Paragraph One:
Attracting Attention
The first sentence must get the reader's attention.Asking a question in which the answer is guaranteed to be “yes” is a good way to start.“Would you like to improve your life?” The opening paragraph, in fact the first sentence, should excite curiosity or attract the attention in some way that will make the reader continue to read the letter.The most difficult paragraph to write in a sales letter is the first one.You have just a few seconds to get the reader's attention.Would you like to see your factory's production increase by 15% or more?Wouldn't you prefer to have your wedding pictures taken by the leader in the field?
Another way to start a sales letter is to write a sentence that will surprise or shock the reader.In 1996 we helped over 250 small businesses like yours to increase their productivity.Since 1991 we have grown from a small printing company to one of the largest publishing houses in the city.If you are contacting the customer for the first time or if your company is unknown, you might start with a general introduction of yourself.Example A:Alfred's Textile Marketing Co.Ltd.is a leading Russian manufacturer and exporter of socks and hosiery.The range of our product line, good quality, and competitive prices have made us one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in Russia.Example B:Floppy Textile Buying Agency, established in 1987, is one of the fastest growing agents in India.We currently represent a number of major European importers, such as Fe Fe LaMew Mail Order of France and others.Other Examples:The ABC Trading Company was founded in 1986 to serve the construction industry in New York state.Since then we have expanded our market year by year to where we now have customers in 12 countries around the world.Paragraph Two: Building Interest and DesireThe second paragraph must convince the reader of the value of the product.When you have succeeded in getting the reader's attention, you must hold that attention.The best way to hold it is to build interest by describing your product so that the reader can virtually experience it.Use colorful, descriptive words.In paragraph two you must show the reader that he/she either-needs your product(a car)-could use your product(an easier inventory system)-should not be without your product(insurance)ORand feeling like royalty.-----------------
A Typical Well Written Letter for An AgentStar Textile Exports, established in 1987, is one of the
fastest growing agents in Turkey.We currently represent a number of major European importers, such as Blue Cloud Mail Order of France and others.We are happy to announce that we are now offering this same service to American import companies like yours.From our office in Istanbul, the heart of low cost and good quality ready-to-wear garments, we can supply your company with whatever kind of apparel you would like.The wide range of Turkish export companies that we work with insure you of getting just the items that you are looking for.Whether it be baby wear, children's wear, ladies and men's outer and underwear, leather wear, socks, belts, bags, shoes, or household items such as bed linen, towels, bathrobes, or table clothes we can make sure that you get the quantity you need at the best possible price.And our staff of quality controllers insure that the garments are well made.If you would like to take advantage of the services that Star Textile Buying Agency has to offer your company, please go to our web site at******, or contact us by fax at(90/212)123 45 67.Thank you.We look forward to hearing from you.------------------
A Very Simple Sales LetterDear Sirs,We are a Polish company that specializes in making men's shirts and would like to tell you about our line of products.Our products are special because they are made of good quality cloth.In the 15 years that we have been selling our products we have made a good name for ourselves in countries around the world.Enclosed is a price list and brochure.If you would like to place an order or receive more information, please log onto our web site at******or contact us by telephone.Sincerely yours.------------------
A Simple Proposal LetterDear Mr Customer:Thank you for your interest in our company.Enclosed is the proposal that you requested.The Model XR 17 is designed to help those companies who want to sell the latest model on the market, at the best possible price.This low-cost machine is made in Germany-the land of good quality machines.This model sells well because:the price is competitivethe technology is state-of-the-artthere is a great demand for such a machine.We hope that you will soon join the growing list of companies that are selling our model XR 17.If you would like more information, please visit our web site at****** or contact us directly.Sincerely yours.
