初三英语教案:Life in the Future

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第一篇:初三英语教案:Life in the Future

悦考网www.xiexiebang.comic 去郊游(12)go for nothing 徒劳

(13)go forward 前进,进展(14)go from ….to 从…变成

(15)go home 回家(16)go in 进入

(17)go into 走近,加入(18)go on 继续,悦考网www.xiexiebang.com 悦考网www.xiexiebang.com

(19)go on with 继续,把…进行下去(20)go over 查看,复习,走过去

(21)go to bed 上床睡觉(22)go to school 上学

(23)go up to town 去城里,进城(24)go wrong 走错路



1.At last, she asked the old man if he had.A.something to say B.everything to say

C.something saying D.everything saying

2.The little boy didn’t know what , so he stood against the wall crying.A.do B.to do C.doing D.should

3.–There are so many cars in the streets.--Yes, more and more people are to buy private cars.A.rather rich B.very rich C.enough rich D.rich enough

4.–Have you ever been to Japan?

--Yes, I Japan last year.It was my first visit to Japan.A.has been to B.was going to C.have going to D.went to

5.Don’t the TV.The children are sleeping.A.turn off B.turn on C.turn down D.turn over

6.--is your favorite sports man?

--Yao Ming.A.How B.When C.Who D.Which

7.The teacher told us any litter.悦考网www.xiexiebang.com 悦考网www.xiexiebang.com

A.don’t throw B.not to throw C.not throw D.to not throw

8.You look tired.You’d better earlier.A.go to b ed B.to go to bed C.went to bed D.going to bed

9.It’s important us have enough sleep.A.too, to B.to, for C.for, to D.with, to

10.There will be a meeting next week.A.some time B.sometime C.some times D.sometimes


1.My teacher advised me _______________ the book.I enjoyed ____________ it.(read)

2.Jim’s father wanted him ______________ a lawyer, but he decided _______________ a writer.(become)

3.At first, the thief refused _______________(tell)the truth, but the policeman made him _________(do)it.4.I hate ____________(wash)dishes, but my mother always forces me ___________(do)it.5.She needed _______(take)the big box to her room, the students helped her ______(carry)it.6.Don’t forget _____________(lock)the door when you ____________(leave).7.Do you mind my _____________(open)the window? It’s hot here.8.We all hope ______________(see)you soon.Can you come this weekend?

9.Shall I ________________(clean)the room first or _______________(boil)some water? 资料来自:悦考网www.xiexiebang.com 悦考网www.xiexiebang.com


2011年春季英语E 09B09


Present Perfect Tense 一. 现在完成时的构成: have/has +动词的过去分词





H ave/Has +主语+动词的过去分词+。。?




arrive-arrived 2.以元音字母+y结尾的直接加-ed


stay-stayed 3.以辅音字母+y结尾的改y为I +-ed


try – tried 4.plan, stop, drag, beg, drop等重读闭音节单词需要双写一个字母再加-ed.(二)不规则动词的过去分词


1.rush _____ ___________ 2.finish __________ __________ 3.play ________ _ 4.study ________ ________ 5.try ________ ______

6.drag ______ _______ 7.beg _______ __________

8.stop ________ ______

9.read _____ ____ 10.lead _________ _________ 11.leave ________ _______

12.feel ____ ____ 13.keep ______ ________ 14.cost _______ _______ 15.cut ________ ________ 16.let _______ __________

17.put _____ __________

18.bring __ ___ 19.meet _______ ________

20.write ________ _________

21.sleep ___ ___ 22.lend ______ _________

23.sit _______ _________

24.do _____ ___ 25.find _________ _______

26.get _________ ________

27.win ____ ___ 28.go ________ ________

三. 现在完成时的用法


1.表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态对现在造成的影响或结果。1)He has lost his key.2)I have bought two apples.2.常常与它连用的时间状语有: already, yet, just, ever, never 1)just: 表明动作是:―刚刚‖发生的,放在助动词have 等词后面

e.g.The taxi has just arrived.(刚刚)

