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天台职业中专财经组施优华 徐优芬





商务英语函电是以国际贸易流程为主线构建的,内容涵盖了贸易磋商的各个环节,涉及面广,针对性强。学生要熟练掌握函电写作技巧既要有较扎实的贸易实务知识,又要有较好的英语基础知识和英语语言技能,因此,很多学生对该课程望而生畏,甚至放弃学习。传统教学模式 “以教师为中心”,以传授或灌输为主要方法,已完全不能适应新的教学情况,难以达到真正的教学目的。因此,必须要确立“以学生为中心”、“以学生自主活动为基础”、“以能力为导向”的教学理念,遵循因材施教的原则,根据中等职业学校学生身心发展和商务英语函电教学的特点,关注学生的个体差异和不同的学习要求,激发学生的学习兴趣,突出学生参与,进而培养学生的主动意识和进取精神,营造民主的教学氛围、和谐的师生关系、宽松的教学环境。传统教学模式中,当学生遇到不了解的商品或不熟悉的单证操作规程时,教师只能尽力用语言去描述,学生常感枯燥乏味,接受情况不佳。其实,教师可以将网上下载的图片和用图形及表格做成的操作流程图清晰地展示给学生,这样既简洁又形象,学生会更乐意参与其中,学习积极性明显提高。教师应该利用各种方法让学生体会到学习的乐趣,才能促使他们才能发挥他们的潜能和创新精神,在下一步的实践操作中有良好的表现。



新的词汇、新的用语,如WTO世贸组织、SWIFT环球银行财务电讯协会、Forfaiting福费廷,等等。针对这些特点,教师首先要指导学生熟记一些常用的函电单词和短语,注重学法指导,可以运用读音记忆、归类记忆、搭配记忆等方法强化词汇的积累。如manufacture,correspondence,specification等这些较长的单词可以根据读音进行记忆;再如,说明价格优势的词汇有lower price,best price,competitive,reasonable,favorable等,可以把它们归类记忆。


培养和提高学生的商务英语函电写作能力,不可能一蹴而就,教师要循序渐进地逐步提高学生的商务英语函电写作能力。俗话说,词汇是文章的基本材料,句子是构成文章的基本单位。教师可以连词成句、给词造句、连句成段等方式来加强训练。例如,教师给出一些单词和短语,如receive,enquiry,are interested in,please,soon,order,让学生根据自己的理解组成一个合理的句子。或者,教师提供一些单词或短语,让学生自由发挥造句,以达到巩固这个单词或短语的目的。等到学生能够将单词和短语连成句子之后,再要求学生将句子组成能够表达一定商务内容的段落,还可以给出一些顺序混乱的句子,让学生在领会各句子含义的基础上,构成一段完整的商务函电。另外,商务英语函电传递的是商业信息,它不像一般的文学作品可以想像或发挥,学生没有商务活动的实践经验,因此阅读范文就是他们获取知识和技能的主要途径。同时,商务英语函电的语言比较规范,格式和套路也基本固定,教师还要选择一些规范、精练的范文供学生阅读,背诵范文是一种比较传统但仍然十分有效的提高英语写作水平的方法。学生需要经过先机械背诵,烂熟于心,然后灵活转换运用的过程。


写作是一种单向的交际方式,它通过文字表达意图传递信息,是语言能力的集中表现。然而,学生在进行书面表达时难免出现错误,错误的类型也各种各样。只练不评,学生的习作就得不到指正,难以提高学生的写作能力。因此,教师对学生的习作要及时讲评、纠错和指导。讲评一定要讲究方式、方法,这对学生的学习动机、愿望和兴趣有着很大的影响,适当的讲评和纠错会激发学生的学习兴趣和学习动力,反之就会挫伤学生的自尊心,打击学生的学习积极性,同时也会影响教师在学生心目中的威望,直至影响课堂教学效果。批改学生习作时,教师要根据学生的不同层次,以相应的标准来衡量,对使用贴切得体的句子、表达正确的函电文章,应以欣赏的口吻给予及时肯定。对于质量不高的文章,只要稍有进步的学生就要加以表扬,然后再指出不足,并提出相应的建议和要求。这样,学生在认识到自己写作缺陷的同时也受到鼓舞,从而增强他们的学习意识和兴趣。批改之后,让学生根据教师的要求和建议再写一遍,然后从中选出一些较好的文章作为示范,在课堂宣读。学生们在相互欣赏、相互学习,感受成功的快乐当中得到鼓励和鞭策 .另外,在学生中可以建立学习互助小组,进行合作性学习,例如,学生之间可以通过互相讨论,共同撰写商务函电的目的、写作的主要内容及注意事项;写成文章后,学生可以互相提出个人观点,一起讨论、共同修改,从而加深和巩固所学内容。




摘要: 英国论文要提高商务英语写作能力 ,转变英语学习观念 ,培养基础英语写作能力是其基础和关键 ,而掌握商务英语各类体裁的写作要领也十分必要。相比之下 ,前者要艰巨得多 ,要付出巨大的努力。通过系统、长期、艰苦的努力 ,才能切实有效地提高商务英语写作能力。

随着中国加入世界贸易组织 ,国内的 “英语热” 不断升温 ,商务英语尤其得到大批有志于国际经贸和外企工作的青年的青睐 ,参加 BEC(剑桥商务英语证书)考试的人越来越多。然而 ,不少考生比较惧怕其中的写作题 ,该部分成了他们通过BEC考试的主要障碍之一。那么 ,如何提高商务英语写作能力呢 ?

