人教版高中英语必修三unit1 《festivals around the world》教案

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第一篇:人教版高中英语必修三unit1 《festivals around the world》教案



Unit 1 Festivals around the world

Teaching aims and demands

1.topic: 1>Festivals

2> how festivals begin 3>how to celebrate festivals 2.function: 1>Request

Eg: Could you please…?

Could I have …? I look forward to doing… 2>Thanks

Eg: It’s a pleasure./Don’t mention it.It’s very kind of you to… I’d love to …

Thank you very much./Thanks a lot.You are most welcome.3.vocabulary:

4.grammar: 情态动词的用法

Jin can speak English well.(ability)

Could you please show me the way to …?(request)May we see the awards for the team?(permission)She might give you …(possibility)

The whole family will come for dinner.(promise)Often he would dress up like a rich man.(past habit)




We would be there with our friends.(promise)II.Key points

The First Period

New words and Expressions 1.take place 为不及物动词短语,无被动语态,无进行时,指事先计划或预想到的事情的发生。

When did their quarrel take place? Our school sports meeting will take place next Friday.辨析:take place指事情有计划地发生;happen指事情偶然的发生,常带有未能预见的意思;另外,happen还有“碰巧”之意;break out指火灾、战争或瘟疫的突然爆发。Take one’s place 就座;代替某人 Take the place of 代替 In place of …代替

In place 在适当的位置;适合 2.harvest n.&v.收获;收割

Farmers are extremely busy during the harvest.Farmers are busy harvesting crops in the fields.3. starve


The lady is starving herself trying to lose weight.They tried to starve the army to give in.They got lost in the desert and starved to death.2)starve for sth 渴望获得某物,缺乏 The homeless children are starving for love.3)感觉很饿(仅用于进行时)

When will the dinner be ready? 教客网,www.xiexiebang.com,免费提供课件,素材,教案,试题,视频,作文,舞蹈,论文,英语,黑板报,计划总结,公文范



I’m starving.Starvation(n.)饿死

Eg.Die of starvation

Starvation wages 不够维持基本生活的工资

4.origin n.起源;开端

Some Japanese words are of Chinese origin.搭配:The origin of civilization 文明的起源

The origin of the human race 人类的起源 5.in memory of 纪念;追念(一般指对死者的纪念)This library was built in memory of Lu Xun.6.dress up 盛装;打扮 She dressed up as a lawyer.We dressed up for our friends’ wedding.The whole family are dressing up the Christmas tree.7.trick n.玩笑;戏法 Play a trick on 捉弄某人

The naughty boy loves playing tricks on others.8.arrival n.到达,抵达

On one’s arrival/on arriving 一到达……

On our arrival at the farm, we were warmly welcomed by the farmers.He was rushed to the hospital but he was dead on arrival.9.gain vt.获得,得到 Gain a reputation 获得声望

Gain weight/speed/height 增加体重、速度、高度 Gain time 赢得时间 He has gained a lot of friends.教客网,www.xiexiebang.com,免费提供课件,素材,教案,试题,视频,作文,舞蹈,论文,英语,黑板报,计划总结,公文范



Within two weeks , she gained five pounds in weight.10.gather vt.&vi.搜集;集合;聚集 Gather speed 加快速度 Gather experience 积累经验 Gather flesh 长肉 The truck gathered speed.On Fridays the men gather together at the club.The farmers are gathering(in)crops in the fields.11.award n.奖;奖品;vt.授予;判定

She won the best actress award in the 12th Film Festival.她在第十二届电影节上或最佳女演员奖。

He was awarded the first prize for being the best singer.The university awarded her a scholarship.大学给她颁发了奖学金。12.admire vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕 Admire oneself 自我欣赏

Admire sb.for sth.因某事钦佩或羡慕某人 Admire sb.sth.钦佩某人的某方面 We stopped to admire the view.Stop looking in the mirror admiring yourself.Everybody admires him for his fine sense of humour.人人羡慕他那极好的幽默感。

13.look forward to 盼望;期望

The children are looking forward to visiting the Great Wall.Mother says she is looking forward to meeting you.Devote …to…把……致力于……




Pay attention to 注意…… Lead to 导致;通向 Get down to 开始认真做…… Be/get/become used to习惯于…… 14.day and night 日夜 I think of you day and night.15.as though/if 好像,似乎

1)既可引导表语从句又可引导状语从句,根据实际情况使用虚拟语气。The teacher treats his students as though/if they were his own children.Mother looked as though/if she had known the thing completely.2)引导从句或后接带to的不定式,从句用陈述语气。He shook his head as though/as if to say no.We’ve missed the bus.It looks as though/as if we’ll have to take a taxi.16.have fun with 跟某人一起尽情玩耍

I had great fun at the party with my friends.Have tons of fun!玩得开心点!17.permission n.允许,准许,同意 With ith one’s permission 经某人允许 Without permission 未经允许 With your permission, I’ll leave now.Would you give me permission to take this? Permit vt.&vi.允许,许可;n.执照,许可证 Allow vt.允许, 准许 18.Turn up 出现,到场 She turned up at the last moment.The ancient tomb was turned up.那座古墓被挖了。




I feel cold and I’d like to turn the heat up a little.Turn on 打开;转开 Turn off 改变方向;关掉

Turn out 证明是,结果是;关掉;生产,制造 Turn to 变成;转向;求助于 19.keep one’s word 守信用;履行诺言 I hope you’ll always keep your word.Break one’s word 失信

Keep /break one’s promise 守信、失信 a man of one’s word 有信用的人 20.hold one’s breath 屏息

I just held my breath and prayed I wouldn’t be found.We held our breath while Mr.Green read the exam results.21.apologize vi.道歉;辩白

Apologize to sb.for(doing)sth.因做某事向某人道歉 Apologize to sb.that +从句 因向……某人道歉

She apologized deeply for being late.I apologized to my mother that I went home late.Make an apology to sb.for doing sth.22.drown vt.&vi.淹没;溺死;淹死 He drowned the mice.The floods drowned the streets and houses.A drowning man 一个溺水的人(还未淹死)A drowned man 一个溺水而亡的人 23.obvious adj.明显的;显而易见的 It is /was obvious(to sb.)that




It is obvious that he told you a lie.24.set off 出发;动身;使爆炸

All the family set off in search of the missing boy.Our manager will set off for Australia.The bomb could be set off by the slightest touch.最轻微的碰撞都可能引爆这颗炸弹。25.remind vt.提醒;使想起 Remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事 Remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人做某事

