7 分词

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第一篇:7 分词






(1)从语态角度来看,现在分词表示主动意义,它与所修饰的名词构成主谓关系,如:The man standing at the gate is my English teacher.换句话说:The man who is standing at the gate is my English teacher.过去分词通常表示被动意义(不及物动词的过去分词除外),与它所修饰的名词构成动宾关系,如:the broken cup意思是:Someone broke the cup.或The cup was broken.(2.)从时态角度来看,现在分词一般表示进行动作,过去分词则表示完成的动作。a.fallen leaves

b.falling leaves

这里a相当于leaves that have fallen,即表示完成的动作;而b相当于leaves that are falling,即表示进行的动作。



a.sunken ships

b.sinking ships

这里a相当于_ships that have sunken,即表示完成的动作;而b相当于ships that are sinking,即表示进行的动作。









(1)Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems means of transport.(2000英译汉)

这里现在分词arising修饰problems,作后置定语,与problems构成主动关系。problems arising from mass migration movements表示“大量人口流动造成的问题”。过去分词made修饰themselves,作后置定语,themselves构成被动关系,这里themselves指代mass migration movements


(2)After all, what is the one modern form of expression almost completely to depicting happiness?(2006年阅读第四篇)



(3)To determine the consequences of sleep deficit, researchers have put subjects through a set of psychological and performance tests them, for instance, to add columns of numbers or recall a passage to them only minutes earlier.“We've found that if you're in sleep deficit,performance suffers,” says Dr.David.“Short-term memory is weakened, as are abilities to make decision and to concentrate.”

现在分词requiring修饰tests,作后置定语,与tests构成主动关系,tests requiring them to add„是说明这个刚试要求他们做什么。过去分词read后置修饰passage,与passage构成被动关系。


(4)The emphasis on data first-hand, with a cross-cultural perspective to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science.本句有三个过去分词:gathered, combined, brought,它们的修饰关系是:


其次,combined with是将emphasis和perspective两个关键词联系起来,构成一个并列关系,相当于说:“A, combined with B”,其他类似结构还有“A, together with B“,或“A, coupled with B”,意思是将A与B结合起来,即“强调第一手资料,然后加上跨文化视角”。很多考生对这里combined with起着连接两个并列成分的作用看不出来,造成句子误译。这里三个过去分词gathered, combined和brought并非并列关系。

再次,brought是修饰perspective,作定语,相当于主动语态:bring a cross-cultural perspective to the analysis of cultures past and present,这里past and present是作后置定语修饰。The emphasis, combined with a perspective, makes this study a social science.强调收集第一手资料,加上在分析过去和现在文化形态时采用跨文化视角,使得这一研究成为一门独特并且非常重要的社会科学。

(5)It's easy to blame the decline of conversation on the pace of modern life and on the vague changes _____ place in our ever-changing world.A.takingB.to takeC.takeD.taken

本题考查分词作定语的用法。这里分词要修饰名词changes,而changes与动词短语 take place构成主动关系,所以用现在分词taking,故A正确。


(6)The examples of Virtual Vineyards, Amazon, com, and other pioneers show that a Web will attract online customers.(1999-2-4)

网络葡萄园、亚马逊和其他一些开拓者的事例显示: 出售合适商品并辅之以适当交流互动、热情周到和安全可靠服务的网站将会吸引网上顾客。than an intuitive one.(2007-1-4)

这次试验的成功,以及后来证明记忆本身不是遗传决定的研究,使 Ericsson 得出结论:记忆行为更多地属于认知练习而不是直觉活动。whose clear advantage was its mastery of the electronic world.(2003-1-2)

以绝对优势领先的是弗吉尼亚的一个名为 “公开来源情报公司”的小公司,它的明显优势是对电子世界的把握。

(9)The trend was naturally most obvious in those areas of in the United Kingdom.(2001-1-2)


(10)Then it sponsors lots of symposiums and a credibility project wondering why customers are annoyed and fleeing in large numbers.(2001-3-7)

然后它出资组织旨在搞清为什么顾客被激怒并且大量离去的研讨会和可信度调查项目.(11)Many people mistakenly believe the term drug refers only to some sort of medicine or an illegal chemical taken by drug addicts.许多人错误地认为毒品一词仅指某种药品或吸毒成瘾者使用的非法化学物质。