1首先要培养一定的基础英语写作能力国内BEC考试的参加者有英语专业的学生或毕业生 ,有 MBA(工商管理硕士)的攻读者或持有者 ,有非英语专业的本科生、大中专生或毕业生 ,有英语业余爱好者 ,等等。除部分考生(主要是来自英语专业的)外 ,不少考生写的英语错误很多 ,中国式英语连篇 ,没有几个完整的句子 ,而且有许多语用失误。因此 ,转变英语学习观念 ,培养基础英语写作能力是提高商务英语写作能力的基础和关键。为此 ,必须抓好以下三个环节:

1.1不断通过写作练习培养英语语法的应用能力 ,重视掌握有关词汇的用法 ,以便能运切实用有关语法和词汇去写作。这是英语写作的基础。不少商务英语学习者只满足于记语法规则和单词的汉语意思 ,做标准化练习(主要是选择题),而一旦动笔写作 ,所写的英语不仅语法错误很多 ,而且用词不当的现象也比比皆是。例如 ,有些学习者会写出这样的句子:Our production quantity is going up at an unprecedentedspeed in the history.As requesting , we at tach illustrated catalogue and a pieceof price table to give details for you to refer.实际上 ,他们想表达的意思为:Our production is going up at a speed unprecedented in his2tory.As requested , we enclosed our illustrated catalogue and apiece of list giving details for your reference.因此 ,学习者应尽快转变英语学习观念 ,改进学习方法 ,从以下两方面努力。

1.1.1不仅要记住语法规则 ,更重要的是要通过做各种各样的写作练习,以达到在写作中能正确运用有关语法规则。学习者在写作中极易出错的语法项目主要有:英语句子的基本结构(在英语书面语中 ,一般来说 ,除祈使句外 ,一个句子至少应有一个主语和一个谓语);主谓在数等方面的一致;主句谓语与宾语从句的谓语的时态一致;定语、状语在句中的位置;名词单、复数的用法;代词的用法;介词的习惯性搭配;副词、形容词比较级与最高级的特殊用法;有关动词与其它动词的不定式或-ing形式的习惯搭配等等。这些方面学习者在写作中要格外注意。

1.1.2不仅要记住英语单词的汉语意思 ,更重要的是要通过阅读在上下文中准确掌握英语单词的用法。单词的用法(主要是实词的用法)主要包括:单词的确切意思 — — — 包括其情感意义、文体色彩等;它与有关同义词或近义词的区别;它的习惯性搭配。这样 ,学习者才能在写作中避免那些尽管语法上没有什么错误、用词却有明显错误的现象 ,如以上例子中出现的用 production quantity 表示 “产量”、用 pricetable表示 “价格表”、用 at tach表示 “附上” 等。

1.2通过大量阅读逐渐培养英语思维 ,并掌握一些写好句子的技巧 ,以便在把句子写正确的同时 ,不断培养用地道的英语把句子写好的能力。学习者的语法和词汇基本功既使很扎实 ,有时也会写出如下不符合英语习惯的句子:Thank you very much for October 27’ s inquiry.Flight 513 of Southwest Airways going to New Y ork willtake off at 8 :30 tomorrow.We ensure to help you at any time , expect to see you atShanghai soon.而地道的写法应分别为:We thank you very much for your inquiry dated October27.Flight 513 of Southwest Airways for New Y ork will takeoff at 8 :30 tomorrow.We assure you of our help whenever possible and look for2ward to seeing you at Shanghai soon.类似的例子不胜枚举。“某些研究发现 ,母语为 汉

语的学生在英语学习中所犯错误的 51 %来自母语干扰。”(束定方等 ,1996)为了彻底克服汉语的干扰 ,使写出的英语地道化 ,学习者应从以下两方面努力:

1.2.1结合提高阅读能力 ,大量阅读各类题材的英语文章 ,有意识地逐渐培养英语思维 ,并把它用于写作。在阅读过程中要注意:不要死扣每句英语的汉语意思 ,而应着重获取作者所要传递的信息;对于相对简易的、与日常生活或所学专业有关的文章 ,应注意某些意思的英语表达方式 ,尤其要注意与汉语有明显不同的表达方式 ,注意其用词、词序、搭配等 ,以便将来写作时有效地模仿 ,使写出的句子地道化。在写作过程中 ,不要先想好汉语句子 ,然后只根据英语单词的汉语意思按汉语句式拼凑单词 ,而要尽量用英语思维 ,先构思要表达的大致意思 ,然后用有关的英语句型或习惯表达方式写出来。关键是要时刻想着你要表达的意思在你读过的有关英语文章中是用哪些词、习语或句型表达的。

