
时间:2019-05-12 21:31:34下载本文作者:会员上传


【ADSE初学版文本】Absolutely Don't Study English Begninner Version

Tape 1 A Mother and Her Young Child Learning English

Tape 2 A Father and His Young Doughter Go To America


Tape 1 A Mother and Her Young Child Learning English


Situation 1 Wake Up in the Morning

(Mrs.Lee, a Korean housewife, decides to teach English to her son Minsu.She will nickname Minsu “Michael” from now on.So she also decides to speak only English to him.)

Mrs.Lee(Mother): Michael, it is time to wake up.Michael(Son): Huh?

Mrs.Lee(Mother): Yes, it is time to wake up.And, also, from now on I will speak only English to you.And you should speak only English to me, too.Michael(Son): Okay, mom.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Right.That's good.Michael(Son): It will be hard at first, but I think I can do it.Mrs.Lee(Mother): I know you can do it.Michael(Son): I will do my best.Mrs.Lee(Mother): That is great.All I want is for you to do your best in everyting you do.Michael(Son): Mom, what time is it?

Mrs.Lee(Mother): It is seven o'clock in the moring.Michael(Son): Seven o'clock? I have to go to school by eight.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Yes, so come and eat your breakfast.Michael(Son): Okay, I will wash my face, brush my teeth, and then I will eat breakfast.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Don't forget to wash your hands, too.Michael(Son): Mom, when I wash my face, I'm also washing my hands.Mrs.Lee(Mother): That's true.Okay, then don't forget to brush your hair.Michael(Son): I won't.I always brush my hair before I go to school.Mrs.Lee(Mother): You've never brush your hair or you teeth before!Whendid you start?

Michael(Son): Mom, now that I'm in middle school, I have a girlfriend.So now I have to look good.Mrs.Lee(Mother): A girlfriend? When I was in middle school, I never thought of boys.Michael(Son): I know, Mom.You told me twenty times.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Situation 2 Eating Breakfast

(Michael goes into the kitchen and sits down at the table.His mom and dad are already there.)

Mrs.Lee(Mother): Michael, what do you want for breakfast?

Michael(Son): I would like some cereal, please.Mr.Lee(Father): Cereal? Wouldn't you still be hungry?

Michael(Son): Dad, you're speaking English, too?

Mr.Lee(Father): Yes, your mother said it would help you.So I am speaking English, too.Michael(Son): It feels strange speaking English to you, Dad.Mr.Lee(Father): Don't worry about that!What you should worry about is you breakfast.How can you eat only cereal?

Mrs.Lee(Mother): It is not only cereal.He will be eating it with milk.Michael(Son): Yeah, Dad.I will be having milk and cereal.Mr.Lee(Father): That doesn't matter.I don't think only milk and cereal is enough.You also need to eat some rice and kimchi.Michael(Son): Dad, young people don't like kimchi for breakfast.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Yes, dear.You know Michael doesn't like spicy food in the morning.Mr.Lee(Father): When I was young, we ate kimchi three times a day and liked it.And if I don't eat rice, I would be still hungry.Michael(Son): You always say that, Dad.But grandpa said you only like bread and chocolate.Mr.Lee(Father): That's not true.Michael(Son): Oh, that's what grandpa said.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Michael, it is seven thirty.You would be late.Michael(Son): Okay, let me eat this cereal, and then I'll catch the bus at seven forty-five.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Hurry up!

Mr.Lee(Father): And tomorrow, you should eat some lice.Michael(Son): Dad, that's not right.It is rice with an R, not lice with an L.And I'll eat some rice today.Mr.Lee(Father): You will? good.Here, have some righ now.Michael(Son): No, Dad.I'll eat it for lunch and dinner.I just don't like it for breakfast.Mr.Lee(Father): All right.You win.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Situation 3 Going to School

(Michael finishes his breakfast and then walkes to the bus stop.A little while later, a school bus comes and he goes on it.On the bus, he meets his friend, Andy.)

Michael: Andy, how are you?

Andy: Huh?

Michael: No, not “huh?' You should say, ”what?'

Andy: What?

Michael: That's better.Let's speak in English.Andy: Okay, but why?

Michael: Well, my mom decided that the best way to learn English is to practice it all the time.Andy: Everybody knows it.Michael: Yes, everybody knows it, but nobody does it.So we are going to do it.Andy: It sounds like a good idea.Michael: It's a great idea.Maybe we should tell our friends and teachers about it.Andy: Maybe, but we should think about it first.Michael: You're right.Let's think about it before we decide.Andy: What are you doing at lunch time?

Michael: I don't know.Why?

Andy: We can talk about it more then.Michael: That's a good idea.Let's talk about it more at lunch time.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Situation 4 Back at Home

(Mr.and Mrs.Lee are still back at home.They are talking about the idea of speaking only English.)

Mr.Lee(Father): I am not sure that speaking only English is a good idea.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Why not?

