
时间:2019-05-12 23:30:08下载本文作者:会员上传



Part I

Listening Comprehension(33 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations.At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C)and D), and decide which is the best answer.1.A)She wants to find a house.B)She wants to look for a house.C)She hopes to have some information on advertisement.D)She hopes to advertise her house for renting.Script: Man: Hi, Regal Real Estate Agents.Can I help you?

Woman: Yes, please.I am looking for some tenants for my house and I was hoping you could advertise it for me.Question: What is the purpose of the woman?

正确答案: D

2.A)Friends.B)Landlady and potential tenant.C)Landlord and potential tenant.D)Teacher and Student.Script: Woman: Good.Now let’s get down to the serious stuff.What have you got in the kitchen? A fridge, of course.Man: Yes, a fridge, and there’s a dishwasher.Question: What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

正确答案: C

3.A)0164326455.B)0176423455.C)0173423544.D)0173426455.Script: Man: Could I have your telephone number, please?

Woman: Sure, 01734 26455.Question: What is the correct number?

正确答案: D

4.A)He got a broken arm when he was 16.B)He got a broken leg when he was 17.C)He got a sprained ankle when he was 17.D)He got a twisted wrist when he was 16.Script: Woman: Fine, now, let’s get some of your medical background.Have you ever had any serious illness or accidents?

Man: A broken leg I got playing football when I was 17.I was in the school team.Question: What is the medical background of the boy?

正确答案: B

5.A)He is keen on the project.B)He is busy going on with the project.C)He wants to talk with the woman about the project.D)He is fine.Script: Woman: Hi, Martin, how are you getting on with your project? You’ve got to give the seminar on Friday, haven’t you?

Man: I am getting on fine.It is just so interesting!Do you want to hear about it?

Question: What is the man’s attitude towards the project?

正确答案: A

Questions 6 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Script: Man: Am I too late for the opening ceremony?

Woman: No, it’s just starting.The runner is just coming into the Olympic Village with the torch.Man: Oh, this is so exciting!I love the Summer Olympics.Track and field, gymnastics, swimming — I can’t wait!

Woman: Oh, here come the athletes from each country, with their flag-bearer in front.Look at all those gold, silver, and bronze medalists.Man: Isn’t it funny that that country only has one competitor?

Woman: No way!Can you imagine the honor you’d get as the only athlete from your country that’s of Olympic caliber? I’d trade places with her any day.Man: This schedule says that the track and field events begin tomorrow.Woman: Yeah, but those are just the qualifying heats.The real races don’t start for three days.What’s that?

Man: My flag.I’m cheering on the U.S.team.Woman: From the living room?

Man: Sure, why not? It can’t hurt, can it?

6.A)Swimming.B)Track and field.C)Gymnastics.D)Wrestling.Script: What is not mentioned by the man as his interested sports?

正确答案: D

7.A)Right after the ceremony.B)Tomorrow.C)In three days.D)The day after tomorrow.Script: When will the real races of track and field begin?

正确答案: C

8.A)In the stadium.B)At the ceremony.C)In the living room.D)In the track and field event.Script: Where will the man cheer for the American team?

正确答案: C

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Script: Woman: Hey, what are you listening to?

Man: Right now I’m listening to the Foo Fighters? the latest album.There are some really good tracks on this CD, including their new single.Woman: Let me see your iPod for a minute.It looks like you’ve got a ton of good stuff loaded up.I like Gwen Stephanie, too, and what’s this? Shakira? I had no idea you were a fan of hers.Man: I think she’s a really talented singer and songwriter.And, well, she’s attractive, too.Woman: Yeah, I bet.Let’s see.You’ve got some great jazz and blues standards here, too.Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, and Billie Holiday.This one is a live recording, and these are compilations.You’ve got their greatest hits, too.I never knew you were such a jazz fan.Man: Yeah, I like all kinds of music.Now, where are you going with my iPod?

