UN Secretary-General's Message on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2010 October 17, 2010
This year's observance of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty focuses on decent work, meaningful employment, income-generating livelihoods.In a word: jobs.今年纪念国际消除贫困日的活动重点放在体面的工作、有意义的就业和创收生计。总之:是关于就业问题。
Decent and productive work is one of the most effective ways to fight poverty and build self-sufficiency.体面的和生产性的工作是消除贫困和建立自给自足最有效的方法之一。
Yet today, more than half the world's working population is in vulnerable employment.They lack formal work arrangements and social security, and often earn too little to provide for their families, let alone climb the ladder of economic opportunity.The global economic crisis has further pushed an estimated 64 million into poverty and unemployment is up by more than 30 million since 2007.然而,今天,世界一半以上的劳动人口就业状况脆弱。他们缺乏正式的工作安排和社会保障,常常收入太少,无法养活家庭,更不用说改善经济状况。全球经济危机更是将约6 400万人推向贫穷,自2007年以来,失业人口增加了3 000多万。
How can we bridge the gap from poverty to decent work? By investing in economic and social policies that foster job creation;promoting decent labour conditions and deepening social protection systems.Access to education, public health and job training is also essential.如何才能缩小贫穷与体面工作之间的差距?办法是在经济和社会政策方面投资,促进创造就业机会;促进体面劳动条件,深化社会保障制度。获得教育、卫生和就业培训的机会也是必不可少的。
We must also put a special emphasis on youth employment.Young people are three times more likely to be unemployed than adults.Last year, more than 81 million young people were unemployed, the highest on record.One of the best ways for youth to see a future of hope is through the prism of a decent job.我们还必须特别强调青年就业。年轻人比成年人失业可能性大三倍。去年,有8 100多万年轻人失业,是历年最高的。能有体面的工作,才是年轻人能看到未来希望的最好方式之一。Last month at the Millennium Development Goals Summit in New York, world leaders agreed on an action agenda to intensify the global poverty fight.Despite encouraging advances in many corners of the globe, hundreds of millions of people still live in appalling conditions, lacking even the most basic services.Addressing the global jobs crisis is central to changing this picture – to defeating poverty, strengthening economies and building peaceful and stable societies.上个月,在纽约举行的千年发展目标首脑会议上,世界各国领导人商定了一项行动议程,以加强全球对贫困的斗争。尽管全球许多地方有令人鼓舞的进展,亿万人民仍然生活在恶劣的条件下,甚至缺乏最基本的服务。解决全球就业危机是改变这种状况的关键——也是对战胜贫困,加强经济,以及建设和平与稳定的社会的关键。
Widespread economic uncertainty and fiscal austerity should not be excuses to do less.Rather, they are reasons to do more.普遍的经济不确定状况和财政紧缩政策不能是减少行动的借口。相反,它们应当是做出更多努力的理由。
On this International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, let us hear the voices of the poor and strive to expand job opportunities and safe working conditions everywhere.值此国际消除贫困日,让我们倾听穷人的声音,努力扩大世界各地的就业机会和改善安全的工作条件。
Let us work for a world of decent work for all.How the Irish may save civilisation(again)Nov 9th 2010, 11:56 by Buttonwood
REGULAR holidays in Ireland have established my love for the country, and its welcoming people.So I am sorry for their current plight and hope they don't take too much offence at the tongue-in-cheek title.How the Irish Saved Civilisation was a book, published in 1996, recounting how the monks and scribes of the emerald isle preserved the west's historic texts from the barbarian hordes.Ireland must feel the barbarians are at the gates again.Its national debt has gone from 25% of GDP in 2007 to almost 100%.Its GDP has dropped 14% in real terms and more in nominal terms.Its banks seem to be a bottomless pit.Another austerity budget is due next month but the government may not be able to push it through parliament.Ireland is an interesting case study in many ways.For some, it shows the folly of pursuing austerity policies during a recession.for others, it proves the folly of a debt-led boom.The banks lent money to build properties that now lie empty.In the short term, this boosted employment and GDP but it was wasted investment.While the boom was going on, tax revenues surged and the government boosted
