“Hotel California”(老鹰乐队的 “加州旅馆”);“Fools garden” “lemon tree”(傻子花园的“柠檬树”)前曲我们要求学生填出6个名词和6个介词;后首歌曲我们要求学生填出-ing形式的动词、形容词8个:sitting, boring, wasting , hanging, waiting ,driving , turning,和stepping。类似的练习让学生们在学唱的同时,抓住歌词的重点(词法、句法。如“lemon tree” 中的这8个动词-ing形式,配合I’m –ing ……,),同时还很好地锻炼了学生的听力。







(三)歌词掌握竞赛。我们定期在选修班进行歌词掌握方面的书面竞赛。主要有:填词比赛(动词、名次、形容词、介词 等),所填内容均选自所学曲目;翻译比赛(挑选部份所学曲目的整句或整段歌词),要求学生说出句子的中文意思或隐含的意思;







…………………………………………………………………………………………(2)摘要、关键词 ……………………………………………………………………………………(2)正文 ……………………………………………………………………………………………(3)

一、英语歌曲的优点 ……………………………………………………………………(3)













(一)英文歌曲内容尽量与教材相结合,不同年级阶段学生选择不同的歌曲 ……………………………………………………………………………(5)


(三)英语歌曲内容能用动作表现,有助于学生提高记忆力、发展想象力、培养创造力 …………………………………………………………………………(6)











唱英文歌是最有效的语音练习,需要讲究咬词、吐字清晰,辅音不要拖音,唱歌时歌词需要连读、失去爆破等语音知识。如儿童歌“Come and See My Family”,全曲只有四句:Come and see my family under the old apple tree!This is my father.How do you do? Sit down and have a cup of tea with me!寥寥可数的几句把一家人在苹果树下的场面刻画出来了,且句子流畅、易读、易记。通过学习这样的歌曲,连读、失去爆破、重读等语音知识都得到了练习,并得到了更大的进步。


无论是学中文歌曲,还是英文歌曲都是加深记忆的好办法。英文歌曲用词简练,还包含许多涉及课文的新单词,如小学三年级的课程“We love animals”,我们可以用歌曲“Old McDonald Had a Farm”来教学生。因为这首歌曲里面有很多新课单词,dog,cat, panda, duck, monkey。这样,有歌曲的介入,学生能更快的掌握新单词。


唱英文歌也可以学到许多句型,这样的例子不胜枚举,如歌曲“Lucy, Put Your Shoes On”中的“It’s time to go to school.”涉及了句型It’s time to„.(四)学习语法结构


深刻,一旦记不住,只需讲歌曲唱唱,就会正确无误。一般现在时与一般过去时,对于小学生来说,是一个不易把握的语法,但在“Yesterday“中有样的歌词:Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away.Now it looks as though they’re here to stay.这是一句很好的例子,一下子就能让学生掌握了这两个语法点。


要培养学生的读英语的节奏感,还能从英语歌曲中培养,如众所周知“Sing The A B C Song”,它节奏感明快,铿锵有力,是培养节奏感的好歌曲。


英文歌曲不但能丰富学生的文化知识,还能拓展他们的视野。通过学英语歌曲,学生对英美文化有了初步的了解,对学习的课文也有了更深的理解。如一些西方的节日,特别是圣诞节,老师们都会教学生唱一些圣诞歌:We wish you a Merry Christmas, Frosty the Snowman, Jingle Bells等。在唱歌之前,教师可以先给学生介绍西方的一些传统节日,以及相关的背景知识。这样,在轻松的氛围中,学生既得到了艺术享受,又增长了知识。



导入是教师在一个新的教学内容和活动开始时,引导学生进入学习的行为方式。导入的过程为新课的呈现起了搭桥、铺路的作用,为学生进行了课前的心理准备和知识准备。利用歌曲导入新课,为学生创造良好的英语氛围,集中学生注意力,激发他们的学习兴趣,使他们尽快进入学习的最佳状态。悦耳的音乐对神经系统能起到良好的刺激作用,英语歌曲符合小学生形象记忆和情绪记忆较强的特点,易于激发学生的求知欲望和想象力。如:教师与学生相互问好时,教师可以组织学生唱英文歌曲“Good morning to you”,由这首歌来导入新课。又如学习时间表达What time is it? It’s„,教师可以组织学生唱“The Number Song”,由数字导入时间表达法的学习。



