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《英语新课程标准》倡导任务型的教学模式,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。在学习过程中进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。强调学生“能用英语做某事”,并且在做事的过程中,发展语言能力、思维能力、以及交流与合作的能力。这一点与陶行知先生的“教学做合一”的理论精髓不谋而合。本文将从小学英语教学引入“教学做合一”教育理论的必要性,以及如何实践小学英语教学的“教学做合一”两方面来阐述。关键词:陶行知 教学做合一 小学英语教育



英语是走向社会、走向世界、与世界接轨的语言工具,因此学好英语尤为重要。小学英语更是启蒙阶段、基础阶段,其目的是让学生学习简单的英语单词和基础语法、具备基础的英语听说读写能力、学会英语课程学习方法等。对于刚刚接触英语的孩子来说,一般都具有强烈的学好英语的愿望,如果在此阶段,教师采用机械的讲解、模仿和背诵的教学方法,一方面无法激发学生的学习兴趣,不能满足学生 1 / 10







/ 10 2.使用英语组织课堂教学,营造真实语言环境

陶行知先生在“教学做合一”的定义中说到:“先生拿做来教,乃是真教,学生拿做来学,方是实学”。因此,在小学英语的教学过 程中,教师应该尽量使用英语进行课堂教学,努力为学生营造一个相对真实的语言学习环境,使每个学生的认知、动机、态度、情感等心理活动都能与特定的英语教学环境相互影响、相互作用。特别是小学阶段,需要使用的课堂用语并不复杂,教师完全可将它们分解在每次的课堂教学之中,并借助图片、实物、表情等辅助手段,让学生能听懂教师用英语表达的意义。如“Open your books!“ ”Let me try!”“You' re Great!” “Good job!” "Don' t draw in your book!”通过耳濡目染,长期积累,学生自然能掌握大量的课堂用语,为他们今后用英语与人交际做好准备。3.创设真实生活情境,实现实践教学

陶行知先生“行知合一”理论认为:“行是知之始”,即:行(做)是知识的重要来源,也是创造的基拙。身临其境,动手常识,才有真知,才有创新。因此,在小学英语教学中,要重视实践,只有在实际的生活情景中,才能学会真正的英语交流能力。如在教学“What can you do? I can sweep the floor/ wash the clothes/cook the meal„.”时,可以设计家政公司应聘人员的情景,在教学“How much is it/are they?”时,可以设计商店购物的情景,在教学“What’s the matter? I’m„”时,可以设计医院看病的情景。用这种任务型练习方式开展教学,使学生在完成任务的过程中逐步形成了运用英语 3 / 10 的能力,不仅能理解所说英语的意思、而且能了解使用英语的场合,真正做到“教学做合一”,真正做到为学而用,在用中学,学中用,学了就用。


教师不仅要教得好,还要让学生学得好。学是学生的行为,这就需要教师教给他们相应的学习方法,让他们在自主探究中学会学习英语。教师应当采用创新的教学理念,激活学生的创新性思维,提高创新的能力,将课本中死板的单词、句子、语法等内容转化成探究的素材,让静态的知识逐渐动态化。教师在教英语的过程中应该意识到,小学生的知识和技能还比较稚嫩,综合运用知识的能力相对比较薄弱。所以在教学的过程中,让学生掌握学习方法尤为重要,再通过探究,自主寻找学习英语的规律。英语课程标准(实验稿)》明确提出基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力,主 要目的是提高学生的自主学习能力。在自主的探究,可以采用小组式的学习方法,小组内交流,每个学生不仅需要独立思考,还需要很好地集思广益,这样不仅能巩固学生曾经所学到的知识,还能通过这种自主性的合作探究,实现情感态度价值观目标。5.注重形式多样的活动,学生达到“教学做合一”

