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Opening Remarks by Vice Premier Wang QishanAt the Fourth China-UK

Economic and Financial Dialogue

London, 8 September 201


The Rt.Honorable Chancellor Osborne,Dear Colleagues,很高兴与奥斯本财政大臣共同主持第四次中英经济财金对话。中方代表团对英方的周到安排表示衷心的感谢!

I am very pleased to co-chair with Chancellor Osborne the Fourth China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue.The Chinese delegation thanks the UK side for the thoughtful arrangements.2010年11月,卡梅伦首相访华,两国领导人提出,要从21世纪全球视角和战略高度规划好两国关系。今年6月,温家宝总理对英国进行正式访问,双方确定了新的合作重点,签署了12项合作文件。本次对话的主要任务是,落实两国领导人达成的重要共识,用实际行动推动中英全面战略伙伴关系健康发展。

During Prime Minister Cameron's visit to China in last November, leaders of the two countries pointed out the need to draw a good plan for our bilateral relations from a global and strategic perspective of the 21st century.When Premier Wen Jiabao paid an official visit to the UK last June, the two sides identified new cooperation priorities and signed a total of 12 cooperation documents.The main task of this round of dialogue is therefore, to act on the important agreement reached by our leaders and promote the healthy development of China-UK comprehensive strategic partnership with concrete steps.当前,世界经济形势极为复杂和不确定,国际金融市场动荡加剧,“家家都有一本难念的经”。欧洲主权债务危机十分严峻,美国就业和房地产市场持续低迷,日本经济增长乏力,新兴经济体和发展中国家通胀压力加大。确保经济金融稳定,推动全球经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长是各国面临的首要任务。解决欧债危机,需要欧盟特别是欧元区国家对有效的救助措施达成共识,协调配合,尽快付诸实施。欧洲经济的稳定对世界经济复苏至关重要,也关系到中国经济的健康稳定发展。中方对欧洲经济和欧元抱有信心,支持欧元区、欧盟和国际货币基金组织采取的应对措施,相信欧洲有能力、有智慧克服当前困难,走出危机。

The current world economic situation is highly complex and uncertain, and there is increasing fluctuation in the international financial market.As every family has its own problems, so does every economy.Europe is confronted with a severe sovereign debt crisis, the United States

continues to face sluggish job and property markets, Japan is plagued by weak economic growth, while emerging markets and developing countries suffer from mounting inflationary pressure.To ensure economic and financial stability and promote strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy is the top priority for all countries.To resolve the European debt crisis requires the European Union, the Euro zone countries in particular, to reach consensus on effective rescue measures, and put them into speedy implementation through cooperation and

coordination.A stable European economy is not only essential for global economic recovery, but also bears on the healthy and steady development of the Chinese economy.China has confidence in the European economy and the euro.We support the measures adopted by the Euro zone, the EU and IMF and believe that the Europe has the ability and wisdom to overcome its current difficulties and come out of the crisis.目前,中国经济形势总体是好的,但也面临着来自国内外的多方面挑战。为此,中国政府已经和正在采取一系列宏观调控的政策措施,实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,妥善处理保增长、调结构和抑制通胀的关系,努力保持经济持续平稳增长。希望英方振兴经济、保持财政可持续性的措施尽快见到成效。双方应就事关两国经济的重大问题交流信息,加强沟通。

China's economy is in good shape on the whole.But we also face multiple challenges at home and from abroad.In response to the challenges, the Chinese government has put and are putting in place a series of

macroeconomic policy adjustments.By pursuing a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy, and endeavoring to adjust the structure and curb inflation while securing growth, we strive to maintain sustained and steady economic growth.We hope that the steps taken by the UK to

revitalize its economy and maintain fiscal sustainability will produce results as soon as possible.The two sides should share information and strengthen communication on major issues concerning our two economies.中英两国经济互补性强,合作潜力巨大。中国正在实施“十二五”规划,英国也出台了未来增长计划,明年还将举办伦敦奥运会,中英经济合作孕育着新的机遇。双方应充分发挥各自优势,深化经贸、投资、金融、科技、旅游等各领域合作,在基础设施、高端制造、新能源、节能环保等领域打造新的合作亮点,努力实现2015年双边贸易额达到1000亿美元的目标。希望双方在金融监管改革、风险防范、产品创新、信息交流及人才培训等方面,加强交流与合作。

