八年级英语上册 Unit4 How do you get to school第一课时导学提纲(无答案)人教新目标版(模版)

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第一篇:八年级英语上册 Unit4 How do you get to school第一课时导学提纲(无答案)人教新目标版(模版)

Unit4 How do you get to school?----Guide outline Class1



1.单词:subway train 2.句型:1)学习how对交通方式提问的特殊疑问句。

how+助动词+主语+get to sp.“某人是如何到达某地的”

How do you/they get to school? “你(们)/他们是怎么到达学校的?” How does she/he get to school? “她/他是怎么到达学校的?”

2)take a/the +交通工具 by+交通工具


1.What can you learn from the picture in page19? 通过19页的图片,你能学到什么呢?

询问去某地的交通方式,用_______提问。get to 表示___________,后面是副词时,不需_______.如:到家_________ 1)到达 2)到达学校 3)到家 4)骑自行车 5)“……怎么样?” 2.What can you learn from 1a and 1c? 通过1a和1c你能学到什么? take the +交通工具 用来表示“乘``````````”相当于by +交通工具

如:I usually take a bus to work.= I usually go to work _____ _____.Take the train to school = go to school by train take the taxi to the airport =________________ Walk to = go to…on foot ride the bike = by bike 1)乘坐地铁 2)乘坐火车

3.Try to read and translate the coversations in 1a and 1c.试着读1a和1c中的对话并翻译。

4.Find the differences between the two phrases: “take the train”, “by train”.And take an example.指出“take the train”, “by train”这两个词组的区别,并举出例子。

5.What problems do you have after preview?预习后你有什么问题?



专心 1

Unit4 第一课时一课一测

班级 姓名 得分


1.乘地铁 2.乘公共汽车 3.步行 4.到家

5.ride a bike 6.get to school 7.by plane 8.take the train


9.—How does he go to Hong Kong? —____________.A.Take the plane

B.By the plane C.By the air 10.If they live near the river, they can go somewhere ____________.A.by train

B.by taxi

C.by boat 11.__________ your father usually go to work by car? A.Do B.Is C.Does

D.Are 12.__________ Lucy and Kate go to school? A.How B.How does C.How do

D.How are 13.I usually go to school ____________.A.ride the bike

B.on bike

C.on the bike


14.I walked to the supermarket yesterday.(同义句转换)I went to the supermarket yesterday.15.Tom sometimes goes to work by taxi.(同义句转换)Tom sometimes to work.16.Lucy usually goes to school by bike.(同义句转换)Lucy usually to school.17.安通常怎样去上学? _______ ________ Ann to school? 18.她乘坐地铁去学校。

She _______ to school by the.用心


专心 2


课题:Unit9 My favorite subject is science.第1课时 Section A 1a-1c 【学习目标】熟练读写本课单词并熟练使用询问对方喜好的句型

A:what's your favorite---?及答语 B:My favorite---is---。

【重点、难点】 重点:学会用目标句型进行对话。

难点:favorite, science, geography,history等表示科目的单词。【学习过程】


1.温故知新:复习前面单元学过的颜色、球类和食物单词,比比谁记得多。颜色: 球类: 食物: 2.自主学习:

A:What's your favorite subject? B:My favorite subject is---.3.预习检测


最爱的 学科 科学 体育 历史 音乐 语文 地理 数学


1.-What’s __________(you)favorite color ?-Red.2._________(I)favorite subject is English.3.Her favorite subject is ____________(China).4.Tom likes soccer.Soccer is _______(he)favorite sport.探究案


例:What’s your favorite subject? What’s her favorite color? What’s Tom’s favorite food? 1

What’s your sister’s favorite sport?



1.My favorite s______ is P.E..2.S is Tom’s favorite subject.3.I don’t like m.I think it is difficult.4.His g_________ teacher is Ms.Zhang.5.Jack likes h_________ very much.6.Ms.Zhu is our C teacher.二.句型转换。

1.I like English best(最..)(改为同义句).2.My favorite food is salad.(对划线部分提问)? 3.My math teacher is Mr.Smith.(对划线部分提问)_______ is your _______ teacher? 4.Her favorite subject is Chinese.(改为一般疑问句)? 5.体育和音乐是我最爱的科目。(汉译英).



课题:Unit One Where did you go on vacation? Section A(1a-1c)课时:第一课时 课型:语言知识课 学校:马桥中学 班级:八(4)班 设计人: 审核人: 授课人: 学情分析:


。同时,我对第一课时的 等知识点自学的还不是很清楚,希望老师给予学习上的帮助。学习目标:




2.我想通过学习,突破自我,敢于用英语介绍自己的假期生活给班上同学。学习流程: 1.预学:


A.呆在家里 B.去夏令营 C.去爬山 D.参观博物馆 E.去沙滩 F.去纽约城(2).通过自学,翻译下列句子:

你暑假都去了哪里? 2.互学:





(1).通过这节课的学习,我学会了 等知识内容;但是,在 方面还是存在疑惑。



《新目标英语八年级上册Unit 7》教案(第一课时)


1、通过学习,大多数学生能学会用first, next, then, finally描述奶昔、色拉等的制作程序。






1、词汇:a banana milk shake, blender, turn on, cut up, peel, pour.2、重点句型: How do you make a banana milk shake? First, „ Next, „ Then, „ Finally, „

3、话题: 围绕 “How to make a banana milk shake?” 展开讨论。










课前准备:学生带一种水果或蔬菜,以小组为单位,准备做水果拼盘。教师制作乃昔。课前探究的问题与方案:Do you like eating food?