陶行知先生“教学做合一”理论提倡“教的方法要根据学的方法,学的方法要根据做的方法。”他认为以“做”为中心的“教学做合一”的过程是亲知的过程,学生在亲知的基础上学到真知、真本领。这就是说,没有“做”,没有行动,就不会获得真知。因此,转变传统“授 4 / 10 业”的教学方式,强调学生的参与体验,强调采用多种形式的教学活动,使学生在丰富多样的教学活动中学习和操练新知,在自己动手、动脑的过程中学习英语,学好英语。(1)、简短有效的Warm up.在三、四年级,每节课先进行1~3分钟的热身,让学生很快进入英语的课堂状态。前一分钟是有趣的活动,让全班学生都动起来。接下来我会组织学生进行“Just one minute ”,学生每人每天做一次主持人,上台说一分钟英语,带领大家把上节课自己学到的东西复习一下,或者是把自己上节课的收获与大家分享一下,不论说的好坏,只要大胆多说英语就是好样的,说错也没关系。学期末还会评出优秀小主持人。事先学生要做准备,将打算说的内容加以整理背诵。虽然只有短短的一分钟,但对学生而言却是一次大显身手的机会,优秀的小主持人以其流利的口语赢得众多学生的羡慕,而平时疏于口语练习的学生只能“临阵磨枪”,这对他的学习也是一次很好的警告。“Just one minute ”给学生提供了提高口语时间的机会。最后一分钟石老师的评论与总结。


在教学中,我经常把歌曲、儿歌引入课堂,将大脑左半球的抽象思维功能与右半球的形象思维功能合二为一。如在教授身体各部位单词时,为了在避免学生在学习事的发音困难和感觉枯燥的问题,我借助了歌曲《Head and shoulders》来辅助教学,让学生一边唱一边学,在做示范的时候我还加上了动作,边说边夸张地用手触摸自己或学生 5 / 10 的head, shoulder, knee, toe, eye, ear, mouth, nose等器官,然后带着学生跟我一起边说边做动作,先慢后快,重复几遍,使得原本枯燥又难记的8个单词,一下子变得简单易学多了。

又如在教数子时,我请学生自己编数子儿歌,于是就有了:One, two, three, I can read.Four, five, six, I can write.Seven, eight, nine, I can run.Ten, eleven, twelve, I can draw.学生的兴趣大大地增强了,同时也培养了他们的创新意识。(3)形式多样的小组活动


因此教师在备课时,要把握教材特点,认真思考,精心选择具有讨论价值,适合分组活动的内容,在小组活动中激发学生的创新思维,放手让学生自己组织表演,鼓励学生采用一些大胆的做法。如:Unit5 What would you like?的重点句型What would you like? I’d like„.How much? Five yuan。时,我让学生事先准备好实物。学生带食物到班里,有的带橘子、桃子有的面包糖果有的带牛奶饮料„„简直像到了小市场。表演时6人一组,2人当售货员,其他人当顾客,然后 6 / 10





注重学生实践能力的培养,使他们学会处理实际问题。培养学生实践能力是当前教育的一个核心。在教育教学中,我们引导学生尽可能多地动脑动手去“做”、去参与,用所学的知识处理实际生活问题。教学做合一的“做”就是要让学生去发现、去观察、去实践、去分析、去归纳,他认为“知识要从行动中求来,不行动而求知识是靠不住的。”因此,在教学中,教师要尽量让学生通过切实的实践和体验来获得知识。要求学生学习到英语的内容时,等到周末让学生和家长一起体验,如过六一儿童节Happy Children’s Day时我会让学生和家长们一起去KFC吃东西。要求学生有英语表达出他们KFC里需要的食物如 7 / 10

hamburger , French fried, cola, milk, chicken等,亲自体验,学以致用。



做中学是培养学生自主学习的一种能力。做中学不仅仅是让学生获取技能知识,更重要的是让他们掌握了获取知识技能的方法。优化教学方法,驱动实践内力。造成学生学习英语积极性较低的原因因人而异: 有的学生由于学习习惯不好而不愿说英语,有些学生由于自卑而不敢在着许多人的面说英语,有的学生由于性格内向而不好意思在别人面前说英语,等等。作为老师要通过仔细观察、询问等方式,弄清学生不愿学习的原因,然后在采取相应措施进行因材施教:对学习习惯不好的学生要使他们端正学习态度;对自卑的学生则激发其自信心,使他们逐渐地喜欢英语使用英语。7.注重教师自身素质的培养