1.2.2掌握英语句子的写作技巧 ,恰当运用各种类型的句子。英语句子写作技巧主要包括:相关的意思需用并列句或复合句写成一个句子 ,不相关的意思须分成几句来写;一般应避免用词(指实词)重复;修饰语要尽量放在离其所修饰成分最近的位置;代词应有明确所指 ,并在人称、数、格等方面与所指的名词保持一致;比较级所比较的人和物应特别指明 ,并属同类;一个句子的主语以及谓语的时态、语态、语气不应随意改变;恰当地使用简单句(一般较短)、并列句和复合句(后两者一般较长),以便使句子多样化;句子中的各分句之间必要时须用连词或引导词。对于最后两点 ,需要强调的是 ,英语书面语中 ,既有长句 ,也有短句 ,但以长句为多。有人作过统计 ,英语书面语 “平均句长为 20 个词左右”(侯维瑞 ,1988);而在长句中 ,既有并列句 ,也有复合句 ,而以复合句为多。过多缺乏衔接的的短句 ,或过多结构松散的并列句 ,虽然句句语法正确 ,却不符合英语书面语的习惯。再者 ,英语重 “形合”(hypotaxis),汉语重 “意合”(parataxis)(连淑能 ,1993);汉语许多句子各个部分之间的关系可以意会 ,无须用特定的连词 ,而同样的意思写成英语句子则必须用连词或引导词 ,以示各部分的特定关系 ,从而取得衔接效果。

1.3了解一些英语段落、篇章的组织与写作知识。英语的段落、篇章的结构与汉语也有一些不同。“英语段落的一个基本特点是 ,它一般按照一条直线进行展开 „„ 英语段落往往先陈述段落的中心思想 ,而后分点说明。” “这种段落的另一种展开方法是 ,通过在段落中加进各种各样的过渡方法 „„”(胡曙中 ,1993)而 “在汉语段落中有两种段落结构 ,一种段落类似归纳性的英语段落 ,另一种类似螺旋性段落。不仅如此 ,还发现抽样的语篇中有若干数目的段落具有那种非英语的修辞模式 „„”(胡曙中 ,1993)其中 “螺旋性结构”是汉语特有的 ,它的特点是以反复又发展的形式对一种意思加以展开。受汉语篇章结构影响的英语作文往往给英语本族语者留下 “重点不突出” 和 “缺乏连贯性” 的印象。因此 ,学习者写作时要注意以下两点:

1.3.1所写段落与篇章均要力求连贯(coherence)和衔接(cohesion)。一段中的所有句子应发挥一个中心思想 ,各个句子要按照一定的顺序排列 ,各句中的时态、语态一般不应改变 ,必要时要重复一些关键词 ,或使用一些关联词和转承语;各段之间必要时也应使用一些转承语或过渡句。

1.3.2篇章的用词和句式在文体上一般要保持一致(unity)。非规范性口头文体的词汇(例如俚语)和句式(例如 ,缺少主语/或谓语的陈述 “句” ,缺少助动词的一般疑问句),一般可以出现在小说和故事的对话中 ,在议论文和说明文等正式文体中应避免使用;写作时不应只根据所记单词和句型的汉语意思而无视其文体特点机械地拼凑句子。

2要掌握商务英语各类体裁的写作要领具备了基础英语写作能力 ,可以用正确、地道、得体的英语写一般的英语篇章后 ,掌握商务英语各类体裁的写作要领是十分必要的。商务英语各类体裁均属应用文 ,一般都有较为固定的格式 ,且所用语言大都有鲜明的特征。了解有关体裁的格式和语言特征 ,进而掌握其写作要领 ,就能写出有效、得体、符合要求的商务英语篇章 ,从而顺利、圆满地实现预期的交际目标。例如 ,BEC考试中写作部分最基本的体裁留言条 ,备忘录的用途、格式、语气、语言特征等 ,就有下述明显不同:

2.1留言条(notes)通常用于亲朋好友及熟悉的同事之间 ,一般较短 ,书写格式、措辞、称呼及语气比较随便、简单。日期通常不必写出年月 ,可以直接写星期几、上午或者下午以及具体钟点 ,且置于右上角。对于收条人的称呼可以用 Dear 开头 ,也可以只用名字。结尾不必用 Sincerely之类的词 ,但必须署名。语言要简明扼要 ,在不影响意思表达的情况下 ,可省略一些词;用词宜口语化 ,句子结构不必太复杂。