1.Dear Mr/Ms,This is to introduce Mr Frank Jones ,our new marketingspecialist who will be in London from April 5 to midApril on business.We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr Jones andwill always be happy to reciprocate.Yours faithfully
您诚挚的2.Dear Mr/Ms,We are pleased to introduce Mr Wang You, our import managerof Textiles Department.Mr Wang is spending three weeksin your city to develop our business with chief manufacturesand to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the
comingseason.We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him toreliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he mayneed.Your faithfully
Dear Mr/Ms,Thank you for your letter of June 4, enclosing anaccount of the organization and work of your Chamberof Commerce and Industry.We are very grateful for such a
detailed account ofyour activities.This information is certain to helpincrease our future cooperation.Yours faithfully
1.Dear Mr/Ms,On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of your NationalDay, please accept our heartiest congratulations.May the trade connections between our countries continueto develop with each passing day!
Yours faithfully
你诚挚的2.Dear Mr Minister,Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotionto Minister of Trade.I am delighted that many yearsservice you have given to your country should have beenrecognized and appreciated.We wish you success in your new post and look forwardto closer cooperation with you in the development oftrade between our two countries.Sincerely
Dear Mr/Ms,Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations onmy appointment.I wish also to thank you for the assistance you havegiven me in my work and look forward to bettercooperation in the future.Sincerely
Dear Mr/Ms,We should like to invite your Corporation to attend the 1997 International Fair which will be held from April 29 to May 4 at the above address.Full details on the Fair will be sent in a week.We look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that you will be able to attend.Yours faithfully
Dear Mr/Ms,Thank you for your letter of March 20 inviting our corporation to
participate in the 1997 International Fair.We are very pleased to accept and will plan to display our electrical appliances as we did in previous years.Mr Li will be in your city from April 2 to 7 to make specific arrangements and would very much appreciate your assistance.Yours faithfully
Dear Mr/Ms,Thank you very much for your invitation to attend the 1997 Internationl Fair.As we are going to open a repair shop in your city at that time, we are sorry that we shall not be able to come.We hope to see you on some future occasion.Yours faithfully
1、称呼 称呼是写信人对受信人的尊称,主要依据相互间的隶属关系、亲疏关系、尊卑关系、长幼关系等而定,一般都用“敬语+称谓”的形式组成。如:“尊敬的王总经理”、“亲爱的刘主任”、“尊敬的董事长先生阁下”等。对某些特殊的内容或与境外华文地区的人员往来还可加上“提称”如:“尊敬的王博士总经理海成先生台鉴”、“亲爱秘书明玉小姐雅鉴”等等。(顶格写,后面加冒号。)
2、启词 启词是信文的起首语,可有多种表示法。如问候式的“您好”、“别来无恙”;思怀式的“久不通信,甚为怀想”、“去国半载,谅诸事顺遂”等;赞颂式的“新春大吉”、“开张大吉”等;承前式的“上周曾发一传真件,今仍具函,为××事”,“贵公司×月×日赐函已悉”等等。不分对象,不论内容,一律以“您好”为书信之启词,实在极不恰当。此外,公务书信的启词还可用“兹为、兹因、兹悉、兹经、兹介绍、兹定于”;“顷闻、顷悉、顷获”;“欣闻、欣悉、欣逢、值此”,以及“据了解、据报、据查实”等一系列公文用语,以提领全文。(在称呼下面另起一行,前空两格!)