The economies of China and the UK are highly complementary and enjoy enormous cooperation potential.China is implementing its 12th Five-Year Plan, while the UK has rolled out the Plan for Growth and will host the Olympic Games in London next year.All these will bring new opportunities for China-UK economic cooperation.The two sides should harness their respective strengths, deepen cooperation in such fields as the economy, trade, investment, finance, science, technology and tourism, create new bright spots of cooperation in infrastructure, advanced manufacturing, new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, and work hard to bring bilateral trade to US$100 billion by 2015.I hope our two sides will step up exchange and cooperation in areas such as financial regulatory reform, risk prevention, product innovation, information sharing and personnel training.充分照顾彼此关切,是对话与合作的重要前提。对于英方关注的知识产权保护、市场准入等问题,中方已取得积极进展。中国政府打击侵权假冒专项行动成效显著,软件正版化全面推进。希望英方积极支持中国企业赴英投资,继续推动欧盟放宽对华高技术产品出口管制、尽早承认中国市场经济地位。

Full accommodation of each other's concerns constitutes an important basis for cooperation and dialogue.China has made good progress in addressing the concerns of the UK side, including those on IPR protection and market access.The special campaign of the Chinese government to combat IPR infringement and counterfeiting products has produced marked results and the use of legal software is being promoted across the board.We hope the UK will render active support to Chinese companies in making investment in the UK and continue to encourage the European Union to relax its control over high-tech exports to China and recognize China's market economy status at an early date.中英作为二十国集团的重要成员,应当保持各层面的密切沟通,与其他成员国一道,团结一致,加强宏观经济政策协调,稳步推进国际货币金融体系改革,反对贸易保护主义,避免经济问题政治化,确保戛纳峰会取得成功。

As important members of the G20, China and the UK should maintain close communication at all levels and work with other G20 members in the spirit of solidarity to strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, steadily advance the reform of the international monetary and financial systems, oppose trade protectionism, prevent the politicization of economic issues and ensure the success of the Cannes summit.各位同事!

Dear colleagues,中英经济财金对话是两国经济合作的重要平台。我相信,只要双方秉持建设性的合作精神,立足当前,着眼长远,坦诚沟通,深入交流,本次对话就一定能够取得更多互利共赢的成果。

The China-UK Economic and Financial dialogue is an important platform for China-UK economic cooperation.I am confident that as long as our two sides work in a constructive spirit of cooperation, bear in mind both the short-term interests and long-term ones, conduct exchanges in a candid and in-depth manner, this round of dialogue will produce more results that benefit both countries.预祝本次对话圆满成功!

I wish this round of dialogue full success.谢谢大家!

Thank you.

第二篇:英国财政大臣 ——2010中英经济财金对话发布会致辞(中英双语)


Closing Comments at Economic and Financial Dialogue Press Conference by UK Chancellor George Osborne 09 November 2010

在第三次“中英经济财金对话”新闻发布会上的致辞 英国财政大臣 奥斯本 2010年11月9日

Thank you very much Vice Premier Wang Qishan.And let me thank you again for welcoming us to Beijing today to this Economic and Financial Dialogue.非常感谢王岐山副总理。对于您今天欢迎我们到北京来参加本次经济财金对话,我再一次表示感谢。

I agree with you that we have had very friendly and successful talks, covering a whole range of issues of relevance to both our countries.我和您都认为:我们的会谈是非常友好而有成效的, 涉及了一系列有关我们两国的事务。

