
时间:2019-05-15 07:25:26下载本文作者:会员上传


1.Background information:(1)Students: 26 University students(sophomore)(2)Lesson duration: 80 minutes(3)Title of the lesson: Unit13 Travel “Getting there is half the fun.”

2.Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:(1)Ask and answer questions about one’s travel experience.(2)To express one’s idea in English fluently.(3)Have a general understanding of some travel places.(4)Learn to be good listeners and brave to ask questions in English.(5)To know the importance of teamwork.(6)To enlarge the students vocabulary about travel.3.Teaching contents:(1)Vocabulary of travel:(2)Listening practice(3)Sentence structure: to express one’s travel experience Last year we went to…… The weather was……..Our tour guide was…… The road was………….4.Teaching aids: tapes

blackboard chalk PPT pictures video 5.Type of lesson: Vocabulary



6.Teaching procedure: Step1.Review(15mins)(1)Pair work.The students answer the questions about “do you like to travel? Why?” and “Where have you traveled within this country? Outside of this country? Where do you like to travel? Why?”(2)Show students some scenic spots in our country.Step2.Warm-up(vocabulary part)(15mins)(1)Go through the vocabulary first.(2)Give students 3minutes to complete the sentence.(3)Play the audio one time and let them check their answers are right or wrong.(4)We will do it together and let students translate the sentence into Chinese.(5)Let students ask me the sentence or phrase they don’t understand.Step3.Listening task(15mins)(1)Show the picture and ask the students to guess what happened in the picture.(2)Play the audio first time and try to get the main point and check their guesses are right or wrong.(3)Play the audio once again.This time try to find more details and answer the questions in the book.(4)Check the answer one by one.Step4.Group work activity(15mins)(1)Divide students into four groups.(2)To list the advantages and disadvantages of travel.Words and phrases in a limited time.(3)Every group will choose a reporter to present their group idea in front of class Step5.Show time(20mins)(1)Show students some interesting picture about scenic spots.(2)Show a short video, just enjoy the beautiful scenery.Step6.homework。









三、教案内容 Unit 1 Reservation 教学目的和要求:要求学生掌握在酒店服务中如何使用英语帮助客人进行预订。教学基本内容:

Ⅰ Listening Comprehension 听力对话 重点句型听力 Ⅱ Useful Expressions 酒店服务英语的总体原则 组织结构 预定的常见形式 预定的注意事项

Ⅲ Situational Dialogue : Alice Liu is a secretary in Tokyo.She calls Hilton Hotel in Tianjin to reserve a suite for her boss from March 22 to 24.The reservation answers the phone call and accepts the booking.Ⅳ Reading Comprehension Text A:(1)Explain the function of the front office.(2)Use examples to describe the relationship between room reservation and other department.Ⅴ Exercises and summary 本单元重点: 电话预定 本单元难点:

服务人员在预定过程中的引领作用 教学方法:讲授

Unit 2 Reception 教学目的和要求:要求学生能够使用英语完成登记入住服务。教学基本内容:

Ⅰ Listening Comprehension 听力对话 重点句型听力 Ⅱ Useful Expressions 入住登记的操作流程 房态 支付方式

Ⅲ Situational Dialogue(1)A guest comes up to the Reception Desk.He has booked a double room for four nights a week ago by Ctrip.Now he wants to check-in.(2)A guest enters the hotel you served.He has no reservation.Unfortunately, all the rooms are occupied until 6:00 pm.Now it is 4 o‟clock.Try to make this deal successfully.Ⅳ Reading Comprehension Text A:

(1)List differences between Stars and Diamonds.(2)Describe the current situation of Star ratings in China.(3)Is it necessary to introduce Diamond ratings into China? Text B:

(1)Explain the function of room categories.(From supplier perspective and guest perspective.)

2(2)What are the differences among POV, OV and OF.(Use Chinese to answer.)Which one will be the most expensive? Ⅴ Exercises and summary 本单元重点: 登记入住流程 本单元难点: 团队客人的登记入住 教学方法:讲授

Unit 3 Answer the Calls 教学目的和要求:要求学生掌握酒店接听电话的方式和类别。教学基本内容:

Ⅰ Listening Comprehension 听力对话 重点句型听力 Ⅱ Useful Expressions 饭店总机的功能 饭店总机的基本要求 Ⅲ Situational Dialogue(1)One guest need a morning call for his 9:00 international flight.He know nothing about the traffic condition.Please give some suggestion to the guest and confirm the morning call.(2)One guest is confused by the charges of the calls.Please give some explanation.Include: house phone, local call, long distance call and international call.There is a minimum charge of first three minutes for Domestic Direct Dial but not for International Direct Dial.Ⅳ Reading Comprehension Text A: 翻译 Text B:

(1)Differentiate a mobile phone and a portable phone.(2)Why cell phone can be used in different countries?(3)Estimate the effect of digital camera in cell phone.Ⅴ Exercises and summary 本单元重点:

接听电话后的正确操作方式 本单元难点: 叫早电话 教学方法:讲授

Unit 4 Complaint 教学目的和要求:要求学生掌握应对客人投诉或抱怨的方法,以及处理措施。教学基本内容:

Ⅰ Listening Comprehension 听力对话 重点句型听力 Ⅱ Useful Expressions 投诉处理程序 处理投诉的注意事项 Ⅲ Situational Dialogue(1)Mrs.Brown complain that the hot water is not as hot as she expected.Try to deal with it.(2)Mr.Green is very unhappy with the restaurant service in the hotel.The manager is handling the complaint.Ⅳ Reading Comprehension Text A:

(1)If you are an employee, what is your attitude toward the customer complaints?(2)If you are the manager, what is your attitude toward the customer complaints?(3)If you are the owner of the hotel, what is your attitude toward the customer complaints?(4)How to manage customer complaints? Text B:

(1)Classify all the complaints in Poor Service.Try to resolves these problems.(2)Should we inform guests some problems about the room when they make a reservation.Ⅴ Exercises and summary 本单元重点: 应对客人投诉的方法 本单元难点: 如何舒缓客人情绪