2)already: 通常用于肯定句,表示动作已经发生,放在助动词后面,也可放在句尾加强语气。

e.g.Ken has slready gone.(已经)

I‘ve done it already.3)yet


e.g.They haven‘t finished dinner yet.Has Ann worken uo yet? 练习二: 用already或yet 填空。

1.—— Have they taken down the old pictures _________ ? __-_ No, not _________.2.Most of us have ________ come back.3.He hasn‘t visited the museum _______________.4.They haven‘t dome the homework ___________.5.Have you found a job ____________?Yes, I‘ve ____________ found one.6.I have written a letter but I haven‘t post it _______________.4)ever : ―曾经―,用于疑问句

e.g.Have you ever read the book? 5)never :


e.g.I have never seen him before.A: Have you ever visited Shenzhen?

B: Yes, I have./ No, I have never visited it.练习三:用ever或never填空

1.——Have you __________ been to France?

__ _No, _________________.2.I don‘t like hamburgers at all.So I have _________ eaten one before.3.He is a good child and he has ___________ told lies before.4.Have you ___________ drank cola before?

Hard work makes good haves

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2011年春季英语E 09B09

5.Have you ___________ ridden a horse? 6.I don‘t know the girl.I ‗ve __________ met her.7.--------Have you cleaned our classroom ___________?

_____ Yes, we ‗ve done that ______.3.表示过去动作持续到现在,甚至还可能继续下去。此时谓语动词一定是延续性动词。与它连用的时间状语有:

1)for +时间段

He has been here for 10 years

They have lived here for ten years.2)since+时间点(过去某一具体时间)

He has been here since last Monday.Since+时间段+ago

He has been here since 20 days ago.Since+从句(时态用一般过去时)

We have known each other for ten years.练习四:用since或for填空

1.We have learned five lessons ____________ the beginning of this term.2.Mrs.Liao has been in hospital ___________ last week.3.I have studied at my aunt‘s __________ two weeks.4.I have been here _________ 1999.5.They have kept the books ___________ one day.6.It has been old ___________ two weeks ago.7.We have learnt a lot ________ we came here.四.拓展一:have been to;have gone to;have been in(at)1.have(has)been to sw

曾经去过某地,已回来 2.have(has)gone to sw

去了某地还未回来 3.have(has)been in(at)sw

表示在某地已经一段时间 试比较: My father isn‘t at home now.He has gone to Beijing.My father came back home yesterday.He has been to Beijing.My father went to Beijing in July.He has been in Beijing for 4 months.练习五:用have gone to, have been to或have been in 填空。

1.——Where are the boy students?

-----They _________________ to the school factory.2.A: Is your father in?

B:No, he ____________________ to Shenzhen.一份耕耘,一份收获

A: ____________ he ever ________ there before?

B: Yes, he _________________ there several times.3.He asked me if I _______________ to Hangzhou before.I told him that I wanted to go there for a visit as I _______________ never _________ to that city before.4.My brother __________ the Great Wall three times.5.Alice ______________ the city for ten years.She loves it very much.6.Li Hua worked as a doctor in RenMin hospital.She ___________________ the hospital for 8 years.拓展二:短暂性动词与延续性动词的区分

1.短暂性动词:表示动作的发生与结束一瞬间就完成,不能再延续,如:begin,die,leave,buy,come.go,borrow,join,etc.2.短暂性动词可用于现在完成时,但不能与表示一段时间的状语:for+时间段,since+时间点/从句连用,也不能用在how long引导的特殊疑问句中。

e.g.I have just left my school.I have left mu school for one hour.3.如遇到上述情况,可将短暂性动词转换为延续性动词,如:




die_be dead Finish(end)-be over

begin _ be on

fall asleep_ be asleep

leave ——be away Open_be open

close_ be closed

marry _ be married

put on _ be on Arrive in(at)_ be arrived in/at

get to/reach_ be here/there Join the army _ be in the army/be a solider

Join the League _ be in the League/be a league member 3.例句。


The teacher has been away for half an hour.The teacher left half an hour ago.2)我叔叔去英国十年了。