Woman: I thought I would just borrow it for a little while.Man: Yeah, right.Hand it over.I’ve got to download my favorite podcast.9.A)She is a friend.B)She is a playwright.C)She is a fan of music.D)She is a singer.Script: What can be inferred about Shakira?

正确答案: D

10.A)Classic.B)Jazz.C)Pop.D)Rock and roll.Script: What kind of music does the man have in his iPod?

正确答案: B

11.A)He is going to listen to his latest album.B)He is going out with the girl.C)He is going to download some podcast.D)He is going to give his iPod to the girl.Script: What will the man do next?

正确答案: C

Section B

Direstions:Listen to three short passages.At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions.All the recordings will be played once only.After you hear a question, please choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Passage One

Questions 12 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.Script:

Today we explore the ballet version of one of the most popular stories ever told.Throughout history, in cultures around the world, the story of Cinderella has remained a favorite.We tell about the music Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev wrote for his version of “Cinderella.”

And, we visit the artistic director of the Washington Ballet as he and his dancers work together to perform this famous ballet.Her name may be Yeh-shen, Cendrillion or Aschenputtel.But her story is always about a caring young woman who overcomes her difficult family life with the support of a magical helper.This helper makes the dreams of Cinderella come true.And, by the end of the story Cinderella is repaid for her goodness when she marries the man she loves.One of the earliest versions of the story comes from ninth-century China.Yeh-shen talks to a magic fish, which makes her wishes come true.The Algonquin Native American version is about Rough-Face Girl, whose kindness and inner beauty win the love of an invisible warrior spirit.The seventeenth century French writer Charles Perrault included another version in his book, Tales of Mother Goose.His version is one of the most famous.Cinderella lives with her father’s second wife and the woman’s daughters.Cinderella’s stepmother and stepsisters are unkind to her and make her do all the work in the house while they prepare for a party given by the ruling prince.Cinderella’s fairy godmother gives her beautiful clothes to wear to the party.She magically turns a pumpkin and mice into a carriage pulled by horses so Cinderella can go to the party.But, the godmother warns Cinderella that she must return home by midnight, when all of her magical belongings will turn back into their normal forms.After the party, Cinderella hurries home but leaves her shoe behind.This glass slipper helps the prince search for and find Cinderella so that they can marry and live together happily ever after.12.A)Yeh-shen.B)Cendrillion.C)Ascheputtel.D)Joanna.Script: Which of the following names is not mentioned as a foreign version of Cinderella?

正确答案: D

13.A)She is a magic spirit who helps the poor to have a better life.B)She is a young girl who overcomes her difficult family life with the support of a magical helper.C)She is a princess who is killed by an evil queen and later saved by a prince.D)She is a fairy with a kind heart and can talk to a fish.Script: What can be inferred about Cinderella from the passage?

正确答案: B

14.A)16th century.B)17th century.C)18th century.D)19th century.Script: When was the most well-known version of Cinderella written?

正确答案: B

Passage Two

Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.Script:

The world experienced a global grain crisis between 2007 and 2008.These years saw grain prices soar, and exports drop, causing social unrest and famine in many parts of the world.The most recent global grain crisis began in June 2007.By March 2008, global grain prices had risen by 40 percent.The global food reserve was only sufficient to last for 53 days.In April 2008, the International Monetary Fund released a stern warning that sharp rises in food prices could trigger war.To reserve more grain, many countries made policy changes.Morocco cut its wheat import tariff from 130 percent to 2.5 percent.The European Commission suspended most tariffs on grain imports.Cambodia and Egypt banned rice exports altogether.Vietnam and India, the world’s second and third biggest exporters of rice, both raised prices and lowered exports.The panic for grain triggered turbulence in many areas in the world.A UN report revealed 1 billion people were in famine, or on the brink of famine in 2008.But what’s puzzling is that global grain output didn’t see a drop, as might be expected.The annual grain output reached 1.6 billion tons between 2007 and 2008, up 5.7 percent year on year.Analysts say grain used for energy that’s increasing overall grain consumption.The amount of grain used to fill a car’s gas tank is enough to feed a person for a year.Global warming and its effects, including more frequent floods and drought, have also impacted the world’s grain production.15.A)Grain prices went up.B)Exports fell.C)Social unrest was caused.D)Famine all over the world.Script: What result is not mentioned about the global grain crisis?