Unit 5 Check-out 教学目的和要求:要求学生能够使用英语完成对客人离店退宿的服务。教学基本内容:

Ⅰ Listening Comprehension 听力对话 重点句型听力 Ⅱ Useful Expressions 结账退宿的操作流程 账单上常见的缩写 Ⅲ Situational Dialogue(1)Mrs.Smith is in Room 2210 and she is checking out.Her bill is ¥1250.She wants to settle the bill with cash.You find that the cash is not RMB or USD but HKD.As the hotel regulation, HKD is not accepting.Try to help her to check out.(2)Miss Chen has stayed in the hotel for 4 days and she is going to check out.She finds that if she reserved by Ctrip she could get 15% discount.Now she requires the discount.But you find that she made the reservation by telephone.Try to deal with this problem.Ⅳ Reading Comprehension Text A:

(1)What is account?(2)What is folio?(3)Differentiate account from folio.Ⅴ Exercises and summary 本单元重点: 离店退宿的流程 本单元难点: 前台财务管理 教学方法:讲授

Unit 6 Housekeeping 教学目的和要求:要求学生了解客房部的常见服务及应对措施。


Ⅰ Listening Comprehension 听力对话 重点句型听力

Ⅱ Useful Expressions 客房部部结构 客房迎宾服务

客房清理服务的注意事项 客房设施词汇 Ⅲ Situational Dialogue(1)The bell man greets and shows the guest Room 3305.He first opens the door for the guest and carries guest„s luggage.He draws back the curtains, turns on the TV and shows the mini bar.When he is going to make a cup of tea for the guest, the guest gives him ¥10 and the bell man leaves the room.(2)A guest asks a room attendant to make up the room right now because he will have some visitors.After cleaning, he asks the room attendant to fetch some fresh towels, a bottle of ice, some flowers and candles.Try to handle this situation.Ⅳ Reading Comprehension Text A:

(1)List the factors which will influence staff scheduling.(2)How to make Visual Rota?(3)Talk something about the function of Visual Rota.Text B:

(1)Differentiate overview among Chief Housekeeper, Asst.Chief Housekeeper and Floor Supervisor.(2)Differentiate requirements, salary and benefits among stations.Ⅴ Exercises and summary 本单元重点: 客房服务的处理流程 本单元难点:

客房服务与客人关系的处理 教学方法:讲授

Unit 7 Laundry Service 教学目的和要求:要求学生能够使用英文完成对客人衣物洗涤服务的处理。教学基本内容:

Ⅰ Listening Comprehension 听力对话 重点句型听力 Ⅱ Useful Expressions 洗衣服务 短语

Ⅲ Situational Dialogue(1)Mr.Smith wants to have express laundry service because he is going to have a meeting this afternoon.He‟d like his suit to be dry clean.Try to handle this.(2)The guest wants to know how to get the laundry service.Try to explain service time and charges.(3)One guest finds her skirt is damaged by washing and asks for compensation.Try to solve this problem.Ⅳ Reading Comprehension Text A:

(1)Why laundry quality is important in hospitality industry according to the passage?(2)What benefits can we get in operating an in-house laundry? Ⅴ Exercises and summary 本单元重点: 洗衣服务的流程 本单元难点:

如何处理贵重服饰的洗涤要求 教学方法:讲授

Unit 8 Room Service 教学目的和要求:要求学生了解全服务酒店可以向顾客提供的各种服务。教学基本内容:

Ⅰ Listening Comprehension

听力对话 重点句型听力 Ⅱ Useful Expressions 客房服务 词汇

Ⅲ Situational Dialogue(1)Miss Liu wants to have breakfast in her room 1878.Her order is a cup of coffee with sugar, one fried egg, one sandwiches and a glass of chilled apple juice.About 10 minutes later, the waiter sends the breakfast.(2)Mr.White wants to know if it is possible to have an extra bed for his 9 years old son.The room attendant asks him to fill out a form and contracts with the Front Desk.It is $20 for extra bed per night.Ⅳ Reading Comprehension Text A:

(1)What benefits can hotel get from room service?(2)What is the difference between room service and food delivery?(3)What is the difference between limited feature hotel and luxury hotel in room service? Text B: T or F Ⅴ Exercises and summary 本单元重点: 当客人提出不同要求时的应对流程 本单元难点: 婴儿看顾、宠物问题 教学方法:讲授

Unit 9 F&B Service 教学目的和要求:要求学生掌握餐饮服务的基本流程。教学基本内容:

Ⅰ Listening Comprehension 听力对话 重点句型听力 Ⅱ Useful Expressions

餐饮部主要岗位 西餐早餐

餐饮服务的基本流程 餐饮预订

Ⅲ Situational Dialogue(1)Miss.Chen calls the Sun Restaurant to reserve a table for a party of six for 6:30 the next evening.The hostess answers the phone call and accepts the booking.(2)One guest calls the River Bank Restaurant to reserve a table for 8 o‟clock tonight, and he requests to sit beside the window.But there is no table tonight.The hostess suggests the guest to change a time or place.Ⅳ Reading Comprehension Text A:

(1)Describe the characteristics of China‟s varied cuisines.(2)Why do Chinese choose chopsticks as tableware according to the passage?(3)List some differences about table manners between China and western countries.Text B:

(1)When can you begin to eat?(2)How to eat soup?(3)When somebody asks you to pass the salt, can you use it before the one who requests it?(4)How to remove inedible items from the mouth? Ⅴ Exercises and summary 本单元重点: 餐位预定:个人和团体 本单元难点: 饮食习惯及小费问题 教学方法:讲授

Unit 10 Orders 教学目的和要求:要求学生掌握引导客人点菜的方法。教学基本内容:

Ⅰ Listening Comprehension 听力对话

重点句型听力 Ⅱ Useful Expressions 西餐服务——餐具 西餐服务——酒杯 西餐服务——餐具摆放 西餐点菜 菜肴与酒水搭配 Ⅲ Situational Dialogue(1)Mr.Zhang and his friends come to the Amazon Restaurant and you show them a table in private hall.(2)Mr.Green and his wife come to the restaurant.Mr.Green orders a beef steak which he‟d like to be well done and a beer.Mrs.Green orders some vegetables.Ⅳ Reading Comprehension Text A:

(1)How to understand French cuisine?(2)What are considered the essence of French cuisine?(3)Describe the French dining order.Text B:

(1)What is the similarity between Japanese cuisine and French cuisine?(2)Explain why Kobe beef cost so much?(3)Describe the typical Japanese method of rice preparation.Ⅴ Exercises and summary 本单元重点: 点菜服务流程 本单元难点: 菜名翻译 教学方法:讲授

Unit 11 Pay the Bill 教学目的和要求:要求学生掌握结账流程。教学基本内容:

Ⅰ Listening Comprehension 听力对话 重点句型听力 Ⅱ Useful Expressions 词汇——烹调方式 词汇——酒水 Ⅲ Situational Dialogue(1)Miss Liu finds that the fish she ordered is not fresh and the rice is not served until she finishes her meal.She complains about these.The waiter gives her 20% discount.(2)Mr.Li asks for the bill and is told by the waiter he has to pay 1,200 yuan.Mr.Li finds that he has never ordered any alcohol which is on the bill.Then the bill is corrected and Mr.Li pays in cash.Ⅳ Reading Comprehension Text A:

(1)Explain the payment method of bank credit card.(2)What are the three principal types of credit cards mentioned in the passage?(3)Translate the measures which are suggested to be taken to protect your credit cards.And do you have any other suggestions? Text B:

(1)Talk about the “credit limit” among different cards.(2)How many types and amount of cards do you need and why?(3)For the online purchases, which card is safer and why? Ⅴ Exercises and summary 本单元重点: 各种付款方式的使用 本单元难点: 避免客人逃账 教学方法:讲授

Unit 12 Other Service 教学目的和要求:概括性了解商务中心和娱乐中心的对客服务。教学基本内容:

Ⅰ Listening Comprehension 听力对话 重点句型听力 Ⅱ Useful Expressions 康乐中心 康体设施

Ⅲ Situational Dialogue(1)Mr.Brown and his friends come to the gymnasium in the hotel.The attendant greets them and introduces the facilities and activities.The guests are interested in the aerobic classes and hope to join the class.(2)One guest needs to leave a diamond ring in the safe deposit box before she goes to swimming.Supply the service.Ⅳ Reading Comprehension Text A:

(1)Where can you find the information like “facilities and service” part of the passage in your daily life?(2)What is aerobics? Which part of your body benefits most from it?(3)What are the main benefits of saunas?

Text B:

(1)What is the “ad agency” mean in the passage?(Para.3, Line 2)(2)What benefits can exercises offer?(3)Talk something about the exercises condition of you.Ⅴ Exercises and summary 本单元重点: 如何为客人提出建议 本单元难点: 不同客人的需求习惯 教学方法:讲授



学生进行角色扮演,以小品方式进行锻炼 本单元重点和难点: 小品剧情设计 教学方法:学生参与

Mid-term exercise 教学目的和要求:就前半学期所学内容做一次巩固,加深学生对知识的理解,提高应用能力。要求学生了解旅游业当前的热点问题,并对此阐述个人观点。教学基本内容:

要求学生就酒店工作的热点问题展开5分钟左右的个人演讲。本单元重点和难点: 英语口语表达 教学方法:学生参与

Review Lesson


教学基本内容: 复习答疑

本单元重点和难点: 专业词汇及表达方式 学时分配:2学时讲授

Final Exam 教学目的和要求:考核学生的学习成果 教学基本内容: 开卷考试

本单元重点和难点: 专业化的表达方式 教学方法:测试


[1] 鲁阿凤,司爱侠,王凤元.饭店酒店管理专业英语实用教程.北京:清华大学出版 社.2010年8月.

[2] 雅各,斯特鲁特.朗文旅游英语.天津:南开大学出版社.2007年6月. [3] 段开成.旅游英语(高级).天津:南开大学出版社.2004年1月.

五、课程考核方式及成绩评定平时成绩:50%平时成绩中包含期中练习成绩,课程作业成绩及出勤情况统计 期末考试:50% 合计:100%


Unit one

World Tourism Organization

Teaching Objectives

1.Become familiar with World Tourism Organization 2.Become familiar with Key Benefits of Tourism 3.Be able to make the conversations at the Guests’ Arrival 4.Understand some sentence structures and patterns

Teaching Approaches 1.Introduce the history of the Tourism 2.Tell them something about the World Tourism Organization 3.Describe briefly the benefits of tourism 4.Let the students read the materials about tourism 5.Discuss the process of Guests’ Arrival at the airport 6.Homework

Focus on

1.World Tourism Organization & Key Benefits of Tourism 2.Guests’ Arrival

Time Allocations World Tourism Organization A Conceptual Framework:

World Tourism Organization & Key Benefits of Tourism(3 periods)Guests’ Arrival(3 periods)

Teaching Difficulties The new words Usages Some useful expressions Difficulties

Teaching Methods

Teacher’s Explanations Questions Discussing Exercises

Teaching Procedures

World Tourism Organization & Key Benefits of Tourism


Travelingat airport 常用语句

我该到哪里办联合航空 706 次班机登机手续? Where may I check in for United flight number 706?


What time will boarding start? 我要转法国航空 123 号班机。

I'm connecting with AF123.哪里可以询问转接班机的事情?

Where can I get information on a connecting flight?


