(广东版)开心英语教案 6A Unit6[范文模版]

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第一篇:(广东版)开心英语教案 6A Unit6[范文模版]

第一课件网 www.xiexiebang.com 广东版开心英语六年级上册unit6

Unit6 The turtle is faster

The Third Period Teaching contents:(Activity sounds and words)

Teaching key point:

1、Will be able to respond to / ask question about daily life(using comparatives)

2、sounds and words

Teaching difficulty: Will be able to respond to / ask question about daily life(using comparatives)

Teaching aids: tape cards Teaching procedure:


(show the cards)Review words and sentences of Unit6.Activity SB p.35

Have Ss look at the picture on the page.T: Look at the picture for one minute.T:(Give Ss one minute.)Now, close your books.T: What was in the picture? Do you remember? Ask Ss to name all the animals they remember.T: Now open your books.You can look at the picture now.Answer the questions.Give Ss time to finish up writing the sentences on the page.Walk around the classroom to see how Ss are doing.When Ss are finished, put them in pairs.Have Ss take turns asking and answering the questions.Ask some Ss to write the sentences on the board so that the whole class can check the answers.Extension activity TB p.71

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第一课件网 www.xiexiebang.com Optional activities TB p.73

Presentation SB p.36

(Hold up your thumb.)Repeat.Good.[ Ss: Good.]

T: Today we practice the sound /g/.It’s the sound in the word ‘good’.Repeat after me.T: /g/.[Ss: /g/.]

Have Ss look at the pictures on the page.T: Let’s listen to the tape.Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it.T;Let’s listen again and this time, repeat.Have Ss repeat after the tape.After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.Practice SB p.36

Have Ss look at the pictures.T:(point to Gogo)What’s Gogo playing? [ Ss: Gogo is playing the guitar.] T: Let’s listen to the chant.Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it.T: Let’s chant together.Play the tape again and have Ss practice chanting.Divide Ss into four groups.T: Let’s see who can chant better!

Have each group chant in their own creative way.Choose a group with the best performance and explain why they win.Extension activities TB p.71 Optional activities TB p.73


Finish the workbook and the writing book of Unit6


g /g/ give good gate get gift garage

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第二篇:(广东版)开心英语教案 3A unit7

第一课件网 www.xiexiebang.com 广东开心英语三年级上册教案

Unit 7 Is this a dog? Teaching objectives: 1.Target language: Is this a panda? No, it isn’t./Yes, it is.2.Function: Identifying animals.Teaching difficult points:

words and drills.Teaching key points:

Conversation and communications.Teaching aids:

The word cards, objects, pictures, a recorder, a computer, TVs and so on.Period one 1)Free talking.2)Listen and say the new words: whale, panda, polar bear, lion, tiger, rabbit.(with pictures)3)Listen and look:

G: What’s this? Tony: It’s a bird.G: Is this a bird? T: Yes, it is.G: is this a bird? T: No, it isn’t.It’s a dog.G: Is this a bird? T: Yes, it is.His name’s Boomer.Is this a dog? G: No, it isn’t.It’s a cat.T: Very good, Gogo.Teacher asks the students with the pictures.Then in groups of two to ask and answer, ask the best students to act in front of the classroom.4)Target--Listen and say.5)Practice 1.Is this a---? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.6)Practice 2: Listen and number.a tiger a rabbit a panda a polar bear()()()()第一课件网 www.xiexiebang.com

第一课件网 www.xiexiebang.com 7)Practice 3: Your turn!Listen and answer.Is this a----? a lion, a whale, a polar bear.板书设计:

Unit 7 Is this a dog? Is this a panda /tiger/ lion / whale / polar bear /rabbit? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.Period two(Review the words and target, song, Activities 1.2.3)1)Talk freely.2)Read the following on page 35 and 36.3)Listen and sing.Listen to the recorder, sing after the teacher.Is this a dog? Is this a dog? Ruff, ruff.Ruff, ruff.It’s a dog.Is this a cat? Is this a cat? Meow, meow.It’s a cat!4)Activity 1.read and mark(√×).A.Polar bear B.whale C.rabbit D.lion E.panda F.tiger()()()()()()5)Activity 2 Play and say.Draw some pictures on the blackboard.Is this an umbrella? Is this a cat? Is this a dog? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.6)Activity 3 Play and say guess(with pictures)Is this a lion? No, it isn’t.Is this a girl? Yes, it is.Period three(Alphabet and workbook)1.Alphabet 第一课件网 www.xiexiebang.com

第一课件网 www.xiexiebang.com a.Listen, point and say.Pp panda piano Qq queen question Rr rabbit rice.b.Listen and chant.2.Exercises:

Finish the exercises in workbook and writing book.板书设计:

Unit 7 Is this a dog? P p panda piano Q q queen question R r rabbit rice

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Unit 3Bank or Beach ?