正确答案: D

16.A)Morocco increased its wheat import tariff.B)Cambodia stopped exporting of rice.C)Egypt sold a lot of grains to other countries.D)Vietnam lowered prices and increased exports.Script: Which one of policy changes of the many countries is correct?

正确答案: B

17.A)The global grain output has increased.B)The grain is used for feeding animals.C)The global warming has its effects.D)The floods and drought never occur.Script: What may be the cause of the grain crisis?

正确答案: C

Passage Three

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.Script:

People around the world celebrate the coming of a New Year.The celebrations include parties and religious observances.Many people take part in special activities said to bring good luck and success in the New Year.Ancient Romans observed New Year’s Day on March 1st.Later, Roman leaders made January 1st the beginning of the year.One thousand years ago, parts of Europe started the year on March 25th.By the year 1600, many European nations agreed on a new system to measure time.It is called the Gregorian calendar.This calendar moved New Year’s Day to January 1st.January 1st is an important day in Greece.It is both the beginning of a New Year and Saint Basil’s Day.Saint Basil was a leader of the early Greek Orthodox Church.Stories say he would come in the night and leave presents for children in their shoes.Many children leave their shoes out by the fireplace in the hope that Saint Basil will visit them.Other European countries have New Year’s traditions.In Belgium, for example, children write messages to their parents on colorful pieces of paper.The children read the messages to their families on New Year’s Day.In Spain, everyone must have at least twelve grapes ready on the final day of the year.One grape represents each month in the year.As the New Year begins, a person puts a grape in his or her mouth each time the clock rings.Each piece of fruit is said to bring good luck and happiness in the New Year.The New Year is celebrated in a big way in Japan.Japanese people often begin by cleaning their homes in late December.Some people hang long ropes across the front of their home.This is supposed to keep bad spirits away.Not all countries celebrate the New Year at the same time.This is because people in different areas have different ways to measure time.Some systems are based on the movement of the moon.Others are based on the position of the sun.Still others are based on both the sun and the moon.18.A)On January 1st.B)On February 1st.C)On March 1st.D)On December 1st.Script: When was the New Year’s Day first celebrated in ancient Rome?

正确答案: C

19.A)Everyone must have at least 12 grapes ready.B)Everyone is given a piece of cake.C)Many children leave their shoes out by the fireplace.D)Children write messages to their parents on colorful paper.Script: What is the tradition of New Year celebration in Belgium?

正确答案: D

20.A)It is for decoration purposes.B)It is for keeping devils away.C)It is for memorizing the ancestors.D)It is for keeping the house quiet.Script: Why do some Japanese hang long ropes across the front of their home?

正确答案: B

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard.Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.Girls in the United States are more educated, socially connected and empowered(授权)than ever, but that is not the case for many of their(21)_________________ in developing countries who still struggle to attend school, see a doctor or to(22)_________________ meaningful roles in their communities.However, a campaign for girls, by girls, is out to change that.Betsy Cribb was one of more than 300 girls who came to New York City to kick off the Girl Up Campaign.“It’s a for-girls-by-girls campaign,” she says.“It uses American girls'(23)_________________ and energy to raise awareness for girls in the developing countries and really give them a voice because they don't have the opportunity to speak for themselves.”

