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Teaching plan of unit 5

Teaching aims: 1.Topic

The qualities of a great person;The lives of some great people.2.Useful words and expressions: hero quality willing active republic principle fight peaceful prison prisoner period law advise continue fee gold youth league stage vote position accept violence equal blanket degree guard educated terror fear cruelty reward right(n.)

criminal leader president sentence(v.)sincerely

lose heart

in trouble

worry about

out of work

Youth League

as a matter of fact

blow up

put… in prison

come to power

set up

be sentenced to 3.Functional items: A.Giving opinions: Why do you think so? What do you think of …? What’s your opinion? I agree/ don’t agree.I think/don’t think….I prefer….In my opinion….I’m afraid…

B.Making comments:

Good idea!

That’s an excellent idea.4.Structures The attributive clause(II)由where, when, why, 介词+ which, 介词+ when 引导的定语从句。The school where I studied only two years was three kilometers away.This was a time when you had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.The reason why I got a job was because of my hard work.…we were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the Government.The person to whom you should be grateful for a peaceful South Africa is Nelson Mandela.Teaching procedures

(Reading)Step 1.Warming up 1.Ask Ss some questions: What are the qualities you should find in a great person? Who do you think is a great person? What qualities do you have? 2.Ss finish the chart on page 33.Step 2.Pre-reading 1.Show Ss some pictures about some famous people and let them discuss who are great people.2.Ask Ss to tell why they are important persons or great people.Step 3.While-reading 1.First listening: Ss read the text and finish comprehending 1 on page 35.2.Ss read again and make a timeline of Elias’ life until he met Nelson Mandela.1940______________

1942 ______________ 1944 ______________

1946 ______________ 1948 ______________

1950 _______________ 1952 ______________

1954 _______________ 3.Ss read the whole passage and see how many parts the text can be divided into, and give the general idea of each part.Suggested answers: Part I paragraph 1-2

The life of Elias’ before he met Nelson Mandela.Part II paragraph 3-5

The change of Elias’ life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did.Step 4.After-reading Ss discuss:

How the ANC Youth League fights the Government? What can we learn from the text about Nelson Mandela?

Step 5.Extensive reading Get the Ss to learn more about Nelson Mandela.Ss read the passage: the rest of Elias’ story on page 38, and answer the following questions: 1.When did Elias lose his job? 2.Does Elias like his present work?


1.Recite the key sentences in the text.2.Retell the text.




我教的是高一年级上册,人教版,必修1,unit5, nelson mandela---a modern hero 的第一课,这是一节高中阅读课。


由于第一、二部分联系比较紧密,活动设置也比较好,但我觉得这两部分的活动顺序可以调整一下,即把第二部分放在前面,先呈现图片和简介以引起学生注意力和兴趣,以图片展示的形式激励学生用英语进行语言实践活动,然后归纳出hero的一个模糊标准,为阅读活动做好铺垫。然后再让他们自己说出他们所认为的a great person 所拥有的品质,这样可能更符合学生的思维习惯特点,并且有利于调动他们的积极性和培养他们说语言的能力。

因此,我决定吧第一、二部分结合在一起作为pre-reading 部分来讲,但顺序做一下调整,之后是正式人物曼德拉的登场,进入主题alias眼中的曼德拉,重点把nelson mandela 挑出来,附加更多关于他的信息,稍加重点地呈现,因为他的信息与接下来的reading passage 联系非常紧密,我想通过重点呈现关于他的信息来提高给学生更多background information,帮助他们更好地理解reading text.第三部分是一个关于elias’ story 的reading text,属于人物传记式的阅读,但是文章的写作角度比较特别,由穷苦的黑人工人alias叙述他眼中的曼德拉,这样的写法比较客观可信。alias的故事与遭遇同时也成为本文与本课的一条贯穿总线,也是这堂课的中心阅读任务。学生要做的主要活动就是阅读并理解文章的内容和大意,同时注意一些重点细节信息的把握。