2.2备忘录(memos)仅限于企业或公司内部各部门之间使用 ,主要用于提醒、督促对方 ,或向对方表述自己对某件事情的看法等等。它涉及的一般是需要迅速处理的事情 ,因此 ,所用语言一般宜直截了当 ,不必像商务信涵那样正式。备忘录通常遵循下列格式: To(收文人姓名)、From(发文人姓名)、Subject(事由只用几个词 ,旨在使收文人一看就了解主要内容 ,以便迅速处理;有时下面可以用下划线以便醒目 ,但有时该项也可省去)、Date(日期)和 Message(具体内容),一般从左边顶格写起。有些单位有其特用的备忘录用笺 ,那只需逐项填写即可。由此可见 ,留言条和备忘录在用途、格式、语气及语言特征等方面有显著差异 ,其写作要领也不相同。其他主要体裁 ,如商务书信(business let ters)、会议纪要(minutes)、说明书(product instructions)、商务报告(business report)、商务新闻(business news)、广告(advertisements)、合同(contracts)等在上述诸方面亦各不相同。由于篇幅所限 ,这儿不能一一赘述。然而 ,学习者在具有基础英语写作能力后 ,只有了解商务英语各类体裁特点 ,牢记其不同的写作要领 ,并通过经常的写作练习掌握适合各类体裁的有关词汇和句式 ,才能写出得体的、符合要求的商务英语篇章 ,从而圆满地实现特定的目标。需要指出的是 ,培养基础英语写作能力是一项长期、艰巨的工程 ,只靠死记硬背单词、语法乃至写作技巧是不行的 ,而掌握商务英语各类体裁的具体写作要领 ,在很大程度上属于记忆性质 ,相对要容易些 ,所需时间不会如前者那样长;所以 ,学习者不要因为商务英语体裁众多 ,且格式、要领复杂繁琐就望而却步 ,丧失信心。


综上所述 ,要提高商务英语写作能力 ,转变英语学习观念 ,培养基础英语写作能力是基础和关键 ,而掌握商务英语各类文章的写作要领也十分必 要。相比之下 ,前者要艰巨得多 ,要付出巨大的努力。要培养基础英语写作能力 ,就既要培养语法应用能力 ,掌握有关词汇的用法 ,以便使写出的英语正确无误 ,又要结合阅读培养英语思维 ,了解英语各类句子的特点 ,以及段落与篇章的组织知识 ,从而使写出的英语在各个方面地道、得体。要掌握商务英语各类体裁的写作要领 ,则既要了解各类体裁的用途、格式、语气及语言特点 ,又须通过经常的写作练习,不断运用适合各类体裁要求的词汇和句式 ,以便写出既符合有关格式要求又在语言上得体的商务公文。只有通过这样系统、长期、艰苦的努力 ,才能切实有效地提高商务英语写作能力。


[1 ]侯维瑞.英语语体[ M].上海:上海外语教育出版社 ,1988.[2 ]胡曙中.英汉比较修辞[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社 ,1993.[3 ]连淑能.英汉对比研究[ M].北京:高等教育出版社 ,1993.[4 ]丁往道等.英语写作手册(英文版修订本)[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社 ,1994.[5 ]束定方 ,庄智象.现代外语教学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社 ,1996.[6 ]S.J.麦克齐奥拉 ,G.怀特.剑桥商务英语教程[M].北京:华夏出版社 ,2001.[7 ]L.琼斯 ,R.亚历山大.新版剑桥国际商务英语[M].北京:华夏出版社 ,2001.[8 ]赵伟华 ,张艳敏.实用商务英语写作[M].大连:大连理工大学出版社 ,2003.




We would extend our invitation to your manager to Guangzhou Fair.若贵方对该服装有兴趣,我们拟请贵方经理访华,以便我们能够洽谈向贵国出口这种服装的可能性。

If you are interested in the above-mentioned garments, we would like to invite your manager to visit China, so that we can discuss with him the possibility of exporting the garments to your country.我们精心为您所做的三天日程,请您同意。

We are sending you a carefully-arranged three-day time schedule for your approval.您为我安排得真周到,谢谢您所做的一切。

It’s very thoughtful of you to have arranged all this for me.Thank you for all you’ve done for me.我们热忱期待在那儿接待贵方的代表。

We are looking forward to extending our warm reception to your representative there.我们很高兴通知贵方,我公司的贸易代表团准备在五月份访问贵国。

We are pleased to announce that a trade delegation of our corporation is planning to visit your country in May.根据贵方建议,我们已为会议暂定了议程。

According to your proposal, we have worked out a tentative agenda for the conference.请告诉贵方旅行日程,以便我方事先安排。

Please inform us of your itinerary so as to facilitate our arrangements in advance.建立业务关系


We have learned from the Commercial Counselor’s Office of your embassy in Beijing that you are importers of light industrial products.随函附上我方最新的目录单和价格表。