expenditure;the public sector wage bill rose by nearly 90% between 2000 and 2008.When the bust came, the employment and tax revenues disappeared.Construction comprised nearly 14% of total employment and has since fallen to 7.5%;the economy has struggled to provide jobs for the laid-off workers.Despite the valiant efforts of government to cut spending since the crisis, the markets do not seem to believe they can solve the problem on their own.Government bond yields are now 8%, an unsustainable level.It looks inevitable that the Irish will have to seek help from the European Financial Stability Fund.So what is the silver lining? Previous posts have focused on the currency wars and the way that QE is driving down the dollar.But another sovereign crisis in Europe, sparked by Ireland, could cause the euro to fall again, easing the transatlantic tensions.The US will feel less isolated, criticised as it at the moment by both
developing countries and Europe.A weaker euro would also make life easier for Irish exporters.On QE, oh dear.I could stand thefrom Free Exchange.But now I am in the same camp as Sarah Palin, who is attacking the policy at ato the “Specialty Tools and Fastener Distributors Association”.So in an effort to restore intellectual credibility, it is time to quote John Stuart Mill who wrote in 1848 that debt issuers "may have, and in the case of a government paper always have, a direct interest in lowering the value of the currency, because it is the medium in which their own debts are computed.”
Opening remarks at year-end press conference 年终记者招待会致辞
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UN Headquarters, 19 December 2012 联合国秘书长潘基文,纽约联合国总部,2012年12月19日
Good morning.It is a great pleasure to see you.I would like to express my sincere thanks for all you have been doing in and around the United Nations.大家上午好。很高兴与大家见面。在此,我对大家为联合国所做的贡献表示衷心的感谢
Best wishes for the holiday season.I look forward to seeing you tonight at the UNCA dinner.祝大家圣诞节快乐。我期待在今晚联合国记者协会的晚宴上与大家会面。
A tumultuous year is coming to a close.充满挑战的2012年即将画上句号。
2012 saw tension from Syria to the Sahel, and from Eastern Congo to the Middle East.回首过去一年,从叙利亚到萨赫勒地区,从刚果民主共和国到中东地区局势紧张。
Turmoil tested us, once again, on our founding obligation: to stop conflict and build peace.一系列的动荡再一次对联合国制止冲突、缔造和平的使命与职责提出严峻考验。At the same time, the United Nations helped to lay foundations for progress on the top challenge of the 21st century: sustainable development.21世纪的头等要务就是要实现可持续发展,联合国也为此做出了贡献。
Let me start with the situation in Syria.首先,让我从叙利亚局势说起。
Syria began the year in conflict, and ends the year in war.Day by day, the death toll has climbed.Month by month, the regional spillover has grown.2012年叙利亚战火不断。死亡人数逐日攀升,叙利亚危机对该地区的外溢影响逐月加剧。
The Syrian opposition is coming together.This is critical.I am deeply concerned about the increased militarization of the conflict and the potential for sectarian atrocities.叙利亚反对派也开始集结起来,这需要引起我们的注意。叙利亚军事冲突不断升级而且有可能引发宗教暴力事件,对此我深表关切。
Earlier this month, the Deputy Secretary-General visited Lebanon, where Government officials and others voiced serious concern about the worsening regional implications.As you know very well, I visited Syrian refugees in Jordan and Turkey to see the situation for myself.They expressed grief at the destruction of their cities and villages, and fear and anger at the growing targeting of people because of their religious or ethnic identity.本月初,联合国副秘书长到访黎巴嫩,当地政府官员和有关各方对叙利亚战争给当地造成的持续恶化的影响也非常关切。众所周知,我曾亲自到约旦和土耳其探望了当地的叙利亚难民。他们向我表达了失去家园的痛苦,其次越来越多的人因宗教信仰、种族身份不同成为袭击的对象,对此他们也感到恐惧和愤怒。
