Unit1 They touch noses!
Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: Students will know different ways of greeting in different countries.Students will grasp the new words ,such as bow, German and Russian.Ability aims: Students can actproperly in different situations.Students will listen for specific information by using different strategies.Emotional aims: Students will get close to different cultures and broaden their international horizon.Students will arouse interest of speaking English.Teaching key points and difficult points: Key points: Different greeting ways.Difficult Points: How to enable the students to be have properly in different situations.Teaching procedures: Step1 Lead-in
Greet students as usual and set a situation of meeting for the first time to create a relaxing atmosphere of learning different body languages.Step2 Pre-listening 1.Ask the students to describe the pictures in their book and match the pictures with the words and expressions from The box.2.Listen to the first material and match the pictures with the nation alities.Step3 While-listening 1.Global listening: ask students to listen for the first time and write down the name so different countries.2.Careful listening:ask students to answer the following questions: ①How do people in Russia greet each other?(kiss three times)②What do people in the US usually do when they meet?(shake hands, and some kiss or huge a chother)③What do Maori people in New Zealand do when they meet visitors?(touch noses)Step4 Post-listening Group work: students work in groups of 4 and collect more in for mation of different body language in different countries,then perform out.Step5 Summary and homework Summary: Ask the students to retell the passage according to the key words.Home work: Ask students to make a poster about body language.Black board design: They touch noses!Russia kiss three times US shake hands and nod their heads Maoritouch noses
作者:北京大学第一医院内分泌科 董爱梅 来源:中国医学论坛报 日
期:2013-07-16 此文章来源于www.xiexiebang.com
患者患高血压3年,血压最高达160/110 mmHg。服用降压药后其血压恢复正常,但出现脚肿,遂自行停药。
主诉 间断头痛2个月,加重伴头晕2天。
既往史 3年前体检时发现患高血压,血压最高达160/110 mmHg。当时无不适,确诊后服用缓释硝苯地平片,血压恢复正常。2个月后,因服药后出现双下肢水肿而自行停药。无糖尿病、冠心病病史。目前未服用任何药物。夜间有打鼾现象。
个人史 吸烟40年,15~20支/天,不饮酒;平素喜食咸菜;不喜运动。
家族史 父亲65岁时死于卒中;母亲70岁时死于肺部感染;妻女体健。
查体 体温36.4 ℃,脉搏76 次/分,血压170/100 mmHg。腹型肥胖,神志清楚,精神可,情绪稍紧张。视野粗测无异常,眼球无压痛;鼻窦无压痛;无颈抵抗;左侧锁骨下可闻及血管杂音,双肺呼吸音清晰,心律齐;腹部查体未见异常,脐周未闻及血管杂音;病理征(-)。
辅助检查 血常规未见异常;尿常规示,pH 5.5,蛋白弱阳性,未见红细胞及白细胞;肝功能正常,肌酐(Scr)76 μmol/L;眼底照相检查示,眼底动脉节段性变细缩窄,反光增强。
排除继发性高血压 采用肾动脉超声检查,必要时可采用肾动脉造影检查。
评价高血压靶器官损害 采用心电图、胸片检查,必要时可采用超声心动图;此外,还须检查尿微量白蛋白、肾功能、经颅超声多普勒、颈动脉及锁骨下动脉超声。
筛查与肥胖相关的代谢综合征 采用血糖、血脂、尿酸测定。
生活方式干预 干预措施包括:① 控制体重;② 低盐、低脂饮食;③ 戒酒;④ 保持良好的心境。
口服降血压药物 给予硝苯地平缓释片 30 mg,qd+缬沙坦 80 mg,qd。同时,密切观察患者头痛缓解的情况。在2~4周内将其血压降至160/90 mmHg左右即可。2周后须复查血压、血电解质及肾功能。若血压控制不佳,须密切随访。
① 进行高血压知识的指导及高血压危险因素的评价。② 生活方式和行为指导。③ 自我保健知识指导。④ 患者家属教育。⑤ 告知患者出现剧烈头痛或血压>180/110 mmHg时须去专科医院就诊。
1.减少盐的摄入可使患者的收缩压(SBP)下降2~8 mmHg;进行体育运动,每周3~5次,每次30分钟左右,可使SBP下降4~9 mmHg;此外,肥胖者体重每下降10 kg,SBP可下降5~20 mmHg。
2.根据《中国高血压防治指南》(2010版),对于血压≥160/100 mmHg、高于目标血压20/10 mmHg或高危及以上患者,起始即可采用2种降压药物的小剂量联合治疗。这样既可增加降压效果又不增加不良反应的发生。
4.虽然患者有使用小剂量阿司匹林的适应证,但在其血压未控制良好的情况下(血压>150/90 mmHg)使用阿司匹林可增加脑卒中的风险。对于收缩压>180 mmHg者,则禁用阿司匹林。此外,还须关注阿司匹林的其他禁忌证,应让患者签署使用抗血小板治疗的知情同意书。
第三篇:Listen to this one初英听力教案
Teaching plan for listening
(Listen to this one:1)
1.Teaching Aims:
a)To improve students’ listening ability;to reach and surpass the level that complies with the textbook which we adopt
b)To enlarge students’ vocabulary through the exercises of listening