(12)First of all, most will produce negative effects such as poisoning or intense perceptual distortions.(1997-3-2)




(1)In May, Julie Nimmons, president of Schutt Sports in Illinois, successfully fought a lawsuit involving a football player who was paralyzed in a game while wearing a Schutt helmet(1999年阅读第一篇)

这里分词wearing作时间状语。修饰从句谓语was paralyzed;involving分词作定语,修饰lawsuit

5月份,伊利诺伊州舒茨体育用品商店的总经理Julie Nimmons赢得了一场官司,这场官司与一位橄榄球员戴着舒茨头盔在比赛中受伤瘫痪的事故有关。

(2)I'm not afraid of dying from a spiritual point of view, but what I was afraid of was haw I'd go, because I've watched people die in the hospital fighting for oxygen and clawing at their masks.(1997年阅读第一篇)



(3)Asked if she opposed immunizations, she wanted to know if vaccines come from animal research.When asserted that they do, she replied,“Then I would have to say yes.” Asked what will happen when epidemics return, she said,“Don't worry, scientists will find some way of using computers.”(2003年阅读第二篇)

三个分词asked, assured, asked的逻样主语是:he,构成被动关系,所以都用了过去分词。这里作状语,表示时间,所以我们可以在分词前面加上时间连词,比如when assured



(4)Being interested in the relationship of language and thought, Whorf developed the idea that the structure of language determines the structure of habitual thought in a society.在英文中,being done结构往往表示原因。这里being interested也不例外,作原因状语。由于沃尔夫对语言与思维的关系很感兴趣,这使他逐渐形成了这样的观点:在一个社会中,语言的结构决定习惯思维的结构。

(5)He wasn't asked to take on the chairmanship of the society,________insufficiently popular with all members.A.being consideredB.consideringC.to be consideredD.having considered 本题考查分词作状语的用法。这里句子主语he和动词consider是被动关系,所以用being considered,作原因状语。在英文中,being done常常用来表示原因。


(6)Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect, extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice.这里arguing的逻辑主语是句子主语extremists,两者构成主动关系,所以用现在分词作状语,表示原因。


(7)Feeling threatened, companies responded by writing ever-longer warning labels,tryingto anticipate every possible accident.(1999年阅读第一篇)

这里feeling的逻辑主语是句子主语companies,两者构成主动关系,所以用现在分词。同样道理,trying的逻辑主语也是companies。这里feeling threatened作状语表示原因。第二个分词短语trying to.二作方式状语,修饰谓语responded


(8)_____ of the burden of ice, the balloon climbed up and drifted to the South.A.To be freeB.FreeingC.To freeD.Freed

本题考查分词作状语及现在分词与过去分词的用法。这里句子主语the balloon同时也是分词的逻辑主语,它与动词free构成被动关系,故用过去分词Freed


(9)In just one generation, millions of mothers have gone to work, transforming basic family economics.(2007-3-2)伴随状语

仅仅在一代人的时间,成千上万的母亲投入工作的 行列,改变了基本家庭经济状况。

(10)His colleague, Michael Beer, says that far too many companies have applied re-engineering in a mechanistic fashion, chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long-term profitability.(1998-2-5)


(11)Illustrated with an entertaining array of examples from both high and low culture, the trend that Mr.McWhorter documents is unmistakable.(2005-4-4)原因状语


(12)Left, until now, to odd,low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of

data-rich industries such as banking, telecoms and air travel, information protection is now high on the boss ' s agenda in businesses of every variety.(2007-4-1)时间


(13)Shielded by third-party payers from the cost of our care, we demand everything that can possibly be done for us, even if it's useless.(2003-4-2)原因

由于有保留医疗费用由第三方支付的保障,我们常 常要求用尽所有的医疗手段,即使它不会有任何作用。

(14)But the human mind can glimpse a rapidly changing scene and immediately disregard the 98 percent that is irrelevant,instantaneously focusing on the monkey at the side of a winding forest road or the single suspicious face in a big crowd.(2002-2-5)伴随