The campaign is(24)_________________ by the United Nations Foundation, a charity that supports U.N.causes.Its(25)_________________ , Elizabeth Gore, says Girl Up is off to an exciting start.“I would(26)_________________ it as walking into a room with the most passionate(热诚的)young girls from all(27)_________________


ethnic backgrounds, working together and really learning about girls globally,” says Gore.“Not only did they really want to understand the statistics — like one in four girls unfortunately experience(28)_________________ before they are 18 or one in seven girls are married in developing countries before the age of 15, and they were just so blown away by that — but they really wanted to know stories about these girls.They wanted to understand, are they like them? Do they like boys? Are they going to school?”





who(29)_________________ the kick-off are spreading the word about the campaign.Cribb — a senior at a girls school in Charleston, South Carolina, is writing a blog and making presentations.“What I plan to do is take the Girl Up Campaign to schools




raise(30)_________________ and raise funds.” Cribb says.“I’m actually speaking to my church youth group about the Girl Up Campaign this Sunday.Then, I’m going to my former middle school to talk to them in a few weeks.”


Girls in the United States are more educated, socially connected and empowered(授权)than ever, but that is not the case for many of their counterparts in developing countries who still struggle to attend school, see a doctor or to cultivate meaningful roles in their communities.However, a campaign for girls, by girls, is out to change that.Betsy Cribb was one of more than 300 girls who came to New York City to kick off the Girl Up Campaign.“It’s a for-girls-by-girls campaign,” she says.“It uses American girls' resources and energy to raise awareness for girls in the developing countries and really give them a voice because they don't have the opportunity to speak for themselves.”

The campaign is sponsored by the United Nations Foundation, a charity that supports U.N.causes.Its spokeswoman, Elizabeth Gore, says Girl Up is off to an exciting start.“I would describe it as walking into a room with the most passionate(热诚的)young girls from all economic backgrounds, all ethnic backgrounds, working together and really learning about girls globally,” says Gore.“Not only did they really want to understand the statistics — like one in four girls unfortunately experience violence before they are 18 or one in seven girls are married in developing countries before the age of 15, and they were just so blown away by that — but they really wanted to know stories about these girls.They wanted to understand, are they like them? Do they like boys? Are they going to school?”

Now, back at home, the girls who attended the kick-off are spreading the word about the campaign.Cribb — a senior at a girls school in Charleston, South Carolina, is writing a blog and making presentations.“What I plan to do is take the Girl Up Campaign to schools around Charleston and raise awareness and raise funds.” Cribb says.“I’m actually speaking to my church youth group about the Girl Up Campaign this Sunday.Then, I’m going to my former middle school to talk to them in a few weeks.”









正确答案:counterparts cultivate resources sponsored spokeswoman describe economic violence attended

正确答案: awareness

Part II

Oral Tasks(2 minutes)

Section A

Interpret the following Chinese passage into English.You can either interpret it sentence by sentence or give out the main points in your own words.You will have two minutes for preparation and three minutes for interpretation.31.“同一个世界,同一个梦想”(One World, One Dream),文简意深(profound in meaning),既是中国的,也是世界的。口号表达了北京人民和中国人民与世界各国人民共有美好家园,同享文明成果,携手共创未来的崇高理想(lofty ideal);表达了一个拥有五千年文明,正在大步走向现代化的伟大民族致力于和平发展,社会和谐,人民幸福的坚定信念;表达了13亿中国人民为建立一个和平而更美好的世界做出贡献的心声。


Section B

Look at the picture below.It is a picture of the Mascots of Beijing Olympic Games.Olympic Games are an important event in this world to connect people from different nationalities with sports competitions and friendship.Introduce and explain the designs of these Friendlies and give your understanding to the importance of such an international sport event.You will have two minutes for preparation and three minutes for presentation.32.思考/准备


一、测试流程简介 测试简介


第一部分读单音节字词,100个音节,限时3.5分钟,共10分; 第二部分读多音节词语,100个音节,限时2.5分钟,共20分; 第三部分朗读短文,400个音节,限时4分钟,共30分; 第四部分命题说话,不得少于3分钟,共40分。




测试流程:备测室 考生按照座位号入座,每个座位号前有一份与机测相对应的纸质测试试卷,考生准备试题内容,备测时间为10分钟。(注意保持室内安静)