护照 Passport 签证 Visa

入境记录卡 Embarkation Card 出境记录卡 Disembarkation Card 入境大厅 Arrival Lobby 出境大厅 Departure Lobby 登机门号码 Gate Number 登机证 Boarding Card 机场税 Airport Tax 商务签证 Business Visa

旅客登机报到处 Check in Counter 观光签证 Tourist Visa




One A.Objectives

Students will be able to: 1)Be familiar with the expressions of itinerary;2)Describe a scenic spot;

3)Learn how to write a tour itinerary and make a dialogue about tour.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills: make a dialogue about itinerary.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:

Focus 1: how to write an itinerary;Focus 2: how to make a dialogue about tour;C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, comprehensive reading of Part A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Learn to write a tour itinerary.3rd-4th period: talk about package tour, understand passage of reading B and the structure of reading B, and discuss, explain new words, phrases and expressions.5th--6th period: Do the listening.Check the answers of excises on page 5-6.Make a dialogue about tour.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.Introduce some places in America. Step two: let students do the fast reading to find out the route of the tour to America. Step three: do the global reading and then answer the questions on Task 1. Step four: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples. Step five: read the sample of an itinerary on page6, learn how to write a tour itinerary.2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: warming up.Talk about tours in summer vacation  Step two: skimming reading and find the answers for the questions on Task2. Step three: read the passage again to grasp the main idea of each paragraph. Step four: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.旅游专业英语电子教案

3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: Do the listening. Step two: make a dialogue about tour itinerary. Step three: make a dialogue based on Task 2.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: write a tour itinerary 3rd-4th period: finish the excises on page 5-6 5th--6th period: Finish Home Reading on page11.Notes:  Important words: scenic;foothill;giant;fertile;raise;claim;prearrange, offer, comprise, relatively, afford, and so on. Phrases: save from;on an inlet;a number of, a combination of, a variety of, prefer to, in advance, and cater to. Grammar: attributive clause;future progressive; Difficult sentences:

a)Where the Willamette flows into the Colunbia River, one of the great rivers of America, we will find Oregon’s largest city, Portland, known as the “City of Roses.”

b)A package tour is a combination of several travel components provided by different suppliers, which are sold to the consumer as a single product at a single price.c)Besides, it is often easier to get into a special event as a member of a tour than as an individual since the tour operators have the experience to know which attractions are worth a special trip.d)While the majority of tourists nowadays prefer to travel in groups with their entertainment and sightseeing included in the package, some tourists prefer personalized tours which provide the comfort of a guide to show them around scenic sights and make all the necessary arrangements for them.旅游专业英语电子教案


Two A.Objectives

Students will be able to:

1)Be familiar with elements of a short welcome speech and the expressions of hotel services.2)Discuss hotel services in simple words.3)Know how to write a short welcome speech.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills: make a short welcome speech by group-work.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:

Focus 1: how to write a welcome speech;Focus 2: how to make dialogues about meeting tourists and hotel check-in;C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, and figure out the main parts of a welcome speech.Intensive reading of Text A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.3rd-4th period: understand text B, discuss, and explain new words, phrases and expressions.5th--6th period: Doing listening on page20.Learn to write a welcome speech.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: help students review the important words and phrases in Unit 1. Step two: talk about the elements of a welcome speech. Step three: skimming reading on text A and find the answers for the questions on Task 1. Step three: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: skimming reading on text B and find the answers for the questions on Task 2. Step two: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: do listening on page20.3


 Step two: check the answers of the excises on Page 17-18  Step three: read the sample on Page 18 and learn to write a welcome speech.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview text B 3rd-4th period: Finish the exercise on page17-18.5th--6th period: write a welcome speech


1)Important words: reset;suppose, establish, reset, encompass, cater;transient;resort;budget;prime and so on.2)Phrases: on behalf of;for most of;the first trip to;be considered as;date back;be set to;up to;allow sb to do sth;.3)Difficult sentences:

a)Chinese culture is considered as one of the oldest civilizations, while the PRC is among the youngest nations of the world..b)The history of Chinese culture and China dates back to over 5,000 years ago, while the People’s Republic of China was established on October 1st, 1949.c)Although China encompasses enough territory

to include five different time zones, all of the clocks and watches in this nation are set to Beijing standard time, except XinJiang.d)After the beginning of the economic reform in 1978, we are making progress towards modernization, and we are having some free time and money to tour, not in China but also abroad.旅游专业英语电子教案


Three A.Objectives

Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text; Be familiar with the expressions of food service. Discuss about Chinese food in simple words. Write a banquet menu and make a dialogue about restaurant conversation.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills: make a dialogue about restaurant conversation.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:

Focus 1: how to write a banquet menu;Focus 2: how to make a dialogue about restaurant conversation;

C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.3rd-4th period: understand the reading passage in Text B, learn to describe the main idea of each paragraph, and discuss, explain new words, phrases and expressions.5th--6th period: Do the listening.Learn to write a menu.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.Ask students to talk about the specialties in their hometown. Step two: do the global reading and then answer the questions on Task 1. Step three: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: warming up.Discuss the art of cooking.(technique, elements, seasonings and etc.) Step two: skimming reading on text B and find the answers for the questions on Task2. Step three: read the passage again to grasp the main idea of each paragraph.5


 Step four: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: Do the listening. Step two: read the sample of a banquet menu on Page 31, learn to write menu. Step three: make a dialogue based on Task 1.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview text B 3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page30-31 5th--6th period: write a banquet menu.Notes:

1)Important words: aroma;specialize;delicate;flavor;crave;distinctive;ensure and so on.2)Phrases: give rise to;appeal to;make use of;allow for;boast of;a variety of;see to it that;

3)Difficult sentences:

a)Quite different from Western cooking where recipes are followed strictly like laboratory instructions, Chinese cooking always allows for a creative and stylistic touch to it.b)Great attention is paid to aesthetic appreciation of the food because the food should be good not only in flavor and smell, but also in color and appearance.Unit

Four 6



Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text; be familiar with the introduction of urban tourism. translate text B.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills: translate the text B.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:

Focus 1: how to write publicity for a tourist city;Focus 2: how to make a dialogue about Urban Tourism;

C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.3rd-4th period: understand the reading passage in Text B, learn to describe the main idea of each paragraph, and discuss, explain new words, phrases and expressions.5th--6th period: Do the listening.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.Ask students to talk about their experience of traveling  Step two: do the global reading and then answer the questions on Task 1. Step three: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: warming up. Step two: skimming reading on text B and find the answers for the questions on Task2. Step three: read the passage again to grasp the main idea of each paragraph. Step four: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: Do the listening. Step two: make a dialogue based on Task 1.旅游专业英语电子教案