3、正文 正文是书信的主体,是书信能否达到写信人理想效果的关键。一封信可以专说一件事,也可以兼说数件事,但公务书信应该一文一事。正文要清楚、明了、简洁,并注意情感分寸,不应有昵亵轻狂之嫌,也不可显侮蔑轻慢之意。(在启词下面另起一行空两格。)
4、酬应过渡 正文结束时,可写几句酬应性的话作为全文的过渡。如“我方相信,经过此次合作,双方的友谊将有进一步发展”。又如“再次表示衷心的感谢”或“代向公司其他同志问候”等等。也有用公务书信的常用结语过渡,如“特此函达、特此说明、特此重申、特此函询、特此致歉”,或“肃此专呈、肃此奉达”,也有“特此鸣谢、敬请谅解、尚祈垂察、务请函复、至希鉴谅”,以及“承蒙惠允、承蒙协办、承蒙惠示、不胜荣幸、不胜感激”等等。(过渡一下更符合礼仪规范)
5、祝颂词 书信的最后,写祝颂词是惯例。由于写信人与受信人的关系各有不同,书信内容各有不同,祝颂词的写法便呈多种多样。诚祝生意兴隆”等等,有时,往往用简单的一两句话,写明希望对方答复的要求。如“特此函达,即希函复。”同时写表示祝愿或致敬的话,如“此致敬礼”、“敬祝健康”等。祝语一般分为两行书写,“此致”、“敬祝”可紧随正文,也可和正文空开。“敬礼”、“健康”则转行顶格书写。
6、签署 书信的签署以写信人全名为要,不能只签个姓氏或习惯称呼,如“老王、小王、小李、张主任、赵经理”等,而要完整地写成“××部主任张金水”、“××公司经理王富成”或者 “××公司办公室秘书李倩”、“××部业务员刘震”等。今天,许多书信都以计算机制成,但即使已打印了姓名,仍应再以手书签署一遍,这既表信用,亦示诚意。对某些特殊对象,署名后应有具名语,如“谨上、谨呈、敬述”等,以表示对受件者的尊重。(通常中文
7、日期 日期明确本是应用文写作的基本要素,书信自然不可缺了这一项。日期必须准确,表现出写信人的负责态度,而万一记错日期,也许会因此而误事。(写信日期-般写在署名的下一行或同一行偏右下方位置。)
③该信要进行的业务联系,如询问有关事宜,回答对方提出 的问题,阐明自己的想法或看法,向对方提出要求等。如果既要向对方询问,又要回答对方的询问,则先答后问,以示尊重;
entrée en relation d' affaires 建立业务关系 offre(n.f.)de service 提供服务 offre de renseignements 提供资料 demande(n.f.)de prix 询盘 offre 报盘 contre-offre 还盘 commande n.f.订货 ordre n.m.订货;订单
bulletin(n.m.)de commande 订单
confirmation(n.f.)d' une commande 确认订货 refus(n.m.)d ' une commande 拒绝订货 annulation(n.f.)d ' une commande 取消订货 traiter 1es affaires 谈生意 faire des affaires 做生意
voyageur de commerce 旅行推销员 client, e n.顾客 , 客户 vendeur, se n.卖主 acheteur, se n.买主
fournisseur, se n.供应商 , 供货商 faire la commission 代理买卖 commission n.f.佣金 marchandise n.f.货物 , 商品 acheter une marchandise 购货 livrer une marchandise 交货 retoumer une marchandise 退货
marchandise de bonne(mauvaise)qualité 优(劣)质商品 marchandise défectueuse 劣质商品 échantillon n.m.样品 emballage n.m.包装 marque n.f.商标;品牌 sous-marque n.f.次商标
article(n.m.)démarqué 去掉商标的商品 label(n.m.)de qualité(商品的)质量标签 mercuriale n.f.一周市场价目表 , 一周市场行情 faire l' article 宣传自己的商品 faire la place 向各商号兜售商品
faire le porte-à-porte 挨家挨户推销(商品)représentation n.f.代理 représentant, en.代理人 occasion n.f.廉价品;旧货 solde n.m.减价商品 publicité n.f.广告 promotion n.f.促销 catalogue n.m.商品样册 prospectus n.m.说明书 , 广告 vendre au comptant 现款出售 vendre à crédit 除销 vendre à terme 期货出售
vendre à tempérament 以分期付款方式出售 consignation n.f.寄售 commettant n.m.委托人
consignataire n.m.受托人 , 寄售商 mandataire n.受委托人 , 代理人 commerce(n.m.)intemational 国际贸易 libre-échange n.m.自由贸易
protectionnisme n.m.(贸易)保护主义 prohibition n.f.(对进出口或制造销售的)禁令 dtoits protecteurs 保护税
prime(n.f.)à l' exportation 出口津贴 dumping n.m.倾销 débouché n.m.销售市场 importation n.f.进口 exportation n.f.出口
échanges intemationaux 国际贸易 fréter v.t.出租(船舶、飞机)affréter v.t.租(船、飞机)transit n.m.过境 embargo n.m.禁运