c)To enable students to know the English expressions that they listen to in the exercises 2.Credit Hours: 3.Procedures: a)Section A through Section C ⅰ)Vocabulary ⅱ)Exercise, including blank filling, short dialogues, conversations, monologues,questions, charts, spot dictation and dictation, etc.ⅲ)Supplementary audio or video materials 4.Language points: 1-1 1.forty 2.fifteen 3.a hundred and fifteen 4.three hundred and eighty 5.three thousand four hundred and eighty 6.twenty a 7.thirty b 8.fourteen d 1.four eight two six three four 2.seven two one five o six 3.six nine seven double two four 4.five six four three eight o 1.nineteen eighty-two 2.nineteen eighty-seven 3.nineteen seventy-one 4.fourteen ninety-two 5.ten sixty-six 6.eighteen thirty-two 1.the fourteenth of July 2.the second of October 3.the twenty-third of March 4.April the tenth 5.the thirty-first of January 1.thirty-two High Street 2.a hundred and fifty-two Piccadilly 3.forty-eight Sutton Road 4.eighteen Bristol Square 1.nine thirty 2.ten forty-five 3.eleven ten 4.three fifteen 5.six forty-five 1.Doctor Smith 2.Saint Thomas 3.Bond Street 4.Mrs.Archer 5.Eton Avenue 6.Eden Square 1.C-H-E-S-T 2.D-I-Z-Z-Y 3.F-L-O-W-E-R 4.J-O-K-I-N-G 5.L-E-M-O-N 6.Q-U-I-E-T 7.W-A-V-E 8.G-R-E-A-T 1.Don't go.2.I can't see.3.It isn't true.4.I'll tell you.a.Dr.Blake wasn't born until 1934.b.I'll see you at nine forty-five.c.She doesn't live in Oxford Street.d.You weren't with us on the twenty-first of May.e.I'd like to phone Eastleigh, that's E-A-S-T-L-E-I-G-H.Six eight two double four eight.f.Mrs.Jones has an appointment at eight am.g.A northeast wind will bring rain to the London area tomorrow.Now listen carefully.Look at Practice 1.Put number 3 in box A.Put number 6 in box B.Put number 7 in box C.Now add the numbers.Look at Practice 2.Put number 8 in box A.Put number 2 in box C.Put number 1 in box B.Add the numbers.Look at Practice 3.Put number 7 in box B.Put number 2 in box C.Put number 4 in box A.Add the numbers.1.Does she work in a supermarket? 2.Does she work in a bank? 3.Does he work in a chemist? 4.Does he work in a big shop? 5.Does she work in a hotel? 6.Does she work in a shoe shop? 7.Does he work in a shoe shop? 1-2 your name's King.how do you spell that? I live in Hampstead.how's that spelt? what do you do for a living? I'm a journalist.really? Do you like it? yes, I do.It's very interesting.3 1.eighteen 2.ninety 3.seventeen 4.seven hundred and eight 5.seventy-eight 6.a hundred and eighty 7.fourteen 8.seventy-six 9.fifty 10.sixty-five 11.a hundred and twelve 12.twenty-three 13.forty-five percent 1.twenty-five 2.thirteen 3.fifteen 4.sixteen 5.six hundred and fifty 6.a hundred and eighteen 7.five and a half 8.four five three double one nine J-K-X-E-Y-A-I-G-H-V-W-R 1.S-A-D 2.J-A-M 3.F-R-Y 4.R-E-D 5.B-R-E-N-T 1.twelve fifteen 2.twenty-five past two 3.a quarter to five 4.half past ten 5.a quarter to nine 6.It's about twenty past one.7.It's almost a quarter to two.8.It's almost eleven.9.It's exactly four.10.It's nine thirty.4 2.seventy 3.a hundred and forty-eight 4.two thousand and seventy 5.three thousand four hundred and ninety-two 6.twenty-one 7.thirty-nine 8.four hundred and twenty-two thousand 9.three hundred and six 10.nineteen thousand 11.ninety thousand 12.two hundred and twenty-two thousand two hundred and twenty-nine 13.a hundred and forty-six thousand 14.thirty-eight thousand 15.two thousand six hundred and sixty 16.five hundred and four thousand 17.a hundred and eighty-five thousand six hundred and sixty 18.twenty-three percent 1~5 1.one dime 2.one nickel and one penny 3.one quarter and one dime 4.two nickels 5.two quarters and a penny 6.two dimes and a penny 7.two dimes and two nickels 8.two pennies, two nickels and two dimes 9.one penny, one nickel and two dimes 10.two quarters, two nickels and two dimes 1~6 1.Something's cooking on the stove.2.Something's chasing a cat.3.Someone's brushing his teeth.4.Someone's throwing out something.5.Someone's watching a dog and a cat.6.Someone's sharpening a pencil.7.Someone's shutting a door.8.Someone's cleaning her house.9.Someone's cooking some food.10.Someone's opening a window.11.Someone wants to do his homework.12.Someone's looking out of a window.13.Someone's wearing glasses.14.The stove's hot.15.Two people are outside.16.Someone's in the bathroom.17.The door's closing.18.The cat's running fast.19.Someone's in the kitchen.20.Someone's too warm and is opening a window.21.Someone's too cold and is doing something.22.Someone's throwing out the trash.23.A man is watching someone who's outside the house.24.We don't want these animals in the house.25.Someone wants clean teeth.26.Someone wants a clean house.27.Someone wants a sharp pencil.28.Someone wants hot food.29.Someone's