测试过程中出现死机等异常现象,考生应报告管理人员,不要擅自进行处理; 测试结束后考生应摘下耳机,轻声离开测试室。

二、计算机测试流程 系统简介


考生登录→核对考生信息→试音→考试→提交试卷 第一步:佩戴耳麦


考生戴上耳麦,注意麦克风在左侧,并将麦克风调节到离嘴部2-3厘米的距离; 耳麦为头戴式或后挂式,考生需注意佩戴; 戴好耳麦后,即可点击“下一步”按钮。佩戴耳麦提示页面




准考证号的前几位系统会自动显示,考生只需填写最后四位; 填写完成后,点击“进入”按钮登陆。考生登录页面



考生认真核对所显示信息是否与自己相符,核对无误后,单击“确认”按钮继续; 核对时若发现错误,可以点击“返回”按钮重新登录。核对个人信息页面






测试时第一题、第二题试题要横向朗读; 朗读试题时注意不要漏行、错行;

完成每项试题后请立即点击右下角“下一题”按钮,防止录入太多空白音影响成绩; 朗读过程中不要说与试题内容无关的话














三、测试注意事项 注意事项

请考生正确戴上耳麦,并根据提示音进行试音;测试结束离开座位时,注意摘下耳麦; 考试试音时,要以正常适中音量朗读试音文字,正式测试的时候朗读音量要与试音时保持一致;



测试过程中,考生不要说与测试无关的内容,以免影响测试成绩; 考生读完每一题后,应及时点击下一题进入下一部分测试,以免录入太多的空白杂音影响测试成绩;














































一、准备时间 普通话水平机考与人工测试一样,会安排10 分钟左右的时间让考生在准备室作测前准备。

二、音量稍大 1.测试时应该采用中等音量(即两、三个人之间正常交谈的音量)。2.从试音到整个考试过程音量应保持基本一致。常见的问题是说话项声音太小,像说悄悄话,请注意克服。当然,也不要太大声。

三、语速适中 考试时应保持适当的语速,一个字一个字念清楚。常见的问题是读得太快,字与字都粘在一起,每一个字都不清晰,都有缺陷。按评分规则,缺陷都得扣分,结果,得分自然不会高。当然,也不要读得太慢,太拖沓。要做到吐字清晰完整,速度稳稳当当,从容不迫。

四、避免漏读 测试时,前三项如果有“漏读”现象是要按字扣分的,所以要注意避免漏读,即使有不认识的字,也应揣摩着读一下。要注意的是,看着电脑屏幕考试同看着书面材料考试的感觉会有些差异,换行时有可能发生漏行的现象。建议读字、词两项时换行可稍放慢速度,看清后再读,不要漏行(最容易漏行的读单字项,行与行单字的颜色已设置成蓝黑相间,以便把握);朗读时则要注意语义连贯,也不要漏行。

五、最好不重复读 第一项和第二项如果有个别字词因读错后重复读一遍的话,计算机系统会自动进行识别,不会因为一个字的重读而影响整体评分。当然,考试时沉着冷静,不出现错读、重读现象当然更好,因为像第三项朗读短文,如果出现上述现象,系统还是会按照普通话水平测试大纲的评分要求扣分的。

六、第四题“命题说话”的要求 命题说话的30 个话题都应作充分准备,测试时应按照要求讲述。如测试时有背稿、离题、简单重复、缺时等现象都会按评分标准被扣分。比如,说话不足 3 分钟就要被扣分,每缺 30 秒以上,加扣3 分;说话时间少于或等于30 秒,本测试项成绩计为0 分。又比如,应试人不按测试目的、要求说话的(如反复纠错、简单重复、背稿、离题等),酌情从5 分(5 分为一挡)起扣。

七、要有对象感 有人担心对着计算机测试,会因为没有具体的交流对象而找不到感觉,尤其是说话项。这确实是普通话水平机考的缺陷。对此,我们应调整心态和测试状态,想象着自己是面对着朋友、同伴在说话。有了心理准备和这种虚拟情景设置,感觉就会好多了。