Remind sb.that … 使某人想起……;提醒某人…… Hearing that song always reminds me of my childhood.Remind me to get up early.I’ll call Jane to remind her that we will meet at 8.26.forgive vt.原谅;宽恕;饶恕 Forgive sb.sth.宽恕某人某事

Forgive sb.for(doing)sth.原谅某人做某事 Forgive doing sth.原谅做某事 I forgave him his mistake.I’ll never forgive you for what you said to me last night.The Second Period Warming up and fast reading

1.Greetings 2.Warming up

Step 1 discussing the following questions




a.How was your holiday/spring festival?

b.Did you go traveling?

c.How much pocket money did you get? Step 2 talking

1).Name some festivals

Spring Festival Dragon Boat Festival Lantam Festival Mid-Autumn Festival

Army Day May Day Teachers’ Day

New Year National Day Mother’s Day

Children’s Day Father’s Day

Christmas Day Halloween carnival

Easter Valentine Day Oben

2).Ss work in groups of four and list five Chinese festivals and discuss when they

take place , what they celebrate and one thing that people do at that time.Then fill in the blanks.Festivals Time of year/date Celebrate for Things to do

Mid-Autumn Day

Spring Festival

Dragon Boat Day

Tomb sweeping Day

Lantern Festival 3.Pre-reading

1)What’s your favourite holiday of the year? Why?

2)What festivals or celebration do you enjoy in your city or town? Do you like

spending festivals with your family or with friends? What part of a festival do you like best—the music, the things to see, the visits or the food?

4.Fast reading and find the answers to the following questions.A.What did ancient festivals celebrate?

B.What are festivals of the dead for ?




C.Why are autumn festivals happy events ?

D.Name three things people do at spring festival ?

The Third & Fourth Period Intensive reading

1.Read the passage paragraph by paragraph and find the main ideas of each paragraph Paragraph 1: All kinds of celebration in ancient time.Paragraph 2: The purpose to honour the dead and three examples

Festivals Time Things people do Oben

Day of the Dead Halloween

Paragraph 3: The reasons Why we honour people Festivals Who does it celebrate ? Dragon Boat Festivals Clumbus Day

Indian National Festival

Paragraph 4: Autumn festivals are happy events Paragraph 5: How people celebrate in spring festivals 2.Language points

1)be meant to do sth.意在干某事;应该干某事

The meeting is meant to deal with some important problems.You are meant to write your name at the top of the paper.辨析:

Mean to do sth.打算做某事




Mean doing sth.意味着做某事

I have been meaning to phone you all the week.Not catching the early bus means waiting for another two hours.2)satisfy(vt.)使满意,令人满意

Eg.That answer won’t satisfy her.那个答案不会使她满意。





Eg.She’s satisfied with her son’s progress.对于儿子的进步她感到很满意。

Do you think what he said is satisfying? 你认为他所讲的令人满意吗?

3)Gain n.获得物,收获,增加

Eg.The baby has a gain of half a pound.v.获得,得到,增加

eg.He had gained himself a reputation for unfairness.他是自己得到了一个不公平的名声。

比较: get 得到,获得 应用最广的词

Aquire 获得,取得 指通过漫长的过程而逐渐获得

Gain 得到,获得 往往指通过努力而获得某种有益或有利的东西

Eg.I got a favorite answer.How did she acquire her skill? I hope you will gain still greater success.教客网,www.xiexiebang.com,免费提供课件,素材,教案,试题,视频,作文,舞蹈,论文,英语,黑板报,计划总结,公文范



4)…Some people might win awards for their animals… award n.奖品,奖金,助学金

win the second award 获得第二等奖

win the award of ten thousand dollars.获得一万美元奖金

Vt.奖励,授予 award sb.Sth./sth to sb.Medals are awarded to the best speakers on the debating team.奖章授给辩论队中最佳的演说者。

比较: award n./vt.对鼓励工作突出所进行的鼓励,往往强调荣誉

Prize n.多指在各类竞赛或抽彩中所赢得的奖。这种将有的凭靠能力,有的凭靠运气获得。

Reward n./v 指对某人的工作或服务等的报答。

Eg.He won the award for the best student of the year.A prize was given to the person who had the winning number.The waitress was given two more extra dollars for her good service.Admire sb.for sth.因谋事而赞美/仰慕某人

5)The country is covered with cherry tree flowers so that it looks as though it might be covered with pink snow

as though =as if 引导状语从句,常常放在act, look, sound, feel, smell 等动词后面;引导表语从句常用虚拟语气。

Eg.He behaves as though nothing has happened.It looks as if it were summer already.The Fifth Period Discovering Useful Structures: Modal verbs





1)can and could

Jin can speak English well.(ability)

No one could finish the test last week.(ability)

The teacher said that we could not leave early.(permission)The hunters are lost.They could starve.(possibility)Could you please show me the way to Beihai Park?(request)

注意:表示一般能力时,can 可与be able to 互换,但表示过去的能力+特定行为时,用was/were able to ,be able to 可用于各种时态,而can 只能用于现在时。

Eg.His mother wasn’t at home, so he was able to watch TV 2)may and might

May we see the awards for teams?(permission, request)She might give you some new clothing.(possibility)


Eg.We might go shopping until dark.(我们被允许)

Mother said, ”You might go shopping until dark.”(说话者允许主语做某事)

2.在用于请求许可时,may可与can/could 互换

3)will and would

The Spring Festival is the most fun.The whole family will come for dinner.(promise;agreement)Often he would dress up like a rich man.(past habit;custom)Would you like to join us for dinner?(request)

注意:would 与 used to 均可表示“过去惯常”,但是would 常与过去时间状语连用,意为总是,总要;used to 与现在时间相比,意为过去常常,暗示现在已经没有了。

Eg.When he was there, he would go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day? He used to go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day, but now he goes to play basketball.教客网,www.xiexiebang.com,免费提供课件,素材,教案,试题,视频,作文,舞蹈,论文,英语,黑板报,计划总结,公文范



4)shall and should

The harvest festival begins on Saturday.We shall be there with our friends.(promise, agreement)It’s nearly five o’clock.The taxi should be here soon.(prediction)

注意:1.shall 用于第一,三人称的疑问句中,表示说或者征求对方的意见,或向对方请示。

Eg.Shall we go shopping after school? 2.should have done 表示过去应该做而没有做

Should not have done 表示过去不用做而却做了

5)must and can’t

Wang Feng wins an award every year.He must be very strong.(speculation)You must be joking.That can’t be true.(guessing)


She must be in the library.She can’t be in the room.2.modal verbs+ have done


情态动词+动词完成式即“情态动词+ have + done分词”,表示对过去行为或动作进行推测、评论或判断。

1.must have done表示对过去某事的肯定猜测。其否定或疑问形式都用can(could)来表示.Since the road is wet, it must have rained last night.He can’t have missed the way.I drew him a map.“The dictionary has disappeared.Who could have taken it?”