陶行知先生倡导师生共学、共事、共修养,《新课程标准》倡导师生互动,教学相长,共同发展。倘若教师没有动手动脑“做中教” 8 / 10






/ 10

1、主编 荆世华《陶行知教育思想与实践》,山西人民出版社,1990



4、中国、加拿大合编 英语《教师教学用书》,人民教育出版社,2003年6月第1版

/ 10










the English Club英语俱乐部

her American friend她的美国朋友

talk to him和他说话

be from =come from 来自…

be from Australia来自澳大利亚

be from the USA来自美国

an American visitor一个美国来访者

live in New York住在纽约

live in China住在中国

speak English and Chinese说英语和汉语

what country什么国家

the same country同一个国家

different countries不同的国家

Nancy’s brother 南希的兄弟

a big city一个大城市

would like to 想要(做某事)

I’d like to visit it.我想要参观它。

talk to her Chinese friends和她的中国朋友交谈

like teaching 喜欢教书

like Chinese very much非常喜欢汉语 EnglishEnglishFrench

teach English in a primary school在小学教英语

learn …from 某人(宾格)向某人学…

learn Chinese from me向我学中文

learn English from him向他学英语

write stories(stroy的复数)写故事

write stories about them写关于他们的故事

my classmate我的同班同学

a busy housewife一个忙碌的家庭主妇

do all the cleaning and cooking做所有的打扫和做饭工作

go to school and go home together一起上学和回家

eat an ice-cream in the sea在海上吃冰淇淋

come here and meet us过来见我们

the home of Tom 汤姆的家乡


1.Where are you from? I’m from China.I’m Chinese.你从哪里来?我来自中国。我是中国人。

2.Where is Nancy from? She is from the UK.She’s British.Nancy来自哪里?她来自英国。她是英国人。

3.Where is Ben from? He is from the USA.He’s American.Ben来自哪里?他来自美国。他是美国人。

4.Are they from Australia? No, they aren’t.They are from Japan.他们来自澳大利亚吗?不。他们来自日本。

5.Do you speak Chinese? Yes, I do.I speak English ,too.你说中文吗?是的,我说。我也说英语。

6.Do you speak French? No, I don’t.I speak Japanese and English.你说法语吗?不,我不说。我说汉语和英语。.Does he speak Japanese ? No, he doesn’t.He speaks French.他说日语吗?不。他说法语。

8、I speak … 我说…如:I speak Chinese.我说汉语。

(否定形式)I don’t speak…

He/She speaks… 他/她说

(否定形式)He/She doesn’t speak…他/她不说


1.当我们要询问别人是哪儿人时,我们可以用Be from或come from来表


Where are you from? I am from…./ We are from …

你/你们来自哪里?我来自…/ 我们来自…

Where is he / she from? He / She is from…

Where are they from? They are from…

Where is it from? It is from…

-Is she from /Does she come from Beijing?她是北京人吗?

-Yes, she is/she does.是的,她是。

-Are you from Italy?你来自意大利吗?

-No, I’m not.I’m from Australia.不,我来自澳大利亚。

-Where does your friend come from?你的朋友是哪里人?

-He comes from Canada.他来自加拿大。

-What nationality are you?你是哪儿人?

-I’m Japanese.我是日本人。

2.我们可以用Do you speak…? 来询问别人会说什么语言。如:

-Do you speak English?你会说英语吗?

-Yes, I do.是的,我会说。

-Do you speak German?你会说德语吗?

-No, I don’t.I speak French.不,我会说法语。


 country、family、strawberry、library、study、story、hobby、city等名词


 Knife、housewife名词复数分别为knives、housewives


一、Translate the abbreviations and match them 写出下列缩略词的汉语意


1.UN____________World Trade Organization

2.CD____________United Nations

3.USA____________Physical Education

4.UK____________United Kingdom

5.PE____________United States of America

6.WTO____________China Central Television

7.CCTV____________Compact Disk

二、Read and complete the dialogue 根据上下文完成对话

A:Hello, Li Qi.B:Hello, Wang Bing.A:my friend, Jason.Jason, this is my friend, Li Qi.C:Glad to meet you, Li Qi.B:too.Excuse me,Jason,________ you come from England?