The exodus has reached more than 500,000 people.It will grow in number as fighting rages, and in intensity as winter takes hold.Neighboring countries face a huge financial burden in sheltering and caring for them.The increasing peril faced by Palestinian refugees in Syria is another growing concern.I call on the international community to respond generously and urgently to the humanitarian appeal launched today in Geneva.I am considering convening an international donor conference, in close coordination with key partners, early next year.叙利亚难民人数现已多达50万人,并且随着战事的蔓延和冬日的临近这一数字将继续攀升。周边国家为他们提供庇护所和照顾,因此也面临着巨大的经济负担。在叙利亚境内的巴勒斯坦难民面临严重的危险,这也成为我们日益关注的问题。昨天,在日内瓦发起了人道主义募捐活动。在此,我呼吁国际社会积极响应,慷慨相助。我正在考虑于明年年初,同几个重要伙伴一道发起国际捐赠者大会。I also urge the international community to unite firmly behind the mediation efforts of the Joint Special Envoy, Mr.Lakhdar Brahimi.Syria needs a peaceful, political solution that brings democratic change, while preserving the fabric of Syrian society and the peaceful coexistence of its communities.同时,我呼吁国际社会紧密团结,支持联合特使布拉希米的斡旋工作。叙利亚要实现民主,同时又能保持叙利亚社会结构,各派系和平共处的目标需要一个和平的政治解决方案。
In the Sahel region, some 20 million people across nine countries are in crisis, their lives upended by a volatile mix of drought, hunger, poor governance, drug trafficking, terrorism and extremism.在萨赫勒地区,9个国家的约2000万人口正因为干旱、饥荒、管理不善、毒品贩运、恐怖主义和极端主义等多重问题而处于危机之中。The situation in Mali is especially urgent.We must do all we can to help Malians restore their democracy, recover their territory, address the humanitarian crisis and end the shocking human rights violations.Dialogue and negotiations should be pursued seriously, even as military options are carefully prepared.马里局势也甚为迫切,我们必须尽全力帮助该国恢复民主和领土完 整,应对人道主义危机,并终止令人震惊的侵犯人权罪行。虽然我们已经做好了军事干预的准备,但是我们还是要寻求对话和协商来解决马里问题。We welcome the appointment of Prime Minister [Django] Cissoko as an opportunity to bring new momentum to the political process.Yet we remain concerned over the military’s continued interference in politics.对迪昂戈·西索科接任马里总理一职我们表示欢迎,希望他的上台能够为推动政治进程注入新的活力。但是我们对马里军事干预政治的现象深表关切。
The eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo remains the scene of instability, including sexual violence committed by combatants on all sides.The time has come for the international community to rethink its approach to the DRC and the Great Lakes region.The underlying causes of the conflict in the region must be addressed in a comprehensive manner.刚果民主共和国东部地区持续**。各方士兵造成的性暴力事件时有发生。现在,到了我们重新考虑解决刚果民主共和国和大湖区问题途径的时候了。我们应该统筹兼顾,从根本上解决该地区的问题。In Northeast Asia, at a time when many countries are undergoing leadership transitions, I hope high priority will be given by the new leaders to building a more prosperous future based on stability and the peaceful resolution of disputes.The provocative rocket launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has raised regional concerns and defied the international community.I look forward to the outcome of Security Council consultations on an appropriate response.在东北亚,许多国家正在经历领导层的过渡,我希望新一届领导人以社会稳定、和平解决争端为根基,全身心致力于建设一个更加繁荣的未来。(小豆豆你看看吧,我咋感觉这个句子好奇怪)朝鲜不顾国际社会反对,发射火箭的挑衅之举再次引发新的区域紧张。我期待安理会能够协商制定出合理的应对方案。
The global economy continues to leave too many people behind.As the United Nations reported yesterday in our latest economic outlook, growth continues to be weak--meaning it will take a long time to ease the global jobs crisis.Our response must protect--and invest in--the world's poorest people and nations.全球经济不景气,很多人面临严重的失业问题。昨天,联合国在最新一期经济展望中称世界经济依然脆弱,这意味着解决全球失业问题仍需时日。我们必须保护最贫困人口和国家并对其投资。
The killings of health workers in Pakistan were cruel, senseless and inexcusable acts that I condemn in the strongest terms.Those killed were among thousands across Pakistan, especially women, who are working selflessly to achieve the historic goal of polio eradication.I call on all concerned to do their utmost to create the secure environment needed to provide life-saving health services to Pakistan’s children.在巴基斯坦,对那些冷酷、无情、毫无理由的杀害医护工作人员的行径,我再次给予最强烈的谴责。被杀害的医护人员遍及巴基斯坦的每一片土地,其中包括很多为实现消除脊髓灰质炎历史目标而独自奋斗的女医护工作人员。