当然对现在发生或将来发生的事情,要用must do 表示猜测, 否定为can’t do.He must understand that we mean business.You must be hungry after a long walk.2.may / might have done




may / might have done 表示推测过去某事“也许”发生了.may 比 might 表示的可能性在说话人看来稍大些。例如:

I can’t find my keys.I may / might have left them at the school yesterday.3.could have done 在肯定句型中, 往往用作委婉的批评.本应该做什么,而没做;有时也用作猜测.You could have told us earlier.Tom could have taken the dictionary.4.ought to / should have done和 ought not to / shouldn’t have done

ought to / should have done 和 ought not to / shouldn’t have done 用于对已发生的情况表示“责备”、“不满”,分别表示“本应该…”和“本不应该…”。例如:

1)With all the work finished, I should have gone to the party last night.2)You ought not to have made fun of him.He is not the one you laugh at but learn from.5.needn’t have done

needn’t have done 表示过去做了某事,但没有做的必要,意为“本没必要…”。

You needn’t have waken me up;I don’t have to go to work today.注:表示推测过去某动作发生的可能性时,就表示的可能性程度而言,must最大,could其次,may更次之,might最小。例如:

“I wonder how Tom knew about your past.”

“He must / could / may / might have heard of it from Mary.”


情态动词+行为动词进行式(即情态动词+ be + doing形式),表示推测或评论某动作现在是否正在进行。例如:

1)He must be playing basketball in the room.2)She may be staying at home.三、情态动词+动词完成进行式

情态动词+行为动词完成进行式(即情态动词+ have been + v-ing 形式),表示推测或评论过去某动作是否正在进行或一直在进行。例如:




1)They should have been meeting to discuss the problem.2)He may / might have been buying stamps in the post office when you saw him.四、某些情态动词的特殊用法


考试中主要测试 need 作情态动词与作实义动词的区别.情态动词need与实义动词need 在时态、肯定、否定结构上的对比见下表。

时态 情态动词need 实义动词 need 现在时 He need(needn’t)do

Need he do….? He needs(doesn’t need)to do 过去时 He needed(didn’t need)to do 将来时 He need(needn’t)do

Need he do….? He will(not)need to do 注: need 一般用于否定句或疑问句.2.dare


情态动词dare 与实义动词dare 在时态、肯定、否定、疑问结构上的对比见下表。

句型 情态动词dare 实义动词 dare 肯定句 现在时 dare to 少用

过去时 dare to 少用 现在时 dare/dares to do 过去时 dared to do

否定句 现在时 daren’t/dare not do

过去时 dared not do 现在时 do/does not dare(to)do 过去时 did not dare(to)do 疑问句 现在时 Dare he do?

过去时 Dared he do? 现在时 Do you/Does he dear(to)do? 过去时 Did he dare(to)do




3.can 和 may


(1)can, could, may, might都可以表示可能性.can, could表示潜在的可能性或理论上或逻辑判断上存在的可能性;而may, might则表示事实上的可能性。此外,can还具有“有能力”的意思,而may与might则不具此意。例如:

According to the weather forecast, it may rain tomorrow.Any man with a little sense can see that he is wrong.(2)May I / we …?这一类疑问句的肯定回答为Yes, please.或Certainly;否定回答为Please don’t.或No, you mustn’t.例如:

“May we leave now?” “No, you mustn’t.You haven’t finished your home work yet.” 4.can 和 be able to

can 与 be able to 都可以表示能力,但两者在用法上有点差异:can(could)表示主观能力,不表示意愿,它的将来时用will be able to;be able to表示主观意愿,强调要克服困难去做某事。例如:

1)My grandma is over seventy, but she can still read without glasses.2)He is able to give up his bad habits.5.must 和 have to

must 和 have to 都可以表示“必须”,但有几点区别:

(1)must 强调“内在的职责”、“义务”,而have to 强调“外界压力”、“不得已而为之”。

(2)have to可用于多种时态,而must一般用于现在时,其过去时与将来时分别由had to与shall / will have to代替。

(3)在回答must引起的问题时,如果是否定的答复,不能用mustn’t,而要用needn’t或don’t have to,因为mustn’t是“一定不要”、“一定不能”的意思。例如:

1)You must come to the classroom before eight.2)It is raining hard outside, but I have to leave now.3)“Must we do it now?” “No, you needn’t.” 6.used to +do, be used to +doing和be used to +do




(1)used to +v意为“过去常常”,“过去一直”;be used to +v-ing / n(名词)意为“习惯于”;be used to +v意为“被用来(做某事)”。

(2)used to只表示过去,而be used to +v-ing / n可表示现在、过去或将来。例如:

1)He used to smoke.Now he doesn’t.2)He’s quite used to hard work / working hard.3)The knife is used to cut bread.7.用作情态动词的其他短语

would rather, would sooner, would(just)as soon, had rather, had better, had sooner, can not but, may(just)as well等可用作情态动词。例如:

1)The soldier would sooner die than surrender.2)The brave soldier would as soon die as yield to such an enemy.3)I’d rather walk than take a bus.4)If you don’t like to swim, you may just as well stay at home.注:这些短语后一般直接跟动词原形.would(had)rather, would(had)sooner, would(just)as soon后可跟that 引导的从句,that 常省去,从句要用虚拟语气。对现在和将来的假设用过去时,对过去的假设用过去完成时。例如:

1)I would rather you came on Sunday.2)I would sooner you hadn’t asked




Unit 2 English Around the World



Talk about English and its development, Different kinds of English

Talk about difficulties in language communication

Learn to make dialogue using request & commands

Learn to transfer from direct into indirect speech

Learn to give opinions and organize ideas by way of brainstorming

Learn to make a poster showing your ideas clearly Ⅱ目标语言 功能句式

Talk about English and its development Refer to Introduction in the teachers’ book

Talk about difficulties in language communication

Different speaker may come from different place, so they may use different words and dialect, such as subway-underground、left-left-hand-side、two blocks two streets.Make dialogues using request or command: Pardon? Could you repeat that, please?