但是人的大脑能够扫描一个快速变化的场景,并且 迅速排除 98%'的不相干的物体,立 即聚焦于森林中蜿蜒道路旁 的一只猴子,或者人群中的一张可疑的脸。

(15)When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War, it had a market eight times larger than any competitor, giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale.(2000-1-1)

当美国在二战后进入一个辉煌的历史时期时,它拥 有比任何竞争对手大八倍的市场,这为其各种行业提供了前所 未有的经济规模。



分词的种类:现在分词和过去分词 二

分词的形式 时态


1)一般式 v--ing

being done 2)完成式

having done

having been done 3)以上所有是否定形式都是直接在前面加not 4)过去分词形式

v+ed 二意义 现在分词表示动作正在进行和主动意义,2 过去分词表示动作已经完成和被动意义。三 作用


四 定语:一个分词作定语前置,分词短语作定语后置。a sleeping child We only sell used books.The bridge built last month needs repairing.The young man sitting between John and Mary is the editor

The man, having been disturbed so badly, almost lost his memory.由于被严重困扰,这个人几乎失去了记

五 作状语 分词在句中作状语,表示时间、原因、让步、结果、方式、条件等。如:(1)表示时间

Arriving in Paris, I lost my way.到了巴黎,我迷了路。When i arrived in paris,l lost my way 表示与主句中谓语动词同时性的现在分词强调时间意义时,分词前可以加上while, when等从属连接词。如:

Don’t talk while having di er.吃饭时不要说话。

When crossing the street, do be careful.过马路时要小心。(2)表示原因 表示原因的分词短语一般置于句首。

Having lived in London for years, I almost know every place quite well.在伦敦住过多年,我几乎对每个地方都很熟悉。

Seriously injured, he had to be taken to ho ital.由于伤得严重,只好把他送往医院。(3)表示结果

The fire lasted nearly a month, leaving nothing valuable.大火持续了近一个月,几乎没剩下什么有用的东西。

Football is played in more than 80 countries, making it a popular ort.80多个国家都踢足球,因此足球成了一种很流行的运动。(4)表示方式

I stood by the door, not daring to say a word.我站在门旁,不敢说一句话。He earns his living buying vegetables(5)表示条件

Being more careful, you can make fewer mistakes.如果你更细心,你会犯更少的错误。Once losing this chance, you can’t easily find it.一旦失去这次机会你就很难找回。

分词练习1.The old farmer,________ the badly-injured and wounded soldier, came out of the burning house, ________for help.A.supporting;calling

B.supported by;called

C.being supported by;called

D.being supporting;called

2.-Oh, it’s already a quarter past six.What shall we do at the meeting this evening?-We’ll go on with the matter________ this afternoon.A.be discussed

B.being discussing C.discussed

D.which discussed 3.The brave man died,________ his young wife nothing but a________ cottage.A.left;breaking

B.leaving;broken C.left;broken D.to leave;breaking 4.________the exam, the boy was punished by his father.A.No passing

B.Having passed C.Not passing D.Not having passed

5.________into many languages, the story is well known all over the world now.A.Being translated B.Having translated C.To be translated

D.Having been translated 6.________from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.A.Suffered B.To suffer C.Having suffered D.Being suffered

7.Many teachers were praised at the meeting, Mr.Zhou________.A.including B.being including C.to include D.included

8.-Who were those people with the flags?

-A group________ itself the League of Peace.A.calls B.calling C.called D.being called

9.________you the truth, she knows nothing about it.A.Tell B.Telling C.To tell D.Told

10.We slept with the light________ all night long last night.A.burnt B.to burn C.being burnt D.burning

11.Linda can’t attend the party________ at Tom’s house at present because she is preparing a speech for the party ________ at Marie’s house tomorrow.A.being held;to be held B.to be held;held C.held;being held D.to be held;to be held 12.Wen________ that it was getting late, I put off the light and went to bed.A.find B.finding C.found D.to find

13.Don't leave the water _____ while you brush your teeth.A.run B.running C.being run D.to run

14.______from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world.A.Being separated B.Having separated C.Having been separated D.To be separated 15.He sent me an E-mail, _______ to get further information.A.hoped B.hoping C.to hope D.Hope

16.When first ______ to the market, these products enjoyed great success.A.introducing B.introduced C.introduce D.being introduced 17.It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when ______ at the meeting by my boss.A.questioning B.having questioned C.questioned D.to be questioned 18.Friendship is like money: easier made than ______.A.kept B.to be kept C.keeping D.being kept 19.— What’s happening in the street?