While bombs and rockets have stopped falling in Gaza and Israel, it has become clearer than ever that peace must be more than the absence of war.巴以双方暂时停火,我们比以往更加清楚和平不仅仅意味着没有战争。
The Middle East peace process is in a deep freeze.The two sides seem more polarized than ever, and a two-state solution is farther away than at any time since the Oslo process began.I am deeply concerned by heightened settlement activity in the West Bank, in particular around Jerusalem.This gravely threatens efforts to establish a viable Palestinian state.I call on Israel to refrain from continuing on this dangerous path, which will undermine the prospects for a resumption of dialogue and a peaceful future for Palestinians and Israelis alike.Let us get the peace process back on track before it is too late.中东和平进程停滞不前,巴以双方分歧日趋两极化。自奥斯陆进程开展以来,两国方案的实现更加变得遥遥无期。犹太人在约旦河西岸尤其是耶路撒冷地区扩建定居点,对此我深表堪忧。我敦促以方不要走着条危险的道路,这将使巴以重回谈判桌,和平解决巴以争端的愿景蒙上阴影。称时犹未晚,我们一起努力让和平进程重新步入正轨。
The United Nations has mobilized to face these and many other tests.All our tools are at work: from peacekeeping and good offices to human rights monitoring, humanitarian relief and development assistance.联合国也动员积极应对各种考验。从维和、斡旋到人权监督、人道主义援助,联合国已经全方位动员起来。
Transitions are taking hold in Libya, Myanmar, Somalia and Yemen.利比亚、缅甸、索马里、也门正在进行政府过渡。
Last month Sierra Leone held successful elections.At the end of this month, the UN peacekeeping mandate in Timor-Leste will end, a measure of the progress the country has made from fragility to stability.上个月,塞拉利昂成功举行了选举。联合国在东帝汶的维和使命本月底也即将结束,这意味着东帝汶完成了平稳过渡。
Egypt’s transition is at another critical moment.I have spoken with President [Mohamed] Morsi in recent days and expressed my hope that the transition will be able to move forward in a peaceful, consensual manner.埃及的政府过渡工作也走到了紧要关头。近日,我在与总统穆罕默德-莫尔西交谈中表达了以和平,各方同意的方式实现政府过渡的希望。交谈,会晤,会谈,会见,致电的区别。
My hope is for compromise on all sides so that Egypt can focus on its pressing socio-economic needs and build a “pyramid of democracy” in the heart of the Arab world.This is an Egyptian-led process.It will take time.It is crucial for Egyptians to resolve their differences through dialogue and build a new Egypt that respects and protects the rights of all.In the past year the United Nations also took major steps to advance economic and social progress and to build solid foundations for long-term peace.我希望埃及各方能够达成妥协,致力于社会经济建设的需要,在阿拉伯世界的中建立一个“民主金字塔”。这是一次埃及引领的政治进程,但实现这一目标需要时间。对埃及来说,通过对话方式消除分歧,建立一个尊重保护所有人权利的新埃及是至关重要的。在过去的一年中,联合国也采取了重大的步骤,推动经济发展和社会进步,并为长久和平打下了坚实的基础
The Rio+20 conference in June took us further along the path towards a sustainable world of dynamic growth, shared prosperity and environmental protection.今年6月,巴西里约热内卢里约+20峰会成功召开,引领各国在追求可持续增长、共同繁荣和环境保护的道路上迈出了关键的一步 In September, Member States adopted a landmark declaration on the rule of law.联合国成员国今年9月通过了有关法治问题的里程碑式的宣言 The Doha climate change conference, which I attended earlier this month, delivered what we need to keep us on track for a legally binding global agreement by 2015.That is what governments have pledged to do, and it is what they must achieve.As a spur to what we know will be very difficult negotiations, I intend to bring world leaders together in 2014.12月初,我参加了多哈气候变化会议,会议指出各国要在正常轨道上继续致力于在2015年前达成一份具有法律约束力的全球性协议。这是各国政府的承诺,各国政府必须兑现这一承诺。众所周知,谈判的道路是艰难的。为了推进这一进程,我将于2014年召开世界领导人会议。Finally, 2012 also saw the launch of crucially important discussions on the post-2015 development agenda and a set of sustainable development goals.We aim to build on the progress we have made towards the Millennium Development Goals-and press harder as the deadline approaches.最后,在2012年我们就2015年后发展议程进行了关键性的会谈,确立了可持续发展目标。在实现千年发展目标的最后期限来临之际,我们要继往开来,不懈努力。
The gains of 2012 position us for further advances in the years ahead.We have seized some opportunities, but failed on many others.2012的成就使我们在新的一年里有信心取得更大的进步。我们抓住了很多机会,也错失了许多良机。