巩固操练是引导学生讲所学知识系统化、条理化,将感性认识上升到理性,从而促进知识向能力转化。现在小学生的英语教科书,每一个单元都会有一首英文歌曲或歌谣,利用英文歌曲或歌谣巩固操练,使学生加强记忆、克服遗忘、加深理解。如小学五年级英语第一册Unit 1 Good Friends,主要是要掌握like+v.-ing这个语法点,而这单元的歌谣的歌词是“On Mondays ,I like playing football with my friend,paul.On Wednesday,I like playing chess with my friend ,Jess.”通过歌谣来巩固,学生能很好的掌握语法点,进而加强记忆,加深理解,学会运用。


对于小学生来说,听力是相对薄弱的。加强听力练习有助于克服“哑巴英语”。由于音乐能刺激大脑神经的兴奋点,利用英语歌曲来锻炼听力,效果会更好。我们可以选一首与小学生英语能力不相上下的或与教材相符的英语歌曲或歌谣,举“The Days of the Week”做例子,教师先放这个歌给学生听两遍,再讲歌词以填空的形式展示出来,让学生边听边填空。通过这样的方法,学生的听力能力得到不断的提高,与此同时,对阅读和写的能力也有促进作用。







从不同年级阶段着手选择。低年级的学生,由于刚开始接触英语时间不长,几乎没有用英语来理解事物的能力。我们可以选择如“Sing the A B C Song”,“The Number Song”,“Good morning to you”等浅而易懂、朗朗上口、歌曲短小的英语歌曲。中年级的学生学习英语也有了一段时间,但用英语来理解事物的能力、知识水平还不高。因而。我们可以挑选一些比低年级难度相对高一点的歌曲。高年级的英语是小学英语学习的一个转折点,他们对英语有了更深一层的理解,所接触的英语难度越来越高,如词汇、句型、语法等,所以我们可以选择一些注重提高他们词汇量、句型、语法点等的英语歌曲。例如“Sailing”,“Doh-Ray-Me”,“Whatever Will Be,Will Be”等难度适合高年级学生的英文歌曲。



我们在选择歌曲是应该选择富有教育意义的、健康向上的、内容丰富的、学生感兴趣的、对英语教学有一定辅助作用的英文歌曲或歌谣。例如:有关动植物(Animal Fair)、自然现象(Rainbow)、问候(Good Morning to You)、身体的各个部分(My Body)、节日(Happy New Year)、数字(The Little Indians)等,这些都是小学生日常接触到的,感兴趣的歌曲类型。有了这些歌曲辅助英语课堂教学,能集中学生的注意力,激发他们学习兴趣和求知欲。


我们在组织学生学唱英文歌曲时,应尽量挑选一些适合一边唱一边用动作来表现歌词含义的歌曲,例如“Old McDonald Had a Farm”,它涉及很多动物以及其发出的声音。在唱歌时,可以让学生和老师一起做动作,老师在讲台上边唱边做,学生在座位上边唱边模仿老师的动作,这样的课堂气氛相当活跃,不断激发学生的学习兴趣。通过这种方法有助于他们记忆歌词,学习单词;有助于促进他们动作的协调性,增强节奏感;有助于培养他们的表演能力,交际能力。我们除了做一些示范动作以为,还可以让学生自己动动脑筋,想想怎样做动作,这对发展学生的想象力和培养创造都有一定的好处,效果极佳。


我们可以利用学生会唱的英文歌曲进行歌曲改词换词,降低学生学唱的难度。改换歌词时应结合教学内容来,新词尽可能紧扣课文和新单词,这样能使单一的课文和新单词变得更具新鲜感和趣味性。比如,英文歌曲“Good Morning to You”是由英文歌曲“Happy Birthday to You”改编过来的。又如:原英文歌曲“Row,Row,Row Your Boat”,歌词:Row,row ,row your boat,gently down the stream.Merrily,Merrily,Merrily,life is like a dream.我们可以改成“Go,Go,Go Shopping”:Go,go,go shopping,get in the supermarket.You and I,you and I,you and I like shopping.运用这样的方式,学生能够学习新单词、新课文更快,易于他们接受。






[1]肖惜.英语教师职业技能训练简明教程[M].高等教育出版社,1999.18-32 115-116 [2]王蔷.小学英语教学法教程[M].高等教育出版社,2003.14-44 [3]潘晓兰.英语教学中童谣、歌曲的选择[J].亿库教育网,2009 [4]吴雅娉.浅谈英语歌曲在小学英语教学中的作用[J].百度文库网,2010