We enclose our latest catalogue and price list.我们的产品在世界市场上十分畅销,以其优良的品质和合理的价格而值得介绍。

Our products are good sellers in the world market and worth recommendation for their excellent quality and reasonable price.我们愿意在平等互利的基础上与贵公司建立直接的贸易关系。

We are willing to establish direct business relations with your company on the basis of equality ,mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods.我们预料贵公司产品在我方市场有着广阔的前景。我们保证随时给予你方密切合作。盼早复。

We foresee a bright prospect for your products in our market.We assure you of our close cooperation at all times and look forward to hearing from you soon.询盘与回复


In reply to your letter dated March 28, we enclose our latest illustrated catalogue for your reference.请报最好的CIF上海价格,注明最早装运期。

Please quote us your best CIF shanghai prices, stating the earliest date of shipment.如果你方价格有竞争力,我们原首次订购1200打,即每种型号各400打。

If your prices are competitive , we are willing to place our first order for 1200 dozen,ie,400 dozen of each type.对于定期购买单项商品数量不少于800打,我们可给予3%的折扣,用保兑的,不可撤销的即期信用证付款。

On regular purchases of quantities of not less than 800 dozen of individual items.We would allow you a discount of 3%.Payment is to be made by confirmed, irrevocable L/C at sight.报盘与还盘

给予5%的数量折扣grant a quantity discount of 5%


In reply to your letter of July 8, we are now making you the following offer, subject to our final confirmation.兹报50公吨的糖价为每公吨1000美元伦敦成本加保险费,运费。含3%的佣金,7-8月份装运,本报盘30天内有效。

We offer you our sugar 50 metric tons at USD 1000 per M/T CIF London including commission of 3% for shipment during July and August and the offer remains open within 30 day.关于你方9月2日询盘,现报盘为,良好平均品质葡萄干100公吨,每公吨5000元人民币,下月交货。In reply to your inquiry of 2 September , we offer you 100 metric tons of FAQ raisin, at the price of RMB 5000 per M/T for delivery next month.应贵方要求,现报3500打女式帽纽约成本加保险,运费到岸价,每打50美元,7月份装运,以未售货为效。

At your request , we are now offering you 3500 dozens of ladies hats at USD 50 per dozen CIF New York for July shipment , This offer is subject to the goods being unsold.相信贵公司将对我方报盘感到满意,并盼望收到贵方订单。

We trust you will find our quotation satisfactory and look forward to receiving your order.谢谢你方1月20日来信,现确认我方报盘,现报1000辆飞鸽牌自行车,2月3月交货,新加坡成本加保险费,运费价,包括3%佣金,每辆25.5美元,即期信用证付款。2月11日前收到回复为有效。我方的付款方式为不可撤销信用证,凭装运单据付款。若达成交易,请立即开出信用证,以使我方2月3月交货。相信上述报价会令你满意,希望你早日接受我们的报盘。

Dear Sirs:

Re: flying pigeon brand bicycles

We thank you for your letter of the 20th January.Now we confirm our reply.We offer 1000 flying pigeon brand bicycles for delivery in February / march, at USD 25.5 per piece CIFC3 Singapore.Payment shall be made under L/C at sight against presentation of shipping document.you will readily understand that this offer is good only for acceptance reaching us before February 11.2008.From our offer you must have noted that our terms of payment are by irrevocable L/C is opened without the least delay.So as to enable us to effect the shipment during February / march.We trust the above offer will be of interest to you and await your immediate acceptance.下订单



We have booked your order NO,.X for 100 metric tons of Bitter Apricot Kernels and are sending you herewith our sales confirmation NO.X in depilate.Please sign and return one copy to us for our file.It is understood that a letter of credit in our favor covering the abovementioned goods will be established immediately.We wish to point out that the stipulations in the relevant credit should strictly conform to the terms stated in our sales confirmation in order to avoid subsequent amendments.You may rest assured that we shall effect shipment with the least possible delay upon receipt of the credit.We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to your further orders.Your faithfully.支付


Our terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit in our favor available by draft at sight, reaching us one month ahead of shipment, remaining valid for negotiating in China for a further 21 days after the prescribed(规定的)time of shipment and allowing transshipment and partial shipment.根据你方的要求,我方破例接受你方即期付款交单装运,但这不能视为先例。

In compliance with(根据)your request, we exceptionally accept delivery against D/P at sight, but this should not be regarded as a precedent(先例)固定搭配.我方希望你方认真考虑你方的商业信用,立即开证,否则你将负责所有由此产生的损失。

We hope that you will take your commercial reputation in all seriousness(认真考虑)and open the L/C at once, otherwise you will be responsible for all the losses arising as a result of your failure to do so.由于四五月没有从上海到你方港口的直达航线,你方必须删除“直达船”的条款并插入 “允许分批装运和转运”的字样。