My uncle has beeb in England for ten years.My uncle went to England ten years ago.3)我妹妹借这本书两天了。

My sister has kept this book for two days.Hard work makes good haves

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2011年春季英语E 09B09

My sister borrowed this book two days ago.练习六:改写同意句。

1.We bought the book three years ago.= We ______ __________ the book for three years.2.I became a student two years ago.= I ______ ________ a student for two years.3.He has been in England for ten years.= He ______ ______ England ten years _______.4.Mr.Black died three years ago.= Mr.Black ____ _________ ______for three years.5.The film began half an hour ago.=The film has _________ __________ for half an hour.6.He has been a teacher for 10 years.=He has _________ a teacher ________1998.7.Mr.Smith came to this school in September.Mr.Smith ________ ____________ at this school _______ September.8.Peter joined the army three years ago.Peter has ________ __________ the army for three years.=Peter has ____________ a soldier ___________ three years.五.现在完成时与一般过去时的区别


2.现在完成时表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响,强调的是现在。(侧重动作的结果)试比较:I have just lost my pen.I lost my pen yesterday.3.一般过去时常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday,last year,three days ago, just now, in 1993,on 10 May…

4.现在完成时不能和表示过去的时间状语连用,其时间状语往往是since…,for….just,never,ever,before,already.yet,so far等或无时间状语。


1.Li Mei is only a ten-year-old girl;but she __________ to draw for about five years.A.learns


C.would learn

D.has learned 2.There __________ a lot of rain again last week.We __________ too much rain this month.A.was;had

B.was;have had

C.has been;has had

D.has beeb;had 3.My family __________supper when suddenly I __________ a heavy knock on the door.A.are having;heard

B.were having;have heard

C.were having;heard D.have had;was hearing


4.Jim no longer studies here.He __________ to London with his parents.Hard work makes good haves

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第三篇:初三 英语教案

Unit 3 I used to be afraid of the dark.备课人 张淑荣 卢素文 宋瑞华


一、学习目标(Language Goal)





二、、目标语言(Target Language)

1.—Did Mario used to be short?

—Yes, he did.Now he is tall.

2.—I used to eat candy all the time, didn’t you?

—Yes, I did.And I used to chew gum a lot.三、情感目标


学生能运用used to结构,谈论学生自己怎样与过去不同,能准确地描述自己的外貌、性格的变化,灵活运用used to 结构处理和传递信息。


小组合作 自主探究 讲练结合 时间安排

四课时: 1.section A 2.Section B 3.Reading 4.Revision

UNIT2 I used to be afraid of the dark.(Section A 1a~3a)

学习目 标

1.学会用句型used to谈论过去曾经做过或喜欢的事

2. 掌握描述人的性格的形容词,shy ,serious, outgoing 等

3.重点短语:used to wait a minute play the piano be interested in on the swim team 4.运用used to谈论过去曾经做过或喜欢的事 学习过程




: Short hair _________________________________________________

个性特征的词 : quiet ______________________________________________________

3.翻译下列短语。对。。感兴趣 be 在游泳队里_ 留卷头发 hair 怕黑___ ____ ____ the dark 过去常常干某事










I.People sure change.人确实在变 be on a team 加入…队

II.I'm _____a swim team.我加入了游泳队 III.句型used to 的用法

例句:Mario used to be short./ He used to wear glasses.“主语+used to+动词原形+其它”。在这个句型结构中used to的含义为“过去常常”。表示过去的习惯,暗示现在已无此习惯

When I was a child, I ____________ chocolate.当我还是个孩子时,我常常喜欢吃巧克力。3.used to+动词原形的否定形式:

主语+didn’t use+to do 或 主语+usedn’t +to do


He _____use to study hard

= He ________to study hard

4. used to do 的疑问式及其回答

(1)Used + 主语 + to do---?回答;Yes ,sb used to/sb usedn’t to

(2)Did + 主语 + use to do---?回答;Yes,sb did/No,sb didn’t 如:she used to clean the room every day.(变一般疑问句)。

(1)_____she use to clean the room every day ? Yes,she ____./No,she _____.(2)______ she to clean the room every day?