Abstract Since English songs have a positive effect on English learning.It can help create a relaxing atmosphere, increase learners’ interest and build up learners’ confidence.Additionally, English song is an important role in helping with correcting the pronunciation, remembering and accumulating vocabulary, learning foreign culture, and developing sensitivity to English.So this paper brings forth a strategy, that is, to teach English by English songs.Key Words: English teaching;English songs 摘要

英文歌曲对英语学习有着很大的帮助,它不仅能够创造一种轻松愉快的气氛,而且还有利于提高学习者的兴趣,增强学习者的信心,从而促进英语学习。另外,英文歌曲可以帮助矫正英语语音,牢记和积累大量词汇,学习外国文化和培养英语语感等等,而这些方面都对英语能力的提高起着很大的促进作用。因此,本文提出了一个策略,即充分利用英文歌曲教英语。关键词:英语教学;英文歌曲 Contents 1.Introduction 1 2.Positive effects of music……………………………………………………………..1

3.Some connections between music and English learning………………………………..…….......1 4.Some advantages of English songs………………………………………………………………..2 4.1 English songs can arouse interest and heighten confidence…………………..2

4.2 English songs can strengthen memory and accumulate language materials…...3 4.3 English songs are good for learning pronunciation and rhythm…………….....4 4.4 English songs are good for students to controlling grammar………………......5 4.5 English songs are a source of aural input ……………………………………...6

4.6 English songs contain amounts of comprehensive language knowledge………6 4.7 English songs carry rich foreign culture………………………………………..7

5.The methodology of using English songs to teach English…………………………...8 5.1.The selection principles of English songs……………………………………...9 5.2 The steps of teaching English songs…………………………………………...10 6.Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………11 References……………………………………………………………………………..…11.Introduction At the very beginning of human society, when there was a big harvest or while they were working, laboring people expressed their happiness, anger, grief and joy by means of talking and singing in their own language.The language later became the earliest simple folk tune.With the rapid development of human society, this kind of language art had been improved a lot, and it had been developed into songs.Now songs win great popularity among people.As we all know, most people love music and love songs.Then why not take advantage of English songs to teach English?

2.Positive effects of music Music, as one of the oldest forms of art, has many positive effects.It is closely related to peoples’ life.First music is a great language package that bundles culture, vocabulary, listening, grammar and a host of other language skills.Second, music not only can control the rhythm of human body, but also has a direct influence on human brain.Music can cheer up a person, make a person full of high spirit, and even bring out a person’s active mood.So it can help the brain memorize things more quickly and help to keep them for a much longer time The third, as Duan Ruiling(1997)ever mentioned that “students’ big attainment in music, or high music intelligence, has a positive influence on their pronunciation.”

3.Some connections between music and English learning Music and language have some features in common.Such as stress, tone, pauses

and rhyme.Sounds are the roots of both music and speech.Both of them are from the process of sounds, and are used by their authors or speakers to convey a message.Beside music has a great positive effect on the development of English skills.“The higher one’s music intelligence is, the more sense of rhythm of spoken English he has.According to Fonseca Mora(2000)” , music nature of language influences an English learner’s pronunciation and even the whole process of his English study.Additionally, the relationship between listening and speaking can not be ignored.Language input comes before language output.Listening is a process of information input.While speaking is a process of information output.In other words, music is a kind of language input which helps the learner to store and convey all kinds of information.4 Some advantages of English songs 4.1 English songs can arouse interest and heighten confidence Everyone likes songs.English songs are enjoyable and attractive because of their affective power.Songs can create an atmosphere that makes people feel relaxed.So, the students will not feel so anxious or shy to speak English as they are attracted by the interesting music.As we know interest is the best guide.When students feel enjoyable, their interest can be easily stimulated.If in the course of learning, teachers teach some songs with part of the language rules, the students will participate in singing actively, therefore this kind of activity would help the students to memorize the language materials.By singing English songs, the interest to learn English is aroused.At the same time if those who are learning English can sing in English, they will have the feeling of success.This success is just the motivation to learn English and drive them to learn more.It can also rise students’ confidence.When teachers find some students are lacking of the confidence to speak English loudly, teachers can use this method to let these students sing English songs and to encourage them to speak out English bravely.Thus the confidence of the students would be more easily heightened.4.2 English songs can strengthen memory and accumulate language materials.In the language learning a lot of knowledge need to be remembered specially.It will take a lot of time to read and recite mechanically.After some time, the knowledge will all be forgotten.If we write songs with these language rules or choose suitable songs, we will find it is easy to remember.The language in the songs may be not written for particular language learning.But it provides more chances for the students to contact with English.The more English knowledge they contact, the better their spoken English is.When students learn the words or language points in a song, the words or language points will be very easier to be remembered for they appear in their brains again.In the revision lesson, we can strengthen students’ memory by singing songs and they will summarize language regularity.Besides, singing English songs is the course of accumulating language materials.They learn words, phrases and all kinds of expressions from songs.In people’s daily life songs are more natural than language;songs like can come into people’s hearts quietly and naturally and accompany people’s lives.When students listen to more songs they will speak or sing out without thinking and use these words, phrases and expressions fluently.Moreover the language learning from the songs will not be forgotten.And even these songs will accompany students’ lives.With the improvement of language level, they will understand the lyrics and master the language naturally.Here is another example:

As is known to all, the United States has fifty-two states, and many of the names of these states are not so easy to pronounce accurately and remember well.While Susan Nipp’s song The United States can give some help because it contains all of the fifty-two states in the lyric: “The United States, the United States, I love my country the United States, There’s Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut and Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, and Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri…” As songs are always full of emotions and rhythm, singing aloud with the help of the melody and the musicality of language is useful for memorizing words.4.3 English songs are good for learning pronunciation and rhythm.Listening to and singing English songs as more as possible contributes much to learning accurate pronunciation, intonation and rhythm of spoken English.From English songs, we can get lots of phonetic knowledge, such as, change of length of vowels, pauses plosives, lose of plosives, sound linking, weak-forms, assimilation, stress, rhythm and so on.Linguistic researches have already shown that every language has its own intonation and rhythmic.According to Fonseca Mora, music and language have common features;they are stress, tone, pauses and rhythm.Here is a simple song Come `and `See `My `Family in which sound linking is reflected.“Come `and `see `my `family, ︶

`Under `the `old `apple `tree!︶

`This `is `my `father.`How do you do? ︶

`Sit `down `and `have `a `cup `of `tea `with `me.” ︶︶

In this song, the technique of sound linking is so obvious that we can make use of it to achieve fluency that is an important factor in spoken English.4.4 English songs are good for students to control grammar In English teaching, grammar is an important part and the students sometimes feel bored to learn grammar.So if teachers can combine some grammar principles with songs, it would be a good way for the students to identify and remember the principles.Take this English song “yours and mine” for example:

“Look at around and you will see, All the things belong to you and me.Look around and you will find, This whole world is yours and it’s mine.Every bird, every flower, every tree, they all belong to you and me.”

From this song students should understand how to use “me, you, mine and yours.And these words also can be changed to them, theirs, him his, her, hers, and so on.Then the students can use all of them.4.5 English songs are a source of aural input English songs are a kind of especially good listening material.Compared with some English test listening materials, they are more interesting, motivating, attractive and unforgettable.They are never dull.As is mentioned in this paper, listening is closely related to speaking, and more language input is helpful for more effective language output.Listening to English songs as often as possible is in some way good for the improvement of speaking ability.4.6 English songs contain amounts of comprehensive language knowledge English songs contain a lot of language knowledge.This mainly reflects in words, phrases, idioms, expressions, sentence patterns, and also spoken grammar.Actually, spoken language is not merely a variant of “correct” written forms.In spoken English, we can find the widespread utilization of ellipsis.For example, we can often hear sentences in English songs like “Don’t know why, don’t know why…” which has no subject.The subject(maybe “I”)is left out here.This kind of ellipsis phenomenon occurs frequently in oral communication.As we know, in English study, there are so many words, expressions, and even rules of spoken grammar to remember and then to use freely and correctly;and usually they seem to be so dull or difficult.In spite of this, for effective oral communication, it is still quite necessary to master as many as possible.Then learning English songs may be a not bad choice, because lyrics of English songs contain a large vocabulary, sentence patterns and spoken grammar.Besides, words in English songs are often simple and vivid, and most of them are those used in daily life of the western people.Last but not the least, as lyric embodies the development of society, we can get new words and expressions easily and quickly.New words often come along with the progressing of society.Some words are given more meanings or an entirely different meaning;some are not used any more or are used just on a few special occasions.As new age brings new things, by learning pop songs, we will be able to get the newest and most modern words and expressions.4.7 English songs carry rich foreign culture

