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Secretary-General's Message on World Tourism DaySeptember 2010



I am delighted that the UN World Tourism Organization is celebrating this year's World Tourism Day under the theme “Tourism and Biodiversity”.Despite repeated global pledges to protect the planet's species and habitats – and the goods and services they provide – the variety of life on Earth continues to decline at an unprecedented rate.Human activities are the cause.This year – the International Year of Biodiversity – provides a timely opportunity to focus on the urgency of safeguarding biodiversity for the wealth, health and well-being of people in all regions of the world.我高兴地看到,联合国世界旅游组织在“旅游与生物多样性”的主题下纪念今年的世界旅游日。尽管一再做出全球承诺,要保护地球上的物种和生境及其提供的货物和服务,但生物种类继续以史无前例的速度减少。其根源在于人类的活动。今年是国际生物多样性年,提供了一个适时的机会来集中注意为世界各地人民的财富、健康和福祉保护生物多样性的紧迫性。

Tourism and biodiversity are closely intertwined.Millions of people travel each year to experience nature's splendor.The income generated by sustainable tourism can provide important support for nature conservation, as well as for economic development.Furthermore, sustainable tourism can help to raise awareness among tourists and local communities of the importance of biodiversity to our everyday lives.旅游与生物多样性密切相连。每年有千百万人为领略壮丽的自然风光而旅游。可持续旅游业产生的收入可以为保护自然和发展经济提供重要的支持。此外,可持续旅游业还有助于游客和地方社区更多地认识到生物多样性在日常生活中的重要作用。

Through initiatives such as its “Sustainable Tourism – Eliminating Poverty” project, and its collaboration with the UN family, national tourism authorities and the private sector, the World Tourism Organization is helping to highlight the links between tourism, poverty alleviation and biodiversity.The tourism community is becoming increasingly aware of its responsibility.And indeed there is much the sector can contribute to protecting biodiversity, including by integrating simple measures such as managing tour groups to minimize disturbance to wildlife or buying supplies only from sustainable sources.世界旅游组织通过诸如“可持续旅游业——消除贫穷”项目这样的举措以及同联合国系统、各国旅游主管部门和私人部门的合作,正在帮助突出宣传旅游、扶贫和生物多样性之间的联系。旅游界正日益意识到自己的责任。这个行业确实可以为保护生物多样性做出很大贡献,包括为此实行一些简单的措施,例如通过

对旅游团的管理来尽量减少对野生物的干扰,或仅从可持续来源购买用品。On this World Tourism Day, I commend the tourism community for its growing recognition of the importance of conserving the diversity of life on Earth, and I urge all partners to strengthen their commitment to sustainability.值此世界旅游日之际,我赞赏旅游界日益认识到保护地球生物多样性的重要意义,并促请所有合作伙伴加强对可持续性的承诺。


Secretary-General's Message on World Tourism Day

27September 2010

I am delighted that the UN World Tourism Organization is celebrating this year‘s World Tourism Day under the theme ‗Tourism and Biodiversity‘.Despite repeated global pledges to protect the planet‘s species and habitats – and the goods and services they provide – the variety of life on Earth continues to decline at an unprecedented rate.Human activities are the cause.This year – the International Year of Biodiversity – provides a timely opportunity to focus on the urgency of safeguarding biodiversity for the wealth, health and well-being of people in all regions of the world.Tourism and biodiversity are closely intertwined.Millions of people travel each year to experience nature‘s splendour.The income generated by sustainable tourism can provide important support for nature conservation, as well as for economic development.Furthermore, sustainable tourism can help to raise awareness among tourists and local communities of the importance of biodiversity to our everyday lives.Through initiatives such as its ―Sustainable Tourism – Eliminating Poverty‖ project, and its collaboration with the UN family, national tourism authorities and the private sector, the World Tourism Organization is helping to highlight the links between tourism, poverty alleviation and biodiversity.The tourism community is becoming increasingly aware of its responsibility.And indeed there is much the sector can contribute to protecting biodiversity, including by integrating simple measures such as managing tour groups to minimize disturbance to wildlife or buying supplies only from sustainable sources.On this World Tourism Day, I commend the tourism community for its growing recognition of the importance of conserving the diversity of life on Earth, and I urge all partners to strengthen their commitment to sustainability.联合国秘书长潘基文2010世界旅游日致辞