1.Where are you going? I'm going to the bank.2.Is she going to the bank? No,she isn’t.3.Are theygoing to the beach ? Yes , they are.II.Words: supermarket, bank, park, hospital, restaurant, swimming pool , shopping mall , movie theater.III.Sounds and words:

[f]ship ,shirt ,she ,shorts ,shoes, shopping;

Picture Cards 15-22,a supermarket, a bank, apark, ahospital, arestaurant, aswimming pool , ashopping mall , amovietheater.The first period

Step 1 Review

1.How many classrooms are there?

There are twenty-five classrooms.2.Is there a living room.....Step 2Vocabulary

Getting ready

Put Picture Cards 15-22 on the blackboard.T:Look at the Picture Cards.Say each word as you hold up the Picture Cards

T:Now Listen and repeat.hold up each Picture Cards And say the word.Give Ss time to repeat.Using the book

T: Listen to the disc and repeat.Point to each subject as you say it.Play the disc and have Ss repeat each word.T:Where is this ?(Point tobeach.)

Ss: It’sbeach.Model if necessary.Repeat with several Picture Cards.T: Close your books.T:(Hold up various Picture Cards and realia.)Where is this?

Ss: It’s a ….Extension activity

Step 3Practice 2

T:XXX, Can you read sentence ?(S1:Hello,Tony.Where are you going ?)(S2:I ’mgoing to the restaurant.Ss:He’s

going to the restaurant.)

Do the same with the picture of shopping mall.T: Now look at column on the right.Where’s Jenny going ? S1:She’sgoing to the party.Have Ss read the questions together.Ask individual Ss to answer.Step 4Homework1、朗读拼背本课单词


The second period

Step 1Review1、朗读短语。

Step 2Target

Getting ready

Ask for three volun teers.Put the Picture Cardson the blackboard.T: Where are you going ?

I’mgoing to the bank.Have S1 point to the Picture Cards.Do the same for S2 and others if time permits.Using the book

HaveSspoint to thefirst Picture.Modelthe dialog.HaveSspoint to the second Picture.Ask two Ss to modelthe dialog.Play the disc and pause after each sentence,allowing Ss to repeat.Step 3Songactivities

1)T: Let’slisten to the disc first.Play the disc and point to each word as it is chanted.Point to the Picture Cards of swimming pool and movie theater.Chant as a whole group again.2)Play the disc one and pause every sentence.HaveSs fill in blanks in the chant.Step 4Homework1、朗读拼背本课单词,句子


The third period

Step 1Review1、背读短语、句子。

Step 2Story

Using the book

(HaveSs Lookat the Pictures on the page.)

T:Let’slisten to the disc.Play the disc and pause after each sentence to have Ss repeat.Read outthe dialog sentencebysentence.Step 3Practice 1

HaveSs read the four sentences listening.T: Let’slisten to the disc.Play the disc for A ,then pause.T: Where’shedoing ?(Ss:He’s going to therestaurant.)

Continue with the rest.Step 4Homework1、朗读本课单词,句子,课文。


The Fourth Period

Step 1Review1、背读第21页短语、句子。


Step 2Sounds and words

1)Getting ready

Writeshipon the board and under line the spelling –sh.T:(point to sh)Let’s practice this sound.Look at my

mouth and repeat.T:/f/Ss:/f/

Drag out the sound /f/ so Ss hear it clearly.Using the book

HaveSs look at the picture on the page.T: Let’slisten to the disc.Play the discand haveSspoint to each word as the disc says it.T: Let’slisten again and this time ,repeat.HaveSs repeat after the disc.After enough practice , point to the pictures randomly and haveSs say the words.2)listen and look

T: Let’slisten to the dialog.Play the disc once.T:Nowlet’s practice.Read outthe dialog sentence by sentence and have Ss repeat.Step 3 Homework1、朗读第25页内容。


第五篇:(广东版)开心英语四年级下册教案 Unit 9

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(广东版)开心英语四年级下册教案 Unit Nine

Are these blue socks yours? Teaching demands:

Words: handkerchief, pen, pajamas, slippers, underwear, towel, money, swimsuit, corn, blackboard.Useful expressions: Is this money yours? No, it's not.Is this hers? Yes, it is.Yes, they are.Are these Mom's keys?