E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview text B 3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page30-31 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:

Important words: urban reprensnt

comopolitan enthic

abound sponsor exquisite leisure sufficient incentive

Phrases: far and wide associate with a range of turn up lie in

acclaims as Difficult sentences:

a)It is considered a museum of the East meeting the West and the past joining the present.b)The East has a Western flavor in Shanghai, but at the same time the creation of a strictly Chinese culture have not been erased.Unit

Five 8



Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text; know and remenber some basic Chinese ancient architecture. memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills:discuss and express the Chinese ancient architecture.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:

Focus:the express of Chinese three main ancient architecture;

C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.3rd-4th period: understand the reading passage in Text B, explain new words, phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.Ask students to discuss the Chinese ancient architecture they have known. Step two:background information. Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions

 Step four: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: warming up. Step two: skimming reading on text B and find the answers for the questions on Task2. Step three: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples. Step four: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.旅游专业英语电子教案

3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: check the answers of the excises  Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview text B 3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page55-56 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:

Important words: architecture civilization heritage relics unearth magnificent Phrases: leave behind architecture relics consist of refer to derive from …

Difficult sentences:

a)Rich history has left behind in China many cultural heritage and famous architectural relics such as …

b)The most widespread residential structures in China is”the courtyard dwellings.”


Six A.Objectives

Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text;10


 know and remenber some famouse Chinese garden. memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese gardenes.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese gardenes they have known. Step two:background information. Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions

2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples. Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: check the answers of the excises  Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page67-69.5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:


Important words: component imperial masterpiece gemotric subordinate heyday lattice shelter pagoda

Difficult sentences:

a)Garden building saw its heyday during the Ming and Qing dynasties and the imperial garden Yuanmingyuan was regarded as masterpiece in the period.b)Different from the classical European gardens, in which geometric patterns dominate, Chinese gardens are made to resemble natural landscapes on a smaller scale.c)Traditional Chinese gardens fall into three categories, namely, imperial, private and landscape gardens.d)Building in the garden were used for receiving guests, holding banquet, reading or writing poetry.Unit



Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text; know and remenber some famouse Chinese garden. memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.旅游专业英语电子教案

B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese gardenes.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese gardenes they have known. Step two:background information. Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions

2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples. Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: check the answers of the excises  Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page67-69.5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:

Important words: component imperial masterpiece gemotric subordinate heyday lattice shelter pagoda

Difficult sentences:


a)Garden building saw its heyday during the Ming and Qing dynasties and the imperial garden Yuanmingyuan was regarded as masterpiece in the period.b)Different from the classical European gardens, in which geometric patterns dominate, Chinese gardens are made to resemble natural landscapes on a smaller scale.c)Traditional Chinese gardens fall into three categories, namely, imperial, private and landscape gardens.d)Building in the garden were used for receiving guests, holding banquet, reading or writing poetry.Unit



Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text; know and remenber some famouse Chinese painting  memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese painting

2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.C.teaching contents and time allotment:


1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese paintings they have known. Step two:background information. Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions

2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples. Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: check the answers of the excises  Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page76 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:

Important words: distinguished adj.卓著的, 著名的 imitation n.模仿

portrayal n.描画, 描写 azurite n.石青 elaborate adj.复杂精美的 professional adj.专业的 scholarly adj.学者气质的, 学者风度的 intellectual n.知识分子 execution n.技巧,手法 contour n.轮廓 visible adj.看得见的, 显著的 cinnabar n.朱

Difficult sentences:

1.figure painting 人物画 2.landscape painting 山水画


3.flower and bird painting 花鸟画 4.court painting 宫廷画 5.literati painting 文人画


Nine A.Objectives

Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text; know and remenber some famouse Chinese folklore  memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese Folk Customs

2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will 16


have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese Folk Customs 

s they have known. Step two:background information. Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions

2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples. Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: check the answers of the excises  Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page76 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:

folk adj.民间的 symbolize vt.象征, 用符号表现 dynasty n.朝代 variegated adj.杂色的,斑驳的 hilarious adj.欢闹的 burlesque adj.滑稽的,可笑的 pantomime n.哑剧 snipe n.鹬鸟

beak n.鸟嘴 inevitably adv.不可避免 innumerable adj.无数的, 数不清的 bamboo n.竹子

enthusiasm n.狂热, 热心, 积极性, 激发热情的事物 1.riding in a boat on land 跑旱船

跑旱船的船身,大都以竹枝扎成骨架,外围彩布或彩纸,成为无底的小船形,一个男子扮演坐在船身中的姑娘(实际上是站着),提起整条旱船,与表演船夫的男子搭配表演,作出撑船、划船的模样,十分有趣。2.walking on stilts 踩高跷

踩高跷是靠两支木跷,使人蓦然长高三五十公分,配合各种音乐及戏曲表演,不仅是一种民间艺术及地方曲艺,更是一种娱乐性的户外活动。3.carrying a youth piggyback 老背少

老背少是一位小姐胸前挂上打扮成老人的半截木人身,木人做出背负小姐的姿势,也就是由一人假扮两个人,以默剧的方式演出。4.the clam spirit dance 蚌精舞




Ten A.Objectives

Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text; know and remenber some famouse Historical Sites  memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points

1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese Historical Sites 2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.•

C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese Folk Customs 

s they have known. Step two:background information. Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions

2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples. Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.旅游专业英语电子教案

3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: check the answers of the excises  Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page76 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:

1.Palace Museum 故宫博物院

故宫位于北京市中心,也称“紫禁城”,是明清两代(公元1368-1911年)的皇宫,现辟为“故宫博物院”。故宫的整个建筑金碧辉煌,庄严绚丽,被誉为世界五大宫之一,并被联合国教科文组织列为“世界文化遗产”。2.Forbidden City 紫禁城