Too much of our progress is lost to conflict or remains fragile for want of investment and commitment.我们取得的很多进步因冲突不断而付之东流,因缺乏投资和承诺依然脆弱。
There is too little emphasis on prevention, people and global citizenship.Far too often, short-term thinking trumps long-term vision.我们在预防外交、以人为本以及全球公民参与方面关注太少,短浅思维常常阻碍着长远前景的实现。
I will have more to say about my forward agenda in the New Year.We continue to work with Member States and staff to build a coherent global Secretariat and to modernize the management of our resources and workforce.I count on the Member States’ support and timely guidance.在新的一年里,就发展议程我将作进一步阐述。我们将继续同各成员国和全体员工一道建立一个连贯的全球秘书处,实现人力资源和自然资源管理的现代化。我希望得到各成员国的支持和及时的意见。I will speak to staff at a town hall meeting in early January.Later in the month, I will make my annual presentation to the Member States and then speak to you again.1月初我将在市政厅召开全体员工会议。随后,我将于成员国年会上再次声明。
The New Year coincides with new beginnings here in the Secretariat building.I am glad to be back in what is now a modern, eco-friendly facility.I thank the Member States for their generous support of the renovation.Our work will benefit greatly from the improvements.I look forward to your own move back in the weeks ahead.新年伊始,联合国搬进了新的办公大楼,这也寓意着联合国要有一个新的开始。我非常高兴能够在这栋现代化,环保的大楼里办公。各成员国为此次整修慷慨捐助,在此,我表示感谢。我们也将从中受益。我期待在未来几周你们也能搬入新的办公室
For now, let me express my thanks to you all for another year of covering the big issues that face the United Nations.I pledge my ongoing availability to you as we go about our work together.现在,让我对你们为联合国面临的挑战的又一年报道表示感谢。我将同大家一道,尽权利帮助大家。Thank you very much for your attention.谢谢大家。
Rug abuse is a problem that can be prevented, treated and controlled.While efforts must be stepped up to reduce supply--by helping growers of illicit crops find viable licit alternatives, and ensuring that law enforcement agencies continue their good work in seizing drugs--the greatest challenge in global drug control is reducing demand.With less demand, there would be less need for supply, and fewer incentives for criminals to traffic drugs.Combating drug abuse is a collective effort.It requires political leadership and sufficient resources--particularly for more and better treatment facilities.It requires the engagement of parents and teachers, as well as health care and social workers.It requires the media and criminal justice officials to play their part.All walks of life must join forces and devote special attention to the vulnerable: to those who are vulnerable to taking drugs because of their personal or family situation, and to those who are vulnerable because they take drugs.Our mission is to enable them to take control of their lives, rather than allowing their lives to be controlled by drugs.That means giving young people sound guidance, employment opportunities, and the chance to be involved in activities that help organize life and give it meaning and value.It means supporting parents' efforts to provide love and leadership.It means reaching out to marginalized groups and ensuring they receive the care they need to cope with behavioural, psychological or medical problems.It means providing reasons to hope.For those who are grappling with addiction, effective treatment is essential.Drug abuse is a disease that must be treated on the basis of evidence, not ideology.I urge Member States to devote more attention to early detection;to do more to prevent the spread of disease--particularly HIV and hepatitis--through drug use;to treat all forms of addiction;and to integrate drug treatment into the mainstream of public health and social services.Drug abuse brings anguish and torment to individuals and their loved ones.It eats away at the fabric of the human being, of the family, of society.It is a subject all of us must take personally.On this International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, let us ensure there is no place for drugs in our lives or our communities.