Introducing songs into language learning has incomparable effects in introducing social backgrounds and cultures of English speaking countries.“As Laroy said, ‘songs are a very traditional learning aid.Learning through songs can actually be described as being very natural.This naturalness is demonstrated by the fact that in all cultures singing songs has always been one of the most wide spread ways for children to learn.Songs have always accompanied important events in life and have transmitted a good deal of traditional culture…” Many English songs have existed for a long time, they can tell us much information about the culture of a country and the history.Speaking good English needs some background knowledge of English-speaking countries.Take the English songs Silent Night Holy Night for example: “Round young virgin mother and child!” “Shepherds quake at the sight!” “Christ the Savior is born!” “Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth.” All these sentences tell us the famous foreign holiday---Christmas Day.From this song, we can learn many useful words about Christmas such as “Virgin Mother”, ”shepherds”, “Christ the Savior”, “Jesus”, etc..So we can remember all of them easily and keep them in mind for a long time.In the song Dance Carol, there is such a sentence: “Easter would come when Christmas is done if lent…” From this sentence, we can know the holiday---Easter, and the important knowledge: Easter comes after Christmas.Thus we can remember this very easily and keep it in mind for a long time.From another song Rain, Rain, Go Away, we can learn that the special geographical position of England leads to large amounts of rainfall and changeable weather.So, the English greet each other like this, “Lovely day, isn’t it?” Once we know about this, when we greet people in English we will never say like Chinese, “Have you eaten?” or “Where are you going?”.Therefore, to speak more authentic English, we have to know much about western culture, which can help to avoid making stupid mistakes in real communication with the Western people.5.The methodology of using English songs to teach English 5.1 The selection principles of English songs In modern world, music is everywhere;songs are available almost everywhere.So it is very easy to touch English songs.When we use English songs to serve teaching.We should pay attention to some aspects

First, the lyrics should connect with the content of teaching.For example, when we teach the English number, the song “ten little Indians” would be the best choice.Second, choosing songs should accord to the character of age and psychology of learners.Only when we choose songs by thinking about these factors can the learners receive the great achievement in English learning.Teachers should choose the songs according to the students’ English level.Some English songs are longer and more difficult, which is not good for low level learners.Like children’s songs Colors of the Wind, My Golden Sun, My Little Table, etc.is good for children to learn.And songs like Eyes on Me, Yesterday Once More, Big Big World, etc.is good for adults to learn.Thirdly, teaching English songs should be timely and in the right quantity.In addition, teaching songs should have distinct aims, after singing a song the students would know what language point they can learn from the song.For example the song “Head and shoulders” is a good example.The lyrics are: “head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees ands toes.Eyes and ears and mouth and nose, head and shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes.” After learning this song the students should understand what a countable noun is and what is an uncountable noun.So the aim of learning is obvious.5.2 The steps of teaching English songs For English teachers, English songs are also a very good aid of helping students to improve their English ability.Teachers can use different teaching aids like: the tape recorder, the computer and etc.to teach the new song.Before teaching the song teacher could ask some questions according to the lyrics such as: “What words can you hear from the song?” “What is the theme of the song?”.“What happened to the people?” Teachers also should give students some background information about the song which would help students to understand the song.Here introduce some steps of teaching English songs.The steps are: Step1.Listen for the first time and try to think about the theme of the song.Step2.Listen for the second time and third time, try to make out every word and phrase as well as possible.And at the same time pay attention to word pronunciation and sound linking.Step3.The forth time, looking at the lyric of the song and this time focus on the rhythm, especially the words that stress falls on.Step4.Sing the song by following the tape or MTV;and learn the rhythm.Step5.Read out aloud the whole lyric, and especially pay much attention to some good words, phrases and sentences and try to learn them by heart.Step6.Sing the song with full passion as similar to the original singing as possible and try to sing the whole song correctly and fluently.Step7.Evaluate or retell the song;express inner feelings or introduce the song to others.These steps above are suggested mainly for improving English pronunciation, to master English rhythm, and then to improve spoken English.But in order to make more progress, large amounts of listening, imitating and practicing is needed.6.Conclusion From above, English songs play an important role in memorizing, pronunciation.And It helps arouse learners’ interest.It has a great effect on the development of English skills.Using English songs to enhance English skills can be a good choice.Various themes and rich background knowledge in English songs offer a good source for learning English.Also songs enrich students’ knowledge about English speaking countries, such as the history, culture and their value.Therefore, it is an effective way to make use of English songs to get rid of students’ “Chinese accent”.With English songs as a teaching aid, the learners will be able to improve their English.And it’s a kind embodiment of teachers’ comprehensive teaching skills.References 1.赵颖、李爱华.音乐和英语单词记忆 [J].大学英语,2003,6,P40 2.Fonseca Mora.Foreign language acquisition and melody singing [C].ELT Journal 54, 2000, 2, P150 4.裴正薇.音乐智力对英语听说的影响 [J].西安外国语学院学报,2004年第12卷,第3 期,P37 5.石兰.英语口语节奏分析 [J].江苏教育学院学报(社会科学版),2001年第17卷,第3 期,P89