— A group ______ Green Peace are protesting against the summit.A.calls B.called C.calling D.to be called 20.He had his leg ______ when playing football.A.break B.to break C.breaking D.Broke 21.______ with excitement, the children couldn’t fall asleep.A.To fill B.To be filled C.Filling D.Filled 22.Even if ______, I won’t go.A.invited B.inviting C.I invited D.he invites 23.With the homework ______, he was allowed to watch the football match.A.finished B.finishing C.to finish D.to be finished 24.With his finger ______ to the ______ window, the teacher asked: “Who did that?”

A.pointing;broken B.pointed;broke C.pointing;breaking D.pointed;breaking 25.The shy girl never speaks unless ______.A.speaking B.spoken C.speaking to D.spoken to 26.______ by Yang Liwei’s speech,the students are determined to study even harder.A.Deeply moved B.Having deeply move C.To be deeply moved D.Moving deeply 27.If ______ green, the door might look more beautiful.A.paint B.painted C.painting D.to paint 28.The girl is still fast asleep, with her head ______ deep in arms.A.bury B.to bury C.buried D.burying




paoding :Lucene中文分词“庖丁解牛” Paoding Analysis

imdict :imdict智能词典所采用的智能中文分词程序

mmseg4j : 用 Chih-Hao Tsai 的 MMSeg 算法 实现的中文分词器

ik :采用了特有的“正向迭代最细粒度切分算法“,多子处理器分析模式


paoding :qieqie.wang,google code 上最后一次代码提交:2008-06-12,svn 版本号 132 imdict :XiaoPingGao,进入了 lucene contribute,lucene trunk 中 contrib/analyzers/smartcn/ 最后一次提交:2009-07-24,mmseg4j :chenlb2008,google code 中 2009-08-03(昨天),版本号 57,log为:mmseg4j-1.7 创建分支

ik :linliangyi2005,google code 中 2009-07-31,版本号 41


paoding :支持不限制个数的用户自定义词库,纯文本格式,一行一词,使用后台线程检测词库的更新,自动编译更新过的词库到二进制版本,并加载

imdict :暂时不支持用户自定义词库。但 原版 ICTCLAS 支持。支持用户自定义 stop words mmseg4j :自带sogou词库,支持名为 wordsxxx.dic,utf8文本格式的用户自定义词库,一行一词。不支持自动检测。-Dmmseg.dic.path

ik :支持api级的用户词库加载,和配置级的词库文件指定,无 BOM 的 UTF-8 编码,rn 分割。不支持自动检测。


paoding :在PIII 1G内存个人机器上,1秒 可准确分词 100万 汉字

imdict :483.64(字节/秒),259517(汉字/秒)

mmseg4j : complex 1200kb/s左右, simple 1900kb/s左右

ik :具有50万字/秒的高速处理能力


paoding :svn src 目录一共1.3M,6个properties文件,48个java文件,6895 行。使用不用的 Knife 切不同类型的流,不算很复杂。

imdict :词库 6.7M(这个词库是必须的),src 目录 152k,20个java文件,2399行。使用 ICTCLAS HHMM隐马尔科夫模型,“利用大量语料库的训练来统计汉语词汇的词频和跳转概率,从而根据这些统计结果对整个汉语句子计算最似然(likelihood)的切分”

mmseg4j : svn src 目录一共 132k,23个java文件,2089行。MMSeg 算法,有点复杂。ik : svn src 目录一共6.6M(词典文件也在里面),22个java文件,4217行。多子处理器分析,跟paoding类似,歧义分析算法还没有弄明白。


paoding :几乎无。代码里有一些注释,但因为实现比较复杂,读代码还是有一些难度的。imdict : 几乎无。ICTCLAS 也没有详细的文档,HHMM隐马尔科夫模型的数学性太强,不太好理解。

