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(一)英 语 试 题 参 考 答 案

第 I 卷(客观题 共50分)

一、单项填空(本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共14分)1.C 2.B3.D4.A5.B6.B7.A11.D 12.A13.A 14.B

二、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)15.A 16.D17.B 18.A 19.D 20.B 21.B

三、阅读理解(本大题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分)25.C 26.A27.B 28.D 29.B 30.C 31.B35.C 36.B37.D




22.A 32.B

23.B 33.C

24.C 34.D

第 II 卷(主观题 共40分)


五、动词填空(本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)1.buying5.had sent1.clearly


3.was waiting7.is taught

4.will be built 8.have known

4.various 8.simply



3.through 8.deeper

4.noise5.travelling/traveling 9.require



七、完成句子(本大题共6小题,每小题1.5分,共9分)1.how to get on with2.had a bad effect on3.are of great value

4.whether / if he preferred reading(books)to5.Special attention should be paid to

6.are worrying about not having / that they don’t have enough communication with


One possible version:

The haze weather has appeared more and more often in our life since last year.Air pollution has become a serious problem.It is bad for our health.It is very important for everybody to protect the environment.We can do many things to improve the environment.For example, my father used to drive me to school.But now I often ride to school.From now on, I will use every piece of paper on both sides.I plan to take part in the tree planting every year.I will try my best to reduce pollution.(81words)




参考答案(A 卷)

1---5 CABCB6---10 BACAB11---15 BCBAC16---20 CCAAB21---25 DCABC26---30 BDBAC31---35 DACBB36---40 BEFDG41---45 CBDAB 46---50 ABACC51---55 BDCDA56---60 CADAC


1---5 AABCC6---10 BCCAA11---15 BCBAC16---20 BCACB21---25 CCABD 26---30 BDBAC31---35 BACDB36---40 BEFDG41---45 CBDAB 46---50 ABACC51---55 BDCDA56---60 CADAC

61.what62.without63.but64.escape/shelter65.had been66.burned/burnt

67.Obviously68.to stop69.may/might70.it

Last summer, I was going to visit a friend in Hangzhou.I went to the station to

a/ mygettingto



beautiful clothes at last.Dear Monica,I’m very glad to hear from you.I’ve learned that you hope to stay in Beijing after graduation.Personally speaking.I’d like you to stay in Beijing.For one thing, Beijing is an international metropolis where talented people are badly needed and you can demonstrate your ability.For another, Beijingers are warm-hearted and hospitable to foreign friends.Besides, the local government will offer preferential policy for the overseas graduates.If you want to look for the relevant information you can surf.I think it’s a good choice for you to take Beijing as your starting point.I’m presenting all my wishes to you that you will have a good job and beautiful life in Beijing.Yours,Li Hua

Text 1

M: If Professor King gave us one more week, we would be able to complete the task.W: Hmm, that would make a big difference.Text 2

W:Sorry,I’m late for my flight and I’m in a hurry.Where is Gate A18?

M:Go downstairs and turn left.Walk straight and you’ll see it.

Text 3

M: It drives me mad when people use their cell phones at the wheel.W: What happened?

M: I nearly had an accident because the woman was talking on her cell phone while driving and didn't see the traffic lights turn red.She nearly killed me!

Text 4

M: Sarah, I’m prepared to run for class monitor, and I'm wondering if I, er...if I can count on your support.W: Oh, You should have asked me earlier.I've already promised Linda she will have my support.Text 5

W: I’m leaving for Seattle next week.I don’t know what the weather is like there.M: Well, it’s usually warm at this time of year.But last week it was cool.So don’t forget to take some warm clothes with you.Text 6

W: I’d like to book a few seats for “ Gone with the Wind”, please.M: Yes, Madam.Downstairs or upstairs? How many?

W: How much is one ticket for Downstairs? And how much for upstairs?

M: $6.5 for downstairs;4.5$for upstairs.W: Well, to save my living expenses, I want three tickets for upstairs this evening.M: Alright.Text 7

W:Can’t you do something about the service in this hotel,manager?

M:I'm sorry madam.What’s the problem exactly?

W:I ordered my breakfast from the room service at least half an hour ago but it still hasn’t come.

M:I see.I'm really sorry about that.You should have received your breakfast no later than five minutes after you’d ordered it.

W:That’s what I thought.

M:No problem.Maybe they are short of people in the kitchen.But I'll look into this.And I'll make sure that the breakfast is sent to your room right away.

Text 8

M:Betty, I’ve heard that you are working as an AHT in a pet hospital after graduation.Is that so? W:Yes.M: But I don’t know what AHT means?

W: AHT stands for animal health technician.

M: What do you usually do at work?

W:I run blood ,give shots and prepare medicine.I also cut nails,clean teeth,give bath and clean the cages.We help keep the clinic running smoothly.M:Indeed,you have so much to do.Doctor Blake told me that he couldn’t have done so much without you.