6.苏玉洁.英文歌曲教学与英语口语的提高 [J].温州师范学院学报,2003年24卷,第3期,P89 7.Alan Duan 如何有效地学习英语口语 [J].新东方英语,2005,6,P40


英文歌曲曲调活泼欢快,歌词朗朗上口,调动课堂活跃气氛,提高学生的学习兴趣,学生很容易就学会了正确的发音,还记住了新的单词和字母组合 1.If you are happy

If you're happy and you know it Clap Your hands If you're happy and you know it clap your hands If you're happy and you know it Never be afraid to show it If you're happy and you know it Clap your hands If you're happy and you know it Stomp your feet If you're happy and you know it Stomp your feet If you're happy and you know it Never be afraid to show it If you're happy and you know it Stomp your feet If you're happy and you know it Wink your eye If you're happy and you know it Wink your eye If you're happy and you know it Never be afriad to show it If you're happy and you know it Wink your eye 2.My family

This is mama, kind and dear.This is papa, standing near.This is brother, see how tall.This is sister, not so tall.This is baby, sweet and small.These, the family, one and all.3.London Bridge 教师可以设计一些动作带领同学们一起唱做 London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down London Bridge is falling down My fair lady Built it up with iron bars Iron bars iron bars Built it up with iron bars My fair lady Iron bars will bend and break Bend and break bend and break Iron bars will bend and break My fair lady Londen Bridge is falling down falling down falling down Londen Bridge is falling down 4.My fair lady One, One, One, kit-ten in the sun.Two, Two,Two, ba-by kan-ga-roos.Three, Three, Three, birdsin the hive.Six, Six, Six, big and lit-tle sticks.Seven, Seven, Seven, star in heaven.Eight, Eight, Eight, verygates.Nine, Nine, Nine, grapes on the vine.Ten, Ten, Ten, big-fat-hens.5.How is the weather? How is the weather?It's a fine day.How is the weather?It's a cloudy day.How is the weather?It's raining.How is the weather?It's snowing.How is the weather?It's a fine day.How is the weather?It's a cloudy day.How is the weather?It's raining.6.This is the way This is the way we wash our face, Wash our face, wash our face.This is the way we wash our face, So early in the morning.This is the way we comb our hair, Comb our hair,comb our hair.This is the way we comb our hair,So early in the morning.This is the way we brush our teeth, Brush our teeth, brush our teeth.This is the way we brush our teeth, So early in the morning.This is the way we put on our clothes, Put on our clothes, put on our clothes.This is the way we put on our clothes, So early in the morning.7.Hello Song Hello, hello, hello, hello.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you.Hello hello, hello, hello.Hello.Hello hello, hello, hello.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you.Hello hello, hello, hello.Hello.教授语音时可以用到的练习[e] 8.The more we get together

The more we get together, Together,together, The more we get together, The happier we'll be.For your friends are my friends, And my friends are your friends.The more we get together, The happier we'll be!The more we get together, Together,together, The more we get together, The happier we'll be.For your friends are my friends, And my friends are your friends.The more we get together, The happier we'll be!9.Father and son中,用know,old,tomorrow;down,now;away,same;fault,talk这四组单词来巩固、纠正这四组双元音和长元音音素的发音。此外,英语连读、弱读等现象在英文歌曲中也大量存在,可以让学生反复欣赏和跟唱来培养英语语感。It's not time to make a change,Just relax, take it easy.You're still young, that's your fault.There's so much you have to know.Find a girl, settle down, If you want you can marry.Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy.I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy, To be calm when you've found something going on.But take your time, think a lot, Why, think of everything you've got.For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.How can I try to explain, when I do he turns away again.It's always been the same, same old story.From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen.Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away.I know I have to go.It's not time to make a change, Just sit down, take it slowly.You're still young, that's your fault, There's so much you have to go through.Find a girl, settle down, if you want you can marry.Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy.All the times that I cried, keeping all the things I knew inside, It's hard, but it's harder to ignore it.If they were right, I'd agree, but it's them you know not me.Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away.I know I have to go.10.Sunshine on my shoulders这首歌曲中的“If I had a tale that I could tell you.I’dtell a tale sure to make you happy.”和“If I had a wish that I couldwishfor you.I’d make a wish for sunshine all the while.”引出虚拟语气并讲解其用法。这样学生就能在轻松愉快的气氛中掌握虚拟语气的知识了