mmseg4j : MMSeg 算法 是英文的,但原理比较简单。实现也比较清晰。

ik :有一个pdf使用手册,里面有使用示例和配置说明。


paoding :引入隐喻,设计比较合理。search 1.0 版本就用的这个。主要优势在于原生支持词库更新检测。主要劣势为作者已经不更新甚至不维护了。

imdict :进入了 lucene trunk,原版 ictclas 在各种评测中都有不错的表现,有坚实的理论基础,不是个人山寨。缺点为暂时不支持用户词库。

mmseg4j :在complex基础上实现了最多分词(max-word),但是还不成熟,还有很多需要改进的地方。

ik :针对Lucene全文检索优化的查询分析器IKQueryParser


个人觉得,可以在 mmseg4j 和 paoding 中选一个。关于这两个分词效果的对比,可以参考:

或者自己再包装一下,将 paoding 的词库更新检测做一个单独的模块实现,然后就可以在所有基于词库的分词算法之间无缝切换了。

ps,对不同的 field 使用不同的分词器是一个可以考虑的方法。比如 tag 字段,就应该使用一个最简单的分词器,按空格分词就可以了。


Paoding 的具体使用:





1.直接+ ing(例:sleep+ing sleeping)

2.去e+ing(例:bite-e+ing biting)

3重读闭音节,且末尾只有1个辅音字母,双写辅音字母+ing(例:sit+t+ing sitting)




A 表示现在(指说话人说话时)正在发生的事情。

例:We are waiting for you.B.习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行。

例:Mr.Green is writing another novel.(说话时并未在写,只处于写作的状态。)

例:She is learning piano under Mr.Smith.C.已经确定或安排好的将来活动

I'm leaving for a trek in Nepal next week.(已经安排了)

we're flying to Paris tomorrow.(票已经拿到了)

D.有些动词(状态动词不用于进行时态)1.表示知道或了解的动词:believe,doubt,forget,imagine,know, remember,realize,suppose,understand



4表示构成或来源的动词 be come from.contain,include

5表示感官的动词 hear see smell sound taste

6表示拥有的动词belong to.need.own.possess.want wish




(1)当句子中有now时,常表示动作正在进行,这时要用现在进行时。如: They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球。

(2)以look, listen开头的句子,提示我们动作正进行,这时要用现在进行时。如: Listen!She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌。

(3)表示当前一段时间或现阶段正在进行的动作,且此时有this week, these days等时间词,这时常用现在进行时。如:

We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型。

(4)描述图片中的人物的动作,也为了表达更生动。此时也常用现在进行时。如: Look at the picture.The children are flying kites in the park.看这幅图,那些孩子正在公园放风筝。


(1)一般情况下,直接在动词后加-ing work----working sleep-----sleeping study-----studying

(2)动词以不发音的-e结尾,要去-e加-ing take-----taking make-----making dance-----dancing

(3)重读闭音节的动词,要双写词尾字母,再加-ing cut-----cutting put-----putting begin------beginning

(4)以-ie结尾的动词,把变成y再加-ing lie-----lying tie-----tying die-----dying


肯定句式:主语+be(am, is, are)+现在分词+其它.否定句式:主语+be(am, is, are)+not +现在分词+其它.一般疑问句:be(am, is, are)+主语+现在分词+其它