I beg your pardon? Can you speak more slowly, please? I don’t understand.Sorry.I can’t follow you.Could you say that again, please? How do you spell it, please?



include role international native elevator flat apartment rubber petrol gas modern culture AD actually present(adj.)rule(v.)vocabulary usage identity government Singapore Malaysia rapidly phrase candy lorry command request retell polite boss standard mid-western southern Spanish eastern northern recognize accent lightning direction ma’am subway block 2.认读词汇

Shakespeare Noah Webster Lori dialect Houston Texas Buford Lester catfish 3.固定词组

play a role(in)because of come up such as play a part(in)


Command & request

Open the door.Please open the door.Would you please open the door? Indirect Speech

He told(asked)me to open the door.Ⅲ.教材分析和教材重组: 1.教材分析

本单元的中心话题是 “English language and its development, different kinds of English”.通过对世界英语这一话题的探讨,加强学生对英语语言的了解,对当代语言特别是英语发展趋势的了解.世界在发展,时代在前进,语言作为交流的工具,也随着时代的发展而变化.由于英语在世界上的广泛使用,它不断地吸收、交融、容纳、创新,这就形成了各种各样带有国家、民族、地区特色的英语.没有人们认为的那种唯一的标准英语。尽管如此,我们还是要通过本课文的学习让同学们感受、了解美国英语、澳大利亚英语、印度英语、新加坡英语等都有自己的规律和惯用法,和不同的发音规律。

1.1 Warming Up简要介绍了世界英语的分支以及英语语言在不同国家产生的差异,使学生感受英语语言的多文化、多层次、多元性,对英国英语和美国英语的不同有一个粗浅的了解。

1.2 Pre-reading通过两个问题引发学生对课文主题的思考,以便参与课堂活动。

1.3 Reading简要地说明英语语言的起源、发展变化、形成原因,以及它的发展趋势。

1.4 Comprehending主要是检测学生对课文基本内容的理解程度。

1.5 Learning About the Language主要通过各种练习帮助学生重温本单元前几个部分所学的新单词和短语,同时也通过新的例子展现了美国英语、英国英语的差异,并着重介绍了本单元的语法项目(Request & Command and Indirect Speech)。

1.6 Using Language其中的reading and talking主要介绍了当今世界各地各国说英语有自己的特色,即便是美国东西部、南北部,说话均有所不同。为帮助培养跨文化意识,可以让学生学完课文后讨论中国的方言,使他们感受到本国的文化差异。


2.1 导入 把Warming Up 作为一堂课。

2.2 精读 把Pre-reading、Reading 和 Comprehending整合在一起作为一堂课精读课。

2.3 语言学习把Learning About Language和Workbook中的Using Words, Using Structures 结合在一起。

2.4 写作

2.5听和说 把课文中的听和说整合成一堂课。

2.6 练习课 workbook exercises & other Exx.3.课型设计与课时分配

1st period Warming Up

2nd period Reading &Language Study

3rd period Learning About Language r& grammar 4th period Writing

5th period Listening & Speaking 6th period Exercises

Unit 2 English around the world Period One Warming up

一、教学目标(teaching aims)student’s book;warming up

1、能力目标(ability aim)

a.Enable students to talk about the world Englishes

b.Enable students to talk about the differences between Am.English and Br.English

2、语言目标(language aim)

more than;include;play an important role;because of;international;native;elevator;flat;apartment;rubber;petrol;gas;

二、教学重难点(Teaching important points)a.Students learn about the world Englishes and the differences between Am.English and Br.English.b.Students can understand the jokes caused by the misunderstanding of different Englishes.三、教学方法(Teaching method)

a.Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.b.Listening c.Discussion

四、教具准备(Teaching aids)

a computer;a tape-recorder;a projector

五、教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step I.Leading-in

Fun time: warm the students up by asking them to greet each other with their dialects.At the same time, lead the students to think about the topic of this unit--“language”.Step II.Warming up.1)A quiz about the national flag of countries speaking English as their first or second language.Lead the students to the topic “English Around the world”.2)Ask the students to think about the question about the “world Englishes”.Step III.Talking about “world Englishes”, especially the differences between “American English” and “British English”

1)Listen to a dialogue between an American and an Englishman.And try to find out the cause of the misunderstanding between them.2)Talk about the differences between American English and British English.(mainly about vocabulary and spelling)Step IV.Speaking Task.Students make up a dialogue with a misunderstanding caused by the differences between “American English” and “British English” like the dialogue they listened to.Unit 2 English Around the World Period Two Reading

教学目标(Teaching aims)

Get the students to know English language and its development and different kinds of English through this passage.教学内容(Teaching contents)

Get the knowledge of English language and its development and different kinds of English.能力目标(Ability aim)

Get some knowledge of different kinds of English 语言目标(Language aim)

Grasp some words and expressions such as, play a role in /because of/ come up/ play a part in and learn the grammar--the indirect speech of the imperative clause 教学重难点(Teaching important points)The indirect speech of the imperative clause 教学方法(Teaching methods)task-based approach 教具准备(Teaching aids)multi-media computer

教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step 1 Warming up.Warm the students up by ask them to tell the differences between American English and British English.Step 2

Pre-reading.Ask the students to discuss some questions about “English” in pairs.1.How many people speak English in the world today? 2.Why do so many people speak English? 3.What has helped to spread English around the world? 4.Do you think it important for Chinese to learn English? Why? Step 3

Reading.1)The first-reading.Ask the students to scan the text and choose the correct answer in the book.2)The second-reading.Ask the students to read the text paragraph by paragraph, and get some detail information.a.For the first and second paragraph, students answer some questions

b.For the third and fourth paragraph, students find out the information to fill in the table of the development of English.c.For the last paragraph, students find out the reason why India speaks English.Step 4


1.Do you think it matters what kind of English you learn? Why? 2, Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English?

3, Do you think Chinese will become the most popular language in the world instead of English in the future?