barrières(n.f.pi.)douanières 关税壁垒 union(n.f.)douanière 关税同盟
balance(n.f.)commerciale(进出口)贸易差额 balance des paiements 国际收支(表)zone(n.f.)franc 法郎区 zone franche 自由区 , 免税区
contr?le des changes 外汇管制 , 汇兑管理 expédition n.f.发货 livraison n.f.交货
embarquement 凡.m.装运 , 装船 manutention n.f.搬运 , 装卸 expéditeur , trice n.发货人 chargeur n.m.装货人 destinataire n.收货人
compagnie de transport aerien 航空运输公司 compagnie de transport automobile 汽车运输公司 compagnie de transport maritime 海运公司 bulletin(n.m.)de livraison 交货单 declaration(n.f.)d' expédition 发货报单 connaissement n.m.提单(海运收据)colisage n.m.装包清单
LTA = lettre de trafic aérien 航空运单 contrat(n.m.)de transport运输合同 contrat de louage 租借合同 charte-partie n.f.租船契约 port(n.m.)d? 运费未付 port payé 运费已付
CAF = co?t, assurance, fret(成本加保险费及运费价格 , 到岸价格)= CIF [ 英 ] = cost, insurance and freigt F AB = franco à bord(船上交货价格 , 离岸价格)= FOB [ 英 ] = free on board FAS [ 英 ] = free along side ship(船边交货价格)FOR [ 英 ] = free on rail(火车上交货价格)droits de douane 关税 droits de timbre 印花税 droits de mouillage 港口费 droits de quai 码头费 droits d' amarrage 停泊费 droits d'e exportation 出口税 droits d' importation 进口税 droits de rnagasinage 仓储费 droits de transit 过境费 droits de visite 检查费 franchise n.f.免税 exemption n.f.豁免 , 免除 frais de douane 海关费用 frais d' assurance 保险费 frais d' arrirnage 理舱费 frais d' embarquement 装货费 frais de débarquement 卸货费 frais de gérance 管理费 frais portuaires 港口费 frais de dép?t 仓储费 frais de gardiennage 保管费 navire(n.m.)affrété 租船 navire régulier 班轮 cargo n.m.货轮
navire à passagers et à marchandises 客货轮 pétrolier n.m.油轮 remorqueur n.m.拖轮 s /s = steamship [ 英 ] 轮船 amateur n.m.船主 , 船东 cargaison n.f.货载 , 货物
port en lourd utile 载货能力 , 最大载货量 cale n.f.货舱 citerne n.f.油舱 container n.m.集装箱
FCL [ 英 J = full container loading(整箱货)LCL [ 英 J = less container loading.(拼箱货)marchandise en vrac 散装货 marchandise emballée.包装货 marchandise encombrante 大件货
barème(n.m.)des frais de transport运价表 , 运费表 prix de transport à la tonne 每吨运价 assurance n.f.保险
réassurance n.f.再保险 , 分险 assuré , e n.被保险人 , 投保人 assureur n.m.保险人 , 承保人 compagnie d' assurance 保险公司 contrat d'assurance 保险合同 police(n.f.)d' assurance 保险单 police flottante 总保单 police à terme 定期保单
prime(n.f.)d' assurance 保险费 assurance maritime 海上保险 , 海事险 assurance aérienne 航空保险
assurance contre l'incendie 火灾保险 , 火险 assurance contre les accidents 伤害保险 assurance contre le vol 盗窃险
assurance contre les risques de guerre 战争险
assurance avec avarie particulière(AP)水渍险 , 单独海损赔偿险 assurance franc d' avarie particuliére(FAP)平安险 , 单独海损不赔险 assurance sur facultés船货险