3.World Cultural Legacy 世界文化遗产


4.The Forbidden City consists of an outer courtyard and an inner enclosure.紫禁城分“外朝”和“内延”两部分。5.the Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿

太和殿是紫禁城内最体现中国帝制权力的象征, 不仅面积是紫禁城诸 殿中最大的一座,而且型制也是最高规格。明清两朝, 每逢元旦(春节), 冬至, 万寿(皇帝生日)及登基, 大婚,命将出师, 殿试传胪, 都在这里举



Eleven A.Objectives

Students will be able to:  grasp the main idea and structure of the text;• know and remenber some famouse Chinese religion

 memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points

• • 1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese religion

2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.旅游专业英语电子教案

C.teaching contents and time allotment:

1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:

 Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese Folk Customs 

s they have known. Step two:background information. Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions

2.Period three and Period four:

 Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples. Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six:

 Step one: check the answers of the excises  Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page76 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:




佛教的最高境界就是修出大慈悲心。3.Dao(Daoism, also called Taoism)



道家思想的核心是“道”, 认为“道”是宇宙的本源, 也是统治宇宙中一切运动的法则。道家思想后来被张鲁的五斗米道等宗教吸收, 并演变成中国的重要宗教之一——道教。

4.Yuan Fen(an ordained tie that brings people

together, especially couples)

缘分(一种注定把人们连接在一起的东西, 尤指夫妻)5.3 feet above there is a God


6.The heaven’s net is tight, you can’t run away with it.天网恢恢, 疏而不漏。

意思是天道公平,作恶就要受惩罚,它看起来似乎很不周密, 但最终不会放过一个坏人。比喻作恶的人逃脱不了国法的惩处。


Unit 1 My body



1、认识目标:能听懂会说本课的新单词,能懂会说并会用句型:This is the....It has...2、能力目标:学习过程中注意看老师口型的学习能力;手脑并用的听音做练习的能力。




head、nose、era、mouth···的发音 教学准备:教学卡片、多媒体课件、录音磁带 教学过程:


1、热身复习:师生问候、全班一起做“Simon says”的游戏。



4、学习句型:This is my......并运用自己的身体部位练习句型。


6、利用肢体语言引入另一句型:Point to your.....7、师生共同操练句型。






学会用单词eye, ear, nose, mouth, face来表述人体部位。教学难点:


Step 2: Presentation & Consolidation

1、Let’s learn.(点击课件,出现眼睛图片和eye的读音)What do you hear ? S:(重复听到的读音)

2、Practice :

T: let’s play games.Do you like games? S:Yes.T:First.Listen and draw.(游戏方法:播放课件,根据语音提示给小丑画上五官。请3——5名同学分别到电脑前,完成游戏并给予奖励。)S:(一名同学操作时,其他同学认真看大银幕判断)



1、认识目标:能听懂会说本课的新单词,能懂会说并会用句型:This is the....It has...2、能力目标:学习过程中注意看老师口型的学习能力;手脑并用的听音做练习的能力。






学会用单词hand,leg ,foot,arm来表述人体部位。教学难点:




Step 1: Warming up、1、Greetings: T: How are you ? S: Fine, thank you.How are you ? T: I am fine ,too.Thank you.Sit down ,please.2、Review: T: First, let’s sing the song by actions. S:(Sing and action)T: Now, I say and you do.(Let′s act.中学过的句子)S:(Listen and act)T: Look!I can dance, I can draw, I can jump.What can you do?

旅游版三年级英语 能听懂会说This is my family.Who's that man(boy)? He's my...Who's that woman(girl)? She's my...要求模仿正确,语调自然。

学会如何询问人的身份, 能简单介绍自己的家人.能区分和正确使用人称代词he 和she.教学重点:

1.句型:Who's that man(boy)? He's my„Who's that woman(girl)? She's my„

2.词汇:father, mother, mom, woman, man 教学难点:




3.教材相配套的教学录音带 教学过程:


1.播放Unit 1 B Let's talk动画,让学生模仿表演。


1.教师将一位新朋友介绍给大家。教师扮演这个新朋友,问一个女生:What's your name?引导这个女生回答:My name's(Diana).教师对其他学生说:She's(Diana).并示意学生跟着重复这句话。

2.教师指着离自己稍远的女生问:Who's that girl?引导学生回答:She's„


1.能听说认读单词:man, woman, father, grandfather, mother, grandmother.2.学唱歌曲:Father and mother.3.通过学唱歌曲,培养学生的学习兴趣.教学重点:单词:father(dad), mother(mom), grandfather(grandpa), grandmother(grandma), man, woman 教学难点:家庭成员单词的认读 教具准备:



3.教材相配套的教学录音带 教学过程:


1.教师让学生拿着自己的家庭照,通过实物投影展示给大家,并指着其中的人物做介绍:He's my father.She's my mother.2. 让学生两人一组面对面站着,举起自己的家人照片做问答练习:Who's that man? Who's that woman?


1.教师出示ChenJie的图片问学生:Who's this girl?让学生回答:She's ChenJie.并把图片贴到黑板上。

2.教师分别出示father, mother的图片,问学生:Who's that man(woman)?引导学生说出:He's ChenJie's father(dad).She's ChenJie's mother(mom).并把图片贴到黑板上。


1、能听懂会说询问某人是谁的句子“Who's this boy?”“Is she/he...?”并在实际情境中运用。


3、能听懂会说“Come on./Really?”,要求模仿正确,语调自然。教学重点:句型:Is she/he your„.?

词汇(短语):Come on!Really? Watch TV 教学难点:正确运用感叹词和日常用语 教学难点:

1. 学生们的家庭照片和自己家庭成员的个人生活照

2. 学生或教师的家庭录像

3、教材相配套的教学课件[Unit 2 Let’s learn]

4.教材相配套的教学录音带 教学过程: 一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)


Talk about the pictures


学生们自由提问:“Who’s he? Who’s she?”照片的主人进行回答。教师根据照片的内容发出自己的感叹“Great!Cool!Wow!Come on!Really?”鼓励学生也根据自己的感受运用这些感叹词。

Watch video

播放B Let’s talk 录像,教师提问:



教学重点:句型: What a big fish!词汇:brother sister 教学难点语音:brother中 th的发音时要咬住舌尖。教具准备:



3、教材相配套的教学课件[Unit 2 Let’s learn]

4、家庭成员单词卡片和家庭树 教学过程:


sing the song

学生们一起唱《Father and mother》,边唱边演。

Is she your „?