Step 5


Give the students some information of origin of British English and American English.The formation of British English From 17th century—19th century

The UK colonized Ireland and joined with Scotland long ago

Colonized;North America, the Caribbean India, including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Australia, New Zealand, Palestine, parts of sub-Sahara Africa, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Pacific Islands The formation of American English

American colonial rulers also brought their English to:

Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and other Pacific island in the late 19th century Introduce the situation of English speaking in China.Tell them some proper items.Native speaker: A person who speaks English since birth but who may not speak a standard form of it.L1 speaker: A native speaker of English who uses it as his or her mother tongue or an immigrant to an English-speaking country who always prefer to use it ESL: English as a Second Language

L2 speaker: A second language speaker of English EFL: English as a Foreign Language Step 6


1.Finish the exercise on page 11.2.Read passage on page 51 The Oxford English Dictionary and make notes about Murray’s life.Unit 2 English around the world

Period Three Learning about Language

一、教学目标(teaching aims)student’s book;Discovering useful structures

1、能力目标(ability aim)

a.Enable students to tell the differences between a request and a command.b.Enable students to learn about the Indirect Speech(requests & commands)c.Enable students to use the Indirect Speech(requests & commands)

2、语言目标(language aim)

command;request;retell;polite;boss Indirect Speech(requests and commands)

二、教学重难点(Teaching important points)a.Students learn about the differences between a request and a command.b.Students learn about the Indirect Speech(requests and commands)c.Students can use the indirect speech.三、教学方法(Teaching method)

a.Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.b.Discovering the structure through examples c.Practice

四、教具准备(Teaching aids)a computer;a projector

五、教学步骤(Teaching procedure Step 1.Warming-up(Revision)

Warm the students up by asking them to go over the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech..Do some exercises : change a statement or a question into Indirect Speech.Step 2.Talk about Request and Command.1)Talk about the polite and Impolite tune.2)Change the commands into Requests.3)Learn to give requests or commands according to the situations.Step 3.Talk about how to change a request and a command into Indirect Speech.ask(ed)sb(not)to do sth tell/told sb(not)to do sth

Step 4.Practise changing a request or a command into Indirect Speech.Step 5.Using the structure.A game: choose two students act as two robots.One listens to the requests, the other listens to the commands.Other students give either requests or commands, and the robots do what the students asked them to do.Unit 2;English Around the World(Period Four)writing

教学目标(Teaching aims)

a.Let students get to know how to write a statement by using brainstorming

b.Try to use connecting words or sentences to make it as an essay or passage not just several sentences.教学内容(Teaching contents)Write a statement

能力目标(Ability aim)

Using the brainstorming way to collect sentences and then arrange them properly 语言目标(Language aim)I think, I believe,In my opinion…

We learn English to do…

教学重难点(Teaching important points)How to arrange sentence correctly.Try to use connecting words.教学方法(Teaching methods)Brainstorming way

教具准备(Teaching aids)multi-media computer

教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step1 Leading in

Use the brainstorming way to ask students “Why should we live?” which is a simple question, at the same time there might be various answers to the question, which will stimulate their interest.Step2 Presentation

Also use the brainstorming way to ask “Why should we learn English?” and “how can learning English help China?” Step3 A poster

Write a poster to collect all their ideas.try to use completely sentences, such as : I like to study English and use it for business in the future.I want to study English well so that I can read English books.Say, come to the blackboard and write down your ideas, trying to use complete sentences, such as: If I learn English well, I can bring in the advanced foreign technology to China.So China will become stronger.I decide to learn English well, in this case I can read many English novels, so I can translate them into Chinese, then more Chinese can know more things about the world.Step4 Write an essay

The title is “Do we need to learn English?”

Step5 Display the structure on how to write the essay.1.State your points of view.2.Show the supporting reasons.3.Get a conclusion Step6 Show them the connecting words which can help them to join the sentences and paragraphs.Illustration: I think , I believe, In my opinion, As far as I am concerned… Addition: firstly, secondly, then, besides, at last… Contrast: however, but , on the other hand… Summary: in short, in a word, therefore, so…

Step7 Give them a simple example which is not complete Do we need to learn English?

I strongly think we not only need learn English but also learn it well…Why should we learn it…How can learning English help China in the future?…So… Step8 Homework My Experience of Learning English Para1.My problems in learning English.Para 2.How I can improve my English.Para.3.What I like about learning English.Para Para 4.How I hope to make use of my English.Unit 2: English Around the World Period Five Listening & speaking

一、学目标(Teaching aims)

教材(Teaching materials)listening materials on p12 and p14 on the textbook, another one attached

1、能力目标(ability aim)enable Ss to catch the listening materials and understand them and distinguish British and American English, try using them in dialogues.2、语言目标(Language aim)distinguish some words used in British and American English、some dialect and accent

二、教学重难点(Teaching important points)understand words used in British and American which have the same meanings and some dialect accent

三、教学方法(Teaching method)listening and talking

四、教学准备(Teaching aids)tape recorder and get students’ answer sheet printed out

五、教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step 1 Listening

Listening 2(text book p14)

Listen to the tape, getting to know American dialect and accent.Step 2 Speaking

After listening to different dialects and accents, see if Ss know how to pronounce the following words:

ask after either neither kilometer box……and more

Unit Two :English Around the World The Sixth period Exercises

一.教学目标:(Teaching aims)Finish the exercises on the workbook 1.能力目标:(ability aim)

a)Enable the students to command “commands and requests” b)Through cooperative work find out correct answers themselves 2.语言目标:(language aim)Full understanding of the readings

二.教学重难点(Teaching important points)Understanding the main ideas of the passages 三.教学方法(Teaching method)a.Fast and careful reading

b.Individual, pair or group work to finish each task c.Discussion

四.教具准备(Teaching aids)a computer

五.教学步骤(teaching procedure)Step 1.Warming up

Step 2: speaking task(Review commands and requests)

Offer them situations and try to make dialogues with commands and requests Step 3 :Do the “Reading” on P13 and answer questions on it briefly.Step 4: Finish the “Reading Task” at p.51 and complete the form after it.Step 5: Group work:

Ask them to sum up what codes and short forms of words they often use when they often chat on the net with others.Step 6: check up their researching result.Step 7: homework.