China is now the world’s second largest economy.Its contribution to prosperity in the UK is becoming increasingly important.That is why we have come to China as the strongest ministerial delegation ever to visit from the UK.We look forward to this afternoon, when the Prime Minister David Cameron and Premier Wen will take part in the UK-China summit.中国现在是世界上第二大经济体。它对于英国经济繁荣的贡献日益重要。这也是我们此次作为英国有史以来最强大的部长级代表团到中国访问的原因。我们期待着今天下午首相戴维•卡梅伦和温家宝总理参加的英-中峰会。

Today the Vice Premier and I talked about the economic relationship between our two countries.We both agreed to further strengthen bilateral cooperation.We both agreed to continue implementing economic policies conducive to sustainable economic growth.The UK has committed to a clear, credible, ambitious and growth-friendly medium-term fiscal consolidation plan which will ensure fiscal sustainability.And as the Vice Premier has said China is committed to accelerate the restructuring to further strengthen the role of domestic demand.This action by both sides will support confidence and mitigate risks to recovery.今天副总理和我探讨了我们两国间的经济关系。双方一致同意进一步加强双边合作。双方一致同意继续实施有利于经济可持续发展的经济政策。英国已承诺要实施明确的、可靠的、雄心勃勃的、有益于发展的中期财政整顿计划,以确保财政的可持续性。副总理也谈到,中国要致力于加快经济结构调整,进一步加强内需对经济增长的作用。双方的这一举措将有助于提振市场信心、减少经济复苏风险。

We also agreed to work together through the G20.We both strongly support the G20 as the premier forum for our international economic cooperation, where the world’s largest economies work together to support their mutual aspirations and ambitions.We both welcomed the ambitious agreement reached by G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governor at Gyeongju, Korea, to reform the IMF’s quota and governance that will help deliver a more effective, credible and legitimate IMF.At Gyeongju we also agreed to strengthen multilateral cooperation to promote external sustainability and the full range of policies conducive to reducing excessive imbalances and maintaining current account imbalances at sustainable levels.We need to move further forward in Seoul this week.I hope that China will seize the opportunity to play a leading role on this.双方赞同在G20峰会上共同努力。双方坚定支持G20,这是各国实现国际经济合作的重要论坛,其间,全球最大的经济体为实现他们共同的愿望和前景而协同努力。双方欢迎在韩国庆州G20财长和央行行长会议上就国际货币基金组织份额和治理改革达成的重要共识,这将有助于提高国际货币基金组织的有效性、可信度和合法性。在庆州,我们也赞同加强多边合作,推动外部发展的可持续性以及实施一系列有益于减少过度失衡和在可持续的水平上保持经常账户失衡的政策。我们希望在本周的首尔峰会上能够取得更多进展。我希望中国抓住机会,发挥领导作用。

We also discussed the trade links between our countries.It is worth remembering that China is the world’s largest exporter of goods and the UK is the world’s second largest exporter of services.This complementary in our relationship will provide a strong foundation to strengthen our trade and investment links.Both sides will uphold the principles of free trade and resist all forms of protectionism.We will work together to achieve Doha – the UK sees 2011 as a key window of opportunity for achieving this, and I hope China will take a leading role in driving this agenda forward at the G20 Summit in Seoul.双方探讨了两国间的贸易关系。值得一提的是,中国是世界上最大的商品出口国,而英国是世界上第二大服务出口国。两国在这方面的互补将为加强我们的贸易和投资关系提供强有力的基础。双方都赞成自由贸易的原则,抵制各种形式的贸易保护主义。双方将协同努力推动多哈回合成果。英国认为2011年是实现这一目标的关键机会,我希望中国在首尔召开的G20峰会上可以发挥领先作用,推动此项议程的开展。

We also discussed how to encourage Chinese investment in the UK and how to enable Chinese companies to do business in the UK.The UK is already one of the most open economies in the world to trade and inward investment and welcomes more Chinese investment, including from sovereign wealth funds.We noted that UK firms are doing well in China’s growing market.For example, UK firms play a key role in China’s financial markets.UK banks account for 23 per cent of the foreign banking market.Our insurers are among the leading foreign players.双方探讨了如何鼓励中国在英国投资、如何促使中国企业在英国开展业务。英国作为世界上贸易和投资最开放的经济体之一,欢迎更多来自中国的投资,包括主权财富基金的投资。我们注意到,英国企业在中国日益发展的市场上表现出色。例如,英国企业在中国金融市场上发挥着关键作用。英国银行占外国银行市场的23%。英国的保险公司也处于领先的外国企业行列。