学生以小组为单位(变换小组成员),拿着家庭成员的照片互相询问:“Is she/he your „?”

(二)呈现新课(Presentation)教师出示B Let’s learn的视频,教师提问:在录像中有几个人?他们的关系?


出示Let’s learn部分的动画。

教师出示场景,让学生说说看到了什么,他们在干什么?(“What can you see? What are they doing?”)

点击单词或人物brother sister,指导学生认读。



重点:by bike/bus/car/taxi/和on foot的四会掌握及运用。


教具:多媒体演示课件,单词卡片 教学过程: 师生自由对话。


Who is this /that? This /that is „

Who are they ? They are „

Is that our„? Yes , it is.Do you like„? Yes, I do.3.介绍新课:

(1)单词:bus ,car,taxi,bike

(2)句型:I go to school by bus.Let’s go to Beijing by bus.理解 by„ 的意思。

I go to school by taxi.I go to Beijing by bus.I go to the zoo by bike.I go home by home.(3).介绍词组:on foot




认读单词图片造句,老师将 car ,bike, bus ,taxi,foot 的图片出示。



Do you come to school by bus ?

I go to shool by bike.Do you go to school by bike,too? Yes ,I do.(2)介绍How aout you? 你呢?(用于代替同样的问题,免于重复)

(3)介绍How do you come to school ?继续上面的对话,用How about you ?代替。


(1)放课本 部分录音。




〈〈课堂练习〉〉第1 题:Draw and write.第2 题:Read ,write and act.6、作业安排


Do you go to school by bike,too? Yes ,I do.How do you come to school ? 3 唱歌曲《Let’s go home》 1)放录音,让学生先听两遍这首歌。2)领学生熟读歌词,解释歌词大意。

3)教学生唱歌,编动作以多种形式进行演唱。如:分组唱,二重唱等。4.唱歌曲《Let’s go home》结束本节课。

Unit 4 Whose coat is this



1.能够听、说、读、写单词:jacket, cap, shirt, sweater, trousers, shoes, socks.2.能够听懂、会说、会用单词:Whose, Li Dong’s,scarf, hat, blouse, shirt, dress.教学重难点: 1.能熟练掌握句型:-Whose jacket is this?-Is that your sweater?-No, it’s Li Dong’s.9

shirt 旅游版三年级英语



1.能够听、说、读、写单词:jacket, cap, shirt, sweater, trousers, shoes, socks.2.能够听懂、会说、会用单词:Whose, Li Dong’s,scarf, hat, blouse, shirt, dress.教学重难点: 1.能熟练掌握句型:-Whose jacket is this?-Is that your sweater?-No, it’s Li Do Whose jacket is this?-Is that your sweater?-No, it’s Li Dong’s.-Whose socks are these?-Are they your socks?-No, they are Robin’s socks.ng’s.4.初步掌握名词所有格的构成以及用法。


Step 1 Warming-up 1 Greetings.1



教学目标: 能听懂会说单词:come about 能掌握句型 :Whose socks are these?-Are they your socks?-No, they are Robin’s socks 教学重难点:



1.热身(Warm-up)1).学生听录音表演chant和英文歌曲,用实物复习以前所学和对话。2).教师与学生进行口语会话练习。3).进行一次小听写。4).做游戏复习。Who’s this/that? Who are they? 2.课堂练习

Do you come to school by bus ?

I go to shool by bike.Do you go to school by bike,too? Yes ,I do.How do you come to school ?


T: Tomorrow is Children’s Day.Are you happy? Ss: Yes.T: Let’s have a picnic for Children’s day.OK? Ss:OK.二.Warm-up 1.Sing a song: Let’s have a picnic today(Sing the song and clap hands)2.Free talk T: We will have a party, we need some food.Hmm, I like hamburgers.What about you? S1: I like chicken.S2: I like hot dogs.一帮一 定时的进行师资培训,营造浓厚和谐的工作氛围。„

三.Presentation T: Oh.I see.You like hot dog, chicken.Wait.Our friend Chen Jie has something for you.Look.CAI: Hello.Boys and girls.The fruits are for you.Apple, orange, peach, pear, watermelon.Happy Children’s Day.(利用课件直接呈现六种水果和单词,让学生从音、形、义全方面感受新单词。)T: So many fruits.What are they? Remember? S1: Watermelon.T: Come here and show me the watermelon.5


T: Take the paper and get ready.Dictation(1).A: Hello.Bailing.Do you like watermelons? B: Yes.I do.It’s yellow.It tastes good.(2).A: What do you like, Mike? B: I like oranges.It’s orange.(3)A: Have an orange, Sarah.B: No.Thanks.I like pear.It’s green.(4)A: Hello.I’m John.I like peaches.Color it red.(5)A: Have an apple, Wu Yifang.B: Thank you.It’s pink.It looks nice.T: Now.Check it with your partner.If you do it correct, you can get “Excellent”;if 4,you can get “Good”;3 is “OK”.Let’s check it together.Sarah likes„ S1: Pear.T: It’s „

S1: Green.(给其组奖励一个水果帖)(这是听力环节,完成后让学生互查,并完成评价表中听力一栏的自评。)






What do you like? I like„


能熟练掌握句型:What do you like? I like„ 课前准备: 教师准备课文中Listen,look and repeat(Ⅰ)(Ⅱ)以及所补充单词的教学 图片。