Excellencies,Dear colleagues,Dear friends,Above all, dear families of those to whom we sadly bid farewell:
Let us begin by thanking the families and friends who have traveled far to be with us.To those who could not be here, please know that our hearts are with you.首先,我们要感谢不辞辛劳前来参加追悼会的亲属和朋友们,并对不能前来的亲属和朋友们说,我们与你们心心相连。
We are joined by duty stations around the world the men and women of our proud United Nations.Among them are the members of our UN mission in Haiti, who have carried on despite their pain and hardship.I thank Mr.Edmond Mulet and his courageous staff who are working tirelesslyfamilies and friends,colleagues and loved ones.他们从世界各个角落、各界各层来到海地。但他们却有一个共同的信念,这就是,坚信海地人民有更好的未来,而且怀着帮助海地人民建设这样一个未来的共同决心。现在,通过我们,也就是通过他们的家人和朋友、同事和亲近的人,这101人在这个大厅里最后相聚。
The world knew them as trusted diplomats, dedicated humanitarians and conscientious professionals.They were doctors and drivers, police officers and policy advisers, soldiers and lawyers, each contributing to the mission, each in his or her own way.对于世界而言,他们是值得信赖的外交官,乐于奉献的人道主义工作者,有良知的专业人员。他们是医生和司机、警官和政策顾问、士兵和律师,每个人都以自己的方式为执行特派任务做贡献。
To us they were even more.We knew them, very personally.We knew their smiles, their songs, their dreams.Now we cannot forget the last email, the last conversation, the last meal together, the last au revoir.Their words echo: “Don't worry about me.This is where I need to be.”
对我们而言,他们远远不止是这些。我们彼此相识相知。我们记得他们的音容笑貌,他们的歌声,他们的梦想。我们怎能忘记他们发出的最后电邮,与他们的最 后交谈,与他们的最后聚餐,与他们最后一次道别。他们道别的话语仍然在耳边回响:“不要为我担忧。这正是我应去的地方。”
At the United Nations, we don't simply share office space;we share a passion for a better world.So it is no surprise that many of these 101 paths criss-crossed the globe through the years.In Cambodia and the DRC.Eritrea and East Timor.Kosovo and Sierra Leone.Whether they came to Haiti, or came from Haiti, they knew that hope shines in even the darkest corners.And so they chased the flame.Wherever they went, they carried the light of hope.And as they fulfilled their mission in Haiti, they illuminated a profound truth: Earthquakes are a force of nature, but people move the world.在联合国,我们共享的不仅是办公空间,我们还共享建设美好世界的热情。正因为如此,多年来,在这101人中,许多人的足迹遍布全球各地。在柬埔寨和刚 果民主共和国,在厄立特里亚和东帝汶,在科索沃和塞拉利昂,处处可见他们的足迹。无论是来自其他国家,还是来自海地本土,他们都明白,即使在最黑暗的角 落,也闪耀着希望。因此,他们奔着希望的火焰而去。他们走到哪里,就把希望的火炬带到那里。他们完成了在海地的任务,同时说明了一个深刻的道理:地震是一 种自然力量,但推动世界的是人民。
Today, our hearts are heavy with a burden almost too difficult to bear.Yet
perhaps like you, it is gratitude that I feel most of all.今天,我们心情沉重,几乎难以自拔。然而,我感触最深的是感激,这或许与你们的心情相同。
Gratitude to the international community for the spontaneous, whole-hearted and unstinting support in the face of this tragedy.我们感激国际社会在此悲痛时刻自发地、由衷地和慷慨地给予支持。
Gratitude to the rescue teams, aid workers, governments and NGOs
[Non-Governmental Organizations] that rallied to our side, determined to help Haiti to recover and, in time, to “build back better.”