sitting down outdoors.30.Someone's brushing his teeth before going to bed.1~7 My name is Robert.I am eighteen years old and I am French.I am not married.Sylvia is small and fair.She is seventeen and she is a student.The tall boy with fair hair is eighteen years old and he comes from Sweden.He works in a record shop.The small boy with dark hair is seventeen.He is Spanish, but he does not live in Spain.He lives in France.He works in a hotel.1~8 My name is Daniel.I am French.I live in a small town.I work in a hotel, but I do not live in the hotel.I live with my parents.My home is near the hotel, so I walk to work every day.There is some sugar, there is some coffee and there is a lot of tea, but there is not much jam.There are some tomatoes, but there are not any eggs or biscuits and there is not much milk.So we want jam, eggs, biscuits and milk.1~9 My grandfather lives with us.He is seventy years old and I like talking to him.Every day I go for a walk with him in the park.My grandfather has a dog.The dog's name is Nelson.Nelson is old and he has very short legs and bad eyes.But my grandfather likes him very much.I have a small black and white television and I can get a good picture.But my brother has got a color television.It is bigger, heavier and more complicated than mine.My brother gets a better picture on his television than I do on mine.So when there is something very good on TV, I usually go and see my brother.2~1 Good afternoon, my name is Schwartz.That is S-C-H-W-A-R-T-Z and I come from New York.My wife and I would like a double room with a shower.I have our passports here.We are hoping to stay for about a week.I have a question.Do you know where I can get two tickets for the performance at the theatre tonight? On my first day in London I felt hungry, so I went into a restaurant and sat down at a table.I waited for ten minutes, but nobody came to serve me.Then I saw that there were no waiters.The customers stood in a queue and got their food themselves.That was my first experience of a self-service restaurant.2~2 I am not going out with George again.Last week he invited me to go to a football match.I do not like football, so it was silly of me to say yes.We did not have seats, so we had to stand for two hours in the rain.I was cold and wet and I could not see a thing.So I asked George to take me home.He got very angry and said some very unpleasant things.Last week the sun shone and it got quite hot.I decided to put on my light grey summer trousers.But I got a shock.I could not put them on.They were too small.It is possible that they got smaller during the winter, but I do not think so.I am afraid I got bigger.So I am going to eat less and I am going to take more exercise.I am definitely going to lose some weight.2~3 Everything changes.Once a lot of people went to the cinema to see silent films.Then when talking pictures started nobody wanted to see silent films any more.But people still went to the cinema and everybody knew the names of all the great film stars.Now we have television.People sit at home night after night watching their favorite programs.But what is going to happen to the cinema? Dear Mr.Scott,Thank you for your letter of 15th January.You say that you telephoned our office five times in two days and did not receive a reply.I am sorry about this, but we have had problems with our telephone.Yours sincerely,D.Renton 2~4 I have a watch.It is a Swiss watch.It is not new and my friends are sometimes a little rude about it.They tell me to buy a new one.But I do not want a new one.I am very happy with my old watch.Last week it stopped.So I took it to the shop.I did not ask for an estimate.Today I went to get it.Do you know how much I had to pay? Five pounds.Five pounds just for cleaning a watch.Have you ever thought what it is like to be one of those beautiful girls that you see on the front of fashion magazines? They meet interesting people, they travel to exciting places, and sometimes they make a lot of money.But they have to work hard.They often have to get up very early in the morning, and of course they have to be very careful about