1.Unit1 Festivals and celebrations节日和庆典

Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times.自古以来,世界各地就有各种各样的节日和庆典。Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn.最古老的节日总是庆祝严寒的结束、春季的种植和秋天的收割。Sometimes celebrate would be held after hunters had caught animals.有时,在猎人捕获猎物后,也举行庆祝活动。At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months.在那个时代,如果食物难以找到,特别是在寒冷的冬月,人们会挨饿。Today’s festivals have many origins ,some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events.现在的节日有很多由来,一些是宗教上的,一些是季节性的,一些是纪念特殊的人和事件的。

Festivals of the Dead亡灵节

Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm.有些节日,是为了纪念死者,或使祖先得到满足,因为祖先们有可能回到世上(给人们)提供帮助,也有可能带来危害。For the Japanese festival.Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors.在日本的盂兰盆节,人们要扫墓、烧香,以缅怀祖先。They also light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth.他们还点起灯笼,奏响乐曲,因为他们认为这样做可以把祖先引回到世上。In Mexico, people celebrate the Day of the Dead in early November.在墨西哥,亡灵节是在11月初。On this important feast day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them.在这个重要的节日里,人们会吃制成颅骨形状的食物,和装点有“骨头”的蛋糕。They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead.他们向亡者祭献食物、鲜花和礼品。The Western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people.西方节日万圣节也源自人们古老的信念,认为亡者的灵魂会返回人间。It is now a children’s festival, when they can dress up and to their neighbours’ homes to ask for sweets.万圣节如今成了孩子们的节日,这天他们可以乔装打扮上到邻居家要糖吃。If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them.如果邻居什么糖也不给,那么孩子们就可以捉弄他们了。Festivals to Honour People纪念名人的节日

Festivals can also be held to honour famous people.也有纪念名人的节日。The Dragon Boat Festival in China honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan.中国的端午节(龙舟节),是纪念著名古代诗人屈原的。In the USA Columbus Day is in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in New World.美国的哥伦布日是纪念克里斯托弗·哥伦布发现“新大陆”的日子。India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India’s independence from Britain.印度在10月2日有个全国性节日,纪念莫汉达斯·甘地,他是帮助印度脱离英国而独立的领袖。Harvest Festivals庆丰收的节日

Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events.收获与感恩节是非常喜庆的节日。People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over.越冬的粮食收集起来了,农活结束了,人们都心怀感激。In European countries, people will usually decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and will get together to have meals.在欧洲国家,人们通常用花果来装饰教堂和市政厅,在一起聚餐。Some people might win awards for their farm produce, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster.有些人还可能因为他们的农产品(参加各种评选)而获奖,比如最大的西瓜或最帅的公鸡。China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, when people admire the moon and in China, enjoy mooncakes.中国和日本都有中秋节,这时,人们会赏月。在中国,人们还品尝月饼。Spring Festivals春天的节日

The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring.最富生气而又最重要的节日,就是告别冬天、迎来春天的日子。At the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat and may give children lucky money in red paper.中国人过春节要吃饺子、鱼和肉,还要给孩子们送红纸包着的压岁钱。There are dragon dances and carnivals, and families celebrate the Lunar New Year together.(他们)舞龙灯、狂欢,全家人聚在一起欢庆阴历年。Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals, which take place forty days before Easter, usually in February.在一些西方国家有激动人心的狂欢节,通常在二月,复活节前的四十天。These carnivals might include parades, dancing in the streets day and night, loud music and colourful clothing of all kinds.狂欢节期间,人们身着各种艳丽的节日盛装,伴随着鼓噪的音乐,在街头游行,昼夜跳舞。Easter is an important religious and social festival for Christians around the world.复活节是全世界基督徒的一个重要的宗教和公众节日。It celebrates the return of Jesus from the dead and the coming of spring and new life.它庆祝耶稣复活,也欢庆春天和新生命的到来。Japan’s Cherry Blossom Festival happens a little later.再晚些时候,日本就迎来了樱花节,The country, covered with cherry tree flowers, looks as thought it is covered with pink snow.(节日里)整个国度到处是盛开的樱花,看上去就像覆盖了一层粉红色的雪。People love to get together to eat , drink and have fun with each other.人们喜欢聚在一起吃、喝、玩耍。节日让我们享受生活,Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our work for a little while.让我们为自己的习俗而自豪,还可以暂时忘掉工作中的烦恼。

2.必修三Unit 1 A SAD LOVE STORY一段伤心的爱情故事 Li Fang was heart-broken.李方的心都碎了。It was Valentine’s Day and Hu Jin had said she would meet him at the coffee shop after work.这天是情人节,胡瑾说她下班后会在咖啡馆和他见面的。But she didn’t turn up.可现在她却不见人影。She could be with her friends right now laughing at him.也许她这会儿跟朋友在一起,正在取笑他呢。She said she would be there at seven o’clock, and he thought she would keep her word.她说她会在7点到达,他(李方)认为她会守信用的。He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now he was alone with his roses and chocolates, like a fool.他一整天都期盼着见到她,而现在他拿着玫瑰花和巧克力独自一人守候着,像个傻瓜一样。Well, he was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize.他不想屏息等她来道歉,He would drown his sadness in coffee.他要用咖啡来解愁。

It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave-he wiped the tables, then sat down and turned on the TV-just what Li Fang needed!很明显,咖啡馆里的经理在等李方离开一一他擦好桌子,然后坐下来,打开电视机。这正合了李方的意!A sad Chinese story about lost love.正在播出的是流传在中国的一个悲伤的爱情故事。The granddaughter of the Goddess of Heaven visited the earth.王母娘娘的外孙女下凡来到人间。Her name was Zhinü, the weaving girl.她的名字叫织女,做纺织活的女孩。While she was on earth she met the herd boy Niulang and they fell in love.(“Just like me and Hu Jin,” thought Li Fang.)她在人间遇到了牛郎,两人相爱了。(李方想“这正像我和胡瑾。”)They got married secretly, and they were very happy.(“We could be like that,” thought Li Fang.)于是他们秘密结了婚,并且生活得十分幸福。(李方想,“我们也可以像他们那样幸福的。”)When the Goddess of Heaven knew that her granddaughter was married to a human, she became very angry and made the weaving girl return to Heaven.王母娘娘知道自己的孙女跟一个世上的凡人结了婚,她勃然大怒,强行把织女带回到天宫。Niulang tried to follow her, but the river of stars, the Milly Way, stopped him.当牛郎试图追上去,却被银河阻挡住了。Finding that Zhinü was heart-broken, her grandmother finally decided to let the couple cross the Milky Way to meet once a year.看到织女伤心欲绝,最后王母娘娘决定让这对夫妻每年跨过银河相会一次。Magpies make a bridge of their wings so the couple can cross the river to meet on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.阴历七月初七,喜鹊们会展翅搭桥,让这对恋人过河相会。People in China hope that the weather will be fine on that day, because if it is raining, it means that Zhinü is weeping and the couple won’t be able to meet.中国人都希望这天天气晴朗,因为如果碰到下雨,这就意味着织女在哭泣,两个恋人不能见面。

The announcer said,” This is the story of Qiqiao Festival.主持人说道:“这就是乞巧节的故事。When foreigners hear about the story, they call it a Chinese Valentine’s story.外国朋友听到这个故事就将它称作中国的情人节。It’s a fine day today, so I hope you can all meet the one you love.” 今天天气晴朗,我希望你们都能见到所爱的人。”

As Li Fang set off for home, he thought,” I guess Hu Jin doesn’t love me.I’ll just throw these flowers and chocolates away.I don’t want them to remind me of her.” 李方动身往家走,心里想:“我想胡瑾是不爱我了,把这些鲜花和巧克力都扔了吧。我不想因它们想起她来。” So he did.于是他把花和巧克力都扔了。

As he sadly passed the tea shop on the corner on his way home, he heard a voice calling him.在回家路上,他神情失落地走过拐角处的一家茶馆,听到有人叫他的名字。There was Hu Jin waving at him and calling , “why are you so late? I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!And I have a gift for you!” 那是胡瑾在向他招手,她喊道:“你为什么这么晚才来呢? 我一直在这儿等你好久了!这是我送给你的礼物!”