Secretary-General’s Message on World Tourism Day

New York, 27 September 201

1The theme of this year‘s World Tourism Day, ―Tourism – linking cultures‖, highlights the powerful role of tourism in building international understanding and mutual respect.There is no better way to learn about a new culture than to experience it first-hand.Tourism offers a wonderful connecting thread between visitor and host community.It promotes dialogue and interaction.Such contact between people of different backgrounds is the very foundation for tolerance.In a world struggling for peaceful coexistence,tourism can build bridges and contribute to peace.Tourism‘s contributions to development also advance the cause of global solidarity.At a time of profound global economic uncertainty, tourism‘s ability to generate socio-economic opportunities and help reduce the gap between rich and poor, is more important than ever.I encourage all involved in tourism to embrace the ten principles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.These guidelines for sustainable and responsible tourism development, approved by the UN General Assembly in 2001, are based on the proven interaction between tourism and peace, human rights and understanding.World Tourism Day is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of tourism to global well-being.As we travel, let us engage with other cultures and celebrate human diversity.On this observance, let us recognize tourism as a force for a more tolerant, open and united world.世界旅游日致辞

2011年9月27日 纽约





第三篇:2011 潘基文-世界人居日演讲双语版

UN Secretary-General's Message on World Habitat Day 2011 3 October 2011

联合国秘书长2011年世界人居日致辞 2011年10月3日

This year, World Habitat Day falls during the month when demographers predict our planet’s seven billionth inhabitant will be born.The future that this child and its generation will inherit depends to a great degree on how we handle the competing pressures of growing population growth, urbanization and climate change.今年,在世界人居日所在的这个月,据人口学家预言,将诞生我们星球上第70亿个居民。这个孩子及其所属世代将要承继的未来,在很大程度上取决于我们如何处理持续的人口增长、城市化和气候变化竞相造成的压力。

Experts predict that by the year 2050, the global population will have increased by 50 per cent from what it was in 1999.Also by that time, scientists say, global greenhouse gas emissions must decrease by 50 per cent compared to levels at the turn of the millennium.I call this the “50-50-50 challenge”.专家预计,到2050年,全球人口将比1999年增加50%。此外,科学家们表示,到那时,全球温室气体排放量一定要比千年之交时的排放量减少50%。我称此为“50-50-50挑战”。

Rising sea levels are a major impact of climate change — and an urgent concern.Sixty million people now live within one metre of sea level.By the end of the century, that number will jump to 130 million.Major coastal cities — such as Cairo, New York, Karachi, Kolkata, Belem, New Orleans, Shanghai, Tokyo, Lagos, Miami and Amsterdam — could face serious threats from storm surges.海平面上升是气候变化的一个主要影响,也是一个迫切令人关注的问题。目前有6 000万人生活在离海平面一米的范围内。到本世纪末,这一数字将暴涨至1.3亿。开罗、纽约、卡拉奇、加尔各答、贝伦、新奥尔良、上海、东京、拉各斯、迈阿密和阿姆斯特丹等沿海大城市可能会面临风暴激增的严重威胁。

The nexus between urbanization and climate change is real and potentially deadly.城市化和气候变化之间确实存在着相互交织的关系,而且可能具有致命的危险。

Cities are centres of industrialization and sources of emissions, but they are also home to solutions.More and more municipalities are harnessing wind, solar and geothermal energy, contributing to green growth and improving environmental protection.城市是工业化的中心和排放的源头,但也是解决这些问题的根本所在。越来越多的大都市正在利用风能、太阳能和地热能,促进绿色增长,加强环境保护。

Local efforts are critical to success, but they must be supported by international initiatives.We have already seen progress, including the creation of the Climate Change Adaptation Fund and adoption of the action plan to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, known as “REDD plus”.All countries agree on the goal of limiting global temperature rise to below 2° C.Developed and developing countries have committed to lower greenhouse gasses in a formal, accountable international agreement.地方上的努力对于取得成功至关重要,但也必须得到国际举措的支持。我们已经看到了一些进展,包括创建了气候变化适应基金,通过了降低因森林砍伐和退化所产生的排放的行动计划(称为“降排加”)。各国均同意将全球温度上升限制在2个摄氏度以下这一目标。发达国家和发展中国家已在一项可问责的国际正式协议中承诺减少温室气体。

Now we need to build on these advances.The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban this December must achieve decisive progress.Urbanization will be on the agenda at next year’s “Rio+20” United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.当前,我们必须在这些进展的的基础上继续推进。今年12月在德班召开的联合国气候变化问题会议必须取得决定性的进展。城市化将列入明年里约+20联合国可持续发展大会的议程。