Yes she____ _____./No,she ______ ____.5.反意疑问句:You used to be short, ________/_______you? 6.与be used to的区别

be used to 后接名词或动名词,表示“习惯于……..I am used to________ hot food 我习惯于吃热的食品 7.be terrified of sth


8.I’m still afraid of being alone.1)be afraid of ⑴害怕,畏惧:be afraid of sth /doing sth 害怕… /be afraid to do sth I used to be afraid of dogs.__________________________

He is afraid of going /to go out alone at night.________________________.2).alone 为形容词,意为 “独自的、单独的”(表状态),只做_____语,不做定语,侧重说明独自一人,没有同伴,alone 还可用作副词如:live alone意为___________。Lonely意为__________,表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,如:fell lonely 感到孤独,寂寞,它在句中可作表语或定语,作定语时意为荒凉的,偏僻的.She was alone in that room._______________________________.Tom lives on a lonely island.________________________________.9.I go to sleep with my bedroom light on 1)go to sleep “入睡、睡着” ,指渐渐入睡的过程,go to bed意为“上床睡觉”,强调脱衣上床的动作.It’s time to go to bed now.______________________________.2)with my bedroom light on 为介词短语,作_________状语。The teacher came into the classroom with a book under his arm.___________________________________________________________.课堂小测


1.We can’t see anything in the d_________

2.Mr Green is really s ____ ,for he never smiles.3.I am more i

in sports 4.I’m t

of the dark

5.He’s afraid of being in an a


He used to play football at school.(变否定句)。He____ ____ to play football at school.The little girl often wore a skirt in the past.(同义句)The little girl_______ _______ ______a skirt.3.Tom used to wear a pair of thick glasses.(斜体部分提问)

______.did he ____ _____ ______.?



______you _____ _____play the piano ? No,I ______.Are you still _____ _____ the dark ?(你还怕黑吗)

3。I’ll go with you, ____ _____ ____Please take this book.-(等一会儿)。

UNIT2 I used to be afraid of the dark(SectionB1a---3a)学习目 标

1学会用used to谈论自己曾经做过或喜欢的事 2 学会过去和现在的表达比较

3.掌握句型used to didn't used to Did you use to …? 教学过程


1.一直 _ 曾是足球队队员___________ 走到学校__________ 担心考试__ 画画______ 嚼口香糖____ 体育课_______________ 音乐课_______________ 过去常常_______________ 步行去工厂__________ 一直_______________ 为…担心_______________ 乘汽车________

六岁的弟弟____________为…担心_____________一直_______________ 步行去上学____________坐汽车______________体育课_______________ 我过去常常不喜欢考试。____________________________________ 2.写写自己小时侯的喜欢做的事情。(用used to,不少于4句)






1.used to 意为_______________

肯定句式_______________ 疑问句式_______________

否定句式_______________ I used to get up at 5:30 in the morning last term.(变为否定句,疑问句)_____________________________________________________________________

When I was young,I used to have so much time,but these days I gey up early and stay in school all day.此句是由连词 but连接的 _________ 并列句。如:Tom likes violin but doestn’t like piano so much意为“如此多,这么多”,表示不确定的数量,修饰_________名词。.I have so much homework to do.____________________________.3)in school相当于__________.school 前不加冠词。

He is at school today.__________________________.2.I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends,but I just don’t have the time anymore.________________________________________.1)spend 意为“花费(时间,金钱)等”主语常常是____,常用于spend..(in)doing sth./spend… on sth.结构,意为_______________或___________________.Most students spend much time learning English grammar.____________________________.2)cost常用作主语,多指某物花费某人多少钱和时间等。结构是:sth cost sb money/time/life,cost还可作 ___ 词,意为“价值,价格”。The car cost me 89650 yuan.__________________________.take花费,句型是:It takes/took/will take sb some time to do sth.此结构中it是_____ 主语,真正的主语是 ____, 多指花费_____.如:It took me two hours to finish my homework.pay构成的结构中,一般以_____作主语,常用结构为 pay sb money for sth.Gina paid 300yuan for her cost.___________________________.3.导学1 I don’t worry about test.worry about sb./ sth.担心某人/某事,worry 是动词。be worried about sb./sth.担心某人/某事,worried 是形容词