特殊疑问句:疑问词+be(am, is, are)+主语+现在分词+其它



1.The speed _____ light travels is very high.A.which B.at which C.in which D.with which 2.Does he have difficulty _____ English? A.to speak B.speak C.speaking D.spoke 3.In winter we go _____ on the hill.A.skiing B.to ski C.ski D.for ski 4.Asked about the new play, ____.A.his answer was confident B.he was confidently answered C.he answered confidently D.his answers were confident 5._____ black clouds covering the sky, he stopped his work and went home.A.To see B.Having been seeing C.Seeing D.having to see 6._____ , the inhabitants fled.A.The city taken B.The city having been taken C.Having taken the city D.The city being taken 7._____ , he works very late at nigh.A.Having been choosing director B.Choosing director C.Having chosen director D.Being chosen director 8.She apologized for _____ the party.A.not her being able to attend B.her not being able to attend C.her being able not to attend D.her being notable to attend 9.I advised _____ , but he turned me a deaf ear.A.him not to smoke again B.him to smoke not again C.him to not smoke again D.not him to smoke again 10._____ a satisfactory answer,so he had to writhe to them again.A.As he hadn’t received B.Not having received C.Having not received D.He hadn’t received 11.The reason _____ I can’t come is that I have to prepare for the coming exam.A.for B.as C.because D.why 12.She studied hard at school when she was young;_____ contributes to her success in her career.A.that B.so that C.so D.which 13.I’ve got a bottle of beer, but I haven’t got anything _____ I can open it with.A.that B.what C.where D.which 14._____ the day went on,the weather got worse.A.With B.Since C.While D.As 15.It wasn’t such a good present _____ he had promised me.A.that B.as C.which D.what 16.The person _____ you were talking to was an American.A.who B.whom C.which D.as 17.She _____ playing volley-ball very much.A.has B.wants C.lets D.enjoys 18.Most of the people _____ to her party were her old friends.A.Invited B.to invited C.being invited D.inviting 19._____ from the moon, the earth with water _____ seventy percent of its surface.A.See/covered B.Seeing/covering C.Seen/covering D.To see/to cover 20.The fact _____ doctors recommend that children with hypertension(过度紧张)drink coffee is surprising.A.what B.is that C.that D.of 21.I can never forget the day _____ I first came to college.A.when B.in which C.at which D.which 22.I can never forget the day _____ we spent together.A.when B.in which C.at which D.which 23.The reason _____ he failed the exam was _____ he had not worked hard.A.why„„if B.why„„that C.that„„why D.why„„what 24.When you called me this morning, I _____ the newspaper.A.read B.was reading C.reads D.have read 25._____ to get there on time,we walked as fast as we could.A.hoping B.to hope C.hoped D.being hoped 26.Walking along the river, he heard someone _____ for help.A.shouting B.shout C.shouted D.having shouted 27.My vacation begins next Tuesday, _____ I will leave for Flofida.A.which B.that C.while D.when 28.He has made another wonderful discovery, _____ of great importance to science.A.which I think it is B.of which I think is C.I think which is D.which I think is 29.I decided to buy a car because we had sold _____ we had in England before leaving.A.that B.the other C.which D.the one 30.The investigation, _____ will soon be published, was made by John.A.at which the results B.the results on which C.whose results D.at whose results 31.They did not discover until later _____ the car had been destroyed.A.as B.than C.which D.that 32.They overcame all the difficulties and fulfilled the plan ten days ahead of schedule, _____ was something we had not expected.A.that B.this C.it D.which 33.That’s the reason _____ Ann could not do her part of the job.A.that B.of C.because D.why 34.The company official _____ I thought would be fired received a raise.A.whom B.whoever C.who D.of whom 35.In 1990 he caught a serious illness from _____ effects he still suffers.A.that B.which C.what D.whose 36.His brother had become a teacher, _____ he wanted to be.A.who B.what C.which D.that 37._____ I saw was two men crossing the street.A.What B.Whom C.Who D.That 38.The time will come _____ man can fly to outer space freely.A.that B.when C.in that D.what 39.Before her marriage, she spent a considerable time in that very part of Shanghai,_____ she belonged.A.which B.to where C.to which D.at which 40.The United States is composed of fifty states, two of _____ are separated from the others by land or water.A.them B.that C.which D.those 41.Crude oil is refined in a refinery, _____ makes it possible to get many grades of oils for different uses.A.as B.that C.this D.which 42.I am sure that _____ you said is wrong.A.which B.all C.this D.how 43.He arrived late for the tea party, _____ made us all very disappointed.A.which B.this C.it D.that 44.The people at the party were worried about John because no one was aware _____ he had gone.A.where that B.where C.of the place where D.the place 45.Is there anyone you can think of _____ may know her address? A.which B.that C.who D.what 46.It was raining, _____ was a pity.A.what B.that C.as D.which 47.This is the reason _____ an aeroplane can’t fly in space.A.which B.why C.where D.for that 48.We’ve tested three hundred types of boot, _____ completely waterproof.A.no of which B.none of which C.some of that D.neither of which 1.B which代替先行词在后面的定语从句中作 at 的宾语。“以什么速度传播”应该是travel at...speed。2.C 他在学习英语上有困难吗?have difficulty(in)doing 干什么有困难;其中in 可以省略.固定短语,故C正确.