1.普通话水平机考安排在面积较大的语音室或实验室进行,各个机位保持2 米左右的距离,考试时,难免能听到别人的声音。这时,请你调整状态,专注于自己的考试,这样就不会受别人干扰。千万不要去听别人的朗读,那样会影响你的情绪。再说,每台计算机的试卷是不一样的,没必要听别人的。





十一、沉着处理意外情况 测试前应解决所有操作上的疑问,测试时一定要沉着冷静,不要说同测试内容无关的话。测试时如遇问题,应举手示意,工作人员会及时前来处理。

十二、出示《准考证》 测试时,录入准考证号并核对个人信息后,请将《准考证》置于靠走道的考试桌桌上角,考务人员将在测试过程中检查《准考证》。祝同学们取得优异的成绩!


the most important thing in life is to have a great aim and the determination to realize it!




大三的专业知识的学习和毕业论文的实验,我越发感到自己对于微生物有浓厚的兴趣,微生物这个神奇的世界吸引了我,而微生物和发酵能够联系在一起,体现了微生物的有用性和极大的挖掘价值,毕业论文我选择的题目是《茅台酒酒酒糟中红曲菌的分离纯化及其酶学性质的研究A primary study on the isolation and identification of 5 fungal strains in moutai distiller’s yeast 》,现在实验已经基本完成。因为了解,所以我更加热爱,如果能够顺利的读上研究生,我希望能够继续研究有关真菌方面的内容,尤其是微生物性食源性污染的研究对于分离纯化鉴定工作和真菌方面的尝试我有较好的掌握。我在大学的三年的本科学习期间,除了牢牢的掌握了专业知识外,我还对计算机和英语也有所造诣,计算机通过了国家三级并且拿到了ps,cad的职业技能证书,英语在写作和听说能力也有很大的进步。我相信在未来 the most important thing in life is to have a great aim and the determination to realize it!的科学研究中一定能够发挥很大作用。


Ok, well, Good afternoon, dear professors.First of all, I am really appreciated with the opportunity that you give me to join this interview/ it’s my great pleasure to participate in this interview.I am liuhongwei, coming from Sichuan agricultural university.my major is food science and engineering.The major for further education that I purse here is +your major.(介绍自己的学习成绩和奖项,简单点,挑主要的)Well, professor, my average score of compulsory courses in the past three years is 86.7, I also won the First Prize of Excellent Undergraduate Scholarship for three years.Most important of all , I was awarded the tile “ pace-setter”

that just 10 students of the whole campus probably share in my sophomore year.(介绍自己的科研经历,概述)isolating and identifying Monascus from the lees of Maotai distillery and studying Monascus’ enzymatic property, then making Monascus fortified Daqu(yeast for making hard liquor)

(表达对科研的兴趣爱好)Excited by the idea of becoming a scientist since I was a small child, my interests in pursuing graduate studies intensified during my undergraduate education and my research experience.Rather than discouraging me with the tremendous amount of the most important thing in life is to have a great aim and the determination to realize it!

work and demands for creativity, my college years motivated me to earn a master degree and to continue pursuing a career as a research scientist.(表达为什么选择了该校的某某专业)I am very attracted to the Graduate Program in FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY at Jinan University, the program would suit me well cause I like to engage on the research about microorganism.My motivation to succeed is reflected in both my academic standing and my dedication to research.I feel that these attributes, combined with a profound interest in the microorganism, will ensure me success as a graduate student at Jinan University./(结尾备选)I really appreciate it if you could consider my application.If I could have the honor to study here, I promise that I could never fail your expectation.I’ll try my best to study and learn as much as I could to make contributions to the society and our country.So much, thank you for your attention./That's all.Thank you very much for your time and attention.几点说明:1.模板使用的是书面语言,口语化程度很小,面试的时候可以根据情况适当加入um,er,oh,well,so等口语词汇,同时做到做好断句,读的时候尽量不要让老师感觉到你是在背,注重语调上的变化。

2.模板里面填充自己相关信息,衡量自己说的关于奖学金和成绩荣誉方面的词汇对方能否听清,分清主次,和盘托出不是好办法,the most important thing in life is to have a great aim and the determination to realize it!