C:No.I ________France.B:you Chinese?

C:B:Do youChina?

C:Yes.I like it ________ ________.三、There’s a mistake in each sentence, circle it and then correct it in the

blank 圈出句中的一处错误并改正







四、Rewrite the sentences按要求改写下列句子



2.She comes from Beijing.(一般疑问句)_____________________________________________



6B Unit2 Good habits 教学反思

1.Story time 的重点是运用一般现在时、动词的三单变化形式,以及副词修饰动词和再次基础上能够复述甚至能够分角色表演对话。本课源于生活,所以学生应该有话可说。从课文的学习中,让学生能了解到好的习惯有哪些,坏的习惯有哪些。教师在教学时要采取多种形式的互动。

2.Grammar time的重点是在对课文理解的基础上归纳出一般现在时动词的变化形式和never构成否定句的形式。Sound time 让学生知道字母组合or的发音,对于基础扎实的学生,还可以让其归纳出or的不同发音。这一课时要归纳总结内容较多,教师可以让学生多去思考。

3.Cartoon time 是学生最喜欢的环节,教师可以以兴趣为导入点,让学生更快地进入到课堂的教学中来。介绍某人或者某物用this is …,本课时有是对教学目标的一次升华,让学生认识好的习惯和坏的习惯。

4.Checkout time 是对这一个单元的总结和归纳,简单的题目可以让学困生来回答,提出的问题难度也尽量适中一些。另外复述课文的时候让优生先做个示范,等大部分学生都理解的时候可以慢慢引导学困生来复述,增强他们学习英语的自信。

第四篇:[牛津中小学英语网]6A U5signs第一课时教案

Unit5 Signs Period 1 Teaching content: Storytime Teaching aims:

1.Ss can listen, read, say and understand the new words and short phrases: wet floor, No littering, No eating or drinking , a restaurant ,No smoking, shopping centre, smell ,careful 2.Ss can listen, read, say and understand the sentence patterns: What does this mean? And answer with “It means …”

3.Ss can understand the text and try to retell it 4.Ss can understand the signs in our daily life and know the importance of signs Teaching important points 1.Ss can listen, read, say and understand the new words and short phrases: wet floor, No littering, No eating or drinking , a restaurant ,No smoking, shopping centre, smell ,careful 2.Ss can listen, read, say and understand the sentence patterns: What does this mean? And answer with “It means …” Teaching difficult points

1.Ss can understand the signs and know how to use them in the daily life 2.Ss can use English to complete the classroom tasks Teaching aids Pictures, cards, PPT Teaching course:

Step1: Warming up 1.Greeting 2.Play a game T: OK.First, let’s play an interesting guessing game.(Rules:在这个游戏中,请你仔细看老师的动作,猜一猜这些动作分别代表什么意思。回答老师提出的问题: What does this mean?(PPT 2 显示操练句型)(指屏幕,重复,慢)请大声跟我读——如果你猜出来了,就可以回答:It means …(指屏幕,重复,慢)请大声跟我读——)Now let’s have a try!T: Now watch me carefully.Twenty years ago my hair was …, now my hair was…

What does this mean? S: Short , long Twelve years ago , I used a … at home to call people(telephone)Thirty years age , I couldn’t…(run)T: Yes!It means ‘swim”.And what about this one?(做跑步状)What does this mean? T: Clever!It means ‘Im running’ T:(做停止手势)What does this mean? S: It means ’Stop”.T:(竖起大拇指)What does this mean? S: It means ’Great”.再次领读句型:What does this mean? 和It means … 3.Enjoy the song T: What can you see in the park? S: I can see…