(2)Mother ______ _______ ______her son.妈妈担心他的儿子

导学2 I didn’t used to like tests, but now I don’t worry about tests.谈论过去的喜好,并与现在作对比

I ____ ___ _____English ___ in the morning.(过去早上我常常大声朗读英语)But now I like to learn English ____ ______ ______ ________.(我喜欢通过听磁带来学英语。)导学3 walk to school 步行去学校= go to school.fly to +地点 = 与此相同的用法还有哪些? 3 a 导学1 cost, pay, spend, take 表示花费, 你能正确使用吗?尝试总结四个词的用法: 练习;He ______too much time on clothes.他花费太多的时间在衣着

I ___ _____ a lot of time ____ ___with my friends.我过去常花大量时间跟朋友玩游戏。

He_____ 3 months building the bridge.他花费了三个月去建这座桥。I_____ 10 yuan for the book.我花了10元买这本书。It ______ me a day to read the book.花费 take—took spend-spent cost—cost pay—paid 导学2 I don’t have the time anymore.not...anymore “不再„”,相当于no more I_____ _____time to watch TV_____ _____now.(现在我不再有时间看电视)导学3 I hardly ever have time for concerts.hardly adv.几乎不,没有 hardly ever 很少。助动词/情态动词+hardly hardly+实义动词

如:I understand them.我几乎不能够明白他们。I time to do it.我几乎没有时间去做了。

导学4 My life has changed a lot in the last few years.in the last few years在过去/最近的几年中, 用于现在完成时态。at last 最后,终于。last的不同意思: 1)He didn’t go last Sunday.2)He always the last one to leave.3)They have lived here for the last 3years.导学5 I don’t mind them.mind 含义是“介意,反对”,后接动词时,要用ing 形式。He doesn’t mind(close)the window.他不介意关掉窗户。课堂小测

词汇 1 I used to watch TV or c with my grandmother, but now I have to study.2.I’m afraid of the d______, so I go to sleep with my light(亮着)3 He was t___ of the tiger when he was young。I used to eat c _ all the time, but now I like c___ gum.5 These days I h______ever have time to go to concerts.6 My d_______ life is different from his.7 Mary used to be very shy, but now she is very o_________.8 He used to spend so much time r_______ comics when he was in primary school.9 Great changes have taken place in the l______ five years.10.翻译句子;我过去常担心考试,但现在我一点也不在乎,而且对它们很感兴趣。11.I used to be __________ the soccer team.12—I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?

---Yes, Idid.And Iused to ______gum a lot.13.Then I go _____ home and eat dinner.14.I used to spend a lot of time _____games with my friends.15.These days, I _______ ever have time for concerts.UNIT2 Reading

学习目 标 读懂并理解阅读材料,完成相应任务。2 提高阅读理解能力,尝试复述课文。














2.默读课文,在文中找出death, afford, cause, himself, patient, decision, necessary, attention, waste等生词,猜测他们的含义,阅读他们所在的句子,检测自己的阅读能力。二.合作探究

3.even though=even if“即使”

_________I have to walk all the way, I’ll get there.即使我得一路走着去,我也要走到那里。

4.no longer=not …any longer不再,已不

意义相近的短语:not …any more英式 not…anymore美式

(不再,已不)They _____________ use animals to do farm work.他们不再使用动物做农活了。5.take pride in对…感到自豪

He would ______________everything good I do.6.pay attention to sb


(1)Why did his mother have to work?

(2)What did she make a decision to do?

(3)Did the conversation with his mother change his life?

(4)What is very important for parents?