Wish ya good luck!



Failure is a common thing

There are all kinds of setbacks in our life.Facing different challenges, sometimes we succeed, and sometimes we don’t.In fact, it’s more common that we fail in the very first few attempts.However, different people hold different opinions on failure: some people won’t get frustrated by failure and persisted in carrying out their attempts, while the others give up easily after a few attempt.There is no absolute right or wrong in these attitudes.In my opinion, failure is not a bad thing and we should not get frustrated by it.What is more important is to learn something from it and behave better next time.有各种各样的挫折,在我们的生活中。面对不同的挑战,有时我们会成功,有时我们不。事实上,这是更常见的,我们不能在最初的几次尝试。然而,不同的人持不同意见的失败:有些人不会失败,坚持他们的企图,而其他人轻易放弃后的一些尝试。没有绝对的对或错在这些态度。在我看来,失败不是一件坏事,我们不应该气馁的。更重要的是从中吸取点教训,下次会表现得好些。



Occupation career began in a big city or small town

Plenty of students decide to stay in big cities after graduation, becoming a member of the fast-paced big city.Meanwhile, some students start their career in small towns, enjoying the easy life there.In my opinion, both choices have advantages and disadvantages: in big cities, there are more job opportunities, more fashionable products and more wonderful night-life for us young people, but the fast-paced life and high consumption level can easily make us tired and exhausted;on the contrary, in small town, the easy and slow-paced life there will make people more comfortable, but there are fewer work positions and less entertainment.To me, first of all, a good job is the most important thing when I making my choice, regardless of big city or small town.Secondly, I intend to go back to my hometown Wuhan, which is a big city.Anyway, no matter where you work, you should always work hard on your job, which is the most important thing.很多的大学生毕业后决定留在大城市,成为会员的快节奏的大城市。与此同时,一些学生开始他们的职业生涯在小城镇,享受简单的生活。在我看来,两种选择都有优点和缺点,在大城市,有更多的就业机会,更时尚的产品和更精彩的夜生活为我们的年轻人,而这种快节奏的生活和消费水平高也很容易使人精疲力竭的;相反,在小城镇,容易和缓慢的生活会让人更舒适,但也有少少的工作岗位和娱乐。对我来说,首先,一个好的工作是最重要的事情时,我做了我的选择,无论是大城市还是小城镇。其次,我要回到我的家乡武汉,这是一个大城市。总之,不管你在哪里工作,你都应该努力工作,这是最重要的。



Good Eating Habits

Good eating habits can help us live a longer and healthier life.First of all, eating slowly will give us more time to digest food and also decrease the risk of swallowing too much food during a meal.Secondly, washing hand before and after every meal will keep us away from the majority of bacteria in the ambient air and decrease the

possibility of decease.Thirdly, eating a well-balanced diet will give us enough nutrition to operate all the body physical function normally.In a word, these good eating habits can improve our general state of health and help us lead a longer and healthier life.好的饮食习惯可以帮助我们活得更长、更健康的生活。首先,慢慢吃,会给我们更多的时间去消化食物和减少风险的吞咽过多的食物在膳食。其次,洗手之前和之后的每餐都会让我们远离大多数细菌在空气和减少的可能性,去世。第三,吃均衡的饮食习惯会给我们足够的营养来经营的所有身体功能正常。总之,这些良好的饮食习惯,可以提高我们的一般健康状况和帮助我们领导更长和更健康的生活。