On this observance of World Habitat Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to the important journey to a more sustainable future, and let us focus greater attention on addressing climate change in the world’s cities and beyond.值此纪念世界人居日之际,让我们重申对实现更可持续的未来这一重大努力的承诺,更加关注解决世界城市及其他地区的气候变化问题。


Message on World Tourism Day

世界旅游日致辞 September 2014 2014年9月27日

This year’s observance of World Tourism Day focuses on theability of tourism to fully empower people.Engaging localpopulations in tourism development builds stronger and moreresilient communities.今年世界旅游日的庆祝活动重在突出可以利用旅游充分增强民众权能。让当地人口参与到旅游发展中来,就可以建立起更强健和更有复原力的社区。

Tourism helps people to develop a variety of skills.As a service sector with cross-cutting impact onagriculture, construction or handicrafts, tourism creates millions of jobs and business opportunities.Its capacity to lift people from poverty, promote gender empowerment and help protect theenvironment has made it a vital tool for achieving positive change in communities across the world.旅游帮助人们获得多种多样的技能。旅游作为服务业,对农业、建筑业或手工业产生贯穿各领域的影响;并能创造数百万职位和商业机会。旅游业能够帮助人们摆脱贫穷,促进有关方面增强妇女权能,并帮助保护环境,从而成为世界各社区实现积极变革的重要工具。

Harnessing tourism’s benefits will be critical to achieving the sustainable development goals andimplementing the post-2015 development agenda.利用旅游业的巨大惠益对于实现可持续发展目标和执行2015年后发展议程至关重要。

On World Tourism Day, I encourage the international tourism community to commit to sustainablepolicies and ensure that host communities worldwide share in the benefits generated by tourism.值此世界旅游日,我鼓励国际旅游界致力于落实可持续政策,并确保全世界的旅游社区分享旅游业产生的惠益。



Secretary-General's Message on World Tourism DaySeptember 2010



I am delighted that the UN World Tourism Organization is celebrating this year‘s World Tourism Day under the theme ‗Tourism and Biodiversity‘.Despite repeated global pledges to protect the planet‘s species and habitats – and the goods and services they provide – the variety of life on Earth continues to decline at an unprecedented rate.Human activities are the cause.This year – the International Year of Biodiversity – provides a timely

opportunity to focus on the urgency of safeguarding biodiversity for the wealth, health and well-being of people in all regions of the world.我高兴地看到,联合国世界旅游组织在―旅游与生物多样性‖的主题下纪念今年的世界旅游日。尽管一再做出全球承诺,要保护地球上的物种和生境及其提供的货物和服务,但生物种类继续以史无前例的速度减少。其根源在于人类的活动。今年是国际生物多样性年,提供了一个适时的机会来集中注意为世界各地人民的财富、健康和福祉保护生物多样性的紧迫性。

Tourism and biodiversity are closely intertwined.Millions of people travel each year to experience nature‘s splendour.The income generated by sustainable tourism can provide important support for nature conservation, as well as for economic development.Furthermore, sustainable tourism can help to raise awareness among tourists and local communities of the importance of biodiversity to our everyday lives.旅游与生物多样性密切相连。每年有千百万人为领略壮丽的自然风光而旅游。可持续旅游业产生的收入可以为保护自然和发展经济提供重要的支持。此外,可持续旅游业还有助于游客和地方社区更多地认识到生物多样性在日常生活中的重要作用。

Through initiatives such as its ―Sustainable Tourism – Eliminating Poverty‖ project, and its collaboration with the UN family, national tourism authorities and the private sector, the World Tourism Organization is helping to highlight the links between tourism, poverty alleviation and biodiversity.The tourism community is becoming increasingly aware of its

responsibility.And indeed there is much the sector can contribute to protecting biodiversity, including by integrating simple measures such as managing tour groups to minimize disturbance to wildlife or buying supplies only from sustainable sources.世界旅游组织通过诸如―可持续旅游业——消除贫穷‖项目这样的举措以及同联合国系统、各国旅游主管部门和私人部门的合作,正在帮助突出宣传旅游、扶贫和生物多样性之间的联系。旅游界正日益意识到自己的责任。这个行业确实可以为保护生物多样性做出很大贡献,包括为此实行一些简单的措施,例如通过对旅游团的管理来尽量减少对野生物的干扰,或仅从可持续来源购买用品。

On this World Tourism Day, I commend the tourism community for its growing recognition of the importance of conserving the diversity of life on Earth, and I urge all partners to strengthen their commitment to sustainability.值此世界旅游日之际,我赞扬旅游界日益认识到保护地球生物多样性的重要意义,并促请所有合作伙伴加强对可持续性的承诺。



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