一、.接下来,教师可以通过Let’s chant部分的押韵说唱和学生一起进行训练、巩固和复习: What do you like? What do you like? Cucumbers.Cucumbers.Fresh, green cucumbers.Yum, yum, yum.What do you like? What do you like? Tomatoes.Tomatoes.Red, delicious tomatoes.Yum, yum, yum.在学生熟悉了这个小歌谣之后,教师可以鼓励学生用其他的词做替换练习。二.巩固活动:(小组游戏)

1、Flash cards 2、Free talk.3、背背夹


(1)Listen, look and repeatⅠ,Ⅱ(播放该部分的录音)(2)Listen, look and say(Ⅰ)(播放对话部分录音)(3)Listen, look and say(Ⅱ)(播放对话部分录音)

通过本部分的学习学会What do you like? I like„的问答,能在句型的使用中熟练运用所学单词,巩固名词单复数的变化规则,了解更多关于蔬菜方面的词汇,能在日常生活中自如运用。5.课后作业(Homework):






(l)所有的大小写字母各一套。(2)P30 Let's sing部分的录音。(3)Units l-4所有的词汇卡片。

(4)P35 Listen and circle&P36 Let's chant部分的录音。2.学生准备犬小写字母在一起的卡片一套。教学过程

一、课程导入(Leading In)课前问答


T.Hello!Boys and girls.I'm Cc.(教师拿着字母Cc的卡片)Ss: Hello, Cc.How are you? T.I'm fine.Thank you!Nice to meet you.1What's this? What's that?

2It's an apple.5.Yes, it is.6.No.It's milk.

参考答案:蔬菜、鱼、鸡蛋、苹果、果汁和牛奶 2.Find your friends and have a talk

Unit6 Where is my cat?


教学目标: 1.能够听、说、读、写单词:cat, umbrella, box, rabbit, bed,on, under, in, the.2.能听懂会说单词: where, don’t, know, but.3.能熟练掌握句型: 教学重难点:

-What do you have?-I have an umbrella.-Where is my cat?-It’s under the bed.教学过程: 1.热身(Warming up)

教师可以仿照Lesson 8中Let’s guess部分,和学生一起一边猜测一边问答进行上节课内容的简单复习和本节课的热身活动。2.新课展示(New Presentation)




教师先拿着课前准备好的一个box问道:“What’s this?” 由于box对学生来说是生词,所以教师要引导学生回答说: “It’s a box.”多重复新单词box,在教学生读会后,再打开box,问学生What’s in the box? 引导学生说It’s a rabbit.反复给学生指box的内部,并且不断重复in the box这个短语,帮助学生理解意思,然后在询问学生Where is the rabbit?当学生回答In the box.的时候,教师要进行表扬,并鼓励学生说出完整的句子It’s in the box.然后再分别将rabbit放在box的上面和下面,引出单词on和under.其他单词的教法可以仿照上面。

这里希望教师给学生讲明白:在英语里我们经常会用到一些介词,一些表示方位的介词:如on在„„上,in在„„里面,under在„„下面。一般情况下,在名词前往往用一个the, my或your,其中the表示:那个,这个,这些,那些。如: on the bed(在床上), in the box(在盒子里),under my feet(在我脚底下)。


d.最后,教师可以通过Let’s play部分的找数字、加法题和学生一起进行训练、巩固和复习: Where is my dog? Where is my dog? Where is my dog? It’s on the chair.It’s on the chair.3.巩固活动:(小组游戏)1)Flash cards 教师拿出课前准备好的英语单词卡片,在学生面前或快速或慢速的闪动,让学生一起说出该单词。这里教师可以先以较慢的速度依次展示,然后随机快速闪动,充分调动学生的积极性,有利于学生注意力的有效集中,但该活动不宜占用太多时间。对反应较快的学生教师要提出表扬和鼓励。2)Help me find it!这个游戏需要教师和孩子们共同完成。首先由教师选一名同


教学目标:句型:“Excuse me, can I „? No problem.Here you are.” 教学难点:理解并在具体情境中运用新句子。单词excuse、problem的读音, Can I 两个单词的连读。教具准备



孩子运用句型“Excuse me, can I „? No problem.Here you are.”向自己的同桌同学借。

2、Let’s practice

Guess, where is my car „(学生运用自己的单词小卡片,巩固复习A部分Let’s learn 部分的单词。)



A: 在学校,向好朋友借橡皮。B: 在家,请妈妈帮自己找帽子。


Unit6There Is a TV in the Classroom



1. 能听懂、会说:There is a TV in the classroom.Aboard, two lights, many desks and chairs...并能在实际情景中运用。

2. 能听、说、认读本课主要单词:classroom, window, door, picture, board, light,3. 能听懂指示语,并按指令做出相应的动作,如:open the door....教学重点:



6. 教师分别指着黑板,灯,桌子和椅子让学生说出单词。

7. 出示图片和单词卡,教学生正确理解、认读。(并把单词卡贴到黑板上)

Unit6There Is a TV in the Classroom



1. 能听懂、会说:There is a TV in the classroom.Aboard, two lights, many desks and chairs...并能在实际情景中运用。

2. 能听、说、认读本课主要单词:classroom, window, door, picture, board, light,3. 能听懂指示语,并按指令做出相应的动作,如:open the door....教学重点:

学习What's in the classroom?及相关单词:classroom, window, door, picture, board, light。教学难点:

1. window一词注意w的发音,不要与v的发音混淆,教师在教学中应及


2. 教师说一段话,学生根据所听到的内容在纸上作画。

所听内容:This is my classroom.What's in the classroom? A picture, two boards, two doors, three windows, six lights , many desks and chairs.3. 请学生说出自己所画的内容,核对答案。

4. 两人一组,看图做问答。

Unit6There Is a TV in the Classroom



1. 能听懂、会说:There is a TV in the classroom.Aboard, two lights, many desks and chairs...并能在实际情景中运用。

2. 能听、说、认读本课主要单词:classroom, window, door, picture, board, light,3. 能听懂指示语,并按指令做出相应的动作,如:open the door....教学重点:

学习What's in the classroom?及相关单词:classroom, window, door, picture, board, light。教学难点:

1. window一词注意w的发音,不要与v的发音混淆,教师在教学中应及








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