Mr.Lee(Father): Well, I'm worried that Machieal will forget Korean.Mrs.Lee(Mother): That is impossible.Mr.Lee(Father): No, it's not?

Mrs.Lee(Mother): Of course it is.Even if we speak English to Michael, he will watch Korean television, listen to Korean songs, and go to Korean school.How can he forget?

Mr.Lee(Father): You're right.I don't have to worry.But, why are we speaking English to each other?

Mrs.Lee(Mother): Because if we don't speak English, then Machieal won't, either.Mr.Lee(Father): But my English is not very good.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Yes, it is.And it will get better if you speak it more.Mr.Lee(Father): That is true.And, even though it will be diffcult, I will do it for my son.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Thank you.I knew you would understand.Mr.Lee(Father): That is what partents are for.It is our job to help him.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Yes.(Mrs.Lee looks at the clock.)

Mrs.Lee(Mother): What time do you have to go to work?

Mr.Lee(Father): By nine o'clcok.Why?

Mrs.Lee(Mother): Well, it's already eight fifteen.Mr.Lee(Father): Oh!I should go.Mrs.Lee(Mother): good-bye.See you tonight.Mr.Lee(Father): good-bye.I'll be home by seven.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Situation 5 A Telephone Call

(Mrs.Lee makes a telephone call to Andy's mother, Mrs.Cho.)

Mrs.Lee: Hello, may I please speak with Mrs.Cho?

Mrs.Cho: This is she.May I ask who is calling?

Mrs.Lee: Yes, it's Mrs.Lee, Michael's mother.Mrs.Cho: Oh, Hello!How are you?

Mrs.Lee: I'm fine, thank you.How have you been?

Mrs.Cho: Fine, thank you.May I ask you a question?

Mrs.Lee: Of course.Mrs.Cho: Why are we speaking in English?

Mrs.Lee: Oh, yes.I am trying to teach English to Michael by speaking only English to him.Then I remembered that you majored in English literature in college, so I was wondering if you would help me.Mrs.Cho: I would be happy to help you.But I graduated from college fifteen years ago.My English is not very fluent.Mrs.Lee: Then it will be good practice for you, too.Mrs.Cho: That's true.And it would be great for Andy.He really wants to improve his English.Mrs.Lee: I am so happy.Thank you so much.Mrs.Cho: You are very welcome.Mrs.Lee: By the way, what are you doing this afternoon?

Mrs.Cho: I have no plans.Why?

Mrs.Lee: Well, I'm going to go to the supermarket.Would you like to go with me?

Mrs.Cho: Yes.That would be great.I need to go grocery with shopping, too.Mrs.Lee: I will drive my car.What time should I pick you up?

Mrs.Cho: How is two o'clock?

Mrs.Lee: Perfect, I'll see you then.Mrs.Cho: Okay, see you then.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Situation 6 Grocery Shopping

(Mrs.Lee drives her car to Mrs.Cho's house.Then they drive together to the supermarket.)

Mrs.Lee: Sorry, I'm late.Mrs.Cho: That's Okay.It's only two ten.Mrs.Lee: Yes, but it's cold outside.I'm sorry.Mrs.Cho: No, really, it is no problem.Where are we going grocery shopping?

Mrs.Lee: Let's go to the LG Supermarket.Mrs.Cho: I've never been there.How is it?

Mrs.Lee: It's very nice.The prices and services are very good.(They arive at the LG Surpermarket, park the car and go inside.)

Mrs.Cho: Wow, this is really nice.They have everything.Mrs.Lee: Yes, they do have the very good selection.What do you need to buy today?

Mrs.Cho: Today I need to buy vegetables.Mrs.Lee: What vegetables are you going to buy?

Mrs.Cho: I'm going to buy lettuce, mushrooms, tomatoes, potatoes, onions and garlic.Mrs.Lee: But tomato is not a fruit, it's a vegetable.Mrs.Cho: Oh!Really? I didn't know that.What are you going to buy?

Mrs.Lee: My husband really likes meat.So I have to buy a lot of meat.Mrs.Cho: What kind of meat are you going to buy?

Mrs.Lee: I'm going to buy pork ribs, beef steaks and chicken breasts.Mrs.Cho: What about fish?

Mrs.Lee: Oh, I almost forgot.I'm also going to buy some shrimp, crab and tuna.Mrs.Cho: That's a lot of meat and a lot of seafood.Mrs.Lee: Yes, but my family eats a lot.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Situation 7 At Cafe

(Mrs.Lee and Mrs.Cho finished their shopping and decide to go to a cafe to talk some more.)

Mrs.Lee: Going to a cafe was a great idea.I have almost no time to rest during a day.Mrs.Cho: I understand how you feel.That is why I go to a cafe for one hour every day.It gives me a chance to rest, to think, and sometimes, to talk.Mrs.Lee: Yes, I think resting and talking are both very important.Especially when you are always busy.Mrs.Cho: Why don't we order first?