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy;Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry;Sunshine on the water looks so lovely;Sunshine almost always makes me high.If I had a day that I could give you, I'd give you a day just like today;If I had a song that I could sing for you, I'd sing a song to make you feel this way.If I had a tale that I could tell you, I'd tell a tale sure to make you smile;If I had a wish that I could wish for you I'd make a wish for sunshine all the while.Sunshine almost all the time makes me high.11.Yesterday once more 在学定语从句时引用歌词中,学生还可掌握


When I was young I'd listen to the radio Waiting for my favorite songs When they played I'd sing along, It make me smile.Those were such happy times and not so long age How I wondered where they'd gone.But they're back again just like a long lost friend All the songs I love so well.Every shalala every wo'wo still shines.Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine When they get to the part where he's breaking her heart It can really make me cry just like before.It's yesterday once more.Looking back on how it was in years gone by And the good times that I had makes today seem rather sad, So much has changed.It was songs of love that I would sing to them And I'd memorize each word.Those old melodies still sound so good to me As they melt the years away Every shalala every wo'wo still shines Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine All my best memories come back clearly to me Some can even make me cry just like before.It's yesterday once more.Every shalala every wo'wo still shines.Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine Every shalala every wo'wo still shines.Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine 12.I Love Little Pussy可以练习IF条件句,教师也可改动单词有助于学生增加单词量

I love little pussy,her coat is so warm.And if I don't hurt her,she'll do me so harm.I'll sit by the fire and give her some food.And pussy will love me because I am good.13.We Wish You a Merry Christmas这首歌可以作为介绍圣诞节日期、起源、食物、派对、礼物、圣诞树和圣诞老人等文化背景的导入。we wish you a merry christmas.we wish you a merry christmas.we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.14.The days of months

Thirty dayshave September,April,June,and November.All the rest have thirty-one.Except,February,alone, Which has twenty-eight,in fine, And each leap year,twenty-nine.Thirty dayshave September,April,June,and November.All the rest have thirty-one.Except,February,alone, Which has twenty-eight,in fine,And each leap year,twenty-nine.15.I Swear歌曲中同学们可以在这个句子中注意到like的用法作为介词“像,如”的意思以及定语从句的用法,Shadow作为先行词,that引导定于从句。

I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky And I swear like the shadow that's by your side I see the questions in your eyes I know what's weighing on your mind You can be sure I know my heart I'll stand beside you through the years

You'll only cry those happy tears And though I make mistakes I'll never break your heart And I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky I'll be there I swear like a shadow that's by your side I'll be there

For better or worse, till death do us part I'll love you with every beat of my hearAnd I swear I'll give you every thing I canI'll build your dreams with these two hands We'll hang some memories on the walls

And when just the two of us are there You won't have to ask if I still care `Coz as the time turns the page My love won't age at all And I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky I swear like the shadow that's by your side.I'll be there For better or worse, till death do us part I'll love you with every beat of my heart

And I swear

I swear by the moon and stars in the sky I'll be there I swear like te he shadow that's by your side I'll be there For better or worse, till death do us part I'll love you with every(single)beat of my heart I swear, i swear, oh...I...swear...在教学中多选些英文歌曲或相关歌手的材料来补充教学内容,可以增加课堂教学的趣味性,弥补教材的不足,使学习的知识性和趣味性相结合,让学生学得开心,唱得开心,真正做到寓教于乐。

16.教“no matter”加疑问词和“however”所引导的让步状语从句时,就可教学生唱“No Matter What ”这首歌。学生在反复吟唱中可学会“no matter what”这一语法点,运用英文歌曲可以将枯燥的语法学习趣味化。

No matter what they tell us No matter what they do No matter what they teach us What we believe is true

No matter what they call us However they attack No matter where they take us We'll find our own way back I can't deny what I believe I can't be what I'm not

I know our love forever I know, no matter what

If only tears were laughter(ooh)If only night was day(ooh)If only prayers were answered(hear my prayers)

Then we would hear God say(say)No matter what they tell you(ooh)No matter what they do(ooh)