And we agreed that it is not just bilateral trade that matters.The UK and China can work in partnership elsewhere, and we discussed how we can support greater partnerships between UK and Chinese companies in third countries.We discussed the business environment in both our countries.There are lots of opportunities in China’s growing market and I highlighted some areas where British companies believe China’s business environment could be improved.We also noted the challenges in the business environment and will work to address this.I encouraged China to respond constructively to the views of the business community.We noted the importance of effective protection of intellectual property rights to promote innovation and encourage bilateral trade, especially in high-technology goods and services.We agreed ambitious plans for deepened technical collaboration on intellectual property administration and enforcement.We also agreed to establish a working-level dialogue on tax issues for businesses engaged in bilateral trade and investment.双方同意,发挥重要作用的不仅仅是双边贸易。英、中两国可以在其他领域合作,双方探讨了如何在第三国进一步发展英、中两国企业间的合作。双方探讨了两国的商业发展环境。在中国日益发展的市场上有大量的机会,我曾强调了在一些领域英国企业相信中国的商业环境会进一步完善。



We discussed the economic outlook for our countries.I outlined the decisive steps we have had to take to deal with Britain’s deficit.And I assured the Vice Premier that Britain’s economic and financial strengths will be further enhanced.Our business sector remains top-class with world-beating research, innovation and enterprise.London is the world’s largest and leading international financial centre and I was pleased that we have agreed to strengthen our financial sector collaboration.We both agreed that further deepening of financial services ties between the UK and China will benefit both sides.We reiterated our commitment to work together to drive forward the reform of international financial regulation and supervisory standards, and strengthen transparency and accountability in the financial sector.双方探讨了两国的经济发展前景。我概述了我们所采取的解决英国赤字问题的决定性措施。并且我可以和副总理确定的是英国的经济和金融实力将进一步增强。我们的商业依然是一流的,拥有世界上最强大的研究、创新能力以及企业。伦敦是世界上最大的国际金融中心,发挥着引领的作用。我很高兴我们能够一致同意加强金融领域的协作。双方一致认为,进一步加深英国和中国之间的金融服务关系对双方都是有利的。我们重申致力于合作推动国际金融监管标准的改革,加强金融领域的透明度和问责制。

We are announcing an expansion of our unrivalled programme of bilateral technical collaboration and joint research on financial sector reform and development.This includes development of the offshore renminbi market, SME financing, corporate and government bond market development.We welcome the fact that China will soon allow foreign-invested banks to conduct bond underwriting business.We agree to explore the possibility of cross-cutting Exchange Trade Funds on our respective stock markets.We both reiterated our support for mutual listings arrangements that will allow Chinese companies to list in London and foreign firms to list in China.我们宣布,进一步拓展现有成果,继续致力于双边技术合作以及金融领域改革与发展方面的共同研究。包括离岸人民币市场、中小企业融资、公司和政府债券市场的发展。我们期待着中国将尽快允许外资银行开展债券承销业务。我们同意探索研究交易型开放式指数基金(ETF)在对方国家相互上市的可能性。双方重申了对两国企业相互上市的支持,即允许中国企业在伦敦上市以及外国企业在中国上市。

It also gives me great pleasure to announce a deepening of our financial services ties through several commercial deals.The first securities joint venture in China for a British bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, whose Chairman is part of the UK delegation accompanying David Cameron and I.The bancassurance partnership between Hengan Standard Life and Bank of China, subject to the finalisation of commercial negotiations.And the granting to Aberdeen Asset Management of their funding quota for investment in Chinese markets.同时我非常高兴地宣布,以下几项商业协议的达成,进一步深化了两国金融服务的联系。苏格兰皇家银行,获批在中国成立了合资证券公司,这是第一家获此资格的英国银行,其主席也是此次随行代表团的成员。恒安标准人寿和中国银行之间建立银保合作伙伴关系(目前尚处于谈判阶段)。