3.A 冬季我们去山上滑雪. go skiing 去滑雪.4.C 被问及这次新的演出时,他回答得很自信。Confidently 是副词,修饰动词answer,放在动词前面后面都可以。过去分词做状语,含被动意义,这里asked的逻辑主语是he, 而不是his answer.故A, D排除,再看:B, C , “他回答”是主动语态,所以B项被动形式错误,正确答案为:C。

5.C 看到乌云遮盖了天空,他就停下工作回家了。现在分词做伴随状语,其逻辑主语是主句主语:he.主动语态,故C正确.B被动形式排除.选项A是不定式形式,表目的,将来要发生的动作,译为:为了要看乌云遮盖天空,他......显然不合题意。D.没有这种用法. 6.B fled 的原形是:flee , 意思是"逃走,逃避";这个城市被占领了,居民们就四处逃生了.这是一个独立主格结构,两句的主语不是一个.

7.D 由于被选为主任,他晚上工作到很晚.Being chosen director现在分词短语作原因状语,相当于原因状语从句:Because he was chosen director.8.B 她为没能参加那次聚会而道歉。apologize for 为„„而道歉;for 为介词,后跟名词或动名词,动名词的否定式是其前面直接加否定词not,故B正确。9.A 我再次建议他不要再吸烟了,但他好像没有听到一样。turn sb a deaf ear 不听某人的话。advise sb(not)to do sth 建议某人(不要)做某事。注意:不定式的否定式也是其前面直接加否定词not, 故A正确。10.D as表示“因为”,不能和 so 连用。So是并列连词,连接两个句子,B、C 都是分词短语,无法做句子的谓语。11.D 我不能来来的原因是我必须得为马上来临的考试做准备了.reason 原因,why 引导原因状语从句。12.D 年轻时她在学校学习很用功,这对她在以后的职业生涯中取得成功有很大贡献。这是非限制性定语从句,前面整个句子做先行词,则定语从句只能用关系代词which,故选D。13.D 我买了一瓶啤酒,但是我没有什么东西用来打开它。句子“I can open it with”中缺少宾语,关系代词前有介词时:指人就用whom,指物就用which,故选择:D。

14.D as意为“随着”表示伴随动作,as the day went on“随着白天的过去”,类似的表示还有 as time went on“随着时间的推移”。

15.B 这个礼物并不像他曾许诺我的那样好。such„„as„„ 如此„„像什么一样; 16.B 那个你刚才跟他说话的那个人是个美国人。先行词是指人,在句子中充当的是宾语(通过:you were talking to,我们看出句子缺少宾语。),故用whom.17.D 她非常喜欢打排球;enjoy doing sth 喜欢干什么事.

18.A 大多被邀请去她晚会的人都是她的老朋友.过去分词做定语,放在所修饰词的后面,具有被动的概念.

19.C 从月亮上看,地球有百分之七十被水覆盖.第一个空:主句主语是地球,那么从月球上看地球这个空,由于主语是地球,地球是被看的,故用过去分词形式,表被动.第二个空:现在分词短语放在所修饰词的后面,具有主动的含义,水覆盖地表的百分之七十,所以用covering,如果用covered就表示水被百分之七十的地面所覆盖,这显然不符合现实.故答案C正确.

20.C 事实上医生建议过度紧张的孩子们喝些咖啡是很有效的。21.A 我永远忘不了第一次去上大学的那一天.从句主,谓,宾成分完整,只需要时间状语.先行词:the day是表示时间的词,用引导词when来引导,作为从句的时间状语. 22.D

我永远忘不了我们一起度过的那天.这句话中,从句缺少宾语,而that或者which在从句中作主语或宾语. 23.B 他考试失败的原因是他工作不够努力.名词reason后的定语从句由why引导,表语从句由that引导.

24.B 当你今天早上叫我的时候,我正在读报纸.一般过去进行时态,读报这个动作在你叫我时正在进行,而你叫我这个动作是过去式,故用一般过去进行式. 25.A 我们走得尽可能地快,希望能准时赶到哪儿.分词短语作伴随状语

26.A 他沿着河边走时听到有人叫喊求助.分词短语shouting for help置于被修饰词someone的后面,做宾语补足语.Hear这个动词后面可以跟宾语再跟现在分词做宾语补足语,分词短语的动作是由宾语做的.