T:(Point to the signs on the picture.)What are they ? They are public signs.领读signs.引出课题:Today we’ll learn Unit5 并教授单词:No litterting 操练句型:①What does it mean? It means “No littering” It means we can’t litter here.② What does it mean? It means we can’t walk on the grass.(这只要顺便带一下就可以)T: we can see the signs in the park.Where can we see the public signs,too? S1:In the hospital.S2: In the library.S3: In the shopping center,In the park… T: All right.Thank you.Step2: Story time 1.Pre-reading T: Today , Mike ,Helen and Tim also see some public signs.Where do they see the signs ? Watch the flash and choose the pictures.给出几幅不同地方的图片如:医院,公园,购物中心,书店。水果店,果汁店,饭馆等。

①Watch the flash ②Choose the pictures 教单词:a shopping centre.restaurant ③Read the book quickly ,and order the places.让学生快速粗略的浏览一下文本,将四个地点排序 2.While-reading ① in the shopping centre a.教师出示课文第一幅图。

T: Look , They are at a shopping centre.What sign can you see in the shopping centre? 教单词:wet floor let –wet door –floor wet floor 教句型What does this sign mean ? It means the floor is wet.b.listen to the tape and fill in the blank.Be _____ ,Tim Can you see that _____? What ____ it _____? It ______ the floor is _____.教单词:careful c.Work in pairs ② in the juice shop a.出示课文第二幅图 T: where are they now ? S: In the juice shop.T: can you look at the picture and make a dialogue by yourself ? 让学生就图面自己先编对话。因为Litter在进入课文前已经学过了。b.Make a dialogue(看图同桌自编对话)。c.Read after the tape.(出示对话内容听录音跟读)③ in the bookshop a.出示第三幅图

T: After they buying juice ,they see a bookshop next to it.Helen wants to go in.教短语:go in 意为“进去”。

b.Read the dialogue and answer the question.T: But can Helen go in ? Why ? read the third paragraph by yourself and answer me.让学生自读寻找答案。S: No.she can’t.T: which sentence tells us the answer.让学生找出答案出处的原句。S: You can’t take your juice into the shop,Helen.当学生说出句子后,教短语:take …into… T: Why?

S: There’s a sign.It means you can’t eat or drink here.T: Yes.The sign here means “No eating or drinking ”.It means you can’t eat or drink here.教单词: No eating or drinking c.Read the dialogue after the tape.④ in the restaurant a.出示第四幅图

T:Now, they are eating some noodles in a restaurant.What happens in the restaurant ? 在餐馆发生了什么呢?look at the picture ,can you guess? 让学生看图片自己先猜测发生了什么? S: …

如果学生能说出单词,就顺便教单词: smoke , smoking , No smoking 如果学生没说出来,那就在听录音的时候再揭示答案。T: Are you right ? Let’s look.(出示对话内容)

b.Read the dialogue after the tape.在听的过程中教新单词:smell c.Fill in the blank and work in pair Is someone ______? I can _____ it.Please don’t ______ here.Can you see that ______? It means you can’t ______ here.OK._______!把部分词抠掉,让学生对话,主要是为了注意这里面smoke的形式变化。3.After-reading a.Read the story together.b.retell the story c.Read and choose(完成书后P50的练习)d.如果有时间可以让学生续编故事,接下来他们会去哪里呢?又会看到哪些标志呢?自由创编。作业设计:


Unit5 Signs Where signs mean a shopping centre wet floor ….a juice shop No littering can’t litter a book shop No eating or drinking a restaurant No smoking

can’t eat or drink can’t smoke

第五篇:[牛津中小学英语网]6BUnit1 第一课时教案、[牛津中小学英语网]6BUnit1 第一课时教案、课件

江苏译林6下 The lion and the mouse

Story time Teaching plan 一.Teaching contents 江苏译林6下 the story time of ‘The lion and the mouse’.二.Teaching aims.a.Aims of knowledge

1.At the end of the class, the students will be able to master the words ‘large, strong, sharp, and weak’ and describe it with their favorite animals.2.At the end of the class, the students will be able to get a basic understanding of ‘verbs+ adverbs’ and through the reading, they can get a basic feeling of it.b.Aims of abilities

1.At the end of the class, the students will be able to read the story fluently and act it through group learning and self learning.2.At the end of the class, the students will be able to solve the problems through group work and pair works like ‘What happened at the end of the story?’

c.Aims of emotions

1.At the end of the class, the students will be able to get the hang of the implication of this story.三.Teaching focus and difficulties

1.At the end of the class, the students will be able to solve the problems through group work and pair works like ‘What happened at the end of the story?’