No matter what they teach you What you believe is true And I will keep you safe and strong

And shelter from the storm No matter where it's barren A dream is being born(Ooh)No matter who they follow No matter where they lead No matter how they judge us I'll be everyone you need

No matter if the sun don't shine(sun don't shine)Or if the skies are blue(skies are blue)No matter what the end is My life began with you

I can't deny what I believe(what I believe, yeah))I can't be what I'm not(I know, I know)I know this love's forever No matter what No matter what(no, no matter, no))No, no matter.That's all that matters to me

17.You Are My Sunshine, you are my sunshinemy only sunshine you make me happy when skies are grey you'll never know, dear, how much i love you please don't take my sunshine away please don't take my sunshine away 18.Head And Shoulders Knees And Toes head and shoulders,knees and toes(X3)head and shoulders,knees and toes eyes ears mouths and noses.19.听歌曲理解大意:在听英语歌曲之前给学生提出问题,学生听完之后依照歌词大意回答问题。(2)听歌曲做填空:可将要听的英语歌曲改编为一个填空练习,或者直接将英语歌词中重要的词汇抹去,让学生写出空缺处的单词,如West Life 的“Seasons in the Sun”就可以以填空的方式来练听力。

Goodbye to you, my trusted friend,we've known each oth'r since we were nine or ten;together we've climbed hills and trees, learned of love and A-B-C`s, skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.Goodbye my friend, it's hard to die, when all the birds are singing in the sky;now that the spring is in the air, pretty girls are ev'ry where;think of me and I'll be there.We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun;but the hills that we climb were just seasons out of time.Goodbye, Papa, please pray for me, I was the black sheep of the family;you tried to teach me right from wrong, too much wine and too much song, wonder how I got along.Goodbye, Papa, it's hard to die, when all the birds are singing in the sky;now that the spring is in the air, little children ev'ry where, when you'll see them, I'll be there.Goodbye, Michelle, my little one, you gave me love and helped me find the sun;and ev'ry time that I was down, you would always come around and get my feet back on the ground.Goodbye, Michelle, it's hard to die, when all the birds are singing in the sky;now that the spring is in the air, with the flowers ev'ry where I wish that we could both be there.All our lives we had fun, we had seasons in the sun;But the stars we could reach were just starfish on the beach 20.经典迪士尼歌曲Brother Come And With Me Girls: Brother, come and dance with me Both my hands I give to thee

Right foot first, left foot then Round about and back again Boys: I would dance, but don't know how When to step and when to bow Show me what I ought to do And then I'll come and dance with you Both: Let your feet go tap, tap, tap Let your hands go clap, clap, clap Right foot first, left foot then Round about and back again Let your head go nick, nick, nick, Let your fingers click, click, click Right foot first, left foot then Round about and back again 31.Brother, come and dance with me Girls: Brother, come and dance with me Both my hands I give to thee Right foot first, left foot then Round about and back again Boys: I would dance, but don't know how When to step and when to bow Show me what I ought to do

And then I'll come and dance with you Both: Let your feet go tap, tap, tap Let your hands go clap, clap, clap Right foot first, left foot then Round about and back again Let your head go nick, nick, nick, Let your fingers click, click, click Right foot first, left foot then Round about and back again

32.Do your ears hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie'em in a knot? Can you tie'em in a bow? Can you throw'em o'er your shoulder Like a continental soldier? Do your ears hang low? Can your ears stand high? Can they stand up in the sky? Can they stand up if they're wet? Can they stand up if they're dry? Can you wave them to your neighbor

With a minimum of labor? Can your ears stand high? Repeat first verse

33.Mickey mouse club!Mickey mouse club!Who's the leader of the club That's made for you and me.M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!Mickey mouse(Mickey mouse)Mickey mouse(Mickey mouse)Forever let us hold our banner high!High!High!High!come along and sing a song and join the jamboree M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!Mickey mouse club!Mickey mouse club!Mickey mouse club!Mickey mouse club!hey, there!Hi!there!Ho, there!You're as welcome as can be!

M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!Mickey mouse(Mickey mouse)Mickey mouse(Mickey mouse)Forever let us hold our banner high!High!High!High!come along and sing a song and join the jamboree M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E 34.Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone? Oh where, oh where can he be? With his ears cut short and his tail cut long Oh where, oh where can he be?

35. Down by the station Early in the morning See the puffing little engines All in a row You can see the engineer Pull a little handle Choo!Choo!Toot!Toot!Off they go

























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