1.afford to do sth支付得起…的费用

I _______________to see the movie.我看不起这个电影。2.His mother looked after him as well as she could.(1)“as+形容词/副词+as one could”意为________,也可用“as+形容词/副词+___________”表达.I will study English as hard as I could._____________________________.His mother looked after him _________ she could.他的母亲尽可能好好照顾他

(2)as well as为并列连词,意为,连接两个相同的句子成分,“不仅…而且…;又…;也。。” Living things need air and light ____________water.生物不仅需要水,而且还需要空气和阳光。

She helps Tom ________________ I.除了我以外她也帮了汤姆的忙。

get into trouble招惹麻烦;get into trouble with sb惹…的麻烦,与…发生纠缠

He often ______________________the police.导学1 help sb.with sth.帮某人某事=help sb.(to)do sth.She helped me_____English.=She helped me ______English.她帮助我学英语 导学2 fifteen-year-old 作形容词15岁的 fifteen years old 指年龄15岁


(1)Tom is a student.He is seven years old.(合并)Tom is a _________________ student.(2)He will have a ______________holiday.A.three day B.three days C.three-day 导学3 His mother couldn’t afford to pay for her children’s education.afford v.买得起,负担得起,有足够的(钱、时间)做某事常与 can & be able to 连用 can /could afford sth can /could afford to do sth.can’t / couldn’t afford sth.can’t /couldn’t afford to do sth.如:I can’t/couldn’t afford to = I can’t/couldn’t afford.pay for 支付,负担„的费用

导学4 His mother looked after him as well as she could.as„„as possible = as„ as sb can 尽可能„.as + 形容词./副词+as sb.could/can 尽某人所能

如:She runs.她尽她最快的能力去跑。

导学5 Martin still caused problems for himself and his family.cause 意思为.cause sb.to do sth.使某人做某事

导学5 He was not interested in studying, he often got into trouble with the police in the past.get into trouble with sb 遇到麻烦,陷入困境.导学6 His mother was very patient.patient(耐心的adj.)(be patient with sb 对„耐心)(病人 n.)护士们对病人很有耐心 The nurses _____very _____ _______ the ________ 导学7 In the end, she made difficult a decision.in the end = at last =finally decision 决心,决定。名词,它的动词是

make a decision to do..下决定,下决心= decide to do..=make up one’s mind to do(1)His father agreed with his _______.(decide)导学8 to one’s surprise 令某人惊讶的是 in surprise 惊奇地 be surprised 感到惊奇.(1)To ______ surprise, she passed the test.(he)(2)He was very to meet her on the way to the school.to one’s +表示感情色彩的名词 意思是“令人„.的是” to her excitement 令他兴奋的是

导学9 She also told me that even though my father was no longer with us, he was watching me and would always take pride in everything good I do.even though 即使,尽管=though =although= even if不与but连用(1).Even though he is very young, he knows more than me.He is very young, ________ he knows more than me.(2)._____ it is dark,___ I can go home alone.A.Although, but B.Though, / C./,although pride 名词,自豪,骄傲,它的形容词为proud 自豪的,骄傲的 take pride in „.以„而自豪=be proud of„ 如:

His father always him..他的爸爸总是以他而自豪 导学10 and I have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me.pay attention to 意为“注意”,其后常跟名词,代词,或动词ing形式。你应该注意你的发音You should ______ _______ __________ your __________.导学11 and didn’t give up trying to help him.give up doing sth.放弃做某事=stop doing I think you should give up________.(smoke)=I think you should _______ _________.My father has given up ________.我爸爸已经放弃吸烟了。

导学12 after his father’s death a few years ago.death是die的名词,意为“死亡”。die意为“死亡,断气”,是终止性动词,强调动作。dead意为“死的”,是形容词,常与be动词连用,指死的状态。


He is,but his name will live in our hearts forever.他虽然死了,但他的名字将永远留在我们心中。This dog is.这条狗快要死了。

It makes me very sad when I think of my little dog’s.当我想起我小狗的死亡时,我很难过。

His father ________ two years ago.=His father has been ________ for two years.他父亲两年前去世了