What would he do? He had thrown away her Valentine gifts!他怎么办呢?他把情人节的礼物都扔了!She would never forgive him.她恐怕永远也不会原谅他了。This would not be a happy Valentine’s Day!这个情人节快乐不起来啦!


Unit 5 Music


Contents:(1)Enable students to appreciate and classify different kinds of music by doing the exercise in Warming


(2)Developing their abilities to express their feeling on music and enlarge their

knowledge on music


Step 1 warming up1、Introduce the topic of music through asking some question such as “Are you fond of music ,Are

you good at singing, Can you play a musical instrument”

Ask students to answer the 4 questions in groups actively while introducing different kinds of

music in the world.Step 2 pre—reading

(1)Get the students to discuss the questions with their partners and then ask them to report their

work..Encourage them express their opinion freely1、Have you heard about any of famous bands in the words, please list them if you have

(Beatles, Back—street boy, West—life)

2、Which one do you like best?

(2)Introduce something about “The Monkeys”

Step 3 skimming

Let the students listen to the tape and find out the answers to the following two questions.1、What are the benefits if students former a band to play in the street?

2、When did “The Monkeys” break up and when did it reunite?

Step 4 Second reading

In this part, students will read the text again and try to understand the sentences and the main idea of

each paragraph, and then finish the exercise 2 and 4 in Comp rending

Step 5 Homework: Fin out some language points in Reading and recite the new words in unit 5

Step 6:Feedback


Unit 1 1.mean v.意思是,意味着+doing;打算,意欲+to do adj.吝啬的

My new job means travelling a lot.I meant to tell you the truth but didn’t get a chance.I didn’t mean to hurt you.He is too mean to buy his wife a birthday gift.2.take place vi.发生

Great changes have taken place in my hometown.3.of all kinds 各种各样的 of … kind …类的

Questions of this kind are difficult to answer.4.starve v.(使)挨饿,饿死

The animals were left to starve to death.She is starving herself to lose weight.starvation n.5.honour v.尊敬,尊重

n.光荣,荣幸;令人感到光荣的人或事 The president honoured us with a personal visit.They are going o fight for the honour of the country.be/feel honoured to do sth.感到荣幸

I am very honoured to be included in the team.do sb.the honour of doing sth.使增光,赏光,给…带来荣誉

Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?

In honour of 纪念,为向…表示敬意

A dinner party will be held in honour of our guests.A monument will be put up in honour of those who died during World WarⅡ.6.satisfy v.(使)满足,(使)满意

Nothing satisfies him—he is always complaining.satisfy one’s curiosity 7.harm v./Un.损害

The rumor harmed his image.This will do harm to your career.harmful adj.对…有害的

Smoking is harmful to your health.8.in memory of 作为对…的纪念(+死人)

in honour of 作为对…的纪念(+死人、活人)

9.dress up 穿上盛装,穿上正式服装;装扮,乔装打扮

There is no need to dress up—come as you are.10.arrival n.到达,抵达

We apologized for the late arrival of the train.Guests received the dinner on arrival at the hotel.11.gather v.聚集,收拢,归拢

The whole family gathered together at Jack’s home.12.award n.奖,奖品,奖金,奖状

win/receive/get an award 13.produce Un.(农)产品

product Cn.产品

14.admire v.钦佩,羡慕,赞赏,欣赏

I have always been admiring your new car.I don’t agree with her, but I admire her, for sticking to her principles.15.day and night I think of you day and night.16.turn up

We planned to meet at 7:00 but she never turned up.17.hold one’s breath Hold your breath and count to ten.He held his breath when the results were announced.18.apologize v.道歉+to sb.for sth.We apologize for the late arriving.Go and apologize to her.apology n.make an apology to sb.for sth.19.drown v.Two children drowned after falling into the water.The fruit was drowned in cream.20.obvious adj.be obvious to sb.that…

It is obvious to everyone that the child had been badly treated.21.marry sb.be married to sb.22.set off 出发+for..We set off for London just after ten o’clock.23.remind v.提醒,使想起

You remind me of your father when you say that.Please remind me to phone Jack before I go.24.forgive v.原谅

I’ll never forgive her for what she did.Unit 2 1.diet n.日常饮食,日常食物;特种饮食,规定的饮食;饮食限制

A balanced diet and regular exercise are both important to our health.be/go on a diet The doctor asked him to go on a diet to lose weight.I’m on a diet.2.balance v.(使)保持平衡,(使)均衡,(使)平稳

The dog balanced a ball on his nose.balanced adj.均衡的,调和的 3.frustrate v.使沮丧,使灰心,使受挫折

I find it frustrating that I can’t speak French.I’m feeling rather frustrated in my present job.4.barbecue v.烧烤


We had a barbecue on the beach.roast adj.烤好的,烤制的 v.烤 5.slim v.减肥


I don’t want any cake, but I’m trying to slim.6.curious adj.好奇的

I’m curious about what happened.We were curious to know where she had gone.curiosity n.好奇心

7.get away with 做了…而未被发觉,未受惩罚

How did she get away with cheating? 8.lie v.说谎 –lied-lied ;躺,位于 –lay-lain


lay v.下蛋;放置 –laid-laid 9.earn one’s living=make one’s living 谋生

He earned his living as a reporter.10.glare v.怒目而视+at…

She didn’t shout.She just glared at me silently.11.spy on 暗中监视,窥探

Have you been spying on me? 12.limited adj.有限的

limit n.限度,限制,限量,极限

a speed limit There is a limit to the amount of pain we can bear.13.benefit n.优势,益处



He couldn’t see the benefit of arguing any longer.We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone.Who can benefit from those changes? 14.combine v.组合,结合,联合,混合

combine work with pleasure Is it possible to combine the two parties? 15.cut down 减少…的量,缩减