Mrs.Lee: That's a good idea.Let's order.Waiter!

Mrs.Cho: Oh, excuse me.(Waiter): Yes.May I take your order?

Mrs.Cho: Yes, I would like an espresso, please.Mrs.Lee: I am coffee.Mrs.Cho: Oh, that's a Korean expression.You should say, “I'll have a coffee.”

Mrs.Lee: Ah, thank you.I didn't know that.I'll have a coffee, please.(Waiter): One espresso and one coffee, would you like anything else?

Mrs.Cho: No, thank you.Mrs.Lee: Um...actually, could I also have a piece of cake?

(Waiter): Of couse.I'll get that for you now.Mrs.Cho: I like cake, too.But I'm on a diet.Mrs.Lee: Why? You're so thin.Mrs.Cho: My husband says I need to lose weight.Mrs.Lee: That's funny.Mrs.Cho: Why?

Mrs.Lee: Because my husband always says I need to gain weight.He thinks I'm skinny.Mrs.Cho: Ha...Mrs.Lee: Ha...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Situation 8 Lunch at School

(Back at school, Michael and Andy are eating lunch together.)

Andy: Michael, did you speak English in your classes?

Michael: I tried to, but some of teachers wouldn't let me.Andy: Me too.When I spoke English at my Korean language class, the teacher hit my hands with a stick.Michael: Yeah, that happened to me, too.But it was my math teacher who hit me.He said, “When we've in Korea and we should speak only Korean.”

Andy: Really? I didn't think anyone still thought like that.Michael: I know, but they do.There are still many people who think that Koreans can't speak English well.But I think if you practice, you can speak English very well.Andy: I think you are right.Michael: Of couse, I am.I am very smart.Andy: Ha...Michael: Ha...Andy: I know, but I'm even smarter.Michael: Do you think so?

Andy: Yes, I do.Why? Don't you agree with me?

Michael: No, I think I am smarter than you.Why don't we make a bet?

Andy: Okay.What is the bet?

Michael: Ten thousand won.Andy: Okay.How will we know who is smarter?

Michael: Let's see who gets a higher score on the next English test.Andy: It's a bet!
































看了这个题目各位同仁是否情绪激动呢?稍安勿躁!当你要求学生学英语的时候学生是否翻开教材的词汇表开始背单词——就是按照单词表的顺序一遍一遍地看单T-E-C-H-N-O-L-O-G-Y,technology写单词呢?你是否经常讲课前要听写十个八个单词呢?回到办公室批改,写错很多单词的学生还得加罚N遍呢?这样学英语永远学不会英语!即便学的好也是以牺牲大量时间,精力甚至是大把人民币为基础,以削弱学生英语学习的积极性为代价而取得的。此乃缘木求鱼之举。毋庸置疑,词汇学习在英语学习中有着举足轻重的作用。词汇掌握不好,英语学习成了无源之水,无本之木。学英语千万别背单词,岂不是胡说吗? 问题的如何背单词!










语音法。多读,使单词的读音在大脑中 “心声”定型。首先记住读音,让后根据语音规则利用语音法记忆单词。



Labour Day(Lab实验室+our我们的)




Family(father and mother, Ilove you)

Heroes like potatoes and tomatoes(英雄喜欢土豆与西红柿)





DIY词汇银行法。在学习过程中,无论是做练习,单元测试,英文歌曲欣赏,英文视频短片观看,还是在报刊,杂志,电视,互联网上接触的英语单词要记在可随身携带的小本本上,经常翻阅,建立自己的词汇银行,随用随取。收集学习过程中的生词,句子。扩大词汇量的同时,扩大句子量,收录随处可见的英文标识,让学生发现身边这么多课外英语而欣喜。摘抄一些经典的语言片段也是英语学习行之有效的办法,把这些语言地道,俊秀的美文背诵下来必将充实学生的语感,提高口头和书面表达能力。具体做法是没名学生准备一个笔记本我们叫它词汇银行,每天完成三个单词,两个短语,一个英文句子,我们叫它三二一工程.学生定期翻阅.从walkman 到mp3无不体现了中学生追求时尚的天性。

教师从报纸、书刊、互联网上选取适合学生心理特点的英文歌曲,打印出来制作英文歌曲集,让学生边听优美的旋律边哼唱英文歌曲,在体会歌曲的意境中学习英语。特别是我校实现了班班多媒体,为学生学唱英文歌曲提供了极大的便利条件.我们每月学唱一首英文歌曲.在一个月里只要有时间,课间,自习课,早晨,中午上课前就学唱.本学期我们学唱了Two Butterflies, Five Hundred Miles, Yesterday Once More,God Is A Girl 四首歌曲.学生锻炼了听力,改善了发音,丰富了词汇,巩固了语法.
























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