另外,在时间允许的情况下,我还想做一些扩展性的教学活动,比如让学生复述alias的经历,即达到检测学生的理解又能挑战学生说英语的能力。the background of students:(1)the supporting background information should be given to students before reading to get them ready and not feel difficult.(2)the teaching procedures and reading task should be designed adaptive to students’ current ability and their cognitive style.(3)teacher should give students necessary guidance on reading strategies(4)teacher should be amiable and patient to make students less nervous.correctly to encourage them and improve their confidence.teaching plan for s1 a reading lesson(lesson 1, unit 5, 必修1)nelson mandela---a modern hero name: 颜巧云 class: english 07(4)group: 4-1 teaching/learning objectives 4.develop reading skills: skimming, scanning and generalizing the central meaning of the text teaching procedures: stage1.pre-reading(5-10 minutes)do you think he is a great man? step2.guess game for prediction(present pictures of 6 famous persons both in nelson mandela.step2.check ss’ understanding of the main idea of each paragraph through matching.step2.guide ss to finish t/f exercises and give their reasons to check ss’ understanding of specific information.information and train their independent thinking and judgment, and help to enhance their ability to organize their ideas logically.people equal? e.g.1940: born 1946: six, educated, 2 years 1948: leave school, could not pay fee „„„.stage3.post-reading(10-15 minutes)step2.listen to the tape and read the quotes from nelson mandela to help ss feel the passion and the firm faith of the great man.step3.guide ss to summarize and explore the implied meaning of the text---a great man need not to be famous, he / she must have some good qualities and devote themselves to helping others.(1)ss try to summarize the language points by themselves part of verbatim plan for lesson1, unit5, s1a, 必修1-----nelson mandela-a modern hero t:(after greeting ss)ss:(some ss may give their opinions)t: do you think he is a great man? ss: yes/no.ss: yes/ no.ss:(get into brainstorming)„

t: ok, class, have you finished it? ss: yes.篇二:人教版高中英语必修一 unit 5教案 unit 5 nelson mandela——a modern hero 教材分析:本单元以 nelson mandela —— a modern hero 为话题,目的在于使学生了解一个伟大的人应具备怎样的品质,学会表达自己的观点,并用所学的句型来描写一个伟人。






才能成为伟人。培养学生初步使用相关词汇、句型和文章结构进行人物生平描述的口语表达和基础写作能力。teaching aims: 1.to arouse ss’ interest in learning about heroes in history 2.to develop ss’ listening and speaking ability.teaching procedures: ? describe yourselves ? discussion(encourage students to give five or six qualities that they think great ? conclusion: step2 language points: 1. devote vt oneself to 献身于、致力于。。

devote one’s life/one’s time to„.把生命、时间献给。。

„to „把。。用于。。

devoted adj 忠实的, 深爱的

be devoted to 对„忠实, 对„深爱 a devoted friend she is devoted to her husband.即学即练

the manager devotes all his spare time ______ the violin.b a.to practise b.to practisingc.in practising d.for practising 2.fight for 为„„而战

fight against 与„„作斗争;与„作战 3.give up 表示主动放弃或屈服

e.g.he has decided to give up smoking.give in 表示被动屈服或认输,后面不带宾语。如果接宾语用give in to the second period-----extensive reading teaching aims: step1 make prediction: part 1(para.1---2)the life of elias’ before he met nelson mandela step 3 skimming: step 4 1.go over the “reading” and find out the useful expressions in it.the third period----intensive reading language points: give sb.advice on„关于„给某人建议 advise v.1)advise sb.on/ about sth.就„„给某人出主意 e.g.i have advised you on that subject.2)advise sb.to do sth.建议某人干„„

e.g.our monitor advises me to practice more spoken english.3)advise doing sth建议做某事 4)advise that +(should)do e.g.i advise that you(should)not eat fruit that isn’t ripe.a.advisedb.hoped c.persuadedd.suggested 提示:

这种“即学即练”对于学生来说能锻炼什么呢?我觉得还是练习阅读理解的,不是练习词义选择的。另外,这部分刚刚讲解的advice,学生从最普通的逻辑推理也会知道此练习题是要训练advice的。再者,从词义和语境的搭配角度来看,hoped、persuaded和suggested都可以的,只是语法不对而已,这种单纯的考查词汇搭配记忆的题目,在目前的高考试题中,以及将来的高考试题中,都已经和应该被抛弃的。out of „常有“出于,由于,缺乏,没有;放弃,丧失;越出。。之外”等意义。即学即练

.(08高考)a a.out of sight b.out of reach c.out of order d.out of place 提示:


篇三:高一英语必修1 unit5教案 unit 5 nelson mandela – a modern hero

一、单元教学目标和要求(teaching aims and demands)

二、教材内容分析(analysis of the teaching materials)

三、教学安排(teaching arrangements)

五、教学步骤(teaching procedures)

七、评价与反思(assessment and reflection)临海市回浦中学 李珊珊 陈晓平余晶晶

一、教学目标和要求(teaching aims and demands)根据课程标准实验教材(英语 必修)关于总目标的具体描述,结合高一学生实际和教材内容,我们将教学目标分为语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度和价值观四个方面。


功能(functions):学习掌握一些用于发表意见与评论的结构句式,如: 1. 发表意见(giving opinions)

agree / don't agree.i think / don't think....i prefer....in my opinion....i'm afraid....good idea!that's an excellent idea.