Text 9

M: Hey, Jessica, there is a new fun test in the paper.I love to fill these things out.W: What’s this one about?

M: It’s about health.W: OK.Read it to me.I’ll keep score.M: OK.No.1: Do you smoke more than ten cigarettes a day?

W: That’s easy.I gave up smoking three years ago.M: Right.You know, I should have given it up too.OK.No.2: Do you have a check-up at your doctor’s office at least once a year?

W: Yeah, the company makes us go to the doctor every year.How about you?

M: Well, I went to the doctor...let me see...about three years ago.W: You should go more often.M: Well, let's move on to No.7: Do you work more than ten hours a day?

W: No, but you’ ve been working a lot lately.M: I' m really tired.I should work a lot less.But we’ve been busy though.W: You really should slow down.M: It’s not that easy.Last question: Do you worry a lot in your life?

W: Worry a lot? Yeah.I guess I’d have to say yes.I should rest more.M: I definitely should rest more.You know what? It' s surprising I' m not dead already.Text 10

M:I can say that this China trip is one of the best vacations I have taken in a long time.All the arrangements Travel China Guide made went smoothly.The hotels are great.The food was excellent.And the local people were very friendly.But what made this China Tour so pleasant and comfortable was the service the guides provided.They were caring and considerate.All spoke good English.I particularly enjoy the conversations I had with the guides in Shanghai and Guilin.My first guide was very good and helpful.She took pains to explain the history of Beijing in great detail.If I have one request, it is that I would have enjoyed having my meals with the guides and the drivers rather than eat alone.I really want to have the chance to learn more about the people of China.






二、单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)— 25 DACAB26 —30 BADCD31— 35 BCADB

三、完形填空(10小题, 每小题1分,共10分)

— 40 BABCD41 — 45 BDCCC


46—50ABDCA51 — 55 DABAC56— 60 ABCBD61 —65 BDAEC





76.What’s wrong(with you)

What’s the matter/trouble(with you)What happened to you

What’s up

77.I’m sorry to hear that

That’s too bad

Did you look for it there

Did you ask the students nearby

79.Why not write a note for that

How/What about writing a note for that

80.You’re welcome

Not at all

It’s my pleasure


Now many students are under too much pressure.They always feel too tired to listen to teachers carefully in class.It’s important for students to relax.Here are some different ways to relax themselves.For example, they can try to have enough sleep, or they can listen to their favorite music after class.They can also read some books or do some sports.For me, I often hang out with my friends after school.While you are studying, don’t forget to relax yourself.In this way, you will be healthy and study better.英语试卷参考答案第1页(共1页)





6—10 BAGEF 26—30 BDBAB

46—49 ADBA

61— 65 FEDAC11—15 DCCAA31—35 CDABA50—53 CBCA16—20 CACDB 36—40 CCBAA54—56 BAC21—25 ACDDB41—45 BDDBA 57—60 CCBD



My cousin Tim is∧






“Dad?” His father replied.both

“.” And his father did so.Tim was satisfied

with the report already signed by his father.eighty percent of the students think they are sure to help the old fallen down on the street because saving life is first things first.Fifteen percent of the students say whether they help or not depends on the circumstances.However, five percent hold the view that the old shouldn’t be helped.Why not? First, they lack the knowledge of first aid, not knowing how to deal with the situation.Second, they are afraid of getting into trouble.In my opinion, we should help each other, especially the old people.Please remember “respect the old” is one of our best traditions.Everyone will become old, and if such a case occurs to us one day when we’re old, I will say I do need your help.Thank you!




Ⅰ 语言知识及应用




16.what17.have seen18.appearance19.as(so)20.to show21.a


Ⅱ 阅读





Ⅲ 写作



Many high school students continue to study in university while some choose not to go to university but go straight into work.Supporters hold the view that university is not suitable for every student.With efforts, people can realize their dreams wherever they are and society needs people with different talents.However, some people defend that university enables students to obtain further knowledge, and provides them with better chances in the future.They also argue that it is yet too early for high school students to go into work.第二节:读写任务

Possible version:

The passage mainly introduces the origins of group buying and its benefits, which develops rapidly and becomes more and more popular in China, due to the great discount given to customers.From my point of view, the advantages of group buying are obvious.For one thing, manufacturers can sell goods on a large scale and reduce marketing expense.For another, by cooperating with each other we shoppers can buy whatever we want without going out and get the most satisfactory goods at the lowest price.Last week, I surfed a well-known group buying website for two film tickets.With only 30 yuan, I got the tickets as well as two bottles of green tea which saved me so much.It was a very nice experience.As for suggestions for group buying, firstly, you should carefully read the advertisements and the comments from other customers.Secondly, buy with a clear purpose no matter how cheap it is.Thirdly, it is better to shop on famous and reliable websites to avoid being cheated by some cheating websites.



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