Gratitude to the people of Haiti, for their strength, resilience and faith, the faith of human spirit, the spirit that burns in all of us today.我们感激海地人民,他们展现了毅力、韧劲和信念,这是人类精神信念,是今天在我们所有人心中燃烧的信念。
I commend and appreciate the leadership of President and his Government and his people.Gratitude fills this chamber, profound thanks that our world and our lives were touched by the grace and nobility of these 101 UN heroes.这个大厅充满了感激之情。101位联合国英烈的人格魅力和崇高精神打动了世界,影响了我们的生活。我们深深感激他们。
Ladies and gentlemen,女士们,先生们,In life, we are measured by the company we keep.To those here today, let us know that this is our measure.This is the company we keep.To those we have lost, let us say: we will never forget you.We will carry on your work.与什么样的人为伍,是衡量我们人生的一大标杆。我们要对今天聚集在这里的各位说,他们就是标杆,就是我们与之为伍的榜样。我们要对牺牲的人员说,我们永远不会忘记你们。我们将继承你们的遗志。
In a moment we will read out their names, the roll call of highest honour.Look at their pictures.Look into their eyes.Remember their smiles and their dreams.Together we stand, in honour of the victims, and in deepest sympathy for the bereaved.接下来我们将宣读他们的名字,这是最高荣誉的点名仪式。请看看他们的遗照,请看看他们的眼神,请记住他们的笑貌和梦想。我们共同缅怀受难者,向难属表示最深刻的同情。
May I now ask you to rise and join me in a minute of silence.Thank you.现在,我请大家起立,与我一道默哀一分钟。
[“hello everyone, i am ban ki-moon.”] wishes to you and your families for prosperity, health and happiness in the new year.i look forward to our continuing cooperation.thank you so much.[“happy new year;thank you.”] 中国和世界各地的人们关心联合国为和平、人权和发展所做的工作。我非常感谢他们的热心关注。有了所有这些伙伴,我们才能实现各项目标。我们需要有政府、非政府组织和关心世事的公民对世界上的问题发表看法,并共同努力寻找解决办法。我期待中国及其人民一起推动我们的进步运动。春节即将来临,请接受我对你们和你们的家庭最良好的祝愿,祝你们在新的一年里昌盛、健康和幸福。我期待着继续同大家合作,非常感谢!新年快乐,谢谢!篇二:南京大学校长陈骏院士发表2015新年贺辞
南京大学校长陈骏院士发表2015新年贺辞 老师们、同学们、全体海内外的校友们:
主持:廖振宇 许 彤 男:漂亮、贤慧的女士们,女:尊贵、智慧的先生们,合:大家晚上好!
男:今天,我们相约在这里,本人携全家以及秘书潘基文,保镖普京,管家卡梅伦,司机奥巴马,家奴小泉,家狗水扁向在座的各位,致以新年的问候,新年快乐 happy new year!
男:嗯,对嘛,我也来一个,机器猫对hello kitty。
男:现在,我相信大家的心情和我一样,都在期待着今天最大的一个惊喜,今晚最后的几位幸运之星就要产生了,“花落谁家”让我们拭目以待,让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎谭丽萍校长、蒋清刚主任、王泽成主任进行第三轮抽奖奖。7.舞蹈 《穷开心》——高年级
女:咱中国人过年最讲究的是什么? 男:嗨,咱中国人过年不都讲究讨个彩头,图个吉利嘛。
男:有!来点酷点,来点醒目的,我的地盘,我要与众不同。所以我要说一句很特别的话给你,听好了:“祝你元旦快乐”!女:哈哈,谢谢您的祝福,哎,廖老师,不过快要过年了,我给你出个对子对对? 男:请说——