As everyone need friendship, keeping a steady friendship with other people is one of the basic demands of human beings, especially the true friendship.In the modern society, people always hunt for true friendship which becomes rarer and rarer eventually.A true friendship goes with honesty and loyalty, and a real friend will not judge the friendship by social position or properties, who will not betray you in any situation.Therefore, when you make friends with people, be careful and considerate, thinking of things in other people’s position.This way you’ll gain true friends.人人都需要友谊,保持稳定的友谊与其他人是人类的基本需求,尤其是真正的友谊。在现代社会里,人们一直在寻找真正的友谊而变得稀少最终。真正的友谊是诚实和忠诚,和一个真正的朋友会判断不是友谊的社会地位或性质,谁不会背叛你在任何情况下。因此,当你与人交朋友,要细心体贴,思考的事情在其他人的位置。这样你会获得真正的朋友。



Only Stricter Traffic Laws Can Prevent Accidents

Everyday there are thousands of people die of traffic accidents in the world.The main reason is because the drivers don’t pay enough attention to their driving behavior.They receive phone call when they are driving, which will distract them and thus cause their slow reaction to the unexpected traffic condition, like overtaking, slowdown suddenly and so on.Some drivers drive after drinking alcohol, which is also very dangerous and should be forbidden by law.Therefore, we should reenact laws to prevent this kind of traffic accidents.每天有成千上万的人死于交通事故在世界上。主要的原因是因为司机不支付足够的重视他们的驾驶行为。他们接电话时,驱动,将他们的注意力,从而使他们的反应缓慢的意想不到的交通条件,如突然超车,减速等。有些司机酒后驾车,这是非常危险的,应被法律所禁止。因此,我们应该制定法律来阻止这种交通事故。




Health is very important in our life, as it's the base of our work and activities.Without a healthy body, we can’t work or study at all.Drinking too much alcohol, smoking, staying overnight, irregular meal, are all unhealthy habits in our life.These behaviors will cause aging and weakness of our body, which should be changed as soon as possible.In order to keep healthy, we should keep us away from drinking and smoking problem and insist on regular sleeping and meal time.健康是我们生活中非常重要的,因为它的基地的工作和活动。没有健康的身体,我们也不能工作或研究在所有。酗酒,吸烟,过夜,不规则的饮食,都是不健康的生活习惯。这些行为将导致老化和虚弱的身体,应尽快改变。为了保持健康,我们应该保持我们远离饮酒和吸烟问题,坚持定期睡觉和吃饭的时间



1.修昔底德陷阱出自下列哪本著作?()。√ A 《忏悔录》 B 《罗马史》

C 《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》 D 以上均不正确 正确答案: C

2.中国第一支支援非洲的医疗队是1963年派往()的医疗队。× A 阿尔巴尼亚

B 阿尔及利亚 C 阿富汗 D 阿根廷 正确答案: B

3.目前相对而言,()处于最低潮。√ A 中俄关系 B 中美关系 C 中欧关系

D 中日关系 正确答案: D


A 中东 B 非洲 C 俄罗斯和中亚 D 以上都包括 正确答案: A

5.中国周边国家非常多,其中直接接壤有()。√ A 16个 B 15个

C 14个 D 12个 正确答案: C


A 1990年 B 2000年 C 2010年 D 2012年 正确答案: A


A 中国 B 日本 C 澳大利亚 D 美国 正确答案: A

8.()《中国的和平发展》白皮书首先提出命运共同体的概念。√ A 2016年 B 2015年 C 2012年 D 2011年 正确答案: D

9.()是世界上第一个由中国倡议建立的金融机构。√ A 金砖国家开发银行

B 亚洲基础设施投资银行 C 世界银行 D 以上均不正确 正确答案: B

10.以下不属于核俱乐部成员国的是()。√ A 中国 B 英国 C 美国

D 日本 正确答案: D 多选题


A 不冲突、不对抗

B 相互尊重

C 合作共赢 D 共同发展 正确答案: A B C


A 阿尔及利亚 B 阿富汗

C 阿尔巴尼亚 D 阿根廷 正确答案: A C


A 埃塞俄比亚 B 赤道几内亚

C 利比里亚 D 以上都包括 正确答案: A C 判断题




正确答案: 正确




正确答案: 正确



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