27.D 我的假期从下一周二开始,那时我将去佛罗里德.非限制性定语从句,关系代词引导的是时间状语从句,故用when.28.D 他实验出了另一项伟大的发明,我认为这对科学界有重大意义.非限制性定语从句,先行词是another wonderful discovery,关系代词在从句中充当宾语.所以用which.29.D 我决定买一辆车,因为我们把在英国那辆在离开之前给卖了.我们注意这个句子主句还不完整,缺少宾语,用代词the one来做宾语,从句也少宾语,我们用引导词which来引导这个限制性定语从句,所以应该填补: the one which.但是我们在讲语法时讲过,在限制性定语从句中,引导词做宾语时可以省略.故D正确.30.C 那个结果很快将被公布出来的调查是由John主做的.非限制性定语从句,关系代词在从句中做定语,只能用whose来引导,C正确.31.D 至到最后,他们才发现车已经被毁坏了.that在这里引导宾语从句.that the car had been destroyed这个宾语从句做的是主句谓语动词discover的宾语.32.D 他们克服了所有的困难并且提前十天完成了计划,这是我们不曾预料到的.这个非限制性定语从句中,从句缺少主语,用which或者 that来引导,但是我们注意到: 关系代词代指的是前面一句话, 故一定要用which来引导.33.D

这就是Ann不愿意做兼职的原因.Why引导原因状语从句.34.C 我认为将被解聘的那个公司经理升职了.先行词为人,关系代词在从句中充当主语,故用who来引导.35.D 1990年他患过一场严重的疾病,他现在依然承受着那场病留下的后遗症带来的痛苦.引导词在句子中充当定语,能做定语的关系代词只有whose。

36.C 他的哥哥已经成为一名老师,这正是他所想要的.非限制性定语从句,关系代词在从句中充当宾语,只能用which.37.A 我所看到的是两个男人穿过了那个街道.这是一个由what引导的主语从句,what做的是saw的宾语,What I saw,我所看到的,这部分做句子的主语. 38.B 我想这个时代将会来临,人类能够自由地飞出太空.这是一个由when引导的时间状语从句.

39.C 在她出嫁之前,她花了很多时间在上海,那个生她养她的地方.Belong to 属于„„;这是一个非限制性定语从句,从句缺少宾语,并且从句谓语belong是一个不及物动词,接宾语时要带上介词to, 所以由which来引导(当指物,并且关系代词前有介词时,要用which,而不能用that).40.C 美国由五十个州组成,其中两个州与其它州完全由陆地或水隔开.这个非限制性定语从句中,关系代词代指的是fifty states, 并且前面有介词,所以要用which。

41.D 原油在精炼厂被加工,这使得有可能得到不同等级的油而满足不同的需要.非限制性从句中,从句缺少主语,可以用which 或者that来引导,但是我们注意:这个关系代词代指的是前面的句子,这时就必须用which.42.B 我确信你所说的一切是错误的.句子中的引导词是that, 从句中动词said缺少宾语,all you said 意思是:你所说的一切,然后,这句话由关系代that来引导做从句的主语.43.A 他去参加晚荼会晚了,这件事让我们都很失望.非限制性定语从句中关系代词代指的是前面一句话,只能用which.44.B 晚会上的人在担心约翰,因为没有人注意到他去哪儿了.where引导地点状语从句,从句he had gone中不缺少成分,所以只需要地点状语.答案为B.45.C 你能想到有什么人知道她的地址吗?先行词是anyone,指人,关系代词又在从句中充当主语,故用who来引导.46.D 天在下雨,这真是遗憾.非限制性定语从句,关系代词代指的是前面一句话,所以要用which.47.B 这就是宇航员不能在太空飞的原因.先行词为reason,故why来引导原因状语从句.48.B 我们试了三百种长统靴,没有一种是完全防水的.在这些靴子当中没有一种是防水的, 关系代词代指three hundred types of boot, 在这些靴子当中要用到of,而of 是介词,关系代词前面有介词时要用which.

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