So, Vice-Premier, let me conclude.Successful talks, between ever closer economic partners.Once again, thank you for hosting us.And I look forward to the 2011 dialogue in the United Kingdom.副总理,我确信,这是日益密切的经济合作伙伴之间的成功的会谈。再一次对您给予的款待表示感谢。





Closing Comments at Economic and Financial Dialogue Press Conference by UK Chancellor George Osborne 09 November 2010 在第三次“中英经济财金对话”新闻发布会上的致辞

英国财政大臣 奥斯本 2010年11月9日

Thank you very much Vice Premier Wang Qishan.And let me thank you again for welcoming us to Beijing today to this Economic and Financial Dialogue.非常感谢王岐山副总理。对于您今天欢迎我们到北京来参加本次经济财金对话,我再一次表示感谢。

I agree with you that we have had very friendly and successful talks, covering a whole range of issues of relevance to both our countries.我和您都认为:我们的会谈是非常友好而有成效的, 涉及了一系列有关我们两国的事务。

China is now the world’s second largest economy.Its contribution to prosperity in the UK is becoming increasingly important.That is why we have come to China as the strongest ministerial delegation ever to visit from the UK.We look forward to this afternoon, when the Prime Minister David Cameron and Premier Wen will take part in the UK-China summit.中国现在是世界上第二大经济体。它对于英国经济繁荣的贡献日益重要。这也是我们此次作为英国有史以来最强大的部长级代表团到中国访问的原因。我们期待着今天下午首相戴维?卡梅伦和温家宝总理参加的英-中峰会。

Today the Vice Premier and I talked about the economic relationship between our two countries.We both agreed to further strengthen bilateral cooperation.We both agreed to continue implementing economic policies conducive to sustainable economic growth.The UK has committed to a clear, credible, ambitious and growth-friendly medium-term fiscal consolidation plan which will ensure fiscal sustainability.And as the Vice Premier has said China is committed to accelerate the restructuring to further strengthen the role of domestic demand.This action by both sides will support confidence and mitigate risks to recovery.今天副总理和我探讨了我们两国间的经济关系。双方一致同意进一步加强双边合作。双方一致同意继续实施有利于经济可持续发展的经济政策。英国已承诺要实施明确的、可靠的、雄心勃勃的、有益于发展的中期财政整顿计划,以确保财政的可持续性。副总理也谈到,中国要致力于加快经济结构调整,进一步加强内需对经济增长的作用。双方的这一举措将有助于提振市场信心、减少经济复苏风险。



Remarks at the Joint Opening Session of the Third Round of China-US Strategic and

Economic Dialogues

2011年5月9日,华盛顿 Washington DC, 9 May 2011


Vice President Biden, Secretary Clinton, Secretary Geithner, Dear Colleagues,第三轮中美战略与经济对话今天开幕。在此,我代表中方代表团对美方的周到安排表示衷心的感谢!

We are gathered here today for the third round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues(S&EDs).On behalf of the Chinese delegation, I would like to express sincere thanks to the US side for the thoughtful arrangements.胡锦涛主席十分关心中美战略与经济对话,请我和戴秉国国务委员转达他对奥巴马总统、拜登副总统、克林顿国务卿、盖特纳财长以及美方全体工作人员的问候。胡锦涛主席高度赞赏中美战略与经济对话为中美加深了解,增进战略互信,加强两国在双边、地区和全球层面上的沟通与协作所发挥的重要作用。希望中美双方充分利用本轮对话,就两国如何进一步增进战略互信、深化务实合作深入交换意见,落实好他与奥巴马总统达成的共识,共同推进相互尊重、互利共赢的中美合作伙伴关系。