We couldn’t cut down our expense any more.16.only too 极为,非常

I’m only too pleased to be able to get home.17.consult v.咨询,请教+sb.about sth.;与…商议,商量+with sb.about/on sth.Unit 3 1.bring up 养育,抚养,教养;提出;呕吐

She brought up 5 children.He was brought up by his aunt.Bring it up at the meeting.bring up the lunch 2.set v.为…设置背景(常用作被动)

The novel is set in London is the 1960’s.3.bet n.打赌,赌注

make a bet 打赌 win/lose a bet We have got a bet on who is going to arrive first.4.wander v.漫游,游荡,闲逛;走神,开小差

We wandered back towards the car.She wandered aimlessly on the streets.Try not to let your mind wander.Don’t wander off the subject—keep to the point.5.permit v.允许,准许

permit sb.to do sth.permit doing sth.We don’t permit smoking in the hall.Visitors are not permitted to take photos.6.go ahead(with sth.)开始做,着手干

—May I start now?

—Yes, go ahead.The government is going to go ahead with its tax cutting plan.7.stare at 盯着看,凝视,注视

I stared blankly at the piece of paper in front of me.8.fault n.过错,过失,责任;缺陷,毛病,故障

It was his fault that we were late.9.spot v.发现,注意到,看见

—Where did you spot him?

—It was in the hotel where we lived.I finally spotted my friend in the crowd.10.passage n.船费,旅费;航行,旅行

Have a pleasant passage!work one’s passage 在船上工作以抵船资 11.account n.账户

v.解释,说明,是…的原因+for account number open/close an account How do you account for the accident? 12.seek v.寻找,寻求 –sought-sought They sought shelter from the rain.We must seek for a solution to the problem.13.amount n.数量,数额+of+Un.large amounts of money 14.take a chance=take chances 碰碰运气,冒冒风险 15.manner n.方式,方法;态度,举止

He answered in a businesslike manner.have a friendly manner

manners n.礼貌,规矩

It’s bad manners to eat like that.16.simply 确实,简直,非常,实在

The view is simply wonderful.That is simply not true.17.in rags 衣衫褴褛,穿得破旧

The beggar is dressed in rags.18.indeed 其实,实际上;当然,真的,确实;真正地

I don’t mind.Indeed, i am pleased.It’s indeed a beautiful bag.I’m very sad indeed to hear of your father’s death.19.as for 至于,关于

You’ll have a bed, as for him, he’ll have to sleep on the floor.20.bow n./v 鞠躬

He bowed to/before the queen.21.seat vt.使…坐下

I’m seated.Please be seated.22.disappointed

be disappointed in/with sb.at/by sth.I’m very disappointed by the result.Unit 4 1.violent adj.暴力的,强暴的;猛烈的,剧烈的,强烈的

Children shouldn’t be allowed to watch violent movies.a violent change a violent headache 2.in time 及时;最后,终于

The ambulance got there just in time.He learnt to accept his step mother in time.3.cool down=cool off 变凉,冷却下来 4.fundamental adj.基础的,基本的+to Hard-work is fundamental to success.5.presence n.在场,出席;存在,出现

Your presence is requested at the meeting.6.dissolve v.(使)溶解

Salt dissolves in water.Dissolve the salt in water.7.harmful n./adj.+to Smoking is harmful to your health.Smoking does harm to your health.8.multiply v.乘;迅速增加,成倍增加

multiply A by B

multiply A and B together Multiply 2 and 6 together and you get 12.2 multiplied by 6 is/makes/equals 12.9.remain v.剩余,剩下;留待,尚待+to do

link v.仍然是

After the big fire, very little of my house remained.It remains to be seen whether they will like the gift.What happened to the amber room remains a mystery.10.spread v./n.传播

-spread-spread 11.lessen v.(使)缩小,变小,变少

The noise lessened as the plane got further away.His behaviour has lessened him in her eyes.12.cheer up(使)高兴起来,振作起来

Cheer up!The news isn’t too bad.He took her to the party to cheer her up.13.now(that)conj.既然,由于

Now that John has arrived, we can begin.14.get/have the hang of sth.熟悉某物的用法

15.break out vi.(战争,恐慌,火灾等)突然发生,爆发

Unit 5 1.rather than 而不是

I think I’ll have a cold drink rather than a coffee.2.baggage/luggage Un.行李

Two pieces of luggage have gone missing.3.chat v.闲谈,聊天

My children spent hours chatting on the phone to their friends.What were you chatting about? 4.scenery Un.(某地、某国总的外景或外貌)

scene Cn.(Scenery的一部分,但还包括其中的人及其活动;也可指展现在眼前的情景)

The scene after the earthquake was horrible.view Cn.(从某处看到的景色)

The view from the top of the tower was very wonderful.5.surround v.围绕,环绕,包围,围住

surround sb./sth.with…

Tall trees surround the lake.The lake is surrounded by/with tall trees.They have surrounded the building with police.6.measure v.测量,度量;有…的长度、大小、分量

A ship’s speed is measured in knots.This room measures 6 metres by 4.7.aboard prep./adv.在…上

He is already aboard the plane.We finally went aboard.8.settle down 舒适地坐下或躺下;定居下来过安定的生活

I settled down with a book.When are you going to get married and settle down? 9.manage to do=succeed in doing=be able to do 成功地做 10.with in prep.不出(时间、距离、范围、限度);在…之内

You should receive a reply within 7 days.Is it within walking distance? 11.slight adj.轻微的,略微的

I woke up with a slight headache.slightly adv.略微,稍微

a slightly different version 12.confirm v.证实,进一步确定,确认,批准

The experiment confirmed his theory.The president confirmed that he would visit France the following month.13.distance n.距离,间隔

What’s the distance from Changchun to Beijing? What’s the distance between Changchun and Beijing?

in the distance 在远处,远方的

I saw smoke in the distance.14.downtown n.城镇的商业中心区

adj.商业中心区的 adv.在商业中心区

I went downtown to do some shopping today.15.over 在…期间,经过

Will you be at home over Christmas? Over the years he has become lazier and lazier.16.approximately adv.大约,大概

The hospital is approximately 5 kilometers from the station.17.nearby adj.在附近的adv.附近

My parents live nearby.18.terrify v.使恐惧,使十分害怕

Flying terrifies her.19.impress v.给…留下深刻印象;使…铭记

impress sth.on/upon sb.His honesty impresses her.He impresses her with his honesty.My father impressed on me the value of hard work.

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