what they eat.2~5 We are going to Scotland for our holiday.We are leaving early on Saturday morning and I hope we will get to York about eleven o'clock.We are spending the night in York, then on Sunday we are driving up to Scotland.We are going to stay at a lovely little hotel near a lake.Of course we will probably get some rain, but I am sure we will have a fantastic holiday.People often ask me for my telephone number.But I have not got a telephone, so I tell them to ring me at work.Why don't I have a telephone? I think the telephone is expensive and I prefer to write a letter.There aren't many people I want to speak to in the evening and I do not want to speak to anybody at breakfast time.When I want to use the telephone in the evening, I can always use the box at the end of the road.2~6 Philip Andrew is 16 and he is about to leave school.He comes to me for advice every week.He is looking for an interesting job and he would like good wages.One of his friends works in a supermarket.Another friend works in a factory.Philip thinks supermarket jobs are not well paid.And factory jobs are boring.And finally, some news from the United States.David Thomas, the Californian pop singer, is sixteen today and he is giving a party for sixty guests.His young friends have bought him a Rolls-Royce, the most expensive one they could find.David is famous because he is the fastest driver and the youngest pop star in the state of California.He is flying to Paris tomorrow.2~7 Sea View Hotel, Harbor Road, Cork, Ireland
Dear Sir or Madam,I would like to book a double room with bath for two weeks from the 1st to the 14th of August inclusive.I look forward to receiving your confirmation.Yours faithfully, Your name 2~8 This table shows the number of commuters into central London between 7:00 am and 10:00 am daily.The total number is 1,023,000.Of these, 405,000 travel by underground梩hat's 29% of the total, and 28% travel by British Rail梩hat's 391,000 people daily.10% use both rail and underground, and 10%, 99,000 people, travel by bus.That means a total of 788,000 people, 77%, on public transport.The remainder use private transport.197,000 come by car and the rest come either by motorbike or bicycle.This means 4% come by motorbike or bicycle, and 19% by car.1.A woman went into a bar and asked for a glass of water.The barman pointed a gun at her.She thanked him and went out.2.A man was found lying dead in the middle of a desert.He had a pack on his back.3.A woman dialed the number on the telephone.Someone answered and said, “Hello.” She put the phone down with a happy smile.4.A man is found dead in the room.There is no furniture, and all the doors and windows are locked from the inside.There is a pool of water on the floor.There is a man on the bed and a piece of wood on the floor.The second man comes into the room with sawdust on his hands, smiles and goes out again.3~1 Dear Chris,Thanks for your letter.I'm sorry I haven't answered it sooner but writing is difficult at the moment.I fell off my bike last week and broke my arm.It isn't anything very serious and I'll be OK in a few weeks.Your holiday sounds fantastic.I'm sure you'll enjoy it.Someone at work went to Jamaica last year and had a wonderful time.When are you going exactly? I hope you'll have good weather.There isn't really much more news from here.I'll write a longer letter in a few weeks.Send me a postcard and give my regards to everyone.Yours Kim 3~2 A famous 85-year-old millionaire once gave a lecture at an American university.“I'm going to tell you how to live a long, healthy life and how to get very rich at the same time,” he announced.“The secret is very simple.All you have to do is avoid bad habits like drinking and smoking.But you have to get up early every morning, work at least 10 hours a day and save every penny, as well,” he said.A young man in the audience stood up.“My father did all those things and yet he died a very poor man at the age of only 39.How do you explain that?” he asked.The millionaire thought for a moment.