As there is no direct sailing from Shanghai to your port during April/May, it is imperative(必须)for you to delete the clause “by direct steamer”(直达船)and insert the wording “Partial shipment and transshipment are allowed”.592号信用证项下的货物已备妥多时,但修改通知书还没有到达,现需要你方将信用证延展15天

The shipment covered by your Credit No.592 has been ready for quite some time, but the amendment advice(修改通知书)has not yet arrived, and now an extension(延展)of 15 days is required.包装


1000 Hua-Sheng desk fans 16”@ RMB X per piece CIF Kowloon, packed in wooden cases, each containing 6 pieces, shipment by train form shanghai to Kowloon within one month after receipt of

covering L/C.We trust that you will give special care to the packing in order to avoid damage in transit.运输


It is imperative that you ship the goods immediately.信用证延期 extension of L/C


Please telegraph name and approximate sailing date of vessel on which space is booked/


The ship is due to leave(arrive)on or bout may 10


Insure sth against +险种 for+金额 with+公司 at+费率


On your instructions , we have covered the insurance for 110% of the invoice value.对于上述货物,我们可以承保,保险率为1.00%

We are prepared to insure the consignment in question at the rate of 1.00%


We are pleased to inform you that we have insured the above shipment with the People’s Insurance Company against War Risks.综合合同号码:CET-81018











装运期: 2005年1月31日前自中国港口至新加坡,允许分批装运和转船






SellersChina National Cereals & Oils Imp./Exp.Corp.BuyersUniversal Trading Co,.Ltd, Vancouver, Canada.CommodityRed Beans

Specifications or qualityF A Q 2005 Crop

Unit PriceUS$425 per M/T CFR Vancouver

Quantity500 metric tons, with 2% more or less both in amount and in quantity allowed at the sellers’ option.Tatal valueUS$2125000

PackingIn gunny bags of about 50 kgs net each

Shipping marksTo be arranged by the sellers if the buyers fail to show any in the L/C

InsuranceTo be covered by the buyers

Shipment from China port to singeporePartial shipments prohibited , Transshipment allowed.Port of shipmentShanghai , China

Port of destinationVancouver, Canada.Time of shipmentWithin 30 days after receipt of the relevant L/C

Terms of paymentBy 100% confirmed, irrevocable ,transferable and divisible letter of credit in the Seller’s favor to be available by sight draft and to remain valid for negotiation in China until the 10th day after the aforesaid time of shipment.Done and signed in Beijing on this twelfth day of April,2005



Dear {收件人}, Thank you very much for your feedback.I immediately send the picture to our production manager, and we hold a meeting on this.He told me, the two colour of the stone are actually same slab, not from two slab.Natural stone has inborn colour variation, so it cannot be the same like ceramic, each one is the same.Actually that is the main reason why people love stone, no two are the same.Meantime, it is more reasonable to replace you when there is a defective or crack in the stone.While for the natural veining, it is hard for us to replace.Actually, we could not even know that the next one will not have the veins.I would very much appreciate your kind understanding.FYI, you know how our US distributor work on this? They select all the stone with a few special veining together, and then sell it at a premium price as one-of-a-kind!Best regards, XXX

2.客户收到货,说短缺, 经查,仓库并未少发,如何跟客户解释?

Dear Tom, Thanks a lot for your patience.I have come to check the warehouse record together with our logistics people by myself.The record shows that all the items of order XXXX has been delivered.Here is our original record, and the pictures of the goods.Will you please check with your logistics and count the goods again? Are there possibilities of mis-counting, or someone moved the items separately from this order without noticing him? Best regards, XXXX 3.客户收到货,说短缺, 经查,确实少发了怎么办

收到客户的回复,提供的详细信息,第一封邮件: Dear {收件人}, Thanks a lot for your email, and sharing the findings of your logistics to us.I will immediately investigate into this with our logistics, and will reply you soon.It may take some time, I would very much appreciate your kind patience.Best regards, XXXX 4.调查结果出来,第2封邮件:

Dear {收件人}, Thanks for your patience.I apologize firstly for the inconvenience brought you.We have a new staff;he has moved these items to another order without noticing our warehouse manager, thus make a mistake.Will it be OK to send you these items with your next order? To make up you, we would like to give you 20 free items as gifts.Sorry again for the inconvenience brought you.We have already trained the new staff, and make sure that this will not happen again in future.Best regards, XXXX 5.客户收到货,说短缺,怎么办?马上发一封邮件询问详情

Dear {收件人}, Thanks a lot for your email, and sharing the findings of your logistics to us.I will immediately investigate into this with our logistics.To enable me to do so, will you please give me a few more details? 1.How many total pallets do you receive?

2.Can you give me a detailed list of all the shortage items, their quantity, and their pallet number? I would very much appreciate your kind help, it will be most helpful for our investigation.Best regards, XXXX 6.客户说到货,投诉说破损了,经查确实是本公司的责任,怎么办?