assurance sur crédit d' exportation 出口信用保险 risque n.m.险项 risque d' allège 驳船险 risque d' escales 停泊险 risque d' explosion 爆炸险 risque de pontée 舱面险 risque de quarantaine 检疫险 risque de transbordement 转船险 avarie(n.f.)commune 共同海损 avarie apparente 显著海损 avarie occulte 隐藏海损 avarie dommage 实物海损 avarie-frais 费用海损 avarie du fond 船底破损 avarie d' une chaudiére 锅炉损坏 sinistre(n, m.)maritime 海难 calamité(n.f.)naturelle 自然灾害 orage n.m.暴风雨 foudre n.f.雷击
raz(n.m,)de marée 海啸 force majeure 不可抗力 échouement n.m.(船)搁浅 coulage n.m.漏损 collision n.f.碰撞 crochet n.m.钩损 rouille n.f.生锈 contamination n.f.污染 sécurité(n.f.)sociale 社会保险
Caisse(n.f.)primaire de Sécurité sociale 社会保险地区管理处 convention(n.f.)collective 劳资协议
conseil(n.m.)des prud'hommes 劳资调解委员会 arbitrage n.m.仲裁 d2cision de justice 司法裁定 juridiction n.f.司法权 , 裁判权 arbitre n.m.仲裁人
partie(n.f.)plaignante 起诉方 , 原告 partie gagnante 胜诉方 partie perdante 败诉方 rémunération n.f.报酬 , 酬金
S.M.I.G.n.m.= salaire minimum interprofessionnel garanti [(法国)各行业最低保证工资 ] S.M.I.C.n.m.= salaire minimum interprofessionnel de crois-sance [(法国)各行业应达到的最低工资 ] carte de travail(在法国的外国人的)劳工许可证;工卡 carte de séjour(在法国的外国人的)居留证 réclamation n.f.索赔
certificat(n.m.)de perte 损失证明 certificat d' expertise 鉴定证书 livraison incomplète 交货不齐
colis(n.m.)en souffrance 无人提领的包裹 objets cassés 货物损坏
perte(égarement)de marchandises 货物遗失 dédommagement(remboursement)赔偿 indemnité n.f.赔款 récépissé n.m.收据 original n.m.原本 , 正本 copie n.f.抄本 , 副本 double n.m.副本 duplicata n.m.副本 capie certifiée 证明与原件相符的抄件(复印件)à ses risques et perils 自担一切风险 faux(n.m.)en écritures 伪造文书 plainte n.f.控告 , 起诉 poursuite n.f.起诉 , 诉讼 lettre de crédit 信用证 lettre d' introduction 介绍信 lettre de crédit circulaire 循环信用证 lettre de credit documentaire 跟单信用证 crédit(n.m.)inrévocable 不可撤消信用证 crédit révocable 可撤消信用证 credit confirmé 保兑信用证 crédit indivisible 不可分割信用证 credit divisible 可分割信用证 crédit intransférable 不可转让信用证 crédit transférable 可转让信用证 crédit payable à vue 即期付款信用证 crédit sans documents 光票信用证 accrédité, e n.(信用证)受益人 porteur , se n.(信用证)持有人 ouvrir un crédit 开出信用证
accréditer qn auprès d' une banque 请银行给某人开信用证 endosser v.t.背书(支票等)traite n.f.(= lettre de change)汇票 traite documentaire 跟单汇票 traite à vue 即期汇票
traite à 60 jours de vue 见票60天后付款的汇票
traite payable à l' arrivée des marchandises 到货后付款的汇票 traite en l' air 空头汇票
tirer une traite sur qn 开发汇票请某人兑付 escompter une traite 将汇票贴现 paiement n.m.支付
modalité(n.f.)de paiement 支付方式 paiement comptant 现款支付 paiement arriéré 延期支付
versement(n.m.)échelonné 分期有息付款
remboursement(n.m.)à tempérament 分期有息付款 paiement d' avance 预付款
solvabilité n.f.支付能力 , 清偿能力
ducroire n.m.支付能力保证;支付能力保证费;支付能力保证人