What is a banana milk shake?

Do you know how to make a banana milk shake?


Step 1 Warming-up Get the whole class to watch the flash video,and sing the song “One hamburer, two hamburgers,...”together.Step2 Presentation

1、Chat between students and teacher Show the Ss pictures of the fruits/drinks/food,ask them “What’s your favorite fruit/drink/food?” S1:My favorite fruit is...S2: my favorite drink is..S3: My favorite food is...S4:...Present the new words in this part in the same way.2、Guess and attract the students’ interest T: What’s my favorite drink? Can you guess? Then the teacher shows the Ss a glass of banana milk shake, ask some to taste it.Then asks students “What’s this/ What’s in it? Do you know how to make it?”

3、Watch the video and present the structures Let Ss watch the video about how to make a banana milk shake,Show Ss the sentences and the actions on the screen, ask them to watch and repeat.How do you make a banana milk shake? a.Peel three bananas.b.Cut up the bananas.c.Put the bananas and ice cream into the blender.d.Pour the milk into the blender.e.Turn on the blaender.f.Drink the milk shake.Step3 Practice

Ask Ss to look at the pictures on P41, and fill in the blanks quickly, and then check the answers A guessing game.Ask one student to go to the front and show him some pictures.let him look t it and act, and the others guess.Let Ss confirm the key words like “peel, cut up, put into, pour into, turn on, drink”.Step4 Listening and imitating T: Two Ss are making a banana milk shake.Do you want to know how they make? Ask Ss listen to the tape and put the instructions in the correct order.(SectionA 1b)Let Ss listen and imitate.Step5 Pairwork T: Do you remember how to make a banana milk shake? If you can, talk about it with your partner.Then some students make coversations on how to make a banana milk shake.Step6 A task Ask Ss to work in groups.Let Ss make a fruit or vegetable salad they take.Ask each group to describe the process.Step7 Homework 1.Review the new words and sentences.Make a milk shake for your family.And describe the process and write it down.十一、板书设计:How to make a banana milk shake? First peel„..Then cut up„„ Then put„„into„„ Next pour„„into„„ After that turn on „„ Finally drink „„


时代在变,世界在变,事物都在发展,教育理念的更新也是势在必行,由David Nunan倡导的任务型教学主张Learn by doing。本节课我始终坚持运用“在做中学,在做中用”的教育理念,对教材进行整合,创造性地挖掘和利用教学资源,并根据学生的环境和接受能力设计了各种行之有效的任务和活动,将语言应用的基本理念转化为具有实践意义的课堂教学方式。整节课,学生兴趣盎然,参与度高,学习效果非常好。

课后我及时反思了自己的教学行为,反思自己是用什么方式把教学理念转化为教学行为?首先我以flash的形式让学生听唱歌曲,以此来活跃课堂气氛,达到凝神和激趣的效果,学生的学习主动性增强。接着借助图片给学生扩展一些有关食物的词语以便学生在对话和活动中运用,然后通过录象和实物展示如何制作乃昔,从而引出句型和短语,在兴趣盎然中起到了点题的效果。之后,学生两人小组讨论如何制作乃昔,学生在协作学习中自主地巩固了目标语言。完成1a,1b后,开展小组活动,合作制作一种食物, 此时,学生的团体合作精神得到了充分的发挥,他们共同协作,发挥想象力和创造力,在实际操作中运用所学的语言表达出食物的制作过程。本课正是通过精心设计的各种行之有效的任务和活动切切实实地将“在做中学,在做中用”的教育理念转化为具体的教学行为,这正是本节课的亮点所在。

第五篇:新目标英语八年级上册Unit8 第一课时教学反思(精选)

Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?

Period 1

Section A 1(1a-2d)

教学反思 何玉梅

1、巧妙导入。熟话说得好:良好的开端,成功的一半。这节课从一个Guessing game得出的一个谚语:One apple a day, keep the doctor away.再询问学生喜欢什么饮料到分别给学生品尝香蕉奶昔,极大地刺激了学生的兴奋神经,一下把他们吸引住了,连后进生也跃跃试试,积极配合。本节课做到了这一点,从学生的反应看,这种导入方式是值得肯定的。



4、学生是学习的主体,不但要跟随教师学习,也应在学习过程中善于归纳总结,自己得出结论。所学的知识才印象深刻,牢固掌握。把别人的知识经验变成自己的知识经验。我在处理how much与how many的区别用法时让学生自己发现总结出来,然后通过几个简单练习来巩固。


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