导学13 Even the teacher agreed that Martin was wasting his time.waste 动词,意为“浪费,滥用” 常用搭配: waste time(in)doing sth.浪费时间做某事。waste money on sb./sth.浪费金钱在某人/某物上。想一想:跟哪个词用法相似? 3 通过课前准备,你的不懂之处是 课堂小测

1.蒂娜过去常留红色的卷发.Tina 2.你过去相当文静,是吗? You quiet, ____________? 3他过去常弹琴吗? ____________________ play the piano? 4.但现在我对运动更感兴趣.But now ______________________________.5我是游泳队中的一员.I’m __________________.6小明过去害怕在小组面前说话.Xiao Ming used to __________________________ 7.我一直学习.I study __________________________.8 马丁是一个十五岁的男孩.Martin is ________________________________.9.他过去常惹许多麻烦 He used to ____________________


Unit 4

1.high – rise 构词法 adj – V high – rise flat / building / office

There appeared a high – rise mountain after an earthquake.地震后,一座山拔地而起。

2.by accident = by chance 不经意间,不小心

No one can become successful by accident.没有人能够偶然成功。

3.at play 在玩耍

A group of children are at swim.在游泳。

4.hurt = injured 5.leave for,for后接目的地。

We’re leaving for Shanghai tomorrow morning.6.learn 了解到

We learnt that the train had already left.我们了解到火车已经离开了。7.too + adj + to do 太...而不能

= Amy was so afraid that she didn’t talk to the police.8.have a clear conscience 问心无愧

have a guilty conscience 问心有愧

I have a guilty conscience because I cheated in the exam.我感到问心有愧因为我在考试中作弊了。

“I feel guilty to this day that I didn 't do more , ” she said “此刻我问心有愧,只怨当初没有做得更多,”她说。

9.take the underground 乘地铁

10.By nine o’clock yesterday morning By + 时间点:完成时标志

11.sit down beside 属于 V+ adv+prep adv 表示方向 12.alone 与 lonely alone可作表语或状语,不能用在名词前作定语 lonely 可作表语、状语或定语

a lonely child 不能说 an alone child

13.bully / threaten / frighten sb to do sth 恐吓某人做某事 cow = intimidate 威胁,恐吓

She was easily cowed by people in authority.她很容易被有权势的人吓住。

14.get on 上车 get off 下车

15.unhelpful 不爱助人的

16.pay for sth

i.为...付款 Would you please pay for the umbrella for me, since I don’t have enough money on me right now ? ii.为...付出代价

Japan had to pay price for surrender.日本得为战败付出代价。

17.feel sorry for sb..同情某人 = feel pity / sympathy on sb

18.be busy doing sth 忙于某事

“ Mum, you’re wanted on the phone.“ “ I’m busy cooking.“

19.by mistake 错误地

I took her as Lucy by mistake.我错误地把他当作露西了。


20.wait your turn = line up = wait until it’s your turn

21.She knocked a flower pot from her window by accident.It broke on the ground below and narrowly missed some children at play.i.narrowly 差一点

The ball narrowly hit my eye.那个球差一点打到我的眼睛上。

The boy narrowly reached the apple.那男孩儿差一点就够到那只苹果了。ii.on 表有接触面 a book on the desk stand on top of the mountain get on the bus iii.关于 knock 的几个介词搭配用法

1)knock sth from sp 把sth 从 sp 打翻 2)knock...off I knocked the vase off the table and broke it.打翻 My mother always knocks off at six.(总是6点下班,然后为你做饭,日复一日,年复一年,不觉苦累,你感动吗?)3)The shop assistant knocked 10% off the bill.= He reduced the price by 10%.售货员给了10%的优惠。4)knock over A car knocked the old woman over.(一辆汽车把老人撞倒了)= The car hit her and made her fall.(后续:汽车是谁的呢?张柏芝前段居说是醉酒驾驶,以前周杰<还珠格格>在北京开奔驰车撞了老人后立刻跑掉,被人誉为“周跑跑”。)