President Hu Jintao attaches great importance to the S&EDs.He asked me and State Councilor Dai Bingguo to convey his greetings to President Obama, Vice President Biden, Secretary Clinton, Secretary Geithner and all those who work for the S&EDs on the US side.President Hu Jintao highly appreciates the important role of the S&EDs in deepening understanding, enhancing strategic mutual trust, and strengthening communication and cooperation between our two countries at bilateral, regional and global levels.He hopes that both the Chinese and US sides will make the most of this round of dialogues to have in-depth exchange of views on ways to further enhance strategic mutual trust and deepen practical cooperation.He looks forward to the implementation of the agreement he reached with President Obama and the advancement of the China-US cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.今年1月,胡锦涛主席对美国进行了历史性的国事访问,取得了巨大成功。两国元首高瞻远瞩,开创了中美关系的新局面。

Last January, President Hu Jintao paid a state visit to the United States.It was a historic visit which achieved great success.With vision and foresight, the two presidents opened a new page in China-US relations.中美建交32年来,两国关系虽历经风雨,却始终向前。中美历史文化、发展阶段、资源禀赋、现实国情不同,但经济相互依存,高度互补,谁也离不开谁。两国互为第二大贸易伙伴,美国是中国第二大出口市场,中国是美国增长最快的出口市场。目前,两国的经济总量占世界的三分之一,贸易总额占世界的五分之一。中美经济关系已经远远超出双边范畴,越来越具有全球性影响。

Over the past 32 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the United States, China-US relations have kept moving forward despite twists and turns.Our two countries differ in history, culture, development stage, resources endowment and national circumstances, but we are highly interdependent and mutually complementary economically.China and the United States are each other's second largest trading partner.The United States is China's second largest export market, and China is the fastest growing export market for the United States.Together, China and the United States account for one third of the world's GDP, and one fifth of global trade.China-US relationship has far exceeded the bilateral scope and has acquired growing global significance.全球化主导的世界经济格局正在发生深刻而复杂的变化。当前,在应对全球经济衰退、经济复苏仍面临诸多不确定的情势下,中美两国的经济社会发展,既面临着共同的挑战,也面临着合作的机遇。围绕确保经济复苏,两国之间政策措施既有互补,亦有碰撞,但合作的利益远远大于竞争的分歧。鉴于此,双方要更加注重发挥中美战略与经济对话的作用,坚持“全局性、长期性、战略性”的定位,脚踏实地推动中美经济关系健康发展。

We are witnessing profound and complex changes in the world economic landscape, changes that are driven by globalization.At present, we still face many uncertainties when we are striving to tackle global economic recession and sustain economic recovery.Against such a backdrop, economic and social development in China and the United States face both common challenges and opportunities of cooperation.There are both complementarities and clashes in our respective policies geared to ensure economic recovery.However, we have far more shared interests and cooperation than differences and competition.Both sides must therefore make better use of the S&EDs as an overarching framework for the examination of long-term and strategic issues, and take solid steps to advance the sound development of China-US economic relations.各位同事!

Dear Colleagues,历史和现实已经证明,未来也终将证明,任何困难都无法阻挡中美合作的潮流。对此,我们充满信心。这信心来自于中美之间广泛的共同利益,来自于两国人民的共同意愿,来自于历史和哲学的思考。

The past and the present have proven, and the future will prove, that nothing can hold back the trend of China-US cooperation.We have confidence in it.Our confidence comes from the broad common interests between our two countries, the shared aspirations of our two peoples, as well as from historical and philosophical reflections.任何一步实际行动将胜过千言万语。双方应以本次对话为契机,认真落实两国元首达成的重要共识,全面深化经贸、投资、金融、基础设施等各领域的合作,推动两国乃至全球经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长。

One action is better than one thousand words.Let us use the opportunity brought by the current round of the S&EDs to earnestly implement the important agreement reached between our two presidents, and deepen our cooperation in economic, trade, investment, financial, infrastructure and other fields in an all-round way.By so doing, we will contribute to the strong, sustainable and balanced growth of not only our two economies but also the world economy.预祝第三轮中美战略与经济对话圆满成功!

I wish the third round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues great success.谢谢大家!

Thank you!















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