2.At the end of the class, the students will be able to get the hang of the implication of this story.四.Teaching aids PPT, some pictures about these two animals, prizes for the children.五.Teaching procedure

1.Free talk

T: Good morning, boys and girls, I’m your new English teacher;today we’re going to learn a very interesting story about two animals.They’re

S: The lion and the mouse.T: I like lions, because they’re the king of the forest, they have a strong body, too.So what animals do you like?

S: I like dogs.T: Why?

S: Because they’re cute and lovely.T: What about you?

S2: I like…..Because they’re…… 2.Presentation

1.T: Now I know your favorite animals, let’s talk about today’s animals, lions.S: The lion is large and strong(teach large and strong.)

S2: The lion has sharp teeth.(Teach sharp)T: So at the beginning of the story, there was a lion in the forest,(lead the students to read)he was large and strong.T: What about the mouse? S: The mouse is small.S2: the mouse is afraid of the lion.S3: The mouse is weak.(Teach weak)S4: The mouse also has sharp teeth.2.T: Yes, one day, they met in the forest, how did they meet? Please read part2.S: One day, the mouse walked by and woke the lion up.T: How was the lion?

S: The lion was angry and wanted to eat the lion.T: Yes, let’s read it together.(PPT presents the Chinese meaning of walked…by and woke…up)

T: Here woke is the past form of wake, wake…up.T: We know the lion was angry, look at this picture and was the lion angry?

S: No.S: The lion laughed.T: Yes, the lion laughed loudly, why? Please read part 2 and choose.S: Because the mouse said:” Please don’t eat me, I can help you some day.” But the lion thought it was funny.T: Did you think it was funny?

S: Yes.I thought it was funny.T: Why?

S: Because the mouse was so small and weak, I don’t think he can help the lion.3.T: Yeah, maybe he can or may be not, next let’s read in pairs.T: Did the mouse laugh loudly?

S: No, he said quietly(指导学生朗读quietly)

T: If I was the lion, who can be the mouse?(示范和指导朗读)

T: Now you try.4.T: So at last, did the lion eat the mouse?

S: No, he didn’t, he let the mouse go.T: Yes.The next day, two men caught him with a large net.(PPT presents the net)5.T: Guess what happened next?(PPT presents the three choices)

S: I think C is right.S2: I think maybe A is right.(teach bit, bit is the past form of bite)

T: So let’s open the envelop and read part 3 and tell me which one is right.S: We should choose ‘C’.Someone helped the lion.T: Here someone means…

S: The mouse.T: How did he help? Please read part4.S: The mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth.(PPT presents the hole)6.T: And the lion(引导学生说出)got out.We know the lion has sharp teeth, so why can’t he make a hole by himself? Please discuss this in groups.S: I think the lion is too large so he can’t make a hole.S2: I think …….7.T: I think you did a good job here, now guess what happened at last? Please discuss in groups and write it on the paper.S: I think the lion and the mouse became friends.I think one day the mouse got caught, the lion helped him.……

8.T: Very good imagination, boys and girls, maybe the lion and the mouse lived happily in the forest, now let’s listen and repeat.3.Consolidation 9.T: Next, it’s the show time;three people get into groups, please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.(Showtime)10.T: Well done, boys and girls, last question, what do you learn from this story? S: I think A is right.S2: I think B is right.T: Well, boys and girls, I think ‘A and B’ are good choices, but if there is only one choice, the best choice is C, let’s read C together.The lion and the mouse became friends;let’s see some pictures of animals, did they become friends, too?(PPT presents the pictures).11.T: Thank you, boys and girls, let’s help each other from today.See you!六.Homework 1.Read the story fluently.2.Try to retell the story by yourself.3.Share this story with more people.七.Blackboard Design

Unit1 The lion and the mouse


large, strong, sharp

small, weak, sharp

The lion(picture)

laugh at

The mouse(picture)

two men caught the lion

made a hole

became friends

八.Reflection after class



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