No, they're not.I don't know.Teaching key and difficult points: 1.How to use the words :yours, hers。2.Sounds and words

Teaching tools :pictures, objects, slides, tape recorder.Teaching Process

The first period(P44.Vocabulary-Target)Step1: Revision(The teacher holds some objects , ask and answer)T: Whose book is this? S1: It's my book.T: Whose ruler is this? S2: It's mine.T: Whose keys are these? S3: They are hers.(elicit some words)my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, our, ours, their, theirs.(Let Ss to recognize)my book



her ruler

Step2 Presentation 1.(The teacher brings a bag and put some thing in it)T: Whose book is this? Is this your book? S1: Yes, it is.T: Is this ruler yours? S2: No, it's not.T: Is this ruler yours? 第一课件网 www.xiexiebang.com

第一课件网 www.xiexiebang.com S: Yes, it is.(The teacher holds an eraser ask S4)T: Is this hers? S4: I don't know.T: Is this hers? S5: Yes, it is.(Repeat the drill several times and write it on the blackboard。)

Yes, it is.Is this...yours? 或Is this yours?

No, it's not.Yes, they are.Are these her keys?

No, they're not.2.Pair work 3.(The teacher takes our a paper and ask)T: Do you know what it is? Ss: I don't know.T: It's money.Is this money yours? S1: No, it's not.Teach the word :money。

4.(The teacher shows many objects, ask and answer。)T: Is this towel yours? S1: Yes, it is.Teach the word: towel T: Are these Tom's pajamas? S2: I don't know.Teach the word: pajamas

Teach the other words in the same way: slippers, underwear, and swimsuit 5.Open the book at P44.Look at Vocabulary and Target.Read after the tape.6.Play a game: Finding the objects Game : guessing。S1: Is this ruler yours? S2: No, it's not.S1: Is this ruler yours? 第一课件网 www.xiexiebang.com

第一课件网 www.xiexiebang.com S3: No, it's not.......Step3 Practice: Finding the friends。

Exercise: Fill in the blankets with the words:”mine, yours, hers, ours, theirs, his” 1.my towel________ 2.her money________ 2.heir pajamas________4.his slippers________ 5.your keys________ 6.our swimsuits________ Step4 Consolidation

Yes, it is.Is this money yours?

No, it's not.Are these Mom's keys?

Yes, they are.../ No, they're not.Step5 Homework.Copy the new words.The second period(P43 Conversation P45 Practice)Step1 Revision: Ask and answer A: Is this money yours? B: Yes, it is./ No, it's not.It's Tom's.A: Are these Kate's swimsuits? B: No, they're not.Step2 Presentation 1.(Show an object , ask)T: Is this a towel? S: No, it's not.T: It's a handkerchief.Is this handkerchief yours, Tom? Tom: No, it's not.It's Jenny’s.Elicit the word :handkerchief手 T: Whose blue pen is this? S: It's mine.Elicit the word: pen 2.Activities :Role play(do it like this)T: Are these blue socks yours? 第一课件网 www.xiexiebang.com

第一课件网 www.xiexiebang.com S: No, they're not.They're Tony's.3.Open the book at P43, read after the tape.Act out the dialogue.Step 3 Practices.Book P45.Practice.1 2 Step4 Consolidation.Is this your blue handkerchief? =Is this blue handkerchief yours? Step5 Homework: Finish the sentences。

1.Whose pen____ this? It's ____ pen.It's mine.2.Is this key____ ?(你的)Yes, it is.3._____ these Kate's slippers? Yes, ____ ____.4.Is this your____ ?(毛巾)No, ____ ____.The third period(P46-48)Step1 Revision.Act out the Conversation.Step2 Presentation.1.(Show some pictures)T: What's this? S: It's a towel.T: Is this his towel? S: Yes, it is.It's Dad's towel.T: Are these her slippers? S: Yes, they are.They are Mom's slippers.2.Sing this song after the tape and the teacher.Play a game: Ask and answer Is this Tonny's pen? 3.After singing the song.Let's look at the blackboard.Elicit :blackboard.T: Can you find the words with the sane pronunciation with the letters(Fourteen, floor, door, your, morning)(Show an object and say)T: This is “Pour“ and this is ” Four"

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oar”?“ 第一课件网 www.xiexiebang.com 4.(Show an object)elicit :Corn 5.Show some words :Corn, fourteen, floor, blackboard, morning, pour.Play games: ①find the words quickly。②Make actions。Activity :P47.Ask and answer E.g.Is this Ben's towel? Yes, it is.Step3 Practices.1.Read the sentences and find the words with the same pronunciation on P48②,2.Judge the following words whether they have the same pronunciation

pour ②









four Step4 Consolidation.Step5 Homework(P46、2 and workbook)Teaching ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

thoughts: 第一课件网 www.xiexiebang.com

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