Dear {收件人}, Thanks a lot for your pictures and information.I have investigated into this with our production manager.The EPS sheet sounds not thick enough to give strong

protection to the products.We have already worked out the improvement plan, thus to make sure that this will not happen again in your future orders.We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience brought you.And we would like to replace new ones in your next order.Best regards, XXXXX 7.客户说到货,投诉说破损了,怎么办?先迅速回封邮件问客户要照片。

Dear {收件人}, Thanks a lot for reporting the damage to me.I will work immediately with our production department to investigate into it.Meantime, will you please take a few pictures of the outer box, and the damaged products? Does the outside box break also? What do you think might cause this damage? Best regards, XXXX


Dear {收件人}, Thanks a lot for your email on Jan.5th.I have investigated into this immediately with our production manager, and found that the worker has forgotten to change the blueprint after the modification is made from your side.We sincerely apologize for inconvenience brought you.For the shipped items, can you still work on it with a discounted price? If so, we are willing to give you 30% discount.Best regards, XXXX


1.Directions:Rearrange the following letter logically with the sentences given:

The Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Embassy of your country in China has conveyed to us your desire and proposal to establish business relations with the Foreign Trade Corporation of China.We wish to establish business relations by the commencement of some practical transaction.Our lines are mainly textiles.To give a general ideal of the various kinds of textiles now available for export , we are enclosing here with a catalogue and a price list for you examination.We would be glad to study the sales possibilities in our market.A copy of your letter to that effect has been handed to us.At the same time we want to know your details and prices of various kinds of goods you would be interested in selling.Any specific enquiries from you would be appreciated.We look forward to receiving from you good new




TEL:878398989 FAX:0086-532-2971703

ZIP CODE:3600062


MAR.10th ,2012



Dear Sirs

Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s office of theEmbassy of the people’s republic of China in your country ,we know that you are interested in textiles imports,we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations by a start of some practical transaction.We specialize in the export of Chinese Suzhou silk business ,the quality of this kind product is good,the price is reasonable;To acquaint you with the light industrial goods we handle ,we are sending you by separate airmail, commodity list and several sample books for your reference.Our bankers are the Bank of China Shi Yan Branch

We look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely


Jiangsu Textiles Export Corporation

Ⅰ Phrases translations(English into Chinese)

1.handle import/export business处理进出口业务

2.be obliged for sth.to sb.因某事而感激某人

3.in advance提前

4.cash register收银机

5.in the near future在不远的将来

6.at your hand在你手上

7.take the opportunity to do抓住机会做某事

8.bo of interest to sb.对某人感兴趣

9.open an account with用···开一账户

10.refer to谈及

11.favorable reply

12.deal in

13.comply with

14.contact sb.for sth.15.be willing to do sth.16.incoming/outgoing letter

佳音 处理 遵守因某事与人交谈愿意做某事收发的函件

ⅡPhrases translations(Chinese into English)

1.商用机器commercial machine

2.大进口商major importer

3.中国银行福建分行THE FUJIAN BRANCH OF CHINA BANK 4.建立业务关系establish business relations

5.价目表price list



8.在。。方面富有经验have rich experience in

9.享有良好的声誉have a good name

10.客观信息objective messages


12.可靠程度reliable level

13.另封(另封邮寄)under separate cover

14.最新目录the latest catalogue

15.保兑不可撤销信用证a confirmed irrevocable L/C

16.出口、进口品exports ,imports

Ⅲ Sentence Translations(Chinese into English)


Thanks you for your letter ofAugust 6, 2005 enclosing the sample.2我们打算从贵国进口复印机。

We intend to import copier from your country.3我们公司是经营计算机的大出口商。

Our company is the large exporters of engage in computer。


If will be able soon to receive your sample when will thank extremely.5我公司成立与1900年,一直经营各种商用机器。

Our company was established in 1900,we have been engaged in handing a variety of business machines.6如贵公司在这方面给予帮助将不胜感谢。

We shall appreciate it if your company to offer a help in this respect.7我们借此机会对贵方的帮助表达谢意。

We take the opportunity to express our gratitude for your help.8我们听说贵方对各种仪表感兴趣。

We heard that you are interested in a variety of instruments.9请把详细的目录和价目表寄给我们。

Please send us a detailed catalog and price list.10盼早日收到你方消息。

We are looking forward to receiving your early reply.11我们是芝加哥一家大出口商,专营化工品出口。

We are a large exporter in Chicago specializing in the export of chemical product.12你们对我们的货物质量会相当满意。

You will be quite satisfied with the quality of our goods.13如你方需要更多客观信息,请向中国银行上海分行查询。

If you need more objective information,please check to the Bank of China in Shanghai.14为扩大向贵国的出口业务,我们希望与贵公司建立直接业务关系。

In order to expand our export,we wish to establish direct business relations with your company.15你方表达希望与我们建立业务关系的信已收到,谢谢。