“It's very simple.He didn't do them for long enough,” he answered.3~3 I hope I never grow old!My grandfather lives with us and he's making my life a misery.When I was small he was kind and cheerful.But now he's always complaining and criticising.I mustn't interrupt when he's talking.It's rude.He doesn't like my clothes.'Nice girls don't dress like that.' I shouldn't wear make-up.'Natural beauty is best.' Sometimes he interferes with my homework.'When I was young we used to do maths differently,' he says.Honestly, he's so old he doesn't know anything.But that doesn't stop him criticising me.He doesn't like my friends or my favorite records.'You're making too much noise,' he calls.'I can't get to sleep.' When he's not complaining he's asking questions.'Where are you going? Where have you been? Why aren't you helping your mother?' He thinks I'm six, not sixteen.Anyway, why can't I do what I like? It's my life, not his.Philip is a very interesting boy.He is clever but he doesn't like school.He hates studying but he is very keen o
Unit 1 Lesson 2 Relaxing Teaching aims/objectives: To practice listening for specific information.To use strategies to predict answers before listening to a text.To become aware of hesitation techniques.Teaching difficulties: To practice listening for specific information.Teaching Aids:
Multimedia classroom, slides, recorder, tape, etc.Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Warming up To give several pictures to let students know some new words.Step 2 Pre-listening
T: Today we are going to study lesson 2 relaxing.What’s meaning of relaxing? S: T: Relaxing means to rest while you are doing something enjoyable, especially after work or effort.Do you know what I say? S: T: In our life we often face all kinds of stress and worries.Think about situations in your life.Use the key works to say how relaxing or stressful they are for you.Do the exercise 1.S: T: Too much stress and worries for a long time does harm to our health, we must think of ways to get rid of them, now look at the picture, stressful? S: Step 3 While-listening T: we will listen an interview about relaxing, but before listening we do an exercise to help you understand.Do the excise 4.T: The interview will give you some new ideas, but before you listen , read the questions carefully, try to think of possible answers.Do the excise 5 T: Now let me test your remembering ability, you read through the questions, answer them if you can remember any of the answers.Students listen to the cassette again and answer the questions.Do the exercise 6.T: We will listen to Mark’s dialogue about relaxing and stress.I guess maybe you will have the same feeling and experience.Pay attention to his stressful actives and relaxing actives to fill the blank.When students have checked their answers, ask them “Before exams and before going to parties what do you do to avoid much too stress? Do the exercise 7 Students look at the Function File activity and see if they can remember or can guess any of the missing verbs.Students listen to the cassette again and complete the sentences in the Function File.Remind students of these words’ character: v + ing.Do the exercise 9 In our oral language we often pause.Now listen to Mark again.Which words or sounds does he use to hesitate? Students listen to the cassette.After each sentence, pause the tape so that students can repeat the hesitation device.Step 4 Post-listening Pair-work In pairs students act out a role play in which one person is not sure what to say and so uses a lot of hesitation words.For example, You borrow your friend’s favorite CD last week.Now she ask you for it back you can’ t find it.Step 5 Homework
Do exercise 2 in the text.Design of the blackboard writing Unit 1 Lifestyles Lesson 2 Relaxing stress, stressful, pressure studio diet
Reflections From this text, students learn not only the new vocabulary but learn more about the relaxing activities and stressful activities.What's more, learning to use the new knowledge is very important.Practice makes perfect.So , much exercise is necessary.This text aims at developing students’ ability to find some specific information,giving homework can help them master the knowledge better.