说:在本单元的课文及练习讨论时,能恰当使用i think/ i don’t think/ in my opinion/that’s an excellent idea等对英雄、伟人的品质恰当地发表意见,进行讨论。


1. 在听和读的训练中,学会借助情景和上下文猜测词义或推测段落大意,借助图表等


2. 主动制定本单元学习计划,客观评价自己的学习效果,在课内外活动中积极用英语 4.情感态度和价值观(affect and values)

了解nelson mandela的生平事迹,认识伟人所应具备的优秀品质,并向他们学习,以提高自身素质,树立正确的人生观,学习他们在艰苦的环境下为人类做贡献、不追求享乐的高尚精神。同时也学会一分为二的态度客观看待事物。

二、教材内容分析(analysis of the teaching materials)

三、教学安排(teaching arrangements)period 1: reading i(elias’ story +the rest of elias’ story)period 4: language practicing(grammar)本教学安排根据“lara教学原则”,对教材进行大胆的删除(l – leave out)、修补(a – amending)、替换(r – replace)、增添(a – add),灵活的将教材为我所用。新教材在选材和教学活动的设计上充分考虑到学生年龄特征和他们生理和心理发展的需要;在采用话题、功能、结构相结合的教学方法的基础上,设计了“任务型”的活动;对英语语言知识和技能训练作了系统的安排,循序渐进,循环反复,有利于学生构建知识系统;注意培养创新精神,提高实践能力。但新教材也应与学生的实际相结合,我们不能全盘照搬。同时在教学过程中,为了对教学有及时的反馈和有效的改进,我们还进行了“形成性评价”,体现了学生的主体地位。


篇四:人教版英语必修一unit5教案 teaching plan of unit 5 teaching aims: 1.topic the qualities of a great person;the lives of some great people.right(n.)criminal leader president sentence(v.)sincerely 3.functional items: a.giving opinions: i agree/ don’t agree.i think/don’t think„.i prefer„.in my opinion„.i’m afraid„ good idea!that’s an excellent idea.4.structures the attributive clause(ii)


Unit 5 Music


Contents:(1)Enable students to appreciate and classify different kinds of music by doing the exercise in Warming


(2)Developing their abilities to express their feeling on music and enlarge their

knowledge on music


Step 1 warming up1、Introduce the topic of music through asking some question such as “Are you fond of music ,Are

you good at singing, Can you play a musical instrument”

Ask students to answer the 4 questions in groups actively while introducing different kinds of

music in the world.Step 2 pre—reading

(1)Get the students to discuss the questions with their partners and then ask them to report their

work..Encourage them express their opinion freely1、Have you heard about any of famous bands in the words, please list them if you have

(Beatles, Back—street boy, West—life)

2、Which one do you like best?

(2)Introduce something about “The Monkeys”

Step 3 skimming

Let the students listen to the tape and find out the answers to the following two questions.1、What are the benefits if students former a band to play in the street?

2、When did “The Monkeys” break up and when did it reunite?

Step 4 Second reading

In this part, students will read the text again and try to understand the sentences and the main idea of

each paragraph, and then finish the exercise 2 and 4 in Comp rending

Step 5 Homework: Fin out some language points in Reading and recite the new words in unit 5

Step 6:Feedback

第四篇:五年级英语上册 unit5 lesson30教案 人教新起点

Unit 5Shopping



二、教学重点:Part B的操练,根据所给材料提高学生进行组织对话的能力。


2. 导入新课,A项练习:Listen and correct the wrong words.注意英语数字的表达与区别。例如35元thirty-five

100元 one hundred 等。要求学生通过录音,按着录音中的内容将图片中标错的价格修改过来。

3.B项练习,阅读书中对话,根据材料分小组演练。注意句型“我想要某物”的表达方法,I want „„

4.C项练习,Read, think and write.整体听一遍对话,教师提问:

What does Tom want to buy ?

How much are they ?

Is it cheap?

What else does Tom want to buy?


6. Part DLook and write.教师指导学生根据图片写出句子,注意书写正确。


第五篇:五年级英语上册 unit5 lesson29教案 人教新起点

Unit 5Shopping

Lesson 29



How much ….?的问句及答语进行复习巩固。



四. 教学过程:

1.复习购物的主要句型:How much is it?

(根据学生的具体情况)Is it 8 yuan ?

What can I do for you ?







8.Part B练习Order the sentences:




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