The letter was received that your company in the hope of establishing trade relations with our company, thank you.16如你方对该产品感兴趣,请与我们联系索取更多资料。

If you are interested in this product, please contact with us for more information.17按你方要求,我们将把样品寄给万盛公司,供免费分发。

In accordance with your request, we will send the samples to the Wansheng company for free distribution.18我们已把样品另寄你方,你们可能对其中以而写样品感兴趣。

We have sent samples to you, you might be interested in some of these samples.Ⅳ Sentence Translations(English into Chinese)We are indebted to the Commercial Counselor’s office of your Embassy in Canberra for your name and address and pleased to introduce ourselves as an experienced importer engaged in the subject business for years.我们从驻堪培拉的大使馆商务处获知贵方名称和地址,我们很荣幸能够向你公司介绍,我公司是有多年经验从事主题商业且的进口商。You are kindly requested to furnish us with the illustrated leaflet/catalogues of your products at an early date so as to enable to have a general idea of your products and send you the specific requirements by fax.希望你能够向我们提供有关你产品的说明书/目录,让我们能够尽早大致了解你的产品,并且通过传真向你发送我们的具体要求。We believe this initial contact will leave the way to a pleasant and lucrative relationships between us.我们相信这首次接触对于我们双方都将是一次愉快而互利的合作。We wish to carry on trade with manufacturers and merchants of all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit for the development of commercial relations with the people of different nations.我们希望在平等互利的基础上,与全世界的国家保持贸易合作关系,和不同国家的人发展商业关系.In compliance with your request, we are sending her with a pricelist and a range of pamphlets for your reference

应贵方的要求,我方将把详细的价目表和一系列小册子寄给你们,仅供参考.A booklet including a general introduction, the scope of business and other topics is enclosed for your reference.一本小册子包括一般的介绍,业务范围,并附上其他主题的册子,仅供参考.The subject goods lie within the scope of our business activities.这项标题下商品属于我们的业务范围内.We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality and mutual

benefit and exchanging that one has for what one needs.我们很乐意能够在平等互利、各取所需的基础上与你方建立业务关系.Thank you in advance.We await your news with keen interest.提前感谢你.我们将抱着很大的兴趣等待你的消息.We wish to extend our warm welcome to your desire to enter into direct business relations in the line of textiles.我们将表示热烈的欢迎对贵方愿意在纺织品领域与我们建立直接的业务关系.Being one of the leading importer of textiles in Pakistan, we are writing to you in the hope of establishing direct trade relations with your firms.你方作为巴基斯坦最大的纺织品进口商,现与你方联系,希望与你公司建立直接的业务关系.12 As this item with in the business scope of our corporation, we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you at an early date.这个项目在我们公司的业务范围内,我们希望能尽快与贵公司建立业务关系.To give you a general idea of various kinds of our products now available for export, we enclose a brochure and a sample-cutting booklet.我们随函寄上产品说明书和剪样册,让你大致了解我们目前可供出口的各种产品.We shall appreciate it, in order to enjoy fruitful and profitable trade relations, if you will let us know what are the items you handle for export by sending catalogues to us.为了让我们享受富有成效和有利的贸易关系,请将目录寄给我们,让我们了解你们要出口的项目,我们将不胜感激.We are specializing in cereals, oils, canned food, wild vegetables, meat, milk products and aquatic products.我们的产品致力于粮食,油脂,食品罐头,野生蔬菜,肉类,奶类和水产品领域.16 We look forward to the relationship of business with you in the near future.我们期待在不久的将来与你公司建立关系.Our General Manager’s visit to your corporation will pave the way for future development of business between our two firms.我们总经理对你们公司的访问为我们两家公司之间未来的业务发展铺平道路.We have been in the wool business for several decades.我们从事羊毛业务已有几十年了.We highly appreciate your kind cooperation.我们非常感谢你的合作.May we introduce ourselves as importers of fashion garments and commission agents.我们可以自我介绍作为时装进口商和佣金代理商.We shall be pleased if you will kindly send us by airmail come samples so as to acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies.我们将很高兴如果你方通过航空邮寄将样品寄给我们,使我们了解你方提供的样品的质量和工艺.They state that they have regularly traded with you over the past four years and have given up your name as a reference(资信证明人).他们声称, 在过去的四年,他们经常与你进行交易,他们已经放弃将你的名称作为一个资信证明人.As far as we know they are a reputable firm, but we have no knowledge of their financial position.据我们所知道的,他们是一家著名的公司,但是我们却对他们的财务状况并不了解.Any other information you can give us about this company would be very welcome.Your reply will of course be treated as strictly as confidential.你给我们关于这家公司的其他信息会很受欢迎.而你的答复当然会被视为严格保密.25 My employer asked Rick and me to handle the matter.我的老板让我和瑞克处理这件事.I will pass on your decision to the buyer.我会把你的决定告诉买方.Ⅴ Reading and Translation










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