5)knock out 把...击晕了

In the fight, the thief knocked the policeman out.= make him unconscious.在搏斗中,小偷把警察把昏了。(后续:警察这么菜包)


He did not know how to fight, but he knocked the boxer out.另:当 knock 可作名词。

There is a knock at the door.(口语中)而不用:Someone is knocking at the door.22.offer to do sth 主动提出做某事

23.advise sb(not)to do sth 建议某人做(不做)某事 24.apologize to sb for sth 因做了某事而向某人道歉

It seems that the Japanese has never apologize to the Chinese people for hurting their feelings during the WorldWarII.看起来日本政府从未因在二战中伤害过中国人的感情而向中国人民道过歉。

25.not...at all 根本不...at all 完全

你看着古埃及的字:I can’t understand a word at all.I’m clear of what he did at all.我完全明白他做的事情。

26.error 与 mistake error 指小错误,差错。mistake 指言行上的错误。


i.过去的过去 before, by the time,ii.对过去造成影响 just, already, for, since 详解见语法(时态)

第五篇:初三英语教案Lesson 72 教学设计方案

Lesson 72 教学设计方案

Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector and a map of world.Teaching Objectives: 1.Practise listening ability.2.Revise the grammar: the Comparative Degrees of Adjective and Adverbs The Past Perfect Tense Language Focus: Checkpoint 18 Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision Check homework, then ask the students to read the partners' homework to share with each other.Revise the use of the Infinitive III.leading in T: Today we'll learn something about Coco.Do you know where she is from? IV.Listening practice Play the tape or for the students to listen and find the answer, then look at the workbook, Exercise 1, go through the questions with the students and make sure they can understand what they mean.Play the tape again, let the students discuss their answers in pains before the teacher checks the answers with the whole class.V.Presentation Show the students a map of the world, and ask: What map is it? Help the students find “China” and “India” on the map.Let the students discuss the two countries: They are developing countries.They have a large population in the world.Ask: What’s the population of China and what’s the population of India? Let the students read Part 2 and answer the questions.(China's population is 1 328 000 000 and India's population is 1 000 000 000).That’s to say India’s population is smaller than China’s.Ask the students to use the words in the box to complete the passage, then read together, finally ask the students to retell the text.VI.Practice Revise the Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense, give some examples: 1.He had left before his wife came back.2.I remembered that Peter had already got a bike.3.By the end of last month, he had learned 2000 new words.4.When I got to the cinema, the film had begun.Then ask the students to do Exercise 3.The answers are: 1 C 2 E 3 A 4 B 5 D.Let the students read these sentences together.VII.Practice Ask the students to do Exercise 4 first, then check the answers.The answers are: had, in, is, more, the, had, to, in, had, that, to, us, and, to VIII.Workbook Give the students five minutes to finish workbook.Do Exercises 1, 3 and 4.Then check the answers.The answers to Exercise 1 are: took, went, found, was, called, told, had happened, said, would go, came, was found, checked, founded, said, stole, went, enjoyed, came, found, had stolen, had The answers to Exercise 3 are: I worn out 2 try on 3 slow down 4 made up my mind 5 am pleased with 6 were angry with, deserve to 7 at least 8 as if 9 carried on IX.Summary Exercises in class Fill in the blanks according to the text in this unit.Lucy and Lily are___1___.They are living together___2___.But sometimes they fight.It doesn't last too___3___.They___4___very well with each other again.They look___5__, so it's hard for people to recognize them: Who is Lucy___6__Lily.We always___7___mistakes.They feel___8__.They like most of the same things, for example: music, food and___9__.But Lily likes to___10__, Lucy likes to___11__, they don’t like the same colour,____12___.So they have some___13____Sometimes they disagree, but they never___14__.They love each other and they are___15___happy that they are twins.Answers: 1.twins 2.most of the time 3.long 4.get on 5.the same 6.or 7.make 8.the same 9.books 10.dance 11.sing 12.either 13.differences 14.fight 15.both X.Homework Prepare for the final examination.

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